FOX and Friends : FOXNEWSW : March 11, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> lawrence: 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. march 11th. this is "fox & friends." >> will: another mid-air scare on a boeing plane. at least 50 people hurt after a technical event. what we know right now. >> brian: hope they don't lose the paperwork on this one. lifting embassy staff out of haiti as gang violence erupts. >> kayleigh: this just in. princess kate responds after controversy over her mother's day post you see it there and whether the photo was altered. >> will: piers morgan on the royal ramifications. >> lawrence: the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. >> kayleigh: yes, they are. >> lawrence: buckle up. fox news alert. dozens are hurt after another mishap on a boeing plane. >> kayleigh: correctional boeing jet was flying from sydney australia to new zealand when it trotterredly suffered a quote technical problem. >> brian: for more on that here is brooke singman. brook brook yeah, 50 people hurt

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on commercial flight heading from auckland earlier this morning. a spokesperson for the airline telling the new zealand harold that the boeing 787 dream liner suffered a technical issue mid flight strong movement. most passengers suffering minor injuries with one person in serious condition. that flight was headed to santiago, chili from. when was did he verted it. normally stops auckland on way to santiago and landed without incident there. this is the latest in a series of technical and mechanical mishaps on boeing aircraft including a tire falling off a united flight san francisco during takeoff and a plane that went off the runway in houston just last week. on top of heavy scrutiny for issues with quality control. boeing under a new criminal investigation relate related to the incident where the door plug on a commercial jet operated by alaska airlines blew off mid flight. but this was not the only issue

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with the boeing jet today. a united airlines flight from sydney to san francisco actually diverted back to australia after another mid-air emergency on a boeing 777. mechanical issue being blamed for diverting that flight back to sydney's airport. no injuries reported as that plane landed safely. but no word on either of today's incidents from boeing just yet. the cause of both of those issues are still under investigation. guys? >> kayleigh: brooke, thank you. >> lawrence: disagreement on the couch. will doesn't think it's a big issue. he goes it's just like the shark attacks. and i'm concerned because he travels once a week and i'm on the flight three to four days a week. so, i'm a little skeptic because my chance levels go up high. >> will: this is my take away from this story. what we know so far to your point, brian. put your seat belt on, they hit some turbulence and they dropped. i don't know, a couple hundred feet. and if you drop a couple hundred feet and you don't have your seat belt you go up five or six

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feet and hit the ceiling. put your seat belt on. as for boeing i don't know i need more to add up to antidotal evidence. doj is investigating. that is sign more than antidotal problems. >> kayleigh: i was sitting on the outnumbered couch at noon. my point in the "new york post" there were three incidents of united flight having problems mid-air and literally during our show a fourth flight that skidded off the runway. adding credence to your theory, lawrence, i may be more on your side. >> >> lawrence: a little skeptic. plane plane half the planes in the world are boeing other half are airbus. if boeing can't get it together we are going to be in a lot of trouble. i think they got to be a little more transparent about what goes on and they have an obligation forget about their company. when they can't tell us what went wrong with that window blowing out and they don't have any paperwork talk about even the mains next numbers that sounds like people shredding

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stuff investigation sorry i don't have anything. imagine we try that for taxes? >> lawrence: digital these days? why are they losing paperwork? shouldn't there be some paper trail? i can't imagine them using the physical paper. she should be doing ipads. >> kayleigh: got to be text messages. we will find out. >> lawrence: always text messages. the u.s. airport lifting nonessential staff in haiti as groups demand prime minister resign. >> will: experts fear it could have major crisis on the immigration crisis right here in the united states. >> kayleigh: it certainly could. peter joins us from the white house. >> peter: u.s. marines worked saturday into sunday to safely evacuate u.s. personnel from haiti back to the united states. gangs in that country have basically overtaken the police forces. the videos coming out are very troubling. there is now a possibility that displaced haitians could soon put new pressure on the u.s.

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southern border. remember, when countries as close to the u.s. as haiti, including haiti in the past have had problems, the u.s. will allow certain number of visas to come into the u.s. without waiting. but, often the demand is far greater than the number of visas granted. that is as president biden is reimagining his back and forth about illegal immigration from the state of the union when he said that laken riley was called laken riley's murderer was an illegal. >> you used the word "illegal" when talking about the man who allegedly killed -- >> -- undocumented. >> laken riley. >> i shouldn't have used the word illegal. it's undocumented. >> pete: republicans are most concerned about the indifference accused the violent murder of an innocent outcome woman. >> no one can explain that talk about disgusting. joe biden is more worried about using the word "illegal" or

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"undocumented" the word he should use is murderer. here we have donald trump, our president sitting down with laken riley's family and you have joe biden apologizing for what word he used. >> peter: this week the biden campaign is hoping for a reset with a focus on infrastructure and on jobs and on jokes about the president's age biden immigration policy is not part of the sizzle reel about the president's first term. >> brian: epic fail. the secretary of state said okay, what country wants to help us? we have $200 million there, who wants to help? and kenya says okay. we'll send some people. then they get stuck. the prime minister leaves to meet with kenyan officials. he won't go back to haiti, who can blame him. now the gangs have come together. does the state department acknowledge how wrong they played this? >> peter: the state department

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are the ones over the weekend had to call the pentagon and say hey, we have all of these americans that are stuck. they are surrounded at this compound by gangs who have taken over the police forces. we need to get people out. you don't usually evacuate american diplomats in the middle of the night if the policy is going well. the last couple updates we got from here, there were a ton of questions at the white house briefing this week about haiti. what is the president doing? what is the contact with this displaced prime minister? does the u.s. want him to resign? do they want somebody else to go in and so far we haven't heard anything about the position changing. >> peter: thank you, peter. >> kayleigh: welcome to the world under biden. >> will: escalating violence in haiti which does include reports of can baism. a gang leader basically running the country goes by the nickname barbecue. haiti is in chaos. you made this point earlier, brian, haiti is in chaos again. and, you know, there is something people are pointing out on social media that i think is worthy. it's a worthy point that

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deserves being echoed. that is haiti is in chaos again. you'll remember a few years ago president trump called countries several countries. s hole. he called them not great countries. all these celebrities haiti is great. bill maher and conan o'brien talking about -- they literally had t-shirts that said haiti is great, as always been great. and so the reason that's a point to revisit today is president biden was just on tv saying oh, trump calls people veteran mivermin trumptells the truth a. haiti has been -- when has haiti ever been stable? point to me the five year period haiti has been stable over the past. i will give you 50. i will give you half a century. you want to print your t-shirts. president trump is telling the truth. >> reason he was making that point you had a bunch of haitian

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illegal immigrants coming across the border. >> will: yes. >> we just had a big scandal in del rio where they took over the entire bridge. they were already starting their own little gangs on the other side of the border. they were stealing away from people. by the way going back to whip gate. the reason why the border patrol were going after, he stole a lady's purse. so, i think what we're talking about these, you know, the media tends to move past the scandal and just call names and then they move forward. but this is playing out before our eyes right now. >> will: feed the illegal immigration crisis again. >> kayleigh: another point here. all good points. >> this is the world under president biden. where we have evacuated now five embassies, sudan, belarus, ukraine, afghanistan, and now here in haiti. this doesn't happen in isolation in 2021 the prime minister was unfortunately sass is asin nateed president biden instead chose to prop up prime minister in re. and people want elections. free democracy. gang rule.

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80% of the gangs. that jimmy barbecue guy you mentioned he is warning about genocide. imagine that, just south of the united states. >> brian: right. the prisons are open. and i don't know, they tend to break the law i'm pretty sure they will grab some boats that don't belong to them and making their way over to florida. up to ron desantis to spend more money to protect his border, which is protecting us. and because we have no idea who is coming here. right now we understand there is 9,000 cops try position provide order for 11 million people. good luck with that. >> lawrence: not enough. >> brian: only thing that brought -- the guy you have been following barbecue, the gangster, evidently the only thing the gangs agree on let's consolidate and take over the country. >> kayleigh: no police. >> will: kensington palace conspiracy theories about princess of wales kate middleton backfired with the release of a new image with her with her concern. >> kayleigh: multiple news agencies are retracting the photo and princess kate is now

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responding. >> lawrence: todd piro with the latest. >> todd: principal access kate responding to the backlash quote manipulated photo of her pulled from multiple agencies. the statement from the princess of wales appearing on the official kensington royal x account reads, quote: like many amateur recover froms, i do occasionally experiment with editing. i wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. i hope everyone celebrating had a very happy mother's day. mother's day in england, of course, two months prior to mother's day here in the united states. the associated press retracting the photo explaining quote a.p. initially published the photo issued by kensington palace. a.p. retracted at closer the source had manipulated the image in a i think that did not meet a.p.'s photo standards. photo shows inconsistency in the alignment of princess charlotte's left hand. speculation about the princess' whereabouts and health has been running wild since january when it was announced that she had

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been hospitalized and underwent abdominal surgery. the principal sells of wales has been missing from royal engagements since christmas. she is expected to return to royal duties after easter. piers morgan is going to join us next hour to weigh in on left hand gate as i just coined it just now. back over to you. >> lawrence: the princess edits her own photos? >> todd: who knew? kilmeade doesn't even edit. he has a team and the princess is doing it on her own. >> kayleigh: they are calling this ind kate gate. puts out a mother's day photo. welcome in the conspiracy theorists. >> brian: for more on this let's go to will. [laughter] >> will: i was going to do that to you. >> brian: this is talking about before the show. it's like wait a second how many fingers does she have? >> will: one thing i wasn't prepared for is you to do it to me. i didn't have to talk about this story which i know nothing. >> brian: i care so deeply i

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have a loss of words. that's why we booked piers morgan. is he going to be in here and use that accent. he always uses that accent. >> lawrence: feel happen. >> will: i do feel we fought a revolution so i didn't have to care about. >> kayleigh: i'm surprised you don't care you watch the oscars? >> brian: i watch it to mike the show better. i thought someone had to watch the oscars. >> kayleigh: someone has to pay attention to the royals. here we are. >> lawrence: you are not the only one watch your image. microneedling today. >> brian: i learned you think i do that's what i learned. >> will: we fought valley forge brian could get microneedling. >> kayleigh: over to carley shimkus. >> carley: pick me. can i say why the story matters though? because the associated press and a bunch of news agencies took the picture down because they thought it was manipulated by a.i. so how interesting and sort of a look at our future of when pictures actually do become manipulated how do we know fact from fiction?

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>> brian: you could claim that if you don't like the picture. >> carley: that's the whole thing that's the rub. the sole survivor the national guard helicopter crash that killed three people friday is still in critical condition this morning. chief warrant officer 2 john garcia, chief warrant officer 2 jason. and chris luna killed that crash near the southern border. god bless them all. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is doubling down from his plan to lead a ground invasion into rafah. >> ensure did you go into rafah. >> i will go there. we are not going to leave them. i have a red line. do you know what the red line is? that october 7th doesn't happen again. >> carley: president biden says he is against that invasion. netanyahu warned biden against violating the wishes of israel saying if he does, he would be wrong on both counts.

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the israeli prime minister will join us this morning at 8:00 a.m. and hang today, the father of michigan school shooter ethan crumbley will be appearing in court later this morning as he faces manslaughter charges for the role he played in his son's deadly shooting spree. this comes just a few weeks after ethan's mother jennifer was found guilty of the same exact charges. and listen to this: two pilots have been suspended after they were accused of falling asleep in the middle of a flight over indonesia. the two men reportedly falling asleep for nearly an hour and a half before waking up and realizing the airliner was not on the correct path. the plane was eventually steered back on path before arriving to its intended destination of jakarta. thankfully none of the 1509 p159 passyears. a coverage contest in key west.

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watch ♪ [laughter] ♪ >> carley: that is really impressive. the conch ended with a tie in the men's division after two men both demonstrated their pucker power by playing song excerpts on the conch's fluted pink lined shell. and those are your headlines guys. >> kayleigh: that is fantastic. i go to the keys in july now i know what they do in the off season the conch contest. that guy is talented. >> will: i probably under rated. this do you think -- check out and move to key west? is that a good life? >> kayleigh: oh yeah, a good life. a safe life. a cheaper life. >> brian: do you know what they don't have? they don't have good beaches. it's too hard. it's all coral. you got to have really strong feet.

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>> kayleigh: put on lynyrd skynyrd get on the boat and margarita. >> brian: every day? >> carley: oh, yeah. all day. >> lawrence: same amount of sugar in your latte. >> brian: no sugar. i go skim and just expresso no. sugar. >> lawrence: i was wrong. >> will: probably a lot of people watching. set your dvrs you might if you live anywhere in the central or western pacific time zone mountain. set your dvr for 6:00 a.m. eastern time to watch "fox & friends." >> brian: 17 minutes after the hour. president biden walks back his "primetime" remarks about lincoln riley's alleged killer. >> you used the word "illegal" when talking about the man who allegedly killed -- >> -- undocumented. >> laken riley. >> i shouldn't have used illegal. it's undocumented. >> brian: texas' lt. governor dan patrick live, next. ♪ series footlong. except when you add a new footlong sidekick. like the ultimate bmt with the new footlong pretzel.

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♪ >> kayleigh: we are back with this and you won't believe it. the white house releasing anti-hate tool kit endorse as calling christian zionists dangerous and even evangelicals a threat. madeleine rivera is in washington with more. >> good morning, kayleigh. the white house plu plushes this

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tool kit a guideline they say meant to help build relationships across different faiths. one of the resources included in that tool kit was a document published by america indivisible who says their mission is to root out anti-muslim racism. the guide that america indivisible posted in december 2018 recommended a site called muslim girl. feature credible voices of muslim americans actively challenging anti-muslim bigotry. fox news digital did a review on muslim girl. articles that targeted christian evangelicals. one post authored by muslim girl staff in may 2021 says the support of christian zionists evangelicals of israel is rooted in anti-semitism, based on their own desire to, quote: trigger their religious revelations they continue in order for us to dismantle u.s. foreign policy and funding to israel's oppressive occupation, we need to root out christian zionists evangelicals who control the way in which this country functions

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and who are anti-semitic themselves. according to a description on its website muslim girl says its objective is to draw awareness to the quran's message of gender equality and islam's principle of peace. the white house, muslim girl and america indivisible did not respond to fox news digital's request for comment. but according to a legal disclaimer on the tool kit that the white house published links to websites and resources outside the u.s. federal government are being provided for convenience and information purposes. and that they do not constitute an endorsem*nt and approval by the white house. >> kayleigh: a lot of questions. hopefully we hear some at the white house press briefing. thank you very much. >> you got it. >> kayleigh: lawrence, over to you. >> lawrence: thanks, kayleigh. as the nation reels from the murder of laken riley at the hands of suspected illegal i alien. president biden facing backlash for walking back his remarks. >> during your response to her heckling of you, you used the word "illegal" when talking

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about man who allegedly killed laken riley. >> undocumented person. and i shouldn't have used illegal. it's undocumented. >> so you regret using that word? >> yes. >> lawrence: it's a sharp contrast from donald trump who grieved alongside laken riley's heart-broken family when he invited them to his rally in georgia on saturday. texas lt. governor dan patrick joins us now. lt. governor, what's your reaction to this? you got the president. this is opportunity for him to lead and grieve with the family. instead, he wants to talk about the terminology used about an illegal. >> this is his version, lawrence, of bill clinton, what the mean of "is" is. to even argue this point in the face of this 22-year-old young woman whose whole life was ahead of her was taken, allegedly, by this person who crossed the border multiple times, had a criminal background, to argue whether it's undocumented or illegal. look it's illegal,

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mr. president, and it's a slap in the face of this family of laken riley. it's laken, mr. president, not lincoln. >> lawrence: texas lt. governor dan patrick, texas is now going to be having to respond to this the supreme court issue that stay. >> yes. >> lawrence: what does that mean for our state? a lot of us were hopeful that this was the opportunity for texas to go on the offense, do what the biden administration refused to do. what is going to be the argument in court? >> so, lawrence, this bill, senate bill 4, i along with senator charles perry wrote the bill so i know the bill very well. i know a lot of people watch fox every morning and i hope some of the supreme court justices are watching because they could lift this stay this week and let this become law. what they did is stay the law that would allow us to act to protect our own citizens. people crossing illegally. we call it invasion. the lower court said this. the discussion of invasion at

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length is to take this issue more seriously than it deserves. that's what the lower court said. ask the family of laken riley if they think this issue of invasion is a serious issue. ask the thousands who have been killed by fentanyl. ask the other people who have already died at the hands of illegal immigrants, whether they were drunk drivers where killed someone in a crime already convicted already in jail. or on trial. ask them if they think that this is a serious issue. look, here's further what the court said at the lower level. they said, you know, texas really couldn't prove that immigration and invasion are connected because invasion is by armed hostile organized group. let me tell you what the cartels are weaponized and organized. to this point, lawrence, the cartels we arrested 1300 smugglers who are 95% citizens of this country, they contacted the drug cartels to find out the g.p.s. location of where people are going to be dropped off were

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they be people coming for a job or coming here to commit a crime. the idea that invasion is to plunder and to take over a country, what are we going to wait until they do take over the country they're right that was invasion. they are plundering our country. they are killing our people and putting drugs across the border. displacing people from schools and hospitals all other this country. 7 million people have crossed here. it's invasion. >> lawrence: have a hearing at the border. real quickly only got 20 seconds, looks like the biden administration is taking credit for what texas is doing at the border. they say that they have been talking with the mexican authorities and talking to the put. they are preventing the migrants from crossing the border. what would you say. >> this is absolute -- i can't a say it, lawrence. i'm a proud texan i won't use a vulgar word on the air. it's horse manure. they have done nothing, 7.5 million people have crossed this border illegally. you know it. criminals. we have arrested almost 300 people on the terrorist watch list. no, this is invasion, hundreds,

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thousands at a time every day after day in an organized way. absolutely we are the ones down at the state park, 3,000 to 4,000 a day. i was down there that day when the supreme court said well, they can clip the wire. i said they can clip it we will repair it immediately. we reduced it to less than 12 people a day, lawrence. and under their regime, that's what i call the biden regime right now allowing us being invaded it was 3,000 to 4,000 people just at that park. this law says we have a right in the open area, not the border crossings, the open areas, all across texas, we have 1200 miles of border with mexico, atlanta to maine that we have to maintain that we can arrest people and send them back to that country after due process here. we fingerprint them, photograph them, know who they are. they can choose to go back or put them in jail the second time they come back. put them in jail on a stiffer penalty. we have a right in texas to defend our people. and george floyd was a seminole moment in this country years ago. laken riley will never be

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forgotten, lawrence. never be forgotten. we won't let it be forgotten in texas. america won't let it be forgotten and nor will the divorce in texas. >> lawrence: texans are kind people but this administration is wearing that kindness very anyone. lt. governor, thanks so much. >> thank you, lawrence. >> lawrence: over to you, kayleigh. >> kayleigh: thank you, lawrence. georgia senator raphael warnock is pressed on whether full con county d.a. should step down from former president trump's legal case. >> you still feel like fani willis is the best person to bring this case forward? >> well, i'm never surprised when i see donald trump attacking women especially black women. this is who he is. i know that there are those are who are trying to put their finger or not scale here donald trump deserves a hearing before the jury of his peers. i'm going to allow the judicial process to proceed.

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>> kayleigh: the judge is expected to make a ruling on if willis or prosecutor nathan wade should be disqualified from their investigation into trump later this week. meanwhile oppenheimer winning seven awards at the 9th annual academy awards including best actor win for killian murphy and best picture. >> and i see oppenheimer. [applause] >> yes. >> this movie was the movie that was with chris nolan. [applause] >> he is singular. he is brilliant. >> emma stone meanwhile won best actress for her performance in poor thing. and she also revealed her dress broke during the ceremony. this is stone's second win. over to sports. the iowa hawkeyes women's basketball team rally in overtime to beat top ranked nebraska 94 to 89. unsurprisingly caitlin clark, what a rock star led her team to victory.

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>> clark looking forward. steps it back 3 on the way. it's another 3! >> clark putting up 34 points, 12 assists and seven rebounds. after the game she said, quoted we just found a way to win. and those are your headlines. well, don't move, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, he joins us live. a lot of questions for him. plus, the president looks to flip the script on his age-old problem. >> look, i'm not a young guy, that's no secret. >> can we do one more take? >> look, i'm very young, energetic and handsome. what the hell am i doing this for? >> kayleigh: our political panel up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ t line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪)

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>> brian: fox weather alert now. the northeast could face dangerous wind gusts today. the washington monument is even closed due to strong winds. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for the latest. janice, state of the washington monument today. >> janice: we had a ground stop in new york city. some of the airplanes will be affected by strong winds. take a look at it. area of low pressure very strong one just kind of meandering across the northeast and not only strong winds but going to see some snow here and here are the current wind speeds and gusts. 25 miles per hour in philadelphia. gusting to 29 miles per hour in new york city and 32 in boston. so, yes, that's going to cause some issues. 21 minor gusts in washington. there's the live radar. it's not the radar, it is the wind. so we have already got 275 delays. and can you see the airport delay forecast throughout the day today for many big airports across the country, across the northeast. here's the new york city wind forecast. we could see wind gusts in excess of 30 to 40 miles per

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hour for the nyc area especially this afternoon and this evening and things will start to die down. there is the forecast today. next big storm system moves into the west. coastal rain, mountain snow, also want to bring out critical fire weather danger for areas that had historic wildfires for the panhandle of texas. we're going to be watching that as well. fox for all of your latest details. brian kilmeade, i hope you are not flying today. i will keep you up to date and can you text me any time. >> brian: big country for one woman to handle but can you do it. president biden flip concerns about his age in a brand new ad. >> look, i'm not a young guy. that's no secret. >> can we do one more take? >> look, i'm very young, energetic and handsome, what the hell am i doing this for? >> brian: okay, how did that go? comes as president biden's state of the union address clear as low bar as many people are rejoicing on the left over his stamina, here to discuss it democratic strategist david carlucci and fox news contributor david webb.

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mr. carlucci, are you happy with that ad? is that playing into the criticism? does that work? >> yeah, i think leaning into his age is important, why? because those of us that support him know that he is pushing what he believes is important and all of us, whether we agree with him or not, have to respect the fact that the man has been around the block and knows his way around washington, d.c. he has been successful with the chips act, the a are a pa act ad pack act: whether you agree with him or not you have to respect that he knows his way washington, d.c. and leaning into that experience as vice president, decades in the senate, really proves fruitful to all of us that want to see results in washington. so i think, hey, it's two 80-year-olds running. >> brian: one is 77 and one is 81. real quick, the problem is, if you want to lean into it, it's great, but you are going to have a reality check tomorrow. david webb, it looks like robert

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hur is going to be talking tomorrow about his report, what's concluded he is too forgetful and old to prosecute. >> yeah, which by the way, is something and these are assessments that prosecutors make and they don't make them lightly. but, you know, i want to go to this really the top line on this when it comes to the democrats and in politics. that if you don't like the conversation, change the topic, or claim it and try to control it and that's what joe biden, the democrats, that's what david would like to do. they would like to control the topic or claim it and say it's okay, to normalize it that biden's age is the issue. but it's really not his age. age is one component. his addled behavior, his cognitive failures are not gaffes. he has been around the block as david said but he can't find his way around the neighborhood and the world where we need to lead as the world's remaining super power that is a free nation. so those are the facts, and when

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you talk about the facts, they don't tell you his failures. they try to prop up what he has done, in large part, to buy votes by violating the supreme court or going against the supreme court on debt forgiveness, going against the constitution, all these other things so biden has said i will do whatever i want and his handlers and the white house and the administration will do whatever they want regardless of what you see and live. >> brian: and the good news is, we are going to see it play out. because, obviously, president biden knows hey goes to the actually campaign. he can't hide in the basem*nt and president trump isn't shy about it at all. >> we are going to see if he can keep it together. let's talk about african-american support, for the longest time it's been firmly in the democratic camp. can you say it remains there, if you look back let's say on a series of polls, it looks like not only is donald trump getting into double figures, in some polls he is in 20%. when asked about this, hakeem jeffries the house minority leader answered this way.

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>> well, the polling has been all over the place but i'm confident that at the end of the day, in november, the overwhelming majority of african-americans, caribbean americans, black voters across the country will support president biden. >> brian: david carlucci, are you as optimistic as hakeem. >> yeah, i am. when you look closely at these polling numbers, the big number i'm looking at is over 40% of the electorate is not really engaged. they are not following our conversations right now. here on the left or the right or the middle. so as we move closer to the general election, as more people get engaged in the conversation, they are going to see the contrast. they are going to come home to the democratic party because they they understand that was important to them and their communities. i think you will see that across the board. it doesn't matter the demographic. the lack of enthusiasm is huge. as we get closer, you will see that gap narrow and people are going to come home and make sure that their voice is counted and

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they counted that vote for joe biden. >> brian: david, so if people are not engaged, that's why they don't realize how great they have it? >> yeah. look, the problem is as biden would have you believe, it's your problem. you just don't understand. look, i'm black. i'm a black man. i'm a black american. i'm a caribbean american. i still don't get that reference. but what people are doing, regardless of color of skin, because while, yes, the black vote is not monolithic, obviously, they are trying to sell you a narrative that the numbers don't add up to. for instance, right now cost of living over 18% since january 2021. the average american family, black, latino, of color, caucasian, doesn't matter. over $11,000 to live as you did in 2021. wages are up. but hours worked are down. that's a 4.4% loss. and, david, those are numbers you can't counter because that's the reality of any voter,

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especially those on the lower rungs of the economic ladder. >> brian: we will see what is going to happen. >> but we can pick and choose our economic indicators and unemployment rate. >> these are the government numbers, david. these are the numbers from the government. pick and choose that. >> brian: put it this way. i would love for the black community to make everybody earn their vote. hispanic community has done the same thing. the jewish vote the same thing. they seem to -- they seem to make people earn their vote. i want to see the african-american community do the same thing. thanks, guys. i appreciate it? >> couldn't agree with you more. >> thank you thank you, brian. >> thank you for having us. >> brian: do that every day for the next nine months. don't move. back with mega morning deals that could save you up to 75% on top of tools and gadgets. that's ahead. ♪ ♪ llo 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! ♪

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