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I TEN THE SHREVEPORT JOURNAL SHREVEPORTBOSSIER CITY LA TUESDAY NOV 1171 TODAY'S NEWS TODAY'STICTUBES 0 it REAL ESTATE SALE (Q) REAL ESTATESALE (Q) REAL ESTATE SALEM) REAL ESTATE SALE' It)t! GLANCE- S-----'-- By' Gill FON a) MOBILE HOMES '-1) 1---4RANSPORTATION -la) TRANSPORTATION 117 1 11 1 )c (6 Trailers 6 Residenilat Homes (146) Rei1clentiol hom*o (146) 'Residential hom*o (148) ii1r1oci-ir Ping' e'it i 1 I 031 Autos '1 (1811 foreign 6 Parts REAL ESTATE SALE mmtrznwtrdzmiwnrAm Residential Homes 1otkal10110oseg00040111AbW (Q) REAL ESTATE SALE (Q) REAL ESTATE SALE (Q) REAL ESTATE SALEIlLn't GLA NCES I ''7 (146) Residential Homes (146) Residentiai Homes (148) Suburban Property 1 'NSPORTATION i (I) sricruBts SPORTATION TEN THE SHREVEPORT JOURNAL SHREVEPORTBOSSIER CITY LA- TUESDAY NOVt It'll TOOAY'S NEWS TODA REAL ESTATE SALEI(Q) REAL ESTATESAit (11) REAL ESTATE SALE1(1:) REAL ESTATE SALEIlidtt GLANCE-5 Bv: Gill FoN I (S) MOBILE HOMES I I I ettr 5uburbon Property MCSICIentigl num i 40 Kessaentsot 1 Keturent 'Cl) (146) 11) qd 1r Homvels 1( rteot IHomes TI--- 4 1( 1 PICKUP COVERS STATE REALTY 1 el' A Tr nr A I KtALIT Van Smith Realty i i rt Lit Ivan 3ffilin Keanyl I 70 MERCURY me re A-door sedan complete power end MC radial tires vinyl to 1 owner excellen 1 conditnn 24500 miles 178o5 616-2580 CLEAN 1965 Chv rol At 1-4ardlop Caprice S195 Agent 868-6422 1962 CHEVROLEt 2-door Hardinp me tor St kcinor te power and eir vinyl to 1 owner ondltrtn 21500 miles hy I et Hardigp tent 868-6122 1-door Hardtrin 21aitnwas 1960 paint $201 3214 irnnate BC 7424659 Wray import Motors 10e Matatet et Fannin 1245711 WE BUY Old Volkawagens and nickuna runningor not 746-6610 1970 FIAT 850 Convertible 61700 1AT- 61700 4 I I Oscar CI Oyd Southwest 686-4314 SALEM Exoeutiv it living 4 bonrooms Invely familv ranm with itnamnd Wing end shag carnoting ctionm drapes Prim roducoll to 813800 LYNDA LANE 3 batirehm baths Mtn central heat and giro nice yard with fruit from 621300 I I LlOYd Uscar APAAll A at 0S0K11 11111111c1 00 IMO 13 L111011cle feintorn drapoi Pricsel -roducid fol IS)3100 LoimAL AL Ii4 4 I S295 Red And white Anent om-eorn Phone eni-ell? Must SELL 1910 VW MO speed pood condition $1200 001722 MERCEDtS 220 air radio Cmusey'S 1965 VW told air or 02-4729 Aml4492 Causev's Must SELL 1910 VW MO 4408Si 4 CAusev's I 10k tikitf 'OH Air rzl 1965 VW told air VI 868-6422 Causey's Mite Anent 868-64fl 20 VW $950 4211851 air Vi I I WINNiNGHAM HIGHLAND AREA Levity 2 bedroom older home In exceloant condition New wall heater the beautiful oak floors shims like new A large screened beck porch ram be the 3rd bedroom Metal carport $9000 Nothing down ESA "203" or "rtS" insurod IWO ri CADDO HEIGHTS A real nice 3 bedroom brick central hoot new bullt-in stove and kitchen cabinets carport nice lot $16000 no down payment FHA4 '203" or '233" insured loan NEAR WOODLAWN HI Redecorated 3 bedroom II2 bath brick built kitchen with den comblostion central air and heat Only about 3 years old $18000 No clown payment FHA "203" or "233" insured Intoi OFFICE 861-4810 MEMBER OF MULTI-LIST Soils! 615-27n5 01614110 OWNER 2934 Liurel 2 bed room fenced yard Near Ototensbore Park Lakeshore Jr nosh 100 VA loan e11-4itS4 0141-4Ant Sol-4512 WIC0-11ANb ARFA LovmY maroon onntr mow in lexcelIent condition New wall heat er 203" or "2a5" Insuroa lemn cAppo HEIGHTS 1 PPM mem -a nowtrntnrn pint- 101111 I stnio and Ititrhittl' eseltrmi air tifl hAtAkt Ortly hew 3 years Old SI8000 No down pYment FHA 203 or 233 a insured Irian OF 4810 FICE 861- MEMBER OF MULTI-LIST $Ailol 5 $15 27n5 604140 OWNER 9914 Laurel I le Inches' unlined mounted ond tax $160 Other sizes available compare biy priced FAIN'S TEXACO' 1900 Worth AOC kat 421 alli 1910 PAcHE EAGLE 9S5 5 ASS Trailer Co 2823 Ventres 21 PT VOLUNTEEK Mobilo home Fully self contained 1970 modal 7400 miles 43 413 Cu In engine air conditioned 3500 watt power plant For sale by owner 746-4636 office or home 6356517 DELUXE CAMPER cover fri-ro7r wheel base peneling custom carpets $15 6314130 0607490 LL '60 FORD F250 power and air '69 Nuway 9' cab-over camper $2550 As47591 1972 AIRSTREAMS ALL SIZES Open Perry Trailer Sales Bog 422 Cullen 7 clsys a week Come to see us 5321051 Butler Camper City SALES SERVICt RENTALS AND REPAIRS NEW AND USED TRAILERS prowler and Silver Eagle Travel Trailers Comer and Scamper Tent trailers Dreamer Slide4n Campers Pickup Covers SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Across From Shreve City 1250 Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy Phone 8603621 OPen Weekdays am 5:10 pm Saturday am 4 pm USED Airstream 1969 27' Ovarlander twtts) A1 condition no collect calls phone 319 125-4179 SOU ri4 nice 3 bedroom brick Ili beths builtins fenced with barn VI acres lend $5800 equity assume $101 note Stills A I A RLTY a'15-2152 1 2- 1 NORTHWOOD 3 bedroom brick air 44 heat carpets builtins dishwasher 14 '1 0 acre land or more Trade and hale qe fiw ino 979-2045 A I 0 Ca 129 acre 5 141 6 i bedroom brick 2 bath central heat and air 619500 or con be assumed eir 0 6 $85 per month GIBSON REALTY eo Sscrs 615-2009 i 75 '-t ti 615-4144 1420141 flAft-loSn oNE ACE Dood buy 'in a 3 12 i bethwri with land fence dfor horses til Kirkland Beim Inc 421- 1611 tr PORES? ACRES 1004144 ft lot Is 1 ara 511 6 drivs es11-904 alter 4 WOODED ACRES by owner l' 1 1 or Nthwood Jr and Sr hieh area 17 Restro tett city water country estate wth city colvenienres 929-3112 1 l' BUILCAND lots tr and ecti I 10 I CraS or 710ek near new Court 14ouse and School on (I Palmetto Piled COME SEE 964270e ON HWY 60 East Princeto I rooms bath orattr ohno)t seri lot buy equity take up 644 month notes By Owner 949-003 BC EAST 26 acres Oct black too 6100 down take urr eaYments WO month or 61100 cash 925-0497 TREE-STUDDED 10 ACRES sh 8 I I I a hills and roods Financing HARVIII 744-0203 8 A Li i Home eite S-aCre 11 wooded tract on bled( toe 6295 down 615 month 7420717 HALL SJIMIT IS acres imoroved 1111 bath frame horns 1113 F2 500 PO pasture fenced pond large 7 room I sm Ids us "At to ore 0r 1m Hall Summit 18 i SO) Lka Pronortv "Dear did we plant any marijuana a (150) Loki Property r)Irri4 nye 3 bedroom brick Ili owns buistinS tenceit with barn VI 6'1521 S2 II 101111 11 1 I NORTHWOOD 3 bedroom brick atrI I tasIT-4--- Aeo i I ceps bulltIne dishwasher 111 Ihoal I -1' 7' 4 $7Ii or can Da anume cam pentral mewl I 1 a cid 1 1 11PN11 I 1 I ooa IMF 111111111 I GIBSON REALTY I I AtKIS I ilgt i i vr '1( I I I Trip" I i' '4-: Wit 1 I -9 shm 5611 dpsys 861140444 a Ner 4 ip WoOLiED ACRES own 1 er 1 ef 1 1 I Nothwood Jr and Sr hrah area I goon tett city water country estate wto colvonienres 929-3112 itUiLDING Inta and 0601 OCrOS Or mew" near new Court Notoie and achnot an Palmand delnd comE SF 964-2708 4 wwy 4 'd1111'14 OLAVIIPU biome site 5-acre woo oect tract on bd( le toe 6295 down 515 month- 7420717 HALL SfrIMIT la acres Improved 114 bath frame hotne1113500 DON COMPTON REALTOR MULTI-LIST SERVICE Nothirq down FHA and VA homes SHREVEPORT and BOSSIER BOSSIER CITY SHADY GROVE 3-bedroom air Loft fenced yard 'mcDADE ST 2-bact oe with garage apt Good buy for cash DONNIE ST 3-bedrooms bulit-Ins WO and assume SHERYL ST 3-bedrOoms built-in air 1200 and assume SHREVEPORT CADDO HEIGHTS 3-b 6 ns baths den 413 loan assumption or new loan MORNINGS1DE 3-bedroOmS peneled den fenced yard SOUTHERN HILLS 3-bedrotens built-ins air fenced OUEENSBORO 2-bodroOrnS Parma exterior On 3 tots ALSO: 2-bedrooms and On Lot and 4111 SAN JACINTO 2 bedrooms solid condition make offer 215 JORDAN 3-bedrooms 2 baths brick Big big rooms SUBURBAN MOORINGSPORT RD Pi acres 8 Piro paneled borlroomt MIMOSA GARDENS Luxury country living 3 bedrooms 2 baths built-Ins air Frenk lin tic a piaceAcre lot fenced trees LAKE BISTINEAU Year rotn ir water frontage with Mobile home Sleeps einnt WE TAKE TRADE-INS 7465000 404-1711 140-411n4 1149-27oll 1 UUN LOW UN Kt ALTUK MULTI SERVICE SHADY GROVE air UM 'lensed yard 711 MI 1011 I 'n'1-mna Ant7 knftd111-17inrwesitWiC I MmthL AI04 ItierAntifin a now loan MORNNGS IIDE 3-bedrotimS anele Pd den fenced yard SOUTHERN HILLS 3bedrortms built-ins air fenced GUEENSBORO 2-bedrooms 004ma stone exterior On 3 iota 'ALSO: 2-bedrooms and deft Lot and JAIINT02 bedrooms Sad water frivItiog wan mobilo tom slimpt WE TAKE TR ADE1NS LOL71 L7465000 ksiti11 AIt7fla ie alfil '111 DATSUN-VOLVO INC SAL ESiPARTS-SERVICE 1140 Texas 054471 '64 MG priced to sell $2e5 Bossier Ault Exchange NO Texas 74e 'tut I ER xl tic hMa Pn gHo 730R02 a 746 8764 YOKEM TOYOTA INC AUTHOR IZE TOYOTA OF AL I6'te Cialrell et Linwood Volkswailert Specialists WICO AUTOMOTIVE 3600 Canal (foci North of Hollywood) 615-5141 TWO Renaults '62 and 'fa Make Chit out of twO $75 6317927 Like New 1968 VW 1 Ctritral 869-2337 tow essurIVIIOn en lovely home In excellent neighbor Mod Large kitchen family combine-hots eparate dining built-ins $22900 ANDERSON ISLAND-1 bedroems 2 baths 13424' den newly redecorated 8M1 rteW carpels throughout SAW SOUTHERN MILLS Attractive 24tory with 4 bedrooms 2'4 baths large den carpets Irt netehberhond of ether beeutlful homes Priced reduced to $30100 1121 DALZELL Large 2-story with 4 bedrooms beths huge floored attic Shoostrocked cooper plots 220 wiring Re duceI to S16900 -5 1: -1' mvely norrm orxcetion 'manner mod Large kitchen family combine- rate bu firm Sepailt -ins S22900 ANDERSON ISLAN13-3 bertremms 2 baths 13'424' den newly radernrated and n'ew carpets throughout Woo Attractiza '55 CHEVROLET Standard $140 RuoS good 869-6422 City Motorest1966 Cadillac Convertible New Mich lent tires loaded By Owner 975-9595855-1171' MY PERSONAL CAR: '61I Chrysler Newport 4-door hardoip only 25000 loaded 08179S 2 OWNER '65 Chevy impala 2 door Hardtop VS automatic radio and I heater white walls power steering and air good tires tented glass Tilood condition $595 Call after 6 pm 70 GALAXIE Hardtop CoLiPit loaded WOO 3117 70th M695116 65 IMPALA coupe 6 standard Will trade Kickapoo Auto Seim 747-2082 '69 PONTIAC ExeC Iva 4-door sedan Automatic air and power Beautiful Tu-tone green tinish $2195 Call CURLEY SANDERS at Harter Lincoln-Mercury 1 010 Shreveport Barksdale Hwy Ph 861-35e5 FOR SALE 1971 Capri Excellent Physical and mecheolcal condition Cell Jim McClure 635-9191 Et Standard $110 6122 City Motorts: Cadillac vertible In tires loaded 915-9595 8551111 ONAL CAR: ort 1-door hardotp leaned 868-3298 thevy impala 2 door lutomatic radio and veils' power steering tires tented glass $595 Call SeS-1191 ardtop CoLiPit loaded M695156 upe 6 standard Wilt Auto Sales 717-2982 i sec ut lye 1-door IC air and power (prom finish $2195 SANDERS at Harter 1010 Shreveport Ph 8613565 11 Capri Excellent zechwitcal condition 635-5893 MULKEY Air creselitionedautnroatte transmis Sim new tires MOO ectual mites Individually owned Lo Mart Service Center 101 Travig St 425-7786 enn this (182) Antique end Cassia COLLECTORS ITEMS 1952 MG TD original engine wire wheals 1958 MGe modified racing engine make offer summer?" Realtor 425-8464 AFTER PM CALL A411-91 P414713 $4q 25R2 601-0194 I 'Auche Marsalis REALTOR MULTI-LIST DUDLEY SQUARE One of Shreveport's finest town houses beeptifully decorated 2 bedroom 24 bath separate dining play room sst SOuTIS PROADMOOR Schaub 3-bedrooms lvt baths lame kitchen den corner lot central tor $24115'0 Office 869-2517 MR-5713 IM-6415 Sit-6126 110510'1 Sugar Hill Keithville Li "235" NEW 3 bedroom horns large tot $200 Down Wayne Givens 686-8863 tJ 4J 1J I n444JPoo 4 Shreveport's finest town houses beeutifully decorated 2 bedroOm 2'4 bath WSW (lining play room ss1500 aDMA INAMIlatilt ge (S) MOBILE HOMES (Q) REAL ESTATE SALE 1160l Wanted Real Estate 06arnAml600001 WE BUY EQUITIES AND TRADE USN Traci' A Trailers REPOSSESSION Repossessed 3 bedrooms Ws barns 12 64 low down and assume low monthly paymnts boor 146-5110 Vr2 -'-3 I 1 biome me low sue wOtft00W0106 Beller Deals are made on Pontiacs and Butchs IN Carthage Texas Pippen Molar Cot AtAlanRIZED DEALER 'i S'nort PlIone 423-3272 '69 MERCURY Marquis Brougham Air conditoned automatic transmission power steering brakes win dews seat quite heater Beautiful light Green finish with dark Green vinyl top e2695 Call GRADY W1LCHER at Harter LincolnMercUry 1010 Shreveport-Barksdale Ph 8613365 rDeals nade on and Buicks IN ge Texas Molar Co ZED DEALER '-e4 me 423-3272 Marquis Brougham automatic transmis ring brakes win to heater Beautiful sh with dark Green 2695 Call GRADY trter Lincoln-MercUtort-Barksdale HWY SOUTH HIGHLAND brick fluoiss Quiet neighberhoo spacious 2 beelmoms 2 baths Iowa rt all builtlos ono 1 bedroom large bath on tree studded lot ROBINSON Attractive titers duplex ideal Income property Coven lent Owner will consider all offers OLIEENSBORO tole tm shady corner lot A1 condition 'Closet to Willis Knighton Ideal school church location permanent tenants Realtor Multi-List OFFICE 861-7651 5eMieS91 geS-7S12 TRUCKS! TRUCKSI Mobile Mc Collough 686-0646 aaa-0903 6a4-2521 065-1800 VIE BUY Real Estate Mortgage Loans ielt Cultfek Ritr 4226211 t1A4-1472 eciLtiTIES PEYTON REALTY 845ani I HIGHLAND PARK MO Cash as sum lovely modern home with all extras Vacant HYDE PARK Soacious like new 3 bedrooms kitchen-den air smell equity OFFICE 865-7967 86111131 1341240 NEAR RASE FOOMi house redone FHA appraisal for "233" or VA loin On IM $13230 1 WYNINER REALTY M-7723 471-d34 No Qualifying No Credit Requirement 3-bedroom urnished home low Interest low equity separate garage washe fenced back yard Call pdi-015 anytime Winterize your home now Wholesale prices Consolldated Metal Products Mr Maddox tiA9-2534 holesaie roducts past I The 1072 Holiday Ramblers and Shasta -ravel Trailers are now on our lot VA at Howard's invite everyone to come by and view the new models during the new model 4 showing HOWARD TRAILER SALES 8881 Orenvnewt Pd 5154451 HOWARD TRAILER SALTS Holiday Rambler Shasta and Shasta Motor hom*o hitches brakes lights and alr conditioni no installed Let vs supply as your trailer needs 3831 PO Alg-6451 1ALE NEAR COSI' on Star-Craft Campers Bell and GoGo Pickup Covers 5394491 539-4729 Springhill La Apache Sales Rentals '70 CHEVROLET Pickup 350 Custom a 0 0 rl air conditionect power Intercom with '70 New Way Camper Coach 11 Feet air conditioned WE BUY EQUITIES WE MANAGE RENTALS CALL RELIABLE REALTY 7M-2235 or 746-Z117 MOORE TOWN AND ALL ENDALE TOO HECTIC? See this cottage on Quiet street Large rooms modern built-in kitchen Garaoe Only 810000 Call LOIS BRIAN 681-6011 SAM FULLILOVE ASSOCS 049-1011 3 AND 4 BEDROOM HOMES IN PINE FOREST REESE DOWDEN BUILDER 604-4435 MA41 et PENDLETON HARBOR Nome and Trailer Lots Assume Cher lit's Pretty 7441743 i65 ACRES Cy Press Black Bayou Lake Bossier Parish 1400 ft water front 80-50 or 845-51W TOLEDO BEND WATERFRON1 LOT LooansPort 60' 200' $2500 city water and electric Cali Mrs Tyler 615-1128 or 344554 TOLEDO BEND WATEPFRON) LOT Logansport with new 2bed room trailer furnished 86900 wil finance Call Mrs Tyler 6331121 or 616-M64 PINE ISLAND Cross Lake 3008170 IL ere fronts on blacktop road strip 20 wide 495' to lake frontage Gas and electriCity available $10 SOO financed GILBERT PETERS REALTOR 1711013 422611 FOR LEASE upper Black Bayou A few choice 1 acre sites water and highway frontage 5 year lease 3751019 Vivian La I BEDROOM HOME wood burning I ireplac 0 picture window over looking lake swimming pool By owner 615-51111 FULLY qUiPPIkd 4 acre camp on Lake Bistineau $1500 Call to see Jr Realtor 8692517 8659052 868-9972 868-6425 A68-5733 POINT SABINE on Toledo Bend Lake Choice Campsites Cell or write Stephens Agency In Real tors PD Box 490 Phone (318) 465-4571 Alexandria Louisiana for brouchure SHERIFF'S SALE CHEROKEE PARK BY Owner largo 3 bodrootr 1 both 'Holt VOA down 1128 mo 2211 Algonquin 424-1220 Call or see offer 12 noon oroy WALSER 04 1 2 I 4 6 4 1 I 5 1 2 "4' HAWKINS Sale 12 and 3 Bedroomli 12' and 14' MONEY Fr'al8rElliYOOINrEaEflam YEAR WOOD FOUR 1967 200 Interpetional diesels A-1 cond I I A Two 1966 1700 internationals One )959 B75 Mack One 1965 B61 Mack wench truck twin screw One 1962 B61 Mack wench truck Iwo 1967 F850 Fords Two 1968 6011 Chevrolets All of these trucks ere in' immaculate conditicis Must reduce inventory all wholesale price Henderson Texas 214-657-6398 after 5 214-657-4495 williams or Cotton Harman ATTENTION HUNTERS '63 Jeep Gladi at -excellent 'condition 4- wheel drive lock out front hubs new Pain) brakes and Clutch 81150 Call 686-2357 '68 CHEVY Fieetline pickup gold see after 4 2584 Crepe Myrtle 1968 CHEVROLET Custom Cab 1-owner A-1 shape 51395 7421267 '56 CHEVY Pick-up Good motor S275: 929-2306 after 3 0m 1968 CHEVROLET Va ton pickup V8 Fleetside with Insulated camper cover ROTATING Collection 20 to choose from Trade 318-281-1969 ninhts VOLKSWAGEN Fastback 1967 poor condition 26000 miles $900 or best offer 422-7978 SCOUT with wench A-1 shape Sormohltl 539-4729 5394491 ONE 6000 pal Gasoline or Water engine a9 na trvasHi 3l ri5ES 9492052414952:2610: 4262 'O'Urnmins SELLSSHREVEPORT 511 MARKET 421-41 FULCO REALTOR MULTI-LIST Realtor Multi-List GILBERT OR Hand so bedroom brick with huge don woodburning fireolare VII baths formal dining room Beautiful carpet through out including Deluxe kitchen SOS RIVER RD Convenient Shreve Island location mini to BANN 2 bedroom 2 bath brick on largo shady fenced lot central heat eleubie carport QUEENSBORO Compact 2 bod room home on corner lot dining and breakfast rooms 2 full bathc large front screened porch 114500 To BUY OR SELL 'Li IIMJUCLO 11J LiJa i PLUS Eci7n-tiriateli' si l--antertVed vOrolryler-3820S5E200 texLmot 7Far2aconcl Trailer Call Bill's Realty 42a-138I1 Snelling Mobile'llomeiaHel 44 4400X44Zt-v-4 4277 Market 4224731 GE Neely Trailer Sales Inc CAMFERLAND INC (R) RMS ACREAGE FA 4 2701 Texas BC Speclallst in Mobile Home Insurance Bossier City La LAND OF OPPOR'IttNi-TY a' 12' LS' Wide Mobile NOMM le 2 3 its Emmen 742-945C 1700 ACRES Red river bottom farm Bedrooms Bank Financing available TODD le Down Parn yent CAMPFIRE Intl NU-WA campers trailers and covers Parts 949-3152 686-n473 P01-6180 Open A am-li pm closed Sun rips and 11408ca Most BEAUTIFUL Tracts in Caddo NEED YOUR MOBILE Parish 212-6 A a a 10 minutes HOME MOVED? SAVE Southwest Money back guarantee MARTIN TRAILER TOTERS Terms Owner 615-3784 Bonded Insured licensed Nomad Travel Trailers It models NEW A Hammett 70-11re going al cost Environs Nomad '72 model 35 ft Park Model $3650 i 3 BEDROOM BRICK Home 4 ft 20 ft 22 ft 25 ft Twilight BUngelows '72 models lt 112 bath carpet I It -I stove 110 so to tor I a Is 212 acres S15995 FAIN'S kty-we epr aisil our hi 1 1900 North Market TEXACO 423-8174 le I homes wc THE CAMPING CENTER tic ndards ntYramnce11 Located 515cloutssvtirlexesTigd i Guai 25 minutes from Shreveport on I-20 rileeforsrerVew: rseefso rylot home Close out on all 1971 trailers tall 935'905 or 9153a45 Marshall Terry Brotioham-Jayce owner instead of a home fixer 141 477Z WET land 4 miles northeast Oil for a a I I I I we take' Fiberglass Covers City in the Pine Island Oil Fields responsibility for the home you buy Cariltritl roc Vell'A! DiAm-9117 No collect calls 375-3394 Vivien from us with the Industry's strongest i125 ACRES TIMBERLAND located Warranty LOOK: in Terryville Lincoln Parish La ENVIRONS mEMBER Rr S150 per acre Contact Claude Fields Alt '71 Sell contained modeli going at drastically reduced price Come Box 197 New LOMCi011 Texas QSR by end see for yoursalt ALSO 8x35' RANCHTOVVN le miles South of Coachman and Sunflower Park BABE 3 to 12 acre plots Terms 343 E'' Texas BC 142-4123 models' HARRIS JR STEWART'S TRAILER SALES REALTOR 6P6-5326 BUILDER SEE YertJR BARGAIN MAKER North on 59 Marshall Texas Open PenRo Mobile Homes Inc til 6 wePkdays 130 SM CInsvl Sun BADLY NEEDED Open MonSat 9-6 Closed Sunday 3912 Texas BC Hwy so East Farm Acreage 46-6142 (Next to Kellys Old Truck Sten (170) 'Mobilo Home Parks ACRES TIMBERLAND located in Terryville Lincoln Parish La MO per acre Contact Claude Fie lOS Box 197 New LOMCi011 Texas RANCHTOWN 10 miles South of BAPS 3 to 12 acre plots Terms JR REALTOR 686-5326 BUILDER BADLY NEEDED Farm Acreage ALL MODELS REDUCED COST PLUS 2 Smelling Mobile- Home ''011Tes 4277 Market 4221731 Neely Troller Soles Inc 4 2701 Texas BC Specialist in Mobile Home insurance 12' LS' Wide Mobile Homes 1 2 3 Bedrooms Bank Financing available 10 Down Payment Onen A a m-t pm clooed Sun NEED YOUR MOBILE HOME MOVED? MARTIN TRAILER TOTERS bonded Insured licensed A Hammett 746-1828 Environs 0 cosi completely salt-contained Like new 44 Only 15200 La France Trailer 6224731 World 3820 Texas 747-097e TIT CAMPERLAND INC iurence Bossier City La 12 3 715 Eatman 74-9450 CAMPFIRE arlet' NU-WA campers sun and parts RS SAVE id Nomad Travel Trailers Ii models I going at cost 4 Nomad '72 model 35 ft Park Model $3650 Twilight Bungalows '72 models 17 ft 20 It 22 ft 25 ft FAIN'S TEXACO for 1900 North Market 42341741 which SPRING LAKE Executive 4 bed room brick Separate dining area LIN den with wood burning fireplace More than adequate unlit room Excelltrit stereo Private Patio in beck yard $42303 EROADMOOR We highly recemmend this 3 bedroom 2 bath home Largo dining room Study or den Central air Fenced a Double garage Only $22000 PUBLIC AUCTION TOLEDO BEND COMMERCIAL CAMP Anerox 6 acres known as Plicher'S Point adjacent to Pendieton Bridge Marina and Merritt Mountain Park SABINE Parish Court House Many La Wait Nov 3 10 am egOADMOOR New Listing 3 bedroom brick with formai dining room large wooded lot close to school Ind shopping $17000 ROA DMOOR Outstanding bedroom 21 bath brick contemporary lust 13 years old separate dining room ontsInned kitchen central air and heat larne lot 130'st217' Assume low Interest rate loan or refinance 4449 Youree '868-4418 6611174 141-3021 4462700 6463142 6439490 1165-2145 1168-11412 1611-326 SOUTHERN New Lisron Like new 3 bedroom brick kitchen den central air large lot JuSt $18730 PINE FOREST Southern Hilts Area Custom built 3 or 4 bedroom bath brick formal dining room der with outstanding cabinet work mho large wooded lot 2047 sq ft $34300 6224 Hearne 635-1306 Office 865-8486 66 CHEVELLE 396 engine tour speed transmission new paint and tires Priced to sell 742-0354 4 '71 ROADRUNNER 383 4 barrel: 4-speed make offer 742-4029 FOR SALE r' '64 VOLKSWAGEN 61000 MILES $400 861-1174 Super 8874 door hardtop needs rings otherwise good condition S85 '61 Pont Starchiel 4 door good condiPon S250 949-2963 949-2309 0 BY OW NEk 1966 Dodge 9 passar6 ger station Wagon S1300 6116-1744 1964 BUICK SPECIAL BY OWNER 686-3126 OWNEk MUST SEE' 1969 Pontiac Grand Prix loaded 33700 miles 52295 746-6989 CLEAN 1966 Mercury Comet 2000s hardtop $900 Call 631-0728 SAVE-SAL ES-PARTS-3ERVICE Copeland Chevrolet Minden La Sort Ph 425-8638 '68 MONTEGO 2-door Hardtop V-8 Automatic air radio heater Beautiful Yellow finish with matchInterior S1491 Call cURLEY SANDERS at Harter Lincoln-MerPury 1010 Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy Ph 061-3565 BOB TUCKER For a Goodwill Used Car at Holmes Pontiac 1322 Texas Ave 422-4672 Used Cars BUY MOTOR CO-- 1301 Market r23-gi 41 1'65 PONTIAC 4 door Catalina pow-- er air good condition By Owner $795: 868-3129 or 865-5152 66 PONTIAC Wagon 9-Passenger Speedometer Service Ph 422 6619 CADILLA '59 4-door barcitoto excellent condition failY Car! 123 Olive 1 '69 CHEVROLET Impala 4 Oc 5895 422-1354 Dealer 1960 -H onting buggy trailer reasonable 746-87)53 after 6 pm USED CARS AND TRUCKS NATIONAL MOTORS 873 TEXAS AVE P4425-8744 396 engine tour on new paint and 11712-0551 4 ER 383 1 barrel: tr 712-1029 SALE LI(SWAGEN MILES 8614171 75rOlds Super lia74 eds rings otherwise S85 11 Pantie: or good cOgditiod 2899 itti Dodge 9 Daum S1300 6864711 SPECIAL ER 686-3126 MUST SEE' rand Prix loaded 716-6989 Comet 2-door 631-0128 PARTS-sERVICE I Chevrolet 'Port Ph 125-8636 l-door Hardtop V-8 idiot heater Beautish with matchitig all CURLEY SANir Lincoln-Mercury larksdele Hwy Ph -UCKER ised Car at Holmes is Ave 422-4672 rade used Cars )TOR CO- 423114 kor Catalina pow zdition By Owner 865-5152 radon 9-Passenger ice Ph 422 6619 '59 1-c1oor harcitort faTtlY Car! 125 Impala gtOoc aler buggy trailer after 6 pm AND TRUCKS MOTORS 425-87di WILL DELIVER 24')(32' 2 bedroom camp to your eite Priced for quick sale P411170 or Night 861-3899 6611137 8614066 066-6966 8611916 6417511 P68 9699 NATIONAL REFERRAL SERVICE Office 861-3502 SSII-11138 861-3072 FIAS 74S4 74A4 865 9477 (I SI) Apartments HAVE BUYERS 635-6417 KNOWLES 615-6973 60 ACRES on Jefferson-Paig Rd 990 ft frontage TimbAr GLENN WELSH EALTOR 425-8464 Myrtle Felker NEAR CROSS LAKE 1 SPARKLINGI 2 bedroom home with wall to wail carpeting custom draper se new Central Air and Heat JUST RIGHT for the retired or young couple Good financing available! Immediate NO HOUSE NOTES Let your neighbors Pay them! OW a duplex Cell: MARAK REALTY 122-1777 a21-SaAa '63 Chevy $575 6 standard long bed Glen's Auto Sales 1436 Barksdale Blvd 425-7822 SCOUT 1967 4 Wheei Drive full cab 6X6-0995 '69 FORD Econoline Van 6 standard with heater $1500 '71 Ford Custom Club Van V-8 a ndar air radio seats and windnws $3000 Cali 849-1160 '67 FORD Bronco with camper Call 656-0964 after 5 om vmekdays '66 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP Wide bed Good condition 13' owner 5800 6308 Linwood 865-4746 7469307 1 WILLIAMSON'S CHEVROLET '68 Chevrolet Fleetside pick-ug 'Ong wheelbase 307 V-8 Standard transmission factory air conditioning radio custom deluxe tab gold and white only $1695 vVIv1n La ohone 424-2241 "(it FOOD Pick-Up air 12000 miles 57400 616-6419 SNIERNAliONAL TRUCKS Parts CRAIG EQUIPMENT CO INC 1104 Orimmot Ph otxst CENTENARY AREA: Walking dis- 416-2970 PASdite lance te Centenary College toi AAs7 PA Null 63114osh Large 114 story brick with 3 bedrooms 2vs baths carpeting I and draperies separate Den (or office) nice Sun Porch am double carport $17000 12 70 2 bedroom front living ceroetS throughout 15295 3 bedroom 112 bathe $5395 Up to 10 years Bank financing Tony Lewis MOBILE HOMES 3062 Tex8s 7462910 6654902 OPEN NIGHTLY fil 6 PM '70 12(48' 2 bedroom $400 down transfer leen 7444694 SA8-2943 oa" LARGE shady lot water furnished Hwy SO at Yum-Yum Drive-In turn on Bellevue Rd rla miles to Pine Acres ARMSTRONG'S TRAILER PARI( Near WE Lots $25 9234564 925-INI221 RIVER VILLAGE MOBILE NtomEi Riverside Dr Bossier 1 IN THE SOUTH available- Reasonable 49341)23 ON) MULTIIIST REALTOR NEAR SEARS Ideal for couple Very attractive 2 bedroom home lakes very little cash and assume present ken Payments only $62 Immediate possession BROADMOOR Near Arthur Circle school Neat mid cozvf 2 bedrOoms separate dining enclosed garage Vacant NATALIE St Brice beetroomi excellent condition Lots of stereos Can be assumed or sell on new loan Office 868-0361 Srfcit duplex 4 bedrooms carpeted draped central heat air VA loan S37450 Good locetion 1160-62 Jan-Ma Pl 8614367 41 (I 321 Comm Icoal invst CHOICE 5 acre plots open and wooded near KalthvIII a Mobile Homes OK $50 down $50 month 616-een5 IQ ACRES Timber land one mile east of Lake Claiborne $12000 Bruce Cowan Box 95 Ruston Le Or phone 2555049 10a0Wsftowoft0As RILEY JEWELLA: Well to Wall carpeting new dishwasher end seltclears In oven in this derling 3 bedroo Ws bath brick Central Heat PLUS Pley house le the fenced backyard ONLY S179501 LAKESHORE AREA: Nice neighbor hood Lovely 2 bedroom ir-conditioned home with built-in kitchen beautiful cus tom draperies and carpet 111 double carport end gorego PLUS nice 2 bedroom cottage with Central Heat 1A4-4774 421 2311 RAR q2r12 TEAGUE Blue kidge Mobile Pork Swimming pool game room Plagground thing take -near WE GE Ford pleats Buncombe Road SIS-4477 FORSYTHE MOBILE HOME PARK Recently completed family owned and managed Spacious lots pine trees free gas 20 minutes from town VIA 120 In Waskom FHA approved 214487-3710 its Waskom BOSSIER Mobile Home Park Nice Spaces Available 7421978 Autos UNUSUAL CATHEDRAL CEILING In tramentioussited der with cozy wood fireptace builtIn kitchen large enoutth for a family reunion 3 bedrooms 2 baths prtvate wooded rear lot alone Is worth the price If YOU have children Southern Hills FORGET ME NOTI I am the buy of the week! In lovely Southern Hi lis on Vs acre wooded PH you could never reeler me for this low price 3 Bedrooms 2 baths kitchenden central weather double carport MAXIHOME MINIPRICEI Play room den 3 bedrooms 2 baths In Orime location on culde-sec fresh es a daisy and priced In mid 20s Great for the large family who needs a good school district NEAR CENTENARY COLLEGE and Querbis Park Golf and Tennis refinished 2 bedroom caftans with a back yard like the country $10300 South Broadmoor Under Construction: KORAN 170' Commercial to Aqurt A SOUR Realtor 2r0 Milam 43-6056 168-6A40 11SO 5q Ft Home 3 rooms and hall carpeted In an excellent state of repair zoned under business district perfect for any small business such as I doctors Office lawyers Office real estate office etc Excellent location on Airline Drive in Bossier City Priced at only S22000 and reedy for occupancy MONTGOMERY REALTY AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 1431 Airline Drive Office 746-2323 Home Phones 7431414 74241667 CO2-3707 742-1543 40A 0ft BILL FORD HAS Rental Purchase Plan CHECK TIES AO ANTAGES 1 Mowers inilal cost and move In 2: Remaining nown payment made In 4-ensv Installments 3 No interest during down Drimont 4 Lower monthly payments actually lower than rent RILEY MOBILE HOMES 4344 Texas BC 746-5140 PINECREST 7 0 71 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville beautiful gold finish with black vinyl top all Cadillac accessories includin cruise control local one Owner car still in warranty Dealer On the stop Financing 123-3607 '62 CHEVROLET 2-Door hardtop red finish with matching interior console 'shift new tires strictly sharp ON THE SPOT FINANCING 423-3401 '68 F100 RANGER Pick-Up S1693 Dealer 422-5410- CHECK READH1MER's USED CARS 213 FAST 20TH ST 865-4194 '68 MERCURY Monterey 4door Sedan Automatic air and power Double sharp Beautiful Green 'with matching Interior $1595 Call GRADY WILCHER at Har4er tincolnMercury 1010 Shreveport-Barksdale HWY Ph 861-3565 Coupe de Ville sh with black vinyl ccessories one Owner car eater encing 123-3107 1-Door hardtop red ng Interior console strictly sharp ON CI NG 123-3107 Pick-Up $1693 AER's USED CARS 865-4194 4WOOOY air and power autiful: Green 'with i1595 Cell GRADY tiler Lincoln-Mer trt-Barksdale HWY Realtor OFFICE 423-8337 4c-i9cR P611112 61A-7453 '69 PONTIAC on nevIlle 1-door Hardtop Automatic air and power Silver Mist finish with black vinyl top $2495 Call GRADY WILCHER at Harter Lincoln-Mercury 1010 Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy Ph 861- '70 FORD Galaxie SOO 2-door Hardtop automatic air end power Beautiful Gold finish with matching interior 12295 Call CURLEYSANDERS at Harter Lincoln-Mercury 1 01 0 Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy Ph 861-3565 '63 CUTLASS F858125 '67 MUSTANG 6 cylinder stick shift Radio-heater- Excellent condition $975 746-1016 A very short dist a nee from Koran near Lake Bistineau we offer today a surveyed tract of land containing 160 acres Has fair timber crop well drained and serviced with Parish Tom At WO per acre we are of the opinion that this Is I reasonable price for hill and valley land This property Is being sold to liquidate an estate And Investors In land cannot go wrong in securing this property with all the timber and one-halt the minerals 165 acres with 2 homes IA mile off Highway 71 at Elm Grove acing black to road Fine ranch or farm land Used at present time for ranch Leroe 3 bedroom fully carpeted home Bolin baths have dressing areas flocked wall parer Grecian Marble Vanities Huse fem II rooms 20011 ft with beamed Cathedral ceilings and fire-Place Master bedroom Is 15x14 ft 6 le Urge living room MOY be used as living-dining combination All builtins Good closet space and double garage Priced at $WAPO FHA or VA Call Don or Dora Coleman WE HAVE over 30 Exclusive Commercial and Investment listings Call Bruce Baker Mgr Wesley Dowlin Realtor 423-6236 OFFICE 86971611 PIERREMONT SQUARE mmomiii 040W4VVA00Ad10 14 WIDE BELMAR HALLMARK AND BLAIR HOUSE HOMES Curtis Mobile Homes Hwy 171 I mileat South PM Lighted Lot and Homes bEE THE NEW ALL ELECTRIC FLAMINGO MOBILE HOME -'9'" LOT 00 0000T5 bEE THE NEW ALL ELECTRI FLAMINGO MOBILE HOME CLASSIFIED DISPLAY-' DISPLAT1 oo- eftem souov moo tAPOADMOOR 3 boronms 2 boms shop or office cential air extremely 'spot and clean Kirkland Baird 423-3611 GARDEN VALLEY frame fenced yard $65 month central cleaning SHREVE REAL ESTATE 4s40990 ise64701 tROADMOOR TERRACE 4 b- room 2 baths den Assumotinn 18500 Lock' Idol Realty 424-3155 s6S-1215 1 MANRY REALTY CO Ilstinos Cordially Inyttert 2462 Barksdale 15C 742-1131 SHREVE REACE5'14TE OADMOOR TERRACE Ass 0990 mO-4701 444-27114 rig 4 bed roo 2 bath dn A ssumption 58500 Lockridge Realty 424-3155 soS-1219 MANRY REALTY Co TRADEMART ea II ni 1 a il II Tuuguu TRADE MART mail a ate 1 -as -LI0 5 7100 Blk Creswell Rd Condominium tYrie toswihouses a brand new way to live No yerdwork no cares no worries 2 and 3 bedroom homes all with 2'4 baths Fully carpeted fire places outstanding kitchens end lots of closet and storage SPOCIL I 1 LAJ t5IK Lresweil KCI Condominium type toswihouses a brand new way to live No yerdwork no cares no worr ies 7 and 3 bedroom homes all with 2ii bths Fully crpeted placesa outsta a nding kitchens and Mobile Home Yil lage Large lotS natural gas Large shaded lots with ell city utilities Recreation area with club haus ball room card room gymnasium heated pool therapeutic whirlpool tennis shuttleboard washateria and more Schdol 'buses to excellent schools Ir good neighborhoods and wide Mobile Homes For Sale or Rent Rental-Purchase 6701 of er so Paine Road 631-0002 Three miles West of Holiday Inn West LIN PARK oft 9000 Linwood near nice shopping areas shady fenced lots 52950 Free water 6A6-6155 s1ONEGATE MOIL HOME COMMUNITY Nein GE and South of Ford Battery 6801 70th 686-3071 NOW RENTING ACADIAN MOBILE PARK Swimming Pool Club house 1-mlle from shooping center and new country club Lollies East of Bossier on Hwy SO Open MonSat 949-0422 NORTH WOOD Sale- Or Rent RentelPurchase 6701 a Road 631-00i12 Three miles West of HolidaY Inn West LIN PARK oft 9000 Linwood near ee water 656-6155 nice shopping areas shady fenced latS S79 50 Fr I I I 1 MOIL HOMES INC 2355 Foster St BC Corner Schek OrBarkstiale Blvd 742-012I or 242-2577 AIR CONDITIONERS Ptvns 901161 MOBILE HOME LOANS Southern Arcentance 3(18 Market 424-606 MOBILE HOMES INC 2355 Foster St BC enrrior Srhont Rxekethtia Muff elrleee nr PA4 1170 BENTON Lr--- ONLY smOtt total price 8 bedrooms lying room separate dining room 66144126654154 ARK-LA-TeX BUILDERS giniding In Woods South Broadmoor Uolversitv Perk We soecialitit In ''215" hornet Ba-Or10 M1-0922 ROBERTS Bldr 6362361 New and used homes for sell "235" Brick Homes 3 bedrooms Paneled kitchens built Ins Cent re I heat Choice areas Strain 6116-1619 1423 CIAKDALE 3 bedrooms S5300 424 e4TH 4 bedroom $1500 FRANK GRAHAM 4211541 OFFICE 4244516 BENTON Lr----- 420 44 ONLY smoo total price 8 bedrooms living room separate dining room 141-21015 I ARK-LA-TeX a Building in Woods South Broadmoor Uolversity Park a soacialira in hOttiOt DEW CONST INC 865-8451 868-2657 Hearne Ave Corner of Hearne and Mimosa brlek 57t6 fo147105 Industrial Commercial Sites With Some Improvements SITES FROM I to 270 acres with or without rail road will build to suit tor substantial clients APPROXIMATELY 274 acres of industrial properly with good resi dente which can be used as office Good location for most any type of commercial or Industrial use Below market value INDUSTRIAL or Commercial sites with Improvements between I-70 and 39o0 block Greenwood road Includes buildings Can be used for sheet metal shop garage body shnp warehouse or sales In light mono facturing Knowles RIty 635-6417 IINCO 011-0379 100434 LOT css alth St at Linwood Terms TRULY 0411674 SS5 fli42 INDUSTRIAL Acreage One to twontytive o-re sites Lambert Development Co 5e6-7000 INCOME PROPERTY NITS 421 61e1 SIT ES FROM 1 to 270 acres wtth or without rail road will build to suit or substantial clients APPROXIMATELY 274 acres of industrial property With Rood te81" dente which can be used as office Good location for most any type Of commercial or Industrial use Below market value INDUSTRIAL or Commercial sites with Improvements between I-70 and 3900 block Greenwood road Includes buildings Can be used for sheet metal shoo garage borly shoo warehouse or sales in light maim: facturing Knowles R4 635-6417 LINCO 631-0579 100x368 LOT tyl 67th St at Linwood Terms TRULY e411674 885 8882 INDUSTRIAL Acreage One to twenty-five erre sites Lambert Development Co 686-7090 INCOME PROPERTV-77 11-uNITS 421-61111 inaustnal Lommercial Sites With Some improvements CITet relPtAA I OA RTI 011 eb 1-Kum ITauecrpwrTnorI WESTERN ELECTRIC Best FHA '2351 Values in Town FINANCING IS FOR PEOPLE 39 YEARS '69 BUICK I edir a 225 4-door a rdto Automatic transmission Power steer I ng brakes windows seat radio heater air other extras Beautiful Gold with black Vinly top $2895 Call CURLEY SANDERS at Harter Lincoln-Mercury 1010 ShreveportBarksdale Hwy Ph 861-3565 '63 CHEVY Good transportation 6385 Dealer 721 Barksdale Blvd 424-0036 '63 FORD 2 door hardtop Air and power Credit no problem Dealer 721 Barksdale Blvd 424-0036 '69 back air conditioned radio he ate New engine Beautiful Red finish with matching Interior $1695e Cali GRADY" WILCHER at Harter Lincoln-Mercury 1010 Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy Ph 861-3565 '51 FORD ICKUP Credit no problem Dealer 721 Barksdale Etivd 424-0036 '68 VOLKSWAGEN Fastback Radio CUR-LEY OY OWL" I It I I a igZ 4-Ovur a Automatic transmission radio heater air condition power a I brakes windows a a I other extras Beautiful Gold with 5 black vinly top $295 Call CURLEY SANDERS at Harter Lincoln-Mercu- ry 1010 Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy Ph 1161-3565 StRVIN6 THE ARK-LATEX AREA Larye Inventory of mobile homes PARTSSERVICEINSURANCE FOSTER MOBILE HOME SALES 4134 Greerowidd Rd 61s-9711 Dees to Sherrord Motors Denison Texas For thou Best Deal in Texas' See the HyLander) Nu Wa and Brougham Golden Falcon Trailers and Ittortl We Service What We Sell Hwy 75 Denison (214) 465-244D Dallas Phan (214) 231-1807 Designed from the inside otg 1st in Motor hom*o Mos LaFrance Trailer World 1 In Taxa a I rbotpl 465-2400 1-1807- C'Migsgfft tipszoar' (I 7'1 elej le out SINCE 1914 SALES MANAGEMENT APPRAISALS LEASES 1 559 WALL STREET Corner Creswell Ideal home And business locatico this 2-story duplex 3 rooms and bath each unit Only $9500 2 112 EAST 14T14 STREET Cedar Grove 6 rooms and bath Out-of-town owner asking 65000 Make cash offeri Maks cash offorl "GIBSON PARK" 1 i The homes represent people with a feeling of pride It Is room and space which Is an Important element to your children It Is a fulfMment of a dream in air conditioned brick homes PUlifilm appliances Walk te work at Western Electric (168) 'Can 'per' Trollops Only IS Lots Left Select yaur tot from one ot our qualified sales personnel OFFICE 742-1141 Bill Maqbae 61S-2009 Mrs Humble 615-49118 Picard swirls() Mrs Caston 6334146 821) Texas Bossier Phone 7420978 Model 17 fully equipped seltconteined air carpet ad TV sleeps 5 clean luxurious $35n0 318-447-0197 Alexandria La '67 SPORTSMAN cab-over camper excellent condition 475-8717 1916 EL DORADO 11 FT self cent eine fully equipped new cone' it ion Can be seen at 457 Apache 4254690 $16000 to S20000 All Typal of Financing Available Office 7424141 BOI1030 615-1146 631-2009 635-4983 Markot We At ohone HARRY A LAzARUS 07-9170 CHARLES STOER JR 4241381 KA Macke Streat A1 HARRY A LAE CHARLES STO MOBILE HOME PARK ANNOUNC- Red finish Will ES: matching: Interior $895 Call CUR 30 More New SPactsNovi LEY SANDERS at Harter Lincoln Available 1 Mercury 1010 Shreveport-Barksdale LARGE LOTS Hwy ph 861-3555v PAVED STREET '65 CHEVY V-8 automatic cold air OFF STREET PARKING Credit no I a Dealer 721 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES Barksdale Blvd 424-0036 10 MINUETS FROM DOWNTOWN NEAR SHOPPING CENTER '67 MERCURY 4-door NEAR NORTHWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Sedan Automatic air and power CONCRETE PATIO Beautiful Blue finish with matching PRIVATE FISH POND interior $1095 Call GRADY WILCHPICNICKING AREA Northwood Mobile Home ER at Harter Lincoln-MerCury 1010 Park Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy Ph 861- 5029 Old Mooringsport Rd State Hwy 530 4224731 '63 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille Air and full power extra clean excellent mechanical condition nylon uohol- (I) TRANSPORTATION sArgIteavtlotnires 5 a Heaarrne's 425-4900 heater Beautiful Red finish with matching interior 4 $895 Call SANDERS at Harter Lincoln Mercury 1010 Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy 861-3565 '65 CHEVY V-8 automatic cold air: Credit no Pr Dealer 721 Barksdale Blvd 424-0036 '67 MERCURY Monterey 4-door Sedan Automatic air and power Beautiful Blue finish with matching Interior $1095 Call GRADY WILCH- ER at Harter Lincoln-Mercury 1010 Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy Ph 861- 3565 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIEE Residential Lott a I 1 i 1 Repair Experts HOUSE TO BE MOVED 3 bed romms OtrAr Clove' tA9-2137 HOUSE TO MOVE 2 EEOROOM Frames easy to move A steal! 6M-6473 6M4433 REAL ESTATE 422-0111 742-0111 66rs Fox Mr Knighton L625-64572451 Mr Swint 746-6192 Mrs lampkin 746-2246 235 ACRES 2 miles east of Center Texas S65P0 AkO 71'5 mile east Of Center Located en HWY 7 Pearce Rt 3 Box 15 713-5981 fa OFF MANSFIELD RD South of WE tracts from 1 to 13 acres Llghts gas payments as low es $50 pr mont eh 6a6-0944 JACK DUNN 431-734 Jimmy Parker Realtor 929-2061 HAVE Buyers for Acreage BC HIGHWAY SO east 4acre Reliable Realty 746-2235 OLDER HOME old 52 acres Natchitoches parish Fuller 424-4516 OUTSTANDING farms and ranches for sale Also small home sites LAGRONE REALTOR 472-2517 1165-2951 635-1507 USE THIS HOME AT 117 ACRES $6000 on JeffersonRd 6101 LINE AVE Call 635-6997 for your MOM office Corner lot Phil 'Ong Restfor 661-6682 (S) MOBILE HOMES (1541 SeP Rent or Tend murr sr77''LL 4 4 14' 65' Deluxe mobile home Less than factory cost No down payment needed If credit Is good Call 742-0721 COOPER ROAD ask for Dixow Nfr HoMeS Sell or Rent 10 50' 2 bedroom trailer new Motors Securities Co Inc ca roe central air end heat Phone 42-1095 washer excellent condition $2100 aCtatellr 3M3InodoenmLa 377-8038 weekdays By OWNER 12' 60' Mark mobile home 1969 model Make offer on equity end assume 7 1966 SHERATON 10 55' bedrooms 112 baths central air and heat completely furnished Including washing machine Excellent condi- tin $L280 929-2359 1969 NEW MOON 12x51 excellent Condition notes $59911 reduce gutty 975-0(11i FOR SALE OR PENT Will accent rental purchase Pihrt on 14 68' mobile home unfurrished except (I56) House to BIP Movod washer-dryer and stove Fully car- tutted Central air and heat On Private lot will accept one child HOUSE TO BE MOVED 3 bed- no pets 00-38M earns Cisrer Clove' tA9-2117 WE MAKE LOANS HOUSE TO MOVE om 11Pd Mobile Homes COMMERCIAL SECURITIRS' 113E4r1106084M6Fnnems 7e4107 to move' IS24 kIng Hwy Ph 865-Ak41 SKIRTING carports screen enclo cures financing available 423-5631 1966 SHERATON 10' 55' 2 bedrooms 112 baths central air and heat completely furnished Including washing machine Excellent condi- Ron SC2509292359 1969 NEW MOON 12x51 excellent Condition nOtet S5999 reduce equity FOR SALE OR PENT Will accept regitelle 1 ohneul4 e8 11561 Houses to ue moved iTasher-dryer and st(116: meted Central air and tilelalincuaZ se mos Private lot will accept One child BE MOVED' 069-3PM HOUSE TO 3 bed no pets ronms Oscar Cinva emt2131 WE MAKE LOANS HOUSE TO MOVE cogt41-EVAtbacHuVisiFs 1574 kin Hwy 8651 2 BEDROOM Frame easy to move ph 564 A steal 656-6473 6864113 sKIR TING carports screen sures financing available 4235631 REAL ESTATE I mobilo home 1969 model Make offer rn By OWNER 12' 60' Mark ssume 6941126 on eguity en 1966 SHERATON 10' 55' bedrooms VA baths central a ir and heat completely furnished Including con washing machl Went GIBSON Const Co Inc 1 ifel 7-- 1 I r- r- 1 ti i iN 1 I I 1:: NOTICE TO BROKERS 611 FHA ACQUIRED PROPERTIES CORRECTION NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE 222-028006-203 :1345 Felt PI Shreveport Le 222-033059-203 830 Bobylon Shreveport to NOTICE TI PHA AcC0 UR IRR 0 222-028006-203 I 222-033059-203 8 On any mobile vehicle or home Enterprises ena Stoner 422-4210 STARCRAFT OF SHREVEPORT Campera and Trevel railera 9204 MANSFIELD RD 016-9105 686-3267 636-221i SAVE the best camper for your money EL DORADO at Red River Chevrolet Traffic Street Exit Off-I 70 Ftm-ler 7423411 tO 13 ter 7423411 Chevrolet Traffic Street Exit Off-li (1 7 4) Autos Trucks Leos Gold Door Homes Designed and built 8Y AUSSELL LOUVIElt A6-21A6 FOR f1 SALE use a Classified Dial 424-0373 now! CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY L0 424-0373 now CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 235 CONFIDENTIAL AVIS kENT A CAR NTS ALL MAKFS OF CARS 1 235 CONFIDENTIAL I AVIS kENT A CAR RENTS ALL MAKFS OF CARS 1141cv? HAVE: WHAT YOU WANT WANT WHAT YOU HAVE PROPERTY PROBLEMS SOLVED VY ROBERTS M1-7466 WILL TRADE furnished cabin on Lake Claiborne for lot or acreage In BC Of comparable value 246-7215 Relleble 70-7117 HIGHLAND PARK 3 bedroom bath and a half central beat and air rano Carpeted fenced yard 1126 Fenwick 425-7996 atter 5 Assume or refinance 5'464 loan HAVE: WHAT YOU WANT WANT' WHAT YOU HAVE PROPERTY PROBLEMS SOLVED Pe ROP TS M1-74es WILL TRADE furnished cabin on Lake Claiborne for lot or Creage in BC of comparable value 7662215 Reliable 7162132 HIGHLAND PARK 3 bedroom bath and a half central beat and air range carpeted fenced yard 1126 Fenwick 425-7996 after 5 Assume or refinance Six loan WILL TRADE furnished cabin on Lake Claiborne for lot or acreage in of comparable value 7 7213 NoiN14 7462132 HIGHLAND PARK 3 bedroom bath and a half central heat end air range carpeted fenced yard 1126 Fenwick 254 after 5 Assume or refinance 5'406 loan 4 996 HAVE: WHAT YOU WANT WANT' WHAT YOU HAVE pROPERTY PROBLEMS SOLVED VY ROFERTS 86176sa WILL TRADE furnished cabin on Lake Claiborne for lot or creage in of comparable value 766-2215 197liable 63-21 7 i WAIT! If you haven't checked with us you may spend too much for your recreational vehicle YEAREND REDUCTIONS Featuring: AvccoSightseer Champion Motor Homes 'and Williams Craft Travel Trailers Pickup Covers and Cab WE TAKE TRADES SYear Floancing BURNETT Di St CO INC Marshall 425-S313 Discount Sale Shop from the leroest selection In Ark-Le-Tex area DelRes mint-motor homes travel trailers and campers Plck-Up covers and rental trailers off on parts and supplies tog Bank Hite financimg We service ell we sell We take trade-ins ilia 72 Del-Rey's Are Here Southside Coach And Trailer Sales If vou haven't checked with us you may spend too much for your recreakonal vehtcle YE AR-FND REDUCTIONS Featuring: AvccSightseer Champion Motor Homes 'and Williams Craft Travel Trailers Pickup Covert and WE KE TRADE 5Year Financing 1025 UerRsTA NETT DIST CO I N4C25531 3 Martha' Ca: Discount sale ohS from the lordest selection In tliirst10-sa-rferLielcetgri'sRearldnIclm-n414r cilers plck-U overs and rental tra 10 Off orl Parts and supPlies 100 Bank rate financing We service ell we sell We take trade-Ins 72 Del-eRey's Snuthside Coach And Trailer Sales WAIT! If you haven't checked with us you may spend too recrettoba Ye I h' I much for our RESTRICTED city lots In Briarcliff front of Western Electric Turn on Ardis Taylor Drive 6543241 0001110 ettAl5SS SOUTHERN etILLS Cynthia Lane Beautiful building site Contact Tom POW's' stArr14-FuttHOvE INC 4211Set RDA Subdivision po's 'Crossing Fairway Forest all sizes end shnoes nen(1 Lambert Development Co 09057090 sOuTh HIGHLANDS Betty Virginia Circle $12500 per lot lambert Development Co eit6-7090 ATTENTION CHURCHES beautiful 10 acre trect located on Lakeshore Dr All City utilities will give terms John Harris Realtor s31 tr45 or ots-79nR it4 WOODED ACRES by owner Northwood Jr and Sr high area Restricted city water country estate With city conveniences 9293112 CHOICE w000tO HOmE SITES In lovely South Ridge 13200 up All utilities Restricted Prank Orinsby Reeltor 440512 00 LOTS on the Kingston Road ygth private drive Soot 861-1975 THREE RD $1500 EACH ALEXANDER 425-5971 BALANCE YOUR'BUFGET VJAHT ADS Dial 424-0313 SOUTH HIGHLANDS Betty Virginia Circle $12500 Por IOT lambert Development Co 6867090 ATTENTION CHURCHES beautiful 10 acre tract located on Lake- shore Dr AI) city utilities will give 6 ei terms John Harris Realtor 11)775 or 61679n8 i114 WOODED ACRES by owner7 Northwom Jr Ind Sr high area Restricted citY water country estate with city conveniences 929-3112 CHOICE w000to HOME SITES In lovel south Ridge $3 200 up All utilities RestrIcte'd 'Frank Grim sby Realtor 47445512 60' LOTS ort the Kinoston Road THREE RD private drive $4100 8611925 $1500 EACH ALEXANDER 425-5971 BALA i 140E YOUR et sertnrir yoUn Illi LAIC I 111TH 0 BA-s't Dial 424-0313 essi 9 Fairway Forest all sizes and shapes $20nd UP Lambert Cieveinpment Co 636-7090 SOUTH HIGHLANDS Betty Virginia Circle 912500 per lot LaMbort Development Co 61467090 ATTENTION CHURCHES beautiful I tr I 644L 4 4 4171 Do you qualify? Been afraid to ask? Cali us and see 2-34 bodroom homes in Bossier and ShreYsoort James Brown BUILDE AND REAL ESTATE 110I Shady Grave Dr Office 746-0888 10-1724 747Paa7 74494 716 SIM Huntington Park Homes AT LOW LOW PRICES PY SOUCHE PALACK OUEENSBORO 2934 LAUREL 2 bedroom home with fenced yard 100 VA loan Owner will consider Prooerty auto jewelry or what have you as pert payment Ben Johnstori 411-4804 itA14512 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY (160) Wanted Real Estate SELLING OUT FAST NEED L1STINOS CALL LANDMARK REALTY 7421911 'ISITNCy NEEDED RENTALS SALES LEASES WYNINGER RLTY 4112rs4 4n101 42? 100 MUL1 1-LIST SERVICE RJR SMITH REALTOR 746-5440 WE NEED LiST1NCS CALL US CHARLIE'S REALTY 3216 Barksdale 7441241 rn to the Want Ads tor uo-to-thekrolnuta servics facts Want Ads are nowt piNEcREsT Mobile Home Village 14 aid 24' wide tuxury and moderate priced Mobilo Homes for' Sale or Rent or RentalPurchase See add under Mobile hlome Parks 6701 Jefferson Paige Road 631-0002 1000 to Wail carpets $30011 Call 146-20k4 4-6 FOR RENT OR SELL 3 bedroom bath unfurnished 1910 model Also available lilt acres of land with utilities Owner will finance fle141106 1QUALITY SERVICES Mobile Nome Reoalr MU Southern Ave 423-5319 IF YOU see a pet in distress call the Humane Society 9292066 it pet is lost USE a Times-Journal AO 800 MAN5PIELD PO 684-804n COLEMAN TRAILERS KAMPER'S KORNER 8684452 556 nen Bank Financing BELL PICKUP CAMPERS long wheel base and short wheel base lift doors and walk-ins BUCKSKIN TRAILER MPG CO 2255 Old Mlnden Rd PC 746-2209 BUY EQUITY '10 Nua cab over 91'2' self contained M8-72A1 1-7770177-r7A-0s rts Barksdale BC 4244421 4244228 FEATURES PLYMOUTHS 72S Mmrsheit Phrole d2-CM6 (17S) Auto-truck kepair 0040 oftIMAial CHEVY V-8 10100 bloc $TOP ARKLA-TEX MOTORS e1-4416 BoDy -WORK (epair on any maie car reacnoabler' 616 41373 rensmissons ikety4tre1 Excna11944 AATCO TransmR619n 47619 EDDIE'S RADIATOR $HOP '253 rpt-009 ARA TRUCK CAMPER AND AUTO AIR CONDITIONING UNITS SALES AND REPAIRS LYNWOOD COBB'S GARAGE $tO Benton 1-20 exit 746-2329 Bind( 1994th of Sears Potsier (177) Wonted to Buy WANTED to buy: Low mileage 1971 Chevrolet Lester Brauel's Used Cars end Truck 925 short Spring 42341519 WE WANT IC) BUY WRECKED AND JUNKED CARS 746-29)9 Metropolitan -Motors 2600 Linwood Ave Ph 425-7711 Holmes Pontiac Co Inc Best Prices on Used cars 1S22 TEXAS AVE 422 021 Hi-CASH for Late Modal Cars NOLEN AUTO SALES 1126 Texas Ave Phone 4252200 WHERE YOUR ONLY DEAL IS A FAIR DEAL Mobile World Home Sales lee 9310 Mansfield Road 686-6033 MOBILE HOME FillAHOING SMALL DOWN' 'PAYMENTS! FHA DOWN CONVENTIONAL irk 'DOWN LEASE PURCHASE PLAN 11031LE WORLD HOUSE CARS MOTOR HOMES PICK-UP CAMPERS: PUSH BUTTON CAMPERS TRAVEL TRAILERS MINI MOTOR HOMES CUTAWAYS SPECIAL SHOW BUY NOW AND SAvitzt-t1 KEA LI COURTESY CHEVROLETV 6 2627 Lit'IWOOD AVE 1 FE ATURES PLYMp000U7pa THS7 c06 l'''''''''- LJJ iVill 11111111ML (4d' iP'''' and me 244 boirnom Do vat qualify? Been afraid te ask? Hunti hornet In Bossier and Shrovettort 725 Auto tuck 11 7 5 1 ir HOUSE CARS 110131LE HOME HOMES 1 4 Cell 1 11 ii? James Brown 6sssiss--vistssese6666 V-8 short block $189 i MOTOR' F111A1101110 PUSIRABVUTETLOTNRACILAEMRSPE1" f'i si BUILF1ERAND REAL ESTATE ARKLA-TEX MOTOPS 474-446 CK-UP CA I MPERS' I IN 1 01 Shady Grove Dr FIWI- Office 746-0888 1 BODy -wORK (emelt- on any make car reasonable 6666531 SMALL LADWN' PAYMEN' TS! MINI MOTOR HOMES: 742-1224 742meT7 744991-14 746-510 AlArTa cnsomi ts2onrsrigome 25 RADIATOR 61-10P 0 FHA 5 DOWN ill 4----i- ngton Park Homes 3 stm eq 311r4 i IA eT LOW LOW PRICE'S ARA TRUCK CAMPER AND CONVENTIONAL CUTAWAYS BY BOUCHER-SLACK 666470 AUTO 1s0Ef2P113AUDNROWCHNAE 06 ouEENsBoRo Ti A A 11EISNSTNIIrRitgAllgIS LYNWOOD COBB GARAGE SHOW $10 Benton Rd I-20 exit 746-2329 2934 LAUREL 1 Block North of Sears Etotsier LEASE SPECIAL to014d7r14775VP '1------1 ProPerty auto jewelry or what have YOu as pert payment 11 49g44-4 1 ii----t Ben Johnston Irfii-ez 451-4804 m1s12 fiw4 cr6o) Wanted Real Estate F---AsT 1116u1116'0 I SELLING OUT NEED LISTINGS LI Mobile Home Village 14 atid 24 wide 1 st and LANDMARK REALTY A 7422931 moderate priced Mobile Homes for' NEEDED Sale or Rent or Pental-Purchase 7 to Buy (1 anted WANTED to buy: Low mileage 1971 1 WORLD 1110a1LE II Chevrolet Brauel's Used 4 a34rtsla9nd Truck 925 Short Spring 2 BUY NOW AND 1 70 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RENTALS SALES LEASES See add under Mobile I-10m Parks 1 CHEVR'OLET 6761 JoN pi 1 631002 8040 MANKFIELD PO 686494n WE WANT TO BUY WRECKED 1 I AND JUNKED CARS 746-2919 WYNINGER RLTY COLEMAN TRAILERS 1-1 li gt $234:1 Anlivo 4271nAl 1000 to wail carpets Metropolitan -Motor FOR RENT OR SELL 3 bed mUL11LIST SERVICE RA SMITH $3000 Call 746-20s6 8-6 daily room 1 55K6AMwRE7R101K040NicElltr11106800-404t0529 BELL FICKuP CAMPERS i 26E127 LINWOOD II' '1 I El i REALTOR 746-5460 1 Linw bath unfurnished 1970 model Also avalleble 1111 acres of land With wheel base and short wheel 2600 ood Ave Ph 425-7711 Inc WHERE YOUR ONLY DEAL Holmes Pontiac Co WE NEED LISTINGS CALL Lis utilities Owner will finance e644805 base I-indoors and walk-ins BUCKSKIN TRAILER MFG CO IS A FAIR DEAL CHARLIE'S REALTY QUALITY SERVICES Mobile Home mnd" Ed 2365 ld i Ei 4606 Used Cars Repair MU Southern Ave 423-5319 Best Prices on Mobile World 66 rrn TEXAS AVE a'I2-4623 Mobile World Home Sales lac 3716 Barksdale 746-3243 BUY EQUI TY '70 Nu-Wa cab over rn to th HI CASH for Late Model Cars Want 75--ds for It- YOU ee a Pe in distress can 5 61f 4 6667261 9310 Mansfield Road 686-603S NOLEN AUTO SALES p-ice facts Want i'''I) RAINS i Sc the Humane SocietY 929-2066 it pat MOble ou to-the-minute service Ads are now' is lost USE Times-Journal Ad Barksdale BC 4244421 424-7228 1126 Texas Ave Phone 425-3200 1 -ts 4 "1 7 and me 244 boirnom Do you qualify? Been afraid tO ask? Cell us FEATURES PLYMOUTHS 723 Marshall Phone 42-Clf46 11175) Auto -truck kepair HOUSE CARS I I v'HrN 1 I '11! St A4 76' ni Se 761 Pt Be ar 42 Sc al C67! Fi 42 76! S3 Ac Sc al Ai DF ta al NOTICE TO BROKERS ON FHA ACQUIRED PROPERTIES NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE-SOLD MANSFIELD LOUISIANA FIRST FEDERAL NOTICE TO BROKERS SAVINGS oN AND LOAN ASSOCIATION FHA ACQUIRED PROPERTIES OF SHREVEPORT NOT AVAILABLE FOR 2030 LINE AvENoc PH 4237168 MANSFIELD LOUISIANA DOWNTOWN: SULAM EDWARDS 22-5 S1324-203 1306 Memories St 404' pH 42 7 0F SHREVEPORT FIRST EDERALA NOTICE TO BRO KERS SAVINGS ON FHA ACQUIRED PROPERTIES IND ICAN ASSOCIATION NOT AVAILABLE FOR A kjA LINE AvENLIE 368 MANSFIELD LOUIS-- ItTOWN MLAM EDWARDS 324-203 1306 I 22-561 Memories r- St 11 FEDE SAVI AND LOAN AS OF SH 2050 LINE AVENO DOWNTOWN: MU.
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