The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Prologue Chapter Text Chapter 2: Ozpin's Offer Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Teammates I Chapter Text Chapter 4: Teammates II Chapter Text Chapter 5: Words of Wisdom Chapter Text Chapter 6: Leadership and Friendship Chapter Text Chapter 7: Wounds in the Heart Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Understanding Chapter Text Chapter 9 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Mysterious Dinosaurs Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Party Crashing Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: Mysterious Events Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 13: Helping Hand Chapter Text Chapter 14: Vytal Festival Chapter Text Chapter 15: Saving Lives I Chapter Text Chapter 16: Saving Lives II Chapter Text Chapter 17: Saving Lives III Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Mending Wounds Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Voltaria's Life in Patch Chapter Text Chapter 20: True to the Heart Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Another Adventure Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: The First Step Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: The Road Ahead Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Remembrance Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Family Ties Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Unlikely Encounter Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Unexpected Friendship Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 28: A New Dawn Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Right Choices Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 30: Welcome to Haven Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: Recruiting Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: To Be Grimm or Not To Be Grimm Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter Text


The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (1)

A world that is filled with mystery and danger. Remnant has existed for hundreds of years. The lands were beautiful yet dangerous. Remnant was created by two gods. Brothers to be exact, one older and one younger, they both existed on Remnant, filling it with both life and destruction. The two brothers have different ideas about how things should go. The older brother, the God of Light, found joy in creating forces of life. He created water, plants and wildlife during the day.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (2)

But at night, the younger brother, the God of Darkness, spent his time creating forces of destruction. He finds his older brother's creations repulsive.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (3)

He created drought, fire and famine, all that he could do to rid Remnant of life, yet life always returned. Nothing can stop life from returning, so the god of destruction decided to create creatures that can destroy life. And on that night, the younger brother created the creatures that shared his innate desire to destroy anything and everything on their path, and he named his creations Grimm. The Grimm or the Creatures of Grimm are beats of destruction and death, not caring the consequences that would happen.

The older brother finally had enough of his younger brother's behavior and destructive mind. Knowing that their feud wouldn't last forever, he proposed that they make one final creation together, something that they could both be proud of, and to be their masterpiece. And the younger brother agreed.

Together, they created a creature that was gifted with knowledge, creation, destruction and choice. Most important was the capability of choosing whether to use these gifts for light or darkness. These creatures became known to be Humanity. Once they finished their final creation, the two brothers left Remnant, allowing humanity to choose their fate, not knowing about the truth of the gifts that they left behind.

Humanity or better known as Humans are the two brothers' greatest creations, they learn and understand their surroundings before they start to make their own lives. They soon learn how to defend themselves from Grimm. They soon discover Aura. An ability that all those with a soul can use, at least with enough practice. This also gives them Semblance, an ability that is unique for all. They even learned the use of Dust and how to weaponize them in combat and defense.

Soon, they build four kingdoms of Remnant, Vale, Vacuo, Atlas, and Mistral. Each of the kingdoms has their own distinct culture. The four kingdoms have Huntsman Academies that train people to hunt and fight Grimm. These Academies help them to become great huntsmen and huntswomen. They trained to be the best and protect others. These Academies are found in each kingdoms'. Haven Academy of Mistral, Shade Academy of Vacuo, Atlas Academy of Atlas, and Beacon Academy of Vale.

These Academies brought protection to the kingdoms and brought peace, but there were times when peace was soon turned to war when humanity fought against another creature called Faunus. Faunus are like humans but with animal features, they are more skilled and well advanced species. They were treated badly because of their animal-like features, thus the humans treating them like animals. The Faunus and Humans fought each other for years, causing the Great War.

Many bloods were spilled in battle before they were brought into truce. Faunus were allowed to have equal rights, but they were still discriminated against by humans, but some humans treated them with respect and treated them fairly.

Over the years, the Kingdoms remained in peace and would have the Vytal Festival. The Vytal Festival was inaugurated following the end of the Great War. It's an international festival held every two years in one of the Kingdoms of Remnant. During the festival, various cultures of the world are celebrated with dances, parades, and a combat tournament. The host kingdom of the festival rotates every two years, and the host opens its borders to visitors from the other kingdoms.

Even though those four kingdoms are in unity and somewhat in peace, there was one Kingdom that was hidden from the rest of the world. An ancient species that is known to be dangerous and mysterious. The clan was called Grimm Riders. Grimm Riders are the only ones that can tame and control a Grimm.

They're origins were unknown to all, but legends say that they were made by a Goddess named Lunaria, she is the Goddess of the Night and Stars.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (4)

She watched from above as the Grimms terrorized the kingdoms and killed her without reason. Humans and Faunus had to fear and hate them, they couldn't even get close to the Grimm. Saddened by this, Lunaria wanted to help them understand, and that's when Lunaria had an idea to make humans and Grimm to live in peace. Not only is she the goddess of the night and stars, she is also the goddess of wisdom and emotions. She would give some humans an ability to understand Grimm without any fear. So, using her magic, she gave the gift of knowledge and understanding to ones who have the mark, the Mark of the Grimm.

The first bond with a Grimm started by a little girl by name Nisha Midnight. Nisha was born with a strange black mark on her back. A dragon symbol to be exact, it was dark as night and the eyes were red as fire. Her parents didn't seem to be bothered by the mark, but kept it hidden from the people. Nisha grew up in a poor village with a bad leader. The village has few foods to spare and the villagers there are greedy and selfish, yet Nisha was able to survive with the help of her parents. Her parents were not like the villagers, they were kind and generous, and they took care of their daughter the best way they could and kept her safe.

Then one day, everything changed, when Nisha went to the forest to pick some berries and came face to face with a Grimm. The Grimm she has seen was a Dragon Grimm. It was rare of all Creatures of Grimm. It was bigger, meaner, and deadlier. It came to her village to attack, but it didn't. It soon formed a bond with the little girl. The Grimm Dragon didn't attack the village of Nisha's, but it did spend time with her as she talks to it and plays with it. The Grimm and the girl became close, but the dragon had to leave, and it soon left, while the little girl waved goodbye at the Grimm Dragon.

But she didn't know that there were some people who witnessed her ability and soon believed that she was a monster. When she returned, the villagers grabbed her and tied her to a post in the center of town. The people who had witnessed her with a Grimm believed that she was a monster that must be killed. They stoned her parents to death for being the parents of the girl. The girl was frightened by this, she watched in horror as her parents were stoned alive. The village leader ordered the villagers to ready the fire to burn her alive. The girl was so scared, her eyes filled with tears as she prayed for a miracle. The village leader ready a torch to burn the child, but she lets out a scream that was so loud, it was heard by miles. Before the village leader could burn her, everyone heard a blood chilling howl from the forest. Everyone froze in fear as they all turned towards the forest. Hell fired eyes were seen in the shadows, the villagers panicked. The villagers panicked at the sight, they realized that in the shadows were Grimm.

The Grimm are drawn to negative feelings such as envy, sadness, anger, loneliness, fear, and hatred. But the Grimm were not drawn by that, no. They were drawn to the call of the little girl. Her cry was heard from them, and they were drawn to her, because she bears the Mark of the Grimm. Without hesitation, the Grimm attacked the villagers with bloodlust, the humans tried to escape, but the many Grimm came and killed them all. The leader tried to escape but was stopped by the Grimm Dragon. It came back when it heard the girl's cry, the Dragon Grimm ended the leader's life with one gulp. A Grimm that looks like a wolf known as a Beowolf went towards the girl and cut her free. It took her out of the village while the rest of the Grimm killed all the humans that live there. The girl has no home and no family, she was alone...well, not all alone. She has company, many companies. She was accompanied by Grimm. Many Grimm became her friends, she can understand and feel them. She soon was able to bond with them and learn that they are tamable while some were not, she called the not tamable ones: Rogues, because they are not like the Grimm that she bonds with. She grew up in the wild, learning from what she experiences in the wild and watching nearby villages from afar. Nisha learned how to survive on her own, with the help of the Grimm. But, Nisha felt lonely since she was the only one who can talk and understand the Grimm, and felt like she was the only one who can be one with the Grimm.

Or so she thought.

The goddess, Lunaria, made others like her. They were in other lands and were currently afraid of what they are. Nisha soon discovers them and helps them with their new found powers. Soon, they called themselves the Grimm Riders because of their ability to tame and understand Grimm. They travel endlessly on Remnant, trying to find a place to call home since no kingdoms will welcome them and because they are outsiders. They almost lose hope, but soon Nisha discovers that she has a gift, a gift of vision. She could see the past and the future. She discovered it when she turned thirteen. Nisha learns the true origin of who she and the others are, and knows why they were here. Nisha knew that they were made to do something good. So, using her vision, Nisha leads the Grimm Riders to a safe island, far from Remnant, far from Humans and Faunus, far from danger. The Nevermores and the dragon helped them reach that island. The island was filled with Grimm and rich with Dusts. No Humans or Faunus could find it because the water was filled with aquatic Grimm that can destroy them. There, Nisha and the others build their own kingdom. Nisha and the others worked together to build the kingdom and with the help of the Grimm, they did it and it was called Tenebris.

That Kingdom was their sanctuary, their home. They made sure that it stayed hidden from the rest of the other kingdoms. It was there they discovered a special red gem that can store their tame Grimm and turned them into miniature versions of themselves. They craft the red gems into necklaces, earrings, bracelets, armbands, belt buckles, and more. They called it the Grimm Befrienders, it helps them carry and hide their Grimm. Their Kingdom, Tenebris, protects them from the outside world. But the Humans heard rumors about their island's existence and tried to find it and get a hold of their fortune, but they end up missing or lost if they ever tried to find Tenebris and Grimm made sure that the invaders don't ever come near Tenebris. The Grimm Riders trained themselves to control their ability and their Auroras, and weapons to defend themselves from invaders or Rouge Grimm.

Even though they have a kingdom now, the Grimm Riders are missing one important part of their kingdom, a ruler. Other kingdoms and villages have their own rulers and leaders, but they don't. They needed someone who is worthy, kind, wise, and strong, to be their leader. It didn't take long for them to decide, considering they know one person who was perfect to be their ruler.

Nisha Midnight

Nisha became their leader, their Queen, when she was only sixteen. At first, she was shocked by this, but learned that she was destined to be a leader since she was the first Grimm Rider and the one who led them here. Nisha became the Queen of Grimm Riders, guiding her people and protecting them from danger with the help of her dragon she named Ash. Then the Grimm Riders built their own academy called Umbra Academy, where they trained new generation Grimm Riders to learn and control their abilities, and make their weapons. They made laws on their island, and one particular rule is that if a Grimm Rider reaches the age of sixteen, he or she is allowed to leave the island to explore and learn any changes on the other kingdoms, and return when they are done. Adults were allowed to leave freely, but made sure to stay hidden and get information for Nisha and her people. The Grimm Riders never betrayed their own kin, they will never reveal themselves to any outsiders, and made sure to keep their home a secret. Nisha has no intention of bringing war on other kingdoms for treating them like outsiders. She believes that if it wasn't for them, she would never have been queen and never found the Grimm Riders. And as the Queen of Grimm Riders, she will do no harm to others or seek power, she will rule with honor, kindness, and generosity.

The years go by, and Nisha becomes an adult. She married a man and has a daughter by name Spirit Midnight. Spirit was born Grimm Rider and she inherited her mother's gift of vision. Spirit's Grimm was a Geists that she named Ghost. Spirit was like her mother, she was the heir of the Grimm Rider Kingdom and will follow her mother's footsteps in ruling the kingdom. Nisha will one day leave this world, but she made sure that her daughter. Spirit will take the throne and will protect her people and their secrets from the outside world. The Grimm Riders' heirs are always born female, meaning that their rulers are queens and their purpose is to protect and guide their people. The Grimm Riders made sure that they must be hidden from the rest of the world, away from society. Time moves on, and the kingdoms have forgotten about the Grimm Riders, yet there were some who knew their existence. The Grimm Riders stayed in the shadows and their safety of their kingdom, and made sure that new generation Grimm Riders were born at Tenebris.

But, there was one Grimm Rider that was born outside of the island and doesn't know why she was there.

This is her story.

Chapter 2: Ozpin's Offer


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Voice Actors and Actresses

Voltaria Eclipse: Dove Cameron

Hannibal: Dale Wilson (Java from Martin Mystery)
Tabitha: Zendaya (Anne Wheeler from the Greatest Showman)
Wraith: Clancy Brown (Ryder Azadi from Star Wars Rebels)
Regina: Angelina Jolie (Maleficent)

It was a dark cold night, there were no stars in the night sky, just the lone moon. Beneath the dark night was a forest. The forest was dark, and the trees' leaves rustled by the cold wind. No one dared venture into the forest alone. Many Grimm lurked through the forest, waiting for prey to come and to be devoured. No one would go there alone or at night, but there was one who entered the forest without fear or didn't care about the danger that was in there. Within the forest, footsteps were heard from the dirt path. Two pairs of black boots were seen walking through the dirt path. A white hooded cloak was seen walking on the path. The cloak was white with red streaks on the bottom and it reached on the knees, covering the outfit. The hooded figure appears to be a twelve-year-old child, the face can't be seen because of the Grimm mask that the figure is wearing with a red organza cloth that can see the stranger's mouth, and the hood was hiding the kid's hair.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (5)

The kid walked through the forest with no fear, not even bothered by the coldness of the night. Most kids would be afraid of the dark, but not this one, this kid isn't afraid of the dark nor the danger that is there.

The kid continues walking through the forest's path, ignoring the sounds of the howling wind. The kid heard something from the bushes, and this caused the kid to stop. The kid didn't move from her spot as she listened to the sounds of bushes rustling. The kid wasn't afraid as the noise came even closer.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A sly and co*cky voice said from the bushes.

The kid didn't move as five figures came out from the bushes, wearing clothes that looked dirty and worn out. And the kid knew that they were bandits, the kid wasn't scared, and didn't care. The kid's head was looking down as the leader of the group came up to the kid. He smirks at the kid wickedly, as if the kid has something that he wants.

"What's a little kid like you doing here all alone?" He asked playfully and yet rudely.

The kid didn't even flinch at the leader's words. In fact, the kid was more annoyed than scared since the kid knew that the leader was trying to be scary, which he is not. The leader became annoyed, the kid wasn't even afraid of him and his gang. How can this kid not be afraid of them?

"Hey! Are you deaf or somethin'?!" The leader almost exclaims.

"I'm not deaf or afraid." The kid spoke blankly, sounding like a girl.

The gang and the leader were first surprised by the kid, or better yet, the girl's reply. Her voice doesn't sound scared or squeaky. No, her voice sounded cold and empty, as if she wasn't born with emotions. The girl lifts her head as the mask covers her eyes, showing an intimidating sight for the bandits.

"If you're trying to rob me, don't bother, I don't have any money." The girl said as she was about to walk away when the leader put his foot down and came to her face.

"Listen here girlie!" The leader snarls. "You have no idea who you're dealing with."

"I'm dealing with a bunch of idiots." The girl said dully.

The leader was getting angry at this girl. She wasn't even afraid of him or his gang behind him. The leader took out his gun and pointed at the girl's forehead. She was getting on his nerves and wanted her to know that she should be afraid. Unknown to them, the girl's shadow was moving towards the leader's four members.

"What the hell did you say?!" The leader yelled in anger.

"And you said I was deaf." The girl said boringly. "You're nothing more than a lonely idiot who ruined his life because of failure."

The leader growled at the girl. "LONELY?! HA! MY GANG CAN BEAT YOU UP EASILY!"

"What gang?" The girl asked blankly.

"Right th-wha?" When the leader turns around, he notices his gang is gone. That confused and shocked the leader. His gang was right behind him when they were going to rob the girl and use her as a ransom, but now, they're gone. Not a single trace of them is there. The leader would've stayed shocked but soon something felt wrong. He felt his spin shivered when he could feel the girl was looking at him in a strange way. He slowly turns to the girl and his eyes widen in fear and horror. The girl was surrounded by a black aura. This terrified the leader as he slowly backed away from the girl with his gun raised. The girl let out a small chuckle that sounded cold and dark.

"You're scared." The girl said coldly. "Now that you have no gang, you are defenseless, alone...scared."

That last part sends a shiver in his soul. Her voice sounded like a demonic being. The girl's dark aura made her cloak move, swaying by the energy of the aura. The former leader backed away quickly. Something about this girl wasn't right, this girl wasn't normal. The former leader became more and more terrified as he stared at the girl with fear while pointing his gun at her.

"S-Stay back!" He stuttered in fear.

The girl tilts her head innocently as she looks at him under her mask. "You think your little toy could stop me?" She asked coldly.

The former leader tried to act brave, he can't be scared of a girl! He soon fired his weapon with a loud'BANG!'and a bullet was slowly headed towards the unfazed girl. But before it could reach its target, the bullet bounced into an invisible force and was taken back to the leader, disarming him from his gun. The former leader yelled in pain as he clutched his hand, it was bleeding by the bullet.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you should learn not to use dangerous weapons that you can't use." The girl said in a mocking innocence.

The leader slowly backs away in fear as the girl's aura begins to grow, looking like a black flame of darkness. Soon, a force pushes her cloak and hood to reveal her dress and her hair. Her hair was black with white and red and was tied into pigtails. Then the girl's skin started to turn pale as snow and her aura grew even more. The leader tried to escape but couldn't, he was too afraid to even move. Then four shadow silhouettes appeared behind her, shadowing the girl yet it was a terrifying sight. And then the girl's choker's red gem started to glow and something slowly came out from it.

"Like I said before." The girl spoke as she slowly removed her mask and dropped it on the ground. The former leader looked the girl in the eye and his fear widened his eyes. The scleras are black like tar and her irises are glowing with slit pupils. The girl stared at the weak and lone bandit with cold eyes, and slowly made a toothy smile that showed her sharp teeth.

"You're nothing more than a lonely idiot who ruined his life because of failure."The girl's voice turned dark as a demon.

The bandit tried to run but trips with his own feet. He yells in shock and fear as he tries to get up but stops when he soon hears a growl. He slowly brings his shaking head up and something coming from behind the girl and four silhouettes figures. The pathetic human slowly looks up with his tearful eyes to see a dinosaur like Grimm. It was a freakishly large Theropod like Grimm It also has long, muscular arms and grasping claw like fingers with opposable thumbs, it has some kind of horns on its skull like head and it possesses rows of jagged, gnarly teeth, and it has bone like spikes behind the arms, small spines on its head with spikes on the back of its head down to the back. It was known to be feared by all humans and Faunus, it was the Indominus Grimm Rex, a rare and dangerous Grimm that no one could kill. But no one could tame it, and it will be the last thing that the bandit will see.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (6)

"Y-You're the G-Grimm Girl." The former leader stuttered in fear.

The girl smiles at him coldly."That I am, too bad this our finalmeeting."She said darkly.

The Indominus Grimm Rex's hellfire eyes glared down at the cowardly bandit as it tried to get up but to no avail. Soon, the Grimm was in front of the scared bandit, feeling the fear that he was giving made it stronger, and then it snapped its jaws at the bandit, and the scene went black.

A small campfire was seen inside a cave. In that cave was the girl, her mask was on and she was leaning on the wall while the fire kept her warm. The cave wasn't big but it was okay for her to rest. The bandits that bothered her are no longer going to be around forever. The girl lets out a sigh, causing an icy breath to escape, even though the fire was small, it was able to keep her warm, for now. The girl looked out at the dark forest, there was no one there, not even Grimm. It was calm and peaceful, yet there was no peace for her.

Wherever she goes, she finds many dangers with the humans and the Faunus. She learns that not everyone is good. There are bandits, thieves, and killers in dark towns or cities. There was even an organization called the White Fang that has been causing problems for humans and a company known as Schnee. The girl didn't like the Schnee family, there was a reason why, but she isn't the type of girl to speak of it. Yet, a hint of anger was coming from her whenever Schnee was brought up.

Is there something wrong, Voltaria?

A calm and feminine voice came from her head. The girl known as Volataria sighs as she removes her mask and places it down to her side. She opens her eyes to reveal sapphire orbs that shine by the fire.

"There's nothing wrong with me, Regina." She answered softly.

Four shadow figures appeared from behind her. They soon became shadow like figures and stood separately, two on the left and two on the right. Three of the shadow figures have eyes while the other does not. Her entities are Hannibal, Tabitha, Wraith, and Regina.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (7)

Hannibal is an entity that feeds off an aura of energies from people and gives that energy to Voltaria. He doesn't talk much, he only growls, grunts, mumbles, or whines. He can speak a few words like 'Food', 'Feed me', 'Hungry', 'Boring', and other words that were easy for him. And he likes to eat a lot. Next to him is Tabitha. She is the silent and sneaky type of entity, she spies on people to get information and secrets that they have and used against them. Next is Wraith, he's a vicious and violent entity. He loves to fight and gives people a hard time. And lastly, Regina. Regina is a very wise and super intelligent entity. She has many hidden secrets and histories that many scholars would die for, and Regina was the one who tutors Voltaria. They've been with her always, even when she was a baby, they were watching her from the shadows.

Are you sure?Regina asked as she came close to Volatria's side.It seems that you are...bothered by something.

Tsk, she'll probably think what's the next victim.Wraith said with a wicked tone.

Regina turns to him with her snow white eyes narrowed.Can you be more immature?She asked in annoyance.

Sure I can, let's go find some criminals and tear them to pieces!Wraith suggested with a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.

If Regina had irises, she would've rolled them in annoyance.Ugh, I'll never understand your behavior.

Then don't, Ms. Know It All!Wraith exclaims to her.

I'll take Ms. Know It All over a big lump of idiot!Regina shots back.

"Who are you calling an idiot!"Wraith yelled.

Would you two stop fighting for one day?Tabitha pleaded in annoyance.

But sadly, the two entities started bickering with one another, leaving Tabitha to sweatdrop. Voltaria watched as her two of her entities argued, she didn't bother stopping them, it's how they always do. Hannibal comes by Voltaria's side and nuzzles her arm gently, Voltaria turns to him and gently strokes his head, earning happy purrs.

"Thanks, Hannibal." Voltaria said softly. "I needed that."

Voltaria, if there's something bothering you, you can talk to us.Tabitha said.

She, Voltaria, and Hannibal turn towards the two bickering entities, who are now arguing about something else. Tabitha sighs before turning to Voltaria.You can talk to me, Hannibal, or Vision.She corrected herself.

Voltaria lifts her and looks around, "Speaking of which. Vision, come here."

A small flash of light appeared in thin air, right in front of Voltaria. It revealed a basketball size crystal ball.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (8)

The crystal ball floats towards Voltaria and hovers in front of her. Voltaria strokes the orb gently, causing it to glow in a yellow color. Vision is another entity that Voltaria has. He helps her see through parts of the future and finds any danger. Voltaria then gently waves her hand in front of Vision, and images of Atlas are shown. Voltaria looked at Atlas and saw the numbers of soldiers were increasing. And they're building new solder robots, more advanced and 'friendly'.

Voltaria rolled her eyes at Atlas before waves Vision to change the scene and saw something interesting. She saw a man named Roman Torchwick, a wanted criminal that robbed a lot of Dust Shop and some weaponry. He and four henchmen were heading down an alley from the shadows, frightening some nearby citizens as they made their way towards the shop called From Dust Till Dawn. Voltaria watched with interest as this girl named Ruby Rose was able to defeat them with ease. Torchwick was about to escape to a bullhead, and Ruby chased after him, ready to fight. Luckily for her, a professional Glynda Goodwitch. A mysterious woman fought Glynda, it was almost an evenly fought fight, but Torchwick got away. Voltaria's interest soon faded after the end, where Ruby was taken in for questioning with Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy. Hannibal mistaken the beacon as bacon, which the others have to explain to him that it's not an academy with bacon. Voltaria got bored of listening to their conversation and decided to remove the image away with one swift of her hand. Voltaria sighs as she looks up at the cave's ceiling. There was nothing interesting in her life, other than traveling to different places, nothing can please her bored mind.

Unlike the kids her age, Voltaria was always ahead of them. She is much smarter and more advanced. And they say children are born unique in their own way. In truth, Voltaria somewhat believes that. You see, Voltaria has strange abilities, and those are to understand Grimm and fortune telling. Whenever she is with Grimm, she can understand them, bond with them. And once she bonds with them, they are forever loyal to her. She keeps the bond ones on her choker necklace that she called the Grimm Holder. And her gift to see people's fortune of the past, present, and the future, was a mystery. She can see people's fortune if she holds their hands or uses cards. Speaking of cards, Voltaria has this ability to use the card to bring good or bad fortune to those lucky or unlucky souls. She doesn't know how she got them, but she believes that there is a reason why she has these abilities, but she needs to figure it out why. Shaking her head, Voltaria decided to go to sleep. She has a long journey to reach the next town.

"I'm tired, let's go to sleep." She said, but it sounded like an order.

Regina and Wraith stopped arguing before looking at Voltaria, who was closing her eyes. They decided to finish this off tomorrow. Her entities returned back to the shadows while Vision rested himself on Voltaria's lap. Soon, they were all asleep and soon, Voltaria entered a dreamless sleep.

On the next day, Voltaria woke up and continued her way with Vision floating by her side. She didn't have any breakfast since Hannibal gives her enough energy after devouring the four bandits last night. She continues her journey to find her next job. But it will be tricky since some towns or villages have no bounty for huntsmen or huntresses to take down. But Voltaria enjoys the peace and tranquility of the forest, until Voltaria hears Wraith let out an annoyed groan, clearly bored out of his mind.

This is so boring!Wraith whines in annoyance.How far is one damn town?!

Regina sighs in annoyance as Voltaria continues walking.For the thirtieth time, the next town will be a few miles away.She answered annoyed to the impatient entity.

Wraith groans again, he wasn't a very patient entity. He always charges into battle, never thinks first. He never listens to Regina because she is too naggy. Telling him to do this, telling him he's wrong, and calling him aThick Headed Idiot. Of all the four entities, Regina and Wraith never got along. And Tabitha would try to calm or stop their fights while Hannibal restrained Wraith from going too far. So far, Tabitha and Hannibal get along fine. They sometimes have disagreements, but nonetheless; they're okay.

Why can't we just use Alizeh to fly us there?!Wraith almost exclaims.

Alizeh is Voltaria's Nevermore, she helps Voltaria get to oversea places. Voltaria and her entities found her in the forest, gorging on some bandits. Voltaria soon bonds with her and she is forever loyal.

We only use Alizeh to go overseas, not to towns.Regina informs him again in annoyed and angry tone

Can you two stop arguing for one minute?Tabitha pleaded.

Until he/she says I'm right!Regina and Wraith exclaims angrily.

Tabitha sighs before Hannibal starts growling. This caught everyone's attention. Voltaria stops on her tracks before listening to Hannibal's growls.

"Hannibal, what is wrong?"

Even though Hannibal can't talk, he can only say a few words, and one word causes everyone to be at edge.


Voltaria looked at the path and glared under her mask. Vision quickly vanishes in thin air and Voltaria jumps on top of a tree and lands on a branch. She hid in the shadows and watched carefully as someone was coming to the path. Voltaria took out a black/red dagger and glared at the path. She waited patiently and was ready to strike at the danger, but she soon stopped when she saw who it was. A middle-aged man with tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes was walking through the path with a cane in hand. He has a light complexion and sharp facial features. His outfit is an unzipped black suit over a dark green, buttoned vest and a green shirt. He also wears black trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants. And lastly, he wears shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck.

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Voltaria recognized him immediately. That man is Professor Ozpin, the Headmaster of Beacon Academy. Voltaria narrowed her eyes as Ozpin was walking on the path calmly. He has no fear in his eyes as he stops near the tree where Voltaria was hiding, his side facing Voltaria and was not looking up. Voltaria became suspicious about this.

Hey, isn't that old-man the professor from that academy called Bacon or something.Wraith telepathically said to the others.

Bacon.Hannibal hums out happily, feeling hungry for food.

It's Beacon, Hannibal, not bacon.Tabitha corrected, which made Hannibal whimper sadly.

Well, it seems Wraith got some parts right.Regina telepathically complimented.

I did? I mean-I DID!Wraith boasted which caused the three entities to sweat drop at him.

"Why is he even here for?" Voltaria asked them.

Before anyone could answer, Ozpin's voice surprised them. "You know, you can't hide on that tree forever." Ozpin said calmly.

This caught Voltaria by surprise, she always keeps her presence hidden well, how did he know where she was? She was both impressed and somewhat surprised. Ozpin didn't look up as he stared at the path up ahead, yet he calmly assured her that he wasn't a threat.

"Do not worry." He spoke calmly. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Voltaria raises a brow, as if he can hurt her. Wraith was laughing hysterically in her head. Finding it amusing that Ozpin can take down Voltaria, she's been trained by him for years. With the help of him and the others, they have the strength to take down hundreds-NO! THOUSANDS of Armies!

HA! THAT PUNY HUMAN CAN TAKE DOWN US?! AS IF! HAHAHAHA!" Wraith continues laughing at that.

Would you stop laughing and stay focused?Regina hissed at him.His aura is different from the rest of the humans.

She's right, we can't just attack him, we have to know why he is here.Tabitha stated.

"Tabitha's right, let's ask him." Voltaria agreed to her entity before jumping down off the tree and landing on her feet, without making a sound. Voltaria stood up and looked at Ozpin. The man looks at her calmly, showing no signs of fear.

"Hello, I am Professor Ozpin, I am the headmaster of Beacon Academy." Ozpin answered kindly.

"I already know who you are." Voltaria said to him coldly. "How do you know I was here?" She asked suspiciously.

Ozpin smiles at her calmly. "I have my ways." He answered calmly before he looked at her. "There are many rumors about you."

"And did you believe them?" She asked coldly, her eyes narrowed under her mask.

"Some, and there's another rumor. Last night, some bandits terrorizing some travelers in some part of the forest soon disappeared. And yet, there was no one there...but you." Ozpin stated, looking at Voltaria.

Voltaria glares at him under her mask, she's beginning to think that he knows something that she doesn't know. He's hiding something, and she wants answers, she can do this the easy or the hard way.

"I'll ask again, why are you here?" Voltaria said impatiently.

This only made Ozpin smile at her. "Isn't it obvious."

No.Voltaria's entities answered in her head blankly.

"How would you like to enroll at Beacon Academy?" Ozpin asked.

There was a dead silence on the wind. Voltaria stared at Ozpin blankly under her mask, her right eyebrow twitched. Her mind went blank at that sudden offer, but it was soon cut of by-

What?Regina spoke in surprise in Voltaria's head.

Huh?Tabitha was also surprised by that.

WHAT?!Wraith exclaims.

Eh?Was the only thing Hannibal said, he was clearly confused by this.

Why would Ozpin want her to be a huntress in Beacon Academy? I mean, she's like twelve years old, and she's already a skilled huntress. Plus, the students might judge her like they did to the Faunus, and she didn't want to deal with that. However, she is strong and with her entities, nothing can harm her.

Ozpin notices that Voltaria wasn't answering him. He guessed she was surprised by his offer. "Are you alright?" He asked nicely.

Voltaria snaps out from her trance and looks at Ozpin. "Yeah, I'm fine, but why do you want me to go to your school?" She asked suspiciously yet dangerously. "And there better be a good reason."

"There is. You can advance your skills and understand your true potential." Ozpin explains.

Ha! Kid doesn't need that!"Wraith said in Voltaria's head and to the other entities."Her skills are more advanced than those low lives that you call hunters! She doesn't need to go to that school!

...Are you saying that, so you also won't attend school?Regina asked, already knowing the answer.

...Maybe.Wraith said.I mean, the kid already has enough education with you, she doesn't need to be taught.

In other words, you don't want to hear any more lectures, correct?Regina asked, annoyed.

Duh! Your lectures are boring, and if kid goes to school, the lectures will be even more boring!Wraith exclaims to her.

You son of a-Regina was about to say something until she got an idea.Maybe she should go.

What?The three entities and Voltaria asked in confusion.

Think about it, if Voltaria goes to Beacon Academy, she will learn new skills of combat, finding her opponents weaknesses. And, who knows, maybe we'll find out what hidden secrets that Ozpin has.Regina explains.

That is the most-Wraith was cut off by Voltaria.

"Maybe I should go." Voltaria said to them.

SAY WHAT?!Wraith roared in shock.Kid, you can't be serious?!

I am, this will clear some thoughts that are in my mind, and maybe entertain myself. Who knows, we might find something interesting, like hidden secrets."Voltaria said to them.

Regina, who was happy about this, agreed with Tabitha and Hannibal. Wraith, on the other hand, hated the idea. He is not going to school with a bunch of teenagers. Sure, there are combat lessons, some sparring, and training missions that have life and death experience...the hell with this! Wraith now wants to join in the action.

Fine! I'll go, as long as I get to kick some ass!Wraith stated.

Then we all agree.Regina said.

Voltaria heard her entities agreeing before she looked at Ozpin with suspicion. She will agree to join, but he has to answer these simple questions. "I'll join, if you answer my questions."

Ozpin looks at her with a smile on his face. "Alright, what questions do you want me to answer?"

"First question: How did you find me?" She asked.

Ozpin simply answered. "I have my ways."

Voltaria felt her entities' emotions coming to her, clearly stating that he's hiding something. "Second question: Do you realize what I can do?"

"Yes, I do know what you can do." Ozpin answered seriously. "You have a connection with Grimm."

Voltaria narrows her eyes under her mask. Surely he knows something and is hiding it from her. But she'll find out sooner or later. "Last question: Why aren't you afraid?"

Ozpin pushes his glasses a bit and looks at Voltaria seriously. "I am aware of your ability and many find it terrifying. However, there's no need to be afraid of you." He answered calmly.

"Why is that?" Voltaria asked, raising a brow.

"Because I see a young student with great potential in becoming a skilled huntress." Ozpin said to her.

Voltaria stared at him. He wasn't lying to her, he was telling the truth. He isn't afraid of her ability, he was more interested then scared. But she did promise him.

"Alright, I'll go to your academy, it's not like I have better things to do." Voltaria said.

Ozpin smiles at her. "Excellent. Now, shall we go?" He asked kindly.

Voltaria just simply nodded and touched her Grimm Holder. "Alizeh, come forth." She ordered.

Voltaria's Grimm Holder's red gem glows brightly and Alizeh comes out from it. She lets out a shriek and spreads her wings.

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Ozpin was not fazed by this, he was rather impressed by this. Alizeh lowers one of her wings to Voltaria. Alizeh is obedient to her mistress, she will never betray or abandon her, she is bound to her. Voltaria calmly walks up on Alizeh's offered wing and sits on her knees on the back of the Nevermore's. Voltaria looked at Ozpin, who was looking at her, and said to him.

"I don't have all day, just get on Alizeh. We'll get to Vale faster."

Ozpin nodded and calmly walked over to Alizeh, who was eyeing on him, but she soon stopped when Voltaria gently stroked Alizeh. Voltaria sends calming thoughts to her Nevermore, and it instantly calms her down. Ozpin sits behind Voltaria, sitting on his knees as well and his cane was on his lap.

"By the way, I didn't get your name." Ozpin said to her.

Voltaria didn't look at him, but she did answer his question. "Voltaria, my name is Voltaria Eclipse." She said softly.

Ozpin simply nodded, he has no further questions for now. Voltaria was glad that there won't be any more questions. She gently pats Alizeh gently and gives her an order.

"Alizeh, take us to Vale."

Alizeh lets out a shriek before taking off with one flap of her powerful wings. She flies up into the air and soon heads to their destination. Voltaria and Ozpin calmly sat on Alizeh's back, no one spoke for a while on the flight. Voltaria wasn't much of a conversationalist since the only ones she talks to were her entities.

"I do hope that the Grimm you have won't cause trouble." Ozpin finally spoke, snapping Voltaria from her trance.

Voltaria didn't look at him as Alizeh continued flying to their destination. Voltaria has another Grimm in her Grimm Holder, she collects some on her journey, they are obedient to her. Voltaria learns that there are some Grimm that are tamable and some that are not. Those who are not tamable she calls them Rouges. She doesn't know why she calls the Rouge, she just knows. But she assured Ozpin that her Grimm won't hurt anybody...yet.

"Don't worry, they won't cause trouble." Voltaria answered him.

Until her eyes changed under her mask, her scleras turned into black and her pupils turned into silts, her irises were glowing as she said something in her mind.

"But if anyone messes with me, I'll mess with them."Voltaria thought dangerously and her entities agreed as Alizeh flew towards the destination in full speed with Voltaria and Ozpin on her back.

Not knowing what dangers lie ahead.


The Indominus Grimm Rex belongs to WindwalkerF11 inDeviantart.

Chapter 3: Teammates I

Chapter Text

Voice Actor and Actress

Wade Cross: Zac Efron

Ammolite Jewel: Sofia Carson

Evo Hebi:Shawn Mendes

Flying above the clouds, Alizeh the Nevermore was flying towards Vale as she flapped her mighty wings. On her back were Voltaria and Ozpin. The two humans were sitting patiently on Alizeh, not speaking as they made their way to Vale. But they're not going to land in the city. Alizeh will land in the Emerald Forest. Ozpin told her that there is an airship waiting for them. Voltaria didn't complain, but she was on edge, thinking that it was a trap. Alizeh made it to the Emerald Forest and landed on a clearing. Once she landed, Voltaria and Ozpin were off her while Alizeh shook her head. Voltaria returns Alizeh back to her Grimm Holder before turning towards Ozpin.

"Where's the airship?" Voltaria asked.

"Follow me." Ozpin answered as he guided her to the direction.

Voltaria follows Ozpin without questions. They walked to the path and went to another that leads up to a cliff. They hiked up the cliff and when they reached the top, Voltaria saw an airship, called a bullhead, waiting for them.

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Voltaria's entities could sense people in there, one female huntress and a pilot.

"Come along." Ozpin said to her as he made his way to the airship.

Voltaria sighs mentally as she follows Ozpin inside the bullhead. As they both entered, Voltaria saw Glynda Goodwitch, who was crossing her arms, looking at Voltaria curiously yet suspiciously.

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"So, she's the Grimm Girl." Glynda said, looking at Voltaria.

Glynda heard the rumors of the Grimm Girl, how she took down bandits and criminals without any problems was a mystery. She can even communicate to Grimm, it was an amazing ability to have, yet for a girl that young with such power, Glynda has no idea how to deal with that.

"Indeed, she is." Ozpin said to Glynda before looking at Voltaria. "I would like to introduce you to Voltaria Eclipse. Ms. Eclipse, this is Professor Glynda Goodwitch."

The two females stared at each other. Voltaria wasn't interested in this huntress, even though her semblance was kind of cool. Wraith informs Voltaria that Glynda was like another Regina, which earned another argument. But it didn't last long as Voltaria just turned her head away a bit.

"Hi." Voltaria muttered a greeting.

"Greetings." Glynda said in a deadpan tone.

After their greeting, the bullhead took off to Vale. No one spoke during the flight, because there's nothing to talk about. It took a while before reaching their destination. The airship landed and Ozpin, Glynda, and Voltaria got off the bullhead as they made their way to the academy. It was big and fancy like the other academies, yet with more securities.

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Voltaria's entities were somewhat impressed by the school. Ozpin walked beside Voltaria and glanced at her. She didn't bother to look at him as Ozpin looked at the school.

"This is where you will learn to be a proper huntress." Ozpin began. "The students will arrive tomorrow, and you will be staying at a hotel that I will rent for you."

"No thanks." Voltaria said, causing Ozpin to look at her with a brow raised. "I'll find my own place to stay."

"You'll be staying in a fancy hotel, you don't need to find somewhere else to stay." Glynda said to her.

"I'm more of an outdoor girl than an indoor type of girl." Voltaria said. "And I'm not used to people yet. I'll meet you two tomorrow, bye."

With that said, Voltaria disappeared into the shadows, surprising Ozpin and Glynda. Ozpin knew that Voltaria was special, she's different from the rest and is well talented in her field of training. Glynda, on the other hand, finds it odd for a girl her age to act like that. Glynda wonders why that girl would rather find her own place instead of being offered. She's going to find out eventually, and when she does, she's going to help that girl.


On the next day, Voltaria was inside the academy, walking to the halls with Glynda and Ozpin. Voltaria found a place to stay. It was on top of a building somewhere, and she slept on the roof without getting cold. They went to the auditorium to go to the stage while Voltaria hid in the shadows to watch the whole thing. Ozpin and Glynda went on stage to start the announcement to the students.

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There were many students, different genders, both human and Faunus. Voltaria looked at the room and soon saw Ruby Rose.

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Voltaria sees her more interesting than the others. Next to Ruby is her sister Yang Xiao Long. She has golden blonde hair and lilac eyes. She looks tough and isn't afraid to face challenges.

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And then, she came, Weiss Schnee.

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Voltaria felt her anger rising as she saw the Schnee. There was a reason why she is mad at the Schnee, the reason was unknown to others, but her entities know. Regina gave Voltaria calming words, telling her to relax as Ozpin made his way to the microphone.

"I'll...keep this brief." Ozpin spoke, adjusting his glasses and looking at the first-year students. "You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy in need of purpose, direction." He spoke, causing the students to whisper among themselves.

"You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." Ozpin finished.

As Ozpin leaves, Glynda steps in and finishes the meeting. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow, your initiation begins, be ready. You are dismissed." She said to the students.

The students did as they were told and walked out to get their things. Voltaria shook her head and followed Ozpin and Glynda. They headed towards Ozpin's office, it was huge, very huge. There was a single desk there, where Ozpin sits. Voltaria looks at the window, staring down at the students that are walking about on the courtyard. She isn't the type of girl to socialize with other people. She prefers to be alone and be with her entities and Grimm. Then Glynda walked over to her, standing beside the girl. The twelve-year-old didn't bother to look at Glynda as the huntress stared at the girl before looking at the window.

"You could go out there." Glynda began.

Voltaria glanced under her mask as she looked at the huntress before looking at the window. "Yeah...the Grimm Girl walking down there, socializing with people who think I'm a monster." She said sarcastically and plainly.

"Are you like this to your parents?" Glynda said almost like a scold.

Voltaria didn't answer that question. She never got to know her parents, they died a long time ago when she was young. She didn't have a happy childhood, she had to grow up fast and mature quickly. She didn't get to play with dolls, play with friends, or be loved by parents. No, she was cheated off from her childhood, Voltaria never got to experience a happy childhood.

"I never even get toknowmy parents." Voltaria suddenly mutters out.

This caught Glynda's attention as she looked at the girl. "What?"

"Nothing." Voltaria said as she looked out of the window. "So...the students here are first-years, right?"

Glynda was still curious about her parents but decided to change the subject. "Yes, before these students can enter any of the Academies, they have to attend Primary Combat Schools. Those institutions teach them more of basic tenets of combat and unique weapon forging." She explains.

"I didn't attend any combat schools." Voltaria pointed out.

"True, but there are some students that are accepted without having to attend combat school if they are skilled enough." Glynda added before looking at Volatria. "Like you for instance."

Voltaria heard Wraith chuckled in her head.Yeah, she is. She's one tough girl that can take down every pathetic student in this academy!

Don't get co*cky, Wraith.Regina scolded, earning a grumble from Wraith.

Voltaria sighs mentally as she looks out at the window again before turning to Glynda. "I'm going, maybe I should 'socialize'." Voltaria sarcastically said before walking out of the office while Glynda and Ozpin, who was sitting on his desk while drinking his coffee, watched her leaves and went to the elevator. As the elevator's doors close, Voltaria leans on her back and lets out a sigh while the elevator brings her down.

"Maybe it was a mistake to come here." Voltaria mutters out.

I told ya so!Wraith yells out in her mind.We should bale before Headmaster Coffee finds out.

Headmaster...Coffee?Tabitha asked Wraith in confusion.Why did you call Ozpin, Headmaster Coffee?

Because he keeps drinking coffee.

And you know this, why?Regina asked.

I could smell him, duh!Wraith said rudely.

"Can you stay quiet, I need to think." Voltaria said to them before taking out a card that shows her teleportation.

The card glowed and teleported Voltaria to the courtyard, behind a tree. There were less people now, so Voltaria decided to sit down behind the tree, and try to relax. Voltaria's cards are not just used to bring good or bad fortune, it also can somewhat break the fourth-wall. She doesn't know how, but the cards have their limits. Voltaria decided to bring out Vision, so he can help her find out more about this school. She was lucky that there are no cameras in this area. Vision shows her Beacon's insides and outsides. The inside of the academy shows the dorms, classrooms, library, training ground, cafeteria, bathrooms, locker room, and so on. And the outside shows the scenic trees, arching architecture, and a winding road alongside a river that is down. Voltaria looks at the scene carefully, trying to find any secrets that Ozpin was hiding. She would've continued, if someone wasn't coming her way when Vision predicted him coming.

Voltaria quickly stops and Vision disappears, she turns around, and sees the person who was coming to her spot. It was a male student, he had brown shaggy hair and eyes. His outfit is a button-down shirt, with wrangler, blue jeans, a cowboy hat, and brown/black cowboy boots.

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He looks at Voltaria, who was looking at him under her mask. They stared at each other for a while, not bothering to break eye contact, but Voltaria decided to break the ice.

"What are you looking at?" She asked almost rudely.

His response was a shrug as he looked at her. "Nothin' much, I'm curious to see a kid like ya is attendin' to Beacon." He said casually.

Voltaria rolled her eyes under her mask. "Yeah, right. So, how'd you know I was here?" She asked.

"I heard somethin' in the bushes and I thought it was prankster, but all I found was a kid." He said.

Okay, he's getting on my nerves!Wraith yelled angrily in Voltaria's head.

"Are you trying to get me mad?" Voltaria asked, annoyed.

The male shook his head as he leaned on the tree with his arms crossed. "Nah, I ain't gonna piss ya off."

"Why is that?"

"Because yer the Grimm Girl that the people are talkin' about." The male said. "And there were rumors around that ya're attending Beacon Academy, guess they were true."

"Of course, there are rumors." Voltaria thought, annoyed.

Everywhere she goes, people would make up rumors about her, some were true and some were not, and yet this rumor of her attending Beacon Academy is true. And hopefully keep the students in bay and away from her. Now here's the million-lien question, who heck is he?

"Do you have a name, or should I call Cowboy?" Voltaria asked dully.

"Hmph, I do have a name, but do you have a name, Grimm Girl?" The male asked almost jokingly yet challenging.

"Touché." Voltaria mutters. "But I asked first."

"Fair enough." The male said before tipping his hat a bit with his hand. "The names Wade, Wade Cross."

So, he's the son of Jericho Cross.Regina said to Voltaria.

Jericho Cross is one of the deadliest outlaws there is. No matter how many hunters or huntresses find him and try to bring him alive or dead, they end up missing or worse, dead. Voltaria and her entities tried to find and get the award money, but he's difficult because his semblance was to vanish from his tracks.

"I didn't know you were related to Jericho Cross." Voltaria said to Wade.

"He ain't my family." Wade said almost bitterly. "He's an outlaw and he wasn't there for me when I was kid."

"He abandoned you, correct?" Voltaria asked.

Wade nodded as he glared on the ground. "He did, he abandoned me and my ma. He was never 'round, and I ain't gonna be like him." He said before looking at Voltaria. "What 'bout ya? What's yer backstory?"

"First off, I don't talk about my past to the people I still don't trust. And second, my name is Voltaria, Voltaria Eclipse."

Wade raised a brow and almost chuckled, causing Wraith to be angry in Voltaria's head, as Wade looked at her with a small smirk. "Yer strange girl, ya know that?"

Voltaria turns away. "No, I was told that was terrifying." She said before standing up and walking away. "I guess it was a nice meeting, Cross." She said as she disappeared through the bushes, leaving a shock and surprise for Wade.

Voltaria was now behind a shrub, trying to find a place to think. She couldn't believe that she talks to some guy that she doesn't know. He wasn't afraid of who she was, he was rather interested. Voltaria tried to shake her thoughts away, until she felt many boys were drooling at someone. Peeking behind the shrub. She saw the male students, drooling over a very attractive girl with lavender eyes, black hair with red and blue streaks. She walks past them elegantly as they stare at her dreamily, wishing that she was their girlfriend.

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Who the heck is that?Wraith asked mentally.

That's Ammolite Jewel. She's what the teenagers called...a rich girl.Regina explains. Regina knows people's histories and family lineage since her wisdom is greater than anyone's."Her mother is a famous fashion designer and her father is a very wealthy businessman, who owns every transportation vehicle there is."

Huh, she must've got everything that every girl dreams of."Tabitha added.I just hope she is not spoiled.

Like the Schnee girl?Wraith stated the obvious.

"I hope she's not spoiled." Voltaria mutters before disappearing from the courtyard to the school

Voltaria was back to the academy's entrance and was about to walk away when she saw a pale white skinned male teen wearing a green visor. He was looking at the statue with his hands in his pockets.

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Voltaria quickly hides in the shadows when he turns to look at her direction. Seeing no one, the teen returns to the statue again. Voltaria's entities could tell that he's a Faunus, and he's a quiet type. Voltaria was out of the academy, and heading towards the city, hiding in the shadows. She has a lot to think about what just happened. And getting ready for tomorrow.


On the next day, Wade woke up by the sound of a girl getting up with a yawn. He sat up from his sleeping bag, shirtless, and saw a girl with orange hair named Nora Voltariakyrie, staring at the male name Lie Ren, who is her best friend and not boyfriend...yet.

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Nora gave him a cheerful smile and said. "Wake up, lazy bud!" She then dashes side to side.

Wade rolled his eyes at the girl, she acted like a child. Speaking of which, Wade hadn't seen Voltaria here, maybe she was sleeping somewhere else. Wanting to find her, Wade gets up and puts his shirt back on and fixes his stuff before getting ready. Meanwhile, Ren gets up with a groan as Nora bothers him, who didn't feel unfazed by this.

Nora started singing. "It's morning! It's morning! It's morning! It's morning!"

Ren sighs again and then heads towards the bathroom. He was brushing his teeth in the restroom while Nora continued to talk nonsense to him. "I can't believe we've been at Beacon for a full twenty-four hours! Not that I thought we'd get kicked out or anything, I mean, you're the perfect student and I'm...well, I'm me! But it's just crazy, you know?"

When they finished, they both were in the ballroom, where the two were readying themselves. Nora was brushing her hair and still chattering about while Ren was tightening the strings on his sleeping bag, listening to Nora for some reason.

"We've been friends for soooooooo long! What are the odds we'd still be together? Well, nottogether-together. Not that I'm not saying that you're not are handsome, but that'd just be weird, right?"

Soon, they were at the cafeteria, eating pancakes for breakfast with maple syrup. As the two are in the middle of eating their breakfast, Nora has a pancake hanging from her mouth as she is still talking, even though it was muffled through her food.

"Right! What was I thinking? But still, I hope we end up on the same team together!" She slurps up the rest of her pancake like a noodle. "Ohhhh! We should come up with some sort of plan, to make sure we end up on the same team together! What if we bribe the headmaster? No, that won't work. He has the school."

The two are now in the locker room, readying themselves today. Ren loading StormFlower, a pair of fully automatic pistols with sickle-like blades attached vertically under the barrels that can cause serious damage. And, surprisingly, Nora was still talking to him, who was still unfazed and a calm look on his face.

"I know! We'll have some sort of signal! Like a distress signal!" Nora said before she gasps. "A secret signal so we can find each other in the forest! Can you imitate a sloth?" She asked.

Ren finally replies as he closes his locker. "Nora?"

Nora stopped and came to his side quickly. "Yes, Ren?"

Ren sheaths his weapons in his sleeves and looks at Nora with a smile. "I don't think sloths make a lot of noise."

Nora thinks about this for a moment. True, Sloths don't make a lot of sounds and they're slow. But it didn't stop Nora from being cheerful with the idea. "That's why it's perfect! No one will suspect we're working together!" She said happily.

Ren smiles at her and shuts his locker. "Come on Nora, let's go." He said as he walked off.

Nora follows him happily. "Nottogether-together..." She giggles, causing Red to roll his eyes and smile. As Ren heads out with a skipping Nora following suit, they pass Ruby Rose and her sister, Yang Xiao Long, as they are busy readying themselves. Ruby looks at the two friends and turns towards Yang, who was adjusting her Ember Celica.

"Wonder what those two are so worked up about?" Ruby asked Yang.

Yang shrugs as she responds. "Oh, who knows? So, you seem awfully chipper this morning." She said.

Ruby nodded to her and gave her a determined look. "Yep! No more awkward small talk orgetting-to-know-youstuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." Ruby brings out her weapon, Crescent Rose, stroking it as she sighs happily.

Yang rolled her eyes at her. "Well, remember, Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together."

Ruby sighs in frustration, "You sound like Dad!" She shoves her weapon into the locker. "Okay, first of all: What does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly: I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!" She defended.

Yang said to her calmly, giving her a big sisterly advice. "But what about when we form teams?"

With that single question, Ruby suddenly became nervous and hesitated to answer. "Um, I don't know, I...I'll just be on your team or something..."

Yang brings her hair around her shoulder and strokes it gently. "Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?"

Ruby puts her arms in her waist and looks at her sister in accusing looks. "My dear sister, Yang! Are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?"

Yang puts her arms up in defense. "What?! No! Of course, I do! I just thought...I don't know, maybe it would help you...break out of your shell!"

"What the-?! I don't need tobreak out of my shell! That's absolutely..." She was cut off by a male named Jaune Arc's voice.

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"Ridiculous!" Jaune exclaims in frustration, walking between the sisters, with a map on his hands. He was looking for his locker where he put his weapon, but he got lost. "There's no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! I would've remembered having to count that high! Why does this have to happen today?!"

As a frustrated Jaune searches for his locker, he walks past Weiss and a girl named Pyrrha Nikos, a skilled level student. They were both getting ready for the big day. Jaune soon walks past Wade, who was getting ready for the field and searching for Voltaria. But he soon saw distress in Jaune, trying to find his gear. Wade felt bad for him and let out a sigh.

"Hey!" Wade calls out to him. Jaune looks at Wade in confusion as the Cowboy lifts one of his arms and balls his hand to a fist before hitting the locker next to him. The locker opens to reveal Jaune's weapons.

Jaune gasps, dropping his map, and soon quickly goes over to the locker, and grabs his weapons, "Thank you!" He said happily and ran off.

Wade sighs again and rolls his eyes before heading out. He walks past Ammolite Jewel, who was getting her two colorful Tokarev TT-33 handguns called Colorslashers. And the white skin teen getting his dark green electric guitar called Musicshocker. Wade heads out while some prepare or go out.

Meanwhile, Weiss was with Pyrrha, talking about who's team she is going to be with. "So, Pyrrha, have you given any thought to whose team you'd like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong, well-known individual such as yourself!"

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Pyrrha turns to her, thinking about meeting her soon to be teammates. "Hmm...I'm not quite sure. I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may." She answered.

Weiss then spoke nicely. "Well...I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together."

Pyrrha looked at her with a smile that was so sweet. "Well, that sounds grand!" She said.

Weiss smiles happily. "Great!"

Then the background disappears into a thundercloud, Weiss adopts a scheming pose and manic smile in her head as she planned her strategy. "This will be perfect! The smartest girl in class combined with the strongest girl in class! Together we will be unstoppable! And maybe I can bring Ammolite Jewel! I can see it now! We'll be popular! We'll be celebrities! We'll get perfect grades! Nothing can come between us now!"

Her scheming plan came to a halt, when Jaune appeared between them. "You know what else is great? Me, Jaune Arc, nice to meet you." He said, flirting with Weiss.

Weiss became irritated at him, he ruined her plan on being the popular girl in school. "You again?"

Pyrrha hurriedly letting herself be seen. "Nice to meet you, Jaune!"

"Yeah, yeah." Jaune acts all tough and pushes Pyrrha aside, and talks to Weiss, posing slightly. "So, Weiss, couldn't help but overhear your fondness of me the other day."

Weiss groans in disgust. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!"

"Don't worry! No need to be embarrassed! So, been hearing rumors about teams! I was thinking you and me would make a good one! What do you say?" Jaune flirts with Weiss, which annoyed her.

Pyrrha then gets Jaune's attention. "Actually, I think the teams are comprised of four students each, so..."

"You don't say." Jaune advances on his new target. "Well, hot stuff, play your cards right and maybe you could join up with the winning team."

Weiss separates the two. "Jaune, is it? Do you have any idea who you're talking to?"

Jaune shakes his head. "Not in the slightest, snow angel." Jaune said, giving Weiss a nickname.

Weiss narrows her eyes at him and points at Pyrrha. "This is Pyrrha."

Pyrrha waves at him and smiles kindly. "Hello again!"

Weiss continues her speech about Pyrrha. "Pyrrha graduated top of her class at Sanctum while Ammolite Jewel is the second!"

Jaune looks clueless about this, not having the slightest clue on what's going on. "Never heard of it." He said.

Weiss scoffs and continues her explanation. "She's won the Mistral Region Tournaments four years in a row! A new record!"

Jaune was getting confused, not sure what that is. "The what?"

Weiss became frustrated and started waving her arms rapidly in anger. "She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box!" She screams out.

Jaune gasps suddenly and points at an embarrassed and shy Pyrrha. "That's you?!"

A design of the cereal box in question is seen with Pyrrha's smiling face on it. "But they only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters!" Jaune added.

Pyrrha smiles sheepishly. "Yeah, it was pretty cool. Sadly, the cereal isn't very good for you." She said.

Soon, Weiss appears as the box design crumbles behind them. "So, after hearing all of this, do you really think you're in a position to ask her to be on your team?" She said, sounding like a snobby bully.

Jaune hung his head in sadness and defeat. "I guess not...Sorry..."

Pyrrha felt bad for him and said nicely to him. "Actually, Jaune, I think you'd make a great leader!"

Jaune immediately brightened back up. "D'oh, stop it!" He said happily.

Weiss looks at her in disbelief. "Seriously, please stop it. This kind of behavior should not be encouraged!" She said to Pyrrha in a scolding tone.

Jaune soon leans over to her, acting all cool, which he is not. "Sounds like Pyrrha's on board for Team Jaune. Spots are filling up quickly! Now, I'm not supposed to do this, but maybe I could pull some strings, find a place for you. What do you say?" Jaune flirts at her again.

Weiss glares at him and her anger soon grows. "All right, that's a bit too close! Pyrrha, a little help, please?!" She turns to the warrior for help.

Jaune looks back, just in time to see Miló, Pyrrha's spear, strike him on his clothes, sending the would-be leader flying off and Pyrrha called out apologetically. "I'm sorry!"

Then an announcement plays on the intercom system that belongs to Glynda. -Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately.-

After the announcement, Weiss walks past Jaune. Jaune was hanging from the wall of a locker. On her way out, Pyrrha follows her, grabbing her spear and dropping Jaune to the ground, and Pyrrha says nicely to him.

"It was nice meeting you!"

Jaune was slumping against the locker, feeling embarrassed and humiliated. "Likewise." He mutters out.

As they left, Yang and Ruby approached him. Jaune didn't bother to look up as Ruby offered him help while Yang made a joke, trying to cheer him up. "Having some trouble there, Lady-killer?"

Jaune sighs as he tries to get up. "I don't understand. My dad said, all women look for confidence! Where did I go wrong?" He whines as he accepts Ruby's offered hand and uses her to lift himself back up.

Yang added another one. "Snow Angelprobably wasn't the best start."

Ruby smiles as she guides Jaune out. "Come on, Jaune. Let's go." Ruby said, leading Jaune out of the locker room by supporting him and his damaged self-esteem.


At the Beacon Cliff, through the overlooking forest.

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There were several students, some old, some new, and some unseen. They are standing on each silver tile in front of a mug-holding Professor Ozpin and Glynda, with her tablet in hand. Wade couldn't find Voltaria, he searched everywhere and found nothing, as if she disappeared. Before he could think further, he heard loud gasps from his soon fellow classmates. Wade looked up and saw Voltaria, still wearing her mask and hood, walking towards them. Her expression was unknown due to her mask hiding her face. The students, minus Jaune and Ruby (the two newbies have no idea who or what Voltaria is) were shocked and terrified to see her. They heard rumors that she would attend this academy, but they thought it was a joke, and yet it was true. Voltaria walks past the students, hearing them whisper out.

"It's her!"

"The Grimm Girl!"

"Crap! She's real!"

"Where's her Grimm?"

"She looks so young!"

Voltaria ignores them and walks towards the white skin teen, and stands on the empty tile, between him and Ammolite. Wade could feel that she wasn't too pleased to be here, but she decided to not talk about it, and get this field training started. After the whole ordeal, Ozpin begins his speech.

"For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest."

Glynda soon added. "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion, each of you will be given teammates today."

Ruby became scared, feeling the whole world was falling apart. "What? Ohhh..."

Ozpin nodded in agreement. "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So, it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well."

Ruby groans silently. Voltaria felt Wraith being angry, feeling that Ozpin planned this thing the whole time, which he did. He wanted Voltaria to be assigned to no teams, so she won't have any distractions.

"That being said. The first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years." Ozpin finished.

Ruby had a shocked expression, mirrors of her world cracked like glass and falling apart. "Whaaaat?!" She screamed in her mind.

THAT LOW LIFE SON OF-Before Wraith could swear, Regina whacks him on his head, Voltaria hears a loud thud in her mind.WHAT HELL WAS THAT FOR?!

Focus, we will deal with that later. Right now, let's help our dear Voltaria in finding her teammates.Regina said, earning a grumble of agreement from Wraith.

Nora looks at Red and says happily. "See? I told you~!"

"After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path...or you will die."

This causes Jaune to laugh nervously and then gulps loudly. Voltaria mentally scoffed, as if anything could kill her. She could tell that there are Grimm there, some are tamable, and some are not. She can handle being in the wild since she has more experience of the outside than inside.

"You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics." Ozpin explains, looking at the students. "Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. You will guard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?"

Jaune raised his hand, trying to get Ozpin's attention. "Yeah, um...Sir?"

Ozpin didn't hear Jaune as he finished his speech. "Good! Now, take your positions." He ordered.

Everyone strikes a pose on their tile, minus Jaune since he was still looking nervous. The others did as they were told. Voltaria crosses her arms, Nora crouches low, Ren wields his weapons, Yang raises her fists, Ruby readies her body, Wade readied his auto magnum pistol called Justiceshot, Ammolite did a ballerina pose, and white skin teen readied his Musicshocker, and Jaune was still raising his hand.

"Uh, sir? I've got, um...a question."

Jaune failed to notice that the tile, under Weiss, rose-up into a springboard before rocketing her into the air and over the forest. Soon, the other

"So, this landing... strategy thing...uh, wha-what is it? You're like dropping us off or something?"

Ozpin shook his head and answered casually. "No, you will be falling."

Jaune didn't notice the missing students being thrown one by one. The white teen was launched, then Voltaria, followed by Ammolite was next, and soon Wade, who looked at Jaune briefly and shook his head before being launched to the sky.

"Oh, uh, I like did you hand out parachutes for us?"

"No, you will be using your ownlanding strategy." Ozpin explains to him.

Jaune wasn't as excited as the others. Speaking of which, Nora and Ren were soon getting launched to the sky, while Jaune was still unsure about this. "Uh-huh...yeah..."

At some point, it was Yang's turn. Yang gives Ruby a wink and puts on a pair of aviators before she flies off with a "Woo-hoooooooo!" then seconds before Ruby joins her, leaving Jaune alone. Jaune was too distracted from being scared, he still looks at the teachers and continues.

"So, what exactly is a landing strategy-YYYYYY!" His final question was cut off when he was suddenly hurled with the cloud of students that are now making their way down into the forest below under the eyes of the teachers. And for Ozpin's, he simply takes a sip of his drink.


On the sky, a black bird or better yet a Grimm Bird was seen flying slowly and magnificently, until that very moment, it gives a final shriek of pain as Ruby crashes through it, causing the bird to burst into feathers, while she plummets downward, but she yelled out "Birdie, no!". Ruby fires off a few rounds from Crescent Rose to slow her down a bit. She then turns her weapon into its scythe form to catch the branch of a tree by her blade, she falls downward at a slower pace. Weiss, armed with Myrtenaster, a sword-like wand of some kind, summons a white snowflake circle under her and leaps off it to the forest below.

Ren descends with Nora, briefly being seen next to him at a faster speed and spins in the air, eventually using StormFlower's blades to spiral around the trunk of a large tree and hit the ground, brushing off his clothes before hearing a loud explosion. Looking up, Ren saw it was Yang. Yang, soaring right over the treetops, is using her gauntlets and its fiery force to push her through the air further and further north, spinning and laughing with each blast, even when she crashes through the leaves of a tree and leaps off two trunks to tumble to the ground. Yang landed with ease without any scratch and ran off, but not before she said.

"Nailed it!"

Meanwhile, Pyrrha uses her weapon in spear form and armed with a shield, crashes through several trees and rolls on a branch, immediately shifting her blade into a rifle and looking through the scope at Jaune as he continues to scream and fall helplessly. Pyrrha coolly transforms her weapon again to its spear form, takes a moment to evaluate her throw, and rockets her javelin deep into the forest until aTHUNK!is heard.

There was a dead silence, Pyrrha thought she missed, but Jaune yelled out in the distance. "Thank you!"

Pyrrha waves and yells apologetically. "I'm sorry!"

Voltaria was seen with her arms crossed as she continued to do nothing when she was thrown. She was bored out of her mind and thought this was a waste of time. She soon brought out Skya, a Gryphon Grimm, from her Grimm Holder. Skya lets out a loud shriek before catching Voltaria on her back. Voltaria rides Skya in the air, finding a place to land somewhere with no students.

Meanwhile, Wade soars through the air, he searches through the sky to find Voltaria. He then dives-down, head first, with his arms on both sides and legs together. The air whistled through his ears as he flipped on his feet and landed on the ground, creating a big crater. As the smoke clears, Wade gets out of the crater, dusting himself off, and starts walking to find Voltaria.

Somewhere in the sky, Ammolite danced through the air with so much grace and elegance before she landed on a branch. She made a bow before jumping off one branch to another. Meanwhile, the white teen uses his Musicshocker as a surfboard as he surfs through the air before landing on the ground, his guitar skidding to a halt before he grabs it and straps it on his back as he starts walking away.

Voltaria searches for the artifacts. Her entities are searching for them as we speak. But also finding some teammates. As she walked through the forest, Wraith was groaning in her mind with boredom.

This is sooooooooooooo boring! Why do we need to find teammates for the Kid?Wraith whines.

Calm down, Wraith.Tabitha assured.Voltaria needs a team in order to continue in the academy.

Wraith whines again.The students here are not as skilled as Kid!

Actually, there are few students that compare to our dear Voltaria.Regina said.

And who are these students?Wraith asked in annoyance.

A gleam of mischief came to her eyes, as she listed the first one on her list.There is Wade Cross-

...Not him.Wraith growled, cutting her off.

What's wrong? Are you jealous?Regina teased.

Hannibal was laughing a bit while Tabitha tried her best not to laugh. Wraith growled at her savagely as Voltaria ignored them and continued to search for the relics. But in truth, she too wanted to find Wade. For some reason, he was interesting to talk to. Before she could think further, electrical shock and music was heard followed by loud roars of bears. Curious, Voltaria followed the sound near some undergrowth. When she got close, she saw the white skin teen fighting off some Ursas.

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He charges his Musicshocker with electricity before striking at one of the Ursas. He then played his guitar, releasing electrical waves that struck two Ursas, sending them flying. He transforms his electric guitar into a huge battle axe with lighting on the tip of the blade.

He strikes each of the Ursas with ease. He beheaded one, cutting one in half, and turning one into bits. As he was distracted, one Ursa came from behind the white teen. Voltaria would've let the Ursa attack the teen, but he looks like a worthy ally. Voltaria took out a card from her sleeve. The card has a black background, showing a holy shield that was protecting a human figure from demons. Voltaria throws her card near the teen, it glows a white light before turning into a big shield behind the teen. The Ursa crashed into it and tried to claw it off, but the shield made it fly backwards, hitting some trees in the process. Voltaria walked out of the bushes to reveal herself before taking out three cards that lit up on fire before throwing at the last three remaining Ursas, setting them in a blaze.

The battle was over and Voltaria noticed that the teen was looking at her. They stared at each other for a while, feeling strange and awkward in the air. Voltaria is still new to this being nice. Wraith would give her ideas to walk away or beat him up. However, Regina believes that he was a perfect ally for Voltaria. And Tabitha gives Voltaria tips on how to be friendly to others.

"Um...are you alright?" Voltaria asked, almost awkwardly.

The teen looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, thanks for saving me." He said.

"Don't mention it." Voltaria said before looking at him head to toe. "Soooo...okay, I'm putting a red line here, and make this quick. Do you want to be partners and find our soon to be teammates?"

The teen just stared at her for a few seconds before shrugging. "Sure." He agrees.

The two started walking towards the direction where the relics and maybe the other students. They walked side by side but kept their distance. Voltaria could feel her entities irritated or annoyed, mostly Wraith, at her new ally. Voltaria, however, needed to get to know her new teammate in order to succeed in the academy. So, she took a deep breath and sigh, Voltaria glanced at the teen under her mask as they walked.

"My name is Voltaria Eclipse, what's yours?" Voltaria asked.

The male glanced at her under his visor and looked up ahead before answering. "Evo, Evo Hebi."

"Hmph, well then. It's nice to meet you, Evo." Voltaria said somewhat nicely.

"Likewise, Voltaria." Evo said with a nod as they continued their way.

Chapter 4: Teammates II

Chapter Text

Somewhere else, Wade was searching for Voltaria. He knows she can take care of herself but she's still a kid who needs protection. Sighing, Wade continues to search for Voltaria. Then he heard a loud gun firing. Confused, Wade followed the sounds and saw Ammolite fighting off Beowolves. She fired her guns at them, one by one. She was graceful and elegant before she transformed her weapons into colorful mini scythes. She slashes them before dicing them. As she finished, she made a pose and the Grimms dropped dead by her slashes. She looks up to see Wade.

"Bonjour!" She smiles.

Wade just blinked and said, "Howdy..."

Ammolite came over to him. "I am Ammolite Jewel."

"Wade Cross." Wade said, "Have any chance have ya seen a little girl 'bout yay big." he puts hand about the same height as his waist. "Wearin' all black, a mask, and a mean personality?"

Ammolite taps her chin and shook her head. "No, the only person is you." She pointed at Wade.

Sighing, Wade pinches the bridge of his nose, finding that nodded, "Alright, thanks anyways." He was about to walk away.

"Hold it!" Ammolite stops him. Wade stops and glances over to Ammolite walking over to him.

"Remember what Professor Ozpin said:the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years.And you are the one that I first saw." She explains.

Sighing, Wade couldn't argue, and he nodded, "Alright, we can be partners if ya help me find a little girl in black, deal?"

Nodding, Ammolite follows Wade through the forest as they search for Voltaria.

Meanwhile, Professor Ozpin was watching the students on his Scroll at the Beacon Cliffs overlooking the Emerald Forest when Glynda walks up behind him, holding her own tablet

"The last pair has been formed, sir." She taps the screen, "Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy... I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos." The video changes to Pyrrha and Jaune Arc's trek through the woods, Ozpin justMmmm at her.

Glynda shook her head at the screen, "I don't care what his transcripts say. That Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat." She deactivates the tablet before walking back a little.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough. At their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes. What did you use as relics this year?" She asked.

There was silence from the headmaster and Glynda turned to him in confusion. "Professor Ozpin?"

Ozpin doesn't answer. Instead, he was watching his tablet with a contemplating interest as it shows the footage of Ruby Rose sitting in the grass and picking stray leaves while her 'partner'Weiss Schnee walks in random directions. He is sure that they can do it but he worries about Weiss's behavior.

Back to the Emerald forest, Yang Xiao Long and Blake Belladonna were walking through the forest. Blake saved Yang from Ursas, but Yang went 'Berserk' and destroyed one of the Ursas, yet Blake was able to help out. They soon stepped out into a clearing as they looked down from the small hill and saw a circular stone temple, broken and decrepit, but for the platform was still intact. Around it, hold several black and gold objects on top of the pedestals.

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"Think this is it?" Yang asked Blake as they looked at the temple.

In response, Blake gives Yang a skeptical look before she heads down the hill with her partner following behind. They walked across the floor and observed the items on each pedestal, they were chess pieces. There was gold and black, but some pieces were missing. Blake looks at a black king chess piece in confusion, not sure what she or Yang should do.

"Chess pieces?"

"Some of them are missing. Looks like we weren't the first ones here." Yang said, looking at the empty pedestals.

"Well, I guess we should pick one." Blake said to Yang who nodded.

Yang approaches one of the relics, a golden knight piece. She studies the golden knight carefully, it looks okay, so she picks it up and shows it to Blake.

"How about a cute little pony?" She asked Blake jokingly.

Blake smirks at her and almost rolls her eyes. "Sure."

They walk towards each other to the center of the temple floor as Yang shows her the piece. "That wasn't too hard!" She said with a grin.

"Well, it's not like this place is very difficult to find." Blake said almost a joke and the two shared a smile.

Jaune and Pyrrha were walking through the other part of the forest. They had a conversation or a lesson when Pyrrha asks Jaune why he did not activate his Aura. Turns out, Jaune wasn't familiar with it. Pyrrha begins to explain to him that Aura is the manifestation of one's soul, created from the understanding of both light and darkness in every being, and can be used by any living being.

The Grimm are the one exception. They lack souls, and are instead considered beings of darkness and "manifestations of anonymity". And with practice, Aura can be utilized as a shield, and may even be an efficient fighting tool. And to show her point, Pyrrha utilizes her aura to unlock Jaune's, which immediately heals his cut. She seems somewhat drained by the experience, but recovers a few moments later and notes that Jaune has a vast amount of Aura within himself. After their conversation, they stand at the mouth of a dark cave that has drawings on the side, involving armed men against a giant beast that looks like a scorpion.

"Think this is it?" Jaune asked.

Soon, they were walking inside the cave, Jaune was holding a short-burning torch to light their way. He somehow made it by himself without any trouble. Pyrrha looks around the dark cave, she isn't sure that this was the place to get the relics.

"I'm not sure this is it." Pyrrha said to Jaune, who sighs.

"Pyrrha, I made the torch. Could you at least humor me for, like, five more feet?" He stated to her.

Suddenly and completely unexpectedly, Jaune trips on the ground, and the torch flies into a small puddle, extinguishing the flame so the two are cast in darkness with only their eyes visible, and Jaune's eyes are seen getting up with a grumble.

"Do you...feel that?" Pyrrah asked Jaune when she felt something strange.

"Soul-crushing regret?"

"No, it's... warm." She stated.

Soon, Jaune's and Pyrrha's eyes are seen walking through the cave, continuing on their journey. Then they see a large glowing pointed object of gold right in front of them, illuminating Jaune's excited features. Jaune eyed on it happily, believing it was a relic.

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"That's the relic!" He exclaims happily.

Jaunne slowly reaches out to grab it, but it moves away from his swipe, surprising him in the process.

"Hey! Bad-relic!" He scolded.

Jaune tries to get it again and again, and then jumps forward, grabbing it in the process with a loud 'Gotcha!'. He hangs onto it with all his might until the said object has raised him above the ground).

Pyrrha saw what it was and she became worried. "Jaune...?"

The object lowers itself with Jaune dangling right in front of it. He saw glowing red lines and eyes that were staring right in front of him. As it turns out, it belongs to a Grimm aka: a Death Stalker.

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And Jaune screamed like a little girl.

Meanwhile, Voltaria and Evo are both walking through the forest. They didn't talk much since Voltaria isn't a talkative type as well as Evo, but they did learn about each other. Voltaria learned that Evo is a snake Faunes. He has green snake-like eyes that are kept hidden under his visor sunglasses. He likes any type of music.

They soon stopped when they heard a girlish scream.

They looked up to the sky and wondered if one of the students was injured. Voltaria knew it didn't sound like a girl injured, she should know. After all, she did memorize the vocal sounds of the people's screams. And that scream was someone in terror and it wasn't a girl, it was a boy. Voltaria heard Wraith laughing in her head.

HAHAHA! Whoever that poor soul was, he sounded like a girl! HAHAHA!Wraith said laughing.

Voltaria would've laughed, but she didn't. Instead, she just ignored it, finding it annoying to hear the screams now. After all, she did hear and memorize all the screams that she caused to everyone who tried to hunt her or rob her.

"What was that?" Evo asked.

"Someone screaming like a coward." Voltaria answered as they continued their way to the forest.

Evo looks at her under his visors before following the Gothic girl. As they walked through the forest, they heard fighting nearby. Looking at each other, the two hunters run off towards the source and find Wade and Ammolite fighting off a pack of Beowolves.

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Wade uses his Justiceshot and fires at nearby Beowolf while Ammolite slashes one in half. Then Wade uses a Killershooter and fires at incoming Beowolves and shoots them as they fall to the ground dead. Evo soon joins in as he turns his guitar into an axe and helps them out. Voltaria watched blankly as the trio fought off the Grimm that were rough.

Impressive...Voltaria heard Regina humming in her mind.They are proven to be quite useful.

Meh, they're okay...I guess.Wraith said.

Should we help them?Tabitha asked.

Voltaria looks at Wade, Ammolite, and Evo fighting the creatures of Grimm. They weren't showing any fear as they worked together to defeat the Grimm. However, they're chances are slim, they have the skills, but they're kind of outnumbered. She could tell Grimm to stop, but they were Rouges, meaning she can't order them. Voltaria had an idea about leaving them to their fate, but she needs a team. So...meh, she'll just save them.

Voltaria took out a pure black card, there were no pictures or symbols, it was completely blank. She then throws it on the ground, stabbed on the solid ground. And soon, darkness appeared, consuming everyone. After a few seconds, the darkness disappeared, the Grimms were gone, but the three teens were still there. They were shocked by what just happened. They turned towards Voltaria, she was walking over to them calmly, not a single fear came to her.

"Let's get moving before the sun goes down, I don't want to miss dinner." Voltaria said in a bored tone, walking past the three teens.

They stared at her for a while before looking at each other, not sure if they should listen to her. But they have too, after they witness her action. They followed the Grimm Girl towards the location of the ruins to find the artifacts that they needed.


Meanwhile, up in the air, Weiss and Ruby were hanging on to something very feathery and very fast, as evidenced by the loud wind and the two being blown sideways. Weiss wasn't too pleased about this, thinking that it was Ruby's fault for having a bad idea. Weiss started shouting to Ruby so she could hear her through the wind.

"Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea!"

Ruby also raises her voice through the wind. "We're fine! Stop worrying!"

"I am so far beyond worrying!" Weiss yelled angrily.

Ruby looks at her in confusion. "In a good way?"

"In a bad way! In a very bad way!" Weiss exclaims through the wind.

"Well, why don't we just jump?!" Ruby yelled.

"What are you? Insane?!" Weiss yelled in fear.

Soon, she was met with silence. Turning to the place where Ruby was, she already saw the red hooded girl had already disappeared, by jumping off. And this made Weiss totally angry.

"Oh, you insufferable little red-!"


Back at the temple, Blake and Yang heard Jaune's girly screams. And Yang thought it was a girl, but no. Blake saw something from above and was clearly shocked by what she saw.

"Blake, did you hear that? What should we do?" Yang asked.

Blake responded as she pointed out for Yang to look up. Once she did, she saw her little sister, Ruby, falling right towards them.

"Heads uuuuuuuup!" Ruby screams.

Just as she's about to hit the ground in panic, Jaune comes flying through the air, after he was thrown off by the Death Stalker that Pyrrah has to face alone, and crashes into Ruby. He knocks her off course and sends them both into a tree. Ruby was dazed by the rough landing as evidenced by the cutesy Beowolves and stars circling her head.

"Ohhhh...what was that?" Ruby asked dizzily, but soon the dizziness passes when she shakes her head.


Ruby heard as she looked up to see Jaune hanging upside-down on a tree branch above her as he gave her a casual wave. "Hey, Ruby..."

To the others, Blake looks at the tree and points out. "Did your sister just fall from the sky?

"I..." Yang spoke but before she could continue, several crashing noises were heard in the forest ahead of them, and an Ursa came out, claws swiping, just as a pink blast of energy hit it in the back and it crashed to the ground, depositing its rider.

"YEEEE-HAAAAW!" Nora yells happily, but she rolls off of the Ursa's back, when it falls.

She gets up and groans in sadness. "'s broken." She whines.

Nora dashes onto the Ursa's neck and observes the carcass with wonder as it slowly disappears. Then Ren comes up behind her, panting and leaning on the monster. Clearly stating the point that he was chasing after his hyper active friend.

"Nora! Please...don't ever do that again." He pleaded with a pant.

But when he looks up again, he notices by the pink dotted outline of where his partner should have been made he realizes that Nora has run off again, causing him to look around frantically. Nora was now in the Temple, staring at a golden rook relic with awe. She suddenly grabs it, an animation of stars and her hammer symbol playing in the pink background, as she dances and sings with the chess piece.

"I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!"

But was soon cut off by Ren when he called her from a distance. Blake and Yang stared at her at the sidelines, finding it disturbing one what she did.


Nora stops dancing with the rook on her head, and then salutes, dropping the relic into her hand. "Coming, Ren!"

As she skips off to her friend, Blake stares at her with utter confusion and disturbance.

"Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" She asked Yang.

"I..." Yang was interrupted again as a screech was heard from their right.

They saw Pyrrha coming in with a Deathstalker chasing her. It uproots entire trees as it chases Pyrrha. She narrowly dodges its giant claws and keeps on running, she calls out to her partner.


Jaune heard her and saw Pyrrah being chased by a Death Stalker. "Pyrrha!" He calls out to her.

Ruby then stands up and looks at the monster below. "Whoa!" She awed as she started running off the branch and landing in a roll after Jaune started whining to her. "Ruby!"

As Ruby lands, she stands up and sees a cheerful Yang beside her. "Ruby!"

Ruby was excited to see her sister was alright and cheered her name. "Yang!"

They raised their arms as if to give each other a hug but Nora came between the two and spoke her name while knocking them off-balance in surprise.


The Death Stalker continues to follow Pyrrha as she runs. Blake looks at Pyrrha in disbelief and points out to Yang and the others.

"Did she just run all the way here with a Death Stalker on her tail?"

Yang was getting angry until she growled and erupts in a small burst of fire, eyes flashing red and her hair glowing.

"I can't take it anymore! Can everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!"

There was a tick-tock of a clock countdown of the two seconds of Yang cooling down. Then Ren came running over to a ditzy and cheerful Nora, panting tiredly. Blake and Ruby looked up and saw something above. Ruby tugs on her sister's sleeve and points up.


Up above, Weiss is revealed to be hanging on a talon the size of her entire body that belongs to a gigantic Nevermore.

"How could you leave me?!" Weiss screamed down towards Ruby.

"I said jump!" Ruby shouts out to Weiss.

Blake crosses her arms. "She's gonna fall." She said.

"She'll be fine." Ruby assured.

"She's falling." Ren agrees with Blake as he sees Weiss falling.

Jaune, who was able to recover, and is finally out of the tree, was currently panting as he catches his breath. That is, until he looked up when he saw Weiss falling through the air. This gave him an opportunity to prove himself to her. So, without thinking, he jumped off the branch with arms outstretched, thinking that his plan would work. He did catch her in a slowed motion, enjoying the moment. Jaune smiles at a confused and yet disturbed Weiss.

"Just...dropping in?" Jaune acts all cool.

Weiss was speechless, but not him. And that's when Jaune realizes why. They both look down and notice that they were high above the ground, and Jaune knew that he screwed up again.

"Oh, God."

They both hang on to each-other with their eyes widened in fear. Soon, they both fall, with their weapons flying behind them. They both screamed on top of their lungs, but before they could fall to their doom, something exploded out from the trees.


They heard someone cheering. They look up and their eyes widen in shock and amazement. They saw Wade Cross and he was riding on a...Grimm Griffon?!

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Everyone was shocked to see Wade riding a Grimm! I mean, they can't be controlled unless...

Before they continue, Wade grabs Weiss in his arms, bridal style, while Grimm grabs Jaune with its claws. The Grimm flies down safely as it releases Jaune from its claws, causing him to face-plant into the dirt and with his limbs splayed out with a groan. The Grimm landed with a huff, shaking its head. Wade then gets off it and carefully puts Weiss down.

"Ye okay?" He asked.

Weiss nodded. "Yeah, thanks." She said.

Wade nodded and then looked down at Jaune with a concerned look in his eyes. "Ya alright there, partner?" He asked.

Jaune made a weak thumb up and muffled out. "I'm good."

Wade sighs in relief before noticing everyone looking at him. He was confused before noticing that they were looking at both him and the Griffon Grimm. He guessed that they were shocked about him riding a Grimm.

"Oh, almost forgot about ya." He mutters to the Grimm Griffon.

" can you-" Ruby was cut off by the roar of a Death Stalker.

They turned around and saw the Death Stalker hunting Pyrrha. It tries to grab her, but she manages to escape it, and lands on her side at the feet of the heroes. When she got up, Yang sarcastically said to everyone.

"Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!"

"Not if I can help it!" Ruby said as she readied her Crescent Rose.

Before she could release a battle cry and rush towards the Grimm, an icy blue card was thrown with incredible speed, and it hit the Grimm before it exploded into a thick ice mist, encasing the Death Stalker in the ice. They stared at the Death Stalker in the ice, struggling to break free from its prison.

"What the-" Ruby was again cut off when she and the others heard footsteps.

They all turned around to see Voltaria walking up to them with her mask and hood on, followed by Ammolite and Evo from behind. They, minus Jaune and Ruby, knew that it was her who commanded the Griffon Grimm to let Wade ride on it. They heard many rumors about her, some were true, but some were not. When they reach them, the Griffon Grimm walks over to Voltaria and gently nuzzles her, which makes everyone surprised. Voltaria returns its affection by stroking its black feathery head and scratching under its chin.

"Good Grimm, Skya." Voltaria whispers softly, earning soft croons from the Grimm named Skya.

Ammolite and Evo made it to the group, who were still shocked by what they saw. Wade was there too as he stood besides Ruby, who was admiring Voltaria and Skya. Ammolite asked if they were alright, which are. However, they were still pretty shocked about this. Ruby, on the other hand, was amazed to see Voltaria petting a Grimm. She was about to ask her when they heard a Nevermore shriek from above. They looked up and saw it still flying overhead, and noticing it was coming back.

Jaune was starting to feel scared. "Guys?! That thing's circling back!" He exclaims in fear.

"Of course it is, it's coming back to finish its job." Voltaria informs as she brings Skya back to her Grimm Holder, which surprises everyone again.

"What are we gonna do?!" Jaune asked the Grimm Girl, who glared at him under her mask.

"Can we talk 'bout this later after we get the artifacts?" Wade spoke, gesturing to the chess pieces.

"He's right. Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the Cliffs." Ruby agrees to Wade.

"Let's go."

"Run and live, that's an idea I can get behind." Jaune said almost happily.

Wade and Evo rolled their eyes before Wade got a relic with Ruby and Jaune. Ruby grabs a gold knight identical to the one Yang picked out and Jaune takes hold of a gold rook similar to Nora and Ren's piece, and Wade takes a black King, smiling at each other.

"Time we left!" Ren said, stepping in.

"Right." Ruby agreed and waved to the others. "Let's go!"

She goes forward with everyone following except for a smiling Yang and Blake as the latter approaches her partner. Blake was curious as to why Yang was smiling.

"What is it?" She asked.

Yang was staring proudly at Ruby as she leaps on a boulder and motions the group onward before following them. Yang couldn't be more prouder at the sight of her little sister opening up and leading the team.

"Nothing." Yang said.

As she moves on, Blake smiles in realization when she sees why Yang was smiling about. Voltaria watches the whole ordeal, she finds it...interesting. Ruby wasn't sociable, yet she cares for the other's safety. She doesn't know if she should be impressed or not, but decided to not say anything.

You know, she'll make a great leader in the future.Voltaria heard Regina in her head.

"We'll see." Voltaria thought as she followed the others.

She catches up to them as the group heads out of the forest and into another abandoned temple structure.

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But before they could get any further, the Nevermore followed them from the air. When they saw it, the group spread out, concealing themselves behind some of the stone blocks. The Nevermore passes above them as it perches on a high column and roars.

Yang was beside Ruby and when she saw the Nevermore, she became annoyed. "Well, that's great!"

"Can't you talk to it?!" Ruby calls out Voltaria.

Voltaria was behind a stone block with Wade. She heard Ruby and made a deadpan look, but didn't turn to her, yet she did answer to Ruby.

"I can't."

"What?! But you're the Grimm Girl!" Nora yelled with her arm raised, she was beside Ren when she heard Voltaria say that she couldn't tame it.

Voltaria rolled her eyes under her mask, clearly that these people have no idea that this Nevermore is a Rouge, meaning it can't be tamed or controlled. It would attack her in mere seconds without a second thought.

"There are Grimms who are tamable and there are Grimms who are not." Voltaria said in a riddling tone.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Nora yelled in confusion.

"Wait, ya're sayin' that there are some Grimms that can't be controlled by ya?" Wade asked in shock.

Voltaria shrugs at him. "Yes, and this Nevermore is a Rouge, so our chances of our survival" She answered.

Jaune became pale by this information. That they won't survive sounds terrifying. Then he looks behind at the forest and becomes more scared when the Death Stalker bursts through the forest. The others saw this and were shocked, minus Voltaria. She knows that Death Stalker would come back for bloodshed.

"Ah, man, run!" Jaune yelled in fear.

They didn't need to be told twice, the group came out from their hiding spots and made a run for it, but their action caused the Nevermore to rise up into the air when it saw them. Voltaria knew that it was going to attack them in seconds. However, the group somehow knows how to deal with this situation.

"Nora, distract it!" Red ordered his friend.

Nora obliges, running out from her block. When the Nevermore saw her, it fired it's big black and sharp feathers. Luckily, Nora dodged the feather projectiles with ease before reaching behind her and grabbed her weapon. She took aim and launched several heart-topped shells from her grenade launcher. It burst into pink electricity when they hit the Nevermore, causing it to retreat. She was unaware of the Death Stalker rushing up behind her. Voltaria saw this and quickly commanded one of her entities for help.

"Tabitha! Speed!"

I'm on it!

Tabitha gave Voltaria the speeds she needed to push Nora away from the Death Stalker, who almost stabbed Nora with one of its giant pincers, but it got sucked on the ground when Voltaria pushed Nora away. When the two girls were at a safe distance, Blake and Ren came quickly to their aid and attacked the Death Stalker, performing a cross-slash with their weapons, Gambol Shroud (Blake's weapon) and StormFlower (Ren's weapon) against its shell.

"Thanks! I owe you one!" Nora exclaims cheerfully to Voltaria.

Voltaria turns to her with a serious look under her mask. "Thank me later after we survive this!" She said.

She then grabs Nora's arm and uses Wraith's strength assistance to leap away to safety from the Death Stalker. Everyone was running towards the temple structure with Blake and Ren following from behind, and they are now being chased by the Death Stalker. Pyrrha saw the Death Stalker coming towards them, it was close, and she knew it couldn't come to them. Pyrrha stops running beside Jaune and gets out her weapon, Miló.

"Go, go!" She orders the others

She started firing red shots at the Death Stalker. Wade and Ammolite came to her and took out their weapons, Killershooter and Colorslashers, before firing red shot and blue shots at the Death Stalker, helping Pyrrha with the attack. Ren came soon after as he fired green blasts at the Death Stalker. But it didn't have any effect as the Death Stalker's shell was too tough. It reaches them and tries to swipe at them, buy Evo transforms his Musicshocker guitar to a battle axe, the tip of the axe has static coming from it before he cuts one of the pincers off. It roared in pain, Evo gave enough time for the group to run.

They raced over the ancient stone bridge and tried to reach it. However, the Nevermore came closing in, and it flies down towards them as it uses its giant wings to shatter the path right in the middle, forcing Ruby, Weiss, Voltaria, Yang, Nora, and Jaune closer to the central collection of columns, leaving Wade, Ammolite, Evo, Blake, Ren, and Pyrrha on the other side with the Death Stalker. Ruby takes out her weapon and fires at the retreating Nevermore.

Jaune slowly stood up and looked to the edge of the now half broken bridge. He saw Pyrrah, Ren, Wade, Ammolite, and Evo were fighting the Death Stalker. Blake was thrown off by it as she hit the hard ground.

"Man, we gotta get over there! They need help!" Jaune said to Nora, who ran beside him.

"Let's do this!" She said as she readied her weapon.

Jaune then looks down at the misty abyss and soon his fears return. "Yeah, but, uh...I can't make that jump." He informs her.

Nora made a toothy smile at him before laughing happily. She knocks him back and turns her weapon to a full-length hammer form, before she jumps to the edge of the bridge. Jaune recovers from the push before he saw Nora was up and became even more scared.

"Oh, wait!" He tries to stop her.

But it was too late, Nora slams her hammer into the bridge and throws Jaune to the other side. Jaune screams on top of his lungs as Nora places one of her feet on her hammer and fires it off the collapsing section of bridge, launching her towards the Death Stalker. She slammed her hammer right in the center of the Death Stalker's skull. It brought its stinger up and was about to stab Nora, but the girl fired her weapon, dodging the attack and avoiding its reach. But in the process, she accidentally knocks Blake off the edge of the bridge.

Luckily, Blake is a quick thinker. She launches her whip with her gun's blade as sinks into the edge of the bridge. She pulls herself upward, circling around and leaping onto the Nevermore's back while using her shadow clones. She proceeds slashing the back of the Grimm as she runs on it. Blake jumps off it and lands on the ruined platform at the top of the columns next to Ruby before going over to Yang and Weiss.

"It's tougher than it looks!" Blake said to them.

Yang readied her Ember Celica. "Then let's hit it with everything we got!" She exclaims with determination.

The Nevermore approaching, Ruby, Blake, Weiss, and Yang set their weapons to fire a barrage of blasts at the Nevermore. But the Nevermore dodged the attacks and some attacks were proven worthless since the Nevermore wasn't even injured from those attacks. It then crashes through the columns and platform and the girls leap from one section of falling stone to the next until they reach the higher bridge on top, just below the cliffs. Wade, Ammolite, Evo were about to help when another Nevermore appeared from the sky, giving assistance to its feathery ally.

"Oh, come on!" Wade exclaims, almost annoyed.

The group saw the new incoming Nevermore coming their way. But before it could advance, a small shadow hole appeared from the sky, close to the new Nevermore, and Voltaria appeared from it. She might punch on the new Nevermore, causing it to fall. Another shadow hole appeared beneath Voltaria as she disappeared from it. And soon, another shadow hole appeared in front of Wade and Voltaria came beside him and the others.

"Let me guess, another rogue?" Wade asked Voltaria.

"Yeah, and it's helping out its friend." She informs, gesturing to the first Nevermore, who was fighting Ruby and the girls.

Wade looks at the battle scene before turning towards the new Nevermore. That's when he got an idea, but he needs Ammolite and Evo help and Voltaria's portal. "I have a plan, follow my lead." He said.

The two teens nodded while Voltaria just stared at him. Wade jumps off the edge of the bridge before using his Killershooter to give him a boost, sending him flying to the Nevermore. Evo and Ammolite follow as they jump off the edge and use their weapons to send them flying towards the Nevermore. Voltaria watched as they were on top of the Nevermore's back, blasting its thick feathers, causing it to roar in anger, flying like crazy as if it was trying to get the pests off its back. That's when Voltaria realizes what Wade's plan is. It was to get the Nevermore to get distracted so she can do her shadow portals.

Hmm...for a human, this Wade character is an excellent leader.Regina complimented.

So, what? He just told them what to do.Wraith said.

And yet, they're doing great.Regina added.Should we assist them, Mistress?

Voltaria watches the three teens at the Nevermore. They seem to make great allies and useful teammates. So, what the heck. Voltaria jumps off the edge of the bridge before Hannibal gives her enough energy to air jump towards the Nevermore. She was in front of it as it opened its massive beak at her. Everything was going in slow motion, the Nevermore was almost at Voltaria. But Voltaria smirks at it before summoning a shadow portal in front of the Nevermore and another one behind her. The portals were big enough to fit the Nevermore. However, when the Nevermore's head enters the first portal and it comes out from the second, Voltaria makes the two portals disappear. And in the process, beheading the Nevermore. The four of them fell to the sky before landing on top of four pillars that were close by as they watched as the second Nevermore's head and body fell to the misty abyss.

"We did it!" Ammolite cheers as she claps her hands together with a smile.

"Heck ya!" Wade made a fist pump.

"Oh please..." Voltaria mutters blankly.

The girls, Ruby, Yang, Blake, and Weiss were having trouble with the first Nevermore. It was hard to kill like the second one that the others dealt with. They did everything they could to bring it down, but to no avail.

"None of this is working!" Weiss said as she and others kept attacking.

Ruby tries to think before she sees Blake whip over to another section of the area and Yang fires rounds at the Nevermore. And that's when she got an idea how to take that thing down hard. Ruby turns to Weiss with a plan in mind.

"I have a plan! Cover me!" Ruby said.

She blasts away as Weiss raises her blade and heads into the fray. Meanwhile, Jaune, Pyrrah, Nora, and Ren were dealing with the Death Stalker from below. The Death Stalker aims its single claw at Pyrrha, but she deflects it with her Akoúo shield and slashes it with her blade. The Death Stalker recoils and swipes at her again. But Jaune, surprisingly, was there to deflect it with his shield on time, knocking it back. This gave Pyrrha the right opportunity to leap over and attack the Death Stalker's face. Ren runs up to it as he fires a few rounds. When it was going to strike him with its stinger, he quickly grabbed it, avoiding the stinger, and shot at the base between it and the tail. Nora fires more grenades at the attacking single claw. Pyrrha hurls her javelin straight into one of the monster's ten eyes, causing it to roar in pain and throwing Ren to the side in the process.

"Ren!" Nora called out to him worriedly.

Ren was thrown hard as he hit the side of a stone block and fell to the ground, not getting back up. But his attack gives Jaune an idea when he notices the stinger is hanging limply above the Death Stalker. He quickly looks at Pyrrha and points out the stinger.

"Pyrrha!" Jaune called out.

Luckily, Pyrrha gets the idea. "Done!"

Pyrrah raises her shield and hurls it like a discus to the stinger, slicing it off and causing it to fall into the Death Stalker's head hard. Pyrrha retrieves her shield and Jaune turns to Nora before he points out the stinger.

"Nora, nail it!"

"Heads up!" Nora yells out.

Nora jumps on Pyrrha's weapon, Akoúo, and Pyrrha gives Nora a boost. And Nora aims her blast down to give herself a maximum lift. When she is above the air, she smiles the entire way up before twirling down and slams her hammer on the Death Stalker's head into the stinger, driving the point through the Death Stalker's head and crushing the bridge beneath it.

This causes Jaune and Pyrrha to bound over the monster to the land behind it, and Nora fires up and away behind them as the monster falls to the misty abyss. Jaune hits the ground on his back, Nora lands on her bottom, Pyrrha manages to land safely, and Ren, who somehow was able to get up, simply walks over to them tiredly, panting a bit. When he got there, he stood for a few seconds until he collapsed from complete exhaustion. As the three teens get up, they see the Nevermore battling with Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Blake.

Speaking of which, Yang was burning through her ammo on the beast, landing a blow at its face and causing it to head right towards her, but with her fast reflexes, Yang leaps off and goes for its open maw and forces the beak wide with one hand and her legs. And attacks it with one of her Ember Celica on its open maw.

Yang screams angrily through the wind as she fires with each syllable. "I! Hope! You're! Hung-gry!" She yells out.

Then Yang looked behind her and saw it was heading to the cliffs. She quickly jumps off from its mouth and onto a ruin, causing the Nevermore to crash into the cliffs. Despite Yang's attempts, the Nevermore recovers quickly, and this gives Ruby's plan a motion. Yang smiles at her work before she spots Ruby and Blake on the broken columns with Weiss rushing to the battle. Yang passes her while the Nevermore starts to fly back up, but before it could be airborne, Weiss freezes the tip of its feathery tail to the ground, leaving it stuck in the same spot. The Nevermore tries to break free, but to no avail. Weiss back-flips into a snowflake-circle before she jumps and lands on the other side, running to the group.

Blake then fires the pistol portion of Gambol Shroud over to Yang, who caught it, and the two tighten it between the columns. And that's when Ruby jumps on the center with Crescent Rose and bends it back into Weiss' black sigil that she made, right next to the caster. Weiss was still unsure about Ruby's plan.

"Of course you would come up with this idea." Weiss said.

Ruby didn't say anything to her or commented, but she did ask her this. "Think you can make the shot?"

Weiss smirks as she looks at the struggling Nevermore. She was confident about this. "Hmm! Can I!"

But when the second passes, Ruby turns to her almost worriedly. "Can-"

Weiss cuts her off. "Of course I can!"

Without a second thought, Ruby looks forward and pumps Crescent Rose as Weiss turns the circle from black to red and releases Ruby like an arrow. And with that speed, it caused the ground behind her launch to crack, and rose petals came flying from her ascent. With each new shot, she gets closer and closer to the trapped Nevermore until her scythe catches the Nevermore's neck within its blade and causes them both to fall to the cliff's wall. Weiss raises her sword and her hand to use her semblance, Glyphs, and creates a series of white circles up the wall with snowflake symbols to give Ruby extra boost. Ruby uses them as she dashes through while firing on the way up.

Yang, Blake, and an exhausted Weiss watched her climb up with incredible speed and strength as she chokes the Nevermore within her weapon's grasp. When Ruby reaches the top of the cliff, she circles up to the Nevermore's head before she fires one last shot, and decapitates the Nevermore's head from its shoulders with a shower of petals. She lands beside the severed head as the body of the giant Nevermore falls lifelessly to the ruins and crevice below while the girls and the others, who were watching from afar, were amazed by this, even Voltaria. She guesses that these people have something interesting for her after all.

"Wow..." Was the only thing Jaune said as he looked at the girls.

Wade lets out a whistle as he flicks his hat a bit. "Well, I'll be damn, that is one tough cookie." He commented.

"Hmph, yes she is." Voltaria, for once, agreed.

Ruby walks over to the edge, her cape and petals flowing with the wind, as looks down to her friends as they peer up to her. She smiles down at them, happy that they were alive and able to work together to defeat the two rouge Grimms. Yang was the first one to break the silence as she turned to Blake and Weiss.

"Well...that was a thing!" Yang said, trying to lighten up the mood.

But no one responded as they continued to look up. Ruby just continues smiling happily, knowing that this will get more exciting on their day in Beacon. Soon after, they headed out of the temple and made their way to the northern part of the forest to meet up with the others.

At the auditorium, Ozpin was standing on stage, announcing the names of the new teams that brought the relics. This year, new groups of hunters and huntresses are going to train themselves to the limits to protect mankind from any Grimm or bad guys. Everyone claps whenever Ozpin announces the new groups and their picture profiles are shown on the screen.

"Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark."

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The four teenage boys are lined up for the applauding audience to see as Ozpin continues his speech.

"The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by...Cardin Winchester!"

The audience cheered and clapped at the four males as they walked off the stage. Soon, Jaune, Pyrrah, Ren, and Nora walked up to the stage to take their place in front of the headmaster.

"Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR." He explains.

Everyone claps while Nora laughs happily and gives Ren a hug, who tries to pry her off, but stops when Ozpin announces who their leader would be. "Led by...Jaune Arc!"

With that said, Jaune was shocked to hear that. Him? A leader of this group? That can't be right? Or did Ozpin have plans for him? Jaune was still shocked by this as he looked at his headmaster with a shocked look in his eyes.

"Huh? L-Led by...?"

Ozpin nodded with a small smile at the young Arc. "Congratulations, young man." He complimented.

Grinning, Pyrrha offers a friendly shoulder bump to Jaune, but she is stronger than him. And her fine leader is knocked over and falls to his butt in front of the laughing audience. Ozpin shook his head as Jaune got up and walked off the stage with the others. Then Wade, Ammolite, Evo, and Voltaria came to the stage.

"Wade Cross. Ammolite Jewel. Voltaria Eclipse. Evo Hebi. The four of you retrieved the black night piece. From this day forward, you will work together as Team WAVE led by Wade Cross."

SAY WHAT?!Voltaria heard Wraith exclaim in her head.

The audience clapped at the new team. Wade's eyes widen in shock as he turns to his teammates. Ammolite smiles and claps at him, congratulating him as their leader. Evo nodded at him, happy that he's the leader. Voltaria just simply looked at him with no expression in her eyes under her mask. Wade looked at them before a small smile appeared on his face as he gave them a nod. They all walked off the stage as Ozpin announced the last group that came to the stage.

"And finally, Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by...Ruby Rose!"

This surprises Weiss as she looks at Ruby. Ruby was shocked too when she was announced to be leader. Before she could do or say anything, Yang came to her and gave her baby sister a big hug.

"I'm so proud of you!"

As the crowd cheers for the last group, Voltaria watches them from the shadows of the stage. She looks over to Ruby, she was being praised by her big sister. She got to admit, Ruby was an impressive girl. Voltaria could see great potential towards her and a hidden secret that no one knows about. Regina knows what Ruby really is and informs Voltaria. She could be a great ally in the future. Voltaria walked away when Ozpin announced this to the students.

"It looks like things are shaping up to be an...interesting year."

Voltaria walks towards her teammates, who were chatting about, as they get to know each other. Ammolite walks in the middle of the two males as she smiles at them happily.

"This school year is going to be fun." Ammolite said happily.

Wade secretly smirks at her and nodded slightly. "Ya said it, AJ."

Ammolite looks at him with a confused look on her face. "AJ?" She asked, wondering about that nickname.

Wade looks at her casually. "Yeah, short for Ammolite Jewel. Do you want me to call you Ammolite? Or something else?" He asked

AJ smiles and shakes her head with a giggle. "No, AJ sounds nice." She said, almost blushing, which caused Wade to blush a bit.

Voltaria heard Wraith groan in boredom and disgust.Uuuggghhh...romance.

Well, things are getting interesting, don't you agree, Mistress?Regina asked Voltaria.

Voltaria simply nodded at them. "Indeed, and I believe I should get to know my classmates and teammates." She said to them, "After all, keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Voltaria heard Regina chuckle at her.Indeed we should.

Voltaria stops near a wide window and looks outside to see the half-shattered moon. Attending Beacon wasn't such a bad idea. This will improve her skills, learning what Beacon has to offer, and finding what secrets Ozpin has.

"Yes...this will be an interesting school year." Voltaria thought as she agreed to Ozpin's speech.

"Hey, V!" Wade called out.

Voltaria turned to her teammates' direction, she saw them standing a few feet away from her and were waiting for her to come. Voltaria wondered why Wade would call her V instead her full name. But decided to not to question it when Wade motioned her to come forward, not wanting to leave their youngest member behind.

"Ya comin' or what?" He asked with a small smile.

Voltaria stared at him for a while, she could feel a strange feeling inside of her, as if she should trust him and the others. Without a second thought, Voltaria walked over to her teammates without a word as she followed them from behind when they continued walking towards where their dorm is.

They have the idea that this school year is gonna be one heck of a ride.

Chapter 5: Words of Wisdom

Chapter Text

It was the middle of the night in the kingdom of Vale. Everyone was on their beds, sleeping peacefully. Securities were up and running, checking for any Grimm that might enter the border. Everything was peaceful, but not everyone was at peace. Voltaria was sitting on top of a tree, wearing her mask. The tree was next to her dorm room that she shares with her 'teammates'. She wasn't comfortable sleeping inside a room with people that she can barely trust. It was annoying for her, especially for Wraith. Wraith gave Voltaria some ideas about attacking them in their sleep, but Regina made sure that Wraith doesn't make Voltaria do it since these humans have potential. Voltaria sighs in boredom as she looks at the shattered moon from above. She enjoys looking at the moon, even though it was half broken, it was still beautiful, as its light shines down the darkness, creating a beauty in the darkness.

"This feels strange." Voltaria mutters out in her mind.

What is?Regina asked.

"I have a strange feeling about this place." Voltaria told her through her mind. "I can feel a strange aura, it's faint, but...I could feel it."

Hmm...It appears that Ozpin is hiding something that no one, not even the students, knows about.Regina said.

Heh, if they have secrets, let's find out.Wraith suggested with a grin.

"Not today." Voltaria informs him. "We can find out soon, but right now...let's make sure that us. Like I said before, keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Voltaria heard Regina chuckle in her mind.That's my girl.She praised her.

Voltaria closes her eyes and enters a dreamless sleep, followed by her entities. She didn't sleep inside her bed, Voltaria wasn't comfortable sleeping there with her teammates. They'll try and remove her mask in her sleep. So, she decided to sleep on the tree for the time being. She has a big day tomorrow and she needs to have her strength ready.


When the sun rises from the horizon, the light shines on the open window and brightens the room a bit. Wade's face twitches from the light as he sits up from his bed, shirtless, as he stretches his muscular arms and lets out a yawn. As the cowboy scratches his head, he looks around the dorm room and sees his teammates still sleeping. Evo had his face covered by a pillow with an arm holding it. AJ was sleeping elegantly on her bed. But there was one member that wasn't here.

Voltaria Eclipse.

Wade looks at her bed that was beside AJ. The girls sleep on the left side while the boys sleep on the right. Voltaria was supposed to sleep on the end with AJ. But she wasn't there. Her bed looked untouched. Worried came in to his mind as Wade got off his bed and was about to search for Voltaria until-

"What are you doing?"


Wade yelled in shock, startled by the appearance of Voltaria, who was behind him. His yell woke up the others. AJ sat quickly from her sleep with wide eyes while Evo jumped off his bed and did a defensive pose with his eyes closed as he was ready to defend himself.

"What's wrong? Are we under attack?!" Evo said in a tired yet startled voice.

Wade was able to calm down and look at Voltaria. She was wearing her mask and her outfit, she hadn't changed into her uniform yet. Wade calms down a bit and sighs, pitching the bridge of his nose as he looks down at Voltaria.

"V? Where the heck have ya been?" He asked.

Voltaria almost gave him a heart attack from her sudden appearance. Evo and AJ calmed down as the Snake Faunus grabs his visor and puts on without opening eyes until the visor is one. Voltaria crossed her arms, she wasn't afraid of him, as she gave him a simple answer.

"I was out."

"Out where exactly?" Wade asked.

"On the tree." Voltaria points out with her thumb, motioning the tree out on the window.

They followed her gaze and looked at the tree from the window. They almost sweat drop because they wonder why Voltaria slept outside instead of sleeping in here with a bed. But they can't question that now, they have to get ready for class. Wade and Evo gave the girls some privacy while they changed in the boy's locker room. AJ uses the bathroom to get dressed while Voltaria looks at the uniform that was placed on her bed.

That uniform looks like sh*t.Wraith said in Voltaria's head.

Why is that?Tabitha asked.

It doesn't strike any fear, it looks so...boring.

That's what uniforms are supposed to be, Wraith.Regina said casually.And besides, we can still bring them fear, during combat training.

This made Wraith grin in Voltaria's mind. He would enjoy beating up those students. Voltaria mentally sighs by this and stands straight as her entities help her get dressed in a second. They replace her combat outfit into her uniform that surprisingly fits on her like a glove. She kept her mask on along with her cloak. Her hair is still tied into pigtails and made sure that it doesn't have split ends. When AJ was done getting ready and was now wearing her uniform. She was surprised when Voltaria was ready. She would've helped the young girl, but it seems that she can handle things on her own. Then they heard a knock from the door and heard Wade's voice if he and Evo could come in. They can't just barge in without knocking since there were two girls there and they were getting dressed, so they made sure they had their privacy. AJ kindly replies they can. Once they did, they were wearing their uniforms.

"Ready to go?" Wade asked the two girls.

AJ nodded with a hum while Voltaria didn't say anything as she just followed them to class. She just hoped the classes here weren't annoying and made her regret her choice.


"Monsters!Deeeemons...Prowlers of the night!"

She regretted it.

Voltaria starred in annoyance at her'Professor'. The professor's name is Peter Port. He appears to be a man in early old age. His outfit consists of a double-breasted burgundy suit with gold piping and buttons. His pants are tucked into olive boots. He has gray hair and a gray bushy mustache. And appears to be slightly overweight.

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He teaches them about types of Grimm. And considering the boards are filled withdisplays of various species of Grimm like King Taijitu, Death Stalker, Beowolf, Boarbatusk, Nevermore, and Ursa. Above the boards was an axe-blunderbuss weapon that was mounted on them. His class was the last one and Voltaria was trying to survive it.

"Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them asprey! Ha-ha!" Professor Port joked, but no one laughed, there was only a sound of a cricket making noise.

How did a cricket get in here?Tabitha asked her fellow entities, who just shrugged.

When no one responds to his joke, Port quickly clears his throat, trying to act all tough again. Regina mentally rolled her eyes at that poor excuse of a teacher. Her knowledge is much greater than his.

"Uhhhh...And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutelyteemingwith creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces!"

Voltaria heard Regina scoff in her mind, finding it ridiculous. This man has no idea about the Grimm. He later thinks they're just mindless beasts! Oh, ho. He is so wrong. Regina had to explain to Voltaria the correct way about the Grimm while Tabitha just watched how Port explained the Grimm in his own...umm...unique way. Wraith was playing dead on Voltaria's mind with his tongue out and groaning in boredom from time to time. Hannibal was sleeping beside him, snoring softly with a snot bubble coming out from his nose. Voltaria listens to Regina's lectures instead of Port's.

"And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses..." Portgives Yang a wink, which she groans uncomfortably at him."Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, thevery world!"

AAARRRGGGHHH! WHEN WILL HE SHUT UP!?Wraith yelled in Voltaria's head, finding Port to be an annoying guy, which he is.

Suddenly, a student raises his fist and agrees with Port with an "Ayyyy-yep!" as he stands up from his seat. Everyone, even Voltaria, looks at him strangely. Hannibal woke up from his nap, causing his snot bubble to pop, as he looked around in confusion. The student notices his classmates looking at him strangely before he quickly sits back down in embarrassment.

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"Is he even in this class?" Voltaria asked her entities blankly, noticing the student was not wearing his proper uniforms.

I think he is.Regina said to Voltaria, but wasn't sure.

Heeeyyy, how come he doesn't get to wear a uniform?!Wraith asked almost angrily.

"Don't know and I don't care." Voltaria mutters to them in her mind. "Let's just hope that his 'lecture' ends soon, so we can go."

To her annoyance, Professor Port began telling a long, self-absorbed and purposeless story about himself and his experience capturing a live Beowolf as a boy. Regina became annoyed at this story.

Really, now? How can he even capture a Grimm as a mere boy? That is so immature.Regina said in an annoyed tone.

At least it's...'interesting'.Tabitha commented, being the polite one.

Wraith groans in boredom while Hannibal goes back to sleep. Voltaria had to listen to Port's story for a while, but noticed Weiss becoming annoyed at Ruby's bad behavior. Voltaria does think Ruby has a rude personality, but she sees her as a very interesting person. That's when Port asks the class who possesses the traits required of being a Huntsman or Huntress. Voltaria would volunteer, however, Weiss raises her hand and proclaims that she does. Voltaria rolls her eyes at Weiss's arrogance. It will be the death of hers, but Voltaria was curious about Weiss's skills, and maybe used against it. Voltaria watched as Weiss came out from the changing room to put on her combat outfit and her weapon.

This should be interesting.Regina said.

Yeah, to us. I can't wait for what type of Grimm that will tear her apart.Wraith said with a grin.

Voltaria watched as the fight began. The Grimm that Weiss was fighting was a Boarbatusk.

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She made mental notes about Weiss's Semblance. The Semblance that she uses is called Glyphs. It is a hereditary Semblance of the Schnee family. Voltaria watched as Weiss defended herself against the Boarbatusk. Voltaria could feel that the Boarbatusk is a tamable and her entities knew it too. She could stop the fight, but she wants to see what Weiss is capable of.

Should we stop this?Regina asked calmly.

"Wait for a few minutes." Voltaria said to her.

Boarbatusk attacked the Schnee girl, rolling itself to her in incredible speed. Weiss blocks the Boarbatusk with her Glyphs and pushes it away. Her teammates cheered her on. Ruby and Yang were while Blake holds up a small flag that has their team name. However, they only annoyed Weiss. Voltaria found it annoying and childish, but for some reason, it was somewhat sweet for them to support Weiss, even though she's a snobbish brat. Weiss didn't care for their cheers at all, she tried to focus on defeating the Boarbatusk. Voltaria watched as Weiss did her best to take it down, despite the loud distraction from her teammates. Voltaria saw enough of this and decided to take the Boarbatusk away from the fight before blood would be shed.

Before Boarbatusk and Weiss could take each other, it suddenly stopped its attack and looked behind itself. Everyone was confused before they turned to the direction where the Boarbatusk was looking and gasped in shock. Standing a few feet from Weiss and the Boarbatusk was Voltaria Eclipse. Voltaria looks at the Boarbatusk under her mask. No one could see her face, but they could tell she has a stoic look. The Boarbatusk snorts a bit before walking over to Voltaria calmly. It didn't charge or threaten her. Instead, it went to her calmly. Weiss just stared dumbfounded as the aggressive Boarbatusk was now calmed down by Voltaria. The students, minus team RWBY, JNPR, and WAVE, started whispering to each other in shock. Each whisper is a comment of fear and amazement.

"She's controlling it!"

"She can tame Grimms!"

"Holy sh*t! The Rumors are true!"

Voltaria ignores their comments as she focuses on the Boarbatusk coming towards her. Voltaria can be cold to her classmates, but she warms up to any Grimm that she befriends. When the Boarbatusk was right in front of her, Voltaria started stroking at one of its tusks, calming it down. A ghostly smile spread across her face as she continued stroking the creature.

"Aren't you sweet." Voltaria sends a telepathic message to the Grimm. "You will be staying with us now, no more trapped in a cage and used as prey. Because now,theycan be prey." She added, referring to her classmates that will be her target if they ever mess with her.

The Boarbatusk oinks at her in agreement. As Voltaria continued stroking the Boarbatusk's tusk, her classmates and professor were staring at her with wide eyes. They were all equally shocked to see that. Voltaria appeared out of nowhere, interrupting Weiss's fight, and tamed the Boarbatusk in mere seconds. Voltaria didn't bother to look at Weiss. The Schnee girl was angrily looking at Voltaria for interrupting her battle. She puts her foot down and glares at Voltaria in annoyance.

"Hey! I was fighting here!"

Voltaria didn't answer as she continued stroking the Boarbatusk's tusk gently. She didn't bother to look at Weiss since she wasn't worth her time. Actually...none of her classmates are worth her time. Voltaria simply ignores Weiss as she continues her focus on the Boarbatusk.

"Why bother, you will simply lose to this Boarbatusk." Voltaria said, not caring about Weiss's feelings.

Angered, Weiss charges her Glyphs and strikes at the Boarbatusk, but Voltaria was there! Wade quickly stood from his seat when he saw that.


Wade was about to jump in and stop Weiss. However, before Weiss could even strike the Boarbatusk, no one saw Voltaria's dark grin as she grabbed hold on one of the Boarbatusk's tusks. And the next thing they knew was that Voltaria broke the tusk from the Boarbatusk, who didn't feel the pain of losing it, and soon used the tusk to block Weiss's attack. The whole room fell in complete shock when they saw that. Voltaria broke the tusk of the Boarbatusk clean off without using a weapon. Weiss stared at the stoic look of Voltaria.

Then suddenly, Voltaria used the horn to throw away Weiss's weapon, causing it to be stuck on the wall. Weiss was startled by this but didn't have time to react when Voltaria kicked her in the stomach, causing her to yell in pain. Weiss was knocked down on her back. She tried to get up, but a sharp tip of the Boarbatusk's tusk was pointed at her throat. Weiss froze as she glanced up to see the mask that covers Voltaria's face. Voltaria had the tusk pointed at Weiss's throat. If she dares move, she won't hesitate in stabbing her.

Voltaria could hear Wraith cheering her on, telling her to end the Schnee girl. However, Voltaria wasn't going to spill any blood today. She will consider a murder if she ended Weiss's life. Though Weiss did almost strike her, until Voltaria will let that go. So, looking down at the scared Schnee's face one last time, Voltaria made sure that Weiss understood her, loud and clear.

"Don't act as if you are the superior, because there are others who are more powerful." Voltaria informs Weiss coldly.

Voltaria withdraws the tusk from Weiss as she starts walking away, followed by the Boarbatusk. It ignores Weiss and follows Voltaria like a loyal pet. But before Voltaria leaves, she turns towards Port, who stiffens a bit.

"One last thing, you didn't capture a Grimm when you were a boy, you just watched it get captured by someone else." Voltaria informs him.

Port almost felt a chill on his spine when she said that. All the students became terrified of her, except for her teammates. They were worried about Voltaria's personality. With one final look at them, Voltaria walks away to leave the classroom with the Boarbatusk following her. Not caring how her reputation might take fold.


Glynda Goodwitch was walking through the halls of the Beacon Academy. She was checking on some data that was sent by the office. The data was the schedules for the students of different years on what classes they will be going and training lessons that they will do. Then Glynda stops her tracks to see the students coming out from Professor's Port's class. She notices that they have looks of fear and nervousness in their eyes. Glynda became concerned and yet annoyed about this. Thinking that Port must've told them his ridiculous stories. However, when she was about to walk away, she heard the students talking about Voltaria that made the Huntress stop from her tracks. She decided to listen to what the students were talking about.

"You see how she tamed that Grimm?" One of the male students said.

"Yeah, and it listens to her." A female student said.

"She took down Schnee with the Grimm's tusk!" A male student said.

"She's like ten years old and yet she's like a full huntress."

"She's terrifying."

All the students were commenting about how terrifying Ms. Eclipse was. This made Glynda worried and concerned. Voltaria is a skilled huntress, but she has this ability to talk to Grimms is very dangerous. Glynda wasn't even sure if Voltaria was ready to be with people, let alone teenagers. She then saw Voltaria's teammates. They quickly got out of the classroom and were searching for Voltaria.

"We have to find Voltaria before she causes any more trouble." Wade said, earning nods from his teammates. "AJ, you check on the library. Evo, you check at the cafeteria. I'll go check it out at the amphitheater. We'll meet back at our dorm."

They nodded and split up to find Voltaria. Glynda, who heard their plan, decided to search for Ms. Eclipse before she causes any more trouble or problems for the students. Glynda went off to the courtyard. She walks through the stone path, looking around for any signs of Voltaria. As she was about to walk to the corner, she heard something. Glynda looks at the undergrowth with curiosity. She carefully made her way to the undergrowth, gently pushing the bushes away, and froze from her spot. Voltaria was standing beside the Boarbatusk. She was holding the broken tusk on her hand as she gently used her free hand to stroke at its missing tusk.

"'s okay. I'll fix your tusk." Voltaria said gently.

The Boarbatusk didn't make a sound as Voltaria placed the tusk on the missing area. Glynda watched as Voltaria put the tusk back to the Boarbatusk. And something happened. Voltaria's hands started to glow white mixed with red and black. When she finished, Voltaria withdrew from the Boarbatusk and saw the tusk was now repaired. That's when Glynda realizes that Voltaria was giving some of her aura to the Boarbatusk. It was a shocking discovery since Grimm doesn't have any auras to heal themselves. And yet, Voltaria uses hers to heal the Boarbatusk without any problems.

"I know you're there." Voltaria spoke, not turning to face Glynda.

Glynda was startled by this but decided to come forward. She looks at the Boarbatusk calmly before turning to Voltaria with a strict face. Voltaria wasn't afraid. No one in this school can make her scared. Not even Glynda.

"Ms. Eclipse, I heard you brought quite a scare to the students." Glynda informs her.

Voltaria rolled her eyes under her mask as she sat down on the grass. "She was being arrogant and selfish. I taught her a lesson that she will never forget."

Ya tell her, Kid!Wraith cheered in her mind.

"But still, terrifying your classmates was not the option." Glynda said.

Voltaria scoffs as she looks at the blue sky. "It was my only option." She mutters.

This caught Glynda's attention. Voltaria's origin remains unknown, only rumors. Rumors like Voltaria was raised by Grimm or she was an experiment by a scientist. Whatever the case, Glynda never believed in them. Glynda always thought that Voltaria was a mistreated child and receiving this ability to talk to Grimm was...interesting. However, she did hear that Voltaria never got to know her parents when she first came to Beacon. Glynda put the pieces together and maybe, just maybe, she can understand Voltaria.

Gylnda sat a little close to Voltaria, ignoring the Boarbatusk behind them. Glynda looks at Voltaria, the young girl was looking at the clouds in the sky, as if it was her only source of entertainment. Glynda needs to understand this girl, so she could help her be more sociable to others.

"Why do you want the students to fear you?" Glynda began.

Voltaria didn't say anything. She was silent at first. No one asked why she brings fear to everyone. However, there was one reason why, so they won't mess with her. Ever since she could remember, her reputation made everyone fear her, and she remembered that she had a bounty that is worth a lot. Many bounty hunters and thugs tried to get her head, but she took them down with her entities and her Grimm. She would spare one and threatens him or her to tell everyone that wants her dead will be her next target. She never trusted anyone. Voltaria glanced at Glynda. The huntress was waiting patiently for her answer, but Voltaria didn't want to answer her.

Kid! She's trying to get in your head!Wraith snarls.

Wraith, calm down.Tabitha said to him.

Voltaria ignores her entities and turns to Glynda, Voltaria's eyes were hidden in her mask, but Glynda could tell that she was somewhat angry.

"You want to know why? Why did I always make everyone fear me? Here's why, so they can leave me alone." Voltaria answered, feeling her teeths turning into fangs.

Glynda was taken back at this in shock. Voltaria was doing they can leave her alone? Sure, everyone is afraid of her, both humans and Faunus, and now the whole Academy. However, I didn't stop Glynda from understanding this girl.

"If you want people to leave you alone, then how can your teammates trust you?" Glynda asked.

"Why would they trust me?" Voltaria mutters out. "They're just like the others; they'll probably think what I am in those rumors."

"And that is?"

"A monster." Voltaria answered with a growl.

Glynda stops and stares at her. It is true. There were rumors that Voltaria was born a monster. That she would take children in their sleep and feed them to her Grimm. But those were just rumors, they aren't real. They were nothing but myths that were made by the people.

"Everyone sees me as a monster, and seeing me as such, they sent bounties on my head." Voltaria explains. "And that made me realize, I shouldn't trust anyone, knowing that they will just betray me in the end."

Glynda stayed quiet for a while. All her years in teaching and fighting, she has never expected to hear such...pain. She knows that there are many people out there who have rough childhoods, especially the Faunus. But Voltaria had lost her way into trusting people, believing that everyone is her enemy, including her teammates and classmates. However, her teammates were worried for her. And they don't seem like they should betray her.

"You think that everyone around you is your enemy?" Glynda asked her.

Voltaria turns to her and simply nods. "They think of me as a monster and I know they will betray me."

"That's where you are wrong." Glynda informs her. "Don't you remember in the Emerald Forest where you meet your teammates? They didn't abandon you or kill you. You work together in finding the artifacts and making your team. They have no ambition in betraying you."

That's a lie, Kid!Wraith objected in her mind.They're probably waiting for the right moment for you to be soft!

I don't think so.Tabitha said.I've been studying them for a while, and they don't seem to have that type of ambition in harming Voltaria.

"Yeah, right. And the next you're going to say that Regina would learn to let loose and have fun."

Regina glares at him in Voltaria's mind.I, for one, have to agree with Tabitha. Voltaria's teammates don't have the ambition to harm her. So maybe, just maybe, we can trust them.

And tell them about Kid's true past? I don't think so.Wraith snorted.

"You never think." Voltaria said to him, which surprised the entities. Voltaria never talks back to Wraith when he complains. But now, she spoke up to him and Wraith has no idea what to do now.

Voltaria looks at Glynda. "If so, then how can you tell that they won't betray me?" She asked.

"For starters, your teammates are worried about you." Glynda informs her in a matter of fact tone. "They care about you and are worried that you will end up on the wrong path."

"Why are they worried about me?" Voltaria dared to ask.

Glynda looks at her mask. "They don't see you as a monster, they see you as a child that needs help."

Voltaria stared at her for a long period of seconds. She has no words to say to her and what to say yet. But after a while, she responded to the professor.

"They treat me like a child even though I can take care of myself?" Voltaria almost scoffed. "That's a surprise."

Glynda sighs, trying to calm herself to this arrogant girl. "What I'm trying to say is...that they care about you, not about your reputation, but your emotions. They want you to feel safe and understand you. But they can't if you just push them away."

Voltaria stayed silent. It's true that she pushes away her teammates. Even on the first day, she didn't want to sleep in the same dorm room with them. She didn't even want to speak to them during breakfast before they headed to their class. She never even bothered waiting for them when she left the classroom with the Boarbatusk. And she got a feeling that they won't give up on trying to help her be open-up to them and others. Voltaria didn't want to, but in her heart...she was getting tired. Tired of being hunted, tired of being hated, and tired of being alone. Voltaria could feel Wraith telling her not to give in, but Regina and Tabitha decided that she should trust her new teammates and make some acquaintances-no...friends. She has to be sociable. So, taking a deep breath and sigh, Voltaria looks at her professor right in the eye under her mask, and agrees with her.

"For once in my life, I agree." Voltaria said, looking at Glynda.

Glynda could feel a swell of pride coming to her, she finally was able to make Voltaria open-up with her and maybe with the others. Voltaria turns to the Boarbatusk and gently strokes its tusk.

"I spent my whole life living alone and considered the Grimm my only companions...I guess I forgot my humanity." Voltaria confesses quietly.

Then she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. Turning around, she saw Glynda was the one who placed the gentle hand on her shoulder, and it felt...nice. It has been a long time since someone touched her like that. The last time someone who was gentle to her was...was...her mother.

Voltaria felt her eyes hallow a bit. It's been years since her mother had died. She almost forgot about her mother and what she looked like. Her mother was the only one who gave her the loving embrace she needed when she was very young. Voltaria could feel her empty heart pounded a bit, as if she wanted to feel her mother's embrace and her voice one last time. And if she was here right now, she would probably tell her to make friends and be good to them.

"I...I guess I should find my teammates...and apologize to the Schn-I mean, Ms. Schnee." Voltaria said.

Glynda made a small smile on her face before she got up and outstretched her hand for her. Voltaria looked at her hand and felt herself hesitating to accept it, but slowly and carefully, she accepted Glynda's hand as she helped the young girl up. The two females walked out from the undergrowth with the Boarbatusk following them from behind. Glynda looks at the Boarbatusk with her brow raised before looking at Voltaria as they continue walking towards the Academy.

"By the way, where do you keep your Grimms?" Glynda asked.

Voltaria stops for a while and reveals her Grimm Holder that was hidden under her blouse. She turns to the Boarbatusk. Her Grimm Holder glows a faithful white light and the Boarbatusk was brought inside it. Once it was done, Voltaria looked at a surprised Glynda.

"This is where I keep my Grimms. That way, no one will get hurt." Voltaria informs her.

Glynda looks at Voltaria's Grimm Holder for a while. She was amazed how she brought that Grimm inside of it with ease. Without saying anything, Glynda nods in understanding as they set off to Voltaria's dorm to meet up with her teammates. When they walked, Voltaria had to ignore Wraith's grumble of annoyance while Regina and Tabitha praised her. However, there was someone missing.


"Where's Hannibal?" Voltaria asked her three entities.

Voltaria felt her entities crash into a halt, she felt her entities going silent for a few seconds. They were so busy with Glynda, they didn't notice that Hannibal was missing! Voltaria's entities can come and go out as they please. They can detach themselves from Voltaria's shadow and look around the area. But if Hannibal was out, this means trouble. He has a bad habit of eating any foods, meaning the cafeteria would lose their food in a second.

Tabitha!Regina almost shrieked.

On it!Tabitha said almost quickly as she secretly removes herself from Voltaria and searches for Hannibal without Glynda noticing her.

Speaking of Hannibal, he wasn't at the cafeteria. He was actually near Port's classroom. He hid in the shadows of hallways. He was spying on Ruby and Ozpin after Weiss stormed off. Truth be told, Ruby tried to check on her, but Weiss was angry and told her that Ozpin made a mistake in making Ruby the leader, which hurt the red hooded girl's feelings. That's when Ozpin appeared out of nowhere and Ruby asked if he made a mistake. But Ozpin just laughs slightly. Hannibal knows that Ozpin didn't make a mistake, Ozpin did the right thing.

"That remains to be seen." Ozpin said to Ruby.

Hannibal tilts his head at the scene before turning towards the direction at the balcony to see Professor Port, who was watching the sunset. Hannibal saw Weiss walking up to him and calling his name, causing the professor to turn and look at her. He has great hearing skills as he listens to their conversation.

"Ah, Miss Schnee! And to what do I owe this fine pleasure?" He asked.

"I...I enjoyed your lecture!" Weiss said almost sounding like a lie, which it is.

"Of course, you did, child. You have the blood of a true Huntress in you." Port complimented.

Weiss smiles at that. "You really think so?" She asked.

"Most surely!" Port said before he noticed that Weiss made a small frown and lack of eye contact. This caught his interest and worry. "Hmm...something's troubling you."

"Yes, sir..."

"Dear girl, confess to me your strife!" Port said to her.

"Well...I-I think I should have been the leader of Team RWBY!" Weiss blurted out to Port.

Port stayed silent for a short moment and Weiss waited for him to speak but didn't get what she wanted.

"That's preposterous!" Port said loudly which made Weiss shocked and annoyed.

Hannibal almost laughed at that but stayed quiet as he listened to Ruby and Ozpin's conversations. Ruby was looking confused when Ozpin answered her.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked.

"I mean, it's only been one day. Ruby, I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet. But at this moment, I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them." Ozpin said as he leaned in so he could look more directly at Ruby 's eyes.

"Do you?" He asked.

Hannibal then turns to Port and Weiss. Weiss got angry by Port's answer towards her. She was expecting him to agree with her. But no, he did the total opposite.

"Excuse me?!" Weiss exclaims.

"I've believed in Professor Ozpin for many years, and the man's never once led me astray!" Port said proudly.

"So, you would just blindly accept his decision even after seeing how exceptional I am?"

"With all due respect, your exceptional skill on the battlefield is matched only by your poor attitude." Port explains.

"How dare you!" Weiss exclaims when he says that.

"My point exactly. I see a girl before me who has spent her entire life getting exactly what she wanted." Port said, gesturing to her.

Weiss crosses her arms, looking defiant and annoyed. "That's not even remotely true!"

However, Port just stared at her. He knows that Weiss was born into a rich family. And she probably gets anything that she wants with a snap of her fingers. But right now, she needs to understand that there are times that she can't get what she wants.

"Well...not entirely true." Weiss confessed to him.

Hannibal turns back to Ozpin and Ruby. "Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you're not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you?" Ozpin questioned Ruby.

Ruby looks thoughtful with Ozpin's words, then soon smiles at him. She felt the heavy weight removed from her shoulders and understands what she needs to do. Hannibal smiles at them before trying to Weiss and Port.

"So, the outcome did not fall in your favor. Do you really believe that acting in such a manner would cause those in power to reconsider their decision?" Port asked her. "I mean, in your performance, Ms. Eclipse took you down with the Grimm's tusk! And do you remember what she has said to you?"

This caused Weiss to stop being angry and remember Voltaria's words that haunted her.

Don't act as if you are the superior, because there are others who are more powerful.

Weiss would never forget that. That girl was like-what? Ten-years-old, and she still took her down. She took her down with ease. And what she said is true, there are others who are more superior than her. Port saw the look of understanding in her eyes and made her understand the right way.

"So instead of fretting about what you don't have, savor what you do. Hone your skills, perfect every technique, and be not the best leader, but the best person you can be. That way, you can learn to understand people better." Port said.

This made Weiss smile a little at the words of wisdom from Port before quickly vanishing when he added. "Even though Ms. Eclipse is terrifying, but still! You can be a better person and maybe, just maybe, you can make her understand to be a better person too."

Hannibal was surprised by this before turning back to Ozpin and Ruby. Ozpin continues giving Ruby words of wisdom. "You've been burdened with a daunting responsibility, Ruby. I advise you to take some time to think about how you will uphold it."

Ruby gives a last look of consideration before she turns and walks away. Ozpin soon leaves before Ruby comes to the balcony where Port is seen walking away from Weiss. She smiles a little at her partner before she heads back to her dorm room to prepare herself.


Hannibal turned and saw Tabitha coming his way. She had a look of worry in her eyes.

There you are! You got us worried.Tabitha almost exclaims.We thought that you ate all the food in the cafeteria.

No. Exploring only.Hannibal said.

Tabitha sighs in relief, knowing that Hannibal didn't cause any trouble. Tabitha gestured to him to follow her.Let's head back to the others, they're waiting for us at the dorm.Tabitha said.

Hannibal nodded as they both sank into the shadows and headed towards the dorm room of Team WAVE. They saw Voltaria and Glynda walking to the hall. They secretly made their way back to Voltaria's shadow without getting noticed as the two females made their way to the door. There, they saw Wade, AJ, and Evo. They were reporting back on their search for Voltaria. Glynda cleared her throat to get their attention. They turned around and were shocked to see her and Voltaria. They made their way to them, relieved to see Voltaria safe.

"Thank goodness you are okay, Voltaria." AJ said with a smile of relief.

"You made us worried." Evo said.

Wade looks at Glynda. "Professor Goodwitch? How did ya find her?" He asked.

"Simple, she was at the courtyard with a Grimm that she befriended." Glynda explains to them before she turns towards Voltaria. "She's...a unique girl."

Voltaria looks at her teammates and then steps forward to them. They stared at her for a while as she looked at them under her mask. After a few seconds of silence, Voltaria broke the silence.

"I...I'm sorry." She said almost like a mutter. This surprised her teammates. They never knew that she could apologize to them. However, she didn't finish there. "I'm sorry that I keep pushing you guys away. I'm-I'm not used to having teammates because..."

"Because what?" Evo asked.

Voltaria sighs. "Because I thought you guys were going to find out if I have any weaknesses, you'll use it against me and sell me off to a bounty."

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Ya think we're gonna sell ya off?" Wade asked before he scoffed. "Pfft! V! Ye're our teammate."

"We would never sell you off." AJ added.

"And besides, you'll probably kill us before any of us can lay a finger." Evo said as a joke.

That earned a few laughs from AJ and Wade. Glynda stayed serious, but a small smile crept on her face. Voltaria could feel a strange feeling coming from her chest. Her felt...happy. She never felt happiness for years after she blocked all her emotions. She never understood why, but...she wants to accept her new teammates. And maybe feel happiness again.

"Well, since your problem has been solved, I should be leaving you all now." Glynda said before truing towards Voltaria. "Try not to give your classmates any more heart attacks, Ms. Eclipse."

"That will be a challenge." Voltaria said.

Wade, AJ, and Evo chuckled a bit while Glynda shook her head at her. "Now, get ready for tomorrow. Your first class starts early."

Team WAVE understood and said their goodnights to Glynda. They all entered their dorm room and got ready for bed. AJ was in the bathroom while Wade and Evo got ready for bed. Voltaria, on the other hand, decided to go out a bit. Wade asked where she was going. She informs him that she has something to do first. She won't be long, she'll be back. Voltaria went out of her dorm room and went off to find Team RWBY's room.

I can't believe you're going to apologize to the Ice Princess of Bossiness.Wraith grumbled in annoyance.

"Since I have to let people accept me, I have to let them understand who I really am." Voltaria said, walking through the hall. She was searching for Weiss after Hannibal showed them about Port and Weiss's conversation. Maybe Weiss wasn't such a spoiled brat after all...maybe.

This school is making you soft, Kid.Wraith said."I miss the good old days when we strike fear and terror in everyone's hearts and get the respect that you deserve.

"The respect of being treated as a monster?" Voltaria asked Wraith, who became silent. "Sorry, Wraith. But I guess there's going to be some changes."

Wraith grumbles in annoyance as Voltaria makes her way to the hall where Team RWBY's room was. She saw Weiss was about to enter the room but stopped when she saw Voltaria. The young girl went over to Weiss, who looked at her wearily. When Voltaria was in front of her, the two females stared at each other. There was silence between the two. Weiss didn't break eye contact as she looked at the Grimm Girl's mask. Soon, the silence was broken by Voltaria as she said something that shocked Weiss.

"I'm sorry."

Weiss stared at her with wide eyes. She couldn't believe that this girl, who can communicate to Grimms, was apologizing to her. I mean, Weiss was the one who attacked Voltaria first, even though she was near the Boarbatusk.

"Y-You're sorry?" Weiss asked Voltaria in confusion.

Voltaria shrugs a bit with her arms crossed. "I am. I always thought you were a spoiled rich girl...but for some reason, you are not." She said before sighing. "What I am trying to say're very skilled in your own unique way."

Weiss was taken back by her words. She could feel her words were true. Weiss couldn't help but smile at Voltaria's words. She was different from the other Schnee family members and she trained all her life to learn how to defend herself against Grimms, yet she didn't get enough time to understand people.

"Wow...thank you." Weiss said. "You're very smart for a girl your age."

"I get that a lot." Voltaria said before she turned and started walking away. "I'll see you tomorrow...Weiss."

When Voltaria was about to leave, Weiss called out to her. "Hey, Voltaria?"

Voltaria stops from her tracks and turns to her. "Yes?"

"You...You are right. I shouldn't be superior to others who are stronger than me." Weiss confessed.

Voltaria was somewhat surprised by this. She never expects Weiss to agree with her words. Wraith was groaning in her mind, finding it disgusting about this whole friendship thing.

Ugh! This is so gross!Wraith groans.

Wraith!Regina and Tabith scolded him.

Voltaria ignores them before she nods at Weiss before adding. "Don't think I'll go easy on you in sparring matches."

Weiss smirks at that as she crosses her arms. "We'll see." She said.

With that said, they departed their ways. Voltaria walks back to her dorm while Weiss enters her room. Voltaria walks through the slightly dark halls, enjoying the peace and quiet. She got to admit, she never expected herself to make some good...friends before. She always thought that everyone was her enemy, but they aren't. She learns that they care and worry for her. And it made her feel whole. However, there are students that are not as good as some because she could feel negativity in some students, and it caused her Grimms to get riled up.

"This is going to be one crazy ride." Voltaria mutters out.

Agreed.Her Entities said unison.

And thus, Beacon Academy has become more interesting for Voltaria and her Entities.

Chapter 6: Leadership and Friendship

Chapter Text

Voltaria tried to learn to be...nice. She slowly open-up to them. She listens to Wade, and she gets to know Evo and AJ a bit. Though, she did her best to be nice to them. She made friends with the team RWBY. She and Blake like to read at the library when they have free time. She learns that Yang was very talented in hand to hand combat as she shows Voltaria some moves. Weiss and Voltaria became somewhat friends after they studied together at the library once. Ruby, on the other hand, was very cheerful and would lighten up the mood with bad jokes and fun games. Voltaria wasn't sure why Ruby was acting like such a child, but it does make Voltaria feel a little comfortable. Voltaria got used to Ruby's childish personality and became somewhat friends. So, Voltaria considers team RWBY as her'friends'and she's slowly become a way.

Glynda would check on her when they met, asking if she was doing alright. Voltaria answered without any rudeness in her tone. She started to feel a little comfortable with Glynda. She even taught Voltaria some combat training when they have free time, making sure that no one knows about their little secret. They will never hear the end of it from Ozpin or Voltaria's teammates.

So, basically, Voltaria was getting used to her life in Beacon. However, there was a team that were jerks.

Team CRDL.

They are four bullies who like to mess people, especially the weak and the Faunus. Voltaria despised that group. She made revenge plans for them. She made sure that they suffered badly. Although, they didn't mess with team RWBY because of Yang and Weiss. They're afraid of Yang because of her enhanced strength, and Weiss because of her family. Team CRDL did try to mess with her team, but with her around, they backed off because of her reputation. She sent Tabitha to spy on them and learn about their weaknesses and information about their lives and family. Tabitha got a lot of info because they are easy to read like a book. Voltaria made sure to use their weaknesses as her advantage. She didn't tell her team about this because she didn't want them to get involved in her scheming ideas.

But she wasn't that heartless as she helped someone in training.

Voltaria was in the training room with her classmates. Glynda is the professor in the Combat Lessons. She made sure that each student performs their skills and how they use their aura. Voltaria finished her sparring match with Russel Thrush. She used her hand to hand combat on him. Poor Russel was so scared when Glynda picked him to spar with Voltaria, the poor teen didn't think of a strategy and messed up. He couldn't stand a chance against the Grimm Girl.

After her match, it was Jaune vs. Carden. The teen was afraid to spar with him. Jaune was terrified of sparing Carden, who was going to enjoy this. However, Voltaria didn't want to see Carden win. Instead, she's going to help Jaune without anyone knowing.

"Wraith, Tabitha, give him the strength and speed to defeat Carden." Voltaria ordered.

Hehehe, this is gonna be good.Wraith said menacingly as he and Tabitha dispatched themselves from Voltaria and secretly made their way to Jaune.

Here's another thing about her entities: they possess people and control them. They take control of their hosts and use their strength on them to defeat any opponents. To prove it, Wraith and Tabitha took control over Jaune. Jaune became stiff as his eyes flashed black and red before turning back to blue. No one notices that Wraith and Tabitha took control of Jaune. Tabitha was the speed and Wraith was the strength. And they made Jaune have a perfect fighting stance, his sword and shield raised. Glynda and some of their classmates were impressed by Jaune's stance. Voltaria wasn't fazed by this, she knows that Wraith and Tabitha were the ones who were controlling him.

Ready T!Wraith said to Tabitha with excitement.

Ready as I'll ever be.Tabitha answered calmly.

Cardin was the first one to attack as he charged 'Jaune' with a battle cry with his mace raced. Wraith took control and quickly raised his shield to block the attack. With that force could knock 'Jaune' down, however, Wraith was the strength and didn't feel anything as he stood his ground and uses the shield to push the mace away and combing the strength and speed, 'Jaune' kicked Cardin on the face with a roundhouse kick. Cardin felt the air escape from his lungs as he tried to stay balanced. However, Wraith and Tabitha didn't give him time as they worked together to strike at Cardin. With the sword, 'Jaune' strikes at Cardin. Cardin quickly blocked the attack. 'Jaune' attacks were fast, swinging the sword at Cardin. Cardin did his best to block Jaune's attack.

Glynda was surprised at Jaune's fighting technique. She looks at his aura level at her scroll and notices that 'Jaune's' aura wasn't dropping but Cardin's was. Glynda was shocked by this. Unaware from the audience, Hannibal was secretly stealing the aura energy of Cardin's and giving it to 'Jaune'. Hannibal can give and take aura energy to the ones who need it. He isn't much of a glutton. Hannibal likes to share his food.

Everyone watched in amazement as 'Jaune' was taking down Cardin. Voltaria smirks at this as Cardin was losing. Cardin was trying to take down 'Jaune', but thanks to Tabitha's speed, Cardin kept missing 'Jaune' and got kneed in the face in the process.

"Wow! How can Jaune fight like that!?" Ruby asked in shock.

"I'm not sure how's he doin' that." Wade answered, who was shocked along with his team, except Voltaria.

Cardin was losing energy quickly, but he used his last attempt to disarm 'Jaune's' sword from his hand. The sword was sent flying above them. Cardin was about to hit 'Jaune', but he quickly dodged by sliding down and knocked Cardin off his feet. 'Jaune' grabs his sword before it could hit the ground. Cardin gets up and swings his mace at 'Jaune' until 'Jaune' ducks in time and uses his shield to strike at Cardin's chest so hard that the bully falls on his behind. Before he could get up, the sharp tip of a blade was pointed at his face. Cardin looked up and saw 'Jaune' pointing his sword at him.

Meaning, he has won the match.

"Well done, Mr. Arc." Glynda congratulated.

With her words, Wraith and Tabitha removed themselves from Jaune, snapping him out from his possession. Jaune blinks and notices that he was pointing his sword at Cardin. Startled, Jaune removed his sword from Cardin and looked at Glynda in confusion while Cardin grumpily got up.

"Mr. Arc you did an excellent job in both combat and aura balance." Glynda said with a hint of pride before becoming disappointed when she looked at Cardin. "Mr. Winchester, you almost drained your aura energy, and didn't think of your tactics."

Cardin became annoyed by this and glared at Jaune, who was avoiding his gaze. Glynda looks to the seated and standing students, such as Yang was punching the air in anticipation, Weiss was shaking her fists with an excited smile, and Ruby was shaking her entire body with enthusiastic energy while squealing softly. Voltaria sits calmly as Tabitha and Wraith return to her, completely unnoticed.

"Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away. It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing. Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!" Glynda announced.

The bell rings, the students get up and leave. Jaune quickly went to his team, who were praising him saying that he did a great job, especially Pyrrha. Cardin grumpily walked towards his team, annoyed that he lost to Jaune. Voltaria followed her team, a ghostly smirk came to her face as she was pleased that Cardin got what he deserved.

Wade, AJ, and Evo were sitting on a table with Team RWBY and Team JNPR. Voltaria went out for a bit to get some air since she's not into crowded places, especially the cafeteria. The Cafeteria was crowded with students as they were chatting or eating. The three teams were curious how Jaune was able to take down Cardin. However, they didn't ask Jaune how he did it since Nora was telling them an unbelievable story.

"So! There we were, in the middle of the night..."

"It was a day." Ren corrected her.

Nora ignores him as she continues to tell her story to her friends, but they are busy doing their own thing. Blake wasn't paying attention as she read her book. Yang was listening to the story with her hands cupping her face. And Evo was listening to music with his green headphones.

"We were surrounded by Ursas..."

Ren holds up a coffee cup. "They were Beowolves." He corrected it again.

"Dozens of them!" Nora screams this as she stands at the table of Team RWBY and JNPR. Weiss ignores Nora and files her nails. AJ, Ruby and Pyrrha are listening politely to Nora's story. And Jaune was messing with his food.

"Two of 'em." Ren corrected Nora.

AJ, Ruby and Pyrrha now look at a distant Jaune with concern while they listen to Nora's story. "But they were no match... and in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of lien selling Ursa skin rugs!"

As Nora finished her story with a grin, Team RWBY, WAVE, and JNPR, minus Jaune and Evo, stared at her blankly and in confusion. In Port's class, Grimm's bodies always disappear when they are killed. That's when Ren sighs almost in annoyance.

"She's been having this recurring dream for nearly a month now." Ren informs them.

"A month?" Wade asked Red while raising a brow as he earned a nod from Ren.

Pyrrha smiles at them before she notices Jaune's sad and confused look. Worried about her team leader, Pyrrha asked him what's wrong.

"Jaune? Are you okay?" She asks.

Jaune snaps out of his thoughts and turns back towards Pyrrha. "Huh? Oh, yeah! Why?" He lied to them, but they knew he was lying.

"It's just that you seem a little... not okay..." Ruby said to him. The others stop on what they were doing as they turn and stare at him.

"Guys, I'm fine. Seriously! Look!" He holds up a thumb while laughing nervously until his attention is focused on the members of Team CRDL.

The bullies were standing around a girl with brown rabbit ears, her name is Velvet Scarlatina, and she was being bullied by them. Cardin laughs at her and Sky Lark Holds up his hands to his head in a mock interpretation of her unusual features. They were angry and annoyed by Cardin's behavior. He's acting like a jerk as always.

"Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school." Pyrrha said.

"I agree with her." Wade said. "Ya were able to stand up for yarself in the training lesson."

"Yeah, how were you able to do that?" Ruby asked.

"Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah! He just likes to mess around! You know...practical jokes!" Jaune said before adding. "Although, I don't know how I was able to fight him."

"You don't remember?" AJ asked.

Jaune shrugs. "I don't know, it felt wasn't me who was fighting him." Jaune answered.

There was a brief silence. Jaune doesn't know how he was able to fight Cardin without a scratch and kept his aura in check. They wonder if it was Jaune's semblance, fighting without him noticing this. But they decided to change the subject.

"In hindsight, Cardin deserved to lose." Evo said to him.

"Yeah! He's a bully." Ruby added with a nod.

"More like a jerk." Wade corrected, earning more nods for the others minus Jaune.

Jaune scoffs. "Oh, please! Name one time he'sbulliedme."

They gave him a blank look as they remember the times Cardin messed with him. For example, when he was going to class, Cardin knocked his book down. When He and Cardin are about to pass through a doorway, Cardin clicks on Jaune's shield and it blocks the exit. And lastly, Cardin pushes Jaune into a locker and sends you flying to the courtyard. And he was lucky that he got out because Voltaria was reading a book in the courtyard. After the trip to memory lane, they look at Jaune. Jaune attempts to laugh it off but fails.

"I didn't land far from the school!"

"Riiight..." Evo mutters to him.

"Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask." Pyrrah said.

"Or ya can tell the teachers. They have rules ya know about bullyin'." Wade added.

"Ooooh!" Nora gets up from the table and presents her diabolical plan with a not-entirely-sane grin. "We'll break his legs!"

They, minus Evo, gave her a strange look. They will get in trouble by that idea. Wade wonders if Voltaria has some ideas in stopping Cardin. After all, no one dares mess with her. Wade shook his head at Nora.

"Nora, we can't do that." He said.

"Guys, really! It's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me; he's a jerk to everyone."

They all look over as the laughing grows louder, mixed in with cries of pain from the rabbit girl when one of her ears is tugged on by Cardin.

"Ow! That hurts!" Velvet stops struggling and grimaces as she pleads. "Please, stop..."

Cardin continues laughing as he turns to his cronies. "I told you it was real!"

Russel was guffawing with his teammates. "What a freak!"

Wade narrowed his eyes before grabbing a single pea and fired it at Cardin's eye. Cardin yelps in pain and he lets go of Velvet's bunny ear. Velvet almost falls to the floor but in a flash. Wade caught her in the waist and her tray on his other hand. He helps her up and gives her a tray back. Velvet blushes a little by Wade's catch.

"Thanks..." She whispers in gratitude as she makes a small smile. Velvet has a little crush on Wade when she sees him on the first day. He was so cool. Wade nodded before glaring at Cardin. Cardin was able to recover and glared at Wade hatefully.

"Why you?!" Cardin gets into Wade's emotionless face. All the students, minus Evo, tense up. They're gonna have a brawl in the cafeteria.

"Ah, grow up!" Wade snarls. "You anin't a kin' here, Cardin. Ya're a student, like the rest of us. Not a bossy and an airheaded kin'." Wade said as he helps Velvet up before he crosses his arms and glares at Cardin.

Cardin scoffs. "Sayswho?! You and one army!"

Evo appears behind Wade standing by his side. "Make that two." He hissed venomously.

AJ gets up and stands next to Velvet and places her hand on the bunny Faunus' shoulder. "Three." She said.

Cardin glares at them but not on AJ. He has a huge crush on her. "Oh yeah! But, it's still not enough for us to beat you all up!"

"Oh, really?" Someone asked in a cold yet mocking voice.

Everyone, minus Team WAVE, froze from their spots. They know that voice anywhere. Team CRDL turned around and froze to see the most terrifying girl in their school.

Voltaria Eclipse also known as the Grimm Girl.

Voltaria was currently sitting on the CRDL's table with her legs crossed as she eats an apple. They feared her since the day she got to this school, they wanted to mess with her, but when they witnessed her taming a Grimm in Port's class, they stayed away from her, fearing that she has other Grimms somewhere. Russel was more terrified at her since she nearly beat him to a pulp in the sparring match. He was forever traumatized by Voltaria's skills and Grimms. Voltaria looks at them under her mask as she eats the apple.

"Hmm...I always wonder why you boys bully people who aren't strong enough to defend themselves or be different? Is it because you wanted to show power? Or you wanted to be the 'Big Boss' of this school? Or're just being a prideful and idiotic child." Voltaria said, almost sounds like a mock.

Cardin tried to talk back but couldn't find the voice to speak. His body shook in fear and he was sweating uncontrollably. Voltaria could sense it and she took it to her advantage. She wasn't done scaring him and his team. She will show them true fear.

"You know, Grimms are attracted to negative emotions like fear, hatred, anger, guilt...pride." Voltaria said with a dead serious tone.

The students were getting scared by her, especially team CRDL. Jaune was now afraid of her except for team WAVE, RWBY, and JNPR. They know that Cardin and his team deserve to be scared. They should feel how the others felt when they got bullied by them.

"You're not much of a leader, in fact, you're more of a tyrant and your friends are nothing more than followers that only follow you because they want to show how strong they are." Voltaria said, her sclera turning black and her pupils turning silts as her eyes glowed under her mask. Her teeth slowly turn into fangs as she continues eating her apple.

"And you do realize if you continue this then the Grimms will come over to you and the last thing you saw was a Grimm's fangs and claws." Voltaria finished.

The whole room fell into silence, Team CRDL couldn't talk back to her since she was terrifying. They couldn't forget how she took down Weiss with nothing but a Boarbatusk's tusk. Voltaria continues looking at them under her mask, intimidating them as they stood there in fear. Cardin tried his best to be brave. He can't let this girl scare him!

"You think you can scare me! You're nothing more than a-"

"Awhat, Mr. Winchester?" Asked the angry voice of Glynda's.

Team CRDL froze from their spot. They slowly turned and their faces became pale. Standing in front of Team WAVE and Velvet were Professor Ozpin and Glynda. Glynda was glaring at Cardin and his teammates, unamused and disappointed at what they were doing. She was crossing her arms with her crop in hand. Ozpin was staring at them blankly as he held his mug, but in his eyes, he was full of disappointment and a bit angry at Team CRDL's behavior.

"Mr. Winchester, it is wise not to engage in a fight with your classmates." Ozpin said calmly and yet there was a scolding tone hidden in his voice.

Cardin tried to make an excuse. "B-but..."

"No buts, Mr. Winchester." Glydna cuts him off.

"Mr. Cross is correct. You are a student of Beacon, not a king." Ozpin stated to him. "Mr. Winchester, you treat your classmates fairly, not bullying them. And you are a leader, you must learn how to lead your team in the right path, not the wrong one."

Russel, Dove and Sky shrink in embarrassment as the teachers scold them in front of their classmates. Voltaria smirks at the scene, enjoying their embarrassment. Seeing that they have enough, Ozpin made sure that they stop their action.

"Do you understand?" Ozpin asked.

Cardin lowered his head in annoyance and embarrassment. "Yes, Sir..." He mutters.

"Good." Ozpin takes a sip in his coffee. "However, you and your teammates are not going anywhere without being punished for this behavior." He said.

"Um...what punishment?" Dove dared to ask.

"Team CRDL, you will receive two weeks detention and be cleaning up the science lab without any aura usage, understand?" Ozpin asked them seriously.

Team CRDL slump their heads in sadness and annoyance. "Yes, Sir..."

"Now come to my office, so we can have a proper discussion of this inexcusable behavior." Ozpin said.

Team CRDL has their heads down as Ozpin looks at Team WAVE with a small smile. "You four did the right thing to help a friend. For that, you four get extra credit."

Team WAVE was happy about this. AJ smiles in pure happiness. Wade grins about the extra credit. And Evo smirks. Voltaria just shrugs as she continues eating her apple. As Ozpin brings team CRDL to his office, Glynda looks at team WAVE and they could've sworn that her stoic expression was showing pride.

"You made a great example of being hunters and huntresses. It's a shame that Mr. Winchester and his team don't have those." She sighs before she turns to Voltaria, who was sitting calmly on top of the table.

"And you said you weren't going to scare anyone." Glynda said to her.

Voltaria shrugs and simply answers. "You said I couldn't scare my classmates, but you didn't say I couldn't scare them while defending someone."

Glynda thinks about her words, not sure if she argued with her, but she did help Velvet. So, she'll let that slide. She was proud that Team WAVE was changing Voltaria, even though she was slowly progressing, she was improving.

"Fair enough." Glynda said before she walked away to Ozpin's office.

The others went back to eating and saying how lucky that Team WAVE gets extra credit. They even added a rumor that Voltaria cursed team CRDL and that is why they got punished. Voltaria snorts at the rumor and continues eating her apple. Velvet sighs and turns to Team WAVE with a smile.

"Thanks for your help." She said.

Wade tips his hat. "Anytime, partner."

AJ smiles at Velvet. "If they bother, you just tell us, okay? That way, Voltaria can scare them even more."

"I will." Voltaria mutters out.

Velvet smiles and nods at them before returning to her table with a happy feeling. Team WAVE were about to return to their table when they noticed that Voltaria disappeared, again. Wade sighs and shakes his head. He thinks that they should give Voltaria a tracking device, so they couldn't find wherever she runs off too. They returned to their seats and saw Team RWBY and JNPR, minus Jaune, were smiling at them.

"You guys are awesome!" Ruby grins as she and high-fives AJ.

"Yeah! You show that guy a thing or two." Yang grins.

Blake nodded with a smile of appreciation. "There should be more people like you guys." She said.

"Yup, you show great excellence." Weiss agreed with Blake.

"I still think we should break his legs." Nora pouted. Everyone looks at her and gives her the "Really?"look. She sees this and shrugs her arms up. "What?"

"Ah don't think breakin' his legs would stop that coot." Wade said.

"Atrocious. I can't stand people like him." She said. "At least he and his team got punished."

"I wonder how the teachers were able to know." Blake said.

"Ah think Ah know who." Wade said as he looked at the empty table where Voltaria was sitting.

Speaking of Voltaria, the young girl was at the academy roof. She looks at some clouds that float by. Her entities were out as Wraith was laughing his heart out. He and the others witness CRDL's embarrassment. It was priceless. They were so scared that they couldn't even move! And before Cardin could smack talk her, Glynda and Ozpin were right behind them!


Voltaria didn't bother to look at him as she tossed her apple to Hannibal, who ate it happily. She then took out something from her right sleeve. It was a card and it shows council members punishing criminals. This card brought team CRDL bad fortune and punished them for what they have done. Voltaria sighs as she allows the card to turn into sparkling light as it vanishes from her hand. She looks at the horizon and wonders.

Was there a purpose for her here?

Voltaria always thought that she was a monster. A being that should always be feared by all. And she didn't need any company. However, just today, she just helped someone. And...she wasn't afraid. She guesses there's more to her than meets the eye.

When lunch was over, all the students, plus Voltaria went to their next class about history. The professor is named Bartholomew Oobleck.

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He teaches the students about history and the war between the Humans and the Faunus. Oobleck wears a white shirt partially tucked into his dark-green pants and collar raised, showing a slack yellow tie, along with mismatched brown and black shoes. He also has round glasses that appear to be opaque.

Like Ozpin, Oobleck drinks coffee, but he drinks too much coffee. Oobleck was fast and hyperactive speaking since he drinks too much coffee. The students could barely understand him as he zips around the classroom while doing his lectures. Voltaria knows the history since Regina taught her before, but she decided to listen anyway. Jaune was fast asleep because Oobleck's lectures made him sleepy. Hannibal and Wraith were asleep as well since they found Oobleck boring. Oobleck was having his hyperactive lecture, educating his students in hyperactive talking.

"This is prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution, more popularly known as the Faunus War!" He zooms up to the front of the class and the map covered in papers behind his desk, "Humankind was quite! Quite adamant about centralizing the Faunus population in Menagerie!"

Oobleck points at the map of said area with his stick, and then zooms off to the side for a sip of his coffee before appearing in front of the desk.

"Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events! Why, the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day!"

He zooms around the classroom more, sipping his coffee again before continuing to zoom around while explaining his lecture, "Now! Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?"

With that said, some of the students that are Faunus raised their hands, even Velvet. Voltaria clenches her fists. She always despised those humans who can't accept Faunus as who they are. She always brought those people bad fortune like losing their homes, jobs, money, and family.

Oobleck shook his head at the poor Faunus students. "Dreadful...simply dreadful! Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence!" He takes another sip of his coffee. "I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to White Fang! Now, which one of you young scallions can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the third year of the War? Yes?"

Oobleck points at Weiss, who raises her hand, as she answers. "The Battle at Fort Castle!"

Oobleck nodded. "Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?"

Unseen by the professor, Cardin flicks a paper football at Jaune's head, causing him to wake up from his sleep as he yelps. "Hey!"

Oobleck zooms over into Jaune's face. "Mr. Arc! Finally contributing to class! This is excellent! Excellent! What is the answer?"

Jaune hesitated. He wasn't paying attention to the lesson as he thought of the answer. "Uhhhh... The answer... The advantage... of the Faunus...had over that guy's stuff..."

Voltaria mentally sighs and gives an order to Regina. "Regina, would you please?"

As you wish.Regina said with a light chuckle.

Regina possesses Jaune's body, causing him to stiff a bit. When they possessed people, they spoke with the voice of the one they took control of, so they didn't find anything suspicious. Regina took control of Jaune's body as she gave Oobleck the answer.

"The advantage that they have is Night Vision."

"Correct!" Oobleck exclaims with a smile.

Regina retreated from Jaune's body, causing him to snap out from his trance as he placed his hand on his head while shaking it, as if he was trying to remove the dizziness. Cardin was surprised by Jaune's correct answer. However, being a total jerk and bully, he decided to change that.

"Well, I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier." He said, almost boasting.

Oobleck shakes his head at Cardin's stupidity. The other students, minus his teammates, were annoyed by Cardin's behavior. They hope that Ozpin's punishment will make him eat his words. Pyrrah rolled her eyes at Cardin.

"You're not the most open-minded of individuals, are you, Cardin?" She asked.

Cardin looks at her almost annoyed. "What? You got a problem?"

Pyrrha narrowed her eyes. "No, and what Jaune said is true. Many Faunus are known to have nearly-perfect sight in the dark."

Cardin growled at her when she added the correct answers. Voltaria smirks at her, finding it amusing to see Pyrrah showing her toughness. Blake soon joins in with Pyrrah.

"General Lagune was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched, and the general was captured."

"Perhaps if he'd paid attention in class, he wouldn't have been remembered as such a failure." Pyrrah finished.

Cardin gets up from his seat, fist clenched, but before he could do anything, Oobleck stops him.

"Mr. Winchester! Please take your seat. You and your team have already been punished by Ozpin! Do you want another punishment for the rest of the semester?!" Oobleck asked.

Hearing this, Cardin sits back down and growls in annoyance. If he and his team get another punishment, they'll never hear the end of it from their parents. Voltaria could hear Wraith laughing after he woke up by Oobleck's scolding. Jaune laughs silently at Cardin's embarrassment. However, Jaune shouldn't laugh because he too was in trouble.

"You and Mr. Arc can both see me after class for additional readings." He takes yet another sip of his coffee.

Jaune shoulders slump in disappointment. "Oohhhh..." He moans in disappointment.

Oobleck zooms away, "Now! Moving on!"

After class was over, they all went back to their dorms. Voltaria was walking towards the courtyard to get some air. She heard from the others that they're going to a field trip at Forever Fall to collect some saps for Professor Peaches. For some reason, Voltaria was excited since she could go outside. It felt strange not to stay outside that much. But upon her journey to the courtyard, she found herself meeting Oobleck. She stops her tracks when Oobleck sees her.

"Ah! Ms. Eclipse!" Oobleck said cheerfully as he zoomed right in front of her. "Glad that I found you!"

Voltaria stares at him under her mask. "What is it?" She asked.

"Yes! Getting to the point, I like it!" Oobleck said. "Since you are one of my top students, I would like you to be the tutor of Mr. Arc!"

Voltaria felt the world around her shattered. Her right brow twitched and felt her hands turn into fists, shaking irritably. Of all the students, Oobleck chose her to tutor Jaune! Of course, she was one of the top students since Regina was the one tutoring her. Wraith wasn't too pleased about this either since they have to babysit a not experienced hunter. I mean, they did help him secretly, but they didn't expect to help him personally.

"With all due respect, Professor Oobleck, but why not Ms. Nikos? I mean, they are teammates." Voltaria said, hoping that Oobelck would agree, but didn't.

"Nonsense! Why, it's a perfect opportunity for you to learn to be more sociable." Oobleck said.

"Wait, what?" Voltaria asked in somewhat shock. How does he know that!? "Who told you that?"

"Why, Professor Goodwitch who told me that you are not a sociable type of person, and you aren't! And you helping Mr. Arc will help with your social skills!" Oobleck said smiling.

Voltaria stared at him in disbelief and was somewhat angry about this. She can't train Jaune. Her skills are...dangerous. I mean, she was trained by Wraith and Tabitha in both strength and speed. And Regina was the one who tutors her in education while Hannibal teaches her to preserve energy. However, if she doesn't teach Jaune, he might not survive the battlefield. She and her entities can't help him every day in training, he has to learn combat and activate his semblance soon. So, with a sigh, Voltaria turned to Oobleck and nodded.

"Fine, I'll tutor him." Voltaria mutters in agreement.

"EXCELLENT!" Oobleck yells out. "You will tutor him after your trip to Forever Fall is finished! I will inform Mr. Arc this is great news! Ta-ta for now!"

With that said, Oobleck zooms away, leaving Voltaria on her spot as she watches him leave. Voltaria sighs in annoyance as she makes her way to the courtyard in annoyance. Her entities began questioning her on her decision.

I still can't believe you agree to this.Tabitha said to her.

"I don't have a choice." Voltaria as she made her way to the courtyard. "Ms. Goodwitch already informed Oobleck about my social skills lacking. I guess she wants me to get to know people with...weaker personalities."

Or better words, awkward personality aka Jaune Arc.Wraith grumbles.

For once, I agree with you, Wraith.Regina said.

Next day

The Forever Forest, a mountainous area filled with cliffs. Covered by red-leafed trees, allowing the whole area to look like a dust-red colored forest, even with the grass. The trees produce a special Red Sap.

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Researchers wanted to know why those trees can produce them. However, such a beautiful forest is also filled with deadly Grimm that can attack without hesitation. Upon the forest, Glynda was leading the students through the area. She made sure that no one wandered off and kept a close eye on Voltaria and Team CRDL. Voltaria tends to disappear and team CRDL are troublemakers. However, Voltaria wasn't going to disappear as she decided to enjoy the forest life.

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"Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so." Glynda explains before turning to Voltaria. "Or be scared to death."

Voltaria didn't turn to her as she followed her through the forest with the others. Wade and Evo were carrying the supplies. The group stops, and Jaune, grunting and carrying a large case with six empty glass jars on top, tries to catch up with them and ends up bumping into Cardin. The bully scowls at Jaune for bumping at him. Jaune attempts to avoid this by whistling tunelessly. Voltaria walks over to them and Cardin froze when he saw the Grimm Girl. He quickly walks away as she makes her way to Jaune, who watches her come near him. She stares at him with a blank expression while Jaune stares at her fearfully. Oobleck informs him that Voltaria was going to be his tutor and he became terrified about this. He was scared of what she was going to do to him, but she did something that surprised him.

"Do you need help?" She asked plainly.

Jaune was surprised by her offer. She was going to help him carry the heavy boxes. But not sure what to say. Jaune stutters a bit as he tries to think of a way to either decline or accept her offer. However, Voltaria became impatient and took three of the boxes with ease and carried them off to the area where they needed to be, leaving a surprised Jaune to catch up to her. When they reach their destination, Glynda starts instructing the groups, holding up a full jar of sap.

"Each of you is to gather one jar worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. Ms. Eclipse, since you have the ability to communicate with Grimm, please kindly tell them not to attack the students."

Voltaria, carrying one box of jars in her hands, simply shrugs. "Sure, the creatures of Grimm know my presence, but there are some Grimms who would not listen."

Cardin smirks at that. "Ha! Guess they don't listen to you at all." He mocked.

"Quite the contrary, yes. There are Grimms that don't listen to me. And if they don't listen to me, then they'll attack, not just me, but everyone else. Starting with you." Voltaria points to Cardin, silently threatening him with what might happen. He became pale by that information and didn't want to know what would happen next.

"That's enough, Ms. Eclipse." Glynda said before turning towards the others. "We will rendezvous back here by 4 o'clock. Have fun! And do not threaten your classmates." She said the last part to Voltaria.

As Glynda left the students, they all started their work. Voltaria walks to a nearby tree to get the sap while the others get a jar and a tree. However, team CRDL walks away as they do something in plan. Jaune attempts to sneak away from Cardin and go to his team, but the bully sees this and grabs Jaune by the back.

"Come on,buddy. Let's go!"

Jaune miserably looks up at his team. Nora and Ren are already walking into the forest's depths and Pyrrha is staring sadly at him. Dropping his gaze, Jaune turns and follows CRDL, earning a disappointed sigh from Pyrrha before she continues on with the others. Voltaria saw Jaune miserably following Cardin and his team and decided to help him out one last time.

"Tabitha, go follow them, and make sure you record everything." Voltaria ordered.

I'm on it.

Tabitha withdraws herself from Voltaria and headed towards Jaune's direction. As she found them, she spies on what they were up to. She learns that Cardin was going to prank Pyrrah after she humiliated him in front of the teacher and students. He plans to throw sap at her and release Rapier Wasps that were inside a box that Cardin was carrying. However, before their plan could go in motion, Jaune sabotages their act as he throws the sap at Cardin. Tabitha was proud yet worried about this and because of that, Cardin beats Jaune sensibly. Tabitha wanted to help him after Cardin promising him that after he is done, he will send Jaune back to his mother in pieces. Jaune defiantly states that he does not care, as he will not let Cardin hurt Team JNPR. Jaune mocks Cardin's attempts to intimidate him by smiling, causing Cardin to grow angrier. As Cardin punches Jaune once more, Jaune somehow activated his aura to block it. It instantly heals his wounds. And it was so strong that Cardin drops Jaune and grasps his hand, crying out in pain. Jaune was shock by this as he was stunned at the glow from his aura but was soon cut off when Sky Lark kicks him from behind, knocking him down again.

Tabitha was about to possess him to save his life, however, she felt a presence. And it wasn't friendly. Turning around she gasps when she sees an Ursa Major. It's a bear like Grimm and it's bigger and super-strong, plus it's also a Rouge, meaning Voltaria can't tame it. It must've sensed the negativity of team CRDL or the sap on Cardin's armor. When the Ursa Major appears from the woods, team CRDL and Jaune become startled and terrified at the big Grimm. It didn't hesitate as it attacked Cardin. The rest of Team CRDL flees in panic, showing their true colors as cowards. Tabitha left the scene to warn Voltaria about the rogue Grimm, leaving Jaune and Cardin facing the Grimm alone.

Wade was seen placing a box filled with full saps of jars on to the ground. He and his team collected a lot. When Ren finished filling the jar with sap, he passed it to Nora, who gave him her empty jar to fill-up. He turns back to the tree and starts filling it up until he hears licking sounds. He turned back to Nora and saw her face was covered with some red sap. She saw this and smiled in embarrassment with an empty jar in her hands. Wade walks over to Pyrrah, she is collecting some saps on a tree as she looks worried.

"Hey, Pyrrah?" Wade called out to her, causing Pyrrah to look at him. "Do ya know where Jaune is? I haven't seen 'im."

Pyrrah shook her head. "No, the last time I saw him was when Cardin dragged him somewhere." She answered.

Wade became angry at this information. "That lunkhead better not harm Jaune or he'll have to deal with me." He said dangerously.

Pyrrah smiles at Wade's devotion to helping Jaune. But soon faded when she and the others heard a roar from a distance. This caused everyone to be tense. Ruby gets concerned as she looks above the sky.

"Did you guys hear that?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah." Voltaria appeared besides Ruby, causing the red hooded girl to yelp in fright. "It's an Ursa."

"How do you know?" Yang asked.

Voltaria lifted three fingers and counted backwards with them and soon pointed in the other direction where the roar came from. Suddenly, the remaining members of Team CRDL came running from there and through the other students. Russel was looking back, yelling loudly in fear.

"Ursa! Ursa!"

"Told you." Voltaria said with her arms crossed.

Russel runs into Yang accidentally and doesn't feel unfazed by his collision, she picks him up by the front of his shirt with her strength.

"What?! Where?!" She asked almost demandingly.

Russel was struggling to get out of her hold as he was still running in the air, but he pointed back from where they came and explained where the Ursa was.

"Back there! It's got Cardin!"

This made everyone panicked, especially Pyrrha as she dropped her jar of sap in shock. "Jaune!" She yelled out.

Ruby was in her leader mode and gave her team a command. "Yang! You and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch!"

Yang drops Russel hard as she and Blake nodded before following the orders. Pyrrha looks at Ren Nora as she and Ruby activate their weapons.

"You two, go with them! There could be more!"

"AJ, Evo, ya guys back 'em up." Wade ordered as he took out his Justiceshot. They all nodded as they helped their friends get Glynda.

"V! Ya go and-" Wade was cut off when he saw Voltaria gone. He guessed that she went to stop the Grimm. Grunting, Wade, Pyrrah, Weiss, and Ruby went to the direction where Cardin and Jaune were, hoping that they weren't too late.

Voltaria was sitting on top of a tree branch, hidden in the shadows as she watched Cardin trying to run from the Ursa. Voltaria could hear him swearing as he tries to crawl away when the Ursa leaps over him. Voltaria would help him, but this is a teaching moment. After all, just like General Lagune, he didn't think about his actions and ended up suffering the consequences. Voltaria saw Pyrrha, Ruby, Wade, and Weiss come rushing over and saw the Ursa.

"Oh, no!"

They watch in horror as the Ursa leans over the helpless Cardin, sensing his negativity, the Ursa raises its paw and swipes it down to kill him. But only to be blocked by Jaune's shield, Crocea Mors. He struggles to defend a stunned and shocked Cardin. Jaune struggles to hold off the Ursa. Weiss sees this and lifts Myrtenaster as she prepares to help him. But Pyrrha stops Weiss.


Weiss looks at her as if she has grown another head. "What are you?" She asked worriedly.

"Trust her, she knows what Jaune is doing'" Wade said as he looked at the battle.

Jaune takes the shield out from the Ursa's paw and slashes at its stomach with his sword, causing it to roar in pain as it lashes out and tries to crush him. Jaune quickly rolls out of the way and jumps over it before he swipes at his feet, but he is unprepared for it when it launches a claw at him in midair. He lands far away yet is immediately back on his feet and passes Cardin as he charges at it again.

The Ursa knocks Jaune behind it when he tries for a leaping attack, and he looks at the scroll in his shield to find out that his aura level is in the red. Jaune doesn't understand why because in his training lessons, he somehow succeeded in beating Cardin and keeping his aura level balanced. But now it's not happening. However, it didn't stop him as he got up charges at the Ursa as it also began to charge towards him.

As they are just about to clash in slow-motion, Pyrrha sees that Jaune has left himself completely open to the Ursa's attack. She lifts her hand out to him, gathering dark red energy in her arm. And just as the Ursa is about to hit Jaune, the glow surrounds Jaune's shield and it lifts-up to block the swipe. Jaune uses the surprise defensive move to lean on the ground, push his shield back up, and swing his blade right through Ursa's neck. The head falls to the ground as the body slams onto the ground.

Pyrrha's hand stops glowing and she smiles at her work. Wade nodded in approval while Ruby and Weiss watched in shock. They still couldn't believe what just happened.

"Uhhh...what?" Ruby asked.

Weiss was equally amazed as she turned to Pyrrha. "How did you...?"

Pyrrha looks at them. "Well, Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs and Wade has a combination of speed and strength. My Semblance is polarity."

Ruby was awed by that. "Whoa, you can control poles..."

Weiss shook her head at Ruby. "No, you dunce! It means she has control over magnetism!" She corrected her.

Ruby was still impressed and didn't care about Weiss's back talk. "Magnets are cool, too..." She whispers.

Wade chuckles and walks away with Pyrrha. Weiss saw them leaving and wondered why. "Wait, where are you going?" She asked.

Ruby pops in. "Yeah! We gotta tell them what happened!" She agrees with Weiss.

Pyrrha looks at them. "We could...or perhaps we could keep it our little secret?"

"I say we keep it a secret." Wade said as he looked at Jaune with a proud smile. "After all, he learns how to be strong in his own way."

The two hunters walk away again. Ruby and Weiss smile at each other as they understand what they meant follows them. A bruised Jaune sheathes his weapon before going over to Cardin. Cardin, still covered in sap, looks up at Jaune as his savior offers a hand. Cardin smiled as he took it and was lifted back up on his feet.

"Holy crap, Jaune!"

"Don't ever mess with my team, my friends, ever again." Jaune threatens and stares Cardin dead in the eye, "Got it?"

Cardin looked intimidated, possibly even apologetic. With his order spoken, Jaune turns and walks away from a frozen Cardin. Voltaria was impressed by Jaune's move, aside from Pyrrah helping him, he did learn to stand up for himself. Maybe there's a reason for Voltaria to train Jaune.

She soon disappeared from the tree and was walking through the forest to meet up with the others, but not before she took out her Scroll. Glynda gave it to Voltaria. She told the young girl that she can call her teammates or her if she needs assistance. Of course, Voltaria never needed assistance, but now she does. She opens it to reveal the video of Cardin's plan, how he beat Jaune up and threatened him, and how Jaune defended himself from the Ursa. Tabitha brought it as the first part and Voltaria recorded the other. Tabitha was the one who told about Cardin hurting Jaune and the Ursa, she was going to help him, but seeing Jaune learning how to defend himself made her realize that there was greatness in him. Voltaria sent the video to Glynda, so she can see what happened.

Mr. Arc has potential.Tabitha said.

Agreed.Regina agreed to Tabitha.

Yeah, I guess training that wimp won't be such a bother.Wraith agreed for once.

"Let's go, I have a lot of explaining to do to Professor Goodwitch." Voltaria mutters as she goes back to the others.

Upon her arrival, Glynda scolds Team CRDL for their actions. After she saw the video that Voltaria sent, Glynda was furious about Team CRDL's plan and behavior. She didn't say anything to Jaune as she scolds up a storm to Team CRDL for doing such a horrible act. She tells them that they will receive an additional punishment when they get back to Beacon and to Ozpin. They, and the embarrassed and ashamed team CRDL, went to the airbus. They all headed back to the academy with relief. When the airbus landed, the students brought the saps to Professor Peach while Glynda brought team CRDL to Ozpin's office where she proceeded showing the video of their action. Ozpin was disappointed and slightly angered by their action. After the video, Ozpin looks at team CRDL with a blank expression on his face.

"Of all the trouble you four cause, this is far from inexcusable." Ozpin explains.


Ozpin cuts Cardin off. "I don't want to hear any more excuses. I already know about Mr. Arc's action, but he has proven himself to be a true huntsman. But blackmail and bullying almost caused his life. I don't know whether I should suspend or expel you four."

Team CRDL becomes pale, if they get expelled or suspended, their parents are going to kill them. Lucky for them, Ozpin isn't that type of person. "However, since Mr. Arc or any students weren't harmed, I'm giving you four one last chance, but without a punishment. You will receive an additional three weeks detention for this action."

"But what about Jaune-"

Glynda cuts off Sky. "He will receive no punishment after he saved your life, Mr. Winchester." She explains.

"Now, return to your dorm, it's been a long day." Ozpin said.

Team CRDL sighs as they slump their way out of the office and to their dorm. They are now in trouble for their actions and got serious detention. Jaune got out scot-free and won't face any punishment. But they wonder who sent that video. When they walked through the hall and entered their dorm. As the door closed behind them, they all screamed in their room, followed by buzzing of Rapier Wasps. Their scream was heard by someone leaning at the corner of the wall. Voltaria leans at the wall with her arms crossed. The Rapier Wasps that Cardin have in a box are tamable. And since he and his team tried to prank Pyrrha and beat up Jaune, she decided that they should be in good use. By good use, I mean, using them to terrorize team CRDL.

Team CRDL won't get harmed, only get minor stings that will be painful for a week or two. As team CRDL screams like little girls, Voltaria heads off to the courtyard to get some air. Wraith was laughing loudly at the prank they did. He was a genius in using the Rapier Wasp at team CRDL.

Oh, man! That was hilarious!Wraith said laughing.

Indeed, but let's not forget, we will be training Mr. Arc to control his combat and semblance.Regina said with a smile.

As Voltaria went out of the school towards the courtyard, she didn't notice that Ozpin and Glynda were watching her from the window of the halls. They were suspicious about Voltaria. She is a very mysterious girl. Ozpin was curious on how Voltaria was able to tame and communicate with Grimm. They did some research about Voltaria. However, there was nothing about Voltaria. She has no records or family members.

It's like she wasn't even born.

"Are you sure that she has no files?" Ozpin asked Glynda.

Glynda nodded as she took out her scroll. It shows the picture of Voltaria that has a redUNKNOWNstamp on it. Glynda searched for anything about Voltaria, but not a single file was found. The only things she could find were rumors and myths about her.

"Nothing, only rumors and ridiculous myths about her." Glynda said with a sigh as he looked at the picture of Voltaria's face that was covered by her mask. "I don't understand why she doesn't have any records or files about her."

Ozpin took a sip from his mug. "Still, we must keep searching about her." He said.

Glynda continues looking at the picture of Voltaria. "She must have one family member out there." She mutters.

"If she doesn't then somebody has to keep an eye on her." Ozpin looks at Glynda.

Glynda looks up from her scroll and notices Ozpin's gaze. It's true that Voltaria needed someone to watch her. After all, she has been surviving on her own for a long time. And Voltaria needs to be kept watched, something tells her that Voltaria would do something that she's not supposed to do. So, with a sigh, Glynda nodded at Ozpin.

One day, Glynda will soon discover Voltaria's truth of her past.

Chapter 7: Wounds in the Heart


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

True to her words, Voltaria was going to tutor Jaune in combat, lectures, aura, and semblance. She asked Professor Ozpin if she could barrow a private training room for her and Jaune to use, which he surprisingly agreed with. So, whenever classes are over, Voltaria drags Jaune away from his team and takes him to the training room, where he gets aslightlybrutal training. Jaune had to do one-hundred push up, twenty sit-ups, and sword/hand to hand combat. And whenever Jaune tries to skip or complains, Voltaria would give fifty more push-ups and combat. Jaune was getting tired, beaten, and scared at Voltaria's training. He tried to fight back, but she was too fast and more skilled than him. Heck, she flipped him over without breaking a sweat. Voltaria continues to teach him hand to hand combat until he learns how to block her attack. Voltaria informs him that he must know or sense when his opponent's will strike. It took hours or days for his master, but Jaune learns how to block his opponent's attacks. He has to remember to sense or know when his opponent's strike.

Even though Voltaria's training is tough, he won't give up. He needs to succeed in order to be a great huntsman. So, he continues training without any more complaints. When they are not training, Voltaria teaches him about the history of Remnant and how to balance his aura. Voltaria explains how to use his semblance. In doing so, they went out of the training room and to the courtyard as they are hidden within the undergrowth, meditating as Voltaria teaches Jaune how to channel his aura.

"Focus, your aura must be in balance. You can't rush it, otherwise, it will lose control over your semblance." Voltaria instructed Jaune.

"But how do I know if my aura is working?" Jaune asked.

"It takes intense concentration, but in time it will become second nature, allowing you to deflect your opponent's attacks and heal your wounds, like you did with Cardin a few days ago. After that, you can focus on your Semblance."

"Riigghhhttt..." Jaune mutters out unsure.

"...You have no idea what I'm saying, do you?" Voltaria questioned him.

"What?! Noooo...maybe..." Jaune notices Voltaria was dead silent by his answer. Jaune slumps his head in defeat and mutters. "Yeah, I have no idea how."

Voltaria sighs at him, finding it annoying that he doesn't even know the basic lessons of aura. But she has to be patient with him since he's still learning. "Look, it's simple to learn. It's a manifestation of our soul."

"I know, Pyrrah taught me that when we were at the Emerald Forest." Jaune explains as he forms a small smile, remembering how Pyrrah taught him aura.

"Good, you know how aura works." Voltaria said.

Jaune nodded. "Yeah, Pyrrah said that aura can be our shield, even animals have aura."

"That's right. Aura is all around us, in animals, plants, and the air that we breathe. The world is filled with aura."

"Except for Grimm." Jaune points out.

"True, but activating and using it, it's a lot different." Voltaria informs him.

Jaune looks at her in confusion. "Why is that?" He asked.

"Well, semblance is a part of the person of who they are. It can be activated by your personality and character, but it can also be activated in another way."

"What do you mean by...other way?"

"In the other way, I mean you experience a swell of emotions, achieving a goal that you want to reach, or witnessing an event that might upfold. Those are the other ways." Voltaria explains to Jaune.

Jaune listens to her words very carefully. "Do you semblance can be activated if I try the other way." He said.

Voltaria just shrugged. "It's possible, but it's up to you to decide." She informs him. "Think back on the days that you have witnessed may either be the good or bad and see through it."

Jaune nodded a bit and closed his eyes as he focused on the memories that he had. He remembers going to Beacon with false documents, him trying to impress Weiss but failed miserably, almost died in the Emerald Forest, and Cardin beating him mercilessly. Jaune knits his eyebrows, feeling a negative effect on himself. However, Voltaria senses this and places a hand on his leg.

"Calm yourself, think of the good things that happened to you after that." Voltaria said softly. "Let your aura flow like a river."

Jaune understands and relaxes a bit as he remembers the good memories after that. Jaune remembers meeting Ruby, how Pyrrah helped him unlock his aura, becoming the leader of his team, and how he defended himself against Cardin. And that's when Jaune promised to help and protect his friends. Voltaria lets go as Jaune smiles with his eyes closed. Suddenly, white aura surrounded Jaune's body. Voltaria watched as Jaune's aura surrounded him. She discovered that Jaune can amplify his aura.

Huh, who knew that scrawny boy has that much aura.Wraith complimented.

A very rare semblance indeed.Regina agreed.

Voltaria agrees with them as she watches as Jaune slowly masters his aura and semblance. After a while, Jaune stops his aura as he opens his eyes to look at Voltaria. He notices that she was staring at him, causing him to be nervous.

"Uh...did I do it right?" He asked nervously.

"Yes, you did just fine." Voltaria simply answered as she stood up. "We are done for today. We shall continue this tomorrow."

Jaune was confused at first, but soon got up and followed Voltaria out of the undergrowth to their dorms. The two students walked to the school in silence. Jaune was still nervous around Voltaria, even though he's older than her, she still can kick his butt in a second. However, Jaune was curious on how Voltaria activates her semblance and what it can do.

"S-Sooo...h-how do you activate your semblance." Jaune dared to ask.

Voltaria stops on her tracks when Jaune asks about how she activated her semblance. Jaune stops behind her and froze from his spot. He should've known not to ask that question. He feared that Voltaria might change her mind and might give him more push-ups or sit-ups, but it didn't happen. Instead, Voltaria simply turned to him and simply gave him an answer.

"Many receive their semblance the easy or the hard way, I witness something very...traumatic." Voltaria answered.

"Traumatic?" Jaune asked.

"I witnessed it at a very young age, it made me feel sadness, shock, pain, and fear. Those were the emotions that were in my mind before they were replaced by one."

"T-That is?" Jaune stuttered in fear.

Voltaria came close to Jaune, who froze in his feet, and stood a few feet close to him. She looks at him under her mask as Jaune starts to sweat. They stared for a few seconds before Voltaria gave Jaune her answer.


With that said, Voltaria turned and headed towards her dorm room. "See you at the training match tomorrow, Jaune."

Jaune watches as Voltaria leaves him alone in the halls. His mind was filled with worry, fear, and confusion. What Voltaria said about her activating her semblance in a traumatic event, made him think. Did she lose someone that she cared about? Is that why she was so cold and empty? Jaune has so many questions in his mind, but for one thing he knows, Voltaria was lonely. Sighing, Jaune went to his dorm room to meet up with his team and rest up for tomorrow's training lesson. He just hopes that Voltaria's training would help him survive the class. But he'll worry about that later, right now, he needs some sleep.

Next day...

The students were in the training room as they performed their sparring match. Wade was fighting with Yang. The two students show great combat and strategy. Voltaria was sitting with her teammates as they watched their leader fight with Ruby's sister. Ruby was worried about Yang since Wade is skilled in combat. Wade and Yang are very strong as they ended up in a tie.

"Excellent Ms. Xiao Long, Mr. Wade. You both show great combat and aura balance." Glynda complimented.

Yang did a thumbs up while Wade tips his hat. The two students went to their seats while Glynda checked her scroll for the next combatants. "Mr. Arc and Mr. Winchester, you two are up."

Cardin grins as he readies his weapon. Jaune took a deep breath and sighs, calming his mind as he remembers his lessons that Voltaria taught him. Voltaria narrows her eyes under her mask. Jaune better not forget the lessons that she taught him, otherwise, he will receive more hardcore training. As the two males made it to the arena, Cardin readied his mace while Jaune readied his sword and shield. Jaune closes his mind as he remembers Voltaria's words.

"Let your aura flow like a river." Voltaria's voice rang in his mind.

He focuses his aura, letting it flow like a calm river. He remembers from Pyrrah and Voltaria that aura is all around them. Jaune felt his aura surrounding his body. Giving him the strength, he needs for this battle. When Glynda yelled begin, Cardin charges at Jaune with a battle cry. Jaune snaps open his eyes as he quickly brings his shield up and blocks Cardin's attack. Jaune grunts as the force almost knocks him off his feet, but he holds his ground. Jaune uses enough force to push Cardin away and kicks Cardin on the stomach.

Cardin coughed as he felt the air leaving his lungs. Jaune uses his sword to strike at Cardin, who quickly blocks him. Jaune remembers Voltaria's lesson, he has to know or sense when his opponent's will strike, and he does. Jaune blocks all attacks of Cardin, making sure that his aura is running low. Glynda raises a brow at Jaune as she looks at scroll to look at Jaune's aura level. And to her surprise, he somehow kept it in balance. Cardin, however, wasn't doing so great. He was giving it all, but Jaune dodges and uses his shield to hit Cardin on the face. Cardin was disoriented for a while before Jaune disarms him. Jaune was about to knock Cardin off, but Cardin was quick and tackled him. Jaune lands on his back with a grunt, causing him to lose his shield and sword. Pyrrah gasps with worry as Cardin is about to body slam him, but Jaune quickly remembers how Voltaria flips him over by his arm. So, using a bit of his aura, Jaune quickly moved out of the way before he grabs Cardin's arm and with all his might, Jaune flips Cardin on his face and pins him down. Cardin grunted in pain when his face contacted the floor and Jaune was bending his arm to prevent the big guy from moving.

And thus, the match was over.

Jaune panting with adrenaline as he saw what he did. He couldn't believe that he was able to defeat Cardin! He guessed all of Voltaria's training finally paid off. He didn't notice that Glynda was secretly smiling at Jaune's improvement. She did the right idea for making Voltaria tutor Jaune and now the young Arc will improve his fighting skills. Pyrrah smiles and claps at Jaune followed by the cheers of Nora and Ruby. Jaune got up as he panted out from the whole adrenaline rush.

Huh, guess our training lesson finally pays off.Wraith said to the others.

Voltaria agrees with Wraith as she watched Jaune calming himself from the event. Glynda was pleased by the progress that Voltaria was doing to Jaune. She was pleased that the young girl was helping out her fellow classmates, even though he was afraid of her.

"Well done, Mr. Arc. I see your skills are improving thanks to Ms. Eclipse, I presume?" Glynda commented.

Cardin sat up quickly and stared at Jaune in total shock. "Wait, What?!" He exclaims in fear.

The others were also surprised by her words. Jaune was being taught by Voltaria! So, that's why he was getting good at fighting. Jaune laughed nervously as he hesitated to answer. Wade looks at Voltaria, who was ignoring everyone.

"So, that's what she's been doin'." Wade thought before making a small smile. "Clever gal."

Then the bell rang, meaning classes were over. Glynda informs them that they must be ready for the Vytal Festival soon. The students became excited about this and soon left. Jaune picked up his sword and shield. Pyrrah, Ren, and Nora came to him, they congratulated him for his achievement.

"You did great Jaune!" Pyrrah congratulated.

"You were amazing!" Nora cheers and Ren nods in agreement with her.

Jaune blushed in embarrassment as he rubs the back of his neck. "T-Thanks guys."

Ruby came behind Jaune, startling him in the process, and grins at him. "Jaune! You didn't tell me Volty was tutoring you!?" She exclaims happily.

Jaune looks at her in confusion. "Volty?" Jaune mutters and thinks for a few seconds before understanding that Ruby was talking about Voltaria. "Oh! You mean Voltaria. Yeeaahh...Professor Oobleck wanted me to have a tutor, so..."

"He assigned me to be his tutor." Voltaria said, appearing on the center, causing Jaune and Nora to scream in a fight while Ruby yelped.

"Would you stop that?!" Jaune exclaims to her, forgetting his fear from her.

"No." Voltaria answered blankly.

"Awww, Voltaria, why didn't you tell us that you were helping Jaune? That was so sweet." AJ said as she, Wade, and Evo came to them.

They heard their conversation about Voltaria being Jaune's tutor. Wraith gags in Voltaria's mind, finding it disgusting about AJ's comment. There's nothing sweet about Voltaria tutoring Jaune. Voltaria felt her brow twitched in annoyance, but she promised Glynda not to scare her classmates again.

"I had to; Professor Oobleck insisted that I shouldassistJaune." Voltaria explains.

Wade raises a brow. "What kind of tutorin' 'ave ya been doin' t' 'im?" He questioned the young girl.

"None of your business." Voltaria mutters out before turning to Jaune. "I expect you to be on time for our tutorial. Otherwise...well, you know what's coming for you."

Jaune becomes pale as Voltaria walks away, leaving the group. Wade tips his hat and whistles slowly. He knows that all girls here are tough, especially Yang. But Voltaria is a whole new level of toughness.

"This school year is gettin' more challengin'." Wade commented, earning agreements from his fellow classmates.

On the streets of Vale, everyone was decorating the streets for a festival called the Vytal Festival. The Vytal Festival is an international festival in Remnant. It is held every two years, where the various cultures of the world are celebrated with dances, parades, and a combat tournament. The host kingdom of the festival rotates every two years, and the host opens its borders to visitors from the other kingdoms, but with security measures. The Vytal Festival was inaugurated following the end of the Great War. The war was fought between the four kingdoms over questions of individuality and self-expression. Named after Vytal, a small island north of Vale where the treaty was signed. And thus, the Vytal Festival was created with the purpose of celebrating the diversity of the cultures of Remnant.

The festival has a unique symbol, consisting of a combination of all four kingdom's emblems to signify unity. There were red, yellow, and green streamers and balloons are proudly on display. A sign is being put up by the elderly Shopkeeper that reads in bright red letters"WELCOME TO VALE!"for all the foreign newcomers from their respective kingdoms of Remnant.

But there was no time to admire the scenery as the young Jaune Arc was seen jogging the streets, wearing his armor and sweatband on his head. He was panting as he jogs. He didn't jog without a reason. Voltaria gave him a task to jog all the way to the docks and back to school. At first, Jaune didn't like the idea, but he had too. If he didn't take the jog to the docks, then he would jog all the way to the Emerald Forest and back to school. So, Jaune took the somewhat easy root. Jaune stops near a Dust Shop and rests his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"This is too much!" Jaune mutters out while panting.

Keep moving, Jaune. I know you're stopping.

Jaune heard Voltaria from his scroll. Voltaria was watching him from top of a building. She wasn't too comfortable being in crowded places and decided to monitor Jaune on top of the buildings. Jaune sighs and grabs his scroll to talk with Voltaria.

"This is too much for me! Why can't I just jog around the school!?" Jaune exclaims through the scroll.

Voltaria rolls her eyes as she informs him in her scroll. "When in battle, you have to be quick. Running from the school to the docks will help you increase your speed."

Jaune groans and brings an arm up while he holds his scroll. "If I want to increase my speed, I can just use the treadmills in the school!"

-This is the best way to increase your speed.- Voltaria informs him in annoyance from the scroll. -So, less whining and more running. And don't even think about escaping, I'm always watching.-

Jaune groans as he puts his scroll back on his pocket and continuous jogging. He jogs past some people, including team RWBY. Ruby saw him and gave a small wave. Jaune notices her and gives her a tired wave as he continues jogging. Ruby and her team were just walking around the city to see the Vytal Festival preparation. Weiss simply enjoys this for some reason.

"The Vytal Festival! Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!" Weiss said happily.

Ruby shrugs at her teammate. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss." Ruby said before she frowns a little. "It's kinda weirding me out..."

Weiss turns to Ruby. "How could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances! Parades! A tournament! Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking!" Weiss listed out as they continued walking again.

Yang sighs in annoyance with her arms crossed. "You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring." She said.

Weiss turns at her with a small glare of annoyance. "Quiet, you!" She ordered.

Team RWBY made their way to the docks and stopped when they heard foghorns from the distance. They looked at the docks from above as they saw ships docking by. Yand looks at the ships and then to her team.

"Remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?" Yang asked them.

Ruby covered her nose when she smelled some fish that were caught as she made a disgusted face. "Ugh, they smell like fish!" Ruby whines in disgust.

"I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today and, as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom!" Weiss answered to Yang calmly.

However, Blake knows otherwise as she turns to them. "She wants to spy on them, so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament." Blake corrected as they walked away.

"You can't prove that!" Weiss scoff.

"Prove what?"

Team RWBY jumped with surprise yelps. They turned around and saw Wade, AJ, and Evo were there. They were near the docks as they heard Team RWBY's conversation. Ruby wonders why the three of them are here in the docks? Were they here to see the competition? Or they were searching for Voltaria? I mean, she was tutoring Jaune with his combat and history, but she always disappeared.

Wade looked at them and tipped his hat a bit. "Sorry, didn't mean t' scare ya girls."

Ruby waves him off, acting like a brave leader she is. "Nah! We're just surprised to see you guys here...wait, why are you guys here?" Ruby asked.

Wade holds up what appears to be wrists and legs weights that are made of metal. "Yeah, V called us about bringin' these t' her." He explains.

"...She's using it for Jaune?" Ruby asked.

"Eeyup!" Wade answered to her.

"Isn't that a bit too much for him?" Yang questioned them.

"Yes, but Voltaria said it was for Jaune's own good...and I have my doubts about Voltaria's training lessons to Jaune." AJ said worriedly.

"By the way, 'ave ya seen 'im and V?" Wade asked Team RWBY.

"Well, we did see Jaune, and..." Ruby was cut off when she saw something that surprised her. "Whoa."

The two teams followed her gaze and saw a Dust Shop down the street with a shattered window down and a door full of yellow caution tape of the Vale Police Force investigating it. They walked over to the detective in front, who is writing on his pad.

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"What happened here?" AJ asked worriedly.

The Detective turns to her and explains the situation. "Robbery. Second Dust Shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle." He walks over to his partner to investigate the scene.

Yang sighs sadly at this. "That's terrible." She said.

They were about to leave when they heard the two detectives talking with each other. "They left all the money again."

Ruby stops before turning her head when she hears that. "Huh?"

"Yeah, just doesn't make a lick of sense. Who needs that much Dust?"

"I don't know, an army?"

"You think the White Fang?" The detective asked worriedly.

His partner removes his sunglasses. "Yeah, I'm thinking we don't get paid enough."

Weiss huffs angrily, "Hmph! The White Fang!" She then crosses her arms and points her nose in the air with her eyes closed, "What an awful bunch of degenerates!"

Wade raised a brow at the Schnee girl. "Do ya 'ave a problem with 'em?"

Weiss turns to the leader of team WAVE with dead seriousness in her eyes. "My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane!"

Blake hears that and narrows her eyes at Weiss. "The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths." She crosses her arms, getting to the point that it was serious. "They're a collection of misguided Faunus."

Weiss looks at her like she's grown another head. "Misguided? They want to wipe Humanity off the face of the planet!"

AJ steps in and stops the fight. "Weiss, please. The Faunus had either a choice or not. I mean, the humans did discriminate against them for years." She said. "And it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust Shop in the middle of downtown Vale."

Blake made a small smile at AJ's defense while Ruby nodded in agreement. "Hmm... AJ's got a point. Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy I ran into a few months ago...maybe it was him."

Weiss was getting angry. "That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum. Those Faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal."

Evo hears this and slowly clenches his fists tightly. He didn't show the others that he was a Faunus, only his teammates and Ozpin knew. Evo wanted to use his semblance to hypnotize her to be a duck for saying such words to his kin. However, Wade steps in and defends.

"That's ain't necessarily true. Velvet and thuh other Faunuses didn't do anything' bad at school." Wade defended. "And besides, kay-yun ya give 'em a break? They've been treated like animals for years. They didn't even get proper jobs, jus' Faunus labor."

"He's right." AJ agrees with her leader. "They've been treated too harshly."

Before Weiss could say anything, they heard someone yelling from a distance. "Hey, stop that Faunus!"

As the teams overhear the cry for help, they rush over to investigate. They got near the stairs of the docks and looked at the distance. They saw a Faunus male with a golden monkey tail running down the length of the boat and leaping on to the edge as the two sailors were about to apprehend him. However, the Monkey Faunus was too fast for them. He looks back at his pursuers with a grin.

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"Thanks for the ride, guys! Haha!" He laughs before he jumps off and hits the dock running.

A Sailor yelled. "You no-good stowaway!"

The Monkey Faunus uses his tail to hang upside down on a lamppost while he peels back a banana. "Hey! A no-good stowaway would've been caught! I'm a great stowaway!" He commented happily.

Before he eats the banana, one of the detectives down below throws a stone at him to get his attention. Luckily, it didn't hit him, as the stone fell in the water.

"Hey! Get down from there this instant!" The detective yelled.

Suddenly, a banana peel was dropped on the detective's face, who growled in return. The monkey-like Faunus did that on purpose before he twirls up to crouch on the lamppost, laughs in amusem*nt, and proceeds to leap off and run away from the detectives. He runs up the stairs and then runs past Team RWBY and Team WAVE. Everything went in slow mow as the Monkey like Faunus gave a wink at an astonished Blake while saluting at Evo before time sped up again and he continued to be chased by the officers. They watch as the Faunus gets farther and farther away, Wade shrugs and gestures the Monkey Faunus to Weiss.

"Well, Weiss, ya wanted to see thuh competition, and thair 'e goes." Wade points out.

Weiss's eyes widen in shock and hold up a finger. "Quick! We have to observe him!" She exclaims before chasing after the Monkey Faunus.

Yang and Ruby went after Weiss while Blake stands still, lost in thought. Wade noticed this and raised a brow. Something was bothering Blake, and it has something to do about the Faunus.

"Ya okay thair, Blake?" Wade asked.

Blake snaps out of her thoughts and looks at Wade with a nod. "Yeah...I'm fine." She mutters.

Blake soon went after her teammates to find the Monkey-like Faunus. Wade shrugs at her before he, AJ, and Evo search for Voltaria and Jaune. Evo has his hands in his pocket. He didn't like it when Weiss talked about his kind. He never removed his visors because of his eyes. He was made by the kids because of his eyes.


Evo snapped out of his thoughts as he turned to Wade and AJ, they were looking at him with concern. "Ya okay, partner? Ya spazzed out like Bake." Wade points out.

"Yessss..." Evo hissed out, still feeling the anger in him.

"Evo? If you want to talk about it-"

"I said I'm fine!" Evo hissed out.

AJ and Wade were startled by Evo's sudden outburst. Evo soon realizes what he did and slowly calms down as he looks at the ground in shame. "I'm sorry, I just don't like it when someone calls my kind...freaks!" He hissed out, glaring at the ground. "I never got a normal childhood. I was made fun of as a child by the other kids because of my eyes. My parents would care for me and other Faunus kids, but...but..." He stops and sighs as he looks at his hands. "I want to be accepted."

Evo felt a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up to see Wade giving him a small smile. "Ya are accepted. Ya are member in team WAVE. No matter what, we got your back." He said.

AJ smiles and nods with a grin. "Oui! We are your friends after all." She said.

Evo looked at them and made a small smile before Wade let go of him as they clapped their hands together, kinda like a bro-like handshake. As they let go, they decided to go find Jaune and Voltaria. They didn't search that far because they saw Jaune leaning at the edge of the fence. He was panting heavily after a long jog from the Academy to the docks. Wade, AJ, and Evo went to him as he looked up at them weakly.

"Hey, Jaune." AJ greeted kindly.

"Heeyyy..." Jaune mutters out while panting.

Wade rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry that V is pressuring' ya." He apologized.

Jaune waves at him. "I-It's okay...I think her tutoring is working out for me." He said with a weak smile.


Jaune yelps in surprise to find Voltaria beside him and is looking at him. "Because your training will be a new level." She said as she looked at Wade. "Did you bring it?"

Wade hesitated but he brought out the weights. Jaune looks at the weights with wide eyes before he looks at Voltaria, then to the weights, and then to Voltaria again. "Y-You're joking, right?" He pleaded.

"I never joke." Voltaria said before she took the weights from Wade and, like lightning, Voltaria attached the weights on Jaune's wrists and legs. The Arc boy almost fell on his knees if it wasn't for Wade who caught him. Jaune struggles to stand on his feet as the weights on his wrists and legs were too much for him.

"It feels like it weighs a hundred tones!" Jaune whines, struggling to stand up.

"It's actually five hundred." Voltaria corrected as she looked at Jaune. "Now, you run back to the Academy with those weights attached to you."

"This is barbaric!" Jaune almost screamed.

"Quit acting like a baby and grow up." Voltaria informs him plainly before pointing at the direction to the academy. "Now, start running before I send one of my Grimms to chase you."

Groaning in defeat, Jaune ran back to the academy the best way he could, but due to the weights, they were slowing him down and giving him some difficulties. Wade, AJ, and Evo watched with sympathy as Jaune ran back to the academy with difficulties.

"Ya know, ya're kind of torturin' that poor guy." Wade points out to Voltaria.

Voltaria mentally scoffs as she crosses her arms. "If it wasn't for me, Jaune would've got his butt kicked by Cardin in sparring match few hours ago." She said.

"...Touché." Wade said to her.

Voltaria shrugs and turns to leave. "I'll be going now, and please inform Pyrrah, Ren, and Nora to bring some towels, bottles of water, and maybe...what do you call those candy-like bars that give you energy?"

"You mean an energy bar?" Evo informs her.

Voltaria snaps her fingers. "That's the one, make sure they bring many because when he reaches the academy, he'll probably pass out or fall unconscious." She said.

"Why can't you call them? You have to scroll." AJ pointed out.

"I would, but I didn't ask them their numbers." Voltaria informs.

The three friends looked at each other before turning to Voltaria, and to their surprise, she disappeared. She didn't leave any traces behind. Wade scratched his head. He will never understand that girl.

"That gal is one tough cookie." Wade mutters out, earning nods from his teammates.

AJ took out her scroll and informed Pyrrah about the items that she and her teammates should bring for Jaune. As they leave to explore the city, Jaune miserably runs back to the academy with the weights weighing him down. After a while, three hours, Jaune was seen on the floor near the statue of the school. He was spread out on his back as sweat pours on his face, his wrists and legs ache with the weights on them. Jaune was so tired that he didn't bother to get up. He felt his brain was about to explode by the sudden stress, like he was about to explode. And standing by his side was Voltaria, she was looking at Jaune's exhausted state.

"Well, it seems that you succeeded in reaching the school before dark." Voltaria informs him. "Good job."

Jauen pants out as he slowly looks at her. "You...are...i-insane..." He panted out weakly before collapsing his head back to the ground.

Voltaria stared at him under her mask and shrugged. "Meh, I've been called worse." She said.

Just then, Pyrrah, Ren, and Nora came with the items that Voltaria told her teammates to inform them. Voltaria sensed them and turned around to greet the members of team JNPR.

"You brought the items that I requested?" Voltaria asked them.

" Jaune okay?" Pyrrah asked worriedly.

"He's fine, just give him time to regain his strength." Voltaria informs them.

Jaune lets out a groan as he tries to rest. However, he didn't get it when Nora hovered above his face. Her grin was showing pure happiness as she tried to cheer up her leader the best way she could.

"Aww...Cheer up, Jaune! You'll be faster during the match now, thanks to Volty!" Nora said cheerfully, using the nickname that Ruby use for Voltaria. "And look at the bright side, at least you're not getting mauled by her Grimm."

"...Wow, I feel so much better." Jaune said sarcastically in a tired tone.

Nora stood and saluted. "You're welcome! Oh! I know what can brighten up your spirit!" Nora said.

"Nora, I don't think your motivation cheer will help Jaune." Ren informs her.

Nora scoffs a bit. "Pffft, not my cheer silly! I meant this!"

Nora brought out what appears to be a stuffed toy Pegasus. It was golden brown color with small wings attached to it and blue buttoned eyes. The hooves of the doll were pink and there was tongue sticking out of its mouth. Pyrrah, Jaune, and Voltaria stared at the doll. Pyrrah and Jaune were confused while Voltaria stared at it blankly. Ren, however, just smiles at the doll. Nora grins at them and introduces the doll to them.

"Say hello to Pancake!" Nora said with a grin.

"Pancake?" Pyrrah, Jaune, and Voltaria repeated unison, not sure why a doll can cheer Jaune up.

"Yes! Pancake!" Nora said with a grin.

"...Should I dare ask about...that?" Voltaria questioned in a blank tone.

Ren chuckles as he went over to the grinning Nora and stood by her side before explaining about Pancake. "Pancake is Nora's stuff toy that was given to her by our caretaker." He explains.

"Caretaker? Don't you mean her mom?" Jaune questioned.

Ren shook his head. "No, me and Nora were both orphans in a young age." He explains, hiding the sadness in his tone. Pyrrah and Jaune were shocked to hear this information while Voltaria remained silent. Pyrrah and Jaune didn't know that Ren and Nora were orphans.

"Who was the one who took care of you two?" Pyrrah asked softly.

"A woman named Pandora Twilight." Ren answered with a small smile.

Voltaria mentally flinched when she heard that. Luckily, no one noticed her sudden stiffness as Nora nodded her head in agreement. "Yup! But I call her Pany." She said happily before she held Pancake up proudly. "And she's the one who made Pancake for me."

Jaune slowly sits up and looks at Pancake. "She made you that doll?"

"Yup! Love with every stitch!" Nora said, grinning happily as she hugs Pancake. "She would've made one for Ren, but he told her not too."

Ren chuckles a bit. "It was nice of her, but I was already happy for what she did for me and Nora." He explains.

"...What do you mean?" Voltaria asked almost softly.

Ren looked at her in confusion before answering. "Well...she took us in without hesitation. She kept us warm, fed, and even comforted us when we needed it."

"She raised you both as if she was your own." Pyrrah said with a small smile.

Voltaria just looks at Ren and for the first time, she hesitated. "D-Did this Pandora person have a family of her own?" She questioned softly.

Ren looked at her with a somewhat surprised look on his face before nodding his head. "Yes...she had a daughter." He answered.

Nora jumps in with Pancake on her head. "She sure does! And might I say that her daughter is sssuuuupppeeerrr cuuuuuuttttteee!" Nora squealed as she jumped, causing Pancake to fall, before she grabbed her doll and hugged Pancake tightly.

"You said shehada daughter...what happened?" Pyrrah questioned.

Ren fell into silence. Nora, who was always cheerful, stayed quiet too as Pancake was still in her arms. Before Ren could speak, Wade, AJ, and Evo came in the scene. They saw Jaune on the ground with his teammates and Voltaria. They made their way to them and noticed that heavy silence between them.

"Is there a problem here?" Wade asked.

Ren snaps out of his train of thoughts and looks at Wade. "No, I was lost in thoughts." He answered calmly.

Wade shrugs a bit before looking at Jaune. "Ya okay thair, partner?" He asked.

Jaune nodded. "Yeah, just sore bones that's all." He answered with an awkward chuckle before wincing in pain.

"Do you need help?" Evo offered.

"...Yes, please." Jaune almost sounded like a plea.

Wade smiles and gestures to Evo to follow. "Come on, Evo. Ya grab his arms, and I'll grab his legs." He instructed.

"Let's remove the weights first." AJ suggested before she and Pyrrah removed the weights off from Jaune's wrists and legs.

Once they were removed, Evo grabbed Jaune's arms and Wade grabs Jauen's legs. They carefully carry him back in the academy and to their dorm. Pyrrah opens the door and allowed Evo and Wade to bring Jaune in as they gently placed him on his bed.

"How are you holding up?" AJ asked kindly.

Pyrrah went over to Jaune and gave him a bottle of water as she helped him drink it. "Pretty good, I bones still ache from all the running with heavy weights attached to me."

Wade chuckles a bit. "The pain will be gone soon, jus' rest a bit. Kay, partner?" He said,

Jaune nodded. "I will."

"By the way, what were you guys talking about?" Evo asked them. "When we got there, you all were very quiet."

"Oh, we were talking about our caretaker, Pandora Twilight." Nora answered as she held Pancake in her arms.

"Pandora?" Wade questioned.

Ren nodded slowly. "Yes...our caretaker, but she was more of a mother to us." He explains with a sad smile.

"Wow, she sounds amazing." AJ said with a small smile.

"She was until..." Ren was cut off as his mind began to sadden.

They sensed the sad atmosphere from Ren and Nora. Wade looks at his teammates before looking at the two best friends. "If ya guys don't wanna talk about it. We understand."

"No, it's okay. It's best that you guys know about." Ren said as he sat down on his bed. Nora jumps beside him with Pancake on her head.

Wade sits on a chair backwards with his arms rested on the top. AJ sits next to Pyrrah on her bed. Evo leans on the wall. And Voltaria stood next to the closed door. Ren took a deep breath and sighs as he looks at his friends.

"When me and Nora were young, my village, Kuroyuri, was attacked by Grimm. Many lives were lost that day...including my parents." Ren explains sadly.

Everyone, minus Voltaria, was shocked by this. They heard about Kuroyrui's destruction, but they didn't know Ren and Nora experienced that. Voltaria stayed quiet, she knows how that village was destroyed. Regina told her that Kuroyuri's destruction was caused by bandits to lure the Grimms there, causing the villagers to panic to lure the Grimms to them. And when the job is done, the bandits take what they need from what's left in that village.

"Me and Nora were able to escape. We tried to find other survivors, but..."

"...You guys were lost." AJ said sadly.

Ren nodded. "Yes, we were lost, cold, alone, scared. We didn't know how to find the other survivors. We were still young. We thought the Grimms might get us, so we hid and scavenged for food."

"But how did Pandora find you guys?" Jaune asked curiously.

"When Nora and I were searching for a nearby village, we were found by a woman who was collecting herbs." Ren said before forming a small smile.

"Pandora found you two." Pyrrah said.

"Yes, she saw how we were both alone, hungry, and lost. She took pity on us and brought us to her hometown called Mineral Town." Ren explains.

Nora nodded in agreement. "Yup! It's a three day trip there, but she kept us fed along the way."

"Just a quick question here. Why was she collectin' herbs so far from her town?" Wade asked curiously.

"Well, you see, Pandora was an herbalist or herbal doctor. She told us that there are some rare herbs that don't grow near her town. She collects them and plants the seeds in her greenhouse." Ren explained.

"She must've helped a lot of people." Evo said.

"She sure did, everyone in town loves her! She helped them get better, telling them when or what medicine to drink, and treat them like she was her family." Nora explains happily.

Ren smiles and nodded. "Yes, she was the one who took care of me and Nora. She let us live at her house with her fiancé, Toren Venus."

"Fiancé? Wait, you mean she was getting married?" AJ asked with glimmers in her eyes before she claps her hands together. "That is sooo romantic!"

"It was! I even begged him to let me be their flower girl!" Nora said grinning.

Everyone, minus Voltaria, chuckled at Nora's funny attitude. "Yes, Nora did beg for them to let her be the flower girl, and they agreed. They let us live with them and we make great company for their daughter, Virgo."

"Wait, they have a daughter?" AJ asked again with a smile.

Voltaria flinched at the name, she was lucky that no one noticed her sudden jump as Ren continued his story. "Yes, she was still a baby and Toren was going to marry Pandora when Virgo turned two. But..."

"Did something happen?" AJ asked worriedly.

"Before Toren could marry Pandora, there was an accident. You see, Toren works as a miner in the Schnee Dust Company. He was a good man there, he didn't get paid much, but it was enough for him and his family. When he was working, there was an explosion and..." Ren lowers his head in sadness.

"It caused a cave in, corrected?" Evo asked in a whisper.

"Yeah...Toren rescued many miners, but...he...he...he didn't make it." Nora said sadly as she hugs Pancake.

"He gave up his life to save others. That man should be hailed a hero." Wade said.

"He was a hero, to the miners and Pandora. Virgo never got a chance to meet her father, but Pandora made sure that Virgo will remember her dad as a hero." Ren said with a smile. "And when Nora and I turned ten, Pandora found out that I have some relatives that lived in a village called Ignis."

"I know that place!" AJ said happily. "That's where the best spa and hot-springs are. My family would go there for vacation. It's really heavily guarded, lots of guards and hunters there."

"It's true, turns out, I have an uncle named Bohai Ren. He was my father's cousin. Pandora contacted him about me and Nora and said that he will take care of us now with his wife and two sons. He said he was going to train us both to be great hunters with the help of his friends." Ren explains with a sad smile. "Pandora was like our guardian angel.

"Wow, I wish I could meet them." AJ said before noticing Ren and Nora's expression changing into sadness. "What's wrong?"

"We wish that you can meet them too, but..." Ren was cut off by Nora, who placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"They both died." Nora finished sadly.

"What?" Everyone, minus Voltaria exclaims in shock.

"What do you mean they both died?" Pyrrah asked in shock.

"When Nora and I lived with my uncle, Mineral Town was attacked by bandits. They ransack everyone's homes or capture them to use as slaves." Ren explains as he clenches his fists together. "Those who didn't come willingly ended up being killed and Pandora was one of those victims."

AJ covers her mouth with a small gasp. "That's terrible!"

"It was, but then something attacked and killed the bandits. They didn't know what it was, but it spared the town's people." Ren explains. "When we heard the news from my uncle, we went there for...Pandora's funeral. We...we show our respects to her and the ones who were killed by the bandits."

"...W-Was Virgo there? I mean, she-she probably survived." Jaune said worriedly.

Ren shook his head. "No, she wasn't there. No one could find her. They presume that she was...dead like Pandora."

"She was only six when she died...we never got a chance to catch up." Nora said sadly as she held Pancake with her hands as she stared at her doll with her sad eyes.

Pyrrah, Jaune, and team WAVE, minus Voltaria, stared at them sadly. It must've hurt them so much to lose the ones they love. It was sad that a little girl died at such a young age, they wish they could meet little Virgo one day, they could've got to know each other. Voltaria stayed silent. Feeling strange inside of her, Voltaria decided to leave.

"Well, that was an interesting story." She said in a calm yet blank tone. The group looks at her in confusion as she looks at them under her mask. "Sorry for the loss, Jaune we will continue your lesson some other day, tomorrow you can have a break."

Jaune sighs in relief as he rested his head on his pillow. Voltaria turns and opens the door to leave. "I'll see you guys later." She said to her teammates.

"Where're ya goin', V?" Wade asked.

"...I'm going for a walk. I'll be back soon." Voltaria informs him before she leaves while closing the door.

The teens watched her leave before they looked at each other in confusion. They heave no idea what just happened or what's wrong with Voltaria. Wade has his suspicions on her, wondering what she was hiding about. Maybe hiding her past.

And he's gonna find out the easy way or the hard way.

Voltaria was seen sitting on top of the roof of the academy, her arms wrapped around her legs as she looked at the slightly broken moon. Her mind was filled with thoughts, it was so confusing for her. She couldn't believe what Ren and Nora told her about their past. The woman that took care of them, brought memories of her past, painful and sorrowful memories. Her entities appeared when they sensed the distress on her mind.

Voltaria, is everything alright? Your mind is filled with thoughts.Tabitha questioned her with worry.

"I'm not fine." Voltaria mutters out her words. "Ren and Nora...they know her, they remember her."

Kid? You're acting strange.Wraith points out.

Wraith!Regina scolded in a growl before turning to Voltaria.Mistress, if Ren and Nora's past is bothering you-

"It's not that! And you know it!" Voltaria snapped at them.

This surprised her entities, they never seen Voltaria snapped at them before. She only gets angry if someone tries to attack her. They have never seen her angry. And Wraith likes it. Voltaria calms down a bit as she looks at the moon under her mask. She didn't mean to snap at them. She was so...lost. She swore to herself that she would never feel any emotions ever again. But when Ren and Nora mentioned that woman, her past came back to haunt her.

Pandora Twilight, Ren and Nora's caretaker, was her mother.

Voltaria removes her mask from her face and turns it around to look at it. She wore this mask to hide her face, to hide her old self. She keeps saying to herself that she must push forward, forget her past, and that everyone is her enemy. She had to leave everything behind, changed herself and her name. Voltaria Eclipse wasn't even her real name. No, Regina gave her that name, so no one knows who she really is.

Ren and Nora have no idea that Voltaria Eclipse was actually Virgo Twilight.

Voltaria thought it was for the best that they should never know who she really is. She was doing this protect them from herself. Pandora didn't die because she refused to follow, she died because she was protecting her daughter. And Voltaria just witnessed the whole thing, and her anger unleashed her semblance. Voltaria knows there are many bandits and criminals who want her head if they find out who she really is and her family. Voltaria can't let them know that the sweet and kind little girl they used to play has changed into a cold-blooded murderer.

Voltaria pressed her forehead on her mask while closing her eyes. Trying to relax and calm her mind, she can't let her emotions lose control. She must stay calm and block them out like she always does. As she withdraws, Vision appears right in front of her. Voltaria looks at Vision with confusion as the crystal orb suddenly lights up to reveal an image of a beautiful woman's face with black hair that has white streaks in front and blue eyes. Voltaria stared at that image with empty eyes before slowly caressing the orb gently.

That image was her mother, Pandora.

Voltaria continuously stares at her mother's smiling face. She guessed that Vision was trying to cheer her up, showing the image of her mother, so she won't forget her humanity and the one who loved her. Voltaria's mind slowly calms down, allowing the image to help her relax. After a while, Vision made the image go away and Voltaria put her mask on. She got up from her spot and looked at her entities, who were looking at her.

...So? You good?Wraith questioned, earning a light slap from Regina.What? I was just asking.

"I am." Voltaria answered to them, causing her entities to look at her. "I guessed old wounds don't heal often." She said to them.

Regina's eyes softened at her and came to her.Mistress, if you want. You can tell them who you really are.

Wraith looks at Regina as if she has grown another head, which is a nightmare for him since she'll be twice as naggy.Are you insane?! What's the whole point of being a mystery if the Kid reveals herself to them!

Wraith, they're basically her family! They missed her and so does she!Regina pointed out.

Regina's right, Wraith. Let Voltaria deserve to have someone to love her.Tabitha said.

"That's enough." Voltaria said, getting her entities' attention. They looked at her as Voltaria returned to her emotionless state. "I know you and Tabitha wanted me to be happy, but I can't risk Ren and Nora's life. You all know the reason why I ran away and changed my name. This is my fate, and I don't want them to be in danger because of me."

Regina and Tabitha understood the situation while Wraith just snorted. Hannibal and Vision, on the other hand, weren't paying attention to them as they were looking at someone else. Voltaria notices their behavior and raises a brow under her mask.

"Do you two have something to share?" She questioned them.

Blake.Hannibal answered.

Still raising a brow, Voltaria follows their gaze, along with her other three entities. They saw Blake running outside. Curiosity got on her mind as her entities consumed Voltaria and Vision in the shadows and transported themselves to the corner of the building to get a better look at the situation. They were one with the shadow as they saw Blake arriving at a statue of an armored man with a sword and a hooded woman wielding an axe on an outcropping, staring at the Beowolf under the stone heroes. They watched carefully as she closed her eyes and slowly lifted her arms up to her bow and pulled the string to release the bow from her hair. She wipes away a tear as she reveals herself to be Faunus that has cat ears.

Huh, that's new.Wraith said.

She was a Faunus this whole time.Tabitha said softly.

It was obvious.Regina pointed out.

Cute.Hannibal said, causing the three entities to look at him.

Voltaria watched as Blake was on the verge of crying. She felt that she should go by her side and...comfort her like how her mother comforted her when she was young, before she died. Voltaria was about to go to her when a voice came that startled Blake.

"Iknewyou would look better without the bow."

Blake turns around and looks up to see the Faunus-like monkey was nearby. Voltaria raises a brow as she sees the Faunus monkey walking over to Blake. Voltaria wanted to know what's going one, so she decided to follow the two Faunus. Her teammates might wonder where she was, but she decided to be anonymous and follow the two Faunus to the city.

Unaware what challenges that might come.


Bohai Ren is my Oc.

Chapter 8: Understanding

Chapter Text

This is so boring!Wraith exclaims through Voltaria's mind.

Voltaria and her entities were hidden on top of a building, she was watching Blake with the monkey Fanus, who is named Sun Wukong. Sun came from the Kingdom of Vacuo, but instead of studying in Shade Academy, he studied at Haven Academy at Mistral. The two Faunus were drinking tea at the balcony of a café in the middle of Vale as they 'chatted'. Sun was glad that Blake finally spoke for nearly two days and she only gave him nothing but small talk and weird looks, causing Blake to give Sun a firm look.

"I want to know what's going on and I want to know what's bothering Belladonna that's all."Voltaria informed her entities.

She's just goin' on a date with a monkey! That's all we need to know! Now can we go?! I'm getting sick of watching this crap!Wraith complained.

"We'll leave when I feel like it."Voltaria said sternly, causing Wraith to be silent.

They listened to the two Faunus's conversation as Blake questioned Sun if he knew about the White Fang. Sun knows them as he describes them as holier-than-thou creeps. But soon takes it back when Blake admits that she was once one of them, much to his surprise. This caught Voltaria's interest, she always knew that Blake was always keeping secrets, but this is ONE big secret that was interesting. Voltaria listens as Blake explains about her past with the White Fang and its origins, starting by noting that one could say she was born into it. She continues by stating that after the Faunus Rights Revolution, the White Fang was created as a symbol of peace and unity between the Humans and Faunus. However, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were still treated as inferior, so the White Fang became the voice of their people. Ever since childhood, Blake stood with them at every protest, boycott and rally, thinking that they were making a difference. However, five years ago, their leader was replaced by someone with violent and radical ideals. Their new leader replaced the group's peaceful protests with organized attacks and hijackings against businesses that refused to serve them or used Faunus labor. Hating what the White Fang had become, she left and decided to use her combat skills to instead become a Huntress.

"Wow, for a cat Faunus, Blake got skills."Wraith complimented.

"And cute."Hannibal added, making Wraith grumble in annoyance.

Voltaria stares at Blake from a distance. Blake and her almost have the same life as a child. But unlike Blake, Voltaria had to kill to survive. Voltaria watched as Sun asked Blake if she told her friends any of this, which she didn't yet.

Speaking of her friends, they were at the other side of the city, walking through the streets and calling in vain for their missing teammate. Well, Ruby and Yang were calling out to her, except Weiss. She didn't help as she suggested they should call for the police to help, which was a bad idea. Yang suggests that they should hear Blake's side of the story before they jump to any conclusions. Although Weiss wouldn't even listen as she said when they hear it, they'll all realize she was right, but she's not. However, as they walk, they have no idea that there was a girl, about Ruby's age, following them behind Weiss. She has short, rather curly orange hair with a small ahoge on top that came down to her chin, with a pink bow on the back of her head. She has bright green eyes, light skin and freckles. She wore a whitish-gray old-fashioned blouse with short gray feminine overalls as well as a black and green collar with a matching pair of stockings. And a small and thin backpack. They didn't notice her until she spoke from behind them.

"And I think Weiss's hair looks wonderful today!" She said cheerfully, causing them to turn around suddenly in surprise.

"Aaaah! Penny! Where did you come from!?" Ruby asked in surprise and shock.

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The girl is named Penny Polendina. They met Penny by accident after Weiss crashed into her when she and the others were chasing after Sun.

Penny made a cheerfully smile as she ignored the question. "Hey guys! What are you up to?" She asked.

"Uhh..." Was all Ruby could say.

Luckily, Yang steps in and says, "We're looking for our friend Blake."

"Ooooh, you mean the Faunus girl!" Penny said cheerfully.

When she said that, Ruby, Weiss, and Yang stared at Penny in disbelief, wondering how she knew that.

"Wait, how did you know that?" Ruby asked her.

"Uhh, the cat ears?" Penny points to the top of her head.

Yang laughs a little, thinking it was a joke. "What cat ears? She wears a...boooohhh..."

They soon realize why Blake wears a bow, leaving them in silence for a short while, as a tumbleweed blows through in the wind and passes them. Ruby leans over to her sister and whispers to her about Blake.

"She does like tuna a lot..."

"So, where is she?" Penny asked as she didn't hear what Ruby said about tuna.

"We don't know. She's been missing since Friday." Ruby explains.

Penny gasps as she approaches an uncomfortable Ruby. "That's terrible! Well, don't you worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate!" Penny said cheerfully.

Ruby was doing her best to be nice and continue smiling. "Uh, that's really nice of you, Penny, but we're okay! Really! Right, guys?"

Ruby looks over Penny to direct her question at Yang and Weiss. However, they weren't there, only blinking outlines are all that's left of their sudden departure from the company of the strange girl or short they left Ruby with Penny. A tumbleweed blows past them again in the sudden silence.

"It sure is windy today!" Penny said cheerfully while Ruby silently groaned.

Voltaria sits on top of a building, legs crossed, as she watches Sun and Blake from above. They were walking down an alley. They were talking about the White Fang and what they were up to. Blake doesn't believe that they were those robberies. They've never needed that much Dust before. Luckily, Sun has theory and heard from some people talking about offloading a huge shipment of Dust coming in from Atlas, a big Schnee Company freighter. Hearing this, Voltaria summons Vision from thin air and takes out her tarot cards. She turns around and sits on her knees on the floor of the building. She placed four cards on the floor. Each of them flipped backwards, so she couldn't see the pictures yet. She brought Vision close to her as she flipped the first card. It revealed a gang of thieves stealing treasures. She then flipped the second card to reveal a cat and monkey fighting off shadow-like beings. She flipped the third card to reveal a knight in shining armor and holding up a sword. The fourth card she flipped was a group of friends being reunited.

Volatria narrowed her eyes before swiping the cards on herself as she stood up. Her entities appeared before her. Voltaria slightly turns to their direction.

"We're leaving." She said before she and her entities disappeared through the shadows.

Somewhere else, Ruby and Penny were walking through the streets, in search of Blake. However, they still couldn't find her. Penny would lighten up the mood, sometimes, by asking questions to Ruby. But the hooded girl wasn't too pleased by these questions but answered the best way she could as well as being nice.

"So, Blake is your friend?" Penny asked Ruby as they walked.

Ruby sighs in annoyance, that was the twentieth question that Penny asked Ruby. She couldn't tell her to leave because unlike Weiss, Ruby wants to be friendly towards her.

"Yes, Penny." Ruby answered as they made their way down the sidewalk.

"But you're mad at her?" Penny asked.

Ruby shook her head. "Yes. Well, I'm not. Weiss is." She answered the best way she could.

"Is she friends with Blake?"

"Well, that's kind of up in the air right now..."

Penny was trying to contemplate this. She still doesn't understand what Ruby was talking about. "But why?"

Ruby sighs again, understanding how Weiss felt when SHE asked her a random question. "Well, you see, Blake might not be who we thought she was..." Ruby said.

Penny gasped in shock and realization. "Is she a man?" She asked.

Ruby looked at her in disbelief. "No! No, Penny. She's..." Ruby stops walking and lets out a sigh. She still can't understand why Blake kept it a secret and why she was running. She looks at Penny as she explains again. "I don't know what she is. She didn't exactly talk to us before she decided to run off."

Penny stares at her for a few seconds before finally speaking. "I don't have a lot of friends, but if I did, I would want them to talk to me about things."

Ruby turns her gaze downward sadly and silently agrees with Penny. "Me too..."

Ruby turned around and suddenly saw Volatria behind her. Ruby screams in surprise and jumps into Penny's arms, who caught her with ease. Voltaria stares at the two blankly under her mask as Ruby was trying to catch her breath from the sudden scare. She turned to Voltaria and gave her a shock, scared that was mixed with annoyance.

"Volty! Stop appearing out of nowhere!" Ruby scolded.

"Is she your friend too, Ruby?" Penny asked as she set the hooded girl down.

"Kind of..." Ruby mutters.

Penny becomes cheerful and looks at Voltaria happy, not a single pang of fear has come into her face. "Salutation! My name is Penny! What's your name?"

"...Voltaria." Voltaria answers dully and then turns towards Ruby. "If you're looking for Blake, go to the dock, there will be shipments of Schnee Dust containers coming soon."

Ruby and Penny look at each other and turn to Voltaria. "Wait, how did yooo..."

Ruby saw that Voltaria already disappeared from her spot. She never stays too long, Voltaria would disappear after giving information or helping others sometimes. Ruby groans in annoyance as she slumps her head and arms down. Penny, who seems unfazed by this, smiles happily.

"She's a very interesting friend." Penny said cheerfully with her eyes closed.


That night, Blake and Sun meet on a rooftop at the port for their stakeout, waiting to see if the White Fang might come. They saw a huge shipment of Dusts that belong to the Schnee are being delivered from Atlas. Then a Bullhead lands and several White Fang members come out from it. Blake admits to Sun that she did believe that White Fang was behind the crimes but did not want to be right. That's when Roman Torchwick came out from the Bullhead and ordered the White Fang members around, referring to them as animals.

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Blake was shocked and confused, she knew that the White Fang would never work with a human. However, she pushes those thoughts aside as she proceeds to confront them by sneaking up behind Roman. Once she did, she placed the sharp part of the back of Gambol Shroud to his neck while aiming its pistol toward the White Fang members. When she asks them why they are working for him, Roman says it is part of a business venture.

And with that, more Bullheads appeared, distracting Blake in the process. And allowed Roman to escape her grasp by firing a shot from Melodic Cudgel near her feet. He proceeds to fire more shots at her. Luckily, thanks to her fast reflexes and great gymnastic skills, she dodges every blast before retreating.

Roman was about to go after her, until Sun intervened and distracted Roman. And in the process of Sun's action, he takes out several White Fang members. Roman attempts to start a fight with Sun, however, when Sun blocks the first attack, Blake leaps between them claiming the fight as hers. She repeatedly uses her shadows in quick succession to confuse Roman, leaping around him while dual wielding Gambol Shroud. However, Roman is still able to keep up with her, barely managing to block all her attacks and laughing as he lands two hits on her before he finally manages to knock her down with a third hit. Without missing a beat, Sun jumps in and attacks Roman with the nunchucks form of Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang.

Sadly, Roman was able to block all incoming attacks, laughing once more. However, Blake comes in for a surprise attack, knocking him away from Sun. Roman then shoots down a hanging shipping container, which lands between Sun and Blake as they dive out of the way. He takes this chance to corner Sun, aiming his cane at him. Before he can shoot at him, Ruby arrives at the fight. Thanks to Voltaria, Ruby was able to find where she was. When Roman recognizes her, he becomes annoyed to see 'Red' again and tries to take her out. Luckily, Ruby was able to dodge him, but soon got distracted by Penny, giving Roman the right time to attack Ruby and hit her, knocking Ruby to the ground, instantly disarming her in the process.

But his action somehow angered Penny as she decided to join the fight.

Ruby saw Penny walking over to the fight as she tried to get up and stop her. "Penny, wait! Stop!" She called out as she raised her hand in a futile attempt to stop her.

However, Penny briefly looks at her and smiles. "Don't worry, Ruby." She assured before turning towards the fight with her eyes narrowed. "I'm combat ready!"

With that said, her backpack mechanically opens, and from its dark depths comes a single sword that suddenly extends and multiples into several blades hovering over Penny's back. Leaping from the rooftop with the weapons acting as wings. She sends three of her swords to knock two White Fang soldiers down before even landing on the ground. Penny then proceeds to fling the swords at one enemy, impale another to a wall, create a barrier of spinning steel against a running attack, leaping over a goon with her swords in tow, and finally making a wheel that she throws to knock multiple Faunus off their feet.

Sun, Ruby, and Blake were amazed by this, especially Ruby. She never knew Penny was capable of such speed and strength. Then Three Bullheads come from the skies and open fire on the battle, but Penny merely forms a shield and launches two of her swords into the wall behind her, which in turn pull their wielder back with their strings. When her swords swirl around her again, she commands them to open their points and build up a large glowing ball of green light energy. With a punching action, several bright lasers crack the pavement when they fire at the transports and slice each one in half, causing several of the White Fang members inside to fall and letting Ruby watch as Bullheads fall in pieces behind her.

Stunned, Ruby turns back to Penny as she aims her swords at the remaining Bullheads holding the crate of Dust and pulls back on their wires, tugging the aircraft with them.

"Whoa... How is she doing that?" Ruby whispers as she watches with awe.

Seeing the Bullhead's flight fall under Penny's control, Roman grimaces and turns to run towards the last transport. Back to Penny, she pulls with all her might on the invisible strings, and the aircraft crashes into a stack of crates, causing an explosion as a result.

Roman was escaping to the last Bullhead as he watched Penny's fight. "These kids just keep getting weirder..."

With that said, he uses his cane to close the doors, and the jet lifts off, flying away from the lost battle.

When Penny defeats all the Bullheads and White Fang Members, a handful of police cars are at the docks. There Ruby, Blake, Sun, and Penny are sitting on boxes in silence. Not sure what to say. That is, when Weiss and Yang came to the docks after seeing the commotion.

Ruby quickly sits up and tries to explain the situation. "Look Weiss, it's not what you think, she explained the whole thing. See, she doesn't actually have a bow, she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute..."

Weiss, however, simply ignores her and squares off with Blake, who was calmly looking her down. It's been hours as Weiss and Yang search for her and the others. Luckily, they had help with the most terrifying girl in their school. Thanks to her, they were able to find them.

"Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with the-"

Weiss cuts off Blake's sentence. "Stop! Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you?" Weiss questioned her seriously yet annoyed. Blake blinks at her in surprise, not sure what to say. "Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided..."

Yang, Sun, and Ruby look at them worriedly, hoping that she wouldn't say anything mean. However, Weiss's eyes soften a bit as she looks at Blake.

"I don't care." Weiss said.

Blake looks at her in surprise. "You don't care?"

"You said you're not one of them anymore, right?" Weiss questioned.

"No, I-I haven't been since I was younger-"

Weiss quickly silences her. "Ah-bah-bah-bah-bah! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up... you'll come to your teammates. And not some..." She looks over to Sun behind her as she catches herself. "Someone else."

Blake was shocked and soon looked over at Ruby and Yang, who were grinning at her, soon she wiped a tear from her eye, before nodding. "Of course." She said softly.

Weiss smiles and nods at her. When they finally forgave and understood each other, Ruby waved her arms wildly, cheering. "Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!"

As the five were about to gather with each other, Weiss pointed accusingly at Sun. "I'm still not quite sure about how I feel about you!" She said, remembering that he was their competition in the Vytal Festival.

Sun laughs nervously at her as he backs away a bit. They were about to head back to the academy when Ruby realizes someone was missing as she looks around. "Hey, wait a minute...where's Penny?"

Her question caught the other's attention as they looked around to find the mystery girl, but she wasn't here. Unaware of them, Penny was inside a limo as she watched the group of friends reunited with each other. She wishes she could join them, but she knew that she couldn't.

"You should know better than to go running around in a strange city." The Driver said off-screen.

Penny lowers her head sadly, knowing that she was in trouble. "I know, sir." She said softly.

The limo started to drive off to another location, far from others. "Penny, your time will come..." The Driver said.

Penny nodded as she looked at the window sadly, watching as the limo drove away from Ruby and her friends. She stared at the window for a while and saw a glimpse of Voltaria, standing at the sidelines. Penny thought she was hallucinating because when she looked at the backseat window, she saw no one. But she could've sworn she saw Voltaria.

"Hmmm...such an interesting friend." Penny said softly with her eyes closed.

Meanwhile, back at Beacon Academy, Professor Ozpin was in his office. He was watching a live feed in his Scroll, showing Ruby at the docks. He studies the video for a while before he closes it. He then opens a contact with the name Qrow and sends a message that says:'QUEEN HAS PAWNS.'

Once he sends it, he hums a bit before taking a sip of his coffee. But as he drank, he wasn't aware that Tabitha was spying on him in the shadows before retreating towards a rooftop on one of the dorms. She appeared beside Voltaria, who was looking through the horizon.

It seems that Ozpin has friends from other places.Tabitha informs them.

"Good job, Tabitha."Voltaria said as she looked at the nearly full moon.

She knows that there is a great danger coming, no one knows it yet, but she does. She took out a card that shows. It was the fifth card that came before the four cards she bought recently. It revealed three black silhouette figures. And the middle figure was holding a fire. Indicating it was the leader.

"We all have to be prepared for anything."Voltaria said to her entities as they looked at the shattered moon

Chapter 9


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was a beautiful day in the City of Vale. The people were preparing for the Vytal Festival and were excited to see what events would come. Though, there are some uninvited guests that will ruin the festival. Somewhere on the streets, the owner of the Dust shop called'From Dust till Dawn' ishanging a sign declaring its re-opening.

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As he climbs down from his ladder, he suddenly stumbles and falls, landing on the ground. Then he notices a girl with light green hair and red eyes appears next to him.

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She giggles at him innocently. "'Scuse me, sorry. I'm not really from around here." She stated as she helped him up. "Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?"

She took out a piece of paper and showed him the writing on it. The shopkeeper looked it over and pointed out the direction that she needed to go. Once she knows where the location was, she walks away from the shop owner as they both wave goodbye. The green haired girl walks on the sidewalk and passes a male teen at a corner.

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"I knew you were lost." He said dully.

She turns and glares at him. "Mercury, I will seriously pay you to shut up." She said as she showed a wallet with liens and waves it in the teen named Mercury's face.

Mercury looked at it plainly and shook his head. "That's not your money."

"But it can be yours for 5 minutes of silence." The Girl added.

Mercury thought about it for a while and shook his head. " deal." He

Annoyed, the girl takes the lien and tosses the wallet away. "Fine."

She walks away while Mercury shrugs his shoulders as he follows the green haired girl. "Whatever. You want me."

The two'friends'were walking through the city. They were searching for a curtain shop that has someone that they need to'talk'. Mercury was complaining to the girl, who's name is Emerald, about how much farther the shop is. She answered that the store was only a few blocks away. Though, as they walk, the Mercury would complain and mocked Emerald when she said that she likes the city because of its tall buildings and diverse culture until Mercury added about nice dopey people who are easy to pickpocket, which Emerald informed that's every city. She ignored Mercury when he came in front of her and acted as a victim that she stole.

"Ooh, Emerald! Master thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by!" He said in a mocking yet weak tone.

Emerald glares at him in annoyance, wanting to punch him in the face. But decides to ignore him and groans angrily before she walks away from him.

Mercury looks at her and shrugs as he gets up. "'re no fun today."

Emerald and Mercury continued their journey in finding the shop. But they have no idea that Voltaria was hidden in the shadows of a building, watching them. The two teens found the shop that they were looking for. It turns out to be a bookstore as it was filled with books. Satisfied, Emerald and Mercury entered the shop. They heard humming from the other side of the room. Mercury stops near the door to look at some books while Emerald approaches the counter before she rings the service bell.

"Be right there!" The Shop Owner replied.

Emerald looks back at Mercury casually and turns back to the counter. The shop owner came in through the set of double doors, carrying stacks of books, as he walked backwards and out toward the counter.

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"Welcome toTukson's Book Trade, home to every book under the sun!" He said as he set the stacks down before turning towards Emerald. "How may I..."

The owner known as Tukson suddenly gasped at the sight of Emerald and Mercury. His facial expression shows hesitation and nervousness, recognizing the two'customers'. It only took a minute as the shop owner finally spoke. "How may I help you?"

Mercury was holding a book, browsing through the pages before shutting it when he looked at Tukson. "Just browsing."

Emerald acts all sweet and innocent, even though it was all a lie. "Actually, I was wondering, do you have any copies of'The Thief and The Butcher'?" She asked.

Tukson nodded hesitantly. "Yes, we do."

Emerald excitedly said when Tukson answered. "That's great."

Tukson looks at her nervously. "Would a copy?" He asked in hesitation.

Emerald shook her head at him, obviously she wasn't here to buy books. "No, just wondering." She said as Mercury closed another book. "Oh, oh! What about'Violet's Garden'in paperback?"

"He's got it, hardback too." Mercury called out, holding the book.

Emerald smiles and says to Tukson casually. "Ooh, options are nice."

"Eh, no pictures." Mercury said with a shrug before he closes the book. "Hey! Do you have any comics?"

Tukson nodded and pointed out the comic section. "Near the front."

Emerald then said. "Oh, no, wait! What about 'Third Crusade'?"

Tukson hesitates, visibly unnerved. "Um...I..." He noticed Mercury and Emerald were eyeing him carefully. "...don't believe we carry that one."

Mercury slams another book shut, loud. "Oh."

"What was this place called again?" Emerald asked.

"Tukson's Book Trade," Tukson answered.

"And you're Tukson?"

Tukson nodded, "That's right."

"So, then I take it that you're the one that came up with the catchphrase?"

Tukson nodded slowly, "Yes."

Mercury then asked. "And, what was it again?"

"Tukson's Book Trade, home to every book under the sun."

"Except the Third Crusade." Mercury butts in.

"It's just a catchphrase."

"It's false advertising!" Mercury said with a smirk.

Emerald said in a serious yet dangerous tone. "You shouldn't make a promise you can't keep, Tukson."

Mercury activates a switch near the entrance causing a front window to darken. "I hear that you're planning on leaving, moving all the way to Vacuo." Mercury activates another switch and the window in the front door darkens.

"Your brothers in the White Fang won't be happy to hear that." Mercury activates the third and final switch, darkening the last window as he smiles creepily at Tukson. "And neither are we... You know who we are, don't you?"

Someone was about to enter the store, but Mercury closed it, preventing the person from entering. The person knocks at the door, but Mercury prevents that person from entering.


Emerald smirks, "And you know why we're here?"


Emerald narrows her eyes and smirks, "So... are you going to fig-"

Before she could finish her sentence, the room suddenly turned black and gray along with Emerald and Mercury. Tukson was the only one with color as he noticed that Emerald and Mercury weren't moving. Actually, everything around him has suddenly stopped, even outside. The people are not even moving, as if time has suddenly stopped. Tukson waves his hand at Emerald's unmoving face, wondering what just happened.

"They're not dead."

Tukson suddenly jumps in surprise at the voice. He turned to the corner and saw a girl, wearing all black and a Grimm mask on, sitting on the counter, reading a horror book. That girl was none other than Voltaria Eclipse. Her coming here was no coincidence. She was just exploring the city when she saw two strangers coming, and they were not welcome. So, she decided to...assist the shop-owner. Tukson glanced at the unmoving Emerald and Mercury before eyeing at the girl suspiciously.

"T-They're not?" He questioned.

Voltaria simply glanced off her book under mask and stared at him, sensing his nervousness and uncertainty. "Do you want them to be?"

Tukson looks at her in shock as his eyes widen with her words. He quickly shook his head and hands, not wanting any bloodshed in his shop. "No! No! No! There's no need for that!"

"Hmph." Voltaria huffed a bit as she closed the book shut with one hand. "Fine, fine. I won't harm them since I don't want any books to be drenched in blood. Though, I'm curious as to why they were after a Faunus like you."

Tukson's eyes widened in shock when she said that, how did she know that he's a Faunus? He was going to ask her about it, but she simply waved him off. "Don't bother asking why. I know, because I won't tell you or anyone else. But you have to leave if you want to be alive."

"Wait, wha-"

Tukson was cut off when Voltaria suddenly snapped her finger. A shadow portal opened to reveal Vacuo. Tukson stared in shock. He was planning on leaving to get away from the White Fangs. But how did this girl know? I mean, he never told anyone at all. And yet, she knew the whole time. Tukson looked at her before gasping in surprise to see bags were on the floor, and he knew that they belonged to him. Voltaria casually looks at him, waiting for him to leave.

"Who are you?" He asked in shock.

"I've been called by many names. Monster, witch, demon child, but you know me as the Grimm Girl." She answered calmly, causing Tuskon's eyes to widen in shock, before turning towards the paralyzed duo. "You should go now. The effects are only temporary."

Tukson stared at her for a while, unsure if he should trust her or not. But seeing these two teens here, he knew that his life was in trouble. So, grabbing the bags, Tukson goes into the portal without a second thought, and does not turn back. The portal closes behind him as he enters and Voltaria glances at the two teens with her eyes narrowed under her mask.

"Those two are going to be troublesome." She said before taking two books from Tukson's store and leaving two Liens on the counter.

She heads out of the store unnoticed, vanishing through the shadows as time returns to normal. Emerald and Mercury will be shocked to see Tukson gone and soon his book trade will be sold to a different storekeeper soon.

At Beacon Academy's cafeteria, Team RWBY are sitting together with Team JNPR and Team WAVE. Though, Voltaria is still not joining them for lunch. She's off doing who knows what. Her teammates aren't sure where she was, she blocked their calls, and would sometimes appear when they have classes. Though, they're still trying to understand her the best way they can. Wade was talking to AJ about Voltaria while Evo was listening to songs in his headphones. Team RWBY and JNPR were having a peaceful lunch time. Ruby wasn't here yet. Like Voltaria, she went off somewhere to get something in her dorm. Blake was looking over some notes that she has, but it looked like a variety of drawings of the White Fangs and a mysterious guy. She quickly closes her book when Yang suddenly slides up next to her partner.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked curiously.

"Nothing, just going over notes from last semester." Blake stated calmly, not wanting her teammates to know more of her secrets.

Lucky, Yang didn't want to bother her personal life, as she shrugs her shoulders before she catches an incoming grape in her mouth.

"Lame." She said, eating the grape.

Turns out, Nora was the one who threw the grape at Yang. She giggles happily as she tosses a grape at Yang with her spoon. Yang catches the fruit with ease and gives Nora a thumbs up. Suddenly, Ruby came with an enormous heave as she slammed a binder onto the table, catching everyone off guard. That action caused Evo to remove his headphones and look at the binder in confusion. On the cover of the binder is written 'Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee', but it has been hastily crossed out with a red marker pen and a new title called"Best Day Ever Activities"has been written underneath it.

Ruby smiles as she clears her throat, gesturing everyone at the table. "Sisters, friends...Weiss."

"Hey!" Weiss yelled in the background.

"Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream." Ruby began.

"Uhh...what?" Wade asked in confusion.

Yang smirks at her little sister. "This ought to be good." She said, catching another grape in her mouth.

"A dream that one day, the four of us will come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had...ever!"

Weiss notices the binder belongs to her and looks at Ruby suspiciously and slightly angry. "Did you steal my binder?"

Ruby makes"peace"signs with both hands, not wanting to offend Weiss. "I am not a crook." She said.

"Then why does it have Weiss's name and-" Evo was cut off when Ruby shushed him and waved a hand.

"What are you talking about?" Blake asked her team leader.

Ruby grins at that. "I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!" She exclaims, pointing her finger at Blake, who raises a brow.

Yang grins and points at herself. "I always kick my semesters off with aYang!" She said in a pun. The group stared at her in confusion, not understanding her pun too well. "Eh? Guys? Am I right?"

"Boooooooooooooooo!" Nora booed suddenly in the background and then tossed an apple at Yang, gently hitting her in the forehead. Yang glares at Nora for that, wanting to make even.

"Look guys, it's been a good two weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But classes start back up tomorrow! Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today." Ruby explains happily.

This surprised the group, especially Weiss. Who knew Ruby was so prepared for this? Though, they wonder if she got help from Voltaria...probably not. Weiss was somewhat impressed by this and made a slight compliment.

"I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store."

Ruby grins while Yang glares at Nora before she picks up an apple and tosses it across the room. Then an unfamiliar voice shouts "Hey!" and Nora can be heard giggling, indicating that Yang missed.

"I don't know. I think I might sit this one out." Blake said.

"Sit out or not, I think that however we spend this last day, we should do it as a team!"

AJ nodded in agreement. "You should agree with them, Blake. You can't be"

"Like Voltaria?" Jaune stated, shivering as he remembered the harsh training Voltaria gave him.

"Erm...Yeah, kind of." AJ said with a sheepish smile.

No one notices Nora was happily shouting. "I got it!"

Weiss stood up from her seat and spoke. "I for one think that-"

However, before she could finish, Weiss was interrupted by a pie landing on her face. This surprised and startled everyone. They turned towards the source and saw that it was Nora who threw the pie. Seeing this, she quickly sits back down and points at Ren, so that he can take the blame. But Ren has his head in his palm while Pyrrha has her hand over her mouth and Jaune simply sits staring wide-eyed while covering one of his ears with his palm. AJ covered her mouth with both her hands with her eyes widened while Evo cringed at the sight. Wade shook his head at that, knowing something bad will happen.

"This ain't gonna end well." Wade mutters out.

Outside the cafeteria, Voltaria was sitting on the bench of the courtyard. It was hidden beneath the shrubs and trees. She didn't want to go in the cafeteria, not today at least. She knows that she has to be with her teammates and make friends. But she doesn't want to go today because she knows that something crazy is going to happen, again. Voltaria just sat there and watched the clouds fly by. It was peaceful to see a calm looking sky. She didn't want to be bothered by anyone and deal with any of Ruby's shenanigans.

Why are we here again?Wraith questioned Voltaria.

Voltaria rolled her eyes under her mask. Wraith wasn't a type of entity to enjoy the scenery of the outside. Sure, he likes that they are alone with no humans or Faunus, but he prefers to watch anything scary or something violent when they travel.

"I told you before, Wraith. I enjoy the solitude of the outside." Voltaria answered, looking at the clouds.

Wraith grumbles at the answer while Regina decides to step in.Mistress, you know the reason why Wraith is complaining.

Voltaria shook her head and ignored her entities for a while. She didn't want to be disturbed right now, although Wraith was getting impatient and was complaining from time to time. She sighs and tells Wraith that he can go, but Hannibal will accompany him. Wraith excitingly leaves with Hannibal following as they make their way to the cafeteria, passing Sun Wukong and one of his teammates, a blue haired teen named Neptune Vasilias.

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The two males were walking together towards the cafeteria. Sun was retelling the event that he helped Blake defeat Roman Torchwick and the White Fangs.

"Man, that's harsh." Neptune said to his friend, Sun.

Sun agreed. "I know, we were fighting side by side. She was superfast and I threw a banana at the guy, which sounds gross, but it was awesome!"

Neptune grins at that. "Nice!"

"Right? And the best part is, she's a Faunus. But that's a secret, okay?" Sun pointed out.

"Got it."

Then Sun leans in close, stressing the importance of this secret. "And not a,'I'm gonna go tell Scarlet the second Sun turns his back secret', I'm talking secret, secret!" He said sternly.

Neptune calms down his friend. "Whoa, chill out, man, okay? I got it." He said and almost whispered. "I got it!"

Sun pointed at him. "You better!"

Soon, they started walking, passing to the windows of the cafeteria where foods were being splattered into the panes while students were running around. At one point, Jaune was splattered into the window, obviously thrown by someone.

"I just don't want to screw this up, you know? The people here are the coolest! No offense to you guys." Sun assured with a grin.

Neptune waves at him. "None taken."

They stop at the doors of the cafeteria, Sun turns to Neptune and points at the doors. "They're just in here. I'm really excited for you to meet them. So, be cool, okay? You're gonna be cool, right?"

"Dude." Neptune gestured to his feet and face, as his teeth gleamed when he smiled. Sun stared at him briefly, knowing that he was already cool, and shrugged.

"Good point." Sun said.

As they entered, Glynda was walking through the courtyard and spotted someone near the undergrowth. She went over there and saw Voltaria sitting alone on the bench.

"Still not interacting with your classmates, I see?" Glynda asked, sitting beside Voltaria.

Voltaria simply shrugs at the teacher, indicating that she doesn't care about what she said. "Meh, I simply didn't want to eat there yet." She said to her teacher.

Glynda raised a brow. "And why is that?" She questioned.

Voltaria holds up three of her fingers up and counts backwards. "3...2...1."

She holds up one finger and soon, screams are heard. They heard the students screaming 'FOOD FIGHT!', followed by a stampeding sound of students. Glynda closes her eyes and sighs in annoyance, knowing that there was trouble in the cafeteria. She pinches the bridge of her nose while speaking to Voltaria.

"I can see why." She mutters before getting up and heading to the cafeteria.

Voltaria decided to come as well. She has to check on Hannibal and Wraith, just in case they get themselves into trouble, again.

Speaking of which, when Sun and Neptune entered the cafeteria, the students were stampeding past them, screaming 'Food Fight!' as they avoid the massive battle between team RWBY and JNPR. Wade and his teammates were at the corner of the cafeteria, watching the whole thing. Well, Wade was pinching the bridge of his nose while AJ and Evo stared at the scene with wide eyes. This food fight was going to be both epic and crazy. Watching in the shadows were Wraith and Hannibal. Wraith was grinning with excitement as he watched the food fight go on. Hannibal was beside him, eating popcorn, watching the battle upfold. Both teams used food-based items as their weapons. The battle was almost won by team JNPR, but Ruby uses her superspeed to even out the odds and reclaim victory for team RWBY. Team JNPR were slammed against a cracked wall painted with soda and food before they slid off the wall, leaving only their outlines.

Sun grins at the whole scene. These guys are awesome! They should totally hang out more often. He turns towards Neptune and points at Team RWBY and JNPR.

"I love these guys." He said but he soon stops when he sees Neptune drenched with soda and is not pleased by what just happened. Suddenly, Glynda storms in the cafeteria, growling in annoyance to see the damage and mess that team RWBY and JNPR made. Wade, AJ, and Evo looked at each other with sympathy, knowing that the two teams were in trouble. Glynda then uses her semblance to re-organize the room and get rid of the wasted foods. Once everything was fixed and cleaned, she gave the two teams a scolding glare as she adjusted her glasses.

"Children, please. Do not play with your food."

Even though Glynda was serious, Nora burps loudly and both Team JNPR and Team RWBY try and fail to compose themselves. Suddenly, they heard Yang screaming before she crashed down from the ceiling into one of the tables, startling everyone.

"Oh, my goodness! Are you okay?!" AJ asked in shock, making her way to Yang. Luckily, the blonde-haired girl didn't feel a thing as she stood up with a smile and did a thumbs up, making everyone laugh.

Glynda grumbles in annoyance at their behavior. For once, she agrees that Voltaria shouldn't eat here, for it was such a hassle. Then Ozpin comes and places a hand on Glynda's shoulder.

"Let it go." He said calmly with assuredness in his voice.

Glynda sighs as he looks at him. "They're supposed to be the defenders of the world." She pointed out, looking at the students as they laughed happily with each other.

Ozpin gave her an assuring look. "And they will be, but right now they're still children. So, why not let them play the part?" He said before he walked away from Glynda and soon became serious. "After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever."

Hearing this, Glynda fell into silence. She turns back to the laughing teens and then to the windows. She could've sworn she saw Voltaria walking past the windows, ignoring the whole thing. Something tells her that Voltaria never experienced a happy childhood. I mean, she was being hunted by bounty hunters and bandits. Basically, Voltaria never experienced growing up as a child. She has to grow up and mature fast, not enjoying her life as a child. Maybe that was the reason why she was acting so distant.

She didn't experience a happy childhood.

Glynda looks at the corner of the window and watches Voltaria disappearing to the corner of the school. Whatever her secret or problem is, she will find out and help the young girl.

Voltaria was sitting on top of a building, watching many fleets of ships coming by to Vale. The students of Atlas Academy were coming over for the Vytal Festival and the tournament. And because Vale is hosting it. It was a pretty big deal for this event. But Voltaria didn't like it. She knows that the headmaster is also a general of the Atlas Military named General James Ironwood. He is a good friend to Ozpin and knows people in the Council of Atlas. Voltaria will keep a close eye on Ironwood. He knows something too about Ozpin's secret.

Should we follow?Tabitha asked.

Voltaria shook her head as she leaned herself with both of her arms. "Nah, let's just stay for a while, we'll find out later." She answered.

With that, the entities agreed and relaxed a bit while the ships passed by. While they relax, Glynda and Ozpin are watching the whole thing from Ozpin's office window. Glynda finds it unorthodox of the whole thing.

"Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels." She said sarcastically with her arms crossed.

"Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man." Ozpin stated, watching three more Bullheads flying in. "But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore."

Then beeping sounds were repeatedly coming through his hollow message with "Access Requested" on his desk. "Come in." Ozpin said.

The elevator doors slide open to reveal Ironwood coming in. He's a well-dressed and clean man. He wears a white overcoat, with a gray undercoat, a black sweater, a red necktie and a white glove on his right hand. His suit pants share the same color as his overcoat and are tucked into silver boots accented in gray.

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Ozpin approaches to greet him.

"Ozpin!" Ironwood greeted with a smile.

"Hello, General." Ozpin greeted him casually.

Ironwood gently waves him off. "Please, drop the formalities. It's been too long." He said as they both approached each other and shook hands. Then Glynda approaches the two men. Ironwood gave her a kind smile. "And Glynda! It has certainly been too long since we last met."

Glynda almost rolled her eyes at the general, not too pleased that he was here. "Oh, James!" She greeted sarcastically as she gave a personable wave and then dropped all pleasantries. "I'll be outside."

With that, she walks away and out of the office, leaving the two men to catch up. Ironwood simply smiles at her calmly as she leaves the office and looks at Ozpin. "Well, she hasn't changed a bit."

Ozpin nodded and turned to his desk. "So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?" He asked, picking up a mug and a kettle before pouring warm coffee on the mug. "Headmasters don't typically travel with their students for the Vytal Festival."

Ozpin turns towards Ironwood and offers the cup to him, who takes it gladly. "Well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year." Ironwood stated.

He brought out a canteen from inside of his coat's pocket and poured the contents into his mug. "Besides, with you hosting, I thought that this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up."

Ozpin walks around to his desk, kettle and a new mug in hand. He pours himself some coffee in his mug. "I can certainly appreciate the quality time between friends, however, a small fleet outside my window has me concerned."

"Well, concerned is what brought them here." Ironwood pointed out.

"I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult." Ozpin said.

Ironwood sighs a bit. "Oz, you and I both know why I brought those men." He informed him.

Ozpin takes a drink and sets down his mug, already knowing why Ironwood brought them. "We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this are just going to give off the wrong impression." He stated.

Ironwood sets his mug down and looks at Ozpin seriously. "But if what Qrow said is true..."

Ozpin cuts him off. "If what Qrow said is true, then we will handle it tactfully." Ozpin emphasizes this as he holds up an index finger. "It's the Vytal Festival. A time to celebrate unity and peace. So, I suggest that you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent."

"I'm just being cautious." Ironwood explains with narrowed and serious eyes.

"As am I. Which is why we will continue to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can."

"Believe me, I am." Ironwood spoke in a calm yet serious tone. He turns and is about to walk away when he stops near the door and looks back at Ozpin. "But ask yourself this: Do you honestly believe your children can win a war?" He asked the headmaster of Beacon before leaving.

Ozpin watches him leave and sighs. "I hope they never have to." He whispers hopefully.


Wade was using the computer in Beacon's library. He was searching for any old news articles about Voltaria. There were a lot of reports and rumors about her being the Grimm Girl, there were even some theories that she was a child experiment from a top-secret lab that escaped, which was silly if you ask me. AJ was reading a history book for an incoming test. Evo was searching for a book of old music. With them were team RWBY, they were playing a board game called Remnant: The Game. They were on a table, sitting in separate spaces. Ruby has been contemplating her next move on defeating her big sister, she thought she had beaten Yang, but no. Yang defeated her sister. Behind them was Team JNPR, they were there to study. Well, Ren and Pyrrha are studying. Jaune was reading a comic book while Nora was sleeping. Ren tried to ignore Yang and Ruby banter about the game while Pyrrha took the comic off Jaune's hands and handed him a textbook. It saddened and annoyed Jaune because he was reading the best part until a Nevermore player piece bounced off his head, startling him in the process.

As Ruby cries of her sudden loss of the game, Yang turns to Weiss. "Well, Weiss, it's your turn." She said to the white haired girl.

Weiss had some cards in her, she wasn't sure how to play this game. In fact, she never played any board games with her family because they were either busy or not wanting to play such a ridiculous game.

"I have...absolutely no idea what's going on." Weiss confessed, not sure what to do.

Deciding to help, Yang slides up beside her and puts her hand on Weiss's shoulder before pointing at the cards. "Look, it's easy! You're playing as Vacuo which means that all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus."

Weiss stared at her in confusion. "That sounds dumb."

Yang then starts looking through Weiss' cards and helps her decide what card to pick and use. "See, you've got Sandstorm, Desert Scavenge...Oh, oh! Resourceful Raider! See, now you can take Ruby's discarded Air Fleet-"

Ruby was crying her eyes out as her head was slumping on the table while she moaned. "Nooo!"

"-And put it in your hand!"

Weiss nodded slowly. "Okay."

"And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance against Natural-based hazards, you can use Sandstorm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my kingdom!" After she finished, Yang pointed a finger at Weiss with a serious look. "Just know that I will not forget this declaration of war."

When Yang pulls away and returns to her seat, Weiss was still looking at her, still unsure what to do. "And that means..."

Ruby answered while crying. "You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant!"

With that, Weiss's head shot up in realization. She stands up from her seat with thunderclap accompanies Weiss's overjoyed psychotic laughter. "Y-yes! Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms!"

Weiss was then cut off when Yang held up a card. "Trap card!"

Weiss stopped and stared at her in confusion. "Huh?"

Yang shuffles the pieces on the board, causing Weiss's pieces to disappear in a puff of smoke. "Your armies have been destroyed."

Seeing that her army has fallen, Weiss slumps back in her chair, crying in defeat as she whines of her sudden loss. "I hate this game of emotions we play!"

Then Ruby hops into Weiss' lap, crying as well. "Stay strong, Weiss! We'll make it through this together!"

"Shut up! Don't touch me!" Weiss cried even though she was hugging Ruby, she still didn't like the fact she lost.

Yang grins and puts her arms up behind her head as she looks at their Faunus teammate. "Alright Blake, you're up!"

Blake was distracted to even hear her, and Yang had to get her attention. Wade shook his head at them as he focused on searching about Voltaria. There were only news reports, sightings, and rumors about her. Wade sighs and shakes his head a bit, still not giving up in finding the truth about Voltaria. Suddenly, he stumbles on a news report that was six years ago. It explains about a Girmm attack on Mineral Town that killed only the bandits and spared the residence of the town. Wade narrowed his eyes. Ren and Nora used to live in Mineral Town with a woman named Pandora Twilight and her daughter, Virgo Twilight. Ren mentioned something attacking the bandits in Mineral Town. But he didn't mention that it was a Grimm. He reads the news report carefully, saying that it was odd and strange for a Grimm to spare the town's people and kill off the bandits. He was going to search further when Sun came in with Neptune.

"'Sup losers." Sun greeted, doing a "peace" sign with his fingers.

Ruby waves at him with a big smile. "Hey Sun!"

Sun and Neptune came over to them as the Monkey Faunus greeted them. "Ruby, Yang, Blake...Ice Queen." He said Weiss's nickname.

Weiss was annoyed by this. "Why does everyone keep calling me that?" She questioned them.

"Probably many reasons." Wade mutters before getting up from his seat.

"I never got a chance to formally introduce you to my old friend." Sun explained, gesturing to Neptune, who was eyeing the board game.

"Uhh, aren't libraries for reading?" Neptune asked the girl.

Ren suddenly throws his arms up. "Thank you!" He almost exclaims, causing Nora to wake up as she yelps out 'Pancakes!'.

Sun gave Neptune the look. "Shut up. Don't be a nerd."

Neptune shakes a finger at Sun, telling him to stop. "Geh, geh, geh, geh! 'Intellectual', okay? Thank you. I'm Neptune." He greeted them with a wave.

"So, Neptune, where are you from?" Weiss asked.

"Haven. And I don't believe I've caught your name, snow angel." Neptune flirted.

Weiss was taken back by this and nearly blushed by Neptune's kind words. "Um, I'm Weiss." She greeted him.

Jaune was shocked to see how Neptune easily got Weiss to like him. "Are you kidding me!?" He almost exclaimed.

"Pleasure to meet you." Neptune said kindly.

Just then, Wade, AJ, and Evo came over to them. "Howdy, welcome to Beacon. I'm Wade, this AJ, and Evo." Wade greeted.

"Hey, I'm Sun and you already know Neptune." Sun points at his friend who winked at them. Sun turns to the group and notices they were missing one member. "Hey, are you missing a member?"

"Oh, well. No, she's off somewhere. She usually shows up sometimes." Wade explains, not sure where Voltaria was.

"Oh, well...I can't wait to meet her...if I can." Sun said as he turned towards Blake, who was holding her cards. "I never took you as the board game playing type."

Blake stood and put the cards down before she shoves Sun aside and leaves the room. "Right, well. I think I'm done playing actually. I'll see you guys later."

As Blake leaves, the others watch her with worriedness and uncertainty of her behavior. Nora just shrugged at this while saying. "Women."

Later that night, Voltaria was sitting on the edge of the roof of the academy. She was admiring the stars above and the slightly shattered moon. She always admired the night. She remembers her mother telling her bedtime stories about a goddess of the night and moon. Even though it was a fairytale, Voltaria enjoyed listening to her mother's soothing voice and gentle touch, she felt safe in her mother's arms. But she loves it when her mother sings. Whenever her mother sings, Voltaria would have good dreams and happiness. She missed those times when her mother sang to her. Her lullaby and stories were the best moments she had with her mother; she forever cherished those memories with her mother before her untimely death.

Even though she had to forget her past, she will never forget her mother.

Beautiful night, isn't it?Regina spoke as she and the other entities formed around her.

Voltaria nodded slightly as she admired the night. "It is. I'll never get tired of looking at it."

Even though the moon looks like it was shattered?Wraith questioned, earning an annoyed look from Regina.What? It's true.

Voltaria shook her head and looked at the night sky. Ever since she was on her own, she enjoys the night's company. She remembers her mother telling her a story about a moon goddess that brings forth the night and stars and sings a beautiful lullaby for the children to have good dreams. It sounds childish for her to think about that. But it was a good way to remember her mother.

You miss her, don't you?Tabitha asked Voltaria softly, resting right beside her.

Voltaria's response was a nod. Even though her mother died a long time ago, she misses her dearly. She then felt an urge to sing the lullaby that her mother used to sing for her. It's been so long. She used to sing when she was very young, she really loves to sing with her mother. But she stopped after her mother's death. And yet, she wanted to sing, for her mother.

If you want to sing, then sing. We're not stopping you.Regina assured her kindly.

Eehhh, I don't know...Wraith sounded like he was going to whine but was cut off when Regina smacks him on the head.OW!

Like I said, we're not stopping you.Regina assured again but sternly towards Wraith, who grumbled in annoyance. Voltaria wanted to protest, but in her heart, she misses singing...well, a little. So, with a sigh, Voltaria closes her eyes under her mask and takes a deep breath as she begins her song.

Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment!

Come little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows.

Her voice echoed through the academy. The students in Beacon were in the dorms, ready for bed or studying. But when they heard the haunting yet beautiful lullaby, they started to get tired and slowly fall asleep. Voltaria hums a bit through the song, remembering the lyrics that her mother sang to her.

Follow sweet children
I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain and the sorrows.

Weep not poor children
For life is this way
Murdering beauty and passions.

Team RWBY, who were in their room and discussing a plan on 'Bring down a corrupt organization, threatening Vale', but soon stopped when they heard the strange lullaby. They were enchanted and mesmerized by it. They weren't the only ones. Team JNPR and WAVE were in their dorm rooms when they heard the lullaby. AJ finds it very beautiful and soothing. Evo recorded it, wanting to listen to it. Wade was amazed to hear such an enchanting voice.

Jaune fell asleep on his bed when he heard the lullaby. Pyrrha listens to the beautiful lullaby with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. Ren and Nora listened to the lullaby in shock. Tears started to form in Nora's eyes as she and Ren recognized the lullaby.

Hush now dear children
It must be this way
To weary of life and deceptions.

Rest now my children
For soon we'll away
Into the calm and the quiet.

Voltaria started humming the next verse with the help of Regina and Tabitha. It echoed through the whole school, giving a haunting and beautiful melody. The lullaby caught the attention of threestudents. Those are Emerald, Mercury, and their leader named Cinder. They were wearing uniforms of Haven Academy, making everyone believe that they are students there and are'visiting'for the festival. When they heard the lullaby, they were somewhat entranced by it. Mercury finds it boring yet soothing at the same time. Emerald thought it was peaceful. And Cinder, well...she was suspicious of the one who was singing it.

Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment.

Come little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows.

Voltaria's voice echoed through the night sky, caught by the wind, so everyone could hear. Everyone fell asleep by that song while some were still awake and continuously listening to it. Ozpin and Glynda were at the halls of the academy when they heard the lullaby from an open window. Glynda finds the lullaby very soothing and beautiful while Ozpin narrows his eyes in suspicion. He knows something about that lullaby. Because he knows a hidden secret about it.

Voltaria finished her lullaby as she sat on the edge of the roof. Hannibal was sound asleep, resting his head on her lap. Wraith was behind her, fast asleep and snoring really loudly. Regina and Tabitha stood beside Voltaria as they watched the stars above.

If your mother was still here, she would be very proud of you right now.Regina said to Voltaria softly.

Voltaria didn't say anything. She just stared at the star filled sky as she focused on the task ahead. Knowing there could be trouble in the incoming future.


The song is called 'Come Little Children' by Erutan.

Chapter 10: Mysterious Dinosaurs


This chapter has dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures.

Chapter Text

Hidden in a thick fog-bank, there was hidden content. It was surrounded by big jagged rocks and sea pillars and strong waters that could sink ships if not careful. This content is separated from the other contents of Remnant. There were no humans inhabited by it. However, there are residents that live there. BIGresidents. Beneath the jungle, a dragonfly was zipping through the jungle, passing wild plants and fauna. It then landed on a small patch of leaf. Though it didn't not stay for too long because a giant round shaped foot appeared behind the dragonfly's spot, causing the bug to fly away.

Standing tall and eating the leaves of the tree was a long neck creature. But this creature is actually none other than a dinosaur, a Brachiosaurus to be exact.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (50)

And he's not alone, a few feet from the Brachiosaurus was his herd, they too were eating on different trees, to fill up their large bellies.

They weren't alone. Beyond the trees was a big open field, where herds of horned dinosaurs called Triceratops were grazing the grass like giant buffalos. Running past the other side of the field was a flock of Gallimimus.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (51)

They ran past a huge lake where Parasaurolophus were drinking while some were eating water weeds with three Brachiosaurus taking a dip on the lake. Drinking at the edge of the lake were some Ankylosaurus and Stegosaurus. Then a herd of Apatosaurus was walking towards another direction. It was very peaceful to see.

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The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (53)

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (54)

However, even though it was peaceful, the herbivores can't keep their guard down. For there are carnivorous predators that were on the prowl. Those are Metriacanthosaurus, Titanoboa, Ceratosaurus, Carnotaurus, Baryonyx, Suchomimus, Allosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus Rex. And other carnivores, who are pack hunters, Velociraptors, Deinonychus, Dilophosaurus, Oviraptor, and Utahraptor.

And there are also flying dinosaurs called Pteranodons. They soar through the sky, going to distant lands of their home. Little dinosaurs called Compsognathus, they followed injured dinosaurs and attacked. Other small dinosaurs, known as Microraptors, feed on insects or bugs.

But this continent doesn't just have dinosaurs, beyond the warm side of the content, there was a snowy covered area, with mountains so tall that it could touch the sky. That area is homed of Prehistoric Animals of the Ice Age called Mammoths, Smilodon/Saber-Toothed Tiger, Cave Bears, Dire Wolves, Woolly Rhinoceros, Ground Sloths, and more. They lived in that cold and harsh part of the continent. But they are able to thrive as they are strong. And yet beside freezing temperature was an African looking area, where other Prehistoric animals like Smilodon, Terror Birds, Doedicurus, Thylacoleo Carnifex, and more.

There are also ancient prehistoric creatures that live underwater. Some are harmless while some are very dangerous. There are pods of Plesiosauria and Mauisaurus that were swimming by. Other aquatic dinosaurs are Nothosaurus, Basilosaurus, Liopleurodon, Dunkleosteus, Kronosaurus, Helicoprion, and Jaekelopterus that were crawling on the seafloor. Though these creatures are terrifying, the two most dangerous ones are Mosasaurs and Megalodon. Those two sea predators are the most dangerous ones.

But wait, there's more, not only there were Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals, there are also prehistoric insects. They're not typical small bugs that you find in your home or accidentally crawled on your body. Nope! These bugs are huge. Like a giant centipede-like arthropod called Arthropleura, it grew to the size of a man. A dragonfly that is as big as an arm called Meganeura. And a big scorpion called Pulmonoscorpius Kirktonensis that is twenty inches. And there are more out there, hidden beneath the deepest part of the jungle or swamp.

And this continent is called'The Lost Continent'.

No one on Remnant knows about this ancient place. This continent survived billions of years ago, hidden beneath a fog with a barrier that separates it from the Remnant's continents. The reason how it was separated was unknown, but there is a secret within that continent that no one knows about. It remains hidden till this day, no traveler has ever set foot on this hidden world, or ever will know about it.

Until something happens that will change the lives of two curtain girls.

The Lost Continent has the most extreme weather. One in particular is a storm, and it was a terrible storm. As the storm rages on the jungle, the residents search for shelter or huddle together. Two eggs were in a log-like nest. One was pure white and the other was black night. The white egg was bigger than the black egg, indicating that it will be the dominant sibling. There were parents around the log, for it was left there for some reason. The eggs stay motionless on the log, until a lightning bolt strikes on a tree, setting it on fire as it falls on to the ground, so hard that it makes the log that has to egg inside, to fling up and roll down a small cliff. It landed on a riverbank, sailing through the raging river as the two eggs still remained in the log. It then falls on a big waterfall. It landed on the water and the resurfaces. Luckily, the eggs didn't fall off or sustain any damages as the log sailed through the rough seas. Lightning clashes through the dark sky, followed by the sound of thunder. The log was able to survive the raging waters as the two eggs remained intact.

The log carries the two eggs through the sea as the unborn dinosaurs journey beyond their borders.

In the Kingdom of Remnant, the students of Beacon were in their classrooms, listening to their professors as they gave their lectures. Some students listened while others did not. It was a dull day for them since they were supposed to have field training but it was canceled due to the storm outside. It was a disappointment for the students since they really wanted to go out and take their field test, but it was postponed and moved to next week. Though, nothing interesting happened today. Team RWBY, JNPR, and WAVE were in Port's class. They were listening to his tall tales about how he conquered a storm when he was a boy. Though, the story wasn't true since no one believed him. Speaking of which, the students were either ignoring him or were asleep. Weiss was filing nails, Yang was reading a comic book, Ruby was doodling on her notepad, Blake was reading a classical book, Jaune was asleep, Wade, Pyrrha, AJ, and Ren were listening to Port's tales, Nora was daydreaming as she plays around with her papers, Evo was listening to music with his headphones, and Voltaria was reading a book about ancient creatures of old.

You see, Remnant's history is mysterious. As it turns out, there were giant creatures called Dinosaurs that roamed their world many years ago. But they died by a giant meteor that wiped them out into extinction. Archeologists found their fossils scattered across the continents of Remnants. All historians wanted to see a real-life dinosaur, some might believe that there are some alive, but not here. No one knows for sure, because there is no evidence or proof.

Aaaagggghhhh!Wraith whined in her head, cutting her off from her reading.When will this stupid rain stop!? I'm dying over here!

Don't get my hopes up, Wraith.Regin said sternly to him.And you know the reason why we are here.

It's just rain? How can it hurt anyone?Wraith stated.

Suddenly, there was a loud thunder, followed by a lightning strike at one of the trees in the courtyard. Everyone was startled, except for Voltaria, as they saw the tree on fire. Luckily, Glynda Goodwitch, who was close by, was able to use her Semblance to stop the fire.

Silence was in Voltaria's head as Regina gave Wraith, who wasn't looking at her, the look.On second thought, we'll wait until it stops.

Good, now be patient. Class will be over for one more hour.Regina answered, earning a groan from Wraith.

Voltaria sighs softly as she blocks her entities from her mind as she thinks in annoyance. "So much for peace and quiet."

An hour had passed until classes were over, everyone was allowed to go back to their dorm rooms or go to the library since it was still raining outside. Voltaria decided to go to the library to finish reading her book. She'll read in a dark corner of the library, away from students' view. Once she reaches the dark corner, she continues reading. Wraith was roaming around the school with Hannibal while Regina and Tabitha spy on the students and faculty members, leaving Voltaria alone.

"Have you heard about the mysterious song a few nights ago?" Asked a male student from a distance.

Voltaria stops reading briefly. She knew that from the past few days, all the students were talking about the mysterious song that she sang a few nights ago. They thought it was a ghost that was haunting Beacon or someone was here at their school and sang them a song. No one knows who sing that song as they spread rumors about it being a ghost, which was stupid considering that it was Voltaria who sang it. But she didn't want to make a scene.

"I know, it was creepy yet beautiful." Said a female student, walking pass Voltaria's hidden spot.

The Grimm Girl sighs in annoyance, she regretted signing on the night, and now everybody is talking about it. But in her heart, she did enjoy the song she sang, it reminded her about her mother, and little bits of her memory with her mother were still in that song. Sighing, Volatria returns to her book and waits for her entities to come back while the storm rages on.

Luckily, the storm stopped the next day, the people of Vale were fixing some damages that the storm had caused while the students of Beacon were allowed to go out, but had to be careful due to the wet ground, the students might have slipped. Voltaria stayed top of the vista with Tabitha while Regina was scolding Wraith, who pranked Team CRDL by flooding their room with mud, which they have no idea how he pulled it off. Hannibal was roaming at the beach that was below the cliffs of Beacon's. He was searching for fishes that washed up on the shores, so he could snack on them. So far, there weren't any fishes yet, much to his disappointment. That's when he spotted a log close by.

Tilting his head, Hannibal made his way to the log and peeks inside. To his surprise, there were two eggs inside, one was big and colored white while the other was slightly small and was black. Curious, Hannibal tilted the log a bit, allowing the eggs to roll off and land gently on the warm sand. The entity observes the eggs carefully, wondering what kind of birds that laid them. Sniffing the eggs, he found strange scents on them, indicating that they weren't from here nor any continent.

As if they could sense him, the two eggs suddenly shake, surprising Hannibal. But they stopped as soon as Hannibal moved away. Curiosity got the best of him as Hannibal came close to the eggs again, and with his presence, the eggs shook. Hannibal didn't move as he watched the eggs shake, however; he sniffed the eggs further and knew that they were freezing. He looks at the ocean's endless horizon, believing that these eggs came from the sea. They must've got washed off by a wave and brought her by accident...or is it?

Stopping his thoughts, Hannibal looked down at the eggs again and felt that they were getting cold. He wonders if he should leave them or not. However, a thought about two unknown baby animals freezing out here made him feel sad and wanted to bring them to the others. But he wasn't sure if the others would agree...nah, he'll just show the eggs to them. So, gently and carefully, Hannibal picks them up with his mouth like Alligators and Crocodiles do when they pick up their young. Hannibal takes them to Voltaria, who was still on top of the vista with Tabitha, Regina and Wraith, who were still arguing, but stopped when Hannibal came.

"Hello, Hannibal. Did you have your fill?" Voltaria questioned, allowing Hannibal to nuzzle as she gently strokes his jaw. She soon stopped when she felt something inside his mouth. "What do you have there, Hannibal?"

The three entities went over to Hannibal, who appears to be excited and yet slightly nervous.

What's wrong? Cat caught your tongue?Wraith asked him.

Hannibal's response was opening his mouth to reveal two eggs, which surprised the group, even Voltaria. Hannibal shows them his thoughts as he explains to them where he found them and how they might have got here. And adding that he wants to keep them

Hannibal, I admire your kindness towards those eggs and whatever species are inside but taking care of unknown creatures is a lot of work.Regina explained to Hannibal.

Unlike Wraith, who is a rude entity, Hannibal has a gentle aura. He isn't much of a violent entity, he cares for others and wants to help, especially small beings like children or baby animals, he will help them at all cost. And if someone did hurt those little guys, he goes full rage mode and will beat those punk until they...go unconscious.

I can.Hannibal said the best he could.Me good with Volta.

Hannibal always called Voltaria, Volta. It's a nickname that he likes to give her, which she doesn't mind. He was the one that brought food for Voltaria when she was young, he would bring berries, fruits, and catch some fishes for him to cook with Regina's help.

Hannibal, we know that you're good at taking care of Voltaria.Tabitha said, helping Regina to make reason to Hannibal, and not hurting his feelings.But we are not sure if it's a good idea to-

"Oh, for the love of Gods, just tell him that we can't keep those eggs!"Wraith said rudely, causing Hannibal to be sad.

WRAITH!Tabitha and Regina scolded, not happy with what he said.

What? You know it's true!He defended.

This is what I mean! You never think things through!Regina exclaims.

Wraith rolled his eyes.Yeah, yeah, at least I don't nag my way to the battle!He exclaims.

Regina glares at him.I do not nag!She shot back.

The two entities argued while Hannibal was disappointed that he couldn't keep the two eggs. Tabitha assured him that they'll find a nice animal shelter for those eggs. Voltaria, on the other hand, observed the eggs on Hannibal's mouth. Those eggs have strong heartbeats, she could feel it. Though, there's also unfamiliar presences within them, as if they're from another land that is not Remnant. And seeing Hannibal determined to take care of them, Voltaria decided this.

"We're keeping the eggs." Voltaria spoke plainly, causing her entities to look at her in surprise while Hannibal made a happy expression.

Are you sure it's a good idea, Mistress?Regina asked worriedly.We don't know what creatures are in those eggs.

"We'll find out once they hatch." Voltaria explains, turning to her entities. "We're going to keep them hidden, and once they hatch, we'll train them, agreed?"

Regina and Tabitha looked at each other and then to Voltaria.Well...Regina began but was cut off by Wraith.

Raising unknown creatures that we can use to bring terror on everyone? Hell, yeah!Wraith exclaims with a grin.

"Wraith, we're taking care of them and raising them right, not causing trouble." Voltaria pointed out, making Wraith whine. She turns to Regina and Tabitha. "We're going to take care of them in secret, we cannot let anyone know about their existence."

Regina sighs a bit and looks at Voltaria.You always know how to plan things out before me.She said calmly yet proudly.

"I learn from the best." Voltaria said, referring to Regina. She turns towards Hannibal, who was still holding the eggs in his mouth. "You keep them warm while we search for a place for them."

Hannibal nodded as he closed his mouth to keep the eggs warm until they're strong enough to hatch. Tabitha, Regina, and Wraith search for a perfect place to hide the eggs, leaving Voltaria with Hannibal and the eggs. Voltaria sighs as she goes off to get some food for those little creatures in the eggs, wondering if they were carnivores or herbivores.

Voltaria walks through the halls and heads to the cafeteria. There are only a few students there to grab something to eat. She avoided the students as she grabbed some fruits and meat. She leaves the cafeteria unnoticed but almost bumped into Ruby.

"Oh, hey Volty! Where are you going?" Ruby asked cheerfully.

Ever since she trained Jaune, Ruby would come by and try to be friends with her. Ruby is three years older than Voltaria. She was the only one closer to Voltaria's age and she was trying to be friends. But no matter how hard she tries, Voltaria always knows how to avoid her. Voltaria knew that Ruby would stop one day, but that girl won't give up as she did her best to be patient and try to be her friend.

"Nowhere." Voltaria answered dully and was about to walk away when Ruby noticed that there was something in her bag.

"What's in the bag?" She asked.

Voltaria glanced under her bag before turning away. "None of your concern, good day, Rose." She said Ruby's last name as she walked away, disappearing through the corner.

"What is she hiding?" Ruby mutters before she follows her secretly.

Ruby did her best in hiding, peeking through a corner as she watched Voltaria going outside towards a wall of the school. Ruby narrowed her eyes as she sneaked towards Voltaria's location. Once she did, she saw Voltaria was gone.

"Where did she go?" Ruby mutters out before glancing up at the roof, she could've sworn she saw something up there.

Wondering what was up there, Ruby activated her Speed Semblance and made it to the top of the vista. She looks around for any sign of Voltaria. She walks further, trying to find signs of Voltaria. When she turns around, Ruby screams in fright to see Voltaria, who has her arms crossed, looking at her under her mask. Clearly, she wasn't happy that Ruby followed her.

"What are you doing here?" Voltaria asked, in a rude tone.

"I-uh...well-You see...umm..." Ruby tries to find the right words to explain herself from Voltaria, who was glaring at Ruby under her mask.

"Were you following me?" Voltaria stated in an angry tone.

"What?! Me? No! I-I was just looking around and...and..." Ruby hesitated before flopping her head sadly. "Yeah, I was following you." She mutters out.

Voltaria scoffs. "Why? So, you can find weakness in me?"

Ruby looked at her wide eyes. "What?! Of course, no! I just want to talk." She defended.

"About what, exactly?" Voltaria spoke in a harsh tone.

"You know...girl stuff." Ruby answered with a nervous smile, earning an annoying scowl from Voltaria.

"I don't dogirl stuff,I prefer to do my own things." Voltaria said to her.

"Like what?" Ruby asked, hoping to get an answer.

"Like to avoid people." Voltaria stated as she walked towards another part of the vesta.

Ruby tries to follow her. "I avoid people too! Well, not my sister or my friends or my dad or my Uncle Qrow or-"

"Do you always talk so much?" Voltaria stopped on her tracks and turned towards Ruby.

"No, I-AH!" Ruby suddenly tripped by her own feet and was about to fall, face first, but soon a black silhouette came out of nowhere and broke her fall. Ruby was surprised before looking up to see an eyeless beast. Ruby gasped in shock as she got up and backed away from the beast.

"Volty! Watch out! There's a thing, creature or something here!" Ruby points at Hannibal, who tilted his head at her.

Voltaria quickly tackles Ruby and covers her mouth, Ruby was pinned down on the floor as Voltaria hisses at her. "Quiet! Are you trying to get everyone to come here?!"

Ruby made muffled sounds as she pointed at Hannibal, who stood there patiently. "He is not going to hurt you if you attack him. Now, I'm going to let you go if you don't do anything idiotic, understand?"

Ruby nodded as Voltaria let her go and allowed the older girl to get up while looking at Hannibal with wide eyes. "W-What is...that?" Ruby points at Hannibal.

Voltaria sighs softly and gestures to Hannibal. "Thisis not it nor a creature or thing, he is an entity." She explains.

"...a what?" Ruby asked, not sure what that means.

Voltaria rolled her eyes and explained. "A being of unknown, a force believed to animate from a human or being after departing their souls from the body at death." Ruby gave a confused look, not sure what Voltaria meant. Sighing in annoyance, Voltaria made a simple explanation. "Hannibal is a spirit."

Ruby gasped in shock and amazement. "A spirit?!"

Voltaria shushes her. "Shhh! Yes! He was an animal of some kind and his soul was turned to a spirit, now can you please be quiet!"

Ruby covers her mouth with her hands before slowly opens it to whispers. "How long have you had him?"

Before Voltaria could respond, Hannibal butts in, saying the small words for Ruby to understand him.Friend with her since childhood.

"He can talk!" Ruby whispers in amazement before holding her head with both her hands. "In my head?!"

Voltaria sighs again. "Yes, he can talk. He communicates with telepathy." She explains.

Ruby awed at Hannibal. "Wait, why is his name Hannibal?" She asked Voltaria.

Voltaria grumbles a bit but answers. "Because he likes to eat."

"Oh...does he eat cookies?" Ruby asked, earning a sigh from Voltaria.





"Yes." Voltaria answered with a growl.

"Oh! Cake?"

"Yes! Anything that is food, he will eat!" Voltaria exclaims angrily, causing Ruby to shut up.

"Okay, okay, sorry! I just...I just never thought that you had a magical spirit friend." Ruby said, looking at Hannibal in awe.

Voltaria glanced over to Hannibal under her mask and then to Ruby. "He's been my friend for a long time." She answered softly.

Ruby heard that and began to wonder. "Is this why you keep disappearing from your teammates? So, you can visit him?"

Voltaria stays quiet, facing towards Hannibal, as she gently strokes the entity gently, who purrs in delight. "Yes..."

Ruby claps her hands together. " you do have a-wait, what's in his mouth?" Ruby suddenly asked, pointing at Hannibal's mouth. Voltaria turns to her entity as he opens his mouth to reveal two eggs. Ruby gasped as she observed the eggs.

"Why does he have two eggs in his mouth?" Ruby asked, picking the black egg.

"Hannibal found them below the cliffs of Beacon's. They were washed up on a log and Hannibal decided to bring them to us." Voltaria said to Ruby.

"Wait, us?" Ruby asked in confusion, turning towards Voltaria.

As Ruby turned away, she and Voltaria were not aware as the two eggs started to shake. Hannibal noticed this and tried to get the two girls' attention, but they were busy talking.

"Yes, Hannibal isn't the only one with me." Voltaria answered, not wanting to reveal her other entities, but she didn't have a choice.

"Really? So, where are they?" Ruby asked, not noticing Hannibal frantically trying to get their attention as the eggs slowly hatched.

"They're-Hey!" Voltaria was cut off when Hannibal shoved himself in the middle, between Ruby and Voltaria. "Hannibal? What has gotten into y-" She was cut off when she and Ruby were cracking in his mouth.

Hannibal moves away from them as he shows the two girls the eggs within his mouth were hatching. The two girls watched in fascination. Well, Ruby is while Voltaria watches calmly. Hannibal puts the two eggs down as the white egg hatches first. A small yet sharp claw made a small hole to reveal blood red-orange eyes, looking at Ruby and Voltaria. It broke out from its small prison with its claws, covered in yolk, but they still can see its appearance. It wobbly stood on two legs like a Theropod, has spiky osteoderms across its body and horns above its eye orbits, long and well-developed forelimbs complete with opposable thumbs with each sharp sickle-shaped claws on each of its four fingers while the middle claw being the longest, and it's teeths are exposed like a crocodile, varied in size, often jutting out at unnatural angles, but are still sharp.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (55)

Looking further, the Voltaria saw that its long arms can also make it semi-quadrupedal as it uses its arms to prevent itself from falling. It also has protofeathers growing out of several parts of its body, namely its head and forelimbs. And its scales are colored grayish white.

"Wow...what is it?" Ruby asked Voltaria, looking at the strange creature.

Votaria investigates the little wobbly creature further. It resembles a dinosaur that she read in a book called a T-Rex, yet the body structure and appearance looks nothing like it.

"I have a theory, but I believe that it is a dinosaur, a theropod kind." Voltaria answered, looking at the creature.

"Wait, you mean those extinct animals from long ago?" Ruby asked.

Voltaria looked at her in somewhat surprise. "You know about the dinosaurs?"

"Well, yeah, back at home in Patch. We have this small museum where we saw some fossils about them. I would go there with my sister, Yang, and my dad. And I kind of learn a thing or two there." Ruby answered with a small grin, watching Hannibal licking the little dinosaur clean.

"...Hmph, interesting." Voltaria mutters out, which Ruby heard.

Suddenly, the black egg started hatching, causing them to look at it. The black egg shakes around before falling backwards. They watched as the egg shook before two pairs of black skinny legs with sharp toe claws came out from the bottom. Ruby and Voltaria looked at it and suddenly, it got up and started wobbly running away.

"Oh, no!" Ruby yelped as she quickly chased after the egg, running around the roof while Voltaria, Hannibal, and the white dinosaur watched them.

Before it could run off to the edge and fall, Ruby quickly jumped forward, landing a few feet from the edge, but was lucky that it was prevented from falling, and caught the egg, just before it could fall off. The egg was now safely on Ruby's hands. Ruby sighs in relief and turns around to see Voltaria, holding Ruby's legs, preventing her from falling off the edge. Ruby smiles at her gratefully before Voltaria brings her back on the vesta. Once Ruby was safely out of the edge, she turned towards Voltaria and smiled at her.

"Thanks, Volty." She said gratefully.

Voltaria just looked at her calmly under her mask before turning away. "You're welcome." She said softly, making Ruby smile.

Suddenly, the black egg cracked open, causing the two girls to look at it in Ruby's hands. The dinosaur was covered in yolk as the egg pieces fell off. Ruby cringed as yolks were dripping off her hands, but soon forgotten as she and Voltaria got a close look of the new dinosaur.

It has a striking similar appearance of its sibling, but its body length is about half its size, it sports toe claws that are similar to those of a dinosaur called as Velociraptor, and its color, which can be seen through the yolk, is primarily black with a golden-yellow streak running from the base of the neck to its tail. Like its sibling, it has hands with four fingers as well as an opposable thumb and three main digits. The shape of its head bears a resemblance to that of another dinosaur called a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and it has a sprinkled red mark around the eye orbit.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (56)

Its mouth is also sickly-looking, with ragged teeth similar to those of its sibling. When Ruby puts it down, it stands on a quadrupedal stance, like it prefers it this way. Though, Voltaria knows that it can stand, walk, and run bipedally on maybe some occasions.

"It looks like the other one but more...different." Ruby said, looking at the black dinosaur as Hannibal licks it clean.

Voltaria, for once, nodded in agreement. "Yes, and I believe these dinosaurs are a new species." She said.

Ruby looks at her. "What do you mean?" She asked curiously.

"For starters, they're nothing like them in the books I have read." Voltaria answered.

"'re right, and there's no fossils that even resemble them." Ruby added, looking at the two dinosaurs, while shaking off the remaining yolks in her hands.

Suddenly, three shadowy figures appeared out of nowhere, surprising Ruby in the process, and revealed themselves in front of Voltaria, not noticing Ruby yet.

Okay, kid. We found a good cave for the-Wraith was cut off when he saw Ruby, who was looking at him and the others with wide eyes. He quickly shuts his mouth and looks at Voltaria while whispering in her mind.Kid! The short red-haired girl is right beside you!He then notices the two dinosaurs beside Hannibal.And the eggs hatched!

"Wraith, calm down, Ruby knows." Voltaria answered with her arms crossed.

Wait, what?!Wraith exclaims in her head before going towards Voltaria, and quickly gets behind her, before pushing her towards the two females, so they can chat privately.Are you telling me that you told her everything?!Wraith exclaims in shock.

"Yes, she followed me and found out about our 'situation'."Votaria said to him and the others through telepathically.

Seriously?! You know what kind of trouble she will be for us?!Wraith pointed out angrily.We have to get rid of her before she can tell anyone! You girls knock her out while I'll find a place to bury the body.

Wraith! We're not killing her!Tabitha said angrily.

We can't trust her!Wraith interjected angrily.

We can and we will.Voltaria said sternly before looking at Ruby, who was watching almost nervously.And she will keep it our secret.

You can't be f*cking serious! That girl is beyond anything to keep secrets!Wraith exclaims angrily.

Enough, Wraith. If the Mistress said that Ms. Rose can keep a secret, then she will keep our secret. And besides, it's nice to have someone to talk to for a change.Regina stated firmly and calmly.

Ah, hell's no! T, please tell me you're not into this!?Wraith almost pleaded to Tabitha.

Hmm...having someone new to talk to isn't so bad.Tabitha said calmly and almost happily.

Not you too! Hannibal! Back me up here...Hannibal?Wraith turned towards Hannibal and soon his jaw dropped when he saw Hannibal was close to Ruby, who was patting him with hesitation while the two dinosaurs looked at them.

Oh, come on!Wraith yelled angrily.

Well, sorry to disappoint you, Wraith. But it seems that we came into an agreement.Regina said calmly.Ms. Rose, will be our friend and nothing is going to change that.

Wraith groans but angrily agrees as they make their way to Ruby, who has enough confidence towards patting Hannibal, before she stops and looks at Voltaria and the other three entities.

"We came to an agreement." Voltaria said to Ruby.

"Agreement of what?" Ruby asked with worry and hesitation.

That we decided that we can trust you to be our friend.Regina answered kindly.

"Really?!" Ruby asked excitingly.

As long as you don't tell anyone, not even your sisters, your teammates, and your friends.Tabitha added.

"But the others should know about this." Ruby said almost sadly.

Listen here, Red. No one can ever find out about our existence at all or we will end you in the most brutal way and hide your body in some forest, where the Grimm can eat you, bones and all.Wraith explains dully and angrily, earning a frightened gasp and look from Ruby.

Then Regina smacks him on the head, hard.OW!

Ignore the brute, he has no sympathy or morality for others.Regina explains while glaring at Wraith.But still, the others can never know our presence.

Our existence can never be revealed, for there are others who will seek our powers.Tabitha explains to Ruby.It is not safe for us to be revealed yet.

Ruby finally gets it and nods in understanding. "I get it. You guys wanted to be kept a secret."

Thank you, Ms. Rose.Regina said kindly.

Ruby blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Nah, just call me Ruby." She said with a smile.

It is nice to meet you, Ruby. I am Regina, this is Tabitha and the brute here is Wraith.Regina introduced Tabitha, who gave Ruby a gentle greeting.

Whatever.Wraith mutters, earning a smack from Regina.OW!

Ruby cringed before feeling something nuzzling her leg. Looking down, she saw the small black dinosaur was nuzzling at her before running up in front of Ruby as it opened its jaw, demanding for food.

"What's it doing?" Ruby asked, kneeling in front of the baby dinosaur.

Technically it's a he and he's hungry.Regina explains to her.

" what do I feed him, exactly?" Ruby asked her.

Suddenly, Voltaria came with the white dinosaur as she took out a big meaty steak from her pouch, causing the two dinosaurs to droll, before putting it down. The two hatchlings wolf down the meat hungrily, ripping a huge chunk of it and eating their piece whole, filling their empty bellies with food.

"Wow, they seem hungry." Ruby commented, watching them eat.

"It is their first meal of the day." Voltaria stated before looking at Regina. "Regina, do you know what kind of dinosaurs they are?" She asked.

Hmm...Regina closely examines the two dinosaurs, who were busy eating. They have some similarities, but also have differentials. For one, the white dinosaur (who happens to be a female) has no toe claws and has a strong resemblance to that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex while the black male dinosaur has little Tyrannosaurus Rex and more Velociraptor traits. And most importantly, they have other traits that perhaps belong to other dinosaurs.

It appears that these dinosaurs are not from any books or museums.Regina began as she looked at the group.

"What do you mean, Regina?" Voltaria questioned.

What I mean is that these dinosaurs are hybrids.Regina answered.

"Hybrids?" Ruby asked. "As in, a combination of two animals?"

Yes, but they have more genetic traits than other dinosaurs.Regina stated, looking at the two hybrids.And it appears that they might be stronger than any other dinosaurs. How can these little ones have all the traits of other dinosaurs?Tabitha questioned.

Well, either A.) The dinosaurs were getting 'busy' with one another or B.) Mother Nature decided to be 'creative'.Wraith suggested, earning blank looks from Tabitha, Regina, Hannibal, and Voltaria while Ruby stared at him with confusion along with the two hybrids, who were munching on their food, and were staring at him with wide eyes.What? It could happen.

"What does he mean by-" Ruby was cut off by Voltaria.

"Don't ask." Voltaria sighs and looks at the hybrids. "I still don't understand how these little guys can survive."

"Yeah, didn't the dinosaurs have been wiped out from existence like billions of years ago?" Ruby added.

That is true, however. There are many rumors to believe that there are some dinosaurs that could be alive and somewhere in our world.Regina explained.

"But not here, in our content." Voltaria stated, earning a nod from Regina.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ruby asked.

Well, Ruby, we believe that there's another continent that is far from the continents of Remnant.Regina explains, earning a gasp from Ruby.

"Really?" Ruby asked with interest.

It's true, but we're not sure of its location.Tabitha added.

Hell, we don't know if it's there.Wraith added rudely, earning a glare from Regina.

"But if it is you think we can find it?" Ruby questioned.

The group looked at her. Wraith thought she grew another head, as if they ever wanted to bring her to their journey. But the others have a different thought.

"We shall see...Ruby." Voltaria answered, looking at the two dinosaurs.

Ruby dramatically gasped before looking at Voltaria with twinkled eyes. "Does that mean we're friends?"

Voltaria turned to her with a frown. "Acquaintance, not friends."

"Yet!" Ruby said with a cheeky grin before stopping when they noticed the two hatchlings were trying to get their attention.

Looking down, they saw the two little dinosaurs, who were now finished with their meal, and were calling out to them. Ruby shushes them, trying to keep them quiet. To her surprise, they stopped and looked at her.

Huh, smart little critters.Wraith commented.

Very smart.Regina stated as she observed them.And it appears they have imprinted on Voltaria and Ruby.

Wait, are you telling me that they think that Red and Kid are their parents?!Wraith exclaims in shock.

Yes, remember, when a newborn animal sees something for the first time, it will believe it to be its mother.Regina explains.

Make that 'mothers' since Red and Kid are both females.Wraith added plainly.

Enough.Regina said sternly before looking at Ruby and Voltaria.We found a perfect location for the younglings to stay, it's far from Beacon, but out of sight from everyone.

"Good, take us there." Voltaria said before turning towards Ruby. "Hold on."

"Hold on to wh-"

Ruby was cut off when the four entities surrounded them in shadows before disappearing and appearing at the Emerald Forest. The group found a tree cave that was surrounded by rocks and vines. Ruby had a dizzy expression on her face before shaking her head to focus. Once she did, she gasped in amazement to see the tree cave.

"You guys found that!?" Ruby exclaims, gesturing at the big tree cave.

Yup, lucky we found it.Wraith stated before noticing Voltaria was looking at him as he quickly added.I didn't kill anyone; it was empty when we got here. Honest!

It's true, Voltaria. There were no wild animals that were here or close by.Tabitha said.

"Okay, then." Voltaria said before moving away just in time to see the two little dinosaurs were running on all fours as they explored their new home with Hannibal.

There's a nearby lake for them to drink and where we can catch fish for them.Regina explains before turning to the two girls.We will take each shift in watching over them, and once they get older, we have to teach them how to hunt one day.

And I know the perfect candidates.Wraith said, snickering evilly as a thought of using Team CRDL as prey for the little ones.

Don't even think about it.Regina warns Wraith, knowing he'll use Team CRDL as bait.

Which reminds me, what are we going to name these little guys?Tabitha questioned, watching as the little ones ran around Hannibal.

Takin' care off.Wraith said as he looked at the little dinosaurs, who stopped in front of him, as he clears his throat.They're names shall be Black and White.The little ones blinked while the others, minus Voltaria, gave him the look.Okay, okay, how about...Yin and Yang?The hatchlings just blinked at him.Zebra one and two?The black hatchling somehow blew a raspberry at Wraith while the white hatchling narrowed her eyes at him, as if she doesn't like the names.Killerfang and Murderousclaw?

No response from the hatchlings as they gave him looks that the others would give him. Wraith frowned and turned towards the group.I got nothin'

Voltaria rolled her eyes under her mask and looked at the little ones doing. The little black hatchling was messing around the grass, ripping them from the ground and then rolling on top of them. Ruby was watching the whole thing and giggled.

"He sure likes to rip things up...hey, that's what we can call him. Ripper!" Ruby said to the black hatchling.

Hearing this, the black hatchling runs up to Ruby and nuzzles his head on her leg, as if he likes his name. "Hey! He likes it."

That's a good name for him.Regina said before looking at the white hatchling, who came over to Voltaria.And what of the white hatchling?

Voltaria looks at the white hatchling carefully as she comes over to one of hermothers. The girl looked at the little hatchling as she looked at Voltaria with wide eyes. Naming this one will be tricky for she shows intelligence at a young age. Then an old memory came into Voltaria's mind when she was little, her mother would take her to a garden filled with color flowers that have meaning. One in particular, is white amaryllis. The flower is a symbol of femininity, children, innocence and purity. It also resembles mourning after a person you loved had left to the afterlife, often taken to graves as the spiritual symbolic meaning is so strong.

"Her name will be Amaryllis." Voltaria answered.

"Amaryllis?" Ruby asked with a questionable look.

Voltaria nodded. "Yes, Amaryllis is a flower with meaning. The white amaryllis is the symbol of femininity, children, innocence and purity. And I believe it suits her."

Femininity? I know that she's a girl, but I doubt she has any femininity in her.Wraith said, earning a growl from the white hatchling.

I don't think she appreciated what you said, Wraith.Tabitha said with a light chuckle.But I do believe she likes the name. Amaryllis.

Okay, fine! We'll call you Maryl.Wraith said.

"Amaryllis/Amaryllis." The group corrected while Wraith just scoffed, muttering'Whatever'.

"Okay then, from this day forward, you guys are Ripper and Amaryllis." Ruby said cheerfully to the hatchlings, who managed to make small roars of happiness.

Smart little anklebiters.Wraith commented.

Yes, but we should go now. I believe your class is going to start soon.Regina said.

"Yes, it will." Voltaria said before looking at Hannibal. "Hannibal, you take the first shift in watching them, we'll be back after classes are done, understand?"

Hannibal nodded as he kept an eye on the little ones. However, the hatchlings wanted to come with theirmothersand play with them. Ruby and Voltaria know that they can't bring them to school, otherwise they'll get into trouble with Professor Ozpin or Glynda.

"Look, you can't come with us. Stay here with Hannibal until we get back, okay?" Voltaria said to them, almost gently.

As if by magic, the two hatchlings understand and plop down on the ground with Hannibal behind them. Satisfied with this, Voltaria looked at her three entities.

"Take us back to the academy." She said before she and Ruby were teleported back to Beacon, but not before Ruby said:Take care!as they were at the school's courtyard, hidden within the undergrowth.

"Woah, still not getting used to that." Ruby said dizzyingly about the teleportation.

You will one day.Regina said in her mind but wasn't here.

Ruby was surprised as she looked around to find Regina. "What? Where are you guys?"

Here, but in the shadows, we are communicating through your mind with Voltaria's.Regina explains.

"Wow, really?" Ruby asked as they walked out of the undergrowth to their next class. "That is so cool!"

Keep it down, Red! You were supposed to keep us a secret!Wraith yelled out in her mind, causing Ruby to cringe in pain.

"Ow! That hurts." Ruby massages her head. "But it's still cool."

"You'll learn how to cope with them eventually." Voltaria said as they walked to their next class. "We'll finish class and meet up with Hannibal later."

"Righto!" Ruby said cheerfully. "Say, what can we call their species' name?"

Don't worry about it, I already thought of the perfect names for their species.Regina said happily.

Oh, boy. Here we go.Wraith grumble which Regina ignored.

"What do you call them?" Voltaria asked quietly as she and Ruby walked up the stairs of Beacon.

Amaryllis the Indominus Rex and Ripper the Indoraptor.

What the hell kind of names are those?Wraith questioned in annoyance.They sound stupid.

"I think they sound cool, but what do they mean?" Ruby asked curiously.

Indominus Rex which Fierce or Untamable King and Indoraptor means Indomitable Thief.Regina explains as the two girls made their way to Professor Oobleck's class.

"What does Indomitable mean?" Ruby asked as she was about to open the door.

"It meansimpossible to defeat." Voltaria answered just before Ruby opened the door to the class.

Chapter 11: Party Crashing



Rest of Forever by Jason Cassidy

Cowboys and Angels by Dustin Lynch

Chapter Text

Wade couldn't believe his eyes. Entering the classroom were Ruby Rose and Voltaria Eclipse. It was a total shock. Usually, Voltaria would be first in class alone. But now, she comes in with Ruby. This was a shocker for him and everyone in the classroom. Before anyone could speak further, Professor Oobleck zooms in.

"Good Morning class! Ms. Rose! Ms. Eclipse! Take your seats! Class will be starting now!" Oobleck said quickly.

Ruby and Voltaria went to their respectful teammates and took their seats. As Oobleck started explaining the history of Vacuo, Ruby's teammates were wondering where Ruby had been. They were worried after she didn't show up in their dorm after she went off to get something to eat. But they didn't expect her to be with Voltaria.

"Hey, Sis?" Yang whispers to Ruby.

"Yes?" Ruby asked, looking at her sister.

"Why were you with Voltaria?" Yang asked.

Ruby tense as she thinks of an excuse. "Uh...well, we kind of bumped into each other by accident! Yeah, accident ehehehe..." Ruby laughs weakly and nervously.

"Ruby? Is there something wrong?" Blake asked Ruby.

"Wha? No! Nothing's wrong! Me and Volty were just...hanging out."

"Hanging out? Last time I checked, Voltaria didn't like spending time with other people, including her own teammates." Yang pointed out.

Ruby taps her fingers together, sweating a little. "Well..."

"Ms. Rose!" Oobleck exclaims.

Ruby stood up and faced the professor. "Yes!"

"Can you explain the reason why Vacuo has no formal government?!" Oobleck exclaims, sipping a cup of coffee.

"Uhh..." Ruby tries to think, figuring a way to answer his question.

Suddenly, she felt something in her mind, it was Regina's voice.Ruby...

"Regina?"Ruby thought in surprise, almost forgot she and others can do telepathy.

Follow my words carefully.Regina instructed.

"Um, okay?"Ruby thought softly. Regina gave Ruby the information she needed to answer Oobleck's question. "Well...when the Great War ended, the first formal government was finally made in Vacuo, but the people didn't care about the laws. And then Shade Academy was made and became the only real source of order in the Kingdom." Ruby answered.

"Correct!" Oobleck exclaims as he zooms away.

Ruby sighs and sits back down, feeling relief that she was able to answer."Thanks, Regina."She thought with a smile.

You are very welcome, Ruby.Regina said to her as she returned back to Volatria, who was paying attention to Oobleck.

Ruby smiles as they return back to the lessons. Hours later, they went to Professor Port's class. He was telling his tale about facing Grimms that lurks through the deep ocean. Ruby taps her hands impatiently as she waits for the class to be over, so she and Voltaria can check on Amaryllis and Ripper; she was worried about people finding them. But she was assured by Regina, who sensed her distress, as she told her that Hannibal is keeping them safe from danger and no human or Faunus can enter deep within Emerald Forest. This helped Ruby relax but still thinks about Amaryllis and Ruby.

After class was over, everyone either returned to their dorms or headed to the courtyard to be with friends, or go to the library to catch up on some studies. Ruby was lucky that her teammates have somewhere to be as she quickly searches for Voltaria. Luckily, she didn't have to search too far as she found Voltaria at the courtyard, hidden beneath the undergrowth. Volatria glanced at Ruby, the girl in red happily made her way to her.

"Okay, class is done, let's go!" Ruby said happily.

Wraith grumbled in Voltaria's mind.Can we just erase her memories?

"No/No." Voltaria and the two other entities said to him unison in a private message.

Wraith grumbled in annoyance before they teleported Ruby and Voltaria back to the secret hideout, where Amaryllis and Ripper were playing with Hannibal. They saw how Hannibal was trying to teach them how to pin down prey. He used himself as a training prey for them as the two hybrids try to pin down their caretaker. Though they were still young, they were using all their strength to pin him down.

Ruby cooed at the sight, finding it adorable. Upon hearing Ruby, the two hybrids turned and saw their mothers and happily raced over to them. Amaryllis was faster than her younger brother and reached to their mothers first as she happily nuzzled Voltaria's leg. Ripper huffs in annoyance that he lost but he was happy that their mothers are back as he nuzzled Ruby's leg happily.

"Aawww! I miss you too, Rippy." Ruby said as she gave Ripper a nickname. She gently picks him up with her hands and hugs him close to her face, earning happy nuzzles from the black hybrid.

"Okay, now let's get down to business." Voltaria said, causing Ruby and Ripper to look at her.

"Um...what business?" Ruby asked, putting Ripper down.

"We're going to teach them how to defend themselves and hunt." Voltaria said sternly with her arms crossed.

Ruby looks at her surprised. "Are you sure? We don't know much about them or if we can teach them." She said with concern.

Ruby, they're wild prehistoric beings, they can learn how to hunt with their instincts. And besides, we can teach them.Regina explains to her.

"Really?" Ruby asked.

Yes, and judging how intelligent they are, teaching them won't be difficult.Regina explains to her and the others.

And I know the perfect candidates!Wraith butts it with an evil grin.

Regina gave him a blank look.We're not using Team CRDL as training dummies.She said to him sternly.

Nyeeeeehhh!Wraith stuck his tongue at her.

Regina rolled her eyes at him, finding his attitude childish. Ruby looked at the two in confusion, wondering if they were always like this. Voltaria shook her head at them. Of all her four entities, Wraith is the only one with a bad and mean personality. Though his skill in combat is quite extraordinary, yet he is very rude in many ways.

"So..." Ruby suddenly spoke, getting everyone's attention. "How are we going to teach them?"

Voltaria touches her choker necklace. "We bring out a professional. Gladstone, come out." Voltaria ordered.

Suddenly, her choker started to glow brightly, releasing the Grimm inside of the gem. Ruby shielded her eyes before gasping when the light died down. Standing tall and mighty was a Indominus Grimm Rex. Ruby heard about it from stories from her dad, Taiyan, that the Indominus Grimm Rex was so mighty. Not even an army of skilled huntsmen or huntresses could take it down. Ruby always thought it was just stories. But it turns out, it was real.

The Indominus Grimm Rex known as Gladstone looks at her master, Voltaria, and bowed at her. Voltaria bows back to Gladstone and then looks over to Amaryllis and Ripper, who were eyeing on Gladstone with awe.

"This is Gladstone. She will be their mentor in their hunting lessons and combat." Voltaria said to Ruby.

Ruby was still looking at Gladstone before turning towards Voltaria. "But Gladstone is a Grimm, right? She's not really a she?"

True to your words, Ruby.Regina said, coming over to her.But Gladstone has instincts and resemblance like Amaryllis and possibly Ripper's. We believe-

Not me!Wraith butts in from the background.

Regina made a blank look and continued.WE, besides Wraith, believe that Gladstone can help them in their training. While we teach them how to understand the rules of our world.

"Ohh..." Ruby said in understanding before looking at Gladstone. "So...what lesson is she going to teach them?"

"The first lesson is to learn how to hunt." Voltaria said, walking away with Gladstone following along with the hatchlings. Ruby quickly follows after them as they walk far from the den.

They reach the clearing as they hide on top of a small cliff. They peered through the edge and saw a herd of deers, grazing on the field. Ripper licked his jaw at the sight of the delicious deers. They were right for the picking. Before he could come down and go after the deers, Gladstone stopped him, preventing him from going further. Ripper whines at Gladstone, disappointed that he didn't get to hunt.

"What's wrong?" Ruby asked Voltaria, wondering why Gladstone prevented Ripper from hunting.

"If the first rule of the hunt, don't attack prey head on." Voltaria explains to Ruby. "Gladstone is teaching them how to hunt with strategy and stealth."

Ruby nodded in understanding, taking notes that might be useful for her teammates. Suddenly, Gladstone moved away and headed towards the undergrowth, her body camouflage with the shadows of the trees, making her unseeable. As the deers ate, one went far from the herd, unaware of the danger it would face. Then, as fast as lightning, Gladstone exploded out of the undergrowth, scaring the herd, before clapping her mighty jaws on the unfortunate deer. It died instantly by the crashing jaws of the Grimm while the rest of the herd ran away with their lives. Amaryllis and Ripper watched in awe at Gladstone's hunting skills; they wanted to try that when they grew up. Soon, they came down from the small cliff and to the clearing. The two hybrids ran up towards Gladstone as she placed the carcass down. And immediately, the two hybrids started wolfing down the meat, enjoying the taste of deer. Gladstone licks her jaw, cleaning the blood off her. Ruby has her eyes widened in pure shock and amazement, never seeing such hunting skills like that before.

"" Ruby said.

Indeed, now they've succeeded in their hunting lesson. We'll teach them about civilization.Regina said.

And with that, they spend the while afternoon training Amaryllis and Ripper about hunting. So far, Amaryllis was a good student while Ripper...yeah, he barely pays attention and sometimes messes up, but soon was able to follow Gladstone's hunting lesson. Amaryllis and Ripper were able to hunt smaller prey like rabbits, ducks, and some quails. They may be small, but they are fast learners. Ruby would praise their hunting skills while Voltaria nodded in approval at their improvement. Then it was Ruby and Voltaria's turn, telling the little hybrids about civilizations. Telling them that there are no other dinosaurs like them here or any dinosaurs since they were extinct many years ago. But Voltaria explains to them that there might be a chance for them to meet other dinosaurs since there could be a hidden content, far and unknown from Remnant's contents.

Amaryllis paid attention to this lesson, she may be young, but she wasn't stupid. She wants to learn more about her kind and where she came from, she wants to find the hidden continent with her mothers and her brother.

Ripper, on the other hand, barely pays attention. He gets that they shouldn't be spotted by other humans or Faunus because their kind shouldn't exist in this world since they died out years ago. But it wasn't fair for him and his sister to stay hidden. Their mothers have to leave to finish some tasks on this academy thing. He wanted their pack to be together instead of being separated. But nooo, the humans and Faunus people won't let them because they'll be endangered and their mothers are trying to protect them. It wasn't fair for him or his sisters. And yet he has to listen to their mothers because it was for their own good.

After their lesson, it was getting late, Ruby and Voltaria had to head back to their dorms. Voltaria brings Gladstone back to her Grimm Holder while telling their hybrids to stay put while Hannibal watches them for the night. Ruby and Voltaria teleported back to the school and went to their dorms.

Ruby said her goodnight to Voltaria while she simply waves. But when Ruby was about to enter, a hand grabbed her, and pulled her in quickly. Ruby yelps in surprise by this as she is brought into the room. She was soon set down on a chair and a lamp shined down on her. Holding the lamp was her sister, Yang, while Blake and Weiss were giving Ruby suspicious looks.

"Where have you been Ruby?" Yang asked her sister suspiciously with narrow eyes.

"Uh...ah...what?" Ruby was confused on what's going on and why her teammates were doing this.

Weiss was the one who spoke up. "You've been with Voltaria for hours."

"What's wrong with that?" Ruby asked, scared of what's happening.

"On what Wade told us, Voltaria never spends much time with people unless she's tutoring with Jaune." Blake added.

Yang points her finger close to Ruby's nose. "Is Voltaria tutoring you?" She asked her sister.

Panic filled Ruby's mind, she wasn't allowed to tell anyone about Amaryllis and Ripper or Voltaria's entities, she'll be in huge trouble.

"Yes! I mean, no! I mean, maybe? I don't know, she's being very nice to me!" Ruby answered quickly and yet with a hint of fear.

"Why?" Yang asked further, her eyes narrowed further.

"I don't know! Maybe she has a change of heart! So please let me go!" Ruby pleaded in fear.

"There is no way that girl can-" Yang was cut off when they heard their door knock. Yang turns off the lamp and then the lights of the room turn on.

Weiss went to the door and opened it and to her surprise, it was Voltaria, standing in front of the door with her arms crossed. Team RWBY stared at Voltaria with wide eyes as the girl started at them blankly under her mask.



"...Hi..." Voltaria greeted blankly.

"...Hey?" Team RWBY awkwardly greeted her.

Suddenly, Voltaria brought out a book from under her sleeves and said. "You forgot your history book, Ruby."

"My history book?"Ruby thought in confusion.

Play along.Regina said into Ruby's mind.We're going to help you out of this."

"Okay."Ruby agreed and played along. "Oh, yeah! My book!" Ruby got up from the chair and went to Voltaria, who gave Ruby's book back. "Thanks, Volty!"

Voltaria, ignoring the nickname, nodded and noticed the three girls looking at them.

"Was I interrupting something?" She asked blankly.

"Kind of, we want to know why you were with Ruby?" Yang asked suspiciously, shining the lamp's light at Voltaria's face when she came in front of the Grimm Girl.

Voltaria frowned at this, not fazed by their suspicion. "First off, Ruby was trying to be...nice. Second, she has trouble understanding the history of Remnant, so I helped her." She answered plainly as she narrowed her eyes under her mask. "Do you have a problem with that?"

Yang turns off the lamp's light. "Nope! Just checking!" Yang said as she moved away from Voltaria.

Voltaria nodded and looked at Ruby. "I'll see you tomorrow after class for your next lesson." She said as she was about to leave but Blake stopped her with a question.

"Aren't you supposed to be helping Jaune?" She asked.

Voltaria stopped briefly and turned her head at her. "Don't worry, I told Nikos to tutor Jaune because I'm busy." She answered Blake's question.

With that, Voltaria leaves the scene, leaving shocked and surprised girls behind. Yang, Blake, and Weiss were suspicious by this but soon believed that maybe Voltaria was trying to change. And Ruby does need someone to be close to her age, even though that girl could scare many students in seconds because of her gift of talking to Grimms. Ruby, on the other hand, sighs in relief, knowing that she was safe. But she was sure that her teammates would get more suspicious.

But luck was on their side, as her teammates didn't suspect how Ruby and Voltaria would sneak off together and train Amaryllis and Ripper in secret. They teached them basic commands, like follow, stay, listen, sit, and so on. Amaryllis and Ripper listened to those basic commands with ease. Well, Amaryllis listened, her younger brother would get distracted easily when a butterfly or a squirrel came by and he would chase them, leading their mothers and other caretakers to chase after him. Once they were able to get him, they continued new lessons. Ruby, being the cheerful one, decided to play games with them after lessons. She would teach them hide and seek, tag, peek-a-boo, and fetch. Amaryllis and Ripper enjoyed the games with their Mom (That's what they call Ruby), she was the fun one. Voltaria, on the other hand, taught them strict rules and obedience, and never angered their Mother (That's what they call Voltaria).

They visit them every day when they have time since they are busy with classes and their teammates. Speaking of the teammates, during the time when they have sparring lessons with Professor Goodwitch. Voltaria watched from the shadows, making sure that no one could see her, not even the visiting students of the other academies. She made sure to tell Glynda that she was staying hidden because she didn't want to frighten the visiting students, which is mostly true. And the fact that she doesn't trust them. Though she would communicate with Ruby through telepathy, making sure the leader of team RWBY was paying attention.

The battle was between Pyrrha Nikos and the members of Team CRDL. Unfortunately, all the four males lost to a single girl, considering Pyrrha is skilled in both combat and weaponry. Wraith would comment about Cardin and his team being nothing but a bunch of weaklings. Soon, Pyrrha faces off a student that supposedly comes from Haven Academy named Mercury Black. Voltaria narrowed her eyes at him under her mask. She may be hidden in the shadows, but she could tell that Mercury wasn't good. She sends a mental reminder to Ruby to keep her guard up when she sees him. Ruby asks the reason but Voltaria informs her that he isn't good news and shouldn't be trusted along with his teammates.

When Mercury faces Pyrrha, he seems to have the upper hand. But the truth was, Mercury was actually studying Pyrrha's battle tactics and moves. Voltaria could feel the maliciousness in Mercury's aura along with his teammates. She knew that they would cause trouble that could harm everyone. Then Mercury forfeited, just as Voltaria predicted, knowing he just wanted to learn Pyrrha's weakness.

"Next time, you may want to think a little harder before choosing an opponent." Glynda said to Mercury sternly.

Mercury simply smirked and pretended to understand as he casually walked away. "I'll be sure to do that."

Soon, the bell rang, which startled a distracted Blake. Voltaria could see the bangs under her eye and how she could feel Blake's tired aura, as if she was distracted by something. Before anyone could leave, Glynda made an announcement.

"That is all for today. And remember, the dance is this weekend. But you all have your first mission on Monday. I will not accept any excuses."

All the students understand as they all leave the room, Mercury stops beside his fellow teammate named Emerald Sustrai, who was standing close by. Mercury gave her his signature smirk and casually said.

"Learning is so much 'fun'."

Emerald shook her head as they both left the room but failed to notice that Voltaria came out of the shadows, looking at them with suspicion. Soon, Ruby- who stayed behind- went over to Voltaria. Her face shows concern.

"What do you know of them?" Ruby asked almost quietly, making sure that no one could hear her, considering that there is no one here but them.

Voltaria, still staring at the spot where Mercury and Emerald were, turns to Ruby with a serious expression under her mask. "Those two are hiding something along with their teammates."

"Do you know why?" Ruby asked, having a bad feeling about something.

"I know one thing, they will cause trouble, not just the school, but the whole kingdom." Voltaria said to her seriously.

"Should we tell Professor Ozpin?" Ruby asked.

"Not yet, not until we have all the info we need." Voltaria said before she and Ruby went out to the courtyard.

As they headed out, they went back to their teammates. Blake was off again, feeling distracted as ever. Team SSSN(team members: Sun Wukong, Scarlet David, Sage Ayana, and Neptune Vasilias)was standing at the entrance, talking to one another.

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Other teams walk past them until Sun spots Blake in the crowd and grins as he runs after her before she could leave.

Sun quickly calls out to Blake as Sun grabs Blake by her shoulder, stopping her from moving. "Hey, Blake!" He stops when he notices the tiredness and annoyance in her eyes before he quickly lets go. "You...uh...doing okay?" He asked almost awkwardly.

Blake gave him an annoyed look as she closed her book shut, answering Sun rudely. "I'm fine."

Sun backs off a but and rubs the back of his neck. "So I hear there's this dance going on this weekend...: ah, sounds pretty lame, but you and me, I'm thinking, not as lame, huh?"

Voltaria, who moved away from her team, listened to their conversation through the shadows. She knows that Sun has a crush on Blake, even though Belladonna wasn't interested at all...yet.

Blake was confused and angry by this. "What?"

"The dance! This weekend! You wanna go, or what?" Sun asked hopefully.

Blake shook her head at him as she turned away from him. "I don't have time for a stupid dance. I thought you of all people would get that." Blake said to him in a rude tone.

She soon walks away, past her team, and towards who knows where. Ruby felt sorry for Sun, being rejected by that. Voltaria, on the other hand, was not. She knew that Sun would be rejected by Blake. Wraith commented that the boy has no chance of getting women with those pathetic pick up lines.

And I suppose YOU know how to deal with women, Wraith?Regina questioned him, as if she was challenging Wraith.

Wraith scoffed.Hell yeah! Be a badass huntsman!

Regina mentally sighs.Oh, gods.

Sun sank from Blake's rejection and walked away. Ruby wanted to apologize but spotted Voltaria from the corner of her eye. The Girmm Girl gestured to Ruby to follow, and she did. They went to the dark corner of the school and teleported to the Emerald Forest. There, they saw Amaryllis and Ripper, playing with Hannibal. It has been three weeks since they had them. And now, they are growing up fast,literally. Amaryllis was twice the size of a wolf while Ripper was half his sister's size. Regina has theories that due to them being hybrids, they apparently have faster growth rate than regular dinosaurs or animals. It was a fascinating discovery, even for Regina.

But they decided to skip the lessons and were allowed to relax with their hybrids, much to the entities' surprise since Voltaria isn't much of a laid back person. Wraith doesn't care, as long as they don't have to do any boring lectures, he doesn't complain. They sat on a small clearing, watching the clouds while Amaryllis and Ripper played with Hannibal or Tabitha. Wraith was sleeping on the grass while Regina was with Ruby and Voltaria, who were watching the clouds.

"So..." Ruby began, glancing at Voltaria. "Are you going to the dance?"

Voltaria sighs a bit. "I didn't have a choice, Professor Goodwitch already got me a dress. I don't know why, but I have to. Otherwise, I'll earn a lecture from her." She explains in annoyance.

"Oh, Yang did the same to me too. She got me a dress and refused to let me wear my hood at the dance." Ruby explains as fake tears stream down her eyes. "And it's embarrassing!"

"Don't be, at least you have a family to go to the dance." Voltaria mutters out to Ruby.

Ruby stops and looks at her. "What do you mean?" She asked in confusion.

"I mean, that Yang will be there at the dance, giving you support and so on. The role of a big sister." Voltaria explains to her.

" least you have your entities to go to the dance." Ruby said, wanting to be nice and supportive.

Suddenly, Wraith came in front of Ruby's face, scaring the red cloaked girl in the process.Hell no! I ain't goin' to the pancy and sissy dance!Wraith exclaims in anger.

Wraith, we told you that we have to go there in order to watch over Mistress.Regina pointed out to him in annoyance.

Hey! I already have to deal with school! There is no way, on this planet, that I'm going to that dance!Wraith said to them in anger.

Wraith, we're just gonna watch from the shadows, it's not like we're going to mingle with them.Regina pointed out.

It's still be boring as f*ck!Wraith exclaims.

Voltaria sighs in annoyance. "Yeah, most of them." She mutters out sarcastically, earning a nervous laugh from Ruby. "By the way, what's wrong with Belladonna, I mean..Blake?"

Ruby heard this and became saddened. "She's been stressing herself about ever since she found out that Torchwick is helping the White Fang to rob Dusts in Dust Stores or the Schnee Company." She explains worriedly.

Voltaria raises a brow under her mask. She could predict what would happen. She knows that Torchwick is part of a bigger cost. He's a pawn in this huge game of chess. There were other players in this game. Those players were not yet shown. But Voltaria will find out and exploit their weaknesses. And yet, seeing Ruby worried about Blake overstressing herself. She decided to trust Ruby to know her gift. Though she could feel Wraith telling her no, not wanting her to trust Ruby. But Voltaria ignored him and spoke to Ruby.

"Ruby...Torchwick is one of the pawns of a bigger threat." Voltaria answered to her.

Ruby looks at her in surprise. "Pawn? As in...a chess piece?" She asked.

"Yes, he is working with someone else that works for someone...powerful." Voltaria explains to her.

"Wait, how do you know?" Ruby asked Voltaria almost suspiciously.

Sighing, Voltaria knew that it was time. She looks up and calls out to someone. "Vision, come."

Suddenly, appearing out of thin air was a crystal ball. Ruby yelps in surprise. Shock to see a floating orb right in front of them. The orb known as Vision made his way to Voltaria. She offers her open palm as Vision floats above the hand, shining by the light of the sun.

"You see Ruby." Voltaria began, causing Ruby to look at her in shock. "When I was young, I had a strange gift."

"Gift of what?" Ruby asked curiously.

Voltaria paused briefly as she turned to Ruby. "To see people's past and future." She answered seriously.

Ruby covers her mouth to prevent her gasp from escaping and silently squales at this information. "You can do that?" She whispers excitingly.

Voltaria, already knowing the consequences, simply nodded. "Yes."

And as she predicted, Ruby started many questions at an amazing speed like: 'Can you see my future?', 'Can you see my sister's future?', 'How can you see the past or the future?', and so on and so forth. Voltaria covers Ruby's mouth, shutting her from her questions. Ruby blinks her silver eyes at Voltaria's frowned face.

"For starters, yes I can see anyone's future. And most importantly, I'mtrustingyou that you will not tell a single soul, understand?" Voltaria said seriously.

Ruby nodded in understanding, wanting Voltaria to trust her. So, the Grimm Girl removes her hand off Ruby's mouth, allowing the girl to gasp a bit before smiling happily.

"That is so cool that you can see the future!" Ruby said excitingly.

Wraith came behind Voltaria and stared at Ruby blankly.Yeah, yeah. Kid can see the future, just don't tell anyone about it. None of them are trustworthy.

Ruby made a zipping motion on her lips, indicating that she'll keep it a secret like Amaryllis and Ripper along with Voltaria's entities. But there was on question that played in Ruby's mind.

"Is Blake going to the dance?" Ruby suddenly asked almost hopefully.

"Why?" Voltaria questions her.

Ruby sighs a bit and explains the reason. "I told you, Blake's been stressing herself all day. We're worried about her. And taking her to the dance can help her relax a bit...can you see her in the dance?" Ruby dared to ask.

"Hmmm..." Voltaria hums a bit before she turns to Vision. She closed her eyes under her mask and hovered her right hand in front of Vision. Vision glows slightly and Voltaria focuses her mind to see the possible future. It didn't take that long as Voltaria suddenly drew out a card from her sleeve, revealing two dancers (a male and a female) dancing together, under the moonlight. Ruby was surprised by this, she didn't not see that coming.

"Blake Belladonna will go to the dance." Voltaria spoke gently as the card suddenly turned into mist.

Ruby watched in awe as the mist disappeared through the wind. "Wh-"

"Whenever I see through the future, cards would appear, showing me signs of the future that might come." Voltaria said before taking out a card that revealed three black silhouette figures. The middle figure was the leader as it held a fire in its hand.

"And this card will predict a great threat that will come." Voltaria said to Ruby seriously.

Ruby stared at the card almost in fear, not wanting bad things to happen in their future. Suddenly, Ripper runs by and jumps on Ruby's lap, chirping at her happily while cuddling at her. Ruby coos at Ripper and rubs his belly, which makes him purr happily. Ripper loves his Mom. Ruby would sneak him and Amaryllis some treats called cookies whenever they did a good job, and make sure Mother (Voltaria) doesn't know -even though she did- and she makes fun games. Amaryllis loves Mom too, but she prefers their strict mother, Voltaria. She was always serious and reminded them of the danger humans and Faunus would do if they ever discovered them. She idolized Mother, she was prepared and focused on tasks, like a true alpha. Amaryllis dreamed one day she'll become a great alpha when she grows up. Amaryllis purrs when Voltaria scratches her under her chin. Soon, Voltaria and Ruby headed back to school, getting ready for the dance. Tabitha was the one who will watch Amaryllis and Ripper while they're gone.

They have to check on their teammates first, making sure that they won't lead to any suspicion.

Speaking of which...

Wade was at the library, searching through the computer, he was researching Voltaria Eclipse's history and recent post. There were news articles about her destroying an illegal corporation that was selling illegal weapons. Or how she burned down a criminal camp with no survivors. And hunting any bandits that were in her way. It was strange and yet terrifying to find such dark articles of her. I mean, there were thousands of articles about her, being a nightmare in everyone's mind. Heck, she was even on the top bounty and has a high price in her head.

"What are you hiding, V?" Wade whispers, searching further.

Soon, he found an article about Mineral Town again. There were rumors about Grimms being close to the town, but didn't attack. Wade became suspicious of this and searched further. The town was surrounded by thick layers of trees with a big farming field. It was known to be the biggest town with a twenty mile radius. There were no signs of attacks for the past six years. This amazed Wade so much that he researched further. He knew that Ren and Nora used to live in Mineral Town. Their caretaker, Pandora Twilight, took them in as her own and took care of them before she was able to contact Ren's uncle. They haven't been there a while and they didn't know what changed. But there was one thing that changed. The image of Mineral Town shows a black crystal on the center of the town square. It was decorated on a flowerbed and was shining through the village. Wade narrowed his eyes at the crystal. Even though it was pretty, Wade couldn't help but feel suspicious about it since there was no way that crystal that big should be in the center of town.

"Doing some research, Mr. Cross?" Glynda's voice said from behind.

Wade was startled by this and quickly turned to see Professor Goodwitch, standing a few feet from him. Wade sighs in relief. For a minute there, he thought Glynda was Voltaria.

"Sorry, Professor Goodwitch." Wade apologized.

Glynda adjusted her glasses. "No need to apologize, Mr. Cross. Though I'm curious about what you are doing here. The dance will start soon." She said, walking over to him.

"I know...I'm just researching about someone." Wade explains the best way he could.

"And that person would be?"


Glynda looked at him in surprise. Why was Wade searching about Ms. Eclipse? Wade explained to her that she was acting strange, always disappearing and not being with their team. But the weirdest part is that she spends a lot of time with Ruby and would disappear with her. Glynda became suspicious of this also, wondering what those girls were hiding. Soon, Wade left after Glynda said that she would find out more about Voltaria and would contact him if she finds anything, keyword IF. No one knows about Voltaria, not even Ozpin. But not right now, they have to be ready for the dance tonight.

Soon, Wade went back to his dorm, getting ready for the dance. He readies his suit with Evo. AJ went off to Team RWBY's dorm room, helping the girls get ready for the dance along with Nora and Pyrrah. Evo was assigned to be the DJ of the dance since he's amazing with music. Evo then notices Wade having trouble with his necktie. Evo guesses he isn't much use on ties. The snake Faunus helps his team leader with his tie and Wade was grateful for that.

"Thanks, Evo, I owe ya one." Wade said.

"Anytime, Wade." Evo nodded at him as he straightened his tie. "So did you ask anyone out?"

"No, I didn't ask any girl." Wade said to him honestly.

Evo raised a brow under his shade. "Not even Ammolite Jewel?" He questioned him.

Wade froze when Evo mentioned her. Clearly his expression shows that he likes her. However, she's basically like a princess since her parents are both super rich. Wade clears his throat even though his face was a bit red, and tried to make an excuse.

"N-No, I-I don't think she'll want to be my partner for the dance." He lied.

"Wade, you like her." Evo said to him straight, crossing his arms.

Wade almost blushed and asked. "Who said that I like her?"

"Wade, it's not hard to know. You've been crushing at her since the day you first met and most importantly, you two seem very happy together." Evo explains to him, smirking.

Wade made an annoyed look before sighing in defeat. "Look, let's just say, I do like her but I am not sure that she likes me back. I mean, I'm just a cowboy and she's a rich and pampered girl that almost looks like royalty."

Evo, already having a plan, smirks at him. He wraps around Wade's shoulders and pats his chest. "Don't worry, we'll do this with the power of music."


At the ballroom, everything was decorated. Streamers are hung through glass chandeliers, pink and blue balloons are everywhere. Speakers were ready with the DJ turntable. Buffet tables were ready as well as tables that have vases of flowers on top of them, and chairs. AJ smiles at the ballroom. She was wearing a beautiful lavender co*cktail dress with a single strap and silver heels. She was excited about the dance since she always wanted to host one. She helped Yang, Ruby, and Weiss prepared it. She even helped them get ready for the dance since they needed to all be pampered and ready. Blake was back to normal after a talk with Yang. Turns out, Yang understands her very well and helped her relax. So, like Voltaria predicted, she will be going to the dance.

Yang, who is wearing a short white co*cktail dress with black heels, stands at a podium to greet the guests. Soon doors in front of her opened to reveal someone that she dears. And she soon flips out upon seeing who walks in.

"Ooohh, you look beautiful!" Yang happily said.

Ruby was the one who came, groaning as she looked distressed in her red dress with black lace, belt, and pumps. Ruby has trouble walking because she never wears heels before. She stumbles over to her sister, who was laughing at her little sister's walk.

"Can we have a serious talk about how Weiss fights in these?" Ruby tries to maintain her balance as she walks to the podium, much to her laughing sister's amusem*nt.

"But Ruby, you look great! After all, I made it~" AJ sang happily.

Ruby groans a bit before someone comes in after her. They turned to the doors and this caused Yang and AJ to have their jaws dropped. The one that came in was Voltaria. She wears a simple red/black, long sleeve, co*cktail dress with white shoes. She can wear her Grimm mask and her hair is still tied into pigtails. Her Grimm Holder was still on as she used it as an accessory.

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Her four entities were with her while Vision stayed and watched over Amaryllis and Ripper. Ruby, already knowing that Voltaria will come to dance, smiles at her.

"Hi, Volty." She greeted her with a wave.

Voltaria nodded at Ruby before she looked at two older girls, they were still staring at her in shock. She has a bad feeling about this. She could sense their aura and was shocked and amazed at her.

"What?" Voltaria asked plainly.

"You. Look. AMAZING!" AJ squealed and went over to Voltaria happily. "You didn't tell me you have that kind of dress before?"

"I didn't." Voltaria said blankly. "Professor Goodwitch bought it for me."

"She did?" AJ asked in shock.

"That's...offly nice of her." Yang said, still shocked and amazed that Glynda bought a dress for Voltaria.

"Yeah, well. I didn't have a choice, don't I?" Voltaria said to them before looking at Ruby, who was struggling with her heels. "Nice dress."

"Thanks, hope I don't trip and fall." Ruby said with a nervous smile before she realized something. "Soooo, where's the boys?"

"They'll be here soon. They're just getting ready." AJ said happily.

"And Blake?" Ruby asked, hoping that she would come.

"I saw her leaving the building and searching for someone that will go to the dance with her." Voltaria answered Ruby.

"Who?" Ruby suddenly asked, wondering who she meant.


Sun was at the courtyard, heading towards the ballroom. He was wearing a new black, short sleeves, jacket that is now closed up with a white tie hanging around his neck. He still wears his blue cargo pants and white bandages on his legs along with his black/yellow sneakers. It wasn't classy looking, but at least he tried. Though he stops and he proceeds fighting the necktie.

"Stupid...dumb...neck trap!" Sun said in anger, fighting the tie.

Suddenly, he stopped when he heard Blake from behind. "I knew you'd look better in a tie."

Sun turned around and stared at the scene before him in shock. Standing elegantly and wearing a dark purple dress and bright blue bow was Blake Belladonna. She no longer looks tired or cranky, she now looks healthier and happy. She steps forward and takes a surprised Sun by the arm.

"Sooo...does this mean we're going...together?" Sun asked hopefully.

Blake smiles and says to him. "Technically, though, my first dance is spoken for."

The two Faunuses entered the ballroom. Every student is wearing dark suits or bright dresses and are dancing with each other to the music between the white-clothed tables. Evo, wearing a green suit with his shades on, was playing the turntable. He picked the best songs for the dance. Blake was soon dancing with Yang, the two enjoyed their little dance before they curtsey to one another. And Sun comes up and takes Blake's hands while Yang gestures for him to do so. The golden-haired teen goes to hang with AJ, Voltaria, Ruby, and Weiss- in a similar white dress as Yang's- in the back of the room, watching Blake laugh and enjoying herself before smiling at her team.

Yang smiles proudly at her success as she looks at the girls. "I told you she would come."

"Agreed!" AJ smiles happily at Blake.

Weiss nodded in agreement. "Mission accomplished."

Ruby turns to her friends. "Soooo...what do we do now?"

Yang smiles happily at her little sister. "Just have fun!"

With that she and the others walked away in the opposite directions, leaving Ruby and Voltaria behind. Ruby shouts after Yang when she leaves. "Does that mean I can change out of these stupid things and into my hood now?"

Sadly, the three older girls were already gone, leaving Ruby with no answer. She waddles around in her painful footwear, muttering out:"Stupid lady stilts!"

This is gonna be an interesting night.Regina said into Voltaria's mind.

Ruby sighs and looks at Voltaria almost awkwardly. "Do you want to dance?" She suddenly asked.

"No thanks, I'm good." Voltaria answered blankly.

Ruby sighs again, knowing that this will be a long night, but soon stops when Ozpin comes over to them. "Not enjoying yourselves?" He asked the two girls.

Ruby was surprised to see the headmaster and the professor step up by her side, but shakes her head and laughs. "Oh, no, everything's fine! I'm just not much of a fancy pantsy...dancey girl."

"I was dragged into this." Voltaria stated the facts.

Ozpin smiles at them softly. "Well, you can't spend your whole life on the battlefield, even if you may want to."

Ruby then crosses her arms, looking annoyed. "Yeah, that lesson's been floating around a lot lately."

Ozpin stares out at the dancing students. "If you think about it, fighting and dancing aren't so different. Two partners interlocked, although one wrong move in the ballroom merely leads to a swollen foot."

Ruby looks down at her own feet, "Or a twisted ankle."

"It's not every day that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget." Ozpin explained to Ruby the reason why they have this dance.

Ruby smiles at the words of wisdom, but turns her head at the sound of the doors opening. Voltaria quickly sank within the shadows to avoid being seen as she held back a growl on the ones who entered. Yang was back behind the podium and smiled at the new arrivals.

"You guys are just in time!"

Mercury and Emerald step in with their ballroom best on. They were 'smiling'as they went into the ballroom to dance.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Mercury said as he and Emerald went to the dance floor.

Suddenly, Evo changed the music, which caught everyone's attention as he spoke through the microphone, "Alright! Get your dance partner ready, we're gonna have a slow dance, my friends."

The music started playing as everyone got their partners and danced together through the music. Wraith groans in Ruby and Voltaria's mind, hating the song that was being played.

I've never been a believer in love at first sight
But you changed my mind with just one look in your eyes
Cause everyone talks about time standing still

But I've never been there when it happened until

You walked in the room
Tell me...?
Where have you been all my life?

AJ was at the table with a smile as she listened to the song. She then felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, AJ saw Wade wearing a black suit and a black cowboy hat.

"Wow, Wade." AJ spoke in surprise as she smiled at him. "You look great." She complimented.

Wade nodded with a smile. "Ya look great too." Wade said before clearing his throat as he offered a hand to her. "Do ya...wanna dance or somethin'?"

AJ was surprised by this but smiled and nodded as she accepted his hand. "Yes." She accepted his hand as the two went to the dance floor and slowly danced together.

What are you doing for the rest of forever
Please tell me that you've got the time
Cause if you're not busy for the rest of forever

I'd sure like to make you mine
I'm promising you with all of my heart that I'll show you how good it could be
If you'll fall in love for the rest of forever with me

Wade spins AJ as she smiles happily. The two dance together happily, feeling strange emotions coming from their chests. Watching them from the sidelines were Voltaria and Ruby. They were standing near the punch-bowl, drinking punch and watching the students dance.

"Wow, those two look happy." Ruby said, referring to Wade and AJ.

"Hmph." Voltaria's only response as she took another sip of her drink.

So many questions with answers
I may never know
Run through my mind but my heart's saying take it real slow

If I say the wrong thing I could scare you away
If I make the right move, you just might want to stay
I'm taking my chances by letting my true feelings show

AJ and Wade danced over to the balcony and looked at each other's eyes. Lavender meets Chocolate brown, the two stopped and stared at each other's eyes.

What are you doing for the rest of forever
Please tell me that you've got the time
Cause if you're not busy for the rest of forever

I'd sure like to make you mine
I'm promising you with all of my heart that
I'll show you how good it could be

If you'll fall in love for the rest of forever with me
If you'll fall in love for the rest of forever with me

As the song was finished, the two snapped out and looked each other in the eyes. Evo saw this from a distance and smirks, knowing that the plan is working. He spoke through the mile to get everyone's attention.

"Okay, folks, let's all relax for this next song."

With that, Evo played the next song. As everyone else danced, Wade and AJ decided to go get some air. They went to the balcony, hand to hand, as they stared at the stars above while the music played in the background.

There's a want and there's a need
There's a history between
Girls like her and guys like me

Cowboys and angels
I've got boots and she's got wings
I'm hell on wheels and she's heavenly

I'd die for her and she lives for me
Cowboys and angels

"Thanks for the dance, Wade. You're really good at it." AJ said with a smile.

Wade chuckles lightly. "Yeah, my Ma taught me how to dance when I was a kid."

"She really loves you." AJ said.

"Yeah, she's the only family I have left since my Pa left us." Wade said,

AJ saw this and gave him an assuring smile. "Hey, you're not alone. You have your mom, your team, your friends...and me." She blushed at the last part as Wade looked at her in surprise.

We ride side by side
A cloud of dust, a ray of light
My touch is her temptation

Her kiss is my salvation
She's sweet, I'm wild, we're dangerous
Cowboys and angels

Not sure why her path crossed mine
Accident or grand design
Ah maybe God just kinda likes

Cowboys and angels

AJ blushed a little and looked away a bit as she stuttered. "I-I mean, you're a strong hunter. You're skilled, strong, brave and talented. You help people a lot and you care for them and defend them."

Wade was shocked at her words as he looked at AJ's lavender eyes. "AJ..." He spoke softly. AJ looks at him, "I have to tell you something."

"Tell me what?"

"I've been...thinkin' a lot." Wade tries to explain, "Ya see, ya're a rich girl and I'm just a cowboy. A-and you have everything that yar parents buy for ya I don't."

"Wade, what are you saying?" AJ asked.

Wade looks at her with a blush on his face, "AJ, I've got somethin' to say-I mean, confess."

"What is it?" AJ asked as her eyes sparkled with the moon.

Wade takes a deep breath and sighs as he looks at AJ with hesitation. "I..." Wade tries to find the right words, "I...I'm..."

"You're what?" AJ whispers out.

Wade took a deep breath and spilled. "I love you!"

AJ gasps in shock and surprise. Wade loves her. Wade looks away and blushes like crazy. He then felt a gentle hand on his face. He looks at AJ with a smile on her face.

"I've been having the same feelings with you too." AJ whispers. "I'm in love with you too."

Wade smiles as the two embrace each other happily. As they pulled away, they were still linked together. They looked at each other's eyes and Wade leaned down while AJ tippy toes. Their faces were close as their lips met.

We ride side by side
A cloud of dust, a ray of light
My touch is her temptation

Her kiss is my salvation
She's sweet, I'm wild, we're dangerous
Cowboys and angels

As they pulled away, Wade and AJ looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

"I love you." Wade whispers.

"I love you too." AJ smiles as they kiss again under the moonlight.

There's a want and there's a need
There's a history between
Girls like you and guys like me

Cowboys and angels
Cowboys and angels

As the song finished, AJ and Wade stayed at the balcony for a while, looking at the stars while they embraced their love. Unaware that Ruby and Voltaria were watching afar. Wraith made gagging sounds in their minds, finding it repulsive to watch. Hannibal wasn't much of a romantic type and doesn't know the human courtship. Regina and Tabitha find it adorable to see those two together. Ruby and Voltaria, on the other hand, were somewhat disgusted. Sure, they are still young to know romance, but they weren't ready for...this.

"Eww! That's gross!" Ruby whispers to Voltaria.

"'ll scar my brain for a while." Voltaria said, sounding almost disgusted. But sighs a bit and walks away. "But those two deserve each other."

Soon, they went back to the punch bowl, getting more drinks and relaxing a bit. Voltaria hides within the shadows with Ruby close by, making sure not to be spotted. They watched as students were schmoozing at the dance or chatting about. They saw Oobleck listening intently at Port's laughter over some unheard anecdote. Ozpin was standing off to the side with Glynda but was cut short when General Ironwood offered his hand for Glynda to dance with him, which she grudgingly accepted. Wade and AJ came back and went back to the dance floor, enjoying their time together. It was peaceful for a while until Jaune came and approached the girls, even though he didn't see Voltaria in the shadows, he stood beside Ruby near the refreshments tables.

"I see you're hiding at the punch bowl too," Jaune said to Ruby, holding a glass in his hand.

"Yep." Ruby said, popping out the P. "But Voltaria is here with me."

Jaune was confused before being startled by Voltaria when she came out of the shadows and stood between Jaune and Ruby. She didn't look at him as she simply greeted while holding her glass.

"Hey, Jaune." Voltaria greeted blankly.

Jaune awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey, Voltaria...To the socially awkward."

Jaune raised his glass at them. Ruby giggles while Voltaria rolls her eyes under her mask as they clink their glasses together. As they drank their punch, Jaune made a small sigh, still sad that he didn't ask Weiss out.

"Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss." Ruby apologized to Jaune.

"Meh, it's fine. Neptune's pretty"cool". I get why she went with him." Jaune said almost with jealousy.

Ruby turned to him with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well, come on, not many people can pull off blue hair." Jaune explains sadly as he drinks his punch.

Ruby shook her head at him. "No, I mean, Weiss came to the dance alone." She said.

Hearing this, Jaune almost choked on his drink, he was surprised that Weiss didn't with Neptune. He turns to Ruby and Voltaria in shock. "Uh, what?"

Voltaria raises a brow under her mask. "You haven't noticed till now?" She asked.

Ruby nodded as she gestured Weiss was at a table, alone. And was trying desperately to coax life out of a wilting white rose, but failed, and became visibly upset.

"Yeah, she said that she had too much to focus on to worry about boys." Ruby explains to a shocked Jaune.

Soon, laughter draws Weiss's attention to Sun, Blake, and Neptune as they entertain one another with impressions and other silly faces. Jaune, shown to be observing as well, becomes visibly angry by this as he hands over his glass to Voltaria- who was staring at the group blankly.

Jaune suddenly said in a small and yet pathetic growl. "Hold my punch."

"No." Voltaria answered blankly as she drank her punch.

Ruby rolled her eyes as she held Jaune's glass as he left. They watched him walk through the crowd before Ruby drank his glass of punch which caused Voltaria to sigh. As Jaune makes his way across the room, shoving other students aside and some of which were not even in his path, he stops shortly when he sees Pyrrha passing by. He noticed how sad she was as she made her way up to the stairs. Upon seeing her made him change his heart and followed her to the balcony. He saw Pyrrha staring at the stars sadly. Concerned for his teammate, Jaune approaches behind her.

"Hey, Pyrrha." Jaune greeted her at the door.

Startled, Pyrrha turns around to face him and soon relaxes. "Hello, Jaune." She greeted him almost sadly.

Jaune stood there awkwardly before he approached her. "You okay? I haven't seen you tonight." He said with concern.

Pyrrha didn't answer as she turned back to the balcony, looking at the ground sadly. "Arrived late, I'm afraid."

"Well, you look really nice." Jaune complimented Pyrrha's long red dress.

Pyrrha raised her hand near her mouth and said. "Thank you."

As she puts her hand down, Jaune nervously tipping on his toes, trying to make a good conversation. " isn't going to beat me up for saying that, is he?"

Pyrrha was quiet at first but responded. "I think you're safe for tonight."

Jaune, feeling relieved, rubs his hands together. "So, where is the guy?" He questioned.

Pyrrha turns back toward Jaune as her head sinks down sadly. "There is no guy."

Jaune chuffed nervously and was surprised by this answer. "What?"

Pyrrha shakes her head glumly and says to him. "Nobody asked me."

"But that's..." Jaune cuts himself off as he gestures to Pyrrha. "You're Pyrrha Nikos! H-How could nobody ask you?" He asked.

Pyrrha turns back towards the balcony sadly. "I've been blessed with incredible talents and opportunities. I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise, but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place." She explains sadly as she turns back to Jaune.

"Everyone assumes I'm too good for them. That I'm on a level they simply can't attain. It's become impossible to form any sort of meaningful relationship with people. That's what I like about you. When we met, you didn't even know my name. You treated me just like anyone else. And thanks to you, I've made friendships that will last a lifetime. I guess you're the kind of guy I wish I was here with. Someone who just saw me for me."

As Pyrrha finishes her speech-like explanation, she looks at Jaune briefly before she walks away, back to the ballroom. Leaving an astonished Jaune as he stared at her. Jaune watches as Pyrrha turns a corner. and was about to call out to her when he heard a sigh behind him.

"You're an idiot, you know that, right?" Voltaria's voice said from behind.

Jaune jumps and yelps as he turns towards the balcony and sees Voltaria, calmly sitting on the stone banister with her legs crossed, as she stares at Jaune blankly under her mask.

"Voltaria?!" Jaune exclaims pointing at her and then to the door. "When did you-How did you-"

Voltaria raised her hand to shut him up. "I have my ways. And most importantly, you should've asked Nikos instead of Weiss." She said to Jaune.


"Have you ever realized that Weiss is not interested?" Voltaria stated to him. "And if you were able to ask her out, I doubt herfatherwould allow you. After all, he owns a multi-billion Dust Company."

Jaune rubbed the back of his neck. "Guess I never thought about that..."

"Jaune, you're a sweet boy, but you have to know about being a good friend and see people from their perspective." Voltaria explains to him. "Do you even care about the girl you're hitting on? How'd she feel about you? You don't, you were busy fantasizing about it."

"What-What do you mean?" Jaune asked with unsureness.

Wow, he really is an idiot.Wraith said in Voltaria's mind, which she ignores.

"Pyrrha Nikos LIKES you." Voltaria said to him straight, shocking Jaune. "You haven't noticed it because you're too distracted."

Jaune looks down sadly, feeling like an idiot and jerk at the same time. He looks up but yelps when he sees Voltaria gone. He looks around to find her but stops when he sees Neptune appearing on the balcony, gesturing towards Jaune.

"Hey, uh, Jaune, right?" Neptune asked if he got it right.

Jaune sighs and nods his head. "Yeah."

Neptune gestured towards the party. "This party's pretty lame, huh? I mean, ballroom dancing. Pfft."

"Yeah." Jaune mutters, looking back out over the balcony.

Neptune shrugged and gestured back to the dance. "Cute girls, though, huh?"

Something inside of Jaune made him snap as he let out a small growl. He turns back to Neptune, gesturing to him about the dance and everything. "Is that all you think about?"

Neptun raises his palms to waist level, startled by this. "Huh?"

"Do you even care about the girls you're hitting on? How'd they feel about you?" Jaune questioned him, remembering what Voltaria said to him earlier.

"Whoa! Where's this coming from?" Neptune questioned, throwing his palms up.

Jaune opens his arms wide. "How could you just turn her down like that?"

"Wait, h-who?"


Neptune became nervous about this. "I, uh... it, uh... it just didn't work out, you know?" He lied.

Jaune was dumbfounded by this. "What? You think that you're too cool, too many other options? Weiss Schnee asked you to the dance. What in the world could possibly keep you from go-"

Suddenly, Neptune looks shamefully at the ground and confesses. "I can't dance!"

Jaune stopped, clearly not hearing what he had said. "Beg your pardon?"

Neptune turns to him shamefully. "I can't dance, man!"

"'re so cool!" Jaune stated to him, gesturing Neptune.

Neptune rubbed the back of his neck. "Thank you. I try really, really hard."

"You would rather break a girl's heart and go to a dance alone than just admit to everyone that you can't move in rhythm to music?" Jaune asked Neptune.

"That about sums it up, yeah." Neptune shrugs a bit.

Jaune then turns back to the balcony. "Well, I certainly feel a lot better about myself." Jaune confessed.

Neptune raises his palms, giving him a begging look. "Please don't tell anybody. Look, if you want Weiss, she's all yours. I don't wanna get in your way." He pleaded.

Jaune turns back towards Neptune as he places his palms on the stone banister. "Do you like her?" Jaune asked Neptune.

"Yeah, I mean I don't know her too well yet, but she seems pretty cool." Neptune admitted.

"Then just go talk to her. No pickup lines, no suave moves, just be yourself. I've heard that's the way to go." Jaune said, crossing his arms, giving the advice he needs like Voltaria did to Jaune.

"Yeah, but then-"

"Hey! You don't have to look cool all the time. In all honesty, if you could be a little less cool, I'd really appreciate it." Jaune advised him.

Neptune considers Jaune's advice. He smiles and Neptune nods at Jaune. "Yeah, okay."

Jaune gestured back to the dance. "Go talk to her. I guarantee it'll make her night." He said.

"Thanks. You're a really cool guy, Jaune." Neptune said, approaching Jaune while holding his fist out for a bump.

"Alright, don't lie to my face." Jaune said to him with a small smile.

The two male teens fists-bump before Neptune walks away, back to the ballroom. Jaune watches him leave with a sigh.

"All right, only one thing left to do." Jaune said to himself.


Jaune turns around again, startled to see Voltaria standing behind him, holding up a white dress with a blue ribbon. Jaune stared at the dress in shock as he looked over to Voltaria, who was shown with a stoic look, and was shocked about this. Voltaria tilted her head a bit.

"Just do it." She said in annoyance.


Back to the ballroom, Yang was leaning on a handrail and overlooking the festivities from the second tier or the ballroom. Voltaria and Ruby approach her and her younger sister leans on the rail while Voltaria sits on it calmly as they watch the scene below them.

"You know? I think we really needed this." Yang said to them, smiling at the scene.

They saw Blake and Sun were slow dancing while Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie appeared to be waltzing. Penny, who was surprisingly here, was wearing a lime green co*cktail dress, was dancing alone as she was guarded by two Atlas Soldiers. The one with the red streaks was tapping his foot to the beat but quickly stopped when his partner, the one with the blue streaks, turned to him.

"Yeah, and you did a great job planning it too!" Ruby complimented her older-sister.

Yang, who appreciated her sister's words, reached over to Ruby and almost crushed Ruby in a one-arm hug as Ruby flailed her arms frantically. "Aw, thanks! It wasn't all me, though. Weiss did a lot too." Yang said happily.

Ruby stops struggling and looks down at Weiss's direction, along with Voltaria. There, they saw Neptune approaching the Schnee heirest while rubbing his neck nervously. Weiss saw him and invited him to sit with her. He did and the two started a conversation. Ruby smiled at her teammate, happy that she had someone to dance with. Voltaria, on the other hand, simply shrugs at this. Never understanding school crushes.

Yang lets out a sigh of annoyance. "Tomorrow it's back to work." She said.

"I'm sure we can handle whatever gets thrown at us." Ruby assured.

Then suddenly, Voltaria saw someone at the ballroom. She could hear her entities' amusem*nt in her head. Wraith was laughing his mind off with Hannibal while Tabitha and Regina giggled at the sight. They weren't the only ones laughing, there were sudden fits of laughter and giggles that drew the two sisters' attention below.

"Except for that." Ruby said, holding her laughter.

Below them, someone was pushing past some students- who were laughing at the figure- and headed towards Pyrrha. Pyrrha turns around to see Jaune wearing the white dress, smiling at Pyrrha almost embarrassingly.

"Jaune?" Pyrrha asked in surprise.

"Eh, a promise is a promise." Jaune said with a shrug, ignoring the laughing students.

Pyrrha made a small smile before giggling and soon, she couldn't hold it, as she burst into fits of laughter. "Jaune! You didn't have to!" She exclaims, between laughs.

Jaune smiles at her, feeling great that he made her happy. "Hey, an Arc never goes back on his word." He said as he extended his hand to Pyrrha. "Now do you wanna stand there and laugh at me, or do you wanna dance?"

Pyrrha smiles at him, feeling happy that he finally realizes what she meant at the balcony. She accepted his hand and nodded. "I would love to dance."

Jaune pulls her to him and sweeps her away, surprising her in the process. In doing so, Nora and Ren- who was holding his glass of punch- saw this. And Nora, being the energetic part of the group, started flailing her arms excitingly.

"!" Nora said excitingly.

Ren was looking at the audience, but wasn't sure what Nora meant. "Wait, what"is happening"?" He asked.

Soon, Nora grabs Ren and drags him out onto the dance floor with Pyrrha and Jaune. The Arc boy signals Evo to play a son. The DJ snake Faunus did an okay sign and played a song called 'Shine'. Team JNPR performs a short but elaborately choreographed dance. The students cheered at their excellent dance routine while Voltaria and her entities were surprised by this.

That boy can barely fight but he knows how to dance?Wraith questions this.What is up with this world?

Well, you've got to admit.Tabitha said, looking at the dancing team.Jaune is light on his feet.

Yes he is.Regina agreed with Tabitha.

Back on the dance floor, Jaune spins a happy Pyrrha as they both dance happily to the beat.

"I had no idea you were a dancer." Pyrrha complimented Jaune's amazing dancing.

Jaune shrugs as he dances. "Yeah, well, these things tend to happen when you grow up with seven sisters." He said casually before he dips Pyrrha and then spins her away.

Watching the dancers were Neptune and Weiss. They were enjoying the scene before them. Weiss turned towards Nepune and asked this simple question.

"So, what made you change your mind?"

Neptune looks at her in confusion. "Huh?"

"You said you were embarrassed at first. What made you come talk to me?" Weiss reminded him.

"You're looking at him." Neptune gestured to Jaune, dancing with Pyrrha. "You got some good friends looking out for ya."

Weiss realizes that Jaune somehow was able to make Neptune go with her to the dance. She smiles at Jaune's direction gratefully while he and Pyrrha continue to dance. Voltaria watched the whole scene with her entities, though Wraith was still laughing at Jaune's getup. Though Voltaria looks at Ren and Nora's direction and sees them do a kind of disco dance with Sun and Blake joining the mix. And Penny and an Atlas guard are shown doing the"robot".

Sighing, after having enough with the crowd, Voltaria got off the rail and left the scene. But before she did, she looked at Ruby.

"Want to get some air?" Voltaria asked.

Ruby nodded with a smile as they made their way to the exit for some fresh air. But as they walked out of the ballroom and into the night air. They saw a female figure running along the rooftops and towards a certain direction. Suspicious, the two girls looked at each other and nodded as they both moved to pursue the stranger. Hannibal tracks down the stranger to the Cross Continental Transmit System Tower, and upon their arrival, they see unconscious guards. And they knew it was the stranger's doing.

Ruby gasps as she quickly pulls out her scroll and dialles the code to bring her weapon's locker. It came and crashed into the courtyard as it opened to reveal her Crescent Rose. She picked it up and was ready to fight but before she could, Voltaria took out a card that showed healing and threw it up. It turns into a white, sparkling mist and rains down at the unconscious guards.

Ruby watched as the mist slowly healed the guards. She looks at Voltaria in wonder. "What did you do?"

"I healed them with a special card. And don't worry, they'll wake up soon. But before we enter, you might need these." Voltaria said as she took out a pair of combat boots. "You're not good at fighting with heels."

Smiling, Ruby puts the boots on and picks up her weapon. They went into the building and towards the elevator. They saw two guards unconscious inside. Wraith and Hannibal dragged them out while Hannibal gave them energy to heal. They enter the elevator and use it to go to the CCT hub room. Once they reach their floor, Ruby steps out of the elevator slowly, brandishing her weapon. Voltaria, who was in Ruby's shadow, decided that the best way to defeat the enemy was to lower his or her guard and then sneak attack. That way, the intruder won't know about Voltaria's existence. Ruby soon calls out to the intruder.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Hello?"

Voltaria felt a strong presence nearby and made Ruby turn towards the computers. "Ruby, there."

Ruby immediately turns and sees a teenage girl, wearing a cat burglar suit, coming out from her hiding place and steps out towards Ruby.

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Ruby looks at her suspiciously and readies her weapon.

"Excuse me? You know, it's not a masquerade party, so why don't you take off that-" Ruby was cut off when the girl produced a container of ice Dust and sent shards of ice flying at Ruby.

Knowing the danger, Voltaria ordered her entities to protect Ruby. Obeying her orders, her entities took control of Ruby's body. Regina uses her quick thinking to dodge the attack while Wraith uses Ruby's Crescent Rose to fire bullets at the girl. But the intruder's outfit glows as she blocks it with one hand.

Her clothes glowed again as she summoned two swords and charged at Ruby. Soon, Hannibal took control over Ruby. He made her eyes narrowed at the intruder and released a powerful dark, red, lightning energy beam from her mouth. The girl's eyes widened by this as she dodged the energy beam. It passed her and to the window, creating a huge hole in the process. The girl was shocked by Ruby's ability, but didn't have time to recover when Tabitha took control and used Ruby's speed to appear in front of the intruder and kicked rapidly on the female's chest. Air escaped from her lungs, as the intruder was slammed on the ground by Ruby. She was about to stab Ruby with her blades, but Wraith took control and used enough aura to shield Ruby's hand as he made Ruby grab the blade and broke it into thousands of pieces.

The intruder was shocked but was cut off when Ruby, still in Wraith's control, grabbed her legs and tossed her off the floor, crashing to the computers.

Grunting, the thief got up and glared at Ruby, not noticing that her eyes were dark as night as she charged at her with an animalistic roar. The thief summons two swords and blocks Ruby's Crescent Rose. But she failed to notice that Voltaria was hidden in Ruby's shadow as she took out two cards. Those cards were a thief card and a doppelganger card. The thief card glows green as it transforms into a closed scroll that the girl was carrying. The doppelganger card glowed as it replaced the girl's scroll. As Tabitha made Ruby flip away, the thief was ready to end her. But was soon interrupted by the appearance of Ironwood who came to the elevator. He was shocked to see the battle in the room. The entities retreat out of Ruby's mind, and the girl shakes her head in surprise before she sees Ironwood. She was visibly glad to see him until she noticed that the girl had disappeared.

"Where'd she go?!"Ruby thought in shock.

"She got away."Voltaria answered through Ruby's shadow. "But don't worry, I have the information we need."

"R-Right..."Ruby whispers before General Ironwood went to Ruby and questioned her.

As Ruby explains the best way she could, Voltaria looks at the computers from Ruby's shadow. One computer shows a Queen chess piece appearing on the screen when the clock chimes midnight. She knew that the thief did something. And she was planning to find out.

"Regina, find out what the thief put in the computer."Voltaria ordered.

I'm on it.Regina said as she entered through the computer with the Queen chess piece unnoticed.

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And Voltaria knew, the game was set.

Chapter 12: Mysterious Events


An Oc that was given to me by Yugure no shiryo (Fanfiction). His Oc is a Grimm/Fox Faunus hybrid named Kurama and his voice actor is Nils Allen "Booboo" Stewart, Jr. and the deep voice is like how Aang (from Avatar: The Last Airbender) is in his Avatar mode.

Chapter Text

Ozpin releases a sigh as he rests his hands on the table. Last night was stressful, someone broke into the CCT during the party. Ruby was lucky that she was there to stop the unknown criminal until Ironwood came and witnessed the whole thing. They send a whole search party to CCT and find anything stolen. So far, the school was on high alert. Ozpin placed his hands on his face, trying to calm his mind. With him in his office were General James Ironwood and Glynda Goodwitch, keeping the headmaster company...sort of.

"They were here..." Ironwood said in a low and angry tone before raising his voice. "Ozpin, they were here!" Ironwood exclaims angrily as he slams his fist against Ozpin's desk.

Glynda glared at him as her arms were crossed as she held her weapon called the Disciplinarian. She was angry at how immature Ironwood's temper was. "We're very much aware of that! Thank you, James." She said in a mix of anger and sarcasm in her voice.

"Fantastic! You're aware!" Ironwood said sarcastically and looked at Glynda and Ozpin. "Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?!"

Suddenly, they were alerted when they heard a sound coming from the elevator, signifying that someone had arrived. Ozpin stood from his seat and looked at the elevator along with the two adults.

"Come in." Ozpin said.

The elevator's doors opened, revealing Ruby Rose, stepping out and into the room. She was nervous and was looking at the three adults. Though she wasn't alone, Voltaria was hidden in Ruby's shadow, speaking to her telepathically. The adults didn't know, which is good, since Voltaria can help Ruby secretly. Plus, she also helped Ruby to get here before the red-caped girl could press random buttons.

"Thank you for coming, Ruby. How are you feeling?" Ozpin asked Ruby.

"Tell him that you're fine and no side comments or stupid puns."Voltaria said to Ruby in her mind.

"Got it."Ruby said to Voltaria before looking at the adults. "I'm fine...just still shaken up from last night, that's all."

Ironwood went over to Ruby and placed a hand on her shoulder as he began to praise her. "Ruby, I feel it's appropriate to let you know that I think what you did last night is exactly what being a Huntress is all about. You recognized a threat. You took action. And you did the very best you could."

Ruby nodded in understanding. "Thank you, sir."

Ugh, I hate this guy.Wraith mumbled in Ruby's mind.

Why is that?Ruby dared to ask Wraith.

Red, I have many reasons to hate this guy, but not now, for once.Wraith mumbles out.

Voltaria's entities were with Ruby while Vision was watching Amaryllis and Ripper until they got back.

"Now, the general here has already informed us of the events that..." Ozpin hesitated before he continued, "...transpired last night, but now that you've rested, we were wondering if you had anything to add."

"Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar to you at all?" Glynda asked further questions to Ruby.

Truth be told, Ruby has no memory of the event because Regina, Wraith, Tabitha, and Hannibal took control over her and fought the mysterious woman. Luckily, Regina was there to help the poor girl since she and the others witnessed it. Ruby followed Regina's words carefully, making sure not to add about her being possessed with four entities.

"I...I don't know. She was wearing a mask, and she never said anything to me. But I know she fought with glass. I don't think that was her Semblance, though. Her clothing lit up whenever she attacked." Ruby explains to the adults.

Glynda taps her crop with her hand as she listens to Ruby's explanation. "Save for the glass...that sounds like the woman I fought the night we met Ruby." She said to Ozpin.

"Embedding Dust into clothing is an age-old technique. It could have been anyone." Ironwood added.

"Wait." Ruby suddenly spoke, getting the adults' attention. "You think this girl is connected to Torchwick and the White Fang?"

"It's possible. But we still lack the required evidence to link the two together." Ozpin explains to her.

That's when Ruby got an idea, she knew that Voltaria was gonna hate it, which she will, but Ruby decided to add something to help them with their search.

"Actually, I...I think I remember her saying something about a hideout, or something, in the southeast. Just outside the Kingdom." Ruby quickly added.

"Ruby..." Voltaria warned Ruby in her mind.

Ozpin smiles at this. "Interesting..."

However, Glynda was suspicious upon Ruby's sudden answer. "I thought you said the intruder never-"

Ozpin quickly cuts her off. "Thank you for your cooperation, Ruby. Why don't you go and spend some time with your team? You have a big day ahead of you." He said.

"Anytime!" Ruby said happily as she was about to leave, but stopped by Ozpin's voice.

"And Miss Rose, please try and be...discreetabout this matter." Ozpin said to her.

Ruby lowered her head sadly and nodded. "Yes sir." She said softly before leaving.

As she did, Glynda watches her leave before noticing her shadow. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion to see that Ruby's shadow was different. But when she blinked, Ruby's shadow was normal. Glynda was getting suspicious about Ruby since she heard from Wade Cross that she's spending time with Voltaria, wondering what they are up to. Glynda thought that Voltaria was finally opening up to someone, but instead, she and Ruby are keeping secrets that she nor anyone knows about.

And she's gonna get to the bottom of it.

"You justhadto add that part of your story, didn't you?" Voltaria said blankly and annoyed as they walked through the hall towards team RWBY's dorm room.

Ruby sighs gloomy, slumping her shoulders. "I know...I'm sorry, but they have to know, otherwise. They won't be able to stop what trouble is coming." She said honestly.

Voltaria sighs a bit. "They wouldn't be able to if they didn't realize that the perpetrators are students in disguise." She said quietly.

Ruby looks at her in confusion. "What do you mean?" Ruby asked.

Voltaria looks at her seriously. "Ruby, they're adults, they believe that the perpetrator working with Torchwick and the White Fang is one of them, an adult. But in reality, they are posing as students to get the information they need." She explained as they walked through the hall of the Academy.

"You already know but you don't want to tell Professor Ozpin or the others." Ruby said with worry, making Voltaria silent. "Volty, you can't hide this information, it can save the school."

Voltaria stopped at her tracks, causing Ruby to stop as well. Voltaria releases a small sigh of annoyance and turns to her.

"Ruby, I know you want to help them, but they won't understand." Voltaria said to Ruby.

"What do you mean they won't understand?" Ruby asked her in confusion.

"They won't understand how my gift works. They'll think it's nothing but superstition or nonsense." Voltaria explained the reason as she crossed her arms with her head turned away from Ruby. "I doubt they would believe me."

Ruby was silent by this information of Voltaria. Ruby heard rumors from her classmates, saying how dangerous Voltaria can be. She barely joins her team, and she doesn't come to the cafeteria with them. But she's not that bad. I mean, she has a heart...somewhere. Ruby did see Voltaria's caring side, she cares for the two hybrid dinosaurs, Amaryllis and Ripper. And Voltaria made Ruby her friend...sort of. The point is, Voltaria trusts her. She even told and showed Ruby her entities and Vision. Proving the point that Voltaria cares.

"...I believe you." Ruby suddenly said softly while rubbing her arm.

Voltaria simply turns her head towards Ruby. The girl with the red cape gave the girl a small smile, no lies were hidden in her eyes. Voltaria then turns away from Ruby and starts to walk away from her and towards the courtyard.

"You should go and check on your teammates. We'll meet up later." Voltaria said before disappearing to the corner.

Ruby watches her leave before sighing as she goes to another hall to go to her team's dorm room. But when she opened the door of the room, her sister and two teammates were inside, waiting for her. And when they see her, the three girls zoom over to the person in the door with curious and excited grins on their faces.

"What happened?" Yang asked excitedly to her nervous sister.

Ruby lets out a nervous laugh as she tries to explain to them-without adding Voltaria in it. "Uh...well, um..."

Voltaria sits under a tree that was outside of her team's dorm room. She was reading a book peacefully, it was calm, nothing bad was happening, not yet. Though as she reads, she felt someone sitting beside her on the other side of the tree. She didn't turn around as she already guessed who it was.

"Hello, Hebi." Voltaria greeted blankly as she continued reading her book.

Evo Hebi, one of Voltaria's teammates and a snake Faunus, was sitting on the other side of the tree. He was resting his arms behind his head as he leaned on the tree, enjoying the breeze. Evo soon lets out a sigh as he leans on the tree while looking at the clouds above.

"Voltaria." Evo greets back, not taking his eyes off the clouds.

"What brings you here?" Voltaria asked blankly, reading through her book.

"Trying to have peace and quiet. You?"

"I was having a peaceful reading." She mutters out her answer before releasing a sigh.

Evo simply hmms. "I can see that."

Why Snake-boy here?Wraith questioned.

I believe he wants to start a conversation with our mistress.Regina answered to Wraith.After all she's been spending her time with Ruby, she's getting used to the whole conversation without any problems.

Again, we should've erased Red's memory.Wraith grumbles.

Quiet you.Regina scolded, only to earn a raspberry from Wraith.

"I heard that you and Ruby became friends." Evo suddenly said, getting Voltaria to stop reading. "What were you two doing together?"

"Why are you asking?" She asked him, shutting her book.

Evo shrugs and places his hands on his lap. "You've been spending time with Ruby a and others are happy that you finally made a friend." He said.

Voltaria looks down at her book, clenching her fist tightly at the cover. "I'm helping Ruby with her studies." She answered softly.

"It doesn't seem like it." Evo said to her.

"Why does this interest you?" Voltaria asked.

"The fact that you are changing and being someone closer to your age." Evo said, slightly turning his head as a small smile spread on his face. "It suits you."

Voltaria didn't say anything. It is true that she spends her time with Ruby now as she helps her take care of Amaryllis and Ripper at the Emerald Forest with her entities. Ruby didn't seem to be bothered by taking care of strange and mysterious, hybrid dinosaurs. She secretly admits that Ruby takes good care of them. She gives them treats whenever they do a good job and feeds them tuna. Which was a surprise for Voltaria and her entities that Ruby brought many cans of tuna fish for the hybrids, which later revealed that she...borrowedfrom Blake(figures since she's a cat Faunus). And yet, she still shows great responsibility that Voltaria somewhat admired, even though Ruby can be childish sometimes, she's doing her best. Suddenly, they heard Glynda's voice over the intercom.

-Would all first-year students please report to the amphitheater?-

"Guess we should go and see what's going on." Evo said, getting up from his spot and looked over to Voltaria. "You coming?"

"If I must." She said before getting up as well before she and Evo walked back inside the school and towards the amphitheater.

They reached the amphitheater and saw two of their teammates there. AJ waves at them with a smile and Wade gives a simple salute. Evo waves back as he and Voltaria walk over to them. Though Voltaria slowly stopped when she spotted Ruby from a distance and was wearing a large backpack when she entered the auditorium with other students. Voltaria was suspicious of the backpack, wondering what she was hiding. As Ruby puts her bag down next to other students' luggage, she happily rejoins her team, who are standing in front of Team JNPR. There were other students from different schools. Glynda was on stage as she settled down the chattering students of different schools. Those were Haven Academy, Shade Academy, Atlas Academy, and Beacon Academy.

"Quiet! Quiet please. Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words before we begin." Glynda said to them before walking away, allowing Ozpin to take the stage and speak through the microphone.

"Today we stand together, united. Mistral. Atlas. Vacuo. Vale. The four Kingdoms of Remnant. On this day, nearly eighty years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression." Ozpin explains to the different students.

Which was an awesome war.Wraith said through Voltaria and Ruby's minds.

"Quiet, Wraith."Voltaria ordered blankly while Ruby shook her head at Wraith's words.

"A war that was about much more than where borders fell or who traded with whom, but about the very idea of individualism itself. We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self-expression. And as you are well aware, that was something many could not stand for." Ozpin continues his speech.

The students listened to his words of wisdom while Ruby smiled through the whole thing. Voltaria stood beside Evo as her teammates were beside Team RWBY. She listens to his speech as well as planning to figure out his secrets.

"As a result, those who opposed this tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself:Color. It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither were the generations to come. And it was a trend that is held to this very day. We encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity through diversity. As I have said, today we stand together, united. But this bond cannot exist without effort. Which is why today, while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsmen and Huntresses will work to uphold it."

With that said, a screen shows three tasks assigned for the first year students. Those wereSearch and Rescue, Escort, and Perimeter Defense. Wraith began to get excited, knowing that they were going to leave this school to go on a mission. It may be a rookie level, but it will be better than being here.

"As first year students, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional Huntsman or Huntress on a mission. Some of you may be taken out of the Kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls for the rest of the week. But no matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, remember your training, and remember to do your very best."

And with that, Ozpin steps away as the students all begin to file out of the amphitheater and select types of missions for them to choose. Team RWBY, WAVE, and JNPR were picking their missions but on different screens. Wade, AJ, Evo, and Voltaria were picking what mission they should take.

Pick search and destroy.Wraith begged in Voltaria's mind.Pick search and destroy!

"Hey, let's pick Escort." AJ suggested, pointing at the screen. "It's said a scientist in Vale wants to study a strange object in a town."

"Hmm...sounds interesting." Wade said, rubbing his chin, before looking at the group. "What do you guys think?"

"I'm game." Evo agrees before looking at Voltaria. "You?"

Voltaria looks at her teammates for a second before shrugging her shoulders. "Fine by me." She said softly, ignoring the groan of disappointment from Wraith.

"It settles then, Escort it is." Wade said as he typed in his team's name and was approved. "We set off early, so let's get ready."

"Right!" Evo and AJ agreed while Voltaria shrugged.

"Sure." Voltaria mutters out blankly.

As Team WAVE left, Voltaria saw Team RWBY exiting as well, indicating they received their mission to the South-East with the help of Ozpin. Voltaria has her suspicions about this man, he's hiding something inside of the school, but only he, Glynda, and Ironwood know about it. So, as they left the auditorium and were on their way to the airships, a student ran past the two teams.

"Hey! Team CFVY is back!"

Beacon students gather around to witness the return of Team CFVY. The members are Coco Adel (the leader), Fox Alistair, Velvet Scarlatina, and Yatsuhashi Daichi.

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They just came back from their away mission, though it took longer than expected. Team RWBY went over to Team CFVY as Blake went up to Velvet with concern.

"Velvet? Are you okay?" Blake asked her fellow Faunus.

Velvet nodded. "I'm fine. I had Yatsuhashi to look out for me." She said, gesturing the tall and athletic-looking young man, who walked past her and the others.

"Your mission was supposed to end a week ago! What happened?" Weiss asked with concern.

Velvet looks down and remembers their long and somewhat traumatizing mission. "Nothing happened. It was just ...there were just so many..." She answers with hesitation before looking up and notices Team RWBY's worried expressions. "Oh, but don't worry. You first-years are just shadowing Huntsmen, so you should be fine."

"Right..." Yang said almost sarcastically.

"I should go. Be safe, okay?" Velvet said as she went back to her teammates.

As they waved at her, Ruby decided to cheer her teammates up. "We can do this. We've never backed down before, and we're not going to start now."

"Right." Blake agrees with her.

"Besides, it won't only be us out there! We'll be fighting alongside a genuine Huntsman!" Ruby said happily.

"Yeah!" Yang agrees with her sister.

Ruby smiles at her before she notices Voltaria at the distance, watching her. Voltaria stood from the crowd before walking away, silently signaling Ruby to follow. Understanding this, Ruby decided to go after her and told her teammates that she will meet at the airship after she checks on Zwei first to see if he was okay. Ruby runs off in full speed, thanks to her Speed Semblance, before she finds Voltaria at the dark corners of the school.

"Hey, Volty. What do you need to talk about?" Ruby asked her happily, with her backpack on.

Voltaria ignored her happy going attitude and got to the point. "We need to inform Amaryllis and Ripper that we'll be gone for a few days, we wouldn't want them to worry, right?" She said to Ruby.

"Good idea." Ruby said as Voltaria's entities teleported them to Emerald Forest.

Speaking of which, at the Emerald Forest's meadow, a herd of deer. They were grazing upon the grass, enjoying their meal. It was a calm morning in the forest, even though it was peaceful, there's danger beyond the forest. One of the deer's ears flicked and it quickly raised its head when it heard something. There was silence, nothing was there but undergrowth and trees. But as the deer was about to put its guard down, something exploded out from the undergrowth, charging at the herd with a mighty roar.

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It was Ripper and he's grown up, literally.

He's about 11 feet tall. He's now faster and stronger since he's fully grown. He chases the herd off the clearing towards the undergrowth, snapping his powerful jaws, trying to get a bite on them. But as two deers passed the undergrowth, Amaryllis appeared out of thin air and grabbed two of the herd, crushing them within her jaw, killing them instantly. As the herd ran away, Amaryllis placed the two carcasses onto the ground, so she and her brother could feast.

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Amaryllis has grown 21 feet tall, bigger than her younger brother, much to Ripper's annoyance. She was like a giant to this forest, though she can be a gentle giant towards her brother, caretakers, and mothers. Speaking of their mothers, Voltaria and Ruby appeared from the shadows and saw them finishing their hunt. And upon seeing their mothers, Ripper lets out a happy roar and charges at Ruby at full speed. However, due to his sudden speed and size, he looks like a charging train.

"W-Wait! Ripper, stop!" Ruby tries to stop the youngest hybrid.

But it was too late, Ripper collided with Ruby, who yelped by the sudden tackle, as they both fell onto the ground. Voltaria was able to avoid the collision while Ruby was knocked out from the ground and was lying there with a dizzy expression on her face while Ripper was lying on her stomach, a happy grin on his face. Ripper can somehow smile and grin, thanks to him copying Ruby a lot, he can show his expression while his older sister remains stoic like Voltaria.

"Good to see you too, Rippy." Ruby said dizzily.

"Oh, boy." Voltaria mutters out before seeing Amaryllis carrying two deer carcasses. "Ah, I see you two were practicing your hunting skills, correct?"

Amaryllis nodded and set down the two carcasses for her and Ripper to eat. Ripper got off Ruby, allowing his Momma Red(That's his nickname for her)to sit up and rubbed her dizzy head.

"Wow, you've grown very strong, Rippy." Ruby said dizzily before shaking her head.

"What do you expect? He and Amaryllis are hybrids and they are meant to be strong." Voltaria explains, making Amaryllis and Ripper happy with pride.

"Yeah...they grow up so fast." Ruby said with almost teary eyes.

Soon, Voltaria's entities came to their mistress's side, and Wraith gave a blank look towards Ruby.Sheesh, don't get too emotional about this, Red.

"But they were so cute when they were babies!" Ruby said as she opened her scroll that it had pictures of Amaryllis and Ripper when they were hatchlings. Amaryllis and Ripper were doing silly faces in front of the scroll's camera, it was funny and adorable at the same time. Ruby always takes memorial pictures of Amaryllis and Ripper growing up and video records them. She even sometimes dressed them up to make them look adorable, which it did. While Voltaria would study them and make a journal about them. They even did some hand signal training, that way, Ruby and Voltaria can send silent signals for them or use telepathy, just in case.

Wraith stared at the picture blankly before sending a private telepathic message to Voltaria and the other entities.We should've erased her memories when we got the chance.

"Enough, Wraith." Voltaria ordered him to stop before resuming towards Ruby. But notices something moving on her bag. "What's in the bag?"

To answer her question, something popped out of Ruby's bag. It revealed a black-headed tricolor Pembroke Welsh Corgi with gray eyes. And it wears a red collar with a gold pendant bearing a vertical black bone and two black dots on either side. Voltaria stared at the dog blankly while her entities and the two hybrids looked at it curiously.

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"...You brought a dog to school, why?" Voltaria questions Ruby blankly.

"Sorry! My dad had to leave the Island of Patch for a few days, so he mailed Zwei to us to take care of him." Ruby explained to Voltaria.

"I'm sorry, your dadmailedyour dog?" Voltaria repeated, sounding weird when she said it.

"Oh, he does stuff like this all the time." Ruby assured.

"Your father or your dog?" Voltaria questions her blankly.

I'm guessing both.Tabitha suggested.

Wraith snickers at this.Whoever her dad is, he has some imagination, he-he-he.

Voltaria sighs as Ripper and Amaryllis were sniffing at Zwei, who was barking at them happily. "I can't deal with this right now. We have to get ready before we leave."

Hearing this, Amaryllis and Ripper stopped sniffing Zwei and began to wonder what they meant. Are they leaving somewhere? Should they come along? Ripper nudges his Momma Red with concern croon. Ruby gently pats his snout with her hand.

"Sorry, Ripper, but me and Voltaria have missions today, and we'll be gone for a few days." Ruby said to Ripper in an apologetic tone.

Gone for a few days?! It means Momma Red and Serious Mother won't be here to visit them! Why?!

Ripper made a whimpering sound, lying his head on his Momma Red's lap, begging her not to leave as well as their Serious Mother. They didn't want them to go, they just got here and they didn't have time playing with each other or meeting that strange furry little creature. Better yet, they should bring him and Amaryllis with them. Ripper made crooning sounds, begging her and Voltaria to let him and Amaryllis come with them. However, his attempts were proven futile as his serious Serious Mother wouldn't allow it.

"Ripper, we can't bring you nor Amaryllis with us." Voltaria said sternly.

"Volty's right." Ruby agrees with Voltaria. "We can't risk anyone knowing you and Amaryllis are real. Who knows what they would do to you two!"

Probably dissect them or do torturable experiments on them to see how they operate or whatever.Wraith said dully, earning annoyed looks from Voltaria and the rest of her entities.What? It could happen.

"Which is why you two should stay here until we get back." Voltaria said to them before looking at the two hybrids. "I know you two are concerned with us, but we're going separately. We can't have you both getting caught. You two are safer here, understand?"

Ripper grumbled in annoyance, he and Amaryllis can take care of themselves. No puny humans(minus their mothers)can take them down. But upon seeing his Mother's stern face under her mask, he and Amaryllis knew that they shouldn't disobey her. With a grunt, Ripper agrees to stay here along with Amaryllis.

"Good, now while we're gone, Amaryllis, you're in charge." Voltaria said to the oldest hybrid.

Ripper looked between his sister and then Mother in disbelief as he released a roar of shock, like he was exclaiming:WHAT?!

His sister, on the other claw, was delighted to hear this as she gave her brother a smug-sideway glance, like she was saying:You heard her.

Ripper grumbled in annoyance, his older sister getting to be in charge, why can't he be in charge for a change? Ripper wanted to complain, but Momma Red gave him a gentle pat on the head and her gentle smile.

"Don't worry, Rippy, when we get back, we're going to have a fun time together, exploring through the forest with Zwei and fighting off Grimm!"

"Ahem..." Voltaria spoke in a blank tone, reminding her she can tame Grimm.

Ruby rubbed the back of her neck with a sheepish smile. "I mean, rogue Grimm. Yeah, that's right. He-he-he..."

"...Fair enough." Voltaria said with a sigh. "Just make sure to behave while we're gone? Vision will be here to keep an eye on you two, understood?"

The two hybrids nodded in understanding, obeying their stern Mother. Ruby gave them both gentle pats on the head. "Be good when we get back! I'll bring something for you guys after my mission!" Ruby said.

Afterwards, Ruby and Voltaria returned back to the academy while Vision stayed behind to watch over the two hybrids. That way, the Crystal Ball would send messages to Voltaria, even if she was in a far distance. The two girls were heading their separate ways to meet up their teammates, so they could get ready to leave for their first mission. Ruby was excited to go out on her first mission.

"You seem excited." Voltaria said to her.

Ruby nodded with a smile. "I am! And the best part, we'll be fighting alongside a genuine Huntsman!" She said happily.

Voltaria shook her head with her arms crossed. "Don't jinx your luck, Ruby."

"Oh, come on. What's the worst that could happen?" Ruby asked.

Team RWBY was staring with various stunned expressions, shock, confusion, and disappointment, having just discovered who they will be shadowing on their mission. And it was none other than their history teacher, Bartholomew Oobleck. He wears a long brown great coat, a khaki buttoned safari shirt and a pith helmet. He also carries a rather large backpack.

"Why, hello girls! Who's ready to fight for their lives?" Oobleck asked with excitement.

"Now I know why Voltaria told me not to jinx it."Ruby mutters into her mind of disappointment when Oobleck will be their guide for the week.

"Professor Oobleck?" Weiss spoke in shock and awkwardness.

Oobleck started talking fast, per the norm, as he paced in front of Team RWBY. "Yes, I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary, girls, seeing as you've opted to shadow a Huntsman on what is now essentially a reconnaissance mission." He said, pacing back and forth and the three girls. "I can assure you, we will not be establishing a single base of operations; rather, we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland and making camp in any defendable locations we may stumble upon. I packed all of our essentials myself, plotted our air course, and readied the airship. And..."

Oobleck zooms up right to Weiss's face, which makes her uncomfortable. "It's Doctor Oobleck. I didn't earn the PhD for fun, thank you very much!" He said to her sternly before he quickly backed away from her.

Weiss looks over at Blake Belladonna, who is equally disturbed. "Uh..." Was all Weiss could say.

"Come now, children; according to my schedule, we are already three minutes behind!...Schedule!" Oobleck zips off to the airship docked farther ahead in a second, at a speed that could rival Ruby's Speed Semblance.

Ruby tried to bring back the positive and upbeat for her teammates. "Well, alright, then! Looks like we're going to save the world with Doctor Oooobleck-'' She suddenly becomes as depressed as her team halfway through. "-Okay yeah when you say it out loud it sounds worse."

Suddenly, they heard Nora's voice. "Save the world?!"

Team RWBY turns around to see Nora and the rest of Team JNPR approaching them. Nora, being dramatic of the group, said to the group about their mission. "You're going on world-saving missions without us? I'm hurt...sad!" Then her stomach rumbles, making her stop her dramaticness. "Maybe a little hungry? That last one's not your fault, though, Ren..." She said, glaring at Ren, who simply crosses his arms and turns away.

"Sounds exciting. Where ya going?" Jaune asked them curiously.

"Oh, just outside the kingdom..." Ruby answered.

"Hey! So are we!" Nora said excitingly.

"Ren and Nora wanted to shadow the sheriff of a nearby village." Pyrrha explained their mission.

"We set out tomorrow." Ren explained.

"Then you can party with us tonight!" Came Neptune's voice.

They turned around and saw Neptune and Sun approaching the two groups. "We're shadowing a crime specialist. All inner-city detective stuff. We get junior badges."

Jaune's sparkle with awestruck at the two Haven Students. "We normally go to the city with you guys, which means stuff's always exploding and junk, so we thought this might be a better way to check out the kingdom when it's, you know... normal." Sun said to them. "By the way, do you know about Team WAVE's mission? We didn't get a chance to know after they left."

"Oh, Volty told me that they're going to escort a scientist to a town." Ruby said.

"That was...offly nice of her." Yang said.

"Why's that?" Neptune asked in confusion.

"Because Voltaria rarely talks to others, but she's been spending a lot of time with Ruby." Blake answered, eyeing Ruby, who was avoiding eye contact.

"Sis, is there something that you're not telling us?" Yang asked her younger sister.

"Well-" Ruby was cut off when Oobleck appears from the airship to call Team RWBY, who are embarrassed by this, about their curfew. "Four minutes, ladies!"

He goes back inside the airship as their friends smile awkwardly at the girls. Though Ruby was glad that Oobleck did that, she can avoid the question. She promised Voltaria she would tell anyone because she's a good friend.

"Well, uh..." Ruby throws a thumbs-up. "Wish us luck!" Was all Ruby said.

With that, the friends disband, either back to Beacon Academy or towards their own mission. While Team RWBY headed out to Quadrant 5.

Team WAVE was at the Airship with Glynda Goodwitch as their guide for this mission. It will be thrilling and exciting at the same time. Though, Voltaria shows no signs of enthusiasm like her teammates. Glynda was pleased that Team WAVE came just on time, especially Voltaria. She's finally opening up to her teammates and joining on the mission.

"So, who's the scientist that we are escorting?" Evo asked.

"Dr. Turquoise Jewel." Glynda said to the group.

"That's me." Came a woman's voice.

AJ gasped in realization as she saw Turquoise coming out of the flight deck. She appears to be a slender woman with blue/green hair that was tied into a fancy bun and ocean blue eyes. She wears a blue/green romper-jumpsuit, a black choker with a turquoise gem on the center, sandy brown low-Gladiator heels, a lab coat, and blue rectangle glasses. And she appears to be carrying a brown messenger bag.

"Turquoise!" AJ said happily as she hugged the scientist named Turquoise.

Turquoise hugs AJ back with a smile. "Hey, little sis!"

"Sis?" Wade and Evo both said in unison, shocked by this information.

Voltaria rolled her eyes at this, already figuring out that Turquoise is one of AJ's older sisters. As the Jewel sisters let go of the hug, Glynda cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

"I see that you two already know each other." Glynda said sternly. "Perhaps you should introduce your teammates to her?"

AJ nodded her head with a smile. "Yes, Professor Goodwitch." She said before looking at her teammates and made the introduction. "Guys, this is my older sister, Turquoise Jewel. Turquoise, these are my teammates, Wade Cross, Evo Hebi, and Voltaria Eclipse."

"Nice to meet ya, Miss." Wade said, tipping his hat.

"Hi." Evo greeted her.

"Hey..." Voltaria mutters, not making eye contact with Turquoise.

Turquoise looked at Voltaria curiously. "So, you're the mysterious Grimm Girl everyone's talking about." She said with a smile.

"Is that a problem?" Voltaria asked, still not looking at her.

Turquoise shook her head. "No, just curious that you can talk to the Creatures of Grimm, it's fascinating."

"Most people found it terrifying to see a girl talking to the soulless beasts and would try and kill me." Voltaria said blankly, causing Turquoise to look at her shock and surprise.

Glynda sighs at her behavior. "My apologies towards Ms. Eclipse, she can be...coldto others but I can assure you that she is a skilled huntress." She said, giving Voltaria a scolding sideway glance, which she ignored.

"It's okay, I'm just surprised by her that's all." Turquoise said, looking at Voltaria curiously.

"So, Dr. Jewel?" Wade began.

"Just call Turquoise."

"Right, I'm curious about what your job is." Wade said to AJ's older sister.

Turquoise smiled and answered. "Well, I'm a Geologist and a Mineralogist, studying different types of Dusts and how they are grown through the soils or caves." She explains.

"Huh, interestin' job." Wade complimented.

Turquoise smiles and thanks him before leaning over to her sister and whispers to her teasingly. "You're right, he is cute and nice."

AJ blushes and shushes her older sister. "Turquoise!" AJ whispers to Turquoise embarrassingly.

Turquoise chuckles a bit before looking at the others. "Anyways, one of my colleagues called out to me during his travels. He found a town that has a huge Dust Crystal in the center of the town." She explained to them.

"Wait, a huge Dust Crystal?" Wade asked in surprise.

Turquoise nodded her head. "Yes, this Dust Crystal is huge and is in the center of the town square. It has been there for six years, Grimm free."

"A Grimm free town? That is not true...can it?" Evo questions her.

"It's true, the people there haven't seen any Grimm near their town for miles, as if they didn't want to set foot there." Turquoise explains to them.

"Quiet town, giant crystal, Grimm free..." Wade whispers out while rubbing his chin, thinking the town that Turquoise is talking about is the same one that he was researching about. "By any chance is this town called Mineral Town?"

Voltaria stiffens by this information, luckily no one notices it, she didn't want them to get suspicious. Turquoise looked at him in surprise. "Yes, how'd you know?"

"I was researchin' through some articles about Mineral Town. And apparently it had been invaded before, but was saved by an unknown creature and then a giant black crystal appeared out of nowhere, and the town lived in peace with no problems." Wade explained.

" did your research." Turquoise said with impress.

"Gotta keep my head on the game I guess." Wade said.

"Well then, you should keep your head on because we're here." Turquoise said as the airship hovered above a cliffside. The group got off the ship as it took off, leaving them on a forest landscape.

"Are we in the right place?" AJ asked her older sister.

"Yeah, Mineral Town is thirty minutes away, we can reach there before nightfall." She answered them.

"Great..."Voltaria mutters in mind sarcastically before they start walking.

"Why didn't the airship just land near the town?" Evo asked Turquoise.

"It doesn't have any landing platforms at the town and this will give you huntsmen a chance to see what you are made of." Turquoise said with a wink.

"Remember, stay together, and don't wander off." Glynda said sternly, looking towards Voltaria's direction when she said the last part. "As huntsmen and huntresses, you four must learn to work together in facing off unexpected Grimm."

"Remind me again how we are dragged into this?"Voltaria asked her entities in annoyance.

I don't know, as long as we're fighting in this mission that's all I care about.Wraith said.

Voltaria? Are you bothered that this mission is at Mineral Town?Regina asked with concern.

Voltaria mentally sighs and shakes her head. "It's more than that."She mutters into her mind.

Before Voltaria could say anything else, she suddenly felt something wrong. Stopping her tracks, she looks around the forest, she could feel something coming. The others noticed her sudden stop and began to suspect something.

"V? Is there something out there?" Wade asked her.

"Grimm." Was all Voltaria said.

Soon enough, Wade, AJ, Evo, and Glynda readied their weapons while Turquoise stayed alert. Soon enough, they were all silent, they kept their emotions in bay. Everyone was keeping an eye out for any signs of Grimm. Voltaria, being able to feel or sense Grimm, could find them with ease. Soon, her eyes narrowed in alert as she turned towards Wade.

"Cross, on your right!" She ordered.

Wade quickly took out his magnum pistol, Justiceshot, and fired an incoming Beowolf that was almost sneaked and attacked him at the undergrowth.

"Jewel, two Beowolf are coming towards you! Hebi, behind you!" Voltaria warns them.

AJ took out her guns and turned them into mini-scythes before killing two incoming Beowolves coming to her while Evo uses his Musicshocker to slam an electrical wave at the Beowolf. Voltaria then warns Glynda that more pack members are coming towards her and Turquoise. Glynda uses her Semblance to toss them away from her while Turquoise takes out two small round bombs and throws them at the incoming Grimm. They exploded on contact, turning the Grimms into ice.

"We have to go." Voltaria said as she sensed more of the pack coming.

She took out a card and threw it on the ground, creating a shadow smoke bomb, giving the group a chance to escape from danger and reach town, just in time before the whole pack showed up. They rushed out of danger and continued their way to town.

"Wow! That was...that was intense!" Turquoise said in amazement with an excited smile.

Glynda looked at Voltaria with suspicion. "I didn't know you could do that." She said, referring to the card trick she did.

Voltaria simply shrugs. "I only use it for emergency escapes...and it appears that we are here."

They followed Voltaria's gaze and saw an arch that had the words Mineral Town on top, indicating they were here. In relief, they walked towards the arch but they noticed two black crystals on both sides of the arch's poles. Turquoise came closer to it and studied the coloration of the dark crystals.

"Aren't those Gravity Dust Crystals?" Evo questioned.

"No...they're not, their coloriation is different." Turquoise explained, observing the crystal. "There's a steak of white and red steak inside of it."

"I don't see it." Wade said.

"That's because you're not wearing high-tech glasses like me." Turquoise said as she pressed a hidden button on her glasses, causing a digital light to scan the crystal and giving Turquoise's valuable information.

"Huh, now that's an interestin' toy, ya got there." Wade complimented.

"Dr. Jewel." Glynda began, watching Turquoise finish scanning the crystal. "What can you tell about the crystal?"

" appears to have a high concentration of energy that is not familiar to any of the data." Turquoise explained to them.

"Hello, there." Came an old man's voice.

They turned towards the other side of the arch to see an old farmer with a big basket, filled with radishes. He wears a white sleeveless shirt, brown shorts, a straw hat, and sandals. He was holding a walking stick since he was hunching a bit. The old man was looking at them with old, kind brown eyes.

"Oh, hello there." Turquoise greeted, standing up from her spot.

"What brings kind people like you here?" The old man asked curiously.

"I'm Dr. Turquoise Jewel. I came here to study Mineral Town's mysterious crystal."

"Ah, yes. Your friend Dr. Sanchez, I believe. Informed us about your arrival. He's waiting for you at Town Square." The old man said to her. "I'll take you there if you want."

"That would be nice, thank you." Turquoise said in appreciation.

"Follow me." The old man said as he guided the group through the path. "By the way, I'm Carl Peterson, and who are these people with you, Dr. Jewel?"

"Oh, this is Professor Glynda Goodwitch and her students, Wade Cross, Ammolite Jewel, Evo Hebi, and Voltaria Eclipse." Turquoise explained.

"Ah, they're shadowing a huntsman, I see?" Carl asked with a chuckle. "I'm sure you four will become a great huntsman when you graduate."

"Thank you, Mr. Peterson." Wade said.

Carl chuckled. "Just call me Carl." He said to them kindly.

"So, Carl? Can I ask you something?" AJ asked.

"Of course, ask a way."

"Why are you here by yourself? Aren't you worried about the Grimm?" AJ asked Carl.

Carl simply shook his head. "Not really, Grimms never bother coming to our town for years." He answered.

"Why?" Turquoise asked curiously, wanting to know as well.

"It all began six years ago when our town was raided by bandits." Carl began with a sad tone. "They attack our town at night, killing so many lives, and capturing those to make them slaves."

"I'm so sorry." AJ apologized, feeling pity towards the people of Mineral Town that were killed.

"It was a terrible day for the people of Mineral Town, until something came and attacked the bandits."

"The mysterious creature that only attacks the bandits and not the locals, correct?" Wade asked him.

"I see you read the old article." Carl said, earning a nod from Wade. "And it is true, a creature just appeared and attacked the bandits, and spared the people of Mineral Town. But it was not drawn by negativity, it was drawn by a horrifying scream."

"A scream?" Glynda asked in confusion.

"It was like something was calling the creature, but I don't know, it was six years ago and my memory can be a little rusty." Carl said in an apologetic tone.

"It's okay, Carl, thank you for telling us this." Turquoise said kindly.

"You are very welcome." Carl said.

Voltaria didn't say a word as they continued following Carl through the forest path. Glynda looked at her with worry and suspicion, wondering what was wrong. However, she didn't get a chance to ask the young girl as Carl brought them to a big farm field. There were many crops being harvested by farmers and being carted back to town. The group, minus Voltaria, admired the farm work of the people as they were greeted by the kind farmers. They now know the reason why airships couldn't land here, it's because they might ruin the crops and the field. And since the town was far from the farm fields, they got a ride on a cart being pulled by a horse, so they could get there faster. They saw many cottages, a bake shop, a mini clinic, a blacksmith shop, and many markets. Children were running about, playing games and what not. AJ and Turquoise found it adorable to see before they reached the center of town.

And in the center of town was a huge black crystal. It was decorated on a flowerbed and was shining with the light. They got off the cart as Turquoise, Glynda, and the Team WAVE, minus Voltaria, admired the giant crystal. It was the size of an Oak Tree and it looked like it was untouched.

Wade lets out a whistle as he flips his hat. "Dang, ain't that a beauty."

"That must be the biggest crystal in Remnant history!" AJ gasped.

"You can say that again." Evo said as he looked at the giant crystal before them.

"Turquoise!" A male came.

Turning around, they saw a young man with tan skin, dark brown-messy hair, and eyes. He wears a sandy brown safari shirt, hiking pants, and boots. Beside him was a man in his early forties. He wears a white, long sleeve, dress shirt, brown pants, black shoes and a slight brown coat. His black hair had some gray strands and he had a goatee. And his eyes are chocolate brown.

"Miguel!" Turquoise called out to him happily.

Miguel went over to Turquoise. "You made it!"

"Yeah, sorry for the delay, we had to fight our way through a pack of Beowolf." Turquoise explained.

"I hear you. When I was coming here, my group and I were attacked by an Ursa!" Miguel explains to them.

"Hate to be a bother." Voltaria began, causing everyone to look at her. "But who is this?"

"Oh! Right, everyone, this is Miguel Sanchez, he's one of my colleagues that contacted me about this giant crystal."

"Nice to meet you all." Miguel waved at them with a kind smile before gesturing to the man beside him. "And this is the leader of the town, Liam."

"Nice to meet you all and welcome to Mineral Town." Liam greeted them kindly.

"Thank you for letting us study your town's crystal, Mr. Liam." Turquoise said with a smile.

"It's my pleasure, everyone is curious about this crystal." Liam said.

"What do you mean?" Evo asked in confusion.

Liam and Carl looked at each other and then to the group. "We'll tell you the whole story, but first we have to let you all settle in. You must be tired from your long journey here." Liam suggested.

The group looked at each other, thinking they should find a place to stay before they continue, and agreed to settle in first for the night. They followed Carl and Liam through the town's path, seeing many people walking about. Greeting each other, selling items and equipment, and children were playing around. Voltaria didn't bother to speak nor do anything but followed the group, however; she sometimes glanced around the town, feeling a small pain in her heart as she remembered her town before she left.

"Here we are, this is where you all will be staying for the week." Carl said.

Voltaria looked up and froze at her spot. Her eyes widen underneath her mask to see where they will be staying for the week.

It was her old house.

It hasn't changed. The house was a second story structure. It was still sturdy and traditional looking. flower vines were decorated on the white brick walls to dark brown wooden roof, each window sills had their own flower boxes. The door's small window gleams through the light. Simple, but nice. Voltaria looked at the flower bed that her mother made and didn't wilt and the birdbath that her father built was still there with few birds taking a bath.

"Wow! This place is beautiful!" AJ awed at it.

"It is indeed." Liam said proudly.

"Who lives here?" Evo asked.

"Our town's healer, Mallow Florez." Carl said as they went to the house before he knocked at the door. "Mal? Mal, are you home?"

"Coming!" They heard a young woman's voice.

The door opens to reveal a young woman, about the same age as Turquoise, was inside of the cottage. She has pink pixie cut-hairstyle, mauve color eyes, and an attire that matches them. She was very pretty.

"Oh! You must be the ones that I will be hosting for, right?" Mallow asked.

Wade nodded his yes. "That's right."

Mallow moved to the side. "Come in, you're just in time, I made tea and some sweets for you to enjoy."

They entered the nice cottage while Carl said his farewells since he has work to do at the farm. The group saw the inside was traditional like. Glynda notices that Voltaria seems hesitant to come inside the house, which made the professor suspicious about her action, wondering why she stopped. But Glynda notices that Voltaria was looking at the house as if it was a valuable artwork. Of course, Glynda knew that Voltaria hasn't been in any nice home since she lived all her life traveling, surviving, and living in the forest.

"Ms. Eclipse?" Glynda called out to her, snapping Voltarai from her gaze of the house. "Are you coming?"

Voltaria's only response was a nod as she walked past Glynda before they entered the nice cottage. Everyone got their own seats and waited for Mallow for the tea. AJ and Turquoise sat on the nice couch while Glynda, Liam, and Miguel, sat on the wing-chairs. Evo sits on the armrest of the couch while Wade stood beside the couch, where AJ is, and Voltaria was sitting sideways on the window seat, looking outside of the window. Mallow came with a tray of tea and sweet snacks for them. They said their thanks and enjoyed their delicious treats.

"Thanks for letting us stay in your lovely home, Ms. Florez." Turquoise said kindly.

"Please, call Mal." Mallow said with a smile.

"So..." Wade began, looking at Liam. "Your says that it didn't have any Grimm attack for six years, correct?"

Liam nodded his head. "That is true, no Grimm has ever come into a town for years nor bandits." He explained. "I believe Mr. Peterson told you half the story of our little town, I presume?"

Evo nodded. "He did."

"What do you mean?" Miguel asked the group in confusion.

"The crystal in the center of our town was not always there." Liam explained to them. "It appeared after a creature left our town when it heard a loud scream that didn't sound human."

The group, minus Voltaria, listens to his story carefully, curious and anxious about what will happen next. Liam stared down at his team to look at his reflection. A dark reminder of the event that happened six years ago.

"The scream sounded like a demon, calling out to the creature. It came and slathered the bandits, sparing us as it leaves." Liam explains his story.

"It spared you and your people?" Glynda asked him softly.

Liam nodded. "Yes, and after it left, that crystal appeared from the ground on the town square." He points at the window where they could see the giant crystal from outside. "And it wasn't the only one, more like it came and surrounded the town for twenty miles, we didn't know what they were until one of the farmers saw a Grimm coming towards our town but..."

"But what?" Evo asked, his eyes widened under his shades.

"The Grimm couldn't get in. It tried but it couldn't. Like there was an invisible wall preventing it from coming into our town." Liam explained as he recalled the event that happened.

"An invisible wall?" Turquoise asked curiously.

Mallow nodded. "Liam's right, we all witness it. But it was more like an invisible field." She explained. "When those black crystals appeared for a year, a Nevermore came, trying to attack our town, it scared everyone as we tried to take shelter, but then...the Nevermore couldn't enter. It keeps slamming on an invisible field, no matter how it tried, it couldn't get in."

"It happened to me and my team." Miguel said, recalling how they got here. "We were being chased by an Ursa before we entered Mineral's town's borders. It couldn't get it, no matter how hard it tried."

"Amazing." Turquoise said in awe.

"True to Miguel's words, and like the Ursa, the Nevermore didn't stop in trying to break the barrier. We were both relieved and scared at the same time. We thought it might somehow come in. But then as if the crystal knew that we were scared-"

"What? What happened?" Wade asked, wanting to know what happens next.

"The crystals were creating a red light and shot a powerful energy beam onto the Nevermore and...incinerated it, turning it to ash." Liam explains with shakiness in his voice.

"Fascinating, and these crystals...they've been protecting you and your people for years?" Miguel asked in awe.

"Yes, when Grimm comes, the crystals will protect us, but we don't know why." Liam said.

"Huh?" AJ asked in confusion.

"Why was our town blessed with such protection while other towns and villages were destroyed by bandits and Grimm?" Liam questions, almost to himself.

The group didn't know how to answer that, they wondered why Mineral Town has these crystals, and why they were only here and not in other towns or villages. Voltaria didn't bother to listen to Liam's story, she was busy looking outside of the window to see the town's people enjoying their lives. After having tea, Turquoise and Miguel decided to study about crystals. Miguel brought a team with him, to help them study further about the crystals. They wanted to know how it was protecting the town with no problem. Since they escaped from an Ursa chasing them and the crystals' protective field saved them from Ursa. They set up some equipment and computers to study the crystal's energy and signature. They placed some wires on the big crystal, getting strange readings from it.

"Hmm..." Turquoise hummed as she observed the energy waves on the screen.

"What did you find in the crystal, Dr. Jewel?" Glynda asked.

"It appears that this big crystal is connected with the other crystals that surround the town." Turquoise explains, taking down notes. "It's like a hive-mind."

"Hive-mind? Like ants and bees?" Evo suggested.

"That's right, but stronger." Turquoise explained.

"Turquoise! Take a look at this!" Miguel said, showing her his scroll tab. "There's the same reading but on the ground."

"What?" Turquoise looked at the scroll and saw that the ground had the same readings as the crystals. "Unbelievable!"

"What is?" AJ asked her sister.

"Not only are the crystals protecting the town from the surface, but also from the underground!" Turquoise explained to them.

"Preventing subterranean Grimm from coming up to the surface." Glynda theorized in realization.

"Or dig through." Turquoise added, observing the crystal. "These crystals are serious to keep this town safe from any known Grimm."

Wade rubbed his chin. "I wonder how the Grimm can't enter the border. V, do ya know?...V?" Wade looks around and notices that Voltaria is gone. "Aw, dang it. Where did she go this time?"

AJ looked at Wade and noticed something on his back. "Hey, there's something on your back." She pointed out. She removed it and revealed it to be a piece of paper that says. "I'm off scouting the perimeter of the town, checking for any Grimm's that might try and get in. Voltaria." AJ reads out as a smile spreads on her face. "Aww, that's cute."

"What is?" Turquoise asked.

"Usually, Voltaria would leave without telling us where she's going." Evo began.

AJ gives the note to Wade, who looked at it with suspicion. "And now she's leavin' notes...I guess Ruby has given her a good influence."

Glynda looked at him suspiciously. "What do you mean by that, Mr. Cross?"

"Well...V always spends her time with Ruby like everyday after classes. And on the weekends, they both disappeared. We don't know where they went, not even the others." Wade explains to Glynda.

"And her tutoring with Mr. Arc?" Glynda questioned.

"She tutors him on some occasions, but she asked Pyrrha to Jaune's tutoring now." AJ answered.

Glynda processes this information while Miguel was taking a small hammer and a chisel, he was going to get a sample to bring it back to the lab. But when he tried to get a piece, the crystal glowed white and released a white electrical wave that sent a screaming Miguel flying towards a cart full of hay, causing everyone, even the town's people, to gasp in shock.

"Miguel!" Turquoise yelled in shock as she and others rushed to his side. Wade and Evo helped Miguel up his shakened feet. His hair became spiky after the electrical shock that the crystal gave him.

"Are you alright?" Glynda asked him with concern.

Miguel nodded his head with a dizzy expression. "Yeeeaaahhh...apparently these crystals pack a punch." He said before passing out in Evo and Wade's arms.

Turquoise looked at the crystal and noticed that it stopped glowing and returned back to normal. Turquoise has some theories that this crystal and the others have their own version of security, preventing anyone from getting a piece. But the question is why? Turquoise doesn't have the answer for that nor the others, but she is determined to find out.

However, she doesn't know that these crystals were made by someone that used to live in this town years ago.

Voltaria was walking through the forest, outside of Mineral Town's barrier. She needed to go somewhere, far from the down, the people, and her teammates. Her reason for going far is simple, she is meeting someone that she met a long time ago. Voltaria walked up a steep slope and was at the top of a cliff that could see Mineral Town from above. She sat down on a fallen log and looked down at the town with a blank expression. It's been six years since she set foot in her old town, six years since left and traveled all of Remnant, just to escape her past.

Voltaria looked up towards the horizon and spoke in a calm tone. "You came."

Voltaria turns her head slightly to see a young male fox Faunus about 10'5 feet tall. He has broad shoulders with a body built for combat. Pale white skin, long red and black hair. Has heterochromia eyes(right iris: red and he left iris: gray)both eyes have white outlines of an inverted pentagram. He wears a traditional Grimm mask that is a fox. Two fox ears on his head and two long fox tails. His attire is red/black jeans and a long black sleeve hoodie with a white fox symbol that covers the whole back of the hoodie. Arm and leg bracers made with indestructible materials and components. And strapped to his side was a long Katana that looked like it was infused with Superheated Fire dust.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (65)

The mysterious Faunus bowed at her.Greetings, Mistress.

He spoke telepathically like Voltaria's entities. Speaking of which, the four entities appeared out of the shadows and greeted the stranger.

Hey, Kurama, long time no see.Wraith greeted casually.

Kurama is a rare sight to behold. He is mysterious and many secrets were hidden inside of him like Voltaria's. They both trust each other and their secrets. He knows Voltaria's and she knows his. Kurama has both Faunus and Grimm blood in his veins. He was like this since the day he was born. Like everyone, his life was tragic. Many years ago, before Kurama was born, his parents were a secret married couple. His father, a human, and his mother, a Fox Faunus. Back then, Humana and Faunus' relationship was not allowed, but they deeply loved each other and had their relationship a secret. They tried to find a home where they could live together in peace and raise Kurama together, but they were attacked by Grimm. His father was killed after trying to save his mother but somehow, the Grimm's essence somehow got to his mother, who bore Kurama in her womb. And in the process, that Grimm essence turned Kurama into a hybrid of Grimm and Faunus. After he was born, his mother kept him hidden after she saw his features. She raised him in secret, providing and teaching him the best way she could, even though her job was only Faunus Labor, she did her best. Kurama educated himself with the books from a small library that his mother would bring him. And sometimes, when his mother was away or asleep, Kurama trained himself in combat, that way, he could protect his mother and himself. But when he turned seventeen, his mother died of an illness, leaving him an orphan.

Kurama was soon found by a kind huntsman, who did not see him as a monster, and he trained Kurama in the ancient arts of combat. He taught Kurama to be a great huntsman and become more skilled than his own master. But over the years, his master died in old age while Kurama remained youthful and in his prime. As it turns out, due to his Grimm blood, he became immortal, never aging nor dying. And because of this, Kurama never made any friends or made contact with other humans and Faunuses. He soon turned himself into a mercenary, working hard to earn money while hiding his true identity.

Kurama did have some friends back then, but he left them all behind. Because knowing future governments or other people will use him for evil purposes. So all Kurama's life was to hide, run, and fight to survive. He can no longer have friends or live a normal life because of what he is. He lived an everlasting life, traveling, exploring, and discovering hidden secrets. Growing stronger as he did so, but he did it alone with no one else.

Until he met Voltaria.

"Were there any raids happening on Mineral Town?" Voltaria suddenly asked Kurama, looking at the town from the horizon.

Kurama walked over to her and sat besides on the log.Some bandits tried, but I stopped before they could reach the borders of the town. I didn't leave any survivors.

"Good, I don't want any bandits to go near Mineral Town." Voltaria said venomously.

Kurama looked at Voltaria, he could tell that she was angry under her mask, he knew that she had a deep hatred towards bandits, after all, they were the ones that ruined her life when she was only a little girl.

May I ask, Mistress.Kurama began.What brings you back to Mineral Town? Surely there was a reason.

Voltaria sighs a bit. "It's...complicated."

Wraith then butts in.Complicated? You mean crazy! We were dragged to this boring boarding school called Beacon by the headmaster known as Ozpin, had to join a team, had to make a friend-who knows our secrets-, and now are raising two hybrid dinosaurs!

There was silence, Kurama was staring at them calmly while Regina shook her head at Wraith's attitude. It's true that they had a crazy ride. Ozpin somehow manages to find Voltaria and convince her to join Beacon Academy, she has her own team, made a friend that promises to keep her secret, and both are working together to raise two hybrid dinosaurs with her. Kurama was mentally surprised how Voltaria made a friend and trust. He always knew that one day she would make a friend. Voltaria never made any contact with the humans nor Faunus for years, after the death of her mother. But deep down, she always wanted to have company.

Remember how we first met?Kurama suddenly asked, looking at the horizon.

Voltaria nodded her head. "Yes, I was only five when I met you." She said softly. "I wandered off when my mother was collecting herbs and met you here in the forest alone."

Back then you were a bundle of energy.Kurama stated to Voltaria.

Voltaria clenches her fists on her lap. "Back then I wasweak..."

Kurama placed a gentle hand on Voltaria's shoulder.You were just a child, you didn't know what was happening.He said to her gently.

"But I should have." Voltaria said angrily as she glared at her fists. "If I wasn't such a naive mother would've lived."

True to her words, Voltaria was once the little girl known as Virgo Twilight, a happy going child that loves to play and help others in need. But when she witnessed her mother's death, she became cold and distant, believing that everyone was against her...well, not everyone. Kurama was there for her when she ran away from her home. He came rushing to the town and to get Voltaria out of the village while the bandits were being slaughtered by an unknown creature that the whole town was talking about, but they didn't know that the creature was actually a Grimm.

And that Grimm was the Indominus Grimm Rex aka Gladstone.

Gladstone was called by a demonic scream that came from the town. And that scream actually belongs to Voltaria, for she called out to Gladstone and ordered Grimm to kill those bandits while Kurama rescues Voltaria and takes her away from the town, while Gladstone finishes off the last of the bandits.

Voltaria, you didn't know, you were still young.Kurama said to her, letting go of her shoulder.You cannot blame yourself for the death of your mother.

Ever since Kurama saved Voltaria, he took care of her and trained her in combat, and she took it seriously for she lost all her emotions of happiness, love, and care. Kurama raised her as if he was his own child. They and Voltaria's entities traveled to a few parts of Remnant to train before Voltaria decided to go alone while Kurama stayed at Mineral Town to protect the people from bandits as the protector of town by the request of Voltaria since she still needed someone to watch over it while she's gone. But she sometimes visits Kurama from time to time.

"Only if it was that easy." Voltaria mutters out coldly.

Regina and Tabitha looked at Voltaria worriedly, feeling her anger and disappointment in herself. Wraith, even though being a total annoyance, decided to do the right thing and changed the subject, for once.

So how's Mineral Town's defenses? Still holding on?Wraith suddenly asked.

Kurama heard this and nodded.Not a single Grimm had succeeded in entering the border.He informs them.

"Were there any casualties?" Voltaria asked Kurama.

None, the people did not do anything to the crystals other than decorating the center crystal with flowers. Although, recently, a human tried to get a sample of the crystal, he accidentally triggered the crystals' defenses and was sent flying to a haystack, but he's fine.Kurama informs her.

Wraith laughed at this information.Your crystals sure know how to protect themselves.

When Gladstone left the town to go with Kurama and Voltaria, the crystals sprouted from the ground and surrounded the town, creating a protective barrier. These crystals were made by Voltaria, another talent she had kept secret. She didn't know how she did it, but she did. She created these crystals when she was young, wanting to keep her town safe from Grimm while Kurama fights off any bandits that dares raid the peaceful town. And for safety measures, Voltaria made sure that the crystals have their own defenses. If anyone tries to get a sample, they'll get a bit of a shock. Only she, Kurama, and her entities can get a piece from the crystals.

"I see the crystals are doing well in keeping the town safe." Voltaria said calmly.

Kurama nodded and looked at her curiously.May I ask? Did you really make a friend at Beacon I presume?He asked curiously.

Voltaria simply looked away, like she was somewhat embarrassed. "You can say that..."

"Mind telling me who's your new friend and his or her name?"Kurama questions her curiously.

Voltaria took a deep breath and sigh, as if she was going to explain to Kurama about Ruby. "Her name is Ruby Rose, she's a few years older than me. Her semblance is speed, she can be annoying sometimes, but...strong-wielded."

Voltaria continues on explaining Kurama about Ruby. The Faunus/Grimm hybrid was fascinated by her tale on how she and Ruby were raising two hybrid dinosaurs(that Hannibal found as eggs)and raising them safely, far from human's reach. Voltaria shows some respect towards Ruby. She may be childish, but shows great determination in reaching her goal to become a huntsman. Kurama found it nice that Voltaria finally made a friend that understood her and kept her promise to Voltaria. Soon afterwards, Voltaria began explaining her teammates and how they are called Team WAVE. The leader is Wade Cross, he's a born leader. Next was Ammolite Jewel nicknamed AJ, she's a rich yet strong girl. And lastly, Evo Hebi, a mysterious snake Fanus. They didn't betray her nor threaten to hurt her, they were worried and concerned about Voltaria, like she was a little sister to them.

They sound interesting.Kurama complimented Voltaria.

Voltaria nodded her head a bit. "They are..." She said softly.

Hannibal suddenly looks at the town, getting everyone's attention. Voltaria could tell that Hannibal was signaling them that they should go back to town before the others became worried. So standing up, Voltaria dusted her dress and looked over to Kurama.

"I have to go, my teammates are probably waiting for me." Voltaria said before turning away. "I'll see you soon."

Kurama bowed at her.I'll be waiting.

Voltaria headed off, back to Mineral Town. But upon her arrival, she notices Miguel wasn't with the group, who were observing the crystal. She went over to her teammates and Glynda noticed her coming over to them.

"Ah, welcome back, Ms. Eclipse." Glynda said sternly.

The others looked at her as she stood beside Glynda. "I was scouting the area and found no signs of Grimm activity for miles." She said blankly.

Glynda adjusted her glasses. "I see..."

"I'm guessing that the Grimm knows not to mess with the crystals' force field." Wade suggested.

"By the way, where's Dr. Sanchez?" Voltaria asked blankly.

"He's back at Mallow's home being treated." Turquoise explains to her. "Apparently, he tried to get a sample of the crystal but didn't know that the crystal had a...defense system, and ended up being shocked in the process."

"But he's fine now, it's cute that you care though." AJ said with a smile at Voltaria.

Voltaria rolled her eyes under her mask. "Yeah, yeah..."

"We should probably check on 'im to see if he's okay." Wade said.

They agreed and went to check on Miguel. He was lying on the couch with a blanket covering half his body and a nice soft pillow for his head. Mallow was making him some tea to drink, he was still shaken up from the blast that the crystal gave him.

"How are you feeling Miguel?" Turquoise asked her colleague in concern.

"Doing well...though I wish we could get one, who knows what it can do." Miguel said with a sigh as Mallow gave him a nice cup of tea.

"Why is that?" Voltaria asked blankly.

Turquoise was the one to explain. "What he means is that with these crystals, it could probably save hundreds of lives. They can have great protection from Grimm and make all the kingdom's defenses stronger and expand the cities, much better than Mountain Glenn."

"Mountain Glenn?" Mallow asked her, wondering what it was. "Isn't that an abandoned city?"

"It is indeed. It's the southeast quadrant outside of Vale." Turquoise explained to Mallow. "It is home to wild forests and deep caves, and the location of one of the kingdom's greatest failures."

Then Glynda added. "It was supposed to be an expansion of Vale...but sadly, it was overrun by Grimm and had to be fenced off from the rest of the city."

"And it stands abandoned till this day." Miguel said with a sigh as he took a small sip from his tea.

"It's a dark reminder to all." Voltaria said to group with her arms crossed. "Creatures of Grimm populated that area. They are lured to its negativity."

"Really?" Mallow asked nervously.

"Yes." Voltaria simply answered.

"And that is why WE need to discover the secret of these crystals." Turquoise said to Voltaria. "Lives can be saved if we know how to use these new types of Dust crystals. It can change everything."

Voltaria looked at her under her mask, Turquoise was determined to find a way to use the crystals to save lives and wanted to bring a better future for Remnant. Voltaria knew about Mountain Glenn. Many Grimm go to that abandoned city because of the negativity of death and fear there. Turquoise wants to change that, she wants to give people hope so they can live in peace with no fear about Grimm coming to their borders like Mineral Town, it lived in peace with no Grimm attacks for six years. Voltaria had both her hands in her long-wide sleeves.

"If you really wanted a sample." Voltaria began before taking out a small shard which belonged to the crystals and showed it to the group, shocking and surprising them in the process. "You could've just asked."

Turquoise gasped as Voltaria walked over to her and gave AJ's sister the shard. Turquoise held it as if it was a priceless treasure. She looked at the shard and then to Voltaria with a shock expression.

"Where did you get this?" She asked in a whisper.

Voltaria shrugged and made up a well made explanation. "I found it lying on the ground near the border that belonged to one of those crystals. I don't know why it was on the ground but I knew you guys needed a sample, so I took it." She said.

"Voltaria, do you know what you've just done?" Turquoise asked with a shaken voice.

"...I picked up a shard?"

Turquoise held both Voltaria's shoulders, making her uncomfortable, and gave her the biggest smile that she ever made. "You just gave us a chance for a better future!" She squealed.

Turquoise gave Voltaria a bone crushing hug, literally crushing her bones(seriously, she and her entities could hear her bones breaking), and then Turquoise let Voltaria go. "We have to study this right now!"

Turquoise got on her feet and rushed out to show the other team. Miguel tried to get out of bed but he fell due to his legs being temporarily paralyzed.

"A little help?" Miguel begged.

Wade and Evo helped Miguel up and took him to Turquoise and the rest of the scientists, leaving Voltaria with AJ, Glynda, and Mallow. AJ was smiling towards Voltaria happily, causing the young girl to glance at the youngest Jewel sister under her mask.

"What?" Voltaria asked blankly.

"You did good, you know that right?" AJ said with a smile.

I knew we shouldn't give her a piece.Wraith said in Voltaria's mind, which she ignored.

Sighing, Voltaria simply went out with AJ following her. Mallow said that she'll prepare dinner for them when they get back. But as Mallow went to the kitchen, Glynda was having suspicion towards Voltaria. For some reason, she was uncomfortable coming here, like she didn't want to enter the town nor Mallow's house. Glynda knew that Voltaria is a secretive girl, not a single piece of data or information about her. She has no family or any relatives whatsoever. But maybe...just maybe, Voltaria might come from this town.

Whatever the reason, she's going to find out soon.


Later that night, Mallow prepared a delicious meal for the group to eat. They, including Voltaria, sat down on the table as they enjoyed their meal. They said their thanks for Mallow, which she didn't mind, she enjoys cooking. Voltaria eats silently while the others are enjoying a conversation. Turquoise and Miguel said that with the shard that Voltaria found, they can understand how it works and how they'll continue their research back at Vale.

"Thanks again for the delicious meal, Mallow." Turquoise thanks her kindly. "This chicken carrot stew is delicious."

Mallow smiled in gratitude. "I'm glad you like it. Though the recipe wasn't mine, it belonged to someone else."

The group, minus Voltaria, looked at her confusion. "It's not yours?" Wade questions her.

Mallow nodded her head sadly. "It actually belongs to a good friend of mine."

"Your friend?" Miguel asked.

"Yes, she was one of the victims that were killed by those bandits six years ago."

Voltaria stiffened by this, holding her fork tightly, almost breaking it half. No one notices her reaction as Turquoise asked Mallow this question.

"What was your friend's name?"

"Her name was Pandora Twilight." Mallow answered sadly.

Wade almost choked at his drink. "Pandora Twilight?"

Mallow nodded her head. "Yes, do you know her as well?"

"Not personally, but we have two friends named Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie."

Mallow gasped in shock. "Ren and Nora? Oh my, it's been years." She said with a soft smile.

"You met Mr. Ren and Ms. Valkyrie?" Glynda asked.

"Yes, they used to live with Pandora, her fiancé, Toren Venus, and their newborn daughter, Virgo Twilight." Mallow explained.

"What happened to them?" Turquoise asked.

"They...died." Mallow answered solemnly.

Miguel, Turquoise, and Glynda were shocked by this while Team WAVE knew about this story, especially Voltaria. Mallow sighs sadly and remembers the events that happened years ago.

"They were good people." Mallow began sadly. "Toren used to work as a miner at the Schnee Dust Company and Pandora was the town's doctor and healer. I was her apprentice, I admire her so much. They lived in this house with their daughter, Virgo Twilight. They loved to help others. Until...the accident."

"Accident?" Glynda asked.

"When Ren and Nora lived with Pandora, Toren was killed in a mining accident when Virgo was only one. And Pandora...Pandora was one of the victims that was killed by the raid." Mallow explained sadly.

"And Virgo?" Miguel asked worriedly.

"What Ren and Nora told us." Wade began sadly. "They couldn't find her, correct?"

Mallow nodded. "Yes, they tried to find her but couldn't, no one know what happened to her." She said sadly.

Everyone, minus Voltaria, looked at her sadly, guessing that they were close. "I am so sorry for your loss, we didn't know." Turquoise apologized.

"It's fine...I'm fine." Mallow said with a sigh. "I should show you all your rooms, it's getting late."

They decided to change the subject and agreed as Mallow showed them the guest rooms. The boys shared the same room that has a bunk bed and couch. Wade will sleep on the couch while Evo sleeps on the top bed and Miguel sleeps at the bottom. AJ and Turquoise shared another room that had two beds. Glynda stayed in a single room which consisted of a single bed. And Voltaria will be staying in a different room. A room that she will never forget.

"Here, Voltaria, you'll be staying in this room." Mallow said, opening a white door.

Voltaria stared at the room blankly, old feelings started to return into her heart. Her room hasn't changed over the years. Her old room has midnight blue color on the calls and ceiling with glow in the dark stickers, making it look like the night sky. Her wooden canopy bed-that has white silk curtains-was still there next to the french window, which has a window seat. Her desk, closet, and toy chest were still here, even her bookshelf with her favorite storybooks. The crescent moon rug was clean and still on her wooden floor and her drawings were still on the wall. She steps in the room, feeling like it has been forever since she has been in her old room.

"This room looks...nice." Voltaria said. In truth, Voltaria believes that her room was still perfect but she can't show any suspicion.

"Yes, this room used to belong to Virgo. I make sure to keep this room nice and tidy always." Mallow said with a sad smile on her face.

Virgo looked at her. "You miss her, don't you?" She questions her.

"Everyday." Mallow answered, looking at the room sadly. "I missed her little smile and how she greets everyone happily...she was everyone's little star."

Voltaria was silent by this, knowing that Mallow really missed her very much. Clearing her throat, Mallow decided to check on the others. "Well, I should go now, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Ms. Florez." Voltaria said quietly.

As Mallow closes the door, Voltaria takes a deep breath of her old room, feeling old memories returning of her old life. Voltaria walks around her old room. Her belongings were still here, nothing was removed from its spot. When she made her way to her old bed, she saw something on the white sheets. It was a small stuffed black cat doll. It has yellow button eyes and a pink nose. And a pink tongue was sticking out of the doll. Voltaria picks up the doll gently and observes it.

"Mr. Shade!"A little girl's voice echoed through her mind.

Voltaria turned and saw the image of her five-year-old self playing with the cat doll happily. The cat doll that she named Mr. Shade. Little Virgo was playing princess and Mr. Shade is the prince. Voltaria watched her little self dancing with Mr. Shade. The image played like a haunting memory that she wishes to forget. Soon afterwards, her mother came in with a smile on her face and little Virgo stopped playing with Mr. Shade. She runs up to her mother and hugs her, who hugs little Virgo back.

"Mommy! Mommy! Prince Shade saved me from the monster!"Little Virgo giggled happily.

"He did?"Her mother, Pandora, said playfully with a gasp. "Then he deserved some ice cream! Will you allow it?"

Little Virgo giggled. "Yes! Princess Virgo allows Prince Shade some ice cream!"

Pandora laughs at her daughter's antics and picks her up. "Okay then, Princess Virgo, we shall have ice cream!"

"Tally-ho!"Little Virgo laughs with her mother as they leave her room while Pandora closes the door, allowing the image to fade away.

Voltaria clenches her hands into fists, her mother was always there for her no matter what. She always makes her happy when she's sad or scared. Voltaria loved her mother very much, she idolizes her, wanting to BE like her. But sadly, fate had other plans. Instead of being with her mother, she was taken away from her, like if it was some cruel joke. It hurt Voltaria when she lost her mother. It broke her heart and soul. And all she could think about was revenge. She wanted those bandits to feel the pain that she felt when they took her mother's life. She wanted them to suffer, and suffer. But it wasn't enough to heal her. Voltaria left her town, she couldn't bear the pain of the death of her mother. Yet she still loves her hometown and left a power shield to protect them from Grimm while Kurama stayed and fought off any bandits as a secret guardian.

Voltaria turned away and walked over to the window seat with Mr. Shade in hand. She sits at the window seat and opens the window to bring the cold night air inside her old room. When she was young, she would look at the stars with her mother through her window as Pandora sang Voltaria's favorite lullaby, before tucking her to bed. It was only her and her mother, she was fine with that.

Mistress? Are you alright?Regina asked as she and others communicated with her through the mind.

"It's been so long since I've been here." Voltaria whispers out.

Volta...sad?Hannibal asked worriedly.

"..." Voltaria didn't speak as she looked at the starless sky and the shattered moon.

Voltaria promised herself to never show any emotions after her mother's death, for she believes emotions were a weakness. She never laughs or cries, she locks her emotions away, and moves on. She cuts all ties of being with humans or Faunus, for they see her as a monster after she could control Grimm. People always make myths and rumors about her. Like she was created in a laboratory and broke out or she was a child raised by Grimm. None of them were true. She was the only little girl that was lost and alone in the world. Her only friends and the ones she could trust were her entities, Kurama, and...Ruby. For years, she always believed that everyone was against her. But Ruby trusted her and kept her secret from both her teammates and Voltaria's. Ruby was doing her best to be a 'Good Best Friend'. Then she remembers her mother's words, she would always say that Voltaria will make many friends because of her kind heart. Voltaria never did make friends after the incident. She thought they were a distraction.

"I never thought I would ever show my emotions again."Voltaria began softly, using telepathy, making sure that no one could hear her.

Voltaria?Tabitha questions her.

"But I guess old wounds can open."Voltaria continues as she looks at the moon. "I always believed that making friends was nothing but a childish demeanor...I guess I've been denying it for years."

Kid...what are you talking about?Wraith asked, not liking what's going on.

Voltaria closes her eyes briefly under her mask before opening them as she makes her decision."I have to tell them the truth."

Her entities were shocked by this, especially Wraith. The whole point was to be kept a secret, not supposed to be known by anyone. I mean. Hello? That's what keeping a secret was supposed to mean. Wraith didn't want anyone to know their secrets, that way, they would not exploit her weakness. See, this is why Wraith didn't want Voltaria to go to school, it changed her, big time.

I knew this was going to happen.Wraith said through her mind before he and the others formed out of the shadow and into the room.Kid's gone soft.

"I mean it Wraith."Voltaria said seriously as she looked at her entities. "I'm done hiding. They need to know."

Are you sure?Regina asked.I mean no offense, but I doubt they would listen to you.

I'm not talking about Ozpin or Ironwood.Voltaria said to her sternly with narrowed eyes.

Her entities' eyes widened by this.You're going to tell your teammates?Regina asked in surprise.

"Not just them. Team RWBY and JNPR."Voltaria said, looking out the window.

Are you kidding me!?Wraith suddenly exclaims in her mind.Why do you need to tell them?!

"We need more members if we want to win this deadly game."Voltaria said to him, facing her entities. "Torchwick isn't the only pawn, the real enemy is out there. And I know that we can't do this alone."

She is right, Wraith.Regina said to him.Even if we have Grimm and Kurama on our side, chances of defeating this mysterious enemy is futile

Wraith looked at Regina blankly, wanting to make a comeback. However, part of him believes that she's...right.(Ugh it hurts when he said that)If this enemy is proven to be strong, then they need an army for this which means they need the help of Kid's teammates and Red's. So, with an annoyed groan, Wraith had no choice but to agree with this situation.

Fine, let's do this sh*t.Wraith said in annoyance.

Voltaria looked at Tabitha and Hannibal. "Do you two agree with this?"

Of course.Tabitha said.We will always help you. too!Hannibal agreed.

Voltaria nodded."We are all in agreement then. We will tell Ruby about this after our mission is ove-"

Suddenly, Voltaria froze and her eyes widened under her mask. Her entities knew that she had a vision. These visions can appear out of nowhere without her crystal ball, Vision(that what Voltaria named him for)to balance these unexpected visions. But this particular vision shows Ruby was endangered.

"Ruby's in trouble.Voltaria said seriously as she looked at her entities.Send a message to Vision, so he can teleport Amaryllis and Ripper to Ruby's location."

Are sure it's a good idea?Tabitha asked worriedly.We were supposed to keep them in a low profile.

"They were, but Ripper will eventually sense Ruby is in trouble. And he will storm into that abandoned city with great force."Voltaria said and looked at her entities. "And you know how protective he is towards Ruby."

Her entities looked at each other and then Voltaria, silently agreeing with her statement.Very well, we will send a message to Vision now.Regina said.

"You better hurry then."She said to them telepathically as she looked out her window and to the night sky. "Ripper knows Ruby's in trouble."


True to her words, Ripper woke up late at night after he sensed his Momma Red in trouble. He got up swiftly, waking up her older sister, and started barking out roars, as he was trying to call out his Momma Red. But sadly she was too far away and he knew that he needed her help. He got up on his feet and was sprinting out of their den but quickly halted when Vision appeared. Amaryllis went over to her brother as he growled at Vision, wanting to get past him and save Momma Red. But instead of stopping him, Vision made soft glows that both Amaryllis and Ripper could feel. The two hybrids understand that Vision was telling them that he will take them to Ruby, for she was in trouble. Ripper started roaring, telling Vision to take them to Ruby. Vision glowed bright blue and suddenly both Ripper and Amaryllis were teleported into a different area, far from the forest and appeared to be in an underground tunnel.

Vision guides them as he shines his light for the two hybrids. Though they didn't need it. They have perfectly good night vision. Ripper uses it to hunt some midnight snacks without his mothers' knowledge. Though Amaryllis would scold him for spoiling his appetite and sneaking out of their den. Suddenly, they came to a halt when they saw the entrance to what appears to be an underground city. Amaryllis and Ripper heard about cities from Momma Red, she would tell them how big Vale is and how she wished that she could take them, but Strict Mother wouldn't allow them because it would be dangerous and they might scare the people. However, this underground city looked abandoned, but there were people here. With their high sense of smell, Amaryllis and Ripper sniffed out their Momma Red, trying to find her scent. And once they did, they followed the scent fatefully. But as they did, they heard voices.

Suddenly, Amaryllis's scales started to change, making her blend through her surroundings while Ripper hides behind her. Amaryllis has an ability to camouflage, able to blend into her surroundings with ease. She discovered it when she was a hatchling, when she and Ripper were playing hide and seek. Amaryllis blends with the undergrowth and wins the game, which surprises both their mothers in the process. Though Ripper won't admit it, he was kind of jealous that his sister could camouflage and he couldn't. He seems to lack his sister's camouflaging abilities, indicating that he didn't inherit like his sister did. But has amazing stealth, he can move with silence even in pitch black conditions, which made him like a ninja(His Momma Red gave him that nickname which he loves since she told him ninjas are cool and super stealthy).

From a far distance, they could see Momma Red being 'hurt'by a human known as Roman Torchwick and members of the White Fangs. Strict Mother told them that the White Fangs are a Faunus organization that fights for equal rights instead of being treated like animals. And they lead to drastic measures like terrorism and stealing a train filled with Dust that belongs to the Schnee Dust Company.

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Ripper glared at Torchwick angrily, he was messing with his Momma Red. When Ruby uses her Semblance to escape Roman and run for an exit. Torchwick smiles amusingly before he spins his weapon, Melodic Cudgel, in his hands and aims the handle at Ruby. He fires the handle, which doubles as a grappling hook, at Ruby and catches her by her hood, allowing Roman to pull her back.

"I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve! Let me make this clear:We're not through here yet." Torchwick said threateningly towards Ruby.

Ripper glared at Torchwick, thinking that he will try and kill his Momma Red, he has to go there and save her! He didn't care if he got spotted by the Faunus or Torchwick. If it means saving his Momma Red, so be it! Leaving his sister's camouflage form, Ripper stalks over them while tapping his raised toe-claws on the ground as if he was sending out some sort of signal.

The Faunus, Torchwick, and Ruby heard the strange tapping noise. Ruby froze as she recognized that tapping sound. Ripper makes those sounds to intimidate his prey, she sees him do it whenever he hunts with his sister.

"D-Do you hear that?" Asked one of the White Fang members. He sounded scared and nervous by the rhythmic tapping.

"It's probably nothing." Torchwick said, waving it off. He turns to Perry, who wears glasses on top of his Grimm Mask, and says. "Perry, go check and see-Perry?"

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Torchwick notices Perry's petrified state. He was like a statue, a scared statue. Torchwick and the others looked at him in confusion, what's wrong with him. As if he saw a ghost. Torchwick snaps his fingers in front of an unfazed Perry.

"What's the matter with you? It's like you saw a gghhoossttt..." Torchwick suddenly said as he followed Perry's gaze.

He and the others saw what Perry was looking at. Standing from a distance was a nightmarish creature. It was a raptor-like dinosaur, with black scales with a golden-yellow streak running from the base of the neck to its tail. And its eyes were like hellfire which brought chills on Torchwick's and Faunus' spins when it glared at them angrily.

"Oh no." Ruby mutters out quietly, already knowing the consequences that will happen to Torchwick and the White Fangs.

"W-What is that thing?" Deery, a young girl with orange-brown hair and small deer antlers growing from her head, asked fearfully. Her heart was pounding at the sight of Ripper.

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"It doesn't look like a Grimm." A male White Fang member said in fear, backing up at the sight of a growling Ripper.

Torchwick backed up a bit when Ripper turned his glare towards him, growling savagely that it can terrify a full grown man. Torchwick could've sworn that Ripper was giving him a death stare. He thought that he was hungry and soon got a sick idea. Grabbing Ruby from her hood, he tosses her towards Ripper's direction as a distraction.

"Here you go, big guy! It's dinnertime!" Torchwick exclaims, pushing Ruby on the ground hard.

Ruby yelps as she makes contact with the hard ground. Upon seeing this, Ripper's pupils turned into silts, eyes filled with rage. When Torchwick pushed his Momma Red onto the ground, that crossed the line. HE IS GOING TORIPHIS HEAD OFF!

Ripper lets out a mighty roar that scares Torchwick and all the White Fang members.

He charged past Ruby and towards Torchwick with blazing fury. Terrified, Torchwick dodged Ripper's attack, but some White Fang members weren't lucky as Ripper body-slammed them to a train car, making them fall unconscious. Ripper turned towards Torchwick, who was recovering this, and roared at him in rage. Torchwick quickly brought up his Melodic Cudgel and fired many rounds at Ripper. But sadly, bullets had no effect on the hybrid's tough hide, only deflecting the bullets. Torchwick became pale by this as he watched as the bullets fell off Ripper's tough hide. But the scary part is when Ripper looks at the fallen bullets and then to Torchwick with a sly smirk on his face, which makes Torchwick back up from the hybrid.

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"Point for you." Torchwick said fearfully.

Ripper growled at him savagely before he was turned away from him when White Fang members started shooting at him with guns. They had no effect on Ripper, but it did irritate him. He turned his attention away from Torchwick and towards the White Fangs before roaring at them in rage as they continued firing bullets at him with no effects. This gave Torchwick enough time to run, but he suddenly hit something hard and fell on his back.

"OW! What the he-oh sh*t..."

Torchwick saw what he ran into. It was another hellish creature, but bigger and more terrifying. It was white and had hellfire eyes like the black one, sharper claws and teeth. Ruby got on her knees and saw Amaryllis was there as well. Ripper turned and saw his sister and smirked at her while the White Fangs, who stopped shooting at Ripper, gasped in horror at the sight before them. She glared down at Torchwick with the same rage as Ripper before releasing a powerful and terrifying roar that shook the whole underground cavern.

"This issonot my day." Torchwick said in annoyance as he covered his ears while Amaryllis continuously roared loudly that it made everyone's ears, minus Ripper, ring. Once she stops, she swings her massive tail at Torchwick, sending him flying to the train car. He yells in pain as he falls on his stomach. Ripper followed his sister's move and swung his tail at the White Fang members, sending them flying and crashing onto the ground or debris. Amaryllis and Ripper quickly went over to Ruby as Ripper helped her up, making worried croons at his Momma Red, asking if she was alright.

"I'm fine, guys. Really." Ruby assured them.

Then a massive explosion sounds, causing them to look up. They could hear yelling of White Fang members before a second explosion happened. Amaryllis and Ripper were in a defensive stance as a third explosion came and multiple White Fang members came running around the corner and some were firing at an unknown enemy. But before the two hybrids could charge, Ruby saw who were attacking the White Fangs. It was her teammates, Zwei, and Oobleck. They run around the corner while fighting off some White Fang members. Ruby smiles at them coming to her rescue and quickly stops the two hybrids from their attack.

"Ama! Rippy! Stop! It's my friends!" Ruby told them, causing the two hybrids to look at her in understatement. "Go hide, I'll meet you back-AH!"

A bullet almost hit Ruby and she plus the hybrid saw some White Fang members were on top of a rundown building, shooting at her and the hybrids. But it's useless due to their strong hides. Enraged by this, Amaryllis and Ripper charged at the building with a powerful roar that shook the cavern. Amaryllis charged at the building before doing a body slam, causing some Faunus to lose their fall while Ripper climbs the building like it was nothing and attacks the poor souls that were in the building. His roar mixed with blood curdling screams of his prey sent chills to everyone's spins. Ruby didn't have time to stop them as she fled towards her friends. As she ran, Torchwick slowly woke up from his unconscious state and got up while shaking his head from the impact. He saw Ruby running over to her friends, who somehow found the hideout, while Amaryllis and Ripper were fighting off the White Fang members that were foolish enough to try and fight them.

Torchwick angrily turned towards a White Fang member-who came rushing out of the train car to see what the commotion was about-and ordered. "Attach this cart and spread the word: We're starting the train."

"But we're not finished!"

Torchwick pins the White Fang member up against the wall angrily as he points his Melodic Cudgel at the Faunus. "Do it or you're finished!" He said threateningly.

Soon afterwards, Ruby was running towards her friends but screeches to a halt as she realizes she's running towards a group of White Fang members. Until a huge explosion appears behind them, sending them flying and revealing Yang to be one that causes the explosion. Relief and happiness, Ruby jumps into her older sister's arms, who hugs her happily.

"Ruby!" Yang said in relief as she put her down while the others came.

"Are you okay?" Weiss asked her with concern.

"I'm fine, I'm fine! But listen! Torchwick got all kinds of weapons and robots down there." Ruby told them.

"What?!" Blake exclaims in shock as she hands Ruby her weapon that she dropped.

"Androids, mechs, they're all loaded up on the train cars!" Ruby explained the items when she saw the train.

"Ahhhh, that's ridiculous! These tunnels are sealed, the tracks lead to a dead-end!" Oobleck said to her.

Suddenly, they heard Amaryllis' ear-piercing roar. They, along with Zwei, turned towards the direction to see Amaryllis knocking down some buildings to get rid of the shooting White Fang members while Ripper chased some of them around the cavern.

"What are those things?!" Weiss asked in shock, readying her Myrtenaster.

"Are they Grimm?" Blake points her Gambol Shroud's gun form at the two hybrids.

"They don't look Grimm...ish." Ruby tried to act all shocked, but she was worried about what her friends, sister, and teacher would do to Amaryllis and Ripper.

Oobleck was shocked to see Amaryllis and Ripper. "Unbelievable! But can it be? How can it be possible!?"

"Doc, what are you talking about?" Yang asked while she readied her Ember Celica.

"Those two creatures are not Grimm!" Oobleck pointed out to them as Ripper grabbed a White Fang member by his arm and tossed him away, causing him to do a Wilhelm Scream. "They are dinosaurs!" Oobleck stated while unfazed when a White Fang member came crashing down beside him.

"Doc, you can't be serious." Yang said to him. "Dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago."

"I am serious!" Oobleck before pointing to his Antiquity's Roast-extended form-at the two hybrids that were fighting off the White Fang members. "Those dinosaurs have features of the prehistoric beast of the forgotten. But those two I do not recognize in fossil records, so in conclusion, they must be a new species."

Ruby was getting worried, wanting to protect Amaryllis and Ripper's secret. "Yeah, but..."

Ruby was cut off when Torchwhick's voice came through the speaker system. -Get to your places, we are leaving now!-

Soon, the train starts moving towards the tunnels. Which made everyone panic. Oobleck reminded them these tunnels are all sealed and the tracks lead only to dead-ends. However, if the train was leaving, indicating that it leads to somewhere.

"Well, it sounds like they're going somewhere." Yang said.

"We need backup. Let me call Jaune." Ruby said, getting her scroll. But it flashes a "Low Signal", indicating she can't call backup. "I can't get through!"

"So, what do we do?" Weiss asked Oobleck.

"And more importantly, what are we going to do with them?" Yang points to Amaryllis and Ripper, who were chasing off some remaining White Fang members.

"They seem more interested in chasing the White Fang than us." Ruby said, hoping they could take the bait and go after the train. Luckily, Oobleck was on her side.

"She is right! And I believe we only have one option left..." Oobleck said.

Ruby turns around towards the moving train. "We're stopping that train!" She said.

With a nod, they chased after the train. Amaryllis seized her attacks at the White Fangs and saw Ruby and the others chasing after the train. She turns towards her brother and lets out a short roar, getting her brother's attention-who stopped chasing a terrified White Fang member. She points her snout in the direction. Understanding this, Ripper nodded and soon the hybrids chased after the train. They're speed was so great that they were able to catch up the train better than Team RWBY, Oobleck, and Zwei.

"We got company!" Weiss exclaims, seeing Amaryllis and Ripper coming towards them.

At first, they-minus Ruby-thought that they were going to attack them, but they did something surprising. They swiftly ducked under them and brought them on their backs. Ruby, Zwei, and Oobleck were on Ripper's back while Yang, Weiss, and Blake were on Amaryllis.

"What are they doing!?" Blake asked in shock as the two hybrids raced after the train at full speed.

"I think they're helping us!" Yang said in amazement.

"Brilliant!" Oobleck exclaims as Ripper raced after the train. "With this speed, we'll be able to get to the train! Faster, you overgrown reptile! Faster!"

Ripper would've been offended by this, however; he and Amaryllis must help them stop the train. With a mighty leap, Ripper jumps on the train's rearmost wagon. Yang, Weiss, and Blake jumped off Amaryllis and got on top of it as well. This caught a White Fang member that was standing on the train hearing the noise from above. He looked outside the train to see what the commotion was about, but sadly for him, a black claw came from above and grabbed the White Fang member-who yelped in fear- before being brought up to the train car. And to his horror, Ripper was the one who grabbed him.

Ruby, Zwei, and Oobleck were off his back as Ripper roared at the White Fang member's face before the hybrid tossed him out of the train, causing the Faunus to do a Wilhelm Scream. The others watched as the White Fang was thrown off the train while Ripper grins at his work.

"Wow." Yang suddenly said before looking at her teammates. "Guess they're on our side." Yang said, referring to Ripper and Amaryllis.

"Awesome!" Ruby tried to sound amazed and pretended that she didn't know about Ripper and Amaryllis.

"Hurry, children! We must get to the front and stop this train!" Oobleck ordered.

Weiss opens the hatch of the train car and notices something that made her pale. "Err...Professor?" She asked nervously.

Oobleck came to her swiftly and corrected her. "Doctor..."

Ignoring that, Weiss points down at the opened hatch of the train. "What's that?"

Oobleck kneels down to take a look at what Weiss was pointing out. With an unfazed look, Oobleck explains to the girls clearly and calmly points out what it was inside the hatch. "That my dear...appears to be a bomb."

Team RWBY all cringe away from the hatch along with Ripper. He knows what a bomb is. Both his mothers told them it's a device that creates a loud and deadly explosion. Which was bad and painful. Then Ruby saw something up ahead and pointed forward to the train.

"We've got baddies!" Ruby pointed out.

They followed her gaze and saw dozens of White Fang members climbing onto the top of the train. They were going towards Team RWBY, Zwei, and Oobleck. Though Ripper was there, which terrified them, they had to do everything they could to stop them, even if it meant getting ripped into pieces by Ripper.

"Well, I didn't expect them to go-" Oobleck was cut off when the bomb underneath them charged up and started beeping. "-easy on us." He said in annoyance before he stood up quickly. "Time to go!"

They didn't have to be told twice. They all started to run away and jumped on the next train car. Ripper helped Zwei cross by using his tail as a bridge. Oobleck stops Blake and quickly says to her.

"Blake! Detach the caboose! It will kill us all!"

"On it!"

Blake quickly jumps down onto the connectors and gets ready to cut the connection, but before she could do anything, the connection comes loose on its own. This shocked Blake as she looked up on the train car and yelled out.

"It decoupled itself!"

Oobleck came to the edge and was shocked by this. "What?!"

Yang came next to him worriedly. "I guess heREALLYdoesn't want us on this train."

As Oobleck looked back at the detached cart, Amaryllis was running after them from behind as she dodged the detached cart just in time before it exploded in the tunnel. Luckily, Amaryllis was fine, much to Ruby and Ripper's relief, but Oobleck wasn't pleased by this.

"That's not good..."

"Err, neither is this!" Ruby exclaims as she, Zwei, Weiss, and Ripper stand next to another open hatch.

"Another bomb?!" Blake exclaims in shock.

Oobleck looks around and runs to the next train car, fearing the worst, as he mutters out. "No. No. No." When he reaches the other car, he opens the hatch and looks in, then yells back to Team RWBY, Zwei, and Ripper. "TheyALLhave bombs!"

The bomb under Team RWBY charges up and starts beeping, causing the cart they're on to detach itself, forcing Team RWBY, Zwei, and Ripper to run to the next cart.

"This doesn't make sense!" Yang yelled out.

Soon, the White Fang members were climbing on the train. Deery came up from the open hatch and pointed at them, yelling out. "Get the humans!"

Instantly, Team RWBY and Ripper jumped forward to attack the incoming White Fang members. Ripper razors and charged with incredible speed, knocking all incoming White Fang members off the train. Team RWBY did the same, fighting them off and finding a way to stop this train. Then Oobleck turns around and watches the detached train car explode. Only this time it creates a huge hole, causing multiple types of Grimm to fall above the opening. Realizing this, Oobleck became shocked by this sudden information as the horde of Grimm began advancing quickly toward the runaway train.

"Oh...dear..." Oobleck turns towards Team RWBY in panic. "He's leading Grimm to the city!"

"What?" Weiss exclaims in shock.

"It's the cars! They detach and explode, creating openings for the Grimm!" Oobleck exclaims his explanation.

"That's insane!" Blake said, finding out Torchwhick's plan was evil.

Soon, another train car detaches itself. And Oobleck knows that they have to stop this train. "We have to hurry!" He said and then he looked towards Weiss, Blake, and Yang. "You three, go below and try to stop those bombs!"

"What about us?" Ruby asked him.

Oobleck stood all heroically. "We're going to stop this train.

"Yeah, I know. I said that earlier." Ruby said, making Oobleck frown in realization.

As Weiss, Blake, and Yang went in the train cart, Ruby, Oobleck, Zwei, Ripper moved forward in order to stop the train. Amaryllis was chasing after them since she had to dodge some exploding train carts and a horde of Grimm coming their way. Suddenly, some White Fang members start to pilot multiple Atlesian Paladin-290s, and jump to the top of the train to fight off Ruby, Zwei, Ripper, and Oobleck.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (70)

"Up ahead!" Oobleck yelled out as they ran towards the Paladin, who was charging towards them at full speed, before it stood far away from them, causing the group to stop. "We got a problem!"

As the Paladin was going to attack, Oobleck quickly took a sip from his thermos before transforming it into its weapon mode, a small flame burning at its tip. He looks down towards Zwei. The dog barks at him, as if he's ready for an attack. Ripper's eyes widened in realization as a thought came to his mind, like was saying:He wouldn't.

Zwei jumps and flips in the air while Oobleck bats him, turning him into a small fireball of fluffiness. The Paladin was shooting at them, only for it to get knocked off the train by the combination attack. As it tumbles on the train tracks and explodes when it hits a barricade, another Paladin appears in front of Zwei and guns aimed at him. But before it could fire, Ripper tackles it, sending it flying in the air before multiple fire attacks hit it, and Oobleck swiftly knocks it off the train as well.

They worked together to stop more Paladin coming their way. Ripper rips those Paladins as if they were paper or knocks them out of the train where Amaryllis would finish the job. Ruby twirls her Crescent Rose around a few times and then she and Oobleck fire simultaneously at the Paladin's feet, knocking it off the train. Ripper looks at the back to see incoming Paladin. He lets out a warning roar, causing Oobleck and Ruby to look behind to see the incoming Paladins.

"Ruby! You go on ahead!" Oobleck ordered.


Oobleck cut her off and gave her an assuring smile. "Don't worry, Ruby. It's time..." He glares towards the incoming Paladins. "I teach them a lesson."

Soon, Oobleck goes to take on the two incoming Paladins. But before Ruby leaves, she notices the saddened Zwei looking up at her. Like he didn't want to leave Oobleck behind. Ruby saw how Zwei became attached to Oobleck and she couldn't help but smile at him before motioning him to go help Oobleck.

"Go." She said.

With that, Zwei's expression changes dramatically and barks happily at Ruby before running off to fight alongside Oobleck. Ruby looks over to Ripper, who looks at his Momma Red with a serious expression.

"Ripper, help Zwei and Oobleck." Ruby ordered, earning a small and worried growl from Ripper. Ruby gave her Indoraptor an assuring smile. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Go!"

With a slight hesitation, Ripper runs off to help Zwei and Oobleck to fight off the Paladins. Ruby hurries to the front of the train and soon her teammates reemerge from the train cars to rejoin her. Ruby looks up ahead worriedly as she realizes the train was going to collide with a thick concrete wall.

"What do we do?" Blake asked worriedly.

Ruby and Weiss soon smile at each other, as if they already know what to do, and then the Scheen girl forms an ice shield to protect her teammates, bracing themselves for the impending crash. As the train crashes into the wall, the explosion.

And everything went white

Back in Mineral Town, Voltaria was inside a makeshift research facility aka a big tent that was at the town's park, where Turquoise, Miguel, and a team of scientists studied the crystal sample that Voltaria gave them. Wraith thinks that it was a bad idea of giving them a crystal. But it was Voltaria's choice after all. Soon afterwards, Glynda came and sat beside her without a word. Wade, AJ, and Evo went on patrol and helped Turquoise to get some samples that grew around crystals like dirt, flowers, and so on. Voltaria stayed behind to observe the town, learning how they were able to adapt to their new protective field.

"How are you experiencing this?" Glynda suddenly asked.

Voltaria simply looks at the park calmly, watching children running about. "It's...nice."

"You seem unsure." Glynda said to her.

Voltaria simply shrugged her shoulders. "Honestly. I don't know either. I always stay away from towns, villages, and big cities since I am known as the Grimm Girl." She answered truthfully. Glynda glanced at her worriedly as Voltaria continued on. "People get scared easily, thinking I would try and invade their I steered clear away from them."

Glynda always knew that Voltaria was a problematic child. She never understood people, believing that they were all against her. But now, she's slowly getting used to having friends and learning to trust people. It gave her a sense of relief, knowing that Voltaria was getting along with her friends. No one, besides Ozpin, that Glynda shows great care towards Voltaria, as she was her own. She always denies it, since she's a teacher, she always keeps an eye on her students. Making sure they didn't do anything reckless, mostly Team CRDL. But Voltaria, she stays away from her team and group of people. She may be the youngest student of Beacon, but she acts all grown up, never complaining or whining if things are hard or boring, she just listens and pushes forward. And she always blocks off her emotions, never showing weakness.

"But you're getting used to it now." Glynda pointed out.

"I guess..." Voltaria said softly.

Glynda looked at her with concern. "Back at Ms. Florez's seem hesitant to enter."

"I've never been inside a household that nice before, let alone being invited by one." Voltaria said blankly. "I always camp out in the forest."

"Were you always alone?" Glynda asked almost worriedly.

"The Grimm has kept me company since I was young." She said softly. "So I was never alone."

"I see..." Glynda said before looking her in the eye. "Speaking of Grimm, you carry some on your Grimm Holder, I believe?"

"Yes, it protected them from being incinerated by the town's crystals." Voltaria explains dully.

Glynda simply nodded at her before saying. "Your teammates are saying that you're spending a lot of time with Ms. Rose."

"I have, haven't I?" Voltaria said as she watched the birds fly away from the ground.

"What have you two girls been doing all this time?" Glynda asked.

Before Voltaria could answer, she froze and swiftly looked at the sky. She quickly stood up from her seat and looked above the sky with alarm.

"Ms. Eclipse? What's wrong?" Glynda asked worriedly.

"Grimm..." Voltaria said coldly.

"What? Where?" Glynda asked, getting up as well.

Voltaria shook her head. "Not here."

"What's not here?" AJ asked as she and the others finished their patrol.

Voltaria looked at them seriously under her mask. "There is a massive horde of Grimm at Vale." She said.

"What?!" Team WAVE and Glynda exclaims in shock.

"Are you sure?!" Glynda asked in alarm.

"I can sense Grimm even if they are far away." Voltaria explains to them seriously. "Vale is under attack by Grimm as we speak. We have to leave, now."

Suddenly, Glynda's scroll started to make an alarm, indicating that Vale was in trouble. "We have to go, now." Glynda ordered.

"But what about-" AJ stopped mid sentence when someone touched her shoulder. Turning around, Turquoise was holding her sister's shoulder and giving AJ an assuring smile.

"Go, me and Miguel, we'll be fine. Don't worry." Turquoise said.

AJ hesitated but nodded in understanding. As a huntress, she must protect the people. Team WAVE and Glynda run out of Mineral Town, far from the protection of the crystals. Glynda couldn't call an airship since they didn't have time. Luckily, Voltaria has another plan. As they were in a good distance, Voltaria quickly summoned her Nevermore. And without any hesitation, Glynda and the rest of Team WAVE gets on the Nevermore as it flies in full speed towards Vale. Upon their arrival, they were shocked to see a horde of Grimm attacking Vale. People's fear and panic were getting all the Grimm to come to Vale. Team RWBY was fighting them off the best way they could with the help of Team JNPR.

"Let's move!" Glynda ordered.

Team WAVE nodded before they jumped off of the Nevermore, which Voltaria returned to her Grimm Holder, summoned their weapons, except Voltaria. They landed with ease as they attacked nearby Grimms. Voltaria closes her eyes before activating her semblance. Her skin turned pale white, her sclera turned black as night, her pupils turned into silts, and her teeth turned into fangs.

"Stop."Voltaria sends a telepathic message to any tamable Grimm. Half a dozen tamable Grimm looked at her direction, seized their attacks and focused on her direction."Leave this place and never come back."

Obediently, the tamable Grimm started walking away like ants and went to the opening that brought them here. Everyone was shocked to see this and looked at Voltaria, who quickly deactivated her semblance, and turned towards them with a glare under her mask.

"Don't just stand there, fight off those rogue Grimm!" She ordered before she did a roundhouse kick from an incoming rogue Beowolf.

They didn't tell twice as they fought off the Grimm that didn't return to the hole. Voltaria did amazing kicks and punches for a girl her age. She knocks the Ursa down and Evo uses his battle ax to slice it in half. Wade and AJ shoot incoming Grimm while Glynda swats them away with her semblance. Team RWBY and JNPR did their best to fight off the horde, especially Jaune. As he was able to slash an Ursa several times before it died. Much to Pyrrha's happiness as she notices Jaune's improvement. Then Sun and Neptune arrive, flashing their badges.

"Nobody move! Junior detectives!" Sun declared.

"We have badges so you know it's official!" Neptune added with a smirk as they fist-bumbed.

"Oh, boy."Voltaria and her entities said in annoyance.

Suddenly, a fleet of the Atlesian Military came, consisting of dropships deploying Atlesian Knight-200 units and the flagship of James Ironwood. Sun and Neptune saw this and were in awe at the fleet. They were so in awe that Sun dropped his badge to the ground. Dropships' machine guns started firing at the Grimm as the robotic Knights deployed and started gunning down any Grimm. As more Knights subdue Grimm, something came out from the opening. And it shocked everyone, except Voltaria and Ruby, as Amaryllis and Ripper emerged from the opening with mighty roars.

"What the hell are those things!?" Wade exclaims in shock.

"Oobleck said they're dinosaurs!" Yang yelled out, punching the Ursa away.

"I thought they were extinct!" Evo yelled through the horde, slicing a Boarbatusk in half.

"Well, they're not-extinct anymore!" Nora yelled before slamming her hammer at a Beowolf.

As Amaryllis and Ripper got out the opening, the first thing they did was attacking the Grimm. Ripper saved a man that was being chased by a Beowolf and ripped that Grimm into pieces with his claws. Amaryllis charged at a group of Creeps that were chasing a mother and her child and tore them down with teeth and claws.

"Are they...helping us!?" Jaune exclaims in shock.

"It sure looks like it." Pyrrha said before shooting another Grimm.

As Amaryllis and Ripper helped fight off the Grimm, a half damaged Atlesian Paladin-290 came up from the opening and piloting it was none other than Zwei the Dog as he jumped off the robot with his tongue out before headbutting a Beowolf with incredible strength. Soon afterwards, an airship arrives, revealing Team CFVY and Peter Port. The professor nodded at them as the team jumped off the airship and landed on the ground and fought off incoming Grimm. Yatsuhashi Daichi was surrounded by a pack of Grimm that were ready to kill him. Smirking, he unlimbs Fulcrum, showing its massive size, before smashing it on the ground, unleashing a shockwave that sends them flying and creating a huge crater. Velvet Scarlatina and Fox Alistair respectively kick and punch any Grimm that were coming their way. Fox impales a Creep before he senses a large spiked Ursa nearby as it releases a roar. The massive Grimm bear charges them with brute force. However, it was intercepted by Fox as he kicked it with incredible force and then unleashed a combo of slashes and punches with his weapon, Sharp Retribution. Fox then knocks the Ursa skyward with an uppercut, and delivers a blow to the head with both hands that sends it flying. After landing to a charging horde of Grimm, it swells up and explodes, impaling the nearby Grimm with its spikes. Coco swatted a few spikes away with her stylish designer handbag which is her weapon called Gianduja while Yatsuhashi shields Velvet before Coco walks forward casually.

Coco gives Fox a light pat on the butt while complimenting. "Nice hustle, Fox. Good job."

Fox jumps back before Coco is approached by a large Beowolf. It growled at her savagely but Coco was unfazed by this, she brought her sunglasses down a bit to look the Beowolf in the eye. There was a hidden fury in her dark brown eyes.

"You just destroyed my favorite clothing store." She said with a hint of anger as she put her sunglasses on with a spit. "Prepare to die."

Roaring, the Beowolf was about to impale Coco, but the fashionista was quick as she swatted its right claw away with her Gianduja, before kicking the Beowolf in the crotch. As it falls to the ground and looks at her, she leans down with a smirk and slams her Gianduja onto its head, killing it instantly. Coco effortlessly swats away three more Beowolves with ease using her Gianduja or boots. She then leaps back to avoid a Death Stalker's stinger from impaling her. As she landed, Velvet steps forward and moves a hand to open her weapon box. But Velvet was held back by Coco.

"Hey, come on, you just spent all the semester building that up." Coco said to Velvet before walking towards the incoming Grimm. "Don't waste it here."

And suddenly, Coco transforms her handbag into a giant minigun and starts firing multiple bullets, slaughtering the advancing horde of Grimm, including a Death Stalker and three Nevermores off the sky, causing them to crash land. Zwei went over to Oobleck, barking at him happily before Oobleck regrouped with Port at the opening. The two teachers nodded their heads at each other before they fired their weapons at the approaching Grimm, killing them instantly. Meanwhile, Voltaria grabs the tusks of a Boarbatusk and then tosses it like a bowling ball with incredible strength, knocking down some Grimm like bowling pins, creating a path for Glynda. The strict teacher stomps her way towards the opening, swatting away approaching Grimm that was coming her way. Raising her Disciplinarian, she focuses her telekinesis at the debris, lifting them up from the ground and immediately closes the opening. Voltaria kicked a Creep away from Glynda and stood next to her teacher. She looked back at the close opening and was somewhat impressed by this.

"Nice work." She complimented blankly.

Glynda glanced at her before she quickly ducks down when a Creep is sent flying and crashes to a lamp-pole. Glynda and Voltaria turned towards the direction of Amaryllis and Ripper. They were tearing through the remaining horde of Grimm with ease, helping the other students to fend them off. Glynda was shocked by this while Voltaria narrowed her eyes, she needed to get them out of here. Glancing to her back, she saw Vision hidden in the shadows. She ordered her crystal orb to get Amaryllis and Ripper to get out of here.

"Ruby, we have to make Amaryllis and Ripper leave, now."Voltaria said telepathically towards Ruby.

"Okay!"Ruby replied as she quickly hid behind a fallen car that was near Amaryllis and Ripper.

The two hybrids finished the last remaining horde before they saw Ruby hiding behind a fallen vehicle. She was giving them a hand signal to run, knowing that they have to leave since they've been seen. They quickly made a break for it before anyone could stop them. The others, minus Voltaria and Ruby, could catch up to them, the two hybrids suddenly vanished through a dark alley, as if they weren't there. Everyone was shocked to see this, minus Ruby and Voltaria. Ruby was relieved that they were safely gone and Voltaria assured her that Vision had brought them back to Emerald Forest.

As all the Grimm were killed, everyone met in the pavilion while Torchwick was arrested and escorted by Mercury and Emerald towards an Atlesian airship. He was fake whining about his loss.

"Oh, I can't believe that you caught me, you've really taught me the error of my ways." Soon an Atlesian Knight grabs him by the arm hard. "He-hey, watch the hat!"

As Torchwick is escorted away, Emerald and Mercury then approach Ruby and they smile at each other. Though Ruby knows not to trust them, she had to play along with Voltaria's plan. Team JNPR was also exchanging smiles with one another. Sun and Neptune bump fists together for a job well done and Team CFVY likewise smile at each other. AJ and Wade shared a short hug before Evo and Wade high-fived. Port and Oobleck did the same while Glynda watched from a distance with Voltaria by her side.

"You did well, Ms. Eclipse." Glynda complimented the young girl.

Voltaria glanced at Glynda under her mask before looking towards the happy group, knowing they did a job well done. She put her hands under her sleeves and simply nodded at Glynda.

"Thank you, Professor Goodwitch." She said softly.

Meanwhile, Ironwood was walking through the hall of Vale's security prison. He was going to interrogate Torchwick upon the attack of Vale. He made his way towards a heavily guarded holding cell that belongs to Torchwick. As the door slides open, Torchwick is sitting in his cell calmly without his signature hat.

"Leave us." Ironwood ordered the two guards.

As the two guards leave, Ironwood is alone with Torchwick, so that he can talk to Torchwick privately. Ironwood glared at the criminal, his expression serious and calm, but it didn't faze Torchwick. Ironwood wanted to know Torchwick's motives and his plan.

"I've been informed that so far you've refused to co-operate with the authorities." Ironwood said seriously.

"I know this might be hard to believe, General, but uh... I'm not the biggest fan of local law enforcement." Torchwick mocked, unfazed by this.

"How about the world's strongest military power?" Ironwood suggested calmly with a small smirk.

Torchwick thinks about it but isn't impressed. "Hmm..first impressions...not great." He said casually.

Ironwood's face hardens and soon glares at him. "I'm going to give you one chance. Who's really behind all this?" He asked seriously.

"Isn't it obvious?" Torchwick spoke mockingly. Ironwood leans his ear toward him to hear his answer before the crime boss gestured at himself. "You're looking at him."

As if it's enough to satisfy him, Ironwood simply scoffs. "Hm...Very well then." He said as Ironwood started walking away from Torchwick's cell.

"What's the matter, General? I thought you wanted to talk." Torchwick mocked.

Ironwood slightly turned his head at Torchwick's cell while walking. "The council's given me custody over you for as long as I see fit. So you can make yourself comfortable. I can be sure that you'll have plenty of time to talk."

As Ironwood leaves, Torchwick leans at his cell with an evil smirk on his face. "Oh, wonderful. Hehehe..." Torchwick laughs as his holding cell door's close. But as Torchwick was left alone, he noticed Like someone was out there. Torchwick puts his hands down when he feels something on his right hand. Looking down, he saw a card that was resting at his hand. Confused, Torchwick grabbed the card and held it up and observed it. It shows an image of a man before the image changed to reveal a crystal statue.

"What the-" He was cut off when he saw Voltaria in front of his now opened cell. He jumps in surprise when he sees her as he still holds the card. "Who the hell are you?!" Roman demanded.

Voltaria stood there at the entrance with her mask on and her expression blank. She observed Torchwick for a few seconds and then she spoke in her cold voice.

"You are lying." She said coldly. "You know who theREALmastermind is."

Torchwick snorts at her, finding her a nuisance like Little Red. "I am the real mastermind, kid." He said.

"Are you then?" Voltaria mocked. "Then who were those three teens with you on this plan?"

Torchwick froze when she said that. "I don't know what you're talking about." Torchwick lied.

"You're not fooling anyone, Torchwick." Voltaria said with a growl, activating her semblance, and her voice deep deep and dark."I know what you are hiding. You won't win this battle."

Before Torchwick could do anything, the card in his hand vanished by a black light and Torchwick's hand sprouted back crystals that were spreading through his arm. Panicked, Torchwick tried to claw the black crystals off his arm, but to no avail, as it spread through his body.

"What's happening?!" Torchwick yelled in fear before looking at Voltaria. "What are you doing to me?!"

Voltaria's response was removing her Grimm mask, to reveal her semblance form. She gave him a wicked look and a grin so evil that it can scare an entire army.

"Getting rid of a pawn."Voltaria answered in a demonic tone.

Soon, the black crystals spread through his body, Torchwick tried to call for help but his voice was gone as the crystals went all the way to his throat and then through his scream face, turning him into a pure black crystal statue. Once it was done, a shadowy portal appeared behind Voltaria as she deactivated her semblance before putting her mask on. She turns towards the portal and enters it.

"One pawn down, time for the next one." Voltaria said to herself before the shadow portal disappeared behind her, leaving a black crystal statue of a screaming face Torchwick was left in the cell room. No one will know how he turned into that. But he won't try and escape anymore.

Chapter 13: Helping Hand

Chapter Text

-Breaking News! A massive Grimm attack happened on Vale. This sudden attack shocked the entire people of Vale. There were some major casualties, but thanks to the hunters and students of Beacon, they were able to stop the Grimm attack."Lisa Lavender said through the screen.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (71)

Watching her on the holographic screen were Ozpin, Ironwood, and Glynda. The three adults were in Ozpin's office, looking at the screen seriously as they watched the news of the recent Grimm attack. Ozpin shows a calm expression while Ironwood stoic at the news. Glynda seems to show no emotions at the news, but hidden care in her eyes proves otherwise as she thought of the innocent lives that could've been lost if she and the others didn't get there in time.

-The one responsible for this operation was none other than Criminal Mastermind, Roman Torchwick. He is placed in a holding cell at Vale's Security Prison. He is being questioned by General Ironwood himself. In other news, two unknown creatures came into the city, helping civilians from getting attacked by Grimm. Few were injured from the attack but no fatalities. Researchers are still trying to figure out what those creatures remain unsolved. Back to you, Cyril!-

The screen was suddenly paused by Ozpin. They and everyone in Vale discovered that these two creatures helped the students in fighting off Grimm. It was a fascinating yet mysterious discovery. However, they have other problems right now. And that was Torchwick's sudden crystal turning. Ironwood went back to the prison Torchwick at his cell, but to his shock and horror, he found him turned into a crystal statue. There was a full security search for anyone that might have broken into the facility. But Ironwood's security enforcers couldn't find anything in security cameras, they were all erased, clean from any information. This angered Ironwood, the fact that someone was able to break into Vale's Security prison behind his back and was able to erase all evidence right under their noses.

"This can't be possible." Glynda said to Ozpin. "No one can just enter without being spotted."

"And yet, someone did." Ironwood said in an almost angry tone, feeling like someone was making a fool out of him and Atlas. "Whoever did that to Torchwick, knows that he failed and wanted to silence him."

"We shouldn't judge to any conclusions, Ironwood." Ozpin said calmly. "We still have yet to learn their motives."

"They are already making their move!" Ironwood indicated in anger. "They already broke through Vale defenses by using the abandoned underground train and now they're silencing Torchwick."

"James! We get it!" Glynda said in annoyance and anger. "But right now, we have other things to deal with!"

"She is right." Ozpin said, taking a sip from his coffee mug. "We have to deal with this later, right now. We must figure out where these creatures came from."

With that said, the holographic screen is minimized, allowing another screen to appear to reveal Amaryllis and Ripper, fighting off the Grimm with the students. They were curious about these creatures and where they came from. They learn from some witnesses that they came from the opening where the Grimm came from. And to everyone's surprise, they didn't attack the students or civilians, they only attacked the Grimm. It was a shocking development for everyone, especially Ironwood. They have never seen such creatures before.

"Recent reports say that these creatures pay no mind to the civilians." Glynda began, looking at the screen. "They only attack any Grimm that comes near the students or civilians."

"Well, they're certainly not Grimm." Ironwood stated.

"We can see that they're not Grimm, James." Glynda said in annoyance with an eye roll. "But still, why are they here? They appeared out of nowhere and just helped the civilians to safety."

"Professor Oobleck has a theory about them." Ozpin began as he looked at the two hybrids at the screen. "He believes that they are dinosaurs."

"Dinosaurs?" Glynda repeated in surprise and confusion. "Weren't they extinct billions of years ago?"

"They were, but it seems that these two must've survived. Evolving into a new breed of dinosaurs." Ozpin explained to the adults seriously.

"And this raises another question. How many more are out there?" Ironwood began, looking at the screen seriously.

"What are you getting at, James?" Glynda questioned him.

"Think about it, there could be others hidden somewhere from our kingdoms." Ironwood explained to the two teachers. "We don't know when another one will show up or if they are a threat."

"Ironwood, two of those so-called 'dinosaurs' just helped us with a Grimm invasion." Glynda stated to him seriously.

"But we're not sure if others like them are good." Ironwood pointed out to her seriously, which earned a glare from Glynda.

"Enough." Ozpin stopped the bickering as he looked at the image of Amaryllis and Ripper with a serious expression. "Whatever the reason why they are here, we have to know what we are dealing with before another Grimm attack will happen on Beacon."


Ruby suddenly screams out through the Emerald Forest in the middle of the night, she was wearing her pajamas. She was sitting at Ripper's side as the Indoraptor looked at his Mama Red worriedly when she suddenly'roared'out her frustration. Zwei was next to Ruby, making worried whimpers after seeing Ruby venting out her frustration. On the other side, Amaryllis was lying on her stomach with Voltaria on her back. Her four entities were right behind Voltaria as they watched Ruby release her frustration. Wraith finds it amusing to see Ruby breaking down like that. After finished screaming, Ruby collapsed on the ground with tears falling from her eyes. They snuck out from their dorm rooms to meet at the Emerald Forest, thanks to Voltaria's entities, and had to discuss a curtain matter.

In this case, Amaryllis and Ripper's sudden fame.

"I'm a terrible mother!" Ruby moans in sadness while Ripper nuzzles Ruby's face gently, trying to comfort her.

"No, you're not." Voltaria said to her calmly.

Ruby sits up and takes out her scroll. "Look at this! Ama and Rippy are the talk of the city! Everyone knows that they exist! And everyone now thinks that dinosaurs still roamed Remnant!"

The picture on her scroll shows an article of how Amaryllis and Ripper helped the students and the Atlas's knights. It has gone viral overnight and people began searching for any sightings of them. It was a total nightmare for Ruby since she felt like she was responsible for this. As Ruby cries tears of shame, Voltaria pinches the bridge of her nose, trying to focus her mind and ignoring Ruby's whining.

"Ruby, we all know that one day Amaryllis and Ripper will be discovered." Voltaria began with a sigh as she got off Amaryllis and walked over to Ruby. "All we need to do is keep a low profile until everything calms down."

"How?! The people won't give up their search for them!" Ruby cried out, hugging Ripper's head. "I don't want them to be taken awwwaaayyy!"

Voltaria rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. "Oh, get a hold of yourself, Ruby. No matter how hard they'll search, they won't find them." She said to Ruby sternly.

"How can't I?! I basically expose them! I have to lie to my team to save them!" Ruby exclaims while sobbing on Ripper's head, who croons at her worriedly. "I'm a terrible mother and a team leader!"

As Ruby cries her eyes out, Voltaria stares at her blankly under the mask. She can tolerate Wraith and Regina arguing, but Ruby's whining she cannot tolerate at all. Sighing again, Voltaria went over toRuby and grabbed her shirt.

"RUBY! Stop it!" Voltaria scolded, causing Ruby to stop crying. "We can get through this, if you just calm down, okay?" Ruby nodded as Voltaria let go of her shirt. "And as for your teammates, they will know the truth eventually."

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked in confusion.

Voltaria looks at the stars under her mask as she speaks. "I'm saying...they will need to be informed about the danger up ahead."

Ruby looked at her with wide eyes as she just realized what she meant. "Wait...are you saying we should..."

Voltaria looked at her and said the words that would make Ruby burst with happiness. "We are going to tell our teammates and team JNPR about the danger...and tell them about Amaryllis and Ripper." She finally answered.

Ruby couldn't hold the squeal of delight as she hugged Voltaria happily, much to her annoyance. Amaryllis and Ripper were curious about both their mothers. They wonder what Strict Mother means by telling the others. Does this mean that they will meet their mothers' packmates? They heard so much about them from their mothers. Heck, they even helped them in battle. But only for a short while since they've been exposed to the entire city. And yet, they were kind of excited in meeting the other packmates, they hoped they liked them.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, we will inform our teams to meet with us after lunch while I contact Team JNPR." Voltaria informs Ruby.

"D'awww, you've changed!" Ruby cooed at her before stopping as she realized something. "Wait, why did you change?"

Hearing this, Voltaria glanced at Ruby under her mask, she had a feeling that Ruby would ask her that. Wraith was telling her not to answer, but she ignored him as she looked at Ruby. "Remember the town that I went to with my team?"

"Yeah, Mineral Town, right?" Ruby answered as Voltaria sat down beside Ruby, looking at the stars.

"I...I never told anyone about this but..."

"It's okay, you can tell me. We're friends after all." Ruby assured her.

Voltaria sighs and looks at Ruby seriously. "You heard rumors about me of being created in a lab or was raised by Grimm."

"Er...kind of." Ruby answered awkwardly.

"Well, they're wrong, I was actually born in a nice town with both human parents." Voltaria began. This got Ruby's attention as she listened to Voltaria's tale. "Both my parents loved me from the day I was born. My mother was a healer, and my father was a miner at the Schnee Dust Company."

"Your dad used to work as a miner at Weiss's family's company?" Ruby asked in surprise.

"Yes, he was supposed to work as a farmer at my town, but he decided to be a miner to help the people, both humans and Faunus, in their work since he has friends working there, he wanted to support them in the best way he can." Voltaria explained her story.

"Woah, he sounds like a good man." Ruby said with a small smile before vanishing when she saw Voltaria lowering her head slightly.

"He was a good man." She said softly to her. "I barely knew him before his death."


"When I was only one year old, there was a mining accident at the Schnee's mines. My father sacrificed his life to save others that were trapped in the cavern. He was a hero to the workers, but expendable to the eyes of Jacques Schnee."

"Weiss's dad." Ruby mutters sadly.

"He didn't care if my father died to save his workers, Jacques only cares about himself and money. And he's not even really Schnee, he just took the name for himself."

"Wait, Weiss's dad isn't a Schnee?" Ruby asked in surprise.

Regina appears beside them along with the others.It is true, dear Ruby. Jacques is not really a Schnee, his real last name is Gelé.

"Gelé?" Ruby repeated the name in confusion.

The Gelé family is a rich business family, Weiss's father is the third in line in the company, but his two older brothers always bested him.Regina explains.

", taking Schnee's name means..."

Power, Ruby. He wants nothing more than power. He doesn't love his own family, just Schnee's company and power.Regina said angrily.

"As Regina said, Jacques is indeed the worst man in all of Remnant." Voltaria said blankly.

"...Do you hate Weiss because of what her father did to your dad?" Ruby asked nervously.

"I hate her father, not Weiss. For all I know is, Weiss can change the Schnee's name into a better one." Voltaria said to Ruby like she was assuring her. "But her father is a horrible man that doesn't care about people's lives, but his."

Ruby stared at Voltaria with pity, losing her father like that was heartbreaking, "What...what happened to your mother?" She dared to ask.

Voltaria closed her eyes briefly, remembering her mother's beautiful smile, before opening her eyes as the image of her mother's smiling face vanished. "She was murdered."

Ruby gasped in shock at this information. Voltaria clenched her fists together as she remembered the tragic day. "It was late at night, when I was turning six, my town was invaded by bandits, robbing its resources. Some bandits broke into our home and threatened us to come over to them. My mother wanted to protect me, keep me safe. She tried to get us out of there but one of the bandits started shooting and...and my mother shielded me from getting killed. Sacrificing her life...for me."

"...I'm sorry...I didn't know." Ruby said sadly and sympathetically.

"She did it out of love to protect me...but her death triggered my semblance." Volatria said as her teeth turned into fangs.

"Your semblance?"

"Yes, it made me summon my entities and Gladstone." Voltaria glared at her fists as she remembered that day. "I told them to get rid of those bandits but spare the townspeople. They stole my mother's life, so I stole the bandits' lives. An eye for an eye." Voltaria explained to Ruby, making her scared. "Once all bandits were as good as dead, I left my town to train my skills with my entities and Gladstone."

"You left your town! But...but what about the townspeople? Aren't they worried about you?" Ruby said with concern.

"They don't need to worry. They think I have died like the other poor souls that suffered that night." Voltaria explained to Ruby, facing the girl. "I left my home so they won't find out that I became a monster that could talk to Grimm."

"But you're not a monster. You just saved your village from being destroyed." Ruby said to Voltaria.

"If so, I don't think I can go back. After all, I do not want them to be afraid anymore." Voltaria said softly. "But I still wanted them to be safe, so I left behind a crystal that has a powerful shield barrier to keep them safe from rogue Grimm. As well as an invisible guardian."

"An invisible guardian? Like a tamable Grimm?"

"No, he's actually...a friend of mine that no one, but me and my entities, knows about. He kept my home safe from bandits and raiders." Voltaria said to Ruby calmly as she talked about Kurama. "He has been my friend since I was young, he took care of me and trained me in combat."

"Wow, he sounds awesome, what's his name...if you want to tell." Ruby said.

Voltaria stared at Ruby under her mask for a short while before responding. "His name is Kurama and he is half Faunus and a Grimm."

"REALLY!? That is sooo cool! Tell me everything!" Ruby exclaims excitingly.

Don't tell her!Wraith yelled in Volatria's mind.

"I know what I'm doing, Wraith. You just have to trust me on this."Volatria said through his mind and the others as she looked at Ruby. "I will tell you, if you promise not to tell the others, for they cannot know my past."

Ruby quickly made a zipping motion on her mouth. "My lips are sealed! But...just one question? What were your parents' names?"

Voltaria looked at Ruby briefly before answering the names of her parents. "They're names were Pandora Twilight and Toren Venus."

Wade lets out a yawn as he wakes up from his sleep. He was exhausted from the sudden event that happened on Beacon. He sat up and noticed that AJ and Evo were both awake while Voltaria wasn't with them. That's no surprise for Voltaria disappearing like that. I mean, they basically got used to their mysterious Grimm Girl Teammate vanishing act. Wade gets off his bed and stretches his muscular form, hearing his bones cracked in the process.

"I see V is not with us today." Wade said to his team.

"Yup, as usual." AJ said, putting on lipstick.

"Where are ya guys goin'?" Wade asked his team.

"I'm going out shopping with Coco and Velvet today before lunch." AJ answered, finishing putting her lipstick on.

"I need to get my music player that Sun stole from our room." Evo said in annoyance.

"Why would he do that?" Wade asked, grabbing a towel from the drawer.

"What I heard from Nora; Sun stole it for Neptune. Apparently, Neptune was trying to use it while lip syncing to impress some girls." Evo said with annoyance.

"I pity those girls that Neptune is trying to hit on." AJ said while shaking her head a bit before putting on her beret and then getting up. "Welp, I'm off shopping with the girls. See you boys at lunch."

"Have fun." Wade said with a wave at his girlfriend, earning a kiss from the cheek from her.

AJ left the room along with Evo, as he and Wade did a fist-bump, and headed towards their own destination. Wade was about to hit the shower when he noticed something on his bed that wasn't there before. Narrowing his eyes, Wade picks on what appears to be a small black card that has white ink written on it that says:

Meet me at Room 209 after lunch, alone. Do not let anyone else know-Voltaria

"What are you up to, V?" Wade mutters out suspiciously. He and the others never understand Voltaria, she was always secretive and didn't bother to talk about her life. But now she wants to meet him alone at the room that she trained Jaune at. He was curious about why she wanted to talk to him and how she put the card on his bed without anyone knowing. But he can think about that later, right now, he must get ready for today. Wade then placed the card down as he grabbed his towel to take a shower.

Though, he doesn't know that he's not the only one that knows this.

Meanwhile, at the courtyard, Evo was at the courtyard talking to a nervous Sun and Neptune. As turns out, they kind of...dropped Evo's music player at the fountain andkindabroke it. Evo grabbed his now busted music player and gave the two males a glare under his visor before marching back to his dorm to fix it. But as he was about to, Evo stops and notices that his music player has a black card that Wade received from Voltaria and has the same exact words.

Meet me at Room 209 after lunch, alone. Do not let anyone else know-Voltaria

Evo was curious about this sudden invite, he wanted to know what she wanted to talk about. He decided to wait until lunch time to see what's going on and what she wants to talk about. However, he wonders how she was able to put this card on his music player.

Later, AJ was at a famous clothing store with Coco and Velvet. She and Coco were trying to persuade Velvet to try on a pretty sundress. Velvet tried to refuse because they assured her that she would look very pretty. So, when Coco drags Velvet to the changing room, AJ searches for a nice handbag for her mother. As she searched, she noticed a black card attached to a fine vintage handbag. AJ was surprised to find out that this card was a message from Voltaria and she wants to meet her at room 209 after lunch. She wonders how Voltaria was able to put this card on a vintage handbag and how did she know where she was? AJ has so many questions in her mind she decides to find out when she meets with Voltaria later.

But Wade, Evo, and AJ didn't know that Voltaria was inviting other guests. Team JNPR received Voltaria's meeting cards. Jaune got his from his bag. Pyrrha received hers when she was reading at the library. Ren and Nora got theirs when they were eating breakfast, which is pancakes, and will soon meet up after lunch. She didn't need to tell team RWBY because Ruby already told them about showing them something really cool after lunch.

"Come on, Ruby. Tell us what you want to show us?" Yang asked her little sister.

She and the rest of team RWBY, plus Zwei, were following Ruby through the halls of the academy. Ruby was basically skipping with joy as she was excited to tell them something. Yang, Weiss, and Blake were suspicious about Ruby's surprise. Sometimes they were good and sometimes they were bad, mostly bad in Weiss's opinions. But Ruby wouldn't want to spoil the surprise.

"I'll tell you when we get there, come on!" Ruby said excitingly.

"This better be good, Ruby. I have to study for an incoming exam and-huh?" Weiss was cut off when she and the others spotted Team JNPR and Team WAVE, except Voltaria, were standing near the door of room 209.

"You guys made it!" Ruby exclaims happily to the two teams, who were surprised to see them.

"Ruby? W-What are you guys doing here?" Jaune asked.

"Ruby wanted to show us something." Yang answered. "Why are you guys here?"

"Well, as it turns out, we were invited by Voltaria to come here alone. But apparently, she had other plans." Wade said seriously.

"Okay, this is getting creepy." Yang said.

"I agree! And I haven't finished lunch yet!" Nora exclaims, taking a bite on a chicken leg.

"So, why did she ask to come here?" Ren asked.

"We're about to find out." Wade said as he opened the door in room 209.

They all entered the room together, unaware that they were being watched from afar with suspicious eyes. As the group entered, they saw Voltaria standing there, waiting for them. Her arms were crossed as she looked at them under her mask.

"It's about time." Volatria said to them blankly.

"Yeah, but we're curious, V. Why did you call us here even though your invite said to come alone?" Wade asked the young girl.

"I give you all a card to come together so I can tell you something." Voltaria said.

"Wait, are you finally going to tell us the truth, your truth?" Wade asked in shock, getting everyone's attention.

Volatria simply nodded. "Yes, though I only invited those with cards and strictly said to go alone. But it seems someone decided to follow." She said as she looked behind them.

They followed her gaze and froze to see Glynda standing at the doorway with her arms crossed. Her weapon, the Disciplinarian, rested on her right hand. She was giving them a serious look on her face. The students, minus Voltaria, tensed at the sight of the professor. They forgot to close the door when they entered and to check if someone was following them.

"And what are you children up to?" Glynda asked them sternly.

"Uhh..." Ruby tries to think of an excuse. ""

"A study group, really?" Weiss whispers in annoyance.

"It's the only excuse I got!" Ruby whispers back to her almost harshly.

Glynda wasn't having any of their excuses as she looked at Voltaria sternly. "What is going on here, Ms. Eclipse? Why did you bring your classmates and teammates here?" She asked suspiciously.

Glynda followed them with suspicion and curiosity, wondering why Voltaria called them. They got inside this room. The others were looking at each other worriedly while Voltaria stared at Glynda under her mask, knowing that she needed to know the truth as well. Wraith was saying that this was a bad idea, but she pushed him aside and told him that it's time for her to tell them the truth. They trusted her and she trusted them. They have the right to know the reason why she and Ruby had always avoided them. Voltaria looked at Glynda, who was waiting for an answer, as she finally answered the professor's question.

"It's time you all know how I'm always one step ahead of you all." She said.

This caught everyone off guard. They always knew that Voltaria was one step ahead of them. She's more mature and skilled for a kid her age. Ruby was always with her and they had suspicion that she and Voltaria were hiding something. Glynda was curious about them all for she has been searching for any files about her but couldn't. Voltaria steps back a bit as she looks at them.

"You might want to brace yourselves."


Wade was cut off when shadows suddenly surrounded them before they all disappeared from the room, causing the door to close by itself. Soon afterwards, they all appeared at the Emerald Forest. They were startled and shocked by what just happened. One minute they were at the academy and then they appeared in the Emerald Forest within seconds. Jaune was in Wade's arms, clinging to the cowboy when they were suddenly consumed by the shadows. They all looked around the forest before they noticed Ruby was standing beside Voltaria. Ruby was grinning happily as she and her friends were able to adjust to what just happened.

"Wh-Why are we here?" Wade suddenly asked, putting Jaune down.

Voltaria looked at him and simply answered. "You guys wanted to know what's going on, so I brought you here for answers."

"But why here? Why in the Emerald Forest?" Blake asked.

"That way,theyintroduce themselves properly." Voltaria responded to them. "Say hello to them."

Suddenly, they saw four shadow figures appear behind Voltaria. They were like shadow ghosts, three of them had somewhat eyes while the fourth one didn't have eyes. Voltaria and Ruby weren't fazed by the four figures before her. However, the others weren't sure who these four figures were until Voltaria made the introduction. Jaune jumped back into Wade's arms again, terrified at the sight of Voltaria's entities.

"Everyone, these are my guardians." She gestured to the four entities behind her.

They all looked at her in disbelief, as if she grew another head. They never knew that these entities were her guardians?! Wade accidentally dropped Jaune, who helped in surprise, and pointed out the entities.

"These are your guardians?!" Wade asked, still in shock. Voltaria simply nodded as she gestured to her entities one by one. The first one to be introduced was the eyeless one.

"This is Hannibal."

Hannibal greeted with a small yet friendly growl. Voltaria gestured to the red eyes one. "This is Tabitha."

Greetings.She spoke kindly in their heads which surprised them. Voltaria gestured to the one with white eyes.

"This is Regina."

It is a pleasure to meet you all.Regina said kindly with a bow of respect, much to Weiss's pleasure.

And Voltaria pointed at the last entity with onyx eyes. "And this is Wraith."

The entity known as Wraith looked at the group blankly with a bored expression on his face. The group just stared at him as he turned away with a rude,"Meh.". Okay, now they know that Wraith is the rude entity while the other three are the nice ones. However, they were curious as to why they were her guardians. Voltaria has the answer for them.

"H-How long have they been with you?" Yang asked, looking at Hannibal curiously. "And how can they talk through our heads?"

Voltaria looks at her entities calmly. "They use telepathy to communicate with you all and they have been with me since the day I was born." She answered.

"Wait? You've seen them since you were just a baby?" Blake asked, looking at Tabitha.

"Okay, that's weird." Yang said, still looking at Hannibal.

"You guys think it might, but to me, they were guiding me, protecting me." She explains.

"What do you mean?" Glynda suddenly asked.

Voltaria looks down at the floor. "As a baby, I could see things that no one else could. People that no longer exist in this world." Voltaria explains her ability to them.

"You can see...ghost?" Jaune asked almost in fear as he eyed Wraith, who was staring out in space with a blank expression.

"They prefer to be called entities but yes, I can see them." She said.

"If they take care of you, that means..." Yang's eyes widened in realization. "Have they been watching us?!"

This caught everyone's attention as they looked over to Voltaria, her entities, and Ruby, with wide eyes. If they were with Voltaria the whole time, that means they could have been watching them?! Voltaria wasn't fazed by this while Ruby was laughing nervously, knowing that they suddenly realized what just happened.

"To answer your question, yes. They've been observing you all, seeing if any of you will try and trick me." Voltaria said, looking at them. "But seeing that you guys didn't betray me, I guess it was time to tell you all the truth."

"That you have your four entities spying on us." Yang questioned with a serious look.

"Well, that and finding out that all of you guys care." Voltaria said, causing everyone to look at her in surprise. "...Thanks."

Nora claps her hands together and brings them to her face. "Dddaaawww!" She cooed.

Wraith gave them a blank look.Don't even think about saying cute-sh*ts on us. We only did it to see if you guys were traitors.

"We're not." Blake pointed out before looking at the entities.

And for that, we are grateful.Regina said kindly.

I'm not!Wraith exclaims from the background, causing Regina to make a blank look.

Forgive Wraith's bad behavior, for he is always like this.

Glynda looks at Regina. "Can I ask, how much do you know about us?" She asked, almost like she wanted to know something.

Regina looks at her seriously, silently telling that they know the secret.We know all the things that you don't know yet.She answered calmly.

"How come you knew about them before us, Ruby?" Weiss asked suspiciously.

Before Ruby could speak, Voltaria answered before her. "Ruby witnessed my entities after she followed me to visit the school." She said before glancing at Ruby. "But she did help us with...asituation."

"Situation? What kind of situation?" Wade asked suspiciously.

To answer her question, Voltaria placed two fingers on her mouth and let out a sharp whistle that echoed through the forest. At first, there was silence, but within a few seconds, they felt the earth beneath them tremble. Everyone, minus Ruby, Voltaria, and her entities, became tensed at the sudden shaking of the earth. A nearby puddle rippled at the sudden tremble of the earth. And suddenly, two figures emerged from the undergrowth that shocked all of them. Standing tall and terrifying, were the two mysterious dinosaurs that helped them fight off the Grimm invasion back at Beacon.

Both Amaryllis and Ripper stared at their mothers' pack curiously. They never see them personally, they always stay hidden and mustn't get spotted by anyone, but it seems that their mothers changed their minds. Though their mothers' packmates were a bit uneased to see them. I mean, who can blame them. They were small while Amaryllis and Ripper were big. The blond one, presumably Jaune, was trembling as his legs almost gave up but the red-haired female known as Pyrrha caught him before he could fall. The rest of the pack members had their jaws dropped at the sight before them.

However, upon seeing them, Glynda readies her Disciplinarian as she sees the two threats. But was stopped when Tabitha appeared in front of her, blocking her view. Glynda paused before Tabitha shook her head at the professor.

I wouldn't do that if I were you.Tabitha said to Glynda, warning her not to do anything risky.

Glynda was hesitant. She doesn't know if these two creatures are proven to be friendly or not. But seeing how calm Voltaria and Ruby were, Glynda slowly lowered her weapon, but kept a close eye on the two hybrids. Speaking of which, Amaryllis and Ripper came forward and headed towards their mothers at a calm pace. Though Ripper was much faster than his older sister as he was in front of Ruby. Yang became tense at the sight of a huge carnivore near her little sister. But to her shock and the others, Ripper gave Ruby a slobbery lick on the cheek and then nuzzled her happily.

"Ah! Rippy! HAHAHA! Stop it!" Ruby said between laughs.

"Rippy?" Everyone blurted out in confusion.

"His real name is Ripper. Rippy is a nickname that Ruby gave him." Voltaria explains to the group as Amaryllis lowers her head to let the mysterious girl pet her jaw gently. "And this is Amaryllis, Ripper's older sister."

"Amaryllis and Ripper?" Nora asked curiously.

"Those are the names we have given them." Voltaria answered to the group.

They all looked at the two hybrid dinosaurs. Ripper picked up Ruby by her hood and tossed her into the air, shocking everyone-except Voltaria-but to their relief, she landed on Ripper's back as Ruby let out a heartfelt laugh. Their fears soon became at ease when Regina began the explanation on how they found them.

You all are probably wondering how we came to meet them, correct?Regina spoke, earning nods from the group.Very well then, but for starters, we didn't find them. Hannibal did.

"Hannibal? The one with no eyes?" Nora points at Hannibal.

"Nora!" Ren and the other teens scolded her for being rude, which she quickly covered her mouth with both her hands.

It is alright, Hannibal doesn't mind.Regina said kindly.

"How did he find them?" Glynda asked her.

He actually found their eggs at the beach that was below the cliffs of Beacon's.Regina explains to them.

"Why was he there in the first place?" Ren asked.

He was searching for fishes that washed up on the shores to snack on.Tabitha answered, appearing beside Regina.

Yes, and because of Hannibal's discovery, Amaryllis and Ripper hatch.Regina continued the story.And the first person they saw was none other than Voltaria and Ruby.

"Wait a second..." Yang stops Regina, holding up a hand before pointing at both hybrids and then to Voltaria and Ruby. "They think, you think, that V and Ruby are their mothers?!"

Regina and Tabitha looked at each other and then back to Yang with a nod."Yes."They both answered in unison.

"Is that why they came to help us fight Grimm who attacked Beacon?" Glynda asked Regina.

That is correct. Their loyalty towards their mothers is so great, they will do anything to protect them.Regina explained to them the reason.

"Wait." Weiss suddenly said, getting everyone' attention. "Back on the cavern at Mount Glenn, both Amaryllis and Ripper were there because they knew Ruby was in trouble, right?"

Yes, both Amaryllis and Ripper share a strong bond with their caretakers.Regina explains to Weiss.And when they sensed Ruby in trouble, they quickly came to her aid to save her life.

"But that doesn't explain how they got there so fast. I mean, Mount Glenn is like hours away, how can they make it there so fast?" Yang said to the wise entity.

The reason why they made it there quickly, dear Xiao Long, is that they had a little help.Regina said with a hint of amusem*nt. She then turned towards Voltaria and nodded.Mistress, would mind telling them the reason?

Voltaria glanced at them briefly before she let out a sigh. She looks up and calls out through the wind. "Vision, come forth."

And in a flash of light, Vision appeared besides Voltaria, startling the group in the process. The crystal orb floats beside Voltaria while Zwei barks at the orb happily, shaking his tail while his tongue is out. Vision lowered himself to Zwei and circled around the dog.

"This is Vision. He teleported both Amaryllis and Ripper." Voltaria explains as she made Vision float around the group.

"Wow, what is he?" Jaune asked, as he was going to poke Vision but the orb floated away from him.

"Vision is another of my entities. He helps me search throughout Remnant for any trouble." Voltaria said to them.

"What do you mean?" Yang asked.

"Vision not only sees throughout Remnant, but also...helps me see through the future."

"WHAT?!" Everyone, minus Ruby, exclaims in shock.

"No way!" Yang exclaims.

"You don't believe me? Fine, I'll show you. Vision not only sees the future, but also the past. Yang, as a child, you long to search for your mother, your real mother, after she left you with your father, Taiyang Xiao Long." Voltaria explained, causing Yang to gasp in shock. Voltaria then glanced at Blake under her mask and predicted her past. "Blake, when you were young, you're always at the front of every rally for Faunus's Rights."

Blake's eyes widened by this sudden information before Voltaria turned towards Weiss. "Weiss, ever since you were a child, you had a difficult childhood due to your father's harsh temper and how he runs your grandfather's company inhisway."

Weiss didn't say anything as she turned away, feeling the invisible scars returning. Voltaria then turned towards Team JNPR. "Jaune, I know you faked your way in the enrollment of Beacon. Pyrrha, you areblessedwith incredible talents and opportunities, but you wish to be treated like anyone else, a friend. Ren, Nora, even though you explained your story to us before, I know that you two struggled to survive the forest filled with Grimm and almost got spotted by them."

Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora were shocked to hear this information from Voltaria, as if she could read them like a book. Voltaria then turned towards Glynda. The two made contact. The atmosphere suddenly changed around them into a cold and thick wall of ice. Glynda was looking at her suspiciously, waiting for what Voltaria might say. But when she did, it brought chills on her spine.

"You know something that we do not, but you will soon tell us eventually." Voltaria said to Glynda calmly, almost shocking Glynda.

"Okay, now we believe you." Jaune said in shock.

"If what you're saying is true...then you know what's been happening, right?" Blake asked, almost desperately.

"Yes, and what I saw was something that should never have happened." Voltaria said seriously with a hint of dread.

"What did you see?" Yang dared to ask, worried about the future.

Voltaria looked at them all seriously under her mask, knowing they needed to know before it was too late. If she doesn't tell them now, they will be all doomed.

"I foresaw the Fall of Beacon." Voltaria said in a dreadful tone.

There was a deadly silence from the crowd. Everyone, including Glynda, stared at her with wide and horror filled eyes. They couldn't believe what they just heard. The Fall of Beacon? Does this mean, someone was able to destroy Vale, one of the four main kingdoms? It was horrifying information, especially towards Glynda. There was no way someone would have destroyed Vale so easily.

"H-How?" Weiss stuttered in fear. "How did Beacon fall?"

"A massive Grimm attack like no other." Voltaria began, opening her palm as she allowed Vision to float on it. "And how it desolated the city."

Suddenly, Vision flashed a bright light that caused everyone to shield their eyes. Few seconds later, they stopped and stared with eyes widened in shock. They were no longer at the Emerald Forest. Instead, they were in a now destroyed Vale. Buildings, shops, houses, streets were destroyed and empty without any life. The only ones that occupied this destroyed city were Grimm. They were everywhere, on buildings, streets, and at the now destroyed Beacon Academy.

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Vision projected the future of Vale, allowing the group to see what had happened to it. And everyone, minus Voltaria and her entities, stared at the scene with horror. The once beautiful city was now desolated, filled with Grimm. They were all shocked to see this. Even Glynda was shocked that she dropped her Disciplinarian on to the ground. Amaryllis and Ripper look around the desolated city with caution while Zwei quickly hides between Ripper's legs with a whimper.

"Wh-what is this?" Blake stuttered out.

"The Fall of Beacon." Voltaria began solemnly. "Vision is showing you the future and how it is. If we don't stop this threat, this is what the future of Vale will be...forever."

With that, Vision returns to the present, everyone was still startled and shocked upon the glimpse of the future. Suddenly, Blake fell on her knees, causing everyone to look at her startled and worried.

"Blake!" Yang came to aid her teammate.

"Was that really...the future?" Blake stuttered out in fear, her eyes wide as tears began to fall. "Was it caused by Torchwick? The Faunus?"

"Yes, but they had help." Voltaria answered, causing everyone to look at her. "The reason why Vale was infiltrated was that the perpetrators were posing as students of Mistral. That way, they can sneak into the facility and rig the tournament."

"I'm sorry, what?" Glynda asked in confusion.

"Back at the CCT Hub, Regina was able to find out what the culprit left behind." Voltaria explained to Glynda. "As it turns out, that culprit left a computer virus. This virus will infect any devices connected to the Beacon network, including the Vytal Festival Tournament's match-up randomizer and James Ironwood's Scroll."

Glynda gasped in shock at this. "You knew about this?"

"Yes, thanks to Regina's intelligence, she was able to stop the virus from spreading throughout all known devices." Voltaria explained before taking out the scroll that belonged to the thief. "And this scroll controls it all. I was able to steal it from the thief while Ruby was fighting her while the woman has a fake one."

"Wait, you weren't there when Ruby was fighting the woman." Glynda reminded Voltaria.

"True, but I was hidden within Ruby's shadow while my entities took control of her body to fight the woman." Voltaria explained.

"Took control? What do you mean by that?" Nora asked in confusion.

She means that we possessed Ruby and kicked that crazy lady's ass.Wraith blurted out.

Wraith, language!Regina scolded him.

What? You know it's true.

"You guys...possessed Ruby?" Yang questions them in confusion.

Ruby laughs awkwardly while rubbing the back of her neck. "I...I didn't mind."

Hey, do ya want your little sister to die that night?Wraith questions Yang rudely, which made Yang gasped in shock, as he continued.Besides, it's not the first time we possessed someone. We've done this with Arc here multiple times.

"Wait, what?" Jaune asked in confusion.

Have you ever thought about how you always beat Winchester in sparring matches?Wraith questions, earning a shrug from Jaune,Me and T possess you and took over your fight with Winchester while Regina took control over you once to help you with the boring academics junk.

"You helped Mr. Arc?" Glynda asked in surprise.

Hell, yeah we did. If it weren't for us, he wouldn't last long in this school. He was lucky that Kid was his tutor for a while before we passed that tutoring to Magnet Girl over here.Wraith gestured towards Pyrrha, who blushed a bit by the nickname.

"Wouldn't that be cheating?" Ren questioned.

'Wouldn't that be cheating?' Do you want your team leader to die if we didn't interfere?" Wraith mocked before saying rudely that last part to Ren, which quieted him.

In any case, we just want you all to know that we are on your side.Regina said to them.We wish for no harm to happen on Vale or Beacon.

"Then what?" Blake asked as she slowly got up with the help from Yang. "Why are you here? And what reason?"

"Our reason is we need your help." Voltaria began, stepping forward. "This threat is a danger to all. It will ruin the peace, destroy the alliance, and bring destruction to the World of Remnant. I know I can be...harsh, but all I ask, will you help us stop this threat?"

The group just stared at her, like they were processing everything. Ruby held her hands together, hoping they would join in to help them stop the threat. I mean, they just witnessed the glimpse of the future of Vale and how it was destroyed. If they don't help them stop this threat, it will be the end of all the kingdoms. However, what Voltaria doesn't know, that the group was thinking about the odds. Sure, that she's always distant, always being away from them and others. But she wants them to help her fight the intruders that will threaten the whole kingdom.

"There is no way we're turnin' back on this." Wade said, getting everyone's attention, as he looked at them seriously. "Think about, someone was able to beach the CCT with no problem, Grimm were able to breach the city, and the White Fang are getting into more shenanigans because of Torchwick. If what Voltaria said is true, then Vale is endanger, and it's up to them to stop this before any other kingdom will fall next."

"I'm with Wade in this." AJ said as she came to her boyfriend's side. "We all saw that horrible vision of the future of Vale. We can't let it happen or to the other kingdoms."

"Agreed." Blake said, stepping in, wanting to fix what her Faunus kind did. "We can't just stand here and do nothing."

"Yeah!" Yang agreed, punching her fist on her hand.

"Now just wait, all of you." Glynda steps in, stopping the students from their agreement. "We can all settle this with Professor Ozpin and Ironwood."

"They won't help." Voltaria suddenly said, stopping Glynda from speaking. "Upon further seeing the future, helping us in this situation will be difficult."

"What do you mean?" Glynda asked worriedly.

"For starters, they either will not believe me or will cause problems with the plan. Ozpin will try to change the plan while Ironwood wants further investigation on the culprits. And you know how big of an ego Ironwood has." Voltaria explained the situation.

Yup, pride and stupidity are in his thoughts, plus with a hint of paranoia.Wraith said, earning looks from the group.Hey, I've seen the guy, he may look strong on the outside, but on the inside, he's paranoid.

"In any case, I believe that they shouldn't be informed." Voltaria said to Glynda. "They won't make things better; they'll make things worse. They can't prevent this, we can, if we play the cards right."

"But...but what do you mean to make things worse? Professor Ozpin can-" Glynda tried to protest but was cut off by Voltaria.

"If he tries to change anything, he'll end up being dead."

Her words sent chills on their spines. Their eyes were widened by this sudden information. Did...did Volatria foresaw Ozpin's...death?

"Y-You saw...O-Ozp-pin..." Yang stuttered but couldn't muster the word.

"Died? Yes, when I searched further through the future, I saw the ones who will die on that horrible day." Voltaria explained before looking at the shock group in front of her. "Professor Goodwitch, I know you think of us as children, but we cannot have anyone else to know about this. Otherwise, the culprits will get suspicious and change their tactics."

"Professor Goodwitch, I think we should listen to Voltaria's plan." Weiss suddenly steps in, surprising everyone, including Voltaria. "I know we're just children to you but...we have to stop this together, even without Professor Ozpin or General Ironwood's help. We can do this on our own."

"I...I don't know. It's too dangerous." Glynda said to them, trying to change their mind.

"We're huntsmen." Ruby suddenly spoke towards the teacher. "We can handle the danger that will come to us and the threat that we're against. We can do this if you let us, please?"

At first, Glynda didn't want to agree to this. She believes that it will risk the lives of the students. They needed the help of the headmaster and the general to fight this threat, but she couldn't stop shaking the feeling about Voltaria's words of Ozpin being killed. She has her doubts about Voltaria's vision ability, but part of her believes that Voltaria is right. If what she meant is true...then she will have to help them without Ozpin or Ironwood knowing about this. Releasing a long sigh, Glynda looked at both Voltaria and Ruby seriously.

"Very well, I will allow this, but don't make me regret this." Glynda warned them. This made everyone, minus Voltaria, smile at Glynda happily, knowing that they got her support.

"We won't let you down, Professor." Ruby said determinedly.

"I know you won't." Glynda said to her before glancing over to Ripper and Amaryllis. "Just out of curiosity, what kind of dinosaurs are they?"

"Now that she mentioned it, what species are they? By the looks of it, they're not like the ones on display in museums or library books." Blake asked curiously.

Well, that's because they are a new kind of species of dinosaurs.Tabitha said to them.

"New type of dinosaurs?" Jaune questions her curiously.

"Yeah! Regina was the one who gave their species' names." Ruby said to them.

"Really? Can you tell us?" Weiss asked the wise entity.

Well, of course, it will be my pleasure.Regina said kindly.

Oh, boy. Here she goes with her wise words of naggingness.Wraith groans in annoyance, earning a glare from Regina.

As I was saying.Regina turns back to the group, ignoring Wraith.I gave their scientific names. Amaryllis is known as an Indominus Rex which means Fierce or Untamable King. And Ripper here is an Indoraptor meaning Indomitable Thief.

"Indomitable? What's that?" Nora asked curiously.

"It means impossible to defeat." Ruby answered happily, patting Ripper's neck, which earned a happy purr from the Indoraptor.

"How do you know that?" Weiss asked Ruby.

"Volty told me." Ruby said to Weiss with joy.

"So, you have been getting tutored here." Yang joked, earning a grin from Ruby.

Oh, yes, we tutored Ruby to help with her academics since some of her grades are somewhat failing which is math.Regina said with a hint of playfulness.

"Hey! How can I use math in battle!" Ruby protested.

"To calculate how big the field is, how many Grimm are you facing, and how many bullets you have left to last." Voltaria listed out.

"She's right." Blake agreed with Voltaria.

Ruby pouted and crossed her arms in annoyance. Everyone, minus Glynda and Voltaria, laughed at this. Finding it humorous to see Ruby like this. Glynda simply shook her head before she felt a nudge behind her. Turning around, she saw Hannibal holding her Disciplinarian in his jaw. Glynda stared at him in surprise as he gently handed it back to her, which she slowly accepted.

"...Thank you." Glynda said to Hannibal.

You're...welcome.Hannibal said before going back to the other entities.

Glynda watched him retreat to the others before glancing over to Voltaria, who was stroking Amaryllis's snout gently. She was curious about these dinosaurs, even though they were supposed to be extinct a million of years ago. When Glynda came closer to them, Amaryllis lifted her head a bit to look at Glynda's direction, causing the woman to stop at her tracks as she was being stared by the Indominus Rex in the eye.

"She's observing you." Voltaria said to Glynda, getting the adult's attention. "She wants to know if you are a member of the pack."

"She thinks of that?" Glynda asked Voltaria curiously.

"Yes, and she wants to know if you are a friend or a foe." Voltaria said as she watched as Amaryllis observed Glynda.

Glynda stayed perfectly still as Amaryllis observed her. Amaryllis was curious about Glynda. She has a hint of the scent of their Strict Mother. Was this woman known as Glynda Goodwitch their Strict Mother's caretaker? If so, then she is welcome to their pack. Not too long, Amaryllis started nuzzling Glynda gently, surprising the teacher in the process. She and the others have no idea why she was doing this, but it was rather...adorable.

Then Glynda slowly lifted her hand a bit, withdrawing it quickly when Amaryllis snorted at her hand, but she slowly and hesitantly brought her hand again as Amaryllis allowed Glynda to place her hand onto her snout, which cause the Indominus to purr softly.

"Incredible." Glynda whispers out.

Nora suddenly slides behind Glynda with an excited smile on her face before making her hands into fists. "Can I pet them?"

"...Yes, you can, as long as you are gen-" Voltaria was cut off in mid sentence when Nora zooms past her. "-tle."

Nora was giving Ripper good scratches under his chin, making the Indoraptorpurrsin delight. Ruby gets off Ripper just in time as he falls on his side while Nora continues scratching under his chin. To him, it was like heaven. He even kicked his legs happily like a dog.

"Awwww, who's a good boy? WHO'S A GOOD BOY?! You are! Yes, you are! You're a good boy!" Nora cooed happily before giving scratches on Ripper's stomach, earning happy growls from the Indoraptor.

"...Huh, that's new." Ruby said.

"I believe that both Amaryllis and Ripper have trusted you all as our pack members." Voltaria said to them before looking at Glynda, who was being nuzzled by Amaryllis. "Especially you, Professor Goodwitch."

"Oh, why is that?" Glynda asked.

"Amaryllis and Ripper know that you're my...caretaker." Voltaria hesitated in the last part.

"D'AAAAAAAAWWWWWWW!" Nora cooed as she clapped her hands together. "That's so cute!"

Augh! Why can't we just erase their memories!Wraith complained through everyone's mind.

Wraith! We already told you that we're NOT doing that to them.Regina scolds him, which he silently mocks back.

"Erase our memories?" Yang asked in shock and disturbance.

That or we try to end you guys in the most brutal way, hide your bodies, where carnivores or Grimm can eat your bodies with bones and all, if any of you guys try to betray us.Wraith said, not caring with the shock looks coming to the group and the glare from Regina. Wraith glanced at the wise entity with a blank face as she continued to glare at him.What? We did that on Red and she didn't say a word.

"So, that's why." Yang mutters while Ruby laughs nervously as she remembers the threat that Wraith gave to her.

We're not doing that, Wraith. EVER.Regina said to him strictly, earning an annoyed grumble from him.

"Are they always like this?" Yang whispers to her sister.

"Yeah, they always argue, even in Volty's mind." Ruby whispers back.

"Ouch!" Yang whispers out with a cringe.

"Um...just one question." Jaune suddenly raises his hand and everyone turns to him. "If they're did they survive know...extinction?"

"That's a really good question. How did they survive?" Wade asked, curious as well.

The others were curious too. They wonder how Amaryllis and Ripper were able to survive the extinction of the dinosaurs. Voltaria slightly turned her head towards Regina, silently telling her to explain the reason why Amaryllis and Ripper survived. Luckily, Regina is connected to her and nodded at Voltaria before she began the explanation.

True, dinosaurs went extinct billions of years ago. However, there are rumors that there are some dinosaurs that could be alive somewhere in our world.Regina explained.

"You mean those fake publicity stunts con artists use to make a quick buck." Yang stated.

You saw Amaryllis and Ripper in battle, do you believe that a simple con artist could do that?Regina asked.

"Touché." Yang points at Regina.

But we are not talking about the ones that were made by con artists, I was referring to the rumors of recent sightings in impossible places.Regina explains to them.

"Like five years ago when Atlas ships spotted a strange flying creature that wasn't a Grimm?" Weiss suggested.

"Or a mysterious creature that was spotted near the waters of Vacuo?" Blake added.

That is correct, those could possibly be prehistoric creatures that were roaming Remnant.Regina explained.

"What do you mean, Regina?" AJ asked the wise entity.

We believe that there's another continent, far from Remnant's continents.Regina explains, earning a gasp from the group.

"Another continent?" Glynda asked in shock, "But...but that's impossible. Sonars should've picked up any forms of new-"

"That's because the continent where the dinosaurs are, is hidden away." Voltaria said, getting everyone's attention. "I tried to use my foresight to see its location, but neither I nor my entities could find its location. For it remains a mystery and secret from both man and Faunus."

"Daaaannnggg...that's rough." Yang said.

It is, indeed, that is why we dubbed it the Lost Continent.Regina said.

Lost Continent? I thought we agreed to call it the Savage Lands because it's more badass.Wraith protested.

No, we all agreed that it is called the Lost Continent.Regina said to Wraith in annoyance.

She's right.Tabitha agreed.

Lost Continent...Hannibal agreed with the name.

...Traitors.Wraith mutters out to them in annoyance.

"Wraith, that's enough." Voltaria ordered before looking at the group. "Now that you guys are acquainted with Amaryllis and Ripper, you cannot let anyone know about their existence."

"Why?" Jaune asked in confusion as he hesitantly pats Amaryllis's head, who snorted at him.

Because, Blondie, people who care about money would try to hunt them down or mad scientists would try and experiment with them, probably to clone them into the first ever dinosaur soldiers, any more questions?Wraith listed out rudely.

"...Yeeeaaahhh...I-I think I'll stop talking now." Jaune said awkwardly.

Wraith has a point...for once.Regina mutters out before continuing.Though Humans and Faunus cannot know about their whereabouts because it will lead to a massive search for the two dinosaurs and put them on display.

And we do NOT want to have that do we?Tabitha stated. The group agreed to this. They didn't want Amaryllis and Ripper to be captured, especially Weiss. If her father ever found out about Amaryllis and Ripper's existence, who knows what he will do to them.

"Don't worry, we promise we won't tell anyone where they are." Wade assured before looking at the Amaryllis and Ripper. "I mean, they are kind of cool."

Yup, cool and creepy hybrids.Wraith mutters out.

Suddenly, everyone, minus Ruby and Voltaria, looked at Wraith in confusion. "Hybrids?"

Oh, right, we forgot to tell you all that Amaryllis and Ripper have different features, because they are a combination of other carnivorous dinosaurs in their DNA.Regina explained.

"What? Really?" Weiss asked in surprise.

"How can they have different DNA of carnivore dinosaurs?" Yang suddenly asked in confusion.

We don't know either, but I suggest that either the dinosaurs were getting 'busy' with one another or Mother Nature decided to be 'creative' for once.Wraith said blankly before he noticed the other entities and Voltaria were giving him blank looks while Ruby facepalmed by this.Oh, don't give me that look. You guys know I'm right.

What are we going to do with you?Regina mutters out before sighing as she looks back at the group.Why don't we take you all back to Beacon before a curtain headmaster finds it suspicious to see you all gone.

"Regina's right, we should head back." Voltaria said in agreement.

Ruby nodded before looking at Amaryllis and Ripper. "Ama, Rippy, go back to the den. We'll visit you guys soon, okay?" She ordered.

To everyone's surprise, the two hybrids nodded before they each nuzzled their mothers happily before heading out, but not before Ripper and Zwei made gentle head bumps before he followed his sister back to their den.

"Their den is close by?" Glynda asked the two girls.

"Yes, but don't worry, no one has spotted it nor them." Voltaria said to her.

"And you are certain about this?" Glynda questions her.

"I am, because no one dares explore deep beyond the Emerald Forest." Voltaria said to Glynda before snapping her fingers together. "Regina, Wraith, Tabitha, Hannibal, take us back to Beacon."

With that order, the entities turned into shadowy mists, swirling around the group before teleporting them to their destination. They were back in the room and it was untouched. Everyone, except Voltaria, stood there in shock and dizzy. Well, Nora, Ruby, and Jaune were dizzy while the rest were surprised that they got back here in one piece.

"Wow! That was...awesome!" Yang said with a grin. "Let's do that again!"

"Please...don't..." Jaune begged, almost hurling up his lunch.

Don't worry, the effects of the motion sickness are only temporary, you'll be fine.Regina said through Jaune's mind.

"Thanks for the tip, Regina...Regina? Where'd you go?" Jaune asked as he and the others, minus Ruby and Voltaria, searched for her and the other entities. But they weren't here.

"Where'd they go!?" Nora exclaims in shock.

"They're here, actually, but in the shadows." Ruby corrected as she remembered how Volty's entities talked to her through the mind while they were in her shadows.

"Really?" Ren asked curiously.

"Yup! And they communicate through our minds with Volty's." Ruby continued proudly.

"Telepathy...interesting." Glynda said while tapping her Disciplinarian in her hand.

Wraith spoke through their minds.Yeah, yeah, interesting and what not. Now, go back to your rooms or whatever to get ready for the plan.

"Plan? What Plan?" Pyrrha asked in confusion.

We prepared the plan to stop those hooligans that will destroy the peace with kingdoms.Regina said next.You have to play your parts in this plan.

"Oh, we will Regina." Wade said with determination. "Just tell us the plan and we'll be ready."

"Yeah!" Ruby, Yang, and Nora exclaimed in agreement.

Voltaria looked at the determined looking faces of group-no...her friends, as they were ready to face off any challenges. Glynda was also ready to help. Even though she's not showing it, she was there to support in any way to prevent the horrible future from happening. So, with a nod, Voltaria knew that they would be ready for this.

"Here's the plan..."

Chapter 14: Vytal Festival

Chapter Text

Today was the Vytal Festival.

Everyone was enjoying the fun festivities. Many tents and small shops with colorful flags were displayed in a large forest clearing with people walking about to experience it all. But they were more interested in the Vytal tournament. All teams from different huntsman academies came to participate. It was an exciting event to see the students show off their combat skills and what they have trained in their schools. But they did not just come there to see the students, no. They came all the way here to see the rumor was true.

And that rumor was the Grimm Girl.

The rumor of Voltaria enrolling in Beacon was true. Many came to see if the rumors were true. Voltaria was annoyed by how such a silly rumor can bring people from different kingdoms to this festival, so they could see her in action. Speaking of action, the teens and Glynda had their parts in the plan on stopping the criminals that will destroy Vale. She planned out the whole thing. They will make sure to play their part in the plan. But for now, they must watch through the tournament's battle. Team WAVE and Team JNPR were watching Team RWBY's first match. Their opponents were Team ABRN of Haven Academy.

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The members are Arslan Altan (the leader), Bolin Hori, Reese Chloris, and Nadir Shiko. The match was spectated by thousands of people at the enormous floating stadium, Amity Colosseum, and broadcast to many more people from all around Remnant. Voltaria knew how things would play out here but did not want to spoil the entertainment.

KICK THEIR ASSES!Wraith cheered through her and others' minds, he made sure only Team RWBY, JNPR, WAVE, and Glynda could hear him since he cannot let all the people know of his and the others' existence. Voltaria's entities helped Ruby and her friends send telepathic messages to one another, that way, they will not get spotted by the perpetrators.

"Wraith, behave yourself."Voltaria said to him calmly.

I know, but this is freaking awesome!Wraith said happily.

Is it weird to see Wraith happy?Tabitha questioned Regina.

He's only happy when there's violence.Regina said to her friend.

The crowds were cheering in the stands, visitors from all over the world were watching both teams in the arena with two different fields. One field is a volcanic earth and the other is icy glaciers. Team RWBY and Team ABRN were giving it all on the battlefield. Ruby fires and swings her Crescent Rose at the opponents while Blake exchanges blows with Reese Chloris as her Gambol Shroud's blade collides with the hoverboard of her opponent until she flips away, readies herself, and charges in again. Meanwhile, Weiss used her Myrtenaster on the opponent. And Yang dodges the explosive force of Arslan Altan's powerful fist before returning fire with her own Ember Celica. Voltaria got to admit with Wraith, it is amazing to see her...friendsin battle.

High above the action, two familiar teachers are sitting at a sportscaster's desk, with a microphone between them and the holographic image of the four kingdoms' symbols united. Those teachers are Professor Port and Professor Oobleck.

"Hello! It seems that we have another astonishing bout ahead of us! Wouldn't you agree, Professor?" Port said to Oobleck cheerfully.

Oobleck was annoyed at first and spoke. "Doctor." Before he brightens up excitedly again. "And yes Peter, I think it's safe to say this match may be the closest we've seen of the four-on-four round of the tournament!"

"For those of you just now joining us, welcome to the Vytal Festival Tournament, broadcast live from the Amity Colosseum!" Port added as he waves his arm to gesture at the entire event from his place on the gigantic screen over the crowds. It shows the coliseum in its full glory, as shuttlecraft transport people to and from the various floors while the entire structure hovers around the airspace of Beacon Academy. There were explosions at the scene throughout the battlefield, but the view shifts back to the announcers as they begin speaking again.

"If this is your first time watching, allow us to break down the rules." Port said and nodded towards Oobleck.

Oobleck holds up the appropriate number of fingers for each of his explanations as a hologram to his side illustrates the rules. "The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds: teams, doubles, and singles. Age and school year are irrelevant! In this tournament, your only attribute being skill." He explained the rules.

Port nodded in agreement as another hologram popped up to do the same thing. "Correct! The winners of this battle will elect two of their members to represent them in the doubles round, followed by the winners of that round choosing one member to advance once again. The remaining combatants will then fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for their kingdom!" He exclaimed cheerfully as the hologram disappeared with the image of a victorious figure, sword raised and wearing a crown.

Oobleck pushes up his spectacles as he says. "And yes, Peter, these certainly are some spectacular spectacles on which to spectate on! I don't think anyone tuning in around the world is going to disagree with me on that!" He said as both men looked at the hidden camera that broadcasts all around the kingdoms.

From a row of holographs above the patrons in the Mistral Distillery to an Atlas home with a group of friends seeing it together, a bar in Vale where everyone turns to view the screen, and outside a mobile home in Vacuo being watched by a few Faunus on a projection.

Port nodded his head. "Ahh, and why would they? Now, let's get back to the match between Team RWBY of Beacon, and Team ABRN, of Haven." He said to the audience.

"They sure like to make announcements." Wade mutters under his breath.

"Well, they did assist to be the announcers." AJ said to her boyfriend.

The two couples turn back to the battlefield to see Reese steer her board through the ice. She twirls herself until the board gets launched at Blake, but she is able to knock it away, only for Reese to direct it back at her opponent. Blake blocks it again, but the board rotates back to its wielder just in time to defend Reese as Blake delivers several slashes and kicks. Reese deflects each attack and spins her weapon around until she can flip away and ride it again, rushing towards a smirking Blake. She collides with the frozen shadow clone, and Blake uses his opportunity to slice the board in two, only for the halves to become dual katars that in turn fold up into bayonet-bladed revolvers. Reese manages to fire off a few green rounds before her tailbone collides painfully on the cold ground. Blake winces with sympathy while the audience 'Oooohhhh...' as they wince at the sight.

That's gonna leave a mark.Wraith said with a grin.

Show some sympathy, Wraith.Regina said with a sigh.

Meanwhile, Yang lands mere feet away from Arslan as she backs away before being pounded by two quick punches. The pair dodge each other's kicks then Arslan delivers her own hits, launching a series of hammer blows. Yang defends herself and retaliates, the clash ending with the two smashing fists and creating a shockwave of force from the impact. Both competitors are both serious in hand-to-hand combat, much to Wraith's joy n violence. Yang and Arslan are both thrown back, but Yang reaches her and tries delivering more blows before Arslan flips away then uses her rope dart to tangle up Yang's leg and land a kick of her own to send Yang skidding on the ground. As Yang tries to get her balance back on the slippery surface, Arslan rushes forward and knocks her back even further.

Nearby, Nadir Shiko tries aiming with his assault rifle at Yang before a sudden burst of frosty blue explodes behind him and leaves the whimpering gunner in a block of ice up to his thighs. The one that took the shot was Ruby as she was the one that helped her older sister.

"Got your back!" Ruby said, looking up from her sniper scope.

"But who's got yours?" Bolin's voice came from behind.

Ruby looks up behind her as Bolin twirls his staff, ready to strike, but a black snowflake glyph appears to his left and Weiss kicks him through it into a rock. Saving Ruby in the process.

"My BFF!" Ruby said cheerfully towards Weiss.

Weiss gave Ruby a deadpan look. "No." She said blankly before running off, unaware that Ruby pumps her fist, whispering to herself.


Me thought Voltaria BFF of Ruby.Hannibal said to the group.

Hannibal, she considers Voltaria as BGFF. Best Good Friends Forever I believe.Regina said to Hannibal. "Or is it, Good Best Friends?

Who cares? Let's watch the battle!Wraith exclaims happily.

Meanwhile, Bolin crouches with his weapon as he sees a white glyph appear in front of him. A second later, Weiss dashes by and slashes at him, then leaps up and attempts an aerial attack, which he is able to block. She readies her sword while preparing a glyph behind her, and Ruby uses it to launch herself straight up and come down spinning on Bolin, who manages to block the curved blade. Ruby grimaces and blasts herself away to Weiss' side, and Bolin rushes at them, rolling away from the shards of ice that rain on him and jumping over Ruby's swing as he continues running.

"Whaaat!?" Ruby questions in confusion.

Bolin manages to reach an orange crystal deposit and slice off a shard from it as he throws it to Reese over in the icy half of the stadium. With Dust in hand, Reese fuses it with her board, turning the aqua lights to a crimson shade. She winks at Blake, then uses the board's heat to free Nadir from his icy snare.

"Thanks Reese!" Nadir thanked his teammate.

Reese comes back to Blake and slams her board into her enemy's blade but propels herself backwards and knocks Blake through a frozen pillar. Reese attempts to use her board to slam Blake into the ground, but Blake dodges that, as Reese spins around in a flaming arc that Blake narrowly misses thanks to her shadows. Changing tactics, Blake launches the pistol part of Gambol Shroud at a nearby glacier and launches herself behind it, as Reese follows her and sees Blake with her back turned to her under an arch. Reese grins before riding in to deliver a flaming spiral at the shadow clone, only to see the ribbon Blake is launching to trap her opponent a moment too late. She pulls tightly and causes Reese to slam body-first into the string, only to use a final kick to knock her out of the stage. Reese crashes into the wall of the stands before landing on the ground, defeated.

Reese's Aura level drops in the team display until her image is crossed out. Seeing this, Reese angrily slams her fist on the ground. -Ooh, a double whammy! Reese Chloris is eliminated by ring out and Aura level!-Port said through the microphone.

-Oh, she really should've worn a helmet!-Oobleck said with a nod.

HAHAHA! That was hilarious!Wraith laughed in amusem*nt.

"She should've paid more attention to her surroundings than chasing her opponent." Voltaria explained Reese's failed tactics.

AJ saw Arslan dodging Yang's attack. "Well, I think that she does better tactics than her teammates." She pointed out.

They followed AJ's gaze and saw Arslan use her rope to swing around and avoid Yang right behind her, shooting multiple shots to propel herself forward. Nadir comes into the picture, aiming his rifle at Weiss but doesn't have time to react when she summons another glyph and launches Bolin at him. The two teammates are helpless as Weiss creates a whirlwind from underneath them and slamming the two together until she forms a giant ice fist straight up from the ground to trap the two. It reforms itself into a ball that rolls around the field, making half. The audience laughed in amusem*nt. Arslan sees her team in this state, she rolls her eyes, annoyed, before changing direction and sliding into the path of the ball. She readies her stance and drives her hand into the sphere. Her force was so strong that the ice spheres cracked under her power and freed her allies.

Now that's power!Wraith exclaimed in delight.

Hmm...It seems that she has better control of her aura than anyone else.Regina said calmly as she watched the battle.

"Yang!" Weiss called out to her; Yang turns to look just as she creates a large frozen slide-like shape. "NOW!"

Knowing what to do, Yang blasts herself forward and skims over the wall of ice, catching Blake's pistol as her teammate uses Ruby as a launch pad to jump off towards the remaining members of ABRN. The three only have a second to look horrified as Blake whips a yelling Yang around to land a devastating punch that sends the trio flying into their elimination. Soon, a buzzer sound came, indicating that the match was won by Team RWBY.

"YAAAAAY!" Ruby cheered happily at their victory.

"Yes!" Yang also cheered at their victory.

-And that's the match! Team RWBY is victorious!-Port said through the speakers.

Weiss was looking around and sounding surprised. "We...did it?" She said in astonishment.

"WHO-HOOOO! Go Team RWBY!" AJ cheered to her friends.

"All right, Team RWBY!" Wade cheered as well, clapping loudly.

"Yeah!" Evo cheered along with his team.

Voltaria simply claps her hands while her entities cheered at them through their minds. Ruby was looking at her sister for confirmation as she smiles and leaps into the air, screaming.


Ruby was suddenly down and suddenly hunched over. " anyone else starving?" She asked hungrily.

Blake was looking cool as her arms were behind her head. "I may have worked up an appetite." But suddenly, a growling of an angry beast from her stomach proves her statement, much to its owner's embarrassment as she holds it, trying to calm it down.

Weiss sarcastically shrugged her arms. "Gee, if only there was somewhere on campus to get food around here." She said sarcastically as they basically were surrounded by a myriad of tents and small shops wreathed in colorful flags in a large forest clearing as people mill about to experience it all. "Oh, wait."

The area was filled with many fun activities and food shops that allow visitors to buy souvenirs and eat delicious foods. But this is also a great opportunity for visitors to get to know others from other kingdoms, sharing a form of bond.

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Yatsuhashi Daichi can be seen flexing in front of two girls nearby. While a pair of Atlesian Knight-200"s on patrol walk past the girls as they talk.

Ruby did not get Weiss's sarcastic tone as she took Weiss's shoulder. It's okay, Weiss, I forget about the fairgrounds, too."

Weiss gave Ruby a blank look as she knocked Ruby's arm away. "I was being facetious?"

Ruby freaks out and quickly says. "Gah! Well, if you were hungry, why didn't you say so!?"

Yang gestures to her Teammates. "Come on! I know just the place."

Ruby, Blake, and Weiss start to follow Yang, but Weiss suddenly stops as she hears a ringtone on her Scroll. Pulling it out, she sees the caller ID labeled "FATHER", and glares at the device, putting it back from where she got it, unanswered. As they were about to leave, Ruby suddenly hears Regina in her mind.

Ruby, behind you.Regina warned her.

Alerted, Ruby quickly spins around to see Emerald, who becomes surprised to see Ruby's sudden reaction. Ruby was also surprised by this, but a hidden suspicion was under her eye. Regina was able to warn Ruby just in time before she could pickpocket Ruby's red wallet that was filled with Lien.

"Oh, hi Emerald." Ruby greeted her, acting all cheerful and unaware of her true intention.

Emerald snapped out of this and greeted her as well with a fake smile. "Good to see you, Ruby."

"So, uh...what brings you here?" Ruby asked, trying her best to keep her cool.

"Just left the stadium after your amazing fight! You guys were awesome!" Emerald said with praise.

Don't fall for her tricks.Regina warned in the girls' minds.It's her way to get your guards down.

"We understood, Regina."Blake said to Regina in her mind as she played along. "I heard your team progressed to the next round too."

Emerald responded with a shrug as Weiss continued the conversation as she followed Blake's act. "You know, I feel that we haven't seen your other teammates." Weiss said, hiding her suspicion under her voice.

"How'd they do in the fight?" Yang asked Emerald, doing her best to act all innocent and cheerful like her younger sister.

Emerald did not see through their act as she tilted her head up in thought, remembering how she blasted opponents with Thief's Respite, then slashed behind her. Mercury kicked out a shotgun blast with Talaria. And their leader known as Cinder did the same with her own target, landing the poor soul at the feet of their teammate. The male slowly opens his eyes as he sees a mysterious black-haired girl with green eyes leaning over him, staring down as her green eyes blink into a pair of pink and brown irises as she smirks at the poor victim as she stomps on her victim's face into darkness. Emerald soon comes back to reality, nodding her head happily.

"Really well." Emerald said happily.

Ruby and her team looked at her with awkward cheerfulness as Regina showed them what Emerald was thinking through the match, shocked by how brutal they were towards the poor team that faced them. But they had to play along to stop the evil plan that would unfold.

"That's great. Um...why don't we all go and get a victory food together?" Ruby suddenly said, making Blake, Weiss, and Yang panic in their mind.

"Ruby?!"They scolded her in the mind, still connected thanks to Regina, as Ruby mentally cringed at this, just realizing that she was inviting the enemy.

Luckily, Emerald declined their offer. "Oh, gosh, that's so nice of you, but my teammates are all kind of..." She looks back with Team RWBY following her gaze as they see Mercury at a shop, sniffing the inside of a boot, looking perplexed after he does so. They were mentally disgusted by this, especially Weiss. "...introverted. Really socially awkward." Emerald finished.

Yang made a small nod and awkwardly said. "Ooh, yeah, I could see that."

"Oh yeah, looks like Merc and I are going to move on to the doubles round. What about you guys?" Emerald asked them in an innocent tone.

Don't answer her question, she might try and sabotage your battle.Regina said in their minds.

Understanding this warning, Ruby shook her head at Emerald. "Sorry, but you have to find out in the match." She answered.

Now it was Emerald's turn to be spurious at these girls, but quickly changed her personality. "Well, if Mercury and I see you down the line, don't think we'll go easy on ya." She said with a smirk.

She's baiting you all to lose your focus, don't fall for it.Regina added, saving them from Emerald's manipulation.

"Thanks for the warning, Regina. We won't let her get into our heads."Yang said to Regina in a telepathic message while Weiss agreed as well. The two girls made confident smiles to lose Emerald's suspicion.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Yang said as she gestured to her friends to follow her. "Come on, girls. Let's get our grub on. See you, Emerald."

As they waved their farewell, Emerald made a fake cheerfully expression giving her own wave. "See you later!" As soon as they leave, her expression immediately drops the act as she walks with Mercury and looks disgusted that she had to interact with them.

"So, how are your new friends?" Mercury asked casually.

"I hate them." She mutters out but adds. "However, they seem to be hiding something."

"Pfft...I doubt it." Mercury said as they walked off, unaware that they were being watched by Hannibal from the shadows.

Yang shows her team the place where they can get their food. It was a noodle shop, and they took their seats at the stools outside, ready to order.

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Yang was looking at the cook and said with a confident smile. "I'll have a bowl of the regular, please." Soon, a large bowl of noodles slides in front of her.

Ruby stared at Yang's meal in awe. "Oohhh...I'll take the same." She said and another large bowl of noodles slid in front of her. She clasps her hands in excitement and in delight as she stares down the food.

Weiss was looking at the food in concern, unsure if she can handle this. "Do you have anything with a low-salt...?" Weiss was cut off when another large bowl of regular noodles instantly slid in front of her instead. "Um...okay..." She suddenly said in surprise.

Instead of saying anything, Blake merely gives a nod and smile to the Shopkeeper, who returns the gesture as he rushes through one door of his shop, cooking up something from the kitchen, before he comes out the other door to leave a large bowl of noodles in front of Blake, but it has many fishes. Blake's eyes light up in delight as she drools over her order. She is a cat after all. Even though Weiss finds it strange to her teammate's behavior, she gladly offers her Schnee Dust Company credit card to the Shopkeeper, who accepts it.

"Aw, Weiss! What's the occasion!?" Yang asked Weiss happily.

"Consider it thanks for sending me to the doubles round." She said but her joy was ruined when the card was flung back at her, and the annoyed Shopkeeper pointed to his register that was beeping "DECLINED", much to Weiss's horror and shock. "What?! How can my card be declined? I was barely into my monthly allowance!"

Blake was looking around in a panic state as she attempted to slowly slide her bowl closer to herself before the Shopkeeper appeared and disappeared with her food, causing the poor Cat Faunus to slump over in defeat at the sight of her food being taken away. "Nooo!"

"Maybe I could help?" Pyrrha's voice came.

Team RWBY looks up to see Team JNPR approach the stand with Team WAVE following from behind.

Ruby flings her arms wide in delight to see the red-haired girl. "Pyrrha!"

"Aw, you don't have to." Yang said with a smile.

"But she could!" Blake said desperately, she really wanted to eat her lunch.

"Well, I think you all earned it after that battle." Pyrrha said kindly.

"Mind if we join you?" Jaune asked them.

"Yeah! What about you guys?" Yang asked Team WAVE.

"Sure, we could eat, right gang?" Wade looked at his friends.

"Of course! And I'll be happy to help to pay for the meal." AJ said happily.

"I'm starving." Evo agreed with a nod.

They soon turned towards Voltaria, whose arms were crossed, as she gave her team and the others a blank look under her mask. She simply shrugs her shoulders as she nodded her head.

"Fine, but only because Hannibal is hungry for noodles." Voltaria said to them. She was not lying. Hannibal was hungry for noodles as he smelled the food from afar.

Later, the bowls were all empty, as each of them were either content/happy with their meal or holding their stomachs sickly, mostly Weiss and Jaune since they have weak stomachs. The only one with many empty bowls was Voltaria as she was the one that ate twenty bowls of noodles. Not because she was hungry, it's because Hannibal took control of her and ate many noodles. Voltaria wasn't over full of this since Hanniabal has like a black hole of a stomach.

Ren turns to Pyrrha with a questionable look. "Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?" He asked her.

Pyrrha nodded as the Shopkeeper quickly gathered the bowls and vanished in his shop. "Of course! It will give us energy!"

Her response is when Nora simply gave a hearty belch which surprised the group, followed by Hannibal's belching through their minds. But Hannibal quickly said'Excuse me'in their minds as he shows good manners for an entity.

Jaune was splaying himself over the counter, sickly saying. "If I barf, I'm blaming you."

Hearing this, Nora made an evil grin. "Ooh! Aim at the enemy!"

Ren gave his friend a disgusting look. "Nora, that's disgusting. But if you feel the urge..."

Lie Ren, please avert the words you are saying.Regina said to him kindly which he acknowledged as she turned towards Jaune.Mr. Arc, if you're feeling sick, just drink some ginseng tea, it will smooth your stomach.

Jaune gave a weak thumbs-up. "Got it."

Pfft...wimp.Wraith mutters out.

Pyrrha shook her head as she stood up from her stool. "Well, we should be off."

"So, you think you guys are ready?" Ruby asked them.

Nora grins and gestures to each of her teammates. "Of course! We've got a world-renowned fighter on our team, one's basically ninja, I can bench five of me, Jaune, we trained all year, our weapons are awesome, Glynda barely yells at us anymore, and thanks to Volty's training Jaune, we can do this!"

"You're really confident in this battle." Wade said to Nora.

"Eeyup! And because we have someone that can-" Nora was cut off by Voltaria as she placed her chopsticks down.

"I'm not going to use my vision to cheat your way into victory." Voltaria answered quietly as she made sure that the shopkeeper or any guests did not see nor hear her.

Nora made a sad pouty face as fake tears were coming from her eyes. "Aww...why not?" She asked in a begging tone.

"You must earn your victory without my ability, otherwise; it will be your downfall" She answered Nora.

"...I don't get it." Nora said in confusion.

"I think what V is trying to say is that if we rely on her visions, we'll become paranoid and lacking our training." Wade explained what Voltaria meant.

"So, we just have to rely on our skills and tactics, right?" AJ asked curiously.

Precisely.Regina answered them calmly while Nora slumped in annoyance,Do not worry, Ms. Valkyrie, you all will succeed in this tournament.

"You really think so?" Nora asked happily but quietly.

We know so.Regina said kindly.

Pyrrha chuckles at Regina's kind personality. "Regina's right, we don't need to fret. If anything, we should be looking forward to a fight with actual guidelines, and not, well...murderers."

"You do realize I'm sitting right here, right?" Voltaria mutters out, earning a small and nervous chuckle from Pyrrha.

Yang simply waves her hand. "Yeah, don't sweat it, we've all faced way worse before."

Blake counts off the threats on her fingers. "Let's see. Grimm invasions, violent extremists, a destructive sociopath..."

Ruby then added. "And that's all while we're still in training! Oh, imagine what it would be like to graduate!" She said happily.

Weiss scoffs and sarcastically mumbles to herself. "Maybe then I'll be able to pay for a meal."

"Don't worry, Weiss." AJ said with a smile. "I'm sure you can handle this."

"Thanks, AJ." Weiss mutters out glumly.

Soon, they heard crackling over the intercom system, followed by Professor Port's voice. -Would Team JNPR please report to the battlegrounds immediately!-

Then Oobleck's voice came, adding into Port's order. -Yes! Like they were scheduled to, several minutes ago!"-

Pyrrha smiles and shrugs at this. "Well, it looks like this is it." She spoke.

"Go get 'em!" Ruby said to Team JNPR as they walked away, even though Jaune was looking queasy. As they left, both teams went off to the bleachers to get to their seats. Voltaria kept herself hidden as everyone watched Team JNPR vs. Team BRNZ from Shade Academy. The team consists of three males and one female. The leader is Brawnz Ni and the members are Roy Stallion, Nolan Porfirio, and May Zedong.

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Each team readies their poses, a circle of holographic roulettes starts spinning frantically through various symbols and colors. They waited for what arena that they would be in until it finally landed on a green pine tree and gray thunderstruck mountain. With these random selections, half of the field opens to reveal a tree-filled forest, while the other raises a small rocky outcropping to fill in the circle. Jaune narrows his eyes in concentration as Port starts the countdown. He remembered both Voltaria's and Pyrrha's training that helped him succeed in this battle. Ruby cheered loudly from her seat while the rest watched the battle.

-Three, two, one, begin!-Port announced and soon the battle began.

Both team JNPR and BRNZ had a brief fight at the center of the arena, but Team JNPR were quickly forced to retreat and stay in cover when Team BRNZ sniper known as May Zedong had taken up a position in the trees with her sniper rifle. Jaune orders his team to spread out and keep moving in order to evade May Zedong's fire as the rest of Team BRNZ presses the attack. However, Nolan has managed to best Lie Ren in close quarter combat and momentarily incapacitates him using his electrified baton.

"REN!" Nora calls her best friend in worry before scowling at Nolan. The hammer wielding girl takes a swing at Nolan, who promptly dodges it and again unleashes his weapon's power into her corset, though this causes a quite different reaction from the grinning Nora.

That poor, idiotic boy has nooo idea who is dealing with.Wraith said through Voltaria and the others.

"Eeyup."They minus Voltaria agreed in their mind.

Port was excited at the sight before him as he spoke from his spot on the giant hologram screen overhead with Oobleck beside him. -Oh-ho! Looks like one of my favorite students, Nora Valkyrie, is charging up to use her Semblance!-

Hearing this, Nolan looks up at the screen with a panicked look. "What?"

Oobleck agreed with Port's words and explained Nora's semblance. -Yes, Ms. Valkyrie's Semblance lets her produce, as well as channel, electrical energy straight to her muscles! This allows her to jump explosively into the air, wield her mighty hammer, or in this case, absorb Nolan's attacks and send the young man flying!-

Nolan then turns back to his grinning opponent. "What?!"

Nolan finally takes his cattle prod away, but the damage is done. Since he didn't know that Nora can absorb electrical waves, she is basically charged up. Nora flexes her arms and pink lightning is seen coursing through her body. Nolan attempts to lift his hands up in surrender, but thunder starts sparking from Nora's Aura as she rushes at him. There's a split-second where Nolan's horrified face and Nora's victorious smile are seen close-up on the sides of the screens before the hammer hits head-on and Nolan bounces back across the field, crashing through a rock and staying there when he's stopped moving.

"Ooohhh...that's gonna leave a mark." Ruby winced at the sight.

I know! And I can't believe it was on camera!Wraith said in pure joy, laughing at the scene before him.

The battle was epic, Jaune planned to make May Zedong lose her sniper shot. His plan suggests that Nora absorbs the lightning at the mountain. So, when Nora starts climbing, Jayne, Pyrrha, and Ren give her cover. Luckily, thanks to Pyrrha, Nora reaches the top of the mountain and absorbs the lightning from an electrical storm that conveniently forms overhead. Nora destroys Zedong's cover with her grenades and hits the other three members of BRNZ with a devastating attack from her hammer. Things were going very well, until Jaune said to finish it off with "Flower Power" and "Arkos". But unfortunately, his teammates didn't understand his instructions, much to his frustration. After failing to explain his game plan to his teammates, Jaune groans a bit, putting his sword up to his forehead, and simply says.

"Nora, just...hit them with the hammer."

Hearing this, Nora gives one evil smirk at Team BRNZ. "Got it."

"Wait, what?!" Brawnz exclaimed suddenly as he and his teammates became scared.

Before anyone can react, Nora jumps over in front of Team BRNZ, then brings her hammer around to collide with all four screaming fighters as they soar straight into the force field surrounding the arena's rim, sliding down to the ground with arms and legs in bent positions they really shouldn't be.

"Now that's gonna leave a mark." Wade mutters out.

HAHAHAHA!Wraith laughs loudly in their heads.That was hilarious!

Can you show some sympathy towards them?Tabitha said to Wraith.

I would, if I respected them.Wraith said to her, much to her annoyance.

-And with that, it appears Team JNPR wins by knockout, literally!-Port said through the speakers before adding. -Can someone go make sure they're okay?-Port asked any medical personnel to check on Team BRNZ.

The image of Team BRNZ being hit by Nora's hammer was on the screen. Oobleck and Port were at the desk as they explained the incoming match. "Ah, well, Vacuo fans are sure to be hurting after that one, but this next one will have them on the edge of their seats!" Oobleck said.

Port nodded as the scene displayed a picture of Team WAVE vs. Team FNCY. "Indeed, apparently, everyone will be literally off their seats when they see Team WAVE in action."

"Why do you ask? Is because Team WAVE is the only team that ever has a most fearsome member...the Grimm Girl!" Oobleck said the last part very seriously as an image of Voltaria was seen on the screen. "Also goes by the name Voltaria Eclipse!"

"That's right, folks. The rumors you heard about the Grimm Girl attending Beacon are true." Port said towards the camera. "The mysterious girl that can talk to the Creatures of Grimm is studying here at Beacon Academy. People and reporters are lining up to get to their seats to see the Voltaria Eclipse in action. I mean, who wouldn't want to see a girl talking to Grimm? But do not worry, folks. She didn't feed any of the students to her Grimm. Trust me, I checked the students list."

"Um...Professor Port, it's best to keep quiet of this situation." Oobleck whispers to Port.

"And why is that?"

"I just received word that a very stern looking Goodwitch is hearing everything from below and is NOT happy on what she is hearing." Oobleck said with a hint of fear as a video clip of a scowling Glynda Goodwitch appeared on the screen, tapping her Disciplinarian with her other hand. Not too pleased to hear what they are saying about Voltaria.

Seeing, Port cleared his throat nervously at sight of a not so happy looking Glynda, as he continued the speech while changing the subject. "In other news, Team FNCY from Atlas is ready to face such a team."

"That's right. The team leader of Team FNCY is none other than Francis Bright. The heir to the Bright Corp. and a high-ranking student to be exact." Oobleck explains it to the crowd.

"Agreeable! But can he or his team survive the ferocity of Ms. Eclipse? Er...I mean, Team WAVE?" Port corrected, not wanting to get to Glynda's bad side again.

"Man, everyone is talking about you, V." Wade said as he and the others walked through the hall towards the battle arena. "How are ya feelin' about this?"

"Nothing." Voltaria answers to him blankly. "They're just waiting to see if I really can control Grimm or I am just nothing but a joke."

"You're not a joke. We saw you taming a Grimm during our first day of school. There's no way people think you're a joke." AJ said, walking besides her boyfriend.

Voltaria didn't say anything when they reached their destination. There, in the battlefield, they saw many crowds of people both humans and Faunus cheering at them. There were also many reporters at the stage, taking pictures of Voltaria hoping that she was a big deal. On the other side is team FNCY. Their leader is Francis Bright. He has bright yellow hair, sky blues eyes, and fair skin. He wore a Fancy looking suit and had a lightsaber as his weapon. His semblance is speed, making him extremely fast. His teammates consist of a male and two females. The male was Nathaniel Constantine. He's a high elite male from the Family Constantine. A mysterious family that has abilities like the Schnee family, using Glyphs and they use it to create or summon weapons or inanimate objects/creatures. Next is Cassidy Valentina, a peppy looking girl as her semblance is to manipulate people with a lovesick faze, but only effect on males, not females. Her weapon of choice is a bow that creates Dust Arrows with each dust change. And lastly, Yasmin Artemisia, a girl with a semblance to sense her opponents and knowing when to strike. Her weapon is a halberd.

The two teams stand on the opposite side of the arena as it randomizes which area they will take. After a few seconds, it reveals two different land areas. One was a desert, and the other side was a jungle, filled with tall trees and undergrowth.

-Here they are, folks! Two Teams, but one shall be victorious! Ready?-Port announced through the speakers. The two opposing teams get in battle position, except Voltaria as she glares at Team FNCY. -Begin!-

The two teams faced off. Weapons clashing as they make contact. Wade fires many rounds at Francis, who blocked them all with his rapier with ease. AJ and Cassidy ran to the jungle field, shooting multiple rounds at each other but their bullets would deflect when made contact. Evo and Yasmin had a battle with their ax and halberd, trying to tip each other off. Voltaria, on the other hand, was dodging Nathaniel's strikes; he summoned two ice swords and used them to strike at Voltaria, who dodged with ease as she predicted his every move. The audience were roaring with cheers as they were amazed to see the two teams battle each other.

-It appears that Nathaniel Constantine has chosen a worthy opponent, but can he handle her through the battlefield?-Oobleck questioned through the speakers.

"GO TEAM WAVE!" Ruby cheered for them.

"Ooohhh! You have some amazing skills you got there." Cassidy complimented towards AJ, who dodged another of Cassidy's Ice Dust arrows.

"I could say the same thing about yourself." AJ complimented as well, firing multiple rounds of fire dust bullets.

"Thanks! But I do admire your cute boyfriend." Cassidy added, purring towards Wade, who dodged Francis's lightsaber attack.

AJ gave Cassidy a scowl and replaced her fire dust bullets with lightning dust bullets, firing endless shots at Cassidy, who barely missed the attack, before turning her guns into mini scythes and strikes at the girl in a fury of speed. Note to self, do not try to steal AJ's boyfriend or you will get pulverized by her in the process.

-Ohoho! It seems that this catfight has gotten feisty.-Port announced, earning groans from Team RWBY and JNPR.

Back to the battlefield, Wade dodged Francis's attack, the cowboy fused both his weapons into a sword that lit itself on fire. Both combatants had a brawl with swords. Creating a flash of lights whenever their blades collided. Evo swung his ax at Yasmin, who blocked it with her halberd. Both weapons clashed and created a shockwave that sent sand flying.

"Nice swing you got there." Yasmin complimented before pushing Evo off and then kicked him, sending him flying through the desert.

Evo skidded himself to a halt with his ax, anchoring himself in the process, before turning it into his electric guitar and releasing a powerful electrical wave towards Yasmin, who avoided the attack by jumping out of the way. Meanwhile, Voltaria dodged another of Nathanial's attacks. She has to admit, he's very skilled for a rich guy. Nathanial made a sly smirk before summoning a violet-red Glyphs that has the symbol of stars and summons a whip.

Ah, sh*t! Heads up, kid!Wraith warned through her mind.

Obeying his warning, Voltaria dodged Nathanial's whip attack, jumping from tree to tree as Nathanial's whip caused the trees to break in half. Voltaria lands on a boulder before dodging it as the whip contacts it, shattering it to pieces. Voltaria hid beneath the undergrowth as she listened through her surroundings. She blocked out the crowd's cheers and yells, so in order to find Nathanial. She sensed his aura. Luckily, his aura was stronger than the others as he relied mostly on his Glyphs.

"Show yourself, Grimm Girl." Came Nathanial's voice through the jungle. "The people wanted to know if you're the real deal or just an imitation of one."

Oh, hell no!Wraith roared in her mind.Kick ass, kid! Show him no mercy!

For once, I have to agree. Show this simpleton some manners.Regina said towards Voltaria.

"Hmph, agreeable."Voltaria taught as her Grimm Holder made a small light.

Nathaniel searched through the jungle, whip in hand as he was ready to strike. He stopped when he heard rustling from the bushes. Smirking, Nathaniel raised his whip and struck at the target. However, he felt something strong grab hold onto the whip and it suddenly pulled in with him as well. Soon, the others stopped fighting when they heard a loud roar through the jungle arena and the audience fell into a deadly silence when they heard that. And suddenly, Nathaniel was seen flying out of the jungle area, yelling in pain as he crashed into Yasmin, who yelped at the sudden impact, and the two were sprawled onto the ground.

"Nathanial?! What happened?" Yasmin suddenly asked as she got up from the sand.

Nathanial's response was a groan as Francis and Cassidy came by this side. Nathanial lifted his head enough and mustered enough words that escaped his mouth. "She's the real deal."

Confused by what he meant, three of the members of Team FNCY and Team WAVE looked towards the direction of the jungle area before they heard the loud roar again. Something exploded out of the jungle and landed on the ground, creating a cloud of dust that surrounds the arena. Both Teams shielded themselves until the dust cleared, and once it did, they and the audience gasped in shock and horror to see what had appeared before them.

It was a Grimm.

But not just any Grimm, it's a type of Grimm that looks like a Gorilla, covered in black skin, with bone-like plates covering its body like an armor, and has a red pattern or symbol resembling an eye is present on its back. It's twice the size of a Beowolf and twice as dangerous.

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There was a deathly silence from the audience as fear was slowly coming out from them until they saw Voltaria walking out of the jungle casually. She made her way to the clearing and stood next to Grimm with no fear or hesitation. She crosses her arms, and she stares at Team FNCY blankly under her mask while the Gorilla like Grimm beats its chest and releases a powerful roar towards Team FNCY.

-I don't believe it, folks! Voltaria Eclipse has summoned one of her Grimms on the battlefield!-Port exclaimed through the speakers towards the audience.

-And judging by what type of Grimm, it's a Beringel!-Oobleck added as he saw what Grimm it was. -It can only be located in the continents of Sanus and Anima, in deep forest or jungles, and this type of Grimm is a very tough one and shouldn't be messed with.-

-In which case, don't mess with Voltaria Eclipse.-Port shortens Oobleck's explanation.

"OMG, she is the Grimm Girl." Cassidy whispers to her group.

"What are we going to do?" Yasmin asked her leader.

Francis narrowed his eyes at Voltaria and her Beringel. They stood there watching them as the rest of Team WAVE came and stood beside the girl and her Grimm with their weapons ready. Francis activates his lightsaber and makes a battle stance towards Team WAVE.

"We fight till the end." Francis said to them seriously. They, and Nathanial, who got up, readied themselves for battle.

-Ooo! It seems Team FNCY isn't going down without a fight!"Port said proudly. "But can they handle such opponents?-

This caused the crowd to suddenly cheer at this sudden event. They have never seen a Grimm in action before, let alone being controlled by the Grimm Girl! Many reporters were taking pictures of Voltaria and her Beringel, wanting to see more of the action between them. Team WAVE readied themselves as they glared at Team FNCY.

"Let's do this." Wade ordered his team while Beringel beat its chest again with a powerful roar.

"Woohhooo! Go get 'em Team WAVE!" Ruby cheered happily.

"SHOW THEM WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF!" Nora yelled through the cheering crowd.

Soon, Team FNCY charged at them in full speed, Cassidy fired multiple shots at Team WAVE along with Yasmin, who's halberd is a plasma rifle. However, Voltaria made a sharp whistle and the Beringel instantly obeyed. It came in front and blocked their attack with his arms, shielding them from the blast. The crowd was in awe to see that, just a simple whistle, that Beringel obeyed her command. The reports were taking a lot of pics because of this. I mean, this is a story of a lifetime!

"Hit them hard." Voltaria said to her teammates.

"Ya heard her. Hit them hard!" Wade ordered before turning his sword back to his pistol and shotgun before charging with Evo and AJ.

"In coming!" Cassidy exclaimed.

"On it!" Nathanial exclaimed as he summoned two Glyphs from his hands.

They created an ice shard projection and fired towards Team WAVE. But the three dodged the projectiles in time before the Beringel came charging in and then released a powerful clap that created a shockwave that sent the sharp ice shards back to Team FNCY. The team retreated as the shards nearly hit them.

-By the heavens! Look how that Grimm is helping Team WAVE get the upper hand on the battlefield!-Oobleck announced in astonishment.

"This is big!" A reporter exclaimed as he took pictures of Voltaria and her Beringel.

"The top story of the four kingdoms!" A female reporter added.

"Woah, look at it go!" A male student of Shade Academy points at the Beringel as it tosses a giant stone towards Team FNCY, who barely dodged it.

"The rumors are true! She can control the creatures of Grimm!" A female Student of Atlas said in awe.

Team FNCY was getting low on aura as Team WAVE had the upper advantage. Wade and AJ fired multiple shots at their direction. Nathanial made shields to protect him and his team, but it wasn't strong enough when Voltaria's Grimm and Evo came as they slammed the shield with their strength. Evo with his electric guitar combined with Beringel's immense strength. The shield broke and gave Team WAVE the opportunity to fight back against Team FNCY. Wade and Francis had their sword duel while Evo and Yasmin had their own duel with their ax and halberd. Cassidy and Nathanial fired multiple shots towards AJ and Voltaria. But were blocked by the Beringel as it uses its body as a shield. Both Voltaria and AJ then advanced as Voltaria threw a red glowing card at the ground close to Cassidy and Nathanial before AJ ignited it with her Lightning Dust bullet. It exploded and sent two of their combatants flying out of the arena, indicating that they were out of the match.

-Both Cassidy and Nathanial are out by Ammolite Jewel and Voltaria Eclipse.-Oobleck announced.

"Go Voltaria!" Ruby cheered on happily.

Francis and Yasmin avoided their opponents' attacks as they were thrown by the combination of blast from Evo and Wade. They were both sent flying high up to the arena before Wade looked at Evo seriously.

"Evo! Get ready to fly!" Wade said to his friend, pointing his pistol towards Beringel.

Seeing this, Evo nodded and charged at the Beringel at full speed. Voltaria snaps her finger at Beringel and commands. "Throw him up."

Obeying her, the Beringel allowed Evo to get on his big palm before flinging him up towards the two remaining Team FNCY members. They didn't have time to react when Evo turned his axe into a guitar and created a powerful shockwave that created a thunderous explosion. Both Francis and Yasmin crashed on the ground as their aura levels reached to zero, indicating that they had lost the match, and the winner was Team WAVE.

-Victory goes to Team WAVE!-Port announced loudly and everyone cheered for the group.

Evo landed down with ease as he and two of his teammates cheered along with the crowd. Voltaria was sitting on Beringel's shoulder as it roared while beating its chest to victory. The audience was amazed to see how easily a Grimm could be tamed by just a little girl. But few were shocked by this, especially Cinder Fall.

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She stared at the girl with wide eyes. For the first time in her life, she was shocked by this sudden event. She only knew one that can control the Creatures of Grimm, but this girl...this girl knew how to control one, a dangerous one to be exact.

"Cinder..." She heard Emerald speak. Cinder's amber eyes glanced over to Emerald, who was looking at Voltaria with a shock expression. " did she do that?"

"I don't know...but something about her seems...interesting." Cinder said with a sly smirk.

After the battle was over, Voltaria returned Beringel back to her Grimm Holder as they left the arena. The next match will start within another hour, giving them time to get something to eat. As they walked through the hall that shows the exit, they were greeted by the sight of Glynda Goodwitch, who waited for them, which surprised the group, except for Voltaria as she knew that she would be waiting for them. The teacher looked at Team WAVE sternly with her arms crossed. Wade, AJ, and Evo were nervous about this, wondering if they were in trouble, but to their surprise, she didn't come here to scold them. Instead, she was here to congratulate them.

"Congratulations on your victory, Team WAVE." Glynda said calmly, causing the three teens to sigh in relief, but tense when Glynda turned towards Voltaria. "Although why did you summon your Grimm in the arena? You cause a major stir from the audience."

Voltaria simply shrugged at this matter and said to her. "Constantine asked for it, he wanted to know if I was the 'real deal'." Her fingers quote the last part.

Glynda shook her head at Voltaria's word, although she didn't want to admit it, Nathaniel did ask for it. "Well, then...why don't you all head to another exit."

"Why is that?" Evo asked Glynda curiously.

"Because at the end, there's a bunch of reporters that wish to speak with Volatria's ability." Glynda informs them before the entities appear from the shadows.

Ah, sh*t. We forgot there were gossipers outside.Wraith said to them before looking at Glynda.Want us to get rid of them?

"No, security is working on that." Glynda simply said to them. "But you have to find another way out."

Leave that to us, Ms. Goodwitch.Regina said to her kindly before she and the other entities swirled around them before teleporting them to a corner of the fairgrounds.

"Hmm...interesting escape." Glynda commented on them as the entities retreated to the shadows.

Why thank you.Regina said to her kindly. Now, you all enjoy yourselves, after all. It is time for festivity.

"Yeah, we promise to meet up with Team RWBY and JNPR after our match." Wade said to them.

"Where are you meeting?" Glynda asked.

"On a smoothie stand." AJ answered Gynda.

"I see. Then I advise you all to keep your guard up. From what Tabitha reported to me about our culprits, they're making their moves." Glynda said to them.

They nodded and headed off. Voltaria stayed behind a bit and looked at the people walking by. She wasn't sure if she could go out there. I mean, she did just reveal that she can tame and control Grimm. She basically revealed herself to the enemy. Heck, even the entire audience saw it. Was it a mistake to do it? Or was it a mistake to even attend Beacon. Glynda notices Voltaria's sudden behavior changes and becomes quite concerned by this.

"Are you all right, Ms. Eclipse?" She asked, snapping Voltaria from her trance as the young girl looked at the people walking by.

"Was it a mistake?" Voltaria suddenly asked.

"I'm sorry, what?" Glynda asked, but didn't get what she was saying.

"Was it a mistake to come here?" Voltaria asked Glynda again. "When Professor Ozpin offered me a chance to study at Beacon, to hone my skills until I surpass them and become a huntress, but...but I feel that the people will still see me as the mysterious girl that can talk to the monsters that threaten their lives." Voltaria touched the red gem of her Grimm Holder gently, sensing her Grimms inside.

Suddenly, she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, causing Voltaria to look up towards Glynda. And to her surprise, Glynda's eyes softened by this. "It was not a mistake." She began calmly. "When you arrived here at Beacon, I thought like any other students, wanting to become a huntsman to protect humanity, but you, on the other hand, wanted to find a purpose here. To know more and help others to prevent a terrible future. And you coming here is no mistake at all."

Voltaria listened to her words carefully, feeling something tightening her chest, and this feeling that she tried so hard to forget, has come back to her. She only felt feelings with her mother, the one who loved and understands her. And, she has grown a bond towards Glynda, think of her as a second mother to Voltaria. It was both strange yet relaxing at the same time for her. Voltaria lowered her gaze and slowly whispered out to her.

"Thank you...Professor Goodwitch."

Glynda heard this and nodded in acknowledgment before letting her go. "Now, let's go meet up with the others, you don't want them to be worried."

Nodding, both Voltaria and Glynda went out of the corner and towards the smoothie shop. Though Voltaria did receive some shock looking faces from people who were passing by. They both entered the smoothie shop and were greeted by the rest of Team WAVE along with RWBY and JNPR.

"Volty! You made it!" Ruby cheers happily as she drinks her raspberry smoothie.

"What took you so long?" Yang asked, holding up her strawberry smoothie.

Voltaria glanced over to Glynda under her mask before looking over to them. "I was...thinking, that's all."

"Do you want to order a drink?" AJ asked kindly, "I'm paying."

Voltaria looks at the variety of drinks on the menu board before sighing. "Sure, why not. I'll have the blackberry smoothie." She said blankly.

Wade smiled and raised his drink. "Now yer talkin', V. What about you, Professor? Any drinks you want?" He asked Glynda.

Glynda simply snorted and adjusted her glasses. "I'll have the mango, thank you very much."

"Sure thing, Professor Goodwitch." AJ said as she bought their drinks.

"So...who's the next team in the tournament?" Ruby suddenly asked.

"I believe Team SSSN will be next, facing Team NDGO from Shade Academy." Glynda answered before receiving her drink from AJ and thanked her.

Wait.Wraith suddenly came in their minds, startling the group except for Voltaria, who was sipping on her straw of her drink. They're still getting used to the entities coming into their minds.Are you talking about the monkey, the red-head, the frowny-face, and the playboy?

The group looked at each other, not sure what to answer, before Glynda simply replied through her head since they shared a mental link because of them. "If you are relearning about Sun Wukong, Scarlet David, Sage Ayana, Neptune Vasilias, then yes. Why do you ask?" Glynda dared question the entity.

Wraith made a devious chuckle.Oh, no reason. Hehehehe...

"...What is he up to?" Ruby whispers out.

Regina sighs.I don't know, but something tells me he is up to no good again.

Back at the stadium, Team RWBY, JNPR, and WAVE got to their seats, waiting for the tournament to start. Ruby was excited about the match while Voltaria casually waited with the others. Although there was a group of photographers close by, getting some pics of Voltaria as she waited at her seat.

"Sorry about the reporters, V." Wade apologized to her. "I know yer not into getting the center of attention."

"It's alright, Wade." Voltaria said in a calm yet blank tone, using his first name which surprised him, "I don't let this fame get over my head." Wade smiled at this, finding it nice for her to open up to others now.

"May I sit here?" Came Glynda's voice as the professor came over to them.

The students nodded. "Of course." Blake said as Glynda between Voltaria and Ruby.

"By the way, how are your 'companions' at Emerald Forest?" Glynda asked, referring to Amaryllis and Ripper.

Understanding what she meant, Voltaria responded. "They're fine. Vision is keeping an eye on them as he shows the tournament."

Glynda nodded in understanding. "I see."

At the sportscaster's desk, both Oobleck and Port show the image of Team WAVE's victory on the screen. "As Team WAVE has one the last match, here is the final round of the four on four." Oobleck said.

Port soon displays a picture of the four new challengers to his right, showing four beautiful girls on the screen. "Team NDGO of Shade is certainly a crowd favorite, but these lovely ladies are going against some of the toughest, testosterone-filled teammates we've seen so far! I'm of course talking about... Team SSSN!" He announced.

Few spectators in the stands were holding up signs with each male's face decorated with hearts, the exception being a simple image of a certain set of abs.*Coughs!*Sun's!*Coughs!*

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-Sun Wukong and his team are certainly a force to be reckoned with, and although he'll be representing the Mistral Academy of Haven, I'm sure his friends and family back in Vacuo will be cheering him along!-Port said as Team SSSN walks into the center of the field, waving to the cheering crowds as they do so.

"They sure enjoy the attention." Voltaria mutters out.

Yang laughs at this when she hears Voltaria's words. "You know it." She said with a grin.

Weiss cups both her hands to sweetly call out to a curtain blue haired teen. "Good luck, Neptune!"

"I wouldn't cheer him on if I were you." Voltaria said to Weiss blankly, causing the girl to look at Voltaria in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" Weiss dared to ask before Voltaria pointed at the arena and followed her gaze.

Neptune continues waving at the audience until he spots Team NDGO who are four beautiful opponents.

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Which causes him to develop a confident attitude to be replaced with a flirtatious attitude as he addresses them charmingly.


"That's why." Voltaria answered blankly as Weiss became enraged by this as she angrily got up and pointed into the arena.

"Break his stupid face, NDGO!" Weiss exclaimed in rage, scaring her team, JNPR, and WAVE, except for Voltaria and Glynda as they simply stared at her.

"This isn't going to end well." AJ whispers out.

Back to the arena, the teams stand on opposite sides from one another, ready for battle but Neptune was busy flirting with them. "Alright, girls, try and remember, hands above the waist." He said, gesturing himself, causing Team NDGO to stare at him blankly.

Sun then grasps Neptune's arm as he apologizes on his way to the girl team. "Ignore him, for he...Yeah, he's dumb."

Neptune simply gives a sparkling wink to the females, who became disgusted by this. Voltaria rolled her eyes at Neptune's attempt to impress the females. But it appears that he has no idea that they are not interested. Suddenly, she felt her entities returning to her. But one was missing.

"Regina, where's Wraith? He was supposed to be here after the patrol."Voltaria said through her mind.

He was, until he suddenly disappeared to who knows where.Regina said with an annoyed sigh.Honestly, how can he disappear in a time like this?

"Hmmm, I see." Voltaria said, getting everyone's attention.

"What's the matter, Volty?" Ruby asked her friend.

"Wraith hasn't returned yet from the patrol. He was supposed to meet us here when they finished." Voltaria answered.

"Huh, it is strange, but he did act all weird when Team SSSN was mentioned." Yang said.

"Yeah! And then he went all evil with a laugh like this. Hehehe..." Nora added, playing out Wraith's laugh.

"It was weird." Blake agreed. "Especially when he suddenly took interest in them."

Soon, Voltaria's eyes widened under her mask as she suddenly realized something and then facepalmed. "Oh, no."

"Is there something wrong, Ms. Eclipse?" Glynda asked Voltaria.

"I know what Wraith is up to and it's not going to end well." Voltaria said dully.

Before they could ask, a holographic roulette shows up, randomly choosing their area of the two teams. The first one was Team NDGO, it landed on a yellow image of sunny dunes and stone formations until the real thing emerged from below. A small circular light even appears overhead, causing most of the crowd to don sunglasses.

"Huh, now this is my kind of territory." Evo said, wearing his shades with a smirk.

Nebula laughs as she looks back at their selection. "Alright! Home field advantage!" She said with a grin.

"Don't get too co*cky! That's my turf, too!" Sun pointed out to her.

"I thought he was the co*cky one?" Wade asked Blake, who responded with a shrug.

Scarlet was looking down at his attire as the roulette began again on the other side. "I hope I don't get sand in my shoes."

Neptune leans over and whispers to him. "Be cool, man."

Though he was not aware that the holographic roulette was spinning until an image stopped to reveal a blue symbol of tidal waves.

"Hey! The ocean!" Dew exclaimed.

Hearing this, Neptune's coolness washed away in fear as he turned and saw the random pick for himself. It's true what she said, their territory was the ocean. And Neptune well...let's just say his face shows it all as a slight whimper and escapes him.

Ruby was confused by Neptune's sudden change of behavior as asked to her teammates and the others. "Uhh...what's wrong with Neptune?"

"Oh, no." Blake mutters as her hand is on her face. Soon, a sandy beach and pirate shipwreck rises into the arena. Neptune stiffens up with fear while Sun pokes at him.

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"Is there something that you want to share, Ms. Belladonna?" Glynda asked the cat Faunus.

Blake withdrew her hand from her face. "Neptune's...afraid of the water." She answered, surprising everyone, except Voltaria and Glynda.

"That's ironic, considering his name is Neptune." Voltaria said sarcastically.

Hey, everyone. I'm back!Wraith called out from them in their minds.

Wraith! Have you been messing with the arena's randomizer biomes?!Regina questions him angrily.

Maybe I have, maybe I did. Besides, I'm doing Schnee a favor, getting Neptune's sorry ass kicked.Wraith said with a dark chuckle.

"How do you even know Neptune's afraid of the water?" Blake asked Wraith.

Oh, it's a special ability we entities have.Wraith with a snicker.Once we possess someone, we can go through their minds and find out the deepest and darkest secrets!

"I was not aware that you had possessed Vasilias." Voltaria said to Wraith in annoyance.

Nah, I just went into Neptune's dream and found his greatest fear was the water. Heh, what a wimp.Wraith said with a snicker.

"You can enter people's dreams?" Pyrrha asked them in surprise.

Yes, but we never use it often...until now.Regina said while they felt her glaring at Wraith.

What? You know I get bored easily.Wraith said, earning an annoyed sigh from Regina, before turning back to the arena.

-3, 2, 1, BEGIN!-Oobleck exclaimed through the speakers.

With that said, Neptune quickly zooms through the enemy team and skids up the mountain behind them, surprising everyone, including his teammates.

Sage called out to him. "Neptune, what are you doing?!"

Neptune was now standing on a ledge near the top of the formation, yelling down to his friends with a hint of fear and nervousness. "Uh, you know, just gaining the higher ground!"

Sun called out next exasperatedly. "On the enemy's side?!"

"They would never expect it!" Neptune added loudly, not wanting to go near the water.

Team NDGO looked at him unsure as before Dew turned to her allies. "He's not wrong." She agreed.

Hehehe, what a wimp. Can't get over his fear of the water.Wraith chuckles darkly at the scene.

"That's because YOU rigged it."Wade thought, glaring at the match.

Meh, details, details.Wraith said, not caring about his actions.

Back to the match, Nebula calls out her first order. "Open fire!"

Soon, Team NDGO goes forward into their turf. Sage with his sword raised and Scarlet removed his coat before they followed them in battle. Scarlet comes upon Octavia Ember emerging out from a nearby arch and tries to slice her with his cutlass. However, she was faster than him as Octavia ducks under the swing and continues sliding away, past the middle of Dew and Sage getting ready to rumble. Sage hefts his weapon, Pilgrim, overhead with both hands and brings it down, only to get knocked back by Dew's spear. He glances up in time to see the blonde wave her weapon over the sand to create three small twisters that kick up dust in Sage's face. He looks around as they surround him but does not realize the danger until they coalesce into one big tornado that picks him up off the ground. With his weapon torn out of his grip and screaming in panic, he is totally helpless as the winds throw him and his blade out of the arena.

Sage slams the ground with fists upon seeing his image now crossed out on the holographic board. -And NDGO gains the advantage!-Oobleck announced.

Octavia slides in front of Sun and Scarlet, who ready themselves to fight her just as she spins her sword around and produces a wave of flame that kicks up dust in their faces. Sun manages to jump out of the cloud just in time to call for help in fighting the redhead.

"Neptune!" Sun called out to him.

Hearing his name, Neptune sees his leader fallback while Octavia attacks Scarlet again, Neptune leaps down from his position and co*cks his gun. Octavia attempts to use another fire attack to blind Neptune, but he simply puts on his goggles and fires a bolt at his opponent, who blocks it with her blade right before seeing Sun leap out of nowhere to deliver a neck-snapping kick to her face. Now furious, a scowling Octavia tries to retaliate by bringing her blade down onto the Faunus. But the blow is countered by Sun's Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in its staff form as he draws the weapon, then spins it all around his body while hitting several parts of hers. He ends it with a jab that knocks Octavia on her back in the sand.

-Oh! And we're down to 3-on-3!-Port announced in interest.

Neptune was fighting with Gwen Darcy as she circles him with her flying knives and Scarlet attempting to go weapon-to-weapon with Dew. She easily dodges a kick then calls upon another sandy cyclone to lift Scarlet up, and he revolves around the spiral until it launches him over the shipwreck. It seems like he's about to be eliminated as well, but he extends his arms and manages to dive onto a part of the mast. Noticing this, Nebula and Gwen rush to pursue him. Scarlet catches the beam and flips himself up almost losing his balance once the pole is under his feet. He eventually finds his balance right when Nebula closes in and launches an arrow with her crossbow at the mast, using it to jump right up to where Scarlet is.

Nebula folds up the sides of her weapon into a blade to cross swords with her opponent. Both gave trading blows while ducking and missing each other's attacks. Then Scarlet is struck by Nebula's hilt and counters with a kick to the head. Nebula circles the mast and deflects another blow then slams her blade over Scarlet's and forces him to lean back on the post. Luckily, he manages to get his sword back out from the trap and feign a swing at Nebula's feet before knocking into her with his elbow, causing the NDGO leader to fall into the sand below. From his position, Scarlet sees Gwen continue to throw her knives at Sun, and he smirks before whipping out his pistol and shooting the hilt guard as a grappling hook to get her by the ankle.

"Gotcha!" Scarlet called out with a grin.

The redhead uses the cord to lift Gwen into the air while he slowly comes down to the ground, only to land directly beneath her as she attempts to protect her modesty while knives start raining down from her dress. Scarlet quickly adopts a pose that somehow allows him to miss every single blade that comes crashing down into the sand at his feet, which he gives a sigh of relief to.

"That was a close one." Ruby said to the others.

"I don't think so." Voltaria stated, getting the others' attention.

Through Voltaria's prediction, Scarlet's luck ran out when Dew leapt towards Sun, causing the monkey Faunus to knock out two coconuts from a palm tree beside him. He throws the two coconuts at his opponent only to get them knocked right back at him, now spontaneously catching fire as they travel. Sun narrowly misses them both, but Scarlet gets one straight to the face, and the other lands in a place that makes him squeal in unimaginable pain while dropping his Aura levels into elimination. All the males winced in pain at this while Wraith laughed his mind off.

HAHAHAHA! THAT'S HILARIOUS! HAHAHAH!Wraith laughed out loudly.

Sun releases a sigh of annoyance. "Nuts!"

Dew smirked at this before she summoned a few water blue tornadoes that he tried to dodge around. "Uh, Neptune? Could use some help, buddy!" Sun called out to him, seeing he's already in trouble.

Neptune saw the water with unsureness before turning back to his leader with his excuses. "Uh, you know, uh, it would probably be better if you came over here! Yeah, I can guard this...sector! We're in lockdown mode!"

Sun was looking around infuriated as Nebula managed to shoot the cord holding Gwen up, freeing her in the process. "What are you talking about?! There's nothing to lock down!" Sun exclaimed in frustration.

"Lockdown! Right! You got it!" Neptune said before turning away again, trying to prevent himself from going near the water.

Honestly, how can he be a proper huntsman if he can't get over his fear of the water?Regina spoke to the group.

He'll probably get over it...I think.Tabitha said to her with unsureness in her tone.

"Keyword:probably." Blake said with a sigh.

Sun was jumping out from Dew's attempt to pierce him with her spear as he called out to Neptune in frustration. "Dude! I know you're afraid of water, but you gotta-" He stops yelling when a blue shot knocks an attacking Dew out of midair and into the water.

Neptune was holding his gun and was the one who took the shot. "There! I helped! Are you happy now!?" Neptune exclaimed before pausing as he placed a hand on his chest. "Also,Iam not afraid of water, and I have no idea whatyouare talking about!" He pointed at Sun, trying his best to hide his fear.

Why he scared of water?Hannibal asked Blake curiously.

"It's...hard to explain, Hannibal." Blake answered to him softly.

It okay, me understand.Hannibal said kindly before watching the match, making Blake smile at him.

At the match, Dew manages to get back up as Nebula and Gwen join their comrade in the water, lifting their weapons and ready to fight once more. Sun was getting frustrated as he gestured at the three with both hands and then facing his scaredy-cat of a teammate.


Neptune, now can't hold it, exclaimed. "Okay, fine! Just get out of the water!"

Sun gets out of the way as Neptune jumps over to a spot near the coastal line next to Sun. The blue-haired teen unfolds Tri-Hard into its trident form before tip-toeing forwards (earning an annoyed look from Sun) with his eyes closed, plunging the sparking prongs into the water. The energy surges through the deep until the remaining members of NDGO are electrocuted and sink to their knees in the water, smoking and defeated. The sound of the buzzer was heard, indicating the match was over and the remaining members of Team SSSN had won. Knowing that they won, both Sun and Neptune chest bump each other in celebration while Port spoke in delight.-And with that, Team SSSN moves on to the doubles round!"-

Port then turns towards Oobleck. "You know what I call that victory?"

Oobleck spoke with a pun. "Shocking?"

Port frowns at this. "No, well earned. What you said is stupid."

Back at the seats, Ruby leans back in her seat and sighs in relief. "Aw, that was so close!" She said, happy Team SSSN made it to the next round.

"You can say that again." AJ said with a giggle.

"Looks like the dorks made it to the next round!" Yang added with a grin.

Blake looks at Yang and then down to the arena where Sun and Neptune are dancing like fools, much to the audience's amusem*nt, before the monkey Faunus gives her a special double-gun gesture with a wink. Blake blushed a bit by this and made a small smile from his target. "Emphasis on "dork"." Blake said almost happily.

Unfortunately for her, the entities could feel her sudden emotional change.Please tell me you're not falling over that monkey.Wraith spoke to Blake in her mind.

Blake blushed at this and glared forward, as if Wraith was in front of her. "Ever heard of privacy?" She asked Wraith rudely.

Privacy, shmivacy, who cares? I'm outta here.Wraith before disappearing from the group.

Voltaria sighs and sends a telepathic message to Hannibal.Hannibal, keep an eye on Wraith.

Okay.Hannibal agreed before disappearing as well, going after Wraith. Suddenly, Oobleck's voice came over the sound system.

-That concludes the matches for today. Please leave the Coliseum IN A CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION!-

Everyone flinched from the unexpected volume change. Glynda sighs in annoyance at this and shakes her head, she is going to have a word with Oobleck after this.

"Come on, let's go congratulate 'em." Yang said to the others.

"I must go as well, Ozpin and I have to meet with Ironwood this afternoon." Glynda said before getting up but not before turning to Voltaria. "You better stay out of trouble."

Voltaria snorted at this. "Trouble sometimes comes to me." She said softly.

Glynda raised a brow at this but decided not to question it. She says her farewell and then leaves the group. As in doing so, the group heads off to congratulate Team SSSN.

"By the way, Voltaria. Where did Wraith disappear to?" Evo asked Voltaria.

"Don't worry about Wraith. Hannibal is keeping an eye on him." Voltaria answered him calmly.

"You know, I always wonder why Wraith isn't like Hannibal." Yang wonders.

I wonder why as well.Regina agrees with Yang.

As they all started to head out to meet with Team SSSN, an aircraft with elegant ribbons flying from its wings passed over the Colosseum, causing Weiss to stop in her tracks to stare at it.

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Her sudden stop causes Ruby to accidentally bounce into her.

"Hugghh, uhhh...what...are you viewing?" Ruby suddenly asked when she was supposed to apologize to her.

But Weiss was too busy to even notice her since she was looking up at the craft with a strange expression that is a mix of joy and anxiety as she spoke with strain in her voice. "She's here!"

Ruby looked at her in confusion. "Who's here?" She asked Weiss, curious about what she was talking about.

Voltaria glanced up at the aircraft with a blank expression under her mask and said to Ruby the answer. "I believe someone that she idolizes is coming here."

Chapter 15: Saving Lives I

Chapter Text

Voltaria was at the Vytal Festival fairgrounds with AJ, Wade, and Evo. Voltaria decided to spend some time with her teammates, getting to know them physically instead of mentally. It was strange, but part of her appreciates their company. For once in her life, she enjoys having friends by her side. Although she did try to avoid the looks and stares from the people that walked by. Considering that they know that she is the Grimm Girl. Voltaria ignores them since they oppose no threat to her. She just stood close by as AJ went shopping for souvenirs for her sisters and her parents.

"So? How's the fair?" Wade asked, coming over to Voltaria's side.

Voltaria responded with a shrug. "'s strange but also...nice at the same time." She answered quietly.

"I take it you've never been to a fair before?" Wade asked the young girl.

"Never. I always steer clear in every village and city." Voltaria answered casually as she looked at AJ, buying a cute knickknack keychain from a store while Evo was looking through a tent that was selling instruments. "And yet, here I am, in a festival that is filled with people."

Wade chuckled at her as he handed her a candy apple on a stick causing Voltaria to look at it under her mask. "Here, something you would enjoy." He said with a smile but Voltaria continued to stare at it. "Come on, don't tell me you don't know what a candy apple is?"

"I know what it is, it's just...I never tried a candy apple before." Voltaria said with slight hesitation.

"Well, it's good, trust me." He said to her honestly.

Voltaria wasn't sure what his game is, but if she wants to trust him and her teammates, she has to try. So, with a final decision, she accepted the candy apple from Wade. "Thanks..." She mutters out a bit.

"No prob, V." With that, Wade went over to his girlfriend, who showed him a nice pair of earrings for her older sisters, which he nodded in acknowledgment.

Voltaria watched him leave before looking at the candy apple in hand. It's been a while since she had sweets. The last time she had sweets was when she was only five years old, and they were macaroons. Voltaria used to make macaroons with her mother before her...untimely death. It brought heart aching memories of her mother. Voltaria still misses her mother, but she can't let it distract her. She and her friends (still sounding weird when she said it) must stop the perpetrators from destroying Vale. Glancing at the candy apple, Voltaria decided to take a bite, she made a small hum in the process, enjoying the delicious sweetness of the candy apple.

"Voltaria." She heard Blake's voice. Turning around, she saw the Cat Faunus coming over to her.

"Blake, is there something you need?" Voltaria questions her after swallowing her food.

"Just wondering if there were any changes know." Blake didn't say anything about the future since she didn't want anyone to hear her.

Voltaria understands Blake wants to know if the road of the future has changed, considering her gift of seeing the future, but so far there have been no changes yet. "Not so far, but don't keep your guard down for even a second, the threat is watching us." She said quietly, earning a nod from Blake.

"Blake!" They suddenly heard Sun's voice. The two girls saw the Monkey Faunus jogging over to them with a grin on his face. Sun came in front of Blake, still grinning happily towards her. "Hey!"

"Hey yourself." Blake greeted him kindly. "I saw your match, you did great."

Sun blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "T-Thanks...we would've won sooner if Neptune wasn't messing around."

"By messing around, you mean his fear of water?" Voltaria stated to Sun, taking another bite of her candy apple.

"Hey, it's not his fault that he's afraid of the water!" Sun defended his friend.

Voltaria looks up to him under her mask. "And why is he afraid?" She questions him.

"...Uh...Blake, help?" Sun whispers to Blake in a pleading tone.

Sighing, Blake shook her head at Sun, finding his antiques somewhat annoying, before she looked over to Voltaria. "I heard from Ruby that you and Evo are going to face two members of Team MUSE." She said to her.

"Yeah...we are." Voltaria answered simply.

Sun looks at Blake and then to Voltaria with surprise eyes. "Wait, she's facing Team MUSE?" He asked in shock.

Team MUSE is known to be a talented group of huntresses. They are both talented in combat and in music. These huntresses came from well-known musical and noble families. As well as being famous celebrities. The first one is their leader, Melodia Bluebird, from House Bluebird. The only heir of the Bluebird family, Melodia has a great talent in music, especially singing. She's a famous opera singer at the age of ten. Her Semblance is a sonic scream. She creates deadly and loud sonic waves when she releases her scream. It can shatter a huge building in seconds. Earning the title 'The Queen of Music'. The next member is Uta Ryuko Izuna or better known as Uri is a Ninja from a high noble ninja family of the Uta Clan. She is trained in many forms of combat and ninja skills. She is a talented rapper and dancer. She got her talent in music from her mother's side. Her Semblance is creating copies of herself, but with neon color that glows in the dark. Next member is Sirena Constantine. She is the Diva of the group and is the cousin of Nathaniel and the member of the Constantine Family. She's a model for the latest fashion and an amazing singer. And like Nathanial, she can use glyphs, but better and in style. And lastly, Ekko Cantala. Ekko is the fourth child from House Cantala, a family that are responsible for all communication and cellular devices on Remnant as well as owning a huge tech company called BioX. Ekko is best DJ on Remnant and is Melodia's best friend. The girls are close friends since their families are business partners, and they form a band which they call themselves the MUSE like their team's name. Melodia, Ekko, and Sirena all came from Atlas and were supposed to go Atlas Academy, but they decided to go to Mistral and study at Haven Academy with their best friend Uri since her family lives at Mistral. They became superstars in Mistral as they performed concerts and were excited in their studies. Making them tough opponents.

"Yes, I am well aware of them being excellent in both combat and weaponry." Voltaria said blankly, eating her candy apple with no problem.

Sun stared at the young girl in confusion. "Seriously? Why are you so calm about this? Team MUSE is one of the most skilled and richest teams in the whole school!" He said dramatically.

"...Are you finished?" Voltaria asked him bluntly, making the monkey Faunus to stare at her in disbelief. "You shouldn't be concerned about how my teammates perform at the tournament, be concerned about your blue haired teammate, he needs to overcome his fear of the water."

"I am NOT afraid of the water!" Neptune's voice called from the background. Voltaria turns around to see Neptune was behind her. "I know...checking for any...sneak attacks!"

"You were avoiding the water." Voltaria stated to him.

"" Neptune tried to think of a comeback but couldn't think of any.

Voltaria rolled her eyes at him. "I rest my case." She mutters out. "You really should know how to overcome your fear, otherwise; the lives that you're meant to protect will be endangered by you."

"Oh, yeah, well...maybe you should be more...nice!" Neptune said to her, finally found a comeback, but she wasn't fazed by this.

"Nice? I show respect for those who show great skills in battle, not petty playboys." Voltaria said to Neptune in a serious tone.

Before Neptune could respond, Ruby came zooming in with a happy look on her face as she faced Voltaria. "Volty! They're selling malasadas over there! Let's go buy some for our friends!" She said happily, as she secretly referred to Amaryllis and Ripper.

Without saying anything, Voltaria nodded her head, allowing Ruby to grab her arm as she used her semblance to zoom them both to the malasadas. Leaving the three teens behind but Blake waves at them with a smile. However, Sun and Neptune, on the other hand, are unsure why Blake and the others are friends with that scary, bad attitude, and creepy girl.

"Seriously, how are you friends with her?" Sun asked Blake.

Blake didn't look at him, she was focusing on the spot where both Voltaria and Ruby had left. "She's not like any other, she's...special." She answered with a small smile on her face, earning strange looks from both Sun and Neptune, wondering if she got a concussion on the head or something.

~At Beacon's Courtyard~

"Oooohhh! Ama and Rippy are gonna love these malasadas!" Ruby chimes happily, carrying three bags of malasadas inside while Voltaria carried the other three bags. "Do you think that you can make some kind of meat malasadas?" Ruby wondered.

"Probably not." Voltaria answered simply. "By the way, how was the meeting with Weiss's older sister?"

Ruby looked at her in surprise. "How did you..." She trailed off as Volatria looked at Ruby under her mask. "Er...nevermind...anyways. Weiss's sister...Winter. She's kind of..."

A cold, strong, hardcore, bossy, older sister that has a tongue that's sharper than a sword?Wraith suggested through their mind.

"...Yup, that's about it." Ruby agrees with Wraith.

"She may be cold and keep her emotions in check, but deep down, she cares for her sister." Voltaria said to Ruby.

"Hey, just like um..." Ruby cuts herself off when Voltaria turns to her again and to silence the hooded girl. "...never mind."

"Anyways, tonight, we must gather with the others and...what is going on over there?" Voltaria suddenly said when she spotted the crowd, watching a brawl happening. They could see two figures spinning and trading blows while the crowd watched in awe. Wraith was cheering within the minds of Ruby and Voltaria while Regina, Tabitha, and Hannibal were curious upon the two fighters. Ruby was concerned about who was fighting before she spotted one of her teammates, Weiss, was within the crowd. She quickly enters the crowd and goes next to her teammate with Voltaira following her from behind.

"What's going on?!" Ruby asked in concern.

Weiss gestured to the two fighters at the courtyard. "Some crazy guy just started attacking my sister!" She exclaimed.

"Oh no! Who would do such a th-'' However, before could finish her sentence, she saw who's Wiess's sister's opponent is, and it was none other than her alcoholic, crazy- "That is my uncle!" She squealed in delight, dropping the bags on the ground.

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Weiss looked at her team leader in disbelief. "What?!" She exclaimed in shock.

"I can see the family resemblance." Voltaria mutters to see Ruby's uncle known as Qrow Branwen was fighting Weiss's sister, Winter Schnee.

Ruby then yells loudly towards her uncle, cheering him on in the fight. "Kick her butt, Uncle Qrrrrooowwww!"

Seeing this, Weiss decides to shout her own encouragement towards her sister. "Teach him respect, Winter!"

Voltaria sighs at this, knowing that this will not end well. However, in the corner of her eyes, she caught Mercury strolling by until he stopped and spotted Qrow in the distance. He panics for a while and quickly runs off to who knows where. Voltaria narrows her eyes at him, knowing very well that he was going to report to his leader. Voltaria turns back to the fight as it comes to a close, with Winter propelling herself forward, screaming in rage and preparing a thrust towards Qrow.


Stopping her blade's point mere inches away from Qrow's neck, Winter looks behind her to see General Ironwood standing behind her with Penny behind him. Voltaria stared at the general with a blank expression on her face. She could hear Wraith groaning in her mind saying that the killjoy is here.

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Winter lowers her blades as she addresses Ironwood.

"General Ironwood, sir!"

Ironwood approaches Winter with Penny by his side. "What in the world do you think you're doing?" He demanded.

Winter glared at Qrow. "He started the altercation, sir!"

Qrow suddenly then puts his hands behind his head in a relaxed stance. "That's actually not true. She attacked first." He said in a drunken tone.

Ironwood glared at him briefly before turning to Winter. "Is that right?" He questions her. Winter searches for words, but only to realize Qrow is right. She was about to look down in shame until...

"She was trying to protect her sister." Voltaria's voice came to voice.

Everyone, even Winter, looked at Voltaria in surprise. She was the one who responded to this before she looked at Qrow under her mask. "This man destroyed two AK-200s that happened to be Atlas Military property." Voltaria began, getting on Qrow's nerves.

"Really?" Ironwood asked her with raised brow at this.

"Yes, and due to his drunken nature, Ms. Schnee thought he was a threat to her younger sister and might attack her. Or he did on purpose to attempt to fight Ms. Schnee by provoking her, getting her into trouble, so he has something to entertain himself." Voltaria explains the situation, after seeing through him like a book.

"Hey, how did you know I was gonna do...Uh-oh." Qrow suddenly cuts himself off when he notices Ironwood and Winter glaring at him, figuring out his plan. "Ignore what I just said right now."

"Does it ever prove to you that due to your drunken mind you might accidentally hurt someone?" Voltaria questions the drunken Qrow, who didn't say anything, making Voltaria finish off her statement. "My thoughts exactly."

Before anyone could speak, Ozpin came with Glynda as the Headmaster of Beacon to intervene in the situation. "Now, now, everyone. There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the Colosseum, that I can assure you has better seats...and popcorn." Ozpin said, swirling his coffee in his mug.

Goodwitch then steps in "Break it up, everyone! We will take care of this mess." She announces, glaring towards the three aka Ironwood, Qrow, and Winter.

"Let's go." Ironwood ordered after adjusting his tie. Soon, the General, Winter, Penny and some AK-200s left the area. But as they did, Penny notices Ruby and quietly waves to her happily with a smile on her face. Ruby saw this and smiled as she waved back to Penny. Then Ruby glanced at her uncle with a mischievous smile and then leaps giddily onto Qrow's arm, shaking her legs in delight.

"Uncle Qrow!" She squeals happily, surprising Qrow in the process as he outstretches his arm to look at his niece as she hangs on to his arm. "Hi." She smiles at him as she dangles on his arm like a monkey. "It's so good to see you! Did you miss me? DID YOU MISS ME!?"

Qrow stared at her with a somewhat blank look for a short while before smirking at her playfully. "Nope." They shared a grin as he ruffled his niece's head playfully.

"Qrow!" Ozpin called out to him, causing the huntsman to turn to look at the headmaster, accidentally dropping Ruby. Ozpin gives him a blank look that says he is not amused of his action. "A word, please." He said to him sternly as Glynda repaired the courtyard using her telekinesis.

Qrow leans over to Ruby, discreetly. "I think I'm in trouble." He said to his niece.

Ruby smiles and shrugs at him. "You did kinda tear up our courtyard." She informs him.

Qrow made a smirk. "Yeah, I did." He said as he gave her a wink and then they both did a fist bump. "Catch ya later, kid." And with that, Qrow walks off to join the others to Ozpin's office.

As Ruby smiles at her uncle, Weiss comes walking up beside Ruby, arms crossed, as she pieces the puzzle together. "And suddenly, your recklessness makes sense." She said in somewhat annoyance.

Ruby nudges Weiss's shoulder gently. "You're just mad because he whooped butt."

Weiss gave Ruby a challenging glare as puts her arms down. "That was a draw, at best!" She stated, causing Ruby to grin. Weiss then turned to Voltaria, who stood there carrying the other bags that Ruby dropped. "By the way, thanks for defending on my sister's behalf."

"She's an exceptional fighter, we might need her in the future." Voltaria informs them, making Weiss smile in realization of her words while Ruby was confused.

~Ozpin's Office~

Late at night, Ironwood was waiting with his arms crossed while Winter was impatiently pacing about. Basically, she's angry at how she found out that Qrow was trying to make a fool out of herself. If it weren't for that mysterious girl that was with her sister, Qrow wouldn't have gotten away with his action. Suddenly, they heard the elevator's doors open, revealing a smirking Qrow, accompanied by Glynda and Ozpin.

Winter glares at Qrow. "What were you thinking!?"

"If you were one of my men, I would have you shot!" Ironwood warned Qrow.

Qrow wasn't fazed by their threats as he pulled out flask as he entered the room with the others. "If I was one of your men, I'd shoot myself." He countered, taking a sip from his drink.

Glynda glares at Qrow in annoyance, acting like an immature brat rather than to act his age. "While I wouldn't condone his behavior, retaliating like you did certainly didn't help the situation." She said towards Winter.

"He was drunk!" Winter said loudly.

"He's always drunk!" Glynda said in frustration before the four suddenly turned to Qrow to see him drinking from a flask. Qrow suddenly stops drinking and stares at them as they stare at him in annoyance. Qrow holds the flask out to the side, looking at it awkwardly before grimacing.

Ozpin stares at Qrow in shock before he sighs and sits down. "Qrow, why are you here?" He asked frustratedly.

"You've been out of contact for weeks! You can't just go dark like that in the field!" Ironwood said in a serious tone.

"I'm not one of your special operatives, Jimmy!" Qrow shots back.

"General." Winter steps forward with a serious tone of her voice, addressing Ironwood's rank.

Qrow scoffs at Winter. "Whatever. You sent me to get intel on our enemy, and I'm telling you, our enemy is here."

Ironwood leans against Ozpin's desk and informs him. "We know."

"Oh! Oh, you know! Well, thank goodness I'm out there risking my life to keep you all informed!" Qrow said in anger.

Ironwood exhales, frustrated by the drunken one's behavior. "Qrow-"

"Communication's a two-way street, pal. You see this?" Qrow pulls out his Scroll and points to it. "That's theSENDbutton."

"They had reason to assume you'd been compromised." Winter said to Qrow seriously.

"And I have reason to assume you don't need to be here." Qrow interjects as he points to Winter. "Seriously, who invited her?"

After a moment of silence, Ironwood spoke without looking at Winter. "Schnee, we'll discuss this incident back at my ship."

Winter looked at the general in surprise and tried to protest. "But sir!"

"Winter. Leave." Ironwood ordered her.

Without any further question, Winter obeyed his word and saluted Ironwood. "Yes, Sir." She then turns on her heel and gives Qrow, who winked at her, a dirty look as she exits the room and into the elevator. As Winter leaves, everyone starts a serious conversation.

Ironwood turns and gestures to Qrow. "Go on."

"Your little infiltrator isn't just another pawn. They're the one responsible for Autumn's condition." Qrow explains about the situation as he takes a drink from his flask once more.

"What?" Glynda asked in confusion.

Qrow stops drinking and faces them again. "Despite what the world thinks, we're not just teachers, or Generals, or Headmasters. The people in this room, the leaders of the other two academies, we're the ones that keep the world safe from the evils no one even knows about!" He said to the three authorities in the room before getting up in Ironwood's face. "It's why we meet behind closed doors, why we work in the shadows. So, you tell me, James, when you brought your army to Vale, did you think you were being discreet, or did you just not give a damn!?"

Ironwood stares down at Qrow as he places his Scroll on Ozpin's desk. "Discreet wasn't working." He answered, before activating his Scroll. At the center of the room projects a hologram of Vale, Beacon Academy, the Amity Colosseum, and Ironwood's fleet of Atlesian Airships. Ironwood gestures to his holographic fleet with pride. "I'm here because this is what was necessary."

Qrow rolled his eyes at him and pointed at Ozpin. "You're here because Ozpin wanted you here! He made you a part of this inner circle and opened your eyes to the real fight that's in front of us!"

"And I am grateful."

"Oh, well, you've got arealfunny way of showing it." Qrow said to him sarcastically.

"The people of Vale needed someone to protect them; someone who would act. When they look to the sky and see my fleet, they feel safe, and our enemies will feel our strength." Ironwood explained his reason why he brought the military.

This made Qrow laugh in sour amusem*nt. "You...You think they're scared of your little ships? I've been out there, and I've seen the things she's made, and let me tell you.Theyare fear." He stated the obvious to Ironwood, who wasn't fazed by this.

Having had enough, Ozpin stands up from his seat. "Andfearwill bring the Grimm. A guardian is a symbol of comfort. But an army is a symbol of conflict. There's an energy in the air now, a question in the back of everyone's minds..." He then gestures to the display in front of them. "If this is the size of our defenses, then what is it we're expecting to fight?"

Ironwood glares at them, knowing that they aren't satisfied with his work, before he releases a sigh as he walks forward, picking up his Scroll just as it flashes with the image of a Black Queen. "So then, what would you suggest we do?" He asked Ozpin, who was silent for a while, looking at the group seriously.

"I suggest we find our guardian." Ozpin stated the obvious.

"Agreed, but first, I need to discuss with you about a curtain issue here." Ironwood said to Ozpin.

"And what is that?" Ozpin questions him.

"You're a new student, the Grimm Girl." Ironwood said, causing Glynda to give him a cold stare, he didn't notice it as he was looking at Ozpin. "People are beginning to suspect that she's the source of trouble after her little stunt at the tournament."

"I can assure you, General, Ms. Eclipse shows no threat to any of us." Ozpin said to him.

"Eclipse?" Ironwood questions the name.

"Voltaria Eclipse, that's her full name, not theGrimm Girl." Glynda corrected coldly and seriously, not liking Ironwood saying that Voltaria was some sort of creature. "She's here for the proper education that she deservesANDto learn how to be a proper huntress."

This surprised the men in the room, even Ozpin. They always thought of her as a levelheaded and stern professor, but they never expected her to react like this when Ironwood spoke about the Grimm Girl. Glynda made a blank look as the three males stared at her in surprise. She didn't want to tell them about how Voltaria could see into the future, and because they would jeopardize the plan that Voltaria and her entities prepared. Releasing a sigh, Glynda decided to leave and go check on her.

"I will take my leave." She says to the men. With that, Glynda walks out of the office and to the elevator, leaving the three men to themselves. As she did, Qrow let out a whistle of surprise.

"Woah! I think you strike a nerve there, James." Qrow said to Ironwood. "She seems protective of this kid."

"That's because Glynda volunteered to be Ms. Eclipse's guardian." Ozpin stated to them, getting the two men's attention. "Ms. Eclipse has no family or any close relatives. So, Professor Goodwitch put it upon herself to be Ms. Eclipse sole guardian."

"Huh, funny, I never picture Goodwitch as a parental figure." Qrow said before taking another swing of his flask.

"And are you sure that this girl won't be an opposable threat?" Ironwood asked the headmaster of Beacon suspiciously.

"I can assure you, General, that Ms. Eclipse shows no sign of danger to anyone or to us." Ozpin assured the general. "It's only a matter of time before therealthreat will show."

The three men, however, aren't aware that Regina was listening through their whole conversation. Learning about what they are hiding before retreating back to Voltaria.

"Ama! Rippy! We brought goodies!" Ruby called out to the hybrids.

She and the others, plus Glynda, were taken back to Emerald Forest and to the den where Amaryllis and Ripper's den. The two hybrid siblings had just eaten a delicious meal which were wild pigs, and then sensed both their mothers here with their pack members as well as smelling something delicious and sweet. Mamma Red and Serious Mother were carrying bags that had something in them. Soon, Zwei came over to the two hybrids, barking in delight. Ripper greeted the dog with a gentle head butt while Amaryllis nudged the cute dog gently, both hybrids were happy to see their furry friend again.

"I hope you guys like malasadas!" Ruby said happily as she took out a box from the bag and opened it, revealing a sweet aroma.

Taking in the scent, both prehistoric predators' jaws drooled at the sweet scent. Lowering their heads, the two predators opened their jaws and awaited their treats. They did this before when they were hatchlings. They do this to show their wanting and patience, considering Serious Mother doesn't allow them to be spoiled or greedy. Voltaria saw this and allowed Ruby to feed them malasadas. The croon in delight as they enjoy the delicious treat.

"So, Volty? Why did you bring us here?" Yang asked, coming over to her with the others.

"Is it one of your visions?" Blake asked suddenly, coming over to her.

Voltaria looked at them, seeing their worried looks on their faces, and knew she had to tell them before it was too late. Taking a deep breath and sighing, she turned to her friends and said this to them. "Just now, Regina has reported to me about the meeting that Professor Goodwitch had with some individuals."

"Wait, you were there at the office?" Glynda asked Regina in shock.

Indeed, I have, and we know about your meeting.Regina said to Glynda in a serious tone.

"Wait, is it something to do with Uncle Qrow?" Ruby asked in concern.

"Yes and no. Truth be told, there's something that they are not telling us." Voltaria said to the group.

"Ms. Eclipse, you shouldn't have known about this." Glynda said in concern.

I understand you wanted to protect them, Professor Goodwitch, but they need to know this vital information. Otherwise, they will all suffer a terrible fate.Regina said to Glynda.

Glynda wanted to protest but seeing the students before her and how they work to stop a great evil to protect the Kingdom of Vale. The professor sighs, knowing that they will suffer if they don't know what they are dealing with, and looks over to Voltaria with a nod of approval. Voltaria nodded back in acknowledgement before turning to her friends.

"V? What's going on?" Wade asked his teammate.

"It's best for Regina to explain this." Voltaria stated as she gestured to the teacher and entity.

And you might want to sit down on this.Tabitha added.

Looking at themselves, the teams sat down on the ground and Wraith, somehow, started a small campfire on the center. They were surprised by this but decided not to question it. Regina looked at them calmly, the wise entity has known the secrets that were hidden in Beacon for a long time after she listens to Ozpin's conversations with the others.

Do you ever wonder why we have fairy tale books?Regina began.

"Say what now?" Yang asked in confusion.

Fairy tale books, stories of old, myths, legends, and magic.

The group wasn't sure on what she meant but Blake decided to answer that. "Fairy tales and fables teach us about society, class, relationships, emotions, values, vices, and the forces of good and evil. As well as giving moral lessons and having strong imaginations." The cat Faunus answered.

"Regina, what does this have to do with the plan?" Wade asked the wise entity.

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense." AJ agrees with her boyfriend.

"Just hear her out." Voltaria said to them.

What if I tell you that the fairy tales were real.Regina said to them softly.

"What?" Ren asked in confusion. "I...don't understand."

"Neither do we." Jaune added as he looked at the small fire. "What do you mean by that?"

"She's saying that magic is real." Voltaria answered them seriously. "The stories you heard and read as children are real. They're not just simple fairy tales. Not anymore at least."

"Wait a second, are you telling us that magic is real?" Weiss asked in confusion, not believing the word they were saying.

"Are you sure, Regina?" Pyrrha asked in concern.

"Yeah! Is this some kind of joke!?" Nora asked in an almost angry tone.

It is the truth, my dear. For I was one of those people that used magic.Regina said to them, shocking Glynda in the process.I know you all may not believe me, but long before you all were born or the Kingdoms of Remnant were made, I lived in a time where there were kings and queens that ruled kingdoms that were plentiful, both men and women were capable of magic.

"So...let me get this straight." Yang began, looking at Regina. "Are you saying that magic is real? Andweused to wield it?"

"She is not lying to you all." Gynda said to them sternly, causing everyone to look at her. "We've been...hiding the truth to you all since the beginning."

"Wait, wedidhave magic?" Evo asked in surprise and somewhat shock.

Yes, you all would've still had magic, if it wasn't for that...Regina's anger suddenly seized as exhales a bit.

"...Regina?" Ruby spoke in concern. "Did...did something happen?"

Regina shut her eyes briefly and nodded.Yes. Something did happen, a very terrible event...She whispers into their mind.

"Regina? What happened to the magic?" Ruby asked gently.

Regina sighs softly as she looks at the fire.So many questions, yet there are only little questions in the world.She said before looking at them.Do you wonder why we have Grimm in our world?

The group looked at each other and then to Regina with shaking heads. "Not really." Weiss answered almost sheepishly.

"Yeah, we always thought they were there for us hunters and huntresses to kick their butts." Yang said, slamming her fist with her hand.

And do you know how they were made?

"There were some theories." Blake began, remembering reading some books. "Many ancient cultures believed the creatures of Grimm are animals possessed by evil spirits or perhaps the spirits of tortured animals themselves."

Well, they are wrong.Regin stated to them seriously.The Creatures of Grimm aren't animals of evil spirits. No, they were created to destroy all manner of life, and their creator was a god, the God of Darkness.

"God of...darkness?" Evo asked hesitantly.

I know it may sound strange, but I am telling you this, because you all need to know what really happened so many years ago.

Again, the group looked at each other, still trying to process this and trying to believe her but know Regina. She's the one that would never lie or make up stories. "Alright, continue." Wade said to her gently.

Regina nodded as she looked at the fire.There are not many people who are religious, nor do they know about the truth. But this world's been around for a long time. There are dozens of gods and goddesses, but there are two gods, both brothers, who are greater than any. And those gods are the God of Light and God of Darkness.

"They sounded like a big deal." Wade said to Regina.

They were, after all, they were the reason why humanity existed."Regina said, getting everyone's attention.The story of the two brothers, the God of Light, found joy in creating forces of life, like nature and animals. While the younger brother, the God of Darkness, spent his time creating forces of destruction.

"Woah, talk about polar opposites." Yang said, leaning in through the story.

"So, if the God of Light created life and the God of Darkness destroyed life, is that it?" Blake questioned Regina.

Indeed. The brothers have different ideas how things should work. The God of Light spends his days creating life like water, plants, and all wildlife. But the God of Darkness was disgusted by his older brother's creation. To counteract his brother's creations, the God of Darkness brought drought, fire, famine, all he could do to rid Remnant of life through the cover of darkness. However, even if he keeps destroying his older brother's work, life always returns, no matter what.

"Talk about brother issues." Nora said, hearing the story of the brothers.

Tell me about it.Wraith muttered out.

"So, what happens next? What did the younger brother do?" Wade asked, leaning in to listen more.

The God of Darkness could no longer stand his older brother's creations of life and then created beings that shared his innate desire to destroy anything and everything.Regina explained.

"...The Creatures of Grimm." Ruby said out loud, learning about the truth of why Grimm existed.

Yes...Was Regina's answer.

"So, let me get this straight." Yang started as she looked at Regina with a serious look in her eyes. "Are you telling me that the reason why we have Grimm is because the God of Darkness created them so he can destroy his brother's work?!"

...Yup, that about sums it up.Wraith was the one who responded instead of Regina.

"That's messed up." Yang said to them with narrowed eyes.

It is indeed, however, the God of Light had finally had enough of his younger brother's desire of destruction. The feud they have should not be forever, so he proposed that they make one final creation together. A creation that they could both be proud of, their masterpiece, which the younger brother agreed.Regina continues the story.

"What did they create?" Ren asked curiously.

Regina looked at everyone with calm eyes.They created Humanity.This shocked everyone as she continued.Humanity was their last and great creation that would be given the power to both create and destroy. It would be given the gift of knowledge, so that it could learn about itself and the world around it. And most importantly, it would be given the power to choose, to have free will to take everything it had learned and decide which path to follow. Either light or darkness, it is their decision to make.

The group stared at them with wide and shocked eyes, never having heard such a powerful tale like that. I mean, they always thought their kind evolved like the dinosaurs, but they didn't know that they were made by gods. However, another thought came into their minds, what happened to them and why they no longer have magic.

As if she understands them, Regina gives them the answers they seek.I understand that you wish to know how you all no longer have magic, I presume?

Surprised, everyone, hence Voltaria, was surprised by this. They're still getting used to how these entities can get into their minds so easily.

" you know what happened to the magic?" Jaune asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, you did mention we might still have magic with us if it wasn't for someone." Blake added, looking at the wise entity.

Regina was silent, her eyes were filled with rage, regret, and sorrow, but she had to push that aside.Truth be told, our magic was taken away by the gods, but the reason why is because a human challenged the gods.

"What?" Everyone, minus Voltaria, asked in confusion.

"Who in their right mind challenges the gods?" Weiss asked Regina.

"Yeah, aren't they like, you know...all powerful?" Yang pointed out.

They are, but this particular human wanted the gods to bring someone that she loved.Regina explained.

"She?" Glynda asked in confusion.

Yes, a woman was the reason why the gods removed the magic, she tricks humanity into turning against their creators. Distraught of what humanity has become, the God of Darkness whipped out the entire human race, except for her.

"Wh-Why would they do that!?" Blake exclaimed, getting up from the grassy floor. "They didn't know the consequences, that-that woman tricked them!"

"Yeah! And why did she make humanity go against two all powerful gods!?" Nora added with a huff.

Soon, the others, minus Voltaria and Glynda, began bombarding with questions towards Regina, asking what happened next or what did the gods do, and more. There were so many questions from them, especially Blake. They need to know what has happened and what threat they are dealing with.

"That's enough!" Glynda suddenly exclaimed, silencing the group, before turning to Regina. "Continue."

Regina nodded at her in acknowledgement as she continued on.The reason why she did it is to bring back her lover, who had died of terrible sickness. She blames the gods for not bringing him back to her. She begged them to bring him back, but they refused time and time again. For they cannot ruin the balance between life and death. But she didn't care, all she wanted was her lover to come to her, she tried to force them to grant her wish. However, the gods were too strong, and as for her punishment, she was turned into an immortal by God of Light.

"WHAT?!" The teens, including Glynda, exclaimed in shock by this information.

"Why did he give her immortality?!" Glynda raises her voice for the first time, surprising everyone, including Voltaria.

"Yeah! And what kind of punishment is that?! She gets to live forever!" Nora stated.

That's where you are wrong.Regina said, getting everyone to be silent and look at her.Immortality is nothing but a curse, she may live and stay young forever, but she is forbidden to go to the afterlife and reunite with her beloved.Hearing this, everyone was silent by this, that does sound like a punishment, a terrible punishment that is. They can't imagine themselves living forever while the ones they care about die.

"That's...terrible." Yang said sadly.

It is a curse where she wonders about the changing world alone, for all eternity.Regina explained softly.She brought this upon herself as she must learn the importance of life and death, only then may she finally rest in peace.

"And if not?" Wade asked hesitantly.

Then she will continue to live forever, watching as the world around her changes for the rest of her eternal life."Regina explained to them seriously.But if she suffers, so does everyone around her.

"What do you mean?" Glynda asked.

You ever wonder why there are so many Grimms?She asked, which made everyone confused, except for Voltaria and Glynda. They never wonder why until now.It is because SHE is the Grimm's master.

"Wait, her?" Yang spoke in shock, along with the rest of the teens. "She's...the Grimm's master?"

She's the one who planned to corrupt our world, she was the one that started the war between humans and Faunus, and she will not stop until she gets what she wants.Regina explains to them.

"What does she want?" Glynda demanded, feeling betrayed that Ozpin hadn't told them the truth. "What does Salem want so badly to cause so much destruction?"

Regina looked at her and then to the teens, who waited for her answers. Wanting to know the reason for her crimes against both humans and Faunus. Glancing towards Voltaria, the Grimm Girl gave a nod of approval to her wise entity. With a sigh, Regina gave them an answer that shocked everyone.

So she could kill herself.

Her words brought chills in everyone's spins, especially Glynda's. Why would she try to kill herself? All the trouble she caused is so that she could end herself, why? Why would she do it?

"Why?" Blake whispers out, anger and sadness come to her voice. "Why cause all this pain? The Suffering? Why all this trouble so she could just end herself!?"

It's because she wants to rid of her immortality.Wraith suddenly spoke, stepping into Regina's explanation, much to her and everyone's surprise.Look, this Salem is a crazy, psychopathic, sociopath lady, who wishes nothing more than to be rid of her immortality and has gone to great lengths to do so.

"Then why destroy the peace?" Ruby asked them.

From what I know, Salem is trying to get the gods to destroy Remnant, to end all humanity and in turn, it might break her curse on her allowing her to die.

"WHAT?!" Everyone, minus Voltaria, exclaimed in shock, they never expected Salem to go through so many lengths; just so she could end her curse.

"Can she do that? Destroy everyone? Everything?!" Yang asked in shock.

She would be able to if she had four relics.Regina said.

"How did you know about-" Glynda was cut off when Regina gave her a calm look.

Please, do you think Ozpin is the only one who knows about this?Regina retorted to Glynda, catching her off-guard.

"What?" Glynda whispers in confusion.

Before I was an entity, I was a royal ambassador of my sister's court, till it all ended when Salem caused the downfall of the first humans. I lost everything, everyone that I cared for and loved.Regina explained, anger filling her eyes.

"How did you manage to survive the destruction?" Ren suddenly asked.

A goddess saved me from that terrible fate, she turned me into an entity in order to assist the one that shall stop Salem from causing humanity's destruction again.

"A goddess made you into this?" AJ asked in shock.

Yes, and I am not the only one who has been turned.Regina said, looking at Wraith, Tabitha, and Hannibal.They as well have been turned into entities by the goddess.

"Whoa, really?!" Nora exclaimed, coming in front of Tabitha, who felt uncomfortable for a moment. "You guys were people when you were alive?!"

Yeah, we were but that's a story for another time.Wraith said to them.

Wraith is correct, for once. All of you need to know about the relics.Regina said to them.

"What are these relics you talk about?" Wade asked Regina.

Before she could answer, Glynda was the one who spoke, surprising everyone, including Voltaria. "The Relics are four powerful magical objects created by the God of Light." She explained. "They are also known to be gifts for the Humanity."

"How do you know this, Professor Goodwitch?" Yang asked the professor.

"...Children, as you know, there are some secrets that you all have yet to learn but this is for the best that you must know." Glynda said, looking at them briefly before she sighs. "There is...there is a secret that we were keeping from you all. A secret that was supposed to keep you all safe." She turns and looks at Voltaria, who was busy looking at the fire. "We thought that keeping it a secret would make everyone safe, but when I saw the future that Voltaria foresaw. It showed me that keeping it a secret will be our downfall."

"What's the secret that you and the others are hiding, Professor?" Ruby asked her carefully.

Glynda takes a deep breath and exhales through her nose. "Professor Ozpin knows about these relics, Salem, and everything's because...he too was an original human, like Regina."




"SAY WHAT?!" Everyone, minus Voltaria and her entities, exclaimed in shock and bewilderment.

"He is?!" Ruby shrieks out.

"No way!" Wade said with wide eyes.

"How's that even possible?!" AJ spoke in shock.

"He's like Regina?!" Yang exclaimed in shock.

"He knows about this?!" Blake added, same shock as Yang.

"He's old like Regina?!" Nora exclaimed, grabbing some locks of her hair.

"NORA!" Ren scolded his teammate.

Wraith snickers when Nora says that Regina is old.Hehehe...old.He mutters out in amusem*nt before he notices Regina glaring at him in annoyance.What?

Regina wanted to smack him, but Glynda continued her explanation. "What Ozpin told me, and few selected individuals, is that he has been living in this world for so long, living out in different reincarnation."

"Rein...reincarnation?" Jaune asked hesitantly.

"Yes, Ozpin has been reborn for many generations. He is the one that gathered a group that would fight Salem in secret. Hoping to keep the peace and keep the relics safe."

"But it won't." Voltaria finally spoke, getting everyone's attention. "Keeping it hidden will lead to nothing but destruction and death. She won't stop until she gets what she wants, and that is those relics."

Glynda nodded. "Yes, and as you know, there are four relics." She said to the students.

"So, where are these relics?" Evo asked Glynda.

"As I recall, Ozpin told me that his predecessor had the Relics hidden in each of the four Huntsman Academies to protect them from Salem and to prevent mankind from using them against each other." Glynda explained to them.

"Really?" Yang asked in surprise. "Like, hidden beneath the schools or something?"

"Correct, the Relics are in secure vaults, and those relics are knowledge, creation, destruction and choice." Glynda explains to them.

"They sound dangerous to use." Jaune said, feeling scared.

"They are, these relics were too dangerous, that Ozpin made sure that only certain individuals can unlock." Glynda informs them.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked Glynda.

"Have you ever heard the Story of the Seasons?" Glynda asked them.

"Isn't that a fairy tale?" Pyrrha spoke to the professor.

It is indeed.Regina agrees with her explanation.And what she is trying to say, that these maidens are real."Everyone was looking at her curiosity and wonder.As I said before, humanity had magic, but these maidens got their magic after being blessed by this 'wizard' in the story. When they receive these powers from him, these Maidens become the hosts of a vast magical power that has existed in Remnant for thousands of years. They alone can use it, without any aura.

"Woah..." Was all Yang could say as she and the others paid attention to her.

"It is indeed." Glynda nodded her head at her students. "The Maidens have existed for thousands of years. But much like in nature, the seasons change. No two summers are alike."

"Wh-what happens if one maiden dies?" Blake asked hesitantly.

"When a Maiden dies, her power leaves her body and seeks out a new host, ensuring that the seasons are never lost, and that no individual can hold on to that power forever." Glynda explains to them.

"The power...choose?" Ruby asked in confusion.

"You see, we always thought that the only thing that was certain was that the powers were specifically passed on to young women. But as time went on, it was discovered that the selection process do I put it?"

"Intimate?" Voltaria suggested blankly.

"In a way, yes, we learn that when a Maiden dies, the power will be passed down to the one who is in her final thoughts." Glynda explained to the group.

"But what happens if she didn't think of someone that was not in her final thoughts? Say, a man or some old person?" Ruby suddenly blurted out.

"Then the power will randomly find someone who is suitable, making it too difficult to find her." Glynda stated to them before sighing. "However, recently, one of the maidens was attacked, but what's more shocking is that part of her power was stolen."

"Stolen?!" Everyone, even Voltaria, blurted out.

"Yes, and you must know, Salem is not alone. She has followers to do her bedding. They were responsible for attacking the Fall Maiden." Glynda said in a solemn tone.

"Oh, no, is she okay?" AJ asked in concern.

"In a way, we were able to keep her stabilized, but we fear that she will soon pass." Glynda answered in a worried tone, clutching her Disciplinarian tightly.

"And if she passes, then her power will be transferred to the last person she saw, and it would be her assailant." Voltaria added in a serious tone. "But what's worse, the assailant is also here, looking for her."

"This is bad." Wade suddenly said to the group. "If this assailant is here, then she will try and destroy Vale to get to her."

"Why do we have to keep it a secret?" Pyrrha whispers softly. "Why keep it a secret from everyone, there could be a war coming and we can't warn the people."

"I know, that is why Ozpin formed a group in order to protect both mankind and the Maidens." Glynda explains to the group the best way they can.

"You can't blame them for keeping secrets." Voltaria said, stepping in the conversation. "There are those who hunger for power and will hunt them in hopes of inheriting their strength and magic."

"That's why no one knows about the maidens, your group made their existence into legends." Ren theorized, which earned a nod from Glynda.

What you all are learning is against hundreds of years of human history, and religion.Regina stated to them.Humanity and Faunus kind will not believe us; it would cause fear, panic, anger...

"And Grimm." Voltaria added in a serious tone. "With all those negativities, they will easily destroy the Kingdom's walls, leaving all of us defenseless and at their mercy."

Everyone was silent, knowing very well that she foresaw the event. It will destroy everything they work for. And if they don't play the cards right, then they lose, lose their home and the lives of innocents.

"Wait...if the Fall Maiden is in critical are we going to stop the power from transferring to the assailant?" Pyrrha asked the professor.

"Ozpin had an idea that the power should be transferred to a worthy host." Glynda said to them seriously.

"Wait, I thought you said the power can only transfer to the one who is the last person that the maiden saw?" Ruby asked in confusion and worry.

"Yes, but the current Fall Maiden, Amber, is in a state-of-the-art Atlas technology, it keeps her stable and alive, for now, but it also can be used to transfer her power before her assailant could get to her."

"If you're goin' to transfer her power to another, then who's the new host?" Wade dared to ask.

Glynda sighs and nods her head. "Yes...Ozpin believes he found the right candidate. He feels that she would be the one that is ready to be the host." She then looked at them with a worried and serious expression. "And he chose Ms. Nikos as the next Fall Maiden."

Everyone, except Voltaria, gasped in shock and horror as they turned towards Pyrrha, who was also shocked by this information. Ozpin...chose Pyrrha to take such a big burden that would change her career of being a huntsman.

"She can't!" Jaune blurted out as he got up and defended Pyrrha. "It's too risky and dangerous! She'll be a target for that Salem person!"

"Jaune-" Pyrrha began, touched by his words.

"No, Pyrrha! We can't risk this! We don't know if it will work or not! It could get yourself killed." Jaune said in distress. "You're our friend, Pyrrha. We can't lose you like this."

"Jaune..." Pyrrha said softly, tears forming in her eyes as she was touched by his words.

"Jaune is correct." Voltaria said to them, surprising everyone including Glynda. "The machine that's keeping Amber alive will not succeed in transferring the power. For it will kill not just Amber, but also Pyrrha."

This shocked everyone, including Glynda. "The machine...won't work?" The teacher asked in shock.

"Yes, as you can see, I foresaw what would happen if Pyrrha was in the machine. The power will not be familiar with her unless it has its other half. Only then, can it be used properly." Voltaria explained to them.

"So, what's the other option then?" Ren asked, worried about his teammate.

"Yeah! Do we hunt down that attacker and beat her up?!" Nora asked, punching her fist with her hand.

"" Voltaria blankly stated. "We're going to save Amber by doing it my way. If you guys agree?"

"V, we'll try anything to save Vale if it means risking it, so yeah. We agree." Wade said with everyone agreeing with him, even Glynda.

Voltaria felt somewhat touched by their words, but she can think about it later, right now. She needs to prepare the plan. "Okay, as you know, the power can only be transferred to a new host once the current maiden passes, correct?" This earned nods and agreement from the group. "But what if I tell you all that we can get her power out of her and store it."

"You can do that?" Glynda asked in surprise and shock.

"Yes, I have another entity that can help and save Amber from her condition. He can take the power out of her with no pain as well as healing her." Voltaria explains her plan.

"Wha-What's his name?" Jaune asked somewhat nervously.

Voltaria closes her eyes under her mask and whispers her entity. "Blood Moon."

Suddenly, appearing out of thin air, a staff appeared, surprising the group and the hybrids. It was taller than Voltaria, about an inch. It has a blood red diamond shaped looking gem that almost resembles an eye. The group stared at the weapon with unsureness, finding it strange to see a weapon just floating there.

"Uh..." Was the only thing that Jaune could say while the rest just stared at the floating weapon.

"Everyone, this is Blood Moon, another of my entities." Voltaria introduced Blood Moon to them.

"Umm...what kind of he?" Blake asked her, looking at Blood Moon warily.

"Yeah, he looks like a weapon." Yang agrees with Blake.

"In a way, he is both. Of all my entities, Blood Moon is by the far the superior entity in my group." Voltaria explains to them her entity. Blood Moon blinks at the group, making them feel scared and nervous while the hybrids and Zwei look at Blood Moon curiously. "He is by far more powerful than any of my entities. I still have yet to learn about him."

"So...he can help Amber from her injuries, but has to remove the maiden power out of her?" Ruby asked Voltaria carefully with her question.

"Yes, he can heal her in an instant, but he has to remove the maiden power for she is inexperienced with it. And once he does, he will also search for the missing half of the power."

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Hold it right there!" Yang exclaimed, getting on her feet. "Are you saying that Blood Moon can find the missing half of the maiden's power?"

Glynda looked at Voltaria in shock as well. "Can he really?" She asked hopefully.

"Yes, and believe me, his power has no equal to anyone, not even Salem herself has. Blood Moon can save Amber's life and possibly the entire kingdom." Voltaria said seriously.

"That's...that's great news!" Weiss said in amazement. "With this, we can save everyone from total destruction!"

"Indeed, however; there's one problem." Voltaria said, stopping the group from getting their hopes up.

"Aww! I knew there was a catch!" Nora whined sadly.

"For it to work, Blood Moon needs to be at the location where Amber is physically." Voltaria explained the reason. "Sadly, he cannot enter until someone summons him there."

"Ooohhh, great, we don't even know where she is?!" Yang exclaimed, throwing her arms up.

"Ahem." Glynda cleared her throat, causing everyone to stop their commotions. "I know where she is." She said, causing them to look at her. "It will not take Ozpin long to contact Ms. Nikos as he will show her Amber's location."

That's perfect, Ms. Goodwitch!Regina said in delight.One of us will follow to your location, and once we find Amber, we will take our Mistress there where she and Blood Moon can help Amber from her coma.

"And once we succeed, Blood Moon will store the Fall Maiden power, holding it until a worthy host is found." Voltaria explains to them.

"She's right, I doubt any of us can handle the Fall Maiden power." AJ said, agreeing with Voltaria. The girls agreed about it. That amount of power and responsibility will be too much to handle.

Indeed, such power can only be used, if properly trained.Regina said to them.

"Do you still know how to use magic, Regina?" Weiss asked her.

Regina chuckled at her in amusem*nt.My dear, Schnee, I may be an entity now. But I still carry a few tricks within me.She said to them.

And this makes Regina a perfect teacher for the next Fall Maiden. She needs someone who knows magic AND understands magic.Tabitha said, knowing very well that Regina is an excellent teacher.

I agree for once. I mean, your headmaster knows magic, but I doubt he would teach the next magically lady.Wraith said to everyone.

"Then we all agree." Voltaria spoke calmly. "Once Ms. Goodwitch gives us the go signal, Blood Moon will awaken Amber and store the Fall Maiden power, and I mean all of it."

"And then we'll find the culprit." Wade said with a grin. "We can't back away now, we have to save not only Vale, but every kingdom in Remnant."

"Yeah! We're in this together, right guys!?" Ruby asked the hybrid dinosaurs, who roared in agreement while everyone, minus Volatria and Glynda (who secretly smiled at them) laughed in pure joy. As they have to train hard to prepare themselves for the battle and face their enemies.

Because Voltaria and her entities knew that their enemies were already making a move to ruin the peace.

Meanwhile, inside a dorm room, Cinder was with her team Emerald and Mercury. They were discussing a plan of their attack until Mercury, who was sitting on a chair, reported about the fight he saw earlier, while Cinder Fall walked back and forth, interrogating him with Emerald resting on a bed nearby.

"...And you're sure?" Cinder asked Mercury.

"Bad hair, used a scythe, and smelled like my dad after a long day. It was him." Mercury informs, describing Qrow.

Emerald looks at her mistress. "What do we do?" She asked.

Cinder stayed quiet for a short while before answering. "Nothing. We stay the course. They have no idea who we are, so we have no reason to worry. Besides, the last of the heavy lifting is being taken care of thanks to our clever little friend." She said as she walked over to a desk and picked up her Scroll as it flashes with the Black Queen chess piece. "Speaking of which... it appears we have a new access point." Ironwood is shown on the Scroll as an icon, along with a curling "W" in the other corner.

"Anywhere good?" Emerald asked.

"You could say that. Go to your rooms. I'll prepare everything for tomorrow." Cinder ordered.

Emerald nodded and got up. "Yes, ma'am."

"Got it." Mercury waves off as he gets up from his seat.

The Scroll reveals the roster of the Vytal Festival Tournament doubles round, which includes two teammates for the double rounds. Those were Russel Thrush and Sky Lark from CRDL, Sun Wukong and Neptune Vasilias from SSSN, and Penny Polendina and her partner Ciel Soleil.

"Let's give the crowd a good fight." Cinder said with a smirk as she scrolls down each pair until she selects Mercury and Emerald to face off against Coco Adel and Yatsuhashi Daichi in the doubles round. But she was not aware that her scroll was a fake and that it was sending a feedback to Voltaria. Knowing very well that she is trying to sabotage the battlefield. Cinder had no idea that Voltaria and her entities were planning the whole thing, making her believe thatshehas control over the tournament, but in truth, she does not.

One the next morning, the crowd sees a match-up on the screen at the Amity Colosseum. They saw the image of Mercury and Emerald on the screen with Coco and Yatsuhashi for the doubles round. And upon seeing this, Port was over the announcement system, and announced everyone for the double round.

-The randomization process is complete! Ladies and gentlemen, your doubles tournament line-up!-

As the announcement was heard, everyone erupted with cheers. Team RWBY cheers with arms raised while Team JNPR and WAVE are seen providing applause. Team SSSN is shown sitting in front row seats. Bolin Hori and Nolan Porfirio are seen talking to each other behind Team RWBY, and Dove Bronzewing was sitting behind Team JNPR. Cinder was watching her teammates in the seats as she menacingly claps with a devious smirk, unaware that her plans will be ruined by a curtain secret group that have been watching her for a while. Seeing from afar, Voltaria could see the smugness in Cinder's eyes. Believing she has the upper hand but has no idea that she is losing the game.

"Let the games begin,Cinder."Voltaria thought with a growl, her teeth turning into fangs as she secretly glared at Cinder under her mask.

Chapter 16: Saving Lives II

Chapter Text


Melodia Bluebird

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (85)

English Voice Actress/Singer:Demi Lovato

Korean Voice Actress/Singer:Cho Mi-yeon

Uta Ryuko Izuna/Uri

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (86)

English Voice Actress/Singer:Becky G

Korean Voice Actress/Singer:Jeon So-yeon

Sirena Constantine

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (87)

English Voice Actress/Singer:Elizabeth Gillies

Korean Voice Actress/Singer:Madison Beer

Ekko Cantala

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (88)

English Voice Actress/Singer:Ariana Grande

Korean Voice Actress/Singer:Jaira Burns

On the next day of the event, Team WAVE, RWBY, and JNPR were getting ready for the double round. So far, there were many rumors about the Grimm Girl facing two members of Team MUSE. It is going to be an epic fight since they wanted to see more of Voltaria in action. Voltaria wasn't interested in being the center of attention. She prefers to stay out of it. But it appears that the reporters won't let her. Both combatants were ready for battle. Evo has his Musicshocker resting on his shoulder, his expression calm and yet there is a hidden excitement in them. He glances over to Volatria and notices that she carries a very scary looking dagger on hand.

"...Where did you get that?" Evo asked in shock.

Voltaria twirls it around before holding the hilt tightly. "That is classified." She said before looking at the entrance. "Get ready."

Evo nodded as they both stepped in the arena and was greeted by the roaring cheers of the audience. Everyone was at the edge of their seats. Reporters were taking photos of Voltaria, wanting to get good pics for the news articles and media. But they also took pictures of their opponents, Sirena Constantine and Ekko Cantala. Both girls waved at the audience and reporters. Clearly have more experience in the center of the spotlight. Voltaria observes the two girls. Both teenagers with rich family backgrounds. Sirena is the daughter and heir of House Constantine. She has black hair, a dark purple streak and eyes, tan skin, and her attire is black, gold, and dark purple. Her weapons are four large-caliber handguns, two on her hands while the other two were attached to the back of her feet or heels. (It's like Bayonetta's gun, Love is Blue, but it's black with golden and dark purple designs). Ekko Cantala is the fourth child and the youngest of three brothers. Her family owns a big tech company. She has short boy cut blonde hair, green eyes, and fair skin. Her attire has a variation of green and is wearing a newsboy cap that is color green. Her weapon is a DJ turntable that hovers above her with two speakers hovered behind her. And she is standing on a floating stage.

Evo whistles at Ekko's weapon. "Nowthat'sa weapon." He commented quietly.

Voltaria, who didn't look at him, said to him blankly, "Really? You had to compliment her weapon?"

"What? It's cool." Evo defended.

"Hey!" Sirena calls out to them, causing the two students of Beacon to look at her. "You're the Grimm Girl that defeated my cousin, Nathanial, correct?"

Voltaria raises a brow under her mask. "I am, do you have a problem?"

Sirena smirks and places her gun on her shoulder. "Nope, just curious on what you can do." Causing Voltaria to frown at her. The arena has chosen their battlefield. Voltaria and Evo's side is a swamp while Sirena and Ekko's side is a jungle.

-3-2-1, GO!-Oobleck shouted through the speakers.

The four combatants charged, releasing a burst of energy waves from her speakers while Sirena released a rain of bullets. Voltaria and Evo dodged their attacks and quickly attacked them. Evo slams his Musicshocker at Ekko but is blocked by an electric barrier that her weapon is emitting. Evo was surprised by this before being sent flying by the barrier. But before he could crash, Voltaria summons a whip from her sleeve and uses it to catch Evo by the ankle. She brought him back to the ground and let him go, allowing him to land on the ground with ease.

"Thanks." Evo thanked her before turning his guitar into a battle axe.

"No problem. Now, move!" Voltaria dodged an incoming attack along with Evo. Sirena releases another rain of bullets at them. The Grimm Girl and the Snake Faunus dodged all the bullets coming to them as well as avoiding Ekko's sound blast. The crowd cheers on different teams, half cheers for Voltaria and Evo while the other half cheers for Sirena and Ekko. Wade and AJ watched anxiously as their teammates avoided the attacks. Team RWBY and JNPR cheered them on, hoping that they could win. Sirena and Ekko's attacks are proven affected, almost hitting Evo in the process, but Voltaria predicted their every move with ease.

"Let's separate them." Sirena said to Ekko, who agreed.

Ekko created a sound wave, separating both Voltaria and Evo. Sirena attacks Voltaria with her bullets while Evo and Ekko release their waves of sound and electricity, creating beautiful music in the process. Sirena gives chase to Voltaria as she dodges her bullets and blocks them with her dagger. Sirena was impressed by her skills, finding her very interesting. "Hmm...not bad, but can you dodge this!"

Sirena uses her glyph to summon a giant, dark purple, armored warrior. It raises its large axe and strikes at Voltaria. Luckily, she dodged it on time and dashed off. Sirena smirks in amusem*nt and uses her glyphs again to summon armored warriors. Smaller and wielding bows and arrows. Sirena's archers fired their arrows at Voltaria, who evaded them all in an instant.

"Look at her go!" A male reporter said.

"Why isn't she summoning her Grimm?" Asked a female reporter.

"What is she waiting for?" Another male reporter asked.

As the crowd mutters in wonder why Voltaria won't summon her Grimm. Her friends and Glynda know that she's keeping a low profile, considering that their targets are watching her. However, there is no way she is losing this battle. When she and Evo landed on a small patch of land on the swamp, Sirena ordered her giant to attack, and it responded by slamming its giant axe at them. However, they weren't aware that Voltaria's eyes activates her semblance, forming a shadow barrier to protect her and Evo, creating a cloud of smoke when the giant axe slammed on it. Everyone gasped in shock. Trying to see what had happened to the Grimm Girl. The rest of the Team WAVE is worried about their friends along with Team RWBY and JNPR. They thought Sirena and Ekko had one the match, but to their surprise, the screen shows their energy and aura level to be stable and unchanged. Both Sirena and Ekko were confused by this, they could've sworn that the giant warrior finished them off. Suddenly, to everyone's surprise, a giant black hammer comes out from the smoke and slams onto the giant warrior, sending it flying to the jungle. Sirena and Ekko were shocked by what just happened, but soon became more shocked when they saw something. As the smoke clears, it reveals another giant warrior, wearing a black roman helmet with mask, red hakama pants and armor arm bands. It was shirtless, revealing its muscles and pale skin with red veins around its arms and chest. On both sides of the giant were unknown looking beings. One left side was creepy looking creatures. It has a creepy puppet face of a woman, short shaggy black hair, and hollowed eyes as it is made with wood. The puppet wore a black ragged long dress with long sleeves. And instead of wooden limbs, the puppet has red blades for arms and legs. And on the right side of a giant, is a black hooded figure, not showing its face. But it carries a triple bladed scythe. Everyone was shocked to see this, especially Cinder. They have no idea what those things are or how they come from until Oobleck spotted something in the swamp's water and realized something.

"I don't believe it, folks! It appears Ms. Eclipse has summoned these unknown beings by using glyphs!" Oobleck said, looking at the swamp to see Voltaria was on her hands and knees as a glyphs symbol was seen under the three unknown beings. The audience was in awe and shock to see this, even her friends and Glynda were amazed by this. Voltaria, who wasn't fazed by this, glares at Sirena and Ekko, before ordering the ones that she summoned.

"Get them!"

With that command, the three warrior-looking beings charged at Sirena's summons. The Voltaria's giant swung it might hammer at Sirena's ax wielding giant but was blocked by its ax. However, its ax almost shattered due to the great force it has. The scary puppet lady started spinning around like a saw blade and charged at the archers. The two summoned archers fired their arrows at the puppet but were deflected by the puppet as it spins. And the next thing everyone knew, the puppet destroyed the archers.

-Did you see that?! I don't believe it! Ms. Eclipse's scary puppet took down Sirena's archers!-Port announced through the speakers.

"I didn't know V could dothat!" Wade said in shock.

"I know, right?!" Ruby said with a grin, cheering for Voltaria. "Go get 'em, Volty!"

The triple bladed scythe wielder charged at Sirena and Ekko, swinging its mighty ax at them. They quickly dodged, separated from each other. Sirena had to dodge the scythe wilder while Ekko avoided the spinning death trap. Sirena fires multiple rounds on the summoned, but it deflected the bullets with its scythe. Ekko fired sound waves at the spinning blade puppet, but proved ineffective as it slid through, as if it was cutting through the sounds. Ekko changed her moves and used an ice dust to create an energy wave of ice to freeze the spinning puppet. It froze the puppet before it could reach her, much to Ekko's relief. However, it suddenly broke out with incredible force and attacked her again. Ekko quickly dodged it, but only got hit by a giant hammer of Voltaria's giant summon. Ekko fell off the arena, indicating that she is out.

-Ooo! Ekko Cantala was out of tune and has been eliminated!-Port announced.

"Ekko!" Sirena called out in concern before glaring at Voltaria's summons. "Okay, now it's personal."

Sirena summons small, multiple Nevermores and Voltaria and Evo. Evo turned his battle axe into his guitar and created a powerful soundwave that sends him and Voltaria flying into the air. Sirena orders her summoned Nevermores to attack them from above, but before they could, the spinning puppet came up and cut all the summoned Nevermores into pieces. Sirena narrows her eyes before quickly dodging an incoming hammer that almost strikes at her. Her axe swung its axe at Voltaria's axe giant but was soon thwarted when the spinning puppet came out of nowhere and cut the head of Sirena's giant off from its body, causing it to disappear.

"And the giant has fallen!" Oobleck said at the sportscaster's desk, amazed at what he had seen. "Ms. Eclipse's summons have far more power and stamina! But also, like they have a mind of their own!"

"Impossible." Sirena said in shock. She quickly dodged the giant's hammer and flips in midair, shooting at it. However, she failed to notice that the scythe wielding appeared from behind, holding Voltaria at the hand while her other hand wielded Evo's Musicshocker. Sirena turns around and is too late as Voltaria swings the guitar at her.

"Rock n Roll!" Voltaria shouted and slammed the guitar at Sirena, creating an electric shock and sending Sirena flying through the jungle and crashing to a tree. Both her energy and aura were down, showing that Team MUSE had lost the match.

-AND MATCH! TEAM WAVE IS NOW HEADING TO THE SINGLE ROUND!-Oobleck yelled through the mic, amazed at the fight.

The whole stadium erupted with cheers, Ruby and Nora were the loudest ones as they cheered for Voltaria and Evo. The others also cheered, relieved that they were okay. Glynda was shocked by what she saw, she didn't know Voltaria was capable of summoning. Meanwhile, at the private skybox, Ironwood was watching the whole battle with Ozpin. His eyes narrowed towards Voltaria, finding the girl very suspicious. There was no way she was capable of summoning at such a young age. And he's beginning to have suspicion towards her. Ozpin, on the other hand, finds it interesting to see how Voltaria handles the situation. Taking a sip on his mug, Ozpin watched as Voltaria made her summons disappear. She returns Musicshocker back to Evo, who cheered at their victory. Ozpin is now curious on what hidden talent Voltaria has in store.

"That was awesome!" Ruby cheered, walking through the booths and tents of the festival with the others. "You didn't tell me you could do that!"

"You didn't ask." Voltaria answered blankly.

"So...are they your summons or..." Pyrrha trails off, stopping mid-sentence when people pass by.

"No."Voltaria responded through their minds. "They are my other entities."

"How many entities do you have?"Ren asked, communicating through a mind link.

"A lot actually, some are friendly while some...not so much."Voltaria answered before they reached a pizza shop.

"Noted." Yang said with a grin, cutting off the mind link. "By the way, who's competing in the double round?"

"From what Tabitha scouted, you and Weiss will be facing two Atlas students named Neon Katt and Flynt Coal of Team FNKI." Voltaria informs her. "But be warned, they don't like you."

"Why?" Blake asked her in confusion.

"Flynt Coal has a grudge against the Schnee Family after Weiss's father runs his father's Dust shop out of business and Neon Katt...yeah, she's confusing. From what I heard, she's peppy, hyper, and comments on people about their styles, in a negative or positive way." Voltaria explains to them.

"Wow...did not expect that." Yang commented.

"Oh..." Was all Weiss could say.

Don't get us wrong, Princess."Wraith began.But your dad is a greedy, selfish, tyrannical, ignorant, pathetic, scum-

That's enough, Wraith.Regina ordered him.Yes, her father is not the kindest man, but you are not like him. You are better than that man.

"Thank you, Regina. That means a lot." Weiss said gratefully.

"By the way, who's in the next round?" Evo asked the group.

The next match will be Russel Thrush and Sky Lark of Beacon and will face Penny Polendina and Ciel Soleil of Atlas Academy.Tabitha informs them.

Ruby gasped happily, after hearing Penny's name, she became excited. "Ah! I can't wait to see Penny in action again!"

"Gotta admit, that girl can pack a punch." Wade commented, remembering the first round that Penny and her Team faced and won with flying colors.

"Yeah! What time will their match start?" Ruby asked excitingly.

"It won't start for another hour." AJ said to them. "We can grab a bite before we head off."

"YEAH!" Nora cheered happily as she was about to rush in the pizza store, someone called out to them.


They turned around to see Sirena, Ekko, and the rest of team MUSE, Melodia Bluebird and Uta Ryuko Izuna or Uri, standing a few feet from them. Sirena was glaring at Voltaria under her round, dark violet shades. She made her way to the Grimm Girl and everyone, minus Voltaria, tensed. They have a bad feeling about this. They knew very well that House Constantine is known to be very confident and prideful. But the thing they hate most is losing and losing to an opponent five years younger than you is a big no-no. Voltaria stares at her blankly under her mask while Sirena continues glaring at her under her shades. Before anyone could do anything to stop this, Sirena spoke slowly towards Voltaria.

"You...are..." She removes her shades and makes an amused smirk. " interesting girl."

"What?" Voltaria spoke in confusion.

"Huh?" Everyone all said in confusion

Sirena smirks at this. "You heard me. You are an interesting girl. You are, by far, the toughest girl I ever face in battle. And you know how to do summoning! I have so many questions to ask you."

"...Right..." Voltaria said with slight awkwardness. "'re here to compliment me or...insult me?"

Sirena laughs at her. "Darling, no. I am here to congratulate you."

"For what? Beating you in the match?" Voltaria asked dumbfoundedly.

"Hmmm...that and because you are the youngest huntress I have ever met!" Sirena said happily. "And getting to know you is going to be interesting."

"...Define getting to know it another term for, find out her weakness." Voltaria said blankly.

Sirena laughs at this. "My, my, you are full of surprises."

Melodia smiles at them. "Why don't we all get something to eat first before the match starts, I am dying to try some pizza."

"Same." Uri said in agreement while Ekko nodded her head.

Sirena then grabs Voltaria into a small hug. "I get to sit with Grimmy."

Voltaria looked at Sirena under her mask in annoyance. "You seriously didn't just call me 'Grimmy'?"

Sirena smiles at her in amusem*nt and gently pinches her cheeks. "You're so cute when you act all tough. Come on, let's get something to eat." She said, dragging a confused Voltaria into the store. But not before she mutters out to her friends' minds.

"Help me."

"Be nice, Voltaria."AJ said with a smile, waving at Voltaria as she was dragged into the store.

As they got into the store and ordered their food, the group got to know Team MUSE. They have so much in common. Ekko and Evo were talking to each other, sharing about their favorite music and singers. Uri was talking with them about battle moves and weapons while Sirena talked about the latest fashion and styles with the girls, except for Ruby and Voltaria, who aren't into fashion.

"So, Grimmy?" Sirena began, getting Voltaria's attention. "How can a girl like you end up being the youngest student in Beacon?" She asked Voltaria, curious about why she joined the school.

There was silence, the group wasn't sure if Voltaria would tell her about her past. But to their surprise, she answered. "I was found by Professor Ozpin in a forest. He somehow found me and offered me a chance to be a proper huntress by studying at Beacon Academy."

"And did you accept it in a heartbeat?" Uri asked her curiously.

"Not really, but part of me told me I should go and hone my skills...I never thought I would grow fond of this place...and meet new faces along the way. You could say...I'm trying something new for a change." Voltaria explains to them calmly, earning smiles from her friends.

"You're a strange girl." Sirena commented with a smirk. "I like that."

"...Sure..." Voltaria mutters out.

-The next match, Russel Thrush and Sky Lark of Beacon vs. Penny Polendina and Ciel Soleil of Atlas Academy. It will start in five minutes.-Oobleck announced.

"We should better get going if we wanna see Penny's match." Evo said, getting up.

"I am looking forward to seeing Ms. Polendina take down Thrush and Lark." Voltaria said.

Sirena smirks at her. "Ooohhh...I like you even more."

"You do realize that I'm twelve, right?" Voltaria reminds her.

"I know, but you're like a little sister that I always wanted." Sirena said with a smirk.

Voltaria stares at her under mask dumbfoundedly. "Aaaaand you're the older sister that I never wish to have." She commented, earning laughs from Team MUSE.

"I have to admit, this girl got spunk." Uri said with a grin.

"You have no idea." AJ said with a smile.

Later, after eating their fill, they went to the Amity Colosseum, where they watched Penny and her partner, Ciel Soleil, face of Russel Thrush and Sky Lark.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (89)

So far, Penny and Ciel have the upper hand as Russel Thrush and Sky Lark were running towards the mountain area, being bombarded by several explosions all around the area. They took cover as Penny made her ever-present smile and simple arm movements, she summons six floating swords from Floating Array and rears them back before launching them in a ring at Russel, who barely manages to duck behind a rock to protect himself.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (90)

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (91)

Wasting no time, Penny does the same thing with another group of blades, homing in on the other CRDL teammate Sky Lark until he uses Feather's Edge to vault over another stone for defense.

The two exchange a worried look at the sight of their rocks still pierced with multiple blades, and Penny grins in combat-ready fierceness as she looks to her partner, who simply taps her watch as if hurrying Penny up. Wasting no time, Penny raises her hands like a puppet master and uses the near-invisible strings attached to each hilt to lift the giant rocks up in the air, with the screaming Russel and Sky still hanging on. Bringing her arms down to her sides, the stones come crashing to the ground as well, leaving Penny's opponents in the grass. Her swords come back to her pack as the buzzer rings.

"Now that's a match."

Oobleck's voice was heard over the broadcaster's system. -And victory goes to Penny and Ciel of Atlas!-

After claiming victory, Penny places a fist in her palm and bows respectfully to her fallen foes, still smiling brightly. "Thank you for a wonderful time."

And with that, the two victors turn to leave the stadium as Russel feebly reaches out, only to get hit in the head by an errant stone. Everyone erupted in cheers, except Voltaria, she was sitting beside Ruby and Sirena, watching the whole scene but she applauded at their performance.

"Nowthat'sa battle." Sirena said, clapping her hands at Penny and Ciel.

"Yeah, but I am curious about Penny." Ekko suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Ren asked Ekko.

"Well, back when I was in Atlas, I never saw Penny before until now, as if she appeared out of nowhere." Ekko answered.

"That is weird." Melodia agreed with this.

Knowing that Penny is a robot, Voltaria and Ruby didn't say anything but decided to change the subject. "Ruby, I think you should congratulate Penny for her victory." Voltaria said to Ruby.

Hearing this, Ruby grins and excitedly gets up from her seat. "Yeah! Let's go, Volty!"

And with that, Ruby uses her speed Semblance to run down the stairs, while bringing Voltaria in the process, dodging many spectators and students as she catches up to Penny and Ciel, who were leaving. Grinning, Ruby lets go of Voltaria and spreads her arms, calling out to her android friend.


Hearing a familiar voice, Penny turns towards the hooded girl, who was waving at her with Voltaria standing beside her. "Ruby!"

Happy to see her friend, Penny lifting up her own arms in the air and charging at her. Not wanting to be involved in this, Voltaria quickly side steps away just in a nick of time as Penny tackles Ruby into a hug that leaves them both on the ground, avoiding the collision in the process. Ruby lets out painful grunts and then groans weakly.


Sighing, Voltaria helps Ruby back on her feet while Penny energetically gets up and gestures to the other girl. "Ruby, Voltaria, this is my teammate."

"Ciel Soleil." The girl bows to them formally.

Ruby raises her hand in greeting. "Hi! I'm Ru-"

Ciel cuts her off. "Ruby Rose. 15. Hails from Patch. Leader of Team RWBY. Status: Questionable." Ciel states out Ruby's info before turning towards Voltaria. "And you are Voltaria Eclipse. 12. Hometown: unknown. Member of Team WAVE. Statues: unknown."


Both Ruby and Voltaria were silent for a second, staring at Ciel, before Ruby decided to change the subject. "Sooo...Penny!" She turns back to her friend. "You two were incredible out there! How do you keep control of all those swords? It's so cool!"

Before Penny could answer, Ciel came over to her. "Penny?" She looks at her watch and gestures at it, "I believe it is best if we move on to our next location."

Penny exchanges a look with Ruby before asking Ciel. "Could we have just a minute to talk?"

In response, Ciel checks the time, knowing that it was plenty of time to talk, she takes a step back and nods, at starting the countdown. Voltaria shook her head, knowing Ciel must've been given orders from Ironwood to watch over Penny. Regina commented how well-mannered and orderly Ciel is while Wraith thought of her as an annoying and boring person.

"So is she...your friend or..." Ruby questions Penny about Ciel.

"Well, in a way. She's like Blake, but if Blake was ordered to spend time with you."

"Oh. So, Weiss." Ruby said, realizing that Ciel is a bit like her teammate.

"No wonder." Voltaria mutters out, ignoring snickers from Wraith.

Penny nodded her head. "Precisely."

Ruby smiles at her and then realizes something as she lowers her voice. "Does she know about...y'know...beep boop bop, does not compute?" Ruby made robot gestures, leaving her arm to hang with a noticeable squeaking sound.

"Really, Ruby?"Voltaria said in her mind, making Ruby smile at her sheepishly.

Penny, realizing what her friend met, quickly shakes her head. "Oh no. General Ironwood doesn't really want anyone to know." She said until she recalled a certain event. "There was an incident with a magnet, but I was able to play it off."


At the Vytal Festival grounds, Ciel and Penny were standing next to a booth. The android was smiling and wearing a large sun hat. Suddenly, the wind picks up the hat and lifts it from her hair, revealing the aforementioned magnet on her skull. Seeing this, Penny quickly shoves the headgear back on before Ciel turns back around or notices it.

~End of Flashback~

"Seriously? You wore a hat to hide that magnet? Voltaria questions Penny blankly, earning laughs from both Ruby and Penny.

After a quick. Penny was still smiling, but soon got serious. "Ruby, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about." Penny glances over at Ciel, who was still counting down, before leaning in and whispering to Ruby. "I want to stay at Beacon."

Surprised by this, Ruby was happy for her friend to want to make decisions, but soon looks troubled by the news. "Penny, they'll never let you do that." Ruby informs her, remembering that Ironwood is in charge as he won't allow Penny to transfer.

Penny frowns, knowing it was true, but then grins with mischief. "I know, but I have a plan."

"And how are you going to do that?" Voltaria dared to ask.

But before Penny could reply, Ciel steps back into Penny's side and points to her watch. "It's been precisely one minute, ma'am." She informs the android.

Penny nodded and faced Ruby. "I'll talk to you more soon, Ruby." She said with a small smile before looking at Voltaria. "It was nice seeing you again." And with that, the two Atlesians leave, but Penny turns to give a wave of farewell to Voltaria and Ruby, who does the same.

"I wonder how she's going to transfer at Beacon." Ruby said in wonder.

Well, if she doesn't have a plan, I am happily there to assist.Wraith said evilly, both girls could feel his devious grin.I need three garbage bags, a shovel, some disinfectant, some latex gloves, and oregano.

You are not killing General Ironwood, Wraith.Regina said sternly, earning a raspberry from Wraith. Before they could argue, the announcement for the next round came.

-Our next match will begin in 15 minutes!-Port announced through the speakers.

Ruby suddenly looks really excited as she clasps her hands together, realizing what this means. "Oh my gosh, that's right! It's time for-"

"Yang and Weiss's battle with Neon Katt and Flynt Coal, I know." Voltaria said with a sigh. "Let's get to our seats. I have a feeling that Yang and Weiss will have trouble with Coal and Katt."

After going to their seats, they watch the battle proceed. Yang and Weiss's opponents were not like the rest of Atlas Students, who are serious and military looking types, instead they look like cool types of hunters that make music like Team MUSE.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (92)

And sure enough, Flynt dislikes Weiss since her father made his father's Dust's Shop run out of business but was lucky enough to get a new job, working as a manager in the BioX company since Ekko's father gave him that job, to support his family. Voltaria knows that Flynt is loyal to the Cantala Family, for they save his dad from being bankrupt. And when the battle begins, both Yang and Weiss have trouble with Flynt and Neon since both combatants are trained in Atlas. The battle was fierce as Flynt uses his trumpet to make a powerful soundwave with Neon skating about. Not long after, Weiss was out after she sacrificed herself to save Yang, which made her angry.

And Port made it clear through the speakers after witnessing Yang's breaking point as she clenched her fists and the ground trembled at her wrath. -Ooh...looks like Yang's angry! And you wouldn't like her when she's...upset.-

And with that, Yang lets out a scream of rage, combining with the group of lava bursts from the rocks behind her. Everyone, minus her friends and teammates, was taken back by Yang's sudden rage. Wraith, on the other hand, was delighted to see Yang's rage mode. They find it exciting to watch.

Oooh! Things are gonna heat up!Wraith said happily through Voltaria and the others' minds.

Yang punches out several shots at the two opponents, who manage to dodge the blasts. Flynt signals Neon as he blows again and helps Neon rush forward. Yang meets her in the waves of sound, using her shots to keep her from being pushed away as she attempts to get a hit on the girl. Failing that, she leaps out of the noise and blasts the ground where Neon is, then launching herself back to create some space. Her blasts almost get Flynt, who's forced to change the direction of his tune and direct Neon elsewhere, still avoiding the blasts and even rolling on the debris being formed, though with a noticeably shakier stance than usual. She rolls up on a ramp made from the debris into the geyser biome. Yang lands on the ground away from her and runs right at Flynt, rocketing forward even as he uses his Semblance once more to deliver a fourfold attack. Shooting behind her, however, provides the necessary boost to finally get close and clap her hands over the mouth of the trumpet. Less than a second of silence is broken by the musical backfire right in Flynt's face, becoming one person for the final time as he's knocked on his back and the buzzer rings.

-Oh, sour note for Flynt!-Oobleck announced through the speakers.

Yang slides back from the blast, searching for her remaining opponent as Neon tries avoiding the geyser spouts. She was muttering about never missing a beat multiple times. But at that moment, her front wheels caught on a crack in the ground, losing her balance and causing her to shed a few quick tears.

"...beat?" Neon whimpers out.

Time catches up as she pitches forward, trying to roll up in a ball only to get caught in the blast of a geyser. She's helpless to do anything and gives Yang an opportunity. Smirking, Yang fires off a single shot, and hits her screaming target in an explosion of sparks and smoke, as well as a third buzzing sound. Even though they won, Yang was still enraged until she blinked her eyes back to purple and realized something, her teammate.

"Weiss!" Yang runs back into the fire section and kneels next to her ash-covered Schnee. "Weiss! Are you okay?" She asked in concern.

Weiss gets up and coughs some smoke before weakly responding. "I may not be singing for a while."

Yang looks both worried and relieved until she breaks out into a joking smile, trying to lighten up the mood. "You know, I'm not sure that was the proper form."

Weiss rolls her eyes. "Oh, ha ha-" Weiss suffers another coughing fit.

"WHAT!? We lost? We lost?!" They heard Neon screaming. Both Yang and Weiss's attention are drawn to Faunus, now devoid of color, as she freaks out when she and Flynt lose. "Team FNKI lost? That was... that was..." Instead of crying, she suddenly became overjoyed as her color returned and eyes turned into rainbow sparkles for a moment, cheering out, "... Amazing! Oh my gosh, you guys were super crazy awesome! We should definitely party together sometime, right Flynt?"

Mentioning her teammate, Flynt gets back to his feet, looking at Weiss. "That was a gutsy move, Schnee." He pauses briefly before commenting. "I dig it."

Both Yang and Weiss smile at the good losers and see the rest of their team coming to the injured heiress' side. Along with Team WAVE.

"Good job, you two!" Blake congratulated them.

"Yeah!" Ruby said cheerfully.

You did very well in battle, Ms. Schnee. Your sister would be very proud.-Regina commented, making Weiss smile.

"Thanks, Regina."Weiss said gratefully.

Both teams stayed like that, cradling Weiss in their arms as Team RWBY soaks in the cheers of the crowd. As they did, Voltaria senses Cinder and her team leaving the stadium, knowing that they have plans to make.

"Tabitha, follow them and listen to their plan."She orders her entity.

As you wish.Tabitha said, before following Cinder and her team.

"Regina, get ready, Pyrrha will be called to Ozpin. And be careful."

I will.

Regina quickly leaves them and heads towards Pyrrha, who was with her teammates. Pyrrha felt Regina and greeted her warmly but soon stopped when Regina informed her that Ozpin will contact her soon. And sure enough, he did, he wishes Pyrrha to come to his office. Regina made sure to stay by her side as they reached the office. Ozpin, with Qrow in the room, began asking Pyrrha questions about stories of Fairy Tales, and she answers with calmness, listing out the stories like The Tale of The Two Brothers, The Shallow Sea, The Girl in the Tower, and The Story of the Seasons. Pyrrha made sure not to act all suspicious as Ozpin questions her about the Story of the Seasons, which she answered. It didn't take long for them to end the conversation when Glynda and Ironwood came. Soon, the four adults took Pyrrha to a secret floor. Regina memorized everything as the four adults lead a nervous Pyrrha through the big cold hall, talking about the matter in hand before both Pyrrha and Regina hear a humming of electricity. When they reach their destination at the end of the hallway, Pyrrha covers her mouth in shock, a small gasp escaping from it when she and Regina see someone in the glass. A girl, about the same age as Pyrrha was in a large machine with lit screens hooked up to two rectangular pods, one of which is upright to show through the glass window to see a girl dressed in minimal clothing with a burn scar over her left eye and across her face.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (93)

"Is that..."Pyrrha whispers in shock through her mind.

Yes.Regina answered.The current Fall Maiden. But don't worry, she's still alive.

Ironwood explains how Atlas has been studying Aura for the past few years; how it works, what it's made of, and how it can be used. They've made significant strides and they believe they have found a way to capture it. Until Qrow butts in saying capture it and cram it into something else while gesturing to Pyrrha as she takes a second to realize what that means.


Ironwood cuts her off. "Classified."

"Wrong!" Pyrrha exclaims, catching everyone off guard.

Glynda agrees with Pyrrha while glaring at Ironwood. "The feeling is mutual." Before she switches her gaze back to Pyrrha, trying to put up the act. "But desperate times call for desperate measures."

Ironwood then added, "And these are indeed desperate times. We can't transfer Amber's power to you, but we can give you what those powers are bound to."

Pyrrha gazes at Amber's pod. "...Her Aura."

Ozpin came to her side. "Her life...would become intertwined with yours. The question is..."

Qrow was the one who butts in again. "What's that going to do to you?"

Pyrrha wasn't sure as she still was processing everything. "You have an important decision before you, Miss Nikos." Ozpin said to her. "There's no guarantee this transfer will work. And there's no telling if you will be the same person if it does. I advise you to take time on this matter. But understand that before the Vytal Festival is over, we will need your answer."

Pyrrha doesn't respond, instead placing her hand on the glass separating the maiden from her potential replacement, seeing her scared expression reflected on the scarred face of the dying girl, before turning away from this expected destiny as Ozpin gives one final warning.

"The assailant that attacked the Fall Maiden has made their first move. And there's no telling when their next move will be."

Oh, believe me, we know when.Regina said through Pyrrha and Glynda's mind.

"Can we save her, Regina? Can we save Amber and me from this fate?"Pyrrha whispers into her mind.

Indeed, now I know her location. I can assure you, Pyrrha, that Amber can be saved, but we must transfer her as soon as we can.Regina informs her.

"Agreed."Both Pyrrha and Glynda said to Regina, agreeing with her plan than Ozpin's or the others.

Regina suddenly felt a message was sent to her by Wraith, saying the next match is going to start soon and rigged the randomizer of the opponents.Oh...clever.

"Regina? Is there something wrong?"Pyrrha asked Regina.

It appears that my mistress is going to face one of the assailant's minions. And it's gonna be wonderful.Regina said with a sly smirk on her face.

At the Amity Colosseum, the cheering crowds are excited about the one-on-one battle. Their cheers and screams are being drowned out by the announcements from Port over the broadcasting system.

-Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The one-on-one finals!-

In the center of the battlefield's stage, Yang was smirking confidently as she stood along with the final fighters. Sun, Penny, Mercury, Pyrrha, and Voltaria, who was at the other end of the line. She was ready to face her opponent, knowing that he could be a problem to her friends and the plan, she has to get rid of him by any means necessary. And thanks to Wraith, who snuck into Mercury's dream realm and found out his nightmare, she has somethingspecialfor him.

Port was at the announcer's box with his co-host, Oobleck. "Barty, why don't you explain the rules?" He asked Oobleck.

Oobleck nodded his head. "Ah, it's quite simple, Peter. Instead of a bracket system, each round of the finals will be randomly determined immediately before the match takes place!" He explains to everyone quickly.

"Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to prepare!" Port said proudly.

Oobleck nodded in agreement. "Ah, yes, yes! Now, let's see who our first match will be!"

The energetic doctor points out to the screens above the stadium as the roulette starts spinning, this time for competitors instead of biomes. And thanks to the Cross Continental Transmit System, everyone around Remnant watched the randomizer. Cinder thought she had the upper hand, but she failed to realize that Wraith had possessed the randomizer and rigged it. Changing Mercury's opponents, to someone that he will lose to. And once it was done, Port announced the opponents on the next round.

"Mercury Black vs...Voltaria Eclipse!" Port announced loudly.

"What?!" Mercury exclaims in shock.

"What?" Cinder whispers out, also shocked by this. She could've sworn that she makes sure that Mercury will face Yang, not the Grimm Girl! Her controller must've miscalculated the match and now Mercury has to face that girl with Grimm.

"Awesome! The Grimm Girl is first!" A reporter cheered, taking pictures.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Another reporter said, taking pictures of Voltaria, who wasn't fazed by this.

Hehehe, this is gonna be good.Wraith said with a grin.

"Have Regina and Tabitha ready themselves?"Voltaria questions her fighting entity.

Yup, they're making sure that illusion girl doesn't get in your way.Wraith informs her with a grin.

"And why is that?"

Let's just say, Reg and T found something that Emmy dearly wishes to meet and see again.Wraith said with a grin in her mind.

Ruby cups her hands to make sure her encouragement is heard from her spot alongside RWBY, JNPR, WAVE, MUSE, and SSSN. "Go get 'im, Volty!"

-Would all other combatants please leave the stage!-Port announced through the speakers.

As the rest of the lineup did so, Yang and Pyrrha gave encouragement towards Voltaria. Yang did a double thumbs up with a grin while Pyrrha made an ok sign along with a smile. Voltaria nodded at them before noticing Penny gave Voltaria a friendly wave, wishing her luck as well. As they leave, Voltaria starts walking up to Mercury in the middle as the floor around them opens once more, with a ring of spotlights rising up to automatically fix their lights on the remaining two.

"You've gotta be kiddin' me, I have to fight you?" Mercury gestures to Voltaria. "This must be a mistake."

Voltaria simply tilts her head. "Why? Afraid to lose from ahelplesslittle girl?" She mocked Mercury, earning 'Oooooo' from the crowd, all agreeing that was a solid burn. Some even snickered at this, finding it hilarious.

Mercury frowned at her, annoyed and angry by her comment. "Okay, that's it. You're going down!"

"We shall see, Mr. Black." Voltaria said blankly. She then secretly looks up above the bleachers. No one could see Emerald was standing above it, using her semblance to create an illusion. She was not aware that Voltaria wasn't affected by this since her Entities could see through the illusions.

"Ready, everyone?"Voltaria said to her entities through her mind.

"Ready!"They all agreed unsure.

Port announced. -Three! Two! One! Fight!-

Mercury charges at Voltaria at full speed, his leg raised for a single blow. But suddenly, Voltaria vanished, forcing Mercury to stop his attack, shock she suddenly disappeared. Everyone was also shocked by this, especially Cinder, who didn't leave the stadium yet. As Mercury searches around, he fails to see Voltaria appearing behind him as she delivers a devastating kick to the back. Mercury lets out a yell of pain as he was about to punch her, but she suddenly vanished again.

"What the-How is she doing this?!" Mercury exclaims, trying to find her.

As he tries to fight, Emerald tries to find Voltaria, so she can hallucinate, but sadly. Due to Voltaria vanishing and reappearing out nowhere, she couldn't focus. When Emerald had her chance after Voltaria revealed herself, she was about to use her semblance until...


Emerald froze from her spot as chill came down her spine. She turns around to find no one, thinking it was just the wind, but the ghostly voice of a woman almost brought her to her knees as she called out to Emerald again in a gentle yet haunting voice.


"M...M...Mom?" Emerald whispered in disbelief, eyes widened as she looked around, trying to figure out if this was a trick or not. But it couldn't be real, her mother died years ago. She can't be alive...can she?

"I'm here, sweety, just follow my voice."Her mother's ghostly voice called out to her.

Emerald followed the ghosted voice of the deceased mother, leaving her post unnoticed to Cinder or the others. She blindly follows the voice willingly, trying to find her, unaware that she was walking through the empty halls of the stadium.


"Mom? Mom? Mom, where are you?!" Emerald called out to her, trying to find her mother, thinking that she was alive. She was not aware that she was trapped on a spell that Regina conjured.

"I'm here, my darling gem, I'm here with you always."

When Emerald reached a dark corner of the hall, she saw a womanly figure, standing on a small patch of light, wearing a white dress with her emerald, green hair flowing. Her red eyes looked towards Emerald as she spread her arms wide. She gave Emerald a warm and gentle smile. Without thinking through, Emerald rushed to her mother's arms and embraced her, tears falling from her eyes.

"" She cried softly.

"'s all right, my darling gem, I am here. I am always here."Emerald's mother said gently, both sitting on the ground as the ghost of Emerald's mother gently strokes her hair. "I am so sorry for leaving you, if I was strong enough to defeat those Grimms, you wouldn't have been left alone."

"You gave it your all..." Emerald cried, hugging her mother. " were trying to save me...I should've...I should've fought alongside you!" Emerald cried even harder as she hugged her mother.

"It's all right, my darling gem, you were young. It was my job to protect you. But now I'm here. Nothing is going to keep us apart, never again."Emerald's mother whispers softly, humming a ghostly tune that makes Emerald fall asleep.

That poor thief, she was not aware that she was in a dream world, where her mother was nothing but an illusion that was made by Regina, thinking that her mother came back from the dead. Now, she is trapped within a loop where she cannot escape unless Regina allows it. Speaking of which, both Regina and Tabitha looked at Emerald's sleeping form on the ground, she was curled up to a ball, crying in her sleep as the ghost of her deceased mother was comforting her.

She wanted to see her mother again.Tabitha said to Regina, looking at Emerald with pity.

Her mother sacrificed herself to save her daughter from a Grimm attack, that sacrifice scarred Ms. Sustrai for reminds me how our dear mistress lost her mother."Regina said to Tabitha. "But her mother was killed by human bandits, not Grimm.

They both lost their mothers, but in different ways.Tabitha said sadly.

Indeed.Regina said as she turned away.We must go, mistress is done toying with her opponent.

Tabitha nodded and followed Regina through the shadows, leaving a broken-down Emerald in her dream world.

Back to the arena, Mercury crashed on his back onto the hard ground with a loud yell. Voltaria yet again knocks him down after appearing out of nowhere. Mercury was getting annoyed. Out of all the opponents, he had to face the Grimm Girl. I mean, seriously! He would rather face off Sun or Penny but her? Absolutely not! Mercury was so angry that he fired from his legs, which Voltaria dodged with ease.

"What's wrong, Black? Getting tired from getting beat by a girl?" Voltaria mocked blankly, avoiding incoming kicks.

"Shut up! And hold still!" He ordered angrily, sweeping his legs in hopes to knock her off.

But again, Voltaria dodged and landed a few feet from him. "If you want to hit me, then please." She made a mocking bow, with one hand on her chest and her arm outstretched. "Do your worst."

Glaring at her and thinking that she was defenseless, Mercury charges at her in full rage, unaware the consequences that will come. Suddenly, with her free hand, Voltaria took out a card and threw it at Mercury. The card collided with Mercury's kick, creating a thick violet smoke that covered the whole arena. The spectators all gasped in shock, wondering what just happened. Ruby tries to find Voltaria through the thick smoke, but couldn't, she was getting worried about her friend.

"Ooh...where is she?!" Ruby asked in fear and worry.

"Is she alright?" Weiss asked in concern.

"I can't see her." Ren said, trying to find Voltaria from the smoke.

Don't worry, Kid's got this.Wraith assured the worried members.

Meanwhile, in the dark, violet, smoke, Mercury was seen wandering around it, trying to find Voltaria to beat her for mocking him. But no matter where he goes, he felt like he was going in circles. He wasn't aware that this smoke was going to be his doom.

"Hey! Where are you?! Come on and fight me!" Mercury yelled out, which returned to an echo. No one from the outside could hear nor see him. He was trapped in this dark void that has no end.

"Disappointing."A voice came.

Mercury froze in fear, shock, and horror. He recognized that voice anywhere. But it was impossible! He killed him years ago! There's no way that he could...

Coming out from the smoke was none other than Marcus Black aka Mercury's father, the man that abused and trained Mercury as an assassin. Mercury backs away from him, his eyes widen in shock as his father glares back at him.

"You call yourself an assassin? More like a brat, a weakling! You're being beaten by someone younger than you! A child no less!"

"SHUT UP!" Mercury yells in anger. "I KILLED YOU ONCE, I CAN DO IT AGAIN!"

"Then try if you can do it again, you worthless brat!"Marcus yelled at him.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Mercury lets out a battle cry and tackles his father. But turned into smoke, disappearing in the process. "What the-"

Mercury was cut off when an invisible force punched him on the face, sending him flying to the ground. He got up and rubbed his sore chin. He tries to find his father to kill him again. But another blow from the invisible force punched him again, knocking him down. Mercury tries to get up, but the invisible force continues to beat him up from all places, making Mercury's vision blurry and felt many painful blows from it. Mercury crashed on his side, coughing out blood in the process.

"Pathetic."Marcus's voice echoed through the smoke. "You can't even block simple punches!"

"Sh-Shut up!" Mercury yelled, spitting blood off his mouth.

Mercury got up to face his father. However, the invisible force didn't allow this as it sent more powerful blows, causing Mercury to yell in pain. The force sends powerful blows on Mercury's face, stomach, chest, arms, and then his legs, forcing him to be on his knees. Mercury panted out, feeling the pain on the blows as he struggled to breathe, coughing from time to time. His face was covered in bruises. The heavy blows he took were so great that it made Mercury struggle to get up.

"Useless as ever."Marcus's voice spoke through the smoke. "You are nothing without me, you need to know your place, boy."Mercury slowly looks up to see his father, glaring at him angrily. "You are my flesh and blood, and you will do asIsay."

"No..." Mercury said weakly.

"No matter where you go or run, boy. I'm alwayswatchingyou."Marcus said with a glare.

Before he could do anything, a powerful blow came at the back of Mercury's head, forcing him to fall unconscious.

Seeing that Mercury couldn't get up, Voltaria appears out of the smoke and the ghost of Marcus Black vanishes into thin air. She looks down at Mercury's broken form, knowing that he had lost to her trick. Satisfied that she has taken down another of Cinder's pawns, Voltaria decides to end the battle.

"Three down, one more to go." Voltaria said blankly before summoning Blood Moon. Her weapon entity opened its eye, releasing a red glow, and made the smoke vanished away.

Back at the stadium, the spectators were shocked when they saw the screen that Mercury's aura levels had depleted and was out of the match, but they didn't see how it happened. Everyone began to worry until the smoke suddenly vanished, surprising the audience in the process. Once it was cleared, everyone was shocked to see Mercury lying on the ground, unconscious with no serious injuries. While Voltaria just stood a few feet from him, making everyone believe that she didn't move from her spot. Blood Moon vanished after clearing the smoke, just in time too as the buzzer announced the victor is Voltaria Eclipse.

"My oh my, I don't believe it folks!" Port said from the table. "Voltaria Eclipse took down Mercury Black without us even knowing!"

"Is that even possible?! I'm not even sure either!" Oobleck said, looking at Voltaria in shock. "But the rules are rules, Ms. Eclipse has won the one-on-one match, allowing her to move on to the next round! In which case VOLTARIA ECLIPSE IS THE VICTOR!"

And with that, everyone, minus Cinder, erupted with cheers. Amazed and astonished how Voltaria took down Mercury without them even seeing it! Ruby was cheering like crazy for Voltaria, whooping about and hugging Weiss.

"She did it!" Ruby cheered happily. "She did it! She did it! She did it! She did it! She did it! SHE DID IT!"

"Ruby! I can see that!" Weiss scolds her, but smiles, knowing Voltaria took down one of the perpetrators.

"You go, V!" Cheered Wade, waving his hat at her.

"Magnifique!" AJ cheers for Voltaria, clapping her hands.

"YES!" Evo and Blake cheered along with Jaune, Ren, and Nora.

As everyone cheers, Cinder narrows her eyes at Voltaria. She was getting very suspicious about her, wondering what she was hiding and how she defeated Mercury. Soon, Voltaria then bows at the audience as she leaves the arena. But as she did, she saw the medical team coming in, putting Mercury on a stretcher and carrying him to medic bay. A ghostly smile appeared on her face as Voltaria walked away, knowing that the task was almost complete.

"You were awesome, Volty!" Ruby cheers, jogging along with her team, Team WAVE, and Team JNPR. "You kicked Mercury's butt!"

"Yeah! That'll show him a thing or two!" Yang said with a grin.

"I am glad that you all enjoy the show, serves him right for his teammates are rigging the game." Voltaria said to them, walking towards their dorms. "And I kind of did the same."

"Hey, but you did the right thing, V." Wade said to his teammate. "After all, you did say that Yang will be framed if you didn't take her place."

"Yeah! And it saved her butt in the process." Nora said happily, walking alongside her.

"Yeah, she did!" Yang said with a grin.

"So...what now?" Ren asked as they continued walking.

"Now..."Voltaria spoke into their minds when some Atlesian Knight-200 were walking through the halls of the dorm. "We're going to save Amber."

Hearing this, Pyrrha looked at her and shared a telepathic link with her. "Really? When are we going to do it?"She asked, wanting to save Amber before Ozpin and Ironwood made her do the transferring of the Fall Maiden Powers.

"Tonight, when everyone's asleep. But we have to be careful."Voltaria said, looking back at the robots. "We will have to get past Ironwood's knights."

"Crap, she's right."Wade said as they headed down the hall. "They announced the curfew hours for the students."

"And would check our rooms in the process."Ren said, knowing that they will have trouble saving Amber.

"Is there a way to fool them without getting noticed?"Blake asked, looking at Voltaria.

Voltaria thinks for a bit and recalls something. "There is a way, but I need some of your blood."

Everyone stopped on their tracks and looked at Voltaria dumbfoundedly. "What?"

Later, in their dorms, Voltaria's entities split up and are the rooms of Voltaria's friends. Tabitha was with Team RWBY, Wraith was with Team JNPR, and Hannibal was with Team WAVE. Regina left to go find Glynda and tell her the plan to sneak Amber out. And in their rooms are four wooden puppets that are strangely the same size as them along with a puppet of a dog, for Zwei.

"What is this?" Wade asked Voltaria, unsure what's going on.

"These puppets are made by my puppet entity." Voltaria began, "She will be watching over the puppets and keeping us in low profile."

"And she made these puppets that would look exactly like us from face, mind, and body with just a drop of our blood?" AJ asked unsure.

"Yup, and we better hurry, we need to get Amber as soon as possible." Voltaria said, taking out her dagger. "Let's begin."

With some hesitation, Team WAVE agrees and draws out some blood from their hands, healing their injuries with tehri aura in the process after putting their blood in their puppets' mouth. What's next shocked them as the puppets got up and formed into them, wearing exactly the same clothes as them. Team RWBY and JNPR did the same thing and were also shocked by this.

"What in the..." Wade cuts himself off when his Doppelganger gives him a smirk.

"Howdy, partner." Puppet Wade greeted him.

"This is so weird...but amazing at the same time." AJ said in awe.

"Wow..." Was all Evo could say.

"That's enough gawking, we have to go." Voltaria said as she turned to the puppets. "You know your mission?"

"Yup, keep those pesky robo-butts off yer trail." Puppet Wade said before saluting. "Ya got it, boss."

"Is it weird that I find my puppet-self kinda cool?" Wade asked, standing beside his teammates.

Voltaria shrugs. "Pretty much." She said before Hannibal teleports them away while the rest of the entities did the same thing after Team RWBY and Team JNPR made their doppelgangers. Just in time too as the door knocks and Puppet Wade opens the door to reveal two Atlesian Knights, checking on them. Puppet Wade made a smile while the rest of the Team WAVE puppets minded their own business, like they were doing nothing.

"Can we help ya, partners?" Puppet Wade asked casually to the Atlesian Knights, tricking them as if they were the real deal.

Outside of the school's grounds, Team WAVE, RWBY, and JNPR made it out safely along with Zwei and Glynda Goodwitch, who made her doppelganger puppet thanks to Regina. Their puppet doppelgangers stayed in their dorms and office, making sure there weren't any suspicions for Ozpin and Ironwood.

"You guys made it." AJ said in relief.

"Yeah, thanks to T and Volty's puppets." Yang said with a grin.

"They're not my puppets." Voltaria corrected. "They belong to my puppet entity."

"The one with freakishly scary blades that help you win against Sirena and Ekko?" Nora asked curiously.

"Yes, and her name is Marionette the Puppet Mistress." Voltaria informs them. "Let's go, we have a few hours before midnight."

"Why midnight?" Blake asked Voltaria.

"It's where Blood Moon will perform the healing ritual." Voltaria said before looking at Glynda. "Ready?"

Glynda nodded. "Yes, I believe so. Regina, lead the way."

Hold on.Regina informs them before she and the other entities teleported to the secret room where Amber was.

Wraith made sure to mess with the cameras, making sure that there was no evidence of them saving Amber. Upon the sight of the girl, everyone, minus Voltaria, Pyrrha, and Glynda, was shocked to see Amber in such a state. Zwei lets out a sad whimper when he sees Amber, feeling sorry for that human. They couldn't imagine what she had been through. It was a good thing that they were here to help. Otherwise, both her and Pyrrha would've died if they tried to transfer the maiden power to her.

"I...I don't believe it." Weiss whispers in shock.

"Is she...still alive?" Jaune asked hesitantly, looking at Amber with wide eyes.

"For now, yes." Glynda said quietly. "We have to do this now, before Ozpin finds out about this."

"Agreed." Voltaria said before looking at the boys. "You four should get ready to catch her. Hannibal will give her energy to keep her stable. While we leave a doppelganger here to take Amber's place."

"Right." The boys said as they took position.

Voltaria activates her Glyphs and summons her puppet entity, Marionette, who brings out another life size puppet. "Thank you, Marionette, we will take it from here." Marionette nodded and handed the life size puppet to Yang before vanishing. "Yang, place the puppet close to Amber. Professor Goodwitch will open the pod." Voltaria instructed.

"Right." Yang said, carrying the puppet to the pod.

"Pyrrha, Weiss, Nora, Ruby, Blake, stay close and help out, just in case something happens." Voltaria ordered.

"We're on it." Pyrrha said.

Voltaria looks at Glynda. "Ready?"

Glynda nodded and went to the controls. She types in the code to release Amber from her stasis. The pod's door opened, releasing cold air and making hissing sounds. Hannibal quickly got into her body and gave the energy she needed to stay stable. Wade, Evo, Ren, and Jaune quickly caught Amber before she could fall and gently placed her down. Yang quickly placed the puppet down and Blake quickly came over, as she made a small cut on Amber's hand (which she silently apologies to the unconscious Amber when doing so) and a drop of blood fell on the puppet's mouth, turning into a perfect replica of Amber. Amber's puppet looks exactly like her and appears somewhat lifeless. Hannibal healed Amber's cut while Pyrrha, Nora, Yang, Blake, Ruby, and Weiss placed Amber's doppelganger into the pod in the right position, allowing Glynda to close it. The puppet had the same heartbeat and stability in Amber's coma state, making everyone believe that she's in a coma.

We have to leave.Wraith suddenly said, getting everyone's attention.Someone's coming.

Everyone almost panicked by this, knowing that if they got caught, they would be in big trouble. Luckily, Voltaria and her entities were ready. "Everyone, hold on tight, and keep Amber close." Voltaria said to them.

Doing so, Pyrrha stays close to Amber as everyone went together along with Glynda. Voltaria and her entities quickly teleported them all away from the room, just in time to. Because General Ironwood came down to check on Amber's state, so far, nothing has changed. Making him, Ozpin, and Qrow to believe that Amber was still safe.

Meanwhile, at the Emerald Forest. The two hybrid dinosaurs were resting in the forest until their mothers and the rest of the packmates came along with a new human, who looked very weak. Amaryllis and Ripper came over to them, inspecting the new human, before earning gentle pats from Momma Red.

"Ripper, Amaryllis, sorry for the surprise visit, but we need to do something very important." Ruby said to them gently.

Understanding this, the two hybrids nodded, wanting to help them. Voltaria told them that Blood Moon will perform the healing ritual, they need to take Amber to a lake, where the water will heal her wounds. Amaryllis and Ripper know where the lake is and take them there. The boys carried Amber's unconscious form there carefully with Pyrrha helping them. Making sure that Amber is all right. Hannibal also made sure to keep her stable, not allowing Amber to lose her life. Once they reached the lake, Voltaria instructed the boys to bring Amber in the water and let her float. They do so but be careful along the way. They gently place Amber's body into the water, letting her float towards the reflection of the moon. Voltaria then summons Blood Moon and lifts him up to the night sky, facing the moon.

"Blood Moon, shine your red light, and heal Amber from her wound and remove the Maiden's Power off from her and retrieve the other that was stolen, so no one of dark hearts shall use it, ever." Voltaria ordered Blood Moon.

And with command, her weapon entity releases a powerful red light. It releases a beam to the sky that forms a giant storm. Red lightning and thunder clashes, everyone stared at the whole thing in shock. Thinking that Blood Moon has more power than any other of her entities. Blood Moon then releases red and black dragon specters and heads towards Amber's body. Some moved around her while the rest disappeared and headed towards the city. They wonder where they are going, but Regina informs them to not interfere. Not long, the invisible dragon specters zoom across the city, not being noticed by the people as they were rushing for cover when a sudden storm came out of nowhere. The dragon specters headed towards Vale's hospital, where Cinder Fall was at the roof of the hospital, glaring at the sudden storm. She was informed by some medical staff that they found Emerald Sustrai unconscious and wouldn't wake up. They worried that she must've collapsed from some stress and must have fallen into this state; they are still doing some tests. And Mercury Black, he was taken in not long after and was being cared for by the medics. He was fine, but he didn't want to talk about the battle he had with Voltaria. Cinder demanded but he, surprisingly, yelled at her to leave. Like he really doesn't want to talk about it. Angered and confused, Cinder needed to find outWHOVoltaria is and what her goal is.

And she's going to do it, with force. However, when Cinder was about to leave, she didn't notice the dragon specters coming to her. And as soon as they came, they immediately attacked. One forcefully went through her, causing Cinder to yell and almost fall on to her knees. Shocked by the sudden attack, she tried to find out who did it, but couldn't see because the dragon specters are invisible and are attacking Cinder by going through her as well as removing the Maiden Power. One by one, the specters went through Cinder with great force, causing Cinder to scream in pain, but was covered by the loud thunder. Cinder soon falls on her knees and tries to use the maiden power but sadly, the specters come together and charge at her, going through Cinder with great force. This cause her to feel tremendous amounts of pain, as they rip the maiden power off her. The dragon specters carried the maiden power away from Cinder, who was trying to recover from the blow. She tried to summon fire from her hands to release her anger, but nothing came out. To her shock and horror, the maiden power was gone! Quickly getting up, Cinder tries to find out what happened and what caused half of the maiden power to be removed. But she was too late, the dragon specters had taken the power, camouflaging it so Cinder nor anyone could find it. Angered, Cinder releases a scream of anger, but it is blocked by the thunder while dragon specters take half of the maiden's power back to its other half.

As the dragon specters headed towards the Emerald Forest, the other dragon specters began circling above Amber's body, who was emitting a yellow-orange glow. Everyone watched as Blood Moon's dragon specters removed the other half of the maiden's power out of Amber, lifting up as they surrounded the orange ball of energy. Soon, the rest of the dragon specters return with the other half of the power. The Fall Maiden's power became whole again as the specters joined with the others, spinning around with great speed. Blood Moon then releases a white energy towards the water. It wasn't dangerous, it is actually a healing energy, allowing the water to heal Amber from her injuries from head to toe and the burn on her face vanished. After she was healed, the Fall Maiden's power began to manifest itself into another form by the specters. Thunder and lightning came as the power began shrinking before it transformed into a tarot card that had a picture of a tree and field in the autumn season. As it was complete, the storm clouds vanished, Blood Moon finished the ritual, the dragon specters gently carried the card that housed the Fall Maiden power, bringing it towards Voltaria. The Grimm Girl grabs it with her free hand before the specter returns back to Blood Moon.

"It is done." Voltaria said softly.

And with that, everyone turns back to the lake and sees Amber's body returning to life. And because of this, Amber snaps open her eyes and lets out a loud gasp. She got up from the water and gasped again in shock as she realized that she was in water. Seeing that she is in trouble, Pyrrha quickly dives in the water and saves her before she could drown. Amber was shocked by this and looked at Pyrrha in confusion.

"Wh-Who are you?" Amber asked in alarm.

Pyrrha forms a relieved smile on her face. "I'm a friend."

Before Amber could process everything, something beneath them lifted up from the water, revealing itself as Ripper, who wants to help Pyrrha and Amber to get back to shore. Amber was shocked by Ripper's sudden appearance but was calm down when Pyrrha assures her that he's harmless, most of the time. Ripper swims back to shore where the others help Amber on her feet. Ruby, seeing Amber shivering, did a generous thing as she offered her hooded cloak to Amber, which she graciously accepted. Soon, Wade starts a campfire to help Amber warm up, they all circle around the fire while Amaryllis and Ripper are curled around Ruby, Voltaria, and Amber, trying to help the girl to keep warm. Zwei was also keeping Amber warm while she held him, making her smile at the warmth of the dog. The group explained to Amber what just happened and how she came to be, trying to make sure not to rush her, so she can process everything.

"And that's what happened." Wade finished with a sigh.

Amber, who was shocked to hear this, looks down on to the ground, hugging Zwei tightly. She couldn't believe it. The ones that attacked her took some of the maiden's power and used it for evil. If only she could've been more careful and had time to think, she could have just escaped when she knew the danger. None of this could have happened. Amber was about to break in tears when she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. Looking up, Amber saw it was Pyrrha who placed her hand on her shoulder and gave Amber an assuring smile.

"None of this is your fault, Amber." Pyrrha said in assurance. "Your assailants are the ones to blame for abusing the Fall Maiden's power."

"But-" Amber was cut off when Nora got up and was in front of her.

"Yeah! They cheated and it was an unfair fight!" Nora said with a grin. "You gave it your all and show them a thing or two!"

"Uh..." Amber wasn't sure how to respond to this.

Sensing this, Voltaria made gesturing movements to Amaryllis, signaling her to move Nora away. Obeying her mother's command, Amaryllis lifted her head and picked Nora from the back of her dress and placed her next to Ruby. Satisfied, Voltaria looks over to Amber and speaks.

"What Nora is trying to say, Amber, is that you should not feel distraught about what happened. Yes, your attacker used the Fall Maiden's power for evil, but she no longer has it. We do." Voltaria took out the card that housed the Fall Maiden's power. "She and the other two assailants will never find it. For it is safe and far from both human and Faunus's hands."

"You're free from the burden, Amber." Pyrrha said with a smile. "You don't have to carry the weight of this responsibility anymore. You can choose your own fate."

"She's right, Amber." Glynda said, adjusting her glasses. "You will no longer be the Fall Maiden; you canchoosewho you want to be."

Hearing this, Amber couldn't help but choke a bit, feeling the weight of burden slowly lifted as she no longer had to worry about someone trying to attack her or steal the Fall Maiden's power. she's free. Free to do anything she wants. Free to be who she is. Free to see the world that she missed out for so long. Suddenly, tears form in her eyes, Amber couldn't help but cry by the sudden freedom that was bestowed upon her. No longer having to fear what will come, she can become the huntress that she could be. Thanks to a kind group of strangers.

"I...I don't know what to say but..." Amber said as she looked at them with teary eyes and a small smile, "...Thank you."

Everyone, minus Voltaria, smiles at her. Wade couldn't help but tip his hat at her. "That's our job, Ma'am." He said to Amber.

"What Wade said," Ruby smiles at Amber. "Just doing our job!"

Amber giggles as it is mixed with Zwei's joyful barks. "You all are special, in more ways than one."

Blake smiles and looks at her friends. "We are all special."

"We sure are!" Nora said happily and cheerfully as she got up with both fists on her hips but within a few seconds she deflated. "Now what?"

"What do you mean?" Amber asked in confusion.

Nora taps her chin as she recalls the event. "Well...we survived through training, school, stopping a Grimm Attack, meeting Volty's ghost friends..."

Hey!Wraith yelled at her in annoyance.

"...Meeting giant hybrid dinosaurs that survive the extinction!" Nora gestures to both Amaryllis and Ripper, who look at each other, not sure what to do. "Learning that Votly could see the future!" Voltaria sighs in annoyance as Nora continues while making a battle pose, "Then battle at the Colosseum! Stopping the saboteurs from rigging the game and sneak around to find and save you!" She finished with a grin. "Oh, and we're kinda trying to stop a great destruction of Vale that is coming."

Amber couldn't help but stare at her in disbelief and shock, and couldn't believe what she was hearing. Nora was still grinning while Ren was shaking his head at his partner. "Nora, I think you put her into shock."

Nora covers her mouth in realization. "Oopsie!"

"Wha-no! No, no, no. I'm fine, it's's just I'm surprised you all did it by yourself without Ozpin knowing. Why didn't you all ask for his help?" Amber questions them.

Suddenly, Regina came and spoke, clearly not happy about Ozpin helping. As if we should trust that man with this information.She said in a clearly disapproving tone that could be heard from everyone.Ozpin only trusted himself with the whole truth, he didn't bother telling everyone that our enemy is an immortal human with magic that caused the first humans' extinctions a hundred thousand years ago! And hiding the fact that the three assailants are here and doesn't even know who they are because he is too clueless to notice!

There was a dead silence from the group. Amber was shocked by this sudden information while the rest, minus Voltaria, were kind of freaked out by Regina's sudden outburst. Clearly stating thatmaybeshe has some kind of grudge against Ozpin many years ago during the Age of Gods. But they dared not ask about it, if they did, they would not survive her wrath.

Ruby, who cleared her throat, and dared asked. "But...what if know, try to convince him to tell the truth to the people? I mean, I know it might cause panic and people might not believe, but still. Everyone needs to know."

I understand your admiration to help, Ruby, but even if we tried to convince Ozpin to bring out the truth, he'll just brush it away.Regina said to her.

"But we have to try at least." Blake said to Regina, wanting to help both humans and Faunus alike from a terrible fate. "We just need to get him, General Ironwood, and Qrow to listen to us and make them understand."

I can handle them.Wraith suddenly appeared beside them, with a wide grin on his face.We'll need rope for Ozpin, titanium chains for Ironwood...a cage for Qrow!

Everyone, minus Voltaria, stared at Wraith's grinning form. The teenagers and Amber stared at him with a mix of confusion, disturbance, and doubt. Glynda, on the other hand, shares the same look as Regina and Voltaria, annoyed at Wraith's plan. It's always kidnapping and murder for him. Not caring for the well-being of the person. Weiss was the one that broke the cold silence.

"...See, what scares me is that you have all those things, don't you?" Weiss questions Wraith.

The warrior entity responded with a mischievous smile and nod, causing Weiss to give Wraith a dumbfounded look. Voltaria sighs and shakes her head. "We can discuss some other time. Right now, we need to find a place for Amber to rest and it can't be Vale."

Realizing what she meant, everyone agrees that Amber can't go to the city. Ozpin, Ironwood, and Qrow would be suspicious, and would also cause the assailant to find out what really happened, and kill her, thinking that she might have the Fall Maiden power, but in truth she doesn't.

"We need to find a safe place for her." Glynda said to the students.

Luckily, Voltaria knows a place for Amber to live in peace. "I know where we can hide Amber."

Later, at the forest that leads to Mineral Town, Voltaria's entities teleported them and the hybrids there. Amber was now wearing clothes (Yang's boots, Blake's shorts, Nora's shirt, Weiss's bell-sleeved bolero, AJ's fashionable belt, and Pyrrha's gloves) which she got from Wraith, who happens to steal from the girls' stuff, much to their annoyance, but allowed it to slide since Amber needed clothes. But still annoyed at how Wraith got to their stuff in the first place. Team WAVE recognized where the entities had taken them and was surprised by the first choice they had.

"Hey, this is the forest near Mineral Town." Evo said, recognizing the area.

"Yes, I contacted a friend of mine to meet us here." Voltaria said to them.

Wade looked at her in surprise. "Wait, you have a friend?"

Voltaria nodded her head. "Yes, he will be arriving shortly."

"When?" Jaune asked the girl.

Voltaria looks at him. "Right now."

Confused, Jaune turned around and saw Kurama, the half Fox Faunus/Grimm, standing behind him. Jaune screamed and fell from behind. The others did battle poses, ready to attack, but stopped by Hannibal, growling at them to back off. Everyone was confused until Kurama bowed towards Voltaria respectfully.

Welcome back, Mistress.He greeted the girl.

"Mistress?" Everyone asked in confusion and shocked as they realized that Kurama was referring to Voltaria.

"V? How do you know this guy?" Wade asked Voltaria, eyeing Kurama.

"I'll explain everything but first, I would like you all to meet Kurama. Kurama, meet my friends." Voltaria gestures to her team, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Glynda, and Amber.

Kurama bows at them respectfully.It is a pleasure to meet you all. My mistress has mentioned you all so fondly.He said to the group.

Nora came up to him. "Really?! What does she talk about us? Or me!? Did she say something nice? Or fun! Tough! Strong!" Nora babbles a lot of questions while Kurama stares at her calmly.

In due time, but all she did say is...that you are all interesting and unique.Kurama said as he looked at Ruby.And I thank Ms. Rose for helping my Mistress to get out from her empty shell.

Ruby stutters and giddily replies with a smile, " problem there Kurama...sir."

Glynda looked at Kurama curiously. "So...he's going to take care of Amber?" She asked Voltaria.

"He's simply going to protect her in secret while Amber lives in the Mineral Town." Voltaria said calmly. "I sent a private message to Mr. Peterson, you know, the old man that helped us during our mission."

"Wait, how did you get his number?" Evo asked her curiously.

"I have my ways." Voltaria answered blankly before looking at Amber. "Kurama will assist you on heading to the town. I believe Mr. Peterson is waiting at the entrance of the town. There, you will live a safe life. Far from Ozpin, Ironwood, and the threats that will harm you. You'll no longer have to worry about anything now."

Glynda nodded in agreement before she took out a spare Scroll. "Here, use this Scroll if you want to contact any of us." She instructed her, who accepted it.

Amber smiled and nodded her head. "Thank you, everyone. For everything."

"You're welcome, Amber." Ruby said happily.

"You deserve this after what you have been through." AJ said with a smile.

"AJ's right." Pyrrha agrees with a smile, happy that Amber won't suffer the consequences.

"You should go now." Wade said with a smile. "You don't want Mr. Peterson to wait."

Amber nodded again. "Good idea."

Voltaria looks at Kurama. "Keep her safe, Kurama. Do not let anything bad happen to her."

Kurama bowed at her.Yes, Mistress.He said to her respectfully as he turned towards Amber.Come, Ms. Amber, your new home awaits.

Smiling, Amber nods again and looks at Kurama happily. "Yeah, that sounds nice. Thanks again everyone, I won't forget you." Amber said as she hugged each one of the members.

"Anytime, Amber." Yang said, hugging Amber.

"Don't mention it." Ruby said happily, hugging Amber as well.

Amaryllis and Ripper also joined in the goodbye hug, even though they just met her. They already took a liking to Amber and accepted her in their pack. Zwei jumps in Amber's arms, giving her goodbye licks, making her laugh in the process. "I'll miss you too, Zwei." Amber said before putting him down. "You all are wonderful people, I'm sure you'll be great huntsmen and huntresses when you all graduate."

"Thanks, Amber, now enjoy your new life." Blake said, smiling at her.

"Yes, I will." Amber said as she went with Kurama while waving at them. "Goodbye!"

"Bye!" Nora, Ruby, and Jaune said unison.

"See ya!" Yang waved.

"Call us anytime!" AJ said to Amber

"Take care!" Pyrrha said with a wave.

"Stay safe!" Evo said with a smile.

"You be careful, ya hear?" Wade said with a grin.

"Goodbye." Ren said with a wave.

All the teams, minus Voltaria and Glynda (who both just waved at her), said their farewells from the now free girl. Kurama leads Amber through the forest and towards the village. Amber happily follows him, feeling free from the burden that was placed on her. As they disappeared, the three teams and Glynda were relieved to see Amber all right.

"So, what's the next plan?" Yang asked her friends.

"Next, we will face the culprit and expose her for everything." Voltaria said seriously.

Nora grins and takes out her hammer, Magnhild, and lets out a loud and craze laugh. "YEAH! LET'S DO THIS!" She yelled and let out a battle cry.

"I meant quietly and unnoticed." Voltaria interjected, ceasing Nora from her battle cry, and looked at her in disappointment and whines. "Anyways, we should head back, we don't know how long our puppets will take our place."

"Good point." Ruby said with a nod before looking at Amaryllis and Ripper. "Ama, Rippy, you guys should stay here. I have a feeling that someone might go to the Emerald Forest to find out about the sudden coming and disappearance of a storm." She suggested the hybrids.

Amaryllis and Ripper wanted to disagree. The Emerald Forest is their territory, they couldn't just leave it. But humans might go there and find out about the event. And they did want to help keep Amber safe from danger. Plus, they wanted to explore this new area. So, they nodded in agreement and stayed in their new territory. But they have to find another cave to sleep in. Ruby smiles and hugs their massive heads.

"I know you guys will understand! And don't worry, Kurama will keep you guys' company when he gets back." Ruby said to them.

"Speaking of which, we should go." Blake informs them. "Tomorrow's match will come soon, and we have to be ready."

Yang punched her fist with her hand. "Yeah! And I'm pumped!"

"Let's just hope we can handle the perpetrators before they could cause any more problems." Weiss said, going over to the group.

Oh, don't worry.Tabitha assures them.We can assure you all they won't cause any more problems.

And with that, the entities took the teams and Glynda back to the school grounds, making sure that the Atlesian Knights were not around, so they could take the puppet doppelgangers away. Like the teens, Zwei, and Glynda haven't left at all.

And no one suspected a thing.


Chapter 17: Saving Lives III


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Characters added in the story belong toFoxyKhai0209.

Gemini Quadruplets

Tyson Gemini:Leader

William 'Willy' Gemini:Co-leader and Hacker

Nash Gemini:Tough and Protective

Lars Gemini:Cheerful and Sneaky



-This allows the four brothers to communicate with each other telepathically, even when they're very far away, including outside the country. Their Semblance also helps the brothers to switch their clothes in a flash to disguise as one of their brothers to confuse and avoid people, including their enemies. The Connection is useful for the brothers in tracking down each other when getting lost or separate. Due to this, the brothers can sense one of their brothers being in danger and immediately come to their brother's aid. There is a tricky part of the four brothers' skills, during the fight - the two brothers fight against two opponents, they both use their Semblance to switch each other's places and surprise their opponents by the brothers' sudden switcheroo. The Gemini Quadruplets are able to fool their opponents quite easily due to their identical appearance despite their different looks.

Team Name:Team TWNL (Twinkle)


-Tyson:Calm, patient, speaks-well, awkward, kind, friendly, gentle, warm, understandable, serious, brotherly, truthful, mature, stubborn, protective, strict, fearless, daring, charm

-Willy:Smart, patient, serious, calm, brotherly, friendly, kind, silent, speaks quietly, stubborn, silly (sometimes) protective, listenable, strict, fearless, daring, charm

-Nash:Short-temper, rude, impatient, trash talk (bad words), sly, protective, stubborn, distrustful (towards strangers only), cold (towards strangers only), warm, serious, strict, ignorant (except his brothers), fearless, daring, brotherly, charm

-Lars:Kind, sleepy, weird (sometimes), friendly, cheerful, out-going, stubborn, funny, loveable, playful, warm, helpful, fun-loving, serious, brotherly, fearless, jokester, daring, charm

Outfit Styles

-Tyson:He wears a yellowish-brown T-shirt with armor shoulder pads on the shoulders, dark gray fingerless gloves, gold scarf around his neck, black jeans, and brown hiking boots.

-Willy:He wears a black V-neck shirt underneath a sky-blue hoodie sweater, dark gray beanie on top of his head, white gloves, dull blue jeans, and teal running shoes.

-Nash:He wears a magenta T-shirt that's over a forest green vest, black fingerless gloves, a silver four-pointed star around his neck, dark brown jeans, and lime green sporty shoes.

-Lars:He wears a pastel orange V-neck shirt, a pale-yellow jacket tied around his waist, dark purple gloves, a gold ring on his pinkie finger that has two letters on "GQ" on the surface, tan jeans and indigo engineer boots.

Place of Birth:Mineral town but moving to Mistral

Skin Color:Light

Hair Color and Style

Tyson: Short, bob light orange with bangs swept to the left

Willy:Chin-length dark brown hair with bangs swept to the right

Nash:Shoulder-length scarlet hair, tied in a low ponytail

Lars:Elbow-length sky blue hair, tied in a loose braid



Tyson:Sword that turns into a rifle (Leading Star)

Willy:Crossbow that turns into two swords (Wise Mark)

Nash:Giant Morning star that turns into a bazooka (Tyrannical Destruction)

Lars:Boomerangs that turned into daggers and guns (Funbringers)

Voice Actors:

Tyson:Orlando Bloom

Willy:Nicholas Hoult

Nash:Richard Armitage

Lars:Tom Holland

On the next day of the tournament, everyone was riled up for the next round. They were excited for the next battle. They discontinued the battle last night because there was an unexpected storm as well as an investigation about Emerald found collapse on the stadium. Thinking someone attacked her but doctors say that she collapses due to stress and tiredness. So, they continue the one-on-one battle in the afternoon. Which gives Yang and Pyrrha enough time to train for their turn in the tournament. Glynda offered them a private training room, so that way, no one can bother them. Much to the surprise of the students. But they appreciate her gesture. Yang was delivering heavy blows on a punching bag that Wade set up for her to train. With her were her teammates, Team WAVE, and Team JNPR. Pyrrha was sparring with Jaune, helping him improve his skill while she trained. Ruby cheers at Yang's punching skills as she rapidly punches the bag while Pyrrha flips Jaune over her shoulder.

"Man, they seem pumped." Evo said, watching Yang and Pyrrha trained hard.

"It's like they become whole different people." AJ answered, smiling at the two girls.

Ruby grins at them. "Yeah! I can't wait to see Yang in battle! What do you think, Volty?" Ruby asked, looking at Voltaria. She was sitting next to her while reading a book about old history.

She stops reading and lifts her head up to face Ruby blankly under her mask. Ruby was waiting for her answer, the grin on her face didn't vanish as she looked at her excitedly. Being a good friend, Voltaria's response to her is this.

"Yang will annihilate her opponent in a heartbeat." She responded to Ruby before returning to her book. It honest truth or something. Many find it scary and disturbing, but Yang found it awesome as she grins at it.

"Sweet!" She said before punching the bag hard.

Wade chuckled and shook his head. "You know, V, you should really practice your words." He said to her with a smile.

Voltaria rolls her eyes under her mask and stares at him in a matter-of-fact tone. "I'm stating the facts." She continues reading her book.

Wade couldn't help but shake his head at her response, she can be difficult but understanding. After all, she was the key to saving this kingdom. As Yang and Pyrrha continued training their skills, Voltaria couldn't help but stop and think. Her friends are doing their best to help her stop a great evil that will come. And she felt like she could give them something in return like a gift.

"Hey...guys?" Voltaria called out to them, getting their attention, "I...I appreciate you all helping me with this."

"Don't mention it, Voltaria, it's the least we can do." AJ said to her teammate kindly.

"Agreed, we will do anything to stop this evil." Pyrrha said to Voltaria.

"I know...and that's why I offer you guys to see your fortune. As a sign of my gratitude."

"D'awww, V, you don't have to-" Wade was cut off when Nora zooms in front of Voltaria, sitting on her knees as she grins at Voltaria.

"Me! Me! Me! I want to see my fortune!" Nora exclaims, wanting to see her fortune from Voltaria.

"Okay, okay, just calm down." Voltaria said as she took out her tarot cards and set some down. There, she holds Nora's hand gently and flips one card, revealing two warriors, fighting side by side, during a lightning storm, "May your strength call forth the lightning, to protect those you care the most."

"What does that mean?" Nora asked curiously.

"It means with your strength, you will protect the ones you care about, and no danger shall fall upon them." Voltaria answered, making Nora grin.

"My turn!" Yang said, coming over to Voltaria, after she slides Nora away.

Voltaria did her reading, revealing a card of a fighter that was defending a city from monsters with a group of hunters helping, "Like Nora, you will protect those you care, but always never forget that you have friends by your side." Earning a smile from Yang.

Voltaria continues to show her friends their fortune. Both Wade and AJ share a card of love, showing that their love for each other is eternal, making them both happy. Evo's fortune shows that with his music, he will find his soulmate, which caused Evo to blush like crazy. Ren's fortune shows a blooming lotus blossom, stating that his power will bloom even more. Weiss's fortune is about a flower growing in the snow, indicating she will rise to be a better person, much to the happiness of young Schnee. Blake's fortune shows that she is not alone, and her friends will always be with her, making the cat Faunus happy. Jaune's fortune is about a man pulling a sword, indicating that he will grow stronger each day. Pyrrha's fortune is about finding someone who will accept her as she is, a great and loyal friend, much to her joy. Lastly, was Ruby. The red-cloaked girl was excited yet nervous about what her fortune is.

"Okay, Volty, I'm ready." Ruby said with determination and a hint of nervousness.

Voltaria nodded her head before she took Ruby's hand and grabbed the card that would reveal her fortune. But in doing so, Voltaria made a confused look as she saw Ruby's card. It revealed an image of black thorns with crimson red roses blooming. And standing in the middle was a warrior, holding a mighty sword, and staring at her with silver eyes.

"...Volty? What's wrong?" Ruby asked in concern, seeing her friend was silently quiet.

"Your says...crimson roses shall bloom within the black thorns of destruction, as a warrior of two souls shall rise to smite the evil." Voltaria says out loud, catching them off-guard.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ren asked curiously.

"For once, I don't know, but what's strange is that...I too have a similar fortune as Ruby." Voltaria said, getting chills from her friends.

"Okay, that can't be coincidental." Yang said.

"Yeah, but still...her fortunes are never wrong." Blake said to Yang.

"Yeah...I should figure it out soon right after the match." Voltaria said, earning nods of agreement.

Just then, they heard knocking from the door, causing Voltaria to hide her cards just in time before Sun Wukong came in, looking around but soon spotted Blake as he gave her a friendly wave.

"Hey, Blake!" The monkey Faunus greeted the cat Faunus, "How are you?"

"Doing fine, Sun." Blake responded, looking at him. "What brings you here?"

Sun was hesitant as he eyed Voltaria, who was reading her book again, and nervously said, "By any chance, can you tell your friend to go easy on me if know...face each other in the tournament." Sun slowly tried to explain his reason.

Blake, however, already figured it out as she crosses her arms at him, "You want me to tell Voltaria to go easy on you at the tournament, am I right?" Blake questions him in annoyance, knowing that he was scared of Voltaria.

"What?! No! No, no,'s not that, it'" Sun tried to find an excuse to explain the reasons why he was here. But he gave up. "Yes, I was hoping for you to tell her to go easy on me."

"Don't worry." Voltaria said, flipping through the next page of her book, "I won't face you in the match."

"Really?" Sun asked hopefully.

"No, it's Yang you will be facing." Voltaria answered calmly.

"WHAT?!" Sun exclaimed in shock.

"AWESOME!" Yang cheered out as she grins at Sun, "Get ready, Monkey boy, 'cause I'm gonna bring the hurt!"

"Oh, mama..." Sun mutters in fear.

Hehe, good one, Blondie. Wraith complimented Yang, who grins in delight.

Me hungry. Hannibal suddenly said through Valtaria and her friends could hear. Sun couldn't hear him as it was a private telepathic link.

Voltaria knew Hannibal wanted something to eat before the tournament. Getting up, Voltaria handed the book over to Weiss, "I'm going to get something to eat, want anything?"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Burritos!" Nora said happily.

"And some sodas." Jaune added.

"Yeah! I like some too." Yang agrees along with the rest.

"I'll come! You need an extra hand for this." Ruby offered happily.

Voltaria nodded and soon left with Ruby to the festival and go to the burrito tent. There, they bought burritos and sodas for their friends. Voltaria bought a lot because Hannibal has a big appetite, also Nora, she tends to get hungry. Ruby cheerfully carries the food and drinks with Voltaria, wanting to buy more for Amaryllis and Ripper. However, as they were about to head back to the others, two Atlesian Knights came towards them, causing the two girls to stop in their tracks and look at them.

"Um...Volty? What's going on?" Ruby whispers to Voltaria.

"Your guess is good is mine." Voltaria answers back quietly as the Atlesian Knights stood in front of them.

Just then, General Ironwood came with two more Atlesian Knights following behind him. As he reached the girls, they stared at him with mixed impressions. Ruby was worried about Ironwood's sudden appearance, while Voltaria stares at him blankly. Wraith was saying to her mind that he should possess him to leave them alone, but stopped by Regina, saying to not do anything until necessary.

"General Ironwood, is there something wrong?" Ruby asked the general.

Ironwood looks at her briefly before turning towards Voltaria with narrowed eyes, "I would like to speak with Voltaria Eclipse privately." He said seriously towards the Grimm Girl.

Voltaria narrows her eyes under her mask, glaring towards the general with annoyance and anger. He must think that he suspected her as the assailant that attacked the Fall Maiden or working for Salem. Of course, he blames her because she can talk to Grimm means she's the bad guy. She's always the main suspect in the eyes of the authorities.

"Why? What's wrong?" Ruby asked, worried about her friend.

"It is not in your concern, Ruby. I just need to question Voltaria." Ironwood said, looking towards Voltaria.

"But, General Ironwood, Volty didn't do anything." Ruby defends her friend, "She was with me and our friends this whole time."

"I am aware, but this is an important matter, Ruby." Ironwood said seriously. "It's best that you don't know."

"But-" Ruby was cut off by Voltaria, who stepped forward.

"All right, fine, let's get this over with so I can go." Voltaria said blankly before handing the rest of the bags to Ruby, "I'll meet up with you and the others soon."

"But Volty..." Ruby tries to help her friend to get out of this, but Voltaria didn't want Ruby to get involved on their suspicion as well.

"I'll be fine, I'm used to it." Voltaria said to Ruby before telepathically saying to her, "Make sure to stay with the others, Regina, Wraith, Tabitha, and Hannibal will be with me and will tell you what's going on."

"...Oh...Okay, just be careful." Ruby said worriedly before giving her own telepathic message, "Send us your location so we can break you out on what prison they place you in!"Ruby thought that Voltaria was going to prison and wanting to help break her out. Even though it wasn't necessary, she appreciated Ruby's concern and willingness to save her.

Voltaria nodded her head and said to her she'll be fine before going with Ironwood and the Atlesian Knights, leaving a concerned Ruby behind as she heads back to her friends to tell them everything.

She prays that Voltaria would be okay.

Voltaria was sitting on a chair, on the other side of the table, staring blankly at the empty chair in front of her. There, she could feel the presence of Ozpin, Ironwood, and Qrow on the other side from the one-way glass. The three men were watching her, monitors and recording materials ready. Ironwood has a hunch that Voltaria is up to something and believes that she is working for Salem. Ozpin wasn't sure if Voltaria was the culprit, for she doesn't have that desire to rule or conquer Remnant nor serve Salem. And Qrow...yeah, Qrow doesn't care about this as he just wants this to be over so he can find the real culprits.

"Are you sure that Ms. Eclipse is assisting Salem?" Ozpin questions Ironwood as he looks at Voltaria's patient form. "I do not wish to lose her trust towards people."

"She's hiding something, Ozpin. She's not like any student we have ever encountered before." Ironwood states the truth.

"I'm just surprised how you manage to get her without Glynda finding out." Qrow said, leaning on the chair with his feet resting on the control's counter, "How you manage to do it is beyond me."

"She is very cooperative." Ironwood said. "We will see if she is assisting Salem in this war."

"And what if she isn't working for Salem? What then, hm? Should we tell her everything about what's going on? How the entire world is in danger." Qrow questions the general, already getting Pyrrha wasn't bad enough, now they're dealing with the Grimm Girl.

"We should wait and see." Ozpin said as he looked at Voltaria, "For all we know, she doesn't know anything."

"That is why I will be the one asking her questions." Ironwood said to Ozpin.

"Oh, yeah? How you're gonna know if she's telling the truth?" Qrow asked him.

Ironwood turns to Qrow and gestures to the device at the control, "This tech is a state of the ark Atlas technology that would allow us to know if someone is telling the truth or lying."

"How so?" Qrow questions the general.

"It will detect her breathing, her heartbeat, and the tone of her voice. If it turns green, it means she's telling the truth and if it turns red, it will tell us that she was lying" Ironwood said as he looked at Voltaria, "Then we will know that we have a lead."

"Oh, boy..." Qrow mutters out.

"Do what you have to do, General." Ozpin said, earning a nod from Ironwood.

The general of Atlas enters the room, causing Voltaria to look up and watch him take a seat. The two people stared at each other. Voltaria's cold blue eyes glared under her mask towards the general, who was simply looking at her with his face close to his hands. Both were giving their own coldness to one another. Which brought tension to everyone. However, Voltaria knew very well that he was going to ask her questions because she saw this coming.

"Voltaria Eclipse." The General finally spoke.

"General Ironwood, to what do I owe the 'pleasure'of being taken here?" Voltaria questions in a sarcastic tone.

Ironwood ignores her sarcasm and gets to the chase. He slides down a picture of Amber, who was still healthy before Cinder and her group attacked her. "Do you know who she is?"

Voltaria stares down at the picture of Amber calmly, her expression remaining blank as she remains calm. They have no idea that Amber was alright and is living at Mineral Town, safe and sound. But they don't know that. Because Amber deserves a peaceful life instead of being placed in a metal compartment. So, giving her answer, Voltaria calmly answers to the general this.

"No, I don't."

Ozpin and Qrow looked at the device and watched as it turned green, indicating she's telling the truth. Ozpin informs Ironwood through the comm, and he understands before moving to the next question. Ironwood moved on to the next question.

"Do you know what happened to Emerald Sustrai?" Ironwood asked.

"No, why? What happened?" Voltaria asked in a neutral tone.

"She was found at the halls of the arena, during your match with Mercury. Do you know anything about it?"

"I was facing Mercury; I didn't know until now." Voltaria said blankly.

The machine turned green, indicating that she's telling the truth again. Ozpin informs Ironwood as the general continues asking her questions, which she answers blankly or coldly. And always, her answers were all true. So far, about ten or fifteen minutes, Voltaria answered all his questions "truthfully", much to the annoyance of Ironwood and Qrow, who think that they were wasting their time. However, the three men were not aware that Regina took control of the lie detector, preventing them from knowing the truth of their real plan.

"This is a waste of time." Qrow said, bored out of his mind as Ironwood asked another question to Voltaria, which she answered, earning another green light. "It's already obvious that this girl isn't associated with Salem or whatsoever."

"Give it time, Qrow. We have to make sure." Ozpin said, eyeing Voltaria.

Speaking of which, the Grimm Girl was getting bored from all these questions. So far, Ironwood was trying to get any evidence about her and what's her motive. But she isn't associated with the ones that attack Amber now working for Salem. She has other ulterior motives. But she has to play along, for now as Ironwood asked her what she was doing last night before the storm.

"I was in my dorm room with my teammates, we were discussing who will be going to the final round." Voltaria answered the question, feeling the device turning green again. "Is this going to take long? I have to head back to my teammates."

"Just two more and then you can leave." Ironwood said, which causes Voltaria to mentally sigh in annoyance. "Next question, why did you join the academy?"

Voltaria raises a brow under her mask, "I didn't want to at first...but Professor Ozpin proves otherwise. He told me that I have potential in becoming a huntress. I never thought someone like him would see me, a cold-hearted killer, to be a professional huntress in his academy. In all my life, I only did it to hide, kill, and defend myself against those who saw me as a threat."

Her answers were cold and true, which stunned the three men in the room. The light turned green showing that she is telling the truth. Voltaria didn't think much of her answer, for it was the truth and that is all they needed to know.

"Is there anything else?" Voltaria asked the general in a cold tone.

"Yes, one more, and you're free to go." Ironwood said, the same cold tone as Voltaria.

"What is it?" Voltaria asked boringly.

Ironwood was silent at first, staring at Voltaria with a clam yet serious expression, as he was waiting for her to say that. Qrow and Ozpin were watching through the window, waiting for the last question. After a few seconds of long silence, Ironwood finally asked Voltaria this.

"Do you know Salem?" He questions the Grimm Girl with serious eyes, waiting for her answer. He suspects that she should be hesitant, but instead, she gave a confused tone that stunned the general.

"...Who's Salem?" Voltaria asked in confusion.

Again, the device turned green, showing she was telling the truth. Qrow threw his arm up in the air, annoyed and tired that they wasted their time with Voltaria.

"Welp! It's official, this girl is not working for Salem, can we go now?" Qrow asked the headmaster in annoyance.

Ozpin sighs but agrees with Qrow for once, "All right, we should let her-"

His words cut off when Glynda suddenly burst into the room with anger and annoyance in her eyes. Both Ozpin and Qrow were startled by her sudden arrival; they wondered how she found their location since neither of them had contacted her about their whereabouts or location. Glynda, on the other hand, was far from happy to see this. As it turns out, Tabitha informs about Ironwood's sudden arrival and how he brought Voltaria to the interrogation room, questioning her if she is related to the attack on Amber or working for Salem. Her sudden arrival causes Qrow to accidentally spill his drink on the lie detector, causing it to short circuit, rendering it useless.

"Ah, sh*t." Qrow mutters as he breaks the device.

Glynda ignores them as she angrily walks over to the door where Voltaria and Ironwood were, and barges in, startling the general. Glynda was very angry at the fact that he accused Voltaria as a suspect.

"What were you thinking about bringing her here?!" Glynda angrily said towards Ironwood, who stood up and stared at her calmly.

"She could've been a prime suspect in our case." Ironwood said to her calmly, which angered Glynda a lot.

"Obviously, she has no information whatsoever!" Glynda said, defending Voltaria.

"You've seen what she can do!" Ironwood said, referring to her battle at the arena.

"Oh, because she can talk to Grimms?!" Glynda questions him angrily, "You can't blame her for the power she has. More importantly, you shouldn't have made a scene at the festival by treating Voltaria as some kind of criminal!"

"Glynda, it was standard procedure." Ironwood said to Glynda, but she was not having it.

"May I remind you,James, that I am Ms. Eclipse's guardian. If you want to speak to her like this, you should consult with me first instead of taking matters into your own hands." Glynda said, eyes glaring like daggers at Ironwood, who was not fazed by this, before she let out a sigh. "Now, if you excuse me, I will be taking Ms. Eclipse back to her teammates and explaining to them it was all a big misunderstanding."

And with that, Glynda guides Voltaria out of the room, leaving a stern Ironwood, a silent Ozpin, and a confused Qrow behind. And as they leave, Glynda shuts the door, while the men in the room just watch with mixed expression. Unsure what just happened.

"Well...that went well." Qrow said, breaking the silent, earning looks from the others, "What? It's not my fault that Glynda found out about this. As a matter of fact, how did she know about this?"

Ozpin looked at him and said, "Considering that Glynda is Voltaria's guardian, she must've been looking for her and questioning her teammates or the others where she was and the last person who saw her was..."

Ironwood sighs as he remembers one individual who was with Voltaria last, "Ruby. She was the one with Voltaria. Glynda must've asked her about what happened and track us down."

"Or maybe she spotted your robo-knights at the door." Qrow gestures to the two Atlesian Knights outside. "And, might I say, it isn't much of a secret integration if there are two robots outside guarding the door."

Ironwood narrows his eyes, "Qrow, we have yet to find a lead about Salem. Voltaria was the only closest person we could think of being a spy."

"Woah, woah, woah,we? Don't you meanyou? You're the one that thinks that girl was a spy because she can talk to Grimm and has a cold attitude like Winter's." Qrow said to him in annoyance.

"Let's not argue, we have to prepare for the next match, but we must be vigilant. For who knows when the real culprit will strike." Ozpin said to him and Ironwood seriously.

Glynda sighs as she takes Voltaria out of the room towards the halls of the school. She couldn't believe that Ironwood would question Voltaria like that?! It's bad enough they have to deal with Salem, but Ironwood accusing Voltaria? Out of the question! She done nothing wrong for past months during her stay. All because she could talk to Girmms but that doesn't mean he should accuse her.

"You don't have to worry about me." Voltaria said, catching Glynda off guard. "I'm used to it."

"Used to what? Being accused?" Glynda asked her, walking down the stairs.

Voltaria nodded her head, "I am a girl who speaks to Grimm, I killed any bounty hunter and assassins that were hired to exterminate me or capture me by scientists. I am a prize to all of them who want me dead or alive, for I am nothing but a monster in their eyes."

Glynda stared at her. Voltaria always sees herself as a monster to everyone because she was treated as one. It was not fair for her, growing up alone, fighting for her life, and never being loved or accepted. However, during her stay in Beacon, Glynda watched Voltaria slowly adapt into society, making friends, slowly accepting humanity, and she's going to save not hundreds but thousands of innocent lives. If only Ironwood could see who she really was from the inside.

"You know, they should know that you're not a monster." Glynda said to Voltaria, walking out of the building. "They should see a brave, strong, yet kind girl who is trying to save them from a terrible disaster."

Voltaria stops her track, causing Glynda to stop as well and looks at her, wondering what was wrong. "...I wish they could see me like that, like how you and the others did." Voltaria said softly.

"They will, just give it time." Glynda said to her gently. "They will see the real you."

"Hopefully." Voltaria said before they continued walking out of the building towards the festival.

They search for Team WAVE, RWBY, and JNPR. But as they walked, they spotted four males that look alike. Glynda and Voltaria recognize them as the Gemini Quadruplets, four male quadruplet brothers that came from Haven Academy and are called Team TWNL (Twinkle). They are Tyson, Willy, Nash, and Lars. Tyson is the leader of the group; he keeps everyone in line. William or better known as Willy is the genius of the group. Out of all his brother, he has the highest IQ than any of his peers. Nash is the muscle of the group. He has a record of winning many fights during training. And Lars is the fun loving of the group, always supportive and helping out his fellow classmates.

They are skilled students and were able to make it to the double round but lost to Pyrrha and Ren. Even though they lost, that didn't stop them from enjoying the festival. The brothers were looking amongst the stores, searching for souvenirs for the parents and relatives back on Mistral. But truth be told that these Quadruplets are actually from Mineral Town. They used to live there with their parents until they moved to Mistral to be close with their relatives. Voltaria knows this since she was friends with them when she was four, even though they were older than her, they were good friends despite their age difference.

"Huh, the Gemini brothers are here." Glynda said to Voltaria.

"Yeah...they're from Haven Academy, correct?" Voltaria said to Glynda, even though she was right.

"Yes, they are." Glynda said before they continued walking away. But before they could, Voltaria almost bumped into Lars. The youngest of the Quadruplet brothers was trying to catch a frisbee that his brother, Nash, tossed.

"I got it! I got it! I got it!" Lars called out as he was about to catch the frisbee but almost crashed into Voltaria, "I don't got it!"

However, before he could crash, the gemstone on Voltaria's color started to glow and summoned her Beowolf. The wolf Grimm caught Lars, without hurting him, and caught the frisbee with its jaws. Everyone, minus Glynda, was shocked to see Beowolf up close. Some became scared but others just stood there in shock as the Grimm was holding Lars at the back of his shirt while Voltaria just stood there calmly with her arms crossed.

"Put him down." Voltaria ordered.

Obeying her command, the Beowolf puts the male down while dropping the frisbee, which Lars caught. The other brothers come to Lars just in time as the Beowolf suddenly vanishes, returning back to Voltaria's Grimm Holder. Voltaria stared at Lars and his brothers blankly, clearly showing that she predicted that incoming frisbee.

"Watch where you're going." Voltaria said blankly before Glynda guided her away from them, ignoring the reporters, who were taking pictures through the whole ordeal.

The Gemini Quadruplets watched as Voltaria and Glynda left, amazed upon what they saw.

"Wow...she is the Grimm Girl." Lars said in awe.

Willy nodded his head, "Indeed, her skill in battle is proven to be unbelievable."

"Yup, but I got to admit, for a girl that is four years younger than us, she's tough." Nash said.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. That girl is strong, but we can't let our guard down." Tyson said and his brothers agreed.

As they walked away, Glynda and Voltaria walked out of the festival and towards the shadows, where Regina awaits them and teleports them to a forest near Mineral Town. There, they met up with the others, who were brought by Voltaria's other entities. With them were Amaryllis, Ripper, Kurama, and Amber, they wanted to help out as well. They were worried about why Ironwood wanted to talk with Voltaria, feeling that he was accusing her of a crime she did not commit. The group suddenly stopped pacing around when Regina brought Voltaria and Glynda to their location and immediately they went to them.

"Are you okay, Volty?!" Ruby asked in concern.

"What happened?" Yang asked next.

"What did General Ironwood do to you?" Jaune asked also.

"Calm down, nothing bad happened to her." Glynda said in assurance, "Apparently, James believed that Ms. Eclipse is the culprit."

"What?! He can't do that." Pyrrha said in shock, "Even though she talks to Grimm, doesn't mean to make her a prime suspect."

Believe me, Ms. Nikos, as much as I hated that man accusing my mistress, we had to guide them secretly before letting them know.Regina said to her and the others.

"Enough of that, we have to make the plan in motion before it's too late." Voltaria said, getting everyone's attention, "When I was in the room, I used my vision to see the events that would happen."

"What's going to happen?" Blake asked in concern.

"Grimms are coming. But they're not drawn by the negativity, rather we are led in the city." Voltaria said to them.

"What do you mean?" Glynda asked, wanting to know what would happen.

"Remember that underground village you and your team found months ago with the train tracks?" Voltaria asked Team RWBY, who nodded their heads, "They're going to use it again and this time they're bringing a lot more Grimms."

"This is bad, the people have to know about this, and fast." Pyrrha said, not wanting innocent lives to be lost.

"I agree with Pyrrha." Amber said, looking towards Voltaria, "Even though I no longer have the maiden's power, I still want to help them."

"There is a way to get the public to know what will happen." Voltaria said, already planned everything. "During Pyrrha and Penny's match, we will live broadcast the culprit and her plan, revealing the whole truth to everyone. And exposing her in the process."

"Really? How are we going to do that?" Wade asked his teammate.

"Depends, if someone knows how to hack into the system." Voltaria said.

Hearing this, Evo couldn't help but smirk, knowing he will be the one to hack as he is very good with tech, "Leave that to me." He said confidentially.

"Good, now we need bait." Voltaria said seriously.

"Bait? Like food?" Nora asked.

"No, this particular bait should catch the interest of our culprit, someone that she really wants to have." Voltaria said.

"And what would it be?" Weiss dared to ask.

Voltaria already has the answer for that, "Me."

"VICTORY GOES TO YANG XIAO LONG!" Oobleck announced, earning roars of cheers from the crowd.

Yang was waving at the crowd with a wide grin on her face. Sun was lying on the ground, dazed but unharmed. Yang was a force to be reckoned with. Ruby cheers for her sister while Blake feels pity towards Sun, for he just suffered half of Yang's true strength. Just as Voltaria predicted, Yang annihilated her opponent, but not that much. This will also assure that Yang's battle was safe and not sabotage.

-Up next Pyrrha Nikos vs. Penny Polendina.-Port said through the speakers.

-Yes, and it will start in thirty minutes!-Oobleck exclaims loudly.

"Just enough time to set the trap."Voltaria said to her friends telepathically. "Are you guys ready?"

"Ready!" They all said unison.

Voltaria looks over to Cinder. The girl was glaring towards the arena, like she was angry that everything was going smoothly. Voltaria couldn't help but smirk at this, knowing very well that she is losing. So, waiting for Pyrrha's match, Voltaria excuses herself from the group and leaves, heading towards a certain direction that was far from the crowd. As Voltaria walks through the empty hall of the arena, where she headed towards outside. But before she did, she was stopped by someone.

"Well...if it isn't the Grimm Girl."

Voltaria turns around to see Cinder Fall, standing a few feet from her, glaring at Voltaria like daggers, as if she knew that Voltaria was the one causing many misfortunes. So, Cider decided to follow her and find out if it was Voltaria's reason why her plan was failing, which Voltaria predicted. But she acted as if she didn't know what's happening.

"Cinder Fall, what brings you here?" Voltaria questions her casually.

"You know why." Cinder said with narrow eyes, "Don't play innocent, I know you are the reason why things haven't gone my way."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Voltaria said casually as turns around and was about to leave, "Now, if you can excuse me-"

Voltaria stops at her track when an arrow misses a few inches from her cheek and hits the wall. Voltaria turned her head and saw Cinder holding up her weapon, Midnight, and it was in the form of a bow with an arrow pointed at her. Cinder was now angered as she threatened to kill her.

"Don't play me as a fool!" Cinder said angrily, "I know it was you that put Emerald into that coma and Mercury wouldn't tell me what he saw on that mist you created! So, you tell me, how are you able to do so?!"

"...You really want to know? It's simple really. I am not alone in this operation." Voltaria simply answered, causing Cinder's eyes to narrow. "I know that you rigged through the system in order to mess with the opponent randomizer and would sabotage Yang's fight against Mercy by using Emerald's semblance which so happens to create illusions. That way, you'll make people feel anger and fear towards the battle."

Cinder continues to glare at her, "So, you figured it out. But why do it?"

"Let's just say, I don't like it when someone messes with my friends." Voltaria informs Cinder with a glare, "You know very well that if Mercury was injured by Yang, Team RWBY would be disqualified in the match, and your team will be forfeited by it, to lose track against Ironwood. And once everyone is preoccupied by this event, you will send someone to free Torchwick, so he can hack into the system and control all the Atlesian Knight-200s to attack the people of Vale, making everyone believe that Atlas was the cause of this attack. And I know that the White Fangs are luring Grimms here by using the underground railroad."

"How do you know this?!" Cinder said through gritted teeth.

"I know things that you don't realize, like how you are serving an immortal master, who can command the Grimms like me but only to create fear and start the war against humans and Faunus alike. She wants all the kingdoms to fall into war, and as the factions try to kill each other, she will get those relics that are hidden within the schools. But you can't get them without the maidens' power."

"Impossible! No one should know about..." Cinder's eyes widened as she realized something last night as she looked at Voltaria with an angry glare, "It was you..."

"Partially speaking, yes, it was me. I know you stole half of the maiden's power from her and try to use it for your selfish ways. But I was able to get the other half from you and made them whole."

"Where is it?!" Cinder suddenly yelled, ready to fire, "WHERE IS THE FALL MAIDEN'S POWER?!

Voltaria wasn't fazed by this, "It's no longer with her, the power is hidden away from you and will never be found by you nor your master. You will never use the powers of the maidens for your own evil goal. The people will not stand for it."

Hearing this, Cinder couldn't help but smirk evilly, "Do you think they would believe you?" She mocked Voltaria, "You are the Grimm Girl, a murderer, a freak of nature that people hunt. Why bother to save them if they treat you like a monster? You should serve my master; she will help you take revenge on those who wrong you. And with her help, you can be unstoppable."

Cinder knew very well how people are. She knows very well there are people who want her dead or alive. She'll easily manipulate her and get her to join her side. However, Voltaria wasn't a fool. She has seen this trick many times before. And she is not going to be that fool.

"No, I won't join you." Voltaria said seriously, shocking Cinder in the process. "People may call me a monster, they can send many bounty hunters on my head, but I won't care. It won't stop me from saving the lives of the people, both humans and Faunus. And besides. I don't need to tell them." Voltaria said calmly, catching Cinder off guard, before the Grimm Girl pointed at the side of the wall, "I just need to show them."

Cinder was confused before following her gaze. Within the wall was a hidden camera, blended within the color of the wall. Cinder was unaware that there was a hidden camera in the wall this whole time, filming everything she had just said. That camera was planted by Evo. You see, Evo left before Voltaria, saying he needs to contact his family. He headed to the long hall that Voltaria instructed him and planted the hidden camera before he headed towards another direction. There, he meets up with Glynda as she guides him to the communication tower. Regina was also with them but hid the shadows as she helped them sneak into the communication tower without being spotted. Regina messes with the security cameras, so they won't be spotted, allowing Evo to hack in the system to broadcast Voltaria exposing the culprit.

Speaking of which, the big screen showing Penny and Pyrrha's fight changed to reveal Voltaria and Cinder on the screen, surprising and shocking the crowd. Wade, AJ, Team RWBY, and JNPR knew that Voltaria's plan was coming along. Evo broadcast them throughout the kingdoms, allowing everyone to know the truth. Team RWBY, JNPR, and the rest of WAVE were glaring at the screen, knowing that Cinder was the one who caused Amber's injuries. Ozpin, Ironwood, and Qrow were shocked to see this, the entire crowd too. They couldn't believe what they just heard. Everyone was slowly becoming scared by this, realizing that whoever Cinder was working for was the one that caused them so much pain.

Cinder's eyes widen in shock as she realizes Voltaria exposes her throughout Remnant, showing everyone what's going on. Cinder glares back at Voltaria, anger and rage were in her eyes, as her hands started to create heat.

"Now everyone knows about your plan and true intention, Cinder." Voltaria said to her coldly. "No one will be harmed by you or the ones that are serving your master."

Cinder growled. "It looks like it, but they will also see your demise, and NO ONE WILL MISS YOU!" She suddenly shouted as she turned her Midnight into swords and zooms towards Voltaria, impaling her on the stomach. And everyone saw this.

"VOLTY!/VOLTARIA!" Ruby and her friends screamed in horror as they saw their friend being killed by Cinder.

"NO!" Pyrrha yelled in agony as she fell to her knees while Penny covered her mouth in shock and horror.

"NNNOOO!" Glynda yelled as she and Evo were in the communication tower, watching the whole scene through the monitor, horrified by what they saw.

Everyone, I mean everyone on Remnant, was horrified by what they just witnessed. Cinder murdered Voltaria in cold blood. Cinder grins as she withdraws her sword off Voltaria's lifeless body, satisfied on her kill, not bothered how the people are reacting. For she knows that they are horrified by what they saw.

"You have terrible aiming." A familiar voice said from behind.

Cinder froze as she slowly turned around to see Voltaria, unharmed. She was leaning on the other side of the wall, arms crossed as she stared at Cinder blankly. Speaking of Cinder, the girl stared at Voltaria with wide eyes, shocked to see her alive. Everyone was also shocked to see her alive, but her friends and guardian were relieved to see her alive but amazed on how she did it.

"How are you alive?!" Cinder demanded.

"Let's just say Marionette isn't too pleased that you were trying to kill me." Voltaria said blankly.

Cinder confused before turning back to lifeless body, but quickly dodged an incoming blade that was coming towards her. Cinder quickly moves away and sees the other Voltaria slowly standing up, but her arms and legs are turned into sharp blades. But what's more shocking is that this Voltaria was a puppet, and this one wasn't too happy to be stabbed. Voltaria then summons a dagger made of red flame crystal.

"Now, let's see who will mourn your demise!" Voltaria exclaimed as she charged at Cinder with Marionette spinning like a wheel. Cinder dodged their attacks, blocking their blades when they came close to her.

Even without the Fall Maiden's power, Cinder can still fight. They clashed their blades in order to take one down, but Voltaria and Marionette won't go down so easily. The hidden camera continued broadcasting as Voltaria and Marionette fought a very angry Cinder while a crowd of spectators watched in shock. Voltaria avoids Cinder's attack while Marionette charges in and fights Cinder. Giving Voltaria enough time to look at the camera and warn the crowd.

-Everyone! Evacuate as soon as possible! Grimms will be arriving soon and will cause chaos! Hurry!-

Voltaria soon moves away when Cinder comes charging with a battle cry as she misses Voltaria, but destroys the camera in the process, breaking the broadcast. The crowds in the arena were in shock, not sure what to do or say. They were so confused that they didn't know what to do.

"What the hell are you people waiting for?! An invitation!?" Wade suddenly exclaimed from his seat, catching everyone's attention, "She said evacuate! Grimms might be comin'!"

"He's right!" Ruby exclaims, getting up from her seat and backing up Wade, "You saw and heard what happened! We have to leave now!"

But the audience were still unsure if they should go. "Please, everyone!" Pyrrha pleaded to the crowd loudly, "The culprit tried to kill someone! A living person! We have to leave now, or we will suffer the same fate!"

The crowd began to murmur to one another, still unsure what to do. However, a female student from Beacon suddenly stood up from her seat and grabbed her Faunus friend's hand before taking her away from the arena with her, and towards the exit. As if she didn't want them to both perish. And with that single encouragement, the spectators of all ages and races got off their seats and ran to the exit, hoping to escape the conflict. As they all hurriedly leave, Ironwood looks towards Ozpin with serious eyes as they watch all the spectators leave.

"She knew this whole time!" Ironwood said in anger and shock before he spotted Qrow leaving, "And where do you think you're going?!"

"After the culprit! That Grimm Girl may have found out who she was, but there's no way she can last against her." Qrow said as he left to help Voltaria.

"Qrow!" Ironwood tries to go after him, but Ozpin stops the general.

"General Ironwood, we don't have time for this, we must prepare evacuation transports now before it's too late." Ozpin said to Ironwood, not wanting to see innocent lives being lost.

Ironwood wanted to protest, but had to agree, the people needed to be saved before it was too late. He ordered his men to prepare transport ships for evacuation while sending some Atlesian Knights to Voltaria's and Cinder's destination.

Speaking of Voltaria, the girl avoided Cinder's incoming attacks. Apparently, Cinder wanted to stab Voltaria more ways than one, but was either avoided or blocked by Marionette. Voltaria slides through the floor and glares at Cinder, who pushes Marionette away and charges at her at full speed. But before she could stab her, Qrow came out of nowhere and struck her with his sword, which she blocked.

"You..." Voltaria looks at Qrow in surprise.

"Yeah, me, now. Move!" Qrow ordered as he kicked Cinder away.

Voltaria dodged Cinder's flying figure before she activates a shadow portal, appearing behind Cinder, sending her to outside of the floating area. Which, however, causes Cinder to fall to her doom as she lets out an angry yell while falling to her doom. Qrow was surprised by this as he looked over to Voltaria, who closed the portal and allowed herself to sigh in relief while the puppet disappeared.

"How did you..."

"No time to explain, but she'll survive the fall, now excuse me. I have to go and save my friends."

Before Qrow could stop her, Voltaria quickly leaves the scene when Atlesian Knights come. Well, Qrow distracted them, giving Voltaria time to use the shadows to go to her friends. She didn't know why Qrow helped her, he probably his reason to help her, but she wasn't sure.

"Ruby? Is everyone evacuating?"Voltaria sends a telepathically message to her friend.

"Yup! Transport ships are coming and everyone's ready to go!"

"Good, I'll meet you there after-"

Voltaria was cut off when she heard a loud shriek that belongs to Nevermore. She quickly headed towards the arena and to her shock, a Nevermore was trying to break in the forcefield of the arena, trying to get the humans that were still inside. She realizes that the Grimms' arrival has come early, and she could feel them from the underground. Clearly, the White Fang are releasing Grimm to the city as we speak.

"The Grimms...they're here!"Voltaria said to Ruby in shock.

"WHAT?! But you said they won't be here in an hour!"Ruby exclaimed.

"Apparently it was lured here when the people became frightened at my sudden demise."Voltaria said as she summoned Blood Moon, "Make sure to evacuate everyone! I'll hold off the Nevermore to buy all the time!"

"But Volty!"

"JUST DO IT! I'LL BE FINE!"Voltaria ordered as she readied for battle.

-Warning: Safety Barriers Failing.-Came the automatic warning system.

"Get ready!" Voltaria orders her entities, who are ready for battle, as she glares at the Grimm.

Suddenly, the Nevermore completely breaks through the holographic barrier, and the force of it landing on the arena floor. Voltaria stood her ground as she readied Blood Moon, who was glowing brightly. The Nevermore screeches and lunges towards Voltaria. Until the Nevermore was suddenly knocked back by a red, twirling blur of roses, much to the surprise of Voltaria and her entries, and with the cause of the blur gripping a red scythe and stabbing into the Nevermore, before jumping back down in front of Voltaria.

"Ruby?" Voltaria whispers in surprise.

Ruby's expression shows anger and determination on her face, pointing scythe toward the Nevermore, "Leave my BGF alone!"

The Nevermore rises up and circles around the arena before lunging back down as Ruby holds her scythe defensively. But before the Nevermore could reach them, it gets pinned down by a barrage of rocket lockers and screeches out in pain before going unconscious. The lockers then opened up, revealing the weapons of various students of different academies. The respective owner of the sword pulls it out from his locker and is shown alongside Scarlet David gripping his cutlass and flintlock pistol, Sage Ayana with his sword, and Neptune Vasilias with his gun in hand. Sun Wukong with Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in its staff form, Team JNPR carrying their respective weapons, and other teams such Team CFVY, ABRN, Flynt Coal and Neon Katt of Team FNKI, Team MUSE, FNCY, TWNL, as well as their teammates were there. All gripping their respective weapons, ready to help.

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The students are then suddenly shaken when the Nevermore starts to get back up. Ren then leaps up into the air and uses the blades of his weapons to slash at the Nevermore's eye. Arslan Altan uses her rope dart to swing down and grab the towering Yatsuhashi from the ground carrying him upward. Sage also leaps up into the air, and Nora runs up to the Nevermore's head and hits it with Magnhild in its hammer form. When Arslan reaches peak height, she lets go of Yatsuhashi, who is then joined by Sage, as the two broadsword wielders slash down and decapitate the Nevermore. Causing its head to land near Ruby before dissipating into black particles, while the students form a perimeter. As Arslan lands back on the ground next to her teammates, Voltaria looks at them, mildly shocked that they were here to help her.

"Why are you all here? You should all evacuate." Voltaria said to them.

"That's a funny way to say thank you." Nash said sarcastically, earning a gentle nudge from Willy. "What?"

"Volty, we can't leave you here to face the Grimm alone." Ruby said to Voltaria, "No matter what happens, we got your back,allof us." She gestures to their fellow huntsman.

Neptune nodded his head, "Yeah, even though you are very mean." He said, earning a slap on the head by Sirena Constantine, "OW!"

"You..." Voltaria tries to find the right words to say, "You will all do that? Even for me?"

"Girl, you may be a terrifying and dangerous girl, but your muse is in the right place." Flynt Coal said while Neon Katt nodded happily with a smile.

"And besides, you just gave a great performance." Sirena said with a smirk. "Now, let's show those no-gooders a grand final.

Hearing this, Voltaria couldn't help but smirk as they all exchanged determined expressions. She then looked over to Ruby, who smiled at the impressive ensemble of students. Their moment is cut short when they notice hippogriff-like Grimm land on top of the colosseum.

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They fly towards the group of students, shocking them in the process.

"Look at them all." Ekko said in shock.

"Griffons." Ren said the name of the Grimms.

"Anybody got a plan of attack?" Neptune asked the group before looking at Voltaria, "Can't you just control them?"

"Some, yes, but the rest are rogues. They don't listen to me, only the ones that they serve." Voltaria said as she readied Blood Moon. "I'll try to order the tamable ones away, while we fight off the rest of the rogues."

Everyone agrees as they are ready for battle. However, as a Griffon lands on the ground and roars at them, it is scared away at the sound of a gunshot. Looking up, they saw both Professor Oobleck and Port, who were holding their weapons, Blowhard and Antiquity's Roast (in its club form), were there and ready to help them.

"Students! I think it would be best for you to leave." Port ordered them.

"But we did a-" Ruby was cut off by Oobleck.

"Miss Rose! This day will surely go down in Remnant's history. I'd prefer it if my students could live to tell about it!" Oobleck said to them with a smile. Hearing this, Ruby nods at the Doctor's words before twirling her Crescent Rose.

"Let's go!" Ruby ordered as all the students leave, Ruby gets distracted by the flash of Velvet Scarlatina's camera. She stops to look at the photograph she took but is interrupted when her leader calls out to her.

"Velvet!" Coco called out to her, which she followed.

With the students clear of the arena, Port and Oobleck stand back-to-back with their weapons in hand as the Griffons circle around them and Port laughs enthusiastically.

"One final match, Barty! Place your bets!"


The students were running to the hall of the arena, hearing louds gunshots from Oobleck and Prot's weapons. They have to reach the city fast, in order to save everyone from the Grimm invasion. Turns out, the White Fangs have brought more Grimms into the city, scaring the people in the process. Voltaria could see visions of innocent lives being slaughtered.

"We have to get to the city fast!" Arslan Altan said, running to the hall.

"How?! Civilians are still evacuating! We can't wait for a ship to come!" Reese Chloris said.

Voltaria had to agree, they will not make it to the city in time if the ships are full. Just then, she had an idea, she knew that her entities can't be revealed, but...lives are in danger, and she must trust them. Stopping her tracks, Voltaria looks at the group.

"Can I trust you all?" Voltaria suddenly said, getting everyone to stop.

"What?" Sun asked in confusion.

"I said, can I trust you all?" Voltaria repeated.

"Why?" Neptune asked in confusion.

"I need to know if I can trust you all with this secret."

"Of course!" Melodia said to Voltaria, "No matter what it is, we will keep it a secret." And everyone agrees, even Neptune.

"Good, that's all I need to hear." Voltaria said before calling out her entities, "Wraith! Tabitha! Hannibal! I need you all here!"

And with her command, three of the remaining entities appeared, shocking the newcomers in the process. Neptune screams and hides behind Ren, who was calm by this as he and his friends already know about the entities.

"These are my entities Wraith, Tabitha, and Hannibal, they will assist you all to go to the city." Voltaria said to the students.

" long do you have those..." Scarlet David was cut off by Tyson Gemini.

"No time for chitchat, we have to go now before the Grimms attack." The leader of Team TWNL said before looking at the entities, "Can you really take us to the city in a second?"

Hell yeah, we can.Wraith said through their minds, shocking them in the process.Now, hang on everyone. And Jaune, hold on to your lunch, 'cause this gonna be a hell of a ride of your lives!

"Oh, boy..." Jaune mutters as he prepares for the transportation.

"What does he mean by that?" Velvet Scarlatina asked in confusion.

"Trust me, you're gonna love it and hate it at the same time." Yang said with a grin as she readied her Ember Celica.

Voltaria turns towards Hannibal and gave him a command, "Hannibal, I order you to give them as much energy and strength as possible, do not let anyone grow tired or weak as they defend the innocent, and don't hesitate to attack any Grimm or anyone with dark intention, do you understand?"

Hannibal nodded his head determinedly before he, Wraith, and Tabitha readied to send the students to the city. They could feel the Grimm coming to invade and attack all the civilians. As they were ready to leave, Voltaria was going to run somewhere else until she was stopped by Ruby.

"Where are you going?" Ruby asked her friend in concern.

"I need to get on one of Ironwood's ships, someone will try to hack the knights." Voltaria said to Ruby.

"And I'm coming too, there's no way I'm leaving my friend behind." Ruby said with a smile.

Voltaria couldn't help but feel touched by her words and soon nods in agreement, allowing her to join. She turns to her entities, "Go! We'll meet you all in the city soon!"

Wraith grins and agrees before turning towards the students,All right, huntsmen, huntswoman...and Neptune,"Wraith ignores Neptune's 'HEY!' as he continues,"Let's show 'em what you're all made of!

They all cheered as Wraith, Tabitha, and Hannibal consumed them within the shadows, teleporting them out of the arena and towards the city in the blink of an eye, and worked together to fight off the Grimms. Meanwhile, both Voltaria and Ruby ran off the stadium, passing the civilians before they stopped when they saw Bullhead dropping off more Grimm at the docking bay. Two Atlesian Knights escorting General James Ironwood effortlessly gun down an Ursa. As they proceed forward, the Knights are suddenly brutally ripped apart by a much larger, armored Beowolf variant. The Beowolf then notices Ironwood as the General starts to run towards it, gradually picking up speed as he nears the charging Beowolf. He screams a loud battle cry as he pulls out a pistol from his coat. Ironwood ducks and slides under the Beowolf's swipe and shoots at it twice. Pivoting as he skids across the floor and using his free hand as a break. The Beowolf lands and shakes its head then charges at Ironwood again, who fires his revolver three more times before having to duck under another swipe. The Beowolf attempts to swipe at him again with its left claw, but Ironwood effortlessly stops it with his own right hand. The General then fires at the Beowolf's feet, the explosion causing it to get airborne, and still gripping its claw, Ironwood proceeds to swing it back down to the ground with his own brute strength. Ironwood then picks up the Beowolf, aims the revolver at its skull, and shoots it, causing black blood to splatter from it. Ironwood then watches the body of the Beowolf dissipate before leaving.

Voltaria spotted more Bullheads, filled with Grimms inside. Narrowing her eyes, she took out five cards, showing fire symbols on them, before throwing them with incredible speed. The cards flew towards the Bullheads with Grimm inside before turning into fireballs and fusing themselves to turn into a big one. Exploding the Bullheads and killing the Grimms inside.

"Wow..." Ruby said in awe as she looked at Voltaria, "Did you know Grimms are in there?"

"Yes, and more are crawling all over the city and the White Fangs are invading Beacon as we speak. We have to go now before it gets worse." Voltaria said to Ruby.

"What about the civilians?" Ruby asked in concern. "We can't leave them here?"

"I got it covered." Voltaria said before she slams her palms onto the ground, summoning a huge glyph, bringing forth a huge Stagecoach that is being pulled by four black Friesian horses with bat-like wings. And driving it, was a hooded figure with demonic horns and claws, holding the reins. "Everyone! Get into the coach now!"

"But it's small!" Said a Faunus male.

"It may seem so, but inside it's bigger, trust me!" Voltaria said as the Stagecoach's door opened, revealing darkness.

Everyone was hesitant, scared of what was inside. But one brave teen stepped forward with his mom and sister to examine what was inside and to his shock, it was a huge pocket dimension, revealing stars inside. "It's okay! It's safe inside!" He announced before he helped a little girl inside along with his mom.

Upon hearing this, everyone quickly went towards the Stagecoach, entering through the door and into the huge pocket dimension. As they all got in carefully, Voltaria then summoned Marionette and her scythe wielding entity named Reaper and gave them both orders.

"Marionette, Reaper, protect all the civilians from any known threat, help Chariot at all costs, understand?"

Both entities nodded their heads and vowed to protect the civilians. Pleased by this, Voltaria grabs Ruby's hand and they both run to the edge. Voltaria already told Ruby about what she was going to do, and Ruby agrees before they both jumped off the edge of the arena, shocking everyone in the process, until Voltaria summons her Griffon, Skya, who caught them both before taking them to one of the Ironwood's ships. Skya quickly got them to a particular one before returning to the Grimm Holder as the girls pursued a person, a woman wearing an Atlas's soldier uniform. But Voltaria knows WHO she really is.

"Neopolitan." Voltaria called out to the girl.

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The girl stops on her tracks and slowly turns to her with a glare. Ruby readies her Crescent Rose, but Voltaria stops her, preventing Ruby from attacking. The one known as Neopolitan or better known as Neo shows her true form, revealing a girl with pink and brown hair and eyes, glaring towards them. She readies her weapon to attack but soon stops when Voltaria says something that shocked her.

"I know why you're doing this. You want to fulfill your boss's duties, but it will still go in vain." Voltaria said to Neo seriously, "If you continue helping Cinder, she'll betray you in the end and get all the credit. Don't you see? She's using you and Torchwick as pawns and will easily get rid of you and find another pawn."

Neo continues to stare at her, thinking if she's telling the truth or not, "Don't believe me? Fine, I'll show. VISION!" She called out and her crystal orb appeared into thin air, surprising Neo, "Show Neopolitan what her future will become."

Vision obeyed and floated in front of Neo, who stared at him suspiciously, as if it was trapped. Until Vision shows Neo her future and what will Cinder do to her and Torchwick. Stepping back, Neo shook her head in shock as she processed what she just saw. She looks towards Voltaria and Ruby, waiting for her answer.

"You should leave while you still can, stop working for Cinder, and in return. I will bring Torchwick to you, alive and well." Voltaria offered, shocking Neo in the process. "Do we have a deal?"

Neo thinks for a while if she should do it or not. However, what she saw convinced her and if Voltaria can bring Torchwick back, then she has a deal. Neo nodded her head before she vanished into thin air, surprising Ruby in the process.

"Where'd she go!?" Ruby exclaims in shock.

"Somewhere far from here." Voltaria said to her, "Now, let's go, we have to retrieve the relic out of the vault and place it somewhere far from their reach."

"Okay! Let's go!" Ruby said as they all left the airship just in time.

At the city, the students work together to take down any Grimms that come. And as promised, Hannibal gave them many energies to make sure they didn't grow tired or run out. Tabitha and Wraith helped them out a lot as they easily took down many Grimms that were coming their way. Glynda and Evo came soon after sending an emergency broadcast to the other kingdoms. They easily fought off the Grimms with the help of the entities. Just then, an Ursa was about to attack Wade when suddenly Amaryllis came and bit down its neck so hard that it snapped in half.

"WOAH! It's that dinosaur from the news!" Sun exclaims in shock and surprise.

Ripper then appeared and attacked some incoming Beowolf that were going to attack Yang, "Wow! Another one!" Velvet said in shock.

"Look out!" Ruby's voice called from above as she and Voltaria came down and sliced incoming Boarbatusks in half.

"Ruby! Voltaria! You girls are alright!" Uri said happily.

"Yeah, sorry it took so long." Ruby said in an apologetic tone.

Just then, Glynda hurriedly went over to Voltaria, "Professor Goodwitch, we need to-" Voltaria was cut off when Glynda suddenly hugged her, much to her surprise and the others. Glynda lets go and gives Voltaria a stern look.

"Never do that again."

"...Sorry, it's the only way for people to see Cinder's true intentions." Voltaria explains before quickly changing the subject, "But I need to retrieve something from the school, and you know what it is."

Glynda nodded in understanding, "All right, go, we'll hold them off, long enough for you and Ruby can get there."

"We're gonna scout ahead to see if we can evacuate anyone in the school or buildings." Wade said to them.

"Thank you." Voltaria said before looking at Ruby, "Let's go!"

Ruby agrees and runs off with Voltaria while the rest of the students went off to different directions to save many civilians and fight off Grimms in their way. Regina assisted both Ruby and Voltaria to reach the school while everyone else helped the civilians escape. Meanwhile, Blake was running just outside the dining hall, searching for survivors. However, she stops when a Beowolf latches onto the side of the building above her. Her attention is then drawn away from the Beowolf when she hears a wounded scream inside the burning interior of the dining hall. She turns with her fist clenched as she gives a look of horror when she sees a familiar figure throwing an Atlas soldier.

"No... Adam?"

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Adam grins at her creepily, "Hello,my darling." He greeted Blake coldly.

Adam Taurus, a former partner of Blake's, and who happens to hate all humanity.

Blake backs away from the shattered window, staring in horror at her old partner. Adam notices this and mocks her, "Running away again? Is that what you've become,my love?A coward?"

Finally, Blake mustered enough courage to ask in shock, "Why are you doing this?"

Adam simply replied in a cold tone. "You and I were going to change the world, remember?We were destined to light the fires of revolution!" Adam said before he stomps on a downed Atlas student's chest, "Consider this...thespark."

Blake watches in horror as Adam draws Wilt, preparing to stab the student, but Blake quickly charges into the dining hall, drawing her sword in a flash. Her blade clashes with his as she pushes him away from the student, and they stand with their blades locked.

Blake glares at him, "I'm...not...running."

Adam became dark and said, "You... will." He then kicks her away, knocking her onto the floor. A nearby Creep runs toward her, only to be shot by Adam. "But not before you suffer for your betrayal,my love." He smiles at her cruelly and begins walking toward her.

Meanwhile, Ripper was running through the school's ground, killing off any Grimms that were in his way. He was searching for his Momma Red and Mother. He worries for both of them as well as the rest of the pack. They should find a way to get these Grimms off the city and then head back to their territory, so they can all be safe. But he reaches the dining hall and stops when he spotted Blake fighting off Adam. She struggles a lot as Adam was fighting her off easily. Angered to see that his packmate was in trouble, Ripper intervenes to save her. Just as Adam was about to stab her, Ripper headbutts Adam from the side, sending the male flying to the tables, crashing into them in the process. Ripper releases a loud roar towards Adam, ready to charge and attack. Blake was surprised to see Ripper here but also grateful that he came.

"Ripper!" Blake said in relief, causing Ripper to look at her.

But as he did, Adam came flying off the tables, charging with a loud battle cry with his sword raise. Ripper turns to him, and Blake tries to stop Adam from striking Ripper, however, before the sword could touch Ripper, something comes out of nowhere and enters Adam's body, forcing the male to crash on the ground, struggling as he screams in agony. Blake wasn't sure what's going on or if it was Ripper's doing, but she just stared at Adam in shock as he screamed.

"Blake!" Yang calls out to her. Blake turns around to see Yang coming in full speed. She hugs her friend in relief to see her alright before holding her arms, "Are you okay?"

"I...I'm fine...Ripper saved and...and..." Blake looked towards Adam as she, Yang, and Ripper watched him struggle to get up but something inside of him prevented him from doing so.

"W-WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!" Adam screams in agony.

LEAVE. FRIENDS. ALONE!Adam, Yang, Blake, and Ripper heard Hannibal's angry voice, indicating he came to rescue them and stopping Adam from hurting Blake.

Hannibal then proceeds by draining all of Adam's energy both Aura and his life energy. Adam struggles to breathe, but he couldn't. What Hannibal was doing to him was painful, and he is sure showing Adam no mercy. Adam screams and fall from his side, causing his mask to fall, revealing his scar across his left eye, it was a Schnee Dust Company brand mark, which was bloodied the eye that cause the iris to turn gray and singed the eyebrow, as opposed to his remaining blue eye and brown eyebrow.

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"AUGH! STOP THIS! AAAHHHH!" Adam screams as he tries desperately to get the pain to go away but grows weaker and weaker in every second.

Oh, Ripper will totally do so. He'll end his misery right here, right now. Stalking towards him, Ripper looms over a screaming Adam, who looks up in teary eyes as Hannibal drains his energy. Both Yang and Blake knew what's going to happen and quickly shielded each other to avoid the sight. Ripper knew very well that they should, for he will get rid of the one that's been plaguing Auntie Cat (that's his nickname for Blake) and doing her a favor.

" back..." Adam weakly ordered, trying to get his sword, but was swatted away by Ripper's tail.

Ripper will enjoy ending him. So, cracking his neck, Ripper lets out a furious roar and snaps his jaws towards Adam.

Ending him and his plan on destroying humans forever.

Ruby and Voltaria were running towards the school, heading towards the entrance as they ran to the elevator to the secret vault. There, they will retrieve the relic or better known as the Relic of Choice, from the vault and take it somewhere safe. That way, Cinder, or anyone else can find it. But when they reach the doorway, Voltaria senses something coming. Acting quickly, Voltaria pushes Ruby aside, just in time when Cinder came crashing down with an angry yell. Cinder fired multiple arrows at them. Luckily, Ruby as she twirls Crescent Rose, deflecting the arrows away from them.

"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" Cinder yelled angrily at Voltaria, who glared at her.

"So, what if I did?! It's better than letYOUcommit genocide in the Kingdom of Vale!" Voltaria said with a growl.

"Let it fall along with you and your friends!" Cinder shouted as she charged at them.

Voltaria quickly uses her glyph to summon an earth wall and sends it towards Cinder, who dodged it, deflecting the round of bullets that Ruby shot fire with her Crescent Rose. The two of them quickly dodged Cinder as she attacked Voltaria, who blocked her swords with Blood Moon. Ruby kicks Cinder away, causing her to slide through the ground, creating sparks in the process. Ruby and Voltaria readied themselves as Cinder uses her heat semblance to power up her weapons, before charging at them in full speed and a battle cry. Voltaria twirls Blood Moon before creating an ice glyph and fires a stream of ice blast at Cinder. Seeing this, Cinder dodged just in time before she could in case of the icy spikes.

"Get ready to fire, Ruby!" Voltaria said as she continued creating streams of ice towards Cinder, who was running from it.

"On it!" Ruby said as she fired multiple rounds at Cinder.

Cinder blocked the bullets, but it was distracting her as Voltaria made the floor into ice, causing Cinder to slip, giving Ruby a chance to shoot a fire bullet that exploded, sending Cinder flying off to a fountain. Ruby grins happily and cheered, succeeding her shot. But her joy was quickly replaced by fear when she and Voltaria felt the ground beneath them shake.

"What was that?" Ruby asked in alarm, feeling the tremor beneath.

Voltaria senses what was causing this as she realizes what it is, "It can't be..."

They weren't the only ones who felt it, everyone around them felt the tremor. Glynda and Qrow stopped fighting the Grimm when they too were shaken by another tremor. Qrow stabs his sword into the ground to keep himself standing. Goodwitch looked in a certain direction that made her eyes widen in horror.


Another tremor shakes Jaune as he battles an Ursa Major, with Sage and Scarlet piggyback riding on it with worried expressions on their faces. Within the mountain, a creature was awakening from its slumber. The mountain started to violently shake and crumble, as various body parts of a monstrous-looking Grimm are revealed. And soon, the mountain completely breaks apart, releasing a titanic Grimm called the Wyvern.

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It is an incredibly rare Grimm to the point where their existence was questioned. It was considered to be the most dangerous Grimm of all time. And it can produce any Grimm in its wake. Voltaria and her entities knew that it was in that mountain, but it was dormant and couldn't be awakened. However, due to the panic happening in the city, it has awoken from its slumber. The Wyvern roars and flies over the abandoned Mountain Glenn and heads towards Beacon. As it flies, it exudes a black, tar-like substance which drops to the ground in the city of Vale and spawns various Grimm. Ozpin approaches the window of his office, noticing the Wyvern getting closer. The massive Grimm excretes more of the black substance, which drops to the ground and spawns more Grimm near the base of the CCT. As the Grimm charged forward, Voltaria knew what had to be done.

"Change of plan! We need to go to the tower!" Voltaria said to Ruby.

"What, why?" Ruby asked in confusion.

"I'll explain on the way. Now, hurry!" Voltaria ordered as they ran to Beacon's Tower, "There's a Grimm called a Wyvern coming its way here. We have to stop it before it can produce or draw more Grimms here."

"Are you going to make those Grimm crystal repellent thingies?!" Ruby asked, knowing very well about Voltaria's secret since she told her at the Emerald Forest.

"Yes, but it's gonna be a really big one and might take a lot of energy in me." Voltaria said as they ran to the stairs of the tower.

"Don't worry, I got your back!" Ruby said before she uses her speed semblance to grab Voltaria, creating red and black swirls to reach to the top. However, before they could reach it, something burst through the side of the building, causing Ruby and Voltaria to fall on the other floor of the tower. They looked up to see Cinder, burning with rage, knowing very well what they were up to.

"Oh, come on!" Ruby yelled in annoyance.

"Get out of our way, Cinder! You can't stop this." Voltaria said to Cinder.

"NEVER! I will destroy you, your friends, and this city!" Cinder yelled in anger as she charged at them.

Quickly using Crescent Rose, Ruby blocks Cinder's swords, "Volty! Get to the top! I'll hold her off!" Ruby said, giving Voltaria time to reach the top.

But before she did, the tower suddenly shook by another tremor, causing some debris to fall on them. Forcing Voltaria and Ruby to be separated. Cinder took this opportunity to fight Ruby alone, who quickly dodged and blocked her attacks. Ruby was doing her best but soon was kicked away by Cinder. She crashes to the ground and doesn't have time to get up as Cinder jumps and is ready to stab her. But before she could, an ice blast came out of nowhere, sending Cinder crashing to a remaining wall, freezing her into place. Ruby was in awe before turning towards the direction where the ice came from and to her shock, she saw Voltaria floating in midair, surrounded by black and white aura energy. Her mask was gone, revealing her skin had turned pale white, her sclera turned into black, and her eyes turned into dragon eyes. But what's more shocking is that black/white flames coming out of them.

"Volty..." Ruby spoke in a whisper in shock, "Are you...are you a maiden?"

Voltaria nodded her head,"Yes...I am the Winter Maiden."She answered softly to her mind before she went over to Ruby and picked her up with ease,"Hang on, I'll carry you to the top, it will be faster."

Ruby nodded in response as Voltaria flew to the top while carrying Ruby. Unaware that Cinder was melting the eyes with her semblance.

The Wyvern was seen heading towards the tower, roaring loudly as it brought forth more Grimms to the city. Voltaria's entities and the students worked together to fend them off but were almost completely surrounded by them until they saw something else coming from the sky. It was a big fox like Grimm with nine tails. It was the same size as the Wyvern but what's strange is that the Fox Grimm attacked the Wyvern, forcing it to crash onto the ground.

"Wow! Did you see that?!" Sun exclaimed in shock. "It took it down with no problem."

"And it's helping us?!" Neptune added in shock, "Why?!"

"Because he's a friend!" Amber's voice came out of nowhere.

Looking to the direction, Qrow and Ironwood were shocked to see Amber is alive and helping them fight off any Grimm in her way. She uses her staff to attack or release a powerful wind or fireball at them. Amber kicks incoming and incoming Creep before it goes near her.

"How the heck are you alive?!" Qrow asked Amber in shock.

"Fight now, explain later!" Amber exclaimed as she dodged an incoming Beowolf.

Qrow still wanted to know how she got her and how she was still alive, but he'll get them soon, right now, they have to deal with these Grimm. As they fought them, Voltaria and Ruby reached the top of the tower, just in time since Kuruma was able to fight off the Wyvern with ease. Voltaria placed Ruby down before taking out Blood Moon.

"Stay back, it's going to be dangerous."Voltaria orders to Ruby.

Rub nodded her head and backed up a bit, allowing Voltaria to prepare to summon her black crystals. As she focuses her energy, Ruby watches in awe as Voltaria's aura surrounds her body, ready to bring forth the protection. But before it could go smoothly, Ruby heard someone coming, she quickly turns around but quickly blocks an incoming arrow with Crescent Rose. Suddenly, she was pushed to the wall by none other than Cinder. Her eyes continue to fill with anger, after realizing the Winter Maiden power was actually with Voltaria.

"You! You know about this, don't you!" Cinder yelled in anger.

"Stay away from her, Cinder! She never knew I had the Winder Maiden's power!"Voltaria ordered, readying Blood Moon.

"But she knows where's the Fall Maiden power! And you will tell me where it is or she will pay with her life!" Cinder yells at her angrily. Just then, Ruby headbutts Cinder, dazing her in the process before kicking her away. Cinder crashes to the desk while Ruby readies Crescent Rose.


"Don't worry about me, Volty! Finish what you're doing! I'll handle her!" Ruby said as she and Cinder fought through the room while Voltaria tried to summon the crystal from the ground faster. Ruby and Cinder fought with their blades, Ruby did her best blocking Cinder's attack, trying not to get hit in the process.

But as they fought, Kurama was fighting the Wyvern from the sky, trying to knock each other down. Kurama then pushes the Wyvern to the tower, causing the Grimm to crash on it, creating another tremor and causing Ruby to lose her balance, giving Cinder the advantage to kick her out of the window, falling to her doom.

"RUBY!"Voltaria screamed in alarm to see her friend fall.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Ruby screams as she falls off the window and to the ground.

Without thinking, Voltaria flies out of the window to catch Ruby. Cinder took the opportunity to fire an arrow at Voltaria, in hopes to get the Winter Maiden power. Everything was going in slow motion. Ruby was falling to her doom while Voltaria was trying to save her, with the arrow following her from behind, ready to stab her on the back. However, the card that was housing the Fall Maiden's Power soon came out of Voltaria's sleeve, glowing slightly as it made its way to Ruby. When Ruby grabs the card, Voltaria catches Ruby with a hug, holding her tight as they fall with the arrow ready to pierce Voltaria. But before it did, both Ruby and Voltaria were consumed by a bright white light that sent the arrow flying and Cinder to the other side of the room. Cinder was shocked by this before she slowly got up and headed towards the edge to see the bodies of Ruby and Voltaria. However, when she got closer, a huge black thorned vine came out of nowhere, almost hitting her in the process. Cinder dodged the giant vine just in time, but more thorny vines came out of nowhere, by breaking through the walls or floor. Cinder had to jump out of the way and be forced to get out by using one of the thorny vines, without getting pierced by the thorns. And doing so, Cinder saw what was causing this or better yet,WHOwas causing it.

Levitating in the midair was a girl that was taller than her, with white skin, wearing a mixture of both Ruby and Voltaria's attires along with a long red hooded cloak, has long dark hair that match night sky with white streaks on her bangs, and red streaks on her lower hair. And when she opens her eyes, revealing black sclera, and silver eyes with slit pupils. And soon, a mixture or black/red/white fiery glow came through the eyes, showing the power of the maidens, both Fall and Winter, together as one powerful being of power.

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Cinder's eyes widened in shock at the sight before her. This warrior of untold power levitates by using the gust of winds around her. This warrior glares at Cinder with a cold expression before hearing the fearful cries of the civilians. Turning towards the source, she could see the civilians still evacuating the area. Lifting a hand towards the source, the mysterious warrior channels her power towards the Grimms harming the civilians, and with a point of a finger, the thorny vines charged with incredible speed. Crushing or impaling the Grimms and saving the civilians the process.

"!" Cinder yells in anger, demanding to know how she was able to obtain such power.

The warrior didn't respond as she continued summoning black thorny vines towards the Grimms, helping the huntsmen and students to take them down. Angered by this, Cinder charges at her with blades raised, as she jumps at her and ready to stab the mysterious warrior, something catches her leg, preventing Cinder from reaching the warrior. Turns out, a thorny vine grabbed Cinder's foot, preventing her from reaching the warrior. Suddenly the vine pulls Cinder away, shakes her around like a ragdoll and slamming her on different structures like buildings, the ground, and statues. Cinder's aura was slowly depleting, getting more and more injured in the process. Then the vines bring her up high to the sky as ice blocks form into thin air, made by the warrior, and Cinder was smacked on them so hard that they broke. Cinder could feel all her bones break by this; the feeling was unbearable and painful to process; it didn't even give her time to heal. After being beaten around, Cinder was brought up by the female warrior with thorny vines wrapped around her arms and legs. Her body was mangled and bruised by the terrible beating. Cinder weakly looks at the female warrior, barely staying focused as her body was going to break.

"Wh...who...who are you..." Cinder choked out.

The female warrior brought Cinder close to her face, taunting her on how easily she was defeated by her. Cinder wanted to break free and stab the warrior but couldn't. Her mind and body were beaten and bruised by this warrior, who's gaze remains cold and empty. Once she was close enough, the warrior spoke through her mind and her lips unmoving.

"I am...Crimson Rose."

And with that response, Crimson Rose flies down to the ground, hovering beneath it as she brings forth Blood Moon from the tower. The staff grew twice the size of Crimson Rose, allowing her to hold him, as she lifted him to the shattered moon, feeling all the power within it charging Blood Moon. And with a flash from Blood Moon, Crimson Rose slams the bottom of the staff, creating a powerful spark on the ground which spreads throughout the kingdom and its borders, creating a tremor that makes everyone freeze in shock. And soon when the tremor stopped, black crystals erupted from the ground, startling everyone. The black crystals came from sidewalks, park, the courtyard, and all around its borders, forming pillars as it reaches beyond Mountain Glenn and through the underground tunnels, stabbing some Grimms in the process. When all the crystals are formed, Crimson Rose flies above the sky with Blood Moon following her. Cinder was brought up as well by the vines, witnessing her failure as Crimson Rose created another giant black crystal, bigger than the rest and as tall as the tower. She hovers above the giant crystal as black thorns surround it. Crimson Rose lifted Blood Moon up once more, closing her eyes, channeling more energy to him. And when the moon shines on them, she snaps open her eyes, her fiery glow on her eyes increases, as Blood Moon releases a powerful stream of silver light to the night sky.

The clouds around them began to swirl around the energy before pairs of silver eyes with black flames appeared within the clouds. Crimson Rose lets out a powerful shriek that echoes through the land, and the flaming silver eyes glow brightly along with the black crystals, creating powerful streams of light energy that consumes the entire Kingdom of Vale all the way to Mountain Glenn and beyond the borders. The Grimms let out powerful roars along with the Wyvern but were all soon consumed by the powerful light. Every human and Faunus shielded themselves as they were too consumed by the bright light. Ripper and Amaryllis quickly shielded their pack members from the sudden light as they were consumed as well. After a few seconds, the light disappeared and the Grimms that were infesting the city were now gone, either turned to stone or into ash. Kurama, who was in his giant nine tail fox form, was not injured nor affected by the light, for he was protected by Voltaria's entities, and he is part Faunus. Kurama looks towards the Wyvern that was now turned to stone, he lifts his claw and lets out a roar as he breaks the stoned Wyvern into pieces, preventing any Grimms from coming here.

Seeing this, Cinder's eyes widen in shock and horror, all the planning has gone to waste because of Crimson Rose. She failed her mission to her mistress. This can't be happening! Suddenly, Cinder was brought face to face to a black face Crimson Rose. For the first time in her life, Cinder became terrified, staring at the cold eyes of Crimson Rose. Cinder could feel herself, trembling at the sight of Crimson Rose.

"Cinder Fall."Crimson Rose spoke to her coldly,"Your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent. Committed many sins beyond redemption. Murdering innocents, destroying the peace, and abusing the power of good and turning it into evil. You will be punished beyond death, and you will never find peace."

"Wh-what do you mean?! What are you going to do to me?!" Cinder yelled as she was being brought closer to Crimson Rose while the thorny vines forced Cinder's eyes to stay unblinkable. "Just...Just who are you?"

"I am Crimson Rose, the Spirit of Justice, Vengeance, Power...and Death."Crimson said the last part coldly,"Look into my eyes. Feel their pain."

As they locked eyes, Crimson Rose's flaming eyes stared through Cinder's, forcing her to see her past crimes from many years ago. She saw and heard the people's screams and how she killed them. She was surrounded by black flames that consumed her, burning her, to which to the point she began screaming in pain. Her body felt like she was burned alive. But soon, her thoughts were interrupted when a black/red blazing dragon head appeared behind her, causing Cinder to scream as the flaming dragon consumed her within its powerful jaws.

It was then later revealed that Cinder's mind was soon broken by Crimson Rose's stare, her eyes are burned out into burning charcoal and her mouth slightly opened by the pain she experiences. Seeing that Cinder is now as good as dead, Crimson Rose flicked Cinder's chin slightly, causing black ice to go through her body.

"The souls have been avenged."Crimson Rose said coldly.

Crimson Rose made her vines drop Cinder's crystalized body to the ground. As it did, it shattered into a million pieces upon impact, destroying Cinder for good.

Thus, ending the evil that was inflected into the city.

"RUBY! VOLTARIA! WHERE YOU?!" Wade's voice shouted through the darkness.

Wade was running through the destroyed streets of Vale; many people were able to evacuate just in time before things could get ugly. However, things took a turn when black crystal erupted from the ground, surrounding beyond the Kingdom of Val and through Mountain Glenn. These black crystals were the same as the ones at Mineral Town, but bigger and more stronger looking. And thus, creating a powerful shield to prevent any Grimms, even the subterranean ones, from entering the city. It was shocking for everyone, even Ironwood was shocked to see such a powerful defense system that was not technology. But that's not important right now. Right now, Team WAVE, RWBY, and JNPR are trying to find their friends Ruby Rose and Voltaria Eclipse from the destruction of the city. Glynda was also helping with the search, worried about Voltaria and wanting to know why there were black crystals here.

"Find anything?" Jaune asked, meeting up with the others at the center.

"No! We still can't find them." Weiss said with worry.

"Keep searching! They could be close!" Wade said to the group. "We just need to-" Wade was cut off when he and the others heard Ripper's roar. They looked up to see Ripper (with Zwei on his head) and Amaryllis running towards them.

"It's Rippy and Ama!" Nora exclaims as they all rush towards them.

"Ripper, Amaryllis, do you know where Ruby and Voltaria are?" Pyrrha asked the hybrids urgently.

They nodded their heads and lowered their bodies, allowing their packmates to get on them. Glynda, Yang, Blake, and Weiss were riding on Ripper while the rest of Team WAVE and JNPR rode on Amaryllis. Well, she was carrying Jaune and Nora with her hands since her back was already full. But they didn't mind, as long as they could reach their friends faster. So, the hybrids ran towards the scent of their mothers, they weren't far as they followed their scent determinedly. As they got closer, they heard a cold, ghostly, and yet beautiful humming. The two hybrids stopped at their tracks as they and their pack members listened to that humming, sounding very familiar.

"Do you hear that?" Blake asked in surprise.

"'s that song we heard a few months ago." AJ said, hearing the ghostly humming.

"Ripper, Amaryllis, followed that humming!" Ren suddenly ordered.

Obeying him, they followed the sound since it was where their mothers' scents were. As they reached the source, the hybrids helped their packmates off them and went over the debris and rubble, trying to get to the source of the song. And once they did, they all gasped in shock at the sight before them. Standing within the thorns of vines was Crimson Rose, hair moving slowly by the gentle breeze as she hums the song that was sung a few months ago that made everyone admire it. But what's more shocking was the thorny vines, there were crimson roses blooming on them.

Crimson roses shall bloom within the black thorns of destruction, as a warrior of two souls shall rise to smite the evil.

Voltaria's voice echoed through their minds as they remembered her and Ruby's fortune and she's standing right there. Their presence alone caught Crimson Rose's attention. She stops humming as she slowly turns towards them, silver eyes show no expression or emotions, as they stare at the teens and Glynda calmly. They were shocked to see her and they, minus Glynda, slowly understood about their fortune and it all makes sense now.

This girl, Crimson Rose, is both Ruby and Voltaria in one.

"Ruby...V?" Wade whispers out.

Crimson Rose's only response was activating her flames in her eyes that illuminated the darkness.


Inspired by Steven Universe fusion and the Penance Stare from Ghost Rider.

Chapter 18: Mending Wounds


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Song for this chapter: Song

Ruby couldn't image the intense pain she feels in her body. But her mind is aware that she is not outside nor at the tower. She could hear beeping sounds and a machine running. Ruby had no idea where she was or wanted to know, but then her friends and sister came to her mind. Panic overtook her as she slowly woke up. As she did, Ruby's silver eyes roamed around this unfamiliar room. Ruby recognizes it as a hospital room. And within the room were Patient Monitor and IV fluid attached to her. And she's wearing a hospital gown. Ruby then notices her sister, Yang, asleep next to her. The blonde's head was resting on her arms as she lay on the side of the bed. Then she spotted Blake and Weiss sleeping on the sofa, clearly exhausted from the battle. She looked at the window and saw between the curtains a bit of light, indicating that the sun was up. Ruby wonders how long she was out. And wonders what happened to Volty, Ripper, and Amaryllis. She slowly sits up and looks at her sleeping sister with worry in her eyes.

"Y-Yang?" Ruby spoke in a hoarse voice, clearly exhausted from the battle.

This causes Yang to stir awake, the blonde sits up and blinks away the tiredness from her eyes, adjusting her vision. As she did, she gasped when her sister was finally awake.

"Ruby!" Yang gets up and hugs her little sister in full relief, "You're awake!"

Her commotion woke up both Blake and Weiss, causing the two girls to realize that Ruby is finally awake as they quickly went by her side. "Glad you're okay!" Blake said happily as Yang stopped hugging Ruby.

"Ugh...yeah...what happened?" Ruby asked, can't recall what had just happened.

"We found you, unconscious and got you out of there safe. And brought you here to the hospital." Weiss explains to Ruby.

Ruby understands as she looks down in thought for a split second before she realizes something important as she looks at her team in realization. "Wait! Volty! Is she alright!? And what about Rippy and Ama?!"

Yang holds her sister's shoulders gently, "Ruby! Calm down. Both Ripper and Amaryllis got out of the city just in time with Amber and Kurama. And Voltaria's alright. She's recovering in the other room next to yours."

Ruby sighs in relief, knowing that they were safe, but then Blake asks her a question. "Ruby, do you remember what happened?" Blake suddenly asked her, which confuses her.

"I...I don't know what you mean but...I remember helping Volty go up to the tower...then Cinder showed up. She was so angry at us, and we started fighting. Then she kicked me out the window and I fell. Volty was trying to save me and then...nothing. I guess I passed out after that." Ruby explained the best way she could but stopped when she noticed her teammates giving her a worried look, "What's wrong? Did something happen to the school and Vale when I passed out? We were able to clear out the Grimm?"

"To be honest, sis, we didn't." Yang answered, which shocked Ruby, until she added, "Both you and Voltaria stopped the Grimm invasion."

This now confused Ruby, "Wh-What do you mean?"

"Ruby, you didn't fall unconscious." Weiss answered her team leader carefully, "You and Voltaria...turned into this...this warrior that called herself Crimson Rose."

"Crimson...Rose?" Ruby mutters out in confusion as she slowly recalls a fortune that Voltaria gave to her, "Wait, that sounds like mine and Volty's fortune."

"Could be, I mean, both of your fortunes did say that crimson roses shall bloom within the black thorns of destruction, as a warrior of two souls shall rise to smite evil." Blake said to her leader. "But you guys destroyed all the Grimms and protected Vale."

Ruby tilts her head a bit, "We did? How?"

Weiss got up and pushed the curtains away, "This's how."

Ruby looked outside and gasped at the sight before her. Ruby could see black crystals from the streets and a really big one at the school's tower. And if she looks further, there are black crystals beyond the borders of Vale and Mount Glenn. Ruby stared at this in bewilderment. She couldn't help but think that she and Voltaria did this, together! Creating hundreds maybe thousands of black crystals, repelling any Grimms that dare tried to enter. And what's strange is that there were many Grimms that were turned to stones and were being destroyed by students and huntsmen.

"I...I can't believe it...we did it." Ruby whispers out, feeling a weight in her chest disappearing, "We actually stopped Cinder."

Yang hugs her sister, "You did great, sis." She said to Ruby softly.

Ruby smiles and hugs her back, "No,weall did. Together." Earning smiles from her friends, as they let go, they heard a knock at the door. Turning towards it, they saw Qrow Branwen coming in.

"Hey, kiddo, how ya feelin'?" Qrow asked, coming into the room.

"I'm fine, a little tired, but fine." Ruby answered.

"Good..." Qrow said with a nod before looking at her friends, "Mind giving us some alone time?"

Yang doesn't leave her sister, but agrees by nodding, she looks back to her younger sister and says, "We'll be back, Ruby. We'll tell the others you're awake and get you something to eat."

Ruby smiles in appreciation, "Thanks, Yang."

Giving her sister a one last smile, Yang left with Blake and Weiss to get Ruby something to eat and inform the others. As Blake closes the door, Qrow approaches Ruby's bed, while grabbing the chair that Yang uses and then spins it around to face the bed and sits in it with a significant slouch, crossing one leg over the other.

" are you holding up?" Qrow asked.

"So far, so good, except my head hurts a bit." Ruby confessed.

"That's a you remember what happened?"

"Well, I told the others I was helping Voltaria, and then battling Cinder...and then...then everything went white."

"Anything else?" Qrow asked her.

Ruby shook her head, "No, that's all I could remember before passing out. Yang already told me the details and everything that just happened but...I don't know what happened. And why the Grimms are turned to stone."

Qrow lets out a heavy sigh, deciding it is best for Ruby to know about something important, "The night you met Ozpin, what was the first thing he said to you?"

Ruby was confused by her uncle's words but decides to remember, "I...I don't know. I think it was something about..."

Qrow finished the sentence for her, "Silver eyes. That's an extremely rare trait."


Qrow continues his explanation, "You're special, Ruby. And not in the"Daddy loves his special angel"kind of way. You're special the same way your mom was. Remnant's full of legends and stories, some of them true, some made up. But there's one Oz told me from a very long time ago. Back before Huntsmen, before Kingdoms, it was said that those born with silver eyes were destined to lead the life of a warrior. You see, the creatures of Grimm, the most fearsome monsters mankind had ever encountered, were afraid of those silver-eyed warriors. They were the best of the best. It was said that even a single look from one of these fighters could strike a Grimm down. Heh. It's a ridiculous story."

Ruby then realizes that she must've turned every Grimm in the city to stone along with the Wyvern. And with Voltaria's help, she must've given her an extra boost to do so. " think that I might be..."

Qrow lets out a chuckle, "Well, every Grimm is currently frozen, and the giant monster was smashed into pieces, still trying to figure it out. And you're here, safe in bed." He then gets to his feet and walks over to a window, leaning on the sill and staring outside, mostly at the black crystals.

Ruby wasn't sure what to say until realizes something, "Wait, wait, how did you know what Ozpin said to me...the night we met?"

Qrow faces his niece seriously, "All those missions I go on...all the times I'm away in some far-off's been for Ozpin. Something's been set in motion. With everything that has just happened, Ozpin is busier than ever with Ironwood, and I have to help out."

"Then what can I do? If I'm so special, then I can help, right?" Ruby offers, wanting to help.

Qrow walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "You really wanna help? Get some rest. You're in no condition to go anywhere right now." He told her before patting her head and started heading to the door, "Besides, our enemy's trail leads all the way to Haven. That'd be quite a trip for a pipsqueak like you." He winks at Ruby and opens the door, "Catch ya later, kiddo."

As Qrow leaves the room while closing the door behind him, Ruby just sits alone for a while. Thinking on what to do next. She looks at the window that Qrow looked out of, then stares at herself in a mirror hanging on the wall across from the room. She wanted to know how Voltaria is holding up and where Ripper, Amaryllis, Amber, and Kurama are? Her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of running feet coming from the door. And in a few seconds, Team JNPR, and the rest of team WAVE along with Zwei burst into the room, filled with relief at the sight of Ruby finally waking up.

"Ruby! You're okay!" Jaune said in relief.

"Thank goodness." Pyrrha said, also relieved by this.

"Ye'r alright, Ruby?" Wade asked Ruby.

"I'm all good." Ruby answered before laughing when Zwei jumps in her arms and licks her face, "I'm just happy that you guys are all safe."

"Yeah, it was amazing that we did it." Jaune said in relief.

Nora nodded in agreement, "Yeah! And we show those Grimms a thing or two not to mess with us!" She exclaims happily while Ren just nodded his head.

Ruby smiles at them before asking, "How's everything?"

"Everything is fine, the people are slowly returning after the Grimm were all destroyed, but the weirdest thing is those black crystals are repelling or destroying Grimms." Evo said to Ruby, "They're like the ones in Mineral Town, but these crystals are bigger and stronger, and stretched beyond the borders of the kingdom and Mount Glenn! It's amazing!"

"It is amazing." Glynda said, coming into the room with the rest of Team RWBY. Yang was carrying a tray of delicious food and drinks for Ruby. "How are you feeling, Ruby?"

"Doing fine, although I will feel a lot better if I know what happened to Volty." Ruby said, munching down the food after Yang gave it to her. "Yang said that's alright she?"

Wade sighs a bit and rubs the back of his neck, "To be honest with ya, Ruby. We're not sure. Doc said that V's gonna be fine, but her recovery process might take a while."

Ruby holds her spoon tightly, worried about Voltaria, wondering how she was doing. "What about the others? Are they still here?" She asked, referring to the entities.

"We're not sure." Glynda said to Ruby, "We lost contact with them after we rescued you and Voltaria from the rubble."

"I see..." Ruby answered softly. "What about the city? Is it being rebuilt?"

"Actually, it already did." AJ answered to Ruby, who was confused, "After...after you and Voltaria did."

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked in confusion, earning concern looks from her friends.

" might want to brace yourself." Wade said to her, which she nodded, as the cowboy explained to her what happened.

As it turns out, they learned that both Ruby and Voltaria fused themselves and formed into this warrior named Crimson Rose. She created all those black crystals that surrounded the Kingdom of Vale and Mount Glenn, protecting it against Grimm. But that's not all, after they met up with Crimson Rose, she uses the vines to restore all the broken buildings, streets, and homes back to normal, repairing any damages along the way. Making it look like nothing happened. And it was done, a vine returned Voltaria's mask to Crimson Rose and when she put it on, she unfused, revealing both Ruby and Voltaria safe and unharmed. Voltaria still wore her mask in the process. But soon they both fell unconscious, due to the exhaustion they received. Luckily, the vines with no thorns caught them and gently gave the girls back to Wade and Yang, who took the girls to the hospital that was still standing and had refugees inside. There, they were both treated and were out since yesterday.

"Yesterday!? I've been out since yesterday?!" Ruby chokes out.

"Yeah, we were worried that you haven't woken up yet like V." Wade confessed with a worried tone.

Ruby became worried about Voltaria, "Can I see her?" She asked hopefully, wanting to check on her.

At first, they didn't since Ruby needs to recover, but the silver-eyed girl needs to see her friend. Without a choice, they agreed, they got her a wheelchair and took her to Voltaria's room. Upon arrival, she saw Voltaria on the bed, wearing a hospital gown as well, monitors and IV fluid attached to her along with an oxygen mask. Speaking of masks, Voltaria's was still on, covering her eyes. The silk fabric was gone, allowing the oxygen mask to place on her mouth.

"Volty..." Ruby whispers out, looking at her friend's condition. Yang gently pushes Ruby's wheelchair at the side of Voltaria's bed, allowing Ruby to hold her friend's hand. "We did it, we stopped the destruction of Vale, we saved everyone." She said to Voltaria's unconscious state softly but received no response. "Wake up soon, Volty."

Again, Voltaria did not respond, only releasing each breath she took as she slept. Yang placed an assuring hand on Ruby's shoulder, causing Ruby to look at Yang, "Come on, sis, let her rest. She'll wake up soon."

Ruby nodded her head in response as Yang was going to push her out of the room with the others, Ren spotted something strange on Voltaria's right arm. He could've sworn that he saw black dragon mark that wraps around her arm, almost looking like a tattoo. But when he blinked, it vanished, causing Ren to be suspicious by this before following the others out of the room.

"By the way, what's gonna happen to Beacon?" Ruby asked Glynda.

Glynda lets out a sigh, knowing very well the events that had just happened, "For now, it's inactive until further repairs, all students will return back to their homes for the time being."

" it that bad?" Ruby asked in concern.

"It's just for a while, Ruby. Everything will be repaired in no time considering that you and Voltaria have fixed all the areas. We still need to fix something inside the buildings." Glynda replied, earning a sheepish smile from Ruby but soon vanished when she realized something.

"But...but Volty has no place to call home...remember? She lives by traveling to different places, never settling." Ruby said to the group, who realizes as well.

"Yeah, where will Voltaria stay?" Blake asked the others in worry.

"Well, considering that I am her guardian, I suppose she could live with me until classes are able to resume." Glynda said, basically offering a home for Voltaria.

The students looked at her surprise, they guessed she warmed up to Voltaria and saw her as own. "That's great to hear, Professor Goodwitch." Ruby said with a smile. As they made their way to the lobby, they were greeted by an overexcited Penny.

"RUBY!" Penny exclaims happily, running up to Ruby, stopping a few feet from her as she smiles widely, "It's good to see you okay!"

"You too, Penny! I was worried that something might have happened to you and the others." Ruby said to her friends.

"Oh, we're okay! Better even! We did not get tired when facing all those Grimms. Thanks to the entity of Voltaria' the way, where is he? I want to properly thank him." Penny said cheerfully, referring to Hannibal.

"We don't know." Ruby said to her friend. "He disappeared with the others; we don't know when they'll come back."

"Well, hopefully, soon, the others will want to thank them for the help." Penny said happily.

"We'll tell them soon but have told anyone about..." Ruby trails off as she worries that Penny and the others told anyone about the entities.

Penny shook her head, "Oh, no, we didn't say a word about them. I didn't even tell General Ironwood about it. Because if we did, the one named Wraith threatened us that he would mess with our heads, permanently." She said to the group.

"Of course, he did." Weiss sighs in annoyance, knowing that Wraith could do that.

"Anyways, hope you get better! I will have to return to my group and assist, bye!"

"Bye, Penny." The students waved at Penny as she left.

"Well, I guess everything's okay now." Evo said.

"Yeah, for how long." Blake asked worriedly, "Even though Adam and Cinder are gone, I fear that the war is not over."

"Yeah, we still have to face an immortal woman who wants to destroy the entire race!" Nora said quietly to the last part.

"We know, Nora, we need to figure out how to end this conflict once and for all." Wade said.

Ruby lowers her head a bit, "I wish Volty could wake up soon, we need her help more than ever."

"Here, here." Evo said in agreement.

As they walk, Ruby notices outside through the window to see some scientists were observing the crystals at the ground, trying to figure out the origin and its purpose. Ruby worries about this, if they learned that it was Voltaria who did this, then they surely will be asking questions.

"Ruby? What's wrong?" Yang asked her little sister, seeing her worried expression.

"It's just...I'm worried about Volty. She isn't waking up and...and I'm worried that someone would try and harm in her sleep." Ruby said to her friends.

"Don't worry, Ruby, we'll keep guard." Wade assures her.

"Yeah, and V's gonna pull through. You'll see." Yang assures her sister once more.

"I hope so, but I have a bad feeling something's wrong with Voltaria." Ruby said with a worried tone. " if she was trapped."

"Ruby, don't think so much, she's gonna be fine." AJ assures her kindly.

But Ruby still felt something was wrong.

For the next two days, Ruby stayed in the hospital, still recovering from the event that transpired, as well as doing some physical therapy. Everyone was also recovering in different rooms of the hospital. She heard from Glynda that many people are returning soon after they fixed everything. Ruby felt relief knowing that the people are returning but still worries how they are going to adjust after the whole event. Voltaria literally exposing the true evil behind this. And what she heard was that there were many people who wanted answers and volunteers who wished to help, but Ozpin and Ironwood refused to. Well, Ozpin does, Ironwood wanted many volunteers to help but not give too much information. They want to keep things confidential. However, they were curious about the black crystals. They were giving out powerful readings that repelled all Grimm that were trying to get in, not even the subterranean Grimms couldn't even enter. The other Kingdoms and villages wanted to know how Vale has such a powerful defense and once more, their borders have expanded tenfold!

And to be honest, they don't even know either. They have yet to understand it. But Turquoise Jewel, one of AJ's older sisters, knows about these crystals and tells everyone how it is used and what it can do. Many wanted to know if they could piece, but Turquoise informs them that they have their own hivemind and defense mechanism that prevents them from getting any sample. The only sample they have is a small piece that Voltaria found (actually she made the small one) and was the only thing they have. And many buyers wanted that small piece, thinking that they could manufacture it and make more. However, Turquoise is still researching it and has yet to know if they can create artificial ones.

Ruby knows that they couldn't since Voltaria made them with her own energy and can only be done by her and her alone. But they can't know about it because she promises to keep it a secret for Voltaria, because they are BGF. And she'll not let anyone harm her. And yet, Ruby wonders if Voltaria was okay, she hasn't woken up yet from her coma. She wishes she could just talk to her, maybe telepathically like she did with her and others. Ruby prayed that Voltaria would wake up soon, so she can take her to Patch where she can feel safe. Who knows? Maybe Ripper and Amaryllis could live with them as well.

"I hope you get well soon, Volty." Ruby whispers out as she lies down on her bed, "So, we can take you somewhere far and safe, I promise."

Hoping and praying for the best, Ruby closes her eyes and enters a dreamless sleep.

However, things took a turn when she fell asleep.

Ruby opens her eyes once more and lets out a gasp of shock. Finding herself no longer in the room, a spiritual place that can only be found in a fairy tale. She was in a huge world that is covered by stars. She was standing on a golden path that glittered among the stars. Along with doors of different shapes and colors, and colorful orbs floating about. Ruby awed at it as she was thinking that she was in some kind of dream, which it is. As it turns out, Ruby has entered a place where things are not what they seem, but as you make them seem, where you can dream to your heart's content. As Ruby explored this amazing place, she spotted a small red flaming with two yellow dots as eyes, flickering alone in the air. Curious, Ruby went towards it and observed it.

"Wow..." Ruby whispers, looking at the small flame. When she was about to poke it, it shyly backs away, creating a small hiccup sound, "Whoa! Hey, there, don't be shy, I'm not going to hurt you." Ruby assures the little fire.

The little fire was small, but she could tell that it was curious about her, and she was as well. She opens her hands out and the little flame hovers above them. As it did, Ruby felt the warmth of the flame, making her smile, "You're like a little heartbeat."

The little flame began flying around Ruby, making her laugh, "Aw! Well, aren't you playful, little guy?" Ruby cooed, but stopped when the flame suddenly turned bright red, clearly showing she wasn't happy about what she said, "Or...little girl?"

The flame seems satisfied by this and flutters around, making Ruby smile before realizing something, "Do you know where I am?"

The little flame created some sound that resembled the sound of a small bell. And the strangest thing was, Ruby could understand her, "The...dream realm? How did I even get here?"

The little flame just shook herself, indicating that she doesn't know either. "Well, I better find my way out of here or find some way to communicate with my you know how umm...sorry, I didn't get your name." The flame made more bell chimes, which Ruby understood, "Flare? That's a cute name!"

Flare made happy noises, appreciating her compliment, before instructing her on what to do, "Hold out my hand and close my eyes? How will that work?" Ruby asked, Flare made more chiming bell sounds, telling Ruby to trust her. "All right, if you say so."

She holds her hand out and closes her eyes, and doing so, Flare hovers above her hands and soon glows.

Silver eyes opened, and Ruby found herself out of her bed and still in her hospital room. But she notices She was standing in front of the bed, and she saw her body laying on the bed. Ruby was shocked and horrified, thinking that she was dead. But to her surprise, she notices the monitor was beeping regularly, indicating that she's still alive. But what's shocking is that she was standing there and looked like some sort of phantom or better yet, a ghost. As Ruby looked at herself, she heard a nurse coming in, she panics, thinking that the nurse would scream to a ghost Ruby, but she didn't. Instead, the nurse just walked through her like she was nothing, but she did shiver at the sudden cold, before tending Ruby's unconscious body.

"Flare...what just happened?"Ruby asked the small flame, who floats beside her and is also unseen by the nurse. Flare made bell sounds, explaining to her what she is."An astral project? You mean, I can see them, but they can't see me...I'm like a ghost but I'm not dead, right?"Flare nodded, indicating that she is right,"Does that mean I can possess people too? Since I'm like a ghost or spirit?"

Again, Flare nodded, making Ruby excited,"Oooh! That's so cool! I wanna-wait! No! Focus, Ruby! You have to find your friends first!"Ruby ran straight to the door and as she was about to open the door, she went through it and fell to the ground,"OOPH!"

Flare went through the door and watched as Ruby got up from the floor,"Right, forgot I can walk through walls now."Ruby mutters to herself as she walks or better yet floats from the ground,"Okay, this is cool."Ruby grins as she and Flare float through the halls off the hospital, searching for her friends.

Ruby then spotted Tyson, Willy, Nash, and Lars, walking through the hall and towards the cafeteria to grab a bite. But when Ruby accidentally went through Nash, he suddenly stopped and shivered at the sudden chill. Ruby flinched as she kept forgetting that she might be cold due to her being apparition towards them.

"Damn! Why did it suddenly get cold?!" Nash shivered, blowing his hands, rubbing them together to keep himself warm.

"Nash, it's 68 degrees Fahrenheit, there is no way it suddenly became cold." Willy said to his brother.

"Maybe there was an open window, and he felt a draft?" Lars suggested it to his older brother.

"I highly doubt it, there's no window on this floor. So, it is not possible for a breeze to come in." Willy stated the obvious.

"The hell it was, it almost gave me goosebumps." Nash said, shaking a bit.

"Come on, let's get some hot cocoa from the cafeteria before heading to our room to prepare, our flight to Mistral will leave tomorrow morning." Tyson informs his brothers.

"Technically, our flight will leave at exactly 8 am sharp while the flight to Atlas and Shade will leave at 10 am." Willy informs correctly.

"Huh, I guess the flight to Patch is earlier than theirs since it leaves at seven in the morning."Ruby said to Flare, indicating about her flight, "Enough of that! I have to find my...friends..."

Ruby trailed off when she saw both Ozpin and Ironwood coming out from the elevator and headed towards the direction where Voltaria is. Curious and suspicious, Ruby and Flare follow them through the hall and towards Voltaria's room. When the male adults entered and closed the door, Ruby and Flare went through it with ease, watching as the two male leaders stared at Voltaria's unconscious state. Ruby was surprised as she watched with wide eyes as both men discussed the situation.

"Ozpin, she knew this whole time..." Ironwood said to Ozpin in a serious tone.

"Indeed...and apparently, she's been keeping secrets herself...saving everyone without us even knowing." Ozpin said in agreement, yet worried about how many secrets Voltaria was hiding. "What else is she keeping from us?"

"That I want to know as well." Ironwood said, narrowing his eyes at the sleeping Voltaria, "She exposed the truth to the whole world and now everyone knows what we are dealing with."

"I am aware of that as well, general." Ozpin said with a sigh, "I feel as if she has more secrets than I have."

"If she does, then she is not safe here." Ironwood said, eyeing towards Voltaria, "Who knows what else she is hiding from us. For all we know, she might even know when Salem would strike."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, general. She may have known about this, but we can't just assume-"

"Ozpin, you saw everything, what she did and what she can do! She just prevented a massive Grimm invasion and stopped the culprits! We're not even sure who's side she's really on. Or the fact that she may have the solution to end this war against Salem." Ironwood said to Ozpin, trying to convince him, "We can't lose this opportunity, Ozpin, this will be our last stand against her."

Ruby's eyes widened even more, feeling dread and worry coming from her stomach, like something bad was going to happen. She watches as Ozpin lets out a sigh and shakes his head, as if he wanted to disagree with him, but knew very well that he was somewhat right.

"And what do you suppose that we suggest we do, generally? Lock her away? Letting her lose her trust to humanity and Faunus kind?" Ozpin questions him.

"The exact opposite, actually." Ironwood said as he suggested an alternative that shocked and terrified Ruby, "We will transfer her to Atlas's top safe house. There, she will recover properly as well as being safely secured and far from Salem's reach."

"No..."Ruby whispers out, and couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Ozpin sighs again as he looks at Voltaria with a sympathetic look. "I had wished for Voltaria to have a better chance in life, to live in peace with herself and humanity. Professor Goodwitch already plans to take Voltaria into her home."

"She won't know about this because we will take Voltaria to Atlas on tomorrow's next flight." Ironwood said to Ozpin, shocking Ruby as she recalls from Willy, that the flight to Atlas would leave at ten. "I already have permission from the councils, agreeing with me that Voltaria Eclipse must stay in Atlas for her and the city's safety."

"Then what about her teammates? And her friends? They will worry about her." Ozpin said to him.

"The less they know the better, it's best for them to stay focused on their training rather than Voltaria, she will be safe and protected from any known threat as Atlas is a fortified kingdom."

""You can't do this to her!"Ruby yelled out, even though they cannot hear her, she can't allow this. She can't allow them to take Voltaria away, "She deserves better!"

Ruby watches helplessly as Ozpin sighs, knowing that he too has to agree with this, for who knows when Salem will strike. Yet, part of him doesn't want this, "I do not wish to lose Voltaria's trust again, General Ironwood, she has to choose her own decisions." Ozpin said to the general.

"I'm sorry, Ozpin, but you have no other choice. The council already decided this."

"!"Ruby yelled, looking at them in shock.

"When she recovers and awakes, she will be trained beyond her limit and tell us everything that she knows and what secrets that she was keeping from us." Ironwood said seriously before looking at Ozpin, "I will make sure that she will have all the requirements she needs in her stay."

"You can't keep her there forever, General Ironwood. Voltaria has a life now, friends that care for her, they have the right to know." Ozpin reminds the General of Atlas about Voltaria's friends.

"As I said before, Ozpin, the less they know the better, you can inform them that Ms. Eclipse has been transferred to Atlas as a new student, and they will be having a new team member soon." Ironwood said to Ozpin, "They will understand and accept it."


Suddenly, red aura flame escaped through her eyes, and in the process. Creating powerful gusts of winds that came from the window, opening it in the process and shocking both the adults. Flare hides behind Ruby as she feels the powerful wind blowing through the window. Voltaria's body stayed motionless as the strong winds continued blowing.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Ironwood exclaimed, feeling the powerful winds coming through the window.

Realizing what was happening, Ruby gasped in shock, the flame in her eyes vanished in an instant along with the wind, and the window closed by itself. The two men recovered by this but were in shock at what they just witnessed. Ruby knew something was up as she quickly leaves the room and searches for her friends, leaving the shocked men to wonder what they just witnessed.

"Gotta find Yang! Gotta find Yang! Gotta find Yang!"Ruby repeated in a panic, searching for her sister and friends. Flare rested in her hood as Ruby flew through the hall and searched for them."Ooo, where are they?!"

Just as she was at the lower floor, she spotted Jaune walking down the hall and towards a room in the waiting area."Jaune!"Ruby exclaims happily, calling out to him, but she didn't hear her. Slapping herself in realization, she forgot that in this astral projection form, no one can see or hear her."I gotta get his attention and get the others, fast!"

Ruby zooms in the room and sees, not just Jaune, but the others as well, even Glynda, much to Ruby's relief. They were talking about Voltaria's condition and their flights tomorrow. One of AJ's older sisters, Agate, who is a pilot, is going to pick her up. She was worried about her sister and was coming to get her.

"Are you sure you don't need anything when Voltaria lives with you?" Yang asked Glynda.

"No need, I will prepare everything before she wakes up." Glynda assures them.

"All right, but if you need anything, just give us a holler." Wade assures the professor.

"Much appreciated."

"Guys! It's an emergency! Volty's in trouble!"Ruby said to them. But they didn't hear her. Ruby panics, she needs to get their attention. She then remembers that since she's like a ghost, maybe she can possess someone like how Voltaria's entities do. Looking over to Jaune, who handed his teammates some cocoa, Ruby had an idea and is regretting it as she does not want to possess Jaune because it is wrong and is scared that she might hurt her friend. But she needs to warn them.

"Sorry, Jaune, but this is an emergency!"Ruby quickly zooms forward and possesses Jaune's body, causing the male teen to drop his tray and his eyes widen, which startled everyone in the process.

"Jaune? What's wrong?" Pyrrha asked her leader in concern.

"Dude! Are you okay?!" Evo asked, coming over to him along with the others.

As they came over to Jaune, the male's eyes suddenly turned silver, which surprised them in the process. Jaune blinks for a bit before he lifts his hands up and flecks them a bit, "Whoa! It worked!" Jaune said happily, he sounded like...

"Ruby? that you?" Yang was shocked when she heard her sister's voice.

'Jaune' smiled and nodded, "Yeah! It is me!"

"But...but how?! How did!" Wade exclaims, gesturing to Jaune's body.

"It's kind of a long story, but when I went to sleep, I entered this dream realm, I met a small flame Flare, and learned how to Astral Project myself out of my body, but that's not important right now! Right now, Volty's in danger!"

"What?! What's wrong?" Blake asked in concern.

"It's General Ironwood, he wants to take Volty to Atlas."

"WHAT?!" The teens and Glynda exclaimed in shock and anger. Well, Glynda was the angry one, her eyes were burning with rage when Ruby said that.

"What was he thinking!? And did Professor Ozpin agree to this?!" Glynda asked Ruby, who is possessing Jaune's body.

"Professor Ozpin didn't have a choice." Ruby said in a saddened tone , "It was the Council's decision, they think that Volty was too dangerous, and they agreed that she has to transfer to Atlas with General Ironwood for everyone's safety."

"But V's our teammate!" Wade exclaimed, "He has no right to do so?!"

"Well, he can since the council gave him permission. Heck, he even told Professor Ozpin to find a replacement for your missing team member." Ruby said to the rest of Team WAVE.

"No way, Voltaria is not going to be replaced and taken away from us." AJ said with determination and sisterly instincts kicked in, "We have to get her out of Vale and far from the council and General Ironwood!"

"I'm with AJ with this!" Yang said in agreement. "V helped us and now it's our turn to help her."

"But we can't take her out of her bed! She's still recovering and she's not waking up!" Weiss reminded them, "The doctors will find out that we took her out and will probably contact General Ironwood!"

"She's right, I bet General Ironwood already informed them that he's taken charge as V's new guardian." Wade said.

"Is there a way to wake her up?" Nora asked Ruby in Jaune's body.

"I don't know, I just...hold on..." Ruby suddenly said.

"...What's wrong?" Yang asked her sister.

"It's Flare, she's a small fire that I met in the dream realm, she is telling me something...uh-huh...mmm-hmm...really?! That's great!"

"Ruby, what's your imaginary friend saying?" Wade asked.

"First off, she's real, second, you can't see her because she's an astral projection form, and third. She just says we have a way to wake Volty up!" Ruby said excitingly.

"Really?! How?" Pyrrha asked, hoping to save Voltaria before it is too late.

"Okay, Flare said that she'll make a connection link for all of us to enter the dream realm and to Volty's dream. There, we can find her and wake her up before tomorrow morning." Ruby explains to them.

"That's great! Is there a way to get in?" Wade asked.

"There is, we have to fall asleep, and Flare will do the rest." Ruby instructed. Everyone agreed and quickly got to their seats, along with Jaune's body, who sat next to Pyrrha. "Okay, guys, get ready, it's time to sleep."

Everyone nodded and closed their eyes, unaware that Flare was fluttering above them, creating a small glitter mist for them to fall asleep and gain access to the dream realm.

Ruby opens her eyes once more to find herself in the Dream Realm with Flare. And this time, they're not alone, her friends and Glynda were there, amazed by this. But Jaune was confused wondering how they got here. Pyrrha promises to explain everything but right now, they have to find Voltaria's dream. Luckily, Flare knows where it is and leads to it. Once they find Voltaria's door, they notice it looking...broken down. Unlike the beautiful and colorful doors that they passed, her name was broken, they could only see the word V. It was almost in shambles, like she had never dreamed before.

"Is this...Voltaria's door?" Glynda asked out softly.

Flare, which still surprised everyone, made small bell sounds, which Ruby translated since she's the only one who can understand her. "Flare said that Volty stopped dreaming many years ago, it's always lifeless and empty, she always sees it falling apart each night."

"Is it safe to come in?" Jaune asked, fearing what was inside.

Flare made sounds and Ruby translated. "She said it can hold, but we can't be separated when we enter, otherwise, we will get devoured in her mindscape and will be trapped for all eternity!"

"What?! That could happen to us?" Weiss exclaims in shock.

"As long as we stay with Flare, we'll be okay, but we have to hurry! We don't know if Ironwood is going to take Volty's out of her room!"

Knowing that it could happen, everyone agrees to this without second thoughts, they need to act fast before it is too late. They all each held each other's hands, looking at each other with determination and then to the door. Ruby gave Flare a go signal as the flame emits a bright light, causing the door to slightly glow before slowly opening and then the group suddenly entered inside.

And once they were inside Voltaria's dream, they found themselves in a land of darkness and Flare is their only source of light. They still held each other's hands as they followed Flare through the dark dream. Jaune was getting scared, never in his life could he find himself in a place like this, and the others agree to this.

"Does Flare know where she is going?" Yang asked her sister in front.

"Yeah, Flare told me that she's a...dream flame. She roams around the dream realm with others like her, watching and guiding people in their dreams." Ruby explained.

"That explains her knowing about this place." Wade said, "But how can you understand her?"

"I don't know, maybe I made a connection with her?" Ruby suggested, "I don't even know how I even-" She suddenly was cut off when she and the others heard someone singing, and it sounded like a woman.

Come Little Children
I'll take thee away
Into a Land of Enchantment
Come Little Children
The time's come to play
Here in my Garden of Shadows...

"It's that song again." Pyrrha whispers out in surprise.

"Yeah...but who's singing it?" Weiss asked, clearly freaked out to hear that song again.

"It can't be..." Ren whispers out, getting everyone's attention.

"Ren? Ren, what's wrong?" Jaune asked his teammate in concern.

"It is, Ren. It's her voice." Nora said in shock.

"Ren, Nora, what are you talking...about..." Wade trails off when they notice the dark void illuminated itself, revealing a living room that belongs to Mallow Florez, Team WAVE and Glynda stayed in her home as guests when they were assisting AJ's sister about the crystal protecting their town.

But instead of Mallow in the house, there was a woman with long black hair with white streaks in front, fair skin, and sapphire blue eyes. She was sitting on a rocking chair near the fireplace, with the fire on, singing the lullaby as she held a bundle in her arms.

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But what's more shocking is that they saw Ren and Nora as kids, sitting on a carpet, listening to the song with smiles on their faces.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (102)

"Ugh...why is Ren and Nora there?" Weiss asked, pointing at the scene.

Wade, Evo, AJ, Glynda, and Team JNPR know the reason, especially Ruby. "Because...that's where both Ren and Nora were being cared for after they lost their homes by Grimm attacks." Wade said as he recalled the story that both Ren and Nora shared to them, which shocked Team RWBY, "That woman is their caretaker, she took them when they were lost."

"Pandora Twilight." Pyrrha whispers the name of the woman in shock as she looks at Ren, "That's here, isn't she?"

Ren nodded his head sadly, holding back the tears in his eyes, "Yes...and that baby she's holding...that's Virgo, her daughter." He spoke softly, his voice cracking with emotion. Nora comforts her by holding his hand tightly while holding back the tears as well. They both love and adore Pandora and Virgo, they were like family to them, along with Pandora's husband, Toren. Before his death, he treats them as if they were his own, teaching them some fighting techniques and playing with them when he had the time until his untimely death.

"Pandora raises us like if we were her us comfort and love." Nora whispers sadly as they watch the scene change to reveal little Virgo, five years old, playing with her mother in the forest, laughing happily.

"She and her husband, Toren, took us in...became family with Virgo...Toren was actually huntsman in secret and works at the Schnee's Dust's mines...he sacrifices his life to save others...and then...Pandora was killed when bandits invade the town...she died trying to protect Virgo..." Ren explains in a choking tone.

Everyone felt great sympathy towards the two friends, knowing that they were very close to their caretaker. Just then, Wade notices something off, like he was wondering...why is Voltaria dreaming about this. AJ notices this and looks at her boyfriend.

"Wade...what's wrong?" AJ asked in concern.

Wade looks at her and then everyone else, "Just thinking...why is V dreaming about this? How could she know what Pandora looks like? She wasn't even there with Ren and Nora unless...unless she's..."

"...Unless she's actually Virgo Twilight..." Ruby said softly with a sad voice, catching off guard.

"What?" Glynda whispers out in shock along with the others, especially Ren and Nora, " you know about this?"

Ruby nodded her head, tears were forming in her eyes, "I promise Volty not to tell anyone guys need to know this...she told me everything...about her past, her family, and what happened to her." Ruby explained, holding Yang's and Blake's hands, "The rumors about her being experimented on or raised by Grimms, she was born in a nice town with both human parents with love and care. But soon changed when her mother was killed by a bandit...right in front of her...and when she activated her semblance."

Hearing this, Jaune's eyes widen in shock as he recalls something that Voltaria told him when she was tutoring him. "Wait...Voltaria mentioned this to me when I was still training with her." Jaune said to the group. "She told how she activated her semblance when she witnessed at a very young age that she felt sadness, shock, pain, fear, and then...were replaced by vengeance."

"So...when she saw her mother being killed...she activated her semblance." Glynda said in shock.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner, Ruby?" Ren asked, sounding demanding. "She would've come to us sooner and we would've taken care of her when she was young!"

"She was trying to protect you and Nora!" Ruby suddenly exclaimed, shocking and startling everyone, "When Volty told me about this, she said that not only did she activate her semblance but also summoned a Grimm, the Indominus Grimm Rex."

"That must be the Grimm who saved the town's people all those years ago." Glynda said. "She was the one who saved her people."

"And then went into hiding after that," Ruby continues sadly. "She worries that she will endanger them because of her gift...and what she can do. She can't return home or go to Ren and Nora because there were people after her. Wanting to know how she can control Grimm or worse...Salem will find out and harm you guys."

"...So, that's why she's always on the run and hiding." Glynda said in shock, finding out the truth of Voltaria.

"Yeah...she...she did protect them." Blake said in shock.

Just then, the scene changed, revealing little Virgo was sleeping. Ren and Nora's eyes soften at the sight, before they heard loud screams, explosions, and gunshots from outside, which startles them and little Virgo, who became scared and hugs her stuff cat, Mr. Shade.

"What's happening?!" Weiss asked in panic at the scene before them.

"I think...I think this when the town was attacked." Wade said in shock.

"And the day Panny died." Nora said, voice cracking.

They watched as Pandora burst into the room, panicked, and worried in her eyes, as she looked at her terrified daughter, "Virgo!"

"Mommy! What's happening?!" Little Virgo asked in fear as her mother picked her up.

"Shh! It's okay, Sweetie, mommy's here!" Pandora hushed her daughter, "We're going to leave and run as fast as we can, okay? Just stay close to me."

Little Virgo nodded as she hugged her mother and clutching Mr. Shade in her hand. Pandora quickly runs down the stairs and was about to run to the back when two bandits burst into the house. Virgo screamed as the bandits pointed their guns at them, when Pandora attempted to escape, they fired, forcing Pandora to toss little Virgo away and took the hit of multiple rounds of bullets, before falling to the ground, bleeding from her injuries. The others could only watch helplessly as little Virgo cried to her mother and crawled to her, tears streaming down her eyes as she clutched Mr. Shade.

"Mommy?! Mommy!? Wake up!" Pandora did not respond as she shakingly lifted her bloody hand with all strength and caressed her face gently. Blood and tears fall on Pandora's eyes as blood falls on her mouth.

"''s gonna be okay...don't be afraid...I'm always here...I'm always here..."

With the last of her strength, Pandora's hand falls limp on to the floor, as Pandora remains lifeless on the ground. Little Virgo cries as she tries to wake her mother, but to no avail. She didn't bother listen to the bandits talking about taking her to slavery. But that doesn't matter to her because she just lost her mother, killed by those bandits. Anger and vengeance fueled her little mind, removing all remaining innocence and emotions from her mind, as her body began to change. Her sclera turned black, her blue eyes glowed, and her pupils turned into slits. Her skin turned pale white and her teeth turned to fangs. And without any warning, little Virgo lets out a demonic scream that shatters all windows, glasses, and mirrors. And in the process, activating black/white flaming auras in her eyes, shocking them in the process. The bandits covered their ears, trying to block out the scream, but failed to see that Voltaira summoned her entities, who took her revenge by killing the bandits. Followed by Gladstone the Indominus Grimm Rex, who killed all the bandits that were trying to take the town's people to slavery. But there was no match against the Indominus Grimm Rex. Everyone watched in shock as little Virgo stopped screaming and now cries helplessly at her lifeless mother's body, ignoring the entities behind her.

"Mommy...mommy...come back to me..." Little Virgo cries out, but no response, which causes Virgo to let loose a cry that freezes the room, "DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE DADDY!"

As she continued to cry, the room around her started to turn into ice, freezing everything in its path, including the bodies of her mother and the bandits. Just then, Kurama enters the house, his katana stained with blood, fighting his way through the bandits, and is on his way to save little Virgo. Upon seeing her crying over her mother's lifeless body as the room around her started to freeze. Without wasting time, Kurama rushed in, picking up the crying child, before carrying her out of the house, running to the forest with the entities following her. Leaving behind her home, her mother, and Mr. Shade in the process. While the Indominus Grimm Rex wreaks havoc amongst the bandits, killing them, before leaving. And after it leaves, they see little Virgo's eyes continue to emit a flaming aura as tears fall onto the ground as she screams in agony of the death of her mother. And upon doing so, the earth started to shake, and then black crystals erupted from the ground, surrounding the entire town with the protective barrier, to keep them safe from any Grimm that would dare enter their town.

And soon, the scene vanished, leaving everyone stunned and shocked by this.

Everyone couldn't believe what they just saw, especially Glynda. They learned that causing Voltaria her pain and suffering, was the loss of her mother. Because of those bandits, she became the person she is. She was no longer the sweet innocent child she was, she became the cold hearted warrior that everyone fears.

"That was...that was V's past?" Wade asked in shock and horror.

"Yeah...she has become who she is. After her mother died, Volty trained herself to the limits...and you know the rest." Ruby explains sadly to them.

"But still...she shouldn't suffer like this." Weiss said, feeling guilty as felt responsible for Voltaria's father's death, even if it was caused by an accident in the mines.

"Indeed." Regina's voice came.

They all turned around and gasped to see a beautiful woman with an elegant violet dress with golden accessories. She has fair skin, amethyst eyes, and black hair.

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With her are two others. One is a male Faunus. He's a tall, muscular male Faunus with dragon-like features, amber eyes, tan skin, black spiky-slick hair with golden-red streaks on the edge. Has two long horns on both sides of his head and smaller ones on the bottom. Black-gold scales could be seen and had sharp claws. He wore black pants with armor boots, metal sleeve shoulder armor on his right, his chest exposed to revealing tattoos of dragons, and a single metal shoulder armor on his left. Plus a dragon tail with a trident on the end. Beside him, was a human girl. She's slender and the same age as the teens, she has long dark brown hair that is tied, hazel green eyes, wearing attire like a huntsman.

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The three strangers stood a few feet from the group. Staring at them, who also stared back at the strangers.

However, when Ruby heard the woman speak, she instantly recognized her voice as she stared at her with wide eyes. "R-Regina? Is that you?"

Regina nodded her head, "It is indeed, and with me are Tabitha and..."

"Wrathior Drakon." Blake spoke in shock as she looks at Wraith, "You're Wrathior Drakon."

"Um...who's that?" Jaune asked, not sure who that guy is.

"Wrathior Drakon, the greatest warrior in Faunus history." Pyrrha explains to Jaune in shock, "During the great war, Wrathior was known to be the fiercest, most stubborn, and courageous Faunus warrior that history has ever known."

"In the face of adversity, he has been found in the front lines in every battle and always first to volunteer, willing to face down any enemy, with nerves of steel under fire." Blake added, looking at Wraith in shock, "He was also known to be the most lethal soldier in history, for he has no fear of death. And whenever he's in battle, his fire will burn through his enemy throughout the battlefield."

With that information, it shocked everyone, especially Glynda. She recalled hearing about Wrathior Drakon, a fearsome Faunus that has the power of the dragon due Semblance called Draconic, burning through the battlefield like a flaming comet, destroying all his enemies, bringing victory after victory to the Faunus. The Faunus community respected or better yet,worshipedhim as their savior, and a historical reminder of how he sacrificed himself to destroy a huge brigade of humans during the war, giving the Faunus a chance to break through and fight the rest of the humans. But the one thing she knows is that no one can survive Wrathior Drakon's wrath, for he is a fire that never burns down in battle.

"'ve been here all this time?" Yang asked Wraith in shock.

"How else did the kid learn ancient fighting styles? And like Regina, I've been reincarnated by the goddess, training kid since she summoned us. I changed my name from Wrathior to Wraith, so I won't draw attention...guess I was wrong." Wraith said to them.

"You can tell us more about this later, but right now, what are you doing?" Glynda asked them.

"Trying to awake Voltaria from her slumber." Tabitha said to them. "Look, something happened after both Ruby and Voltaria fell off the tower."

"Yeah, we turned into this Crimson Rose person...I still don't know how it was done." Ruby said to them.

"It's because it happens when you two share an incredible bond, sharing the same goal, as well as fusing both Fall and Winter Maiden powers together." Regina informs them.

Yang stops her there, "'re saying that Ruby has the..."

Regina nodded, "Indeed, she caught the card that houses the Fall Maiden's power, and Voltaria has the Winter Maiden power."

" How did Voltaria inherit it?" Glynda asked Regina.

"A story for another time, but right now, we need to awaken Voltaria before it's too late." Regina said to them seriously.

"You know about General Ironwood's plan?" Ren asked them, wanting to save Voltaria.

"Yeah, but that's not all." Wraith said seriously. "Someone is trying to take Voltaria's body."

"What?" They all asked in shock and confusion.

"You think we're the only entities? No, there are others beside us,some are friendly or not so friendly, and some are very dangerous." Wraith explains to them.

"Wait, how very dangerous are we talking about?" Jaune asked fearfully.

"Dangerous that they will kill anything living and cause a lot of bloodshed that would never end until all life we know is gone." Wraith answered, which shocks them even more, "But they aren't able to because they can't leave the Infraworld."

"What?" Wade asked in confusion.

"I'm sorry, what is this... Infraworld you speak of?" Glynda asked in confusion.

"The Infraworld is a place that appears to exist parallel to or partially in tandem with our own." Regina explained the best way she could, "It is not explicitly described as another dimension, more likely a world that is between the living and dead, where all souls and other entities reside, whether to be reincarnated or pass on to the afterlife."

"So...all you are reincarnations?" Ruby asked them.

"Me, Wraith, and Tabitha are. Marionette, Reaper, Bellum, Blood Moon, and Hannibal are the entities are from Infraworld."Regina stated to them, "But there are entities with no conscious and just kill with no remorse, those entities are Seelenlos, soulless entities that kill anything or anyone that is alive or with a soul. Those are the dangerous ones."

"That's...that's terrible." Pyrrha whispers in shock.

"It is indeed, and what's worse, they are trying to get to Voltaria for she is the only gateway for them to enter the living world, so they can use her to wreak havoc amongst the living, taking their lives and consuming their souls, preventing anyone from crossing the afterlife. We've been trying to keep the out of the bay and away from Voltaria." Regina explains worriedly.

"Is that why Hannibal is not here?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, both he and Blood Moon are at the Infraworld, fighting off Seelenlos that are trying to get to Voltaira." Regina explains to them.

This, however, angers Glynda dearly, using Voltaria as a host so they commit mast murder, unacceptable, "She's been through enough, she needs help." Glynda said to Regina.

"And that is why you all must help us awaken Voltaria, and bring her to safety, far from Vale and from Ironwood. She cannot be used as a weapon." Regina said to them.

"Don't worry, Regina, we're here to help." Yang said determinedly.

"But be warned, Voltaria's mind is completely jumbled and lost, you might face some of her negative emotions."

"Oh, we dealt with the worst." Nora assures her.

"Alright, just be careful, this is Voltaria's mind we are talking about. She's been suppressing her emotions for years, she locked in her mind since she was young. It is not like a battle you have faced before." Regina warns them.

"We will, Regina." Ruby said with a nod.

And with that, they carefully let go of their hands and searched for Voltaira, hoping to save her from those bad entities and leave as soon as possible. But soon, the dream of Voltaria changed into a big forest near Mineral Town. They were confused by this but decided not to question it as they journey on.

"So...Regina? Why is V trap here?" Wade asked Regina as they walked, "Why won't she wake up?"

Regina lets out a gentle sigh as they continue to walk, "The truth is...she has locked herself within her own mind, refusing to wake up from her slumber."

"What!?" Everyone exclaimed in shock.

"Why would she do that?!" Ruby asked, her voice filled with panic and concern.

"Her emotions got the best of her." Regina answered solemnly, "She is feeling a great amount of pain, anger, regret, sadness, and guilt. She is reliving her life of the day that changed her. The day when she lost the one that she dears the most."

"...The day when she lost her mother." Pyrrha said solemnly.

"Indeed, she blames herself every day, believing that it was her fault that her mother perished, and she didn't do anything to save her." Regina said sadly.

"But...she was just a little girl." Weiss said, walking alongside the group.

Before Regina could speak, they suddenly heard growls. And soon, Grimm appeared, but they were different, they were emitting aura like flames that are the colors of burning red, sickly green, dark blue, dark purple, black, and gray.

"Are those Grimm?!" Wade asked, doing a battle stance with the others.

"No, they are her emotions, manifested into Grimm." Regina said to them, readying as well, "They are here to stop us."

"Why?" Yang asked, readying her battle stance.

"They are what you say guardians, trying to protect Voltaria's mind, and think we are a threat." Tabitha said to them.

"Ren, Nora, Ruby, you three should go look for V, and wake her up." Wade ordered them.

"Wait, us?" Ruby asked in surprise.

"You three know more about her then us. We'll hold these negative emotions off, long enough for you three to wake her up." Wade instructed them.

Ren wasn't sure if they should leave them but seeing their odds he has to agree and find Voltaria with Nora and Ruby. "All right, hold them off as long as you can." Ren said.

"Yeah, if we can, we don't have even weapons." Jaune said, scared at the sight of Voltaria's negative emotions.

Regina chuckles a bit, "All of you do realize that you're in the dream realm, correct?" She questions them, earning some nods, "And in the dream realm, all your dreams will come true if you think about it."

"What does that supposed to mean?" Weiss asked Regina.

Wade already knew what she meant, smirking at this, "It means, we can dream up anything we want and that includes..." Wade imagines his Justiceshot and it appears in his hand, allowing him to pull a trigger and fire at an incoming negative emotion. "Our weapons."

This gave the other opportunity as they summoned their weapons as well, readying for battle. Ren, Nora, and Ruby went off to search for Voltaria, but stopped by Regina.

"Make sure you find her and please...bring her back to us."

They nodded their heads determinedly, "We will." Ren said as they ran to the forest while the rest fend off Voltaria's negative emotions with Flare following them.

One of the negative emotions, a red Beowolf, saw them leaving and was about to stop them but Yang was in front of it as she uses her Ember Celica to punch and shoots it away from them.

"Oh, no you don't, big guy! You're noy getting in their way!" Yang said determinedly.

"Keep them occupied! We need to give Ren, Nora, and Ruby time to find V." Wade said, shooting a green Creep.

As they keep the negative emotions of Voltaria busy, Ren, Nora, and Ruby search through the forest of Voltaria's mind. They ran through the forest's path, searching for any sign of Voltaria. Ren and Nora were determined to find her, wanting to embrace her for all the years of torment she's been through, wanting to save her. Suddenly, a red Ursa came out of nowhere and attacked them. Before Ruby could do anything, Ren and Nora charged at it. Ren turned his StormFlower into blades and slashed it with incredible speed before moving away and allowed Nora to slam her Magnhild at it with a battle cry, causing to get hit and was sent flying to the trees. Ruby and Flare, who was riding on Ruby's hoody, just stared in shock at this, amazed at how fast they were.

"Come on, Ruby! Don't lag off!" Nora called out as she and Ren searched.

"C-Coming!" Ruby chases after them, running back on track, "Ren, Nora, you know more about the Mineral Town's Forest than anyone, do you know where Volty would go when she was young?"

"We don't know." Ren confesses, running through the forest. "We left the town to live with my uncle when Virgo turned two. Unless..."

"The fortress!" Nora exclaims as she remembered something when they were young, "When we were still living with Panny, Toren, and Virgo, we went to the forest and found a tree cave we called the fortress! We always go there to play or have picnics."

"And that's where we should go. I know Pandora would take Virgo there to show the good times we had." Ren said to Ruby.

"Okay, lead the way!" Ruby said as Ren and Nora showed her the direction.

Meanwhile, Jaune uses his Crocea Mors to slash a green Ursa away before using his shield to block its attack. He struggles to hold on as the negative emotion that manifests into an Ursa was pushing him down. But he soon heard a little girl's voice within the green Ursa.

"It's all my fault..."

"What?" Jaune questions this in confusion.

Suddenly, Pyrrha came out of nowhere and kicked the Ursa away from Jaune, "Jaune! Are you okay?!" She asked in concern.

"I...I heard her voice." Jaune could say, making Pyrrha confused.

"Jaune, what are you talking about?" Pyrrha asked in confusion.

"I heard Virgo's or Voltaria's voice when she was little...she sounded guilty."

"It's her negative emotions." Regina said, sending a red Beringel away from her, "Voltaria blames herself for her mother's death, because she saw the future when she was young, she didn't know what it meant until it was too late. She believes that it was her fault that her mother died."

"But she was just a little girl!" Blake exclaimed, shooting a grey Creep away with her Gambol Shroud, "She didn't know about it! She can't blame herself!"

"We've been trying to tell her that, but she won't listen." Tabitha said, dodging a purple Death Stalker before Wraith punched it hard on its head.

"Kid still blames herself for her mother's death. That's why she blocked all her emotions, so she won't remember her failure for not saving her mother." Wraith said before yelling as he tosses the purple Death Stalker to a red Beowolf.

"But still, she can't blame herself! It wasn't her fault!" Yang said, yelling as she blocked the claws of a black Beringel. They all fought Voltaria's negative emotions, hearing her little voice filled with anger, sadness, and guilt.

"I should've helped mommy!"

"Why did they do it!?"

"I don't want to be alone!"

"It's my fault she died!"

"I should've known!"

As Voltaria's negative emotions surround them, Ren, Nora, and Ruby reach their destination. On a clearing, there was a huge tree that had a hollow opening. The surrounding area was lifeless, no flowers and the ground were grey and dead.

"This is it." Ren said, looking at the fortress.

"Do you hear that?" Nora questions them, hearing a small cry inside the hollow tree. "I hear someone crying!"

"Could it be Volty?" Ruby asked.

"Could be, let's check-LOOK OUT!" Ren warned as they quickly dodged an unknown creature.

As they recovered, they discovered that this wasn't a negative emotion that manifested into a Grimm. Instead, it was an unknown entity with formless shape and appeared like a black smoke with two reddish spots similar to eyes.

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"What is that thing?!" Ren pointed his StormFlower at it.

Flare started ringing rapidly, terrified at it, Ruby's eyes widened as she understood what Flare meant, "It's a Seelenlos! The entity that always kills! Regina warned us about it!"

"It must've somehow sneaked past Hannibal and Blood Moon!" Ren said, ready to fire, "I think it's trying to get to Virgo!"

"Not on my watch!" Nora yelled as she used her Magnhild to fire some rounds at it, but it dodged and attacked her. Nora then turns her Magnhild to hammer and lets out a battle cry before being able to hit it, sending it crashing to the trees. They thought Nora got it, but it soon lets out a strange shriek-like scream that could shatter their eardrums. Soon, it began to sprout a mouth with sharp teeth. They were shocked that it could do that, but what's more shocking is that more came out of nowhere, wanting to get out of their world and wreak havoc in the living.

"Ren! Nora! Go wake up Volty! I'll hold them off!" Ruby said, readying her Crescent Rose.

"Right! Stay strong, Ruby!" Nora encourages as she and Ren run towards the tree.

"Hang on, Flare!" Ruby said as she battled the Seelenlos, dodging and shooting at them the best way she could.

Ren and Nora quickly went to the hollow of the tree and saw darkness inside, but they could hear a small cry inside that belonged to Virgo. They even heard her whispering.

"It's all my fault...Mommy's gone because of me...I should've helped her...I could've saved her...I'm so useless..."

"Virgo..." Ren whispers out, feeling sadness and guilt towards her, knowing that she's been through much, "It wasn't your fault that Pandora died."

"But I saw it...I saw it happening before it could even begin...I should've prevented it...I could've saved her!"

As she screamed, the world around them started to shake, the sky began to crack like glass and slowly darkened. Ruby fends off the Seelenlos, but they surround her, like they were going for the kill, and once they do so, they will go get their new host. Flare warns Ruby about their plan since she could understand entities, and Ruby will not have it.

"Oh, no you're not! Volty is not your weapon!" Ruby said and her eyes began to emit red aura flames.

Soon enough, a powerful wind came out of nowhere, and blew the Seelenlos away from them, causing Ruby to grin in satisfaction. She didn't think that the maiden's power would actually work here, but it did! However, before she could celebrate, a huge piece of glass fell next to her, causing both Ruby and Flare to shriek in fear. They were not the only ones, the others were also dealing with this similar experience as huge chunks of glass fell from the sky to dream, nearly crushing them or crushing the negative emotions.

"What's going on?!" Yang yelled, dodging an incoming glass shard.

Regina formed a shield around them, bouncing off any shards that come at them, "It's Voltaria, she's breaking herself! If continues this, she will not only lose herself, but will open a gateway for the Seelenlos to get in and use her!"

"Crap! We need to move!" Wade said, readying his gun.

Everyone agrees and readies themselves while Yang looks in the direction where her sister is, "Hurry, Ruby." She prayed quietly before Regina opened the field and allowed them to fight.

Meanwhile, Ruby continues fending off the Seelenlos while Ren and Nora were trying to convince Voltaria's inner mind to let go. "Virgo, you can't blame this, yes, you could have predicted it. But when you were young, you didn't know what it was."

"You don't understand, mommy's never coming back because it's all my fault that she's gone...I'm the reason for her death..." Little Virgo said, crying.

Both Ren and Nora stared at the darkness, ignoring the falling glass and the Seelenlos that were being crushed at them, "That's where you are wrong. We do understand you...we feel your loss...and your pain." Ren said to her.

Soon, the forest shifted to reveal a scene of a young Ren living a happy life in a village called Kuroyuri with both his parents, Li Ren and An Ren. It was a happy memory until a Grimm Attack happened, many fled or were killed by the Grimms, Ren was able to escape along with a young Nora, who was abandoned by her mother there in the village before it was attacked, and the two worked together to survive after escaping Kuroyuri. But soon, they were found by Pandora Twilight, who took them under her wing, raising them with Toren. Giving them comfort and love along with her daughter. They all suffered hardship and lost but found happiness in the end.

"We lost and suffered like you, Virgo." Ren said to her in the darkness, "But we gain happiness in the end."

"Wh...what do you mean?"

"They may be gone, but they're always with us, right here." Ren placed his hand on his chest, where his heart is. "We carry them in our hearts, forever. Even if we can't change the past, we can always change the future."

"And you're not alone." Nora added with a smile, "You opened up to us and brought us together to stop Cinder's plan and...and reunite again. You don't have to hide anymore."

"But...if I don't then..."

"You don't to worry." Ruby said, coming over to them after the Seelenlos were trapped in the glass that fell on them, "You don't have to take all this burden on your own. You have us to help you along the way. I mean, you accomplished so much, making new friends, helping others, and...always being there for us. And now, we're here for you."

"...As a friend?"

That's when Ren shook his head, giving her a small smile, " a family." He said softly as outstretches his hand at her, "You can live a life without being scared, you can be free to be who you want to be."

There was hesitation within the shadow, as if she was thinking. They were patient as they waited for her answer. But as they waited, one of Seelenlos was struggling to break free, needing to escape, trying to prevent her from healing herself.

"...What do I...what do I need to do?" Little Virgo asked in the darkness.

Ren spoke in a calm and gentle voice, "You just have to let go and move on." Ren holds up his hand, "So? Are you ready?"

They heard shuffling from the inside, like she was getting up, this however caused the Seelenlos to break free and charge after them, trying to prevent them from waking the girl up. But it was too late. Soon, Little Virgo emerged from the darkness of the tree and embraced Ren, who returned the embrace along with Nora and Ruby. And with that, Flare emitted a powerful light that engulfs them while sending the Seelenlos and the glass shards away. Soon, the light consumes the entire dream realm of Voltaria, ridding the Seelenlos and the negative emotions. Once it was cleared, everyone found themselves in a field of flowers and in the center was a huge tree that was filled with life. But what's more shocking was a giant flaming phoenix above the tree, it emitted beautiful colors of red, gold, and orange.

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And the sky was filled with a colorful aurora. They were shocked and amazed by this but soon cut off when they saw Ren, Nora, and Ruby hugging little Virgo, who hugs back and was crying. They quickly came to them to see if they were okay. Luckily, they weren't hurt, they were just embracing each other. As they let go, little Virgo looks at everyone, eyes still with tears, as she sniffles a bit, as if she was guilty of causing trouble.

"I'm sorry..." She apologizes to them, which earned gentle smiles from the group.

"Hey, it's okay, V." Wade said gently, patting her head gently. "You've been through a tough life."

"Yeah, and besides, it was kind of cool beating up your negative emotions." Yang said with a grin, earning a gentle elbow from Blake.

"You can let go of your traumatic past and move on." Glynda said towards the little girl.

Little Virgo nods her head, "I know, and I will..."

Soon, Flare's giant phoenix form lands close to them and lets out a shriek, "Wow! Flare! You're huge!"

"How did this happen?" Ren asked curiously, still holding little Virgo.

"Simple really." Regina said as she smiled at Flare's phoenix form. "Love and acceptance trigger her to activate this form, thus stopping the Seelenlos."

"So, cool..." Ruby said before noticing at a distance. "Woah..."

They followed her gaze and were shocked to see that Voltaira, in her Semblance form, was standing a few feet from them. She stares at them blankly as she looks towards Virgo, who looks back at her, before the older girl outstretches her hand. Regina knew it was time for her young self to accept the changes.

"I believe it is time for you all to go now." Regina said to them.

"Are you sure?" Blake asked, wanting to stay and help.

"It is time for our young mistress to finally accept her emotions back." Regina answered with a smile.

"Her...emotions?" Weiss asked.

"Indeed, little Virgo you see, is actually her emotions that locked away. And is time for her to be whole again." Regina explains softly.

Ren looked at Voltaria and then to Virgo, she was looking at her older version with a mixed expression. Ren gently pats her head, causing the little girl to look at him. " can do it." He encourages her with a smile, which she returns.

"I know...I'm not scared anymore." She whispers to him before getting up as she heads towards her older form.

"Get on Flare." Tabitha said to the group, "What's going to happen here must be resolved by her."

Glynda nodded her head, "Very well." She said as she and the others got on Flare.

Ruby looks over towards little Virgo facing her older self calmly, "Wake up soon, Volty." Ruby whispers before Flare takes off, leaving the dream realm.

Voltaria looks down at little Virgo and brings her hand out to her,"Are you ready?"She asked.

Little Virgo took a deep breath and sigh, looking towards her, and then accepting her hand, "I'm ready..."

And with that, the world turns to white.

Ruby lets out a gasp as she shoots up from her bed in her hospital room. She was panting like crazy as beads of sweats rolled down her forehead. She looked towards the cloak and saw it was midnight. After calming herself, Ruby remembers the event that transpired with the dream realm. She quickly got off her bed and ran out of her room, stumbling in the process, as she got and went towards Voltaria's room. Opening the door, Ruby was greeted at the sight of Voltaria, sitting up from her bed, looking at the shattered moon from her window. Ruby notices that she was holding her mask in her hand, which confuses her in the process. But soon stopped when Voltaria turned to her, revealing her face and her sapphire blue eyes. A single tear falls from her eye as she stares towards Ruby.

"Ruby...thank you." She whispers towards her friend.

Smiling in relief, Ruby went towards her friend and hugged her, who later returned the hug, "That's what friends are for..." Ruby whispers, eyes closed as she smiles happily, knowing just saved her friend from danger.

On the next day, General Ironwood was walking through the halls of the hospital, with some Atlesian Knights following him. He was there to pick up Voltaria, transferring her to Atlas for security measure. Upon arrival, he saw Ozpin was already there, talking with the doctor.

"I'm sorry, Professor Ozpin, but this girl is already going to be transferred soon. There's nothing I can do to stop it." The male doctor said to Ozpin.

Ozpin sighs as he looks towards Ironwood, coming from the hall with his knight, "I would recommend you reconsider letting Ms. Voltaria Eclipse go, she is just a child." Ozpin said in a calm tone.

"Ozpin, the council has decided, it is time we take drastic measures." Ironwood said as he looked at the doctor with a nod. The doctor obeyed and opened the door to reveal Voltaria's room, but to their shock, Voltaria was not even in here!

"What?!" The doctor exclaims as he enters the room. "She's gone!"

"How is it possible?" Ironwood asked the doctor, "You said that she was still in a coma."

"She was! But she is gone! I just checked on her this morning, she was still asleep!"

As the doctor and Ironwood talk, Ozpin notices a piece of paper on the desk with a black chess piece of a knight standing on top of it. He picks up the chess piece and observes it before placing it down and picks up the paper and sees a message. He hums a bit as he looks over to Ironwood, "It appears that Ms. Eclipse has left us a message."

Ironwood turns to him and is about to ask but stops when he notices Ozpin holding the paper. The professor hands it over to Ironwood, who takes it, before reading the message that was written on it.

Better luck next time.

"...She knew." Ironwood mutters out, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"It seems so, she disappeared right under our noses yet again." Ozpin walked towards the window as he watched some Bullheads take to the sky. "I believe she might be gone for a while."

Ironwood looks at his friend seriously, "What do you mean?"

"Ms. Eclipse is many things, but thing for sure, she will return to Vale, and help us with the battle against Salem." Ozpin said to the general while staring out the window.

"Then where did she-" Ironwood was cut off when a female nurse came into the room.

"Doctor! Patients Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai! They...they..."

"What's wrong?! Did they escape?!" The doctor asked in panic.

"No! They...they turned into crystals." The nurse said, shocking them in the process, "I was going to check on them when I saw them turned to crystals! I didn't even know it was possible!"

"Oh, dear, I need to check on them, excuse me." The doctor said, leaving the room with the nurse.

As they watched them leave, both Ozpin and Ironwood looked at each other with suspicion, "You don't think she..." Ironwood was cut off when he received a message from one of his soldiers, "This Ironwood...WHAT?!"

"What is it?" Ozpin asked the general.

"The crystallized Roman Torchwick, he's gone." Ironwood said to Ozpin with narrowed eyes, "Security footage did not catch anything on who took him, no one, other than the scientists, could get in or out without passing security." Ironwood then sighs as he pitches the bridge of his nose, "This is getting more and more difficult."

"Indeed, each task always has another mystery." Ozpin said as he looked at the empty room of Voltaria's, "But right now, we solve one problem at time, for we need to finish repairing Vale as soon as possible."

Ironwood, even though he wanted answers, had no choice but to agree to see. But he will get his answers and he knows that Voltaria has the answers he seeks.

Somewhere at the West of Vale is the Island of Patch, small yet relatively secluded island with heavy forested areas that is infested with Grimm, which only contained Beowolves and some Ursas. Even though there are Grimms there, it was safe enough for a town to be built and for the people to build a combat school which is Signal Academy. This island is also home of both Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose and were raised by their single dad, Taiyang Xiao Long.

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Speaking of Taiyang, the single father was in his home, which is the Xiao Long-Rose Cabin, and doing some cleaning up. The cabin is located in a forest on the island of Patch, it wasn't far from town, only a ten to fifteen walk there.

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Anyways, after Taiyang finished cleaning up, he heard a knock from the door. Taiyang went towards the door and opened it, and then he smiled widely to see his two daughters grinning at him.

"Hey, dad!" Both Ruby and Yang greeted their dad happily.

"Girls! You're back, thank goodness!" Taiyang said in relief, before being embraced by his daughters. He was so worried about them. After he heard the news of the Grimm invasion, he thought he lost them like his wife, Summer Rose. But they're okay and the city is slowly being rebuilt. As they let go, Taiyang gave his daughters a happy smile, "I'm so relieved that you girls are safe! After what happened from Vale and those Grimm..."

"It's okay, dad, everyone is safe and rescued." Yang said happily before remembering something, "Oh! Me and Ruby bought you some gifts!" She said as she and Ruby showed him their gifts to their dad, which made him smile, before she added, "Also...we have some friends that will be staying with us."

Taiyang looks at Yang with a raised brow, "What kind of friends?"

Ruby and Yang grinned as they moved aside to gesture at Voltaria, without her mask, and with her were the hybrids, Amaryllis & Ripper, awaiting with her. Taiyang was surprised by this, especially seeing two dinosaur-like beings with them. He looks at his daughters in confusion and shock as they give their dad an assuring look.

"Dad, this is our friend, Voltaria Eclipse, she helped us fight off the Girmms at Vale. And also, we raised two hybrid dinosaurs when we found them as eggs." Ruby said with a sheepish smile in the end before she looked at her dad. "She has nowhere to go and what you saw on TV...people will go after her, so...can they stay?"

Taiyang thinks about it as he looks towards Voltaria, she has her head down and is looking at the ground. He could tell that she was tired and needed a place to stay. As if she's been through a rough path. He then looked at Amaryllis and Ripper. The two hybrid dinosaurs were looking at Taiyang curiously, like they know that he's the alpha here and the father of both Mamma Red and Auntie Goldie (Yang). So, they have to treat Taiyang with the utmost respect. Both Amaryllis and Ripper lowered their heads in submissions as well as greeting him. Taiyang was surprised by their action before looking towards Voltaria, who still didn't look at him, and understood that they are not bad people. So, with his decision made, Taiyang gave Voltaria a kind smile before placing a hand on her head, causing Voltaria to look at him.

"Thank you for helping my daughters." Taiyang said kindly, "You can live with us as long as you want."

"Are you sure? I...I can find somewhere else to stay." Voltaria suggested.

"No way, V. We already agree that you need a place to stay." Yang said to Voltaria, remembering how they all agreed that she should stay with them in Patch with Amaryllis and Ripper, for safety reasons and to keep her and the hybrids in low profile. Till the media dies down a bit and Ironwood stops thinking about Voltaria as a threat, she can go back to Beacon, with backup.

"And besides! We've got an extra room for you to stay! Plus, it'll be nice to get to know you more!" Ruby said happily.

"...I...I...I don't know what to say but..." Voltaria takes a deep breath and looks at them calmly, "...Thank you."

Taiyang smiles at her, "You're welcome. Now, why don't we show you to your room and you can set your things there."

"To be honest, I don't have much, I just travel places with little items." Voltaria said to them.

"Oh! We have our old clothes!" Yang said with a grin, "They'll fit you just fine! Or better yet, let's go shopping to buy you new clothes! I'll call AJ! She knows about fashion better than anyone."

"...Yeah...I'm good. Thanks anyways," Voltaria said calmly, but appreciates her offer.

"Okay, come on! Let's show you to your new room!" Yang said as she brought Voltaria in with Taiyang following them from behind.

Ruby looked over to Amaryllis and Ripper and said, "You guys can look around the house, after Volty's settled in, let's explore the forest and find a nice place to make your nest!"

Both Amaryllis and Ripper roared in agreement, happy that they could stay with their pack. Since Kurama and Amber returned back to Mineral Town, they suggested that both Amaryllis and Ripper stayed at Patch with Ruby and Voltaria since they are now in a secluded area far from the city. Plus, they can be close to them now.

Ruby smiles at them before looking at her hoody, "Ready to see you new home, Flare?" Flare the dream flame nodded happily. Since she bonded with Ruby, she's allowed to leave the dream realm.

Hmm...Regina hummed in Voltaria's mind.

"Is there something in your mind, Regina?"Voltaria asked her.

Nothing much, but I feel like this will be a nice change of pace for you, mistress.

Voltaria couldn't help but nod her head in agreement as Yang and Ruby showed Voltaria her room where she will be sleeping, "It is...nice to have a home for once."

Tabitha agrees,And the best part, you can contact Ren and Nora anytime you want. But in a private channel.

You know...this gonna be hard to get used to.Wraith said to them,Having them in our pack is somewhat...I don't...good I guess?

Regina chuckled,It seems that you've become soft, Wraith.

Shut up, Regina.

Me like it here.Hannibal said happily.

"Yeah..."Voltaria said in agreement, looking at Yang and Ruby, who begins showing her around their home with Taiyang watching in amusem*nt as a small smile forms on her face. "I like it here too."


The Infraworld is from the game Beyond: Two Souls. The bad entities I called them 'Seelenlos' which is German for Soulless.

Chapter 19: Voltaria's Life in Patch

Chapter Text

Song for this chapter: Song

Somewhere in Mistral, there was a large flat plain with mountains in the distance, lying on a simple farm. It consists of a barn and a house. Along with a water pump that supplies the water for the field and the residents. There's a road in front of the farm with a fence that needs repairs. The driveway meets the road at a junction with another road, creating a crossroads. It was a simple farm, nothing fancy and all, as it provides vegetables and grains. Now, the ones working there are two relatives, consisting of a woman and her nephew. They lived close by to a town, going there to sell some of their crops and veggies.

Speaking of which, a teenage boy with freckles and hazel eyes emerges from the loft of a barn and climbs down a ladder. He is wearing patched khaki pants, a white shirt, and orange suspenders and gloves. Tucked into his pocket is an orange-based multi-colored cloth. The teen is named Oscar Pines, he lives a simple yet solitude life in the barn with his aunt, Olivia Pines, he works hard in the barn, to help provide for him and his aunt. But there was a secret that no one, not even his aunt, knew about.

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Soon, Oscar then opens the barn door to a peaceful country scene with a rising sun and birds tweeting. White mountains are a background to a dirt road, grass, a few trees, and a green water pump. Oscar could help but smile as he went to the water pump to pump water into a blue bucket. As his gaze wanders the landscape, he becomes distracted from the pump and utters a quiet sound of surprise upon realizing he has overfilled the bucket. His shoulders fall with a sigh, knowing that he should pay attention in his work.

Later, Oscar was shutting and turning a green compost tumbler that is marked with a yellow crown bearing the initials CK. While hoeing rows in a garden, he suddenly straightens up and looks out into the distance to hear the sound of blowing wind. Oscar found it strange, but he later shrugs it off and continues his work.

About a few hours later, Oscar finished his work and now he headed to town to do some trading in local markets. He made good trading and got some items, materials, and lots of meat. Yup, I mean a lot of meat that could feed an entire family. It even surprises the local butcher, Frank, who has mocha skin, brown eyes, and black hair, to be surprised by Oscar's sudden love of meat.

"Woah, Oscar, I didn't know you love meat so much." Frank said to Oscar.

Oscar made a sheepish smile towards Frank, "Well, actually, I'm using some of the meat to keep the predators off the chicken coops."

"That's smart, but you do realize it won't stop the real predators, right?" Frank asked Oscar, who suddenly became silent.

"I know...Grimm." Oscar whispers out, knowing about the monsters that threatened their home. "Aunt Olivia always told me not to venture through the forest."

"Frank, you better not be scaring that poor boy." An elderly woman said, coming towards the two males.

"Sorry, Mrs. Moynihan, I'm just worried that's all." Frank apologizes with a sigh, "Ever since what happened to Vale, everyone seems to be on edge."

"Yeah, a crazy person is trying to commit genocide." A male Tiger Faunus said, coming towards them with a newspaper in hand. "The whole world is talking about it."

"Really?" Oscar asked Tiger Faunus in shock.

"That, and the two mysterious dinosaurs, and the giant crystals that have basically a giant shield that formed beyond the borders." He said to Oscar.

"Man, I heard about that." Frank said. "The news said that these crystals are like the new defense in the Kingdom of Vale. No Grimms could enter, and everyone wants a piece of it."

"I heard that, but many tried to get a sample, ended up getting electrocuted by those crystals, scientists are still figuring out how to extract them." The Tiger Faunus said, giving Frank the newspaper.

"Oh, dear, I hope they'll be all right." Mrs. Moynihan said in concern. "I know for a fact that those crystals can protect us from the Grimms, but do they even know how to use it?"

"Hopefully, they can, 'cause with those crystals, it can protect us from any Grimm attack." Frank said before he looked at the picture of the two dinos on the front page, "Damn, can't believe their dinosaurs walking among us?"

"I know, right? I couldn't stop looking at them in the news!" Tiger Faunus said in agreement. "My wife and I still can't believe that there are dinosaurs here."

"Tell me about it." Frank said with a sigh, "When my kids saw those dinos, they wanted one as a pet instead of a dog."

Mrs. Moynihan chuckles, "Children these days, always going for bigger pets." She joked as the adults chuckled. Oscar, on the other hand, was lost in thoughts, as if he was busy thinking about something. Noticing this, Mrs. Moynihan looked at him in concern, "Oscar? Is something wrong, dearie?"

Oscar was able to snap out from his trance as he looked at Mrs. Moynihan with an assuring smile, "Sorry, I was lost in thoughts, that's all."

"Is it about those dinos or the giant crystals?" Frank asked the teen.

"Both, I guess, I mean. It's amazing that dinosaurs are still alive." Oscar said with amazement in his eyes.

Frank chuckles, "Yeah, it's amazing, but some part of me wishes that they're not more of those. I admit they're amazing looking, but I hope they're not a threat to us like the Grimm."

"Well, from what I read, they only attack you think they were trained?" The Tiger Faunus asked.

"By what? Atlas Military? I doubt it. From what I heard; Atlas didn't know about these dinos until the first Grimm attack in Vale." Frank said.

"Well, wherever they came from, Vale is somewhat indebted to them for saving the lives of thousands." Mrs. Moynihan said, which they all agreed.

"Yeah...although, I wonder what happened to that Grimm Girl." Frank said.

Oscar looked at Frank and asked, "Isn't that the girl that could talk to Grimm?"

"Yeah, she's the one that found out about the culprits that were trying to destroy Vale. People say she is a hero of some kind or a spy." Frank said.

"Oh, now, don't give any bad ideas to that girl. She just saves an entire city by warning them about the danger." Mrs. Moynihan said to Frank.

"I know, I know, I just never thought that girl could be a hero." Frank said.

"Yeah, I only heard that she appears and disappears, and would take down any bounties or bounty hunters that were after her." The Tiger Faunus said.

"Well...maybe she had a change of heart." Mrs. Moynihan said.

Oscar agrees with her, thinking that if it wasn't for the mysterious Grimm Girl, lives would've been lost. Just then, Oscar notices the time, realizing that he was late for something. "Oh, I gotta go, I have to get the crops ready." Oscar leaves while waving at the adults, "See you guys later!"

"All right, stay safe, Oscar!" Frank called out, waving at him.

"And stay clear from the forest! People have been hearing about some Grimm wandering around the area!" The Tiger Faunus said to Oscar.

"I will!" Oscar said, carrying the items and headed out.

But instead of going back to the farm, Oscar secretly went to the forest to a secret path that was kept hidden. Oscar went deep within the woods outside of the town, carefully making sure that he wasn't spotted by any huntsmen or Grimm. Once he was clear, Oscar made his way to a huge rocky wall that had a curtain of plants. And within the plants was a hidden opening of a cave. Oscar takes out what appears to be a glowstick and uses it as his source of light, and ventures into the cave. Upon doing so, the cave revealed itself to be a tunnel. It was dark and had stalagmites growing on the ground, people would've been terrified by this since there could be Grimms in there. But Oscar has been coming here often and knew there was no Grimms, but something else. Something that no one, not even his aunt, knows about. Soon, after reaching the other side.

Hidden within the rocky walls of the rock pit was a beautiful cove. It is surrounded by forest rocks, trees, roots, and a pond full of fish. With a vast waterfall gathering a pool of water. Oscar smiles at the beautiful scenery, finding tranquility and peace here. Taking a deep breath and exhaling, Oscar went up a rocky platform and set his bag down, and then took out a huge piece of meat. He looks up with a smile on his face as he tosses the meat, and then something catches the meat and starts eating it.

"I was in town today." Oscar said to the unknown creature, tossing another meat, which it ate. "They were talking about the two dinosaurs again. Helping the students fight off the Girmm." A rumble came as a reply, making Oscar chuckle at this, "I wonder if we can meet them. I mean, it would be nice to meet other dinos. Don't you agree?"

Oscar looks at his companion with a kind smile, looking towards what appears to be a dino, but not just any dino, a hybrid dino. This particular hybrid stood tall, taller than Amaryllis. It has the frill and horns of a Triceratops, head and body of a Tyrannosaurus, arms and legs of a Velociraptor, the back armor of an Ankylosaurus, and a spine-tipped tail of a Stegosaurus. Its skin is primarily gray with a light-yellow underbelly, black stripes on its back and armor plating, yellow markings surrounding the eyes, and a red head and feet. The way the lime green eyes are placed on the head gives it the binocular vision of a Tyrannosaurus.

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This hybrid was given a name by his friend, Oscar. The young farm boy found some books of dinosaurs and how they were named. Oscar did try to find what species this dinosaur was but couldn't find it in the books. So, Oscar decided to give his own species name since he discovered it and using a dictionary and some science books that he has, he named this hybrid, the Ultimasaurus, which means Ultimate lizard. And his hybrid friend approved of this.

Oscar smiles as the Ultimasaurus lowered his head, allowing the farm boy to pat his snout gently, "So...what shall we do today?" Oscar asked his friend kindly.

At the Island of Patch, Voltaria was sleeping on a bed in the spare room of the Xiao Long Cabin. Her mask was on the nightstand and her hair was down, revealing to be long hair that reached her back. It's been long since she slept in peace, Voltaria finds it relaxing. She's currently living with Ruby, Yang, and their father, Taiyang. They were kind enough to let her and her entities stay with them. After all, she needs to be hidden from General Ironwood, who is currently searching for her. She wasn't the only one that they were looking for. They were also searching for Amaryllis and Ripper. People wanted to know who these dinos were and scientists wanted to study them. But they are safe and sound in the Island of Patch. Kurama, who learned about her whereabouts, would go to her dream, informing her that everyone in Mineral Town, including Amber, are safe and sound. No threat has yet to arrive. Much to Voltaria's relief.

Soon, Voltaria opens her eyes when she hears gentle grunts from her window. Sitting up, Voltaria gets out of bed, wearing a big baggy nightshirt, heading towards the window, opening it to reveal Amaryllis the Indominus Rex, greeting her mother gently. Voltaria couldn't help but slightly smile at Amaryllis, feeling slightly relaxed now after the whole incident at Vale.

"Good morning, Amaryllis, did you and Ripper have a good night's sleep?" Voltaria asked the white hybrid gently, scratching the snout of the Indominus gently, earning purrs of delight in the process.

Oh, she and Ripper enjoyed their sleep. It's been nice to have the pack together. They live in a huge forest area, surrounded by good prey (animal meat not Human or Faunus), big territory to explore, and best of all, a hidden area where they could all train together! It was a delightful event for her and her brother. They would not want to move to another territory to hide since Patch has many caves and hidden forest for them to hide. Life here is paradise for both her and Ripper.

"By the way, where's Ripper?" Voltaria suddenly asked Amaryllis.

Before the Indominus Rex could reply, there was a knock on the door downstairs. Luckily, Taiyang was there since he got up to make breakfast, but he heard the door knocking and decided to check it. "I'll get it!" Taiyang said, going towards the door.

But as he opened it, there was no one there. Taiyang was confused until he noticed a dead boar in front of the door. This surprised and shocked the blonde male, he wasn't expecting to see this. He then spotted Ripper from an afar, hiding within the undergrowth, watching him. Taiyang was confused by Ripper's behavior, he's been acting like this since they arrived three days ago.

"He's offering you a gift." Voltaria appears besides Taiyang, scaring the male in the process.

"AH!" Taiyang yelped before calming down when he realized that it was Voltaria, he calmed down. "Phew! You startled me."

"My apologies, Mr. Xiao Long, I didn't mean to startle you." Voltaria apologizes.

"No need, and I told you, just call me Tai." Taiyang assures her, "But what do you mean by him offering me a gift?"

Hearing this, Voltaria explains the reason for Ripper's behavior. "Both he and Amaryllis know that you are the alpha of this territory. They will do anything to get your utmost respect."

Taiyang blinks in surprise before chuckling, "They don't need to do that! I'm happy to let them stay here."

"Well, it is in their instincts." Voltaria said to Taiyang, who chuckled again.

"At least they brought us some breakfast." Taiyang said with a smile, "Besides, they're like family."

"You should probably tell that to Ripper." Voltaria said before looking at the dead boar. "We'll clean this up for you. Hannibal, if you please?"

With that, a shadowy mist absorbs the boar's carcass before it is segregated on the counter, from meats, bones, and hides. And the guts were eaten by Hannibal. Taiyang was impressed by how thoroughly Hannibal was when it came to this.

"Wow, he sure knows what to do." Taiyang compliments.

"You have no idea." Voltaria said calmly.

Just then, Yang and Ruby came downstairs, yawning and rubbing their eyes tiredly. Flare the Dream Flame was tiredly floating beside Ruby, wearing an adorable nightcap. The two sisters were wearing their pajamas and just woke up. Taiyang smiles at his daughters, "Mornin', girls!"

"Morning, dad! Morning V." Both sisters said in unison while yawning before noticing the meat, bones, and hides on the counter.

"Wow, dad! Did you go out hunting?" Yang asked her dad.

"Wha-oh, no, no, it wasn't me, it was actually Ripper." Taiyang said to his daughter, telling them what Voltaria told him, "He's been trying to get my respect by offering me this boar. And I think Ama is gonna do the same thing."

"Aww! Rippy, you don't have to do that!" Ruby said through the open door to see Ripper hiding within the undergrowth. "Dad accepts you! You don't have to give him gifts!"

Ripper made small roars, indicating that he was saying that he has too. Taiyang finds it amusing and lets out a small chuckle, "Tell you what, Rippy, if I ever need some boar meat, I'll tell you, okay?"

Agreeing to this, Ripper nodded his head and made his way to the front door, allowing Taiyang to pet his snout, which Ripper let out happy purrs. Anyways, the family, Flare (who eats some small biscuits), and Voltaria had breakfast along with Amaryllis and Ripper, who hunted down some boars and ate them outside, next to the dining area. Once they are done, Voltaria helps Taiyang with the dishes with Ruby, Yang, and Flare while Amaryllis and Ripper clean up their mess by hiding the bones in a distant area and burying them. Once they were done, Yang opened the projection for the news that was broadcasting, so they could see what's happening on Vale. Turns out, different news reporters explained that Vale is slowly recovering, buildings and areas are restored, the CCT is being repaired, and many people are returning because of this. They mentioned that Atlas was helping bit by bit of this, as an excuse for General Ironwood to find any clues about Voltaria, which he finds none so far. Just then, Lisa Lavender came to the scene.

-Multiple rumors continue to circulate as to who was behind the attacks at the Vytal Festival Tournament.-The screen shows anchor Lisa Lavender and the VNN logo. The caption below her reads: WHITE FANG MEMBER, ADAM TAURUS, PRESENT DURING BEACON GRIMM ATTACK.-While no one knows for sure, officials have confirmed that high-ranking White Fang member, Adam Taurus...-Adam's image appears on the screen at his name being spoken,:..was present for the attack. However, authorities found what appears to be his remains in Beacon. He was gruesomely disemboweled, they are yet to learn what have caused this, but they believe it to Grimm or the two dinosaurs.:

Yang slightly cringes as she and Blake witness Adam's demise after Hannibal drains his energy and Ripper tears him apart. It was the only way for him to save them. But she still felt bad that they didn't stop Ripper. Voltaria, on the other hand, was annoyed that Ironwood is still looking for her. She knows that he sent Atlas Military to assist Vale as an excuse to search for her. And she is not too pleased by this.

-In later news, people wonder about the whereabouts of the Grimm Girl who mysteriously vanished after helping catch the assailant who threatened to destroy the city. Authorities are still searching, but they believe she left the city after these black crystals appeared from the ground.-The screen shows the images of all black crystals that were protecting the city.-Scientists believed that these crystals have a power force to prevent Grimms from entering the city. They continue to research about this as they have little known answer to these crystals. But they all agree that these crystals are the answer for all the kingdoms' new defense and Atlas is now on the search for the Grimm Girl...-

Yang instantly turns off the screen, annoyed that people are looking for her because of her ability. Ruby was worried about her friend's safety. But Voltaria, yeah, she was getting annoyed since Ironwood decided to find her now, hooray.

"I can't believe they're hunting V down like some kind of animal!" Yang exclaims in anger, "She just saved everyone's life!"

"Yang, it's not their own fault, they wanted to know how I got the information and maybe how I made those crystals." Voltaria said to Yang calmly, "After all, they are powerful enough to repel against Grimm."

"Yeah, but still, you deserve to have a peaceful life for once." Ruby said to her friend with Flare resting on her shoulder.

Voltaria shrugs, "Well, there's nothing much I can do now to stay hidden."

"No way, V, we already made plans on going to the market today and buying you new clothes. And supplies to the beach later." Yang reminded her.

And how are we gonna go to the market?Wraith said, appearing from the shadows along with the other entities,These people will somehow recognize the kid due to her hair and appearance. And wouldn't it be strange for a girl like her to appear out of nowhere?

Wraith has a point.Regina said, agreeing to Wraith,Even though she did not recognize her face, they will learn about her soon.

"Is there an alternative?" Ruby asked them, hoping to give Voltaria a chance to explore their home.

"Yeah, can we just disguise her?" Taiyang suggested, "That way, no one will recognize her."

"That sounds like a great idea, dad!" Yang said in agreement.

"Yeah! And we can pretend that Volty's our relative." Ruby said happily.

...And how are we gonna pull this off?Wraith asked the two sisters. But instantly regrets it when both Yang and Ruby were grinning ear to ear as he slowly realizes what's their plan.Oh, gods...

Later in the marketplace, Taiyang and his daughters were walking through the busy street. With them was Voltaria, wearing a disguise. Her black with white and red streaks has been dyed to a golden blonde and is tied into twin buns. Her attire consists of a red shirt, black loose shorts, red boots, a single long black glove on her right arm, and a black belt with a golden buckle.

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She still wears her Grimm Holder as an accessory, people will not recognize it since it was hidden within her hood before. And as for the two hybrids, they're hidden within the forest, accompanied by Flare and Zwei.

"Good morning, Taiyang!" A chubby dark skin woman greeted from her stand, selling fruits and veggies.

"Hello, Roberta, how are you doing?" Taiyang greeted her warmly.

"Doing great! And seeing both Ruby and Yang alright makes me feel relieved." Roberta said happily, "After hearing the news, I was worried that both of them got hurt in the crossfire!"

"Oh, don't worry, Roberta, me and Ruby came out without a scratch!" Yang said with a grin with Ruby cheering in agreement.

Roberta smiles at her, "I know." She then spotted Voltaria behind them, "Oh, who's this?"

Both Ruby and Yang grinned and brought Voltaria in front of her proudly like some kind of prize, "This is our cousin, Valerie Xiao Long!" Yang introduced her "cousin"happily.

"Your cousin?" Roberta asked in surprise.

Taiyang chuckles at his daughters' enthusiasm, "Yup, Valeria came from Mistral and is staying with us."

"Really? Why?" Roberta asked curiously.

"The city was a bit um...crowded for me." Voltaria said to Roberta. " parents...decided to let me live with my uncle and cousins."

Luckily, Roberta agreed with her, "I hear that, the city isn't my thing, I prefer a calm and yet quiet village. But in any case, welcome to Patch! I hope you'll enjoy living here."

Voltaria couldn't help but nod, "Yes, I will, thank you very much." She said as she respectfully bowed to her.

Roberta chuckles at her, "Such a well-mannered girl, wish my kids were like that." She joked, earning a laugh with Taiyang. "Anyways, what do you folks need?"

"Yup, I have the list I need." Taiyang said, taking out his list, before looking at his daughters, "Yang, Ruby, why don't you show Valerie around and buy some items along the way."

"You got it, dad!" Yang said with a grin as she picked up Voltaria around her waist like a sack, "Come on, V! To the clothing store!" She and Ruby cheered as they ran to the cloth shop, with a confused Voltaria being carried away while Roberta and Taiyang chuckled at their antiques.

Anyways, in the clothes store, Yang and Ruby were searching for good outfits for Voltaria. The two sisters were searching through various clothes, trying to find an awesome outfit for Voltaria. Yang prefers a punk looking outfit for Voltaria while Ruby suggested casual or cheery clothes. They would occasionally bicker on what outfit that Voltaria should wear since she was seen in her Gothic huntress outfit plus uniform, and nothing else.

I regret allowing those girls to do your disguise.Wraith said through her mind.

Well, they were persistent in getting her new outfits since she's staying with Ruby, Yang, and their father.Regina reminded Wraith.

Yeah, but don't you think they're a bit over their heads?Wraith gestures towards the two sisters, arguing that Voltaria looks cute on the outfits they pick.They're gonna dress her up like some kind of doll.

Don't worry, Wraith, they're doing this for her. I mean, it's not every day that Voltaria gets a new outfit, right?Tabitha said kindly.

I guess, but can they at least let her wear something, I don't know, less girly?Wraith said to the group.

It's up to our mistress's decision.Regina said.

I agree with Regina, what do you like, Voltaria?Tabitha asked but got no response.Voltaria?

They saw Voltaria looking at a dress that was on a mannequin. It was a blue sundress with white frills on the edge of the sleeves and bottom of the dress. Lavender color ribbons clipped on both sides of the sleeves and wrapped around the upper waist. It appears to be the same size for Voltaria. The young girl couldn't lay her eyes off the dress, it reminds her of the time that her mother would sew her handmade outfits. She's a very talented seamstress. Voltaria recalls the time when she tried to make a dress for her mom, she pricked her fingers more than once, and her mom would tend her wounds with a kind smile on her face. Voltaria briefly closes her eyes as she remembers her mom always calls her beautiful on the dresses that she made for her. She misses her mother so much.

"How much for this dress?" Voltaria suddenly asked the woman who happens to be a store clerk.

The woman looks at her kindly and tells her the price, "That would be five Liens."

Hearing this, Voltaria nodded and purchased the dress but before she did, she noticed both Yang and Ruby looking at her with wide eyes and adoration. Voltaria gave them a confused look as she noticed them looking between her and the dress a couple times, like they were expecting her to wear it. It didn't take long for Voltaria to realize that they wanted her to wear the dress. She wanted to decline, but since they were kind enough to let her stay, Voltaria agreed to wear it. So, in the changing room, Voltaria wore the dress. Her dyed blonde hair was down, revealing her long locks, and wears black sandals. It felt strange for Voltaria to wear a dress that wasn't made for combat but rather for relaxing. Before she could think further, she heard camera snapping sounds. Looking up, she saw Ruby and Yang taking out their Scrolls to take lots of pictures to send them to their friends. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, and they can't miss any of it!

"V, you look adorable!" Yang said, taking multiple pictures.

"Yeah!" Ruby agrees with her sister.

"..." Voltaria just stared at them for a while before looking at her reflection on the mirror wall. She got to admit, wearing something besides her huntress attire feels rather...nice. "Thanks..." She mutters out, but deep down, she enjoys this.

Later, after changing, Voltaria paid for the dress and some clothes that bought on the way, and headed to the store to buy some meat, spices, and materials. As they shopped, Voltaria notices a radio from one of the stands that sells liquors and wines. It was telling about the mysterious crystals and how Atlas personnel are searching for the Grimm Girl, believing that she has the answers they seek. Voltaria narrowed her eyes by the broadcast. She will have trouble going back to school since they are now tracking her, demanding to know her secret. But as she was about to walk away, she accidentally bumped into someone. Luckily, they didn't fall, and Voltaria didn't drop the bags.

"Woah! Sorry about that!" A male replied.

Voltaria, who was checking her items, nodded her head, "Actually, it's my fault, I should've paid attention to where I was...going..." Voltaria trailed off as she looked up and made eye contact with a pair of bright yellow eyes.

The one that she accidentally bumped into was a male Wolf Faunus, he's about two years two years older than her. He has long black hair that reaches to his shoulders and is tied, a pair of wolf ears on his head, and a black wolf tail. He wears a short black hooded cloak with a silver pin that is the shape of a wolf head, under it was a white button shirt that was untucked on his black pants, a single long black fingerless glove on his right arm, and brown combat boots. And has a small bag tucked to his waist with a brown belt.

Voltaria stared at him for a while, her expression remaining neutral, but her heart...her heart was beating strangely, like it was going to burst out from her chest. Because of this, Voltaria wasn't aware that she was staring at him for long until the boy noticed her stare.

"...Um...are you okay?" The Wolf Faunus asked Voltaria, who snaps out of her trance.

Voltaria looked at him and then nodded her head, "Y-Yeah...sorry for staring. It was very rude of me."

The boy Wolf Faunus smiles at her in assurance, "Nah, it's okay, I'm used to it." He said before looking at Voltaria, "You're not from here, are you?"

Voltaria raises a brow, "You can tell?"

The Wolf Faunus laughs a bit, "Yeah, I've seen familiar faces when I visit here in Patch, and you're the only face around here."

"So, it would seem." Voltaria said to him softly, "And I take it you don't live here? Considering that you said that you visited Patch."

The Wolf Faunus smiles at her, "True, I don't actually live here. My family are traders, we come by to Patch to trade items with them." He explains to Voltaria. "I'm actually born at Kuo Kuana, Menagerie."

Ah, yes, Kuo Kuana is the largest city settlement on Menagerie, which is a landmass or island that is located in the southeast of Remnant. And it is known to be a safe haven for all Faunus kind. Voltaria recalls from Blake, who actually lives there, that the chieftain of Menagerie is her dad, Ghira Belladonna. She never actually met the guy but she heard from Blake that he's a good leader.

"I see, you're a bit far away from home." Voltaria said to the Wolf Faunus.

He laughed a bit at this, "True, but that is the life of a trader's son." Then looks at her again, "By the way, I didn't get your name."

"Hmm...true and have yet to know your name." Voltaria said to him.

The Wolf Faunus smiles at her, "True, how about this? If I say my name, could you tell me yours?"

Voltaria thinks about it and agrees with a nod, "Fair enough."

Smiling, the Wolf Faunus outstretched his hand, "My name is Jacob, Jacob Lupus."

Voltaria soon accepted his hand and shook it, "Valerie Xiao Long."

Jacob smiles at her, "Nice to meet you, Valerie."

"Likewise." Voltaria said to him as they let go.

"So? What brings you to Patch?" Jacob asked her curiously.

"I'm staying with relatives since I grew tired of city life." Voltaria said, using that explanation.

"I hear that. The countryside is more peaceful, especially here." Jacob said to Voltaria kindly with a smile.

Again, that strange feeling in her chest came, a feeling that she never felt before. She doesn't know why, but...but he makes her feel...happy. Her entities caught up to her strange feelings and realized what was happening. Which shows mixed expressions. Regina and Tabitha knew this day would come while Wraith dreaded this moment, and Hannibal...yeah, let's just Hannibal is like an innocent cinnamon roll who has no idea what's going on. Luckily, Voltaria did not sense tehri expressions as she was busy looking at Jacob.

"'s very nice here." Voltaria confesses softly, trying to ignore the strange feeling in her chest. "But I am more interested in traveling."

This causes Jacob to beam at her with a smile, "Yeah, it is! You'll meet new people, learn about other cultures, and try new cuisines."

Voltaria laughs lightly, "You sure have an interesting life."

"Yeah, even though there are some humans that look down at us, there are some that show great respect, so it's a fifty-fifty interesting life."

"They should show you more respect since you're from the Lupus Trading Family." Voltaria said to Jacob with respect.

As she recalled, the Lupus Family are Wolf Faunus that have many connections and know the safest routes when doing trading for both Humans and Faunus. The family is also known to be skilled huntsmen, that is why their trading industry has no problems when facing Grimm or bandits. Voltaria respects the Lupus Family for they provide the materials that the people need.

"You know about us?" Jacob asked her curiously.

"Yes, your family are well known traders. And from what I heard, some of the higher-class would do anything to get good trading."

Jacob smiles at her, flattered by her words, "Thank's very refreshing to hear that." He said to her softly, a faint blush coming to his face.

Voltaria could see it and she returned with a small smile, "You're very welcome."

The two made eye contact yet again. Both not daring to blink as yellow eyes stared at the beautiful blue eyes. However, the moment was cut short when Jacob notices something behind Voltaria, "By the way...who are those two girls hiding behind the stand over there?"

Hearing this, Voltaria turns around and frowns as she sees both Ruby and Yang hiding behind a stand that appears to be selling clothes or rugs, watching/spying Voltaria interacting with someone that was close to her age. Both showing shock and excited expression on their faces. However, the two sisters spotted Voltaria giving them a look of unamuse, and they quickly hid behind the stand, hoping that they got away, but not before Yang took out her Scroll and took a quick pic of this cute moment before withdrawing. Voltaria, of course, sighs in annoyance, knowing very well that those two just witness another once in a lifetime opportunity for her to talk with someone her age.

"...Do you know them?" Jacob asked Voltaria, both staring at the stand where Ruby and Yang were hiding.

"Yeah...they're my...cousins,Ruby and Yang, they're just excited that I'm talking with someone that's closer to my age."

Jacob chuckles, "Same thing happens to me, my brothers and sisters would freak out if they made a new friend, especially if it's a girl." Voltaria looks at him curiously, "They would tease me all the time, thinking I'm dating a girl. But I'm not."

"Hehe, yeah, older siblings tend to do that." Voltaria said in amusem*nt.

"Tell me about and speaking of older siblings, my brothers are probably looking for me right now." Jacob said with a sigh.

"Yeah, me and my cousins should finish shopping and head home. It was nice meeting you." Voltaria said as she was about to leave until...

"Will I see you again?" Jacob suddenly asked.

Voltaria stops and turns to look at him, "What?"

"I said...will I see you again? Later, I mean, like...when you have the time? My family will leave tomorrow morning and...well, I was hoping I could show you around a bit would rather go with your cousins." Jacob said hesitantly.

Before Voltaria could reply, she heard Ruby cheering in her head, "Go for it, Volty!"

"Yeah!"Yang cheered in agreement via telepathy.

The hell?! How are you still in mind-link?!Wraith exclaimed.

"Regina and Tabitha."Both sisters answered unison.

Wraith frowned in Voltaria's mind,Seriously? You had to let them in the mind-link?

How else are you going to communicate secretly?Regina questions him, earning a growl from Wraith.

Ignoring her entities and the two sisters, Voltaria glanced towards Jacob waiting for her answer. She really does want to explore Patch and...getting to know her new friend. So, with a nod, she agrees to go with him, "Well, we were going to the forest about...tomorrow? I'll meet you at the docks."

Beaming happily, Jacob was thrilled to hear this, "That's great! I'll see you then?"

Voltaria nodded her head with a soft smile, "Sure, I would like that." She said softly towards Jacob.

They both waved at each other as they went their separate ways. Voltaria went towards the stand to see both Ruby and Yang looking at her with wide and happy eyes. "YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE!" Ruby squealed.

Voltaria frowns at them, "It's not a date."

"Uh, sounds like a date to me!" Yang said as she and Ruby stood up, "Come on! Let's prepare for your soon to be date!"

"It's not a date!" Voltaria said again in annoyance as she was being carried like a cardboard by Yang, heading home with Ruby following. But as they leave, Voltaria notices Jacob watching them with an amusing smile on his face. He waved at her gently, excited to see her later. Voltaria couldn't help but waved back at him, returning with a small smile on her face.

Okay, that's it, that boy must die.Wraith said in annoyance.

Don't you dare. Wraith!Regina said to him in a scolding tone.

He's making the kid soft! She already has friends! She doesn't need a crush! And besides, there's a reason why it's called a crush: because it slowly crushes you!Wraith exclaims in annoyance.

Let her have some freedom, Wraith.Tabitha said to Wraith.It's not every day Voltaria makes a friend her age.

Yeah, and it's a boy! Why can't it be like a girl or maybe an animal of some kind.

You really should really quiet the protective father phase; it does not suit you.Regina said to him.

"Well, excuse me! Somebody's gonna keep Kid from getting tricked!"Wraith said as he and Regina began to argue about Voltaria making a male friend.

Why they fight about now?Hannibal asked curiously.

Tabitha sighs, it was another typical day for them,I'll tell you soon, Hannibal.

Chapter 20: True to the Heart


Crimson Rose voice actress is Elizabeth Olsen, who played Scarlet Witch.

Jacob Lupus voice actor is Jason Marsden.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Song for this chapter: Falling in Love with you by A teens

Somewhere in the continent of Anima, there lies a village called Shion. It's a peaceful village with its popular hiking trail and the best camping destination there is. There's even a trading system to a as they neighbored with another village, sharing strong contact with one another. There were few Grimm sightings around the area since there were some Huntsmen stations close by to keep the village safe. All in all, it was a peaceful village.

However, they were not aware of the danger that would come.

Late at night, the village was attacked by a tribe of bandits. The Huntsmen fought the best way they could, but they were overly matched, and the villagers were screaming, running, and panicking. Because of this, the Creatures of Grimm attacked, causing everyone to be in terror. A mother and her daughter were trying to escape the chaos, trying to flee the village with the crowd. However, the daughter tripped on her two feet, dropping her doll, and being separated from her mother.

"Tulip!" Her mother cried out as she tried to push her way from the screaming and terrified crowd.

The little girl named Tulip crawled over to pick up her doll and tried to run but froze in fear when she saw a shadow looming down on her. Tulip shakingly looks up with tears falling from her eyes as she fearfully stares at the Grimm. The Beowolf lets out a roar, causing the little girl to scream, when it raises its giant paw at her.

"TULIP!" The mother screams in horror as the Beowolf was about to strike the little girl.

Suddenly, a powerful force came out of nowhere, crashing down at the Beowolf, creating a cloud of smoke and dust. Soon, everyone stopped as the dust settled and the little girl remained unharmed. But she soon gasped in shock and astonishment to see someone standing on the fallen Beowolf.

And it was none other than Crimson Rose.

Crimson Rose had just crushed the Beowolf with her own two feet, particularly killing it in the process. Tulip stared at her with wide eyes, amazed and relieved that she saved her little life. Crimson's silver eyes glanced down at the child calmly. Suddenly, more Grimm proceed forward and attempt to attack Crimson Rose, but a bright light emanates from her eyes, destroying all the Grimm in the area. This, however, shocked everyone, including the bandits. Crimson Rose then picks up the girl gently, helping her stand on her feet while she clutches her doll in her hand, before the mysterious huntress turns towards the bandits with a glare.

"You will not raid any more villages, for this will be your grave."Crimson Rose said through their minds, which shocked them in the process.

Crimson Rose walks away from the girl while the mother runs towards her daughter, hugging her in full relief. But Tulip was more focused on Crimson Rose as the mysterious huntress advanced towards the bandits. Soon, one of the bandits came charging at her, guns pointed at her, as he began firing multiple rounds. But before the bullets could hit her, black thorny vines erupted from the ground, shielding Crimson Rose in the process. The bandit was shocked by this but didn't have time to react when a black vine came out from the ground and wrapped around him, before throwing him far from the village, high into the air. They could hear his faint screaming when he was tossed away, shocking the bandits and the villagers as they witnessed this. Before the rest of the bandits could react, Crimson Rose stomps her foot onto the ground, causing the earth to shake and more black thorny vines erupted from the ground, attacking the bandits. They tried to fight them off, but the thorny vines were too strong when they tried to shoot or slash them. Soon, they began fleeing when the vines either crashed or impaled their members. The villagers watched in shock as the mysterious huntress was saving their lives.

As the bandits slowly retreated, a black thorny vine shielded Crimson Rose when someone attempted to attack her from above. Soon, another vine came to attack the assailant, who dodged just in time before the vine could strike. Crimson Rose got a better look at her assailant.

The assailant is a woman, who's outfit consisted of a V neck black and red wrap style top with a black pleated skirt that has black shorts underneath, with a series of beaded necklaces. She also wears a red obi sash around her waist alongside a red tassel wrapped around her waist that carries her weapon's sheath. Attached to it is a long black object that is either fur or feathers, with a red and white bandana material hanging from behind her. Her forearms bear red armored gauntlets that protrude outwards and black fingerless gloves. Her boots are mid-thigh high and are solid black with a red sole and heel. full-face mask that resembles the face of a Creature of Grimm, a Nevermore to be exact.

Crimson Rose narrows her silver eyes at the attacker, recognizing who she is. As if she was searching for her.

"Raven Branwen, I've been looking for you."Crimson Rose replied in the woman's mind.

Even with her mask on, Crimson Rose could tell she was shocked to hear this, "You've hunting me? Why?" Raven demanded in a dead serious tone.

"You have something that does not belong to you."Crimson Rose said, using her own demanding tone.

"And what did I take? We have yet to raid this village." Raven questions her with seriousness in her voice.

"It is not a jewel or trinket, but something that is greater than gold."Crimson Rose said coldly.

Raven narrowed her eyes as she slowly understood what she meant, "You have no idea what kind of trouble you'll get if you try and take it." She warned Crimson Rose.

"I know the cost...but don't worry, it won't be painful."Crimson Rose said in a cold yet deadly tone,"It will be beyond worst."

Narrowing her eyes, Raven uses activated her scabbard rotary chamber to bring out a long, single-edged, one-handed red sword, and holds it up intimidatingly, threatening to cut Crimson Rose in half, "Try and take it from me!"

Crimson Rose stared at her blankly before lifting on hand up, conjuring a scythe made of fire, while activating her Maiden's Power."Watch me."

Raven growled and charged with incredible speed, beginning their battle against each other. They strike at each other with a flurry of vicious blade strikes. Each strike that Raven did was always blocked by Crimson Rose's scythe, as if she predicted Raven's every attack. Suddenly, Crimson Rose uses her thorny vine to swat Raven away, sending her a few feet from her before Crimson Rose advances, scythe raised. Raven quickly uses Omen to block her attack, creating a powerful wave of energy that broke the windows of the village.

"Give me what I want, and I will spare the lives of both you and your tribe."Crimson Rose demanded.

Raven glares at Crimson Rose under her mask, "NEVER!"

Crimson Rose glares back at her, readying her conjured scythe,"So, be it."

The two proceed forward to clash again. During their bout, Raven quickly switches between the various colored blades in her hilt to counter Crimson Rose's scythe. As their battle intensified, the thorny vines rose from the ground, attacking the bandits that tried to attack the villagers. The bandits flee while the vines protect the villagers, much to their shock and relief. Soon, Crimson Rose sends Raven flying to the forest's ground, glaring under her mask when Crimson Rose comes flying to her.

"You just don't know when to quit, do you?" Raven questions Crimson Rose.

Crimson Rose stares at her while hovering above the ground,"I will not stop until you hand over the Spring Maiden's power, you don't have the right to use it."

Raven glares at her angrily, "You don't tell me I don't have the rights!"

"It's because you don't."Crimson Rose said to her coldly,"You shouldn't have taken the former Spring Maiden's Power. You are not worthy"

Raven growls at her, "She was scared when we found her! Weak! No matter how much training I put her through, she never learned! She wasn't cut out for this world! And with those powers, she would've been hunted her entire life! And what I did-"

"Let me guess, 'it wasn't personal'?"Crimson Rose quoted out sarcastically.

"It was mercy!"

"Mercy? You called that 'mercy'? That girl would have deserved a better life. A life of freedom and peace. A life that she deserved without being a target. You didn't have to kill her in cold blood."Crimson Rose said in disgust and cold tone,"She would've lived a happy life...but you took it away from how you took away your chance to be with your daughter."

This caused Raven to yell in anger as she shot Omen out of her hilt, and then zoomed in to grab it to attack Crimson Rose, but she blocked it. The two women clashed their blades, creating a flurry of sparks. The sky above them turns dark as storm clouds form. Soon, Crimson Rose's weapon broke, sending them both flying to different sides. And in the process, Raven's mask fell off, revealing her face that strongly resembles Yang, and her red eyes were emitting red aura flames, indicating that she is using the maiden's power.

"Impressive,"Crimson Rose complimented in a dull tone,"You last longer than the previous Maiden I fought."

Raven narrows her flaming eyes, "And what happened to her then? Did you do it out ofmercy?" She mocked Crimson Rose.

"No...I killed her because she abused the Maiden's power."Crimson Rose said blankly,"And I will do the same to you."

They continued their battle, maiden to maiden. Their brawl made the clouds roar with thunder, followed by the flash of lightning. As they landed, Raven spotted hordes of Grimm coming towards them, but instead of attacking them both, they only attacked Raven. Turns out, Crimson Rose called to the Grimm to assist her. To hold down Raven, so she can remove the Spring Maiden Power out of her. But Raven was quick, she killed all the incoming Grimm before taking to the sky, followed by Crimson Rose. The battle continues to be fierce, as Crimson Rose conjures a giant flaming sword while Raven uses her Maiden powers to create a massive ice sword. Their clash creates a massive shockwave that shakes the sky and ground. The people could feel the tremor that the two have created, causing the mother to hug her daughter while she watches the thorny vines protecting them. Then a huge explosion came from the sky as both Maidens crashed onto the ground, in both opposite directions, landing on their feet, creating huge craters. They both glared at each other with flames still emitting in their eyes. Raven bared her teeth as she released a growl in anger while Crimson Rose calmly looked at her, not surrendering as well.

"Had enough?!" Raven yelled out in anger.

"No, I'm just warming up. But you, on the other hand, seem like you're losing your breath."Crimson Rose said to Raven calmly,"You should stop, it would not end well for you."

Raven glares at her, her maiden powers still active, and yells at her, "I've stared death in the face over and over again! And every time I've spat in that face and survived, because I'm strong enough to do what others won't!"

"Please, you don't even know the first thing about strength, truth strength. You turn your back on people, you run away when things get too hard, you put others in harm's way instead of yourself."Crimson Rose said through her mind in a deadly cold tone,"You might be powerful because of the maiden's power, but that doesn't make you strong."

Raven was enraged by this, "Who do you think you are, lecturing me?! Standing there, shaking like a scared little girl?!"

Crimson Rose shook her head as she calmly said,"YOU are the one scared. I am not, for I am not like you, I won't run, I will continue fighting for what is right. So, that is why you are going to surrender the Spring Maiden's powers to me."

Raven glares at her, "And why would I-"

Crimson Rose answered without Raven to finish her sentence,"Because it will free you from being the target of Salem, for she is the one that you fear."Raven's eyes widened as the flames in her eyes vanished,"She's been hunting you down because of the Spring Maiden's power and she'll come after you with everything she has, never stopping until she gets what she wants."Raven's expression then turns solemn, "Or she can come after me instead."Raven's eyes widen when she hears Crimson Rose say that."And unlike you, I am ready to face her."

Raven narrowed her eyes, "You have no idea what you are up against."

"I do."Crimson Rose answers to her casually,"For I know what Salem's TRUE weakness is."

Raven's eyes widened in shock, clearly thinking that Crimson Rose was joking, "That's impossible..."

"To you, yes, but for me...well...let's just say her fate will be worse than death itself."Crimson Rose said to Raven coldly.

Raven's eyes narrowed further, "Who are you?"

Crimson Rose's eyes continued to emit flames, lifting a single hand as she conjured red and black dragon specters,"I am Crimson Rose, the Spirit of Justice, Vengeance, Power, and Death...but also...Remnant's Champion."


Back at Shion, the villagers watched in pure shock as not only were they being protected by the black thorny vines, but also Grimm. Some Grimm came out of nowhere, they thought that these monsters would attack them, but to their shock, the Creatures of Grimm attacked the bandits instead, chasing them off the village. The villagers have no way to react as they just stared in complete shock and confusion. Unaware of what to do in this situation. Just then, a huge red beam of light came out of the forest, surprising everyone in the process. As the light disappeared, so did the bandits, they fled Shion just in time, trying to avoid the Grimm and the giant vines that surrounded the village. It didn't take long for Crimson Rose to return, flying down from the sky, landing at the center of the village. All the villagers stared at her in complete shock, some were even dumbfounded by her sudden appearance.

But Crimson Rose pays no mind to them as she focuses on the Creatures of Grimm. The monstrous beings looked at her as if they were expecting her to say something. Without any hesitation, Crimson Rose gently strokes the head of one of the Beowolves, shocking the villagers in the process.

"Thank you for your help, now go, and never return to this village."Crimson Rose ordered them.

Obeying her words, the Creatures of Grimm left the village, ignoring all the fear and panic in the villagers, as they all disappeared deep within the forest. The villagers couldn't believe their eyes on what they just saw. They just witness someone commanding the Grimm with no hesitation. They all snapped out of this when Crimson Rose summons Blood Moon from thin air. The weapon was emitting a powerful aura that surrounded it. And the next thing they knew, Crimson Rose slams the bottom of her staff, creating a powerful shock wave that shook the earth. Everyone braced themselves by this but lost balance when a huge black crystal erupted from the ground in the center of the village. It didn't take long for more black crystals to appear, surrounding beyond the village's borders. When all the black crystals were placed, they created an energy field, astonishing the villagers, before disappearing.

"These crystals shall protect your form Grimm."Crimson Rose said to the villagers calmly, turning her head towards the villagers,"Shion village shall never be harmed again."

The villagers began whispering among themselves, shocked and amazed at what just happened. Some recognized these crystals from the news, saying that the crystals are protecting the City of Vale with no problems. And now, their village is blessed with such great protection, making them happy and relieved. Seeing that everything is taken care of, Crimson Rose was about to leave the village, when the little girl named Tulip came running towards, ignoring her mothers protest. She stood a few feet from Crimson Rose as she looked at her with gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you!" Tulip said, causing Crimson Rose to look down at her. "Thank you for saving us."

Crimson Rose's silver eyes softened at the sight of the young child as she placed a hand on her chest and bowed,"You are very welcome, child. Now, stay strong and live long, for you will one day protect this village when you grow."

Hearing this, Tulip smiles and nodded, "I will! I promise!"

With a simple nod, Crimson Rose took off to the sky in blinding speed, disappearing through the clouds. But when she leaves, Tulip notices something on the ground. She picked it up and saw it was a black tantō with golden swirls and a necklace that had a single black crystal. She unsheathed it to reveal a blade with red streak on the edge of the blade, she could see words carved on the blade.

"Fight the good fight." Tulip reads out, smiling as she sheathes tantō and putting on the necklace happily. Idolizing Crimson Rose as her hero.

And also, winning the hearts of the villagers of Shion.

Voltaria snaps open her eyes as she quickly sits up with a loud gasp. She panted in the sudden wake as she looked around as her heart pounded by the sudden adrenaline. To her relief, she was still in her room in the Xiao Long Cabin. Voltaria sighs, feeling her heartbeat returning to normal. Yet her mind was still confused. Voltaria brushed some strands of her hair off her face, thinking of the strange dream she had of Crimson Rose saving a village.

"Was it all a dream?" Voltaria mutters out.

Just then, her entities came from the shadows. Wraith and Hannibal were both sleepy since it was about six in the morning, while Tabitha and Regina were worried about Voltaria suddenly awake. They always know that Voltaria never wakes up like this unless it was a vision.

Are you all right, my dear?Regina asked in concern.

"I...I think so..." Voltaria whispers out.

What happened?Tabitha asked Voltaria, concerned about her well-being,You have never woken up like this before.

Did Volta have a bad dream?Hannibal asked Voltaria curiously.

"I...I don't's not a dream but...something...something else." Voltaria said to her.

Was it a vision?Wraith questions her.

Voltaria shook her head, "'s not a's more like...I was looking at the eyes of someone else."

Who?Hannibal asked curiously.

Voltaria looks at her entities seriously as she puts her hand down. "Crimson Rose." She answers to her entities in a dead serious tone. They were shocked to hear this answer, "I know it sounds strange but...I saw Crimson Rose saving a village...she was searching for..."

Searching for what exactly?Wraith asked.

"She was searching...for the Spring Maiden's Power." Voltaria said, shocking him and the others. can she get it without us knowing?Tabitha questions.

Maybe it's just a coincidence you have that strange dream of some kind.Wraith said to Voltaria.

"Maybe..." Voltaria mutters as she moves the blanket off her before she notices a card lying next to her. She picked it up and saw an image of a beautiful spring forest. "Or maybe not."

Regina comes towards Voltaria and inspects the card,"Hmm...I sense great power of the card, similar to the Fall Maiden's power."She said to Voltaria and the others,"It is no coincidence that it was what Crimson Rose is doing."

"Yeah...but why?" Voltaria questions Regina.

I am not sure either, but maybe this could be a sign.Regina said to Voltaria.

"Well, whatever it is, we need to tell Ruby and Yang." Voltaria said, getting out of bed and out of her room with her entities following her. When Voltaria came down the stairs, she saw Ruby slumping on the couch, groaning tiredly while Yang, Zwei, and Taiyang were there, looking at Ruby with concern, while Flare the Dream Flame was petting Ruby's head gently.

What happened to Red?Wraith asked, coming over to them with the others.

"We don't know." Yang answered, looking at her sister, "Ruby was completely exhausted when she woke up, even though she slept early." Yang then notices the looks that Voltaria and her entities were giving. "What's wrong?"

"It's hard to explain...but it has to do with Crimson Rose." Voltaria said to them.

"Crimson Rose? That woman that you and Ruby created when you guys fused?" Yang asked in surprise.

Ruby, who now becomes fully awake, shot her head up when she heard that, surprise written all over her face, "Seriously?! Is that why I had that strange dream of Crimson Rose kicking some bandits' butts?!"

Voltaria nodded her head, "Yes...we were seeing through her eyes."

"But...but how? We haven't been able to do it since the Grimm invasion in Vale." Ruby said to Voltaria.

"I'm not sure either, but I have a theory that Crimson Rose has a mind of her own, causing me and Ruby to fuse without us knowing." Voltaria explains her theory.

"Wow...that's just creepy." Yang said, "But if Crimson Rose was able to do it on her come you guys didn't stop her?" She asked the entities in front of her.

That's just the thing, we didn't sense her.Regina said, catching them off guard.

"Wait, what do you mean you guys didn't sense her?" Ruby asked them, sitting up from the couch.

You see, Red, all entities can sense each other from miles away.Wraith explains to her and the others,But in which cause, Crimson Rose, somehow masked her presence and blocked us out, preventing us from knowing about her action.

Regina nodded her head in agreement,And because of Crimson Rose's immense energy, she may have overpowered us without even us knowing.

"Is that even possible?" Taiyang asked the entities, already known about Crimson Rose after the whole explanation from his daughters, Voltaria, and the entities.

Yes, unless you're an S Rank entity.Regina said to them.

"I'm sorry, what rank?" Yang asked her curiously as she and her dad sat on the couch with Ruby while Voltaria sat on the chair.

Well, in Infraworld, there are ranks within the entities.Regina explains to them,The lowest rank is the D Rank, these D Rank entities are minor beings. They are small and friendly, not a threat to anyone.

"Like Flare?" Ruby holds up her hand, allowing Flare to hover on it.

Regina chuckles at her lightly,Almost, Flare was actually a B Rank, a mid-level entity that are guides and assistance until you help her evolve to an A Rank.

"A Rank?" Ruby asked.

They're the second highest level, where entities have high intelligence and become guardians or familiars.Wraith explains to them.

"Are you guys A Ranks?" Yanga asked.

Yes, souls that are reincarnated will be A Ranks.Tabitha said to them.But the highest of all ranks are the S Ranks, the most powerful and dangerous entities.

"How dangerous are you talking about?" Taiyang asked worriedly.

S Ranks are either guardians, demons, or entities that wish to make deals or contracts.Regina explains to them.You see, before magic was stripped away, demons from the Inferno World used to make contracts with humans through Infraworld, since they can break through the barrier of the Infraworld, they are many entities live there, but demons can also live there, but for a while, so they could make contracts or deals with the humans.

"And what's the catch?" Yang asked, knowing very well making deals with evil leads to consequences.

You already know, they'll lose their souls, their sanity, and anything or anyone important to them.Regina listed out with a sigh,Those were the darkest days before the destruction of the first humans.

"What are the ones called Guardians?" Ruby asked.

Ah, Guardians are pure beings that live in the world called Paradiso. And like the demons, they make contracts, but instead of the negative way, they give the user strength to protect the innocents instead of using it for their own desires.Regina explains to them.

"Huh, they sound much better than the demons." Taiyang said.

" you have S Rank entities with you, V?" Yang asked them.

"Kind of, but they're not like to make a deal kind of, they're the ones that want to help. Very rare trait if you ask me." Voltaria said to her host family.

"Yeah, but it sounds coooo..." Ruby was slowly trailing off when her dad gave her a stern look, "...I, that's something...ish."

" have no idea..." Voltaria mutters with a sigh as she shakes her head, "I didn't mean to cause any trouble, especially you, Ruby. I...I didn't want you to get in trouble."

Ruby waves it off, "Pfft! No big deal! I mean, you didn't know either." She assured Voltaria.

"But still...I do not wish to cause trouble in your family." Voltaria said in an apologetic tone, lowering her head in the process.

Just then, she felt a gentle hand on her head, causing Voltaria to look up to see Taiyang, smiling at her kindly, assuring her that it wasn't her fault, "Hey, it's okay, none of this is your fault. I mean...we still have yet to understand about this whole Crimson Rose and magical stuff, but you're still family to us and we'll get through to this."

Voltaria couldn't help but smile at this, feeling happy to have a father life figure around, "Thank you for understanding, Tai."

Taiyang smiles at her, "Hey, it's no big deal, after all. We're a tough family."

Yang grins in agreement, "Yeah! We can handle anything!" She said before she remembered something, "Oh! We almost forgot! You have a little meeting with Jacob later!"

"Jacob..." Voltaria mutters out in mid-surprised. She promised to meet him again, guess she forgot, "...I almost forgot..."

Yang and Ruby grins and then quickly went to her with Yang literally picking her up like a doll, "Don't worry! Leave it all to your cousins to help you out!" Yang assures Voltaria with a grin.

"Yeah!" Ruby cheers, fists pumping in the air.

"Hannibal, go make breakfast!" Yang ordered.

Okay.Was Hannibal's response.

"And we'll help you get ready for your date! To the wardrobe!" Yang announced, carrying Voltaria like some surfboard, running up the stairs with Ruby, Flare, and Zwei following her from behind.

"It's not a date!" Voltaria said as the door closed behind her, leaving the adults in the living room.

...What the hell just happened?Wraith asked in confusion, not understating teenage shenanigans, especially teenage girls.

Taiyang chuckles, knowing fully well about his daughters, "Don't worry, Wraith, stuff like this happens in her age."

But she ain't supposed to go goo-goo eyes on that kid!Wraith said, not wanting Voltaria,She should be cold and tough, not giddy and sweet!

Please, Wraith, don't overact, our dear mistress is turning thirteen soon, it's her decision not ours.Regina said to Wraith, who grumbles in annoyance.

"Hannibal, help me out here, man?"Wraith asked his entity companion.

...Me go make breakfast.Hannibal said as he headed to the kitchen to make pancakes and bacon.

Wraith sighs in annoyance while Taiyang, Regina, and Tabitha chuckled a bit. Finding it amusing. Soon, Ruby, Yan, Zwei, and Flare came out of the room with Voltaria, wearing the dress that she bought yesterday.

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Her hair was dyed golden blonde, and it was let down. Ruby and Yang were happy about this as Voltaria was going to hangout with someone her age. Anyways, after eating Hannibal's delicious breakfast, Taiyang and Voltaria left for the town, leaving Ruby and Yang with the entities, Zwei, and the hybrid dinosaurs. Since someone had to watch the house. Taiyang had to go to Signal Academy due to his work, so he's dropping off Voltaria at town to meet up with Jacob.

"Thanks for taking me to town, Tai." Voltaria said, sounding very appreciative for his help.

Taiyang chuckled, "Anytime, and besides, I had to go to the Signal Academy." He said, reaching the town.

Upon arrival, Voltaria saw Jacob at one of the stands with his dad, trading some silks to the store owner. She takes a deep breath and sighs before making her way through the crowd towards Jacob. The Wolf Faunus finished helping his dad before he spotted Voltaria coming, he smiles at her warmly and waves at her.

"Hey, Valerie!" Jacob greeted her kindly.

Voltaria smiles softly and waves back, "Hello, Jacob." She greeted him, making her way towards Jacob.

Jacob smiles back as he looks at Voltaria's outfit, "Wow, it seems you're dressed up well." He complimented her dress.

Voltaria chuckles a bit, " cousins keep saying I should dress well for our 'date', even though I keep telling them it's not a date." She said the last part blankly, making Jacob laugh a bit.

"I hear yeah, I didn't tell my siblings about our little get together, or else they'll try to make me wear something fancy." Jacob said, joking a bit.

" may look nice in a suit." Voltaria jokes, making Jacob laugh.

"Hardly." Jacob said in between laughs.

Just then, Jacob's father, Seth Lupus, came towards them. A tall man with muscular features, his attire resembles an adventurer. His ears and tail could be seen as his yellow eyes looked at Voltaria curiously, "Jacob? Who's your friend?"

"Oh, dad, this Valerie Xio Long. Valerie, this is my dad, Seth Lupus." Jacob said, making the introduction.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lupus." Voltaria said, bowing at him respectfully.

Seth chuckles warmly at her, "No need for formalities, child. You can just call me Seth." He said in assurance, "So, what brings you here?"

"Oh, I was supposed to meet with Jacob, but I see that he's busy at the moment." Voltaria said.

"Hey, now, don't worry, we're just finishing up. Jacob and you can have a fun time. And besides, it is rude to decline a lady, isn't that right, Jacob." Seth teased his son.

Jacob blushed in embarrassment, knowing his dad will always tease him, "D-Dad! Don't embarrass me!" He growls softly to his dad.

Seth chuckles and ruffles his son's head, "I'm just joking, son. Just go out and have fun, we'll be heading out later at noon." He said to his son.

"Sure, dad." Jacob said, waving at his dad.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Voltaria asked, she felt concerned and saddened by this.

Jacob nodded his head, "Yeah, my dad got a call from Mistral, and we need to get there before the end of the week to trade some goods." He explains to her with a hint of sadness.

Voltaria looks down a bit, "Oh, well...I guess we should get started before you leave." She said as she gave him a small smile, "Shall we?"

Jacob smiles and holds out his hand, which Voltaria gladly accepts, "We shall. Come on, I'll show you the best spots around Patch." He said as they began walking, holding each other's hands, while Jacob did his best to hide his blush face from Voltaria's view. "B-By the way, Valerie?"

Voltaria looks at him, "Yes?"

"I notice that you came alone. Didn't your uncle and cousins come along?" Jacob asked her.

"Well, Uncle Tai dropped me off here to meet you since he has work at Signal Academy. And my cousins are at home, watching our dog."

"Huh, at least you don't have to worry about them spying on you." Jacob said with a smile.

Voltaria rolled her eyes, "Oh, please, if you knew my cousins, they'll always find loopholes in this type of situation." She said to Jacob, who chuckles.

They were not aware that they were being watched through Vision, the Crystal Ball entity. Ruby, Yang, the entities, Zwei, Flare, and the hybrids watched through the Vision, spying Voltaria and Jacob's date. They were outside, lying on a blanket with snacks and drinks. They knew that Voltaria said that they shouldn't follow and spy on her. But she didn't say they could watch her through Vision.

"This is soooo worth it." Yang said grinning, taking a sip from her soda can.

"Yeah!" Ruby cheered, eating a cookie with Flare.

This isn't what we should do, right?Tabitha asked her friends.

"Hey, what Voltaria doesn't know won't hurt her." Yang assures her as they continue watching.

Back to the young couple, Jacob shows Valerie around Patch, taking her to the best spots for fishing, buying goods, and especially food. He bought skewered meats for the both of them to enjoy. Voltaria has to admit, the skewered meat tastes delicious. Jacob began telling Voltaria about his travels through Remnant, meeting new people, learning new cultures, and selling items. Voltaria listens to him, finding his tales very interesting. Jacob asked what she did in her stay in Mistral. Truth be told, Voltaria never actually lived there, she only stayed in a distance, but she made a white lie, saying that the city was always bustling about. She was homeschooled all her life and wasn't able to make friends at her age since she believes that no one will like her. The only friends she made were her cousins and their friends, who are older than her. That's why she moved with her uncle and cousins, hoping to start fresh and make friends her age. Jacob understood and assured her that she'll make friends, like him. He's the first friend she ever made when she got to Patch. Soon, they sat on a bench near the docks, watching as fishermen docks the boats and setting up their catch of the day.

"Thanks for the tour, Jacob." Voltaria said with a kind smile, "I very much appreciate it."

Jacob smiles at her as hands her a candy apple that he bought when they took a seat. "It's no problem. I had a great time too." He confessed, taking a bite on his candy apple.

Voltaria chuckles a bit, "I bet, I mean, you've traveled all around Remnant, meeting new people, learning new cultures, and more."

Jacob laughs gently, "True, but...there was one place I found fascinated with."

Voltaria looks at him curiously, "What do you mean?"

Jacob looks down on to the floor, "Truth be told...I am fascinated by a place called Mineral Town." Jacob said.

Voltaria looks at him in surprise, "Mineral Town?"

Jacob nodded, "Yes, you see...when I was six years old, me and my family went to Mineral Town to trade some goods with their fruits and veggies. Since I didn't have friends when I was little...I...didn't know what to do since I was very...very shy."

"You don't look that shy anymore." Voltaria said to him.

Jacob smiles and looks at her, "That's because someone helped me overcome shyness."


"A girl named Virgo Twilight." He answered with a small kind yet sad smile.

Voltaria's eyes widened in surprise and shock, she did her best to hide it, "...Virgo? Wh..who is she?"

"Virgo is...well,wasmy first and only friend I ever made at Mineral Town." Jacob answered softly, "I remember clear as day...when my family went to Mineral Town to trade, my mom and I went to look around town to buy some herbs. And then...I met Virgo and her mother, Pandora Twilight. It was strange at first, since I thought she would freak out because of well...these." He moves his ears a bit, making Voltaria giggle slightly, "But she didn't, instead, she was rather curious about me. We talk and play for hours while our families talk to one another. It was...a happy friendship with her. I will never forget her kindness, her positive attitude, and...her cute smile." He laughs to himself, not noticing Voltaria's slightly blushed face. However, his smile vanished as he clutches hand to a fist, "...I miss her smile so much."

"What do you mean?" Voltaria asked, feeling a pang of guilt in her chest.

Jacob lowers his head, " her mother..." He answered, his voice cracking of guilt and sadness, "Their town was raided by bandits. They killed everyone, including her mother and herself. The first friend I ever made...has died...I never saw her again."

Voltaria stayed silent, her hand slightly gripping on her candy apple. What Jacob doesn't know is that she is Virgo, she survives the bandit attack after she activated her semblance and called out her first Grimm. The only ones who know are her friends, Glynda, and Taiyang. They knew her true identity and they promised to keep it a secret. She remembers Jacob from long ago, the friendship they form, and the promise they made. But she couldn't, she feared for his safety. If Salem finds out about him, she will torture him in more ways than one. And it hurts her just thinking about it.

"I...I..." Voltaria wanted to say it, but she couldn't. For the first time, she was hesitant to tell the truth. She really cared for Jacob, even if they were separated for a very long time. She still thinks about him. "I...I'm sorry that you lost your friend. But believe that she is with you, through here." Voltaria touches her chest, where her heart is.

Jacob smiles at her kindly, "Thanks...I...really need to hear that." He said, fighting the tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes.

Voltaria holds his hand gently, which he gladly accepts. "I'm glad to help." She said softly to Jacob.

Watching through Vision, both Ruby and Yang were crying their eyes out. Hannibal, who was between them, has a tissue box on his head, allowing the girls to grab some tissues to wipe their tears or blow their nose. Finding it sad and heartwarming to watch. Wraith, on the other hand, was frowning the whole way, thinking that Voltaria is not ready for boys. Ever. But he can't stop it because it's her decision. And Wraith thinks she's making the wrong decision.

"You kind of remind me of Virgo sometimes." Jacob said to Voltaria, causing her to flinch.

"I...I do?" Voltaria asked hesitantly.

Jacob nodded his head, "Yeah, you two look similar, except for the hair. I mean...she had the most unique hair color I have ever seen."

Voltaria looks at him curiously, "How so?"

"'s reminds me of the night sky." Jacob said with a smile, "I know it sounds weird, but whenever the night comes, her hair...blends well in the night if she was one with it."

Voltaria could feel her face heating up, she did her best to hide it. She was lucky that Jacob was staring at the horizon. Otherwise, he would see her blushed face. She quickly hides it away just in time when Jacob turns to look at her.

"Sorry, I didn't space out." Jacob apologized.

"Oh, there's no need, I'm just happy that you remember the good times you had with your friend." Voltaria said to him.

Jacob smiles at her warmly, "Thank you for listening, Valerie."

Voltaria returns with a smile of her own, "I'm happy to help, Jacob."

Soon, they spend the rest of the day together before Jacob's family leave for Mistral. Jacob was sad that they have to leave so soon. He was enjoying his time with Voltaria, who also wished he could stay a little longer. But she doesn't want to cause trouble with their family business. So, she decided to give him something before he left.

"I hope you have safe journey to Mistral, Jacob." Voltaria said to Jacob.

Jacob smiles at her, "I will, my family have been going there many times with no trouble. And besides, this isn't goodbye, it's more like...'till next time." Jacob said in assurance.

Voltaria giggles a bit as she looks at him, "You know, I still can't thank you enough for giving me a good time."

Jacob smiles, "It's no problem, Valerie, it's the least I can do."

Voltaria smiles back before she takes out something from her dress's pocket, "I...I have something for you." She took out what appears to be a necklace that has a small black crystal that is the shape of a wolf's head, "I made this a long time ago. And I wanted to give it to you, as a thank you for showing me around." Truth be told, she made it last night. She wanted to give him a present because she really likes him.

Jacob was astonished as he accepted the gift, "Wow, it's beautiful. Thank you...I'll treasure it. But you know, it's fair that I should give you something in return."

"Oh, there's no need, the tour was enough for me."

"No, no, no, I insist. After all, that's what friends are for." Jacob said before he took his wolf pin, "Here, something to remember me by."

Voltaria stares at his pin with wide eyes as she looks at him, "But...isn't this your family symbol?"

"Don't worry, I'll ask my dad for a new one, and besides, he'll understand my intention." Jacob assures her with a smile.

Voltaria stared at him with eyes before she slowly accepted it, a small blushed crept on her face in the process, as she smiled at his gift. She looked at him, who also blushed at her smile, and said to him, "Thank you for the gift, Jacob, I will treasure it with all my heart."

Jacob couldn't help but smile widely at her, "I'm glad to hear."

"Yo, Pup! Come on! We're about to leave!" One of Jacob's older brothers called out to him.

"Pup?" Voltaria spoke out curiously, noticing Jacob's face turning bright red in embarrassment.

"T-That's...a nickname my brothers always use on me." Jacob said in an embarrassed tone, "It's embarrassing, I know..."

Voltaria lightly chuckles, "'s not, it's...kind of cute that they gave you that nickname."

Jacob's face turns even more red, his ears are even blushing, "Eh?! I mean...come on! Please don't say that! If you do, they'll tease till no end!"

Voltaria slowly stops laughing, "I'm sorry, hehehe...I mean no harm, but my cousins do those things to me too." She assures between giggles, "So, I understand how you feel."

Jacob looks at her in surprise, " do?"

Voltaria nodded with a soft smile, "I do, but it's part of being in a big family, your siblings or your relatives would give you cute or embarrassing nicknames. But...that's how they show their love and care towards their younger siblings or cousins." She said towards Jacob kindly.

Jacob listens to her, his face slowly turns normal, as he agrees with her. He rubs the back of his neck, his head slightly turning to his family's transportation vehicle, which is a combination of boat and aircraft. "I guess you're right...even if they can be annoying."

Voltaria scoffs a bit and smiles, "Don't worry, you'll get through it."

Jacob smiles at her, "Yeah, since I don't have a choice, but I'll endure." He said happily, "So...see you soon?" Jacob outstretched his hand towards her.

Voltaria accepted his hand, but instead of shaking it, she pulled him down a bit and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. Causing the young Wolf Faunus's face to turn into a very bright red color, his ears are blushing, his tail straightens up, and his mouth slightly down. She gave him a kind smile, a small blush on her face, happy about what she did.

"See you soon." Voltaria said as she walked away from him with a wave and a smile, leaving Jacob flabbergasted and stuttering nonsense. He was in complete shock after Voltaria kissed him on the cheek.

Luckily for him, his two older sisters (who are twins and are sixteen, both with different color hairs one is black, and the other is gray) came to aid their younger brother, both grinning at their little brother. Having succeeded in getting the girl as they proceeded to carry Jacob back to their family's vehicle. Voltaria smiles softly and stands at the docks, waving as the Lupus Family vessel leaves Patch as Jacob, who recovered, waves at her from the deck, making a goofy smile. As Voltaria watched the vessel leave the dock, her smile vanished as she turned towards the two barrels next to her.

"You can stop hiding, I know you two are there." Voltaria said blankly.

And with that, both Yang and Ruby came out from inside the barrels, with the lids balanced on their heads. Both sharing surprise looks in their eyes, "How'd you know we're in here?!" Yang asked in shock.

"I sensed you guys using my entities to teleport you girls here and hide in those barrels." Voltaria said blankly, "And I thought you two promised to stay out of this. You already had Vision to spy on us."

"Okay, it's scary that you found out. And we know, but we couldn't leave you alone after they guy like had to leave!" Ruby said with her arms up. "That's what good cousins are for!"

"...Okay, I let that slide." Voltaria said, although she won't admit it, she was glad that they were here. I mean, she just saw her long-lost childhood friend. And of course...she sees both Ruby and Yang as her cousins...for once. "But...thanks for sticking around, I really do appreciate it."

Suddenly, both sisters got out of their barrels with incredible speed and hugged Voltaria into a tight hug, happy to help their cousin even if they have to pretend to be related.

"AWWW! You're welcome, V!" Yang said, grinning happily.

"Yeah! We're glad to help!" Ruby said in agreement, smiling as well.

As they let go, they looked upon the horizon to see Lupus's vessel leave Patch, "I hope Jacob could be okay...I'm worried about what will happen if he ever finds out about...the real me." Voltaria took out the Spring Maiden card, proving the point that she does not wish to put Jacob and his family in danger.

"Don't worry, V, we got this. And besides, we're not sure when Crimson Rose will appear yet." Ruby said to Voltaria.

"...Maybe, but we have to keep our guard up, who knows what Crimson Rose will do in our sleep." Voltaria said, still thinking of Crimson Rose's action.

"I'm sure we'll figure this out." Yang said, patting Voltaria's head, with a smile on her face. However, her smile turned into a wide grin as she picked Voltaria up with both her arms, lifting Voltaria in the air like a surfboard, "Right after we found a matching outfit for that pin Jacob gave you!"

Voltaria frowns, still holding the pin in her hand, "Do I have to?"

"YES!" Both sisters exclaimed as they ran back to their home, where their hybrids, entities, Flare, and Zwei awaited them.

However, they have no idea that Crimson Rose has set a plan in motion.

And surely enough, their fight with evil is just the beginning.


Jacob and Voltaria were childhood friends, but he doesn't know that Valerie/Voltaria is Virgo.

Chapter 21: Another Adventure


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Song for this chapter: More Of Me by Natasha Bedingfield

Far from Remnant's continents was the mysterious Lost Continent. A mysterious world filled with creatures that were lost in time. Some are friendly, others are not. This hidden world was kept hidden from the outside world for many years. Explorers and settlers sometimes come to the continent, but it is no coincidence, as they came to the Lost Continent by accident. And once they enter, they never return back to civilization,alive. No one knows why many ships disappeared, for they always believe that they were either attacked by Grimm, pirates, or got lost in the storm. Not knowing that the ships crashed to the Lost Continent and the people cannot return nor survive the land filled with savage beasts that walk among the land.

But things started escalating when another massive storm hit the Lost Continent.

And this storm was massive. There was heavy rain, strong winds, loud thunder, and a bright flash of lightning. Many ancient beasts took shelter, while others searched for higher grounds. But some were not so lucky. The misfortunate souls were roaring loudly, like they were calling for help, but the storm was too strong. And they were dangerously close near the cliff of the coast. And due to the water rising and crashing waves, the beasts ended up being washed away to the ocean, roaring in panic as they were swept away from their island sanctuary.

Unaware what their fate might be.

It's been two days since Jacob and his family left Patch, Voltaria continues to live on the island peacefully with her host family. There was no news yet about Ironwood's plan, but Glynda was keeping tabs since Ironwood would contact Ozpin from time to time. It was safe to say that Ironwood couldn't find Voltaria yet he was finding out what was the next course of action that Salem plans to do. But it can't be known since they don't have a future seeing huntress**Cough!** Voltaria! **Cough!**. However, Voltaria keeps her ability in bay since she needs to relax now. After all, she needs to rest since it takes a lot of energy to see further in the future, and she has yet to see what the future upholds.

In the midst of the afternoon, Voltaria, the hybrids, Zwei, and Flare followed Ruby through the forest. She wanted to show them something very important to her and it is somewhere at the edge of the forest. They didn't encounter any Grimm in their travels. Ripper and Amaryllis sniffed their air for any signs of danger, even if there isn't any Grimm here, they still have to be vigilant. Soon, they reached a cliff at the edge of the forest and saw a gravestone. They got closer and saw that this gravestone belonged to Ruby's late mother, Summer Rose. The gravestone is engraved with Summer's Rose's emblem along with the words,"Summer Rose/Thus Kindly I Scatter".

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"This is..." Voltaria thought before Ruby spoke towards the gravestone.

"Hi, mom! I want you to meet my BGF, Voltaria Eclipse. And our hybrid dinosaurs, Amaryllis & Ripper. And oh, and my own personal entity, Flare." Ruby introduced them with a sad smile."

"This's your mother's grave, isn't it?" Voltaria asked Ruby.

The red hooded girl smiled sadly and nodded her head as she gestured to her mother's gravestone, "Yeah...when I was young, mom went on a mission and...didn't come back." Ruby sighs a bit as she looks at her mother's grave sadly, "I want her to meet our new family members."

"...I'm sorry, Ruby. It is hard to lose the ones that you love...even if you don't remember." Voltaria said softly.

Voltaria was referring to her late father. She doesn't remember much of her father, Toren Venus, she only knows little of her mother, saying that he was a loving husband and father that would do anything to protect the ones he loves. Sadly, he didn't get a chance to be with his family because he sacrifice himself to save the lives of miners in one of the Schnee Dust Company's mines, he died as a hero in the eyes of the miners, yet in the eyes of Jacques Schnee (Weiss's terrible and greedy father), he sees Toren as an expendable, a worker that can be replace to another. That is why Voltaria hated Jacques, he didn't even compensate his family or other families of the workers who didn't survive the accident. He only cares about the future of the company and money, lots and lots of money.

"I know your dad died saving the lives of others...and you don't blame Weiss or her family." Ruby said to Voltaria.

"Actually, I blamed Jacques Schnee, he knew the risk of the mine, but didn't bother or care for the safety of the workers. All he cares about is that time is money, and he wants to get things done immediately." Voltaria said in an angry tone before sighing, "I only pity Weiss and her family for having him as father."

"Yeah...Weiss really dislikes her dad." Ruby said with a sigh as she looked at her mother's grave, " least you were able to know that your dad loved you."

" dad loved me, my mother, Ren, and Nora with all his heart, he didn't care about the hardship, all he cared about was helping those in need, especially the ones that can't defend themselves." Voltaria said sadly.

Just then, Amaryllis and Ripper lowered their heads to comfort their mothers. They understood the situation very well. Both of their caretakers have died long ago, and they miss them. They too will miss their pack members if something happens to them. Or kill the threat that would try and harm them. Their gestures made both Voltaria and Ruby at ease, happy to feel the comfort. Zwei and Flare joined in as well, comforting both girls in their time of need.

"Thanks, guys." Ruby thanked their hybrid dinosaurs, "If my mom was around, she would definitely spoil you guys." Ruby said to them softly.

"My mother would do the same as well, possibly giving them treats for being good." Voltaria said, remembering her mother making delicious sweets, especially macaroons, Voltaria's favorites.

"Hey, wanna make some cookies when we get back?" Ruby asked Voltaria with twinkles in her eyes.

"" Voltaria slowly looks towards Summer Rose's grave, thinking about what to say. Then a thought of her mother making delicious treats came into her mind, remembering the fun times they had when baking sweets, "...I would love too..."

"Great! Oh, we can make your favorite sweets, macaroons!" Ruby said cheerfully.

Voltaria raises a brow at her, how did you know I like macaroons?" She questions Ruby.

Ruby proudly said, "As your BGF, I know what you like."

No, you didn't, you wouldn't stop bothering us until we tell you what Kid's likes and dislikes are.Wraith tattletale Ruby.

"Traitor!" Ruby exclaims, shaking her fist in anger at the sudden betrayal.

Voltaria couldn't help but smirk at this and shook her head, "Okay, that's enough, let's go before it gets dark."

Ruby turned towards Voltaria and nodded, "Okie-dokie!" She saluted her BGF.

But before they leave, Voltaria bowed towards Summer Rose's grave, followed by Amaryllis, Ripper, and Flare, showing respect towards Ruby's fallen mother, "It was nice to meet you, Ms. Summer Rose." Voltaria said gently.

Just then, a gentle breeze came, brushing the group with tenderness. It wasn't cold but slightly warm as if it was giving them a gentle hug. As if Summer Rose was hugging them. Voltaria felt it, knowing Summer Rose's essence, meaning she is watching over them. Soon, they left Summer Rose's grave and headed home, where they were greeted by Yang and Taiyang, but also...

"Hiya, girls!" Nora greeted with a big grin on her face.

In their house were the members of Team JNPR and WAVE. Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora were there along with Wade, AJ, and Evo. They decided to have a surprise visit and check on Voltaria since she's living a new life here on Patch.

"Guys! What are you doing here?!" Ruby asked happily, hugging Nora, who returned.

"We wanna surprise ya with a nice housewarming party." Wade said with a grin.

"Huh...and I didn't know it until now." Voltaria said.

"Yeah, Yang called us a few days ago about you keeping your vision looking on hold. So, we took an opportunity to give you a nice simple party." Evo said, smiling at Voltaria.

"It'" Voltaria was unsure what to say, making her friends worry.

"If you're not up to it, we won't do it." AJ said in assurance.

"Wha? Oh, no it's not that, it''s been long since I have Considering I'm always on the run...and surviving." Voltaria said truthfully.

Suddenly, Voltaria was given a bone crushing hug by Nora, who was crying her eyes out. "Oh, V! If we would've known that you never celebrated anything, you should've told us! WHAAA!" Nora cries out in sadness.

Voltaria, ignoring the pain she was feeling, gently pats her friend's face gently, "It's okay, Nora, I'm used to it." She said the best way she could, ignoring her bones cracking, "But...what about Weiss, Blake, and Professor Goodwitch?"

"Oh, well, you see, V, Blake had to head home to check on her parents. Weiss couldn't leave home because of, you know, her dad, and Professor Goodwitch is keeping an eye on General Ironwood, searching for his plan on you." Yang explains to Voltaria.

"Ah." Voltaria said in agreement, knowing very well about the situation. "I hope they're okay."

"They will be, don't worry." Wade assures his teammate.

"Yeah, but for now, let's make some cookies and macaroons for the party!" Ruby cheers out happily.

"Oh! And pancakes!" Nora added with a grin, still holding Voltaria in a hug.

Ren raises a brow at Nora, "Pancakes for dinner?"

"Yeah!" Nora cheers happily.

Taiyang chuckles, "Welp, looks like I'm gonna have a lot of cooking to do."

We'll help with the cooking and cleaning, Mr. Xio Long.Regina said, referring to herself and the entities.

Taiyang smiles in appreciation, "Thank you, Regina."

And with that, they started making some cookies and macaroons along with the food. Everyone pitched in to help out. Although Nora would sneakily eat some of the sweets without them noticing, causing Voltaria to have Vision to watch over her, much to Nora's annoyance. Amaryllis and Ripper watch them through the window, enjoying the smell of the delicious sweets and food. Ripper was particularly wagging his tail, wanting to eat the food and sweets right now. Once they are done, they enjoy their delicious sweets with the hybrids and entities. Amaryllis and Ripper enjoyed the cookies and macaroons, both have different tastes in sweets like their mothers. Amaryllis likes the macaroons while Ripper likes the cookies. Nora was eating the pancakes with a happy smile on her face with Hannibal eating alongside her.

As they enjoy the party, Yang decided to turn on the holographic screen to play some music, but as she did, the screen revealed the news with Lisa Lavender in it, showing the village of Shion with many black crystals surrounding the entire village and beyond its borders. She said that a mysterious woman came to the village, saving the villagers from both bandits and Grimm. Witnesses saw her taming Grimm and fighting off the bandits single handedly. She even created these black crystals as a parting gift to keep them safe against the Grimm. And so far, they worked their wonders in protecting the village. Then Tulip, the little girl that Crimson Rose rescued, came to the screen, wearing the necklace that was given to her, and smiling brightly as she talked about Crimson Rose.

-She saved everyone from those bandits and Grimm! And gave us these crystals for protection! She's not just a hero, she's our guardian angel!-

"Huh, look at this, V, they're saying that Crimson Rose is an angel of some kind." Yang said to her host cousin.

"I think that little girl is a bit over her head," Voltaria said to Yang.

"I still can't believe Crimson Rose was able to take control over you two." Ren said towards Voltaria and Ruby. He and the others were informed by them (through the Dream Realm) about how Crimson Rose was able to take control without Voltaria's entities knowing. Glynda informs them to keep their guard up and be careful because General Ironwood is now searching for Crimson Rose.

Indeed, Crimson Rose is a mysterious entity, but an angel...I'm not sure if she's either a demonic being or a guardian.Regina said to them.

"But still, it's kinda cool that Crimson Rose saved them, even though we didn't know about this." Ruby said.

"It is a mystery." Voltaria said in agreement before the screen changed and she noticed a familiar face on the screen. "Isn't that Professor Port?"

They followed her gaze towards the screen, and lo & behold, Peter Port was seen on the screen. But instead wearing his usual burgundy suit, he wears what archaeologists wear along with a pit helmet.

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It was weird for them to see their professor on screen and wearing a different attire but wondered why.

" Professor Port...but what's he wearing?" Yang said dumbfoundedly.

"He's wearing what appears to be an archaeologist...I never knew he was into this." Voltaria said, still confused about what she was seeing.

I always thought of him as a man who enjoys hunting Grimm.Tabitha said.

"Yeah..." Ruby said in agreement.

"Tell me about it." Nora nodded in agreement.

I don't know if I had too many sweets, but I think I'm seeing another Port.Wraith said, looking at the screen in disturbance.

"Yeah, me too." Jaune said in agreement.

Taiyang looks at the screen closely before recognizing who it was, "Oohhh...that's not your teacher." He said to his daughters and their friends, who looked at him curiously.

"Really? Then who is he?" Ruby asked her dad.

"That's Patrick Port, Peter Port's twin brother." Taiyang answered them.

"Really?!" AJ exclaims in shock.

"Professor Port has a twin brother?!" Yang and Ruby exclaimed in shock.

This explains everything.Wraith said blankly.I didn't even know he even had a twin brother?

"Well, what Oobleck told me, Peter and Patrick are not in...speaking terms." Taiyang said.

"Why is that?" Ruby asked him.

"Did they have an argument?" Pyrrha asked in concern.

"In a see, they have a...rivalrygoing on. Both Peter and Patrick have different perspectives in their field of work." Taiyang said to his daughters and host niece, "Peter enjoys hunting down Grimm while Patrick enjoys searching for fossils and lost artifacts of forgotten time."

"Huh, twin brothers with different personalities, one enjoys battle and makes stories about it while the other searches and discovers facts." Voltaria said.

"That makes a lot of sense." Wade said with a nod.

Taiyang nodded his head, "Yeah, I wonder why he's there?"

-DINOSAURS!-Patrick exclaims through the screen, startling everyone, including the hybrids outside, who were watching from the window.-Creatures of time and forgotten have come again to walk to our lands!-

...Probably to do that.Wraith said to the group.

And I can see brotherly resemblance and enthusiasm that they have in common.Regina said with an eye roll.And judging by this, I guess he will explain to everyone about the discovery of the dinosaurs.

Great...Wraith mutters sarcastically.

"Shh! I wanna know what he's talking about!" Nora shushed them as she watched the screen, eating a plate of pancakes.

:As you know, there is much evidence and proof that dinosaurs are still among us today!: PatrickPort said proudly as the screen showed an image of Amaryllis and Ripper fighting off Grimm with the huntsmen at the Vale.

:Dr. Port, in your recent findings, can you explain what kind of dinosaurs they are?:Lisa Lavender questions Port's brother.

:Judging by their body structure, both individuals share similarities yet different traits. The big white one may have albinism and has similar traits of a T. Rex still closely resembles a Giganotosaurus. The biggest carnivore the world has ever seen! And the black one has strong similarities of a Velociraptor or Utahraptors, yet it is taller compared to them, it also resembles to its white counterpart but shorter.:

Ripper roars in annoyance, he isn't short! He's a big dinosaur! However, Amaryllis found this amusing since she is taller than her brother and would often tease him about it, much to Ripper's annoyance. Ripper always tries his best to be tall. Heck, he even tried eating some vegetables and drinking milk when he was young to see if it could make him grow faster! But to no avail because, from what his Serious Mother discovers, that his kind can only grow half the size of Amaryllis. Much to Ripper's annoyance. Luckily, it vanishes thanks to Ruby as she calms him down, saying that he's bigger to the humans and Faunus.

-But there is another mystery, why are they helping us? Why fight the Grimm and not the people? There is one solution for that! They were trained by people!-

Both Voltaria and Ruby froze as they looked at each other and then to Patrick with shock eyes. He must've observed the whole ordeal and already found out that both Amaryllis and Ripper were raised by them but didn't know who actually raised them. And they're gonna make sure they don't know.

-Dr. Port, you believe that these dinosaurs were raised by people?-Lisa Lavender asked him.

-How else are they capable of fighting off Grimm and not harming people? These dinosaurs were trained by people and can follow commands. But the question remains, who raised and trained these magnificent beasts? And what is their purpose? A mystery that will be solved soon by me! Patrick Port! For I will the ones that raised these mysterious beasts and...-

"Okay, that's enough TV for today." Yang said, closing the screen, letting out a sigh of annoyance, "Man, he knows that Ripper and Amaryllis were raised by people."

"But he doesn't knowWHOactually raised them." Voltaria said to Yang, "For now, we're safe, as long as we keep both Ripper and Amaryllis safe and hidden."

Agreed,The entities said in unison.

"I just hope that General Ironwood doesn't hire him." Ruby said in concern. "I mean, you see how he knows about dinosaurs. He could use that to track us down."

"Ruby may have a point in this," Pyrrha said in agreement, "If Professor Port's brother figures out who raised Ripper and Amaryllis, we will have a serious problem."

"And that is why we have to make sure that they'll lose any leads in finding out." Voltaria said to her friends and Taiyang, "The less they know the better. I don't want General Ironwood to think that both Ripper and Amaryllis can be used as weapons.

Everyone agrees to this and continues partying, enjoying the food and party till nightfall. It was a fun day for Voltaria, she enjoyed their company since it's been long for anyone to have a party with. They talked and caught up after what had happened on Beacon. AJ, Pyrrha, and Nora were curious about Jacob Lupu since Yang sent them (along with Weiss and Blake) pictures of Voltaria and Jacob together. It was cute and Voltaria can't deny it, and against her will, she said that she and Jacob were once childhood best friends when she was still little Virgo. And when she said that, Nora gave her another bear crushing hug and started crying, finding it cute and adorable that Voltaria found her childhood friend/future husband, much to the annoyance and embarrassment of Voltaria's.

After the party and dinner was over, they all cleaned up and went to bed. Xio Long-Rose cabin has extra rooms for Team JNPR and WAVE to rest up as they will leave next week. They said their goodnights to each other along with Amaryllis and Ripper, who returned the gestures, before going to sleep.

Unaware that they will have another surprise.

In the late of night, when everyone was fast asleep, Amaryllis and Ripper suddenly woke up from their slumber, feeling something off in their air. It wasn't Grimm or any human or Faunus, it was...something else. Getting up from their sleeping position, both Amaryllis and Ripper followed the unknown scent through the forest. It was strange yet familiar for them, like they know this scent somewhere. They soon reach a coastline by going down a rocky stair of the cliff before going towards the water. And to their surprise, they found a big creature, but not just any creature, it was a dinosaur!

This dinosaur is a theropod, similar to Amaryllis and Ripper, however, it was bigger than Amaryllis. It has a crocodilian-like head that is slightly broader and bears two head crests on each side of the snout. It has pronated wrists, strong jaws, large and powerful arms, an enormous hook like claws, a thick hide, tall hind legs, and a more terrestrial lifestyle. But the most distinctive feature was the huge sail-like fin on its back. The sail consisted of spines that extended from the top of the backbones of all dinosaurs and vertebrates. The body color of this dinosaur is a mixture of dark and light gray, a yellowed underbelly, and red splotches around its face, across its back, and at the end of its tail. The sail had blue circles, possibly for attracting the opposite sex.

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Both hybrid siblings looked at the mysterious sail dinosaur with curiosity and suspicion. They remember seeing this from the book they read with Mamma Red and Serious Mother. It was a dinosaur book that shows what dinosaurs were recently discovered by paleontologists in Remnant. And they remembered seeing a similar picture from the book. But they can't remember what dinosaurs are called. Was it...a Baryonyx? No, it's too short and has no sail. Suchomimus? No, it's close but doesn't have a sail either. Was it a Sarcosuchus? Nah, it may have crocodile features, but it is way off due to the Sarcosuchus being closely related to the modern-day crocodiles. Ugh! What was this dinosaur called again? It was in the tip of their tongues. Something to do with a spine? Spinny? Spinel?, wait! Now they remember! It is called a Spinosaurus! Which means"spined lizard". They remember from the book that the Spinosaurus is one of the biggest carnivorous dinosaurs. They always wanted see one up close, well, actually. They both wanted to see T. Rex when they were young or possibly a Velociraptor.

Anyways, they stared at the Spinosaurus, who happens to be male, and could tell that he's been through a lot. His body is slightly dehydrated and almost malnourished. They could see fresh wounds on the Spinosaurus's body along with some old scars, indicating that this Spinosaurus was a survivor. They soon learned that this Spinosaurus must've washed up on the shores recently since he smelled like he'd been in the ocean for days. They don't know if they should help him or not. But seeing one of their kind for the first time, even though it's not a hybrid, they decided to help him like how their mothers and pack members help those in need.

Amaryllis tells her brother to get their mothers packmates while she brings the Spinosaurus into shore, as well as getting some food for their unexpected guest. Ripper agrees and runs back home with incredible speed to get help. As Amaryllis brings the unconscious Spinosaurus to the sand, Ripper made it back home without any problem and went straight to the window of Mamma Red and Auntie Goldie. He climbs up with ease to see them fast asleep in bed. Zwei was on his doggie bed next to Mamma Red's bed while Flare was sleeping on a red mitten on the nightstand, wearing a cute nightcap. Ripper didn't want to wake them, but it was an emergency. Who knows how long the Spinosaurus would last without help? So, using a single claw, the Indoraptor taps the window with enough force. Not enough to break it, but it was enough to make loud tapping sounds to wake them up. And it did, Ruby and Yang woke up by this. They tiredly got up from bed before groggily looked around, wondering where the sound was coming from. Ripper roars out to them gently from the window, making the two sisters fully awake.

"Wha-Ripper?! What are you doing up so late?" Ruby asked in concern, jumping off her bed and making her way to the window, and opened it. Ripper made gentle calls and then pointed his snout towards the direction of the coastline, "What's wrong? Is there something that you want to show us?"

Ripper nodded his head, gesturing to them to follow. Just then, they heard someone knocking. Turning to their door, they saw Voltaria entering their room with her entities, their sleepy friends, and Taiyang. "We heard Ripper calling, what's going on?" Voltaria asked them.

"I think Ripper wants to show us something." Ruby said to Voltaria, "We don't know but...I think it's important."

"I believe so." Voltaria said before looking at Taiyang, "I don't suppose you have a medical kit lying around?"

"I have plenty since Ruby and Yang can be a little rough when sparring." Taiyang said, earning loud 'HEY!'from his daughters.

"Good, because we need a lot for this." Voltaria said in a serious tone.

"Oh. MY. WHA?!" Yang almost screamed as she, Ruby, their friends, and dad stared at the unconscious Spinosaurus right in front of them. "Is that a dinosaur?!"

"Yup, a Spinosaurus to be exact, and from what I could tell, it's a pure-breed dinosaur." Voltaria said before coming close to it.

"Volty, be careful!" Ruby whispers in fear.

"Relax, he's out cold, literally." Voltaria said, observing the Spinosaurus. "He must've been in the water for too long and almost suffered hyperthermia."

"Yeesh..." Yang winces in sympathy along with Ruby, "But do you know it's a dude?"

"I can tell the genders of all creatures by their auras, and this Spinosaurus is a male." Voltaria said as she observed the giant beast's injuries, "And look at it, he's been through a lot. The wounds are slightly fresh but not yet infected."

"He looks like he had a battle and survived." Pyrrha said observing his wounds and scars.

"Yeah, but the scars look old, indicating he's been through many battles." Voltaria said before looking at Taiyang, "We need a lot of disinfectants and bandages."

"On it," Taiyang brought the big first aid kit and took out many disinfectants and bandages.

The group worked together to patch the Spinosaurus's injuries. There were some difficulties since the Spinosaurus's underbelly had a gash, but thanks to Hannibal and Wraith, they were able to lift the beast up and allow Pyrrha and AJ to apply the medicine and bandage on it. The boys wrapped bandages around the arms and legs of the Spinosaurus, amazed how strong it was to take all those beatings.

"And that's the last of it." AJ said, placing an ointment on the snout of the Spinosaurus. "In a few days, he'll be back on his feet in no time."

"So...what now?" Jaune asked, looking at the Spinosaurus, "I don't know what to do if he wakes and suddenly becomes hungry." The male Arc was worried about the lives of him and his friends if this Spinosaurus ever gets hungry.

"From what I read, the Spinosaurus is known to be a fish eater." Voltaria said to them.

"Really? It's a fish eater?" Jaune asked in relief.

"Well, when it wants to, if there's no fish, it resorts to eating meat." Voltaria added, making Jaune turn pale.

"Okay then, we should gather many fishes and meat to feed this big guy." Yang said, pointing at the Spinosaurus.

"In the middle of the night? How's that gonna work?" Jaune asked.

"Easy, Amaryllis has thermal vision and Ripper can see through the dark, they can hunt down any prey in the darkness while Hannibal catches any fish in the water." Voltaria explains to the group.

"Sounds good to me." Ruby said happily as she looked at the hybrids, "Okay, guys, go out there and hunt some meat, but not the humans or Faunus, just any wild animals lurking at night. Also stay quiet, you don't want anyone to draw attention."

Obeying her words, the two hybrid siblings left the coast and towards forest to hunt some meat while Hannibal went into the ocean to catch many fish. And the rest stayed to keep an eye on the Spinosaurus. It didn't take long for them to come back with the food, Amaryllis and Ripper hunted a deer, two boars, a moose, and three wild ducks. Hannibal returns with a shark, a marlin, three salmon, and five tuna fish. Voltaria, using her Winter Maiden's Power, created an ice bowl and filled it with cool refreshing water. Wade, Ren, and Jaune collected some firewood and started a small fire, to warm up the Spinosaurus as it slept. They stayed close by, watching him, not wanting the Spinosaurus to suddenly wake up and wreak havoc on the town. Anyways, as they wait, Jaune looks at the Spinosaurus curiously. He was amazed at the sight of a living breathing dinosaur. I mean, when he was a kid, he always wanted to see one. Sure, he saw Amaryllis and Ripper, but seeing a pure breed Spinosaurus in the flesh was breathtaking enough.

Without thinking, Jaune placed a hand on the Spinosaurus's side, feeling the Bull (what the males are called) soft breathing. Jaune admired the soft scales of the Spinosaurus, as well as holding back a squeak that threatened to escape his lips. He never imagined himself touching a real-life dinosaur before. Jaune then felt something within the Spinosaurus. Jaune doesn't know why but...he could feel the Spinosaurus's aura. It was weak but it was there, beating like a drum or a heartbeat. Jaune thinks that this Spinosaurus is using his aura to heal himself. Jaune isn't sure if he was right, but it wouldn't hurt if he helps boost the Spinosaurus's healing process. He can amplify his own Aura or that of others, increasing the effects of Aura. So, focusing his aura, Jaune helps boost the Spinosaurus's aura.

Unbeknownst to him, the Bull Spinosaurus slowly opens his eyes, revealing acid green color, as he glanced over to Jaune, watching him applying his aura, boosting his healing process. He was somewhat impressed to see a strange humanoid-being boosting his aura. Not that he's complaining, but he finds it strange to see someone so small to have such a large amount of aura. But as Jaune looks at the Spinosaurus, he just realizes that the sail dinosaur was now awake and looking at him. The young huntsman screamed and fell back on his bottom, much to the amusem*nt of the Spinosaurus, before scrambling towards the others, who got on their feet and were in battle position, along with two hybrid dinosaurs.

"He's awake!" Nora yelled, readying Magnhild.

"Back up!" Voltaria ordered as they all slowly backed away while Amaryllis and Ripper growled at the Bull Spinosaurus, who looked at them calmly, ready to attack him if he tried to hurt their packmates.

But the Spinosaurus just stared at them with a calm expression, no intention of trying to harm or eat them. For he was curious about the humanoid beings in front of them. Like he has never seen a human or Faunus before. The group stared at the Spinosaurus with nervous and unsureness as he continued to stare at them with a surprisingly calm expression.

"...What's he doing?" Yang whispers, readying her Ember Celica.

"He's just...staring at us." Voltaria said to the group.

"Why? Thinking of which one he should eat first?!" Jaune asked in fear, his curiosity and awestruckness towards the dinosaur vanished due to the sudden awaken of the Spinosaurus.

Before Voltaria could answer, the Spinosaurus lets out a calming bellow, which shocks Voltaria and the hybrids in the process. "What?" Voltaria whispers in shock.

"V? What's wrong?" Wade asked, readying his Justiceshot.

"He...he understood us." Voltaria said in shock.

"He what?" Ren asked in confusion, holding up his StormFlower. "Virgo, how can he understand us and how do you know this?" He asked, using her real name.

"Due to my Semblance, I may have learned to understand...animals." Voltaria answered with a bit of hesitation.

"You can understand animals this whole time?" Yang asked in disbelief.

"In a way...but it's useful since this Spinosaurus can understand English." Voltaria said to the group.

"How can he understand English?" Pyrrha asked, readying Miló and Akoúo.

The Spinosaurus suddenly let out a growl, as if he was answering Pyrrha's questions, and Voltaria, who was surprised by this, answered to the group, "He said...the knowledge of language runs deep within the roots of the wisdom tree?"

"I'm sorry, but I have no idea what he just said." Taiyang said, clearly not understanding what the Spinosaurus said.

"Yeah, I got lost from the part of the wisdom tree." Jaune said in agreement.

The Spinosaurus lets out another bellow and Voltaria translated to them carefully. "He says that his home has ancient tree that's roots that is connected to world. That's how he and some other dinosaurs can understand English and other languages."

"So...that's how you understand English, 'cause of a magical and wise tree?" Ruby asked hesitantly, and to her surprise, the Spinosaurus responded with a nod.

"Where do you come from exactly?" Evo asked the Spinosaurus with a curiosity under his eyes.

The Spinosaurus made grunts and growls, explaining to them his home while Voltaria translated. "He came from a land that no longer exists in this world, for it remains hidden within the eyes of the outsiders. And it is called...the Lost Continent?!"

"Wow! That place that is filled with dinosaurs and prehistoric animals that are no longer extinct!? He came from there?!" Ruby asked in shock and awe along with the others.

Voltaria nodded her head, "Yes, apparently, he was born there and survived many battles with other carnivores."

"Wow! That is so cool!" Nora said in awe.

"Man, he must have it rough at his home." Jaune said with a concerned tone, earning a gentle growl from the Spinosaurus.

"He said that he is fine, although he's been through a lot lately after being washed away from his home." She translated to them, "He and some others were caught in the ocean's raging waves."

"Wait...did he just say to others? Like...other dinosaurs?!" Yang exclaimed in shock. The others were also shocked by this sudden information. If there are other dinosaurs that means...they could be somewhere around Remnant!

"Yes, apparently, he and some other dinosaurs were trying to reach higher grounds for shelter but were caught up by the storm and washed away. He didn't know where the others were since they got separated." Voltaria said to them.

"This is bad." Ruby said in shock, "If there are other dinosaurs, it means they must be wandering around Remnant as we speak!"

"Or worse, General Ironwood finding out about this!" Jaune added, making Ruby gasped in realization.

"We have to find them before they could wreak havoc!" Ruby exclaims in horror.

The Bull lets out a warble, saying something to them, Voltaria understands, "He said that he will help you find them since he is familiar with all the scents of every dinosaur and creature in the Lost Continent."

"That's great! With the Spinosaurus's help, we can find them in no time." Ruby said cheerfully before vanishing when the Spinosaurus made a small growl, "What's wrong?"

"He said has a name, you don't have to call him Spinosaurus." Voltaria said to them.

"Oh, sorry, we didn't properly introduce ourselves." Ruby apologizes, earning another gentle growl from the Spinosaurus, "I'm Ruby and these four are friends, Wade, Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren, Nora, Wade, AJ, Evo, Voltaria, my sister, Yang, my dad, Tai. And Amaryllis and Ripper, oh and Zwei and Flare." The group greeted the Spinosaurus, who in return, greeted back.

"He said it's a pleasure to meet you all, and his name is Levistus." Voltaria translated to the group.

"Well, it's nice to meet ya, Levistus." Ruby said with a smile before noticing his stare. "What's wrong?" She suddenly asked, earning another bellow from Levistus.

"Levistus wonders...why only I can understand him and not the rest of you? Do you not speak our language like the ones...back home?" Voltaria was surprised to hear this along with the others.

"I'm sorry...what did he just say?" Yang asked in confusion. "Did you just think that there's others like us? Like other humans?"

Levistus warbled at her and Voltaria translated, "Levistus said:Is that what are you called? Humans?"

"Yeah...what do they look like and what do you call them in your home?" Evo asked Levistus almost eagerly.

Levistus responded and Voltaria translated, "He said, the ones that look like you humans but are animalistic, and his kind call them... Arcanum Animalium, which means...Mysterious Animals."

"Arcanum Animalium..." Pyrrha mutters out as her eyes widen by this, "It must be their own word for Faunus!"

"Wait! Are you saying that there are prehistoric Faunus that live in the Lost Continent?!" Nora exclaimed in shock.

Levistus stared but nodded his head as he made more growling sounds, "In a way, yes, he is saying that what you call 'Faunus'lived in the Lost Continent. Surviving the harshest environment and deadly predators." Voltaria translated, explaining to them what Levistus is saying.

"This...this is amazing." Evo said, almost falling off his feet until he realized something, "Wait, how come Faunus lives there but not humans?"

"Yeah, shouldn't there be like um...cave people?" Nora said, remembering seeing that on TV.

Levistus stared at her in confusion, wondering what the heck is a cave people, but he decided to ignore that and answer the question. From what knowledge he had that was past down from his mother and to his predecessors, that there were once beings like them, humans, that came to the Lost Continent by accident or sheer luck However, the luck for them surviving the Lost Continent didn't go to well as the humans ended up getting sick, died, killed, or eaten alive by the carnivorous beings. Shocking the group in front of them. Levistus then explains that when he travels, he would find some things called ships that were abandoned in one coastal area, which he and his kind called, theGraveyard of the Unknown, for it is filled with unknown ships that no one dares to enter.

"This...this intense." Wade said, falling flat on his bottom.

"Yeah...who knew humans were able to get to the Lost Continent...but only ended up living a short while" Taiyang said in shock.

"These humans could've been explorers or settlers, it is no coincidence that they found the Lost Continent, they probably came to it by accident either their ship crashed, or they tried to colonize and start a new civilization there." Voltaria said to them.

"But I guess it went backfired." Yang said, feeling sad to those humans that didn't make it.

"Do you think if anyone finds out...would they try to do it again? To try and colonize the Lost Continent, I mean?" AJ suddenly asked.

Levistus let out a growl and Voltaria translated, "They can't, for the land is protected by the Guardians of Oriella."

"Who's Oriella?" Jaune asked the Spinosaurus, who answered and Voltaria translated.

"Mother Oriella is a magical and sacred tree that is protected by guardian beings. And she was the one that separated the Lost Continent from Remnant."

"What?! That's...that's incredible!" Ruby said in awe.

"I know, right? We know that magic existed back in the time, but we didn't know it was all the way from the dinosaurs!" Yang exclaims in shock

Levistus knew very well that they knew the story of the Two Gods. He explains, while Voltaria translates, that Mother Oriella is a magical tree that was grown by the God of Light, she brought beauty to the land and homes for the dinosaurs and animals. But his younger brother, the God of Darkness, did not like his creations of life, and caused the destruction and extinction of the dinosaurs and every prehistoric beast that lived there. However, Mother Oriella uses her magic to create and split a huge chunk of the continent from the destructed one, sailing it away from a farther water as well as creating a powerful barrier that saves her and the beasts from the destruction. And creating a fogbank and electrical barrier that prevents any outsiders from finding the Lost Continent. His explanation shocked everyone, especially Voltaria's entities (who were in hiding), finding out that a great tree just saved the remaining prehistoric beasts. Everyone was shocked by this information, knowing very well that this ancient tree has been protecting the dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts that were lost in time. And now, thanks to Levistus, they found out the truth on how they survived so many years.

"Levistus...this...this information is so much...why tell us this?" Ruby asked the Spinosaurus, who responded with a gentle growl.

"He said that you all are worthy, you are different from the ones that tried to colonize his home many years ago. And we would've got advantage on him when he was unconscious, but we didn't. Instead, we helped him, returning back to health. That is why he is telling us this, for we earned his respect." Voltaria translated, making everyone flattered by his words.

"" Yang said in awe, feeling honored that she and the others were worthy to know this knowledge.

"I know, right?! What else do you know?! Like where did Ama and Rippy come from?" Nora points at the two hybrids.

"Nora, I don't think he might know about-" Ren was cut off when Levistus made another bellowing sound, "What did he say?"

"He says that he knows about the half-bloods, that's what they call the hybrids in his home, both Amaryllis and Ripper possibly come from...Beyond the Boglands?" Voltaria translated in confusion.

"What's that?" Jaune asked Levistus.

"Levistus says that it is a mysterious place where there are rumors that some dinosaurs interbreed. And raise their young there. But there are also rumors that some dinosaurs would leave their half-blood eggs in other areas of the continent." Voltaria translated his explanation.

"Did he ever meet other hybrids?" Wade asked.

"Yes, he did, but some half-bloods, mostly carnivorous, steer clear away from other species since they are rather solitary creatures."

"Huh, you sure know a lot about these things." Taiyang said to Levistus, who again responded with a soft growl.

"That's because he lived and survived the Lost Continent, and he has all the knowledge that we have yet to know." Voltaria said to them. "And even how they use aura."

"Wait, you guys know how to use aura?" Yang asked, her voice filled with curiosity and excitement.

Instead of explaining to them, Levistus got up on his feet, ignoring the protest from the group to lay down, as he faced a huge boulder that was far from them. Channeling his aura, Levistus was surrounded by a blue aura with water swirling around him. Everyone watched in total shock and astonishment as Levistus let out a powerful roar before he created a giant blade of water and sent it forward along the ground to slice through the boulder, cutting it in half. Everyone stared at him with jaws dropped and eyes widened, except for Voltaria, she just stared with fascination in her eyes.

"That...was...AWESOME!" Ruby yelled with arms up in the air, both Amaryllis and Ripper roared in agreement. Never in their lives could they be capable of doing that! "Can you teach both Amaryllis and Ripper how to do it?!"

"Yeah!" Yang and Nora said in agreement, followed by Amaryllis and Ripper, well. Mostly Ripper. The Indoraptor wants to know what elements he could use on his enemies!

Levistus stares for a while, knowing very well that these young hybrids have potential and yet to master their skills. Since he has the knowledge and is now currently living here, it was fair for them to learn from a master. So, Levistus agreed, making both hybrids very, very happy.

"This is great! With Levistus's help, Ama and Rippy can learn how to use their auras! And finding the other dinos that might And it means leaving home...and not going back to Beacon..." Ruby slowly trails off as she realizes that she and her friends might have to leave home and search for the dinosaurs that are scattered around Remnant.

The group slowly realizes that if they search for dinosaurs, that means they won't continue their huntsman training at Beacon. They won't be professional huntsmen or huntresses if they don't complete their training. And Voltaria knew it. They have a future ahead of them and they're going to give it away. Voltaria will not allow them to lose this chance of becoming a great huntsman.

"I'll go find the dinosaurs with Levistus." Voltaria said to the group, shocking them in the process.

"Woah! By yourself and Levistus?" Wade asked in shock.

"Amaryllis and Ripper will come along on the journey." Voltaria said to them.

"V, you don't have to do this alone," AJ said to Voltaria, "We can help you together."

"Look, General Ironwood is looking for me, I can no longer attend Beacon Academy. You guys can continue your training to become huntsmen." Voltaria said, reasoning them that their future was important.

"Volty, we all promise to help you, no matter what consequences." Ruby said to Voltaria.

"Yeah! And after all, we owe you big time for preventing the destruction of our Vale." Nora said with a grin.

"Also, I don't think we can go back either considering General Ironwood might believe that we helped you escape from the hospital." Ren added, which everyone agrees.

"And I don't want my kids to be fugitives just because they just saved someone from being transferred away." Taiyang said with a smile at the group.

Voltaria was touched by this. Knowing that they will help her to end like they did to stop Cinder and her group from destroying Vale. She appreciates their help and support. Nodding her head, Voltaria accepts their help, "Thank you, everyone, for everything."

Wade and the others smiled at her, "No problem, V, now. When do you think we should start the search?" Wade asked Voltaria.

Voltaria nodded and summoned Vision, who appeared in thin air, surprising Levistus, as she activated her vision ability to see the location of the dinosaurs. Each of the dinosaurs are in different areas on Mistral's continent. "Some are scattered in the continent of Anima while one is somewhere at Kuo Kuana, Menagerie. There's yet to be any more information if there are more dinosaurs."

"That's good, so when do you think we could hit the road?" Yang asked Voltaria.

"Give three or four days for Levistus to recover, and then we set off to find the other dinosaurs, as well as stopping another attack that will be on Haven Academy." Voltaria said to her friends.

"Yeah! Mission to stop another attack is a go!" Nora cheered, lifting her Magnhild up.

"And we need to inform Blake, Weiss, and Professor Goodwitch through the Dream Realm, I have a feeling that Atlas is now searching through any calls that might pinpoint to me and my current location. I do not wish to ruin your home, Tai."

Taiyang smiles at her in appreciation, "Thank you for being concerned, V, but don't worry about anything. No one will try and find out that you've been here. Only Valerie Xio Long." He said with a wink to Voltaria, who made a small smile of appreciation.

"Thank you, Tai, for everything." Voltaria said in appreciation.

Taiyang smiles back, "Don't mention it. Now, let's get back to bed, we have to prepare for your journey."

Everyone agrees and heads back. Amaryllis and Ripper stayed behind to accompany Levistus. They want to get to know him as well as teaching them what moves that he could teach them. Levistus will teach them soon after he has his fill and rest, because he and the others are gonna have a long journey ahead.


Four days passed since the arrival of Levistus, the Spinosaurus steered clear from the town and stayed on the coast. He's been accompanied by Amaryllis and Ripper, who brings him food from time to time, but he sometimes catches fish at the ocean. Anyways, once he fully recovered, he was ready for the journey to Mistral. Voltaria was able to contact Blake, Weiss, and Glynda about the plan, and they agreed to this. Glynda will allow them to go and would contact them if there was any situation happening. Blake was heading to Kuo Kuana, to see if she could find the dinosaur that might have washed up there. And as for Weiss, well...she's figuring out how to get out of her house since her father refuses to allow her to go back to Beacon to continue her education. He puts his foot down and makes sure Weiss doesn't leave as she will be homeschooled from now on. However, Weiss ain't gonna sit down and do nothing while her friends go on a journey to stop another invasion. So, Voltaria will have to send two of her entities, Marionette & Chariot, to go help Weiss escape from her home. Or in Wraith's case, help her break out from her prison that is called home.

Ruby was worried that if her entities are far, she might lose some of her aura. But Regina assures the silver eyed girl that both Marionette and Chariot are A-Rank entities from Infraworld, they can be separate from Voltaria, and can go too far distance, if given an order. This made Ruby feel relief as the two entities left to get Weiss and bring her to Mistral, where they will meet after they find all the dinosaurs that were scattered. Taiyang helps them get ready. Regina, Wraith, Tabitha, and Hannibal will teleport them to the closest land area. They can't fully teleport them to Mistral's continent since it would take a lot of energy and would damage Voltaria's mind and body. So, the safest way is to travel. Luckily, Levistus, Amaryllis, and Ripper can carry them further to save time or in a hurry. When the time came to leave, Ruby, Yang, and Voltaria said their goodbyes to Taiyang, hugging him as they were ready to leave with their friends and dinos.

"Take care, girls. And remember, stick together." Taiyang said, finishing hugging Yang.

Ruby nodded her head, wearing a backpack along with the others, "We will, dad, are you sure you'll be alright?" She asked her dad in concern.

Taiyang smiles at her in assurance. "Don't worry, Zwei will keep me company," He said, gesturing to the cute dog, who barks out happily, "And besides, someone has to make sure no dinosaurs get caught by Atlas's Government."

"Yeah!" Nora cheered in agreement, her fists pumping in the air as she and her team stood in front of Levistus, who looked at them.

Wade smirks and flicks his hat a bit, "Come on! Haven's a long way to go." He said to the sisters, who smiled at him in agreement.

Voltaria looks at the group with worry hidden in her eyes, "Are you sure you all want to come along on this? There's no turning back." She said to her friends, who all gave her assuring looks.

"The journey will be perilous, and whether we'll find answers at the end is entirely uncertain." Ren said to Voltaria with a kind smile.

Nora nodded her head, "But we wouldn't be here if we weren't up for it." She added, earning agreements with the others. They understood as they said their farewells to Taiyang and Zwei, who was being nuzzled by both Amaryllis and Ripper, saying goodbye to their furry companion.

"Take good care of them, V." Taiyang said kindly, holding up his fist.

Seeing this, Voltaria couldn't help but softly smile as she and Taiyang did a fist-bump, "I will, Uncle Tai." She said to Taiyang softly, making him smile before he started laughing when both Amaryllis and Ripper nuzzled their 'grandpa'.

Soon, they all set off, they walked to a far distance, so Voltaria's entities could teleport them safely to a different location. They waved at Taiyang, who waved back while Zwei barked at them happily, as they headed off to the forest. But as they do so, Yang spotted a raven perched on a branch, causing her to be suspicious, before watching it fly off.

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Are you alright, Yang?Tabitha asked Yang in concern, speaking through her telepathically as she hid in the shadows.

Yang gave an assuring smile, "I'm fine, T, I just saw a raven, that's all." She said to the entity before they continue off their journey. But before they did, they made a quick visit to Summer Rose's gravestone, showing their respect and goodbye, before they headed off.

Unbeknownst to them, Qrow was seen watching them on top of a cliff. He was shocked to see that his nieces were hiding the Grimm Girl all along as well as the two mysterious dinosaurs, but he never expected them to have another one, let alone a Spinosaurus!(Yeah, he knows what it is, he saw it in a movie that he watched). Anyways, Qrow watched as his nieces and their friends suddenly disappeared in a swirl of shadows, shocking the man in the process, knowing very well that he lost sight of them. But he has a feeling that they are probably heading off to Haven Academy. Even though it would be difficult to find them now, he is sure that he will find their location before they reach Mistral. Soon, he jumps off the cliff, disappearing from sight, and soon a crow takes his place and flies towards an unknown location.

Somewhere far beyond continents of Remnant lies another hidden continent or better yet, an island continent. In this particular place was a hidden kingdom that was forgotten by time itself. No one, not even Voltaria herself, knew about this place. For it was kept hidden from the world like the Lost Continent.

And it was Tenebris, the Forgotten Kingdom, and the home of the infamous Grimm Riders.

The Kingdom of Tenebris was hidden away from the rest of the world. For it has secrets that would change the world and the future itself. Many tried to find this kingdom, but in the end, they either got lost or grew mad finding that mysterious kingdom. Ozpin tried to find Tenebris, but no luck, for it was protected by a powerful fog barrier and was blessed by a goddess. For many years, this kingdom remains hidden and slowly forgotten in the eyes of the outside. But the people that live in Tenebris, have the knowledge and secrets that people would desperately want to know.

And right now, there's valuable information that the kingdom has recently discovered.

On top of a huge mountain is a massive castle made of diamonds and crystals of black, white, red, and gray. It was a magnificent sight to behold as the sun or moon lights reflected through them, creating mysterious yet beautiful lights. And inside the castle, that was decorated in such beauty and elegance with statues of Grimms on the sides of the hallways, a mysterious man, all, slenderly, around 28 years old, short black hair and eyes, wearing a ceremonial robe and a masquerade mask that is a pitch-black mask with white misty markings. He calmly walks through the hall that has a red carpet and beautiful pillars before he stands in front of two huge black doors, both opened to reveal a massive throne room, made entirely out of diamonds and crystal-like structures. The room was filled with majestic looking butterflies that are in different colors of Blood Red, Dark Violet, Burning Orange, and Gold, and are fluttering around the room. And in the center was an elegant throne that was above on a platform made of crystals, along with a small stream and lily-pads that had crystal flowers.

And sitting on a throne was a dragon masked woman, wearing a midnight-black robe with a white fur lining. She sat elegantly with pure white hair tied to a bun. Besides her was a massive Grimm dragon that is twice the size of the Wyvern that attacked Beacon. But it seems more docile as it and the woman stared down at the man, who got down on one knee and bowed at the woman with high respect.

"I greet the Royal Highness, Queen Avalon Midnight." He spoke in a respectful tone(Voice Actor: Alan Rickman).

"Arise, Shadow Dusk." The woman known as Queen Avalon said gently(Voice Actress: Connie Nielsen who played Hippolyta in Wonder Woman 2017).The man known as Shadow Dusk stood as Queen Avalon calmly looked at him, "Have you found any news in the outside world?" Her voice sounded sad yet a hint of hope into it.

Shadow nodded his head at his queen, "Indeed, your majesty, I found valuable information from the outside."


"The rumors are true, there is a Grimm Rider outside our kingdom that predicted the attack on Vale, and her description and age are similar to her." Shadow said in a calm yet hopeful tone.

"So, it's true then.Sheis alive." Queen Avalon said in a hopeful voice as a Blood Red butterfly fluttered towards her finger before she looked towards Shadow and asked, "Is there any more information about her?"

"Indeed, she goes by the name Voltaria Eclipse, but her whereabouts is unknown."

"I see..." Queen Avalon said softly, looking at her butterfly in her hand briefly, as if she was thinking of something. Soon, she allowed the butterfly to flutter away as she looked at Shadow with a calm expression under her mask, "Can you and your team search for her? I wish for her to come home safe."

Shadow nodded his head, "I understand, your majesty, but it will be difficult to convince her since there are rumors of her not being...cooperative."

The queen suddenly clenches her hands into fists, finding this rumor ridiculous and untrue. "Don't believe their words, Shadow, for rumors are another word for lies. And we shall not fall for it, understood?"

Shadow lowers his head, "I understand, your highness, I apologize for my inappropriate words."

Satisfied, the queen simply nods her head, "Good, you may go and inform your teammates." She ordered the man in front of her. Shadow bows again at his queen and was about to turn and leave when...

"And Shadow." Shadow stopped and turned towards Queen Avalon as she gave him a clam look, "Please bring her to me safe and unharmed. I do not wish to see any injuries on her."

Shadow could hear the deep concern and pleading tone of his queen's voice, understanding that she wishes for the safety of this girl. Shadow bows again in respect and makes a vow, "I will, your majesty, not a single scratch will come upon her."

"Thank you, Shadow." Queen Avalon said softly.

And with that, Shadow left the throne room as the two massive doors closed behind him. The queen lets out a soft sigh, shaking her head as if she is feeling a weight on her chest, feelings of sadness, guilt, and regret were suffocating her. She then brought up a hand and summoned a holographic screen to reveal an article of Voltaria in the Vytal Festival's tournament. She gently placed a hand on the picture of Voltaria's masked face as she gently caressed it. Soon, the massive Grimm Dragon gently nudged his mistress, emitting soft sounds, allowing her to pet his boney snout gently.

"She will soon come home, Amaro, and I will make sure that nothing cruel ever happens to her again." Queen Avalon said softly as she looked at Voltaria's picture again, "We will meet soon, my precious granddaughter."

This is what Queen Avalon looks like:

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Shadow Dusk is an Oc who belongs to dindagangleader14 (Fanfiction).

Also, Levistus the Spinosaurus used a move called Hydro Cutter from this anime called Dinosaur King if you guys know that.

Chapter 22: The First Step


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

In a barren wasteland, lies a realm where Creatures of Grimm reside and are created. The landscape is filled with rocky terrains, enormous Gravity Dust crystals sprouting from the ground. And the sky is a dark red. There are pools of a viscous, tar-like substance. And emerging from the pool of black slime, a large paw emerges from within the slime and a Beowolf gradually crawls out, slime sliding off of it and onto the ground. And it wasn't alone, more Beowolves emerged from various pools, growling, and snarling in their wake on this desolate wasteland. It is unbeknownst to the public, but only few know about this realm. And this realm is called...

The Realm of Darkness.

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This realm was formerly the domain of the God of Darkness. It was a dangerous place that no one dared to venture. For it is filled with Grimm that can kill anyone on sight. However, someone has taken this realm after both powerful deities left the world. There, in the distance, lies a castle within the center of this realm, where a dangerous faction is gathered and plans to destroy all the Kingdoms of Remnant.

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And that faction belongs to Ozpin's mortal enemy, Salem.

Salem and her subordinates have taken the Realm of Darkness as their base of operation, the Evernight Castle, built out of rock and purple crystal, where they gathered to discuss a certain matter. And it was the plan of destruction of Vale that failed as well as the demise of Cinder Fall.

Within a high building, there is a large, windowed room, it is dimly lit, only illuminated by weak candles, the dark sky, and sometimes the moon. Its décor are smaller crystals and candles, mostly black, dark purple, and red. And at the center is a long purple, crystal table with seven chairs.

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But there were three people occupying some chairs while the four remaining chairs stayed empty. Those in the room were Arthur Watts, a brilliant mad genius, Tyrian Callows, a scorpion Faunus sociopath, and Hazel Rainart, a big and cold man.

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Three loyal subordinates that served under Salem. These men have different intentions in working with Salem. Some were for revenge while the other was to serve her with blind loyalty.

Watts was sitting on the other side of the table, looking at his Scroll with a calm expression. Across him on the other side was Tyrian Callows, a sociopathic serial killer. He sits in a crouch casually on his chair, resting his arms on his knees with a sad*stic grin on his face. And across from Tyrian was Hazel Rainart. His arms are crossed, and he looks asleep. These men have different histories against the kingdoms. Watts wanted to do it out of revenge against Ironwood and Pietro Polendina, Penny Polendina's father/creator. Holding a great grudge against Ironwood because he refused to acknowledge the greatness of his genius and felt a severe blow to his pride when the General selected Pietro's work over his own. And that's when Salem found him, to work with her to take revenge against those who wronged him. So, to make sure no one knows he was working for Salem, he faked his own death, creating the Paladin Incident.

Hazel joined Salem to avenge his sister, Gretchen. His sister joined Beacon Academy against his wishes. Since it was too dangerous and Hazel tried to tell her not to, but she was stubborn and attended anyway. But soon, tragedy struck, when during a training mission, Gretchen was killed. And Hazel blamed Ozpin for her death. Wanting to take revenge, he was sought by Salem, and joined her, to avenge his sister.

And Tyrian, on the other hand, didn't join just for revenge. No, he joined because he wanted to. Not because he's a homicidal maniac but enjoys the thrill of killing and serving Salem with blind loyalty. After all, she was the one that sent those Grimms to attack his transport vessel that was taking him to prison, thus saving him in the process. Due to her action, Tyrian believes that Salem is a Goddess of Destruction and Death, worshiping her with admiration, wanting to be in her good favor and grace. And he's the only one who knows that Salem's true intention is to destroy this work rather than making new one. Which he gladly supports, even if it means his own death, but he finds it a beautiful ideal to follow. Because Salem is everything Tyrian yearns for, as his obsession with destruction is entirely personified in Salem.

And that's why Salem chose them with her plan.

"You hear that?" Watts suddenly spoke, catching the two men's attention, which earned a smirk under her mustache as he looked at the empty seat that used to belong to Cinder Fall, "Silence."

Hazel gives Watts an unimpressed sideways glance. Knowing very well how amused Watts is when he found out that Cinder failed and died on her mission to destroy Vale. But was thwarted by some students in Beacon Academy.

"I've half a mind to thank the little girls that bested Cinder." Watts said with a hint of sick amusem*nt.

He and the others learned the truth that Cinder's plan was thwarted by Ruby and Voltaria. The two girls were able to apprehend Cinder, stopping her and her team from destroying the city, and were able to finish Cinder off. How they know about her plan was unbeknownst to them, but these two girls took Cinder down and made a protection barrier that no Grimm could break as it expands beyond the borders, including Mount Glenn.

Tyrian grins, tapping his fingers together in a menacing way, "Oh, indeed, poor, poor Cinder, she couldn't handle the task. It was too big for her, especially after her demise by the hands of two little girls." Tyrian grins manically as a crazy idea comes to mind, "If she was still alive, I'd hunt those two girls down." He snickers lightly, "Find them and, well, you get what I mean?" And then he cackles madly, thinking many ways to kill both Ruby and Voltaria.

Hazel stares at him blankly while Watts scoffs at Tyrian, "Pathetic. Why did she even-" Watts was cut off when a sound of a heavy metal door being unlatched.

The doors open wide by themselves, and everyone stands just before their leader enters the room. Their leader, Salem, is a woman with skin that deathly pallor with jet black sclera in her eyes and glowing crimson irises. Her pale white hair is styled into a larger bun with six offshoots wrapped together that also suspends several obsidian-colored ornaments. Dark purple veins are lined on her face and arms and has a black diamond-shaped marking in the center of her forehead. She wears a very long, short-sleeved black robe that obscures her feet and partially drags across the ground, with its distinctive feature being a curved high collar with dark red trim bordering the outer edge of a narrow window exposing her bust in a vertical ellipsis resembling an eye, and completed with a long shawl emblazoned with three interconnected, maroon-colored vertical elliptic sigils resembling a trio of overseeing eyes above a series of maroon-colored diamond emblems.

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Salem's appearance made her look as if she was some kind of demoness from Hell.

Salem glides alongside the table with soft footsteps before reaching the head of it, jewels jangling from her hair. Salem stops, facing away from them and toward a candle and crystal display. She looks at the remaining members of her circle with a calm yet cold expression. No one knows what she is currently thinking now, but right now, there's a matter to be discussed.

"Watts," Salem spoke towards the genius in the room. Watts straightens up a bit and looks towards Salem as she turns to him, "Do you find such malignance necessary?" She questions him before gesturing for all to sit down.

Watts bowed his head in an apologetic manner, "I apologize, ma'am. I'm not particularly fond of failure." He answered as he and Salem sat simultaneously.

"I understand, Watts, Cinder have failed to become our Fall Maiden, failed to destroy Beacon Tower, and most importantly...she failed to kill dear Ozpin. So, I'm curious, what has caused her failure?" Salem questions the men in the room.

Watts answered to Salem the reason for Cinder's failure, "Well, the girl with the Silver Eyes and the mysterious Grimm Girl."

Hazel understood what he meant, "Yes. We've dealt with their kind before. But the Grimm Girl remains a mystery to us all. How is it that a novice and a child were able to best one of us?"

Watts agreed with Hazel, satisfied that he was on his side, "My thoughts exactly. Even without her new power, it should have been effortless."

"True, I hoped Cinder would have succeeded, but it appears that I was wrong. She was not worthy to be our Fall Maiden. However, this doesn't mean our plan has changed," Salem said in a dead serious tone, catching everyone's attention, "Since Cinder is no longer with us, Dr. Watts, you are to take Cinder's place and meet with ourinformantin Mistral."

Watts nodded in understanding. "Of course."

Salem turns to the sociopathic killer, "Tyrian, I want you to continue your hunt for the Spring Maiden."

Tyrian laughs hysterically, "Gladly!"

"And Hazel, I'm sending you to see if the White Fang is still with us. Considering Adam Taurus has perished in battle, see to it that they remain sufficient for our next attack, and ensure that Sienna Khan feels the same."

Hazel nodded his head, his expression remaining neutral, "As you wish."

Even though his expression was neutral, Salem could easily read him, "Something is your mind, Hazel?"

Hazel glanced towards Salem, who was patiently waiting for his answer. Hazel knew very well that things won't go as planned since they have a new threat in their way, "What about the girls?"

Knowing he was referring to the two girls, Watts was the first to respond with a scoff, "What about them? Seems to me that this was Cinder's problem, not ours. And considering that she's no longer here, I doubt we can do anything about it." He said, stating in a matter-of-fact tone.

However, Salem had other ideas, she agreed with Hazel. For all she knows, they'll thwart her plan in destroying Haven like they did to Cinder at Beacon. "I have to agree with Hazel on this, Watts." Salem said, earning a surprise look from Watts, as the immortal woman turned to homicidal madman, "Tyrian?"

Tyrian looks at Salem with adoration and excitement, "Yes, my lady?"

"Spring can wait. Find the girls that killed Cinder." Salem orders to Tyrian, earning excitedly giggles from the craze killer as he claps his hands happily, until Salem adds that deflates his sickening joy, "And bring them to me alive, especially the Grimm Girl."

Tyrian froze, knowing his grace wanted them alive and not dead, groans disappointedly, pouting like a child since he can't do what he does best. But it only lasted for a second as looks back up at Salem with an acquiescent shrug. Agreeing to bring those girls alive doesn't mean he couldn't bring them unharmed.

Salem nodded in satisfaction as she looked back at the remaining members, "Even though Beacon has yet to be fallen, we should see to it that Heaven should fall accordingly as planned."

After giving their orders, Salem dismisses them, and they all rise from their seats. But before they part ways, Tyrian looks towards Cinder's empty seat and lets out a sickening snicker, amused and ecstatic at the thought of finding those girls that killed Cinder. It would be a delightful hunt, and he can't wait to get his blades at them. Tyrian begins laughing wickedly, already finding ways to harm them.

"Eye for an eye." He mutters wickedly before he goes into an uncontrollable fit of manic laughter as he leaves the room in a sickly cheerful manner.

Ready to bring great satisfaction towards his grace.

Oscar opened his eyes and found himself floating amongst the stars. His eyes widen in awestruck as he quickly stands up or floats up as he looks around with a bewildered expression. He was presented in a world with the beauty of stars, the colors of purple, midnight blue, white, and hints of black. Oscar always sees these stars in books, but this must be a dream. Suddenly, small stars started surrounding him, letting childish giggles, which surprised Oscar in the process. He could hear children's voices, speaking through his mind.

"Go to Mistral. Go to Mistral. Go to Mistral." They all said to him, giggling about.

"W-Why? Why should I go? And what's going on?" Oscar asked in confusion.

The stars then moved away, spinning around to form a mirror-like projection, revealing Mistral being attacked by Grimm. Oscar was horrified by this. Seeing such a massive Grimm attack and the city falling apart, it almost made Oscar want to hurl up. Wondering why they are showing this to him?"

"You must go and help them." A woman's voice was heard within the stars. Her voice was soft and gentle, which made Oscar feel relaxed and safe. "You are the key to unlock the truth."

"What do you mean? I'm just a farmer." Oscar said through the abyss of stars.

"There is more about you than meets the eye, Oscar Pine, for you have great potential that has yet to unlock." The woman said to Oscar.

"I...I don't understand, what potential?" Oscar asked the voice, clearly confused on what's going on.

"In due time. But for now, you must go to Mistral and assist the girl with silver eyes, and the child of night. Only then can you find your true potential."

"Please, tell me what potential I-AAHH!" Oscar suddenly was blown away by an unknown force, sending him back to reality. "W-Wait!"

"Do not fret, Oscar. For someone will guide you through your journey, so that you are not alone." The voice slowly fades as the world around him slowly disappears.

"Wait! Don't go!" Oscar called out, trying to reach the voice, but was pulled away. "Wait!"

"Wait! Whoa! Omph!?" Oscar yelped as he fell off his bed, groaning as he lay on the wooden floor of his bed. He sits up and rubs his head, easing the pain when it makes contact with the wooden floor. " was some dream."

"It wasn't a dream!" Came a small, tiny, and high pitch voice.(Kristen Li, who played as the voice of Bubbles in the new Powerpuff Girls series).

Oscar's eyes widen as he looks towards his bed. His eyes widen even more at the sight of a small pixie with blue/purple/pink coloring, midnight blue hair, and purple eyes. She was smiling at him brightly as her blue wings released sparkly dust when she flew up to him.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (125)

"Hello! I am Maristela! But you can call me Mari! I am a Star Pixie and I'm here on the behalf of my Goddess, Lunaria, to guide you on your journey on helping the girl with silver eyes and the child of night. Any questions?" Mari said in a cheery tone.

Oscar, however, was still dumbfounded on what just happened. Believing that he was still dreaming, Oscar gently slaps himself on the face, trying to see if he could wake up. Mari notices Oscar slapping himself and tilts her head.

"Are you okay?" Mari asked Oscar, curious about his look.

"...I must hit my head really hard." Oscar mutters out, his dumbfounded look never left his face.

Mari pouted and flew to his face, "Well, wake up! It's time to smell the flowers! Because you're gonna help fulfill a prophecy!"

Oscar gave her a confused yet stunned, "Prophecy? What prophecy?"

"To stop a great destruction from happening on Remnant!" Mari said, puffing her chest.



"...WHAAAATTTT?!" Oscar gapped at Mari, completely aware that he is now awake.

He couldn't believe his eyes. So, the dream wasn't a dream, but actually a message from a goddess?! What in the world did he get himself into!? And what is this about some prophecy? He has no idea why he was chosen!

"Oscar? Is everything alright? I heard you scream." Oscar's Aunt, Olivia, said through the other side of the door.

Oscar snapped out of his trance and was about to speak when Mari stopped him, "SHHH! Your aunt can't know about me! It must be kept a secret!" She hushed him in a loud yet quiet tone.

Oscar wasn't sure on what to do or say but seeing that his aunt might get a heart attack if she finds out about this, Oscar had no choice but to lie, "Nothing's wrong, Aunt Olivia! I just fell off my bed."

"Are you sure that you're okay?"

"Yup! I'll have to be careful when I sleep." Oscar said to his aunt.

"All right, just be careful next time, you need to get some sleep. You have to deliver some hay to Farmer Jones; he needs it for his cattle." Olivia reminds her nephew.

"Sure thing!" Oscar calls out, listening to his aunt's footsteps leaving his room, allowing Oscar to let out a sigh of relief and stress, "What did I get myself into?" He mutters out as he turns and leans on the edge of his bed.

Mari flies over to him and stands on one of his knees, "Well, it's destiny that you were chosen to help out on this journey." She said with her arms crossed and eyes closed as she nodded her head.

Oscar gave her an annoyed yet confused look, "A journey to what exactly? I didn't even agree to this!"

"But you have to! The fate of the entire world is in dire state if you don't help the silver-eyed girl and the child of the night!" Mari said to Oscar.

Oscar sighs as he mutters out, "It's not real. It's not real. It's not real."

"You better believe it's real, buster!" Mari said to Oscar in a dead serious tone, even though it's adorable to hear. "Because the Goddess knows that you have special talent within you."

"Talent? The only talent I have is farm work. I'm not even a huntsman." Oscar said to Mari.

"Not that, I meant to say, you have magic." Mari said, earning a flabbergasted look from Oscar.

"...You're joking, right?"

Mari shook her head, "Nope! You, Oscar Pine, have magic within you." She said to him in a strict manner.

"This has to be a joke!" Oscar said, almost loudly, raising his arms up above his head, "You can't honestly believe thatIhave magic!"

"That's because you are the first in your generation to ever inherit it!" Mari said to Oscar, hands flying upwards, "You have an ancestor that did magic before and now you."

Oscar stared at her with confused eyes before slumping his head on the edge of the bed, "I am really losing it." Oscar mumbles in a tired and gloomy tone, covering his face with his hand.

Mari flies beside his face, her arms and legs crossed, as her wings flutter about, "Don't worry, you're still sane." She assures the farm boy.

Oscar lifted his hand and frowned, clearly not amused by this, as he turned towards Mari, "I'm talking to a pixie that I thought was a fairytale." He reminds the Star Pixie in a dry tone.

Mari huffs as she straightened herself and placed both hands on her hips, "Hey, I didn't say you werenormal. I said you were sane. There's a difference between-"

Oscar groaned and almost shouted in frustration, "Shut up! You think this is funny? It's not." Oscar was clearly not amused on what's going on.

Mari pouts as she glares at Oscar for his rudeness, "HEY! This is no joke! My Goddess chose you for a reason, I don't know why, but it's true! Back then, people would consider it an honor to be chosen by the Goddess of the Night!"

This caught Oscar's attention. He looks back at Mari, his frustration now replaced with curiosity. "What do you mean by 'back then'?"

Hearing this, Mari explains Oscar her words, "You may think that you find all fairy tales were nothing but stories, but we're real! We used to live amongst humans, even gods. And those mortals who are chosen by the gods will become great heroes as well earning great honor! But being blessed by the Goddess of the Night is the greatest of all honor there is! For she is one the most powerful gods there is!"

"She is?"

"Yup! Well...she is third strongest next to the God of Darkness and God of Light, but they're good friends and they show mutual respect to one another. But the point is, my Goddess chose you for a reason, Oscar."

Oscar sighs and shakes his head, "Maybe she chose wrong."

"NONSENSE! My Goddess never chooses wrong! For she sees greatness in everyone! Including you!" Mari said to Oscar. "We both have responsibility to uphold and an opportunity for you to get out of your comfort zone."

"What are you talking about!? I like what I'm doing." Oscar said, protesting Mari's words.

Shaking her head, Mari came face to face with Oscar, "No you don't! The moment when I got here, I knew for a fact that you don't want to live the rest of your life working as a farmhand in Mistral."

Oscar's eyes widen again and looks at Mari, "So you just decided to read my thoughts?!"

"No! I didn't! You always wished it upon the stars! And of course, I and other star pixies heard it! You want a life of adventure! To explore new lands, meet new people, and make friends! That's what dreams are even after your parents' death!"

Oscar was silent, his expression became blank as looks towards Mari with an unreadable expression. True to her words, his parents did die during their travels. You see, Oscar's parents were both huntsmen, they work hard to make enough money to move to a good place to raise Oscar. However, during one of their missions, they were both killed by Grimm after they were ambushed by bandits, drawing the Grimm right to them. Oscar was only eight at the time, he had nowhere to go. Luckily, his father's sister, Olivia Pine, took Oscar in and raised him but also taught him how to be a farmhand. It was Oscar's life, and he was used to it, but part of him wanted to travel, to explore, and to be...adventurous like his parents. Yet he has a nagging voice at the back of his head to tell him not to do it. It was very frustrating for him if he couldn't decide whether to go or not.

Until a thought came to mind of his hybrid dino friend, Ultimasaurus, or Oscar likes to call him, Ultima.

He knew very well that Ultima wishes to travel to different parts of Remnant, stretching his legs and hunting prey (the animals that he could hunt, not the people or Faunus), to feel the taste of the new lands instead of being hidden away in the cove. In all honesty, Oscar felt guilty to not let his friend explore, because he fears that the people, mostly Atlas, would hunt him down if they find out about him. And another thing, Oscar really wanted Ultima to meet with other hybrid dinosaurs that were like him. That way, he wouldn't feel left out, even if Ultima didn't mind being the only hybrid dino around, but still...Oscar felt like it was time to stop hiding his friend, and let him explore, to find others like him.

Letting out a sigh, Oscar looks back at Mari, who returns looking at him, waiting for his answer. "I don't have much of a choice, do I?" He questions the pixie, giving her a half smile.

Mari beams at him with a wide smile. And the next thing Oscar knew, she hugged the right side of his cheek, "I knew you have a heart! Now, we should start preparing! It's gonna be a long train ride."

"Actually...we're gonna walk." Oscar stops Mari, causing the pixie to look at him in confusion. "I have a friend that I want to bring along."

Mari tilts her head, "What kind of friend? Does he know how to fight?" Mari asked Oscar curiously.

"...You can say that..." Oscar said with a sheepish smile.

Later on, Oscar was able to sneak out of the house without his aunt knowing as he and Mari headed to the forest. Oscar shows her the cove, where his friend was currently living. Mari asked why was living here instead with him? Oscar replied to her that his friend is quite rather...big. Upon reaching the cove, fireflies were seen dancing through the air and the lake was producing glowing algae. Mari was amazed by this place, but wondered, why is his friend living here and not with him.

"So...why is your friend living here again?" Mari asked the farmhand, "Does he not like living under a roof on his head?"

Oscar laughs nervously, holding a lantern in hand, before setting it down on a rock platform, " I friend is...big, very big, and he's not comfortable with um...strangers...human and Faunus strangers that is."

Mari tilts her head in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Suddenly, the earth beneath them started to shake, causing Mari to freeze in mid-air when a looming presence was behind her. Slowly turning around, Mari lets out a cute 'MEEP!' as the Ultimasaurus looms down at her, his green eyes burn down to Mari's tiny form. Oscar made a sheepish smile as he gestured Mari to his friend.

"Mari, this is Ultima, my friend. Ultima, this is Mari." Oscar introduced sheepishly.

Ultima snorts at Mari, releasing strong air from his nostrils, sending the pixie flying. Mari screams, being blown away. But she soon got her position back before glaring towards the now amused Ultimasaurus.

"That was so rude!" Mari exclaims towards Ultima, who ignores the small pixie.

Oscar chuckles nervously as he pats Ultima's face gently, "He didn't mean to."

"Oh, yes, he did! He did it on purpose!" Mari exclaims, pointing her little finger at the hybrid. "Just look at his smug face!"

Oscar looked at his hybrid's friend and saw that Ultima was not showing any expression. He was just staring at Mari before glancing towards Oscar calmly. A sweat dropped from the back of Oscar's head, clearly understanding that his friend was keeping his cool while he torments the poor pixie. Anyways, back to the topic on hand, Oscar looks at his friend, ignoring Mari glaring towards Ultima with puffy cheeks.

"Ultima...there's something...there's something I want to tell you." Oscar said to his friend.

This caught the Ultimasaurus's attention. He was curious about on what Oscar was going to say. The hybrid dinosaur always enjoys hearing Oscar's daily time, hearing few gossips from here and there, and learning some interesting things going on. Knowing his friend was listening, Oscar took deep breath and said everything that Mari told him.

"We're going to Mistral." He said, getting Ultima's full attention, "Mari said that...I can help some certain people there...and...and this will give us an opportunity to travel and possibly...meeting the two dinosaurs people keep talking about." Ultima tilted his head at Oscar, continued to listen to the farmhand's explanation. "I know I always keep telling you that I enjoy visiting you here, but...but I feel like it's time for you and me to travel, to explore all parts of Remnant, and I can't do that if I don't get over my fear. you a chance of, what do you say? Do you wanna come along?"

Ultima listened to Oscar's words, understanding that they were all genuine, knowing very well that he was ready to go and conquer his fear of traveling. And Ultima waited very patiently for this, he really wanted to go, not just to see others like him, but to travel with Oscar and share great memories, even if they have to bring the nagging pest along, he will endure it. For Oscar's sake. So, with a gentle warble, Ultima nuzzles his human gently, assuring him that he will come along.

Oscar smiles before gently scratching Ultima's head, earning happy purrs from Ultima, "I knew you would understand. Now, there's one thing we need to do before we head off."

"And what's that?" Mari asked, fluttering besides him.

"I have to save enough money before we go." Oscar informs Mari, who just realizes what he meant.

"Oh...right, humans need to call it 'money'when traveling." Mari said to herself before slumping in mid-air, "I knew that this journey's gonna take a while." She mutters sadly, flying on top of Oscar and slumps on his head.

Oscar smiles and gently pats her, "Hey, give me time, I've got some money for myself, I just...don't know when to use them." He said to her in an assuring tone, "Just give me a month, and then we go to Mistral." Oscar looks at Ultima and smiles at him gently, "All of us."

This earned a gentle bellow from Ultima while Mari huffs and sits on Oscar's head with her legs crossed in a mediation pose. "All right, fine! I can wait a month, but you must know, time is of the essence! We have to be at Mistral as soon as possible!"

Oscar laughs a bit before Mari comes in front of him. "I promise, we'll be there as soon as I save enough for the journey." He assures her, lifting his pinky finger up.

Smiling, Mari holds his pinky with her small hands. She understood this human gesture; it is called a pinky promise. It is a traditional gesture most commonly practiced amongst children involving the locking of the pinkies of two people to signify that a promise has been made. And Oscar is intending to keep his end.

So, with the promise made, Oscar worked hard to save enough money for their journey to Mistral. Mari had to stay hidden at home. Oscar offered her to stay with Ultima, but the pixie refused since she and Ultima are not on speaking terms. The two of them had a silent feud and refused to respect one another. So, Mari stays with Oscar and hides in his room or explores the surroundings at night, being patient for Oscar's sake. Lucky for her, it was market week, where everyone sells lots of items and materials. Oscar and his aunt sold all the cops and eggs when they were in town. Oscar got half of the money while the rest was for his aunt since she has to pay the bills and buy some materials needed for the farm and Oscar.

Once Oscar had enough money, he prepared some essentials and sweets for the journey. Turns out, pixies love sweets, and he made sure to pack a lot for Mari. Ultima doesn't need Oscar to bring him food since he can just hunt his own food. When all is done, Oscar sets off at sunrise, with a green backpack on and Mari on his shoulder, as he walks along a dirt road away from the farm. He made sure to leave a note to his aunt, assuring that he will back after he finished his journey to Mistral, making sure she believes that he was traveling. Oscar then stops and looks over his shoulder, looking at the farm he was raised by his aunt one last time before he faces forward, adjusts the backpack, and resumes walking.

"Don't worry, Oscar, you'll see your aunt soon, I promise." Mari assures Oscar.

Oscar sighs softly, unsure if he did the right thing, but...he'll soon find out eventually, "I hope so too, Mari." Oscar said softly.

Oscar continues following the dirt road in a forest. There, he and Mari went to the deep part, where they met up with Ultima, who was waiting for them through the thick forest. Oscar smiles at his friend, seeing how patient he was waiting for them.

"Thanks for waiting for us, buddy." Oscar said gently, patting Ultima's snout, earning purrs from the hybrid.

Mari huffs at Ultima, crossing her arms and turning her head, clearly showing no respect for the hybrid, and the same goes for him, "At least you had some patients, Thorn." She said to Ultima, who glared at him.

Oscar sweat dropped and looked at Mari in confusion, "Thorn?"

"Yes, you may call him Ultima, but to me, he's nothing but a thorn in my side!" Mari exclaims, shaking her little fists towards Ultima, earning a low growl from the hybrid.

Oscar lets out a worried groan, having a bad feeling that these two may not get along on the journey. "Let's just go before sundown. It's a long way to Mistral." Oscar said to them.

With their glaring match over, they allowed this feud to be over, for now. Ultima lowers his body and allows Oscar to get on. Oscar has been riding Ultima for some time and got used to it. With his human on his back and the annoying pest (Ultima will always call Mari that) on his human's shoulder, as the hybrid sets off to Mistral's direction. The trip will probably take some time to get there, but it would be worth it for the adventure.

"You know...the weirdest part is how it feels." Oscar said, getting both Mari and Ultima's attention, "Leaving home is crazy. Going to the city is crazy. Everything you've told me iscompletelycrazy."

"I know it's crazy." Mari said to Oscar.

"...But it doesn't feel crazy anymore."

"What do you mean?" Mari asked the farm boy.

Oscar explains his reason, "It feels like I'm doing the right thing..."

"But?" Mari asked further.

"But it's scary." Oscar bows his head as he speaks, then lifts his head up and looks nervously at the sky, "I...I don't know what to do or say if I meet those girls you mentioned."

Mari pats his cheek, "Don't you worry, Oscar! Leave everything to me! They'll understand the situation clearly, and who knows, maybe you'll get one of them to like you."

Oscar almost blushed when she said that to him, "Woah, let's not get overzealous here." Oscar stops Mari from overdoing it.

Mari huffs and crosses her arms, "Suit yourself." She then looks at Ultima and orders, "Make sure you stay in the road, Thorn!"

Ultima snorts, silently mocking her in his mind, clearly finding her annoying and as a parasite. But he has to keep a clear mind since they have a long road ahead of them. And praying to the magical tree, Mother Oriella, to give him strength to face off any enemies that come in their way, as well as protecting Oscar from danger, and maybe trying to get rid of the annoying parasite. But he has a feeling it might not happen.

But it will still be an interesting journey for all of them.


Hey, guys, so if you were wondering why I just have a chapter for Salem and her group, and Oscar, I wanna make a quick explanation. Since Oscar no longer is merged with Ozpin's soul, I decided that Oscar should be one of Ozpin's descendants since he often gets reincarnated every time he dies. And maybe Oscar is a descendant of one of Ozpin's previous reincarnations (maybe he started a family), and possibly inherited Ozpin's magical abilities, and was the only one who has it.

I know it doesn't make sense, but I need a way to make Oscar special. And how else he would travel to Mistral with Ultima.

Chapter 23: The Road Ahead


The Spinosaurus is from Jurassic Park 3, yes dinosaurs from Jurassic Park and World will be there. Yes, the other teams will get their dinosaurs.

Also, in my story, Yang didn't lose her arm, Pyrrha didn't die, and the story line will be totally different. I hope you all understand.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Song for this Chapter: Let's Just Live (feat. Casey Lee Williams)

Ruby Rose:

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (126)

Yang Xiao Long:

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (127)

Lie Ren:

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (128)

Nora Valkyrie:

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (129)

Jaune Arc:

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (130)

Pyrrha Nikos:

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (131)

Wade Cross:

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (132)

Evo Hebi:

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (133)

Ammolite Jewel:

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (134)

Voltaria Eclipse:

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (135)

Almost a year has passed since the massive Grimm attack on Vale, everyone was able to recover from the attack and rebuild the city. It wasn't hard for them to fix the damages, considering that all of them were done by those scary thorny vines. But all in all, they were able to fix areas now with no problems. Especially with their new defenses. That's right, Vale's new defense against Grimm were these strange crystals that were scattered all around the city, beyond its borders and to Mountain Glenn. These crystals protected Grimm that came from land, sky, underground, or in the water. It was an amazing defense against the Creatures of Grimm, and scientists are still figuring out how these crystals work. But to no avail.

Even though the crystals' powers are a mystery, everyone in Vale appreciates and is astonished by the protection these crystals give. It was a sign of a new hope for them. Speaking of which, thanks to these crystals, construction of Mount Glenn became no trouble as they were able to rebuild the city there. They even began building the underground train and city, bringing it in good shape as well as making an easy route for material and equipment to be delivered to Mount Glenn.

It was a satisfying turn of an event and a new day for Vale.

However, there's yet any peace, there Atlas soldiers and AK-200 (Atlesian Knight-200) were scouting the perimeter and assisting the workers on the construction. However, that's not the real reason. The real reason they were here is to investigate one person. A certain person that created these crystals and predicted the attack, so she could prevent it.

Her name was Voltaria Eclipse aka 'The Grimm Girl'.

Scientists and researchers speculate that due to this extraordinary phenomenon, they wanted to know more about these crystals and how they are used to ward off Grimm from coming to the city or shielding them from the attacks. They tried to solve them the best way they can, but they found no clues on what these crystals are made of. They only know that Voltaria may have the answers they need, as well as for Ironwood, who wishes to know how Voltaria figured about the invasion, Salem, and everything. But the girl was hard to find, for she disappeared without a trace. Much to Ironwood's frustration. They don't have any leads about her whereabouts. Heck, they even tried to find out from her friends, but they also mysteriously disappeared. They tried to get to Weiss, but her father refused them any interview, saying that he wanted his daughter to have none of this 'Grimm Girl'business. They even tried to ask Glynda about Voltaria's whereabouts, but the teacher doesn't know what happened to her, saying that she left the hospital before she could be there, and that's it.

However, it was her cover up story. Glynda would never reveal Voltaria's whereabouts along with her friends. Voltaria recently contacted her via Dream Realm and informed Glynda that there's trouble at Mistral Academy, and they need to investigate. Glynda understood this, knowing very well how Voltaria's vision works. But she and the others must be careful, Ironwood is still searching for Voltaria, wanting answers from her. Yet I doubt he'll ever find her.

"Professor Goodwitch, are you alright?"

Glynda turns away from the window of Ozpin's office before looking towards Ozpin. The headmaster was looking through some documents on his desk along with other piles. It's been a quite busy day in Beacon Academy, after the whole stopping Grimm invasion, they were receiving a lot of paperwork, mostly from the councils, construction, and so on. She couldn't blame him; everybody was still on edge from what they saw about Cinder working for Salem and how Voltaria saved everyone's lives.

"My apologies, I was lost in thoughts." Glynda said to Ozpin.

Ozpin responded with a nod, believing that she was still overwhelmed by these crystals. But to be honest, she worries about Voltaria and the other students. They're going on a dangerous mission, without any transportation, trying to be out of Atlas's radar, and stopping yet another invasion on their own. She wanted to tell Ozpin about this, so he could contact Leonardo Lionheart, the headmaster of Mistral Academy, to assist them on their mission. But Glynda suspects that there might be a mole among their operation, meaning a traitor in Ozpin's group. Voltaria saw it in her vision, she doesn't know who it is, but she could tell that this particular person is one of Ozpin's secret members and is secretly helping Salem behind their backs. Glynda didn't want them to be caught by the spy, and thus kept quiet from Ozpin and Ironwood.

Speaking of which, the General of Atlas entered the office with two AK-200 following him from behind. He has changed over the recent year. He had grown stubble and his hair was slightly messier. He wore a white, double-breasted tailcoat with dark blue and black accents, most notable at the cuffs and shoulder pieces. The coat was belted at the waist. Underneath, Ironwood had a black collared shirt and a red tie. He also wore two white gloves, in contrast to wearing only one on his right hand. His pants were no longer tucked inside military boots but instead hung over the black boots.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (136)

"General, what brings you here?" Ozpin asked Ironwood, setting down the papers.

"Sorry for the unexpected visit, but I need to discuss with you an important matter." Ironwood said to Ozpin seriously.

"And that is?"

"You know what I mean, Oz." Ironwood stated to the Headmaster of Beacon, "We need to know about Voltaria Eclipse's whereabouts."

This, however, slightly angers Glynda. She knew very well that Ironwood was still searching for Voltaria. Ever since he learned about Voltaria's plan on saving Vale, he was determined to find out how she got valuable information, believing it was a key motive to find out a way to defeat Salem for good.

Glynda, on the other hand, finds this very, very upsetting. She still won't forget how he convinced the council to take Voltaria away and put her in some safehouse of some kind or a holding cell. Believing that she's some kind of secret weapon, but she's not. Voltaria is just a girl who's been through enough pain already. She doesn't want her to lose hope and faith again, not after she and the others witness her traumatic childhood of losing her mother that it activated her semblance. Yet, she kept her cool and secretly glared at Ironwood.

"Still hunting her like some kind of animal?" Glynda asked, almost lashing out in anger.

"Don't take this personally, Glynda, I'm just doing what's best for her and the kingdoms." Ironwood said, trying his best not to sound too offensive, which clearly isn't working at all.

Glynda rolls her eyes at him, "Right, like the time you tried to take her to Atlas without my consent wasn'tpersonal." Her words were dry and sarcastic, clearly showing how unhappy she is towards Ironwood.

"In any case..." Ozpin stopped their conversation before an argument could commence, "Ms. Eclipse's whereabouts are still unbeknownst to all of us. Her teammates and her friends have also disappeared. Their parents and guardians are not sure where they are as well."

"What about Weiss Schnee?" Ironwood questions, knowing that she was still her family's estate.

"Her father refuses to let her go or be interrogated." Glynda said suddenly, knowing for the fact how stubborn and prideful Jacques Schnee can be, he won't get his reputation stained by the fact that Ms. Weiss Schnee is somewhat associated with Voltaria Eclipse."

Glynda isn't sure if she should be angry or relieved by Jacques Schnee prejudice towards Voltaria. Thinking of some sort of devil's spawn that arises from the pits of evil and might taint the Schnee's name if Weiss is associated with Voltaria, which she is, and there is no way her father would allow her from helping her friends from stopping yet another invasion. Glynda knew very well that her friends had an escape plan to help Weiss sneak out from Atlas and into Mistral.

"And what about Blake Belladonna?" Ironwood questions, looking towards the two professors, "She was recently spotted near some villages near Vale."

"Still MIA." Glynda answers calmly yet quickly, "She later disappeared in a nearby town, and we lost track of her." To be fair, Glynda was there to assist some huntsmen with transferring cargo overseas. She helped Blake sneak on board a ship that would take her to Menagerie in secret. Glynda knows the captain, for she saved him and his crew a while back, and he owes her big time. So, he agrees to help Blake get to Menagerie without Atlas finding out.

Ironwood sighs and shakes his head, "This is getting us nowhere."

"Why are you so determined in capturing Voltaria?" Glynda questions him with a glare, "She just saved everyone from a dire situation."

"Glynda, I understand your concern for Ms. Eclipse, but I must agree with Ironwood." Ozpin said to Glynda, who stops glaring at Ironwood and stares at Ozpin in somewhat disbelief.

"You can't be serious?"

"I know Ironwood's decisions can be questionable and disagreeable, but Ms. Eclipse may have the answers we seek," Ozpin said to Glynda, trying to assure her and give reason.

But this woman isn't having any of this. Yes, Voltaria has the answers they need, but they have no rights to place here in some confinement to be questioned. That's why she secretly misled both Ozpin and Ironwood when they searched for Voltaria, she made sure that there wasn't any trace of evidence of her whereabouts. Luckily, thanks to Voltaria's entities, they hid their tracks and made sure to leave some clues for Glynda only.

Glynda's mind snapped back to reality when she heard Ironwood say this, "And maybe she could assist us in finding out about this mysterious woman that aided Shion Village."

The mysterious woman that Ironwood was referring to was Crimson Rose, a fusion between Ruby and Voltaria. She is unfamiliar to the entities that Voltaria has, she just appeared when both girls fused together. But of course, it was a good thing that she remains anonymous, because they have no idea that Crimson Rose is actually two people in one.

"From the villagers' report, this woman can control Grimm, similar to Ms. Eclipse." Ozpin explained the information he had to them. "And it made me also reason to believe that she is a new maiden, considering that they saw her emitting aura flames in her eyes."

"Which maiden is she?" Ironwood asked Ozpin further.

"Not yet certain, I tried to contact Qrow to investigate but he would not answer." Ozpin answered the best way he could.

"Do you believe he's gone AWOL?" Ironwood questions with eyes narrowed.

"Uncertain, but we will find out about this soon."

Before anyone could discuss any further, Ironwood's scroll rang, causing the general to answer, "This General Ironwood, speak." He said, holding the Scroll near his ear. He listens to the one talking on the other end of the scroll, nodding his head from time to time, "All right, I understand, I'll be there." He puts his scroll down and looks at them, "I have to make this brief, one of Atlas's scientists has found some new information about the crystals surrounding the city."

Ozpin nodded his head, "Understood, General, but do keep in mind, Dr. Jewel had mentioned to us that these crystals can be dangerous." He said, warning about how Turquoise's partner, Miguel Sanchez, got somewhat electrocuted when he tried to get a sample.

Ironwood nodded and left the room, allowing Glynda to relax a bit. Seeing Ironwood made her blood boil, thinking that he could just use Voltaria like that. She has the right to choose. He has no right to control her life. Speaking of Voltaria, Glynda needs to speak with her soon. Excusing herself, Glynda left the office to get some air. She found herself on the balcony, looking at the horizon. The city was peaceful as ever, thanks to the crystals that Voltaria made. It protected the city, and it was a great expansion too as they are rebuilding Mount Glenn. Voltaria did so much for this city, yet she is still being treated like some sort of animal or a weapon. All she wanted was a peaceful life. Sighing, Glynda took a city on a bench before closing her eyes, entering a deep slumber.

Glynda opens her eyes to find herself in the Dream Realm. She was able to have access here thanks to Flare the Dream Flame, Voltaria, and her entities. With their help, she and the others are able to communicate secretly without using Scroll communication and preventing Ironwood from tracking their conversation. Soon, Flare's fellow Dream Flames appeared, greeting Glynda with chimes of bell sounds before leading her to the path that she needs to take. Flare informs her friends to help any of Voltaria's friends in the Dream Realm, which is very helpful. Glynda follows them to the path that leads her to a door made of obsidians, decorated into flowers that were made of gemstones. And written on the door's frame was Voltaria's real name, Virgo. Glynda guessed that Voltaria has now begun dreaming again and is doing well. The door then opens itself, allowing Glynda to enter. There, she saw Voltaria, wearing a new attire and her hair tied up into pigtails, meditating on a field of golden grass on a beautiful day. With her are her entities, Regina, Wraith, Hannibal, Tabitha, and Vision. Voltaria has grown since the last time she saw her. She just turned thirteen when they journey to Mistral.

"Hello, Professor Goodwitch," Voltaria greeted her guardian calmly, still meditating on the grass.

"Greetings, Voltaria, I see you've been waiting for me." Glynda said, sitting down next to her.

Voltaria nodded her head, "Yes, I knew you would come today." She looks at Glynda with calm eyes, "I take it that Ironwood is still looking for me?"

"Yes, he is determined that you have the answers in defeating Salem as well as finding out more about Crimson Rose."

"That's a bit overzealous of him," Voltaria answered while shaking her head, "I know Salem is immortal, but we have yet to know her true weakness. And as for Crimson Rose...she's more mysterious than me."

Regina agrees,Indeed, we have yet to learn about Crimson Rose. But Salem, on the other hand, she may be immortal, but even with her immortality, she will crumble and fall.

"You have a great hatred towards Salem, don't you, Regina?" Glynda asked the Wise Entity.

Oh, believe, Professor Goodwitch, my hatred runs deep.Regina said, sounding almost like a growl,That tyrannic witch angered gods, destroyed my home, my family...she was the reason why the first wave of humanity was gone.

"It must be really hard to lose your people." Glynda sympathized with Regina's loss.

It was. Because of Salem's lack of judgment, her consequences ruined the lives of millions, all because of her selfish desires. And I would do anything in my power to make sure that usurper-hag would never see the light of day ever again.

Hearing her words, they knew very well that Regina's hatred towards Salem was so great, that no one dared questioned her further, not even Voltaria herself. Upon seeing their looks, Regina clears her throat and turns to them with apologetic eyes.

I apologize for my brash words, it appears my anger hasn't suffice during my time here.Regina apologies.

"No need to apologize, Regina, it is alright to release your frustration." Glynda said in an understanding tone.

Yeah, you need to release that rage, Reg. You don't want to suppress too much anger. Like how Kid almost killed herself for suppressing hers. Remember that, Kid?Wraith said towards Voltaria.

"I remember." Voltaria responded blankly.

Regina and Tabitha shook their heads at Wraith, before returning to the subject on hand,So, any news if Ironwood found any leads about us?Tabitha asked Glynda curiously.

"So far, he's trying to find Blake to question her, but I helped her get on board a ship heading towards Menagerie as we speak, and lately, he's been trying to get to Weiss."

And let me guess, 'Daddy dearest' is refusing to have an interview because he's a tyrannical, prejudiced, asshole who cares only about himself, power, and money.Wraith listed out the reason why Jacques Schnee is the worst man, husband, and father.

"...I have to agree with you on this, Wraith." Glynda said in somewhat agreement, "But thanks to Jacques's attitude, James can't interrogate Weiss about your plans and location."

"That's good to hear, I don't want the entire military on our trails before we could even finish our mission." Voltaria said, dreading the idea of the military gone after them.

"Indeed, by the way, where are you and your team now?" Glynda asked Voltaria.

"Well, we're currently helping a village to get rid of a Geist that's been causing harm to them for weeks." Voltaria answered.

Glynda knew this type of Grimm. A Geist is a Grimm that is capable of "possessing" inanimate objects, such as stones, plants, items, and integrating pieces of the landscape into its body. The only way to defeat this Grimm is to destroy its harder shell and strike at its face, for it is the only weak spot of the Geist.

"Hmm...I see, I hope you all have a plan to deal with that Grimm?" Glynda questions her student.

"Yes, we already ruled out the plan, I just hope Ruby and Yang stick with it." Voltaria said.

"Knowing them, I think there might be a time that you have to improvise." Glynda informs Voltaria, which she understands. "Which reminds me, how long will it take for you all to reach Mistral?"

"Well, from what I know, Shion Village has a working airship, we were hoping to use it in order to get to Mistral faster."

"That sounds about right, but be careful, Grimm are getting larger in numbers these days after what had happened during the invasion."

"I know, I keep sensing Grimm of both tamable and rogue on the hunt, I don't know what Salem planning is, but I have a feeling she will soon know about our existence."

"Then, we should be ready." Glynda said in agreement yet still worries for her and the other's safety.

Suddenly, Hannibal lifted his head and looked above Voltaria's dream realm. Catching everyone's attention,It. Coming.He said slowly, referring to the Geist.

"That's our cue to go, we have to finish this mission before sundown." Voltaria said to Glynda.

"All right, just be careful, and do your best. But also, stay safe."

"We will,"

Voltaria opens her eyes, returning back to the real world and finds herself meditating under a tree. She and her friends were waiting for Ruby and Yang to lure the Geist to their location. So far, she could hear a few shots within the forest, indicating that both Yang and Ruby are doing their part.

"Did you meet up with her?" Her team leader's voice asked.

Looking up, she saw Wade, wearing a new attire and now a black cowboy hat, he was keeping watch when she entered the Dream Realm, so he could protect her from any incoming attacks while she's out. He wasn't the only one, AJ, Evo, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren. They all are wearing new attires and are ready for battle. Pyrrha's armor covered her whole upper body and on her whole right arm, as well as new armor legs and heel-boots. They've been traveling for a while to reach Mistral, as well as helping out in some villages and towns when they rest. It was a good way to earn money and supplies, and they make sure to be at a reasonable price, unlike some greedy huntsmen that take advantage of the village's circ*mstances. And these wannabe huntsmen would sometimes end up getting injured or worse. That's why they were so cautious towards them whenever they went to any towns that had rough encounters with greedy huntsmen. But the students of Beacon should also be careful since they are accompanied by three giant dinosaurs of both purebred and hybrids, Levistus the Spinosaurus, Amaryllis the Indominus rex, and Ripper the Indoraptor. The three prehistoric beasts stayed hidden deep within forest, where they steer clear from the village as well as hunting some good game around there. Flare the Dream Flame stayed with them since the villagers would freak out if they saw her floating around.

"Professor Goodwitch is doing fine, she informed me that Ironwood is still searching for our whereabouts and trying to find out about Crimson Rose." Voltaria responded to Wade.

Wade sighs and shakes his head, "That general can be one stubborn fella." He mutters out, clearly not happy about this, he respects the man, but it doesn't mean he will let Ironwood take Voltaria, not after he and the others discovered her truth.

"You have no idea." Voltaria said with a sigh before she notices Nora and Ren emerging from behind a tree, talking with each other, "Okay, what is Nora up to this time?"

"Oh, she's arguing with Ren about our new team's name." Wade said to Voltaria.

The Grimm Girl facepalm at this, "Oh, for the love of...I told Nora I don't want us to be called Team'Thunder Thighs'! It's weird, even for me."

Wade chuckles at his teammate in amusem*nt, knowing very well that Nora has been pestering Voltaria for the past months on a team name. And Voltaria always told her no, but Nora is not taking no for an answer. Heck, Ripper likes the name Thunder Thighs, and he's a dinosaur!

"Oh, come on! This team really needs a name!" Nora said to Voltaria with a grin, walking up to them with Ren.

Voltaria sighs and shakes her head, "For the hundredth time, Nora, we are not calling ourselves Team Thunder Thighs."

"It just makes sense to go with that one!" Nora said with a pout.

"But"Thunder Thighs"isn't a color." Ren pointed out the obvious.

"I agree with Ren on this one, Nora." Evo said, resting under a tree while fixing his guitar.

AJ, who was sitting on top of a tree branch above them, nods in agreement, "Yup, and neither of us isn't comfortable with'Thunder Thighs'. And it's also a derogatory term."

"Plus, we're helping Voltaria with her objective." Ren said, gesturing towards Voltaria while Jaune and Pyrrha were behind him, crouching and watching something from behind a log. "Wouldn't that make her the leader?"

"I like the sound of that."Wraith said with a grin.

Jaune then looks at them, "Guys!" He called to them quietly, causing the group to turn their heads toward him. "We need to focus. Also...Thunder Thighs kinda sound cool." He whispers out with a small smile while Pyrrha giggles a bit.

Nora grins happily, "Exactly!" She exclaims. Ren goes to speak, but instead just groans, knowing very well he has no comeback for this.

"Enough." Voltaria said, getting up from her feet as she looked at the forest with narrowed eyes. "It is coming."

With that said, they felt the earth beneath them rumble, causing everyone to have their weapons ready. Well, minus Jaune, his weapon broke during the Battle of Beacon. But it didn't stop him from helping his friends. Plus, Voltaria lent him a sword made out of fire dust crystals, which he appreciated. They all got into battle position as they heard multiple shots were fired. They looked up towards the cliff above and saw two figures bursting out from the trees, revealing both sisters, Ruby & Yang, flying backwards from trees, firing both Crescent Rose and Ember Celica in the direction they were from. Seconds later, the Geist bursts out from the trees, possessing boulders as its armor, as it moves the trees aside, clearly chasing them. It was about to hit them until a shadow portal appeared, causing both sisters to disappear from its sight, thus forcing it to fall off the cliff. The Boulder Geist crashed to the ground, unscathed. Due to its armor.

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The shadow portal appears within the tree's branches, and both sisters land on it with ease, before it closes.

"Phew! That was a close one!" Yang whooped, readying her Ember Celica.

"Yeah, and-Oh, no, INCOMING!" Ruby suddenly exclaims.

They quickly dodged the Boulder Geist's attack when it swung its arm, destroying incoming trees, as well as revealing their friends' hiding spot. Knowing that they've been spotted, Voltaria gives the group orders on how to destroy the Geist. Jaune and Pyrrha will be distracted from the right, Ren and Nora will attack from the front, while the rest of the group will take out the Grimm's arms. Yang and Wade worked together to crush the right arm with their super strength. Even if they got the arm gone, the Geist was quick and quickly replaced it with a broken tree.

"Okay, didn't see that comin'!" Wade yelled, taking out his 12-gauge Versamax shotgun, Killershooter, and fired multiple rounds at it.

"I did!" Voltaria called before doing a taxi whistle, "NOW!"

Exploding out from the undergrowth were both Amaryllis and Ripper. The two hybrids let out powerful roars, catching the Boulder Geist attention. It reared its tree arm up and smashed it towards Amaryllis and Ripper, but both hybrids dodged it on time. Ripper, being more agile, suns up to its log and charges at Grimm's face with his jaws emitting black/gold/dark purple static electricity. And without a moment of hesitation, he latches his jaws on the Grimm's face, causing it to swing around violently. It tried to use its massive hands to remove Ripper off its face, but Amaryllis prevented it. The Indominus rex lets out a roar as she summons a white aura of ice and snow before releasing a beam of ice energy towards the Geist's legs, freezing from its spot.

"Now, the arms!" Jaune ordered, seeing that the Geist was distracted.

The group, along with Voltaria, combined their attacks to break both of its arms off, leaving the Grimm defenseless. Jaune looked towards a distance and yelled out, "HIT IT, LEVISTUS!"

From afar, the Spinosaurus was seen charging his aura. He lets out a powerful roar and opens his massive jaws, where a glowing light blue ball of water appears in front of his mouth, before he fires a massive and powerful jet of water, heading straight towards the Geist.

"RIPPY, GET OUT OF THERE!" Ruby ordered loudly.

Obeying his Momma Red's words, Ripper quickly detached himself from the Geist's mask and quickly moved away. Just in time to, as Levistus hydro cannon came in full speed, not giving time for the Geist's to recover as the jet of water hit the mask so hard that the rock body shattered, forcing the ephemeral Grimm to rise out of it and fly off to escape.

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Seeing the rogue Grimm escaping, Voltaria gave Ruby a nod, signaling her to fire. Ruby smiles and nods, aiming Crescent Rose at the Geist, and fires a single shot at it. The bullet, encased with fire dust, soars through the air and towards the Grimm, who mistakenly turned its face right into the flaming projectile. Killing it instantly. Everyone was relieved by this, knowing they just successfully defeated the Grimm. Jaune, who was breathing heavily after he and Pyrrha almost got mauled by it, did a pose with his hands on hips.

"Another victory for Team Thunder Thighs!" He announces heroically. But it only earned silence, a slight cough, and a scowl of disapproval and annoyance from Voltaria. Jaune then slowly realizes his words were not suitable for the mood and quickly deflates, "Yeah, okay. Ren, Voltaria, I think you two are onto something. I-it's just not sounding great anymore."

Ren nodded in understanding while Voltaria rolled her eyes, already knowing that this name isn't gonna work. Levistus the Spinosaurus soon came out of the undergrowth, walking over the group to check on them. And floating on his head was Flare the Dream Flame. The small fire made small bell chimes, happy to see her friends are okay, before floating towards Ruby, who cupped her hands and allowed Flare to hover above it.

"Hey, Flare, did you behave with Levistus?" She asked Flare with a smile, which earned chirps of approval. Ruby then looks up to the Spinosaurus and the two hybrids happily, "Good job on the attack, guys! I guess Levistus's training finally paid off."

Indeed, it has. Since they started their quest, Levistus has been teaching the hybrid siblings how to channel their aura and activating their elements. He taught them that dinosaur and prehistoric beasts can either have one or two elements, depending on their aura level and capacity, but hybrids such as Amaryllis and Rippe can have more than one element. Amaryllis was able to control ice, earth, and white fire, while Ripper can control lightning, shadow, and wind. They have yet to activate the rest of the elements and Ripper is trying to activate the fire element. Levistus said that it will take time for him to activate it, he just has to be patient.

"Okay, let's head back to Sēnlín village and inform the mayor about the mission." Wade said, referring to the village that they helped get rid of the Geist problem.

They all agreed and headed to Sēnlín village while Levistus, Amaryllis, Ripper, and Flare stayed behind and hidden until their friends got back from their task.

Ruby was shaking hands with the Sēnlín village's Mayor. He's a slightly middle-aged man. He has gray hair, and wears red robes accented with gold, a necklace of green prayer beads around his neck and a golden ornamental hairpiece.

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He was grateful for their hard work in stopping the Grimm. Voltaria, who was behind Nora and AJ, was wearing her Grimm Mask again. She can reveal her face to her friends, but to strangers, she has to keep it hidden. She didn't want anyone, besides Taiyang and her friends, to know her identity.

"We truly can't thank you enough." Sēnlín Mayor said gratefully before shaking Wade's hand.

"Just doing our job, sir." Ruby said happily.

"Yeah, you don't have to worry about that Grimm anymore." Wade assures the mayor.

The Sēnlín Mayor nodded, relief was in his mind as he appreciated their hard work and valiant effort, "Indeed, that Geist had been plaguing our village for weeks. We were beginning to wonder if we'd have to relocate."

The group looked at each other and then to the Sēnlín Mayor, "Well, we are on our way to Mistral. You could always come along with us if you don't feel safe." Ruby offered.

The Sēnlín Mayor gave an appreciative and an amused smile, "Ha. I take it you're not from these parts."

"You have no idea." Voltaria mutters out.

"Anima is a large continent. I'm afraid our people would never survive the long trek to Mistral." The Sēnlín Mayor explained, looking towards his people with a smile. They were either buying fresh produce from a cart, standing and chatting on open balconies that were overlooking the roads, tending to their horses and generally going about their daily lives peacefully. The village has plentiful trees and green spaces and cobbled roads. And the young huntsmen and huntresses know that this is their way, "It may be safer in the Kingdoms, but we prefer our way of life. I just wish we could pay you more."

AJ shook her head with a smile, "There is no need for that, we just did what is right."

Ren nodded in agreement, "Yes, and our previous arrangement is more than sufficient."

And with that, they bow to the Sēnlín Mayor respectfully, which earned a smile from the mayor.

Later, before their departure, they had one more thing they needed to do first. And that is getting Jaune a weapon and armor upgrade. The Sēnlín Mayor asked the Blacksmith if he could do so, to which he agreed with no hesitation. After all, they were the ones that saved their village from the Geist. The Blacksmith is a Faunus with two sets of horns on his head, dark skin, and yellow eyes.

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He happily made the new armor and upgrade for Jaune as a thank you for saving his village. The Blacksmith sets down Jaune's new armor on the counter, causing him and the others, hence Voltaria, to be wowed at Jaune's new upgrade.

"There you go, son. It's going to be heavier than what you're used to, but you'll thank me the next time you go up against a set of claws." The Blacksmith said happily, knowing very well his armor will protect Jaune.

Jaune was at a loss of words, admiring his new armor, "Wow. That-eh...I don't know what to say."

Just say thank you, it's not that hard to say.Wraith said through Jaune's mind.

"That's not what know what, never mind."Jaune said through his mind, knowing he won't win the argument.

The Blacksmith, who doesn't know about the entities and is oblivious to what he was thinking, simply smiles at Jaune, "Don't gotta say anything! Just put it on! I'll go get the rest." The Faunus blacksmith turns and goes out back to get the rest of Jaune's weapons.

"Thanks!" Wade thanked the Blacksmith for Jaune since the male was busy looking at the armor.

Jaune would've stared into space if Pyrrha didn't place her hand on his shoulder, snapping him back to reality, "Huh? Wha?"

Pyrrha smiles at him softly, "Jaune, aren't you going to put the armor on?"

Nora jumps in and agrees with Pyrrha, "YEAH! what are you waiting for?"

Jaune stammers a bit, "Oh, uh, right!" Jaune proceeds to take off his old chest-plate. He looked at them briefly when he placed it on the counter, softly speaking, "Guess I was going to grow out of it eventually."

Ren heard this and agreed, "A sign of progress."

"Yeah, it's good to change." Voltaria said softly, agreeing with Ren, making her friends smile at her.

"Progress," Jaune repeated with a nod. But when Jaune turns around and Ruby suddenly gasps then covers her mouth, trying not to giggle, but fails. Yang also did the same but held it in while biting her lips. Pyrrha, on the hand, giggles at the sight before her. Jaune was completely confused by this, wondering what's wrong, "What is it?"

Ruby then points to his chest, "What is that?!"

Turns out, Jaune's hoodie has a bunny emblem on Jaune's chest. It's completely cartoonish to look at and isn't very intimidating if Jaune faced any enemies. Wraith was laughing in everyone's mind while Regina and Tabitha did their best not to laugh. And Hannibal finds it adorable to look at.

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"What, my hoodie?" Jaune questions out, still unaware why they were laughing.

"Uh, not to be a stickler here but how long have ya been wearin' that hoodie?" Wade asked him in amusem*nt.

"I've always had this." Jaune answered.

Wade chuckles a bit while Evo did his best not to laugh, "That explains everything, partner." Wade said in amusem*nt.

Ruby snorts a bit, "Yeah, it's even got a cute little bunny rabbit!" Ruby then burst into a fit of laughter, barely stopping herself.

Jaune protested, his face slightly blushing, "It's Pumpkin Pete! You know, from the cereal? And Pyrrha was on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box!" He gestures to Pyrrha, who gives a small smile and a wave.

However, Ruby, still yet to mature, continues to laugh, nearly going hysterical by this, "What did you do?! Send in a box top for a prize?!"

Jaune crossed his arms and pouted while turning his head away, "Yeah! Fifty!"

Oh, boy, as much as I want to make fun of ya, you really should get a new hoodie! HAHAHA!Wraith laughs alongside Ruby.

"It's a limited edition hoodie!" Jaune defended, gesturing his hands on his hoodie.

"Well, that limited edition will be replaced with a new hoodie when we reach the next town." Voltaria said before looking at the group, "Those in favor?" And with that, everyone raises their hands up in agreement while Ruby continues to laugh hysterically, her head stylistically expanding, before she falls onto the floor.

Ren looks between a laughing Ruby and then an annoyed Jaune, "Well, I suppose we don't have to grow out of everything." He said while the others agreed with him.

As Ruby chortles from the floor, feet in the air, the blacksmith returns from out back "Can't have a Huntsman without his weapon." He spoke as he stuck a wide sword sheath into the countertop. This caused everyone, minus Voltaria, to be bewildered by Jaune's new sword, "Made all the modifications you asked for." To prove it, the blade expands into a shield, which impresses them even more. "That was some fine metal you brought me. Accents the white nicely. Where'd you get it from?"

Jaune looks at the gold accents on the shield, the design on the bottom reminiscent of Pyrrha's circlet. Pyrrha had brought extra metal to give to Jaune to upgrade his weapon, since he needed it more than her. He couldn't help but smile towards Pyrrha, who looked at him when she felt his eyes on her.

"From a friend." He answered softly to the Blacksmith, causing Pyrrha to blush at this.

Voltaria and her friends waited outside of the Blacksmith's shop, before Jaune came out, wearing the new armor. He then pulls out the sword and expands the shield, showing everyone that he's battle ready. Everyone was impressed and appreciated by the Blacksmith's handy work, they wished they could give him something in return, but he assured them that it's free of charge and he didn't want their money.

"He cleans up alright, don't you think?" The Blacksmith asked them, proudly looking at his craftsmanship.

Ren nodded in agreement, "He certainly does."

"You have excellent craftsmanship." AJ compliments, which the Blacksmith accepted kindly.

Nora, who was giving a doubtful look, said, "I still think a grenade launcher would've really brought the look together."

"Nora!" Voltaria scolded Nora quietly, as if telling her that Jaune's weapon is enough.

Ruby then became excited, knowing that they were ready, "Nothing's gonna stop us now!"

Nora agrees with her, "Yeah! Team Thunder Thighs for the win!"

Ren objected to this, "Still not a color."

"And we are never calling ourselves that." Voltaria added with a frown.

Jaune smiles at them and sheathed his new sword, "It doesn't matter what we're called. As long as we're together."

"Well said, Jaune." Pyrrha said kindly, which he returned.

Indeed,Regina agrees with Pyrrha.

The Blacksmith came out of his shop and looked at the team, "You kids sure you won't stick around? You've been really good to this town." He said, hoping they could stay a little longer. Feeling acquainted towards them even if they just stayed here for a few days.

Ruby shook her head in response, "Sorry, but we've got another mission."

"Make it to Haven Academy, no matter what." Nora said cheerfully.

"We've heard the next village has a working Airship." Ren said, knowing that Voltaria informed them due to her visions.

Blacksmith nodded in agreement, "Yeah, Shion Village has a working Airship, hopefully they could let you all use it."

"Why is that?" Evo asked the Faunus Blacksmith.

"Well, from what I heard recently, Shion has been on the edge since the attack by those bandits a year back but was then rescued by a mysterious savior." The Blacksmith informs them.

"Mysterious savior?" Yang suddenly questions him.

"Yeah, something about a woman with pale white skin and silver eyes. She took down those bandits like if they were nothin'! Heck, she summons black thorny vines from the ground and can control Grimm! She even made those giant crystals to protect them from Grimm! It was shocking news. Which reminds me..." The Faunus Blacksmith looked over to Voltaria with a questionable look, "By any chance do you know that woman? Are you two related or something?"

Voltaria and the others knew very well that he was referring to Crimson Rose, the unknown entity that was created when she and Ruby fused together with their Maiden Powers. People began wondering if she and Crimson Rose are even related. Voltaria responded by shaking her head a bit.

"No, this is the first time I have ever heard of someone who shares the same ability as me." Voltaria answered, even though it was a lie, there was a little bit of truth in there.

Luckily, the Blacksmith nodded his head in understanding, "Ah, another mysterious Grimm Tamer, guess there's some questions yet to answer, right?"

Voltaria simply nodded her head, "Right..."

"Anyways, safe journey now, Shion Village is five hours walk from here, I'm sure you'll reach there in time before dark."

"We will, thanks for the tip." Evo thanked the Blacksmith.

With a wave, the young hunters and huntresses turned and left, heading to Shion Village. The blacksmith waves back at them kindly before returning to his shop. Votaria and her friends meet up with Levistus, Amaryllis, Ripper, and Flare. They will reach their next destination quicker thanks to their giant friends. Team JNPR was riding on Levistus, Team WAVE was riding on Amaryllis, while Yang and Ruby rode on Ripper with Flare floating about. They will reach their destination in a snap, as long as they stay on course. Jaune was listing out the things they have brought.

"Food?" Jaune listed out.

"Check!" Nora responded cheerfully.



"How about ammo?" Jaune added.

"Locked and loaded! Thank you, Schnee Dust Company!" Nora answered happily, knowing that they are loaded with ammo.

At the mention of the Schnee Dust Company, Ruby grows somber, looking at the ground sadly. Her high-spirited attitude was replaced by worry and concern about Weiss. It's been almost a year since Voltaria sent two of her entities, Marionette & Chariot, to get Weiss out of her home and to Mistral. But so far, they have yet to do so. Voltaria notices Ruby's sadden expression and knows very well what was wrong.

"Something in your mind, Ruby?" Voltaria asked, looking towards her friend.

Ruby sighs in response as she looks at Voltaria in concern, "I'm just wondering when Marionette and Chariot will get Weiss out of her home? I'm worried that her dad locked her up or something."

"Ruby, Marionette and Chariot are in the premises, they're observing every nook and cranny of her home, finding secret passageways for them to sneak out undetected." Voltaria informs Ruby, "And besides, Marionette is with Weiss as we speak."

Yang looks at her in confusion, "How can she do that?"

"Simple, not only she's a mistress of puppets, but she and Chariot are both entities that are well known to be masters of disguise." Voltaria answered calmly.

"Well, let's just hope they can get her out of there. We need all hands-on deck when we reach Mistral." Wade said, which everyone agreed, "By the way, has your vision showed you any dinos that might be around?"

Voltaria shook her head, "None so far, but I believe Blake will meet one or two on her journey to Menagerie."

"Hopefully, the dino that Blake is gonna be friendly with her." Yang said, silently wishing that this dinosaur was friendly to Blake.

Levistus suddenly lets out a small growl, causing Voltaria to look at him and translate, "He's saying that some of the creatures in the Lost Continent are friendly towards the Faunus back home, but he isn't sure these dinosaurs or prehistoric beasts will be see the Faunus here either friend or foe." This made the group worry, having a bad feeling that the dinosaurs or prehistoric beasts may not all be like Levistus, Amaryllis and Ripper.

"Well, it's a good thing we're ready, right?" Jaune said, brightening up the mood a bit, which it did, "Now, let's head to Shion Village. Nora, got the map?"

Nora froze as she slowly realized that forgotten something, and she quickly pointed fingers, "Ren's got it."

"No, I don't." Ren responded.

"Yeah, Nora, you were the last one to hold it and you said that you won't lose it." Evo reminds Nora.

"Wait, what?" Nora has completely forgotten her only responsibility.

Jaune became visibly worried, "Guys, please tell me you're joking."

Nora made a nervous laugh, "Uh...heh-heh-heh."

"Don't worry, Jaune, I got the map." Pyrrha said, holding up the map.

Jaune sighs in relief, "Oh, you're a lifesaver, Pyrrha."

Yeah, and next time, don't give the map to Nora.Wraith said to the group.

"HEY!" Nora yelled while everyone laughed or chuckled at her in amusem*nt.

The group continues onwards to the next village in high spirits, feeling the weight of their chest slowly lifted a bit. But they were not aware that something was watching them from a distance, hidden within the undergrowth of the forest. It wasn't a Grimm nor a bandit. No, it was actually a dinosaur. This particular dinosaur is none other than a Velociraptor, a female to be exact. However, unlike its fossil records, this particular Velociraptor has no feathers, and it is taller, and has no bird-like features. Instead, it stood about 3.9 meters long (13 feet) and 1.7 meters tall (5.6 feet). Has long hands, enlarged sickle toe-claws, and amber color cat like eyes. It also has bluish-gray skin/scales with a white stripe with metallic blue in the middle going horizontally from her eye orbit, with one side has blue around the eye, while the other side's stripe stops at the head, down to the tip of her tail. She watched the group from a safe distance, observing them carefully. They were a strange pack indeed, but something about them made her feel that they can be of use for her. Sinking back to the bushes, the Velociraptor continues to stalk them from a distance, waiting for the right chance to meet them at the right moment.


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Atlas, a floating capital that houses all of high society and military. Gravity Dust keeps this massive land floating high above the ground, tethered to the soil by a series of cables below another city, which is Mantel. The two cities remained neutral for a couple of years, but changed during the Battle of Beacon, and the two cities became more distant than ever as well as having trust issues. And the security around Atlas has increased, as many airships were in the sky, patrolling the area, zooming past some buildings. One which belongs to the Schnee Family.

And watching through her bedroom window was Weiss Schnee, gazing forlornly out the window.

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She was currently sitting in a cushioned chair with her hands folded in her lap, watching more airships fly by through her window. She couldn't help but sigh sadly, feeling trapped within her home, wanting to leave and help her friends stop a great evil from happening to Mistral. Instead of being trapped in her room. But she wasn't alone, turning her head, there stood a girl with short black hair that was tied up, brown eyes, fair skin, and was wearing a SDC maid uniform.

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This is her personal maid, Mary Woods, she's been working as a maid over a year now, serving Weiss in her daily life. However, unknown to the family and the staff, Mary Woods isn't human.

Oh, no, she's actually Voltaria's entity, Marionette, who happens to be in disguise as Weiss's handmaid. Weiss is the only one that knew about this. She knows that Marionette and Chariot are here, disguised as humans. Chariot was disguised as their new personal driver after the last one quit. He goes by the name Charbel Ryder, a handsome man that makes any woman faint at the sight of him. And due to Chariot being an amazing driver in both horses and vehicles, he became the driver for the Schnee family. They planned on taking Weiss out of her home at the end of the month, in cover of darkness, by using the secret passageway they found when scouting the house secretly. So, Weiss had to be ready and patient to sneak out from her home.

Weiss snapped out from her train of thought when she heard a knock at her door. Weiss gave a nod to Marionette and the Puppet Entity, disguised as human, walked over to the door and opened it, revealing Klein Sieben, the Head Butler of the Schnee Family. He's a short, slightly heavyset man with balding brown hair and a large mustache. He typically has light brown eyes. He wears a white-collar long sleeve shirt, black vest, and cyan tie, black trousers, black shoes, and a silver pocket watch. He and Marionette share nods of greetings before Klein enters the room, hands behind his back, as he gives a friendly curtsy towards Weiss.

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"Pardon the interruption, Miss Schnee, but your father wishes to speak to you." Klein informs Weiss.

Marionette narrowed her eyes and frowned after hearing Klein mention about Jacques, she despised that man very much, even working as a maid for a year, she would secretly send death glares behind Jacques's back. But Marionette kept her cool and stayed quiet. They will soon leave this manor before he could find out.

Weiss then lets out a sigh but agrees, "Thank you, Klein." She said gently towards her butler, who nodded his head before leaving. Weiss looks out the window once more before getting up and walking towards the door. Her heels clank across the floor as she solemnly goes to see her father. "Let's go, Marionette." She whispers to the Puppet Entity, holding the door.

Marionette bowed her head in response as Weiss walked past her, before following heiress out and shutting the door behind them.


Blue the Velociraptor made a brief cameo.

Sēnlín is the name I used to call the village that Voltaria and her friends saved.

Chapter 24: Remembrance


Marionette's Voice Actress: Deedee Magno Hall Deedee who voiced Blue Pearl in the animated series Steven Universe.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Weiss Schnee was walking down a long, carpeted hallway of blue, white and gray. Marionette, in her maid-human form, follows Weiss from behind, keeping her company all the way to Jacques's office. During her stay at the Schnee Manner, Marionette memorizes every part of home and secret passageways. People can get easily lost here if not careful. They walked past the protruding columns from the walls decorated with black sconces and lit candles. Nature paintings hung in an alternating pattern between the columns. There is also the occasional cushioned chair or round coffee table placed along the walls. They reach the upper-level balcony above a large dining hall. There, a white and green floral centerpiece decorates the white-clothed table. Every column both above and below bears a sconce, but these candles are not lit. Beside Weiss and Marionette on the balcony are large arch-shaped openings with white gauze curtains. Through one of the curtains, a crystal in another room. There is a shut, brown wooden door in the direction that we were heading.

Weiss and Marionette walk down a wide stairway with curving balconies on either side above it. Large armor statues fill the space on either side of the bottom stairs. Behind Weiss, a paned triptych of arched windows lets in the sun, casting her shadow onto the blue-carpeted steps in front of her. The floor at the bottom of the stairs has a blue and white oval design in its center. Both levels have open archways leading to other rooms. Walking in another room with blue and white floor patterns, Weiss and Marionette strides past a life-size statue of a King Taijitu without looking up. Once again, both the lower level and the balcony level have open archways and unlit sconces. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling. They walked past the music room that has a large grand piano with open sheet music, and passing a portrait on the wall shows Whitley Schnee, Weiss's younger brother. As they approached Jacques's office, they both heard someone calling out to Weiss and Marionette.

"Good afternoon, sister, Mary."

Weiss and Marionette looked up to see a teenage boy, somewhat younger than Weiss, standing before her. He has the same colored white hair and light blue eyes with a fair complexion like Weiss and Winter. His hair is mostly pushed to the left, although he does have a cowlick. His attire consists of a short-sleeved white dress shirt, the sleeves fastened just above his elbows by navy blue cuffs, each with twin gold buttons. Over his untucked shirt, he wears a light blue vest, with a black handkerchief in his right breast pocket. He also wears a black necktie, navy blue trousers and black dress shoes.

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It was Whitely Schnee, Weiss and Winter's younger brother.

Whitley has his hand on his chest and he affects a bow, following proper curtsy, "A pleasure to see you out of your room for a change."

Weiss sidesteps him and turns to speak whilst Marionette bowed respectfully towards Whitely, greeting and calling him 'Young Master'. Whitely moved to face his sister. The two of them briefly circle each other.

"Hello, Whitley. You're in a cheery mood today."

"Klein made crepes for breakfast," He responded in a 'cheery'demeanor, clasping his hands behind his back and smirking at her.

Weiss narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion, "What do you want?"

Whitley simply shrugged his shoulders, but responded to her question. "I heard Father shouting with someone in his study earlier."

Weiss became stiff by his words, eyes filled with concern, "Mother?"

Whitley shook his head, "No, she's already drinking in the garden. I think it was a man."

Weiss's concern was soon replaced with curiosity. The Schnee heiress looks up at her younger brother, wondering what he meant. Whitley noticed this and feigned a concerned look, "I just wanted to warn you. I heard he had asked to speak with you."

"I'll be fine."

"I know you will. You are strong, like Winter."

Weiss stared at her brother with a somewhat strange look, "You never liked Winter."

Whitley simply shrugged, "True, but you can't deny her resolve."

Weiss continued looking at Whitley, baffled and suspicion was in her eyes, wondering what he was up to, "You...seem different."

Again, Whitley shrugged his shoulders, "And you've been gone. I'll have you know I didn't stop growing while you were away at Beacon." Whitley then turns and walks away. As he does so, the lower half of a family portrait on the wall between where the two were standing. "Anyway, good luck with Father!" Before he left, he turned towards Marionette and gave a small smile to her, "Take care of my sister, Mary."

Marionette held both sides of her dress and respectfully bowed at Whitely, "Yes, Young Master."

Smiling, Whitely left them both to do their task. Weiss watched as her brother left with a look of confusion. She will never understand his sudden change of personality, especially when he was close to Marionette. Yet he has no idea that she's a puppet entity. But she shouldn't tell him. It would reveal their plan of her escape. Weiss responded to her brother quietly.

"Thank you."

Both Weiss and Marionette continue walking, passing the family portrait. Showing of Jacques Schnee (whose hair used to be black hair that has graying and a full mustache) young Weiss, Whitley, Winter, and a stern look of Willow Schnee. Winter and Weiss were both frowning in the portrait while Whitley is the only one smiling and Jacques with a neutral expression.

Ruby, Voltaria and her friends were resting in the forest for the night. They still have a long way to go before they can reach Shion Village. Ripper, Amaryllis, and Levistus return from a hunt and enjoy their meal. AJ and Voltaria were making dinner with the venison that the predators brought. Nora was watching them hungrily, waiting for them to finish cooking. While the rest prepare the sleeping bags and the blanket. Wade explains that they need to rest up to reach Shion; they need to board the airship there as soon as possible since Haven Academy will be targeted soon by another of Salem's forces.

"Say...Levistus?" Ruby spoke out, setting down some plates on the blanket. The Spinosaurus looked up from his resting spot and tilted his head towards Ruby, wondering what she wanted, "What's it like in the Lost Continent?"

"Why the sudden question, Ruby?" Voltaria asked her friend.

" see...I'm really curious about it." Ruby told them truthfully, "Y'know, since we barely know about the Lost Continent, and what kind of dinos it will be's not wrong to be careful, right?"

"Ruby has a point, ya know." Wade said, agreeing with Ruby, "I for one wish to be prepare if any of those giant anklebiters might come at us."

Levistus thinks for a while, understanding that they were curious about his homeland. He can't blame them. His homeland is very mysterious, no one in the outside world knows about it. And since they need to be prepared if they're going to face any dinosaurs, he decided that he should tell them. Levistus nods his head in agreement and begins to tell about his homeland, which Voltaria translated.

"Before it became the Lost Continent, it used to be part of a bigger continent."

"Bigger continent?" Jaune asked.

Levistus lets out a small warble, "Yes, all the continents were once a big continent called Terra Unitas, the land of unity to be exact." Voltaria translated, "He said before any of us were even born, Terra Unitas was ruled by the Gods of Light and Darkness. The God of Light created life on Terra Unitas. Bringing forth all the dinosaurs and prehistoric animals. He was the one who created Mother Oriella the Great World Tree. To be the mother and caretaker of Terra Unitas. Everyone greatly respects and loves her."

"Wow, for a magical tree, this Mother Oriella sounds more like a queen." Yang said, sitting near the fire with Ruby.

Levistus nods his head, "Yes, because of Mother Oriella's love of the dinosaurs and animals, she made sure to keep our land flourish. However, someone did not wish for life to thrive."

Silence came to the group; clearly knowing who Levistus was referring to, "...The God of Darkness." Ruby said the name of the god.

"Indeed, the God of Darkness was disgusted by his brother's creation of life, especially towards Mother Oriella. He didn't like the fact of all life on Remnant, so he decided to get rid of all life and caused the Magna Perditio."

"The Magna Perditio?" Ren asked in confusion, looking at the Spinosaurus with a questionable look.

"The Magna Perditio is spoken in their language, but in our language, it is called the Great Destruction. That day was when the God of Darkness caused a massive catastrophe on Terra Unitas. He created earthquakes, droughts, forest fires, floods, volcanic eruption, blizzards, but the worst of all of his destruction was a flaming rock from the stars."

"Flaming rock from the stars?" AJ mutters out in confusion.

I believe he's referring to the Asteroid.Regina said to the group.After all, it was the reason that caused the extinction.

"That's right, he brought upon Remnant to destroy Mother Oriella and all of the God of Light's creation. However, Mother Oriella's magic saved them all by breaking the land out of harm's way. Like a lifeboat. Those remaining dinosaurs and prehistoric animals were saved because of her. She created a sanctuary for them, safe from the destruction that the God of Darkness brought. With her magic, she created a barrier that shields them from the outside, and giving them a new beginning. Thanks to Mother Oriella, the dinosaurs and the prehistoric beasts lived a life of security and peace, where they could raise their younglings safely. On their home...Pellucidar."

After Voltaria translated his words, everyone stared in bewilderment towards the Spinosaurus. They couldn't believe that the Lost Continent was part of the big continent that connects Remnant. All those ancient species that were lost in time still exist and hidden away. All because the God of Darkness wanted to destroy his older brother's creation.

"So the Lost Continent is called...Pellucidar?" Yang asked Levistus.

Levistus gave another nod, "Yes, while we call it the Lost Continent, Pellucidar is the real name of his homeland in their tongue." Voltaria translated.

"Wow..." Ruby, Nora, and Jaune whispers out in awe.

"This is amazing, Levistus." Pyrrha said to the Spinosaurus with a kind smile, "Your home sounds like a wonderful place."

Levistus made a dinosaur-like chuckle, finding it amusing to hear that, "To some, yes, but in truth, Pellucidar can be a dangerous place." Voltaria translated.

This surprised the group when they heard, "What do you mean, Levistus?" Wade asked the Spinosaurus with a curious look.

Levistus continues his explanation to the group, "In Pellucidar, everyone must know the law of survival. You have to be strong, cunning, and skilled if you are ever in Pellucidar."

"Wait, really?" Nora asked curiously.

"He says that Pellucidar may be beautiful, but the lands and waters can be dangerous. Many territorial dinosaurs, giant carnivorous or poisonous plants that can swallow a full-grown dinosaur within minutes, harsh terrains, deadly storms, surviving the night where vicious night predators come to hunt, and battling other rivals..."

"Okay, okay, we get it, V," Yang said, stopping Voltaria from translating, "The Lost Continent or Pellucidar is dangerous and we may or may not survive it."

Levistus made a small growl as a reply, which Voltaria translated, "Actually, you probably can, the Arcanum Animalium, or Faunus in his land, thrive in Pellucidar among the giant beasts. If they can survive, so can we."

Pyrrha giggles at this, "Thank you for the kind motivation, Levistus."

"He speaks the truth," Voltaria said, finishing cooking the food with AJ, "He believes that with proper survival training, we can survive the Lost Continent as well as how to defend ourselves against other predators. Which reminds him, he will teach us how when we reach Shion."

"AWESOME!" Nora cheered with a grin, "I WANNA FIGHT A T. REX!"

"Nora, no!" Ren scolded his teammate, not wanting her to face a predator that could possibly crush with one blow.

"Ren's right, Nora." Pyrrha said, agreeing with Ren, finding it dangerous for Nora to fight a T. Rex.

"Come on! Granddaddy Levi is here to train us!" Nora announced loudly.

However, the Spinosaurus's brow raised in surprise by Nora's sudden words before narrowing his acid green eyes at her, followed by a growl. He isn'tTHATold! Sure, he lived and survived Pellucidar for many years, earning many battle scars, and his bones sometimes ache a bit...but still! He is notthat old! He is still in his prime.

"Um...Nora, I don't think you should call Levistus old." Evo said to Nora. He could clearly see the grouchy look that Levistus was giving to Nora.

Nora was confused at first before glancing towards the old Spinosaurus. And when she saw Levistus giving her the look, she quickly stops talking, getting the picture that she may have upset it. Although she snickered a bit, realizing that she was teasing him. If Nora was his hatchling, he would've given her a stern growl and a good whack on the head with his tail.

"By the way, Levistus..." Pyrrha asked, assisting AJ and Voltaria on handing out the warmed food to the group, who gladly took it, "How do you take down a dinosaur?"

Ah, an excellent question, and he'll gladly answer. Levistus tells them how to defend themselves if they are against any known predator or territorial dinosaurs. First, when facing a predator dinosaur, they must know the weak points. For instance, when facing two legged ones (Aka Theropods), always go to the throat or underbelly, for they are the only soft spots to penetrate. Moreover, they must know the elemental weakness of the dinosaurs. Example, fire against ice, lightning/energy against water, or earth against wind. They also have to find the right time to find an opening before they could strike, and make sure not to overuse their aura. After all, they need all the energy they have if they are going to survive Pellucidar. They made sure to listen to Voltaria's translation; they'll never know when they will face a dinosaur head on.

Ripper's head perked up when he heard rustling from the bushes. He lets out a dangerous growl that caught everyone's attention. Ruby quickly went to her Indoraptor's side and gently coaxed him.

"Rippy, shh...easy boy...easy..." She whispers to her growling hybrid.

Everyone got into his or her battle stance. Readying their weapons. Voltaria took out a dagger made of fire dust crystals, ready to attack. Levistus and Amaryllis readied their attack if it was a big dinosaur. They waited roughly about a few seconds for the intruder to come out. At first, they thought it was some sort of raccoon or squirrel, but they were wrong. Instead, a reptilian dinosaur jumped out from the undergrowth, revealing itself to the group. The group was surprised at the sight before them. Standing there was a blue streak Velociraptor. Yet unlike its predecessors (from the books or TV), this one was taller and had no feathers. Instead, it has silver bluish-gray skin/scales with a white stripe with metallic blue in the middle going horizontally from its eye orbit, with one side has blue around the eye, while the other side's stripe stops at the head, down to the tip of her tail.

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The Velociraptor was glaring at them, teeth bared, and its golden eyes narrowed.

"'s that a..." Ruby trailed off when Voltaria nodded her head.

"Yes, a Velociraptor." Voltaria whispers out.

"It looks mad." Jaune whispers to them, clearly scared about the raptor.

She, it's actually a she, Jaune.Regina corrected in his mind and the others,She came here for a reason.

Why is she here exactly?Wraith asked, confused at the sight of the raptor.

I believe that she knows that we have the knowledge of this land.Regina said calmly.

"She just wants information from us?" Yanga asked Regina skeptically.

Not us. Just Ripper, Amaryllis, and Levistus.Regina gestured towards the Indoraptor, who was surprised to hear this.She didn't know who to trust, but seeing another...raptors of her own kind, sort of, and a...master.

"Master? Who's the master?" Nora asked Regina in confusion.

Levistus, she calls Levistus the master.Regina replied to the group.

"Levistus is a master? Master of what exactly?" Yanga asked curiously.

The Spinosaurus responded with a growl, explaining the reason whilst Voltaria translated it, "He said that back in Pellucidar, everyone must learn how to control their Aura. It was an important use when surviving the dangerous land." Everyone was surprised by this as Voltaria continued her translation, "He said: when he was just a young hatchling, his sire was a master of water, he taught him and his siblings to control their element. Levistus, being the eldest, mastered his element with no problem. And as the years go by, he earned the title Master of Water of Pellucidar.

"Levi! You never told us you were a master?!" Ruby exclaimed at Levistus.

The sailed dinosaur responded with a small growl, "He said you didn't ask." Voltaria translated. She then looks at the Velociraptor. She stood there patiently, watching them with her golden eyes. "He recognizes her back at Pellucidar."

"He does?" Wade asked, earning a nod from Levistus.

"Yes, she is called the Blue One." Voltaria translated, "She is the pack leader of her three sisters. They are elite hunters in Pellucidar." She and the group looked at the blue raptor with questionable looks, thinking the same thing. Where are the rest of her pack?

"Do you think she got separated when the storm hit the Lost Continent?" Evo asked, looking at the group. "Just like Levistus."

"It is possible; Levistus did get here by accident during a massive storm. Guess her pack could be somewhere here on Anima." Voltaria guessed aloud before looking at the blue raptor. She noticed how skinny she looked. She suspected that this Velociraptor hadn't eaten for a while. Voltaria went over to the table, grabbing a handful of venison, before she tossed it to the raptor's feet. The blue raptor was surprised by this action. She stared at them with narrowed eyes for a brief moment before slowly lowering head to smell the meat. The raptor sniffs at the meat for a short while, checking if it was poisoned or not. Voltaria doesn't blame her for being careful. After all, they just met and they rarely know each other. As soon as the raptor finished inspecting the meat, she gobbled it up with no hesitation, tearing it to pieces as if it were paper. Jaune was the only one turned pale at the sight of the meat being ripped to shreds. Even though he sees Ripper, Amaryllis, and Levistus eat their meal, he wasn't still comfortable with this. When the raptor finished eating her meal, she looked at the group again and made chirp-like sounds.

"What is she saying?" Wade asked Voltaria.

"She's asking if we're Arcanum Animalium, or Faunus," Voltaria translated, "Guess she doesn't know what a human is like Levistus did when he first got here."

Levistus grumbles a bit, which Voltaria understands, "He says: Yeah, yeah, the only time humans arrived at the Pellucidar were accidental and your predecessors have no idea about humans until they are eaten alive or killed by a predator in my home."

"I still don't get how humans can't survive the Lost Continent." Yang said, watching the raptor tilting her head at them curiously.

"Levistus said that due to the humans having no knowledge of his homeland or the beings there, they ended up being killed. That's why it is important for us to have the knowledge on how to defend ourselves if we're ever at the Lost Continent." Voltaria translated.

"Huh, I guess knowledge is the key to survival." Wade said, taking a sip from his canteen.

Levistus warbled something that Voltaria had to translate, "Yes, knowledge, instincts, strength, and aura are the keys of survival when living in Pellucidar."

"Wow. You really are a master." Yang compliments the big Spinosaurus.

Levistus snorts in amusem*nt before turning towards the blue raptor, questioning her on how long she was alone here. She hesitated to respond, however, she needed to find her pack and get back to their home, where they belong. The blue raptor explained to Levistus, Ripper, and Amaryllis her situation. Of course, Voltaria had to explain it to her friends about the blue raptor's journey. It is known that she and her sister were trying to take shelter from a storm that came to the Lost Continent or Pellucidar a year ago. She and her sister were swept away into the ocean, and were lucky enough to get a hold of a log that kept them afloat for a short while. Only to be broken in half by a big wave. Separating her from her sisters in the ocean. She then found herself in Anima, alone, and lost in a strange new world. Trying to find her pack for over a year now.

Everyone felt pity towards her. Already understanding that it was difficult for her to survive in such a new world without her pack. The blue raptor explains (while Voltaria translated) that she needs help in finding her pack, and since they know about the land, as well being friends with other dinosaurs, she needs their help in order to find the rest of her pack. The group stared at her for a long while, sharing the same thoughts. They really want to help her find her sisters, but on the other hand, they need to continue their mission to Mistral.

"Should we help her?" Jaune asked the group.

"It sounds like the right thing to do, but...we have to get to Mistral before any of Salem's henchmen cause damage." Wade said, rubbing his chin, thinking if there was an alternative. He then glanced over to Voltaria with a questionable look, "Any ideas, V?"

"Hmm...There is a possibility that the raptor's sisters are somewhere in the Anima and we might encounter them during our travels." Voltaria explained her plan. "Do you guys agree?"

The group agreed with her plan, thinking that they will help find the blue raptor's sisters on their travels. Levistus was the one who told the blue raptor that they would find her sisters, as long as she doesn't cause any trouble. Of course, she had to be cooperative, meaning no growling at their human and Faunus companions, no attacking them, and no trying to kill them in their sleep, (he was dead serious about the last part). The raptor made a look that any sapient would make, saying that she is no fool to attack them. After all, they were her only chance in finding her sisters and getting out of this land. With everything settled, the group allowed the blue raptor to join the group. Voltaria made sure to give her a lot of venison, considering she hasn't eaten for a while. The blue raptor happily enjoys the meal, finding it very delicious.

"So...when heading to Shion Village, we need to find a way to keep the dinos out of sight from the villagers before we could use their airship." Wade said to the group, sitting around the fire while their dinosaurs eat up.

"Leave that to me," Voltaria assures them, taking a bite from her diner, "My Semblance can allow me to manipulate shadows. With it, I can make them be one with the shadows and bring them out if they need to."

"Like the time when we brought you to Patch." Ruby said smiling, "You used your shadow to hide yourself, Amaryllis and Ripper."

"That is correct."

"Good idea!" Nora cheered happily, eating her fill, "That way, we won't try and steal it!"

Voltaria sighs and shakes her head, "Nora, you know what would happen if we attempted to steal the village's only airship."

Nora thinks for a short while, pursing her lips a bit, giving thought of what would happen if they steal the airship. After some time of thinking, Nora looks at Voltaria with an understanding look, "Angry mob with pitchforks and torches?"

Voltaria nodded her head, "Angry mob with pitchforks and torches." She repeated, already seeing an angry mob chasing after them for stealing the airship.

"And since we don't want that to happen, we have to make sure to pay for the ride." Wade began, taking out what appears to be a bag of gold coins, "This will be enough for us to get a ride to Mistral."

"It was a good thing we helped out Sēnlín Village's Geist problem," Yang said, leaning behind a log, "We have to make sure that these dinos stay hidden from people. Ama and Rippy are getting popular every day because of this video."

Yang took out her scroll to reveal a video of Amaryllis and Ripper fighting off Grimm with the students when Beacon was attacked. It was getting popular every day. Many commented on how amazing these dinos are, mostly children, while some believed they were animatronics.

"Yeesh, I thought it would die down when we're all in hidin'." Wade said with a sigh. "Guess nothin' change."

"No joke, take a look at this." Evo shows his scroll. It shows a picture of Voltaria on a wanted poster. It was written that Voltaria must be brought to Atlas alive and the one who will bring her will receive a hundred thousand Liens. "General Ironwood put a bounty on Voltaria."

"You gotta be kidding me!?" Yang yelled in anger, snatching Evo's scroll. "They put a bounty on her head?!"

"Not the first time I got a bounty on my head." Voltaria said to the group in a neutral tone.

"V, this is serious." Wade said in concern, looking at the picture in the scroll, "I get that you're used to this kind of sh*t, but seriously. This is Atlas that we're talkin' about, if they put a wanted poster of you, that means every bounty hunter and mercenary will come after ya."

We are very aware of that, Wade.Regina said to Wade casually,Every bounty hunter tried to get to Voltaria multiple times, but not one came close in capturing.

Yeah, and kid's bounty was waaay higher than that.Wraith bragged, only to stop when Regina was frowning at him in annoyance,Er...what I meant matter how hard they tried, we always got the upper hand in saving Kid.Wraith said with a grin before letting out a small chuckle,Ah...memories.

"Do I even want to know what you guys do to them?" Jaune asked the entities, wondering what they do to those bounty hunters.

Probably not.The entities said unison, except for Hannibal. The entity was sharing his meal with Flare, watching the little flame entity nibbling on the cookie.

"Either way, I need to keep a low profile." Voltaria said, finishing her meal, "I do not wish for any obstacles that will get in our way of our mission."

She then notices Yang and Ruby slowly leaning forward, eyes sparkling with anticipation, along with the rest of the girls. Voltaria knew that they wish to dress her up if they reach any town that may have wanted posters of her. She didn't want to at first, still...she has to keep her identity a secret. She had no choice but to disguise herself in order to blend in. And because she owes them for going into her to save her life.

"If there's any trouble, you guys can disguise me, but not too girly." Voltaria said in a dead serious tone.

The girls cheered happily, already making plans and a fake name for Voltaria, bickering a bit when they wanted Voltaria to name after their last name. The boys find this amusing. They knew very well that the girls dreamt this day to dress up Voltaria in pretty outfits. The dinosaurs, on the other hand, aren't sure why the females wanted to change Voltaria's appearance. She can just hide just like them. They all finish eating before going to sleep. They all need their energies for tomorrow. However, Levistus keeps watch on the blue raptor. He doesn't trust her fully. The old Spinosaurs would make sure that this blue raptor won't eat anyone in their sleep, especially Jaune. He knew that the blonde male was terrified of this female raptor. In addition, he (even though he doesn't show it) cares for his human and Faunus companions. They were like his pack...his family.

And he would protect them with his life.

Weiss and Marionette reached Jacque's office. Weiss wasn't always comfortable standing near her father's office. To her, it felt like the atmosphere was suffocating her. Marionette offers to knock at the door and open it for her, but Weiss declines and was about to do it when they heard a loud discussion inside the room. The two females looked at each other and decided to listen. Marionette places a hand on the door and uses her telepathy to send the conversation into Weiss's mind, so they won't have to enter. They could hear both Jacques and General Ironwood inside the room, arguing about something.

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"I'm not talking about the good of my company; I'm talking about the good of Atlas, our entire Kingdom!" Jacques argued with General Ironwood.

Ironwood was sitting in a chair in front of a bookcase, glaring at Jacques, "That is a load of garbage and you know it."

"He is not wrong." Marionette whispers to Weiss. The Schnee Heir agrees with the puppet entity and continues listening to the conversation.

"I beg your pardon?!" Jacques exclaimed at Ironwood, his words were enraged and stressed.

Ironwood sighs and rubs his temple, "Jacques, will you please, just hear me out"?

Jacques places his glass down on the table roughly. "You are a trusted friend and ally to this family, James, but what you're suggesting is absurd!"

"You are blowing it out of proportion."

Jacques exclaimed, "The council will never agree to it!"

"You forget, I hold two seats on the council." Ironwood reminded Jacques in a dead serious tone.

Jacques glares back at him, "Your Dust embargo has already cost me millions! I can promise you, I have not forgotten!" He exclaimed to the general.

"So this is about you." Ironwood shot back, clearly showing his disliking to the businessman.

"Says the man hunting for a mere child!" Jacques yelled at Ironwood.

His words startled both Weiss and Marionette. They both knew that he was referring to Voltaria. They always knew that Ironwood was still searching for her. You can't blame him for doing so. She was the one that solved Cinder's plan and exposed her to the world. They remember watching the news that because of the revealing of an immortal evil (Salem), and learning that she wanted to destroy the world, the people who wish to live volunteer in the cause. It was a shocking turn of events to say the least. Ozpin and Ironwood must've been busy getting support from the people. However, Ironwood was more focused on finding Voltaria. He believes that she has secret intel that not even Ozpin has. That's why he puts a bounty on her. In hopes that someone is brave or foolish enough to go and track down Voltaria and bring her to Atlas.

"That 'mere child'is someone with great value that could help us in this time of crises." Ironwood interjects Jacques.

The Head Schnee scoffs at him, "The only thing she's good at is controlling the very monsters that wish to destroy us! Stop this absurd nonsense and don't get my daughter involved in the search for that...that...abomination!"

Weiss nearly gasped at his words. How can her father say that after Voltaria saved everyone? She then notices Marionette's personality change. Her eyes turned hollow and her skin turned back into wood. She was turning back into her puppet form, ready to charge in and attack Jacque with full rage for his insolence! How dare he insult her mistress after she sacrifice everything for humanity-

Weiss quickly holds Marionette's hand, surprising the puppet entity in the process. She reverted into her human form and looked at Weiss with a questionable look. The Schnee heiress shook her head, telling her not to lose her temper, or else they will lose their chance of escaping. Marionette nodded her head in understanding. Weiss smiled softly before letting go of her hand, and said to her, "I think we should go in now."

Marionette understands before she turns to the door and knocks at it. The men inside stopped their bickering when they heard the knock. Both Weiss and Marionette heard Jacques ordering them to come in. Marionette opens the door and allows Weiss to enter the room. Marionette closed the door behind them before she stood behind Weiss and bowed respectfully towards the two male adults, although she was thinking of trying to stab them, mostly to Jacque. Ironwood stood up and bows at Weiss kindly and respectfully, "Miss Schnee! My apologies. I should have been gone by now."

Weiss nodded her head in assurance, "It-it's okay."

Ironwood then turns to Jacques, "We'll continue this at another time."

Jacques glares at him, dryly, "Indeed. Mary can show you out." Jacques gestured to Marionette, who was bowing yet silently glaring at him.

Ironwood narrowed his eyes, "Don't worry, I know the way."

"But I insist, General, I need to talk to my daughter privately." Jacques said in a serious tone. "Mary, please show our 'guest'out."

If it weren't for Voltaria's and Weiss's command, Marionette would've annihilated Jacques right here, right now, walls covered in his greedy blood. Yet, she promises Weiss not to lose her temper and not to murder her father. So, grudgingly, she obeyed Jacques command while doing her curtsy. "Yes, Master Schnee."

Pleased by her words, Jacques gestures to her to leave. Out of all the servants, beside Klein, Mary was Jacques favorite because she was the perfect servant in the Schnee Manner. And because he likes being called Master, believing she was trained at a really prestigious maid school. Unaware that she is a puppet entity that wishes to destroy him in his sleep. Weiss steps aside so that Marionette and Ironwood can reach the door. As Marionette opens the door, Ironwood stops briefly before turning and looks at Weiss's father one more time.

"Until next time, Jacques." He said in a cold tone and a firm nod. In response, Jacques solemnly nods back at Ironwood, who turns to Weiss. "Please know, you'll always have a home at Atlas Academy, Miss Schnee. We'll be back in session before you know it."

His words leave Weiss to think. She never intended on going to Atlas Academy and a good reason too. Voltaria contacted her in the Dream Realm a week ago. Warning her that Ironwood would try to convince Weiss to go to Atlas Academy, not just to be a student, as well as getting info about Voltaria's whereabouts and the truth about her. Weiss would never betray Voltaria like that. She did so much for Remnant and there is no way she is going to hand that information to Ironwood.

Weiss watched as Marionette led Ironwood out of the room before closing the door. Weiss mentally sighs and looks back to her father.

"I am pleased to see you haven't forgotten your manners while you were away."

Jacques turns and walks to his desk, which is a few steps up from the chairs and tables where he and Ironwood were just sitting. Behind him was a portrait of a younger black-haired Jacques hanging on the wall behind his desk with one framed picture of his son, Whitely. Showing the fact that he is favorite child, either because he wanted a male heir or because he 'loves'Whitely for being the 'perfect son'. Weiss looks annoyed at the comment but calms down with a sigh.

"Indeed, Father."

As Jacques takes a seat, he begins venting out his frustration about the situation "Can you believe there are still people in the world that blame Atlas for what happened to Beacon? To Vale? Saying absurd things about not helping that much and the Grimm Girl being a true hero? Ridiculous!"

"She is a hero."Weiss thought, clenching her fist in anger at her father's words. He will never accept the fact that thanks to Voltaria, she saved Vale from total chaos. However, she kept her cool and did her best not to snap at her father. "Well, they weren't there. And she wasn't the only one that saved the city." Weiss begins walking across the room to stand before his desk.

Jacques sighs in frustration, "It's a wonder Ironwood wasn't stripped of his rank." Jacques finally sits down, swinging the seat so that his back is to Weiss. "I suppose the council trusts him, for better or worse. I would rather have the 'Grimm Girl'expose him next."

Weiss slightly frowns at him. First, he did not like Voltaria, and now he thinks that she should spy on Ironwood to expose him. He is a very difficult man. But she still needs to keep her cool. "I trust him." Weiss said, trusting Ironwood. Well, only a little bit.

Jacques sighs again and turns toward his daughter, "Thanks tohim, Atlas is forbidden from exporting Dust to other Kingdoms."A precautionary measure", as he puts it,"until we're certain no one is going to declare war"." He said with each quote sarcastically, "How anyone could possibly find that to be sound logic is beyond me."

Weiss blinks at her father, clearly uncomfortable. She isn't sure of what she was going to say, clearly has no idea what her father is thinking. She soon snapped out of it when her father spoke again.

"Which is why the Schnee Dust Company will be holding a charity concert in the coming weeks."

His words cause Weiss to look up at him in surprise. Clearly taken aback by his idea.

"We need to show the people of Remnant that we are on their side. That we are all victims of the chaos that had happened to Beacon. Supporting them for the city's survival."

Weiss was somewhat astounded by this. It was actually a good idea. The people of Vale were able to survive a massive Grimm attack and the city is slowly being rebuilt. They need all the support they could get to rebuild their city again. "That's...wonderful news." Weiss said, supporting the idea.

Jacques was pleased by her words, "I know. And I think it would make a lot of people happy if you performed at the event."

This caught Weiss off guard. She looks at her father with questionable eyes, wondering if she heard him right. "Excuse me?"

"Many forget that you were there. My own daughter, a Schnee, on the grounds, defending another Kingdom! We need to remind them! And we need to show them that the Schnee family is just as strong as ever!" Jacques explained his idea in a dramatic way, much to the discomfort of Weiss.

"...Are you asking me if I'd like to sing, or telling me?" Weiss questions her father, unsure if she's willing to do so.

Jacques simply leans forward from his desk, making a tent with the fingers of his hands as he meaningfully gazes at Weiss, "I think it would make alotof people happy."

Weiss stared at him for a short while before sighing in defeat, she couldn't say no to him at all, "I'll start practicing." She said in a gloomy tone.

Satisfied by her words, Jacques leans back with a smirk under his mustache, "That' girl."

With this agreement, Jacques allowed Weiss to leave, which she gladly did. She never felt safe when she's in her father's office. When Weiss leaves and shuts the door, she turns to find Marionette and Klein were waiting for her while Klein was holding a tray with a warm cup of coffee.

"Hot coffee, Miss Schnee?" Klein offered to Weiss with a kind smile, "Ms. Woods suggested that you needed something to warm up. And I do agree with her. I always find he keeps his study dreadfully cold." He jokes, which earn small smiles from both Weiss and Marionette.

Weiss happily takes the mug off the tray, still smiling gratefully at her butler. He was like a true father figure to this family. He always brings a smile to Weiss's face. He was the sun that warmed and cheered Weiss up when she was feeling down, and has been Weiss's only friend since childhood. That is why Marionette respects Klein so much; he was the kindest human she has ever met. That is why she is very protective of him. She will not allow any negative entities to harm him.

"Thank you, Klein, Mary." Weiss thanks both of them kindly.

Klein smiles at her warmly before preparing his next act, "You know what I think?" Both Weiss and Marionette watch as Klein lifts the tray to cover his face before dropping it dramatically. He leans forward toward Weiss making a less-than-formal face, his brown eyes having turned red, as he spoke in an accent with a gruff voice, "I think it's to balance out all his hot air."

His words surprises the Schnee heiress as her eyes widen in delight but quickly turns and looks over her shoulder at the closed office door. She hopes that her father didn't hear Klein. She didn't want her favorite butler to get in trouble. Luckily for her, the door was closed and her father didn't hear a thing, much to her and Marionette's joy. Weiss turns back to Klein with a giggle.

"Klein!" Weiss spoke between giggles.

Marionette covers her mouth with her hand, giggling in amusem*nt at Klein's childish manner. His positive attitude is very refreshing and brings great joy. The trio giggle together before Klein fakes a sneeze, and his eyes turn blue while his voice changes into a high-pitched accent, "Uh, apologies, madam."

Klein pretends to sneeze again. Weiss giggles merrily, hiding her smile behind her hand. Klein wiggles his mustache and looks up with his eyes turning yellow. Marionette knew very well that Klein was using his Semblance; it was quite amusing for her and Weiss.

Klein smiles as his eyes turn back to normal, "Ah, there's my happy little snowflake."

Weiss breathes a sigh that releases some weight off her shoulders, and she gives the butler a genuine grin. "Thank you, Klein."

Klein chuckles, "Happy to help, Ms. Schnee."

Weiss can always count on Klein to cheer her up. Although she felt a little guilty that she will one day leave the manor. It was hard for her to keep a secret from her trusted friend/butler. But she needs to help her friends stop another attack that will come in Haven Academy. Marionette and Chariot already planned the escape and the day they will leave, she has to stay a little longer in order to achieve it.

"Mary, please assist me in my practice, I need to prepare for the charity concert I will be performing within this coming weeks."

Marionette bowed her head at Weiss respectfully, "Yes, Mistress."

"Excuse us, Klein." Weiss said to her butler kindly.

Klein simply bowed with a smile as Weiss and Marionette left him be, heading towards the music room. Weiss got a lot of practice for this event because she didn't have a choice. Although, it would be a good chance to help the people in Val to require the materials that they need to rebuild the city. As well as keeping her mind off her father.

Sensing her worries, Marionette decided to assure her that the plan was in motion, "Do not worry, Mistress Weiss, we have prepared everything for your leave."

Weiss sighs in somewhat relief. She likes the idea of leaving home again. She didn't feel like she belonged here, and furthermore, her friends needed her help in Haven Academy soon. They need all the help they could get when facing Salem's subordinates. Moreover, they are also dinosaurs roaming some parts of Remnant. Voltaria said during the Dream Realm visit that a Spinosaurus named Levistus washed up on the shore of Patch, which means other dinosaurs (or prehistoric animals) could be some parts of Remnant's continents. Weiss knew that she might encounter one if she, Marionette, and Chariot left Atlas. It would be difficult to say at least, but she has Marionette and Chariot by her side. They'll help her on the journey.

And they'll make sure that she and her friends will succeed in stopping the great evil that threatens Remnant.


Okay, before anyone asks, no I didn't add Beta (Blue's raptor hatchling) to the story yet. Also, Pellucidar came from the series Tarzan, a hollow earth where dinosaurs were hidden beneath the ground.

Chapter 25: Family Ties


A new character is named Xìngyùn Chinese name for "Good Fortune" his surname is Yù meaning "Jade". Voice actor is Dante Basco. He's about nineteen years old.

Then there is Faustus Ebi, a 70 year old man who's voice actor is Ian McKellen. He has silver/white hair, beard, and teal-green eyes.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A passenger ship was sailing through the ocean. It is heading towards the direction of Menagerie, the safe haven of the Faunus. The passengers there are either Humans or Faunus going there for a vacation, visiting some relatives, or moving there (mostly Faunus).

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However, the trip there won't be easy. Many aquatic Grimm are lurking deep within the waters. That is why all crewmembers are trained in combat when facing these types of Grimm, and every boat or ship is fully weaponized, for safety precautions for both crew members and passengers.

But there was one particular passenger that stood out amongst the crowd.

Blake Belladonna was resting her hands on the rail and stared out at the ocean with a calm expression.

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It's been almost a year since her friends saved Beacon from total chaos. She was forever grateful for Voltaria's amazing gift of future seeing. Without her help, Beacon would've been lost. She still can't forget the day the news broke out about Cinder's plan and who she was working for brought new light on the kingdoms. All of them are on high alert after learning a dangerous threat has arrived to invade them. Moreover, some of the Faunus working for the White Fang were slowly leaving. Learning that they were nothing but pawns on some evil mastermind that threatened to wipe out all of Remnant. They just want to show everyone what they were capable of; they did not sign up to commit genocide!

News like that made Blake feel relieved as the Faunus slowly realized they were being used for all these years. Blake began thinking. Since Adam is no longer here and the White Fang is slowly losing members, what will happen now? Her thoughts came to a stop when she heard children's laughter. Looking up, she saw two kids (a boy and girl) laughing over a joke that one of them told. Blake smiles at this. Seeing two innocent children having fun warms her heart. To think that children of Vale could've lost their lives if it wasn't for Voltaria's prediction. She turns to look back at the ocean, admiring the beauty. Then she heard footsteps approaching towards her, causing the cat Faunus to look in the direction to see the captain coming over.

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"Hello, Ms. Belladonna, how's the ship being treating ya?" The Captain asked Blake kindly.

Blake simply nods her head at the captain, "Yes, everything is there something you need?"

"Just here to chat."

"And why is that?"

The Captain leans idly onto the rail. "Well, not many people travel by boat on their own. Especially for someone being a student to a huntress that I owe a favor too," He said, referring to Glynda Goodwitch. Glynda saved him and his crew a few years ago by taking down a Grimm. He owes her a lot for saving them, and that if she needs any help, he and his crew will offer their services. It was a good thing too because Glynda needed their help to get Blake to Menagerie secretly. Which he agrees with no questions asked. However, he was curious as to why Blake is going to Menagerie on her own. "It can be quite a lonely voyage. But I found those that do tend to have the more...interesting stories."

Truth be told, there was a reason why Blake is going back to Menagerie. She wasn't only going there to see her family, but she was going to find some dinosaurs that might have come there by accident. Voltaria contacted Blake through the Dream Realm last night. Telling her that she will encounter two dinosaurs on her way to Menagerie. One will be in the water and the other on land. Voltaria told her to be careful considering she isn't sure if these dinosaurs are friendly or not. Blake took her word for it and stayed alert. She has to keep that part of the plan a secret, and she doubts the captain or his crew will believe her if she says she is searching for dinosaurs.

"I'm just visiting some family and...well..." Blake tried to think of an excuse, not wanting to be sound suspicious in front of the captain. Just then, two kids run behind Blake laughing, startling her in the process, not expecting the noise behind her. She turns and blinks at them trying to reset her calm.

Seeing this, the Captain burst out laughing, "Maybe, but with your paranoia, I think a few friendly faces wouldn't hurt."

Blake gave him a somewhat offended look, "Who says I'm paranoid?!"

Again, the Captain laughing again at her in amusem*nt, "No one, dear, no one. I'm just concerned about why Professor Goodwitch was helping you sneak past Atlas soldiers."

Ah, of course, he must've caught wind on Atlas searching for Voltaria. Moreover, she and her friends are affiliated with Voltaria and Atlas soldiers are searching for them, and questions them about Voltaria's whereabouts and true intentions. That is why Glynda helped Blake sneak aboard. She can't get caught by the Atlas soldiers, she needs to fulfill her mission before she meets up with the others at Mistral.

"They wanted to question me about my friend." Blake said softly.

The Captain's eyes softened a bit when she said, "You're friends with the Grimm Girl?"

Blake's eyes widen a bit as she looks at the captain, "You know Voltaria?" She asked in surprise.

The Captain nodded his head, "Not personally, but she did save us from a terrible storm. I remember like it was yesterday."

~Flashback four years ago~

The Captain was holding onto the ship's helm with all his might, trying to keep the ship in balance as a storm rages outside, creating massive waves that crashed onto the boat multiple times. Threatening to tip over. The crew were doing their best to keep the engines running and steady while the communication officer tried to contact the mainland for help. Sadly, the storm was blocking out their signal, preventing them from getting any help.

"It was during a terrible storm that I first encountered the Grimm Girl." The Captain narrated his tale. "The ship took many hits from those monstrous waves, nearly tipping us over."

The Captain held on to the helm tightly, trying to keep it balanced and the crew were holding on. Then, the cabin boy, about ten years old, came running in, his ocean blue hair was wet and messy along with his clothes due to the heavy rain, his stormy red eyes were wide as dinner plates.

"Grandpa! The hull has been breached!" The boy cried out.

"Dammit! At this rate, we'll never reach Argus!" The Captain cried out in anger, holding on to the helm. Another wave crashed into the ship, nearly tipping them over, "Blast it! Riven! Stay put! The waves are getting as powerful as ever!"

"But the hull-"

"We'll deal with it later! Right now, we need to find the nearest land here!" Yelled the Captain.

"Come here, Riven!" The female crewmember said. She grabs him by the arm and pulls him to her, holding him close.

"Another wave is coming, Captain!" Yelled a male crewmember. "AND IT'S A BIG ONE!"

"Brace yourselves!" He ordered the crew.

Everyone quickly held on to something as a mother of all waves was heading directly towards them. The Captain warned every passenger in the safety bunker to hold on as the big wave was going to hit them. The passengers screamed in fear, some praying for a miracle to happen. Everyone braced themselves, fearing the wave would sink them...but it never happened. The Captain and the crew were confused, wondering what the heck just happened. However, their thoughts were interrupted when a dark shadow loomed down at them, covering the whole ship, followed by a low bellowing sound. Everyone gasped as they saw a gargantuan hydra Grimm, staring down at them with a menacing look. The Captain and his crew were petrified at the sight of the massive Grimm. They faced many Grimm before, but this...this was nothing like they ever encountered.

"S-Sir! What are we going to do!?" The female crewmember screamed in panic, holding Riven close.

"I...I'm not sure! This Grimm is not like any we have encountered!" The Captain exclaims in pure shock.

"Should we ready the heavy cannon?" Asked the male crewmember to his captain.

"I doubt it! I don't think the heavy cannon can pierce its body. It will attack us in a heartbeat!"

"But why isn't it attacking us, Grandpa?" Riven asked his grandfather.

The Captain looked at his grandson briefly before at the Grimm. The five-headed behemoth was staring down at them. Those hellfire eyes can burn a hole, right through their very soul. Now this was confusing, even for them. They wonder why the Grimm is not attacking them. Instead, the massive body was blocking the heavy rains and crashing waves from the ship. They were so confused right now, unsure whether they should attack or flee. Riven's eyes trailed off to one of the heads and saw something that made his eyes even wider.

"Grandpa, look!" Riven points at the middle head of the Grimm.

The Captain followed his grandson's gaze and his eyes widened as well. Standing on the middle head was a girl that was close to his grandson's age. She wore what appears to be a martial arts outfit with an Embalm of two hands holding up an orb with a black/red diamond on the center and four small ones around it. Her black/red/white hair tied tight into a ponytail. Her mask covers her face, as she looks down at the ship with an unreadable expression.

"By the gods..." The Captain whispers in utter bewilderment.

The male crewmember gulps at the sight of the girl. "Is that..."

The Captain nodded his head slowly, "Aye...the Grimm Girl."

"That's how you met Voltaria?" Blake asked the Captain about his story.

"Aye, she stood on that colossal beast with no fear. It was like...they were one with another."

Young Voltaria stood on top of the Grimm's middle head, staring down at them under her mask. She shows no signs of emotions as she observes the ship's poor condition. Without uttering a single word or movement, the Grimm Hydra lowers its middle head, allowing Voltaria to get on board the ship's deck. The massive Grimm uses its body to shield her and ship from both rain and waves, keeping her dry in the process.

"Who is the captain of this ship?" Voltaria questions them coldly.

The Captain and his crew were unsure how to respond. They were still stunned by the fact a girl can control such a massive Grimm. However, the Captain knew that he couldn't keep her waiting. He was about to go out until his grandson stopped him.

"Grandpa..." Riven whispers to him worriedly.

The Captain gave his grandson an assuring look, "It will be okay, Riven, just stay put." He assures him gently before getting out of the control room to the upper deck. He was facing the girl that could bring an entire army to their knees.

"I'm the captain of the ship, what is your purpose here?" The Captain asked, doing his best to stay brave.

The girl looks up at him from below the deck; her expression hidden within her mask. The Captain wasn't sure of her intentions, and her reason for being here, but it's better than having her giant Grimm destroying his ship. Suddenly, Voltaria finally spoke after a long yet awkward silence.

"You're heading the wrong way." She said in a cold tone, sending shivers to the captain's spine. "The way to Argus is that way; you're heading to an open water, filled with Grimm."

Hearing her words, the Captain was in utter disbelief upon this information. He turned to his crew and asked them if it was true. The female crewmember looked at the navigation table, even though it was in the fritz, it was able to be functional. She lets out a surprise gasp and turns to her captain.

"She's right! We're heading the wrong way!"

"The storm must've messed with the navigation! That's why we couldn't reach Argus!" The male crewmember spoke in realization.

"We were off course." Captain spoke with utter shock.

"Yes, yes you were." Voltaria said blankly, ignoring the thunder crashing on the stormy sky. "The storm is blocking the signal of your destination."

The Captain then had a crazy idea that the crew may or may not like, "Can you lead us to the right way?"

The crew heard this and nearly panicked at his words. Thinking that he has gone mad to ask help from a complete stranger, especially to the Grimm Girl. They heard rumors that she used a massive Grimm army to kill a bandit hideout, leaving no survivors. Everyone came to believe that she was a heartless killer, but in truth, the things she did were personal or self-defense. Moreover, she wasn't completely heartless.

"If I lead you to the right way, promise me that you keep our encounter a secret." Voltaria informs the Captain in a dead serious tone. "I don't want any bounty on my head. If you tell anyone about my current location, IWILLfind you." She threatened the Captain.

Understanding the deal, the Captain agrees to these terms, "You have my word."

Voltaria looked at him for a short while before turning away and walked to the ship's bowsprit. The Captain was about to call her to be careful but the girl was perfectly balanced on the ship's bowsprit. She lifted a hand and made a small gesture. The ship began to rock, startling everyone. Soon, black tentacles like arms with spikes appeared from the water, wrapping around the ship. It wasn't enough to break it, but enough to hold it firmly. The Captain, the crew, and the people were screaming in shock as the tentacles lifted the ship out the water. Voltaria calmly balanced herself on the bowsprit with arms crossed as the Grimm holding the ship was keeping it dry from the raging waves. Meanwhile, the Hydra Grimm's five heads were looking down at Voltaria, awaiting her command.

"Take us to Argus safely." She ordered calmly.

Obeying her words, the Hydra Grimm turns away, to shield the ship with its massive body while the other Grimm that was underwater and holding the ship, follows Hydra Grimm. The Captain and his crew were in utter shock. They couldn't believe their eyes. The Grimm Girl was helping them get to safety. It was unbelievable, even for them. In all their years of sailing, they have never expected getting help from a Grimm.

"We'll reach Argus within the hour. It's best that some of your repair crew fix that hole in the hull." Voltaria reminds the Captain blankly, not bothering to turn around. The Captain heard her, understood the situation. He orders the repair crew to fix the damage on the hull. Few men ran down below the deck while Voltaria stood at the bowsprit.

" she helping us?" Asked the female crewmember in a quiet tone.

"I...I don't know..." The Captain whispers out, "We're not sure why-"

"If you're wondering why I'm helping you, it's not in the goodness in my heart," Voltaria spoke loudly, startling the group as they wondered how she could hear them, "You were close to where I was training, and I didn't want any bloodshed there."

The Captain and the crew aren't sure how to respond to this. Although they were grateful that they were not Grimm chow, they were weary of the fact that the elusive Grimm Girl is helping them. Guess the rumors they heard weren't always true. She wasn't a heartless killer, she just wanted to be alone. They continue to travel in silence as the repair crew fix the hole on the hull. They were lucky to do so considering the danger if they didn't fix the hull in time. The Captain and the crew were relieved that the hull was fixed, but they became more overjoyed when they got the signal back, showing the location of Argus wasn't far. Only a few clicks from here.

"Argus is straight ahead!" Announced the female crewmember happily, "Within this pace, we'll surely make it with no problem."

"Yeah, but what about her?" The male crewmember points towards Voltaria, meditating at the bowsprit. "How are we going to explain this to the authorities?" He was referring to the massive Grimm that she's controlling.

"Hmm..." The Captain rubs his chin, thinking of a way to explain the situation and not have the military attack her. She did just save everyone, and it was wrong to hand her over to the authorities. His thoughts come to a halt when he notices his grandson carrying a tray of warm coco and a sandwich. "Riven? What are you doing?"

Riven stops at his tracks as he looks at his grandfather with an awkward look, "Oh, well...since she's been out there for a while...and...I think she might be hungry."

The Captain smiles softly at his grandson, making his way towards Riven and gently pats his head, "That's a good thing to do, Riven. What kind of host are we if we don't treat our guests to some food?"

"Are you sure it's a good idea, Captain?" Asked a male crewmember worriedly.

"Hey, now, let's not let fear get to our heads. She saved us, it's best we return the kindness." The Captain said to his crew before he and his grandson headed out of the upper deck and went down to give the food and warm drink for the girl. They walked towards the girl in her meditating form and were about to approach her...

"What do you want?" She spoke suddenly.

The Captain and his grandson stopped dead in their tracks, eyes widened in surprise. The girl got up from her meditation pose and turned towards them with a blank look. The Captain and Riven continued staring at her, unable to speak. Staring at them blankly and annoyed, Voltaria flips off the bowsprit and lands back on the deck, surprising the grandfather and grandson in the process.

"I ask again, what do you want?" She repeated her questions, crossing her arms on her chest.

Not wanting to let her lose her patient, the Captain clears his throat and gently pats his grandson's shoulder. "My grandson, Riven, wanted to give you something to eat. You haven't eaten anything since you arrived here, right?"

Voltaria stares at them blankly looking between them and the food. She observed if the food and drink was poisonous. However, she could tell they don't serve poison in this ship, and they have any experience in assassination. Sighing, Voltaria accepted the food and warm drink, much to Riven's joy. She took a small bite and then a drink in a calm manner while Riven and his grandfather watched her.

"So...are you going to Argus too?" Riven suddenly asked the girl.

The girl was currently drinking her warm coco after she finished her sandwich. Her eyes glanced under her mask to look at the boy her age, and responded bluntly, "No, I'm not."

"You're not going to Argus?" The Captain asked in surprise.

"Don't look surprised; I don't go to big cities or villages. I prefer solitude, thank you very much."

"Sorry, it's can be very lonely when traveling alone, especially a girl your age." The Captain said, showing great concern for the girl's well-being.

"I can survive by myself, and more importantly, I'm not alone." Voltaria said, referring to her Grimm.

The Captain and Riven looked at the Hydra Grimm with a mix of fascination and fear, wondering how she could control such a beast, " can they control them? The Grimm, I mean."

"None of your concern, all you should know, that some of the Creatures of Grimm only listens to me." She said slowly. "There is nothing else you should know."

"I...I'm sorry, it's just...I see..." Riven tries to find the right words to say.

Voltaria rolls her eyes under her mask and bluntly asks, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Riven sighs and confesses to the girl his reason, "What I'm trying to say is...I never met someone who can actually control these monsters." The girl simply looked at him under her mask as he quickly added, "Err...not saying that you are a monster, you're a very special girl with an amazing to speak."

"" Voltaria nearly scoffed at his words, "Look, me controlling Grimm is not a gift in the eyes of the people, they see it as power or a curse. Mostly for the greedy rich people."

"...Is that why you don't want to go to the city? Because you have a bounty on your head?" The Captain asked the girl.

"Tell that to every bounty hunter you ever met." Voltaria mutters out dully.

The Captain shows great sympathy towards the girl. Even though she may show a great threat to the kingdoms, she was still a child, the same age as his grandson. It wasn't fair for her to be treated as a monster. Furthermore, thanks to her, they are on their way to Argus safely.

"If you want...we can take you to a secluded part of Remnant?" The Captain offered to her, "It's far but it will keep you away from big cities."

The girl looked at him briefly, her eyes still hidden within her mask, observing him if his offer was genuine. Which it is considering he is not a fan of people hunting children. After all, he is a grandfather.

"Thank you for the offer, but where I'm going, your ship won't last long there." Voltaria answered coldly.

Before the Captain or his grandson could ask, the Hydra Grimm let out a bellowing call. Voltaria looks up to the sky with a simple look. "Hmph, it looks like the storm is coming to an end."

The Captain and Riven looked up and were surprised to see the storm passing. Indicating that they're almost out of the stormy water. The crew were cheering at the sight of the storm leaving, knowing that they would reach Argus soon.

"It appears that I should take my leave." She said to the Captain and his grandson, looking at them under her mask, "Your ship will reach Argus soon. There, you will have proper repairs."

The Captain smiled and nodded in appreciation, "Thank you for saving us."

"I didn't save you, I just simply got you all out of the way."

Riven laughs a bit, earning a questionable look from Voltaria, "Sounds like saving to me."

"...Whatever." She said before doing a high back flip back to the bowsprit, balancing herself with ease, "This will be our first and last meeting, take care now." She was about to leave when...

"W-Wait!" Riven called out to her, stopping the girl from jumping overboard. "M-My name is Riven! What's your name?"

His question causes Voltaria to be somewhat stunned, never in her life some daring enough would ask her about her name. All she received were death threats from mercenaries or bounty hunters. However...he seems trustworthy enough to keep secrets. For now, it was best that he knew her name.

"Voltaria, my name is Voltaria." She answered him coldly before jumping off the ship.

Riven and his grandfather gasped as they quickly went to the edge, thinking that she fell into the water. But to their surprise, she was gone. Soon, the ship was set back down to the water gently and the next thing they knew, both Grimms dive back to depths of the water, never to be seen or heard of again.

~End of Flashback~

"And that was the last time me, my crew, and my grandson, saw her." The Captain finishes his tale to Blake.

The Cat Faunus was in utter shock and disbelief. She couldn't believe the story she heard from the captain. Voltaria saved him and his crew years ago when she was nine years-old, and because of her. The Captain and his crew promise not to tell anyone of their encounter with her. Not even the military. Saying that it was a coincidence that they were able to get out of there safely. The passengers didn't get a full view of what happened, saying they were too scared to even look out the window or go out due to the storm. They believe it was just pure luck that they all manage to survive the storm. Thanks to the Captain and his crew. However, the truth was, it was all thanks to Voltaria's help. They kept it a secret in order to protect her, which was enough to make Blake realize that this Captain was actually helping her, not just because of Glynda, but also because of Voltaria.

"I kept her promise till this day," The Captain said softly with a smile, "She saved me, my grandson, my crew, and the passengers from that fateful day...that is why I promised myself that she ever needed any help, I'm there."

Blake couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness coming to her mind. Seeing the fact that there were people, good people that would help Voltaria and never took advantage of her. This gave Blake enough faith to believe that humans aren't all bad, "Thank you." She whispers to the Captain.

The Captain heard this and smiled at her with a nod, "I'll leave you be." The Captain turns and walks away, then stops. "But uh, fair warning: these trips can be awfully boring."

Blake gave him an assuring smile, "It's just a short visit with my family, I'll be meeting some friends soon afterwards."

Hearing her words, the Captain nods his head with satisfaction, and continues on his way and Blake stares after him. She watched as the Captain made his way towards his grandson that came out of the corner, and greeted him. Riven is the same age as Voltaria, but taller, and his hair is longer and was tied into a ponytail. The Captain ruffles his grandson's hair, making laugh, before they leave to the upper deck. She smiles at the sweet bond before turns and looks at the water for a few seconds before reaching up and undoing her bow.

"Mmm..." Blake holds the ribbon out over the railing with her cat ears exposed. "Won't be needing this."

Blake lets go and watches the ribbon swirl in the air once before landing on the water. She turns and walks away. As she passed inside, she didn't notice a hooded figure was watching her from a distance.

However, they failed to notice a large red sail moving just above the surface. After it passes, the ribbon is gone.

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Weiss Schnee was performing at the charity concert in Atlas. Many rich and noble people came to listen to her performance. She stands alone on a large, empty stage, singing a wordless aria, her arms outstretched. She is perfectly positioned below the center of the painted emblem of Atlas that dominates the stage. Her father, brother, and Marionette were watching her from the balcony. Marionette was listening to her music while her father was more interested in her being perfect. Then her song changes into emphatic lyrics.

I'm not your pet, not another thing you own.
I was not born guilty of your crimes.
Your riches and your influence can't hold me anymore.

I won't be possessed
Burdened by your royal test.
I will not surrender.

This. Life. Is. Mine!

Weiss concludes her song and bows while the audience applauds at her performance. She looks up to the balcony above stage left where Marionette, her father, and brother are watching. Jacques Schnee remains seated, not applauding, while Whitley Schnee is standing giving a slower paced, sarcastic clap. Marionette was the only one whose applause shows great support, much to the joy of Weiss. She looks back at the audience, all clapping still in their seats. She turns and walks backstage, her feigned smile replaced with a frown.

Later, all the aristocrats gathered for the after party. Marionette stood behind Weiss, watching and listening to people who enjoyed Weiss's performance. There were a number of dressed up people as the waiter moved across the room, serving the guests. Marionette finds it annoying that these people have a lot of money and refuses to help the people in need. One of these days the people will live to regret it that money isn't everything. She glanced towards the Schnee Family and frowned. Jacques was conversing with a man in glasses and a gray-haired woman in a green dress. They are laughing heatedly while Weiss is behind her father, looking at the floor with her hands held primly behind her back and Whitley stands similarly further behind their father, only his gaze is directly on him. For working with the Schnee Family over a year now, Jacques only cares for his appearance in the business world.

"That's precisely my point. We offer Faunus the exact same wages given to the rest of our mining staff." Jacques said, but it was obviously a lie. When she and Chariot were sneaking around the manor to find a possible exit, they discovered files that revealed minimal wages for Faunus and Humans, while the rest went to the Schnee Manor. "Their argument's completely invalid right out of the gate."

A businessman agrees with Jacques, "Well, I think the bigger issue here is our society as a whole."

Weiss mentally groans while Jacques scoffs a bit, "Why, you mean Atlas?"

As they converse, Marionette notices a male from a distance. He is two years older than Weiss, has red spiky hair, jade green eyes, and wearing a nice tuxedo.

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He was holding a champagne glass in hand and gave Marionette a friendly smile, which earned a brow raise from the puppet entity, as he gestures towards Weiss. Marionette looks between him and Weiss, slowly coming to realize that he wishes to speak with her. Marionette gave a small nod to the teen and made her way to Jacques. She did proper courtesy to the Head Schnee.

"Master Schnee, someone wishes to speak with Milady." Marionette informs Jacques calmly.

Jacques looks at her with a brow raise before she gestures to the red-haired male at the other side of the room. He instantly recognizes him as the grandson of one of the council members in Atlas as well as the only heir of an important business family. Jacques allowed this and Marionette led Weiss to the teen that was waiting for them.

"Greetings, Ms. Schnee." The teen greeted her kindly with a bow.

Weiss bows back, "Good evening, Mr. Yù."

The teen before Weiss is Yù Xìngyùn. He is the heir of two most important families in Atlas, the Yù Family and the Ebi Family. The Yù have their own Dust Mines that were on their private island. The Ebi Family is a strong trading company with many affiliations from other families, mainly the Cantala Family and the Jewel Family. With the combination of these families, they created the biggest technological empire of transportation, Dust supplying, and advanced tech that the world has ever seen. Jacques has been trying to get an alliance with both Yù and Ebi Family for years, but so far, he couldn't even get one family to make partners with. He even tried to make an engagement with Weiss to Xìngyùn in hopes to get the two families to join the Schnee Industry, but again, they refused. Much to Jacques's frustration.

Xìngyùn chuckles at Weiss, "Please, no need for formalities, just call me Xìngyùn," He said to her kindly. "So...should I call Lady Schnee or Lady Weiss?"

Weiss felt a calm attitude towards him and gave a small smile, "Just Weiss, thank you."

Xìngyùn smiles back, "Well, Weiss, it's nice to finally meet you in person. And I might say, your performance was outstanding."

"Well, I'm glad that you like my singing."

"Not that, I meant your performance in saving Beacon." He said to her, surprising Weiss in the process, "You see, from what I heard, you and the students of Beacon held your ground, fighting off Grimm, and then these crystals appeared that could hoard off Grimm."

Weiss stares at him with suspicion, wondering what his endgame here was. "Well...everyone worked very hard to stop those Grimm."

"Yeah, with the help of the Grimm Girl that is."

Ah, there it is. Xìngyùn was curious about Voltaria. She doesn't blame him. Ever since Voltaria revealed her true self, Weiss promised to never tell a single soul about her, and how she and Ruby turned into Crimson Rose to create the giant crystals that protects the Kingdom of Vale. Weiss notices Marionette was ready to stop him to ask further questions. Weiss saw her reaction and gave Marionette a calm and assuring look before turning directly at Xìngyùn.

"She has a name you know." Weiss told him calmly, which Xìngyùn raised a brow at her. "You don't have to call her 'The Grimm Girl'."

"I's just...people never often say her name like you do." Xìngyùn said to Weiss.

"What do you mean?"

"When I was only fifteen years out, I heard about her abilities talking to Grimm, they obeyed her command...from what I heard from my grandfather, some high businesspeople attempted to capture, wanting to use her ability to control Grimm as manual labor."

Weiss realizes his words were true. If her father or any other rich business owners ever get their hands on Volatria, they will force her to use her ability on Grimm for free manual labor. They won't have to waste a single dime on human or Faunus laborers, as there is only one person that could control the very monsters that they fear.

"They were going to make her do all the work." Weiss said in a whisper, realizing that they were going to sell her off to do hard and free labor by making her control the Grimm.

Weiss was relieved that Voltaria was able to evade them thanks to her entities. She even recalls one time from Wraith that some rich schmuck sent some mercenaries after Voltaria when she was only seven, and attempted child labor on Voltaria. Unfortunately, for them, they meet a gruesome end. Voltaria was quick witted and lured the mercenaries to an abandoned village, whereupon she sent a hoard of Grimm at them, leaving no survivors, and sent a death threat to the said business owner that dared send those mercenaries at her.

Xìngyùn nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah, no matter how many hunters they hired, they end up dead within weeks." He let out a sigh and placed the empty glass on a tray that the waiter was carrying, "Hard to believe they could do such a thing to a girl for many years."

Weiss looked down sadly, and couldn't imagine how many times Voltaria had a bounty on her head. It wasn't her fault that she had this ability. She was just born with it.

"Xìngyùn!" An old gentle voice called out to Xìngyùn.

They looked up to see an old man with a cane was coming towards them, behind him were two servants that were assisting the old man. Xìngyùn smiles at him warmly and gestures to Weiss towards him as he comes in front of them.

"Weiss, this is my grandfather, Faustus Ebi. Grandfather, say hello to Weiss Schnee." Xìngyùn introduces Weiss to his grandfather.

Faustus gave Weiss a gentle smile, "Greetings, Ms. Schnee. I enjoy your beautiful performance."

Weiss smiles at the old man and bows at him respectfully, "Thank you, Mr. Ebi, I am glad that you enjoyed it. And please, call me Weiss."

Faustus chuckles at her lightly, "Aren't you polite, much better than your father's personality." He joked, causing Weiss to cover her mouth to prevent herself from laughing. Faustus chuckles at this while Xìngyùn holds his laughter, "So, tell me, Weiss, how are you holding up?"

"Oh, I'm doing fine, thank you." Weiss answered politely.

"That's good; I was worried that something bad would happen to you after what happened to Vale." Faustus said solemnly.

Weiss lowers her head and nods in agreement, "It was unexpected...considering that we found out the culprit was working with a complete psycho who wants to destroy all of Remnant."

"Why would someone want to destroy Remnant?" Xìngyùn questions out, wondering what kind of sick person to do such a thing, "I know Remnant isn't perfect, but seriously, they shouldn't think of ending it."

Weiss was silent, not wanting to spill the beans. In truth, the threat known as Salem, wanted to end Remnant, just so she could finally die. All she needs are the relics that were hidden away. It was best that no one knows about this. Marionette walks in with a tray of martini glasses to the group, and serves the drinks to them. They said their thanks as she gave the rest to the two servants, who thanked her kindly. Weiss asked about Xìngyùn's education, thinking that he was still studying in Atlas Academy. Xìngyùn answered to her that he graduated early and is working alongside with his uncle (Faustus's first-born son), and goes on missions with him and his squad. Weiss always heard that Xìngyùn is a prodigy, always top of his class, great in combat, and has excellent leadership. That is why he graduated early from Atlas Academy due to his great records, and because General Ironwood was the one who gave permission to early graduation.

"By the way...what is it like working alongside your uncle?" Weiss asked Xìngyùn curiously.

Xìngyùn gave a kind smile, "Working with him is great. I get to follow in his footsteps in becoming a great huntsman just like him and my dad."

Weiss smiles at him gently, thinking that he has great role models, like how she idolizes Winter. However, she wonders about Xìngyùn's father. She only knows about Faustus Ebi and him, but not his parents.

"Xìngyùn...if you don't mind, but may I ask...what your parents are like?" Weiss asked Xìngyùn.

Xìngyùn was silent by this as well as Faustus. Weiss felt like she hit a nerve there. She didn't mean to hurt their feelings. She was about to apologize and change the subject when Xìngyùn raised a hand to stop her and shook her head in an assuring gesture.

"It's okay, Weiss. It's been a long time since I talked about my parents." Xìngyùn said gently.

Weiss's eyes softened by this, "Wha...what happened to them?"

Xìngyùn let out a deep sigh and began his tale. Before he was born, his mother, Jiayi, was the only daughter of the Yù Family. She was very frail and wasn't skilled to be a huntress, but she is very intelligent, perfect in running the family business. She was engaged with Xìngyùn's father, Theo Ebi, at a young age. Luckily, both of them are close friends, and the two hit off. The marriage was a huge success and both families are very close. However, the happiness didn't last long when Jiayi was pregnant with Xìngyùn. Due to her weak body, Jiayi died in childbirth, leaving Xìngyùn to be raised by his father and both family members. It wasn't all bad. Unlike Weiss, Xìngyùn grew up with a loving family. Yù and Ebi Families helped Theo raise Xìngyùn to be a fine huntsman. Soon, when he was about five years old, his dad met a beautiful woman from a small town. Xìngyùn's stepmother was kind and gentle, and treated him as if she was her son, and Xìngyùn sees her as a mother figure that he dreamt to have. Soon, both his father and stepmother had a baby girl, which Xìngyùn adores, 'cause he always wanted to have a little sister. Xìngyùn's dream of having a loving family was coming true but it seems fate had other plans. When Xìngyùn was entering school, his father was on a mission to inspect one of the Schnee's Dust Mines. He believes that this mine was unstable, so he pretended to be a worker there with a false name. He made many friends in the mine, earning their trust and helping them along the way. He shows great care for the workers, both humans and Faunus alike. Until things took a turn when the mine that Theo was observing had a cave in, killing many in its wake. Theo sacrificed his life to save all the workers from the destruction.

Xìngyùn and the family became devastated when they found out about his sacrifice, but it wasn't in vain. Before he died, Theo sent information about the mine's instability, forcing Jacques to give up the mine and the surviving workers under him were taken in by the Yù and Ebi family. Weiss felt terrible by this news, she heard about this incident when her father lost the mine and his workers, but she never noticed that Xìngyùn's father was part of the accident. Although it sounded similar to Voltaria's story when she lost her father, maybe both of them work together to save the workers and sacrifice themselves for the workers.

"After my dad's death, grandfather wanted to help and support my stepmom and stepsister, to live with him in the Ebi estate. But...she declined. The people in her town needed her since she is their best healer. Although, Grandfather sends her money to support her from time to time. She would send us pictures of my little sister."


Faustus chuckles as he takes out a picture from his jacket and smiles at it, "She sent pictures to show my granddaughter every day. It warms my heart to see her smiling face." Faustus's smile soon slowly vanishes and sadly looks at pictures, "But no good thing lasts very long."

Weiss looks at him in concern. "What do you mean?"

"There was a raid on the town that they live in," Xìngyùn clutches his glass tightly, not enough to break it, but to restrain himself. "Bandits came, and attacked the town...killing the people...including my stepmom and stepsister."

Weiss covers her mouth in shock, eyes filled with sympathy towards them, "I am so sorry..."

"It was hard to lose both of them," Xìngyùn sighs, missing his stepmother and stepsister, "If only I brought them to Atlas...they would've..."

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself." Weiss assures him with a smile, "You didn't know that this could happen."

Xìngyùn sighs sadly, "I know, it's just...I really miss them."

Weiss's eyes became soft at this and gave an assuring smile at the heir. "I'm sure they're in a better place."

Xìngyùn returns the smile, "Thank you, Weiss. I really appreciate it."

Faustus chuckles softly at Weiss, "You are indeed going to make great changes in the Schnee Dust Company one day."

Weiss smiles at him in appreciation, "Thank you, Mr. Ebi." She said before looking at the picture in Faustus's hand, "If it is all right, Mr. Ebi, can I see the picture?"

"Of course, but be gentle, that is one of a kind." Faustus hands her the picture, allowing Weiss to see the picture of Xìngyùn's stepmom and sister.

But as she looks at the picture, Weiss's eyes widen in shock and realization. In the picture was Voltaria's mother, Pandora Twilight, and her younger self, Virgo Twilight, when she was only five years old. Pandora was holding little Virgo in her arms as they both smiled in the picture, wearing frilly dresses. Weiss slowly realizes that Xìngyùn is Voltaria's older half-brother! And that makes Faustus Ebi Voltaria's grandfather! Leading to the point that maybe her dad, Toren Venus, was actually Theo Ebi. Weiss put the pieces together and learned that Theo must have used a fake name in order to get into the Schnee Dust Mine, to find any evidence of instability. He must've fallen in love with Voltaria's mother at Mineral Town that they decided to elope, so the aristocrats won't find out about their union. Then a thought came to Weiss's mind. Why hasn't Voltaria told them that she had any relatives? Or why are Xìngyùn and Faustus telling her this?

"Is there something wrong, Weiss?" Xìngyùn asked her in concern, snapping the Schnee Heiress from her trance.

Weiss looked at Xìngyùn and gave a simple nod, "Sorry, it's's just sad that you lost them." She said, not wanting to look suspicious or get any ideas that Xìngyùn's could be Voltaria's half-brother. Luckily, both Xìngyùn and Faustus believed her, not knowing what she was keeping, "What are their names?" Weiss suddenly asked, handing the picture back to Faustus.

The elderly man smiles at the picture once more and points out to the woman, "This is Pandora Twilight, and this little girl is hers and Theo's daughter, Virgo."

Weiss's theory was correct. Voltaria is related to them, but why didn't she tell anyone about this, especially Nora and Ren. She then remembers that Voltaria was on the run ever since she discovered her ability at a young age. She even had to avoid Ren and Nora in order to protect them from her. Not wanting to have her family to be burdened by the fact that she had a target on her head by every bounty hunter or corrupted people, especially Salem. Weiss had no choice but to make sure that Xìngyùn and Faustus never knew that Voltaria was actually Virgo.

The party continues as Weiss continues to get to know Xìngyùn and Faustus. They were very positive people. Weiss appreciates their company. Faustus was very supportive towards her goal of becoming a better person if she ever runs the company. She will bring a new era in the Schnee's name, changing it for the better. He was a wise and kind elder. Although the son of the Marigold Family, Henry Marigold, interrupted their peaceful chat and was attempting to be friendly with Weiss. But she told him that she was busy with Xìngyùn and Faustus. Disappointed and annoyed, Henry Marigold left and decided to chat with a businesswoman. Their personalities quite match as they discuss the crystals that surround Vale, expanding its border to higher reach. They, and like the others, believe that it was caused by the infamous Grimm Girl, aka the Grimm Girl, saying that it was her doing that Vale has stronger and better defenses. Henry Marigold suggested that General Ironwood should raise the bounty on her, considering her ability in controlling Grimm, and should be put on a leash of some kind.

Hearing this, Weiss wanted to hit him for the insult, but Marionette beat her to it. Unbeknownst to everyone, except for Weiss, Marionette can create invisible strings like auras to control or grab any object in her control, as if they were puppets. She and the others were so far from Henry Marigold and the businesswoman that she secretly moved her fingers to make the two rich jerks trip and fell on the floor, spilling their drinks on their outfits. It was both embarrassing and hilarious to watch, and no one knew it was Marionette's doing. They were quickly escorted out by some waiters, hoping to get the mess off their outfit.

Therefore, the night was peaceful again. Although...Weiss was still wondering about Voltaria hiding the fact that she had an older half-brother. She will talk about this when she meets up with her and the others at the Dream Realm.

It was dusk as the ship continued its journey on the smooth water. There was a peaceful bird cry, and Blake is once again on the middle deck looking out at the ocean. A Faunus couple walk behind her and she watches them, relaxes and hopes to reach Menagerie soon. Blake then wonders if her friends have reached Mistral yet. It's been a while since she contacted them in the Dream Realm. Maybe a quick nap can help her reach Voltaria before she continues onwards. She's about to leave for her cabin when she senses that she is being watched by someone. Looking up on the upper deck, there was a hooded figure looking at her, and she immediately took out the Gambol Shroud and glared at the hooded figure.

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"Who's there?!" Blake demanded, ready to attack.

Knowing that its cover was blown, the hooded figure turns and runs for it, blonde hair somewhat visible beneath the hood. Blake stares up at the deck, no longer watching the ocean, as she fails to notice the dorsal fins of a giant sea creature shortly surfaced. Soon, she feels the boat rocking on the wake it created and lets out a grunt as she tries to keep her balance. Then a shadow of something big came behind her, Blake slowly turns, and face an enormous serpentine Grim with large external skull, red glowing gills on each side of its neck, large dorsal-fins on its back, short arms with claws, a bone-scaled underbelly and a spiked spine.

A member of the crew on duty in the crow's nest also saw the massive Grimm and was horrified, "RED ALERT!" He shouted, activating the alarm.

Two red lights next to a speaker pulse with the sound. The Captain, his grandson, and the First Mate come running out and look at the water from the upper deck, just above Blake. They both stared at the Grimm with shock and horrified expression. The Captain murmurs as the shadow of the Grimm falls over him.

"By the gods..."

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The Grimm is a Sea Feilong. A large serpent-like dragon Creatures of Grimm that lives in deeper waters of the ocean. How it got here was beyond them. However, their minds snapped when the Grimm swung its head back and forth, roaring and spreading its short forearms outward. Knowing the situation was going to dire; the Captain then turns and calls out to his crew, "All hands to battle stations!"

The First Mate and Riven looked at the Captain flabbergasted, thinking that he was mad for trying to face a Grimm like that!

"Wha-Grandpa! We can't face that!" Riven exclaimed to his grandfather.

The First Mate agrees with Riven, "He's right, sir! We've never fought a Grimm thisbig!"

Captain looks back at the Sea Feilong, observing it from head to bottom. "We've never seen something this big..." He mutters before clutching his fist, "But we'll give 'er a fight nonetheless!"

As the Captain and his crew ready for battle, Blake springs into action. There were people on board and she cannot let this Grimm kill them. The Cat Faunus runs off the boat and into the air at such great length. She creates one of her clones to give her added upward momentum, flinging Gambol Shroud forward in its kusarigama form. Attached to the ribbon on her wrist, it embeds itself into the Grimm's neck. Blake swings above the Grimm and shoots it in the back of its neck. It roars at Blake as lands on the crow's nest while the Captain steers from the bridge. He keeps the ship stabilized in the Grimm's wake and steps outside to get another look at it while Blake continues shooting it while the Sea Feilong arcs back into the water. Riven quickly went to the control and pressed some buttons to activate the ship's defenses. The side of the ship opens up and the cannons come out.

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Blake continues her assault on the sea creature, once again swinging and shooting. The ship's cannons fire but are mostly ineffective due to the Grimm having a strong hide. Blake falls back onto the ship's deck, lands on her back, bounces, and quickly gets herself back onto her feet. However, she cries out in pain as she injures her left shoulder when she moves to stand.

Riven saw this from the upper deck and looked at his grandfather, "Grandpa, she's hurt! We need to help her!"

The Captain understood as he was steering the ship, trying to keep it steady, "Hold steady men! It's not done with us yet!" He then turns to his First Mate and grandson, "GET THE HEAVY CANNON LOADED!"

The First Mate and Riven change from being nervous to battle-ready grins upon hearing this order.

"Aye! Aye! Grandpa!" Riven saluted as he and the First Mate ready the weapon.

Rising up through a trapdoor on the deck was the largest cannon on the ship.

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But, in the process, the Grimm then extends itself and aims at the Grimm. The Grimm's dorsal fin splits apart and extra bone unfolds, revealing two wings. The Sea Feilong lets out a roar as it flies, its beating wings sending a gush of air at the ship. Blake cries out as she hangs on with her hurt left arm.

"Heavy cannon, OPEN FIRE!" The Captain ordered loudly.

The heavy cannon shoots, but the Grimm easily evades it. Roaring, it opens its mouth and creates an electric ball to fire. Blake saw this and readied to launch herself at it. However, before she could do anything, the hooded figure lands on her head and uses her as a launch pad.

"Hey!" Blake yells in alarm and annoyance at the figure.

The figure was heading up towards the Grimm, grunting and taking off the cloak, revealing Sun Wukong. He was the one that was watching Blake this whole time. Anyways, when Sun was in midair, he activates his energy clones to help him fight off the Grimm.

"Sun?!" Blake yells in surprise, seeing that it was the Monkey Faunus who was watching her this whole time.

Sun and his clones land on Grimm's head. The two clones pull on the topmost tendrils of the head while Sun grabs its upper lip. Causing the Sea Feilong to lose its focus on the ship.

"Not today, pal!" Sun yells out.

With this distraction, the Sea Feilong releases its electric blast into the air, missing the ship in the process. Everyone was relieved to see that while Blake was angry at Sun's recklessness.

"What are you doing?!" Blake yells at Sun.

Sun struggles to stay on top of the enraged Grimm's snout, holding onto the two tendrils his now-disappeared clones had grabbed, preventing the Sea Feilong from blasting at the ship. Even though he was struggling, Sun was able to answer Blake's enraged question while the Grimm was flying around crazily.

"Oh, uh, you know, just...hanging out!" Then the Grimm manages to get a small electrical charge around Sun, forcing him to let go, shouting as he falls towards the water. "Whoa-oa!"

Blake gasps and immediately springs into action again, ignoring the pain in her arm. She jumps onto and off the railing, using Gambol Shroud's kusarigama form on the crow's nest to swing herself around and catch Sun midair before he could crash. They land on nearby rocks, with her holding him bridal style. Sun smiles at her and puts a hand to his heart.

"My hero!" He flirts at her.

Blake glared at him and scolded, "You're not supposed to be here!"

Sun returns with a look, "Yeah!? Well, it looks like you can use all the help you can get!" He points at the Grimm, roaring with rage.

Blake glares at him for a few seconds before groaning while rolling her eyes. "Ugh." Blake drops a yelping Sun, before readying herself. "Just shut up and fight!"

Blake proceeds by running toward the ship in the water, where the Grimm is firing electric blasts at it. She jumps from one to another while Sun was on the ground, striking a pose on his side with his hand propping up his head, smiling at her.

"Yes, ma'am!" Sun said in a playful manner.

Back on the ship, the Captain is steering the ship to avoid the attack of the Sea Feilong the best way she can. While two of his crew and his grandson are looking at controls that show the ship's weapons and defenses.

"Starboard defenses are down, sir!" The First Mate informs the Captain loudly.

"It won't take long before it destroys other defenses!" Riven added with worry.

The Captain glares at the Sea Feilong before turning to the second crewmember. "We still got the heavy cannon?"

The Second Crewmember, a male, looks at the screen, "Aye, but it's moving too fast! We can't land a hit!"

The Captain growls in anger, "Argh...How about the engines?" He asked his First Mate.

The First Mate changed the screen to look at the engine and responded, "Fully functional, Captain!"

"But we have to make the timing right!" Riven said to his grandfather, "We don't know how much the ship could handle another blast!"

The Captain nodded in understanding, "Well alright, then!"

On the deck, Blake is preparing to counter a hit from the Grimm's electric blast, but Sun jumps in between with a laugh of triumph. He uses Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang to deflect it and lands on the heavy cannon, resting his staff on his shoulder with a crooked grin.

"Huntsmen!" The Captain called out to them in the upper deck, causing both Sun and Blake to turn to look at him. "If you can clip its wings and draw it out towards the bow, we could take it!"

"But be careful!" Riven added, running next to his grandfather, "That Grimm is moving too fast and you have to time it just right!"

His words were correct. They need to be in the exact time to clip the Grimm's wing. Blake then turns away from the Captain to look up at Sun. The Monkey Faunus notices this and looks at her with a knowing look.

"I mean, you're the one with the swords."

Blake groans again, knowing that she had to do it. Without a word, Sun spins his weapon back into a holstered position and runs at the Grimm.

"Now or never!"

Sun activates three clones and jumps into the air. The first clone springs Blake upward to the second clone, which does the same. The third clone swings her up. Sun waits, laughing and opening up his arms, but then loses his smile in confusion.


Blake, instead of heading toward him, directs herself above him and lands on his shoulders. They sink a few feet while he grunts and Blake leaps upward off him. High above the Sea Feilong, she begins her descent, avoiding the electric blasts it shoots at her. She runs down its right wing, slicing through the thin membrane. Sun smirks as he waits for her on the rock she is readying to land on and catches her. The impact causes the rock surface to crack around them while he has left holding her bridal style. Blake smiles at him until he speaks.

"This is the part where you say it." Sun said in a joking tone.

Blake turns her head away in annoyance, "Ugh."

The Sea Feilong moves around them, causing the precarious rocky area to collapse. Blake moves away, leaving Sun behind.

"Okay, maybe later!" Sun yells before he jumps off the collapsing rock.

The Sea Feilong flies after them, knocking rocks down as he goes. The Captain watches from the bridge through a spyglass before throwing a handle and increasing the boat's speed. It sails beside the destructive Grimm, keeping apace. Sun continues to hop around, avoiding the Grimm's attacks until one more move puts him directly in front of its open mouth. Blake swings in on her ribbon and gets him out of reach. The Grimm prepares a blast to get them both in one shot, frightening the two Faunus, but soon stops when something pulls its tail in the water, causing the Sea Feilong to get distracted. Blake saw something in the water that was pulling the Sea Feilong's tail until it was snapped out of it when the ship's bowsprit impaled the Grimm with full force. The Sea Feilong roared as it struggled to break free. However, the Captain saw this as an opportunity and gave out a loud order.


And with his command, the heavy cannon fires and hits Grimm dead on. Its upper half is blasted off into pieces, and it dies immediately. The Captain, Riven, the First Mate, and Crew Member 02 all cheer. Riven announces the news and soon the ship erupts with cheers that are upheld by the passengers, joining in with applause. Blake and Sun landed on the rock, looking at the Grimm as it evaporated into black ashes or smoke. Sun celebrates while Blake smiles and lowers her head in relief. Although she notices something was swimming in the water before disappearing, causing the cat Faunus to be suspicious, wondering if something saved them from the Grimm. However, her mind came to a sudden halt when Sun interrupted her.

"Ha-ha!" Sun laughed as he lifted his hand for a high five, "Up top!" He said towards Blake.

Unfortunately, for Sun, Blake wasn't too happy about this. Instead of smiling, she turns and glares at Sun with anger. Sun failed to realize it because he was busy wiggling his hand with a grin. "Eh?"

Without any warning, Blake lets out an angry cry as she swings her arm around to slap him in the face. He rears back in slow motion as Blake's hand makes contact with his face hard.

Later at night, they return to the ship with Sun's face sore from Blake slapping him, they stay at the middle deck of the ship. Blake was at the railing again, only facing sideways, while Sun was talking with two Faunus passengers, thanking him and Blake for saving everyone on the ship. The passengers, the Captain, and the crew were grateful for their help in defeating the Sea Feilong. That Grimm would've destroyed the ship if it weren't for them. Now, everyone can rest easy, knowing the danger has passed from that stressful event. Blake was still skeptical of what just happened. She was sure there was something in the water that helped them by pulling the Grimm's tail.

"Seriously, it was no big deal!" Sun said to the two passengers with a smile, "Just enjoy the rest of your trip and everything will be cool! We got this!" The two Faunus, a male with horns and a female with rabbit ears who we saw earlier, wave goodbye as they turn away. Sun struts over to Blake. "You'd think they'd never seen a fight before."

Blake turns to him with an annoyed look in her eyes, "What are you doing here, Sun?"

Sun didn't listen as he was changing the subject, "Diggin' the new outfit, by the way!" He points to her ears, "Never did like the bow."

Losing her patient, Blake slaps his hand away, "Sun!"

"Geez!" Sun holds his hand, feeling the sting of her slap.

"Have you been following me?!" Blake asked him angrily.

Sun was looking a touch abashed, feeling guilty and worried at her sudden attitude, that he decided to tell her the truth. "I saw you run off. The night Beacon Tower almost fell." Blake's eyes widened a bit at his words, "When those strange crystals appeared from the ground, everyone was taken back to their home. You made sure everyone was okay, and then you just took off, without saying anything. I then saw you getting on this ship with the help of Professor Goodwitch. Why was she helping you sneak on board anyways?"

Blake looks down, not wanting him to know about the plan that Voltaria told her, "You wouldn't understand."

Sun shook his head, "No, I get it! The moment you left, I knew exactly what you were doing!" Hearing this, Blake smiles at him, pleased at feeling understood. Until she said. "You're going on a one-woman rampage against the White Fang!

Blake's happy expression falls. Staring at him in a little bit of disbelief, "What?"

Sun explains his ridiculous reason, "You always felt like the Fang was your fight. They show up, trash your school, hurt your friends. It makes perfect sense!" Sun explains his theory in an enthusiastic tone.

Blake shook her head, still in disbelief, placing a hand on her head. "I can't believe you."

Sun wasn't even finished as he continued, his excitement hadn't ceased. "But there's no way I'm letting you do this alone! It's an honorable approach, for sure, but you're going to need someone to watch your back. And that's where I come in!" Sun proceeds by putting his arm around her, "Us Faunus got to stick together, after all."

Blake sighs again in annoyance, "You're wrong, Sun." She pushes him off her, "You're so,sowrong." Blake then turns her back on him and walks away.

"What are you..." Sun was going after her but she stopped a few feet, putting a hand on her arm.

Blake shook her head, not facing him, "I'm not going anywhereNEARthe White Fang. Not yet."

Sun scratched his head, feeling wrong and confused, he could've sworn that that his theory was right. "Seriously?"

Blake turns to him slightly. "I need to sort some things out."

"Then why not do it with your team? Your friends?"

Blake wanted to say that her friends were planning on going to Mistral. She was supposed to go with them, but Voltaria told her that her home, Menagerie, may have dinosaurs washed up ashore, and not even the lookout knows about it. She can't tell Sun. Not yet.

"You're one to talk! Assuming Neptune, Sage, and Scarlet aren't hiding below deck!" Blake exclaims at him in anger.

Sun scoffed a bit, "You really think I could get Neptune on the ocean?" Sun reminds her that Neptune would never set foot on a boat near the water. He would rather face an army of Grimm than being in a boat. "They flew back to Mistral! I told them I'd catch up! It's not the first time I left them to take a boat!" Sun explains his reason, sitting on the rail with no problem, as he looks at Blake, "So, if you're not going after the White Fang, where are you going?"

Blake looks back at the ocean calmly, before answering him. "Home, to Menagerie." Blake looks up at the slightly shattered moon. "There's something I need to discuss with someone."

Sun stares at her briefly, trying to figure out what she meant, before crossing his arms confidently, "Well, I'm coming with you!" He said with a grin, causing Blake to look at him, "After Voltaria did a mumbo jumbo on the city by bringing those Grimm repellant crystal thingies, the rest of the kingdoms wanted to have those crystals too! They're going crazy! Especially the Grimm! They're getting worse; you saw it yourself! And just because you're not going after the Fang doesn't mean they won't be coming for you! Besides..." Sun looks at the water and gestures to himself on the ship, "I'm...kind of already on the boat."

Blake just stares at him, expression mixed with amusem*nt with a hint of annoyance. "There's really no stopping you?"

Sun grins to her words, "Nope! This is going to be great! Never been in Menagerie before! It'll be a regular journey to the east!" He said TO Blake, spreading his arms as he and Blake looked at the ocean with the shattered moon reflected by the water, "Yeah, I like the sound of that."

As the ship continued sailing towards Menagerie, they weren't aware that they were being followed deep within the water.

And it wasn't a Grimm.


Riven is another Oc of mine.

Chapter 26: Unlikely Encounter


The characters are Shadow Dusk (Alan Rickman), Hades Cadaver (Ralph Fiennes), Andromeda Haunter (Helena Bonham Carter), and Diana Dawn (Sarah Vowell).

Queen Avalon voice actor is Connie Nielsen who played Hippolyta in Wonder Woman 2017

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Queen Avalon stood at her throne room, looking at the four people in front of her, bowing to her on their knees and their right hand on their chest, showing great respect towards their queen. The four Grimm Riders before her are Shadow Dusk and his team, all wearing royal hooded robes. They are brought to the throne room to receive the blessing from their queen to retrieve the long lost princess and bring her home in the Kingdom of Tenebris.

"Arise, Shadow Dusk, Hades Cadaver, Andromeda Haunter, Diana Dawn," Queen Avalong spoke their names with calmness yet strong authority in her voice. The four members got up and looked at their queen respectfully, "You four shall venture beyond our kingdom and to the outside world, where you will find my granddaughter in a continent of Anima. Our sources believe that she is heading to the Kingdom of Mistral. They believe there is a threat that will happen there." Queen Avalon then glares under her mask, "And I believe that the false goddess is about to strike yet again."

Hearing this, the woman named Andromeda Haunter lets out a wolf-like growl, "Let her try."

"Ease yourself, Andromeda." Shadow said to his teammate, "We cannot let our anger blind us on our mission."

Andromeda sighs but nods her head in understanding, quietly apologizing to the queen for her sudden change of behavior. Queen Avalon understood Andromeda's anger. Considering all of her people know about the false goddess, she is nothing but a plague and liar; she cares nothing more but herself and power.

"The airship is awaiting for the four to be aboard," Queen Avalon said to her subjects, "May the Goddess Lunaria bless your journey and bring great success on your mission."

"Yes, your majesty." They all said unison, bowing at their queen.

As they slowly depart to the airship, Queen Avalon lets out a soft sigh, watching as the two massive doors close behind Shadow and his team after they leave. Leaving her alone in the throne room.

Well, not completely alone.

With her are her butterflies and her Grimm Dragon, Amaro, coming out from his spot from the throne and lowering his massive head. Queen Avalon gently pats her Grimm's snout, earning small warbles from the creature.

"She will be home soon, Amaro, and we will make sure to welcome her with open arms." Queen Avalon said softly. A white butterfly lands on the hand that was stroking Amaro, causing the Queen of the Grimm Riders to hold the butterfly with her index finger, and brings it to her face. It reminds her of her daughter before she left the continent, Geheimnis, to venture to other continents of Remnant. There, she learned many things, the good and the bad, and then she found love. She still can't forget the last letter she sent about giving birth to a beautiful little girl.

A little girl born with the Mark of the Grimm Riders.

She knew that she survived the onslaught of the town she and her mother currently live. Her daughter, Pandora, wanted her daughter to experience life outside of Tenebris. To see the world instead of hiding. That way, her daughter can experience the wonders of the world and would be prepared for any challenges. But sadly, fate was cruel. Bandits invaded the small town that they lived in, killed her beloved daughter and orphaned her granddaughter. And because of them, her granddaughter somehow activated her Grimm Rider Ability, calling forth a Grimm to slaughter the bandits, and in the end, she disappeared. It took her and her people eight years to locate her granddaughter. It was fortunate for them to locate her, considering that there were many wanted posters of her granddaughter everywhere with a price on her head. Seeing a bounty on her granddaughter made Queen Avalon's blood boil, thinking of those fools using her granddaughter's ability to do their work. Her people liked that as well. They were hunted to be used as worker bees, controlling Grimm and forcing them to build cities. However, they didn't get a single one of them, all thanks to her ancestor.

Nisha Midnight

She and some Grimm Riders worked together to rescue every other Grimm Riders, bringing them to the safe sanctuary, where they were all safe and trained their abilities. That way, no one shall abuse their gift, not even the false goddess.

"I won't fail on you again, Pandora." Queen Avalon whispers softly, thinking of her beautiful daughter, "I will make sure that my granddaughter will be safe and will know her true origin. You have my word."

With her promise, the butterfly flutters away, joining with the others, while Queen Avalon just watches them.

It was a cloudy day as Voltaria, Ruby, Yang, and their friends were venturing through the forest, heading to Shion Village. The blue raptor, which Ruby decided to call her Blue, follows along, wanting to find her sisters and get the heck out of this continent and back to Pellucidar. Voltaria tells her friends to keep their guards up; they will need to stay strong when facing a dinosaur. From what they learn from Levistus, they need to stay focused and strong at all times.

"Another day, another adventure!" Nora cheered, stretching her arms as she and her team rode on Levistus. She was at the back and in front were Ren, Pyrrha, and Jaune, who was reading the map. Amaryllis was walking beside him with Team WAVE on her back while Ripper, carrying Ruby and Yang, was trotting beside her along with Blue.

Wade chuckles at her, "It's always an adventure when we're together." He said musingly.

AJ hugs her boyfriend from behind with a smile, "Sure is..." She said softly.

"What's on the agenda today?" Ruby asked Jaune, who was holding the map.

"Walking!" Jaune answered enthusiastically.

Nora then asked, "With a side of...?"

"Walking." Ren answered, relaxing a bit while Spinosaurus continued walking through the forest path.

Ruby lets out a sigh, thinking that they were lost and might not be able to find Shion Village, "How hard is it to find Shion? The Blacksmith said it was five hours away."

There was a storm a few months ago.Regina said to their minds,It is possible that the road that we were supposed to take must have washed away from the storm.

Wraith grunts a bit in agreement,I agree for once If the path was washed away, we might have missed Shion Village we might walk all the way to Haven.

"How long did you think this journey was going to take?" Ren asked the group.

"If my calculation is correct, we'll probably reach it in about...three or four weeks." Voltaria answered.

"THREE OR FOUR WEEKS?!" Jaune and Ruby exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, by foot we'll reach to Haven in three or four weeks if we ever encounter bandits or Grimm, and if we have an airship, we'll reach Heaven in a half a day." Voltaria said to them.

"Wow, it's good that we have you on our team, Volty." Ruby said happily, "I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home!"

"Well, V did travel all around Remnant," Wade said with a smile.

"And it's very useful when traveling, even though I don't go inside the kingdoms personally." Voltaria said.

"You never went inside the kingdoms?" Evo asked his teammate.

Voltaria shook her head, "Nope, I only sent Regina and Tabitha to get some supplies in the kingdom and leave the money. I can't risk getting caught by the authorities there."

"Don't you worry, Volty! We already plan your outfit and fake name." Ruby said with a grin. But soon vanishes when she notices Blue was looking at something, "Hey, what's Blue looking at?"

They notice Blue looking at the undergrowth with a look of curiosity. The group wasn't sure why she's doing this and was about to ask until she sprinted off to the undergrowth. The group called out for her in alarm before Levistus, Amaryllis, and Ripper chased after her. The team held on to their scaly companions as they got out of the undergrowth. There, they found themselves on a mossy stone tile path. They saw Blue the Velociraptor staring up to what appears to be a wall with an opening, revealing a village inside. Nora balances herself on Levistus's back to get a closer look at the wall and building ahead. While Jaune and Pyrrha double check the map.

"That's...strange." Jaune mutters out in confusion, "I didn't think there could be a village here."

"I agree." Pyrrha said in agreement, confused as the others, she didn't expect for a village here, let alone in the middle of nowhere. "Did we get the wrong map?"

"No." Voltaria spoke, causing everyone to look at her. They notice her looking at the village with narrowed eyes, "I don't sense anyone in there, not heartbeat nor aura."

This caused everyone to become pale, knowing that something is wrong, until Nora saw something wrong, "Are those buildings...damaged?!"

Everyone, minus Voltaria and the dinosaur/hybrid companions, gasped. Realizing that this town must've been attacked by either Grimm or Bandits.

"We should search for survivors!" Jaune said with a worried tone before he drops the map and the dinos go running into the village.

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Levistus and Amaryllis carefully went in the entrance without any damage while Nora leaps off Levistus and onto the wall, and to a rooftop from there. The group got off Levistus, Amaryllis, and Ripper before looking around the town. They discovered that it was completely empty, abandoned even. Ripper helps Ruby on lifting a fallen plank of wood, allowing his Momma Red to look under, only to find plant outgrowth underneath. The others looked inside the buildings, only to find nothing, not even furniture.

"Anything?" Ruby called out to her friends.

"Nothing over here!" Nora exclaims from the top, seeing nothing but empty buildings.

"Same here!" Wade called out as he and AJ looked inside a building to find nothing.

"Not even here!" Evo also called out from the corner of a building.

Jaune and Pyrrha were searching around with Levistus, "No one over here, either!" Jaune called out as well.

Ren was looking around and saw no people, "It almost seems like...the town was abandoned."

Ruby looks around while the others go to find any survivors. However, she has a feeling of uneasiness in the wind like there was something strange about this town that she doesn't like. As if it wasn't complete.

"Hey, I think I found something!" Nora called out to them.

Everyone rushes over Nora as she finds what appears to be a town sign. Nora proceeds by brushing off the ivy that is growing over it to the side to read what it says or better yet, showing the name of this village.

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"Oniyuri?" Nora reads out in confusion, "Never heard of it."

"Me neither." Jaune mutters in agreement, never heard of this village from the map.

The others also have no idea what Oniyuri is, but three of their teammates knew about Oniyuri, as well as Voltaria's entities. Wade tips his hat a bit to show signs of sympathy while both Ren and Volatria look down. Knowing what this village is.

"I have." Ren spoke softly.

"Same here." Wade joins in while Voltaria simply hums.

This caught everyone's attention, as they were surprised to hear that Ren, Wade, and Voltaria knew about this place. Blue walks over, chirping confusion, wondering what was wrong. Amaryllis explained that there is something that they should know about this village. Finally, Ren faces his teammates with a mix of sadness and despair.

"You might think of it as Anima's Mountain Glenn, had it never been completed. Years ago, the richest members of Mistral were unhappy with how the Kingdom was being run." Ren explains to the team.

The group listens to him while Levistus and Amaryllis observe the village. Seeing many unfinished buildings, disrepair, and neglect of the village. Showing that it was abandoned and never to be used again. They looked back to their human and Faunus companions as Wade was next to explain the situation of Oniyuri.

"Yup, from what I heard from my Ma and uncle, the rich folks there were frustrated with the council's law," Wade explains, shaking his head as he recall about the news that he heard from his uncle, "So, they pooled their resources together to build their own city, with their own laws. They hoped that one day; it could maybe even become its own Kingdom. Many thought it would be the future." Wade looks down on the dirt floor and kicks it lightly. "My Ma even believed it was true."

"My parents did as well." Ren said, after walking away from the group and standing near a stone border.

There was an eerie silence. The group looks at Ren, Wade, and Voltaria with concern and worried looks. They had no idea that this place was planned to be a better life for the people. Sadly, however, things never go as planned for fate and always cause many changes.

"What happened?" Ruby asked, breaking the eerie silence.

Ren closes his eyes and sadly looks down, "What always happens." Ren answered softly, brushing some dirt off the stone border of a low wall to reveal claw marks.

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It didn't take them long to realize what had caused this, Jaune was the only one who answered solemnly, "The Grimm."

"Yes, the Creatures of Grimm were the reason why Oniyuri was never finished," Voltaria spoke up, crossing her arms as she walks few steps in the abandon village, "Due to the increase of Grimm, the workers had to abandon the village in order to escape, and not even the huntsmen could stop the hoard of Grimm." Voltaria sighs and looks at the unfinished buildings with a blank look, "Things didn't look so well, and they thought their plan was ruined," Voltaria looks down on the grass patch of the beaten path and closes her eyes, "However, they still believe that their plan will still work. Then a few years later...they found an opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Yang asked in confusion, "What opportunity?"

She lifts her head up and opens her eyes to look at the incomplete village, "An opportunity that will help them succeed their goal and that opportunity...was me." Voltaria answered softly, facing her friends.

They all were looking at her with shock expressions on their faces.

"When I ran away from Mineral Town, I survived in the wild with Kurama and my entities, taking down bandits by using the Grimm. I became well known as the infamous'Grimm Girl'." Voltaria looks down to the ground and clenches her fists together. "Word spread like wildfire and my presence caught the ears of those elites in Mistral...due to my unique ability, they found a way to make their dream a reality. So, they sent a bounty on my head. Five-hundred thousand Lien for the capture of the Grimm Girl...and they needed me alive."

"...They were gonna make you a child laborer, weren't they?" Wade questions her, clenching his fists at the thought of someone using a child to manual labor.

Voltaria looked at them as she nodded her head, "Yes, they didn't care if I was a child at the time, they only care is to make their ideal a reality. That way, they can cut costs on Huntsman protection. All they need is a girl that can control the very monsters that wish to destroy them, to build their dream...having no idea that there are some Grimm that do not obey my command."

Everyone was concerned by her words. They had no idea that there were selfish people out there that wanted to capture Voltaria, to use her free labor. Even if it means beating her. She was lucky to avoid them, thanks to her entities and the Grimm that she controlled. Those bounty hunters that were after her had an unfortunate end. They had no idea of her capability, as they underestimated her, thinking that she was a girl that was capable of combat. They were soon interrupted when they heard several small black birds take off from a tree outside Oniyuri's wall. They fly over the village and the young travelers, and their prehistoric companions.

Jaune, feeling uncomfortable, looks at the group with concerned eyes, "Come on. Let's just get through here. This place gives me the creeps."

"I agree with Jaune." Pyrrha said in agreement, feeling the village atmosphere was getting uncomfortable.

Everyone agrees with this and starts walking away. Levistus, Amaryllis, Ripper, and Blue follow them. Having a bad feeling about the Oniyuri already. Ren, meanwhile, lingers for a moment for a few moments, seemingly in thought. He soon snapped out of it when he felt a gentle hand on his arm. Looking to his side, he saw Voltaria giving him a concerned look. She knew very well what he was thinking and became concerned about his well-being.

"We should go." Voltaria said to Ren softly, squeezing his arm slightly.

Ren nodded his head in agreement, following the others out of the village. They walked past Ruby, who stopped and took one last look over the empty village. Leaves blow through behind her as she thinks of the people that sent a bounty on Voltaria's head. Thinking about it made Ruby sick. Who in the right mind would hunt Voltaria down, only to use her as some sort of tool? Unacceptable!

Before thinking any further, Ripper gently nudges her back, causing the red-hooded girl to look at the Indoraptor with a questionable look. Ripper made small chittering sounds, feeling concern about his Mamma Red. Ruby smiles at him and gently pats his snout.

"I'm okay, Ripper, let's just get out of here." Ruby said to him gently.

Ripper croons before they follow the others.

Unaware that they were being watched by a pair of sociopathic eyes from the shadows.

It was getting late, and the group were heading out of the village, they noticed how massive it was compared to some. Turns out, the aristocrats in Mistral determined to try to make Oniyuri a new city, and tried to expand it, but failed to complete because the Grimm would delay the operation. That is why they were so desperate to get Voltaria. They needed her to control those Grimm to complete Oniyuri. However, due to their lack of morality towards her, Voltaria refuses to be captured by those bounty hunters that were sent by them. So, she either avoids or ends those bounty hunters, and sends a warning towards those aristocrats to stay away from her. Otherwise, they'll end up getting worse punishment than those bounty hunters.

The group decided to rest for a bit while Levistus, Amaryllis, Ripper, and Blue scout ahead. They needed to check if there were any Grimm close by. However, when they left the group to rest, Wade, Voltaria, and Ren suddenly sensed something. They quickly get up from the floor, causing everyone to be alarmed, but quickly silence when Ren puts out his hand to silence them. Ren closes his eyes and he focuses while Wade readies his guns and Voltaria quickly puts on her mask, and readying her entities. Then, outside of Oniyuri, someone was running through the forest with incredible speed. Ren and Wade draw out their weapons, and the others immediately follow suit. Soon, someone leaps high over the wall and immediately takes out his weapons in a seamless motion and, laughing eagerly, moves to attack Ruby.

Reacting quickly, Voltaria grabs Ruby and uses her shadow to dodge the claw blades of the attacker. Wade and Ren came and used their weapons with the attacker's claw blades. The stranger pushes both of them while Ren attempts to both kick and shoot the attacker, but he dodges. Wade recovered as he and Ren double-team, and did a couple more attacks and parries until the attacker kicked them several feet away.

AJ and Yang rushed forward, shooting multiple rounds at the attacker. Laughing crazily, he uses his blades to block their attacks, and attempts to slash them, but they are quick and avoid him. Pyrrha and Wade came charging, using their weapons to inflict attacks on him. But, like before, the attacker dodged their attacks with incredible agility and speed. Jaune steps in at that moment and the attacker climbs onto his shield and grins at him crazily. Pyrrha calls out to him in alarm while Nora rushes in with Magnhild, but the attacker just leaps from Jaune's shield to her hammer and up through the top story of a narrow, rectangular building. Holding himself up with his feet on wooden frames to either side of him, the attacker looks down at the teens with a craze malicious grin. Voltaria and Ruby come out of the shadows as they and the others prepare themselves for their attacker.

"We're not looking for a fight!" Jaune said to the attacker, readying his sword. Only to earn a wicked grin from the stranger.

Ren glares at the stranger, "Who are you?" He asked in a demanding tone.

The attacker leans forward, drops from the tower, does a front flip, and lands on his feet in front of them. Acting all casual but a hidden malice was in him. "Who I am matters not to you." He answers, pointing to Ren, "Or you." He points to Nora, "Or them." He points at Wade, Evo, AJ, Pyrrha, and Yang, "Or..." He cuts himself off and pauses at Jaune, "Well... you do interest me."

This causes Jaune to gasp nervously at the stranger while Pyrrha was ready to defend her friend.

"No, I only matter tothem."

The attacker points to Ruby and Voltaria while the rest of the team turns towards them with worried looks on their faces. Ruby tilts her head in confusion while Voltaria tightens her fists.

"Us?" Ruby asked in confusion.

The attacker breaks down into laughter, finding her confusion humorous in his twisted mind, "You, you haven't the slightest clue, do you? Oh, how exciting this must be!" He grins crazily at her.

"What do you want?!" Ruby demanded, readying her Crescent Rose.

Tyrian begins acting dramatically in response to her tone of voice. "Oh, the rose has thorns! My little flower, I'm here to whisk you and your friend away with me!"

Voltaria glares at him, her eyes transforming under her mask to activate her Semblance, "Yeah...that's not gonna happen,Tyrian Callows." She spats out his name as if it was a rotten fruit.

The man known as Tyrian made a mocking gasp, clasping his hands to his face, surprised yet delighted that she knew him. Her friends, on the other hand, were confused, wondering how she knew him.

" you know him?" Ruby asked quietly.

"Not personally," Voltaria answered in a quiet tone, "I only heard about his reputation."

Tyrian grins widely at her words, "Myreputation?" He asked in a sickly sweet yet mocking tone.

Voltaria narrows her eyes under her mask, "You're a wanted serial killer. You committed a series of crimes across Anima that put you in the most wanted list. For murder, assault, kidnap, and torture over seven hundred people." She said, making Tyrian's grin wider.

"I heard of him." Wade mutters out, glaring at Tyrian, remembering about this crazy asshole from his uncle, "But everyone thought he was dead after the transport ship taking him to Atlas's prison was destroyed by a horde of Grimm."

"Yeah, a horde of Grimm that were sent bySalem." Voltaria answered with a growl.

Tyrian started laughing maniacally, "OOOHHH! HOW WONDERFUL!" He cheers in a craze tone, bowing his head slightly, "You know of our Goddess's name!"

"Goddess? Ha." Voltaria mocked with a glare, "She's hardly a goddess."

This causes Tyrian's grin to vanish. His sick joy was replace by fueled rage, "HOW DARE YOU INSULT OUR GODDESS?!"

"I don't worship a genocidal maniac." Voltaria points out to him plainly.

"Don't you say such a thing to her!" Tyrian defends Salem's statues, "She is a divine being! And you share the same power as hers! You must be a disciple like me!" He grins as he recalls something. "And like me, you kill people."

Voltaria stares at him blankly; her frown deepens as Tyrian continues grinning at her, "I am not a disciple, and furthermore. Yes, I have killed people." Tyrian grins widened until she added, "But unlike you, I only kill bandits and those who hunted me with their own malicious intents, whileyouonly kill the weak and the helpless. Which makes you the weaker link!"

Her words were sharp as any knife. Her friends knew that Voltaria always had a sharp tongue, able to wound one in its deepest reaches. In which case, cutting the ego of this mad killer. However, Tyrian found her words insulting and as mockery to him. It only angered the craze killer. With a mighty yell, Tyrian leaps off and charges at Voltaria. Unfortunately for him, Voltaria was quick. Without even moving a muscle, Voltaria summons a shadow portal that brings Tyrian inside before opening another on top of a nearby building, causing the killer to crash on top of the roof.

"Ready yourselves!" Voltaria orders, summoning a black sword, "He may be down but he's not out."

"What are we dealing with here, V?" Yang aske, readying her Ember Celica.

"A mad, sociopathic criminal who happens to be a Scorpion Faunus." Voltaria explains, hearing the angry yells of Tyrian. "He has a stinger that carries lethal poison that will kill you within 24 hours."

"And his Semblance?" Evo asked as he readied his Musicshocker.

"His Semblance disrupts an opponent's Aura. If he touches you, your Aura will leave an opening for him to strike and kill."

"sh*t, we have to be careful when we strike." Wade said to everyone.

"That is why you have me and my entities, I'll tell when he'll strike and you hit him with everything you got." Voltaria said before sending them a telepathic message, "Ready?"

"Ready!"They all said unison.

Not long after, Tyrian explodes out of the building, charging fast to attack Jaune. "Jaune! Shield up!" Voltaria ordered him in his mind.

Obeying her words, Juane lifted his shield just in time as Tyrian covers his eyes with his arm and then cartwheels onto Jaune's shield, using his claw blades to spin in the air against it. Voltaria signals Yang and AJ to fire multiple rounds, which they do, forcing Tyrian to dodge their attacks, allowing Pyrrha to strike him from his back. Tyrian yelled, crashing to the ground, but before recovers, Evo came charging in with his Musicshocker in guitar mode, slamming it on Tyrian's face, ending him crashing to a nearby building. Ruby and Wade fired multiple rounds at Tyrian, but he was quick, jumps out of the way, and charges at Voltaria with his blades raise, but before he made contact, Voltaria's body fazed through his blade, surprising Tyrian in the process, before a unknown force kicks him from behind, sending him crashing. Angered fueled the sociopath's mind as he was being beaten by a bunch of teenagers!

"Ruby! Get ready to fire at Nora!"Voltaria ordered her friend.

Ruby grins and points her gun at Nora, who was ready to attack. "READY!"

Once Tyrian recovered, his next move was to run towards Nora. Voltaria alerted Nora to be ready for Ruby's help, which Nora responded with a wide grin. As Tyrian comes closer, Voltaria sends a telepathic message to Ruby fire, to which the hooded girl grins and shoots Nora with lightning Dust. It passes just over Tyrian's left shoulder, and he turns as he senses it. Nora braces herself as is knock down when the bolt makes contact. Luckily, she didn't Magnhild, as she grips her weapon tightly.

Tyrian mistakenly thought that her move was an error on Ruby's part, and Tyrian (being a craze killer) laughs while the rest watch and wait.

"Well, if that isn't ironic." Tyrian said, turning towards them. "You hit your own teammate."

Voltaria placed a hand on her hip, "That was what we're hoping for." She said to Tyrian.

At first, it confuses the sociopath, until he senses something is up and loses his mirth. Nora got up from her feet, supercharged with the lightning dust (and additional energy, thanks to Hannibal), Nora made a determined, satisfied grin, as she rushed at Tyrian from behind, moving over his right shoulder and coming before him just in time to hit him with Magnhild. The blast from the contact has everyone covering their eyes from the backwash of dust and air, Jaune actually taking cover behind his shield with Pyrrha. And Voltaria stood there with hands behind her back. They watched as the air cleared to reveal a perfectly fine Tyrian in a crouching position, blocking Magnhild by using his scorpion tail. Tyrian giggles and curls his fingers at Nora.

"Surprise." He said wickedly.

Nora responded with a grin, "NOPE!"

Again, Tyrian was confused, but failed to see a shadowy portal appearing beside them. Ruby, holding Crescent Rose, comes out of the portal, lets out a battle cry, and with one fell swoop, she immediately cuts off the stinger from the rest of Tyrian's tail.

"AAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!" Tyrian cries out in pain, staggered backward as the barb of his tail bounces away, spurting purple liquid to the ground. Nora and Ruby retreated with the others, readying their weapons as they glared at the Scorpion Faunus.

Tyrian somehow was able to stand and whirls to face Ruby with a furious glare yet he looked infuriated. "You bitch! I'll kill you and the deceiver!" He yells at Ruby and Voltaria.

Voltaria glares at him under her mask, "I doubt that." She said to him blankly.

Even though he was off balance, that won't stop Tyrian from killing the two girls. He was about to charge at her with his weapon until someone jumped in and punched the Faunus on the face, sending him flying to a nearby dead tree, crashing into in the process. The group, minus Voltaria, stares at the stranger with wide eyes. Standing in front of them was none other than Ruby and Yang's alcoholic, crazy uncle, Qrow Branwen.

As it turns out, Qrow has been following them for a while, watching them honing their skills from each Grimm they face when they were in the villages that they helped. But when Tyrian came to view, he knew he had to help, even though they were able to handle it, he had to step up and stop this. The professional huntsman turned towards his nieces and made eye contact, in a few seconds, he smiled at nieces.

"Hey." Qrow simply greeted.

"Uncle Qrow!?" Both Yang and Ruby exclaimed in surprise, having no idea their uncle was following them.

"How are you here?" Yang asked in shock, staring at her uncle with eyes.

Before he could respond, Tyrian was able to recover and charge at him, but as Qrow was about to react, a powerful steam of water came out of nowhere and struck the Scorpion, sending Tyrian hurtling towards the side, gurgling when the water went to his mouth. Then, out of nowhere, Ripper appears and grabs Tyrian by the legs, and starts hitting him around like a ragdoll. The Scorpion Faunus was lucky that his aura was protecting him; otherwise, his legs would be broken already. Everyone, minus Voltaria, was surprised when Levistus, Amaryllis, Ripper, and Blue came to their aid, but were relieved to see them.

Meanwhile, Ripper was showing no mercy. They went back here after they heard their pack mates in trouble, and what angered him more is that this Scorpion Faunus insulted his Momma Red! No one calls her that name (yeah, he knows that word because Granduncle Cranky Much (Wraith) explained it to him, which earned a scolding from Grandaunt Wise (Regina) and gets away with it! Soon, he tosses Tyrian to the air, causing the Scorpion Faunus to scream before plummets to the ground, but before he did, a powerful stream of white light came out of nowhere, sending the killer flying to the sky and into the other side of the forest. They could hear his faint screams going farther and farther away, until he landed somewhere far that no one could see.

The group stared at the scene with wide eyes while Nora and Jaune had their jaws dropped. They did not see that coming, not even Voltaria. They were aware of unknown presences. Turning around, they saw who the one who did it was. Standing a few feet from them was a teenage boy with freckles and hazel eyes, holding what appears to be a staff with gemstones.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (161)

And behind him was a hybrid dinosaur that they had never seen before, glaring at the group with deadly eyes. The teen notices the group staring at them with wide eyes. The teen responded with a sheepish smile as he lowered his staff and gave an awkward wave.


"...V?" Wade whispers out, not taking his eyes off. The others were also in shock as they were too focused on the newcomers. " that?"

Voltaria looks at the male teen and his hybrid with a blank expression under her mask. Observing him from head to toe. She did not predict this.

"I idea..." Was her only response.


The Grimm Rider's continent is calledGeheimnismeaning Secret in German.

Chapter 27: Unexpected Friendship


Here's the next chapter of the story of the Grimm Rider. I also changed Wraith's Voice actor is Clancy Brown who voiced Ryder Azadi from Star Wars Rebels)

Characters of dindagangleader14 are here in the story.

Shadow Dusk (Alan Rickman)
Hades Cadaver (Ralph Fiennes)
Andromeda Haunter (Helena Bonham Carter)
Diana Dawn (Sarah Vowell)

This chapter is based on How to Train Your Dragon (the first movie). And also, in my story, Oscar is fifteen, one year younger than Ruby Rose.

Chapter Text

Song for this Chapter: Forbidden Friendship

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (162)

Around a campfire, the group sat on four logs positioned in a square with Levistus, Amaryllis, Ripper, and Blue sitting behind them while Qrow and the boy sat on the opposite side, sitting separately, and the big hybrid was sitting behind the boy. The prehistoric beasts were looking at each other, sharing suspicious stares. Except for Ripper, he was glaring at the intruder. Thinking that he will harm his pack. He may be bigger, but it wouldn't stop Ripper from tearing him apart. Qrow takes a swig from his flask. Clearly, he needed something to drink after witnessing another dinosaur and hybrid that are now with his nieces and their friends.

" you have questions?" Qrow asked the group, holding his flask.

"Uh...yeah?" Jaune was the one who spoke.

Wade nodded in agreement, "For starters, how long have ya've been followin' us?"

Qrow responded with a shrug, "When you left the cabin." Was Qrow response, taking another swing of his flask, "I was surprised at the fact that you two hide the infamous Grimm Girl." He gestures to Voltaria, wearing her mask, and continues, "But I didn't know that you all were hiding these two dangerous dinosaurs, plus two more!" He gestures to Levistus the Spinosaurus and Blue the Velociraptor. "Where the Hell did you even find 'em?"

"Er..." Ruby mutters, unsure what to say to her uncle, "Actually...they kind of found us. Well, Rippy and Ama found Levistus at the beach on Patch while Blue kinda found us."

"...Who the heck named them?" Qrow mutters, thinking that they named them.

"That's their names, Uncle Qrow." Yang said to her uncle, able to hear his words, "We didn't name them."

Qrow blinks at Yang and then turns to the others, who agree with Yang, saying that they didn't name them. "'re saying that...they named themselves?"

"Actually, their parents named them. Well, Levistus's parents were the ones who gave him his name while Blue is the Blue One back at their home." Ruby explains the best way she can.

"Back home?" Qrow asked in confusion, still not getting what's going on.

"Look, that doesn't matter." Wade said, changing the subject for a bit, "Why are you followin' us?"

Qrow, who wanted to know what's going on, but decided to wait, answered to him with a somewhat drunken response, "What does it look like? I'm trying to keep you all alive."

"What?" Jaune asked in confusion.

"You were keeping us...alive?" AJ spoke out slowly, confused in his words, "If so then why didn't you just tell us instead of following us in the shadows."

"Hey, it's my way of training you kids." Qrow defended, taking another swing of his flask, "You have to know to defend yourselves."

"Right..." Everyone, minus Voltaria, sarcastically said to him.

"...Okay, fine! I followed you kids to keep you safe from Salem's henchmen." Qrow confessed, "After you all stopped the Grimm invasion on Vale, I knew that Salem would send someone to go after you guys when you reach Mistral."

"Tyrian Callows," Pyrrha spoke, looking at Qrow with serious eyes, "Salem sent him to take Ruby and Voltaria. He said Salem wanted them alive."

"Yeah, she knows how special they are." Qrow said, knowing the power that Ruby and Voltaria possessed.

"What can they do?" The teen boy asked.

Qrow looks at him from head to toe, wondering who the heck he was, "I'm sorry, who are you exactly?"

The young teen blushes a bit as he forgot to introduce himself, "Oh! Sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Oscar. Oscar Pine." The teen known as Oscar greeted them kindly before gently pats the hybrid next him on the snout, "This my friend, Ultima the Ultimasaurus." Ultima lets out a grunt-like greeting while Levistus just snorts at him.

"Don't forget about me!" A small voice said.

Everyone was confused by the sudden noise before a small head pops out from Oscar's pocket shoulder. It was revealed to be a small pixie. She gave everyone an adorable giggle and a wave.

"Hello! I'm Maristela! But you can call me Mari! I am a Star Pixie!" Mari greeted them.





All the girls, minus Voltaria, squealed at the adorable pixie, nearly deafening the males and the dinosaurs with them.

"Oh. My. Gosh! She's so adorable!" Nora squeals at Mari.

"Where did she come from?" AJ asked with sparkling eyes, not taking her eyes off on Mari.

"Oh, um...well...she kinda came to my dream." Oscar confessed sheepishly.

Ruby gasped dramatically, "Just like Flare!" Ruby took out her Dream Flame from her hood and showed them the cute little flame in her hands, "Say hi, Flare!" Flare greeted them, chiming like a small bell.

"Wow! A Dream Flame!" Mari was impressed by this, "It's not everyday someone is able to make friends with one."

"Really?!" Ruby asked happily.

"Um, hello?!" Qrow suddenly yells out, causing everyone to look at him, "What is going here? And what's with the small fire and the bug?"

"EXCUSE ME!?" Mari exclaims in anger, getting out of Oscar's pocket, wings flapping rapidly in anger as she glares at Qrow while Ultima was hiding an amused smirk on his face, "Who are you calling a bug!? I am a proud Star Pixie, buster! And I was sent here on the behalf of my Goddess, Lunaria, to guide my friend Oscar on his journey on helping the girl with silver eyes and the child of night on their mission to stop the false goddess!"

Silence hung in the air. Oscar was rubbing his temple in frustration while the group just stared at the Star Pixie with confusion. Voltaria didn't bother to look as she was too lost in thoughts.

"Say what now?" Qrow asked in confusion.

Oscar sighs and decides that it was best that he explains the situation. Turns out, he was chosen by a Goddess of Night to help them on their mission. The reason why is because he is a descendant of a human that knows magic before the first wave humans were eradicated by the God of Darkness. Oscar tells that on his journey, Mari taught him some magic skills that he can use. Like the magical staff he could summon. It was a gift that was given to him by the goddess. Only he could wield it and no else. He's been learning how to use it while training with Ultima. They were on their way to Mistral to help them stop another attack, much to everyone's surprises.

"And then I heard commotion coming from here know the rest." Oscar finished his tale, looking at their surprise reaction.

"That's...quite a story you got there, Oscar." Wade said with impress.

"Did you really meet a goddess?" Nora asked curiously.

"Sort of, but I did hear her voice." Oscar said as he recalled the dream he had, "She sounded...calm, gentle, caring, and..."

"And?" Ruby asked, curious about the goddess.

"...Beautiful," Oscar fished as a small smile played on his face, "I even felt safe when she spoke."

Voltaria finally looks at him under her mask, reading him if he was lying. However, Oscar's aura was different, it didn't show any malice or lies, but curiosity, nervousness, and...pureness. Not a single evil was tainted in his soul.

"Regina, what do you think?"Voltaria questions her entity telepathically.

His soul answers it all, my dear.Regina answers to Voltaria gently.He is indeed chosen by the goddess, we can trust him.

You sure?Wraith questions Regina,For all we know, he could be disguising his aura signature.

Don't be so dramatic, Wraith.Regina said to him coolly,His level of magic has yet to master, his training will take time for him to completely master his magic.

"Alright then."Voltaria agrees with Regina before looking at her team, sending them a telepathic message, "He's on our side."

Everyone, except for Qrow, was relieved to hear that. The professional huntsman, on the other hand, has no idea about their secret conversation.

"Well, your story checks out," Wade said with a nod.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold it right there!" Qrow stops them, "You just trust some random kid with a small bug and creepy dinosaurs?" He gestures to Mari and Ultima, both glaring at him while Mari blows a raspberry at Qrow.

"We trust him because he's telling the truth." Voltaria finally spoke, catching them off guard, "She knows that Oscar is blessed by the Goddess of the Night."

"Who'sshe?" Qrow asked in confusion.

Voltaria looked at him briefly under her mask and called out one of her entities, "Regina, please introduce yourself."

Voltaria's shadow grows in front of everyone and Regina reveals herself, shocking both Oscar and Qrow, as well as Mari. Regina gave them a friendly bow, greeting herself through their minds,Greetings, my name is Regina.

"*t..." Qrow mutters out quietly, eyes widen as dinner plates.

Mari gasped in amazement at Regina, "You're an entity!"

"Enti-what now?" Qrow asked in confusion.

"Entity, like a spirit." Ruby answered to her confused uncle, "Regina and the others helped us stop the invasion back on Vale."

"Wait...others?" Again, Qrow was getting more and more confused by the minute.

Voltaria and her teammates looked at each other, giving each other brief nods of approval before Voltaria called out to her other entities, "Wraith, Tabitha, Hannibal, please come out and say hello to our guests."

Moments later, three shadowy figures appeared next to Regina, revealing themselves to Qrow and Oscar. The huntsman jaw dropped at the sight before them while Wraith gave an amused smirk.

Surprise?Wraith spoke through Qrow's mind.

"Uuhhh..." Was all Qrow managed to muster out.

"Qrow, Oscar, Mari, these are my other entities, Wraith, Tabitha, and Hannibal." Voltaria introduced.

Hello.Tabitha greeted them kindly.

Hi.Hannibal greeted them as well.

...Hey.Was all Wraith said to them.

"...I think I overdrink and now I'm seeing things." Qrow was able to say, still not taking his eyes off from the entities.

Get used to it, buddy. We're real, and now you're involved in stopping another invasion.Wraith said to Qrow.

Regina sighs at Wraith, knowing that he confused Qrow even more, and decides to explain everything to them, detail by detail. It was fortunate that they were able to understand Regina, considering what they have been through, and how it was important for them to stop Salem. Qrow was shocked that these three entities were once people, and were reincarnated by the same goddess that Oscar heard in his dream. Oscar was in total amazement, he wasn't the only chosen by the same goddess! Much to his relief too since Regina is a magic user and may give him some pointers on how to control his newfound power. Since Mari, even though she was doing her best, wasn't much of help when it comes to magic training. He still remembers the painful time he tried to use the staff when he fired an energy ball, but ended up flying to a river. Ultima had to fish him out while Mari apologizes rapidly, saying that she forgot to mention that he needed to stay firm when releasing cosmic energy. Regina also informs them that Ozpin was once a first human like here, and was sent by the God of Light to collect the artifacts and stop Salem. Also the part of how Salem is immortal, and so on.

"I can't believe it," Qrow spoke in pure shock, "All this time...he knew...but didn't bother telling any of us the truth."

He wanted to protect you all.Regina said to him calmly,Ozpin believes the less you know the better. You wouldn't burden him to carry in order to keep you all safe.

"But least he should give us a warning?" Qrow said towards them, still trying to process what's happening.

I believe that Ozpin is trying his best not to overwhelm you all with the burden that he carries,Regina said to him,After all, the task he was chosen can be very dangerous.

Here, here.Wraith said in agreement.

"Um...Ms. Regina?" Oscar spoke, catching Regina's attention, "How did you all become entities? I-If it's alright to ask?"

Regina chuckles at him lightly,Do not feel so threatened, Mr. Pine. We do not mind answering your question.She assures him,As you know, we were once people before who were chosen by the goddess and reincarnated as entities. I once came from the first wave of humans that have magic and once a royal ambassador, I was chosen by the Goddess herself after she witnessed my faithfulness and loyalty towards her and the two God Brothers. Wraith was a Draconic Faunus that was chosen due to his knowledge of battle and war. Tabitha was chosen because of her skills of being a hunter. And Hannibal, well...he was chosen because of his immense power and energy. We were then sent to be Voltaria's entities, to guide her, protect her, and help her and her friends' journey in stopping Salem.

"Wow." Oscar said in awe.

"Hey, Oscar?" Evo spoke, looking towards Oscar.

Oscar looks at the snake Faunus with a curious look. "Yeah?"

"I'm did you meet Ultima?" Evo asked, looking at the Ultimasaurus curiously.

Oscar smiles at Ultima, who was resting next to him, "I met him two years ago, when some of the people in my town, Oak Shire, got sick, really sick. Doctors didn't know how this happened, but there was a cure, a rare herbal flower called the Vivid Lotus."

"I know that flower." AJ said, recalling from an herbal book she read, "Vivid Lotus are rainbow flowers that can only be found in pure waters."

Oscar nodded his head, "Yeah, they sent search parties to look around in every water, but...they found nothing."

"That's because Vivid Lotus flowers are only found in coves." Voltaria informs them, knowing these types of flowers prefer lakes or waterfalls to coves, "The Search Party didn't find any coves in your area?"

Oscar shook his head, "No, they didn't search thoroughly or deep within the forest, and the people we're getting worse every day...even my Aunt Olivia. So...I did unrationed thing and ventured off alone to find the flower."

"Without a huntsman?" Ren asked, knowing very well the danger of going alone.

Oscar lowered his head, "I was desperate. The huntsmen were off to fight the Grimm while the search party continued to find the flower, so I went deeper in the forest, and then I found a hidden cove and Ultima." He smiles at the last part, recalling the event.

Oscar was walking through the forest, clinging on his satchel, looking around frantically for any signs on Grimm. He was doing his best to stay calm and not draw any attention. He was sweating uncontrollably, thinking that he would be attacked by a Grimm anytime soon. Oscar jumps with a yelp when a bird is chirping close by. Seeing it was a bird, Oscar sighs and continues his journey. He was doing his best to stay brave in order to find the flower to save the people and his aunt.

Oscar went deeper in the forest, carefully making sure that he wasn't being hunted by Grimm. Oscar sighs tiredly as he attempts to place his hand on a huge rocky wall that had a curtain of plants to balance himself until he slips inside, and falls in with a yelp. Oscar groaned as he made contact on the floor. Sitting up while rubbing his head, Oscar found himself inside an opened cave. Oscar looks around the cave, wondering what was in here. He isn't sure if he should go in or not, thinking that there was Grimm inside. However, he heard running water at the end, and he had a feeling that there was water in there. Oscar got up and took out a glowstick, using it as his only source of light. Oscar ventures into the cave, looking around for the source of water. When he goes further, he realizes that this was actually a tunnel. Oscar did his best to stay calm, praying for anyone to hear to let him have a safe journey.

When he reached the other side, Oscar found himself shellshock at the sight before him. Hidden within the rocky walls of the rock pit was a beautiful cove. It is surrounded by forest rocks, trees, roots, and a pond full of fish with a vast waterfall gathering a pool of water. Oscar awed at the beautiful scenery, finding tranquility and peace here. Until his eyes laid upon the floating flowers in the water.

There were Vivid Lotuses!

They were shining within the sunrays, creating a small rainbow. Oscar would continue to admire them, but he had to gather enough lotuses for the town's people. Rushing to the lake, he gathers enough lotuses in a jar that he brought. He has to make sure that they must stay. He remembers the healers saying that Vivid Lotuses must be moist at all times, so the nutrients within them remain strong. Once he gathered enough, he was going to rush back home when he heard a bone chilling roar that was close by that shook the earth. Oscar froze in shock, his heart rapidly beating on his chest. He didn't expect any Grimm to be close by, he fears that he might not make it home to deliver the flowers. He was thinking to sneak out unnoticed, but he had a feeling that would be impossible. Furthermore, he has no idea what Grimm is out there. Oscar was thinking of waiting it out, but the people needed these flowers, especially his aunt.

So, mustering enough courage, Oscar carefully went out of the cover to head back to town. Oscar carefully made his way back out of the tunnel, hoping that the creature that made that roar was gone. However, another roar came, forcing Oscar to freeze on spot, until he felt the earth shake, followed by rocks falling. Oscar wanted to leave but, sadly, his curiosity got the best of him. He slowly made his way to the other side of the rocky wall, peeking behind the corner and his jaw nearly hit the floor at the sight before them.

Trapped with the rumble and trees was a terrifying looking dinosaur, aka Ultima. Oscar gulps at the sight of the massive dinosaur, watching him lashes out in frustration at the attempt to escape from his prison. Oscar guessed that he might have been trapped there during a storm two nights ago. And judging by the looks of it, Oscar isn't going to stick around to find out when it gets out. When Oscar was about to leave, he accidentally stepped on a twig, causing the strange dinosaur to snap at Oscar's direction.

The two of them made eye contact, staring at each other, neither one of them blinking. Oscar stared at the dinosaur with fearful eyes while the hybrid stared back at him with narrowed suspicious eyes. The two would continue to stare at each other were it not for the loud howl of a Beowolf. The dinosaur lets out a deadly growl, sensing the incoming danger as he desperately tries to break free. Oscar became scared and was about to run away until he stopped mid-steps.

Oscar turns his head over his shoulder, watching Ultima try to break free. He felt guilty leaving it behind and part of him wants to help. However, he fears that if he, somehow, free Ultima, he isn't sure if he was going to devour him at the first sight or fight off the Grimm. Yet he has a nagging feeling that he should help this creature, before the Beowolf gets to them. Groaning and thinking that he has gone crazy, Oscar runs up to the pile and removes the small boulders. Although they were heavier than he expected, considering he carried heavy tools back home, Oscar did his best to remove them as fast as he could.

Ultima, meanwhile, was somewhat surprised by Oscar's action. Never could he imagine a small scrawny strange...mammal? Whatever, the point is, Ultima was surprised that he was being saved by a runt. Oscar, ignoring the gaze of the beast the best way he can, moved the small boulders from the upper part, giving Ultima a chance to wiggle his arm a bit. Oscar was about to move another boulder when a shadow fell above him. Panic, Oscar quickly moves away when a Beowolf jumps out of nowhere and slashes its mighty claws at Oscar, missing him by the head.

Oscar groans when he makes contact with the grassy floor but screams when the Beowolf charges at him. Ultima tries to free himself from his prison, hoping to save Oscar from getting killed by the Beowolf. Oscar screams again when another Beowolf comes out from the forest, attempting to kill Oscar as well. The young farmer's heart was beating rapidly as he avoided another Beowolf. He needed to get that dinosaur free before they both could get killed! Just as he dodged another Beowolf, Oscar noticed a log that was wedged between the boulders above the dinosaur. A crazy idea came to mind, and Oscar knew there was a 50-50 chance that it would work.

"HEY! OVER HERE!" Oscar yelled to one of the Beowolf before starting climbing up the boulders, trying to get one of the Grimm to follow him.

It worked as one Beowolf started chasing him. Oscar positions himself on the log, watching fearfully as the Beowolf stalks towards him. He could hear his heart pounding through his chest, sweats falling from his face, feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins. When the Beowolf jumped at him, Oscar quickly jumped out of the way with a scream while the Beowolf crashed through the tree, causing it to move all the boulders. Oscar yelps in pain when he crashes to the floor again, but yells when the boulders start to fall on him. Scrambling up, Oscar avoided all the boulders rolling at him while some Grimm were being crushed by rocks. Oscar fell onto the ground with yell, shielding himself when the rocks flew past him.

It only took about a few seconds for everything to calm down while the dust slowly diminished. Oscar slowly got up and looked around, seeing the boulders were scattered everywhere. Oscar then winced when he felt a pain in his right ankle, guising that he sprang it when he tripped, and knew he had to limp all the way home. While he tries to ease the pain, he wasn't aware that a surviving Beowolf was stalking out of the boulder. Oscar was too busy checking his ankle as the Beowolf crouches down, ready to pounce for the kill...

Ultima's massive head suddenly descends, catching the Beowolf in its powerful jaws. Oscar yells in fright, watching in pure shock as Ultima crushes the Grimm with his powerful jaws, killing it instantly, and drops it to the ground. The other Beowolf attacks the Ultima from behind, jumping up and digging its claws into the hybrid's neck. Ultima roars in pain, and tries to swing his head around to snatch the Grimm. While they were keeping each other occupied, Oscar tried to make a run for it until another Beowolf came in front of him, ready to tear him to pieces. Oscar yells in fright, petrified to the spot. The Grimm was about to attack when a flaming spiked-club tail came, smacking the Grimm right across the face, sending it flying to the boulders. Oscar was in shock before he turned back to Ultima, to see his spiked-club tail on flame before it extinguished by itself.

Ultima then violently swings his head, causing the Beowolf to lose its grip and slide down. The hybrid catches the Grimm by the tail, pulling it into his jaws, crushing it, then swings and releases, flinging the Grimm into the rocky wall, causing some rocks to fall on it. Ultima then lets out a triumphant roar, showing off its victory. Once it was over, Ultima turned his head towards a petrified Oscar. The two continued their staring match for a brief moment, but to Oscar, it felt like an eternity.

It didn't last long as Ultima let out a snort before turning away, heading in the opposite direction, leaving a flabbergasted Oscar.

Oscar's mind was filled with confusion, wondering what the heck just happened?

He would continue to be in shock, but he had to return back home. But when he takes a first step, Oscar whispers and then faints. Clearly he was in total shock that his brain finally gave out.

After he woke up, Oscar was fortunate enough to make it back while limping. The town's people were worried sick about him and wondering how he got injured. Oscar wasn't sure if he should tell them that he was helping a dinosaur and he saved Oscar's life, so the young farm boy lied to the town's people, saying that he tripped near a slope when was heading to a river that has little Vivid Lotuses. Oscar was relieved when the people believed him. The healers got to work on taking care of the sick, thanks to the Vivid Lotuses Oscar brought and healed every sick person, including his aunt. Everyone was so relieved and hailed Oscar the hero for bringing the Vivid Lotuses, but Oscar wasn't interested in the praises. Instead, he was thinking about Ultima, wondering if he was all right.

Few days passed, and everyone was getting better, thanks to the Vivid Lotuses. They were back on their feet. Oscar, even though he was relieved to see his aunt well, was more focused on finding out about what happened to Ultima. So, without even thinking twice, Oscar sets off to find him, telling his aunt that he was going to get some herbs that some of the healers need, which was true, and he'll be a little late to get them.

Oscar went to the spot where he last saw Ultima, looking through destruction that he caused when he was fighting the Grimm. As Oscar searches around, he notices the footprints that Ultima left behind, along with some small traces of blood, indicating his injuries. Taking a deep breath, Oscar follows the trail carefully, leading him to the entrance of the cove.

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Taking out a glowstick, Oscar enters the secret passageway and to the cove, with a nervous expression plastered on his face. He was already regretting searching for the dinosaur.

Oscar hides behind some rocks, tossing a chunk of meat that he brought, in hopes to ease it. He waited for a few seconds, seeing no signs of it, nor any heavy footsteps. Oscar gets out from his hiding spot and picks up the meat, looking around for Ultima.

Unaware that the hybrid was hidden behind some rocks and undergrowth, and slowly creeps out from behind. Oscar gasped as he watched fearfully when Ultima got out from his hiding spot, growling at him. Stiffened, Oscar offers the fish to Ultima. The hybrid sniffs at Oscar and the meat, slowly approaches, then retreats with a growl upon sensing something. Realizing something was wrong, Oscar checks his pocket to see what made Ultima feel threatened. It was a small pocket knife that he used to cut some rope or vines, he must've forgotten that he was carrying it. But he brushed the thought aside as he could see the suspicious look that Ultima was giving him. Oscar picks up his knife slowly, holding onto his side before dropping it. Ultima continues to growl, causing Oscar to pick up the knife with his book and toss it into water. Ultima glances at the lake and then to Oscar. The hybrid slowly relaxes, and Oscar slowly gives him the meat.

Oscar hopes that it would take a small bit, but nope, Ultima snatches the meat in a flash, chomping and swallowing it whole. Oscar checks his fingers if there were any missing, and much to his relief, they were still intact. However, his relief turned into fear when the dinosaur turned and approached Oscar while sniffing at him. Oscar backs away and ends up falling on his back, forcing him to crawl backwards to the rock.

"Uh, uh, no, no, no!" Oscar whimpers as the rock behind him traps Oscar while Ultima looks at him, "I-I don't have any more." He whispers out, pleading to back off.

However, Ultima did not attack Oscar, instead, he regurgitates half of the meat onto Oscar's lap. Oscar nearly pukes out his lunch after taking a whiff off the meat, covered in the dinosaur's saliva. Ultima then sat down, like how birds do, and looked at Oscar. The young farm boy sits up, glancing around with stinky meat on his lap, wondering what he was supposed to do. Then Ultima proceeds to direct Oscar to look at meat. Causing Oscar to slowly realize that the dinosaur wants him to eat the regurgitated meat, much to his disgust and dismay. Oscar forcefully bites a piece, ignoring the disgusting taste, doing his best to hold the meat in his mouth. He made fake sounds of appreciation, holding the meat to Ultima. However, the hybrid wasn't convinced as he made a swallowing motion, indicating that Oscar should swallow the meat. Oscar made a disapproving and disgusted sound, but had no choice but to do so. Oscar forcefully swallows the meat, doing his best not to puke it out, before shuddering in disgust. Ultima copies his sound, which makes Oscar force a weak smile at him. Ultima narrows his eyes, curious about this gesture, wondering if it was meant to be intimidated. Yet he was curious and copied Oscar's smile, but in a crooked way. Oscar was surprise by this and mindlessly reaches to Ultima-

Ultima then snarls at him and quickly moves away to another side of the cove, much Oscar's surprise. Ultima then proceeds to ignite a small patch of dirt with flames coming from his mouth. Oscar couldn't believe what he just saw, a dinosaur that can breathe fire?! Ultima ignores Oscar's gaze and pats the fire before sleeping on top of it. He was about to sleep when he noticed Oscar was sitting close by, giving him a friendly wave. Annoyed, Ultima turns and covers his face with a spiked-club tail. Oscar, who was hesitant, attempted to touch it, but was thwarted when Ultima lifted his tail to look at him, causing Oscar to quickly stand up and walk away, and Ultima did the same.

After some time, Ultima was sleeping on the other side of the lake, far from Oscar's reach. He then wakes up to find the young farmer still here, his back turned while he sits on top of a rock, using a stick to draw Ultima in the dirt. Oscar then flinched when he felt Ultima beside him. Not wanting him to move away, Oscar pretended not to notice him as he continued drawing Ultima on the dirt. Ultima watches Oscar draw him on the dirt, finding it fascinating to see how the young farmer draws him well. Wanting to try, Ultima got up and walked away, leaving Oscar confused when he heard a branch being broken. Looking up, Oscar saw Ultima carrying a huge branch in his jaws, attempting to draw Oscar in the dirt, much to Oscar's surprise. Ultima lifts up his head and looks at Oscar, who quickly looks away, and puts like a dot on the dirt, before continuing his work. After he finishes his work, Ultima puts the branch down, satisfied with his work. It was a crooked drawing of Oscar's face.

Oscar was in amazement and shock to see this, observing the whole thing. But when he steps on the line, Ultima becomes angry, releasing a deadly growl. Oscar flinches and quickly lifts his foot and Ultima clams down. Oscar glances at Ultima and then to the drawing, and then does a little experiment.

Oscar puts his foot on the line, making Ultima growl. He lifted his foot and Ultima calmed down. And when he steps on it again, Ultima growls again, but stops when Oscar lifts his foot again, and this time, he steps over the line. Oscar smiles when he sees Ultima's calm look before continuing stepping over the lines, making sure not to step on them. With each step, Oscar looked like he was dancing, unaware that he was making his way towards a certain person. Soon, Oscar felt something behind him, followed by a warm huff. Oscar slowly turns around, looking up, facing the dinosaur. Both Ultima and Oscar both stared at each other, no hostility or wariness came to them. Instead, they were filled with curiosity and wonder. Oscar slowly offers his hand to Ultima, reaching out to touch him, but the hybrid slowly moves his head, growling at it. Seeing this, Oscar looks away, his hand still outstretched. Ultima stops growling and looks at his hand. Ultima could feel a gentle wave of energy through Oscar's body, proving the point that he is not a threat.

So, ever so slowly, Ultima lowers his head, closing his eyes, as he presses his snout onto Oscar's palm. Oscar flinched when he felt the snout of a hybrid. But it felt...warm, not cold or slimy, but...warm. Looking up, Oscar saw Ultima, still had his eyes closed, had his snout pressed onto his palm. Oscar slowly realizes that this hybrid has finally trusted him. When Ultima withdraws his snout, Oscar notices the injuries that were still on Ultima. Oscar guessed that some were still healing after his battle with Beowolves.

"Do..." Oscar hesitated, taking a deep breath, and continued, "Do you want me to help you? I have some herbs that can stop the infection."

Ultima looks at him, listening to his offer, while glancing over his injuries. He was able to heal some of them, but some may be infected, and he doesn't want to get sick. Lying down, Ultima rested his head with his arms, grunting approval to Oscar.

The farm boy smiles softly, knowing that Ultima trusted him to clean his injuries.

And so, the rest of the day, Oscar cleans Ultima's wounds, making their bond grow stronger.

"And that's how I met Ultima." Oscar said with a smile, looking at the Ultimasaurus. "He's been with me since then, and been secretly protecting my town."

After finishing his story, everyone, even Voltaria, was impressed and amazed by his tale. They couldn't imagine that Oscar could tame such a strong hybrid, but he did. And in the end, the two share a powerful bond that could never be broken.

"So, that's how you met Ultima." Ruby said in awe.

"Yeah, we had some disagreements, but in the end, things worked out, for both of us." Oscar said.

That's a lovely tale, Mr. Pine.Regina said to Oscar gently,But it seems that it is time for all of you to rest, we have a long journey ahead of us.

"Regina's right," Wade said in agreement, followed by a yawn, "We should probably hit the hay."

Everyone agrees; feeling tired after the battle they had with Tyrian. However, while they prepared their sleeping bags, they weren't aware that they were being watched from afar. Somewhere, hidden deep in a cave life cliff were four hooded cloaked figures. They were hidden within the darkness, watching the group from below, setting up their camps. But they were focused on Voltaria, who was handing out a sleeping bag for Oscar, who thanked him.

"There she is." Hades said to his leader, "The young princess."

Diana uses her mask that has built in advance binoculars, "She looks just like Princess Pandora." She said softly towards Shadow.

Shadow looks at Voltaria, sharing a strong similarity with his cousin, Pandora. She is the only heir to the throne, a member of the Midnight Family, and the only granddaughter of Queen Avalon.

And the daughter of the fallen Princess Pandora.

Ever since Shadow remembers, Pandora was the most important princess in Tenebris. Her semblance can heal injuries, as well forming shields of protection, she uses her Semblance to protect the town that she was raising her daughter, where she could grow up, away from the pressure of the throne. But in the end, the safe haven was attacked by bandits, and Pandora was killed there. Her daughter activated her semblance, killing the bandits, and left without a trace, having no idea about her home and her birthright.

"She could have lived a safe life in Tenebris." Shadow whispers, bringing up his wrist that has an obsidian armband with a single white gemstone. A holographic image of Voltaria was seen, hovering from the jewel. It was a wanted-poster. It was sent all over Remnant, showing the massive bounty on Voltaria's head from Atlas's General. Shadow glares at this hatefully. How dare they place a bounty on their princess's head? If these bounty hunters attempted to capture their princess and take her to Atlas, then there would be a war like no other. No one will survive the wrath of the Grimm Riders.

But he can't think of that. They have to convince the princess to come with them. They do not wish to force her or think ill-manner towards them. No, they have to respect and honor the young princess. For she has been through enough trouble.

"When shall we make our move?" Andromeda asked Shadow, not taking her eyes off the camp.

"Soon, Andromeda," Shadow said to her softly, "We must observe the princess's...escortsand see if they are capable of protecting her."

With that, they retreated to the cave, awaiting their time to meet with the princess.

Chapter 28: A New Dawn


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

An air horn sounds loudly through the air as the ship made it safely to the shores of Menagerie. It made its way to the dock before lowering the gangplank, allowing the passengers to disembark.

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Blake Belladonna and Sun Wukong came down after. Menagerie is a beautiful island. The town has many small buildings and homes set among dunes and palm trees. The town bell that has been ringing is shown in its belfry.

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Blake proceeds walking without pause while Sun stops to look at the town in awe.

There were several Faunus in summer wear meandering casually at the dock, some waiting for friends or family among the new arrivals. The dock is also a commercial area, with mobile kiosks selling food and other wares. It is a relaxed atmosphere on a sunny day. Sun is looking around while he and Blake disembark and walk through the market area together.

"I've never seen so many Faunus in one place!" Sun said in awe, seeing many Faunus walking by.

"This is the one place everyone can feel safe, no matter who or what they are." Blake answered, continuing their walk through the town.

Sun was about to speak, but he dodges an incoming Faunus that was carrying items, "Wow, sure is, uh, crowded, huh?" Sun said, avoiding a Faunus that he almost collided.

Blake responded with a sigh, "Yes. Yes, it is."

The two continue walking as Sun quickly dodges a Faunus carrying a box, "Is it always so...cramped?"

"Well, when you try and take an entire species and put them on an island that's two-thirds desert, yeah, it tends to be cramped." Blake informs Sun with a frown.

"What!" Sun came in front of Blake with a shock expression, "You guys have that much more space? Why waste it? A little desert never hurt anyone!"

Blake gave an annoyed look, "It's not like the desert in Vacuo, Sun. The wildlife here is more dangerous than most other regions." Blake said, remembering the danger in the island.

When Blake was young and was still living in Menagerie, some Faunus tried to expand the borders, but sadly, the Grimm in the desert prevented them. Thus, the expansion was canceled, fearing the safety of their people, they only did what they could do to live peacefully.

"So...why can't you just ask Voltaria to help out?" Sun asked Blake, "I mean...She could talk the Grimm to back off, so you guys can expand."

"I'm not going to make Voltaria to do that. She has enough trouble on her plate right now." Blake said, recalling a wanted poster of Voltaria posted around Remnant.

Sun raises his hands in surrender, feeling that he struck a nerve, "Sorry!" He quickly apologizes and decides to change the subject. "So, they give us a terrible island, in the corner of Remnant, to try and shut us up."

Blake sighs but nods her head, "That's a pretty good summary, yeah."

With that, Blake walks past him, while Sun places both his hands as he thinks of the people who just gave their kind a small island, "Huh...Jerks."

The two continued their walk to their destination, passing and avoiding bumping into other Faunus.

"We try to make the best of things." Blake said to Sun, walking up to a small hillside.

The two Faunus pause in their walk to look at the view of the town the road affords. The road they are on goes downhill and to the side, bordered by palm trees and homes that have either canvas or wood roofs. The vista of palm trees spreads out to the edge of mountainous dunes in the distance. Right in the middle of all this is a large house with an open courtyard that the road appears to lead directly to it. The house is at least three stories and is the only building in the whole area with a sophisticated roof.

Sun was in awe, "Whoa..."

Blake made a sad smile, "This is Kuo Kuana."

"It's...beautiful." Sun complimented in awe, feeling great beauty on the town, before grinning at Blake. "I take it all back. This place looks great! Why would anyone ever want to leave?"

Blake sighs in frustration, "That's not the point, Sun!" She almost exclaimed, surprising Sun. "We asked to be equal, to be treated just like everyone else! Instead, we were given an island and told to make do." Blake looks at their surroundings with a sad look.

Many Faunus are crowded on the small island. Doing their daily needs and chattering with others.

"So we did the best we could. We came together and we made a home where any Faunus could feel welcome. But this island, this town, will always be a reminder that we're still not equal." Blake lowers her head sadly, "That we're still second-class citizens."

Hearing her words, Sun regretted his words, knowing very well that Blake wanted Faunus kind to be equals. Her friends are out there in some parts of Remnant, and Blake is here...trying to piece things together with her family. Sun may have grown up differently, but he knows if something was wrong, he has to help.

Sun puts his hand on her shoulder in assurance, "Well, hey, this guy's feeling pretty at home."

Blake slightly smiles and sighs, "Alright, time to go home."

Sun became excited, wanting to know where Blake's home is. "Oh yeah?" He moves his hand to her other shoulder and pulls her in, "Which one's yours? Can you see it from here?" Sun uses his free hand like a visor to help him peer at the houses.

Blake was slightly embarrassed. "Kind of..."

"Is it that one?" Sun asked, pointing to a random house, "What about that tiny one down there?" He asked, pointing across Blake. "I like the paint job."

Blake responded to his question by taking Sun's intruding arm by the wrist and directing it toward the large house. "It's...that one."

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Upon laying his eyes on the big house, Sun stares for a second before pointing his finger at her with a questioning expression. Blake responded with a nod of her head and Sun looks at her for a bit before taking his arm off her and stepping back. He covers the sides of his head and crouches a bit, staring wide-eyed at the house and making a comical, amazed noise, as his mouth hangs opened widely.

After calming down from his flabbergasted state, both Sun and Blake went down the hill and to the big house, where they walked up on the stone steps to the front door of the house. But when they reach the door, Blake hesitates when she moves to use the knocker. It has been a long time since she saw her parents.

"What is it?" Sun asked, noticing Blake's hesitation.

Blake lowers her hand a bit, "I's just been a long time since I've seen my parents."

Sun gives her an encouraging smile, "Well, you came all this way."

Blake agrees and takes a quick breath for courage and bangs the door's knocker. It makes a loud, heavy, resonating sound on the large door, which echoes inside the house. Sun stares up, stepping back while Blake politely backs away from the door a few paces. There was a moment of silence until Sun pointed up at the door.

"Okay, if we're being honest, that's kind of intimidating." Sun confessed.

He then became silent when someone opened the door. There was a short, female cat Faunus behind the door, looking around at the visitors. She looks a lot like Blake but with shorter hair. It didn't take long for Sun to realize that this woman is Blake's mom, Kali Belladonna.

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When Kali's eyes land on Blake, her ears perk and she moves the door out of the way so she can step forward when she recognizes her daughter.

Kali was almost in disbelief, as she whispers her daughter's name. "Blake?"

Blake awkwardly lifted her arm in greeting, "Hi, mom."

Without a second thought, Kali steps forward and hugs her daughter happily. Her mind filled with great relief. The sight of her daughter being alive was the greatest joy that a mother could have.

"My baby girl." Kali whispers happily.

Blake hesitates, uncertain for a moment, before her face becomes gentle and forms into a smile, and she hugs her mother back. As they stand in front of the open doorway, heavy footsteps come from inside the house, and a shadow falls onto the carpeted entryway.

"Kali? Who is it?" A booming voice of a male said from the inside of the house.

Kali lets go of Blake and turns behind her. Sun and Blake followed her gaze and saw her husband and Blake's dad, Ghira Belladonna walking over, and stood at the door with his hands on his hips, awaiting to greet the visitor.

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His quizzical expression soon changes to wide-eyed surprise, before his hands, shoulders, and face all fall in a clear, emotional reaction to the sight of his daughter coming home safely and unharmed. Sun sees this and grins, pleased at Blake's welcome as he turns to look at how she's taking it. Blake has her hands clasped in front of her, awaiting her father's reaction. Kali has not let go, with her hands supportively on Blake's shoulder and arm. Ghira says nothing, but smiles, clearly happy. Blake smiles back, relieved. She and Sun exchange sideways glances.

Later, both Sun and Blake enter the house, and Kali prepares tea for them. She, Ghira, Sun and Blake all sit on the floor at a square table while Kali explains to Blake how they were horrified when they heard the news of the Kingdom of Vale being attacked, and that there is a psycho person wanting to destroy Remnant and the people. They were relieved when they heard that the threat in the city was over, thanks to the students and the infamous Grimm Girl, Voltaria Eclipse.

"We were both so worried." Kali said to her daughter, smiling at her in relief.

Ghira gently snorted, "Please, I knew she'd be fine!"

Kali scoffs at him lightly, "That isn't the slightest bit true." She looks at her daughter with a playful demeanor, "You should have seen him pacing. He was so worried about your safety after we saw that video of that...psycho stabbing that girl."

Sun almost spits out his drink when she mentioned Voltaria. Blake was quiet. She knew that people saw how Cinder tried to kill Voltaria, but she failed, and Voltaria thwarted Cinder's plan. Blake owes Voltaria so much for saving many lives; especially when she revealed the truth of what was really happening. Thanks to Voltaria, some of the Faunus were leaving the White Fang, learning that they were being used as pawns for a psychopath who wishes to destroy the world.

"She wasn't really hurt, mom." Blake said in assurance, "It was decoy to fool the assailant."

Ghira and Kali looked at Blake with great concern, wondering what had happened to Vale during her time there. Blake can't tell them the whole truth, not yet. Voltaria told her that they will learn eventually, but for now, she has to keep a low profile.

Soon, there was a loud knock, surprising everyone. Ghira excuses himself and gets up to answer the door. Blake asked who it was, and Kali said it was probably the farmers again. They wanted to boost up security since some kind of infestation is happening in the crops. Apparently, something has been eating the cabbages, spinach, and wheat. It didn't take many, only enough to fill itself, so the rest of the islanders have enough food to eat. They set up some watchers, but when they did, it didn't show up. Instead, the field that was full of weeds became cleared, and rocks that were covering the other fields were moved and everything plowed, ready for harvest. It was weird yet strangely helpful. It gave the farmers time to plant new crops with ease, and yet, they wondered who was doing this.

Blake finds it strange, but she knew that was the work of a dinosaur. Voltaria informed her through the Dream Realm. She informs Blake that she foresaw an herbivore dinosaur, mending the fields. Indicating that it was familiar with farming. Blake finds it strange, but intriguing after she discovers that there are prehistoric Faunus living in a hidden area called Pellucidar. They learned from a Spinosaurus named Levistus saying that the Faunus in Pellucidar trained dinosaurs, helping them through hunting, fishing, and farming. Blake guessed that this particular species was tamed into a farming life, which is amazing that Pellucidar Faunus can tame dinosaurs. She wonders if her kind can do that too.

After Ghira returns, he informs Kali that they need to keep watch on the new fields since their crops were beginning to sprout, they didn't want any chances for the crops to be eaten by any pest. Blake knew too well that this dinosaur was probably keeping itself hidden, knowing that it was in an unfamiliar land and the Faunus were different compared to Pellucidar. Evening rolled by, and so far, Blake didn't encounter any White Fang members. From what Voltaria learned, they were slowly dispatched since they found out that Adam Taurus was using them to help a psycho to destroy the world. Blake wishes she could find a way to repay Voltaria's prediction. Her gift of foresight was a major help on their mission. It was also a big step in restoring the White Fang to its original glory.

Just then, Blake's Scroll rang, causing Blake to snap out of it. She was standing at the balcony to look at the moon when her train of thoughts was interrupted when her Scroll rang. She picks it up and realizes that it was Yang calling her. Smiling, Blake answered her Scroll.

"Hey, Yang."

-Blake! Good to hear you're okay!-Yang said through the scroll.–V wanted to inform you about the White Fang. She wanted to tell you through the Dream Realm but it's must faster if I called you. They're still in hiding but there might be some in Menagerie, so watch your back.-

"Of course." Blake nodded and asked. "But what about Atlas Military? They could be listening to our conversation." Blake warns her friend in worry.

-Don't worry, Regina is blocking our communication from Atlas, we're talking through a private channel.-Yang assures Blake.

Blake sighs in relief, "That's good to hear. So, is there anything else that Voltaria's to tell me?"

-Yeah, she said that the dino you're going to face is a friendly herbivore, and easy to tame. She also said that Regina sent someone from Infraworld. She's a good friend to her and the others, she'll help you with the dino in Menagerie.-

"Is she friendly?"

-Oh, yeah! Totally friendly! Regina said that she's a Star Wisp named Calista, she's kinda like a fairy, but she's a guide. She'll see you in your dreams soon. She'll help you on your mission.-

Blake smiles, feeling great relief. "Thanks, Yang. I needed help."

-No, prob! Oh! Almost forgot, Weiss will be coming to Mistral soon with Marionette and Chariot. They're gonna help stopping an invasion.-

"That's good to hear."

-Yeah! Can't wait to have the gang back together. By the way, how's Menagerie treating you?-

Blake chuckles lightly, "Everything is fine here, Yang. Don't worry. Although...Sun may have tagged along..."

-Tag-along, you mean, he followed you and snuck a bored.-

Blake scoffs playfully and smiles, "He did, but he can be helpful on this mission."

-If you say so, but if he does anything stupid, don't hesitate to slap him.-

Blake giggles, "I already did." She said, sharing a laugh with Yang through the scroll.

Unbeknownst to them, there was an unknown female White Fang member, hidden within the shadow, watching Blake talking through her scroll.

Team JNPR, WAVE, Ruby, Yang, Qrow, Oscar, and their prehistoric friends continued their destination to Mistral. The gang got on with their prehistoric friends while Qrow decided to walk. He ain't riding any of them. The drunken huntsman isn't a fan of riding big creatures that he isn't sure that they are tamed. Although, the downside, Blue walks beside him, making chattering sounds whenever they walk, much to Qrow's annoyance. Regina informs them that they will reach Shion Village soon in a matter of a few days since the path they took was off-mapped, and will have to make a detour.

The journey will be tiring but they have to take it. For the fate of Remnant is at stake, and they need to be ready for anything.

They went further beyond the rote because they later discovered that the road that leads to Shion Village was washed away by the storm. They took a different road that leads them to an abandoned village. Ren and Nora recognize the village. It was Kuroyuri. The village was once bustling with people, but bandits invaded it, which led Grimm to it. Wade suggested that they should move, but Ren interjects, saying that they should rest. He can't let his emotions take control.

They gather some wood for the fire. The predators decided to go on hunting. Oscar was going since he was worried about Ultima getting into trouble. Voltaria tags along, knowing very well that Ultima and Ripper would end up fighting to the death with either Ripper or Blue, mostly Ripper. It was also a chance for Voltaria to learn more about Oscar and what he is up to.

"Sooo...what's it like talking with the Grimm?" Oscar asked, following Voltaria through the undergrowth.

Oscar was trying to make small talk while following the predators. They were making sure that Ripper and Ultima won't try and kill each other when they are hunting for their meal. They were lucky that Levistus the Spinosaurus prevented the two rebellious predators from going into fights.

Voltaria didn't want to talk, but he was blessed by a goddess that Regina used to serve when she was a human. Closing her eyes under her mask, Voltaria takes a deep breath and sigh, before facing Oscar.

"When I talk to Grimm, people only can hear their growls and roars, but to feels like I'm talking to a person that obeys my command."

"They can talk?" Oscar asked her in confusion.

Voltaria shook her head, "Not really, it's more like I could feel what they are saying without any words. Kinda like we're speaking a language that I can understand."

"Like your own Grimm Language?"

Voltaria shrugs her shoulders, "Something like that. I always felt I could understand Grimm, even when I was young...I could understand them like a book."

"Wow...must be kinda cool to have that power." Oscar said, moving some branches out of his way.

Voltaria looks down, stopping her tracks. Oscar stops as well when he notices her sudden halt. Oscar wonders if he offended her. Until Voltaria turns to face him.

"My power...can be'cool'but sometimes...bad." She answered, using the right words as well as keeping her cool. Oscar listened and waited patiently for her to continue her story. "When I was able to control Grimm at a young age, Remnant's elites sent a bounty on my head, they believed that with my ability I could make the Grimm to construct buildings and free protection without any Huntsmen. They could have made a fortune because of me...but I wasn't going to be a slave to them. So, I used Grimm to eliminate those bounty hunters, and send apieceto those elites, warning them to leave me alone."

Oscar gulps nervously, sensing her sudden rage was going to erupt, but she stops and releases a small sigh, "It was rough life, but I manage, and now...I have people that understand me...knowing my gift was meant for good."

Oscar knew she was talking about her friends. They were the only ones that could understand her. She was no longer alone to face her burdens.

"Have you...have you met others like yourself? You know, sharing the same gift." Oscar asked her.

Voltaria responded by shaking her head, "No. I have never encountered anyone with similar abilities like me...I tried many times on my journey to find others like me, but no one has the same ability like mine." Voltaria looks at the ground, "I always believe that I am destined to be cursed to be the only one that could speak to Grimm."

Silence filled the air. Oscar looked at Voltaria with great sympathy, feeling bad that she had to endure such hardship in her life. She was very fortunate to find friends that accepted her for who she was.

"At have a family now." Oscar said with a small assurance in his tone, mentioning about her friends.

"Yeah...I do." Voltaria said quietly.

Their conversation came to a halt when they heard Mari calling over to Oscar, zipping around in a panic.

"Oscar! Oscar! Oscar! Oscar!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Easy Mari! What's wrong?" Oscar asked worriedly, holding up his hands.

Mari landed on his hands and pointed frantically in a certain direction. "Thorn and the others found something!"

Voltaria and Oscar looked at each other briefly before following Mari through the forest, and towards a huge cave. There, the carnivores stood at the entrance, growling at something. Oscar went towards the Ultimasaurus, gently patting his leg to calm his growls.

"Levistus, what's wrong?" Voltaria questions Levistus, who responds with a growl.

"What did he say?" Oscar asked Voltaria.

"He said that they smelled something wrong inside..."

"What did they smell?" Oscar asked, looking at the cave nervously.

Voltaria responded by summoning Blood Moon, pointing towards the entrance and whispering in a dark tone, "Death."

Oscar gulps and quickly summons his staff, following Voltaria's lead as they enter the cave. Mari hid inside Oscar's shirt pocket, sensing many deaths in this cavern. The predators sniffed around, growling or sneezing at the tainted scent. Clearly, it has a pungent odor that they dislike. Soon, they arrived in a spacious area, and what they saw nearly caused their weapons to fall, mostly Oscar.

In this cavern, weapons speckle every place you can look. Swords, axes and staff are all either propped up or on the ground. There were even signs of black tar substance mixed with dried blood. Mari shakes in Oscar's pocket while the predators growl inside the cavern. Voltaria walks forward, kneeling down and picks up an arrow. She studies it with narrowed eyes, slowly figuring out what causes this. Then they heard Ripper's roar, calling out to them. Dropping the arrow, Voltaria and Oscar followed Ripper, who was looking at something on the ground. When they followed his gaze, they saw what was on the ground. It was a huge hoofprint. It is pointed toward another opening on the opposite end of the cave.

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"That is one big horse." Oscar whispers, looking at the hoofprint fearfully.

"It's not a horse." Voltaria responded.

Oscar looks at her in confusion. "What?"

"It's not a horse, Oscar." Voltaria repeated, glaring on the floor, "It belongs to a Grimm."

Oscar looks at her in shock, "Really? How can you tell?"

"I recognize the hoofprint."

"Have you encountered it?"

"Not personally, but I do know that it is dangerous. Not even an army of huntsmen can kill it."

"So it's un killable?" Oscar asked fearfully. "Can you...I don't know...tame it?"

"I can't, it's an untamable type of Grimm, but it can be killed, if you have the right time to strike." Voltaria turns towards the entrance, "I have to warn the others."

"What Grimm is it?" Oscar finally asked, wanting to know what they were dealing with.

Before Voltaria could reply, someone had already beaten her to it.


Voltaria, Oscar, and the predators whips their head to the source of the voice. The predators growled while Voltaria pointed Blood Moon in the direction. Standing on the other side of the cavern are four hooded figures. Voltaria senses two males and two males. This group was strong, Voltaria could tell, and they were emitting the same energy that does, but different compared to hers.

"Who are you?!" Voltaria demanded; her eyes transforming as she activated her Semblance.

The predators were ready to attack them. However, the group showed no sign of attacking. Instead, they just stood there, staring at them, mostly towards Voltaria. They don't show any signs of aggression, nor fear. As if they weren't afraid of these creatures.

"I asked again, who are you?!" Voltaria demanded.

The leader, wearing a mask like her, steps forward, "We have no ill-intention, we wish to speak to you."

Voltaria narrows her eyes, clearly not believing him, "What's there to talk about?"

"Believe me, there's a lot that we need to discuss, young tamer." The man said calmly.

"Young tamer?"Voltaria thought bitterly, "Who does he think he is?"

"It seems that you do not wish to listen." The leader said to her, his voice remains calm and gentle, as if he doesn't want to stir any trouble.

However, Voltaria wasn't convinced. Ever since she and friends traveled to Mistral, she sensed a strange presence, hidden in a distance, watching, following them on their journey. They're up to something, and she will find out.

"Why were you following me and my friends? Are you here to kidnap me and sell me off?" Voltaria tightens her hold on Blood Moon.

A tall woman, who happens to be a wolf Faunus, wearing a wolf mask, steps forward, "We can assure you, we are not like those hunters, we come in peace."

"Then why follow us?" Voltaria demanded.

The other male, who wears a demonic mask, said to Voltaria, "We only wish to speak to you, for we have a message."

"Message from who?Salem?" Voltaria spat the name of the one who was bringing pain to Remnant.

"We can assure you we have no affiliation with the false goddess." Said a petite woman, holding a staff.

"False Goddess?" Oscar mutters out. He heard this before from Mari. She serves a goddess named Lunaria and always refers to Salem as the False Goddess. "Are you...are you worshipers of the Goddess Lunaria?"

Hearing the name of their goddess, they brought their hands onto their chest while forming a bird or butterfly shape with their hands, and bowed. This confuses them, until Regina comes. She and the other entities were patrolling the area to find some meat for the carnivores. They quickly come back when they sense Voltaria's aura being distressed. Once they did, Regina recognized what these people were doing.

I know that salute.Regina said through their minds.

"What?" Oscar whispers out in confusion.

"What do you mean, Regina?"Voltaria questions her wise entity.

Back when I was an advisor, I remember a temple that worships the Goddess, Lunaria.Regina explains to Voltaria and Oscar through their minds.That salute shows their love and devotion to the goddess, but no one has done that for hundreds of years.

"Until now."Voltaria thought, eyeing at the group suspiciously, "They're hiding something, I just know it."

"Try to ask nicely this time." Oscar whispers to Voltaria, who frowns at him, causing Oscar to raise his arms in surrender. He was only trying to help.

Sighing in frustration, Voltaria turns to the unknown group, who stood in silence. "Why do you want to speak with me? What is your reason?" She asked in a 'nicer'tone.

The leader steps forward, looking at her under his mask. "The reason why we are here is to take you home."

Silence filled the air. Voltaria couldn't believe what she was hearing. They wanted to take her...home...HA! What a joke. Her only home was Mineral Town and she had to self-exile herself in order to protect them from her enemies. The only ones who knew her home were her friends. Clearly, these people are lying.

"If this is a joke. It's not funny." Voltaria said coldly, glaring at them under her mask, "I don't have a home."

"You are wrong, young tamer." The leader said calmly, looking under his mask, "Your home is not on this continent, nor has it ever been."

"What are you talking about?!" Voltaria yells, her anger slowly rising. "You don't knowANYTHINGabout me!"

The leader and his group calmly looked at her, "Oh, we do, we know a lot more than you think...Virgo."

Voltaria nearly gasped at his words.

He...he knows her name? Herrealname? But...but that's not possible! The only ones who knew her name were her friends How in the world did he know her name?!

"What?" Voltaria whispers out. Her voice filled with shock and confusion.

"Your name is Virgo Twilight, daughter of the late Pandora Marianne Twilight." The leader answered to Voltaria, shocking the young girl and the entities even further. No one, besides her entities, know about her mother's full name.

"That's impossible..." Voltaria spoke, her voice shaken in surprise.

"Like I said, we know a lot more than you think," The leader said to her.

"How? How can you know my mother's full name?" Voltaria demanded. Her mind was filled with confusion, anger, and shock. How can somebody possibly know who she is?! She made sure only her friends know who she is!

"It's simple really," the leader said to her calmly, "Because we know your mother."

This brought a sharp stabbing feeling in Voltaria's chest. Her thoughts were in complete denial. They cannot know her mother. It is simply impossible. No one knows about her mother except her friends and the people of Mineral Town.

"No, there's no way..."

"Believe us, young tamer, we know your mother." The woman with the staff said.

"How? How can you of all people know about my mother?!"

"Because like us." The leader said.

Before Voltaria could ask, the red gems on their accessories started to glow, and out of nowhere. The creatures of Grimm appeared before them. A Teryx, a Geist, a Beowolf, and a Lancer. Oscar's jaw almost dropped at the sight of this. Voltaria, on the other hand, felt her mind go blank. All her life, Voltaria thought that she was the only one that could communicate with the creatures of Grimm, summoning them, obeying her command...but...But how? How can this be possible?

"How can this be?" Voltaria whispers, lowering her weapon.

"You thought you were the only one? No, dear young tamer, you are not." The leader explained to her, stepping forward, "You are not the only one. You and your mother are one of us."

Voltaria looks at him in the eye, glaring at him under his mask. "One of what?"

"A Grimm Rider."

Voltaria was taken aback by this, "A what?"

"A Grimm Rider," The leader repeated, lowering himself, so Voltaria could get a better look of him. Even with his mask on, she could sense no hostility. "We are people that are blessed by the Goddess of the Night, who asked the God of Darkness to lend some of his powers to us."

Can they do that?Wraith asked telepathically towards Regina.

I believe so.Regina responded.I heard stories that the God of Darkness lent some of his powers to a group of mortals, but I never knew the stories were true.

Then truly...these people are Voltaria's kind.Tabitha said; her voice filled with shock.

"But...I thought Voltaria was the only one."Oscar thought loudly, hoping the entities could hear him, which they did.

We always assumed that Voltaria was the only one, guess we were wrong.Regina said to Oscar, eyeing towards the leader as she and the others were hidden in the shadows.

"Why..." Voltaria whispers, ignoring her entities and Oscar, "Why are you looking for me now? Who even sent you to look for me?!"

The group looked at each other briefly before nodding their heads in response. The leader turned back to Voltaria and gave her the answer that almost knocked her off her feet.

"Your grandmother sent us."

Hearing this, Voltaria's mind came crashing to a halt. She felt her body being electrocuted by the sudden information.

Her...Grandmother? But...but that's impossible. She doesn't have a grandmother. Her mother...she never mentioned...what is going on?

"Your mother never told you about your grandmother, didn't she?" The leader questions Voltaria softly.

Voltaria heard his voice, even though her jumbled mind made it sound like a muffle, but she heard him. "She...she never told me...I...I thought she was..."

"An orphan? No, she is not. She kept it a secret until you came of age, that's when she would tell you the truth." The leader explains to her.

"Truth..." Voltaria whispers out, her mind was racing at this sudden information, "The truth of who I am? My family?" She questions the leader, who nodded in response. Voltaria always wanted to know who her family was, but her questions was soon replaced by rage as she clenches her fists, "If you were sent my grandmother, why hasn't she bothered to find me in the first place when I was alone and being hunted like some kind of mindless animal!?"

"She thought you had perished in the village where you and your mother were living." The petite woman said, stopping Voltaria's rage. "However, she then discovered that you somehow activated your Grimm Rider ability. That's when she knew that you were alive. She sent search parties after search parties, but you couldn't be found because you were hiding your tracks. Giving us no lead on your whereabouts."

"Until now." The wolf Faunus woman said. "Your grandmother loved you, young tamer. She felt great guilt when she learned of your mother's death. She wanted to give you anything, hoping that you can forgive her for not finding you sooner. All she to just see you safe."

Voltaria didn't respond. Her mind was processing everything that they had just said.

Her...Grandmother...her grandmother was looking for her. For all these years, she searches for her. Where she was or where she has been. She always thought that her mother never had parents or relatives. She only knows about her father's, but her mother's...this was a new experience, even for her.

For the first time in her life, Voltaria was speechless. Never could she imagine that she has a family out there, looking and waiting for her to return was a strange word for Voltaria. The only homes she accepted were Mineral Town and the Island of Patch, for she felt at peace there. However, when these people, referring to themselves as the Grimm Riders, say that her home is where Grandmother was waiting for her. She could hear Wraith warning her that this could be a trap and they should leave as soon as possible. Yet, hearing their words shows great truth and not a single hint of a lie. She wanted to go to them; a little voice was urging her to go, to meet her grandmother and her people. Nevertheless, another voice was telling her why. Telling her to focus on the task, to stop the invasion on Mistral, stop Salem, and her friends. She knew what must be done.

"I...can't go." Voltaria spoke, surprising the group. "As much as I want to...I can't...I have a mission that must be complete, and I can't go. Not just yet."

"But-" The female wolf Faunus wanted to protest, but the leader held up a hand and shook his head, signaling her to stop.

She obeys as the leader turns to Voltaria, "We understand." He said softly yet with a hint of disappointment. He then took out a pure white gemstone from his pocket, and gave it to Voltaria, "If you are ready or you need assistance, just contact us through here."

Voltaria, without any hesitation, takes the gemstone, and observes it. She could sense strange energy that was unknown to all. She then looks at the stranger, "When I'm ready..." She whispers to him.

The man bows and returns back to his group, but before he leaves, he turns back to Voltaria, and informs her this. "Be warned, the Nuckelavee is heading towards the abandoned village of Kuroyuri. We don't know why it is going there, but I believe it senses new prey."

"My friends." Voltaria whispers out, knowing that they are in danger. "Did you send the Nuckelavee there?"

"No, the Nuckelavee has been there for many years after some bandits were able to lure it to the village." The leader explained, "You must go and save your friends before it is too late."

Voltaria nodded, ready to run to her friends. She was going to thank him until another question came to mind, "My grandmother...what is her name?"

The leader heard this and turned towards her, eyes softened under his mask. He answered her question as he said the name of her grandmother with great respect.

"Her Avalon."

"Avalon..." Voltaria whispers her grandmother's name. It feels...pleasant to say. "Thank you..."

The leader bowed before he, his group, and the Grimm, vanished by a mist of shadows, leaving Voltaria and the others behind. Oscar and the predators stared at the scene with dumbfounded expressions. They were processing what just happened.


Voltaria cuts him off and starts walking out of the cavern, "No time, we have to warn the others."

Oscar snapped out of this and nodded his head, "R-Right."

They quickly left the cavern, going back to Kuroyuri. While they headed to the abandoned village, her friends and Qrow had to deal with the Nuckelavee. The Grimm was massive. It was a horse-like creature with an equine main body and a skinless humanoid creature fused with it. Its forelegs were shaped like claws and it had hooved hind legs. The humanoid body had long curved horns on its head, a mouth that looked almost sewn shut, and two long elastic arms each with two clawed fingers. On the back of the human torso were boney spikes along its spine and a variety of weapons from previous battles stuck in it.

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It looks like a nightmare made from Hell.

The group was almost outmatched by its size, strength, and speed. They attacked with all their might, shooting at it without getting hit by the powerful legs. Ren, on the other hand, attacked it with blinding rage, for this Grimm that was responsible for the destruction of his village; and the one that killed his family. However, due to his rage, it only strengthened the Nuckelavee, as it easily kicked Ren away. Jaune and Ruby call out to him to stop, but Ren continues to fight recklessly, his mind filled with vengeance and anger.

Nuckelavee bested Ren and pinned him to a building by its extended arm. The Nuckelavee would've killed him if it wasn't for Nora. Ruby uses Crescent Rose to launch Nora in between Ren and the Nuckelavee would-be fatal strike with its other hand. Magnhild is pinned to the building above Ren, with Nora dangling from it. Saving Ren in the process.

However, the Nuckelavee flings Nora around until she is knocked to the ground with her Aura depleted. Ren uses StormFlower to give himself leverage to pull the Nuckelavee hand off of him. He repeatedly goes after the creature, exhibiting reckless behavior, his eyes wild. But he too was knocked down, next to Nora and his weapon was tossed away. Just before the Nuckelavee could attack, Ripper came out of nowhere and head-butts the Grimm away from the group, sending it flying to a nearby building.

"Ripper!" Ruby cheers happily at the Nuckelavee while Nora takes Ren to safety while snapping him back to reality.

Ripper lets out a fierce roar at the Nuckelavee, who get up and roar back at him, the rest of the predators, Voltaria, and Oscar come into battle, ready to help their friends. The predators fought the Nuckelavee, distracting it, allowing their human and Faunus friends to catch their breath.

"Took you long enough!" Qrow yells, holding up his Harbinger.

"Where have you two been?" Pyrrha asked, holding her Miló and Akoúo̱ ready.

"Sorry, we just discovered the lair of Nuckelavee." Voltaria said, not mentioning the Grimm Riders. "It sensed your whereabouts and made its way here."

"No wonder." Wade mutters, reloading his weapon. "Any plan to kill this thin'?"

"Yes, you have to disable it." Voltaria said, knowing a way to kill the Nuckelavee. "You have to trap its arms, break its equine form, then cut its arms, and then...then you behead it."

"What do you want us to do?" Ren asked, coming out from hiding with Nora, after she snaps him back to his senses.

Voltaria nodded and glared at the Nuckelavee, swatting Blue away, causing her to crash into a building. "We need it to get its attention. Wade, Yang, AJ, Pyrrha, we're going to keep it distracted with our shots. When it extends its arms, Ruby, Qrow, Oscar, and Jaune will pin it down. Evo, Nora, you two will have to break the horse part, and have to finish it off but cutting its head."

Ren nodded as he readied his father's blade.

They put the plan on motion. Hannibal gives them a boost of energy while the predators back off, allowing the group to advance. Voltaria, Wade, Yang, AJ, and Pyrrha fired multiple rounds at the Nuckelavee. Forcing it to twist itself. The Grimm roared at them and used its claws to grab at Yang. Luckily, Voltaria grabbed her and used her shadow powers to teleport her to safety while the Nuckelavee's claw was stuck to the ground. Ruby and Qrow quickly jumped in and pinned the claw down, followed by Blue, and Ripper, helping to hold it in place. The Nuckelavee was going to use its other claw, but Ren's knife is flung and embeds itself into the body of the Grimm, distracting it while Levistus uses his water cannon move to send Jaune and Oscar flying to it, pinning its other arm down to the ground. Amaryllis quickly went and helped pin the arm down, so the two boys won't be flung off if it breaks free.

The Nuckelavee lets out an ear-piercing roar, and is about to use its equine form, until Ultima uses his aura to create a stream of lightning, giving Evo and Nora a boost of electrical power. The two jumped high into the air and slammed their weapons on it. Nora crippled the behind while Evo uses his axe mode to cut off the horse head, rendering the Nuckelavee immobile.

"We did it!" AJ cheered happily.

"Celebrate later, just kill this thing!" Qrow ordered, struggling to keep the arm in place.

Voltaria looks at Ren, who was eyeing towards the Nuckelavee, before looking at her with a calm look. The young Grimm Girl nodded her head and whispered to him, "Do what you have to do."

Ren nodded and made his way towards the struggling Nuckelavee, before retrieving his knife from the Grimm's side, making it roar, and walked before the trapped Grimm. When he faced it, the Nuckelavee released a powerful roar at Ren's face, but he wasn't fazed by this.

He then posted his body, spinning the blade, and then thought to himself.

"For my mother."

Ren cuts off the Grimm's left arm, making it roar, as the arm-like tendril whips around before landing a few feet from Jaune and Oscar, who eyed it in shock. While the Nuckelavee roars and shakes around, Ren grabs one of its horns, twisting it in the process.

"For my father."

Ren cuts off the Grimm's right arm, making it roar, shaking its body around. The Nuckelavee faced Ren yet again with another roar, but again, Ren wasn't fazed.

"For all those that you've slain."

Ren strikes a gash into the flailing torso, causing the Nuckelavee to roar loudly and shake around, roaring at Ren yet again.

Ren closes his eyes. Feeling all of his emotion from his past slowly flow away

"For myself." He spoke loudly.

Ren opened his eyes and gave a mighty swing with the knife at the Grimm, beheading the Nuckelavee. Its body slumped on the equine part, and died as a pillar of black smoke erupts from its body. Everyone stared with wide eyes, except for Voltaria, Levistus, and Ultima. This Grimm has been wandering around for many years, destroying and killing many lives in its path. But is no longer a threat, anymore.

Soon, Ren drops the knife and breathes out a sigh of relief, feeling all the pain and the suffering he endured as a child slowly fading. Yet, he did not have time to relish in the moment as a giggling, triumphant Nora tackled him to the ground. Ren smiles, and hugs her back and gives a single laugh. The rest of the group, minus Voltaria, laughed and cheered loudly at their victory. Knowing they just did the unthinkable. Voltaria made her way to Ren and Nora, offering a hand to help Ren up from the ground. Ren accepted it with a smile as she brought him back to his feet.

"How are you feeling?" Voltaria asked her friend.

Ren gave her an assuring smile, "Feeling great." He said softly.

Voltaria sighs in relief and hugs him, which she returns and Nora joins in. Everything was going to be just fine.

"We did it!" Ruby cheered, hugging a cheering Yang.

Qrow smirks, patting Ruby's head, "Good job, kiddo. Guess I don't have to worry about saving you all the time."

The group chuckled before the predators lifted their heads when they heard something.

"Rippy, Ama, what's wrong?" Ruby asked the two predators.

They sense something coming from the sky.Regina answered through their minds.

"Are they Grimm?" Yang readied her Ember Celica.

"No, it's not Grimm." Voltaria steps forwards, looking up to the sky. "It's airships."

"How is that possible?" Pyrrha asked in surprise, "We're nowhere near any village."

They must be patrolling the area.Wraith suggested.

"If so, we have to hide the dinosaurs now." Voltaria turns to the predators, "Okay, guys, time to hide."

The predators nodded and Voltaria uses her shadow ability to make them sink into the shadows, becoming one with it. Then Voltaria's entities swirl around Voltaria, changing her attire into a different appearance. They changed her hair in a dirty blonde color; her attire is a red dress with white, yellowish, and white like armor. Qrow's mouth dropped by this, thinking that no wonder Ironwood nor any huntsmen could find her; she is a master of disguise.

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"Wow, nice disguise." Yang complimented with a thumbs up.

"Thanks, I need to stay in a low profile." Voltaria said.

They watched as two wood and metal airships landed on the courtyard.

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Nora waves at them with a grin while Wade does a salute. The group got on their airships while the predators remained hidden in the shadows of Voltaria's. Flare and Mari stayed hidden in Ruby and Oscar's pocket, hiding from the prying eyes of the pilots. Once everyone was on board, the airships took off. Jaune, Pyrrha, Voltaria, Qrow, Ruby, and Yang were in the first airship while Nora, Ren, Oscar, Wade, AJ, and Evo were on the second airship. The group were in great relief that they made it out of the forest, and were now heading towards their destination.

"How did you find us out here?" Jaune asked one of the pilots.

A man dressed in a brown flight suit with an air tank on his back turned to him and answered, "We were on patrol and saw the smoke. Nobody's been out here for years, thought something might be wrong."

" long till we reach Mistral?" Yang asked loudly through the window, holding on to the rails of the ship.

Voltaria looks up and slightly smiles, "Not long."

She pointed up ahead, and everyone followed her gaze. Right in front of them was a flourishing city before them. Built on two mountains within the Kingdom of Mistral, there are various buildings and stone stairways covering the mountains from the summits to the foothills.

And at the top of the city spanning across the peaks of both mountains was Haven Academy, their destination.

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Ruby smiles widely at the sight before them. They did. They reach Mistral. Now they can put their plan in motion.

Ruby turns to Voltaria, who looks at her, as her silver eyes are brimming with tears. "We made it, Volty."

Voltaria smiles softly and looks ahead, "Yeah...we did." She whispers out.

At the other airship, Wade and AJ were hugging each other while Evo and Oscar did a high five. Nora and Ren are both sitting on the edge of the open rescue airship, their legs dangling. Nora is looking out at the city, feeling happy. Ren is watching her, begins smiling and puts his hand on hers. She gives a slight start but turns her hand over to hold his. She looks at him and gives him a smile, and he smiles back. Nora scoots closer and rests her head on his shoulder. The airships fly into the city.

Even though it was supposed to be a happy moment, Voltaria still can't shake the feeling about the Grimm Riders. They knew about her, her mother, and what she really is. She isn't the only one with the same ability. She wanted to tell the others...but she can't, not just yet. Her mind is still processing everything just now. She told Oscar to keep quiet until she was ready to tell them. The gemstone they gave her was tucked in her pocket. She has yet to decide whether or not to contact them.

Letting out a sigh, Voltaria looks back at the City of Mistral as the sun shines, showing a sign of a new hope.


I didn't want any bad relationship when Voltaria meets with her fellow Grimm Riders. I will be posting soon, and the next chapter is about Blake in Menagerie and some dinosaurs.

The Grimm Rider Salute is based on the Wakanda Salute from Marvel's the Black Panther.

Also, I'm adding a new villain since I killed off Cinder and Adam. Someone sent an idea of a mercenary named Ivan Makarov, please explain about this particular character, so I can put him in the story. Thank you.

Chapter 29: Right Choices


Here is the next chapter of the Grimm Rider story. Hope you like it.

Calista's voice actress is Keke Palmer

Chapter Text

SONG: Starlight

Blake was walking through the pathway of the Dream Realm. Yang told her that Voltaria sent someone to help her find this mysterious dinosaur on Menagerie. She said this person could help Blake in finding this dinosaur. Yang mentioned that she's a Star Wisp named Calista, and she's very friendly. Blake wondered what a Star Wisp was. Blake's thoughts ended when Dream Flames appeared, greeting Blake with bell chimes. She smiled and greeted them. They're very friendly to her and her friends, for they came here often to discuss their plans in stopping Salem.

"Hello, by any chance do you know where I could find a Star Wisp named Calista?" Blake asked the Dream Flames kindly.

The Dream Flames all chimed at her cheerfully. They guided Blake through the pathway and towards an area that was far from the doors. A beautiful grove came into view. It looked magical, almost reminding her of a fairy tale. Blake would continue to admire it, until she notices the Dream Flames going towards the lake with a small waterfall. Blake followed them and to her surprise, someone was there. A girl, with white and purple hair, dark skin, wearing a purple dress mixed with white streaks, and star accessories. She appears to be close to Voltaria's age, and was giving a friendly aura.

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he mysterious girl smiles when the Dream Flames come to her, chiming and dancing around the girl.

"Hello, friends. How are you today?" She asked them kindly.

The Dream Flames emitted small bell chimes, communicating to the girl. Her smile never leaves her face when she faces Blake.

"Hello, you must be Blake, Virgo told me about you." She said to Blake kindly.

Blake slowly nodded her head, surprise that she knows Voltaria's real name. "Y-Yeah...I'm Blake..."

"Nice to meet you, my name is Calista. If you're wondering how I know Voltaria's name, it is because I was once her friend."

Blake's eyes widened by this, "Was?"

Calista nodded her head, "That's right. She used to come here when she was little, able to go to the Dream Realm at will." Her smile slowly drops and head lowered, "Until she stopped coming when her mother was killed."

Blake's eyes soften. She guessed that Calista was a friend of Voltaria when she was little, able to come to the Dream Realm to play with her, but she stopped dreaming when her mother died. It must've been very lonely for her.

"I'm so sorry."

Calista gave Blake a small smile, "It's alright. Thanks to you and your friends, she was able to dream again. She even came to me not too long ago. Apologizing for not coming back for all these years, but I don't blame her. She needed time to heal."

Blake smiles back, "She did, and I'm happy that she's doing well." She said before remembering something. "'re a...Star Wisp?"

Calista smiles and gets up by floating, which surprised Blake again, "Yup. Star Wisps are guides that help the souls cross the afterlife."

"Oh...oh...does that mean..."

Calista giggles, "No, I'm not here to guide you to the afterlife. I'm actually here to help you find the dinosaur."

Blake sighs in relief, "That's good to hear, and I'm glad that you and Voltaria made up."

"Yes, it was nice to reunite with her again." Calista said happily. "Now, Blake, tell me. Has anyone found the dinosaur in Menagerie yet?"

Blake shook her head, "Not yet, thank goodness. My dad sent watch parties, but couldn't find any trace."

"That's because this dinosaur knows how to hide its tracks. Remember, dinosaurs are known to be intelligent...well...most of them."

This catches Blake's attention. She wonders what Calista meant. Are all dinosaurs of Pellucidar different from one another? Blake's train of thoughts comes to a halt when Calista hovers in front of her.

"I can sense that you have many questions, but I can assure you that all answers will be answered, after we complete the mission."

Blake agrees with her, "Good idea, we need to find out about this dinosaur before any else does."

"Then it settled. I will meet you outside of the Dream Realm when you awaken from your slumber."

Blake blinks in confusion. "Wouldn't you get spotted by them?"

Calista giggles, "Not really. Star Wisps can only be seen by those with a sixth sense or animals, you can see me since Virgo gave you permission to meet with me. I'm basically invisible to the people of Menagerie unless you give me the permission to let me be seen by them."

"Huh, that means I have to communicate with you through telepathy?"

Calista nodded her head, "Mm-hm, that's right. We wouldn't want people to think that you're talking to yourself." She joked, which made both of them laugh a bit.

With a plan in motion, Blake started to wake up.


"Rise and shine, Blake!" Sun called through Blake's door, knocking on it very loudly.

Blake woke up from her sleep and sat up from her bed, rubbing her eyes to get the sleep off her body. Blake stretched her arms until she heard her bones popping, and let out a yawn.

"Come on, are you still asleep?! Your mom made breakfast!"

"I'm coming!" Blake called out, getting off her bed and getting dressed.

Once she finished, Blake turned and saw Calista, sitting on her bed with a smile on her face.

"Good morning." She greeted Blake kindly.

"Calista." Blake whispers in surprise, "You're here."

Calista smiled and nodded, "Yup! Got here after you woke up."

"Blake? Who are you talking to?" Sun asked through the door.

Blake sighs and shakes her head, "No one, Sun. Just checking my things. You go right ahead."

"Oh! Okay. I'll see you downstairs then."

Blake and Calista heard's Sun's footsteps running off to the dining room. Blake sighs while Calista giggles.

"He's very...cheerful." Calista said kindly.

"You can say that." Blake mutters before going out of her room.

Blake made her way down to the dining area with Calista following her by hovering behind Blake. Blake's then greeted by both her parents and Sun, yet they did not see Calista. Guess Calista's words were right. No one can see her unless given permission.

"So, Blake, how did you sleep?" Kali asked her daughter warmly.

Blake sat next to Sun, nodding her head at her father. "Good, dad."

Calista was floating behind Blake, looking at the Belladonna couple, chatting and eating, while Sun gobbles up his food. Blake asked Calista though her mind if she wanted something to eat. Calista assures her that Star Wisps don't eat human food. In fact, they don't eat anything at all. They can live without food or water like forever, but they can eat if they want too.

After they had their fill, Blake asked her father if she could come with him to inspect the fields that had the rocks cleared off, which Ghira happily allowed. Of course, Sun comes along, wanting to see more of Menagerie, much to Ghira's annoyance. The trio went to the fields and saw that it was all cleared, and ready for planting. Ghira was talking to some farmers while Blake investigated the area with Calista following her from behind. The two of them search to find any clues of the culprit. So far, they only find some harvest missing and the fields clear out from rocks.

"Blake, look at this." Calista calls out to her.

She was standing next to a big rock that was far from the fields. Blake made her way towards her as she pointed at two claw marks on the stone. Blake observes the rock with curious eyes, touching the marks with her hand. It was smooth and not jagged. Blake wonders what kind of dinosaurs have sharp claws like that.

"It doesn't look like any claws I've seen before..." Blake mutters out, "Do you think it's possible for a dinosaur to have weapons?"

"Yes, dinosaurs are equipped with their own weapons like the club tail of Ankylosaurus, horns of a Triceratops, the spiked tail of Stegosaurus, or the sharp claws of a Therizinosaurus."

"Hmm...four dinosaurs...but which one is our culprit..."Blake thought out loudly.

"Well, you can rule out the Ankylosaurus and the Triceratops, they can't cause this, so this leaves the Stegosaurus and the Therizinosaurus."

"Two possible dinosaurs...but there can only be one." Blake whispers out in her mind. "Do you think they could be in the desert part ofMenagerie?"

"Could be possible. After all, it is the only place where there's no people." Calista said to Blake.

Blake nodded in agreement and would have to investigate the desert in secret. For now, she has to help her dad with the harvesting preparation. Sun, surprisingly, helped as much as he could. There was no problem as they were able to prepare the seeds. The farmers thanked them before they departed off to the fishing boats. When they arrived, they were surprised to see many fishes that were caught by the fishermen.

"Wow! Now that's what I call the catch of the day!" Sun compliments, looking at the fishes in the baskets and nets.

"Huh, I've never seen so many fish caught in one day before." Blake said, looking at the fishes in bewilderment and slight hunger.

They asked one of the fishermen, a male shark Faunus, how they got so many fishes in one day. His answer kind of shocked the trio, saying that while they were fishing, they could've sworn they saw something moving in the water, and the next thing they knew, many fishes started jumping on their boats or entangled on their nets. They were going to investigate it until a wave came out of nowhere and sent them back to shore to safety, very much confusing everyone. Blake, on the other hand, knew very well what it was. It could be another dinosaur that helps the fishermen, and is probably a tamed dinosaur.

"Hey, Calista?" Blake whispers to her new friend beside her. "Can you investigate what's on the water and see what dinosaur is hidden there?"

"Sure thing! I'll contact you when I find something." Calista said before diving in the water without making a single splash.

Blake smiles before going back to her dad to help him with the people. Ghira and Sun were not aware of Blake's new friend, who was searching for the dinosaur in the water. Calista goes deep in the water. Many humans nor Faunus could survive the pressure, but Calista can. It has no effect on her. After all, she did live in a vacuum of space. While she looks around, a shadowy figure appears behind her, causing Calista's eyes to widen and turn around to face the creature.

Her shock expression changed into awe at the right before her, and made an O shape with her mouth.

" you're the one who's fishing."


Late at night, Blake was sneaking off from her house, and heading to a cove that Calista mentioned to her through telepathy. She said to Blake that she found the first dinosaur that helped the fishermen, and is somewhere in a cove in a cavern of some kind. They will search for the one that helps with the field later, because right now, they got a lead. She enters a cavern and walks deep within it.

However, when Blake was going there, she could tell that she was being watched.

Narrowing her yellow eyes, Blake readied her Gambol Shroud, to block an incoming attack. Blake disappears to a corner of the rocks. Unaware that a female White Fang member that recently spied at Blake followed her through the cavern.

She wears a Grimm Mask with a chameleon appearance and horns. Her attire consists of a black, gray and dark gray sleeveless stealth suit with short legs that resembles a playsuit with black trim around the legs, golden zipper, and over it, a gray belt straps with gold buckles. And a black calf high boots that are folded over and a black glove on her right hand.

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She carefully follows Blake through the cove, entering a cavern. The White Fang member entered the cavern, trying to find Blake. As the White Fang member goes forward, she wasn't aware that Blake was hidden on top of the stalactites, glaring at the intruder. Blake knew that a White Fang member was following her, thanks to Calista's warning ahead of time, and she would not get attacked from behind.

Blake quickly activates her Gambol Shroud and jumps down to strike at the intruder.

However, the intruder was quick, and took out a rapier-whip that blocked Blake's attack. The two weapons clashed, creating small sparks. Blake glares at the intruder with their weapons clashed, until she is pushed away by the intruder. Blake backflips, landing on her feet and pointing her Gambol Shroud, in sword mode, at the intruder. The White Fang pointed her rapier-whip at Blake, ready to strike, but before they could charge one another, Sun came out of nowhere, his Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in staff mode, and attacked the White Fang. She quickly blocks his attack but doesn't have to react when Sun makes a clone of himself to get behind her and side-sweep kick, knocking the White Fang off her feet before Sun kicks her to a nearby wall. Luckily, the White Fang flips her body and uses her feet to stop herself from crashing on her back.

"Sun?! What are you doing here?!" Blake yelled out in shock and annoyance.

"What?! You think I'll let you alone, and deal with the White Fang by yourself?" Sun said, readying his weapon.

Before Blake could speak, Calista appeared behind Sun, who cannot see her now the White Fang, "Blake! Take cover and hold your breath! Tell your friend, hurry!"

Blake wanted to know why but she decided to ask later and warn the monkey Faunus. "Sun! Take cover and hold your breath!"


"Just do it!" Blake ordered, grabbing onto a nearby stalagmite.

Sun listens and holds onto the stalagmite. The White Fang was confused until she felt the earth beneath her shake, and the intruder was confused until a huge gush of water came out of nowhere, flooding the whole cavern. The White Fang member was almost washed away, if it weren't for her quick thinking to her rapier-whip to latch it on a stalagmite, holding on with her might as the water rushed through them. Blake and Sun hold their breaths and cling to the stalagmites with all their might. The water continues onward, allowing Calista to move freely. She was not affected by this, giving her the opportunity to immobilize the attacker. Touching the White Fang's back, Calista uses her magic to prevent the attacker from using her aura or moving her body. Soon, when the water slowly went away, everyone gasped and stood up. Well, only Blake and Sun, while the attacker fell down and couldn't move her body.

"Wha-why can't I move!?" The White Fang yelled in shock, trying to move her arms, but to no avail.

Blake's eyes widened at the voice. She recognized that voice.

"I...Ilia?" Blake whispers out in shock.

The White Fang known as Ilia stopped struggling, froze from her spot, she couldn't even dare to utter a word. Sun, who was confused and surprised by the fact that Blake knows her.

"Do you know this person?" Sun asked Blake.

"She...she was my friend." Blake said in a hush town.

Sun glances at her then to Ilia, then back to Blake again. "So...why is she here?"

"That's...what I want to know as well." Said Blake to Sun, walking towards Ilia with a concerned look on her face. "Ilia...what...What are you doing here? And why were you following me?"

Ilia didn't respond, clearly didn't want to talk to her. Blake knew that Ilia was still part of the White Fang and continued to remain loyal. However, Ilia, and Sun, have no idea that Blake's new friend, Calista, has the ability to read one's emotions and auras. And so, the Star Wisp came to Ilia, reading her like book, and saw her reasons.

"She wants to know why did Adam betrayed them, why he used them to try and commit genocide to both humans and Faunus, and how do you know this?" Calista listed out the questions in Ilia's emotions. "She's very confused now."

Blake looks over to Ilia sadly. She knew that Ilia wanted answers, the truth of what really was going on. Blake remembers that Voltaria said that she could tell those she trusted, after all. They need many allies when the time comes to face Salem.

"I know you're mad at me...and I know you have many questions about Adam or what the White Fang's real purpose is...but all I can tell that we were being used."

Ilia looks up to her under her mask, wondering what she meant. Blake let out a sigh and began telling her the truth on what Adam did to the White Fang. That they were all pawns for a crazed woman named Salem, who wishes to destroy the entire world, just so she could destroy herself in ending her curse of immortality. Ilia, and surprisingly Sun, listens to her words. Their eyes were wide in pure shock that all this time Blake and her team were actually trying to save everyone from total destruction. That is why she made humanity and Faunus go against each other. To make her plan to go quicker. After Blake finished her explanation, both Ilia and Sun stared at her, completely in shock of this.

"All this time...the stealing, trying to make the humans realize that we are strong...were nothing but plots of a madwoman that wanted to die?" Ilia whispers in disgust. "And Adam agreed to help those who were working for them?"

Blake nodded her head, "It's true...Adam wanted to make a point, and to silence those who got in his way...but what he was doing...almost destroyed everyone, including the Faunus."

"Do you know what her next move is?" Sun asked, wanting to help Blake.

"She wants to destroy Mistral." Blake answers in a serious tone. "There's something in the school that she wants."

"Okay, but why are you here in Menagerie and not with them?" Sun asked.

"Well...there was a reason why I am really here, but promise me that you won't try anything...please." She said, mostly likely towards Ilia.

Ilia was silent at first, doubting a bit. However, she was curious to know what Blake's doing. So, without a choice, Ilia agrees, and Blake telepathically tells Calista to free her, which she did. Ilia was surprised that she was able to move again. Blake helps her up and Ilia hesitantly accepts. Blake leads her two companions deep within the cavern. Well, Calista was instructing her on where to go. They reached the end and found a cenote that had glowing algae. It was breathtaking, they would've stayed and admired it were it not for the strange sound that resembles a whale. Looking at the water, a huge head appeared that made their jaws drop at the sight.

In the water was none other than a living aquatic fossil.

A Mosasaurus.

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This living fossil was looking at them with golden eyes, which reflected in the glowing algae. The three Faunus looked at the marine dinosaur with slack jaws. Ilia mindlessly removes her mask to see the Mosasaurus closely, her grey eyes wide in bewilderment.

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"Is that a...a..." Sun tries to find the right words to speak, staring at the Mosasaurus with wide eyes.

"A Mosasaurus." Blake whispers out, looking at the aquatic reptile.

"'s" Sun said in awe.

"Sheis cool." Calista corrected, speaking towards Blake. "That Mosasaurus is a female and her name is Ula. She came from the waters of Pellucidar."

"It's a girl, Sun. Not it." Blake corrected to the surprise Monkey Faunus, before making her way to the Mosasaurus.

"Blake, be careful!" Sun calls out to her.

"It's okay! She's not a threat." Blake assures him, getting on her knees on the edge of the water, looking at the aquatic dinosaur.

As it turns out, this Mosasaurus is docile. She was tamed to assist fishermen in Pellucidar, but got lost at sea during a massive storm. Calista explains to Blake that a Mosasaurus named Ula was assisting the Faunus secretly since they resemble the ones back home. She thought they needed assistance, just as her friend helped them. This caught Blake's attention. She wonders if Ula was referring to a dinosaur that was helping the farmers.

"She's not alone." Blake suddenly spoke, surprising her two companions.

"What do you mean?" Ilia asked Blake in confusion.

"She has someone with her, don't you?" Blake asked the Mosasaurus.

The Mosasaurus responded by making a gentle, whale-like roar, echoing through the cenote's cavern. The three Faunus were confused until they heard a strange bellowing. Looking at one of the caverns, the three Faunus gasped in surprise to see a strange herbivore-like dinosaur. It was a wild amalgamation between Triceratops and Stegosaurus. It has two massive horns on its Triceratops head, spiked neck and tail, and a row of armor-like plates down its back.

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Blake recognizes it as a hybrid just like Ripper and Amaryllis. Ilia and Sun stared at hybrid dinosaurs with slack-jaws. They couldn't believe their eyes on what they were seeing. Sun even went further by slapping himself if he was dreaming or not.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Sun asked loudly, still wide eyes at the strange hybrid.

"That there's a strange dinosaur that looks like a mashup of two dinosaurs?" Ilia asked, still not taking her eyes off the hybrid.

"Yeah, okay, just making sure."

Calista hovers beside Blake, still looking at the hybrid. "Blake, this dinosaur is a combination of a Stegosaurus and a Triceratops."

"So...a Stegoceratops?"Blake thought loudly.

"Yes, and he's not alone." Calista said as she looked behind the Stegoceratops.

Blake follows her gaze, followed by Ilia and Sun, who both notice her gaze was looking behind the Stegoceratops. The trio gasped as they watched in bewilderment to see a baby Parasaurolophus that was emitting a beautiful glow in the darkness.

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"Wow! That dinosaur is glowing!" Sun whispers out in awe.

"Bioluminescent..." Blake whispers, remembering a book she read that explains that animals, mostly from marine lifeforms, can produce their own light and glow in the dark. "Calista, what gender is it?"

"Female." Calista answers to Blake gently. "Ula saved the Stegoceratops, Stonehorn, and the Parasaurolophus baby, Leafa, from drowning. Bringing them to the nearby island, Menagerie. They stay here, helping locals in secret."

"And what about Leafa?"Blake asked.

"She's an orphan, Stonehorn took her in as a surrogate father for her." Calista explains to Blake, who was touched by this.

Leafa, still being young and curious, made her way towards the trio, letting out small calls. The trio watched at the baby dinosaur coming towards them, sniffing at their legs.

"D'aww! You're such a cutie!" Sun cooed, kneeling down at Leafa's level.

Leafa made small squawking sounds before making her way towards Ilia, who froze from her spot. The Faunus watches hesitantly as the baby dino sniffs her legs curiously. Without any warning, the baby Parasaurolophus nuzzles her head against Ilia's legs, making the Faunus tense yet relaxed at the same time.

Blake smiles at her, "She likes you." Says Blake to Ilia.

Ilia responded with a small nod before carefully getting on her knees to stroke the head of the baby dino, earning gentle sounds from her. Ilia couldn't help but smile at this.

"You are cute." Ilia said with a smile.

"Man, I can't believe we have dinosaurs sort of." Sun said, looking towards the Stegoceratops, as he watched Leafa playing around.

"He's a hybrid, Sun. A combination of two species." Blake informs him. "They came here for shelter from a storm that came to their home."

Both Sun and Ilia looked at Blake with a questionable look. Clearly she knows something that they don't know of. Blake sighs; she knew that she had to tell them. Calista doesn't mind, for this will give a good chance for Blake to make amends with Ilia and to help Sun understand their situation. Calista made a small nod, signaling Blake to allow her to be seen by them.

"Calista, can you show yourself?"

The two Faunus were confused until Calista appeared, startling them in the process.

Ilia and Sun stared at a smiling Calista with wide eyes and jaws dropped. Showing how shocked they are to see her.

"I think a proper introduction is suffice." Calista said to them kindly towards them. "Hello, my name is Calista the Star Wisp, I have the answers that you both would need to listen to."


Marionette and Chariot were preparing to help Weiss to leave the Schnee Manor. Weiss trained so hard that she was able to master her summoning her Arma Gigas. Once she did so, she has to go meet up with the others at Mistral. They were staying in a nice lodging on the upper parts of Mistral. Weiss will meet with them soon, once she escapes out of the manor. They successfully sneaked out from the manor, avoiding any suspicion. Marionette was able to temporarily close the security system, giving them a chance to escape to another area, avoiding Jacques's office. Apparently, Jacques was arguing with General Ironwood again. Something about Winter is somewhere at Mistral. Weiss was worried but Marionette informs her that her friends have yet to encounter her. However, Weiss was still worried for her sister and decided to investigate when she got there.

Marionette leads Weiss to the back of the manor, completely empty with no surveillance. Chariot was there with their transportation. They were ready to leave Schnee Manor undetected until an uninvited person.

"Ms. Schnee?"

They snapped towards the source and saw Klein Sieben.

The butler was standing close by, holding a red scarf. Weiss wanted to make an excuse, but it appears that Klein knew what's going on.

"I heard Mistral is cold at this time of month, I hope this will help you keep you warm." Klein said to Weiss kindly, handing her the scarf.

Weiss was touched by his gesture. He was like the father that Weiss dreamt of having. Without any warning, Weiss hugged Klein, to which he returned the embrace.

"Thank you, Klein." Weiss whispers to her butler.

Once they let go, Klein smiles at her gently. "Safe journey, Ms. Schee." He spoke gently, giving her the scarf, which she accepted, before turning towards Marionette and Chariot. "Please take care of my little snowflake."

The two entities nodded their heads, promising to keep Weiss safe.

After Weiss and Klein said their farewells, Marionette helped Weiss to get on the carriage with Chariot on the perch. He transforms into his true form, and gets his horses to gallop ahead before taking off to the sky without being spotted from the cameras. Klein smiles sadly, watching as the carriage fading away. He could see Weiss popping her head out of the window, waving at him. Klein waves back at her, knowing she's doing the right thing.

After all, she will fix the wrong her father did to the Schnee name. He is sure of it.

Chapter 30: Welcome to Haven


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hey, Branwen, are we there yet?Wraith asked rudely.

"Not yet, just keep walking." Qrow replied to the rude entity.

Qrow was leading the young hunters, Oscar, and the entities through a stone brick tunnel illuminated by translucent lanterns. The dinosaurs and hybrids were hidden within the students' shadows. That way, no one can suspect them with giant beasts. The reason why they were in the tunnel is to get the view of the city.

After all, the City of Mistral is known to be a beautiful place, built into and around two mountains, for it is a primary defense against Grimm. Being on the mountain range, the city was built atop off and the massive amount of low-tech airships that monitor the surroundings. The city is also known for two things, being both the cultural hub of the world and the crime capital of the world. The city is separated into various floors and levels. In order to travel, the builders created numerous tunnels and elevators built into the mountain, to allow civilians to access the city's various levels, some parts of the mountain's interior being dug out to hold more city districts.

Voltaria knows this because she may have snuck into the city before with her entities, only once when she was little. She never fully explored it. She made Tabitha and Wraith observe the areas, and Regina to read the archives from the city's database.

I do not wish to be a stickler you even know where you are going, Mr. Branwen?Regina asked, hovering besides Voltaria with the other entities.

"Don't worry, I know where it is. I've been here many times." Qrow assures the entity.

"Whose idea was it to walk again?" Nora asked, walking besides Ren and their teammates.

"Well, we did face many obstacles." Ren reminded Nora, listing out the obstacles. "Broken airships, destroyed settlements..."

Jaune, who was walking beside Pyrrha, added loudly. "Oh, and, you know, all those people and monsters that tried to murder us."

"Actually, the last part was meant for me." Voltaria responded, wearing her disguise. "Sorry about that."

When they came to check in, Voltaria had to pose as Jaune's distant cousin named Victoria Arc. A huntress in training. She had to make sure to give fake I.D., which Regina provided.

Ruby gently waves her off, "Pfft, we were fine. Besides, no one died...almost..." Ruby trails off a bit.

Nora giggles and puts her hands on her hips and looks at Ren. Ren notices this and looks at Nora with a playful look. "Hey."

Nora giggles in response while the rest simply shook their heads or rolled their eyes.

"So, how much farther to Haven Academy?" Jaune asked.

Qrow responded casually, "Almost there. But I figured I'd take you kids on the scenic route."

Everyone was curious and Pyrrha was the first to ask. "Scenic route?"

The group approaches a pair of large, wooden double doors, which Qrow opens, flooding the tunnel with sunlight. Ruby runs out first onto a massive platform that doubles as an elevator, stopping at the railing to gaze out over the city in wide-eyed awe.

"Wow!" Ruby awed in excitement.

The others join her to take in the view of buildings and stone stairways perched on mountains. The sun rising gives a beautiful view of the city. Mistral is like Vale, but a mountain version of it.

"!" Ruby exclaimed in awe.

"You can say that again!" Yang said in agreement.

Below them, large crowds of people are going about their day, walking around, talking and buying merchandise legally and illegally.

"It's certainly something." Qrow side comments.

"Look at all the stores." Pyrrha said, looking at the shops below them.

Everyone looks below and Ruby notices a kiosk selling weapons. "Oh my gosh! Look at all the weapons!"

Is that what you only focus on, Ruby?Regina joked to the young girl, earning laughter from the group, except for Voltaria.

Qrow smirks and gestures to the city with his arm, "Vendors here'll sell you just about anything...whether they should or not."

"Why is that?" Oscar asked in confusion.

"Is because Mistral is also the home of numerous crime lords and the black market. The lower down you go the shadier and more dangerous things get, whilst the higher up you go the city will be more civilized and safe." Voltaria explains, remembering the rules around here.

Everyone understood, and kept a mental note to stay in the upper parts of Mistral.

"They really made the most out of these mountains." Jaune commented, looking at the mountains.

"Yeah, and they even made good cultivation and farm life." Oscar added, seeing a farming area on a distance.

Qrow nodded his head. "Every inch. And remember what Grimmy here said, stay away from the lower levels. The higher up you go, the nicer it gets." Qrow said, calling Voltaria 'Grimmy'.

"And we are going up!" Nora grins and she points her finger up, which everyone follows, leading them to the very top.

Meanwhile, somewhere on the continent of Anima, Chariot was guiding the bat-winged horses, who were carrying the carriage with Weiss and Marionette, through the sky. The inside of the carriage was decorated like royalty instead of being a pocket dimension. That way, Weiss would be more comfortable, much to her appreciation. Chariot came as the carriage flew over an enormous lake, Lake Matsu, a large body of water located in northern Anima, as it was heading towards Weiss was looking out the window, watching the clouds roll by. Marionette was sitting next to her, knitting a white scarf to pass the time. So far, it was smooth flying. Things were going as planned; they will reach their destination in three days tops.

"So, how much farther?" Weiss suddenly asked Marionette, turning towards the puppet entity.

Marionette stops her knitting and looks at Weiss. "Not long, only a few days before we reach our destination."


"Yes, you don't have to worry, Mistress Weiss. We can avoid a lot of air traffic around northern Anima since Chariot can turn invisible and phase through anything."

Weiss smiles at this. "Did I mention that I'm glad that you and Chariot are entities?"

Marionette smiles, "Everyday. Just sit back and relax a bit, it may be a long ride."

"Thanks, Marionette. I...just hope I haven't been a burden for you and Chariot."

"Nonsense. You've been nothing but a friend to us." She assures the Schnee heir, making her smile.

Just then, Chariot spoke to them telepathically. "Marionette, Mistress Weiss, I have urgent news."

Weiss became worried. "Is everything okay?"

"I picked up a distress call from a distance."

Chariot has the ability to sense frequencies like broadcasts or distress calls. That is how he avoided many airships over the years with Voltaria.

"Impossible," Marionette responded towards Chariot. "We are still over Lake Matsu; there shouldn't be any broadcasts this far from Mistral."

"Unless they are close by."

"Can you play it out, Chariot?" Weiss asked Chariot, sounding worried and desperate.

Obeying her command, Chariot plays the distress call of a female pilot, through their heads, she sounds in a panic and scared.

"Mayday, mayday! We are a small passenger flight, and our Huntress is down! We aren't equipped to deal with this!"

Weiss gasped in shock and concern. Her face turned pale as she could hear the attack from the background.

"The Grimm hit us 400 klicks north of the southern shoreline!"

Weiss' eyes widen as the sound of an explosion and the Pilot gasping can be heard from the background, shouting to someone.

"Get them off us! If anyone can hear this-Ah!"

Weiss's expression grows even more concerned as the Mistral Pilot cries out and the transmission abruptly ends. Marionette saw Weiss's worried expression and placed a gentle hand on hers.


"We're going to help them, right?" Weiss asked, her voice filled with concern and wanting to save them.

Marionette knew that Weiss didn't want any innocents to die, and of course, Chariot can easily get there. For they could sense the screams of the passengers from afar.

"We will," Marionette assures, "Just give the word."

Weiss smiles at her appreciation before looking up at the carriage ceiling. "Chariot, take us to the source."

"Of course, hang on."Chariot responded.

Chariot made his horses fly to the source of the distress call. It took them not too long, as they arrived at the destination of the distress call. There were a series of landmasses floating with what appears to be black crystals jutting out from the bottom of the rock formations. These are some of Lake Matsu's floating islands. The gravity Dust that forms in these things causes a little turbulence on airships and the equipment.

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Chariot can handle this since he isn't affected by this. However, Grimm sometimes hid within the islands, a perfect place for a sneak attack.

Their thoughts came to a halt when they saw the small passenger ship being attacked by a swarm of large hornet-like Grimm. Weiss recognizes them as Lancers. She remembered them in Port's class. Deadly stingers that can shoot like bullets. There are two types: the Warrior Drones and the Queen Lancer. The Warrior Drones are smaller while the Queen Lancer is larger and deadlier.

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Then suddenly another small passenger ship was attacked by a second swarm of Lancers. Weiss and Marionette knew what to do. They have to split up in order to save the two ships. Chariot got two of his horses off the reins and allowed them to assist Weiss and Marionette on their missions. They got out of the carriage and jumped on the horses, flying towards the airships.

"Marionette! You go help the first one; I'll go help the second. Take Chariot with you!"

Marionette nodded her head. "Right! Good luck!"

With that, Marionette made the bat-winged horse to fly to the first airship with Chariot following her, for he will bring the passengers inside. Marionette jumps off the horse and lands onto the ship, she uses her threads to grab every Lancers and control them. The swarm couldn't move their bodies, for Marionette is controlling them. Using her immense strength, Marionette activates fires onto her threads, setting the Lancers on fire. Then, with incredible speed, she smashes the Lancers together from the sky, making them explode. Once she got rid of them, Chariot landed the carriage on the deck while Marionette quickly rushed below deck and saw many passengers huddled under their seats.

"Is everyone all right?" Marionette asked loudly, getting everyone's attention.

"By the gods, we're saved!" Exclaimed a man.

"Are you a hunter?" Asked a mother of three.

"In a way, where is the pilot of the ship?" Marionette asked.

The passengers pointed at the front doorway, earning a nod from Marionette.

"Go up to the deck, there is a carriage that will take you out of there." Marionette instructed them.

"You think it's big enough for us?" Asked a male Faunus with horns.

"Trust me, the inside is bigger than the outside." Marionette said before pointing up, "Now go! More of the swarm will come."

Not wanting to argue, the passengers quickly got off their seats and rushed up the deck while Marionette went to the co*ckpit to see the pilot struggling to keep the ship afloat.

"Are you the pilot of this ship?" Marionette asked him.

The male pilot looks at her in confusion. "Huh?! Uh...yeah. I'm Percy. Who are you and how did you-"

"No time to explain, the passengers have been evacuated." Marionette said to the pilot before she sensed more Lancers coming. "We must hurry; more Lancers are coming this way."

Before the pilot could answer, Marionette grabbed him by the arm, and with great speed, they were in the upper deck. There, they saw a flight attendant helping the last passengers inside. The pilot was shocked about the carriage and the bat-winged horses that were pulling it, but what's more shocking is that one of those horses was fighting off the lancers by breathing red fire from its mouth!

"Come on!" Marionette leads Percy to the carriage after the flight attendant enters.

Marionette brought Percy inside the carriage, and quickly closed the door before taking out a Fire Dust Crystal. Concentrating her energy, she gave the Fire Dust Crystal enough boost for it to explode. Dropping it to the ground, Marionette grabs hold onto the side as Chariot got his horses out of the ship just in time when the swarm came. Once they were out of the clear, the Fire Dust Crystal exploded, destroying the ship and the swarm included.

While they were in the clear, Weiss fought off the second swarm that was pursuing the second airship. The Lancers suddenly launched their extendable stingers, hooked on the ship from multiple directions. Leaving the ship trapped and unable to move.

"We're hooked! We're hooked!" The female pilot frantically calls from the communication link, praying to the gods to send help.

And just a nick of time, Weiss activated her glyphs to create multiple ice shards and fired at the Lancers. The ice shards struck the lancers, forcing them to unhook the ship. The horse that Weiss was riding lands on the upper deck, allowing Weiss to get off, and activates a black glyph underneath her to keep her stuck to the ship as she readies her sword in front of her. Focusing her aura, she summoned multiple glyphs and Fire Dust, and fired at the incoming Lancers. Weiss succeeds in eliminating some Lancers. In doing so, Chariot lands the carriage on the upper deck and Marionette gets off.

"Marionette, get the people out of the ship, I'll hold the Grimm off." Weiss orders, firing multiple ice projectiles at the Lancers.

Nodding her head, Marionette rushes below deck to get the passengers to the carriage. Weiss readied more of her Glyphs as more Lancers came, but before they attacked, the two winged-bat horses came and released streams of red fire at the Lancers, incinerating them in the process. Weiss was grateful to them before she focused all her aura in summoning, and brought forth her Arma Gigas.

The Arma Gigas readied his massive sword and made a mighty swing, slashing the Lancers in half. As the Arma and Chariot's horses fought off the Lancers. Marionette, carrying a little boy in her arms, runs up the stairs with the passengers following her. Some were helping an injured Huntress to reach upstairs. Weiss saw this and pointed at the carriage.

"Quickly, inside!" Weiss orders before using her glyphs to create a fireball at an incoming Lancers.

The Carriage's door opens, allowing the passengers to enter to the safe pocket dimension. Marionette ushers everyone to follow quickly, and everyone hurriedly does so. Marionette brought the girl in first, followed by the others. While they were getting inside, a Lancer saw this and attempted to attack, but Marionette reacted quickly. Jumping in front, she transforms one of her arms into a blade, slicing the Lancer in half.

"Everyone, hurry! More will come soon!" Marionette exclaims before fighting off another Lancer.

She didn't have to tell them twice. The passengers quickly got into the carriage, trying to get away from the Grimm. While they got in, something big came flying towards them. A little girl passenger saw this and screamed as she pointed at the sky. They followed her gaze and gasped, seeing a huge and scarier version of the Lancers. The people began to panic at the sight of the huge Grimm.

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"It's a Queen Lancer!" Yelled Weiss in alarm, readying her Myrtenaster at the Queen Lancer.

"We have to evacuate as soon as possible before the Queen Lancer comes." Marionette said to Weiss.

"Wait! The pilot is still inside!" A female flight attendant yelled at the two, hoping they could save the pilot.

Weiss and Marionette looked at each other briefly. "Go, I'll deal with the lancers; get the pilot out of here." Marionette said to Weiss.

Weiss agreed and rushed inside to get the pilot from the co*ckpit, while Marionette and Chariot dealt with the Queen Lancer and her drones. Weiss burst inside the co*ckpit to find the female pilot struggling to keep the ship steady.

"Come on! Everyone's been safely evacuated!" Weiss said to the pilot.

"I can't let go! If I do, then the Grimm will chase after the evacuation ship and we'll crash!"

Weiss needed to think of a plan to get the pilot out and get rid of the Queen Lancer. There was no way they could out maneuver it or fight it head on unless it attacked something else. Just then, Weiss recalled something from Voltaria before they left. Chariot can manipulate any vehicle at will, even in far distance. Meaning, he will drive the ship while they all escape.

"Chariot, can you hear me?"Weiss asked telepathically.

"Loud and clear, Mistress."Chariot responded.

"Can you take control of this ship? I have an idea."Weiss said to him.

"As you wish."

Suddenly, the ship began to move on its own, and the steering wheel was controlled by an invisible force, causing the pilot to look in shock.

"What the? How is this happening?!" The female pilot asked in shock.

The ship easily maneuvered through the islands with no problem. Even if the ship was able to maneuver the islands, it couldn't escape from the Queen Lancer pursuing them. Weiss grabs the pilot's arm and drags her out of the co*ckpit and towards the exit. They ran up the deck to see Marionette waiting for them.

"Mistress! We have to go now!"

"Right!" Weiss agreed, taking the pilot to the carriage.

The ship continues to avoid the attack of the Queen Lancer before swiftly moving a sharp turn, causing the Grimm to crash on an island. Weiss and the female pilot almost lost their footing if it wasn't for Marionette. The Puppet Entity quickly helps them in the carriage before looking over to Chariot.

"Chariot, it is time to leave!" Marionette said to her friend before closing the door.

Chariot understood before raising his hand. A dark red glyph appeared from the ground with symbols of fire. The two horses returned back to him and the reins attached to them. The ship suddenly turns to face the Queen Lancer, and then charges at it with full speed. With a flick of the reins, Chariot got the horses to take off while the ship charged at the Queen Lancer, who was zooming at it. And soon, the dark red glyph started to glow brightly, as the ship and Grimm crashed, followed by a fiery explosion that consumed the rest of the swarm. Luckily, Chariot was able to escape the danger just in time as the fiery explosion killed the swarm of Grimm.

The carriage carrying the passengers flies out of danger. Chariot made sure to take a safer route, it would be long, but safer. While he flew, the people inside were shaken, Weiss and Marionette had to check on them, to see everyone was all right. They looked a bit uncomfortable and nervous since this pocket dimension of a carriage was huge. Marionette was helping Percy tend the injured huntress while Weiss assures everyone that they are safe.

"We're safe now; Chariot is getting us to Mistral as we speak." Weiss assures everyone.

Everyone was relieved to hear this, especially the pilots.

"Thank you for saving us." Said a mother, holding her daughter. "We would've been goners if it wasn't for you all."

Weiss smiles at her, "Don't mention it."

" long will it take to reach Mistral?" Asked a male reptilian Faunus.

Marionette, after helping with the huntress, walked up and stood beside Weiss. "Due to our unexpected circ*mstances, and taking a different route, we will be reaching the City of Mistral in four days."

This news worried everyone, wondering how they could relax here. Seeing their discomfort, Marionette suddenly claps her hands together. Catching everyone's attention.

"Chariot, could you be so kind and please give our guests a comfortable flight?" She asked loudly.

Suddenly, the darkness vanished and was replaced into a beautiful and fancy looking Foyer that resembles a huge castle. Everyone was in utter shock while the children awed in amazement. Marionette made a simple gesture to the two sets of stairs on both sides.

"This way, I will guide you all to your rooms. Those with partners and children may share the same room, but if those who are not comfortable living alone, you may have a roommate."

The people were satisfied to hear this, following Marionette to the stairs. Weiss and the female pilot helped the injured huntress up, and followed the group to their rooms. The hallway was massive and both sides had fancy looking doors. And inside the rooms were beautiful bedrooms, for everyone to enjoy and sleep. The passengers were delighted as they all settled into their rooms. Marionette guides Weiss and the pilot to a room where they can let the huntress rest and patch up.

"There we go," Marionette finished applying fresh bandage on the huntress's head. "This will be enough to make the journey to Mistral, and once we land, we will take the huntress to the hospital."

The pilot smiles at her and Weiss gratefully. "Thank you, I keep saying it, but I mean it." The female pilot said with great gratitude.

Weiss smiles at her. "You're welcome...sorry, I didn't get your name?"

The female pilot smiled, "Zerua. My name is Zerua."

"Well, Zerua, you can rest now, you and the others have been through enough." Weiss said to her kindly.

Zerua chuckles. "You have no idea."

"Do you want to stay here with the Huntress?" Marionette asked Zerua.

Zerua responded with a nod. "Yeah, she was hurt really badly, and someone has to keep an eye on her."

"Very well, I will prepare dinner for everyone; I hope you enjoy a delicious meal." Marionette said to Zerua and Weiss.

"Thanks, Mary." Weiss said, using Marionette's human name.

Marionette dismissed herself and left the room, and Weiss was about to follow her until Zerua said to Weiss that made her stop at the doorway.

"Hey, no matter what people say about your're sure not like him. You're better than him." Zerua said with a kind smile.

Weiss turns to her and smiles back, appreciating her kind words, before bidding her a good day and leaves to meet up with Marionette.

The young hunters, Oscar, and Qrow made it to their destination as they entered the campus grounds of Haven Academy. There were beautiful buildings of Eastern Design. Hedges neatly trimmed and the grounds clean. They stopped in front of the building that leads to the headmaster's office. Ruby smiles and wipes a tear from her eye. Jaune places a hand on her shoulder, and she sighs in relief.

Ruby looks at her friends with a smile. "We made it."

And it's about f*ckin' time!Wraith said into their heads.Come on! Let's go meet the headmaster and get this over with.

Everyone agreed and headed towards the building, but while they did so, both Voltari and Qrow stayed behind. They take a moment to glance around the courtyard. They notice beforehand that something is not right. When they arrived at the academy, the first thing they saw was that the academy was devoid of students or staff.

"You hear that?" Voltaria questions to Qrow.

Qrow nodded his head. "Yeah, it's quiet. Too quiet."

"Something is wrong here." Voltaria said to Qrow, sensing no auras of students nor staff. "This place is deserted, not a single student nor staff member are present. Except one."

Qrow looked at her with wide eyes. "Where?"

She pointed at the building before them, and knew something was up. They quickly catch up to the others, but not before Voltaria sends her entities to search for anyone in the school area. They do so and search with the help of the hybrids, Levistus the Spinosaurus, and Blue the Velociraptor. While the scout, Qrow leads the Young Hunters and Oscar through the hall of the building. Ruby calls out for anyone if they are, but replies, even if she shouted, no one answers.

"Maybe try louder?" Nora suggested to Ruby.

Yang walks beside her sister and looks at Nora. "I don't think it's gonna work."

Ren nodded his head in agreement. "There doesn't seem to be anyone here."

Jaune was getting nervous and worried at the same time. "Well, I guess school isn't really in session right now. Maybe that's it." He said, trying to think positive, but to no avail.

Qrow shook his head. "No, this isn't right." He mutters out.

Just then, Voltaria's entities return back from their patrol with their prehistoric companions. "What did you all find out?"

Not a single human nor Faunus in the school.Regina answered in a serious yet worried tone.

"Are you sure?" Pyrrha asked worriedly

We checked every nook and cranny of this place.Wraith answered in a dead serious tone.There are no students or teachers here.

As if this place was deserted.Tabitha said to the group worriedly.

Qrow was now concerned and quickly hurried ahead. "Come on!" He called out to the teens.

They were surprised but ran after him. "Wait for us!" Ruby calls out her uncle.

They pick up the pace to catch up, and soon, all of them are running to a pair of wooden double doors. Voltaria observed the area around them and saw a desk that was stacked with papers. Showing that no one was around for a while. When they reach the door, Qrow comes to a stop in front of them, draws his sword, and extends the blade.

Qrow informs the group. "Get ready. There could be trouble."

Everyone followed his lead in drawing their weapons. Voltaria took out a huge blade that is twice her size while Oscar took out his staff, and was ready for the attack. Seeing them ready, Qrow brings up his foot and kicks the door open. Just on the other side, Leonardo Lionheart, a Lion Faunus, was standing there, eyes widened in alarm as he threw his hands into the air, letting out a frightened scream.

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Jaune, Ruby, Yang, Pyrrha, Oscar, Evo, AJ, and Nora widened their eyes and screamed as well, while Ren and Wade gave the headmaster confused stares and Voltaria stared at him blankly. Once the screaming ceased, Qrow was standing on one foot with his eyes wide but when he suddenly looked down, he lost his balance, and fell on his back, which everyone, minus Voltaria, winced in sympathy. Shortly after, Lionheart makes a noise and briefly faints, falling on his back. The group saw the situation became calm yet awkward at the same time, letting their weapons down and stare, dumbfounded. Wondering what just happened. Wade helps Qrow up from the floor while Ruby speaks to the headmaster.

"Uh, Professor Lionheart?"

Somehow Lionheart woke up by Ruby's voice, gasping as sits up from his fainting. He then glares at Qrow in annoyance.

"Qrow! For crying out loud, you nearly scared me half to death!"

Qrow glares back at him. "Me? Why weren't you waiting for us at the entrance?" He questions the headmaster.

Lionheart was confused as he pulled a pocket watch from his coat and checked the time. He realizes that he was late to greet them. Sighing, he placed his pocket watch back to his pocket. "Oh, right. Apologies. I guess time slipped away from me." He apologizes to the group.

Qrow, however, gave him a skeptical look. "You're joking..."

"He's not."Voltaria said telepathically to her group, except for Qrow. He's not ready for the whole sending messages into minds.

While Lionheart stands up and the group puts their weapons away, Nora asks a question to the headmaster. "Where is everybody?"

Lionheart looks at them and his attitude changes in a genuine kindness yet something was off, and Voltaria knew it. "Ah, you must be the students Qrow mentioned."

Ruby beamed at this and nodded her head. "Yes, sir." She said enthusiastically, giving a loose salute to the headmaster. "Ruby Rose."

Yang made a peace sign with a grin. "Yang Xiao Long!"

Jaune greeted with a smile. "Jaune Arc."

Pyrrha smiles and waved at Lionheart. "Pyrrha Nikos."

Wade tipped his hat. "Wade Cross."

AJ did a simple curtsy and smiled at him. "Ammolite Jewel."

Evo nodded his head. "Evo Hebi."

Nora did a pose with her arms held stiffly out to the sides. "Nora Valkyrie."

Ren put his arms behind his back and greeted the professor. "Lie Ren."

Oscar made a shy smile. "Oscar Pine."

The headmaster's eyes landed towards Voltaria, who was simply looking at Lionheart, secretly examining him from head to toe, before she greeted him and gave him her fake name.

"Victoria Arc..." Lionheart raises a brow at her as she adds. "I'm Jaune's cousin."

Lionheart was gullible enough to believe so and let out a warm chuckle. "A pleasure to meet you all. Leonardo Lionheart, at your service." He introduces himself. "I'm afraid most of my staff is currently away until classes resume, but..."

Hearing this, Qrow briefly clenches his fists and then leans in toward Lionheart. "What? Leo, you can't be serious. Who's guarding the Relic?"

Lionheart's eyes widened at Qrow's outburst. He quickly glances at the young hunters and Oscar. Like they were not allowed to know, yet they already know about this beforehand thanks to Voltaria.

"Qrow, the children..." Lionheart whispers to the huntsman.

You didn't tell him beforehand that we knew about this, didn't you?Regina questions the drunken huntsman, who he ignored.

"Already know." Qrow said to Lionheart, gesturing to the kids. "I filled them in. What do you mean your staff is away?"

Lionheart did not respond as he stared at Qrow with wide eyes, sinking in the information. "You...filledthem in?"

There was very awkward silence. The once happy atmosphere was filled with confusion, worry, and doubt. As if, Lionheart was not expecting this, nor them. However, Voltaria has a bad feeling about Lionheart. He's hiding something. Before Voltaria could think further, Nora leans over to her and Ruby, and whispers to them a question of insecurity.

"So, is this not going at all like anyone thought it would?"

Voltaria shook her head, knowing that this would be a problem.

Later, the group gathered in Lionheart's office. Nora and Ren were sitting on the sofa while Oscar, AJ and Evo sat on the armchairs. The ones standing were Wade, Ruby, Qrow, Jaune, Pyrrha, and Voltaria. They were all looking towards the headmaster sitting behind his desk. They were talking about the relic that was hidden underneath the school. Yet, Voltaria was skeptical about this. She wasn't even sure that they should trust Lionheart.

"I have to say, Qrow, this all seems very reckless, even for you." Lionheart said towards Qrow.

Qrow frowns at Lionheart. "No, reckless is leaving one of the Relics completely unguarded. It's not checking in with Oz for ages!"

Lionheart lets out a sigh and shakes his head at Qrow. "Thing's on Mistral have been busy, especially what had happened during the Vytal Festival." He explained to Qrow and the others. "Everyone was watching. Every house in every Kingdom saw and listened to the Grimm Girl revealing the truth! Everyone is worried and some are rallying up to defend their homes against Salem!"

Lionheart gets up and walks to a window and looks outside. He watches as the sun sets before him. The group looked at each other with unsureness. Thinking that there was something that he's not telling them.

"Mistral's territory is the widest reaching in the world, you know, and that makes it infinitely harder to protect." Lionheart said with a sigh. "Even with the truth being told, many suspect that the academies and huntsmen could not protect the people. We almost lost so many great Huntsmen, teachers from this very institution almost died because of this. And it's only gotten worse."

This caught everyone's attention, and Ruby was the first one to ask. "What do you mean?"

Lionheart leans on the windowsill and explains to them the reason. "We may have dealt with the Grimm, but the Mistral council's still at odds with the information that the Grimm Girl announced. Now we're closing borders." Lionheart turns and looks at Qrow seriously. "I'm not sure what happened that day, but it seems that it put everyone on edge. And, on top of everything, we still don't know where the Spring Maiden is."

The young hunters glanced at each other nervously. They didn't inform Qrow nor Oscar that they were carrying the Spring Maiden's power in a card, sealing its power until a worthy maiden takes it. But she can't tell them yet, especially towards Lionheart.

Just then, Qrow steps forwards, raising his voice at the headmaster. "All the more reason we need the Huntsmen and Huntresses here!"

Ruby, seeing the situation will go bad, quickly moves closer between the two adults. "Okay! Okay. Things are bad; they're bad." Ruby said, trying to calm the situation. "But we can figure this out. Why is the Spring Maiden so important?"

Ruby and the others knew about this, but they have to pretend to remain skeptical since they can't tell Lionheart everything, not yet at least.

Lionheart looks back at Qrow with a worried expression. "I thought you filled them in?"

Qrow, understood the situation, and played along. "Mostly filled in." He lied before he changed the subject. "Look, there's a lot to cover, okay? I quit teaching for a reason." Qrow proceeded to remove his flask from his shirt and take a drink.

Lionheart went back to his desk and sat back down in his chair. He looked at the group again before explaining about the importance of the maidens. "The four Maidens each have the power to perform feats of magic, and they are the only ones capable of reaching the Relics."

The group knew about this but they need to know more about this information as well.

Qrow continues the explanation. "The Relics are each locked inside a chamber that can only be opened by a specific Maiden. Winter for the gift of Creation, Summer for Destruction, Fall for Choice and Spring for Knowledge." Qrow then takes another swing of his drink before stopping and exhales. "Spring is the problem."

"What happened to her?" Ren asked, even though he knew about this because of Voltaria.

Lionheart looks down on his folded hands. "She was determined, at first, when she inherited her powers, but the weight of responsibility proved to be too much for the child. She...ran." He was hesitant to explain the young girl's situation. "Abandoned her training, everyone. That was over a decade ago. There's no telling where she could be now."

She was not ready.Regina replied towards the group of young hunters and Oscar.She was about the same age as Ruby, that weight of responsibility was too much for her.

"That poor girl."Pyrrha said to them telepathically. "She didn't deserve that burden."

"I agree."Voltaria said before returning to the adults' conversation.

Qrow was hesitant and looked at Lionheart. "I...know. At least...I have a pretty good idea."

Lionheart's eyes widened by his words as he stood up with a hopeful expression. "Are you serious?"

Qrow looks at him with an unreadable expression. "It's not exactly good news."

Lionheart walks around to Qrow from behind his desk. "What are you talking about? This is incredible news!" He then takes Qrow by the shoulders and shakes him. "After all these years! Where?!"

"He sounds desperate."Voltaria thoughts aloud to her friends, which they agree.

"Yeah, like he wants the Spring Maiden now."Wade agrees with Voltaria.

Qrow shoves Lionheart off him. "I did some digging around. Looks like, after Spring ran away, she was picked up by bandits, specifically the Branwen tribe." He informs Lionheart in a dead serious tone.

Lionheart froze as he recognized the tribe, muttering a name that Yang wanted to forget. "Raven."

Ruby and Yang let out a small gasp of surprise.

"My mom?" Yang asked loudly.

Qrow nodded solemnly. "That's right."

Qrow pulls out his Scroll, walking over to and placing it on Lionheart's desk. The hologram monitor on the desk displays a map of Remnant. The map pulls up a zoomed-in section, showing the location.

"That's about where they've set up their main camp. It's where they fall back to after raids and scouting missions. Raven's managed to gain a lot of followers since she returned to the tribe, and I'm sure when the Spring Maiden showed up, it only made things easier."

While Qrow explains to Lionheart about the Spring Maiden's location, he has no idea about the truth. Team JNPR, WAVE, Ruby, and Yang knew about what really happened to the Spring Maiden. They learned from Regina that both Ruby and Voltaria would fused together to become Crimson Rose, but not purposely. They were like sleepwalking and Crimson Rose was in control. She took off a year ago and found the location of the Spring Maiden. Took her down and sealed her power in the card, hoping to find a worthy host for such power. They're thoughts were interrupted when both Qrow and Lionheart had a heated argument. Qrow says they need to get more help and get the Spring Maiden out of here as far as possible, but Lionheart was delaying the inevitable, trying to slow them down. Voltaria narrows her eyes at Lionheart even further. She just figured out what he was hiding.

"Hey, Professor Lionheart." Wade steps between the two arguing adults to stop their banter. "We need to know something, was Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury ever student here in Haven?"

Lionheart stopped for a moment and shook his head. "We pulled their files after the Battle of Beacon. Nothing but lies and forgeries."

"He's lying."Voltaria said to her friends and Oscar. Feeling the aura of Lionheart's aura change a bit, showing that he was lying. "He knew about this and let it slide."

This angered the group, but they remained cool and said nothing, letting the room fall silent again before Qrow spoke up in a sarcastic tone.

"Well, I can't say this has been a warm reunion, Leo."

Lionheart looks down and backs to Qrow. "I'm sorry. I know you've all traveled a long way. But I will do everything I can to help."

"Sure. We'll stay in the city for the time being." Qrow said before taking out his Scroll and waggling it at Lionheart. "Local comms are still up. Keep in touch." He turns away and looks at the others. "Come on, kids."

They all begin to file out of the room. At the rear, Ruby turns around to face Lionheart again.

"It was nice meeting you, Professor."

Lionheart was taking a moment to respond to her, and nodded his head. "Likewise."

After Ruby departs, Lionheart hangs his head, looking stressed. He's hiding something from them, and he cannot let them know. Just as he was about to stand up, a holographic W projects up from his desk, followed by the sound of Arthur Watts' voice.

-Oh, Leo. We have got to work on your improvisational skills.-

However, they were not aware that Voltaria's entities were still in the room, watching the whole thing with glares.


Meanwhile, the group walked back down the academy hallway. Qrow was frowning all the way down, disappointed at the fact that Lionheart won't listen to him. Furthermore, the damn council won't agree on anything because of what had happened on Beacon and the Vytal Festival. Voltaria did the right thing, and if it wasn't for her, the people would have been dead by that day.

"He's lying."Voltaria's voice rang to his head.

"Ah!" Qrow yelled in alarm, still not getting used to her voice in his head.

Mr. Branwen, calm yourself! Otherwise, he'll hear you.Regina said to Qrow in a scolding tone.

"What are you people talking about?" Qrow asked, trying to catch his breath.

"We're talking about that your ally, Lionheart, is lying to all of us."Voltaria said through his head. "He's delaying us for a reason."

"Huh?" Qrow still doesn't get it.

"Everyone, hold on."Voltaria said to them in their heads.


Qrow didn't have time to react to the shadows around them. Sending them to the forest on a mountain. When they arrived, Qrow nearly stumbled off his feet, gasping for air. Oscar was dizzy now, not quite used to the sudden teleportation. Voltaria was no longer wearing her disguise, she was now wearing her regular attire.

"The f*ck just happened?!" Qrow gasped, trying to clear his head.

Relax, Mr. Branwen, the effects will wear off in a short time.Regina said before she and the others manifested and brought back the hybrids, Levistus, and Blue out of the shadows.We have much to discuss.

"Yeah, we can start by the fact that Professor Lionheart is lying to our face!" Wade exclaimed in anger, sitting on a nearby log with AJ comforting him.

"What, what are you talking about? Do you know something that you didn't tell me yet?" Qrow demanded, taking a seat on a rock before taking another swing of his flask.

Voltaria looked at her friends, all taking a seat on the hybrids or logs, giving her nods of approval. Letting out a sigh, Voltaria turned towards Qrow.

"Lionheart is lying to us; he's been the one betraying you and Ozpin." Voltaria answered Qrow.

This information caused Qrow to almost choke on his drink, coughing out loudly by the sudden news. "Wha-what?"

"You heard me." Voltaria said as she told Qrow again about Lionheart. "The headmaster of Mistral has been lying to you, Ozpin, and us about the whole thing. He's working alongside Salem, helping her this whole time."

Qrow's eyes widen as he wipes alcohol off his mouth. "That's...that's impossible..."

"Is it? Like you said before, Lionheart hasn't spoken to Ozpin in some time even before the Battle of Beacon. Furthermore, have you seen how eager he was to find out the Spring Maiden's location? He wanted to get her so badly yet he delayed it. He's been working for Salem this whole time."

Qrow looks at her, trying to process what she is saying. He was feeling denial that maybe she was wrong and maybe she overthinking it. But his denial was replaced by anger when he saw Voltaria bringing her crystal orb named Vision, showing him that Lionheart was talking to the enemy.

"All this time...he was helping the enemy..." Qrow said angrily, clutching his flask, almost breaking it.

Oscar, who watches the whole thing, looks at Voltaria with a worried expression. "So...why did he do it?"

"Simple, he's a coward." Voltaria answered blankly.

"...Well, that explains a lot." Mari said, resting inside of Oscar's pocket.

"We get he's a coward, but why betray Ozpin? Betray the people?" Ruby asked Voltaria.

Voltaria looks at her friend and explains the reason for Lionheart's betrayal. "Most likely he was getting aware that Salem cannot be defeated. Thus, he lost hope towards Ozpin and his group." She explains the reason for Lionheart's betrayal. "His fear blinded his judgment, sacrificing his kingdom for his own life, helping Salem infiltrate from the inside."

"And that's why Cinder and her associates were able to enter the Vytal Festival." Pyrrha spoke in realization. "He was the one that forged their documents."

"And how easily they got past through security." Wade said, finishing the truth of Lionheart's betrayal.

Qrow mutters under his breath. "That son of a..." He sighs as he takes another swing of his flask. "I'm gonna kick his f*cking ass when I see him."

"Don't, otherwise, Salem will find out that we're ahead of her." Voltaria warns Qrow, already seeing the consequences if they confront Lionheart.

Qrow frowns at her. "Okay, it scares me that you predict things before it could even happen."

"Trust me, the feeling's mutual." Voltaria mutters before she continues. "However, they have yet to know the truth."

"What truth? I basically show them the location of the Spring Maiden!" Qrow pointed out to them.

He stops when he notices the young hunters were making sheepish looks while Oscar was confused on what's happening. Clearly, they knew something that he or Oscar doesn't know about.

"What's with those faces?" Qrow asked them suspiciously.

Ruby and Yang glanced at each other and then to Qrow. "Um...Uncle Qrow...the Branwen Clan doesn't have the Spring Maiden anymore." Ruby hesitantly answered her uncle.

Qrow's eyes widened by this. "What?"

"We...actually have it, the power we mean." Yang added with an awkward look.


Voltaria sighed and took out the card that was carrying the Spring Maiden's power. "We've been carrying the Spring Maiden's power within this card. Shielding it from Salem's eyes and reach."

"How?" Qrow asked in shock.

"You know that mysterious woman in the news that saved Shion Village?" Jaune asked Qrow, who nodded his head, "Well...she's actually the one that found the Spring Maiden before you and...may have taken her power and stored it in that card, and left her." He points at the card in Voltaria's hand.

Qrow stress at them before looking between the group and then card, then back to the group. It clearly shows that Qrow was being skeptical and unsure about this.'s possible for them to remove the Maiden's power and store it in there that means...

"Did she..."

"No, the Spring Maiden wasn't killed. In fact, she was spared, like Amber when the Fall Maiden power was extracted out from her." Voltaria said to the huntsman.

This caught Qrow's attention, recalling he saw Amber with a giant fox Grimm that could fly!

"Wait, what happened to Amber? The last time I saw her was at the Battle of Beacon."

"Oh, she's safe, living the life she deserves." Voltaria said, remembering a secret message that Kurama sent to them about Amber having a great life in Mineral Town." Voltaria assured Qrow. "The burden of the Fall Maiden is no longer with her...can't say about the previous Spring Maiden though."

This caught Qrow's attention as he looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

There was silence. The group knew the dark truth of what really happened to the previous Spring Maiden. The fact is, it would be hard to explain it to Qrow and Oscar. But they need to know.

"The previous Spring Maiden was with the Branwen clan." Voltaria spoke solemnly, looking at the ground with an unreadable expression. "But she...she is no longer amongst them."

Her words struck Qrow, as he realizes that the previous Spring Maiden is dead. "What? How?!"

It was then Yang spoke in a sad yet cold tone, saying the name of her mother. "Raven killed her and inherited Spring Maiden power."

Qrow and Oscar's eyes widen in shock at this information. Mari sinks deep within Oscar's pocket, not liking this Raven human person at all. Voltaria explains that Raven killed the previous Spring Maiden because she couldn't handle the pressure of responsibility, and thus was running away from her responsibilities. Raven took her into the tribe and sought to train her to better use her abilities, but found the training to be unproductive as the previous Spring Maiden was too weak to use her powers to their full potential. This realization, along with the reality that the previous Spring Maiden would forever be preyed upon for her powers, prompted Raven to kill her out of"mercy", becoming the new Spring Maiden as a result.

"She...she really killed her?" Oscar asked hesitantly.

The group responded with a nod.

"But how did you even get the Spring Maiden's power from Raven?" Qrow asked them, still shaken from the information about his sister killing the previous Spring Maiden. "It can't be possible."

"I can." Voltaria said, summoning Blood Moon from thin air, shocking Qrow and Oscar. "This is Blood Moon, he's an entity of unknown power. He was the one who removed the Fall Maiden power off Amber and Cinder. The one that took the Spring Maiden's power from Raven was Crimson Rose. I don't know how she did it without Blood Moon, but she can. And we've been hiding those powers ever since."

Qrow stared at her in pure shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. All this time, an opportunity was right here in front of them. They could have learned this sooner if Voltaria wasn't always hunted like a wild animal. No, lives could've been saved if they met her in better circ*mstances.

"All this guys have powers of the two maidens." Qrow said slowly, looking at young hunters. "Why didn't you say anything to Ozpin?"

"It's complicated." Wade said to Qrow.

"Complicated?! You guys are literally carrying two powers of the maidens!"

"That's because V's being hunted by Atlas's military and the Fall Maiden's power already found a host!" Yang yelled at her uncle, stopping him from his mid sentence.

The huntsman was confused, he didn't understand what it meant when Voltaria nodded at the nervous Ruby. The red-hooded girl sighs, looking hesitant, before she closes her eyes and activates some of the Maiden's power. A gust of wind appeared, swirling around the center, gathering up fallen leaves, spinning them around gently. Qrow stared at this with wide eyes. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing. Ruby stopped using her power and the leaves fell back to the ground. She looks over to her uncle with a worried expression.

"H-how?" Was all Qrow could ask.

"It's when we are battling Cinder in the communication tower." Ruby explains to her uncle, patting Ripper's head gently. "She threw me off the tower and...Volty saved me and she was carrying the Fall Maiden power in the card, and chose me to become the next Fall Maiden."

Qrow listens to his niece's words, still in shock at what's happening.

" Crimson Rose appeared." Voltaria added, looking at Qrow.


"She appeared when I saved Ruby after she inherited the Fall Maiden power." Voltaria explains to him and Oscar the best way she can. "We somehow fused together, creating a being that shares two minds as one, and has a power that rivals Salem herself."

"...Crimson Rose." Oscar whispers the name that they mentioned before.

She and the others nodded. "Yes. She appeared and took down Cinder, bringing up those crystals to protect Vale against Grimm, hunting Raven to seize the Spring Maiden power. It's like...she has a mind of her own."

Qrow was lost in words. Couldn't imagine what they have been through. Of course, he dealt the worst, but this...this takes the cake.

"Have know, become Crimson Rose?" Qrow asked almost hesitantly.

Both Ruby and Voltaria shook their heads.

"We tried but...for some reason, we can't summon her." Voltaria explains to Qrow. "It's like...she's waiting for something to happen."

"Like what?" Oscar was the one who asked.

"Not sure, but all we know is, Crimson Rose has a way to appear if me or Ruby are deep sleep." Voltaria answered.

Qrow nodded his head. "I this Crimson Rose or you are able to find the Spring Maiden...those that mean you can locate the other two Maidens?"

"Yes, however, don't worry. For we already have another maiden power." Voltaria said to Qrow.

"Oh, come on! Any other secret that you're still keeping me?" Qrow asked loudly with his arms up in frustration.

Everyone, minus Voltaira, snickered as Voltaria demonstrated to him that she carries the Winter Maiden power, by freezing the ground. Qrow's jaw dropped at the sight while Oscar was fascinated by this. They did not expect this. All this time, the Winter Maiden was in Vale this whole freaking time!?

"To answer your question, yes. I am the Winter Maiden." Voltaria answers to Qrow casually. "But as for the Summer Maiden, we have yet to find her."

Qrow looks at her in confusion. "What do you mean? You don't know where she is?"

"Apparently, she's good at hiding herself." Ren said to Qrow, "Voltaria can't seem to find her exact location as if she hid herself from the world."

"That can't be possible...can it?" Qrow was still getting used to the information that was given to him.

It's possible, unless her Semblance allows her to vanish.Regina said to him.But for now, we must keep this secret to ourselves, so until then, play along and get Lionheart to lower his guard.

"Yeah, but we still need more huntsmen." Qrow said, taking another swing of his drink.

"Oh, we do." Wade said, grinning at the confused Qrow. "V's entities did a little more diggin' and found out that some of the students of Haven are hanging out at the Uta Estate."

"The rich ninja estate?" Qrow asked in surprise. "Why are they there?"

"They were assigned to train with the best fighters of the Uta Clan." AJ was the next to explain to him.

"We can ask for their help but we have to keep it a secret from Lionheart." Evo said.

"Agreed, he can't be trusted." Pyrrha said, looking at the group with a serious face.

"We also need more intel on what's coming for us." Yang said to the group.

We'll search for more, but you should return back, we don't want Lionheart to be suspicious.Tabitha suggested.

Everyone agrees and is ready to head back to the house they are staying in. Voltaria returns to her disguise as Jaune's cousin, so no one can suspect her as the Grimm Girl. But as they traveled, Qrow asked Voltaria about Summer Maiden.

"So, any idea why the Summer Maiden was able to hide herself?"

"Not sure, but all I know is that she's smart. She can hide trails and her maiden power." Voltaria answers to him. "I believe the Summer Maiden has fully mastered the power. Able to hide herself from anyone, including Salem."

"Huh, she's smart." Qrow commented.

"Yes." Voltaria responded, looking up to the clouds. "Very smart indeed."

On the western end of the continent of Sanus, lies vast desert. There, in a certain area of the desert was a dig site. Some humans and Faunus are searching through the ground, dusting off sands and dirt, showing a hidden fossil. A complete skeletal structure of a Tyrannosaurus rex, a rare find. Overseeing the whole exhibition was Dr. Patrick Port, an archeologist/paleontologist enthusiast, smiling proudly at the dig site.

"What a glorious day!" Patrick chuckles loudly. "Finding a perfect fossilized skeletal structure of Tyrannosaurus rex was a great find! Don't you agree, Dr. Kalokaíri?"

The person he was speaking to was a tall slender woman with warm brown skin, golden hair (tied into a bun), and golden eyes.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (184)

She was examining a skull of what appears to be of a stegosaurus. She was helping a young Faunus dog girl (who has a golden retriever ears and tail) on how to properly brush-off the dust off the bone.

The woman he was talking to is a famous researcher, doctor, huntress, explorer, Archaeologist, and paleontologist, Dr. Aletheia Kalokaíri. She is known to travel around the world of Remnant. She goes beyond the boundaries, searching for lost artifacts and fossils along her travels. She is also the owner of the Kalokaíri's fortune, a vast fortune that seems to be endless. She uses her fortune to help many people, mostly Faunus, to have the proper education that they deserve. They all adore and respect her for this opportunity, allowing them to get good jobs or work at her estate. Many of the graduated students worked for her archeological dig sittings, to find lost civilization or settlements as well as digging for bones.

Many elites would do anything to have Aletheia in their business, for she has many influences and profits that anyone could imagine. However, she doesn't take anybody to be part of her group. The only groups allowed with her are the Yù Family, the Ebi Family, and the Jewel Family. That four-business group can even outmatch Schnee Dust Company. Jacques tried to be part of their group, but they know his past crimes and they will never work alongside him.

"Indeed, Dr. Port, we can transport this beauty to the Mistral Museum very soon." She said to the dinosaur enthusiast before turning back to her student. "Now, Alissa, you have to do this slowly. Just take a little bit at a time." She instructed, using a small brush to dust off the dirt off the skull's head.

"I can never tell what's rock and what's bone." Alissa confessed sheepishly.

"Technically, it's all rock. The calcium in the bones is replaced during fossilization. But you can feel the difference. See? If it's rough then it is fossil but if it's smooth it's a rock. Understood?"

Alissa smiled and nodded her head. "Yes, Dr. Kalokaíri."

Soon, two young males, a human with fair skin, red hair and green eyes, and a reptile Faunus with a trail, green hair and yellow eyes came over to them.

"Hello, Reed, Adder." Aletheia greeted them kindly.

"Dr. Kalokaíri, glad we found you!" Said the human male named Reed.

"What is it?"

"We have something to show you!" The reptile Faunus, Adder, said with a grin.

Aletheia nodded and told the girl to continue as she followed the two males towards the area where the tents are. They enter one of the tents, which only has two walls. On a dust-taped table, is an advanced looking machine that is feeding data into what appears to be a futuristic 3D printer.

"The package came!" Reed said excitingly, showing Aletheia the machine.

Adder nodded his head and said. "Meet the future of paleontology! The rapid prototype!"

Aletheia nodded head and looked at the machine. "Yes, this allows us to scan data from the skulls of the skull. The computer breaks it down into thousands of slices. Sculpting the missing parts one layer at a time."

The machine made a bell sound before the two eager students opened the box, revealing a small bone white object the size of a person's fist, and looked like a combination of a flute and whistle.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (185)

"We give you the resonating chamber of a Velociraptor!" Reed announced proudly as his friend took it out from the machine.

"Listen to this." Adder puts it to his lips and blows through it like a conch shell.

The resulting sound is unique and piercing, the cry of a non-existent animal.

Aletheia listens to the haunting sound. She was speechless with excitement and awe. Resonating chamber of a Velociraptor produces different sounds and variations whenever Adder uses it.

"Incredible." Aletheia said with a smile. "Excellent job, you two." She commented, earning a sheepish grin and blush from the two boys. "With this, we might be able to understand how the raptors communicate, and who knows. Maybe it can be useful if we encounter two strange dinosaurs."

This brightened both Reed and Adder. "Really?" They asked in unison.

"Since one dinosaur is raptor-like, it is possible for us to try and communicate, but we must know which calls are correct. We don't want to cause an aggression towards it." Aletheia explains and the boys understood.

Aletheia excuses herself, as she needed to go to her tent to call the Museum in Mistral. After telling them to keep up the good work, Aletheia retreated to her tent, where she can make contact with the museum. The sound of the museum curator's happy tone indicates that it would make a perfect addiction to the museum. After ending the call, Aletheia resumed to another work. She took out a cylinder from her bag. She opens the cylinder, bringing out an old scroll. She unfolds it on her desk to reveal ancient words that no one could understand or use. Except her and some individuals.

Within the scroll are drawings. There's drawings of battles of old, two gods, and a woman warrior battling a demonic woman. Aletheia narrows her eyes, reading the ancient words. This scroll holds information about a prophecy. A prophecy of a great battle.

Aletheia stops reading and stares off a distance.

"Is there something that you need, old friend?" She asked casually.

When she turned around, she saw a hooded-cloak man standing on her closed entrance of tent. It was Shadow Dusk. He was staring at her calmly as she crossed her arms.

"Dr. Kalokaíri, the Kingdom of Tenebris wishes for your aid." Shadow said to her calmly.


Additional Fact:

AletheiaGreek name of a spirit of truth, truthfulness, and sincerity.Kalokaíriis the Greek word for Summer (see what I did there?) And her voice actress isCaroline Chikezie(Who played Nichole Sykes from a TV series called The Passage).

Chapter 31: Recruiting


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

While Lionheart was busy doing his usual business, the students of Beacon and Qrow went to the Uta Estate, where the Uta Clan are trained in ninja arts. The estate was massive. There were many houses, a huge temple, Karesansui garden, and training ground. The group stood in front of a Torii that has the Uta Clan's Symbol on top.

Wade lets out a long whistle. "Talk about private property." He mutters out, lifting the tip of his hat to get a better view.

"How rich are the Uta Clan?" Nora asked the group.

The Uta Clan are considered to be the most powerful clan here in Mistral.Regina explains to the group.They were the stronghold during the Great War or any Grimm attacks. The clan was honorable and brave, earning great respect from the people.

"And with them on our side, we can turn the tides against this invasion." Ruby said with determination. "We just hope they can be on our side."

"That won't be a problem, Ruby." Voltaria said to her. "For we're in the good grace of the Uta Clan's heiress."

"You mean Uri?" AJ asked Voltaria.

"Yeah, we have a good acquaintance with her and her team." Voltaria said before her expression became dreadful. "Aannndd...we know one that will accept us besides Uri."

"Who?" Qrow asked.

~Moments Later~

"Grimmy! It's good to see you again, darling!" Sirena Constantine exclaims happily, smothering Voltaria in her hug.

Before they entered the estate, they had to get past the guards. At first, they didn't allow them, but the group was able to contact Team MUSE about their situation. However, the only one who has one of their contacts was Voltaria since Sirena wrote her number in Voltaria's scroll. So, to have the audience with the Head of the Uta Clan (Uta Satori, who is Uri's grandfather), Voltaria had to return into her original attire to get Sirena attention, which it worked and the Diva was crushing Voltaria to death from a hug that Sirena was giving her.

"Hello to you too, Sirena." Voltaria greeted her blankly, feeling her bones breaking.

"Oh~, darling! It's been almost a year since the last time we saw each other!" Sirena said, holding Voltaria in her arms.

They were inside a dojo where they will meet the head of the Uta Clan. They were lucky that Team MUSE's diva, Sirena, was close to Voltaria. And they happily help them to speak with their leader.

"So, where have you been all this time?" Melodia Bluebird asked the group.

"Yeah, the last time we saw you all was in the hospital." Ekko said to them.

"It's a long story." Yang said to them.

"You can tell everything soon after talking with my grandfather." Uri said before hearing a loud gong, signaling the arrival of the Head of the Clan. "Speaking of which..."

They turned towards the shoji door as its slides opened, revealing a robust elderly man, with a katana strapped to his side. He wears a gold/silver hakam with a black kamishimo. Behind him were two loyal guards, following the master to a platform. They sat on their knees under the cushions.

The others followed suit, sitting on their knees, while looking at the Head of the Uta Clan.

"My granddaughter told me you came here with urgent news?" Satori questions them calmly.

Voltaria nodded her head. "Yes, Grandmaster, as you know, Vale was under siege by a massive Grimm invasion."

Satori nodded his head. "I am aware of the attack. After all, we all saw it and we learned about the people who orchestrated it."

"Yes, but they are not done." Voltaria said to him. "There will be another attack, and this time, it will be on Mistral."

" our dear city will be the next target, correct?"

"Yes, they will attempt to destroy the academy and the people." Voltaria responded.

Satori was silent, eyes closing briefly, as he let out a long exhale. "I knew this day would come, but I never knew it would be now."

This surprised everyone, especially Voltaria.

"Wait, you knew?" Jaune asked the grandmaster.

"I was suspicious considering why the defenses in Mistral are low and learning that numerous Huntsmen and Huntresses are disappearing from their missions." Satori explained the situation. "We did not think much, but one of my spies found a survivor and brought her here in secret. And that's when we learned that the hunters are being hunted."

"Wait, what?" Qrow suddenly got up from his spot and looked at Satori in shock. "Numerous huntsmen? Like Shiro Wan, Griffin Blanka, Boyd Raine, Amethyst Kreiss..."

"Yes, all hunted and killed by unknown assailants." Satori answered Qrow grimly. "Our sources believed that there is a mole amongst the council, giving out the location and information of the huntsmen."

The Students of Mistral and Qrow lowered their heads and realized that Lionheart must've given the information to Salem. Qrow clenches his fists in anger, for Lionheart betrayed them by selling off the Mistral Huntsmen, leaving the city defenseless.

"Lionheart..." Jaune suddenly whispers out, his eyes widened in horror while he was adjusting to this information. "He's doing this..."

Voltaria looks at Satori. "Did you know what Lionheart did?"

"We had suspicion towards the headmaster, but we didn't have any proof that would lead him to the crimes."

"And you can't confront him because he is part of the council." AJ said, recalling that every Headmasters in the academies are council members.

"Yes, that is why we lay low, keeping our security tight for any assassination attempts in our clan." Satori explained the reason.

Wade scoffed. "Tsk, that lying coward, using his status to not only give out the location of Mistral's huntsmen, but also using it to save his own damn skin!"

"A coward indeed." Satori said in anger. "Betraying his kingdom and the people for his pathetic life. Such cowardness shall not be forgiven."

"I'm with you on this one." Qrow said, clutching his hands into fist in anger. "I knew those hunters and huntresses, they were killed in vain, betrayed by that lying scumbag!"

"As much as I want to face that coward, we cannot risk ourselves from being exposed." Satori said calmly. "My clan cannot risk being falsely blamed for the attack of the headmaster."

"Agreed, we can't let Salem have another opportunity on her hands." Voltaria said to the group.

"I take it you have a plan?" Satori asked Voltaria.

Voltaria nodded her head. "For now, we stay low, keeping a close eye on Lionheart." Voltaria explains the situation. "He's planning to ambush us in the school with back up."

"And we'll be ready." Ruby said in determination.

"So are we." Satori said in a strong tone. "My clan shall stand by your side, no matter what. To protect our city from the threat that will come, and bring that cowardly lion to justice."

With everything in motion, the group was ready for anything.

"Oh, um...Grandmaster Satori?" Ruby asked, earning a nod of approval from the leader. "You found a survivor, right? What's her name and does she know who attacked her?"

"Her name is Heather Shield. She has a husband and daughter. Our spies found her in the forest when she was returning from a mission. She was heavily wounded, but we brought her back to our clan just in time in secret. We treated her wounds and before she passed out, she told us who attacked her."

"Who did?" Ren asked.

"It's actuallythem. They are from the Terminus Group."

Qrow gasped at this while Voltaria stayed silent, recognizing that group.

"What's the Terminus Group?" Nora asked in confusion.

"The Terminus Group are rogue mercenaries, huntsmen, huntresses, and soldiers." Qrow explains who they are dealing with. "They're a combat unit that operated outside the normal chain of command in the Huntsmen community. Haven't been caught by Atlas Military nor any police force for years."

"They're that good?" Wade asked the pro huntsman.

"Oh, yeah, their leader, Ivan Makarov, a total jackass. He's a rogue Mercenary Commander leader of the Terminus Group. And their base of operation is unknown."

"I heard of them from my uncle." Wade said, recalling the tale from his uncle. "The Terminus Group was so deadly, that they almost had every huntsman on their knees but soon...they started to diminish."

"Diminish?" Pyrrha asked in confusion. "What caused their downfall?"

Voltaria sighs and looks at her friends with an unreadable expression. "Let's just say...I may have been the cause of their group to lose members."

This caught everyone's attention. They always knew that Voltaria had many enemies during her life on the run, but they never expected her to make enemies with a dangerous group of mercenaries.

"I take it the group doesn't like you, Grimmy?" Sirena asked Voltaria, sitting next to her.

Voltaria shrugs her shoulders. "More or less, their leader has a vendetta and grudge against me for years."

Her friends became concerned and worried for Voltaria. Whatever Voltaria did to anger the leader must have been personal.

"What did you do to piss off the head honcho?" Qrow asked her.

Voltaria sighs. Her friends have the right to know. And she can't hide it forever.

"Because...a long time ago, before I enrolled into Beacon, Makarov sent a squadron to hunt me down since I had a bounty on my head."

"Ah, I remember that." Satori spoke up, recalling the news article that came years ago. "The Grimm Girl taking out a squadron of the Terminus Group. It was the biggest headline ever known as she demolished them."

"I didn't have a choice. I didn't like the idea of being captured, so I did what I had to do to survive. But the price was me having another enemy, for my action caused Makarov to grow resentment towards me over years." Voltaria said, her mask covering her face, feeling the hatred that Makarov has for her.

"Wha...what did you do?" Jaune dared to ask.

Voltaria took a deep breath and sigh, clutching her pants tightly, as she gave them her answer.

"I murdered Makarov's daughter."

Her words shocked her friends. They couldn't believe what they had heard. Yes she killed people before, but they were bounty hunters and mercenaries that wanted to sell her off for money, and she was just defending herself. Voltaria explains to them that when she was just seven years old, she encountered Yulia Makarov and her squad that were assigned to capture her, and if she resisted, she would die in their hands. However, they underestimated Voltaria, she may be young, but she was trained by Kurama and her entities. Moreover, she wasn't alone. Voltaria uses her ability to call out Grimm from underground, forcing Yulia and her squad to fight them off, but to no avail. Kurama was with her and fought the mercenaries off, one by one. The squad was overrun by Grimm, and some tried to escape. However, Voltaria did not spare any of them as she blew up a nearby mountain, causing a huge rockslide to crush Yulia and her squad, killing them in the process.

With the death of his daughter by the hands of Voltaria, Makarov swore revenge, vowing to kill Voltaria and avenge his daughter. But he always fails many times. And yet, he will not stop until he kills her.

"If Makarov is working alongside Salem, that means he's helping her kill off the hunters in Mistral." Qrow said in realization.

"If so, I'm surprised they didn't attack the Uta Clan." AJ said in shock.

"That's because they cannot face the clan of well-trained ninjas." Satori said in a strong tone. "They attempted before, trying to attack one of my people when they were on a mission, but to no avail."

"Still, we can't have our guard down." Ruby said in a serious tone. "Lionheart is probably keeping an eye and telling Salem about this."

"But he'll suspect that you all are here." Uri said to them.

"Not quite." Voltaria said before showing them her scroll, revealing their lodging and themselves, resting. "We left behind a fake trail of ourselves there. Making Lionheart believe that were in the house."

Sirena smirks in amusem*nt. "Well played, Grimmy."

Satori nodded in agreement. "Indeed, making your opponent think they have the upper advantage is well planned.

"I have my ways." Voltaria said before deactivating her scroll. "We hope that you will assist us in our time of need."

"You and your friends save Vale, it will be our greatest honor to assist you in saving Mistral as well." Satori said with a simple bow, which Voltaria and her friends returned.

"By the way, Grandmaster Satori?" Ruby asked respectfully. "How's Heather Shield?"

"She's doing well, Ms. Rose. Recovering slowly from the attack." Satori assures the group. "Our healers made sure she got the best treatment. Although..."

Everyone looked at the grandmaster, showing looks of concern.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to her?" Pyrrha asked worriedly.

Satori shook his head. "No, she's fine, it is just before she passed out, she was muttering about four hooded figures saving her, and that there Grimm nearby."

Voltaria glanced at Oscar, who froze from his spot. The others don't know that she and Oscar encounter people like Voltaria, calling themselves Grimm Riders. Of course, they didn't tell the others yet. Voltaria was skeptical about them. She has yet to trust those Grimm Riders, even if they were like her. But if they saved the huntress from the Terminus Group, that means they can help them fight the odds against the attack.

Thanking the leader of the Uta clan, they went back to their lodging. There, the doppelgangers of them, puppets that they used when they saved Amber, and keep a low profile. Voltaria's entities make sure that there are no bugs in their room.

"Any words about Lionheart?" Qrow asked Voltaria, who was sitting close to the window bench.

The Grimm Girl shook her head at Qrow, not taking her eyes off setting sun. "None so far, although Tabitha is at Lionheart's office. He's talking with one of Salem's subordinates."

"That bastard is going to pay." Qrow mutters coldly. He still can't believe that Lionheart betrayed them due to his cowardness. Before Qrow could ask more details, he noticed how quiet Voltaria was. "...You okay? You're acting all...quieter than usual."


"What is?" Ruby asked, coming over to her with the others.

Voltaria isn't sure if she should tell them about their encounter with the Grimm Riders. She has yet to fully understand her situation. However, she can't hide any secrets from her friends, not anymore. Furthermore, the Grimm Riders did not show any malice. In fact, they saved Heather Shield from death. At least maybe they can help them. Her entities agreed that it was best to let them know.

"When me and Oscar were scouting, we stumbled upon the lair of the Nuckelavee, we encountered some strangers..."

"Strangers? What kind of strangers?" Wade asked worriedly.

"They're not bad, per say. They're just...they're just..." Voltaria was trying to find the right words to say to them.

"They're what?" Jaune asked, feeling nervous about her words.

"...They're like me...they can control Grimm." Voltaria finally answers them.

Her words shocked everyone. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. There are others like Voltaria? They always assumed that Voltaria was the only one who could control Grimm. Guess they were wrong. Voltaria explains to them that these people called themselves Grimm Riders, people that are capable of controlling Grimm. And what's scary is that they know a lot about her and her mother. And that they were sent by her grandmother.

"Woah, a grandmother?" Wade asked in disbelief. "I didn't know you had a grandma."

"Yeah, we always thought Panny was an orphan." Nora said, recalling that time that she and Ren were living with Pandora, and they never even once heard her say anything about her family.

"Apparently, my mother kept it a secret. She is a Grimm Rider, part of them, and waiting for the right moment to tell me until I was ready to learn the truth. But the truth is...I'm confused." Voltaria said, looking back at the setting sun.

"So...what's their deal?" Yang asked, worried about Voltaria's feelings, recalling how fragile she was when they were in her dream realm.

"They...they wanted to take me back..."

Ruby forwards her brows. "Back where?"


"Home? Back Mineral Town?" Nora asked.

Voltaria shook her head and looked at the group seriously. "No, not there, but a hidden place. They said...that there are others like me...who can tame Grimm."

"Wait, are you saying that there's a hidden kingdom on Remnant that we don't know about?" Wade asked in shock.

"I believe so, I don't know what it is called, but the leader gave me this." Voltaria shows them a white gemstone from her pocket, "He said that if I'm ready or need assistance, I just have to contact them through here."

The group huddled to get a better look of the item. "That thing will allow you to contact those Grimm Riders?" Qrow asked her.

"Yes, and then saving Heather Shield was no coincidence." Voltaria said in a serious tone. "They even knew about Salem and called her 'the False Goddess'."

Now that shocked everyone, especially Qrow. "They know about Salem?" Jaune asked in surprise.

Apparently so, young Arc.Regina said to them, appearing out of the shadows with the others.They also show great disliking towards her, as if she was their enemy.

"Because she is the enemy." Nora added.

Moreover, they wish to help Voltaria in her mission.Regin explained to them.

"Hmm...kinda suspicious if you ask me." Wade said to the group. "Why are they now showing up?"

"They thought I was dead with my mother." Voltaria said to them. "My grandmother learned about my existence from news articles in Remnant. That's why she sent people to retrieve me, to take me home, where my mother was actually born."

There was silence from the group. They could tell that Voltaria was still uneasy by the fact that there are people like here that can communicate with the Grimm. Voltaria was having doubts if they were willing to help them, or if it was some trick. They knew the risk as well, fearing that these Grimm Riders would back stabbed them. However, they needed all the help they could get.

"V, I know it's wrong, maybe it's best that you keep that gem just in case." Wade said to Voltaria.

Voltaria looks at him and the others. "You sure?"

"I agree with Wade. We're outnumbered if Salem has the Terminus Group on her side, chances against them will be slim." Ruby said to Voltaria. "Just give them a chance. After all, they were sent by your grandmother."

That we have yet to know about.Wraith mutters in their minds.

Voltaria thinks for a while as she looks at the gem in her hand. Her mysterious grandmother sent those people to bring her home, and they were willing to give her time to think as well as offering her assistance. Even though she never met her grandmother, she felt something inside of her that she should trust her and those Grimm Riders. Even if they have Levistus, Amaryllis, Ripper, Blue, and Ultima, along with the Uta Clan, they still need back up, just in case the Creatures of Grimm breaches the city.

"I'll keep this close, I'll contact them soon if things go south." Voltaria said.

"Sooner than later if you ask me." Qrow said to Voltaria. "If we're dealing with those lethal mercenary groups and Salem's faction, and both are working together, we need all the help we could get."

Everyone agrees with this idea. For they need all the help they could get.

Unaware that someone will be the one assisting them.

"Dr. Kalokaíri, we're reaching to Mistral as we speak." Said a female flight attendant.

Aletheia smiles, sitting on the window seat of her private transport jet. She was heading to Mistral to display the fossil of a complete skeletal structure of a T-Rex with her crew.

Aletheia smiles at the flight attendant kindly. "Thank you."

The flight attendant returns the smile before checking with the other passengers. Once she was gone, Aletheia took out her pocket watch and opened it to see the time but also looked at a picture on the other side. Revealing her younger self, hugging a girl that resembles Volatria, but with only black hair and white streaks. It is revealed to be Voltaria's mother, Pandora. Indication that both she and Aletheia were once friends.

Aletheia smiles at the picture gently. Having fond memories that she shared when they were both young.

"Do not worry, Pandora. I will watch over you daughter." Aletheia said silently before looking at the setting sun from her window.


Uta Satori's voice actor is George Takei.

Chapter 32: To Be Grimm or Not To Be Grimm

Chapter Text

Voltaria (wearing her Victoria Arc persona) was walking through the markets of Mistral with her friend and Qrow. They were buying some items and food for dinner that they were going to cook. Ruby was looking around the weapon vendor stand to admire the weapons. Nora was getting free samples of food, which Jaune and Ren had to drag her away when she was attempting to steal the said free samples. Tabitha was spying on Lionheart if he tried anything to betray them. But all in all, everything was peaceful.

"Hey, did you hear?" Asked one of the vendors that were selling fruits to his friend, who was selling drinks. "Atlas is sending a bounty for the Grimm Girl."

Voltaria stops from her tracks, secretly glancing towards the two chatting men. Listening to their conversation about Atlas.

"Yeah, they're really putting a huge bounty on her." Said the Drink Vender. "I thought after helping catch the culprits they would give her some credit."

The fruit vendor nodded his head. "Mm-hm, I still remember how she found those missing girls? It was still a shocker to learn that they were being held captive on some island. And being used as some sort of test subject of some kind."

While the two men chatted, Voltaria was lost in thoughts at their words. That incident has yet left her mind. For it still plagues her till this day.

"Hey, are you okay?" Oscar asked, coming over to her with bags of grocery.

Voltaria glanced at the worried Oscar and gave a nod. "Kind of...we should head back."

Voltaria walks away from the chatting vendors with Oscar following her. The young farmer was curious about what Voltaria was thinking about. She became very quiet when the vendors were talking about some missing girls.

"You're probably wondering what those vendors were talking about?"Voltaria questions him through his mind.

Oscar flinched, startled by her voice. He's still not used to her voice in his head. He looks at her with a nervous expression. "H-how did you-"

"I could hear your loud thoughts. You should really think quietly."She said telepathically, making Oscar blush in embarrassment.

"You should really stop thinking so loudly, Oscar."Mari said through his mind.

"Mari..." Oscar mutters out with a sigh. "Sorry, I just...well...want to get to know you...that's all."

Voltaria looked at him blankly for a few seconds before turning away with a sigh. "Truth be told, the missing girls were actually kidnapped by someone that was messing the security network at the Emerald Forest."Voltaria explains to Oscar.

"Wh-who was doing it?"Oscar asked through his mind, still getting used to this.

"The culprit used to be part of this old company called Merlot Industries."Voltaria explains to Oscar.

"I...I never heard of that company before."Oscar said while scratching his head.

"That's because the company was made before we were even born. It was a research and development corporation, but it was crippled by the collapse of Mountain Glenn, where it lost its primary facility and chief staff members. They were unable to recover from that incident and eventually shut down."

"O-Oh...but why kidnapped young girls?"

"Let's just say...the mad scientist was trying to create a new wave of evolution, but he was missing a key ingredient for his plan."

"...And that is?"


*Flashback before Vytal Festival*

Team WAVE, RWBY, Zwei, and JNPR were standing on a platform with a Bullhead aircraft in front of them. They accept a mission in search and perimeter defense. With them was Glynda Goodwitch. She explains to them that there was an issue with the Security Network at the Emerald Forest. Their mission was to restore the network and destroy any Grimm that came in their way. And that they should be careful when venturing to the deeper parts of the Emerald Forest. While they're there, Professor Peter Port will keep tabs on them as well as guiding them through their Scrolls as he has the map of the area.

"Remember, students, this mission is not like any other." Glynda said towards the group. "There's been reports of recent Grimm activities near the security networks at the Emerald Forest. We need to investigate, secure the network, and eradicate any Grimm as possible, understood?"

"Yes, Professor Goodwitch." Everyone said unison.

Glynda glances at Voltaria, who looks at her under her mask. "Ms. Eclipse, are your entities ready?"She asked telepathically.

We are ready for your signal, Professor Goodwitch.Regina said respectfully.

We'll keep an eye on the kids.Wraith spoke next.

Glynda nodded and turned to the Bullhead. "Now, let's move."

The group got into the airship as it took off to Emerald Forest. There, they watched the airship passing above the trees. Heading towards their certain destination. As the aircraft flew above the trees, Amaryllis the Indominus Rex and Ripper the Indoraptor were following it beneath the shadows, sensing the packmates were inside the aircraft. Once it dropped them off and took off, the hybrids came out from the undergrowth and greeted their packmates happily.

"D'aaww! It's good to see you too, Rippy." Ruby said with a smile, hugging Ripper's head.

Zwei barks happily and jumps on Ripper's head, earning a gentle warble from the Indoraptor.

"Since we're all here, we need to find the security control center, it allows us to find the source of the problem." Glynda said to the group.

They nodded and followed Glynda through the forest. They carefully made their way through some landscape while fighting off some Grimm, with the help of Voltaria's entities and the hybrids. After taking down a pack of Grimm, they stumble upon some ruins that once belonged to a kingdom.

"Who do you think built these?" Blake asked, looking at the broken pillar.

"I'm not entirely sure, the Emerald Forest is filled with ruins of ancient kingdoms." Glynda said to the students. "Even Ozpin has yet to tell me about the kingdoms that were once here at the age of magic."

"I bet Regina knows about this place." Ruby said with a smile.

Indeed,Regina responded kindly.

"Do you know the name of this kingdom?" AJ asked Regina.

Of course, this was once the Kingdom of Briareus.Regina answered them, who were looking at the ruins of the kingdom with curious expressions.The Kingdom of Briareus was strong and powerful, known for its vast army and fighters. It was once ruled by the last king that goes by the name Barret Gerald Montagne the III. He ruled Briareus with an iron fist, commanding his army, bringing fear to the people, and has five wives.

"Hold up!" Weiss stops Regina from speaking. "Are you saying that a tyrant has five wives?"

Oh, yes, five wives who gave birth to him ten sons and six daughters.Regina answered.And it was a blessing to him to have ten sons, for he believed that only a male could rule his kingdom. While he sold his daughters for marriage purposes.

"Some dad he turned out to be." Yang mutters blankly, feeling sorry for those girls that were forced into marriage.

"Guess he doesn't have to worry about having male heirs." Wade mutters sarcastically.

Indeed, however, even though he has male heirs, he finds them not worthy to rule his kingdom.

"Great, a tyrannical and obsessive ruler that wants a stronger son and doesn't care for his daughters." Weiss said sarcastically, thinking that the king's personality is like her father.

You have no idea. He even thought of getting another wife but this time, his sixth wife would be a goddess.

The record scratch could be heard from the background as the students, minus Voltaria, and Glynda stared at Regina with wide and shocked eyes. As if they couldn't believe what they were hearing. They couldn't believe that there was a king that wishes to marry a goddess.

"Did...did I hear you right?" Jaune asked hesitantly. "You said that King Barret wants to marry a goddess?"

It's true, Jaune. King Barret wishes to marry a goddess, but not just any goddess, the goddess of the night.

"Wait, isn't she the one that is friends with the God of Light and the God of Darkness?" Blake questions out, hiking up a rock with the others.

That is correct, Blake. King Barret believes that having the Goddess of the Night to be his sixth wife, will give him a child that is half human and half god.

"A demigod child." Glynda spoke, walking alongside Voltaria.

"Why would he want a demigod?" Ren asked, following them from behind while Nora rode on Ripper.

King Barret believed that his generation would be strong if they had the blood of a god. And the goddess, Lunaria, is known to have the great power of the stars, and rumors to predict the future. And he believes that if he has a child with the goddess, his child and his next of kin will have that ability to see the future...

"There's a big but in the end, isn't there?" Yang asked her.

Oh, yes, even though he was determined, King Barret had no idea that he had angered the God of Darkness. He heard his plan and what he will do to his friend. So, he disguises himself as an old traveler, tricking King Barret to tell him his reason for why he wishes to make Lunaria his sixth wife.

"Let me guess, he spilled the beans?" Wade asked, hands behind his head as he walked besides his girlfriend.

Every word that came from his fowl mouth was the truth. He bragged on how he will capture the goddess and make her give him children. And that was enough to anger the God of Darkness. He revealed his true self and King Barret was on his knees, begging for mercy and forgiveness, trying to tell him that it was all a misunderstanding.

"Misunderstanding!? That idiot king tried to make a goddess to be his sixth wife!" Weiss points out with arms forward.

Yeah, well, that coward just entered a lion's den without even thinking about the consequences.Wraith said, recalling the story from Regina long ago.

Wraith is correct, King Barret was too late to realize his mistakes as he angered the God of Darkness. The God cursed King Barret that he will never see the moon, the sun, sky, nor the stars, for he shall live only to see darkness. And he was cast to the deepest darkest abyss and his kingdom was destroyed by Grimm. The once great Kingdom of Briareus was now fallen by the arrogance and pride of their last king.

"Damn, no wonder this place was a wreck." Wade said, looking at the ruins. "That king of theirs ruined it all."

"Agreed." Evo agrees with his leader.

"So...what happened to the people? His sons?" Pyrrha asked, curious about what had happened to King Barret's people and sons.

From what I recall in my past life, there were survivors and three of his youngest sons were able to escape the onslaught. Unlike their older half-brothers, who relied on strength and fear, they were diplomats and kindhearted leaders to build a safe village for the people to live.Regina explains to them.

"At least three of his sons did the right thing." Glynda said to the group.

"Here! Here!" Nora whooped while riding on Ripper who has Zwei resting on his head.

The group continued venturing through the forest before reaching the cave. The security control center was inside of the cave and what they found kinda shocked them. Inside the cave was the security center, but there was a strange device with a weird symbol attached to it.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (186)

But that's not all. There were even cages inside that had the same symbols that were on the device.

Evo, being the tech expert of the group, examines it, and tells everyone that it was sabotaging the security networks. It will take him time to fix it. While he does that, his friends, Glydna, and the hybrids fight off the incoming Grimm. Voltaria finds it strange when he fights Grimm. Some were tamable but as tried, they hesitated, like they were fighting off her controls. Voltaria didn't have time to guess as she decided to end those Grimm. After they got rid of the Grimm, Evo was able to fix that machine, getting the security network online.

"Good job, Evo!" Wade praised, gently slapping the Snake Faunus' back.

Evo grins and does a two-finger salute. "Thanks, it took a while to fix it. The coding in this bad boy was hard to crack."

"Speaking of which, who made this anyway?" AJ asked, looking at the device that Evo removed. "It has the same symbol as the cages."

"Wonder who owns them?" Asked Yang, looking at the cages.

"A circus?" Nora asked, standing on top of the cage with Ripper and Ripper looking at her.

"Why would you think a circus did it?" Asked AJ in confusion, earning a shrug from Nora.

"I don't think so." Voltaria responded, eyeing the cages suspiciously. "These cages were brought here with the Grimm inside."

"What?" Glynda questions loudly in surprise. The others share the same surprised expression at Voltaria's words. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." Voltaria said, tracing her hand on the symbol on the cage. "All of these cages were transporting Grimm. I can still feel their presence within the cages before we slain them."

"By whom? Who is doing this?" Asked Pyrrha, looking at the cages with a suspicious look. "Does it have to do with this strange symbol?"

"That symbol belongs to a company known as Merlot Industries." Voltaria answered, turning towards the group.

Glynda was visibly surprised by this. "Merlot Industries?"

"What's Merlot Industries?" Jaune asked.

"Merlot Industries was an old research and development corporation, far before your time." Glynda explains to the students.

"What happened to it?" Weiss asked, curious about the company.

"As you recall what happened to Mountain Glenn?" Glynda questions the students, earning nods from them. "Merlot Industries' primary facility was at the settlement of Mountain Glenn, but you all know what happened to that."

"Yeah, the massive Grimm attack." Yang said sadly, recalling how the people of Glenn lost their lives on that day.

Ripper, sensing his Auntie Goldie's sadness, gently nudges her back, crooning at her in assurance. Yang smiles and strokes Ripper's head gently.

"Yes, because of the fall of Mount Glenn, the company was forced to shut down. No one has heard of it for years but...why is their symbol showing up now?" Glynda wondered out loud.

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this Merlot Industries." Voltaria said to the group.

They continued venturing the area, finding other security networks, only to be sabotaged by the same company. Wanting to find out what's going on, Glynda contacts Oobleck and tells him about the situation. When he heard about this, Oobleck had suspicion that there might be survivors from Merlot Industries that managed to escape the onslaught of Mount Glenn. To find out more about the company, they went to Mount Glenn to find out the source. They went to the old abandoned building of Merlot Industries. However, upon arrival, they were attacked by Grimm, and they had to defend themselves. Team RWBY, WAVE, JNPR, Glynda, and the two hybrids fought fiercely at the Grimm until the building of Merlot Industries collapsed, causing everyone to fall into Mountain Glenn's subterranean levels. They were lucky that Voltaria's entities saved them before they could hit the ground. They had trouble getting a signal and decided to find a way out. But as they travel deeper, they discover that a section of the cavern has been booby-trapped with a large bomb that would go off at any moment. They couldn't think about who placed it here in the first place as they needed to think of a way to get it out. Fortunately, they got their signal back and Oobleck (who could see the two hybrids because of Voltaria's entities) was there to help. Both he and Evo knew that physically tapering with the device or the cart it's attached to could possibly trigger an explosion, which terrified everyone, minus Voltaria.

Luckily, the tracks lead to a deep chasm and underground river that could stop the explosion. However, with the way the device is rigged, they have to power the cart's engine. So, they have to gather as many Dust crystals as they can find and fast because Grimm came out of nowhere. However, these Creatures of Grimm weren't the ones they fought before. They looked different, mutated, or better, they've been modified.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (187)

Unlike all other Grimm, their eyes, markings and inside of their bodies were green instead of red. Their spikes took on an appearance like glowing green crystals. And unlike the Grimm, mutated Grimm possessed powers like exploding and creating waves of crystal-like bone spikes.

It took the group a while to take them down, they were lucky that Voltaria's entities and hybrids were helping them, for their strength helped them take down those mutated Grimm as they managed to contain the explosion by dropping the bomb down a large chasm.

"Okay, this is messed up." Yang said, taking a breather after she and the others just took down many mutant Grimm while the explosion in the chasm released a huge stream of fire. "Why are the Grimm like this?!"

"I know right!" Nora exclaims, leaning on Magnhild. "They're everywhere!"

Ruby, lying on her back against Ripper's side, was panting heavily with her arms spread wide. Zwei whimpers at Ruby with worry as she was out of breath.

"Heh...heh...yeah...where did they come from?" Ruby asked weakly between pants.

Voltaria, on the other hand, was investigating the depleting corpse of the mutated Creep. Unlike the regular Grimm, it doesn't emit smoke. Instead, it slowly disintegrated like burning paper. She narrows her eyes at the mutated Grimm's eyes, searching for clues.


Glynda notices Volatria's silence and goes to her. "Is something wrong, Voltaria?"

"These Grimm are not like any other." Voltaria said to them calmly. "It's like...they were altered to be like this."

"Wait, you're saying someonemadethose Grimm?" Wade questions Voltaria in shock.

"Yes, but I don't think it was our enemy." Voltaria said, referring to Salem.

"If not here, then who?" Glynda asked, wanting to know who made these Grimm.

"I'm about to find out." Voltaria said, glaring at the eyes of the mutant Grimm under her mask.

Soon, Voltaria saw vivid images of the past, seeing an elderly man with disheveled gray hair, a matching mustache and beard and prominent eyebrows. His left eye is robotic and glows red and around it was noticeable claw marks. He was working on something with some scientists assisting him. Followed by Grimm being captured and experimented on. Another vision shows him again and was experimenting on some Grimm. And then the image of Merlot Industries in Mount Glenn, followed by the destruction of it and the city.

Voltaria gasped as she withdrew from the vision, panting heavily, while the mutated Grimm was gone. Glynda and her friends came next to her, checking if she was okay. Voltaria took deep breaths, letting out heavy sighs, trying to calm herself.

"V? You okay?" Wade asked in concern.

"What did you see?" AJ asked, noticing the cold sweat Voltaria was emitting.

Voltaria steady her breathing and looks at them. "I saw...Merlot Industries...they were...they were experimenting with Grimm; they were trying to enhance them, control them, but...but they couldn't. In the end, it only brought more was the reason for the fall of Mount Glenn...they captured Grimm and experimented with them and...and it lured more Grimm, and Mount Glenn fell because of it."

This information shocked everyone, especially Glynda. She and the other professors have their suspicions, but they never knew that company caused that great tragedy.

"So...Mount Glenn's massive Grimm wasn't caused by them..." Wade slowly put the pieces together along with the others. "They were lured people...experimenting with the Grimm that they captured."

"All those innocent lives on Mount Glenn..." Yang whispers, fists clenched together. "They could've been alive..."

"Why...why did they do that?" Pyrrha asked in horror. She couldn't imagine why some people brought those Grimm in the first place.

Voltaria slowly gets up with the help of Glynda and looks at them under her mask. "I am not sure...but I do know it...they only did it for the sake of science."

Her words spoke the truth. The people that were working under Merlot Industries must have been terrible people that brought the fall of Mountain Glenn. They were experimenting and mutating Grimm for their research and the result was the destruction and death of a community.

Yang was angered by this as she blindly punches a cage that has the Merlot Industries logo with a powerful yell. It broke down instantly due to her strength. She was angered by the fact that those working under that company allowed that horrible tragedy to happen. And they're back. And needed to be stopped.

"We need to find out more about what Merlot Industries is up to." Blake said, sharing the same anger as Yang.

"Agreed, that company needs to be shut down for good." Glynda agrees, hating the idea of that company being active and causing harm again.

They all agreed before they heard Oobleck from their communicators.

-Hello?! Team!? Professor Goodwitch?! Are you still there?! Answer me!-Asked loudly through the communicator.

Wade was the one who answered. "We're fine, Dr. Oobleck, we took care of the bomb."

They heard Oobleck letting out a sigh of relief.

-Well...I'm glad everyone was able to keep their cool...and not explode...that would've made for an uncomfortable parent/teacher conference.-

"I heard that." Glynda said through the communicator, for she is Voltaria's guardian.

Oobleck chuckles nervously before clearing his throat.-Right, but still we have a lot of ground to cover. For starters, who reprogrammed the security network? Who set that trap? And where in the world did the mutated Grimm come from? I have several theories...and none of them are good news.-

They agreed and ventured off through the cavern, following a path that leads them out. Surprisingly, they found themselves in Forever Fall. They walked through the path while investigating the trail left behind by Merlot Industries. There, they discover more disturbing evidence of Merlot's unhealthy practices, such as a Temple that was used as a Grimm holding facility and more mutated Grimm, including new mutant Beowolves. At the end of the trail, they discovered a ship filled with cargos that have faded logos of Vale and Schnee Dust Company. They showed the ship to Oobleck, who immediately recognized it.

-Team, this discovery is a bit unexpected and is worse than I feared. That appears to be an active Merlot Industries ship. But Dr. Merlot hasn't been heard from or seen in ages...I must inform Ozpin at once. Meanwhile, I want you to investigate the ship, but please keep a safe distance.-

"We will stay in touch." Glynda said to Oobleck through the communicator.

"Wait, who's Dr. Merlot?" Jaune asked in confusion.

"Dr. Merlot was the founder of Merlot Industries." Glynda explains to the students. "He was also the head scientist of that company."

"You think he was the one that caused the fall of Mount Glenn?" Asked Ren.

"He could be, after all, I think I saw him in my vision." Voltaria said to the group. "He was the one calling the shots."

"But how is it possible?" Weiss asked in shock. "Dr. Oobleck said that he hadn't been heard or seen for years when Mount Glenn fell."

"Did they at least recover any bodies from the wreckage?" AJ asked Glynda and the others.

Blake was the one who answered as she shook her head, "No, Dr. Oobleck told us that the people of Mount Glenn retreated to the underground sub levels as a safe haven, cutting themselves off from the surface." Blake lowers her head in sadness. "But it didn't last long because there was an explosion that opened the mouth of another cavern, filled with subterranean Grimm. Forcing the Kingdom to officially seal off the tunnels, creating the world's largest tomb."

"A lot of bodies were not recovered from that day," Voltaria said, glaring towards the ship. "To him, it was an opportunity to fake his death in order to continue his work in secret."

"That bastard." Wade mutters darkly. "He's gonna pay when we find him."

"Yeah!" Ruby, Yang, and Nora agreed.

The group carefully went through the cargo containers, as they attempted to infiltrate the Merlot Industries ship coming in to dock. Amaryllis uses her camouflage ability to be undetected while Ripper sneaks through the shadows. They hid behind the cover of shipping containers, in hopes to get a better look, but get trapped when the container they are hiding is suddenly loaded onto the departing ship. They could not escape as they were ready off to who knows where. Unaware that Oobleck was trying to contact them.

-Team?! Where are you? Report in! Students, Professor Goodwitch, please!-

No reply from them as the Merlot Industries ship took off to unknown location, severing communication.

-Oh dear. Ozpin's not going to be happy about this.-

When they lost communication, they were temporarily radio silence. They tried to figure out how to get out, but Voltaria suggested that they should wait, for they might find out the truth of Merlot's Industries location. It took them approximately a couple of hours before they reached their destination. They were able to get out of the crate, thanks to Ripper's claws, and found themselves on a remote island that has an abandoned facility.

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"Uh...where are we?" Jaune asked nervously.

"I don't know, but we're a long way from Vale." Wade answered to Jaune.

"Oh, great..." Jaune mutters fearfully.

Ruby looks around while Amaryllis, Ripper, and Zwei sniff around. Searching for any signs of danger. "Are we on some kind of island?"

"Looks that way." Voltaria said, examining the dock.

Soon, there was radio static on their communicators. They checked that Oobleck was attempting to contact them, but couldn't, due to the fact that something was blocking their signal.

"Dr. Oobleck? Is that you? Ooohh, you're breaking up!" Ruby said, trying to contact Oobleck, but to no avail. The signal was bad, and they couldn't hear him.

"We need to get to higher ground for a better signal." Wade said to the group.

"Hey, look over there!" Ruby pointed out to a tower in the distance. "Maybe we can get a signal if we reach that tower!"

Glynda and the others follow her gaze. " could work." Glynda commented. "But stay close, we don't know what we might encounter here."

Acknowledging her words, they venture to the tower. But in doing so, they found out that this island wasn't so remote. Turns out, there were powerful security androids on the island. These androids were different from the AK-200, they were bigger and wielded a double-bladed weapon that was imbued with dust.

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"What the Hell?!" Wade readied his Justiceshot, loading them with Fire Dust.

"Where did these androids come from?!" Yang yelled in surprise, readying her Ember Celica.

"Guess we're not alone on this island afterall." Evo said, transforming his Musicshocker to its battle ax form.

Glynda points The Disciplinarian at the androids. "Students! Stay close and get ready!"

Ruby readies her Crescent Rose while Amaryllis and Ripper growled at the androids with Zwei barking on top of Ripper's head. "Let's show these buckets of bolts who's boss!" Ruby said to the team.

Voltaria projects a Fire Dust sword and agrees with Ruby. "Let's."

The team fought against the androids with their might. Yang dodges incoming slash attacks from one and punching/shooting at the same time, before uppercutting it under the chin, sending the android's head flying. Weiss points her Myrtenaster at the androids and uses her Glyphs, creating sharp ice projectiles at the androids. Blake, Ren, and AJ transformed their weapons into their bladed form before charging at the androids with incredible speed, cutting the legs, arms, and head off the robots. Nora turns Magnhild into its hammer form and slams at three incoming androids with one hit, sending them flying. Evo did the same, turning his Musicshocker into a guitar before slamming it down, creating a shockwave that shuts down the androids near him. Wade shoots the androids on the heads and does a roundhouse kick on the android's head clean off. Glynda points The Disciplinarian and uses her telekinesis to stop the androids from their tracks, before slamming them together. Voltaria easily maneuvers through the sea of androids, cutting them down with her Fire Dust Sword. Jaune and Pyrrha work together to take down upcoming androids. Jaune uses his shield to block the android's attack, allowing Pyrrha to cut off its head. Amaryllis and Ripper worked together to mow down the androids, biting their heads off or tearing them to pieces. Zwei was on Ripper's back, cheering his fellow packmate.

They fought their way to the tower to get a signal. However, when they did, they only received a radio static and Ooblcek indecipherable voice.

"Awwww, dang it, it's still all scrambled!" Ruby said in annoyance before firing a bullet at an incoming android.

Everyone, Hannibal spotted another tower nearby, we can get a better signal there.Tabitha informed them.

They went to the next tower but had trouble getting there as they were fighting through a pack of Grimm that were on the island. They even had to break through a metal door to get to the other side. When they got closer, they got a weak signal and they could barely hear Oobleck's voice.

-[Radio static] Whatever you do...just keep doing that! The radio [unintelligible speaking] ...somewhere else on the island. You must... [radio static] ...and then... [radio static]. Understood?-

Sadly, no one understood him, at all.

"Dr. Oobleck, we kinda heard you." Ruby responded awkwardly.

"Rubs, we barely heard him." Yang said to her sister.

"Only we heard bits of it." Weiss added.

"Uh, let's keep exploring, team!" Ruby said, changing the subject.

The group headed towards the tower to get a signal. There is less radio static than before, allowing them to hear Oobleck a little clearly.

-Team! It's working. The signal seems better but...for some reason I'm not sure if you can still hear me.A little more and I can pinpoint your location on the island and if you can't do that, you will all die! Nevertheless, keep it up!-

"Thanks for the motivation, Dr. Oobleck." Voltaria mutters sarcastically before they run off to the last tower.

"There's the last tower!" Ruby points out, dogging an incoming Grimm which Ripper grabs with his jaw and rips it to pieces. "This way!"

They venture to the last tower, which was bigger than the two towers, and fight off the incoming Grimm. Due to its size, the group was able to get a better signal as it could give out a wide range. They quickly contact Oobleck.

"Hello? Dr. Oobleck? Are you there?" Ruby asked through her scroll.

-Ahhh, that's better. Sorry, but the reception is always so bad all the way out here. I hope you're enjoying your stay on the island.-Said an unknown man's voice from the scroll, surprising everyone.-You're the first visitors I've had in, well, are the first.-

"'re not Dr. Oobleck." Ruby said nervously while Ripper and Zwei growled at the strange man.

"Who the hell is this?" Wade demanded, glaring at the scroll.

-Oh, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Dr. Merlot. You don't know me, but I most certainly know who you are, especially you, Ms. Voltaria Eclipse.

Everyone, minus Voltaria, gasped at his words. "It's him! Dr. Merlot!" Ruby exclaims in shock.

"How the hell did he get to this channel?!" Wade exclaims in shock.

"Yeah! And aren't you supposed to be dead?!" Nora added in anger.

"What do you want from us and how do you know about Voltaria?" Glynda demanded, glaring at Ruby's scroll.

-Oh, such rudeness. Nevertheless, I'm thrilled you're all here. You might be exactly what I need for a very important...experiment.-He said the last part with sick amusem*nt.

They didn't like the word experiment. Already dreading the outcome.

"Why does he mean byexperiment?" Jaune asked nervously.

-For such terrific students as yourselves along with a professional huntsman, this should be an easy test, right?-

"We ain't your lab rats, Dr. Merlot." Wade said angrily. "This game of yours needs to end."

-Oh, dear boy, it's just the beginning.-Dr. Merlot said with a sly tone in his voice.

Before they could ask him what he meant, they were suddenly attacked by the Creatures of Grimm. Most likely been lured here by Merlot. Annoyed, the group was forced to fight them. Voltaria uses her ability to tame some of the Grimm, ordering them to fight rogues, which they did. While the Grimm that Voltaria tamed fights off half the horde, Merlot was laughing through the scroll.

-Excellent! As expected for the infamous Grimm Girl.-Merlot said amusingly.

"Your compliment means nothing." Voltaria responded, slashing a Grimm in half with her blade.

-Oh, it means something, my dear. For you are one of a kind.-

"Okay, you're getting creepier by the minute, buster!" Nora exclaimed, wrestling an Ursa, smashing her hammer on its head multiple times with an angry yell.

Soon, Ozpin came into the conversation. Due to the lack of signal, he can only speak and hear through the scroll, and is not able to see. Which was a good thing since he didn't know that Ripper and Amaryllis were here, and they were fighting off some Grimm at a distance from their conversation.

-So we meet again, Dr. Merlot.-

-Ozpin? Or shall I call you Oz like old times, chum?-

Wade was holding the arms of the Beowolf, averting his head from getting chewed by the Grimm. "Chum? Since when was Professor Ozpin friends with this lunatic?!" He asked loudly before kicking the Grimm at the stomach, firing multiple rounds at it.

"He was once a promising ally, but I guess we were wrong." Glynda said, using her Semblance to toss away three Grimm.

-I thought you perished in the Mountain Glenn disaster, a tragedy you played no small part in.-

-Twas a mere speed bump on the superhighway of scientific progress. You couldn't possibly imagine the ramifications of my latest research.-

-The world was a much safer place without you, Merlot.-Ozpin stated in a deadpan tone.

-You're calling me the reckless one? Sending your students out on an excursion like this?-Merlot mocks, stating about the students and Glynda fighting off the Grimm.

"HEY!" The students, minus Voltaria, yelled unison before resuming their fight against the Grimm.

-They're more than a match for your mindless robots. What you're doing here is wrong, Merlot.-Ozpin said to Merlot in a dead serious tone.

-Trying to make the world a better place is wrong? Say what you will about me. It won't change the fact that you're powerless to stop me.-

"Watch it, buster!" Nora yelled, slamming her hammer on the Creep's head.

-You'll botch this somehow. You always do.-Ozpin stated the facts to Merlot.

But Merlot just brushes it off.-Well, let's agree to disagree. I tell you Oz, it has been truly a pleasure catching up, but, unfortunately, it's time for me to run. Farewell, old chum.-

When Merlot leaves the communication, everyone agrees that he was the worst man ever.

"Okay, that guy is going down." Yang said before yelling as she punched a Beowolf hard that sent it flying.

"Professor Ozpin, is there a way for you to find our location?" Wade asked, shooting a Grimm on the head and kicking a Creep away from him.

-We've been attempting to locate Merlot's Island, but we've yet to obtain its coordinates. I need you to continue exploring the island and contact me when you find any evidence of his whereabouts.-

"Roger that!" Ruby said before slicing incoming Grimm with her scythe.

The group ventures further and deeper into Merlot's Island. This part of the island was dark, covered with pipes and strange machines, resembling a nuclear power plant. It was also producing a mysterious radioactive substance oozing in the pipes that were connected to the toxic pools around them. The pungent odor makes everyone, including the hybrids and Zwei, feel absolute disgust of the horrible smell.

"Ewww...this place smells terrible!" Ruby complains, pinching her nose.

"Yeah, it smells worse than my drunken uncle." Wade said grimace.

"Eugh, I think I'm going to puke." Evo said, wanting to throw up.

Voltaria kneels down and touches the ground with her hand. She senses that the island was producing this weird substance. She could feel a strange energy from it. It felt like...a boost to the Grimm, yet it felt like poison at the same time.

"This island...this island is producing this substance." Voltaria informs them. "It's deadly to us but to the's like a boost of energy for them..."

"Maybe that's why this place is favored by that asshole of a scientist." Wade said, still annoyed by the fact that Merlot was using them as his personal lab rats.

"By the way, Professor Goodwitch?" AJ questions the huntress with them. "How does Professor Ozpin know about Dr. Merlot?"

Glynda looks at her and then to the area filled with these toxic pools. "Well, long before you were born, Dr. Merlot...was supposed to be a professor of Beacon to teach students of the variant of Grimm."

The students, even Voltaria, stare at Glynda in disbelief, as they couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"He was going to be our professor!?" Yang exclaims in disbelief.

"No way!" Nora and Ruby exclaim in shock.

"He was?!" Weiss eye twitched at this.

"Please tell me you're joking?" Blake added, grimacing at the thought of Merlot being their professor.

"I wish I was," Glynda mutters out. "However, he didn't get to be due to some complaints from the professors, he didn't get the job. Professor Port did."

Thank the Gods for that.Regina said to Glynda.I do not appreciate how Dr. Merlot was speaking to Voltaria like that.

Yeah, he sounds like a pedophilia to me.Wraith mutters out.

Yet, he seems to be more interested in Voltaria taming Grimm than us. I wonder why?Said Tabitha.

"Whatever he wants with me, he better stay away, I am not comfortable with that thought." Voltaria said in disgust.

They ventured through the disgusting area, not wanting to fall into the toxic pool. They noticed many pipes that were connected to these substances. Voltaria theorizes that turning off the valves will stop the flow of these substances from going through the pipes. Preventing Merlot's experimentation to go one as well as following the pipeline that would lead them straight to Merlot. So, they closed all the valves while fighting against Merlot's mutant Grimm and androids (which they learn that he has another version that carries a huge cannon).

-It's amazing that you survived the disaster in Mountain Glenn, Merlot. Was it sheer luck or part of your master plan?-

-Would you believe me if I told you it wasn't my fault?-Merlot questions with fake innocence.

"NO!" Everyone yelled in unison, still fighting off Merlot's mutant Grimm and androids.

-I believe that you wouldn't take accountability for your actions.-

-Admittedly, Mountain Glenn is a bit of a sore spot for me. Decades of hard work, countless research projects, not to mention all of the specimen I'd collected over the years - all lost without a trace.-Merlot said, sound upset and disappointed.

"Wait a freaking minute, you're upset because you lost your messed up research?!" Evo exclaimed, slamming his Musicshocker, in guitar form, on to a Beowolf hard.

"You're more messed up than ever!" Ruby added in annoyance, slicing five Beowolves in half with her scythe.

-The work done at Merlot Industries was critical in the advancement of artificial intelligence and genetics. Without it, Remnant would still be in the dark ages.-

"It's the opposant on what you are saying." Voltaria counter acts, commanding some nearby Grimm to attack the mutant ones, which they did, "You were going to put Remnant back to the dark ages by mutating the Grimm with these substances."

Merlot chuckles in amusem*nt.-Ah, you are one clever girl, Ms. Eclipse. I can see why Oz has taken you in to his school.-

-Enough of this banter. You've missed the point! An entire city was laid to waste. Countless lives were lost. My only question is how much of the damage were you personally responsible for?!-

-Well, how else was I supposed to conduct my research? Our supply of test subjects was running thin.-Merlots said to Ozpin with fake innocence.

"Your 'research'forced the city's population to go underground!" Blake yelled, dodging an android's sharp blade before it was punched away by Yang.

-Do you believe things happen for a reason?-Merlot questions them.-I mean, as Oz's little prodigies, you all practically washed ashore here on my island. Well, except for Ms. Eclipse of course, she is allowed on my island as my honored guest.-

All in favor that he's a sick demented asshole say: 'Aye'.Wraith said to the teens.

"Aye!"All Voltaria's friends said unison telepathically.

-I'm not sure what you're getting at and your sick interest with Ms. Eclipse, Merlot.-Ozpin said to Merlot.

-Oh, you will never understand her, for she is one of a kind. As for your students, maybe they can be of some use to me after all? How serendipitous.-Merlot said in sick amusem*nt.-Unfortunately, you won't be able to watch, Oz.-

-Merlot, don't...-

Merlot cuts the link, preventing the team from contacting Ozpin or others. Forcing them to be on their own. Glynda mutters under her breath how twisted Merlot was. They venture deeper to the island and find a facility that was inside a cave. When they entered, they found themselves inside a laboratory of some kind that had pipes on the walls and ceiling, along with cameras and computer screens, and most of the floor tiles were hexagon shaped.

"What is this place?" Weiss asked the group.

"You think this is the lab?" Asked Nora as they entered the facility.

Just then, Merlot was on the screen, and he spoke proudly of this place.-Greetings, and welcome to Merlot Industries, where we're building a better!-

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The group and the hybrids stared at the screen with confused and blank expressions. Thinking that Merlot may have bipolar disorder or that he's downright crazy.

"I think we found the place." Ren said to the group with awkwardness.

"Hooray..." Voltaria sarcastically said.

"This just keeps getting weirder." Ruby whines in disarray with Zwei and the hybrids agreeing with her.

The group searched for clues until they were attacked by Merlot's security androids and mutant Grimm. The hybrids roar and charge at the robots at full speed, taking them down by stomping or biting them as their blades have no effect on them. The group took down the Mutant Grimm giving Glynda time to open the door. When their path was clear, they entered a big elevator that could fit both Ripper and Amaryllis, as it brought them to the lower level. They then found a door with Merlot on top of the screen, smiling wickedly at them.

-Making yourselves at home, I see? I want my guests to feel welcome, but my security team rarely feels the same way.-

"Gee, we're feeling the warm welcome here after you send your killer robots and mutated Grimm." Yang said sarcastically to Merlot.

They ignored Merlot and entered a room that was the atrium. But upon arrival, they were attacked by security robots yet again along with mutated Grimm. While Merlot, who wouldn't shut up, talks about his organization.

-Here at Merlot Industries, we take pride in innovation. Together, with your help... and a little of your special spark, we will build a better tomorrow!-

"For you, doc, there won't be any tomorrow to 'restore'." Wade said sarcastically before punching a robot hard.

The group then reaches the elevator and Wade is about to press a button when it suddenly goes down.

"Uhhh, did someone hit a button on the elevator? I SWEAR it wasn't me this time." Nora said.

"It wasn't you, Nora, it's Dr. Merlot." Voltaria said, "He's the one controlling the facility.

When they reached the floor, they found themselves in a laboratory facility with tanks filled with those substances that were mutating the Grimm. Everyone was shocked and disgusted by the sight before them.

"What in the..." Before Weiss could speak, Merlot yet again explained about this place.

-Here before you are the stage two processing tanks!-

"Ugh...the tanks of goo. They're attracting more mutants!" Ruby said, grimacing at the sight.

Glynda glares at those tanks and to the mutated Grimm before pointing The Disciplinarian at the robots. "Students, destroy the tanks, if we cut off his supplies, he won't be able to create more of these mutants."

"She's right." Voltaria said, projecting two Fire Dust Blades.

"Okay!" Everyone said with the hybrids roaring in agreement.

Working together, they destroyed each tank while fighting off the threat. After destroying Merlot's robots, mutant Grimm, and tanks, he doesn't show any sign of aggression, he only continues his tour of the nightmarish facility.

"So...we destroyed his stuff and he's not even mad?" Ruby questions out in confusion.

"I feel like this is all an elaborate set up." Ren said in discomfort.

"Same here." Voltaria said before they venture to the open the elevator where it took them to another floor, which appears to be the engineering room.

-Here we have the Engineering wing, the so-called 'brains' of the operation, if you're not counting my own intellect.-Merlot laughs to himself.-Don't be timid, there aren't any traps here...yet.-

"Only knowing you for an hour, I doubt it." Yang said in annoyance.

"You never keep your promises." Jaune added in Yang's comment.

"Wow...check out all these computers!" Ruby commented, looking around the room.

"I guess this room runs the entire island." Evo said, being a tech expert.

"Hmm..." Glynda inspects the room. "See if you can find any terminals that we can access."

"Why?" Wade asked the professor.

"If we reach the terminal, we can access the data and layouts of this facility..."

Evo understood her. "So, we know about his work and facility! We can hack through it."

"How long will it take for you to hack it?" Blake asked.

"Leave that to Regina."Evo said telepathically. "Merlot will never expect an entity doing it."

Clever idea, Evo.Regina complimented.

They search through the computers to find the terminal, while fighting off the security robots, before getting Regina to hack into the system. Merlot has no idea how they hack so fast, but they did, which was impossible feet unless you have an entity.

-Wait, did you just...oh could I be so stupid?!-

Hehehe, he confessed he's stupid.Wraith said, earning snickers from Ruby, Nora, and Yang.

"Regina, did you find anything?"Voltaria asked her entity.

Yes, go to the lower levels to the manufacturing wing. But be warned, Dr. Merlot is probably waiting.Regina informs them.

They understood and headed there. While they go there, Regina informs them that the coordinates to Merlot's secret lab were contained within the data retrieved from the terminal. Regina will send a distress beacon to Ozpin to send an airship for them and will rendezvous with them shortly after they deal with Merlot. However, before she could do it, a mutant Beowolf appeared in front of them.

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But strangely, unlike the other mutant Grimm, this one wasn't attacking. Instead, it just stood there, staring at them.

"Um...why is that mutant Grimm staring at us?" Juane asked nervously.

"You think it's waiting for us to attack?" Nora whispers, readying her harmer.

Pyrrha shook her head. "I don't think so."

Ruby leans over to Voltaria. "Hey, you think you can...I don't know...communicate with it?" She whispers to her friend.

"I don't know, I attempted to do it before, but it didn't work." Voltaria said to her friends and professor. "I'm not sure it will work now?"

"At least try." Glynda said to Voltaria. "This one seems to be more...calmer than the rest."

She's right...this one shows no aggression but signs of...intelligence? Interesting...Regina murmurs.

Maybe this is one evolved from the experiments and Merlot didn't know about it.Tabitha suggested.

"Well's worth a shot." Voltaria mutters out before going over to the Grimm. "Listen to me, help us find a way to stop Merlot."

The Mutated Grimm froze, its body started shaking slightly. The group were worried that the Mutant Grimm would attack, but it did not, it did something that caused everyone, including Voltaria, to be in shock.

Everyone was taken back by this. The mutant Grimm in front of spoke! In their minds! It was impossible and the Grimm sounded like a girl no doubt. Voltaria looks at her shocked teammates and professor before turning back to the shaken Grimm.

"What's wrong?"She asked it telepathically.

He won't...let us go...

"He?" Glynda whispers out in shock.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who this Mutant Grimm was talking about. "What did Dr. Merlot do to you?" Voltaria asked the Mutated Grimm, speaking to it or her like a person.

The Mutated Grimm slowly speaks to her. won't...let us...go...

"Did he turn you into this?" Pyrrha asked in horror. control...them...with our...minds...The mutated Grimm tries to explain to them. The mutated Grimm holds its head.This...poison...hurts...our heads...make it...stop...please...please...

The girl that was controlling the Mutated Grimm pleaded, begging them to save her and the others. They figure that Merlot kidnapped her and did a horrible experiment. There could be more of them. And they have to save them. But first, they need to stop Merlot's serum from harming her. Regine instructs them to go to the power facility as they destroy everything that may be vital to Merlot's operation. And boy they didn't show any hesitation. The hybrids help their pack to take down the tanks, destroying the machines, and smashing his robots.

"This stuff looks important! Sure would be a shame if someone totally wrecked all of it." Jaune joked while Pyrrha smashes a computer.

"Hammer Time!" Nora yelled, slamming her hammer onto a tank, breaking it and spilling the serum to the floor.

The Mutated Grimm with them smashed the control councils as Voltaria instructed her to follow them, which Mutant Grimm did. Merlot was watching the whole thing in pure horror as his laboratory was being wrecked by children!

-You're not authorized to be in here!-

"Don't need to, you bastard!" Wade yelled, shooting an incoming android.

"Destroy everything!" Ruby whooped, slicing more robots.

When they destroyed the power facility, they moved to the next room, with Regina instructing them. According to the map of the lab, this room contains more processing equipment for his serum. And they have to take it out, all of it.

-My serum...-Merlot sighs in frustration, trying to keep his cool.-No matter...Thankfully, I may have already synthesized the perfect combination. It's still in a test phase, but so far the data is looking very impressive.-

"I doubt it." Voltaria mutters before they run to another hallway. There, the mutated Grimm that was with them was showing the way to a private facility. But as they walked through the railings, it suddenly broke, causing Voltaria, Ruby, and Amaryllis to fall into the hole.

Their teammates, Ripper, and Glynda yelled for them as they were about to grab them until the ground shook, forcing them to retreat. The Mutant Grimm leads them to the safety of another room, quickly entering and the metal door closes behind them when debris falls off the ceiling.

"Oh, gods, we left them behind!" Wade yelled out.

"We have to go back! We have my..." Yang trails off when she sees something that made her jaw drop.

They followed her gaze, and their jaws dropped at the sight. In front of them was a huge metal room, wires and monitors were connected to multiple monoplace chambers. And inside those chambers were young human and Faunus girls, the same age as Voltaria, all in some comatose state. But what's more shocking was that they have EEG headsets. Their hearts were monitored on the screen. And to their relief, these girls are still alive, for now.

"What is Merlot doing to them?" Weiss asked in horror.

"A-are know..." Jaune dares not to finish his question.

"No, they're not dead," Evo assures, examining the tech, "They're trapped in some sort of suspended animation."

"But why?" AJ questions out loud, wondering why Merlot was doing something so heinous.

Before they could theorize, the mutant Grimm that came along walked over to one of the pods. Inside was a young girl that has black afro hair, mocha skin, and has lion ears and tail. The mutant Beowolf pointed its claw at her and said to them this.

They all gasped in horror at her words. They slowly realize that Merlot kidnapped these girls and was trying to transfer these girls' subconsciousness into the mutant Grimm!

"" Pyrrha whispers in horror, covering her mouth in pure shock as these innocent girls were experimented on by that cruel man.

We...don't know...he just took us...all we to go home...please help us...please...

They understood that Aysha wants to be free and save the other girls.

"We'll help you, Aysha, don't worry." Jaune assures the young girl that was controlling the Mutated Grimm.

"But why did Merlot only kidnap only girls?" Nora asked, looking at the slumbering girls in their chambers with a worried expression. "What do they have in common?"

He...said...that we...share...the same her...and he...wants us to be like her.Aysha said to them.

Wade raised a brow. "Same aura?" He mutters out in confusion until he asks. "And who is her?"

Aysha made the mutant Grimm points at the opened small screen on the wall.Her...

They looked at the small screen and Evo went over to it. Using his tech skills, he was able to open the screen that was containing files of Merlot's work and experiments. Evo reads through before letting out a loud gasp, catching everyone's attention.

"Evo, what's wrong?" Ren asked in concern.

"What's in those files?" Glynda asked him.

Evo turns to them, showing his shocked look under his visor. "Merlot kidnapped them because he believed they shared the same aura as...Voltaria." He answered, earning gasps from the group.

"What?" Glynda whispers in shock.

"Merlot has a terrifying obsession towards Voltaria. He's been trying to get her, study her, trying to learn her abilities on how to control Grimm." Evo types in some keys and the files were shown to the big screen. Everyone stared at the screen in shock as there were pictures of Voltaria in wanted posters, in her school, with her team, and her friends at the courtyard.

"Merlot's been stalking V?" Wade questions in disgust with Ripper growling slowly.

"Disgusting." Yang spat out in anger, disgusted by how Merlot had been watching their friend.

"Why is he so obsessed with V?" Nora asked worriedly.

"Apparently, he wants to know the secrets of her ability, that's why he sent a secret bounty to her. But she always got away. So, the closest thing he could do is to recreate her. That's why he kidnapped these girls. He believes that due to their same age and auras, he can make them to be like Voltaria, to become his very own Grimm Girls." Evo explains to the whole group with a worried look in his eyes.

Glynda glares at the screen. There were multiple reports of missing girls from the other kingdoms and villages, mostly girls that are twelve years old, the same age as Voltaria. And a mysterious high price bounty on Voltaria was given by an anonymous sponsor. Glynda and Ozpin could not find out who sent those bounty until now. All this time, they thought he perished, but it was an excuse to continue his experiments and try to get Voltaria. Now, he's experimenting on young girls to be like her.

"Evo, can you find a way to free these girls from their prison?" Glynda asked Evo, walking over to him.

"I can try, but I'm gonna need help." Evo said.

"We're on it." Weiss said, referring to her and Blake.

While Evo, Weiss, and Blake figure out the codes to release the girls, Aysha's mutant Grimm was staring at her sleeping form. Glynda walked to her, glancing at the Mutant Grimm and then to Aysha's sleeping form.

I...I want to go home...back to my brothers...

"We will get you home and the others," Glynda assures her. "We just need your help and cooperation in helping us stop Merlot to free you all."

"Speaking of which, where are the others? You know, ones like you?" Asked Yang.

Hiding...from Merlot...afraid of use his experiments. We don't...want him to find us...or he'll trap us in the Grimm, just like Minden.

"Minden? Who is Minden? And what did he do to her?" Glynda asked Aysha in concern.

Aysha made the mutant Grimm go to a pod with a girl that has dark short wavy hair, sleeping peacefully. Aysha points at the girl and says to Glynda.

Minden...was the be a success...but then...he made her stay too the big one...

"B-Big one?" Jaune stutters nervously.

Aysha points at the Mutated Grimm's claws on a big screen.That...big one...

They followed her direction and looked at the screen with dread. Sure enough, the 'Big One' that Minden was in was actually a Mutated Deathstalker.

And they have a bad feeling that Ruby, Voltaria, and Amaryllis were going to encounter it.

Ruby, Voltaria, and Amaryllis were falling to a pit. Ruby screams while Amaryllis roars in panic. Unlike them, Voltaria kept her cool and ordered her entities to land them to safety. Which they did, and the shadows surrounded them before bringing the three to safety. Ruby sighs in relief and smiles.

"Thanks, guys." Ruby thanked the entities gratefully.

Are you alright?Regina asked in concern.

"I think so...but where are we?" Ruby asked in concern, looking around the area.

Before Voltaria could respond, the lights opened, revealing a pit-like arena. Voltaria and Ruby ready themselves while Amaryllis growls in any direction, ready to defend her mothers. Just then, Merlot appeared on the screen. His smug look hides his anger from the girls.

-Welcome to the testing grounds, dear students! Why don't you go ahead and get acquainted with my test subjects? They could use the exercise.-

"Merlot, quit playing games and let us out." Voltaria said coldly, projecting two ice blades.

-Oh, the games are not over yet, Ms. Eclipse. For I have yet to see your full potential.-

"What do you want from Volty, you creep!" Ruby yelled, readying her scythe.

-I just want what I came for, seeing the infamous Grimm Girl to show her true power!-

"Then why were you kidnapping people?" Voltaria questions the scientist in a cold tone.

-Kidnapping? OH! You are referring to my test subjects, I am surprised you were able to communicate with one of them.-

Ruby grips her weapon tightly. "Why did you take them?! They have a family!"

-Oh, I'm doing them a big favor! Their daughters share the same aura as you, Ms. Eclipse. They can become one with my creations. However, they can only control one, but Ms. Eclipse, you control them as if they were your army! You are the perfect being to be amongst the Grimm!-

While Merlot babbled, Voltaria gave her entities an order to find her friends and Glynda. Regina and Tabitha go while Wraith and Hannibal stay behind to help Voltaria and Ruby.

"If they weren't a success, why don't you let them go?" Ruby asked the craze scientist.

-My dear, they may be failures, but they can still be improve by your DNA.-

"MY DNA?"Voltaria growled. "You think giving my DNA would allow them to have the same ability to command Grimm?!"

-Not just command, they can also be one with them! For years, I've been trying to perfect the Creatures of Grimm through science that nature and evolution failed for years, and I thought I would give up. Until you, Ms. Eclipse, came to light. You were the missing key ingredient for perfecting the Grimm. You were like a gift sent by the heavens above.-

"You are mad, you know that, right?" Voltaria growled at him.

-Mad? No, dear. I am thrilled to know of your existence. That you came to this imperfect world, followed by two unknown dinosaurs that shows rare genetics of hybridism. You could command them and the Grimm as a war chief! The test subjects cannot compare your ability, for you are born with a rare power! And they must have it to be perfect! To make Remnant a perfect world!-

His words were disgusting in their ears. Why on Remnant why would he try to make Remnant perfect? As if. There is no such thing as perfect. Voltaria recalls from her mother when she was young that everyone has flaws, but that makes them special and unique in their own way. And Merlot doesn't see that. He only sees himself as some sort of 'God of Grimm' which he is not.

"You are indeed the vilest man ever to exist." Voltaria said before glaring at his screen. "And you will be stopped. RUBY! AMA!"

"Ready!" Ruby readies her weapon and Amaryllis bears her fang.

-So be it. If you won't cooperate, then I have to use force!-Merlot said before sending his mutant Grimm and security androids at the girls.

Both Ruby and Voltaria scissor-crossed through the horde of mutated Grimm while Amaryllis took down the robots with sheer force and her brutal strength. While they fought them off, and ignoring Merlot's ranting, their friends were trying to figure out how to free the girls in their slumbery prison. Ripper and Zwei were sniffing around to find clues before they found a desk with a journal. They called out to their packmates, and Glynda went over to them.

"What is it?" Glynda asked the hybrid and dog.

Ripper nudges the journal to Glynda and the huntress picks it up, reading through the notes and words that were written by Merlot. Glynda's eyes skimmed through Merlot's notes and found out he was planning to create his own Grimm Girl army. By fusing Voltaria's DNA with the girls that he captured. He believed that if they have the same aura as Voltaria, then her DNA fused with them will allow the girls to have the power of controlling Grimm. Glynda glares at this and grips the journal tightly, almost crumpling the papers. The students don't know about this, but Regina warned Glynda beforehand when the school was required for their annual check-up. As it turns out, Voltaria's blood was infused with the venoms of a Deathstalker and a Manticore. Two deadly and venomous Grimm. With those venoms in Voltaria's blood, it would've killed her, but no, her body proved to be immune to the venom as she was immune to it, making it her defense mechanism against those who wish to use her blood would end up killing themselves. Glynda allowed the entities to hide the truth in order to protect Voltaria, no one should know about this, not even Merlot. That is why she needs to get everyone out.

"How are we doing, buddy?" Wade asked his Snake Faunus friend.

"So far so good, we just need to get past these encryptions." Evo said as he, Weis, and Blake typed as fast they could.

Soon, Regina and Tabitha appeared before them, both relieved to see them alive.

Oh, thank the gods that you are all alright!Regina said in relief.We need to get you all out of here and fast! Merlot is trying to get Voltaria to be his test subject.

"We know! But we're trying to free them!" Jaune points at the sleeping girls.

Just then Aysha lifted her head and listened to something and spoke.

More of Merlot's...creations are coming here...

"sh*t!" Wade curses as he and the others ready their weapons. "You guys finish decoding, we'll handle Merlot's abomination."

I will assist you all.Regina said before possessing the computers to help the three to hack through Merlot's codes.

Aysha made the mutant Grimm to come

Yang smiles at her. "Thanks, Aysha."

"What about Ruby, Voltaria, and Ama?" Jaune asked.

The others...saw their...bravery...they fight back...but Minden...I cannot hear her.

Sure enough, the other girls that were hiding within the Mutated Grimm, came to assist Ruby, Voltaria, and Amaryllis, fighting the androids and the rest of the mutation. Ruby was shocked to see this, but quickly calms down when Voltaria informs them that those Mutated Grimm are the girls trapped within them. They're fighting for their freedom. They worked together to take down Merlot's mutant Grimm.

-I'm beginning to think I've made a huge mistake!-

"Give it up, Merlot! It's over!" Ruby yelled out.

-No! I will not lose to you, ever!-

Merlot brought forth a mutant Deathstalker. It was bigger and deadlier than the other.

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (192)

Ruby gasped in alarm. "A mutated Deathstalker!"

-Don't be shy, students. You could learn a lot from this enhanced specimen. They won't teach you a thing about this back at Beacon. For nature couldn't make a beast this deadly, so I did!-

"Ruby, Ama, stand clear from the stinger! Its venom is more dangerous than the original."Voltaria warns Ruby telepathically.

"Right!"Ruby agrees with Amaryllis growls in agreement.

The mutated Deathstalker let loose a powerful roar that echoed through the facility. It even reaches to the room where the others were, who took down Merlot's experiments. Evo, Weiss, and Blake were almost done, they just needed to get the girls off the connection from the machine. Aysha hears the roar and instantly looks up. Alarmed and worried as she knew who it was.

Minden... Minden is going to fight them...

"Minden? Wait, are you saying..." Wade trailed off when Regina showed them the footage.

Oh, gods...they're going to fight Minden!Regina said in alarm.

"Is there a way to help them?!" Yang asked, punching a mutated Grimm away from her while Ripper tore it up. Minden...I and the others... can't connect to her...she is trapped...Aysha said.

"Merlot must have forced her to stay in control of the Deathstalker." AJ said in shock. "And if she stayed there too long..."

She will lose her humanity.Tabitha said.We must inform them about Minden.

Tabitha, go and connect with Voltaria, we must inform her about Minden.Regina said to Tabitha.

With that, Tabitha contacted Voltaria. She, Ruby, and Amaryllis were busy fighting off the Deathstalker, avoiding its attacks, pincers, and poison stinger. The other girls posing their mutated Grimm tried to help but were swatted away by the Deathstalker. Just before Voltaria could attack, Tabitha informs her about Minden being trapped in the Deathstalker's mind. Voltaria understood and had to find out more about Minden. She quickly charges forward, dodging the Deathstalker's attacks with ease, before jumping on top of its head and lands on it. And soon, she quickly mind-link to the creature.

"Minden!"Voltaria yelled through telepathy, causing the Deathstalker to freeze from its spot. "Minden! I know you can hear me!"

The Deathstalker shook, as it attempted to gain control, but Voltaria wasn't letting it. Digging deeper within Minden's subconsciousness to get into her memories.

"You are Minden Yolie. You have a mom, a dad, and an older sister. You live together in the city of Argus. Both your parents own a diner called the Yolie Diner. You and your sister work as waitresses while your parents cook. You often cook together with them. You love to cook. You don't want to fight!"

-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET HERE!-Merlot yelled to the Deathstalker that was shaking like a leaf.


Voltaria could hear Minden's soft voice, desperate to call for help. "Minden, you don't have to listen to him. He has no hold over you. Don't you want to go home? To your family?"

I...I...I want...

Memories flashed through Minden's mind, recalling about her family, her friends, and her life. She wants that back. She hates it here, she hates being trapped.

I want to go home...please help me.

Minden begged and pleaded, wanting to get out of here. The others also wish to get out as well, longing to go back to their family.

"You will, all you need to to disconnect from the mutated Grimm."Voltaria instructed.

But...we don't whispers fearfully.

"Don't worry, I will help you."

With that, Voltaria slowly helps Minden, Aysha, and the rest of the girls to disconnect their Mutated Grimm vessels. And soon, all the mutated Grimm they possess suddenly went limp, slowly disintegrating. Turns out, before the girls disconnect, Voltaria made the mutated Grimm to be killed on their own, kinda like a self-destruct system. And once they were free, Evo, Blake, and Weiss were able to discard the girls' connection with the machine, freeing them from the prison. The group quickly brought the girls out of there and checked on them, and to their relief, they were alive and well.

"We need to get them out of here." Glynda said, placing a sleeping girl down.

"How are we gonna do that?" Asked Yang.

Just then, Ripper lets out a roar, causing everyone to turn to him and sees the hybrid standing near what appears to be a trailer of some kind.

"Attaboy, Rippy!" Wade compliments with a grin.

As they loaded the girls in the trailer, Weiss was using her glyphs to attach the trailer onto Ripper while Glynda uses her telekinesis to keep the girls' strapped safe. But before they leave Evo picks up his Musicshocker, guitar form, before embedding it with lightning dust.

"Evo, what are you doing?" Jaune asked.

"Making sure that crazy scientist won't harm another." Evo answered before letting out a hiss as he smashed his guitar at the monitor, destroying all files and data that were stored inside. Evo gets on the trailer as Wade, Yang, and Nora blow up a wall to make an entrance to escape.

Meanwhile, Voltaria jumps off the slowly denigrating Mutated Deathstalker before Ruby fires a single bullet (which was boosted up by Hannibal) before it explodes.

"Take that you big bully!" Ruby cheered as Amaryllis roared at their victory.

-No! Nooooo! My one of a kind specimen! This is inconceivable!-Merlot yelled in anguish.

"It's all over, Merlot." Voltaria glares at the screen. "We've taken down your creations and your serum. You've got nothing left."

Merlot glares at her from the screen, refusing to lose.

-There is something I can do.-Merlot said before alarms started blaring like crazy and the ground began to shake. -Let's end this with a bang!-

Ruby and Voltaria look around in alarm. Merlot must have activated his self-destruct system that was not only for his lab, but the entire freaking island!

"What's happening?! What's going on!?" Ruby yelled in alarm.

"Merlot is going to blow up the entire island!" Voltaria said, glaring at the broken screen.

"We have to get everyone out of here!" Ruby screams.

"I send Wraith and Hannibal to get and hack through Merlot Industries ship, it will arrive shortly." Voltaria informs her.

"But what about the others?!"

Then, there was a loud'BOOM!'coming from the walls. Turning towards it, they saw Ripper strapped on the trailer by Weiss's Glyphs and saw their friends and the unconscious girls.

"Need a ride!?" Wade asked with a grin.

"Guys! You made it!" Ruby cheered as she and Voltaria got on.

"Yeah, and it wasn't easy." Yang said as she helped her sister and friend up. "But we'll tell you later after we get out of here. Weiss!

"On it! Let's go, Ripper!" Weiss said as she made her glyphs hold onto Ripper.

The Indoraptor roared and ran off with Amaryllis following. They dodged fallen debris and pipes as Regina guides him through by the map she memorized. They rushed towards the bridge and to the open hanger doors. There, there was a landing platform. But no ships.

"Where's Wraith and Hannibal?!" Ruby screams, holding onto Zwei.

"They said they will arrive with the ship!" Voltaria yells her answer.

As they were cornered, a Merlot Industries ship appeared before them.

Hop aboard, you maggots!Wraith ordered as he took control of the ship.

"Wraith, ya beautiful sonofabitch!" Wade grins as Ripper carries them in the ship with Amaryllis following them and are now safely inside.

"Get us out of here, Wraith!" Voltaria ordered.

On it! Hannibal, give us a boost!


Hannibal gives the ship a powerup, allowing it to go into full speed, escaping the destruction of the island. Wraith made sure to remove any malware that Merlot implanted on his ship, preventing it from being hacked or exploded, but Regina double checked because there was often more than one. Wraith made the ship go to Vale, but not before they secretly brought the hybrids back to the Emerald Forest, hiding any known trace of their presence in the island. Once arriving at Beacon, they immediately called a medical team to bring the girls to the hospital. The girls were brought to the hospital and were checked on. Fortunately, all the girls show no signs of infection or diseases. They were still unconscious and most likely won't remember what had happened. Which was good, since no one wants them to recall that terrible event that transpired on them. The council sent an investigation team to search for the remains of Merlot. However, all they could find was a fabric of his lab coat with his name tag attached to it.

Everyone believed that he didn't survive, but some believed that he was hiding. After all, it wasn't the first time he cheated death.

"How is she?" Glynda asked Voltaria, walking over to the young girl.

Voltaria sits next to a sleeping Aysha, who is currently resting on the hospital bed. She and the other girls have yet to awaken from their slumber.

"The doctors said that she will wake up soon, but they're still running tests." Voltaria said softly, looking at the sleeping Aysha with an unreadable expression. "I...heard Professor Ozpin was able to contact all the parents about their daughters being found."

"Yes, they are arriving as we speak." Glynda said as she looked at Aysha. "From what I heard...Aysha was taken from her home, Vacuo."

"So, it's true then, Merlot kidnapped the girls from different parts of the kingdom and village." Voltaria murmured. "It's a good thing that Regina erased their memories of their minds being trapped inside the mutated Grimm. She and the others are...still recovering...mostly Minden."

"Indeed, but she is recovering slowly like the others." Glynda said before looking at Voltaria. She hasn't left Aysha's side since yesterday. "What about you? How are you feeling?"

"...To be honest...I'm not sure."

"Why is that?"

Glynda gestures to the sleeping girl. "They were kidnapped because of me. They were taken from their homes and families, all because of Merlot's obsession of creating 'The Perfect Beings'...I'm the one to blame for their misery."

Suddenly, Voltaria felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, causing the girl to look up at Glynda in surprise, which was hidden under her mask. "The only one to blame is Merlot's ludicrous idea of believing that turning these girls into becoming like you. But it didn't happen, you saved them from that fate, freed them from their prison, and now...they will be united with their families. Unlike you, he wanted to force them to have your ability and force them to be his weapon. But you prevented it from ever happening...You are not at fault, Voltaria, remember that."

Hearing her words, Voltaria relaxed, feeling a sense of comfort from her professor/guardian was enough for her to feel more at ease.

"Thank you...Professor Goodwitch."

*End of Flashback*

"After that, the girls were reunited with their families, safe and sound."Voltaria finished her tale, reaching their temporary home where they were staying.

Oscar and Mari were in awe of her story. They couldn't believe that a mad scientist was attempting to experiment on those girls and make them his army to control Grimm.

"Are they...okay?" Oscar asked quietly as they entered the kitchen to put the groceries away.

Voltaria responded with a nod. "Yes, Aysha, Minden, and the others are all okay, but have no memories of what had happened to them, which was a good thing since we don't want them to remember." She recalls the girls reunited with their families, remembering seeing Aysha crying with her relieved mothers and her two younger brothers.

"Oh...does your headmaster know about this?"

"In a way, but he and General Ironwood didn't have the full story because we only told them that Merlot was attempting to transfer the girls' subconscious mind into the mutated Grimm in hopes to create the 'Perfect Being' and not adding the part that he wanted them to turn into me."

"Wow, your friends really cared about you." Oscar said with a smile.

"Yes, they wanted to keep me safe and to prevent anyone from knowing more about Merlot's attempt in creating another Grimm Girl."

Oscar and Marie felt pity towards her. They knew she suffered a lot and that she may have trust issues, but she slowly starts to warm up to people again. Which was good.

"By the way, those anonymous bounties on you...they were sent by Melrot, right?" Oscar asked, earning a nod from Voltaria. "Do you think he was the one that sent the Terminus Group on you?"

"Most likely, he was the one who secretly contacted them through a secure and private channel, that is how he stays out of the communication channels and avoids authorities."

"So that's how..." Oscar said in surprise. "I bet they must have regretted ever taking the job."

"In a way, but the result was the leader holding a deep grudge against me." Voltaria said before looking at the window. "I sometimes feel a small pang of regret for killing his daughter. If they just leave me alone, then she would've lived."

Oscar looks at her with a concerned expression. He knows that Voltaria had no choice when it comes to fighting, but the only one to blame was the leader, Ivan Makarov, sending his daughter and her squad after Voltaria.

"To be fair, you didn't do anything wrong, you just...want to be left alone." Oscar said, hoping to give her enough comfort and support.

Voltaria simply glanced at him and nodded. "Thank you...Oscar."

Oscar smiles at her kindly. "You're welcome, Voltaria."

The Grimm Rider - Dolphinheart99 (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.