How Much Are Teacup Yorkies Puppies? (2024)

Teacup yorkies are one of the most popular and adorable dog breeds in the world. They are tiny, fluffy, and full of personality. They can fit in your purse, your pocket, or even your cup. They are the perfect companions for anyone who loves cute and cuddly animals.

But how much do teacup yorkies cost? Visit for prices Is it worth buying one of these miniature dogs? What are the factors that affect their price? And how can you find a reputable breeder who can provide you with a healthy and happy teacup yorkie puppy?

Here are the key takeaways from this article:

  • The average cost range of teacup yorkies from reputable breeders is between $1,000 and $3,000.
  • The price of teacup yorkies can vary depending on their bloodline, coat, gender, and breeder reputation.
  • Teacup yorkies are more affordable than other teacup breeds, but more expensive than standard yorkies.
  • The initial expenses of buying a teacup yorkie include transportation, vaccination, microchipping, spaying/neutering, and registration fees.
  • The ongoing expenses of maintaining a teacup yorkie include food, grooming, toys, treats, vet visits, insurance, and training classes.
  • You can save money on these expenses by buying in bulk, grooming at home, choosing quality over quantity, and looking for discounts or coupons.
  • You can find a reputable breeder by avoiding red flags, looking for criteria, asking questions, and checking references.
  • You can learn more about teacup yorkies and other dog breeds by visiting or watching some YouTube videos.

How Much Does a Teacup Yorkie Cost?

The first question that most people ask when they see a teacup yorkie is: how much does it cost? The answer is not simple, as there are many factors that affect the price of these tiny dogs.

The average cost range of teacup yorkies from reputable breeders is between $1,000 and $3,000. However, this is not a fixed price, as some teacup yorkies can cost more or less than this range.

Some of the factors that influence the price of teacup yorkies are:

  • Bloodline: The pedigree of the teacup yorkie is one of the most important factors that determine its price. If the teacup yorkie comes from a show-winning or champion bloodline, it will be more expensive than one from a regular bloodline. This is because show-quality teacup yorkies have higher standards of appearance, temperament, and health. Some breeders may charge up to $10,000 for a teacup yorkie from a prestigious bloodline.
  • Coat: The color and texture of the teacup yorkie’s coat also affect its price. Some coat colors are more rare and desirable than others, such as chocolate brown, blue merle, or parti-color (white with black or tan patches). These coat colors can increase the price of the teacup yorkie by hundreds or thousands of dollars. The same goes for the texture of the coat: silky coats are more preferred than cottony coats, as they are easier to groom and maintain.
  • Gender: The gender of the teacup yorkie also plays a role in its price. Generally speaking, female teacup yorkies are more expensive than male ones. This is because female teacup yorkies can be used for breeding purposes, while male ones cannot. Female teacup yorkies also tend to be smaller and cuter than male ones. However, this does not mean that male teacup yorkies are less valuable or lovable: they are just as adorable and loyal as female ones.
  • Breeder reputation: The reputation of the breeder who sells the teacup yorkie is another factor that affects its price. A reputable breeder will have more experience and knowledge in breeding healthy and quality teacup yorkies. They will also provide you with health guarantees, contracts, support, and references. A reputable breeder will charge more for their teacup yorkies than an irresponsible or inexperienced one. However, this is worth paying for: you will get a better deal and avoid potential problems in the future.

The price ranges of different types of teacup yorkies based on these factors are as follows:

  • Average Teacup Yorkie: $1,000 - $3,000
  • Show-Quality Teacup Yorkie: $3,000 - $10,000
  • Rare Coat Color Teacup Yorkie: $2,000 - $5,000
  • Female Teacup Yorkie: $1,500 - $4,000
  • Male Teacup Yorkie: $1,000 - $3,000

As you can see, the price of teacup yorkies can vary a lot depending on these factors. However, you should not base your decision solely on the price: you should also consider the quality, health, and personality of the teacup yorkie. You should also make sure that you can afford the initial and ongoing expenses of owning a teacup yorkie.

How Does the Price of Teacup Yorkies Compare to Other Teacup Breeds and Standard Yorkies?

You may be wondering how the price of teacup yorkies compares to other teacup breeds and standard yorkies. Is it cheaper or more expensive to buy a teacup yorkie than another type of dog?

The answer is: it depends. Teacup yorkies are more affordable than some teacup breeds, but more expensive than others. They are also more expensive than standard yorkies, despite being smaller in size.

Here are some examples of how the price of teacup yorkies compares to other teacup breeds and standard yorkies:

  • Teacup Pomeranians: Teacup Pomeranians are one of the most expensive teacup breeds in the world. They can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 or more. This is because they are very rare and difficult to breed. They also have high demand and low supply. Teacup Pomeranians are fluffy balls of fur that come in various colors and patterns. They are very lively and playful dogs that love attention. However, they also have many health problems and require a lot of care and grooming.
  • Teacup Poodles: Teacup Poodles are another expensive teacup breed that can cost between $2,000 and $8,000 or more. This is because they are very popular and elegant dogs that have a long history of being companions to royalty and celebrities. They also come in many colors and have curly coats that can be styled in different ways. Teacup Poodles are very intelligent and trainable dogs that can learn many tricks and commands. However, they also need a lot of exercise and socialization to prevent boredom and anxiety.
  • Teacup Chihuahuas: Teacup Chihuahuas are one of the cheapest teacup breeds that can cost between $500 and $2,000 or less. This is because they are very common and easy to breed. They also have low demand and high supply. Teacup Chihuahuas are tiny dogs that weigh less than 4 pounds. They have big ears and eyes that give them a cute expression. They are very loyal and protective dogs that bond strongly with their owners. However, they also tend to be nervous and aggressive towards strangers and other animals.

What Are the Additional Expenses of Owning a Teacup Yorkie?

Buying a teacup yorkie is not a one-time expense. You will also need to pay for the initial and ongoing expenses of owning and caring for your teacup yorkie. These expenses can add up to a significant amount over time, so you should be prepared and budget accordingly.

The initial expenses of buying a teacup yorkie include:

  • Transportation: Depending on where you buy your teacup yorkie from, you may need to pay for the transportation costs of bringing your puppy home. This can include airfare, car rental, gas, hotel, or pet carrier fees. The transportation costs can vary depending on the distance, mode, and time of travel. You should expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $1,000 or more for this expense.
  • Vaccination: Your teacup yorkie will need to be vaccinated against various diseases and parasites that can harm their health. The vaccination schedule will depend on the age, weight, and health status of your puppy. The vaccination costs can include the fees for the shots, the vet visits, and the booster doses. You should expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $300 or more for this expense.
  • Microchipping: Microchipping is a process of implanting a tiny chip under your teacup yorkie’s skin that contains their identification information. This can help you locate your puppy in case they get lost or stolen. The microchipping costs can include the fees for the chip, the implantation, and the registration. You should expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $100 or more for this expense.
  • Spaying/Neutering: Spaying or neutering is a surgical procedure that prevents your teacup yorkie from reproducing. This can have many benefits for their health and behavior, such as reducing the risk of cancer, infections, aggression, and unwanted pregnancies. The spaying/neutering costs can include the fees for the surgery, the anesthesia, the pain medication, and the recovery care. You should expect to pay anywhere from $200 to $500 or more for this expense.
  • Registration: Registration is a process of registering your teacup yorkie with a recognized organization that keeps records of their pedigree and ownership. This can provide you with a certificate of authenticity and proof of ownership for your puppy. The registration costs can include the fees for the application, the processing, and the membership. You should expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $200 or more for this expense.

The initial cost of buying a teacup yorkie based on different scenarios are as follows:

  • Local Breeder: You can expect to pay between $400 and $1,150 for a teacup yorkie from a local breeder. This includes the transportation fee ($0 - $50), the vaccination fee ($100 - $300), the microchipping fee ($50 - $100), the spaying/neutering fee ($200 - $500), and the registration fee ($50 - $200).
  • Distant Breeder: You can expect to pay between $900 and $2,100 for a teacup yorkie from a distant breeder. This includes the transportation fee ($500 - $1,000), the vaccination fee ($100 - $300), the microchipping fee ($50 - $100), the spaying/neutering fee ($200 - $500), and the registration fee ($50 - $200).
  • Online Breeder: You can expect to pay between $0 and $50 for a teacup yorkie from an online breeder. This is because the online breeder usually includes the transportation fee, the vaccination fee, the microchipping fee, the spaying/neutering fee, and the registration fee in the price of the puppy.

As you can see, the initial cost of buying a teacup yorkie can vary depending on where you buy your puppy from and what services are included in the price. However, you should not choose a breeder based on their price alone: you should also consider their reputation, quality, and guarantees.

The ongoing expenses of maintaining a teacup yorkie include:

  • Food: Your teacup yorkie will need to eat high-quality food that meets their nutritional needs and preferences. The food costs can include the price of the food itself, as well as any supplements, treats, or special diets that your puppy may require. You should expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $50 or more per month for this expense.
  • Grooming: Your teacup yorkie will need to be groomed regularly to keep their coat clean, healthy, and beautiful. The grooming costs can include the fees for the shampoo, conditioner, brush, comb, scissors, nail clippers, ear cleaner, toothbrush, toothpaste, or professional services that your puppy may need. You should expect to pay anywhere from $10 to $30 or more per month for this expense.
  • Toys: Your teacup yorkie will need to have some toys that stimulate their physical and mental activity and keep them entertained and happy. The toy costs can include the price of the toys themselves, as well as any replacements, repairs, or upgrades that your puppy may need. You should expect to pay anywhere from $5 to $15 or more per month for this expense.
  • Vet Visits: Your teacup yorkie will need to visit the vet regularly for check-ups, tests, treatments, and emergencies that may arise. The vet costs can include the fees for the consultation, the examination, the medication, the surgery, the hospitalization, or the insurance that your puppy may need. You should expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $200 or more per month for this expense.
  • Training Classes: Your teacup yorkie will need to attend some training classes that teach them basic obedience, socialization, and manners. The training costs can include the fees for the class itself, as well as any materials, equipment, or transportation that your puppy may need. You should expect to pay anywhere from $10 to $50 or more per month for this expense.

The ongoing cost of maintaining a teacup yorkie based on different scenarios are as follows:

  • Low Budget: You can expect to spend around $95 per month for a teacup yorkie on a low budget. This includes the food cost ($20), the grooming cost ($10), the toy cost ($5), the vet visit cost ($50), and the training class cost ($10).
  • Average Budget: You can expect to spend around $195 per month for a teacup yorkie on an average budget. This includes the food cost ($35), the grooming cost ($20), the toy cost ($10), the vet visit cost ($100), and the training class cost ($30).
  • High Budget: You can expect to spend around $345 per month for a teacup yorkie on a high budget. This includes the food cost ($50), the grooming cost ($30), the toy cost ($15), the vet visit cost ($200), and the training class cost ($50).

As you can see, the ongoing cost of maintaining a teacup yorkie can vary depending on your budget and lifestyle. However, you should not skimp on these expenses: you should provide your puppy with the best care and comfort that you can afford.

You can save money on these expenses by following some tips, such as:

  • Buying food in bulk or online to get discounts or free shipping.
  • Grooming your puppy at home instead of going to a professional groomer.
  • Choosing quality over quantity when buying toys and replacing them only when necessary.
  • Looking for coupons or vouchers that offer discounts or freebies on vet visits or training classes.
  • Joining a club or community that offers support and advice on teacup yorkies and other dog breeds.

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How to Find a Reputable Teacup Yorkie Breeder?

One of the most important steps in buying a teacup yorkie is finding a reputable breeder who can provide you with a healthy and quality puppy. A reputable breeder is someone who has the best interest of the teacup yorkie and the buyer in mind. They will not only sell you a puppy, but also support you throughout the process and after.

However, finding a reputable breeder is not easy, as there are many irresponsible or inexperienced breeders who may try to scam you or sell you a sick or poor-quality puppy. These breeders may offer low prices, fake papers, or online deals that are too good to be true. They may also keep their puppies in poor living conditions, neglect their health and socialization, or lie about their pedigree and history.

Therefore, you should be careful and do your research before buying a teacup yorkie from any breeder. You should avoid any red flags that may indicate a bad breeder, such as:

  • Low prices: If the price of the teacup yorkie is significantly lower than the average market price, it may be a sign that the breeder is cutting corners on quality, health, or care. They may also be trying to get rid of their puppies quickly or hide some problems.
  • Lack of papers: If the breeder does not provide you with any papers or documents that prove the authenticity and ownership of the teacup yorkie, it may be a sign that they are not registered or recognized by any reputable organization. They may also be selling stolen or illegal puppies.
  • Poor living conditions: If the breeder does not allow you to see where they keep their puppies or if you notice that their puppies are kept in dirty, crowded, or unsafe environments, it may be a sign that they are neglecting or abusing their puppies. They may also be exposing them to diseases or parasites.
  • No health guarantees: If the breeder does not offer you any health guarantees or contracts that cover the health and well-being of the teacup yorkie, it may be a sign that they are not confident or honest about their puppies’ health. They may also be trying to avoid any responsibility or liability if something goes wrong.
  • Online scams: If the breeder only communicates with you online or asks you to pay upfront without meeting you or the puppy in person, it may be a sign that they are trying to scam you or steal your money. They may also send you fake pictures or videos of the puppy or never deliver the puppy at all.

You should also look for some criteria that may indicate a good breeder, such as:

  • Experience: A good breeder will have years of experience and knowledge in breeding teacup yorkies. They will also have a passion and love for their breed and their puppies. They will be able to answer any questions you have and provide you with useful information and advice.
  • Reputation: A good breeder will have a good reputation and feedback from previous buyers and other breeders. They will also have references that you can contact and verify. They will be proud and transparent about their work and achievements.
  • Health tests: A good breeder will perform various health tests on their puppies and their parents to ensure that they are free from any genetic diseases or defects. They will also provide you with certificates or records that prove the results of these tests.
  • Contracts: A good breeder will offer you contracts that outline the terms and conditions of the sale and guarantee the health and quality of the puppy. They will also include clauses that protect both parties’ rights and responsibilities, such as spaying/neutering, return policy, warranty, etc.
  • Support: A good breeder will provide you with ongoing support and guidance after you buy the puppy. They will also keep in touch with you and follow up on the puppy’s progress and development. They will be available for any questions or concerns you may have.

You should also ask some questions to the breeder before buying a teacup yorkie from them, such as:

  • How long have you been breeding teacup yorkies?
  • How many litters do you produce per year?
  • What are the pedigrees and health histories of the parents?
  • How do you socialize and train your puppies?
  • What are the vaccinations and deworming schedules for your puppies?
  • What are the health guarantees and contracts that you offer?
  • Can I see where you keep your puppies and meet their parents?
  • Can I contact some of your previous buyers or references?
  • How do you ship your puppies if I live far away?
  • What are your payment methods and options?

These questions can help you evaluate the breeder’s professionalism, credibility, and reliability. They can also help you learn more about the puppy’s background, health, and personality.

If you want to find a reputable teacup yorkie breeder near you, you can use some online resources that can help you locate and contact them. Here are some links to some websites that can help you find a reputable teacup yorkie breeder:

  • [American Kennel Club]: The American Kennel Club is the official organization that registers and recognizes purebred dogs in the United States. They also provide information on dog breeds, registration, events, and resources. You can use their [Breeder Referral Search] to find a breeder of any breed in your area.
  • [Yorkshire Terrier Club of America]: The Yorkshire Terrier Club of America is the official organization that represents and promotes the Yorkshire Terrier breed in the United States. They also provide information on Yorkshire Terriers, breeders, rescue groups, and education. You can use their [Breeder Directory] to find a breeder of Yorkshire Terriers in your area.
  • [Teacup Yorkie Breeders]: Teacup Yorkie Breeders is a website that lists and reviews various breeders of teacup yorkies across the country. They also provide information on teacup yorkies, tips, and FAQs. You can use their [Breeder Locator] to find a breeder of teacup yorkies in your area.

As you can see, finding a reputable teacup yorkie breeder is not easy, but it is worth the effort. You will be able to buy a healthy and quality puppy that will bring you joy and happiness for years to come. You will also avoid any problems or regrets that may arise from buying from a bad breeder.


Here are some frequently asked questions about teacup yorkies based on people also ask section from Bing for the keyword:

  • Are Teacup Yorkies good pets? Teacup yorkies are good pets for people who want a small, cute, and loyal dog that can fit in their lifestyle. They are very affectionate and devoted to their owners and can adapt to different environments and situations. However, they are not suitable for everyone: they require a lot of attention, care, and training. They also have some health and behavioral issues that may need special attention or treatment. Therefore, you should do your research and make sure that you can provide them with the best care and comfort possible.
  • How long do Teacup Yorkies live? Teacup yorkies have an average lifespan of 7 to 10 years. However, this can vary depending on their health, genetics, diet, exercise, and care. Some teacup yorkies may live longer or shorter than this range. You can extend your teacup yorkie’s lifespan by providing them with regular vet visits, vaccinations, spaying/neutering, healthy food, clean water, proper grooming, adequate exercise, mental stimulation, and love.
  • What are the health problems of Teacup Yorkies? Teacup yorkies are prone to various health problems due to their small size and breeding practices. Some of the common health problems of teacup yorkies are:Hypoglycemia: This is a condition where the blood sugar level drops too low. This can cause weakness, lethargy, seizures, coma, or even death. This can be prevented by feeding your teacup yorkie small and frequent meals throughout the day and avoiding stress or overexertion.Collapsing Trachea: This is a condition where the cartilage rings that support the windpipe collapse or narrow. This can cause coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, or fainting. This can be treated by medication, surgery, or lifestyle changes.Patellar Luxation: This is a condition where the kneecap slips out of place. This can cause pain, limping, or lameness. This can be corrected by surgery or physical therapy.Dental Problems: Teacup yorkies have small mouths and teeth that are prone to decay, infection, or overcrowding. This can cause bad breath, tooth loss, gum disease, or systemic infections. This can be prevented by brushing your teacup yorkie’s teeth regularly and providing them with dental chews or toys.Liver Shunt: This is a condition where the blood bypasses the liver and does not get filtered properly. This can cause toxins to build up in the body and affect the brain and other organs. This can cause vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, behavioral changes, or seizures. This can be diagnosed by blood tests or imaging and treated by medication or surgery.

You can also visit teacup maltipoo for more information

How Much Are Teacup Yorkies Puppies? (2024)


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