The Vinton News from Vinton, Louisiana (2024)

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Vinton, Louisiana

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Page 2 Vinton News Wednesday September 3 1975 Vinton News ATTENTION PARENTS AND ATHLETES CONGRESSIONAL GUMBO By Kenneth Allen GORDON BAXTER Accidents The Law ami Yoa 9 10 Elect ALEX ENETZ JESUS 11 AND YOU By Rev Marvin Denton LOUISIANA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION NEXT BICYCLE SAETY LETTERS other dryers available starting at $17995 WE OER LETTER TO EDITOR 1 330 Horridge Vinton ORDER BY PHONE from Sears Catalog! IN SULPHUR PHONE IN LAKE CHARLES PHONE 433 7311 MODEL DDE 8045L CUSTOMER CARE Vinton La 7(7658 Phone 589 7650 Automatic sensor control monitors temperature and terminates cycle when clothes are dry (Overdrying wastes energy) Have passed this year an adequate physical examina tion by a qualified physician 1 Be a good school citizen and display good sportsmanship at all athletic contests (A student must meet eligibility requirements and be in good standing with his school 200000 Items it Your smart Rep Dick Guidry of Galliano will long be remembered as the most out spoken member of that chamber includ ing his one word description of an actress he regarded as a traitor Shame he had to get rich! Sen Carl Bauer of ranklin running for another office earned the respect of his colleagues as did Sen Bob Jones of Lake Charles also seeking a higher office The House will miss Rep Risley "Pappy" Triche of Na poleonville long noted for Iris eloquence ability and sense of humor but who decided it was time for him to aim high er Sen Jumonville of Ventress chose to run for sheriff Several House members are trying to move to The Senate including Reps Jimmy Wilson of Vivian Charles Lancas ter of Metairie Armand Brinkhaus of Sunset Ned Randolph of Alexandria Louise Johnson of Bernice Edward Brady of Houma and Lawrence Gibbs of Monroe Lobbyists and other visitors to The Senate will be able to see at least six familiar faces: Edgar Mouton of Lafay ette Sam Nunez of Chalmette and Ted Hickey Sidney Barthelemy Mike O'Keefe and Thomas Casey all of New Orleans none opposed At least 22 members of The House appeared to be with out opposition: O'Neal of Shreveport Jesse Deen of Benton Harmon Drew of Minden John Ensminger of Mon roe Jimmy Long of Natchitoches LaBorde of Sulphury Harry Hollins of Lake Charles Larry Vidrine of Ville Platte Mike Thompson and Allen Bares both of Lafayette Vincent Bella of Berwick Woody Jenkins Kevin Reilly and rank Simoneaux all of Baton Rouge Kenneth Leith man of Gretna John Hainkel Vernon Gregson and Beg Bagert all of New Orleans Louis Dischler Jr of Eunice John John of Crowley Joseph Accardo of LaPlace and Rep Edward D'Gerolamo of Kenner Automatic Dry Cycles include: for hard to dry loads Press No Heat luff (extended time) Extra Large Clothe Drum Big Capacity Lint ilter easy to see and clean Automatic end of cycle signal Dependability Coin op proven The order has no direct effect on Louisiana however in directly it is significant because the government recog nizes that alternate fuels must be used to supplement the de clining supply in presently producing gas wells Gas industry officials argue the need for higher prices on the out of state market saying if it doesn't get more money from interstate sales it perhaps will drop some production activity That means layoffs for Louisiana workers Gov Edwards was here to drum up support for what ap pears to be the need for more gas industry money Before Congress gets around to doing anything about inter state gas prices and their regulations it is going to battle with President ord on the issue of oil price controls which expired Aug 31 ollowing that the Senate might get around to debate on a natural gas bill which has been collect ing dust for months The bill titled the Natural Gas Production and Distribu tion Act of 1975 was reported ready for debate back before Congress went on its July 4 recess The Senate never got around to arguing the issues in the proposed legislation be cause of the long and often ridiculous debate over the dis puted New Hampshire senatorial election The Senate Commerce Committee filed its report on the gas bill on June 12 and there has been no action on it since then This week the Senate has other things scheduled than the gas act and it is unclear whether it will get to the legislation next week In general the bill would require the ederal Power Com mission to establish a nationwide ceiling on the total price of all commercial sales of gas The ceiling would consist of a base between 40 and 75 cents per thousand cubic feet and adjustment for inflation an annual cummulative in crease of two per cent of adjusted base price and a special cost of service price to reflect any high cost of production The jurisdiction of the power commission would be enlarged to cover any sale or transfer of gas which was not dedicated as of Jan I 1975 The bill exempts from controls small producers with some qualifications The unanswered question in all the proposed regulation changes ceiling prices and so forth is how much gas will cost individual homeowners Sen Russell Long said before he left for the August re cess that there will be heated floor debate before the bill gets out of the Senate At this point the heat is still canned I have just been smeared with a new truth The truth is that it's taking everything I got just to stay even Right now the septic tank is a cess pool backed up from the floods Lightning hit the house and wiped out the nerves of the Tee Vee and the air conditioner The brakes are go ing out on the 65 Mustang but I got to keep driving it until I can get the '59 Benz out of the shop again My doc says if I exercise regularly I can have the body of a 40 year old man Wolf has heartworms and we got to keep him penned up thirty days and the cat is pregnant again Two years ago all of the above listed junk was working I haven't gained on anything I've just spent all my time and energy trying to stay even Diane says don't cry a woman feels the game way every time she makes up the beds and does the dishes Many different kinds of accidents can happen at an in tersection The reason for this is because traffic is coming from many different directions The more complex the in tersection the higher the possibility of an accident The higher the possibility of an accident the more cautious youjreed to be Most intersections have some type of safety device such as a signal light caution light stop or yield signs and etc Even so accidents still happen simply because some dri vers are careless and do not obey these signs or lights These devices are placed there for your protection treat them ac cordingly Obey them and watch out for those drivers who will not! The real key to avoiding intersection accidents is cau tion and reduced speeds The few seconds it takes to follow such practices could be well worthwhile Even taking the extreme of using 15 extra seconds to approach and go through an intersection is not asking too much Especially when it adds up to no accidents no injuries to yourself or others no mental or physical anguish and no money out of your pockets You must compensate for other peoples' mistakes when you go through an intersection In all probability they know what the signs mean but many are impatient and will try to beat you through Even though you have the riht of way watch the other driver closely If it looks like he's not going to stop be capable of stopping your vehicle in time to avoid an accident Don't let yourself end up "DEAD 2 Be a bona fide undergraduate student (A player must be a bona fide student of his school In terpretation: He must attend regularly carry a minimum of four academic subjects unless he already has as many as 14 units and must not be enrolled full time in any college or university of itself Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof (Matt 6:34) What Jesus wants us to do is this: Leave tomorrow's trouble to tomorrow's strength tomorrow's work to tomorrow's time tomorrow's trial to to morrow's grace and all of it to tomorrow's God In this day and time we are often in a hurry for no reason We tend to worry about things that have not happened yet This causes frustration and drives us to our very limits Someone tried to startle Will Rogers once by asking him what he would do if he had only 48 hours to live He answered "I'd live them one at a time" This is one of the most difficult tiring for us to do but one of the most profitable Jesus said "Take there fore no thought for the mor row: for the morrow shall take thought for the things REMEMBER: These eligibility requirements must be met by girls as well as boys also all students who compete inter scholastic ally in games or scrimmages on the second team squad junior varsity or any other school team All of the schools of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association have adopted the standards listed above Eligibility to par ticipate in high school athletics is a privilege granted if you meet these standards it is not an inherent right Listed below is a summary of the major Louisiana High School Athletic Association eligibility rules applying to all participation in sports by students in the state It is emphasized that: one ineligible student might dis qualify your whole team so it is important to know the eligibility rules TO BE ELIGIBLE OR THE HIGH SCHOOL TEAM YOU MUST: Gov Edwin Edwards was here in Washington late last week talking with President ord and staff members in of fices of the Louisiana Congressional Delegation about the projected natural gas shortage this winter The governor had little success in getting together with individual members of the delegation Everyone was out of the city taking advantage of the final days in the August congressional recess Congress' halls are noisy once again this week The law makers are back Gov Edwards perhaps found a sympathetic ear from Presi dent ord on his argument that natural gas prices should be deregulated in the interstate market There are few intra state regulations and the ord Administration has been try ing to lift controls on natural gas sales in interstate com merce The natural gas industry says it needs to raise its prices to stimulate domestic production The oil industry has ar gued the same position There is no question that this country needs more oil and natural gas production The state of Louisiana provides much of the domestic gas nationally In what is clearly a definitive statement on the reality of a gas shortage this winter the ederal Energy tion has made an effort to convert electrical generating fa cilities to coal It says this is necessary to save more than 64 million barrels of oil and more than 88 billion cubic feet of natural gas per year Environmental impact statements are being prepared by the ederal Energy Administration for seven of 32 generat ing stations which were ordered earlier in the year to convert from oil or natural gas to coal burning status Second Class postage paid at Vinton La Subscription SSOO per year out of parish $600 It's more apparent today than ever before that if the problems facing our state and nation are to be finally under stood and appropriately solv ed it will be due to the ex istence of a free press and the dedication of those with in its ranks to keeping our people informed In the same vein if govern ment is to continue to func tion it must regain the con fidence of those it serves In recent years we've watched the steady decline in public approval of the work being' done by our elected officials Unfortunately the present administration in Louisiana is no exception the luster that came with it three and a half years ago has turned to bluster and the people re sent it Though it may sound im modest I believe the Office of Secretary of State enjoys the respect of the vast major ity of those who rely on its services We've had an ex cellent working relationship with the people of this state for the last three decades it's been a source of great personal pride to me Our BATON ROUGE Easiest way to discuss legislative races would be to use figures such as those showing 10 senators and 22 representatives will not seek re election this fall But to those of us who have been around this Capitol a long time the real story concerns what we remember bad as well as good about departing lawmakers Skipping at random from one chamber to the other: Rep olkes of St rancisville will be missed not only because of his 30 years of experience but for his gentle nature and the fact that he looked more like a statesman than any other legislator! Two North Louisiana ranchers Harold Montgomery of Doyline and Charlie Brown of Tallulah will leaye many friends in the Senate Montgomery never left any doubt about his stands Brown was as pleasant as his cartoon name Honorable Raywood LeMaire Mayor City of Vinton Dear Sir: Official Journal of the Town of Vinton Mrs Dorothy Berwick Owner and Publisher his conduct So there's discontent But is it great enough to turn the tide against his second term bid in November? Yes if I wasn't convinced of that I wouldn't be in the race to day If we're to cope with the highly complex matters fac ing the state of Louisiana we must elect a man who is equipped for the job I have spent a lifetime in state gov ernment I understand its functions and frailties As Secretary of State my pro vince has included seventeen divisions and scores of ex officio positions I have ser ved in fills office for thirty one years or twelve years I carried the added responsi bilities of Insurance Com missioner and Custodian of Voting Machines urther I was chairman of the com mittee which inaugurated the Superport program I drafted and sponsored legislation which created a separate Tourist Commission and I served as its first chairman I was chairman of the origi nal commission which ex plored solutions to our di minishing natural resources and I have participated ac tively on committees which established guidelines for a code of ethics and campaign practices In short I feel the responsibilities that go with the job of Governor are well within my range of capabilities If you share my belief that I can provide the kind of honest dedicated leader ship that Louisiana needs to move her ahead then I would deeply appreciate your editorial support It will play a vital role in persuading voters in your area of the state to join with me in re turning integrity and sound management to our most important elective office Gratefully Wade Martin Jr We were asked to run the following letter as a letter to the editor As a public service we are glad to share this with you Editor department functions smooth ly and efficiently we manage to squeeze the most service from the available tax dollar Certainly this is not a boast those who elected me are en titled to this kind of perform ance But what about the Office of Governor? There's growing concern that all is not well Public opinion research which I have conducted and that which has been undertaken by others indicated an erosion of con fidence in the man who now holds the job My poll taken in early June revealed that less than half of the voters questioned were in favor of re electing the Governor Other research I've seen con firms my finding Why do you suppose the Governor is in trouble? It's not that Louisianians object to two terms for a Governor Three fourths of those inter viewed in my poll favored the concept So the prob lem runs deeper rom the research and from what I've learned trav eling throughout the state in recent months I believe I understand what's troubling the people of Louisiana They are aware that the state is in serious financial shape and they sense it's getting worse by the day under the present administration Those who are in need of work or are seeking higher pay are frus trated by the fact that the opportunity is not here that the pastures are indeed green er in other states like Texas Arkansas and Mississippi With another election coming up they're beginning to wonder whatever happened to the promises made during the last campaign particularly about improving our highways and of reducing the cost of state government They're asking why the Governor should be allowed to manipu late the new constitution so that he can spend monies for pet political projects that should go to retiring the state's debt as is the case with the' Tidelands funds And in these uneasy times they're growing weary of the flip lighthearted manner in which die Governor continues to toss off questions regarding 8 Have entered school within the first eleven days of the semester (If a student has not enrolled in the first ele ven days of the current school semester he is ineligible to participate during the first grading period of that se mester or until he has met the requirements of Article I Section 7 Rule 2 of the 1975 76 A A Hand book LEAVE THE CATERING TO US (PUBLISHER'S COMMENT: I was really touched by this letter marked "personal" from Mr Martin He asks questions that need to be answered We all know that he is running for govern or against Edwin Edwards the incumbent Sec Martin has performed well he is of the old constitutional poli ticians who still believe in the people governing them selves Even though a man in of fice now days is submitted to pressures unlike those 50 years ago we need someone like ade Martin Jr Voters we have an elec tion coming do your home work well and be thankful of the privilege we have to make known our wishes by voting If the trend continues this will disappear in the not too distant future Berwick) JEDDY CREDITINANCING 3 Not be nineteen years of age before September 1 4 Meet the requirements of the Birth Certificate Rule (A birth ertificate shall be required of all students who take part in high school athletics on the varsity team in the four major sports football basketball baseball and track August 26 1975 Dear Mrs Berwick: Not have competed under a false name or for money or merchandise of value and have observed all other pro visions of the amateur rule 5 Complete your eligibility within eight consecutive se mesters after entering the ninth grade (A student upon entering the ninth grade may only be eligible for com petition on high school athletic teams during the next eight (8) consecutive semesters or terms of ninety days) 6 Have passed three LH A A approved high school subjects (A student who does not pass three approved academic subjects during a six or nine week marking period becomes ineligible for the next marking period A student who fails to pass three academic high school subjects at the end of the first semester shall be ineli gible for the second semester A student who fails to pass three academic high school subjects at the end of the second semester or pass three regular academic sub jects (equivalent to three units) for the year (final grade) shall be ineligible for the first semester of the next school year 7 Meet the requirements of the LHSAA Transfer Rule (If you have not been enrolled in your present school for a full year you are a transfer student and should check with your principal to be sure that you are eligible under the transfer rule Because We Know How Do It Right! The next time you give a party do plan to enjoy it yourself Let us handle the details the menu and the serving Your place or ours STABLES Restaurant Lounge Call 589 2334 and make your plans A0' er CALC PARISH POLICE JURY DIST 12 "I will attend meetings and get full attention focused on OUR district problems" Published every Wed ASSJtlAIUN Match Maker styling Blends with most GE Washers! ft 4 ft lowjow priced! Not take part in any branch of athletics not sponsored by your school while you are a member of a school team or squad in that same sport (This rule includes any in dependent team such as city recreational teams church teams Babe Ruth teams etc This rule is waived for golf gymnastics tennis and swimming AROUND THE CAPITOl BY JACK GOULD SMALL DOWN PAYMENT BANK RATE VINTON ELECTRIC SERVICE WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL Phone 589 4431 SERVICE EVERYWHERE I PRfSSiJ Ca 1 I I 1.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.