It's Virgo season and for some star signs, love is on the cards (2024)

Virgo season has kicked off and it's bringing big 'back to school energy.' However, as Venus is in Libra, things are a little bit more complicated for some of us as we move into this deeply grounded earth sign.

After the second full moon in fiery Leo season, which saw a Blue Moon in August 2021, it's safe to say that many of us are ready for a more grounded, organized season.

Those who are born under the mutable sign of Virgo are known as being super organized, methodical and quick-thinking. They're also known for courage and rising to the occasion when the opportunity presents itself. Even if you're not a Virgo, you can use this season to harness the sign's power and use it to your benefit.

Michele Knight spoke to woman&home about Virgo season and how it will affect us. Michele is a renowned astrologer, psychic, broadcaster, TV personality and Sunday Timesbest-selling author; with her memoir Touched By Evil, which details how her powers saved her from abuse.

Although it's Virgo season, an important thing to note is that Venus is currently in Libra. Michele says that means it's, "one of the best times of the year to invite harmony and love into our lives."

"Libra is ruled by Venus so it's her favorite place to be. We are showered in good vibes and have the opportunity to find compromise and harmony in our close relationships," she says. "With Venus in Libra, we feel more emotionally balanced and doused in cosmic Love potion. Romance, friendships, and intimacy all feature."

Add to that the fact that Mars is in Virgo, which is passion and energy, this might be a bit of a time for lovers!

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Your weekly horoscope

When is Virgo season?

As the flames of summer and Leo season dies down, Virgo season kicks off from August 22, 2021, and will go right up until September 22, 2021.

Being an earth sign means that many elements of Virgo are focused on being grounded and grounding. It's also known for being practical and down-to-earth.

It's Virgo season and for some star signs, love is on the cards (1)

(Image credit: Future)

What does Virgo season mean for my star sign?

In the interest of getting the very best from Virgo season 2021, Michele kindly supplied each sign with some homework that's sure to help you thrive during this time.

So here's what you need to do, plus some suggestions on how to focus your energies from woman&home.


"Order, organize, detox, and declutter."

Now's the time to do that massive clear out you've been putting off Aries! Use this time to practice deep cleaning, cleansing your space, and a trip to the charity shop with things you know you don't need.

Get your Marie Kondo on and maybe stock up on the only two cleaning products you will ever need for a spotless, germ-free home.


"Pleasure, creativity and lots of love in's."

As the leaves turn brown and the days are getting shorter, it's a great opportunity to enjoy small intimate gatherings with those who nourish your soul the most. Of course, it's also a good time to nourish your MVP, you!

Looking after your own needs is always a bit tricky, especially as we are trained from such a young age that self care is selfish. Well guess what, it's not. Use this time to lean into your creative energy, self-love and when it comes to intimacy—prioritize your own org*sms.

To that end, check out the best vibrators and live your best life!


"Home, family, cozy times."

This Virgo season is a good time for Gemini to slow down and take stock of what's most important. After a super-charged summer, it's time to move into the fall with a strong, firm base.

Make use of the beautiful home you've made for yourself and reap the rewards of your hard work. Maybe it's time to knuckle down on that DIY project you've been avoiding? Perhaps a painting, pizza, and Prosecco party with you and your besties? A bit of elbow grease and lots of fun too.


"Communication, writing, a flurry if flirtation and chats into the night."

As the great writer Norah Ephron said, "everything is copy." To that end, remember that everything you write down is writing—even those cheeky flirty messages keeping you up after your bedtime!

Be open to channels of communication, new and old, and you're sure to thrive. Perhaps this month is the time to get back to dating if you've taken a break? It's never too late to try, and with so many apps for over 50s dating—the world is your cosmic love oyster!


"Abundance, vision boarding, security."

Leo season might be finished but it's still your time to shine, if you allow it! This month is an opportunity for you to focus on what you really want Leo. Are you unsatisfied by things you can easily change? Are you trapped in a cage you built yourself?

Change is often hard, stressful and the very best of us would rather avoid the processes, work and potential drama involved. A change is as good as a holiday, as the saying goes, so all of this work will pay off and you won't regret one bit.

Why not use this time to meditate on your deepest desires, make a vision board of these desires to help manifest them into being and find the most important security there is—your own!

It's Virgo season and for some star signs, love is on the cards (2)

(Image credit: Dag Sundberg/Getty Images)


"Being a magician, creating your destiny, transforming your identity, a clean slate."

Are there parts of your life that are lacking? Do you have dreams that you never think will come to fruition? Well, you need to drop the negative energy and focus on putting the work into making things happen.

Mindset adjustments and doing the work will allow the universe to help you manifest the destiny you desire.

Why not take a deeper look at the meaning of your dreams, they might be telling you more than you realize Virgo!


"Psychic skills, intuition, boundaries (or lack of them) romance, idealism."

Oh Libra, you hopeless romantic. This is your time to lean into your inner lover and allow romance to bloom. Perhaps it's with your partner, a new person, or even just falling back in love with yourself. Why not think about your sexual fantasies and how to make them come true?

In life you should always trust your gut but as you're running on a higher psychic frequency during Virgo season—you need to acknowledge your psychic abilities and the power of synchronicity. No matter how small seemingly random psychic moments are, appreciate them and acknowledge them.

Maintaining boundaries is always hard for Libra, so eager to hear from everyone's point of view, constantly seeking balance. Ensure that none of the above means you give too much of your sacred energy away.


"Networking, connections, social media success, group activities."

Scorpios are known as being a little on the private side but this month it's time to put yourself out there. We all know social networking can be a bit of a pain but the truth is this is your opportunity to make connections that will push you forward.

Self promotion, going to events you'd normally say no to, joining a new club or even a sports team will help elevate your abundance, confidence and joy.

Scorpios are famed for their finely honed observation skills, but now's the time to combine observation with participation too and reap all of the rewards that will bring.


"Work, work, work, career and reputation."

Sagittarius are known for being generous, idealistic and hard working. However, sometimes the issue with being generous is that it can leave many projects unfinished. Worse still, it can mean there's no energy left to focus on the work that's most important to you.

Set yourself boundaries about what you are and aren't willing to do. Make a list, in order of priority, of what you need to do to make your professional life shine. Maybe it's doing that online workshop you've been mulling over, or maybe skilling up in something which will help your resume pop. Hell, maybe it's time to completely overhaul your resume altogether!

Put the work in and watch your star soar.


"Adventure, travel, learning."

It's never too late to try new things and Capricorn, we know you're thirsty for newness. It might be hard to acknowledge these feelings, for a sign so disciplined, practical and structured—but you can be all of these things while also experiencing new wonders.

Focus on opening yourself up to brand new adventures, things that might push you to the very edge of your comfort zone. Being nervous and out of your comfort zone as an adult is important and can help give you a total new lease of life.

Plan that holiday of a lifetime, or start putting money aside. Maybe your adventure doesn't need to be far away, perhaps it's finally going to a class in that language you always wanted to learn. Sometimes we need to leave home, leave comfort, in order to truly find ourselves.

Seize the day Capricorn!


"Primal emotions, secrets, power, charisma."

Aquarius, the great revolutionary, the rebel, the eccentric! You're probably thinking that this is a time to get those big back-to-school vibes in order; time to take a chill pill and get stuff done. In actual fact, you need to harvest your inner power and let it out into the universe.

So many of our feelings are repressed by society's norms but you really need to listen to what you're feeling and let it out. No feeling is forever, positive or negative, but every feeling is important.

Use your magnetic personality to engage with others but don't wear your heart on your sleeve just yet. There might be someone who you're connecting with but as the old adage goes, you can't hurry love.


"Relationships, partnerships, harmony."

Pisces is among the most emotionally tuned in, creative and empathetic of all the signs. These traits combine to make the most beautifully sensitive humans but with sensitivity can come the pain of hurt feelings and miscommunication.

Spend this Virgo season not focussing on other people's actions, but your reactions. You can't control or change others, but you can dictate how you acknowledge them.

Respond, don't react. Look at compromise, understanding, meeting each others needs and team work—in all areas of your life. There's no I in team and working together can bring the harmony you so truly need and deserve Pisces.

Moving meditation, like yoga, is a great way to stay in tune with what you're feeling and breathing through it. Try yoga for beginners, if you're new to it or a bit rusty.

It's Virgo season and for some star signs, love is on the cards (2024)


What zodiac sign does Virgo fall in love with? ›

As a Virgo, you take your time with love. You don't rush into things and prefer to have control. This might differ from what your partner is used to, but it's just how you are. The most compatible matches for Virgos are other Virgos, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Who is Virgos true love? ›

Virgo chooses rare and distinct personalities when it comes to love and romance and hence, they are more attracted to Pisces. Both Pisces, and Virgo form a great pair in terms of romance and marriage. Although they do not show it to the world, they are never withdrawn from each other.

Who is a good soulmate for Virgo? ›

Who is the perfect soulmate for Virgo? While several zodiac signs feature personalities that play well with the practical and analytical nature of the Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn are undoubtedly the most compatible.

How do Virgos act when they are in love? ›

This sign loves to perform acts of service.

It's Virgo's way of showing you how much they care. They might not vocalize their affection as openly as other signs, but they'll always be ready to do something for you without expecting anything in return.

What is Virgos worst match? ›

As the fire sign of all fire signs, Leo does not make a good match for Virgo. Virgos like to keep a low profile, while Leos flourish in the spotlight and need non-stop attention.

Who is Virgo more attracted to? ›

The list of star signs that can make a good match isn't short for Virgo. Because they're caring, they tend to be good partners for everyone. But there are a few signs they're most compatible with, which are Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, and Cancer.

Who is the life partner of Virgo? ›

Virgo as a Husband

Best match for marriage: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn woman You are happy to play a supporting role in the relationship. You give respect to everyone.

Who do Virgos have a crush on? ›

Since Virgos are Earth signs, they are most compatible with their fellow earthies, (Taurus and Capricorn) as well as water signs (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio). Expect this sign to gravitate towards things that create ease, things that lean into their love for logic and solution-based thinking.

What makes Virgo angry? ›

Virgos can sometimes experience flare-ups of frustration or anger when their plans are disrupted or their efforts are undervalued. This quick temper can lead to conflicts and strain relationships.

What is a Virgos weakness? ›

Weaknesses. Virgos can be a bit nitpicky due to their perfectionism. They very much like for people to stay in their own lane and can sometimes bristle when others try to tell them what to do or mess with their sense of order. Virgos can be easily overwhelmed by the state of the world, Watt tells me.

Who is the BFF of Virgo? ›

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Your biggest pals are your earth sign crew (Capricorn and Taurus) because you all love the material world and don't put up with any nonsense. Pisces fascinate you (they're just so ~out there~) and Geminis are your favorite sign to gossip with (you're both ruled by Mercury, after all).

What age will Virgo find love? ›

Virgos have good analytical skills. They are neither easily impressed nor deceived by others. They meet their soulmate between the ages of 24 and 28. Their marital life is, to put it mildly, ordinary.

Do Virgos say I love you easily? ›

The first three to six months is what a Virgo man needs to tell you that he loves you. They are very romantic and will sweep you off your feet just to make you fall in love with him, even more. However, they will wait for the right moment to tell the three magical words instead of hurrying it out.

How do you make a Virgo madly love you? ›

How to Make a Virgo Man Obsessed with You
  1. Look your very best before heading out.
  2. Speak openly about your feelings.
  3. Stay grounded and humble.
  4. Ditch any extra drama in your life.
  5. Cater to his interests.
  6. Remember the little details.
  7. Go the extra mile in the bedroom.
  8. Appreciate everything that he does.

Why do Virgos struggle with love? ›

Virgos are often slow to fall in love. Conservative by nature and cautious with their hearts to a certain point, they benefit from a more flirtatious aggressive partner to start things off. They appreciate a direct and tactful lover and give preference to honesty and openness rather than quirky flirting styles.

Which zodiac has a crush on Virgo? ›

Fellow earth signs—Taurus and Capricorn—appreciate Virgo's attention to detail. Taurus values Virgo's thoughtful, meticulous nature, while Capricorn is attracted to Virgo's kind and thoughtful spirit.

Does Virgo fall in love fast? ›

Virgos are often slow to fall in love. Conservative by nature and cautious with themselves (their hearts) to a certain point, they benefit from a more flirtatious aggressive partner to start things off. They appreciate a direct and tactful lover, prizing honesty and openness over outwardly outlandish flirting styles.

Why are Virgos red flags? ›

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Virgos are practical and detail-oriented, but a red flag could be their perfectionism. If they become overly critical of small details, it might create tension in the relationship.

What year will Virgo find love? ›

The year 2024 brings patience and unique interactions for Virgo in love. Single Virgos will experience a shift and self-improvement in their love lives, attracting opportunities through work or health-related activities.


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.