25 Most Beautiful Fish in the World (With Pictures) | Build Your Aquarium (2024)

Nature is an amazing force, driving a trillion types of speciation, creating all sorts of creatures.

Fish are no exception.

There are millions of different species of fish, each with their own unique coloration and patterns. Some of the most beautiful species on earth can even be kept in your own home aquarium.

25 Beautiful Fish That You Can Keep in an Aquarium

Here are our top 25 pick for the most beautiful fish in the world (that you can keep in an aquarium):

25. Goldfish

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Goldfish are normally underestimated in terms of size and beauty, as the average person only sees the baby common goldfish sold at fairs. Most never imagine that these little fish turn into huge 10-12” fish that dance and glide underneath the water.

Of course, this only applies to the common goldfish. There are quite a few varieties of goldfish, along with many different patterns and colorations.

For example, those koi lovers out there who can’t deal with a 3- or 4-foot-long fish can get shubunkin goldfish instead. These are goldfish that typically have long fins and come in many different color patterns that mimic koi, such as the sky blue shubunkin.

There are also fantail, jikin, watonai, wakin, oranda, lionhead, ranchu, ryukin, shubunkin, comet, bubble-eye, celestial eye, demekin, butterfly, telescope, pearlscale, veiltail,black moor, tosakin, pompom, shukin, and nymph varieties.

24. Koi

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Koi are famous for their elegant patterns and form, but most people don’t have the space to create their own beautiful koi pond. Most koi grow to an average of two feet, though three or four feet in length is not unheard of.

While these won’t technically fit in your aquarium long term, indoor ponds are still an option for keeping them. They are truly magnificent fish, and if given the option, you should keep them at least once.

23. Guppies

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Guppies are underrated in terms of beauty, as most people only see the ones in chain stores. There are hundreds of guppy varieties, meaning there are always varieties that will fit the color scheme of your tank.

Guppies are very hardy fish and love hard water, making them easy to keep for most people. However, the fancier the strain, the weaker they are. For guppies, a 10-gallon tank is a good starting point for a trio (one male, two females).

They come in too many varieties to list here, but there truly is a strain for everyone. If you like a lot of patterning and bold colors, look into mosaic guppies. If you instead prefer solid or calmer coloration, investigate the albino strains, some of which still have striking color.

22. Betta fish

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Betta fish, or Siamese fighting fish, are also underestimated in terms of color. Just like the guppies, there are a great number of tail types, color patterns, sizes, and even species.

Most people only know about the common domesticated betta, but there are wild bettas with gorgeous patterns.

For example, Betta brownorum is a rust red little fish with a beautiful light blue iridescent patch of scales in the middle of its body. Each species of betta has a unique color pattern, size, and shape.

Most bettas are also easy to care for, requiring only a 5- or 10-gallon minimum tank size, depending on the species.

21. Boesemani Rainbowfish

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If you love schooling fish and are looking for something unique, the Boesemani Rainbowfish may be just the thing for you.

These are some of the most vibrant and colorful schooling fish out there and really bring that something extra to your tank.

They are rather large, getting about four inches, so a four-foot tank should be the minimum size for their school. In a planted tank, their coloration really pops. People will definitely ask you about these colorful little guys.

20. Freshwater Angelfish

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Beginner aquarists may be unaware that there are freshwater angelfish, but these fish have been domesticated for almost 100 years. There are hundreds of color and pattern types, and even different scale and types.

The most common type seen in stores are the Koi, Zebra, and Silver angelfish. These fish do best in aquariums 40 gallons or larger, and while they may do well in a community setting, they can turn aggressive and eat smaller fish and invertebrates.

Freshwater angelfish are not picky eaters and are easy to care for. They are normally used as a centerpiece fish for a community aquarium because of their large size and striking coloration. Just like guppies, there is truly a variant for everyone, and you can even choose between pearl scales and normal scaled angelfish.

19. Clown killifish

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Killifish are often overlooked in the aquarium trade due to the short lifespans of annuals, but there are many gorgeous species that have decent lifespans. One of the most attractive species is the clown killifish.

This tiny fish scarcely grows over 1.5” and only need a 10-gallon tank. While their bodies have only brown and yellow stripes, their tails look like ornate fans. They have a wonderful symmetry of blue, red and orange on their famous tail fins.

18. Ram Cichlid

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This little cichlid is one of the only cichlids that is fit for a 10-gallon aquarium, though a 20 is better. They are extremely easy to care for and breed, though there are some more sensitive strains, namely the Black German Ram.

Despite the variety of morphs, the normal Ram Cichlid is absolutely stunning. The most common color morphs are the common, electric blue, gold, black and longfin. These little fish are great for community tanks, and while territorial, get along with peaceful tankmates.

They are also one of the cheaper fishes on this list, both to care for and to purchase. Rams are normally only $5-10, which is a great price for such a gorgeous and interactive fish.

17. Blue Gularis Killifish

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The Blue Gularis is another gorgeous killifish. These fish also have long and flowing fins, unlike the clown killifish. They have wonderful mottled and striped pattern on their body.

They do vary in color quite a bit, but most have bodies ranging from pale tan to blue with a red or pale pink patterning. Their fins have vibrant blue, yellow, orange, and green coloration, with bold stripes throughout.

This is one of the larger killifish species, with specimen reaching sizes between five and six inches. Due to their size, they need at least a 20-long tank, though a 40 breeder is better. These tanks have long dimensions that provide adequate horizontal swimming space.

16. Discus Fish

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This species of cichlid was previously one of the holy grails of fish keeping, as the wild caught Amazonian fish were incredibly sensitive. However, these have now been in the hobby long enough to be kept by intermediate aquarists, not just expert ones.

The Discus has also been bred into many different color morphs and patterns, creating incredibly vibrant fish. Their form is rather unique, as they look as flat as a flounder, but swim upright like most other fish.

While they have become much hardier, they still need a great deal of care. Because they are carnivorous, they need to eat rich foods like beef heart, meaning changing the water often is essential. Sometimes as often as every day, but this usually only applies to juveniles.

15. Flowerhorn Cichlid

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These cichlids are seldom seen in chain pet stores despite their ease of care and boisterous personalities. These hybrids are the ultimate “pet” fish, as they were created to be as personable as possible.

Depending on the type, of which there are many (check out our Flowerhorn Care Guide), the minimum tank size varies. A 75 or 125 gallon is the largest you’ll need for one fish.

The larger types of flowerhorns reach 14” while smaller types max out around 6”. Most Flowerhorn owners keep their fish in bare tanks, as this encourages them to interact with their owner.

While these cichlids are aggressive towards most other fish, they display a great deal of fondness to their owners. Some of them even enjoy being petted!

14. Arowana

25 Most Beautiful Fish in the World (With Pictures) | Build Your Aquarium (12)

The dragon fish has long since been held as an important and regal figure, as well as a protector. Legends of owners having near death experiences and coming home to find their fish dead has led to the belief that this fish will meet death in exchange for its owner’s life. It will also take on the sickness of the owner.

Of course, this is simply legend, but the beauty of the fish is a truly legendary. The Asian Arowana, while being the most beautiful and vibrant, is illegal in the United States. Luckily, there are several other types of arowana available, such as the Jardini, Silver, Black, Blue, and Nile Arowanas.

These, like Discus, need a high protein and rich diet, meaning they too produce a great deal of waste. In addition, they get absolutely massive. Just like Koi, they can reach 3-4 feet in length, so custom tanks are often required to hold these beasts.

13. Peaco*ck Gudgeon

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The peaco*ck gudgeon is a wonderful addition to nano tanks. They have striking iridescent patterns across their body and fins that shine just perfectly in a planted tank.

They can be kept together in groups, which is fantastic to see, and only need a 15- or 20-gallon tank. They get along very well with other fish, so tank mates are not often an issue.

Peaco*ck Gudgeons swim around in the upper, mid, and bottom levels of the aquarium, but they love to hang out in little caves. They greatly appreciate any caves you can give them, and males will establish territories based around the caves.

12. Firefish Goby

25 Most Beautiful Fish in the World (With Pictures) | Build Your Aquarium (14)

While these guys are a common saltwater choice, it doesn’t take away from their beauty. After all, their brilliant coloration is part of the reason for their popularity.

They only get about 2 or 3 inches, so they can thrive in a 20-gallon tank. They are coral and invertebrate safe (well, not the teeny tiny ones, but the ones you buy will be safe).

They are rather shy, but also full of personality. As long as they don’t have predatory tank mates, the lighting is not excessive, and they have a cave or two to hide in, they are easy to care for.

11. Designer Clownfish

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Designer clownfish are relatively new. These are simply Ocellaris Clownfish (pictured above) that have been selectively bred into over fifty different colors and patterns.

These little dudes are great for starting out your saltwater obsession. A 20-gallon tank is a great size to start out with for a clownfish. They are compatible with a great number of other fish and aren’t as shy as the Firefish goby.

Normally, these are available for sale around the size of an inch, but they reach three or four times that size. They also appreciate having a good deal of cover, especially if a host anemone or coral is not available.

10. Lionfish

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These fish need very large tanks, around 125 gallons. They are carnivorous, extremely opportunistic, and reach over a foot in length, so tank mates must be chosen with extreme caution.

Despite their large tank requirements, they are a hardy fish and relatively easy to care for. They can be trained to take frozen krill and fish, which makes feeding simple.

Once you see the elegant way in which their fins ripple while they drift around, you will want one of your own. It is not only their patterning that makes this fish so gorgeous, but also the way in which they move.

9. Marine Betta

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Now, before you start thinking that we listed the same fish twice, the Betta splendens and Marine Betta are extremely different species. This galaxy speckled fish is also called the Comet and has some truly unique behavior associated with its patterning.

As you can see, it has a large “eye” spot on the dorsal fin. These fish like to hang out in dim areas and crevices and stick only their tail out of an opening to mimic a moray eel. In addition, they will approach their prey sideways, so when the prey tries to get away from the “eye” and perceived head of the fish, they swim towards the actual mouth instead.

They will eat smaller fish and invertebrates but are normally reef safe. The marine betta can be a picky eater, though many have had success with California blackworms. In addition, they have a decent tank size for such a beautiful fish, requiring only a 55-gallon tank.

8. Queen Angelfish

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While these pretty fish are breathtaking in both the juvenile and adult stages, their tank size requirement is an obstacle for many keepers. Their electric blue and jewel yellow coloration is unfortunately behind this barrier.

They need a tank of at least 250 gallons since they can get a foot and a half long, but it is possible to keep them in some community aquariums. They need a good mix of algae-based food and protein-based food, such as frozen Mysis shrimp.

7. Regal Angelfish

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These angelfish are absolutely beautiful, with striking white, blue, and yellow stripes. Most are wild caught, so they have a relatively long adjustment period, but can be easily trained to accept flake and frozen food.

Regal Angelfish require a tank of at least 100 gallons, as they can reach 10”, and prefer rocky reef set-ups. While they do prey upon some types of coral, this behavior can be reduced by making sure your angelfish is adequately fed.

These are peaceful fish and become extremely shy if kept with fish more aggressive than they are. Regal Angelfish are normally wild caught, however, some are caught using toxins and poisons, and these do not live as long. Try to ensure that the one you buy was not caught in this manner.

6. Flame Angelfish

25 Most Beautiful Fish in the World (With Pictures) | Build Your Aquarium (20)

These cute fish are relatively small for an angelfish, reaching a size of about four inches. Due to this, a 70-gallon tank is large enough to house them for their entire lives.

They exhibit a bright red coloration that is complemented by dark vertical stripes on the middle of their body. These fish are semi-aggressive and are not coral safe, but since they are small, they can still be kept with larger invertebrates, but no worms.

The best way to decrease aggression is to create many different caves and hiding places across the tank. In addition, some people have had success with these fish and corals by keeping a large number of corals.

5. Annularis angelfish

25 Most Beautiful Fish in the World (With Pictures) | Build Your Aquarium (21)

While many angelfish lose most of their beauty as they grow out of the juvenile stage, this angelfish’s beauty is enhanced with age. While the juvenile fish have captivating and undulating stripes of various blues, the adults have a unique orange/tan body that makes their blue stripes glow.

These angelfish reach about a foot in size and require aquariums of at least 220 gallons. There are several captive bred specimens and color variations available.

They can become territorial once introduced to a tank, so it is best to introduce them last to a community aquarium. In addition, they are not considered safe for reefs or sessile invertebrates.

4. Lagoon Triggerfish

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The Lagoon Triggerfish is one of the most striking triggerfish available. They have a light gray or tan body with an array of gray, blue, green, and black stripes across. Despite the fact that they grow to 10”, they are relatively simple to care for.

They need a tank of at least 180 gallons and cannot be kept in a reef tank. These fish tend to be a little destructive to the tank, rearranging decorations and live rocks however they want, or just knocking them over.

Just like pufferfish, a triggerfish’s teeth never stop growing, so they need a steady diet of high protein, shelled creatures. Clams are essential to keep their teeth down, but they should also be fed fish, squid, krill, and shrimp.

3. Crosshatch Triggerfish

25 Most Beautiful Fish in the World (With Pictures) | Build Your Aquarium (23)

The crosshatch triggerfish has a striking golden body with a brown face crossed sapphire stripes. The scales are rimmed with black, giving a crosshatch appearance. They reach 11” in size and need a 180-gallon aquarium.

If the fish is a male, the dorsal and anal fins are be ringed yellow, with a red and pink rimmed tail fin. On the other hand, females have red ringed anal and dorsal fins with a yellow bordered tailfin. For both sexes, the interior of the fins are gray.

The behavior and diet of this fish is essentially the same as the Lagoon Triggerfish, as this fish also needs meaty foods and will knock over rocks. Even though they can be a tad destructive, they still need their rocks and decorations to feel secure.

2. Clown Triggerfish

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The clown triggerfish is unique due to the dynamic differences in its color and pattern. While the other gorgeous fish have a great variety of coloration and mosaic patterns, this fish has vibrant white and yellow spotting on a black body.

This triggerfish is no exception to the boisterous and mischievous nature of the other triggerfish. This fish will also knock over all the rocks and decorations, rearrange them to its liking, then repeat.

The feeding of hard and high protein food is also essential, as this fish is a carnivore with ever growing teeth. It does get larger than the aforementioned species, reaching over a foot and a half in length, so a tank of at least 300 gallons is required to keep this fish.

1. Mandarin Fish

25 Most Beautiful Fish in the World (With Pictures) | Build Your Aquarium (25)

Until we discover a new species, the Mandarin Goby will always be regarded as the most beautiful fish. Another name for this fish is the psychedelic goby, and for good reason, given the vibrant and hypnotizing allure of this fish.

There are several color types of this fish, though most rival one another in popularity and coloration (except the spotted mandarin fish). Unfortunately, these fish are incredibly difficult to care for, despite their small size of four inches.

The main issue with these guys is feeding. They normally eat only copepods, but in an aquarium environment, we simply cannot provide them with enough of their food source. Some have had luck feeding them newly hatched brine shrimp and California blackworms instead.

If you ever get the chance and capacity to keep one or more of these beauties, you most definitely should. As far as we know, there is nothing more gorgeous or captivating out there.


From the famous Freshwater Angelfish to the breathtaking Mandarin fish, our world’s oceans and lakes are filled thousands of colorful, beautiful fish

Even more amazing is that a lot of these fish can been kept in home aquariums.

While the list above is in no way complete (there are hundreds more amazing fish out there!), we hope you’ve enjoyed some of our top choices. If you feel like we missed any notable species, please send us an email with a few of your favorites!

12 Popular Types of Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species Guide 13 Awesome Schooling Fish for Your Aquarium

25 Most Beautiful Fish in the World (With Pictures) | Build Your Aquarium (26)

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25 Most Beautiful Fish in the World (With Pictures) | Build Your Aquarium (2024)


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Betta fish are also known as Siamese fight fish which means fighting for life. These fish are sensitive and very beautiful with vibrant colors making them undoubtedly the cutest and most striking fish.

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Rainbowfish are native to Australia, Papua New Guinea and parts of Indonesia, where they are found in streams, rivers, lakes and swamps. Some wild rainbowfish populations have become threatened by human activity, as well as the introduction of invasive species.

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Pacus have often been described as having dog-like behavior, and for good reason. They can recognize their owners and enjoy petting. They'll beg for food and will eat right out of your hands. Just don't expect to teach them tricks like roll over and speak – fish aren't really equipped to pull of those types of stunts.

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  • Oscars and Other Cichlids. The Cichlidae family is native to the freshwater and brackish water tropics of Africa and the Americas. ...
  • Pufferfish. This saltwater species can be found in many reef tanks because aquarists find it fascinating. ...
  • Angelfish. ...
  • Rainbowfish.
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Mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus) Among the most colorful fish in the world, the mandarinfish boasts vivid orange and blue stripes, dots, and sometimes swirls. It's one of only a handful of animals in nature to display true blue pigmentation.

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It's the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, the most expensive fish in the world. It has the title of being the most valuable fish in the world, costing about Rs 23 crore. Its demand for sushi and sashimi has led to overfishing. In just 40 years, its population has drastically decreased by over 70%.

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  1. Honey Gourami ( Trichogaster Chuna ) The Honey Gourami is a striking yet peaceful community fish that is the definition of friendly! ...
  2. Kuhli Loaches ( Pangio Kuhli ) ...
  3. Julii Corydoras ( Corydoras Julii ) ...
  4. Leapard Danio ( Danio Rerio ) ...
  5. Rummy Nose Tetra ( Hemmigramus Rhodostomus )
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Are farmed rainbow trout safe to eat? Yes, they are safe to eat. Freshwater trout is listed as a “Best Choice”6 option for sensitive populations, like pregnant women and children. This means that they do not contain unsafe levels of mercury and have healthy fats (omega-3s).

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Characteristics. The Melanotaeniidae is characterised by having their distal premaxillary teeth enlarged. They have a compressed body with the two dorsal fins being separated but with only a small gap between them.

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No matter how you look at it, the Blobfish has to be one of the most miserable looking animals you have probably ever encountered. And, it has a reason to be - If the fisherman continue to overfish this glum looking animal, it will soon disappear forever!

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Top 5 Friendly Fish!
  1. Honey Gourami ( Trichogaster Chuna ) The Honey Gourami is a striking yet peaceful community fish that is the definition of friendly! ...
  2. Kuhli Loaches ( Pangio Kuhli ) ...
  3. Julii Corydoras ( Corydoras Julii ) ...
  4. Leapard Danio ( Danio Rerio ) ...
  5. Rummy Nose Tetra ( Hemmigramus Rhodostomus )
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