WANTED~to Sell,2good VanHorses!| WANTED7 - Papers Past - [PDF Document] (2024)

BIRTHS.WILtS.— On. tho Bth August, 1907, at Lower

Hutt, the wife of F.F. Wills— a son.MARRIAGES.

.WILSON— CH.VRLTON.— On Tiies.lnj, 15th July,at St. Mark's Clnuch, by the Hey. J. G. S.Bartlett, Jamta, eldest son of J. Vilson. tolaur.v Uhr^tine, eecond anujhter of J. W.Charlton;both of this city.

fITWAWBRIDGE— VKAROE— On the 7th Atiif'ist,Et. Joseph's, Buckle-street, by Rev. F.uiur

M'Carthv, S.M., .loseph, youngcsl son cfThcmas'Strawbridge,of AwJlnin, tfeild.ng, toIrene, el'lfst daughter of CoMtnble G. Peaice,of Brooklyn,Wellington.

CHISHOLM— WIXSTAKLBr. —At St. Mark sChinch, Wellington, by the Rev. J. G. S.Bartlett, M.A., William Duncan Alfred,eldestson of W. S. Chisliolm, to Dorothy LouiseSluntz eldest daughterof J.S. Winstanley.


CIIORLET.— On tho Btl> August, at Otaki, Clar-encs Blonde, aon of .Alfred end BsatnccOhm ley,jun., aged 3 months,.

DKAN.— On the Sth Auguac, sx their rrs:dcnce,10, Buckle street, Ellen Ami Elizabeth(Nfllie), eldest daughttr of F. L. undCatherine. Deou; aged 9 years and 7 montiis."A few more ycais «hall 101ltill we shallmeet again."

GUIJTAX.— Onthe 9th August,at Hollowny-road,Virginia, belovcxl infant daughter of Johnand Lvov Gtiinnn, aged D month"?. "Sufferlittle children. -to come unto Me, for of such» thoKingdom of Heaven."

BURD.— On the 9th Augvmt, ISO7, at Jackson-street, Petone>, Ctiork>3 Ludlow, beloved in-fant son of W. O. and M. C. Bard, aged 7imonths; deeply mourned. ■" Private inter-ment. T.mani papers please copy.

MKECH.— pa the 10th August, at- hn; rr*i-denoei, 26, Clyde-n«ay, J!atlkl.\ Meceh, relictnt thplate Henry Meerli. inher 84ih vpar.

H.VRDEMAX.— On the 10th August, 1807, nther residence, Llord-street, Sarah Elizabeth,relict of the late Htury Hnideniun, of Ade-laide, and eldest daughter of tlip. Utc .T. H.Marriott,of Wellington, inlier £sth year. Ai»Ht.


—In loving meniorv of Aeeinili Ford

(Tccnv), ttho died on the 10th August, 190fi.To memory tlfar.Inserted by mother anilsisters.

FORD.— In loving memory of my dear sist«r,Awnath (Teen) Fcrtl, who departtd this lifeon tho 10th August, 1906.

Inserted by her loving brother, A. Johcston.HEARFIELD.— In laving jrcmory of my dearhu^bnnd, John Gun&ton Heni field, who diedat Brooklyn on the 10th August, 19C5, aged64 years.

Fend are tlie memories tlial nirtr will fade.Sweet is the thought that offuin we 3hall meet,Kneelingtogether atJesus's feet.

Incited byhis loving wife- and family.HEARFIELD.

—In loTingr memory of our dearfather, Joha Gunston Hearfield, who died at

Brooklyn on the 10th August, 1805, aged 64years. ".

The lipsare now aUent, the heart is now cold,JFhose entile and whose welcome oft ni'« ua

of old;We miss him and mournliim in silenei unseen,nd dwell on tjiememory of joys that havobeen. '

Inserted by his lovingson, J.Hearßeld.■>OK.— ln loving memory cf Will..\m HenryCook, who fell asleep in Jesus o& tho 10thAugust, 19CS.

Inserted by his affectionate wife aad family.


1907. ONE PENNY.16 PAGES,VOL. LXXIV. No. 36.

The Evening Post.



COSY BEDS."^TOUwant CosyBeds these chillynights,!JL don't you? Well, here you are!We're stocktaking and clearing out a largeliny of

EIDERDOWN QUILTS.Real Satin 47s 6d, others 16s 6d, were 30sSome Slightly Damaged >Quilts at 14sBlankets, singlo bed 8s lid, doublo 12s 6dColonial Blankets, singlo bed 14s 6d,

double 21s'Theso lines, we have no hesitation in

saying, aro absolutely unsurpassed in thocity, and merit a complete clearance.

WANTED to Sell, quickly, Tinakori.road, Thorndon end, 8-roomed

Residence, modern conveniences, h. and c.water, alectric light, gas, panelledceilings,50ft frontage, good section, best locality,reasonable price. Apply Reo., EveningPost.

WANTED,good Cook-General, at once.Apply R.C, 56, Thorndon-quay.ANTED to Sell, good Site, fronting"tram line, Northland, opposite Via-

duct, 57 by 120ft, £250, a bargain. Ap-ply W. H. Morrah and Co., AuctioneersandLand Agents, Willis-street.WANTED, young Girl to assist light

Housework. 49, Wollington-terrace.

WANTED to Rent, House, 4 rooms,in Borhampor© or Newtown. Stato

lent to AfCQt Vale, Newtown Post Office.ANTED, Meßeage Girl foT office,salary 5s to start, good chance learn1

office work. Messages, Evening Post.ANTED, bona fide Purchaser for 6-roomed 2-gtory Houce, in best part

of Kilbirnie, h. and.-c. wnter, gas, splen-did section, prico £800, will accept £100deposit. Apply Palo, Evening Post.

WANTED, Assistant-General, ablo todo plain cooking. Apply Dr. Came-

,ron, Adelaide-road. >

ANTED to Sell, in Khandallah, welT-built 6-roomed Houso, with bath- j

room, scullery, washhouse, coalhouse, andall conveniences j lovel section, 65ft front-ago by 150ft deep; gets tho sun all day.Pricn £750 for immediate sale. Apply G.E. Manson, Builder, Johnsonville.

ANTED to Sell, best part Petnno,5-roomed House, all conveniences;

50ft frontage, built two years. Apply Ex-oeptionally Cheap, Evening Post.

y Dressmaking or Sewing of»V any kind, at home or by day;mode-

rate. Address EveningJPost_ ,

ANTED to Sell, Goodwill long leaseCountl-yHotel, takings £100 weekly,

£1000 required, balance, approximately£1000, arranged. Lingard, Lambton-quayWANTED, General Servant. Apply

Mrs. Alee, 33, Wellington-terrace.

WANTED to" Sell, new House, Kel-bume, 5 largo rooms, good view;Iterms. EdwardReeve1;and Co., Mereer-st

ANTED~tcT"selC~Rpsidence, Austiu-street": small deposit, balance 5 per j

cent.;also 7 Rooms, Doe-street;small dc- !posit. Edward Reeves and 00. ]WANTED, active sober Kitchenman;

nono but practical man need apply.Paragon, TaranaVi-place.i£747"ANTEp, Station .Cook, 30s:Mar-V * ried Couple, 4 Porters, Kilchenmen,,

Night Porters, Waiters, Waitresses, 20s.Apply Mrs. J. H. Anderson, PalmarstonNorth.

WANTED~to Sell,2good Van Horses!|2 "Draughts, and 2 good light Harness"sorls. P. B. Watts and Co., Htftnitai. jWANTED,""^!* 4»-Boaf'ders, h. and c.

water, bath." Apply 34, EL'iabeth-,s-ircat, ofi Kcnl-lwrracp. " \

ANYED~IoTißeTf,~T!Sntents oFsoven". jroomrd Lodginghouse, rent Sr-Ss, cen- ;

j Uai Apply at Evening Post. '

I"^TANt"ED, Married Couple for hotel,!'! v T Gardcnor, Cook (private), town, 255;j

also Kitciunmaid, 16s; 2 friends, 20s,15s (hotel!; fares waiting;Cook, 255;iHouEemaid, 17a od, samo hotel, noar town.Rojnl Registry, Willis-street; open to-nifi-ht; . JMilkers, Cooks, Eketahuna,v» Shannon, boardiughouses, town(will

Mary Alurphy cail) ; House-maiclk (iJ.umcvirk?, Ekstahuna, Porirua,Havtlook, Pi-.hrioralon) ;Married Couplo3'(Bfenh-'iiH,llay.-kcs Baj);Ladyhelps, couu-

I ivy. fMar Registry, Times Buildings; openio->iight.'S&?«7 ANTED, Genera;, 15s; no washing.H Apply Wr:. B-idgo, 70, Oriental

Bay, mornings, fuel evenings after 6p.m.ANfi-fl

~in"Sell!"2, comfortiible CoF-

lag*.':, <jnc< Tiiorndon, one Newtown;£50 ca-h, balance rental. Lingard, Lamb-ton-quay.

WANT.ED, a Situation as attendant indentitt £. rooms. Address, with par-

ticulars, tp Vida, I'a oning Post.W~"~AjSrijED," young Man"~about 18 for

bulk ttor«.-j aud to assist in shop;must be able lo diive. Apply, with rcior-enecs, to E. Feist and' Co., Lowpr jtiutt.

WANTED, plain Sowing or Repairingof any kind. Apply No. 2, Myrtle-


WANTED, singlo Room, with board,washing and mending (Thorndon

prcforred), by single man. Address) stat-ing particulars, to Rabtim, Evening Post.WANTED, respectable Couple (kind)

to Adopt healthy, intelligent Boyof five. For further particulars apply,stating conditions, to Albion, EveningPost.


WANTED lo Sell, good garden Soil.Apply 15, Hanson-street.

WANTED, aBoy to learn wicker worktrade. ApplyA. Liebezeit, Sydney-

street, Petone. ,ANTED to Sell, Sections,Roseneath,beautiful view, well sheltered, cheap.

Appb/ by letter (terms), May's Cafe, 35,'Willis-street.WANTED, useful Girl, light duties;

no children. Apply 21, Brougham-street.

ANTED, a smart Girl with knowledgo of tailoring;good wages and

permanent position if capable. ApplyChaa. Hill and Sons, Lambtoh-quay.

ANTED, a good Nursogirl. Apply104, Wallace-street. '

WANTED to Soli, a Gig and Harness.Apply to Mr. Redmond, Grand Na-

tional Hotel, Petono. :WANTED, a Young Girl to assist with

housework. Apply 106, Tho Ter-" race.WANTED, parlourmaids 18s, houso-

maids 20t, generals, pantrymaidg,two men to milk and farm work. After7 o'clock to-night, Elito Registry.

WANTEDT^goodCarponterTfor finhh-ing work. Apply on job, Grovo-rond, Kolburne.

"ANTED to Sell, 6-roomed House,clo'-c to town, land 33 by 132, gnr-

den and gl.iss house;bargain £875. Moorennd VaiTow, 20. Uustumllouse-quay.

WANTED to Let, Ftyl threo rooms,unfurnished or furnished, five min-

utes Lambton-quay, overy modern con-L vonionce;suit mnrriod couplo or friends.i Apply" Marcus, Evening Post.

ANTED, Junior Salesman. ApplyLindberg's, Cuba-slrceL

WANTED, Youth, proviops experi-ence Manchester preferred. Apply" Lindbcrg's, Cuba-*-ti-eet.


ANTED to Lot, 2 Furnished Rooms,suit threo friends, close Victoria

1 College, few minutes Jjambto'n-quay, suit-, able sludonts, or city gentlemen; break-fast arranged. Apply Eros, Evening Post.

ANTED to Soil, cood CarryingBusi-no-is, 6 hor*o«, plenty work, ideal

\ ftl&bloa; cheap. Moore and .Varlow, 20,J_QuHomhoiug-iiuayt


COUGH CUREIS a splendid Cough-Curing Preparation—

one that quickly and thoroughlycures any cough— cures old people'scoughs, cures young folks' cougliß, curesbaby's cough

—easea soro throat distress,

and relieves hoarseness. It is a FamilyCough Medicine of proven merit to whosesatisfactory effectiveness our customershave testified many times over. Is 6d and2s 6d per bottle. Post freo from the Pro-prietor, R. D. HANLON, PrescriptionChemist, Molesworlh-street. Telephone1033. Just landed this week, another casoof the "Veedeo Vibrators." 1

WANTED to Sell, new Webster's In-ternational Dictionary, the latest;

cost £4 10s, take £3. Apply Dictionary,Evening Post.

ANTED"To" Sell! English Piano,ivory keys, good tone;£8. A. An-derson, Karori Tiinrel.

WANTED, two Improvers to thoDressmaking. Apply Miss Maxwell,

Costumier, 59, Lamblon-quay.WANTED,W'ANTED, by respeatablo woman, with

child (lyr), Position Companion orHousekeeper, small wages for kind home.Apply by letter to Particulars, EveningPost.WANTED to Sell, 5-ioomod House,

ono floor, Hawkcstonc-street, bar-gain, £650. G. S. Hill and Co., ThoKing's Chambers, Willis-strcct.

ANTED to Lend, £3000 onmortgaga■ at 5 per cent., sums to suit. G.

5. Hill and Co., The King's Chambers,Willis-street.

AICTED to Sell, Brooklyn, 4-roomedHouse, ccnvenicncoa, verandah,harbour view, section 40ft by 200f t; £365 ;easy terms. J. H. Wood aad Co., Brook-lyn.

WANTED, every ono to know Jacksonand Co., tho best placo for new de-

signs in wall papers. Jervois-quay."

WANTED to Let, 6-roomed Dwellingwith large double-fronted Shop,

situated in one of the best business posi-tions iv Island Bay. Apply C. and A.Odlin, Timber Merchants, Cable-street.WANTED, Boy for warehouse. Apply

503L5 03LA15._?£i°jWANTED", General Servant. Apply

Evening Pott.

WANTED, gentlemen Boarders;every'convenience, good table. Apply124,

Tinakori-ro?d.ANTED! a rospectab!6 working

Housekeeper. Address at EveningPost

WANTED, Gfoom-Gardtner. ApplyMr. Callender, Bolmont-road, Lower

Hutt. ,

WANTED to Let, a 6-roomed House,lovely view, newly built. Apply

10, Featherston-tcrrace.WANTED, onick Purchaser for 8-rd

gentleman's Residence, OriontalBay, beaulifu' position, almost iacre, allmodern conveniences, gas, etc., fine view,leaving "Wellington, piepared to acceptreasonable price. Apply Alto, EveningPest. ]WANTED, immediately, at Karori, re

liablo General Servant for threeIweeks. Apply, in mornings, Mrs. Allen,133, Tinakori-i-oari;1ofarnncPa required./

ANTED— Kozio TeaTisTthe'besTvalueat 13 6d, Is Bd, Is 10d, and 2a lb,

with cash bonus every 6 months.WANTED, by a ro|r«;elablo woman.

"Washing and Cleaning by-th9 dn-y.Apyly M.F.,JKvoning PoJf.■\rE7ANTEDralTonca! exparielicoiTCco*k- ■

»- w General;houeomaiu Itept; re fur- |oncos. Mifs Palmer, Private Hospital, 6,.Davis-slreet. ' \WANTED7a smart, intelligent young I

Girl for office;must writo weJl and '!be quick at figures. Apply, in ownha.nd-Iwriting,, addressed to Clorical, 'Evening!Post: , .WANTED— Kozie Tea can bo obtained

at all grocers;do not tako sub-stitutes; give il a trial.

WANTED to Sell, bandtome ErmineMuff. Apply Wedeger's, Lambton-

quay. ■ jWANTED to Lei, several.nice now

House:. H. Hooper, Karori-road, Iopposite Govcrnor-rcißid. |

WANTED!~300~ Shoots of second-handCoirugutcd Iron, 7ft long. Apply

to .Sonic, livening Post Agency, LowerjHutt.WANTED, Shirt Ironer, ateo good

plaiu ironer. ApplyL.Morris, 19,!Daniel-street, Nowtown.

ANTElfto~Rent, a ShopandDwell-iu3 in Miramar for a butchery

business;would take for a term. AddressButcher, Evening PoEt.WANTED, a good General. Apply

Mrs. Hadfield, "Bonchurch," Hill-blroct^ ;.

W~~~ ANTED, Situation as Clerk, orclerical work of any kind, or trades-

men's books to make up; good writor,quick and accurate. Accuracy, EveningPost .WANTED to Sell, White Leghorn

Sittings, premier strains of NewZealand, ono price, 10s 6d;male bird,luck's winner 1906 competition, N.S^W.,235 strain, mated to Queensland winnow1907 competition, 247 strain, and Briai'loyhens; all imported birds from Australia.No Sunday business. H. C. Luff, Over-1 oun-terrace, Kilbirnie.WANTED to Lot, now 6-roomad

Hoiifc, e\cry modern convenience.Apply T. High->t, Rosenrath.

WANTED, smart Man, as Partner, totravel with express;all gains, good

money-lakers; striking machine, coveringthe ppot, battery, football, coconut game,doll stall, skittles, etc ;money required£50. Apply Striker, 24, Co;urtenny-place.

WANTED Known— 'Good Accom-

modation for the travellingpublic,largo and airy rooms, telephone and olcc-Irii! light, at Woatwood, 53, Thorndon-quay, opposllo Manawalu Station.

W"ANTEETTo""Seiir~Bawkostone-cres-cent, two beautifully built Dwel-

lings, nearly now, first-class timber, builtby day work, prico £1900, bargain. DwanBros., Willis-street.

ANTED Known —Pirato AlarmClocks now soiling at 5s each during

our annual sale. Lloyd, Jeweller, 55,Lambton-quay.

ANTED, smart Boy for factory;good wages. Apply Harrowby and

Son, 6, Toranaki-street Extension.WANTED, buildeis to soa o\u- new art

shades in Wall Papers and' Frieze?.Tho cheapest in Wellington. Jackson andCo., Jervoin-quny^

ANTED~Savo your Kozio TeaCoupons for the £55 cash prizes

every 6 months.ANTED to Sail, 7-roomcd Residence.

Tliorndon-quay, modem conveni-ences, haindy to city, £1250. DwanBros.,Willie-street.WANTED, Married Couple; woman

must bo good laundress, man goodgardener and milker. Apply by letter,stating ages, etc. to Box 14, Forrtoll.WANTED, householdci-B to bco our

now Wall Papers;all prices; thelatest designs and tho lowest pricos. Jack-son and Co., Jervoiu-quay.

ANTED— Expert Shorthawd-Typiste,several yoar&' experience, desires

Engagement. Address 4, Bolton-terraco,Tinakori-road.WANTED, few respenlablo working

mon Bo*rdoi'«, ptiva'n family;every comfort, conveniences, 10ft walking jtormi 18f. Iwß. Tinakori-road,. .. .


nnHE NEW HOUSE is tho rendezvousJL for all Bargain Hunterb overy Satur-day evening. Wo make a speciality ofproviding attractive bargains for Satur-day night,and wo have some rattiing goodvalues to offer To-uight:

—Two Plain Pil-lowslips for Is; Golf Bloiitos at 2s 6deach;Girls' Tarns at 6d eac'i;Hemstitch-ed and Frilled! Pillowcafos, *t Is each;Trimmed Hats, at 2s lid eacu;and ahost

of other goodbargains.JAMES SMITH AND SONS.

WANTED Known.— Salo To-morrow," and a few days only. Kid Glovos,Is pair; Blouse Lengths, Is; Flannclet'oKripkers, Is; Chemises, Is 3d,I36d, Is9d, Is lid; Nightdresses, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 2slid, marvellous value;2 pair Hose for Is;Wool Vests, 9d, 10|d, Is, la 3d, Is 6d,-Corsets, Is sd, Is lid pair: Down Quilts,Is 6d; Blankets,, Ruse, Sheetinga, LaceCurtains, Forfar, D'Oyleye, Hollands, BedQuilts, Hosiery, Gloves, etc., Half-price;Window Holland, 3id, 4£d, sid largaHearthrugs, Is-3d, Is 6d, Is 9d, Is lid,;Ticking, sid;Men's Pants, Is; Braces,4gd pair; Remnants of Ribbons, Id.Heaps of bargains. Goods must be sold.Wo give stamps or discount. Call earlyand you will savo heaps of' money atLINDBERG'S, Cuba-street. Parcels freeof charge.

WANTED, by young married couple,two unturmshed "Rooms, nice family,

Kclburue, Berhampore; terms. Sunshine,Evening Post. -

ANTED to Sell, high-class Furnitureof 7-roomed House, "

nearly new;"suiiny position. Apply Must Sell, Box 54,Te Aro.WANTED, smart Lad for office. Ap~-

ply in own handwriting to S. Carrolland Son, 5, Customhouse-quay.

WAN!ED, Evening Employment, byboy (16). Apply Southern, caru


WANTED to Sell, Furi.iture, nearlyne\v. Apoly Reasonable, Evening


WANTED to Know, Have you triedKozio Tea? price Is 6d, Is Cd, IslOd, £.nd 2s;c_ash coupons enclosed.

W" AOTEDnx>~SdirLady'B~Real Seal-skin Jacket, richly lined, deep col-

lar, very handsome, length 47 inches, fullsize;-will sell at less than landed cost.Apply H.A. Welch, Draper, Matserton.

WANTED, a strong Lad "for manufac-turing department. Thos. Ballinger

and Co., Ltd.,' Plumbcr.s, eto., Victoris-,6treet.

ANTED to Soil! good 7-roomcdHouse, Pirie-streel, h. and c. water,

every convenience, good section;will besold cheaply for quick sale. Full particu-lars, Sid'ey, Mesch and Co., ManncrE-strect. ■ 535

W"ANTED, a respectablo Girl for pack-ing room. Apply to Gco. W. Wil-

ton and Co., Ltd., 25a, Cuba-street Ex-tension. >

ANTED to Sell, rplendid Residence,withplenty land, Lower Hull;£50

deposit, balance rent. Gibson and Co., la,Manners-street.WANTED, General Servant, about 18

years of age, 110 children, wages10b.Apply Mrs. Rotheram, 5, Telford-terrace,after bp.m

ANTED to Sell, a Wood, Coal, and.. -Producfl B,usipe,ss: thVonly one in.""Jeadihg- suburb; a splendid opening;owner leaving Wellington; must sell.Apply Coal, EveningPo-st.WANTED, young Woman for country

(Fcalhcrjlon); must have refer-eHoes, wages lbs, no washing,no co*cking1.Apply to Mrs. Goo. H. Scaks, Main-road,Lower HutI, on Tuesday, 13th inst.WANTED,"educated WomanTof goodhealthy appearance, to bo specially jti'airibd for duties; satisfactory progressKS6iired to suitable applicant; age notunder 26. Apply Merit, Ever-ing Post.

WANTEL- Kr.own-iC. G. Sherwood,Watchmaker and Jeweller, 12, Man-

ners-street (near Willis-street). Watchescleaned or new main spring from 3s 6d;p'.ns"to brooches, 4d;watch-glasses, 6d.

WANTED to~Let,~comfortable furnish^cd double Bedroom, wardrobe, uso

bsth. For particulars apply 10, Kent-terruea.

WANTED7"~Bcdrooui and Kitchen;partly furnished preferred. Apply

promptly,Box 340, G.P.0., Wellington^WANTED to Rent, furbished House,

about 6 rooms, piano, for term,Thorndon. Apply '/"., Evening_Post.

to Sell, 5-rocnicd Housp, j■v V Koxburgh-stieet, all conveniences,good section; for quick sale will sacrifice.Price, etc., Sidey, Mcech and Co., Man-

" nors-street. 517ANTED,Buyer for Section at Mira-

mar, £175, easy terms, owner leav-ing;also level faectionj Borhampore, £6a foot;also eomo Building Sites at IslandBay, which wo will sell on £5 deposit.Gibson and Co., la, Manners-streeL !

WANTED Purcnaee, some Shares localCo-operalive,Building Society, with

or without appropriation. Address Emu,EveningPo"^ANTED, General Servant, clergy-

man's family, Hawkes Bay, 15s.Write Mrs. Cowx, Arcad_ia__Hotel.

W*'" 'ANTED"to~SeII74O "high-olass Hom-

ing Pigeons. Apply John Hopwell,182, Willis-street.

ANTED to Sell", 3 years' Lease,heart of tho city, Shop and 6

Rooms and fittings, low ground rent. Ap-plications to Ownership,Evening Post.

ANTED^£4^ will IJuy chestnmHorse; a leal snip; quiet in saddle

and harness; must sell. H. Bardsley,Crofton. ?

ANTED Sell, 100-acvo Dairy Farm,suburbs, Kew Plymouth; or would

exchange for city properly. Further par-ticulars, Exchange, P.O. Box 10, NewPlymouth.

WANTED] unfurnished Room, fire-place, ground floor. Slate price to

Reaaon, Evening Post.ANTED7~PIain Sewing or Mending.

For address apply Post Agency,Nowtown.~"

ANTED to Sell, first-class AeratedWater Factory, particulars given to

botfa Fido buyer. Sidey, Moeeh and Co.,Manners-streelLTSTANTEI>, Boy for jeweller's shop.» » F. Pieraird and Co., 65, Lambton-


WANTED Known, that Sidey, Meechand (Jo., Hotelbrokcr*, Manners-st.,

have numerous City and Suburban Hotelsfor sale. Particulars supplied to genuinobuyore.

ANTED,a third Cook. ApplyRoyalHotel.

WANTED, two tradesmen Boarders,share room, terms 18s,. soft wash-

ing and mending. 13, Evelyn-place, offWcbb-strect.WANTED, four goodBricklayers. Ap-

plyA.Lambj Biscuit Factory, Craw-ford-street, or 9, Newtown-avenue.ANTED to Sell, 4-ioom7d House,

Kolburne, allconveniences, land40 x!120,nearKiosk. Priceand full particulars,Sidoy,- Meech and Co., Manners-strcot. 53S

WANTED to Sell, purebred sable-pointcd full-size St. Bernard Dog.

Apply to Lundon and Brooks, Land andCommercial Agents, 4, Featherston-street.

W"ANTED, by lady 6tudent, Board andLodgings, near Victoria College, or

vicinity. Stato particulars by letter, ad-dtwieaOnyx,Evening PoBt(



WE are now showing a fine range ofMen's Natural Wool Pants andSinglets. Theso come to us direct from

one of the best manufacturers.Natural Wool Singlets, 3s 6d, 4s 6d.Natural Wool Pants, 3s lid, 4s 6d.



WANTED, Housekeeper for quietboardinghou6C. Apply Kerosp,

Gicj-to.vn.ANTED, in or near Newtown, 2 un-furnhhed Roo.ns for 2 people;or

would eharo small house. Apply Two,Evening Post.

WANTED to Sell, Piano, by goodEnglish maker, £18 10s. J. Wach.nor, 96a, Cuba-street.

WANTED, General Servant, about' 18years of age;no children; wago»

10s. Apply at Evening Post for address.WANTED, a Ladyhelp for tho coun-

1 try; food home. Address at Even*iug Poet.

WANTED to Rent, at seaside, Wha*»or small Cottage, Particulars t»Whare, Evening Post.

WANTED to Sell, Furniture and Good-will of first-class boarding-house;

Eplendid! position. For further particularsapply Confident, Evening Post.

W" ANTED, good Shirt Backers, CollarSteamers, all-round Ironers; only-experienced need apply .Couchman'iPciono Steam Laundry.

"ANTED to Selli Contents of 3-room-cd House, or part; option of rent*ing house. Apply 140, Cuba-street.WANTED, good Blouse Hand, one oe

two days por week. Apply London.House, 88, Adelaide-road1.«

ANTED, a Boy; good wages. W«Salck Chemist, 17, Willis-atreet.

WANTED, good7 active 'Carpenter^Apply Monday, Townshend, Stir*

ling-street, off South-road, Berhampore.WANTED, gentlemen to get their

Suits at T. Shields's, next Empir#Hotel, Willis-street; tho cheapest first-class tailorin town.,Suits from £5.

"ANTED to Sell, Canaries (co*cks andhens), wire fronts, breeding andwagon cages. 9, Ingestre-place, off In-gestre-street

W~~ ANTED to Sell, Kilbirnie, Houso 4rooms, electric light, gas, h. and o.water, wpshhoUse, copper, tubs, etc.;alsofurniture for 6ame;bargain;owner leaving'Wellington Apply Celerity, Evening!Post.■%Jt7?ANTED, gentlemen to call at T.

?£. Shields's, first-class .Tailor, nextUmpire Hotel. Large shipments of newgoods arrived. Suits from £5.

WANTED to Sell, 24 youngPigs.. Ap-ply by letter toD. B. Winch, PoßtOffice, Lower Butt. ■'

XJ&7'ANTED, the publio to know that» » good-fitting, well-made Suits from£5 at T. Shields,First-class Tailor, nextEmpire Hotel. .

ANTED to Sell, Piano £10 oash., , piano £16, piano £18, pianos tunoo-aud repaired. Dempsey, 28, Jessie-street.WASnqgDVlo^-Let:;'- 3* and 6''room63Cottage's, facing'beacli,' KilbirniaSouih, low rent to good tenattit. ApplyPhillips,pocond stoppingplace from hotel,l£d' section , ,WANTED, immediately, Position ""

Companion in superior home. Ap-ply Musical, EveningPost.

ANTED, a capable Woman forWash-ing,one day week. Apply at onca,

15, Hi]l-street.ANTED to Purchase, Invalid Chair,

self propelling. Price, etc., "toW.H ,Evening Post. ■__WANTED,1 smart Boy to learn th*

trade,,also ono for shop. ApplyNicol, Stringer, and Roberts, Ltd., 11,Coiirtenay-place.

ANTED to R«nt, small Shop., noarschool, suitable for confectionery.Apply Business, Evening'Post.

WANTED to Buy, second-hand gal-vanked iron Piping,_any quantity,

irand 1in, also Miccing Machine, 'largo,handi or small power. Apply to W.KnigHt, Kiiight's-road, Hutt.

W"ANTED, a Person to take car© of aBaby Girl, 4 months old. State

terms to G.8.D., Evening Poet.

WANTED to Sell, Building Site,North Kilbirnie, sun all day, no

excavation, 50 by 93, £4- 10s_per foot.

Apply I. Johnston Winton, Raarori-road.WANTED-toLet, pleasant singlo front

Bedroorii, private family, 149, Wil-lis-street; partial board if required; termsmoderate . . >

WANTED, . reliable Man, to canvassPatent Machine (household). Ad-

dress 64, Cuba-street.WANTED, a Ladyhelp, light duties,

references required. Apply MissGodfrey, Lauoaster-street, Karori.

ANTED 'to Sell, Piano, by goodEnglish maker, £12 10s. J. Wach-

ner, 96a, Cuba-street.

WANTED toLet, a 2-roomed Wharo,furnished or unfurnished; also %

Bed-Sitting Room. ApplyMrs. Guymor,Maranui.

WANTED. hom*o in private family,mueical, vicinity Basin. Reserve.

Apply, stating terms, to J.A.C., Evening:POSt;WANTED,by young lady, good Horn*

inreturn for morningservices only.Apply Helen Bcnnott, Molcswortb.-stroofcPost Office. ;WANTED toLet, Bedroom, furnished,

without board, host part Thorn,don, private family. Address Front, Bor413, G.P.0., Wellington.WANTED,- Situation, competent gene-

ral, good plain cook; first-clawreferences;open for week. Reply, Btat»ing particulars, to Myrtle. Evening Post.WANTED, Lady to share room; also

room for two men;all conveniences.20, Walter-street.

ANTED, a Partner, by a middle-ng«d person, to go into tho second-

hand clothing business. Apply Second-hand, EveningPost

WANTED to Buy, Piano, not morathan £10. Apply 51, Brovigham-st.

WANTED, Bccond-hand Kit of Join-er's Tools;state price, etc. Tools,

Evening Post.ANTED to Sell, largu Mangle; also30 laying Hens; cheap. Address

EveningPost.ANTED Sell, 5 Shares, with appro,priation £500 attached, in local

Building Society (Crowes'). Apply Whaka,Evening Post.

ANTED— Scholefield'B Ansonia LoverWatclics 7s bd, reliable and correct

timekeepers Ansonia Alarm Clocks, 6s;never late, and no moro repairs. Address—

W. R. Scholofield, 36a, Manners-street,next shop to Fielder's.WANTED, by business lady, 'perma-

nent Board and Lodging, nearUpper Willis-street. Apply ModerateITerms, Evening Post.

'ANTED to Sell, 50 paid-up Shares,Rouse and Hurrell Co.;accept halfApply Poargon'i Weekly, Evening Post.

WANTED to Rent, 8 to 12-roomedHouso, central or Oriental Bay,.Terau to 25, KenMerrace. 7







Dr. Marsden'a Electric Foot Battery,

Usual price, 6s 6d.OUR- PRICE, 2s 6d por pair.'

AH Sizes in Stock.



SEATOUN.TtO LET, 2-roomed Cottage, 3 minutes'

from wharf, UEfurnisneJ. ApplySeaside, Box 91, Palmerston North.

TO BE LET.ASIX-ROOMED House, with nearly a. quirter of aero garden ground, rent£5 per month. Apylj-xto B. Smith audCo., 40, Lambton quay. _ _~"

UTIKU (MAIN TRUNK~T,INE).SHOP andDwelling to Lot;good open-

ing for draper, otc.;fittings in. Ap-ply H. Whiteley, Utiku. ,

TO LET."OOOMY Offiet, Mcrrnh'B Buildings,-Ett» \V'iltis-strc?t, suit registry office, veryrett;opiabl© rent. Principal Stott andHoare's College, in building.

TO LET,"HILLJSTRSET, superior fur-nished new Hcni=e of 6 largo roods,

bathroom, c.L, h. and c. water; idcaihome. ,

J. H. BETEUNE AND Co__mo LET, largo front Shop,"~20, "Cuba--1. street Extension;suit merchant;rent

j £3 week. Apply on premises.I?T*O LET, 44, Riddiford-streot, corafort-

JL able 5 Rooms, scullery, washhouEO,two-stalled stable, paddock. See Dodds,Bootmaker.ffTO LET, 2 new Shops and Dwelling,JL Vivian-street, also 2 Cottages, John-

Eonville. Apply Three Shops, EveningPost.

TO LET, 4-roomed House, Island B2V,sunny position, 5 minutes from Ber-

hamporo tram section, gaa, h. and c.water,and every con^caience, rent 14s 6d.Apply Mrs. Pound, the Parade, near Dee-slreet, Island Bay.


TO LET, singlo furnirhed Room, suitlady or. gent, Thorndon. lecab'ty,

moderate, terms. Apply 3, S'eatherston-ter-racc.' flpiO LET, now six-roomed House, closej -a- to trsm, hct water, 22b week. Apply'17, VielonsL-strept. 1

!flT.O LET, at Vfacwtown, five-roomed !i -«- Houso, all conveniences, rent 13a ;'Apply Tatt,-Pitt-street, j

TO LET, Lambton-quay! ■ftont~~dffica, !sdjaifimef ofßee3 occupied by unacr- j

1 sig-iied. Lingard, Lambtoa-n_u__y_. ';rjplO LET, furnished Diuingrocim, Bed-.I -«- room, Kifchou, couvenioncc3 up to. ualc;an ideal home, suitable couple j>.) ■

I family or mother and daughter. 5, W:!- ,1 son-slrcct,' Newiowu. Rare chanceirj[T.6LET, Maarama-cresrent, 7 roomen 1, A Residence, h. and c, ga.-, baicony,jail conveniences: rent 3Us. M'Kef- andj>Jo., Panair.a-3trcet.

TO LET, 2 unfurnished front Rooms,bay windows, fireplace, conveniences.

IApply_W_. Macklin, 33, Riddiford-street._TiO LKT, farnisiicd double front Room,

to married couple, use of convenij cr.ccs, hot and cold water, £unr.y position.;Ai'iiresi CoAifortablo hom*o, livening Pot.i rg"U) LET, Kelburnu, s:x-rconicd Hou-c,j -8. convenicness, 20s per ivcck. Apply" ."). A. Crajg, tJoulh-terracc, Kellivrno.T,O LLT, two largo and well-I'ghted of-

fices, beat positiou in Wiilic-itrcou I! Apply Wallace and Gibson, Willis-street.

TO LET, coxfc-iabla n»v G roomedHouse, KilLiruic, reßjonablo lout to

igood. tenant. Easson's, oppos.to Te Anrailway station.

TO LET, Brooklyn, 4, 5, and 6 roomedHouses. Apply J. Jtl. Wood aud Co.,

Land and Eetate Agents,nnO LET, in Tonk'e-^rovo, a O-roomu'JL ResidencL*, suit adult family, rent 4Uo.Apply No. 11, Tonk't-grove, off Cuba-st.T~O LET, Hawker-atroet, furnisho'i

House of,6 rooms withbathroom, e.i.,h. Amd c. water and overy convenienceeverythingin firsl-class condition and housencwiy painted, rent £10 per month. Ap-ply Macdonald, Wileou and Co.

T"6~LliT7John^B<ilir~fii7o Rcsidoncß ol9 room', with largo ornamental and

k.tchen garden, rent i.65 por year. Ap-ply to Macdonald, Wilson and Co

TO LET7~i2~Riii>iiwIAriulaide-roatl, £2 ;7 rooms, Wadostown, 22a 6d; 6

'rooms, Kilbirnie, 255;9 rooms, Johnson-ville, 255; 8 rooms, Uai'dp.n-rood, 355;Shop and 6 roorne, Kintoul-^trcct, 555;6>rooms, Der^veut-street, 2Ce. Apply Mac-donald, Wilson and Co.

TO LET, 4 RoomF, Newtown, 18s; 6,Kilbirnie, 255; 6, Island Bay, 16s;6, Shannon-st., 18s; 5, Clyde-st., 17a 61I;6, Parade, 22s 6d, 2js;6, \Vo=tbeach, 203;Shop, 9 rooms, Seatoun, 6Qd;6, Brougham-et., 27» 6d;4, Kilbirnie, 2b»..H. ErnestLeighton, 7, FeathoiDtori-.'lrent.vTPIO LET, unfurnithrd llcom, with firc-i- place. Apply 34-a, Boulcobt-slccet.rpO^LETTTn!"old~Cuslo7nhou«o^'treot!~2A Carpenter's AVorksliops " aud Stable.Apply to Baker Bros.fffTO LET, Dawson-street, Bcrhampore,->- commodioii3 up-to-clnta House, sixroomi, near tram. A. Robertson, 37, AbelSmith-street^ ,

TO LET, Miramar, tiam line, 3 minutesfrom wharf, new 5-roomed House, 3

J>ay windows, hot water service, e%ery con-venience, largo section. Apply J. B.Finlay, Hunter-street.f|\O"fjiT, for a term, or will Sel^J- 6-roomed Houso in Ror.a Bay,furnished, opposite wharf. Apply A.___e_v_yj_C^ujs(_om_l:ou''c-qHay.TOLET, Brooklyn, now 4-roomed House

and all convonienca3, It. and c.water, bay window.*, etc., 14s per week;ako at Island Bay, now 5-rooraed Housch,h. and c. water, gas, 17s 6d por week,the best pusitions in Island Baj'. ApplyF. and W. Ferkinx. tihuzuoc-strcet-rfflO LET, verandah Cottago, 4 rooms,-"L kitchen, bath, outhouses, 3 minutesfrom tram, close lownBelt;gaa lighting,gas cooking range, and Dover ttovo. lvi,Mum-street.

TO LET, in now warehouse, corner ofVictoria and Blair streets, frontarea, 40 by 41 foot; splendid situationand good light;suitablo for offices, sam-

ple rooms, or warehouse purposes. ApplyS. Luko and Co., Ltd.nnd LET, for term of years,Warehouses,X Stores, " Workrooms, etc.. in newbrick building* in Old Customhouse-street,now completed j olcotric goods lifts;eachcompartment on upper floors i<! fitted up(.-" mctt the requirements of UlO FactoryAct. Apply to Bethune tad Hunter, OldCuitOEcht/Ufe-itreot.


THE Rarity of Pretty Faces is due notto tho fact that good features aro

lacking, but because nearly every face ismarred by a faulty complexion.The commonest defects aro Tan,

Freckles, Moles, Bad Skin, SuperfluousHairs, and Blackheads. These disfigure-ments aro eabily remedied when properlyand skilfullytreated.

Operations forremedying facial blemishesare daily performed by skilled operators,under the direction of MLLE. RUBIN-SiEIN,at tho VALAZE MASSAGE'IN-STITUTE, Brandon-street. ConsultationFree. Sittings from ss.

CHEAP STORAGE.WANTED, you to Store your Furni-ture, or any other class of goods,in our new stores. Lowest rates. Callfor estimates for removing by competentmen.




MANAGER,Wairarapa Farmers' Co-op; Assn., Ltd.,


WANTED,TEINERGETIC Lad for wholesale ware-■&-& house ;" a fine opportunity for boyjust leaving school and interested in scien-tific apparatus.GEO. W. WILTON & CO., LTD.,'

Importers of Scientific Apparatus,25a, Cuba-suvet Extension.


BAfAKTED to Sell or Transfer, 5 SharesNo. 1United Building Society with

appropriation. Apply Transfer, EveningPost.


T^"ANTED, first-class UpEolsterer. Ap-p\y


Ts?yANTED, Kitchenmaid. * Apply

TEA ROOMS, !Kirkcaldie and Stains, Ltd.,

Wellington.- .1 TO TAILORESSES.

WANTED, competent Coat and SkirtHand, for Indies' work. ApplyMR. ROBB,

Kirkcaldie and Stains, Ltd.,Wellington.


A JUNIOR CLERK for our Share Do-■*■ . partmcot*r tnUst have a knowledgeof shorthand and typewriting.



"W/STANTED, two good Sheet MetalWorkers; top wages.

HEAT,LIGHT, & SUPPLIES CO.,19, Ghuzneo-Etreet.


WANTED, a Shorthand-Typiste;goodprospects for a young girl possess-

ing business aptitude with kndwledgo ofbookkeeping. Apply, inown handwriting,staling age, experience (if any), and salaiyexpected. Applications treated as confi-dential.

COMMERCE,P.O. Box 476, Wellington.


WANTED to Soil, cheap for cash, Ballfcystem Cash Railway, 4 stations,

suitable for draper. Apply to E. Fcittand Co., Lower Hult."

TAILORESSES.WANTED, Trousers Machinists, 32t>< 6d

per week to smart hands. Interna-tional Clothing Co., corner Victoria andBlair streets.

TAILORESSES.WANTED, Coat Hands, Coat Machin-

ists, and Apprentices. Cathie andSom, 35, Victoria-Jtrcct.

TO TAILORESSES!WANTED, Coat, Vest, Trousor Hands,

also Apprentices; highest wages.Apply G. A. Craig, Exchange Buildinga.

HAIRDRESL'LRS.WANTED, good sober and truotworthy

Gents' Hand; permanency forsuitable man. W. H. Bedell, 3, Char-lctlc-strcct.

ANTED, a Gardener; muts havothorough knowledge of flowers and

vegetables. Apply T. E. Tumor, WiWaka, Eketahuna.

-"OTANTED, a Certificated Surgical

V V Nurso to take chargo of a small pri-vnto hospital, Gisborne; falmy' £80 per

.aviMini. Address M.M., Post Office, Gis-borno.


WANTED to"goll, 6-roomed Residence,Thorndon, new, one floor, everypos-

sible convenience, can honestly recom-mend. Dwan Bros., Wilhs-Etroet.

ANTED,you to Enjoy a Good Cupof Tea; Kozio Tea ie what you

want;Eold by all grocers at Is 6d, Is Bd,Is lOd, and 2b lb.WANTED, good second-hand Motor

Cycle; twin cylinder preferred;cash buyer. Apply Jones Brothers, MotorWorks, Otaki.

WANTED, good Bricklayers. ApplyDuncan and Suctrcll, Hastings,


WANTED to Lend, Money, first "and",2cond mortgage. G. A. Hurley,

Lund Transfer Conveyancer, 18, King'sICharnbcie.

WANTED, at once, by Che WaiyarapaFarmers' Co-operativb Association,

Ltd., Mastorton, a thoroughly competentSaleswoman for showroom;also a smartMan for laco and glove departments. Ap-ply personally, 011 Monday morning at 11o'clock, to Mr. Long, caro of W.F.C.A.,Lambton-quay. '_

WA>"TEO to Scl]~Murphy-slroct, two8-roomod House", business lito, in-

sured £1700, prico £1850, ppuaks for it-oelf. Dwoii Bros., Willis-stroet ;WANTED, young Lady Junior for

commercial office ;proviouu experi-ence unnecessary. Apply, in own hand-writing, to Box 42, G.P.O.

WANTED to Sell, a good second-handSafo by Thos. Perry, bize 24 x 21

x 18, 2 drawers. Apply to E. Feist undCo., Lower Hutt.XNTEDTVYouth for tho grocery

department; previous experiencenecessary. Apply Manager, WairarapaFormers Co-op. Association, Ltd.W"ANTED— Ko7ro~TcaV~4~point!i "f


Economy, -Quality,Strength, Purityj nil gi-ocau. " " ■


,~B" OST, Ihursday nicht, in KilbirnioJL' tra\n, or botweon Courtenay-placaund Brougham-street, a silver-mountedBrown Pur3e, containing sum of money;reward Apply EveningPost.

LOST, Handbag, Saturday lait, brand-od F. \V. Clayton underneath, be-

tween Pctone and Courtenciy-phce,reward.Valuation Department, Government Build-inaf£.,TT OST, probably on Saturday or Mon-"B-i day last, dark red Cardease, lettersand cards, etc., inside. Will findor pleaseloavo at Post or M'Gregor Wright's?iT OST, African grey.Parrot. Finder ro-■-'warded on returning 10 Mru. Butler,Mount-street.,T OST, between TurkisiT^aths andNew-*-/ town, or. in car, brown CrocodileHandbag, containing money, eto. RewardMrs^Jacobsen, Draper, Nowtown.i"B" OST, black and white Fox Terrier iM-J answers to name of Togo. Reward1, Tinakori-road.,T OST, ,a pair of Tortoise Shell Eyo-1-^ glasses, fortnight ago;finder reward-ed. Apply Evening PostiT OST, Fox Terrier Dog;Smut;collar-S-i on. Reward at 76, Cuba-street.T OST, Thursday night, a lady's Stone-B-^ Marten Fur Stole, ivNewtown tram.£2 reward on returning same. Applylivening Post;LOST, no time by visitiuß the Military

Hairdreasing Saloon, 96, Cuba-street;4 chairs going.; no waiting^TT 03T, a lor. of Danarulf by using halfA-i n bottle of Parker's Hair Tonic, 2sbd a bot^lo, by post 3s. Wm. Parker,Chemifct, Manners-street.~W OST, pair gold Spectacles. New ones■&-J aupplied at Lloyd't !J5, Lambton-quay at reduced rates dui.i.i; salo.

OOL-CLASSER wants Engagementfor tho wool season on sheep sta-

tion;first-class references. Apply Classer,E-»ening Post. 1

experienced, desiresJL* Engagement,city or country;excel-lent relerences. "Apply Zero, EveningPoshBOARD and Residence

—Vacancies for

gentlemen;terms moderate. 3, Hill-ttrect^

CREPE Paper, plain, decorated; nap-k'ns, luncheon sets, eto.; superfine

toxturoand designs. Requisitos, 15, Man-neirs-etreet.

A LADY requires a comfortablo fur-nished Bed-Sitting Room; must bo

quilo central. Address Select, EveningPost.

EXPERIENCED Nurso would take-8--^ charge of Invalid;excellent refcr-encss. Apply Nurso, Evening Post. ITNCUBATOli~lor~~Saicr DeT~Moinc* jjl Mrchino, new, also Brooder. Applyto Incubator, Bvoning Post.

B~EVTEW OF REVIEWS, August-Article ou "V:ctorian Pollco Ad-

ministration; an Indictment and1 a Sug-geatsd Remedy,'' by W. H. Judkins.

j /pi OOD Opening for young gentlemanVJT- with £250, half share in eound indent

jagfEcy. Apply Alpha, Evening Pest.

YOUNG Man. new arrival, wants Em-ployment, highest references, grocery

iand \vi«& an! ipa-it trade, understandsbookkeeping, 1.0 objaet'ion to country. Ad-

!dress Engi.sh, 13, Thompson-street.

LADYf and Uc;it!r-rc:tH require Board aspajrUjf g\.hv4-: -ri private .Umiiy, 1

tsvi-AS moJciat--. -O?p'y Wcslralia, Even- j_;n_;_Pcs_: 1 j

YjlilOßOUtTii 1 gont;e»voman, ii<!, Geoks jA P'j-itiou liou-oke.'per inrefined home,Icty or inisoid lowe. .Adcaess M.H.0., ji-H3. iipxjiy.

-J~'; ;,""' i

M"jRS." M'LENNAN, C.'airvoyiint and >

,Payc)i&metn»t, No. 8, Abei Smith- I«;rrc^. liours Zto 8.

MADAME SINCLAIR, l^lmltf, over JCovcney'e, Grocer, Ingeitre-sliect;j

entrance opposite Veiteh nnd pilau's; jcharactcis tom photos or wntiug. i

YAL'xVNCiEJT for -2 gcr.tlem«i ; e\ery'

cDmfcrt ; terms moderate. 11, Kan- 1singtou-ttreot.~^7"-^CAXCIES for two young gentlemen1

v boarders; terms icasonabie; everj'.comfort. Apply No. 4, Upton-terrace, jnoar Hill-street. ]S"" "UPERIOITBoard and I.odgTiigß offeipd <

to gentlemen. Particulars nt 7, A'ic-'

tcria-terrace, Broughum-stroet, otf Ellic& je'-rcet.

MR. J. L MARTIN, MT.ta^hVS'cTaiTTT,llarper-street, 2 doors from Daniol--

street, may bo consulted daily. Positivelyno driifa'3 u.~e'!.YACANCIICS for 2 or 3 young men;hct, co.d, sliowcr Lath, piano;terms

!l£s, including soft waihinß and meniiing.|N______9_ Lipiuan-xtrect, oif MajoribankE-st. |

i"|ISIANOLA for >Salq, quite ».cw, with|[ A quantityof music, at £20 below cost.15, Ilawkestone-croscsnt.

ff^S OOD All-round Soamstrrcs de&irestJT l'Jngagemont; wcild 'wait on ladies ,at their homes. Reply X.8., Evening 'Post. __j jMARKIED Couplo wishes S tuslion, j

wife houEemai'.l-waitrsßS, husbandIbar, groom, porter; town, country. 11.8.,Evening Post.

'OTIoTRoIIo, Rollu. Prize!', pi^co,

prizes. In full Swing next week.

FOR' variety, -stylo, and lcas-otmblepricus you will lirvp to go to Loccc'h

Boot Emporium, 79, Willis btrccl, nextAlbert HctcL

BOARD and Residence, hot nnd coldwctcr; term-i nicilctatc. Apply 25,

Kenwyn-tsrraoc. Ncwtoun.TT.JOI.LO, Rollo, Itollo, the idearrecrea--«-l/ tion. A prize for the highest, icoreroipeninjr night.A"BROI.UTELY~Safe~In\:cTtmeui7"c"ity

■^"i- Freehold;10 per conf. yciirly clparincome, and'capital invctcl doubled with-in fi\'c yct»rs ;beat investment incity. Ap-ply Box 611, Wellington.

MRS. CROSS, Ciairvoyante, may boconeulted, 13, Jesaic-street. Hours:)1 .".m. to 9p.m.

TO Do# I'ancjora.— For Sale, pedigreaSt. Bernard Puppies, four months.

Apply Fat and Lively, Evening Pot.Tf'Oß SALE, good little Grocery 7ni\-*■ Conftctioneiy Buoine^s, -Fhowing goodjivofits, £65. Address Grocer, Evening-Post. ._BOLLO, Rollo,Rollo;TaTt, fascinating",

tcientific. A prizo for the highestscorer opening night. "'


TT>OOMS to Let on Lambton-quay. iForJIV address aiip'ly at Wighton's.

FIRST-CLASS Shop""lo Lclf'Willis-fl"fair stand, good living rocitis, mid

seven bedrooms with side cnlrancu and cart,way to rear. Full particulcis from Mac-donald, Wilson and Co.

OOMSTo~Lotrf«niiahed, eiu^ inntpg,53 each, unfurnished looms, central,

double rooms, married ccuplos. Mra. W.M'Gcc, 15, Dixon-street.TYPIST! ''

WANTED, lady Typewriter,withknow-lo<lSe o£ shorLhacil:must havo pro-

vious experience. Apply R. Jerusalem nnclSon, Wholesale Jewellers, No. 6, Lamb-ton-quay.

PIANO.WANTED to Dispoeo of now English

Piano, will sacrifice for promptrath. Address English Piano, LvoningPost. "

HOTEL LEASE FOR SALE.NEW Hotel, in prosperous inland town,

Norlli Ipland, doing first-class busi-ncso, 5 years' leaso; suitable- personfinanced. A. M. Oe Costa and Co., 6,Nathan's Buildings.

SHOP CITY LEASE.WANTED to Sell, Leaso shop and s,ix

rooms, central,busicol «lrrol, ((roundrent £54, leana 3 yaars, j»rico low. Leonard»g,d .Co., 4jFettherston-streot.




PRICES'6ft wide, 2s 6d yatd.



WANTED by ycung lady, Situation asLadyhelp, small family, preferred.

Address Clyde, Evening Post.

WANTED to Sell, 5-roomed House,Austin-street, land' 33 x 115; £100

cash required. Prico from Sidey, Meechand Co., Manners-stroet.


ANTED to Sell, boautifully-situatod7-roomed Residence, near Oriental

Bay, fine view1,on easy rise and large sec-tion of land well cultivated; one of thebest-built houses in tho district. Mac-donld, Wilson, and Co., 84, Lamblon-quaj% 3181WANTED, an Apprentice for saddle-

making;also one for collar-makingsJohn Edward Butler, Limited.

ANTED, in So'uth~Kilbirme, singleRoom, with breakfast. Apply Stu-

dent, Kilbirnie Post Office.

WANTED Known.— Chimneys Sweptand Carpets' Beaton; no arrange-

ment disappointed. Send to C. Smith, 14,Cambridge-terrace.

WANTED Known— Coltman's AnnualJewellery Sale commences To-day

at 92, Cuba-street. Call and inspect.

WANTED to Sell, well-finished live-loomed House, with large basem*nt.

Apply 66 Coromandel-street.

WANTEDi emart Message Boy. Ap-ply Freo Lance Office^ "

WANTED to Soil, in best part ofThorndon and city, first-class

Boardingliousss, of 8 to 19 rooms, at allprices to suit all client*. Macdonald, Wil-.son, and Co., 84, Lambton-guayTOSTANTED, good plain Cook; also» » Housemaid. Apply Mrs. E. P.

Lower Hutt. ,6 or 7-roomed

House;must ba central; Thorndonpreferred. Send particulars to Goodvalue, Evening Post.

ANTED.— Ask" your grocer for-

Korff s Cocoa; inest delicious.ANTED] Youth] keep accounts,small business, correspondence, and

canvass fororders;salary and commission.J.D R., Evening Post. '

WANTED, Ganeral Servant; good,place; good wages; no washing.

79, Brougham-street.ANTED, smart office Boy for mer-oantilo business. Apply Merchant,

eorr Evening Po=t.ANTED, Plumber. Apply J. S.Itoulston, 81, Willis-~3l;roet.

WANTED to Sell, first-class ButcheryBusinoss in good suburb, doing 4

bodies aud 35 smalls, together withhorses,oarts and machinery;prico for everythingas a goihg concern, £160. Macdonald,Wilson, and Co., 84, I/anibion-quay. 374W"~ANTlS)~Cierkf~lor builders and

contractors' office, good opportunityfor ,intelligent young roan., A;pplj\Con-|tractor, EveningPost-

~*"'■■''*' "■" "

WANTED, cap'.-.blfi N-ursa for two chil-dran. Apply Urs. Hall, 25a, Hill-st.

WANTED, Housemaid. Apply Mrs.'_99hh_aPPl°i 40' The IVrrace.

WANTED, two good Boys, to start asmessengers, prospects, increasing

!wages. Hobson, Chemist, Willis-s treatIand Brooklyn.

WANTED Kiiown— For Bargains inWatches, (JSocks, and Jewellery,call f.t Collman's, 92, Cuba-street. Salocommences Tc-day.

WANTED, competent Machinists andFinishers; also Apprentices and Im-provers, for tailoring. Apply DrewM'Crorie, Herbert-sireet.

WANTED to""Sell, Phonograph;cheap i50s. 17, Queen-street.

WANTED, first-class Frock CoatMaker. J. Henderson and Co., 30,-

Willis-street.WANTED, at once, firsl-class Coat

Mnk(»rs. J. Henderson and Co., 30,Willis-street.

WANTED to Sell, substantial freeholdSosh and Door Factory, in firit-class

timber diEtrict, in good country town;about £500 cash required. Macdonald,Wilson, and Co., 84, Lambton-quay 571'

"ANTED to PuFchase, on behalf ol jbona fido buyer, well-built 6-roomed JVilla Residence in select locality, Now-town; about £1000. " Full particulars toThomson and Brown, Hunter-street.WANTED, good Boilermakers; alsoi

good Striker for blacksmith. Apply -Robertson and Co., Ltd., Phoenix jFoundry.

ANTED to Sell, new Spring Cart, jsuit builder; also Dogcart aud

Spring Trap. Apply last house in Jamos-street, Kilbirnio Nortl^WANTED, good Dressmaker for few

dajs. Apply at once, 37, Adelaide-road..WANTED at once, for Upper Hutt, a

Dressmaker for a week or ton days.Address R.C, caro «I. Hazelwood, Store-keeper, Upper Hult.

ANTED to Sell, SittingTofrEgK^Wlulo Leghorn (Leger), Silver Wy-

andottes (Hoy/ell), winter layers, fromtrap-vested peiv-, 180-cgg strain;9 chicksguaranteed;5s por fitting;special quola-lious for incubator lots. J. Atexaiide^,Plumber, Lornp-street, city, or ClarkVroad, Khandallah.

ANTED,a Hoy to learn the uphol"storing and mattressinaking. P.

Ahradsen and Son, 30, Tory-street.ANTED Known— Ton to Fifty per

cent. Genuino Reductions inWatcho?, Clocks, and Jewellery at Colt-man's, 92, Cuba-street)

WANTED to Rent, by married couple,2 Rooms and conveniences. Reply

by letter, Scribo, Evening Pos^WANTED, tiro respectable Mon toshare a large furnished rooiii, cen-

tral. Apply 11, Crawford-terrace, off In-ge&tre-strect.

WANTED by business lady, Boardand Residence in Nowtown; piano,

bath, etc. Apply Locality, Evening Post.

WANTED to Sell, three large Paint-ings, a bargain. Apply 32, Wttter-loo-avenuo, Nowtown.

WANTED, in good order, Second-hand(hii Boater for bath. Box 77b,g.p.o \

WANTED, Buyer for firsl-class Brew-ery, bottling plant, etc., esstablishodover 20 years. Apply Sidoy, Mooch, andCo., Land Agents, Alannors-slrept.

ANTED to Lei, Furnished"Room,overy convenience 11, Crosby-ter-


WANTED to Soil, 7-roomed House(plastered), linen-closet, bookcase,

h. and c. water, workshop, store-room,flower gardou, tennis lawn/ and orchard,concrete paths, 4-acrn;must bo sold, own-er leaving -Apply Sidey, Mcech, and Co.,Agents, Manners-street.

ANTED"to~S"eTiTPhonograph and 50records in good order. AddressPhono, caro EveningPost.

WANTED, secondhand Joinor'*. Bench:. lnuit bo cheap, it. Kidsuu, 53,.TJiorudoa-ajutXt . J


28, Molesworth-streot.Harp, 5 guineas; Singing, 4 guiueaa;

Piano, 5 guineas.


"VBTHITE Fnrs dc-anfd as new. In"» future tho cleaning of white *urs ,will not be taken during! the months of 1Februaiy to July. Seal jackets repaired, jaltered any skapo, and rclined; other tfurs also. 101, I.ambton-quay, first floor. !

CAMVAfiPKR.' !OK WEEKLY Conimiesion can be made |

.< ,by fteqdy, iaduetriuus house-to- ;honfe Balesihan; personal

'rcferonfces. '.

Boom lio. 1, upstairs, 10, Customhouse- :cjuay, after 10.

'■ 1

!A LIFE SOCIETY has several good !"£*- Openings m the Cities of Welimg- \ton, Christchurch, and Dunedin for men 'of experience who ran irittuoncn good busi- |Bess. Apply, with Jata-t record*, to


'fT»HE T. AND G. MUTUAL LIFESO- !J- CIETY has twe Impoitani. Vaear.eiej iin country districts for gentlemen \who can Introduce Businew in the Ordi- ivary Department. Apply, with references, !Monday morning, between 10 and 12 i

W. J. GRAY, Field Manager, |86, Lambton-quay. i


!A PPLICATIONS, accompanied with1-t*- testimonials, are invited for Pos:- jtiona from manr.gor downwards in new '>""- ;cuit factory; operations to commence mid- jdie of September. Apply Atlaj Bistiuiand Confectionery Co., Cnristchurch.


EEQUIRED for St. Thoinas'a Church,,1 \Veilingcon South; duties to com-

xqqiico Ist October. For full particularsapply, by letter, to Churchwarden, care ofP.0., Wollmgtou South. Applicationsclose 31et August.

EXCHANGE.WANTED to Sell, Kestaurant, pro-

vincial town, taking £16 week, rent22s 6d, price £400, including furn4uro;owner will consider exchange city j:roper#tywme value. Apply Exchange, EveningPott

WANTED.BILLIARD-TABIJG, about 7ft long,-

slate bed, billiard dining table pre-ferred. Apply to A. J. Hadfield, St.John's Hill, Wangnnui.

'■ TREXTHAM!WANTED to Let, at Trontham, seven-

rooined Houso, almost new, h. andc. water, overy convenience, lawn andgarden,.fivr> minutes from racecourse;good opening for boardinghouso, or poul-try farm. Apply Wl Tait, Trentham, orPalm Grovo, Berhanopore.

investment! '

WANTED to Sell, Part Share KaroriLand Syndicate. Full particularsBox 463, Wellington.TO""cOXTRACTOB«~kND CARTERSWANTED to Sell, one team cfDraught Horsey guaranteed soundand staunch;also Dray and Harness. Ap-ply to E. Beavi3, Happy Valley.ri\o LET, in Ingestre-strcct, up-to-date"*- Shop and 5 living Room3, with allmodern conveniences.

For rontal andparticulars applyHARCOURT AND CO.,

46, Lambton-quay.TO~iLE;l\

~ "

(PROUND Floor, No. 4, Cuba-strept,HJT lately occupied' by Tho AVcilingtonand Wairarapa Motor Co., Ltd.;opeciallyluitablo for Customs, indent, or machineryagent*.'

A. 8. PATERSON AND CO.,6, Cuba-street.


fT-0 LET, an up-to-date 16-roomed Ac-■-»- commodation Houso, just been thor-oup;hly renovated throughout, containing10'bedrooms. 2 largo diningrooms, etc., 10minutes' walk from railway station and 2minute* from Post Officu. Apply to E.Feist and Co., Lower Hutt.

TO LET. LOWER HUTTIT!HE fine residence of the lato Mr. Wm.Fitzhcrbert, containing14 largo roomsfitted with all modern requirements, highpressure water supply, ga», bathroom, etc.Beautiful_ garden of over an acre plantedwith choice trees and thrubs. For termsapply

ST. H. TUKNBULL AKD CO.,i. Fanam»-itre»t. .



The particulars published in our ad-vertising columns to-day dealing withtho. season of grand opera to be given byMr. George Mubgrove's Royal GrandOpera Company will be read with in-tere&t. Tho inaugural performance isannounced to take place ou Mondayevening, 19th August, with the per-formance of "Tannhauser," to be fol-lowed the same week by "Romeo andJuliet," "Lohengrin," "Carmen," ''TheFlying Dutchman," and "FauPt," and amatinee of "Hansel and Gretel" on thaWednesday. Owing to arrangementsalready completed, the Wellington sea-son is announced for twelve nights only,and two matinees. The success of thiscombination in Australia has alreadybeen noted, and the critics there speak-in the highest terms of praise of all theproductions. The company is said tobe the largest and most costly operaticorganisation that has yet visited NewZealand, and number, including prin-cipals, orchestra, chorus, and staff overonehundred members. The operas newto this country in the present reper-toire are "Romeo and Juliet" and "Han.sel and Gretel." Tho latter will beplayed at matinees only. The presentcompany includes a number- of artistswho have appeared in the Waguer rolesia tho heart of Wagner tradition, suchas Munich and" Beyrouth, and co thatthe atmosphese may not be in theslightest degree disturbed the principalssing the Wagner operas in the languagefor which the music was written. Thebox plan for all performances of theseason will be opened at the Dresdenon Wednesday morning next. *

MR. BARNETT'S SIXTH RECITAL.The sixth and last of the series of

organ recitals ■which Mr. Maughan Bar-nett undertook as a test of public sup-port of auch. concerts is to be given'"next Tuesday evening in the Town Hall.Mr. Barnett is satisfied that the peopleof Wellington -would attend organ re-citals in the Town Hall in force ifsuch .were given with regularity and,along 'popular lines'. The programmefor the final concert will comprise theeight items that received the largest num-ber of votes at the preceding five re-citals. Tho "popular programme" con-tains the following selection*:— Overture(Herold), "Le Soil*" (Gounod), Variationsin G (Beethoven), Toccata and Fugue in.Aj-minor (Bach), Andantino (Lemare),"William Tell" Overture (Rossini), Dorn-roschen (Bendel), and the Prelude to thethird act of "Lohengrin" (Wagner).

THE MUSICAL UNION.Tho second concert of the 1907 season

of the Wellington Musical Union iB lobe of a miscellaneous nature, and will begiven in the Town .Hall next Fridayevening. 'She full force of the union'schorus and orchestra will be engaged, inaddition to a number of principal vocal-ists and instrumentalists. One of- thechief features of a varied programmewill be Cowen's setting of the ballad'■John Gilpin," a most enjoyable workfor chorus and orchestra. The concertwill be given under the direction of Mr.Robert Parker. \

FULLERS' ENTERTAINERS.The Fuller Vaudeville Company 6ul*

mitted anexcellent programme \a&t night.The biograph pictures were excellent,and Mr. Val,Ne.wton._ (baritone) sang"Anchored" and "In After Years'.' ef-fectively. There will be & change ofprogramme this evening. Four new ar-tists -will make their appearance. TheSnajke-fOhariber' and'vßonita- will appearfor tlie" Vast-time in"Wellington.

MONTGOMERY'S ENTERTAINERS.IThe cinematographic entertainment

provided by Mr. Montgomery was re- jpeated in the Opera House last evening ■

before a fair audience. The programme, \which, is varied by a,number of pleas-ing musical items, will be changed to-night.

In the Druids' Hall jast night, theannual social gathering of the Welling-ton Working Men's Club was held.Music for the dancing was supplied bytho club's orchestra, and the guests ofthe evening included the Premier, theAttorney-General, Messis. Fisher andJennings, M.H.R., and his Worship theMayor cf Wellington.

"CORPORATION STAFF BALL.The annual ball organised by the

staff of. the City Council was held inthe Town Hall last night. There wasfi. large attendance, including tho Mayorand Mrs. Hislop, and most of the mem-bars of the council. The hall waspiettily decorated, the general design,whilst by no means elaborate, beingartistic. The stage' was convertedintoa fairy-like bower of foliage arid ferns,and aboveall appeared the city's motto,"Suprema a Situ," worked out in elec-tric lights. A grand canopy of fes-toons hung from the ceiling to the gal-lery,"intertwined with a graduation' inshading of coloured electric lights thatgave a charming effect to the wholescheme of colouring. The space underthe gallery was twined into a seriesof alcoves, elaborately furnished; andsupper, on a lavish scale, was servedin the Concert Chamber. The floor wasin excellent order, the music for thodancing was provided by Mr, F. L.Dean's orchestra, and the masters ofceremony were Messrs G. E. Simeon,J. Doyle, and P. l\ Percival. Tlu.Committee of Management consisted ofMessrs. J. Doyle (chairman), Matthew,J. Casey (secretary), R. 0. Petersen(treasurer), P. P. Percival, G. E.Simeon, E. J. Thomas, F. S. Hoy, andJ. W. Callaghan.

"THE KELLY GANG."The lengthy biograph pictures depict-

ing events in tho stirring life of themembers of the notorious1"Kelly Gang,"which was shown jn Wellington tolarge audiences a few months ago, willbe exhibited in Wellington this after-noon, and evening at His Majesty'sTheatre, Courtenay-placo. The shortstay in this city is necessary, as atour of return visits to southern townshad been previously arranged. Besidestho main featuro of "the Kelly Gang,"a number of new amusing and interest-ing moving pictures which 'arrived bythe s.s. Papanui will be shown. , ■

The weekly ambulance meeting washeld at the Missions to Seamen lastnight, when the institute was well filled.Mr.Mooregave someveryuseful hints inreference to health affairs and ambul-ance work. A competition was wonby sailors

'from ships in poit. A

capital programme of music w,as pro-vided, tho followingcontributing items:— Messrs. Morris, Franks, Ellers, Kerr,and Ford.

Members of the Wellington SavageClub are reminded that a kurort* willbe hold this evening.

Misa Hardingo-Multby intends givingtwo amateur performances of Mr. A.W. Pinero's celebrated comedy, "SweetLavender," in tho Concert Chamber ofthe Town Hall, on 30th September, andIst October, in aid of the DistrictNurses Fundand Prisoners' AidSociety.Tho respective charities will each havothe ne> receipts of one performancedonated to thorn.

There was a large attendance ofSunday School teachers at the lecluieon "Form und Colour," given by Mr. J.Caughley, M.A., last night. Tholecture was given to thoso who hadbeen attending Mr. Paine'6 lessons


the black-board, and Mr. Caughley gavomany valuable,binta v to how tojore^..

pare and prosenf; the -lessons. Mr.Caughlej thinks' that Sunday Schpolscholars should., be arranged in th«egroups:(1) from 6to 9 years old ;(B)from 10 to 12;> (3) irom 13 to 15. Jfteachers wore to draw pictures ioillustrate their, lessons they would findthat the scholars not only took a keen

interest in the lessons but that the^also remembered what they learnt, asvisual memory was much better thanmemory from' hearing. Mr. Paine as-sisted Mr. Caughley by drawings o|ithe black-board as the lessons proceed-ed. A hearty vote of thanks wasaccorded the lecturer on tho motion ofMr. R. B, l)avis. i

The tenth 'annual social gathering ofthe Loyal Newtown Lodge will b?held in the Concert Room of the TownHall on Friday evening next.The operetta '.'Bell(e)s" will be profduced by a number of amateurs at St,

Peter's Schookdom, Ghuznee-street, 'onTuesday and (Thursday, the 13th and15th insts. The performance, whichis in< aid of the reduction of the debt;on the choir vestry, is under the direc-tion of Miss ..Gill, assisted by MissBeere and her 'pupils.


THE PROBATION QUESTION.Some weeks'ago a young man named

Qteorge Bowmen, whose respectabilitywas vouched for by several people,stole a ring valued at £14 and a silverwatch valued at £7 7s from bedrooms attho Kahvarra Hotel, where he was em-ployed making,.certain repairs. Accord-ing to the police, ho sold the watch to adealer for 2s 6d, and pawned the ringand sold the ticket to a dealer, admit-ting the offences when arrested by De-tective Andrews. In the Magistrate'sCourt yesterday, before. Mr. Riddcll,S.M.. Mr. Wilford raised the questionof ''another chance." He referred tothe report presented to Parliament byCommissioner Dinnie, and said it spokeeloquently and .emphatically as to thevalue of giving a man a chance. Hepointed out tWnumber of menconvictedand the number of men let out on pro-bation or -convicted and ordered tocome up for sentence when called upon,and showed that probation hadnot beenabused. Counsel knew that one of thechief detectives of New Zealand hadsaid in a newspaper interview that pro.bation might Jwive the effect of lesseningIho gravity of the crime of theft in theminds of those who fall. They mightsay that, having a clean record previous-ly, if caught on this Occasion they wouldbe given a chance. That was a trueconclusion counsel -would admit, but theproper thing was to look at the otherside and see wiiat were the compensat-ing forces. ,The commissioner said thatout of the hundreds let off onprobation,only about two or three per cent, hadabused tho leniency. If that was so.then the extension of the provisions ofthe statute relating to the question haddone a lot of good. Without putting itin exaggerated form, counsel eaid it haddene good torthe community because ithad pulled up men who had fallen andhad given them* a chance to go straight.

Chief Detective M'Grath suggestedt'':ii th? dealer 'to whom the watch Arassold should not .be compensated. Hehad a stop notice about it, and shouldhave told the police. v

■-- ■- —

His Worship said he- was prepared to!give accused a chance. Up to the, pre-sent ho had lived honestly, but his'lapse _had not only brought disgrace up-on himself, but upon his faaaJy. oi.ilfci"was to be hoped that he -rrouid' .profit'by th£ leniency. He would (be con-victed and.ordered to come up for sen-tence T7hen called upon.

WEBB'S HOMECOMING.Sixteen persons attended the meeting

of citizens called for last night to dis-cuss the proposition to give a public re-ception to Wanganui Webb, championsculler of the world, on his arrival atWellington from " Sydney next week.The Mayor (Hon. T. \f. Hislop) pre-sided. Opinion was divided as to whe-ther it would be best to arrange asmoke concert and "social" at the TownHall or to organise an' open-air recep-tion to take place on the wharf whenthe steamer arrives. To the latterscheme it was objected that as t-hesteamer was leaving Sydney late thisevening she vvas not ' likely to reachWellington until late on Wednesdaynitrht, in which case an open-air recep-tion might prove a fiasco. The oilierside of the matter was put, when itwas shown that a public reception toWebb had been arranged for Thursdaynight at Wanganui, and it was there-fore unlikely that Webb would be inWellington for a smoke concert whichcoulJ. not be held earlier than Thurs-day. 'This contention was met by thestatement that it was by no means' surethat the Sydney boat would be clearedby the health officer in time for itspassengers to catch tho Thursdaymorn-ing train for Waliganui, in which eventa postponement of tho Wanganui recep-tion until Friday would bo imperativeEventually it was resolved that thoMayor send a cablegram to Sydney toascertain Webb's wislzps, and

'that of-forts^be also made to ascertain the viewßof Wai'ganui as to the postponement oftheir gathering. An executive com-mittes was set vp

—comprising Messrs.A. B. Bayfield,P,Myers.Dix,T. Thom-son, R. Armit, W. Nidd, J. Pollock,

and R. P. Colons— ;to make such ar-rangements ns may be found necessaryand^ to receivo donations towards pro-viding Webb with a suitable souvenirto mark his achievement of world'schampion&hip honours.

AUCTION& PROPERTY SALES.Messrs. J. H. Bethune and Co., have

Several announcements in our auctioncolumns. On Wednesday next, at 2o'clock, on the premises, the A.I. Coach-works, uo. 236, Upper Willis-st., theyare holding a sale of a coachbuilder'splant, tools, vehicles, and stock. OnTuesday next, 13th inst., at their rooms,Featherston-street, at 2 o'clock sharp,tho firm are selling a collection of house-hold furniture removed for convenience6f sale. Tho furniture is now on view.On Wednesday, 14th inst., at 2 o'clock,at the residence, No. 76, Aoel Sniith-stree,t,, Messrs.' Bethune and Co.. ar*sel-ling the whole of tho household furni-ture being contents of the six-vooinedresidence at the above address. Thefumitur© will bo on view on the morningof the sal-o.^ Tho firm insert an amendedlist of business and l'osidential proper-ties which they have on then books forprivate sale, alro a number of houses tolet, furni&hed and"unfurnished.

Messrs. Macdonald Wilson and Co.,insert advertisem*nts of properties forprivate sale, comprising seven-roomodresidence, ,boarding house, freehold sashand door. factory, and a butchery busi-ness.

Details of tho Merita collection ofJapanese art treasures which are to besold at Messrs. Macdonald Wilson andCo.'s looms on Tuesday and Wednesdaynext( are advertised in this issue. Specialgaslight,"displays will be hold this even-ing, ana;onMonday evening, from7 to9o'clock.- "' "

Elsewhere Messrs. Thomson andBrorrn insert a fresh list of piopertiesfoi1which they invite enquiries.

The iveokly change list of propertiesin'W. H. Turnbull and Co.'s hands forprivate t»le are advertised on jmother

U?a«. .' \ . ..

JUSTICE DEPARTMENT.Total vote, £148,432.Mr. Wilford advocated that the Bank-

ruptcy Department should be placed un-der the Public Trustee. Huge sumswere spent annually in solicitors'* costs.He moved that the item "Bankruptcy,£4031," be reduced by £1, as an indi-cation that a change should take placein the administration of bankruptcymatters.

This was iost by 31 votes to 16.Mr. Wilford raisedx the question of

law costs allowed to Crown prosecutorsin the lower courts. In all cases theCrown prosecutor— even in the most tri-

1 vial cases—

was allowed £3 3s costs. If'on the'othar hand (.ho defendant failedhe was allowed nothing.,

Mr. Laurenson cjuoteil a .case' whichcame under his notice. Seven men werecharged with breaches of the bylaws.All pleaded guilty, and each was fined

"20s and £3 3s costs. The thing wassimply monstrous.

The Hon. Mr. Guinness said thewhole question was oneof amending theregulations.

On the vote under the Coroners Act,Mr. Wilford made his annual protestagainst coroners' juries, andmoved thatthe voteof £4750 bo reducedby £1 asan indication that the timo had arrivedfor abolishing these tribunals.

This was defeated by 30 votes to 12..The House adjourned at 1.10 p.m.




CHRISTCHURCH, 9th August.Following are the acceptances for tho

Canterbury Jockey Club's Grand Na-tional Steeplechase meeting:

—Grand National Steeplechase, three

miles and a half.—

Kiatero 13.3, Phae-tontis 11.9, Slow Tom 11.0, Irish10.10^Nadador 10.9, Inniskillen 10.7, Romany'Lad 10.5, Evenlode 10.4, Loch Fyne10.3, Eclair 10.2, Needlework 9.7, Hika-roa 9.7.

Grand National Hurdles, two miles.—

Cuiragno 11.15, Paritutu 11.4, LadyHuno 11.3, Creusot 11.2, Landlock 10.9,Shrapnel 10.6, Ben Jonson 10.6, Kia-tere 10.5, Merriwai lu.o, Ability 10.0,Gold Dust 10.0, Stronghold 9.12, Cavalry9.11,. Lull 9.11, Stayboy 9.7, Leeside9.4, Sen Sim 9.3, Le Beau 9.3, Idasa 9.2,Levant 9.1, Te Uira 9.0, Top Rose 9.0,South-em Cross 9.0.

Winter Cup, one mile.—

Aeolus 10.9,Buccleueh 10.7, Lady Annie ]0.6, HelenPortland'10.5, Seaman 10.4, Jolly Friar9.13, Montico 10.0, Pas Seul 9.11,Whakawehi 9.9, Probable 9.8, Chatterer9.8, St. Bill 9.8, Gwendolina 9.5, Man-jess 9.4, Idealist 9.3, Fandango 9.3, DonOrsino 9.2, Mataari 9.2, Waihuku 9.0,Czar Kolokol 9,0, Ruapehu 9.0, SiiKweb9.0, White co*ckad© 9.0.

Hunters' Hurdle Handicap,once-roundand a distance.

—Makuri 12.7, Kaiko-

ma..o 11.7, Crispinot 11.7, Roan Banner11.0, Canton 11.0.

Trial Hurdle Handicap, one niilo andthroe-quarters.— Ability 10.9, Stayboy10.2, Le Beau 9.13, Southern Cross*9.11,Te Uira 9.10, St. Albert 9.9, GoldenComb 9.9, Top Rose 9.8, Royal Shell9.7, Magical 9.7, Cachem 9.0, Design9.0.

-Jumpers' Flat Race Handicap, onemile and a half.— Landlock 10.13,Stronghold 10.9, BenJonson 10.0, Oveu-sot 10.0, Southern Cross 10.0, LadyHune 10.0, Gold Durt 9.11, Merriwai9.10, Le Beau 9.5, Waipu 9.5, Cavalry9.4, Leeside 9.3, Magical 9.0, Levant 9.0,Wild Cat 9.0.

Enfiold Steeplechase Han&ic'a'p, .'gb'out'two miles.— Starlight 10.9, Deerslayer10.6, Wet Blanket 10.4, Post Haste 10.0,ilinemoa 9.13, Kelpy 9.13, Rosemorn9.13, Sir James 9.12, Royal 9.9, Pitcher9.7, Storm Petrel 9.7.

Hack Handicap, six furlongs.— Outeri0.2, Volodia 9.13, Jack Ashore 9.13,Strathfillan 9.13, Armamento.9.12, SenSim 9.11, Petard 9.10, Vardo 9.8, Santllotsaleer 9.4, Gypsobel 9.^, SpinningFlight 9.3, Takaroa 9.2, Heprthen 9.0,Tcha 9.0, Giovanni 9.0, Mangrove 9.0,Hinupai 9.0, Steplink 9.0.

WELLINGTON RACING CLUB.Mr. J. B. Harcourt presided at the

monthly meeting of stewards of the Wel-lington Racing Club held yesterday.

The statement of accounts in connec-tion with the recent winter meeting anda rough balance-sheet for the racing yearjust closed were presented. Both dis-closed a very satisfactory position ofaffairs.It was decided to increase the future

Wellesley, Wellington, and Challenge|Stakes by 100 soys each, making theTa^esnamed worthSOOsovs each.

The programme of the spring meetingwas passed, showing an increase instakes.

Reports were submitted from the cater-ing and ambulance departmentsj bothof which it was decided to refer to theinpoming committee.

The date of the annual m-seting of theclub was fixe* for Friday, 31st inst.A vote of thanks was passed to theBall .Committee, to whose efforts, is at-1

tributed the success which attended the-function.

Licenses for the coming season weregranted as follows :— Trainers—

W.Ooffey, W. Davies, M. M'Grath, J CressF. Matbews, W. Garrett, R. Knoi, J.Russell, D. Wilkinson, J. J. Gravestock,J. H. Prosser, J. Cooper, R. M'Kenzie,E. C. Butt, P. Coffey, E. W. Watson,A. J. Shearsby, J. W. Lowe, J. Ayres,W. Galbraith, I.Freeth, F. J. Carmont,J. A. Farmer, C. Pritchard, F. Higgott,A. M'Momm. Jockeys— S. "J. Reid,H. R. Macdonald, S. Crawford, W Ryan,H. A. Telford, C. Mallowes, W. Naylor,>F. Wood, W. Galbraith,.J. Ayres A. H.M'Connon, W. J. Woon, W. Brown,T. Pritchard, R. M'Gregor, R. Oliver,F. H. Cress, W. T Ayfe, A. C. Miller,R. h. Hatch.

By the Warrimoo, which left Welling-ton for Sydney last night, Mr. R. J.Mason took overa valuable team of fourto represent Mr. G. G. Stead at thecoming Australian Jockey Club's meet-ing, to be held from sth to 12th Octobor.The team consists of the unbeaten three-year-olds Bonifonn (Multiform-Otterden),and Count Witt© (j»l«nschikoff— PlO-blem), and the two-year-old fillies Armlet(Menschikoff— Arnrilla) and Bungalov(full-sistpr to Boniform). The quartethave bepn i'?spon.siblc for some excellenttrack gallops lately, and nhould upholdthe high reputation of New Zealand rac-ing stock in Australia.


A CHEQUE for £1 Is hRs been sent totho writer of this voim>— Mr. A.L.8.,48, Dcrby-st., St. Albans, Chrietclmrch:—

I'm only a. nuvvy without any wife,AixJ the .v.i«hing of clothes wa« the lilngueofmy lire;Ihart tlwug-lit mo of marriage, to end thisgroat 111,Butelico SAPOX'S arrived, I'm a baitolor stillI

WIN A GUINEA! Prize Foam pubIwhedovarySaturday. Boat four »hort-lineadvertisem*nt versoabout "SAPON" winio*oh week. "SAPON" wrapper must beenclosed. Address, "SAPON" fOatmealWashing Powdor], P.O. Box 63b, Welling-ton. '

Write for freo Art Booklet, containing23 valuablo hints on Washing.




The Reserve Fund1 Securities Bill wasfurther considered in committee after thePost went to press y-asterday.

Atclause 4 Mr. W. Fraser complainedthat there was no piovision for Parlia-ment being informed afterwards of thesecuriti-ss being pledged. They shouldknow at the end of the year what, ifanything, had been done in the way ofpledging the securities. Tfo& ColonialTreasurer might take theproceeds of thepledgirfg of these securities for somepermanent purpose, and that was notthe intention of this measure.

The Premier Teplied that such a ♥pro-vision ought not to be.included in theBill. It would then be obligatory tofurnish details of what had been donewith the securities, and it might easilybe very disadvantageous to the colony"if this were known.

The Bill A"as reported without amend-ment, read a thirdtime and passed.



TOTAL VOTE, £39,007.

Mr. Massey asked for informationabout the item "Parliament Buildings,£20.00." Of what extent would the ad-ditions be?

Mr. Aitken spoke of the additions tothe Government Buildings in Lambton-quay- This,addition was'being put upin wood, which was/ contrary to thebuilding by-laws of the city of Welling-ton. It was'also alleged that the addi-tion to the 3)arliamoEt Buildings ,wouldinfringe tohe city by-laws in variousrespects.

Severalmombers complained about theunsuitability of the Government Build-ings in different parts of the colony.

Replying, the Acting Minister forPublic Works (the Hon. Jas. M'Gowan)said! the vote for £2000, referred to bylir.Massey, had nothing to do with theaddition to Parliament House. It wasfor the upkeep and repair of the exist-ing buildings. He denied that the- Gov-ernment was breaking the city by-laws.The addition to the Government Build-iugs on Lambton-quay was not an in--inurement; it was simply an extensionof the existing:.wooden building, whichit was hoped' '\yotild-.'"serve this countryfor the nexfc-£ft^en.ox twenty years.


stead of putting u}> a. new and' costlybuilding it < wduld be, better- to spendthe money on Toac^and bridges. (Hear,hear.) In connection Vith the buildingin Sydney-street, ,the- (government wasdoing &?ithe^ more nor less than, manycitizens had been 'permitted to do. Nocountry in the world had compositebuildings; ib was manifestly impossibleto hays all State departments gatheredtogether in one place.Mr. Massey said the Government in

many cases had bach not only law-makers, but law-broakers. The law thatwas good enough ;ior private individualsshould be good enough for any depart-ment of the Crown.

Mr. Ell referred to the use of NewZealand timber in public buildings. Hecomplained that- great beams of fimu(a valuable wood for cabinetmaking 'pnr-

-poses) were beingt thrown away by =Jjeihgput into public buildings. He hopedthe Minister would not listen to theclamour for New Zealand timber being!used exclusively^ the erection of publicbuildings. ' *" "

Mr. Hogg suggested that the Gdvern-possible ehoyld.be.il^ed in public'■build-tinibar onv 0© ,-martet, and",so help tobrsalc--up


Mr. Lewis thought as little timber aspassible should be- used in public build- jings. ,Ferro-qoncn-te shoulft b.e used.

The HoUf ,"J[.\M'.Go.tibin said it was allvery well to'complain about high prices.Mr. Hogg appeared to forget that priceswould continue to go up so long as thecountry was prosperous, and wages wouldgo up too. There-was not sufficientgravel or stone, 'within easy distance, topermit of the Government going in forferro-concrete buildings. Answoring Mr.Massey's complaint, the Minister saidthere was no law which required theGovernment"to sot back buildings 33ftfrom a street-.line.

ARUIifNG CHALLENGED.At the cfose of a'general discussion on

the class.Mi1.Masfeey moved to reduceone of the 'first items, '"ParliamentBuildings, ,£2000," -by £1.

Th.B chairman ruled that after thegeneral discussion that had takon placethis could not tie moved.

This rojing,was challenged, and theSpeaker was appealed to.

Mr. Speaker ruled against the chair-man, and? therefore upheld Mr. Masseyin his right tp move the amendment hehad proposed.

Inthe 'discussion that ensued Mr Her-ries asked what was spenton the Minis-terial residences at Wellington.

The Minister said it was impossibletosay what w*asspent oneach particularbuilding.

Mr. Aitken complained that the newportion of the Parliament Buildingsfronting Sydney-street had not been retback from the roadway a sufficient dis*tance to comply with the law. Surel\rthe Government should do that whjVhthe general public were compelled by

law to do.After further discussion, the class

passed without alteration.ROADS.

The next class was* Maintenance ofRoads, £25,000.

In reply to a questionby Mr.Herries,the Minister (Hon. J. M'Gowan) saidthat details of the expenditure would begiven wheu the Public Works Estimatescame down. '.

Mr.Wilford urfjed thonecessity of theGovernment making a grant in aid oftho roads on tho Normalidale Settle-ment, wliich he declared are absolutelydangerous.

!Nfr. Hornsby said the present systemwas of benefit to the back-blocks settlers— this in reply to a suggestion by thomember for Hutt that small grantsshould not be made each year;that sub-stantial appropriations should be made,say, once overy lhi»r ypnrs. ,

The Leader of the Opposition snidthere was no reason why (he appropria-tion should not l>c regularly itcniisod inthe same wuy fts the Public Works Es-timates. The granting of tho moneyshould nqt 'be left to the caprice of theGovernment.

The vote passed unaltered. 'PRINTING AND STATIONERY

DEPARTMENT.Total vote, £41,878.In regard to overtime, the Minister

(the Hon. Mr. Millar) stated that casualhands were paid the same rates as em-

[ployees of private printing firms. Thepermanent hands were paid overtimeaccording to a classified scale.

The vote was agreed to.STAMPS AND DEEDS.

Total voCe, £35,623.'

Tho vote passed unaltered.NATIVEDEPARTMENT.

Total vote, £27,884.This vote was alw> agieed to after an

interesting' diecuaaipu tre.Dorted else-'



BRASS-RAIL BEDSTEADS,lin. pillar,36/-; ljin., 39/-; 2in., verymassive, 59/*2in., heavy brass mounts, £3/10/-, £3/15/-, £4/4/«

BRASS-RAIL FENDERS,-8/6, 12/6,15/6

BRASS AtfD COPPER.KERBS,Traveller's Samples, Real Bargains

FIRE BRASSES,8/9, 4/9, 5/6, 8/6

LAMPS, . .Table andHanging and "Perfection" HeatenAll Superior Lampsat BargainPrices

E.P. CRUETS AND TEAPOTS, ,Exceptional Value




ARTIFICIAL SETS.FullUpper or Lower From £2201 ToothPlate

-From £050

Repairs toDentions „ 0 5 0 Re-modelling --110

EXTRACTIONS 2/6 per tooth. Gas given free.One, or ali your teeth, extracted in one sitting, guaranteed painless,


Hours: 9a.m. to5 p.m. Open WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONSEvening: 7p.m. to 8p.m. and EVENINGS.

Special Appointments made for Holidays.

C. S. FREE, Surgeon and Oral Dentist,CALEDONIAN CHAMBERS,

i 32 WILLIS STREET, nearly opposite Grand Hotel.Telephone 2649


SEPARATE APPLICATIONS, whichmust be made on forms obtainable

at the Board's Office, are invited for thofollowing Positions. Applications closeat Noon of THURSDAY,22nd August:—Mauriceville West— Head Master, £165

and house.Greytown.D.H.S.— Assistant Master, £160.Kakariki— Sole Teacher, £130 and £20

h.a.Coonoor— Sole Teacher,'£110 and house.Longbush— Sole Teacher, £110 and £10

h.a.Judgeford-iSole Teacher, £110 and £10

h.a.Saunders-road— Sole Teacher, £84 and £10

h.a.Martinborough— Assistant Mistress, £90.Waikanae— Assistant Mistress, £90. "

Belvedere— Assistant Mistress, £85.G. L. STEWART, Secretary.

WANTED Known— Boots Repairedwhile you wait. Gents' Boots solod

and heeled 2s 9d, Ladiee' ditto Is 9d.Bluchers, nailed, 4s 6d; Boys" and Girlsstrong School Boots, 2s 9d. AmericanBoot Repairing Co., corner Buckle audTory streets. i

WANTED Known— Sidey, Meeoh andCo,Mcjnners-street, aro Cash Buy

ars of Furniture, Pianos, and Libraries.Established over 35 Tears.

WANTED, Ladies to obtain Dr.M'Gill's Pastile Treatment; a safe

and simple remedy. Apply No.>, Bolton-street, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur-days; or Mrs. A. Alpha, Box 411, Wiel-lington; r

ANTED,customers to savemoney bymaking purchases during our sale

now on. Lloyd, Jeweller, 55, Lambton-quay^


Scholefieia's well-knownYearly Sale of genuine N.Z. green-

stone, watchs, chains, rings,bangles, etc.;a genuine yearly clearance;see window.W. R. Scholefield, 36a, Manners-street.

ANTED Einown— Brite-Glas us ainagio £lass cleaner, makes windows

and mirrors look like crystal; ask yourgrocer for a> Is bottle. 1

ANTED to Sell, nice new five-roome-d House, close to Garden?, £50deposit, balance as rent. H. Hooper,

Kajtori-road1, opposite Governor-road.

W*ANTED"Io "Sell, up-to-date, House,5 rooms, sunny position,central, on

lid section Kilbirnie tram. Apply by let-ter t<j* Omoga, Evening Post.

WWANTED to Buy, Brooklyn, or pre-. ferably Fitchott Town, Section,with or without house. Apply, statingjuraoulara, price, cash terms, etc., toHome, Evening Post.

ANTED to Sell,, Besson Class ATonor Horn, with leather case,

cost. £12 10s; reaaonabla offer accsptodApply Day and Co., 48, Courtcnay-place/

ANTED Known— Estimates givenlarge and small joba by practical

Carpenter and Joiner, ail work guaranteedand executed promptly,speciality, reason-able. Letters R. Kidsou, 45, Thorndon-quay. „

W"ANTED to Disposo of, a goodCountry Baker's and' Confectionery

Business; good going concern, and goodrqasoiis given"for wishing to fell; close tosvation.; cheap. Apply Evening Post.

WANTED to Sell, fouV-roomed Cot-tage, with land 33ft x.200ft, oppo-

site Petono railway station; no reasonableoffer refused. "A. Smith, No. 5, EdgoHi11.;'.,,WANTED, Lying-in Patients; every

care, terms moderate. Address!N«ise Stuart, 67, Daniel-street, Newtown.Telephone 243CK

WANTED to Sell, thoroughly up-to-date Residence, known ns 2. Har-

bofir-view, Bouleott-street, occupied byMrj * Arthur George. Apply George,Doughty and Co.,Victoria-street.

S~EKRAVALLO's"Ionio (bark and iron" wi'p) is excellent incases of anaemia.A»\ your doctor his opinion

LIFE-SIZE Rag Dolls, for stuffing, atIs 6d and 2s 6d each, are just thetariff fcr the children. Obtainable at H.

Ji 'Hunter and Co.'s Novelty Depot, 69,Willis-street.

HOT Water Bags, Enemas, Douches,all ladies' requisites, Cod Liver Oil,Rife',forStoutness, Tnlenos, Antipon,

3>Tcfilot' Rolls' Is." Win. Salek, SydneyQh'eniist, }7,r Willis-street. .IIT you are nervous or languid,or out of

sorts, take Serravallo'B Tonic .(barkand iron wine);»ifc braces you up quick'y

O~~NE Night— that's .all tho time Chap^poline takes to Cure Qhapped Hands,

ls-jars*. -Wallace,' Chemist, Willis-street.

NEW Patent—

O'Conor Truss, no iron■ or steel, comfortable, durable-; con-

sult Agents and Specialist, 17, Willis'-st.Wm. Salek, Sydney Chemist.TTVOR the best Crib and Poker Hands onJL Tram Tickets, 10s 6d and 21s. Duncan and Macintosh, Manners-street.mHOMPSON BROS., LTD., Coal Mer-JL chants, guarantee best value in all

kinds of fuel;prompt delivery;8, Dixon-street; 59, Featherston-streot; 1, Pipi-tea-street; 'phones 266, 533 .

YANDOTTE Magic Domestic Clean-ser;buy a bag and sharo in £6 6a

prize competition. Requisites, 15, Man-ners-street.

CHIMNEYS swept "by practical men.Carpets boalen by machinery. Win-

dow, House, and Office Cleaning. Wel-lington Cleaning Co., 23, Dixon-street.'Phone 2224.

APPLE Corer and Slicer, cores andelices at one operation;Is; worth

having. Requisites, 15, Manners-street.PALE, anaemic, ananervous people are

soon cured by Serravallo'B Tonic(b*rk and iron wine). Pleasant to take.Ask your doctor.

NZ. WINE Depot, 57, Willis-street." Notice. No. 1superior Invalid PortWine, 25a per dozen; No. 2 Wmo, twogallons (guaranteed full strength), 18s 6dper dozen, formerly 3s per bottle. Winoid per glass../"NHIMNEYfcJ swept, windows cleaned,V-^ carpets beaten and cleaned, smokingchimneys 'cured: cheaply and quicklydone; distance no objert. T. Faulkner,88, Courtenay-place. Telephone 2539 1/pCERANIUM LOTION cures chappedVf and rough hands in a night;heals,softens, and cleanses;not greasy; pre-vents chilblains and cracking' Is and 1b6d. Wm. Salek, Sydney Chemist, 17,Willis-street.

BRITE-GLAS acts like magic, wonder-ful window and mirror cleaner, Is

bottle, ask your grocer. Nicol, Stringerand Roberts, Ltd., Wholesale Agents. 1rTERSTENA .Porridge Meal— Lauded>JT by all users as easily tho best break-fast food;cooked in 2 minutes.BRIEN~S Chilblain Ointment certain

cure for Chilblains, unbroken orbroken;also forCracks, Chaps, andRough-nebs of f/he skin. Price Is. Brien, Chem-ist,108, Cuba-street.

-TO get a good fire in grate or range

you mu3t have the best Fuel.Thompson Bros., Limited, supply onlythe best coal obtainable: 'phones 266, 5.3;

FAIR trial makes confirmed patrons ofGerstena Porridge meal;all nourish-

ment, easily digested, cooks in 2 minutes.OW giv» Bay a turnI Try his In-

digustion (jure, his Bronchitis Mix-ture, half size Is 6a, his Neuralgia Mix-ture, his Antiseptic Ointment, his Stomachand Liver Pills, etc Only to bo got at70, Tory-street.

YALE Keys. Reduction in prico;wocan now cut a single Ynle 'Koy lo

pattern for Is6d cash;less for quantities.IEking, Locksmith, Foathorslon-Btreot, rearG.P.O.fiHAPPOLINE, tho bait and quiokest

Curo for Chapped Hands; Is jars.Wallace, Chemist, Willis-street.

RIVATE Maternity Home.—

Mrs.Starkie, Practising Midwife, 9,Home-street. Knnt-terraee.

'SPraiTUALIST.MRS. BIGGINS, '40, Abol Smith-street,

Trance and Test Medium, givesPri-vate Sittingsdaily; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.suits and"c6stumescleaned."

SUITS Cleaned and'Pressed, 7b 6d;Cos-tumes Cleaned and-Fvoisod, 7§ 6d

Garments guaranteed not to shrink. LeBrun and Co.* Inaoitre-fttreot, ■ V, j

LKCTUHKS areV>- given every SUNDAY EVENING at7 o'clock in the Viutoria Hall, Adelaide-road, to which allavo cordially invited.

Subject—" Tlio isecond Coming of Christ."Scuts free. No collection.


SUNDAY, 11am.Subject :'Theosophy." Miss IC.Drowning,M.A.

Pnblio invited.,rjIHEOSOPHICAL SOOI ETY.

APublic Address will be deliverodat thoSociety's Koorn, York Chambers, Manners-street, on SUNDAY, at 7 p.m. Subject—"The SupremeConquest."

Beginners' Class. Monday, 7.30 p.m.Students' Class, Thursday,7.30p.m.Questions at close.


Whitmore-street.SUNDAY, 11th AUGUST, 1907.

'Services, at 11.30, 6,30, and' 8.Preacher, Mr. James Moore, Missioner.


(1) "How tho Bars WoreBroken." (2) "BeatenBreasts." (3)."Led:Whoro toJ" Prayermeeting6JO. Sailors'parlour opened at 10 and 2. Instituteopened daily.




MR. J. WATT, of Dunodin, will delivera Trance Address on"Is Spiritualism

a Fraud or Reality?"

SPIRIT DRAWINGS.— These ttost ex-quisito worksby tpirit agency, which havocaused columns of newspaper notices andpagos of illustrations in Otago'Witness,will ba on view during week. '

A few photos of above can be seen atdose of address to-monow night), whenMr. Watt will give brief description oftheeo most truly wonderful works. ■

ELLINGTON -ASSOCIATION OFSPIRITUALISTS (R*giiterecl).NEW CENIURY HALL, Kent-terrace.TO-MORROW, SUNDAY,11th August,1907, at 7 o'clock sharp.

Mr. J. M'LcodCraig,of Melbourne, willdeliver an Inspiration Lecture; subject,"The Spirit World, and Its influence onHumanity";and will givo PsychometricReadings from articles brought by theaudience.

Messago of Life and Harbinger of Lightfor August.

AdmiEsrO'i— 6d and Ib.

SPmiTUALISTIC BAND OFERS (Registered), London Pia ,Building, 88, Manners-sueot.

Mrs. Soreneen will deliver a TranceLecture To-morrow (Sunday) Night, at 7o'clock; subject, "If a Man Die, Sh»llHo Live Again?" Spirit messages ariddescriptions after lecture.MeEßage of Life for August.

SOLARINE,fpHE BRILLIANT METAL POLISH""*- On Sale by—Messrs. D. Anderson and Son, Moles-'

worth-street"Messrs. Pritchard and Mitchell, Dixon-st.Mr. R. Williamson, Kent-terraceMr. Bernasec-ni, Vivian-streetMr. W. A. Kellow, Taranaki-streetMr1.JJfevHn, Cuba-st. and Tinakori-roadMr. Ferguson, Taranalci-streetMr. E. Thomas, Riddiford-etreet

The Best and Brightest. Buy a TinTo-day. 1REMOVAL NOTICE.

MR. ROLAND T. ROBERTSON. In-dent and Commission Agent, of No.8, Grey-Btreet, has moved to Boom No.If, Nathan's Building!) (6econd floor).


LADIES^ AND GENTLEMEN—TjTOR a Fashionable and Stylish CostumeA of the latest design, and novelty inSuitingsand Overcoatings, try


"T ADIES', 'Gates' and Children's Left-■M-J off Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc.,purchased, in any quantity, for c*sh;highest price given;letters promptly at-tended to. Mrs. Jones, 62», Taranaki-


LADD2S* aud Gentlemen's superior Mi*,fit and Left-off Clofaing bought;highest price given; letters attended to,

Mrs. Botlerill, 13, lugestre-street. Tel*.phone 2379.

LEFT-OFF CLOTHING.HIGHEST Price given for Ladies',Gentlemen's, and Children's Left-offClothing, Boots, etc. All letters promptlyattended to. Address Mrs. Bruoe, sa,Ingestre-street.



Who are Building10 BEAUTDJUL

MODERN RESIDENCESOf 5, 6, and 7 rooms, at

NORTH KILBIRNIE,'The Favourite Suburb.

Penny Tram Section from Town.SPLENDID SUNNY POSITION.

If you call early we can alter thes«Residences to suit your requirements.

Call early and select before the Best arosold.



SecretaryHATAITAI LAND COMPANY.Tirohanga Estate Company. _Marked Plans on application..

FOR SALE.FACTORY SlTE— First off Cnba-slreet,

area about 1935 square foot; priea£400 each. , 9

CUBA-STREET— Best position; businesspremises; land 24 by 159 feet; price£6000. !♥

THORNDON— Land 40 by 132, 8-rooniedHouho, price £1600. 23


ENGINEERING, Iron and Brass Foun.dry, Gone.*al Blaoksmilhing, ■Implc

meut aud Waggon Works for Sale;situated in oneof the most progressive to'wj.in tho North Island; turnover / nverag.£12,000 per annum;splendid opportunityfor energetic man with capital. Or th«owner would bo prepared to tako in i

; financial partner, or a thorough good u|-' to-dato engineer. Addrets, apply to Evoli*

ing Post. *"

A RMSTRONG AND WILSON, Oha-1±\- kune, M.T.R., Land Agents andLicensed Land Brokers, etc., are prepared

■ to givo every ono full particulars re Pro-,i pelties for Sale, Bush. Lands, etc., in anj

onrtion of the Waimarino District, Mai}'nmk Railway. Lands on offer. , "*>

He.d OfficA- OH-M'UNE.'



Order of Services— Holy Communion, 8am.;Matins, 11 a.m. (Preacher, the LordBishop);Evensong-,6.30.

TINAKOttI - UOAO CHURCHROOM—Children's Service,IIa.m.; Evensong,7.


On'.er of Services :— 8 a.m, Holy Cora-muuiou; 11, Matins and Sermon; 1p.m.,Baptisms and Churchings; 6.30, Evensongand Sermon

BrooklynCburclirooni— S,11,and 6.30.Keibnrno Churchroom— Service at11 a.m.Taranaki-st. &lit>aiou Room

—7 p.m.

O( T. THQMA.S'S CHURCH,O Wki.lingtonSotjth.

ST.THOMAS'S CHUUCtt— B a.m.,HolyEucharist; 11, Matins, Litanyand Sermon;G 00, Evensong and Sermon (Preacher,Rev.C.L.'Juke.Vinacof fet. Augustine's,Napier).

ST. HILDA'S (IS/.AND BAY)— 9 a.m..HolyKuobarist andSerruon;lla.rn,Matinsand Sermon;7,Evensongand tiermon.


SERVICES, SABBATLT. 11th AUGUST.Moininfr,11. Evening.G.30.


Morning,J1 Evening,6.30Preaoher —Rev. Dr. Gibb.

Evening subject— '" Spiritual Analogies ofElectricity:The Analojjy of the X kuystothe InvisibleandPouotratingbpiritof liod."


Services 11a.m.andG.M p.m.Ordination of Elders at Evening, Service.


Rev. W. Shire'r.IN MEMOIUAM CHUKCH, Iho Parade,

Island .Bay.—

Service at 3 p.lll. Roy.W. Khirer. . Communion aorvico, 18thAuguat.


SUNDAY, 11th AUGUST.Preacher— Rev.J.K.Elliott.B.A.

MoLniug, 11. Evening,G.30.'

, All welcome.

ORESBYTERIAN CHURCH._T7 ___. NEW SUBURBAN CHARGE.'» Services will be oondnoted TO-MORROWby the Kev'. W. Douglas,M.A.,at—,ROSENEATH, btate School,11a.m.

MIRAJJAIt,Avenuo ToaU00m8,2.30p.m.IKILBIRNIN, O'Doui.oll's Hall,0.30 p.m.

All cordiallyinvited.KOOKLIN PI4ESBV 'I'_Uti_N

OHUKCH.I Preaclier— Rev. P. C. Rennie.Services

—Morning, 11; Afternoou, 2.30,

Sabbath School; Kvenintr,6.30.


SUNDAY, 11th AUGUST.THE TEURACE— IIa.m. and 6.30 p.m...' jJtov. J.Keod Glasson. Eveningsubject,' "TheOne Thing Worth Knowmn,"

COUItTENAY-Pi-AOlO— ll a.vi. and 6.30j>.m.,Key. Macdonald Aspland. Morn-ing Bubjeut, '"Poafte and Truo Brother-Lood.'" Evening— Special Mubical Ser-vice.

COIS'STABLE-SX. (Newtown).— lla.m. andC.SO p.ui.,l'-ev. W.A. Evans. JMorniiis— "

.Studies iv Paul .- The l^aw ami tboGoepel." Evening— ''The bource andStrength of ChristianCharacter."

ALlCEl'uWfl— 11-a.ui.aud 0.30p vi., Rev., ,W..AJECoay-,. ■ -. , . - '


Services 10-MORUOVV.WESLEY CHURCH, iaranaki-stre'et.—

11 aia.. "Ke^ri*. W. Fairclougb;6.30 p.m..Key. i\ W.FaircloiiKh (Subject,"Curio^ty")

MOIiESWOKTH-ST., 'lhorndon-ll a.m.,Roy. O, Porter;0.30 p.m., Kov C. Porter(Snbjeot,"ThePower imd ResponsibilityofChooiiug ").

KAllOßl— lla.m.,Mr.T.Caughey,M.A.;7 p.m.,Mr.J.Loiuas. '1ORY-Sl. MltialON—11, Mr. Sansou;C.30, Mr. Tonka! AUO-ST. MISSION— 6.3O,Sistov Evelynhawa.

WEIjUNOrL'ON SUUI'H, Kewtown—Trinity— Bey. W. J. Williams. 11 "a.m.,"

Jesus ia theMidst;" 6 30p.m.,"

Wreckersand Saviours."

WELLINGTON SUBURBAN.— ISLANDBAY (Churchroom,bhunnon-stieet)—lla.m.and 7 pm., Key. E. P. Blamirea. KtL-JilltNlE— ll a.m..Mr.Roso;7 p.m.,Kov.J. Crewes.JOHNSONVILLI3— II».m., Rev.C.Eaton;

7 pm., Mr. A. Beeson. KAIWAIUtA— IIa.m., Mr.H.N.Holmes; C.30 p.m., Jfev.Jl.B. Itedstouo. O&OJsTOtf— 7 p.m., Key.O.Eaton.


Preacher— Kav. J. J.North.Duringalterationandinstallationof organ,

Services usunder :—:—

Morning, 11— Iu tho Schoolroom, backof Church

Evening,0.30— 1u Concert Hall of TownHall

Special Evangelistic Services, when Itev.J. J.North will preach on

"Slips,Ko Go."Baukoy's Hymns willbe sum?.

Youare coroially iuvited.PIiTONE

—Mornins 11, Evening 6.30,

Roy. Jas. Spottiswoodo.


PreacLer— Rev.T.KoitUEwen.Morniug, ll"The1

—"The SpiritualityofWorship"

Evening,8.30— " ThoImperialChrist."Ordinance of Bohevera' Baptism will be

observedat tho EveningKierviuo. |To-nijjht, Op«u-t.ir bcrvioe (weather per-

mitting)atGreen-btreet, off JJidaiforJ-street,at7.45.


Morning, 11. Evening,6.30.Preacher

—Rev. Arthur JJewdney.


WEBU-ST.— ll a.m. and 6.30 p.m.,Uev.J.]

F.Dohorty . jROSIONEATH— 6.3O p.m., Mission 13a,ud. |TAWA FLAT— IIa.m. POKIIIUA— 3undI' 7 p.m.,Roy.J.Dawson


11am, lUr.J. Mubury (AuMiew, "Sons ofLight"); 6.30 p hi., Key. J. Dumbell(bolos— Mr. Moutoi),

'"ItWith AllYourHeart;" Choir,"Bo Thou MyJudgo ").

ISLAND IJAY-11 a.m., Key. J. Uueker;7 p.m.,Mr.J. Emlmi-y.

P'KI&llTIVI'l MKTHODIST CHUHCH,isydnov-st.— 11. Key. li. Metsbn;6.30,

Itov.C." K. 'Ward. Petouo— Jl, Mr.11. Uen-liotts; G.30. Itov.B. Mct&on. NorUiliuid

—11, iiov.C.E. Wnrd; C3O. Ituv.Jjco*ckor.

CHURCH OF CHRIS*,Riddifm-d-slreot,


—Breakingof Bread.

U.45 p.m.— Biblo School.

(J.30 p.m.— Gospel Ki'rvice. Preacher-Mr. A. J'1. Turner. Subject

— " The Ro-baplism of 12 Men."

Allaroinvited. Seats free.J.Y/ELL DAY KOA1), Kilbirnie.

31 a.m.and 2.45 p.ut.—

Meetings asusual.6.30 p.m.

—Preacher,Mr. M.Vickery.

TTNITARIAN FREE! CHURCH.vJ Masonio Hall, Boukott-st.Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.

RKV. Dll. TUJJOIt JONES.", Ph., "D.,ou"Recent Developmentsiv the Sciences ofNature und of Mind

"(four nddrenses).

To-morrow Evening- '" tteoent Develop-ments of Phyßioal Scienoe."


MR. J. F. GRAY will preach the Gos-, pelon SUNDAY EVENING in thoGospel Hal], Ingostre-stiopt, at, 7 p.m.

All are hoartjly invited.Come »nd briny your friends.

\\lANTED to Sell, as a going concern,DRAPERY, MILLINERY,ANDDRESS-

MAKING BUSINESS, fThe Best Position in Quoea-atreet, ?

Masterton. ;1H. A. Whelch has decided to sell theabove, having been sdvipedby his medical

attendant, through indifferent health, to' remove to a warmer and dryer climate;splendid chance for a goodman. For fullparticulars apply personally, if possible,toH. A. Whelch, Masterton. No agenta.


We have justopened anew shipment of Carbure-tors, suitable for marine motors, motor-cars. Also stock of following: DrillingMachines, Chucks, Circular Sa.ws, Carpen-ters' and Joiners Tools, and a largeassort-ment of Stanley Planes

—ail at bedrock

prices for cash.ALEX. ROSS AND CO.,

Saw and Tool Makers,83. Manners-street, Wellington.

WANTED, everybody touse Tui StovePolish; will last three times longerthan any other polishknown; ilb tins od.Wanted, everybody to use Tui LinoleumPolish, the brightest, the easiest, and willnot show your feet marks when walkingonit; 6dper tin. i




Goods Delivered. Telephone 864.

\KTANTED to Purchase, a powerful**^Steam Tug of about 40 tons. Fur-

nish particulars as to age, power, tonnage,price, etc., to

STEAM, -.'.-Care of Gordon and Gotcb,


WANTED „to Sell, 600 yards' goodGravel, suitable forpaths, asphalt-ing, etc.;3s yard;Bee Hive Chambers,Courtenay-place. R. A. Wakelin and Son,Builders.

FURNITURE.WANTED to Buy, Houses of Furni-ture; highest price, cash down. C.Daubney, 74, Tory-street.

house!WANTED to Sell, 7-roomed House,all conveniences, Maarnma-crescent;

land 40 x 120; £975. For terms addressHouse, Box 81, G.P.O. .WANTED, everybody to use Tui/B6otPolish. Turpentine polish 'burnsand rots your boots;Tui wont. The onlyoil polish on the market. Gives a bril-liant polish, preserves and softens theleather, and makes your boots perfectlywatbrproof; large tins 6d. Sold by J.Farquhar, Cuba-street; T. O'Brien, Tory-street;H. Finch, Mulgrave-street.

WANTED Known— Bring your Pre-scriptions to the Red Cross Phar-

macy and you will have them compoundedwith accuracy. Wo obey the doctor'sorders implicitly, and only beat of drugsare used. Our arrangements to serve youare part of a fixeddefinite system, design-ed for accuracy and promptness. ' Thepersonal supervision of the proprietor isgiven to every prescription. E. O.Ayres aad Co., 90, Caba-st., Wellington.

WANTED Known— Found at last,Kelhway and Johns, 51, Kent-ter-

race, where Ican get tho best 01, Coalpromptly delivered. Telephone 2376.


ANTED Known— Wo have a.lof'ofwell-rooted STRAWBERRY ;Plahts

which will bear fruit this season. Laxton't)No.l, Marguerite, Trolope'a Victoria, etfchIsdozen, 5s per 100; Mikado,Noble, lloyalSovereign, Sharpleas, Is 3d per dozen;. 6spor 100; Empress Eugene, lg 3dclozen,os 6d 100;'Molba, the best variety. Is 6ddozen, 7s 6d per 100. GIBBONS; 131,Lambton-quay. >^

ANTED to Sell, Northland, largeSection and 4-roomed House, con-

veniences;good! view,Sminutes tram. Ap-ply Z.Z., Evening Post.

ANTED to Sell, splendid14-rbomedResidence, corner Abol Smith andKensington streets. Apply care F. 'J.Pinny, Cuba-street.WANTED Known— lwill Build suit

buyers, tenants on leases, shelteredsunny spot. Island Bay. Apply J. Kan-ton, Dee-street, Isltvnd Bay.

ANTED, Buyers for Wall Papers,new designs, art shades, friezes to

m» tch. Jackson and Co., Jervois-quay.\\TANTED— Working men, have your* » Clothes made by tho Working Man'sTailor;

'first-class Suit, 70s;gentlemen's

own material mado up from 30s:any makealtored to fashion;repairs and press. NextBaptist Church, Vivian-street.

ANTED to Soil, cheap for cash. 6pairs Avery's brass counter Gro-

cer's Scales and solid brass-handled BellWeights, Steel Bars and Hangers, suitablefor butcher or provision merchant; wire-wovo Shutters and fattenings for platc-glact shop window front; cedar-top BankCounter. Apply to E. Feiit and Co.,Lower Hutt. , .....

Woods' Great Peppermint Cure forCoughs and Colds uevcr fails. Is 6d.

—Advt.For Chihlrm's Hacking Cough at night,

Woods' CJtuat I'oppcrmint Cure. Is 6d.—Advt

-For Bronchial Cough* take W.oodi'.Gxe&t Paavermint Cure, li bcL—iAtek., ..'


-DYERS ANDFRENCH CLEANERSto His Excellency the Governor,LordPlimkot;also to the Late Gover-

nor, Lord Eanfurly*

WORKS: Kent-terrace; 'Phone 2666.Lambton-qnaj;;'Phone 1174.

Branches Christchurch and Dunedin.


lf^PK^Ji cuba st-TELEPHONE 2239.

H^ ABRAHAM,(Late Chef to His Excellency theGovernor, LordPlunket),INTERNATIONAL CATERER,

8, WILLIS-STREET.Small Goods % Speciality.


—Now v the time

to have your summer goods dyedsuitable for -winter. Summer dreases canbe dyed to look equal to new winterdresses at BARBER'S Wellington SteamDye and French Cleaning Works, 46,Cuba-street. Gents' suits, curtains, fea-then, gloves, -etc., cleaned or dyed in astyle unequalled in tha Colony.

"XjiT ANTED KNOWN.I»V WINNERS CRIB AND POKER.. . COMPETITION.Mr. Long, Saunders and Co., CityMr. Gell, b.s. Baden PowellMiss Archibald, Wade«townMr. W. Cross, 9, Banks-terraceMiss Munatall, 14, Adelaide-road.


WANTED Known— Now is the time toplant SEED POTATOES to ai to

be able to dig early new potatoes. Weh»ve all the best varieties instock;splen-did samples free from blight; lowest ratea.

F. COOPER,30, Manners-street.'

EMPTY CAsii!TXTANTED to Sell, a number of good,'

sound Maobinery Cases. Apply| {Evening Post.

ANTED Known— That the CITY. TAILORING AND DYEWORKS,Wl7B, UPPER WILLIS-STREET, do ali"'kinds of Practical Dyeing and Cleaning;up-to-date plant for the now dry-cleaning

: process. If you cannot call, ring us upand we will send' for your parcels. P.S.—,W© also alter Misfits to perfection.



BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR.Shop and Office Fittings a speoiality.

iLow Charges. All claaaes of Joinery WorkJtdono for tha trade. Estimates Free.


EVA-STREET toff Taranaki-place).STEAM BOILERS.

WANTED to Sell, 1 MultitubularBoiler, 12 h.p.;also MultitnbularBoiler, 20 lip. Apply Te Aro SteamLaundry, Hopper-atreet.WANTED, inventors wno aro desirous

of turning their ideas to good ad-vantage to consult Honry Hughes, PatentiExpert, Queen's Chambers (opposite PostOffice), Wellington. Tho firm has beenestablished nearly twenty-five years, and"re thns in a position to give inventorsthe benefit of their longexperience. Pam-phlet "Advice to Inventors," post free.WANTED^-Your appearance! Make itdistinctive;add tone to your figure.Havoyour Suits hand-made throughoutbyexpert men. We guarantee the best hand-made Suit to order 10s cheaper than anyother tailor in tho city. No fit, no> pay.We defy all N.Z. to produce equalvalueto our unlaundried White Shirts, 2s od,pure linen, equal to any dressed shirts nsod. Meston'i, Tailors and Mercers, 21b,Ingestre-ttreet.

ANTED Known.— That W. J. Par-sons (late of Parsom and Brown),

B'iild?r and Contractor, Shop and OfficeFitter, ban removed to 81, Willis-street,two doors aboveManners-street. No orderin too small or too large for my accept-unco. Careful attention given to all workentrusted lo me. Jobbing a specialty.K"t;D'atcH free. Telephone 2522.

ANTJED to Sell, overTd(Tacrcs goodlevel Land, with itook and plant;

£1400 ;£1000 can remain on mortgago atJf jjer cent. Addtett Eveniiur Pott.


STEAM SHIP CO3KEESrU 0PNKVV 2KALAJJD(Ltd)(Weath«r and oiroumslauoea permitting).

LYTTELTON.Rntomahana baturduy, Aup10 11p.m

1 Mnroxoa Monday,-Aug 12 8p.m

WttiUre "J'ußsday, Auj? \3 5 ji.mKotoumban» Tuesday, Aug13 8p.mMururon. Wedueaday, Aus 14 8 d.viWoiiowai 'l'hnraday, Aug15 5p.mKoiotiiabana 'thnrsday, Autr 15 8 |>.mMarm-oa Friday. Auk 16 Bp:ui

JDUNEDIN, VIA. LY'ITKI.TOiS.Waikare Tuesday, Aug 13 5p.m" Bloiiowai Thursday. Ang15 spm'i'alune Tuesday, Auj» '20 5y.mMKI.UOUUNK. VIA I.YTTj'.I.TuN.DIiN-

KIHN,BLUFF, i'NU itOUAItl1.Monowui Tliursday, Ann I<> 5 p.mNAPIKK,GISIJOI4NK AND AUCKLAND.Tainno Montiuy, Au{fl2 4p.m

Miowera "1hursdiiy. Aujf 15 ' 5 p.mSYUNKV, VIA NAPIICII. GiaßOUiNifi.

AND AUCKLAND.Miowera Thursday, Aug15 spm

SYONEY DlltEUl1.Moeraki X Fnday, Auk16 4p.mMaheuu* Frmny, Aug23 4p.m"Turbinesteamer.NRLSON,viaPICION UnaBLKNHErM.Wuinni SatuwJav, Anjr.10 2p.m.Penguin 'Monday. Aug12 10 30p.mPomcruin WeduesUa-y, Angl4l2 30 p.mPenguin Friday, Aug16 1&.30p inArahura Saturday, Aujj17 1p.m

NELSON DERKUT.Bolniti Kuuduy, Aug11 8p.ruMnpourika I'nesiUr, Aujf13 9.50 p.mNEW PLYMOUTH AND ONKUUXOA,

FOli AUCKLANDConnecting:at New Plymonthwith through

(.rain from Wellington on 'J'uesJay,Tliaradar, Satnrduy.

Rotoitif Sunday. Ang11 8p.mTukupuna "Wednesday, Aug14 7 p.m

tOalla Nelson.IIMAKU, OAMAJiU, A^fD DUNEDIN.Corinutv* AVednosday, Ang14 noon* Culls I.yltelton. Cargoonly.NELSON, WE&TPOKT, <ittEYMOUTH,

AND UUKITIEA.■\Vainnit Salnrday, Auj10 2 p.m'J'e Anan*f Monday. Au<j12 uoqnMupourlka Tnenday, Aug13 9.30 p.m

t Cn.lL.Pioton."Cargo only. Dooa notcall Nelson.SUVA andU'JVUKA,Faoir AUCKLAND.Manapouri , Wednesday, Sept 4TOiNGA, SAMOA. AND FIJI (FIIOM

AUCKLAND).Kuvna 'Juesday. Auj* 20


Baurolo 'J'uesday, ir'ept 3Tickets available for atop over or return

by Mcs*rt. Huddart, Parker and Co.'atteiiiner*


Connecting with through train fromWellington.

U.S.S. Co.'s Steamersleave New Plymouthat under (weatherpermitting):

—Boloiti Tnesday, Anj;13 8 3f» p.mTuknpuna Thnraduy, Au?ls 8.30 v.ivTakapuna fcaturdai, Aug:17 800 n.raHofcoiii Tuesday, Aug 20 8.30 pm

■PMsengors can embark at .'Wellingtonou Suudnyu uud Wednesdays, proceedingi-ough by ateamor to OnehungalotAuck-


NORTHERN STEAMSHIP UO., LTD.WELLINGTON-AUCKLAND SERVICE.<BMBs. fTHHE Twin-screw SteamerJ£glß& "*- RARAWA, 1072 tons.Leaves New Plymouth for Onehunea. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY,connecting with through train from Wel-lington, and leaves Onehunga for NewPlymouthSUNDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY,

connecting with through train to Welliug-tpn. ,

Return tickets, available for return byUnion Steam Ship Company's steamers,ifdcs red.

Pas3enger3 can secure berths on apjplipa;-tion to ' '.'."i

'' '. ' " . -rLEVIN AND CO.. LTD., Agents.


f¥WE Magnificent New Twin-Screw"*- Steamer,NAVUA, 3000 Tons

(Specially Built for the Tropical Trade),will be Despatched from AUCKLAND onTUESDAY, 20th AUGUST, for Tonga,Samoa, Fiji, and Sydney.

Early application necessary.For pamphlets and full jjarticulan ap-

plyUNION S.S. CO. of N.Z., LTD.


STEAMERS leave Sydnoy every fourthMonday, and Suva on the following

Tuesday week.Passengers booked to all partsofCanadaj

United States, and Europe.

MOANA, 2nd September.MIOWERA*. S(HI< f-cptember.AORANGI, 28th October."

Calls Fanning Island Cable Station.LOWEST RATES.

N.Z. Passengers can joia at Sydney or"t Suva. >

For full particulars applyUNION S.S. CO. OF N.Z.. LTD.

"ggißlv * JTnHE undermentioned steamer*will Icavp [circ*msUace*

permitting), as follow* :—


T!ib ** WAKATU.On TUESDAY, + p.m.

ran fott<t\Tho s.«. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH,

'iilia DAY, 4 p.m.

FOR PICTON.(Taking Cargo for Blenheim), Havelock,

and all Bays and Landing Places inQueen Cnarlotte and Pelorus Soundi.

Th« ».s IU>U ROY,THIS DAY, Noon.FOR HI.ENHEIM.The »!» 01'AW A,

EARLY.For freight orpaxsvge, apply to


BTEAM PACKET COMPANY.' nPHE following iteaneri will tx

-I- dvupatc'ned n» uiulur, weather»nd cireuniit»nco« pprmittine—"



THIS DAY,♥p.m.LbvlN AM> U<* lI.TDI. Agents.

«ffajHfe-.rriHß unoermtattonefl scaamer*JBnffffiwr- will leave (circuactauces

permitting) as follows:—

for NAPIER (Inner Harbour), GIS-" BUKNE, and EAriT COAST— TIie s.b.KAHU, MONDAY, 4 p.m.

for -BWiiN'HEIM and PICTON— Tho s.s.BLENHEIM, MONDAY, 6 p.m.Ifor im|i'i,i\.>, AUiiiK.ll.fi JiAsf,




«51tt8>. A NCnOR LINE OF STEAM-jjqiJCrA I'AOKETS »r» .ppomt.d

to )oiiv« as undor:— -


For l'A'JEA— The s.s. AOIUSIUi, ouMONDAY, 5 p.m.W. A G. TUiINBULL & CO.,




IFine Fruity Flavour.|

1 Famed for the 1I delicious flavour II of Sunny Nelson's|§ luscious fruits. '

ITRY IT TO-DAY. |IS. KIRKPATRICK & CO., j1 Limited, jI NELSON, N.Z. IIIWhere the best fruit grows.1

81WIN0YOU must buy, if you require tlui

latest and best, made by ono of thestrongest firms and in a factory second tonone in the world as regards machineryand skilled labour.1./rhc ROTARY STANDARD is the envyof all 'As tfompetitore. Runs far easier,

3uiot, quicker, strong, and moßt durable;oes all work; lock and chain 6tilch in-

cluded. All parts kept. " <!'F. J. W. FEAR, Solo Agent,


Established 27 years.



WeHingtoDunedin. &christchu'ch-


The MAGIC J^g^ 1Window y^«w^^ I

xJ&X^^ Comfort.§I yy All stores. HI yf 1/- Bottle.|

-» fil^J? Y9UR


(^v^^^,J PLEASED

to coat your floors with"LIROARNISH,"the famous Floor Polish. Driesovernight. Won't wash off. The moreit's washed, the better it looks.Applied withabrush

All Grocers, IsCd and 2s Cd.



APrtjaratlon at onescimlortingto Wind-Oriid and Sun-ParohodHauii* and Faoit,aid pormamntinitsstiUnini ttlttlt en th» ikln.A Qulok Kaattr of 8or»i, Soars,aai all Abratitni of tho Skin.

An "logsnt addition to theToll«H«t ol LatfiM.

SCO. W. WILT3H & CO.,Ltd., Wetl;cl|'.on.PER 1/6 JAR.

IF your Groeor doeg not stock Brito-fjlas »ond us your address nnd wo will

■end you a la bottle Nicol, Stringer, andRabeits. LttL. Wholesale Azeniju '


FAVOURITE PA.SSENGF.R SERVICE.Sailings (circ*mstauces permitting)

FOR LYTTKLTON AND DUNKDIN.ZBAI.A.NDIA. IFriday |Abu 16 I 4 p.mVictoria. jFriday J Aug 3'» | 4p.uiWimmeka I'lhara (Sept 12 | 4 panZbalandia. IFriday |Sepfc 13 j ip.mFOU MMLIIOURNE, via LYTTKI.TON,


AND SYDNHV.ZbTlandU" IThnra |Ang 22| 4 p.mVic-roitiA IThurs 1Sept 51 4 p.m

FOR SYPNKYUIRKCr.Wimmbba. |Friday IAng 30| 4 p.m-

Cargo must be alongside steamer one-hour before sailing tims.

All tickets are available also for Stop-over or Return by ANY of UNIONCOS STEAMERS, w.Iholders of thtU.S.S. Co.'s tickets may travelby above-named veasels. .

Head Office for Now Zealand— Queen'iChambers. WELLINGTON--grvgw^. rriHE unclermenttonaa steiaa-'X ers will leave (ciroum-Woes permitting). «> {ollows:—For NELSON. MOTUEKA, TAKAKA,

roT.T.lNOvvonn. ...h vuiv»^-*-T.S.S. TASMAN, THIS DAY, 10p.m.

For freight or passage, apply toW. M. BANNATYNK AND CO., LTD..



mHE i.s.TgggßZ. -L MANAWill nil


Age»'». 59, Featherston-itraat. ,Trlp})hone 2718.

SS. ENNERDALE sails for NAPIER1"(Inner Harbour) and AUCKLAND,

Noon MONDAY. Cargo received.until11a.m.


16; Brandon-Rreet,Telephone 2174.

- Agents.




Very Superior Accommodation for-Pattenjrers. ,

Specially fitted with Clayton's PatentKIRK lOXTINQUISHMKS.

I" Tous ProlmWe To S«ilSteamers. Ke(ris> Final Port (aboi*).

PAPANXJI ... 6552 Wellington AngnstSlTURAKINA* ... S2lO

—Sipb ■ 2fi

RTJAPRHTJ* ... 7885—

Oct . 24BIMUTAKA* ... 7952

—N6v 21

TONUABIBO* .. 7600—

Dec,. 13

"Twin Scrsw.For freight or passage apply to






DECKS.. 'Sailings (circ*mstanctr, Dcrmittinf) :—

I Kame. [g^ JgV| ,

"IONIC 12-232 Carter iAug l&Wel'gt'n"ATHENIC 12234Kempson Sept VJWel'gt'n'COBINTHIC 12iSM)ivid Oot 10-Wei'gt'u"AIiAWA 937^jBmtoa Nor 7.\Vel'ir</n

j j"Twin screw.

j All steamers are now being' fitted vriththo CO. 2 FHIE EXTINGUISHINGAPPARATUS.

For full particulars, apply to tho Agent*.LEVIN b CO (LIMITED).W. AN£f G. TURNBDLL k CO.


TMPERIAL MAIL STEAMERS fromJL Sydney and Melbourne to Southamp-ton, Antwerp, and Bremen, via Adelaide,Fremantle, Suez, Naples, and Genoa.

Steamer. Tons. s^ M*"


ToroV* 9000 Ang 10 Ang 13SevJlitz* 7!H2 Sept 7 Sept 10Scliarnlioist* 8131 Oct .5 Oct 8Bnlow* 90-J8 Nov 3 Nor 5Bremen* 11570 Kov 30 Dec 3

* Twin-screw steamers.Fares from New Zealand ports to Lon-

don:— First, single; from £70 to £80;Second, single, from £43 to £46 ;Third,from £16 to £18.TO MANILA, CHINA, AND JAPAN.Regular four-weekly service of twin-

screw steamers from SYDNEY, via NEWGUINEA, to HONGKONG, YOKO-HAMA, and KOBE, oonnieting atHONGKONG with N.D.L. FortnightlyExpress Mail Service to Europe. Faresfrom Wellington

—To Hongkong; First,

£38 17s; 2nd, £28 17s. To London:First, £95 ;Second, £64.' -

'St*»*er. T°"4 Sydney.

Manila 2000 Au* 27■ Linen washed on board by expert iaun-drosses.

For passnge and full particulars apply toOASTENDYK & FOCKE. Agentu,

7. Harris-streat. Wellinaton."VTEW ZEALAND




(Under contract with the New Zealandandj Canadian Governments^)

Steamer. Tous. fi^S*BUOENTATHI 4000 September 7lhEONJJO 4000 November 7th

TakingWool, Hemp, Skins, and GeneralCargo and Live Stock to American andCanadian ports at lowest rates of freight

For full particulars apply to the Manag-ing Agents for New Zealand


LIMITED,Council Chambers. Brandon-street. ,


For Plymouthand London, viaFremantlo,'Colombo (transkipping for all IndianPorts) and Suez Canal, Sailing as underfrom Sydney and Melbourne:

—' '

n». 1 *'r""i fromSteamers. ,i~fD* Nvi.iej. Melb'mo

Ortonat 8000 Ang 24 Auk 27;Onnnz 6163 Sept 7 Sept 10Qruba fi'J7l fcopt '2t Sept 1M

♥Twin screw.Fortnightly thereafter.

Fares New Zealand'to London:—

Saloon—Single £43 to £60, Return £69 to £120.Return Tickets available for two yearsfrom date of issue. 'Third-class— £18, £20,and £22. Return £32 to £39. On pay-ment of an additional £2 15s. First-olaasPassengers may proceed overland fromNaples. Through Bookings to New Yorkin conjunction with Cunard Line.

First and Second Class Passengers securespecial advantages by booking throughfromNew Zealand, being prorided with SaloonPassages to Au«tr»lia, which are includedin the above fares. Passages can be book-ed to or prepaid from any of abovo ports,

For further particulars, apply toUNION STKAM SHIP COMPANY OF

NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED).AfttaU in H»it Zealand.

p AND r\ COMPANY'SROYALMAIL STEAMERS TOLONDON.Fpllowingare thepropofeddates ofdeparture

from Australian Dorts for London:—:—


"Steamer. 'i'ous. Sydney. Melb'rue

Nolrtavia* 95f>0 Aug 17lAuff 20India 70!I Autr 31Sept aWonifdlia* 9503 S<?pt HSopt 17"Viotoru ... '. bS->2 -iepc 28Occ. 1liritanuia ..." .. Co^S Oct 12Oot 15M-Ooltun* ... ,'... 8631 Oc6 2bOcb 20


1 RATKS OF PAScAGE MONEY TOLONDON (including Saloon Passage toSydney) :— , v■ SINGLE TICKETS, £43 to .£BO "

BJfiTUitN TIOKETd, to -£120JOHNSTON & CO.. LTD.. Aeents.

i :F.-H.-S.federal-houlper-shhib

lines:'(Under Contract with the New Zealand


Taking Wool, Skins, General, and Re-frigerated Cargo at lowest current rates iof freight.'FOR AVONMOUTH, LIVERPOOL,


Steamer. Tons. Welliugton.

DRA.YTONGSaNGE'f 10000 AngustDEVON 8000 September


PASSENGERS.FARES:, 'Firat.class ... 40 guineas.Third-01a«V... £16, £18, £20Fitted throughout with electrio light.

Surgeon and Stewardess carried..For Freight and Passage apply to theManaging Agents for N.Z.,N.Z. AND AFRICAN STEAMSHIP CO.* :■ (LIMITED).HjTfaw- rjVELE TYSER LINE.jQP£; X LIMITED.



Steamers. Tons.. Commander.Whnkarua .. 10,000 " 'Marere .. .. 10.0C0 J. C. Kelgate,Niwnru „ 10,000 H. HollisMimiro -. .. 10,000 F. O..LidstoneHiwkea Bay .. 8,000 T. Campbell l" TorßOana.. .. 10,000 H.JT. ConbyIpdralema .. IQ.QOO T.' Trotterludraghiri .. 8,000 A. E. HollingsworthIndradeTi .. 10,000' T.,C. Bro'ome lStar oJ New Z'Vnd 8.000 E.D. BedcStar,of "Australia 10,000 F.J. KearneyStar of Japan „. 10,000 F.W. UlvattStar oT Scotland " 10,000 J.M.H»rt

Tho abovesteamers were all built speoi-ally for the-New Zealand trade, fitted withrefrigerating machinery of the most,mod-ern type in charge of competent engineers,and are noted for the exceptionally'satis-factory condition in which their frozenmeat cargoes are being delivered. '

The Company is prepared to carry wooland produce of every description. LoweitCurrent Rates of Freight.W. M BANNATYNE AND PQ. ff.TD )


SYDNEY TO LONDON.(Via BOMBAY and MARSEILLES).!;.„„,„. S.vdnej, Melbourne Adelaide,toteiimerb. Koon

_1p.m. 1p.m.

V. delaCimiit Aujt 12 Aujr 15 Ang 17Armaud 1ebio .'. 5-'ept 0 Sout 12 Pept ]-lYai-ru Oct 7 Oct l<l Oct 13Nera Not iNov 7 Nov 9

Passage monoy £25 to £75, includingtittblo wines.' "


■Englishspoken onboard.No Hotel expenses in Sydney.For further particulars appiy to < ,LEVIN AND CO.. LTJ).,Wellington. I


Of I*. Water-itreet, Liyerpool,Despatch Iron Vessels of the highest,olasifrom LiTerpoul to Wellington and Dunediuat resrultr interrals.JOHNSTON JLNB CO.. LTD.. Axanti.



VfSTE keep the largest etocks of TO-**TARA and MATAI in the city.

Timber in any quantities" supplied onthe shortest notice at current' rates.

The trade are invited to call and in-spect our stocks., '

HALLEY AND EWING,Taranaki-street.


T> AND B.CONCRETE METHODVfor Wood or Concrete Construction.

Illustrated Booklets and Particulars fromJAMES W. JACK,

1 frr, Xambton-quay,-Wellington.H~!i WtTw roofing.KEX FLINTKOTE ROOFING.

Also,IBEX BUILDING PAPERS.. Write for Catalogues and Sample*




Real -Mineral Asphalte. Flat Roof* andDamp .Coursing a Speciality.

Teleohone 2181.LTJKE "'■AND CO., LTD.," Allen-street, Wellington, .


FOR SALE— Just arrived, ono 50. b.h.p.Gm Producer Plant, from the woll-knownmakers Jones, 'Burton and Co., the mosteconomical on tho market.' In 'Stock

—Log-hauling Plants, Engines and Boilers,Shafting, Pullies, Bearings, andiall classesof Machinery for Sawmill*, Brickmaking,etc. Machinery of any description madeor indented. Manufacturers' of Builders'Material, " Ornamental Casting*, Cast andWrought Iron Railings, and Gate* of.anydescription.


COAL, co*ke, Firewood, Oats, Chaff,Pollard, Bran, Potatoes, and all

kinds-of Produce, at Cheapest Rates.Stbne, Screenings, and Metal.

Stoam Wagons and Horsos and Draysfor Hiro.

J. J. K. POWELL,56, Taranaki-street.

SCHOLIiFIELtt'S Spectacles at -People**Priceft-ilg.i3s 6d, ss, 7b 6d, 15s.

Sight tested, le.n-en ground, tpectacleg re-paired, artificial uyes (all colour^ instock,and old gold bought for ra-manufacturijig.Not* Address— W. R. SCHOLKFIELD,Watohmsker, Jeweller, and Optician, 36a,Maoaeri-ttreiU MXt to EieldarV

J^EW BRUITSNew Seeded Prunes ... .. 9dperlbStewing Prunes 6dStowing'Figs 7d „jDessert Figs j 8d „Muscatel Raisins' 6d „Miklura Seeded Raisins 7d „Mildura Sultanas, new ... ... 7d „

GOOD DAIRY BUTTER,lOd per pound.

100 Handsome Silver-plated Teapotsgiven in exchange for £10 worth of CashCoupons or 60 Tea Coupons.


Director:NLS^^iLii Wilinot C. Quinncll,M.R.C.V.S., Lond.


Together with Infirmary Accommodation.Telephone 2560. .

HOWE'S-LANE,DLson-street, Wellington.


TTNDER tho Patronage of AdmiraltyKJ House, Officers of the Navy andArmy, Ministers of tho Crown, and Lead-ing Politicians, together with v very largoClientele 'amongst the Medical and LogalProfessions, HAS COMMENCED BUSI-NESS as aHIGH-CLASS LADIES' AND

li.M biN S TAILOR, in those NewPremises, 30 and 32, .WILLIS-STREET,with a Magnificent Assortment of all theNewest Cloths, imported direct fromHome.



30 and 32. WILLIS-STREET.


£100 to £10,000






Government InsuranceDepartment.

J. H. RICHARDSON,GotunmeatImtir»uco Coraminlone*.




LEASE 53 Acres rich levelLand,1milefrom large town, Wnirarapa, new 4-

roomed houfc, 24 cows and other stock,comploto up-to-date dairying plant, ownerhas ono of the leading retail round*, an-nual recoipt from farm £650, owner willgivo guarantee that hiß successor will clearpurt'tttiso money and rent during tho firstyear;leaeo 14 years;rent £85 ;price foreverything £550. Note

—Owner is only

soiling on account of being compelled totake possession of sheep farm ho has pui-chaiod. LEONARD A$V CO.,

'-, Fe&theraton-itreet.





TABLE, BRACKET, HANGING, and HALT, LAMPSand SHADES, in newest designs

BEDSTEADS, Black and Brass and All BranMIRROR FIRE SCREENS, Ornamented and EmbossedCOPPER FIRESCREENSTILED REGISTER GRATES, Air Pit Fires, Well Firea

TILES and TILE HEARTHS, great variety andnewest



ALUMINIUM COOKING UTENSILSKITCHEN RANGES, all ffyles and sizes, by best maker*




CONSULT US \X/Ewill give yo" n idea of what ousht to be-— "'"' done, and then do it to your satisfaction' .ABOUT and ours* We are familiar with all the latest

methods of extracting teeth painlessly— theYOUR TEETH. strictly scientific and the so-called secret--

-| i 11. „.„. processes—

and we guarantee satisfaction.Full Sets,upper andlower ... ... For £4 4 oSiS'gle Tooth ... ... "... 050Plain Extraction ... ... .;. o 1 bPainless Extraction ... ... 026

\ Each Extraction under Gas' - (Gas free) ... ... ,02$OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK.


..i..,.,......„.,..,,,.,„ j, „,.._. .^_..__


QPKCTACLIW andEYEGLASSES Framed andFramelesa.of fine quality,«,de to 8aVearer'aS "^ fiUi"e ° f tbe fram° and'CrefrXW. JLITTLBJOHST &.SON. oonSSSSu»B85, LAMBTON-QUAY. WELLING 'ION.

\?,zmm> c. 11. ijakris&co.i^t ;W^] ~% '


uWk^ P%in| MA-NTELPIECE WOBKS,F w\ i^^^i 9jl> adelaii>e



Yj o__ W%=== /I x WJ3 MAKE



DO YOU WANT A WATCH?A BANGLE, RING, MUFF CHAIN, OR ANY OTHER JEWELLERY tv? " Wo will supply any article on the

EASY MONTHLY PAYMENT SYSTEM!'CALL AND INSPECT, or a Postcard will bring a representative to your lesi-

'. dence with samples for approval.STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.



'■ |jf| Wili]\^W\\ COMPLETE\ y!K\j\v^iI house<" mil! Iw r lilli eue tishe:rs

y.i|V Ihl!',' 'JRllllfl FROM CELLAR TO' ATTIC.

A \il)Ms* '■y^^:tvJwlp> Wo or6now showing a splendidjfi-flh'1"r 11 11; mT 1)1\~\

' ?®^t rangt3 of ITALLW BRASS BED-■4 1 f ""■s*^^?wft STKADS in various styles.

<li^ fjjj |jfi| "~f[ 9 //7fWi'Iff !sow T>attcrn CARPETS andflf '¥ n'MW'/ \/ 1'0AfYvUb *tf KUGS~Ul° largest assortment in

H WWrA/ '' n[ ' XMpffify LINOLEUMS, new designg.'■m% ' ''L. < als£'sMQ&W^Wt Artistic Designs in NEW FDR-






HOT "Water Tsags, an sizes, at whole- "n A i>r,HTT,T.riT,o AVT% BrT,,^^sale prices; Scott's Emulsion.. 2s, 5s T0 ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS.

lOd; Angier's, 2s *d, 4s 4d; BUud's Ideal __ _„,_„„ -7-Tonio and Blood Pills, Is 6d per 100, T> HUWILER, VICTORIA-STREET,soeond quality Is:Fellows'* Hypophos- ~ " PETONE,pbites, 5s 4d. We would remind fresh M»Ker of Steel Collapsible Gates; alsocustomers that cur compounding of Phy- Plain and Ornamental,sioians' Prescriptions and all other dis- Wrought Ironwork, Gates, Railings,Feno-peniing is conducted with extreme care ing, and Wire Window Guards aand absolute fidelity. C. uui H. Ejraun,I Specialtj-

iftUmiH*^JliU-J2^. rioi-.dasiWork aA fxifiM.






qJ&I Is your.home artistic! dull rooms*

" W^-> *W£& £ TALKING, ' Jffp-'



|| unequalled by any other for delicious h

H, gg natural flavour and nourishing and g

Hlassos Cocoa you can


v!n"1IT "Flif* / iAS *11 °Ur FURNITDRE is MANU-| | FACTURED ON THE PREMISESj ' j.___,^l- "■jl-il—i by Eipert Workmen, Customers can rely

f" i^ ggsggg^^^^A^^) on getting

lilnTTPffir illI A PIRST-CLASS ARTICLE||||il|lllillßi IIIL












And a Facsimilio of Throo-picco Sot Supplied to


»j The Stewart Timber, Glass, & Hardware Co., Ltd.,ld Courtenay Placc6Wcliiugtoa.

TO CORRESPONDENTS.E. S. Wood.—He was looking at Ui» own por-"'Subscriber."—Peart, the diver, w«« killed

while performing at Fitzgerald'e oircu_ inSjdney.




LONDON, 9th August.The Bank of England return issued forthe week ending Wednesday, 7th August,

is as under:—Issue Department.

Note issue £52,196,000 Gov. debt £11,015,000Othersecuri-ties ... 7,«4,000GoW ... 33,747,000£62,196,000 £53,196,000Banking Department.

Pr'priat'rs' Gov.6ecuri-capital £11j553,000 lies ... £16,079,000Public de- Other se-

poiits... 6,466,000 ciirities... .28.557.000Other de. . Notes ... 81,334,000

vnsils... 43,955,000 Coin. „, 2,316,000Beat, 7-day

and otbe*DiUs ... 3,592,000

£68,566,000 £^566,000The leading items of the Bank of Eng-

land return afford the following compari-son:t-

This week. Last week. Last year..£ X £Bullion,.. 33,747,000 3i,5U»,000 84,923,000

Reserve... 23.65ti.000 24,307,000 24,735,000Kqteeis'n 30,8J»2,00Q 29.V40,000 30,0:i7.000Deposits 5U.421.000 52,O172,Q00 50,705,000Proportionxesurv.e toliabilities '46.00 46.74 48.73

GOVERNMENT SECURITIES.The folloiv-jng are the latest quotations

for Government securities, with a com-parison of those ruling last week:—

'Interest.payableinMay and November,t luterebtpayableinJanuaryandJuly.jInterest payableinAprilami October.


— The tnarket 15 lifeless, the tonebeing weak,' anc^ cargoes,are neglected.'Australian afloat is offering at 35s and 56sper' quarter. Flour is dull of sale, andquotations have receded threepence.

Butter is steady, colonial makes neglect-ed ,* but quottaions are nominally un-changed.


A better enquiry is reportedfrom Bradford; no change recorded inprices.

Sugar.— Quiet market.-


German beet 9s Bd, and first marks 11s 3dper cwfc. ' ,

THE METAL MAR-BETS.Copper.— Spot, £3 lower, at £83 ;three

months', £3 12s 6d lower, at £79 7s 6dper ton.

Tin.— Spot, £5 5s lower, at £175; threemonths', £4 12s 6d lower, at £174 10s

BLead,'8Lead,' £2 12s 6d lower, at £19 17s 6dper ton.

Pig-iron, Is sd.higher, at 58s 3d percwt.

(Received August 10, 0.40 p.m.)LONDON, 9th August.

Consols fell to BH, but recovered to814.OOML

THE MONEY MARKET.The market rate of discount for best

three months1bills is 3 15-16 per cent., aninorease of 6s 3dper cent, since last quota-tions. There has been a general slumpin Wall-street, which has depressed secu-rities all round.

H. Ernest Leighton reports:—

At thecleafauce sale held by me on account ofthe Empire Hotel Company, at LowerHutt, on Thursday last, there was a verylarge attendance o£ buyers present, andas competition was extremely keenthroughout the saje, values all round werehigh. Isold cows in milk to £6 3s;springing- cows to £4 lls;springing heif-ers to £4 2s;yearling heifers, 30s;onemare, £18 ss; onecolt, £11 2s. Breedingsows made from £3 to £3 6s;sows withpigs made from £3 to £4 10s;boars madeto £2 13s;slips and porkers from 15s to£2 ss. Fowls made from 4s to 8s per pair;ducks from 6s to 6s lOd per pair. Ve-hicles, harness, and sundries all broughtexcellent prices.


Wind.—L, ligM; br, breeze; f o, freshbreeze; mg, moderate gale; g, whole or heavygale; w, gxle of exceptional severity.

Weather.—B, blue sky, be the atmospheredear or heavy; 0, clouds, passing clouds; D,drizzling rain; F, foggy; G, gloomy, darkweather; H, hail; L, lightning; M, mi-ty;O, overcast, the whole sky covered with tuiekclouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; R,rain, continued rain; S, snow; T, thunder;U, ugly,threatening appearance.|I


Wind.—Strong to gale from the veeiward iaall parts of the country.

Banmeter.—Rise everywhere.Sea.—Heavy on all western coast; consider-

able on east coast oouthwori of Bait Cape;modetaie elsewhere.

Tides.—High on western coast of North Is-land, and on east coast from Capo Campbellto East Oape; good southward of Cape Camp-bell; moderate xllother port*. ,

Rain,ia probablegenerally nnd oold weather.Warning signal for westerlygale Isexhibited-

at Cape Maria Van Diemcn, TirHiri, East Cape,Cape- Foutwind, Campbell,Farewell Spit, andNjgget Point.

BYBOPBIS OT LAST 24 HOURS.Failing barometer everywhere until about 5

p.m., and since then it hne risen steadily Inell parts of the Country. Westerly gales havebeen experienced northward of Auckland andwWh much join, and rain,lias aUn fallen gene-rally with moderate to etrong westerly winds.

U. A. EDWUS.Saturday, 10th August, 1907.

MAILNOTICES.Subject to accestary alterations, malls will

eloce at the Chief Post Offleo as under:—For New Plymouthand Auckland, per liana-

watu train, dally,6.30 a.m.SATURDAY,Hoth AUGUST.

For Southern Offices of New Zealand, perRotomahana, 7.45 p.m.

For NeUon. per Rotoiti, 7.45 p.m.MONDAY, 12th AUGUST.

For T'.ctcn, Blenheim, Westport, Oreymouth,an. Hnkitika, per TeAnau, 11.20 n.ni.

For Picton, Blenheim, French Pass, and Nel-son, also Havclook and Bounds, to connect withElsie at Picton, perPateeiu, 11.50 s.m.

For Motueka via Waikaws. and AdmiraltyEUys, per Man_ro_, 3.20p.m.

For Napier, G»bornt, and Auckland, perTalune, 3.20 p.m.

For Southern Office* oL -t«W Xf^UlA, P«rJH*r«S__J^a_B,



. * . HIGH~WATER.To-day— sh a.m.;5h 20m p.m.To-morroy-^jh40m a.m.;oh 4m p-nt.

Seta to,day—

5h 3ia p.m.Vises tomorrow— 6h 48ma.m.;sets oh 4m p.m.

ARRIVALSAugust 9— Rangi. scow (3.25 p.m.), 86 tons,

(joreoson, from Kar-mej."August 9— Cnarlte gdward,o-». (5.15 p.m.), Zw

tons,Graham, from Foxton.August 9— Queen of tho South, S.S. (6.35 p.m.),

198 tons. Harvey, from Foxton.August 9— Nora Nlven, s__ (7-35 p.m.), 56-

ton3, M'Alliste., frOm Chatham Islands."AugiWt Sr-Huia, 6.5. (8.55 p.m.), 127 tons,

tiowell, from Wangauui.August 9— Rakaaoa, e.s. (11.30 p.m.), 2246 tons,

Carson, Jrom Newcastle.August10— Pukaki, 8.9. (2.5 a.m.), 1444 too?,

C-mirpn, ftom Westport.August 10-Tasmau, s.s. (3.15 a.m.), 179 tons.

Cox, from Nelson.Avigvut 10— Rotoroahana, as. (6.25 a.m.), 1777

tone, Collijw, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Sa-loon— Misses Awpx Obneys, Campbell. Thomp-son, Sawtell, Brown, Lyons, Mesdamefl Ber-tidge, Quartlev, M"Ktt, Shiram, M'Kewzie, Cur-r»e, Seal«, S,wtt, JJessrs. Scott* Corrigan, Pal-lfeer, M'Kee,'Oresswell, Gowan, Quurtley,Hitler,Seville, M'Donald, Summers, Tainui, Myers,Jones, Birnasooni. Every, Robb, Keen, Lloyd,M'llroy. _Wer, Matoney, Taylor, Carson, Bar-nett. Hancox, Burton, M'Ewen,. Cunle, Fer-fusion, Irwin;33 steerage.Iligust'10— Rob Roy, s.s. (6.40 95 tons,North, from Picton. ,"

August. 10— Hawca, (_. (8.15 a.m.), 1758 tons,_ate, from Westport.- I DEPARTURES.'August 9— Aorere, s.e. (3.40 p.m.), 77 tons,

tugus* 9— W'mmera, c.a. (4.30 p.m.), 3022 tons,Entwiale, forMelbourneand Hobart,via Southernports. . "

-Apgiwt 9-rCorinna. fi.e. (5.5 p.m.), 1271 tons,Brophy,for Nelson and New Plymouth.

August 9— Miowern, s.s. (6 p.m.), 3393 tow,Newton, for Lvtteltnn and Dunedin, Passen-gers—Saloon: 'For Lytlelton— JIUs Giles, Mes-dames .^still, Graves and child, Messrs. Sar-good/ Fra/aer. Ftemming. Tapp, Atfill, Grave-ftock.. Stark, Wall, Eldon,Hughe*, Weep, Hardy.For Dunedin— Mrs. -Mkin, Mr. Atkm.

August Q— Invertny, s.s. (6 p.m.), 3974 tons,Houzivton, for Delaware Breakwater.

August 9— Stormbird,5.9. (6.40 p.m.), 217 ton»,ITI-tyre, for. Wanganui..August ft^-Waihi, 6.8. (9.5 p.m.), 92 tons,

Carey, for Blenheim. ' '

August,lOr-Jlonheim, «.s. (1 a.m.), 120 tons,Vijtaan, fpr Picion.

YESSBLS mPORT THIS AFTERNOON.TaranafcH*r«et Whnrf.— Muiere, Hawea.Jervoi?-quay Brea3twark.— Huia.Queen's Wharf.-{Right)Rotniti, Papanui Ro-

tomabana; (left) Queen of the South, Mana,Taxman,"Arahura,Penguin.

Customhouse-quay Breastwork.—

Ennerdale.Waterloo "quay Breastworks.

—Baden Powell

Oi«ti, Tainui, RaDgi,Nora Xiven.Wool Jetty.— Hmemoa. Melville- Island, and

'TutanekaURailway Wharf.— ;targo Lew, Mary Isabel, and.

lily.Glasgow Wharf.— lon;!*, Ralianoa.In Sti-e_m-— Opawa, Ttkapu, Karamea, and

__nokur*. " ,-EXPECTED ARRIVALS..Ennerdale, Lrt'telton, 10th* Pateena,Nelson i>n_ Picton, 10th.

Wainui,"Oiteliunga,10th_Kiripaka, Patea, 10thManaroa, .ißavelock, 10thMar-roa,Lyttelton,11th.Aorere,Pa tea, 11thWaibi, Bltiihelm, 11thSJormbird, Wnngnnui,11thBlenheim, Pioton, 11thTalurie, Duneflin and Lytteiton, 11thM-pouriUa, West Coast and Nelson, 11thTe Anau, Southern ports,11th_ctu_u, Greymouth,11th 'Taviuni, Westport, 11thCorinna, New Plymouth,13thWaikure, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier,13th jMoncwai, Srrtney,J4th '■

Takapuna, Onehungannd KewPlymouth,14thOcenn going Steamers

Drayton Grange, left Liverpool Ist June, via'Australian ports and Auckland; due about the jUth August.,

-Athenic, left Plymouth 29th June, via Cape-

townand Hooart; due about 13th August.Bucentnur, left Varcouver 14th July via Suv»

"nd Auckland; due19th August.Star of Scotland, left London 19tn June, via

Australian putts auJ Auckland:due about the27th August.

Turakina, leftLondon 12th July via Capetowuand Hobart; due about 27th August.

Hampton, left New York 15th June via Aus-tralian ports and Auckland ; due about the30th August.-

Earamea, left London 3rd July, via PortChalmers and Lytteiton;due 30th August.

Eatuna. left New York 11th June via Au*.iralian ports and Auckland; due about tueoist August.

Devon,left Liverpool 29th June viaCapetown,tfae abCMt 2nd September.

Sussex, left Glasgow 29th June via Capetownand Hobartf; due-about 2nd September.

Indraghiri, left New York 22nd June viaAustralian ports -and Auckland;" due aboutthe 3rd September.

Corinthic,ileft Plymouth27th July, via Cape-Aown and Hobart; due about 10th September.

PROJECTED DEPARTURESWainui, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, 10M»Ta*man, Nelson and Motueka, 10£hRotomahana, "Lytteiton, 10th■Queert of the South,Foxton.10thHob Roy, Piston, and Sourds, 10MiCharles'Edward, Nelson and West Coast,10th

Huia, Wanganui, 10thMana, Patea, 10thTainui,.Wattitra, 10th ,RctoitL Nelson, New Plymouth, and One-

1 "^-atolie, Kapiior,Gisbomf, Auckland,12thTe Anau, Picton and West Ccaat. 12thPsteeoa, Picton and Nelson,12thtfrnaroa, Motueka, 12thKahu, Napier and Gisborne, via coast,12th.Jfaraxoa. Lytteiton, 12thEnnerdale, Napier and Auckland, 12thWaih;, Blenheim, 12thAorere, Patea, 12thStormbird, Wanganui, 12thBlenheim, Blenheim and Picton, 12th.faprcui, LytteJcon, 13thWakatu, Lyttelton vi_ oaa-tt,13thWaikare, tyttelton and Dunedm, 13thMapourika, JNelson and West Coast, 13MiWaverley, Nflson and West Coast, 13thWainui, West Coaet, Nelson, Picton, 14thTakapuna,New Plymouth and Onehunga,14thCorinnn, Southern ports, 14thUoeraki, Sydney, 16th

BY TELEGRAPH.' ' SUVA, 9th August,flftiled— German warship Osntlor, for Sydney.SYDNEY, 9th August.Arrived— Mokpia (8.15 p.m.). from Auckland.Bailee*— Katuma, for Auckland.

AUCKLAND, 9th August,i-.ailed— Queen Chriatin., for Sydney.Soiled— Squall, for Ea3t Coast.

.10th August.Sailed— prayton Grange(7 a.m.), for Welling-

ton; Rnkataj(7 a.m.), for London via St. Yin-Icent- and Teneriffe.O-7BHUN6A, 9th August.

Sailed— loreauten (2.30 p.m.), for Wellington,NEW PLYMOUTH, 91h August.


Rarana (8.45 p.m.), 'or Onehunga.IQtb August.

Arrived— Takapuna (2 a.m.), from Onehunga,NAPIER, 9tli August.


Victoria,for Gisboroe.10th August.

Axcived-r-E«bu (1 «.m.), from Wellington via|«oa-t.

- . -i'PATEA,10th Angust.

Arrived—Aorera (8.45 a.m.), from Wellington.


.Aorere 0.1a.m.), for Wellington.WANGAXt'I, 9th August.Arrived— lndralfma Q.d.15 p.m.), from Welliig-

ton.10th August.

.arrived— Stormbird (9.15 a.m.), from Wdling-ton.

PICTOK, 9ih Angust.Arrived— Pateeni (4.25 p.m.), from Welling?

ion.Sailed— Pateen*. (10.30 p.m.), for Nelson.

10th Aug-uat.Arrived— Blenheim (7JO a.m.), from Welling-

ton,NELSO-T, 10th August.

Arrived— Pateena. (7 a.m.), from Ploton; Cor-ilina.(9 a.m.), from Wellington.

Swiled— Mapourika, (9.15 a.m.), for Wellington;l'ateena (9.25 a.m.), for Pioton.LYTTELTOS, 9th August.

■Sailed— Kaituna. (6.5 p.m.), for Newcastle< 10th August.Arrived— Wimmera. (7.10 a-m.), Miowera (7.45

Cm.)- and Mararoil (9.20 a.m.), frcm Wellington.To «_U— Mararoa (8.45 p.m.) and Talune (11.30

tun.) for Wellington, TIMARU,MSli AugustArrived

—Aymerle (8.10 a.m.), from Lytiekon.

FAREWELL SPIT,10th August.Poherua, paaaed cast at 9.20 a.tn.HAVELOOK; 10th August,Arrived— Manaroa (8.30 a.m.), from Wellington8-U-u— Manaroa (10.15 a-m.). for Wellington.

BLKSHBIM, 10th August.Arrived— Waihl <8.40 a.m.),. from Wellington.

BLUFF,9th August.&iled— Kamona (5 p.m.), for Dunedin.WBSTVORT,10th August.Sailed— Taviunl (11 -«m.), for Wellington.

Tho Paptnui, which will probably leave onTuesday for Lyttelton, to complete dischargingafterwards will loa/1'ot that port, then Timaru,Bluff, if-pier,Lytteiton.and Wellington, whenceshe is timed to sail for London on the 3lttmet.The Maheno, wWch has gone into dook attytUiton to undergo repair, to her middle■tern tube and for cleaning and painting, isexpected to resume her running In a.fortnight'sMote, She leav«« Wellingtonon the 23rd in*t.tor Sydney direct.

The Shaw, Savill, and -Albion Oomp«ny'_steamer Karameo, which Is due her* about tb«3Crtli Inst., via. Port Chalmers tad Lytteiton,'a** 680 ton- of cargo for Wellington, 1100 tonsfor Lyt-f-ton.and 4200 tons for Fort OhaJmera.It Is reported that there to some possibility

of floatto.osT the ketch Isabella,do Fr_]_A which

tives inanutshell. We cannot maintainindefinitely a defence force which is notfit_ to light, and if we have learnt no-thing else from the latecommandant, Rehas, at any rate, impressed uponus thatthis is our present position. Colonel Da-vies, in his report, speaks of the drilland discipline as very satisfactory onthe whole, but 'something further is re-quired," he adds, "before it can behonestly said that aforce isprepared forwar." More men and better trainedofficers are among the chief needs;andhe very properly points out

—what we do

not remember to have seen stated be-fore

—that "the rank and file beingof a

much higher standard of intelligencethan is usual in forces, demand a higherstandard still in the officers.

"The re-

port of the council shows that the workof effecting the desired improvement isbeing systematically tackled. A specialdepartment of the new organisation is ageneral instructional staff, which is tomove regularly round the colony to sup-plement the local work of the districtinstructional staffs in the higher train-ing; and it is hoped to arrange a tendays' continuous course of instructionfor officers ineach district, tocoverdrill,musketry, tactics, and administration."Men without leaders can do little,"says the report. "Leaders withoutknowledge are a positive danger." Thecouncil will provide the leaders with themeans of knowledge to an extenthither-to undreamed of, and wo trust that themanhood'of the colony will at the sametime provide a largely increased supplyof soldiers and marksmen."


Sir 'Willam Lyne, of whom we havenot heard much since he was busily en-gaged in breaking china at the ImperialConference, is to be congratulated1 uponthe first' Budget which he has 'been pri-vileged to bring down as the Treasurerof the Commonwealth. Whatever otherfaults ho may have, he is certainly notlacking in courage, and he did notshrink from taking up at very shortnotice and almost immediately after hisreturn from tho conference tho portfo-lio which had been resigned by SirJohn Fqrrest. But the latter, who hadbeen Acting-Premier as well as Trea-surer during Mr. Deakm's absence,doubtless had the work so far advancedas to make the task" of his successorless arduous than it mi^ht apppn; atfirst sight. The occasion is, at anyrate, a very auspicious ono tor the m.wTreasurer, since the finances of theCommonwealth show ihe same healthyand buoyant tendency as thoseof whichSir JosephWard was unfolding the talethree weeks ago. Inneither case is anyfinancial wizardry on the part of thpTreasurer to be credited with the hapny.result 'so much as the industry of thopeople and- the- great prosperity whichthe high prices of the produce of bothcountries have brought in their train.The- gross revenue for the year is £12,-832,266, wmch shows an increase of£640, ?99 over that of theprevious year.For this colony th» increase was larger(£814,716) onasmaller total (£7,584,359),but in the matter of Customs revenuetho gain of the Commonwealth is larger,both absolutely and proportionately,than ours. In each, case, nowevfer, anapproximate increase of ten per cent,ih an excellent test of the prosperitywhich the country is enjoying. Theamount of revenue returned to theStates is £7,894,842, which is said -to be-£Bos,ooo in excess of the sum 'required'to be paid under the Braddon clause.This clause forbids the Cominon\veal*nto apply more than a fourth of theCustoms and excise duties towards itsexpenditure, but the estimate does notquite tally with the aggregate of thoseduties as cabled. ,


The changes in t_e tariff which wereannounced by the Federal Treasurer areon the general lines which the electionpledges of the Ministry rendered inevit-able, but probably have surprised a con-siderable number of its own supportersby their thoroughness. Despite hissmall nominal following,Mr. Dealsin nolonger proposes to play with protection,and he must' be taken to have "prickeda card" and ascertained that the Housewill stand the very strong dose which heproposes to administer. The new tariffIspells protection all round, and has aslittle regard for the rights of the "freebreakfast table" as for those of theforeign producer or manufacturer whocannot urge this claim for special treat-ment.' Currants, which Sir JosephWard has placed on tho freo list byremoving the former duty of a penny,in the pound, are to pay an increasedtax of exactly the came amount. Teain packets is to pay an extra pennyper pound, cocoa and chocolate an extralid, molasses an extit, shilling in thehundredweight; and potted meat, frozenmeat, preserved milk, starch, and starchflours are all subjected tosubstantial in-creases. Cotton piece goods, whichihave just been freed in New ZealandIfrom their previous liability to ten andtwenty per cent, ad valorem, are to payIan additional twenty per cent, in theCommonwealth'; and many other ar-ticles in the class, of clothing and tex-tile goods are similarly treated. Thefarmer is to pay twenty per cent, onagricultural machinery, while all othermachinery is liable to thirty-five percent., but for a- special reason stripperharvesters and strippers have to pay asmuch as £16 and £8 respectively. Onthe other hand, the farmer gets substan-tial compensation in the shupe of dutiesof 10s per head on horned cattle, 2s onsheep, and 6s on pigs. Altogether some500 items have been dealt with, and ap-preciableincreases imposed in mostcases.A satisfactory feature is the Treasurer'sstatement that tho new tariff will give"apreference'to Great Britain ot 11.5 to11.25 per cent, on 153 items, affectingimporters to the extent of £1,250,000."The preference is doubtless all of the oldsort, viz., by increasing the dutiesagainst the foreigner; but it representsa considerable advance in degree, whichthe drastic increases all round can cer-tainly afford.


The debate on tho second reading ofthe Maori Lands Settle-

The Hapless ment Act AmendmentMaori. Bill does not ougur well

for acceptance by theGovernment or House of the recommen-dations of the Native Land Commission,which among other things has urged thatthere should be no. further sales of nativelands pending fresh legislation, and thatthe Maori should be protected againsthis own improvidence. The Bill providesfor an additional £50,000 to supplement£200,000 aheady authorised, in order, asthe Native Minister expressed it, "tocomplete purchases already in contempla-tion." We find nothing in the speechof the Minister to show that acquisitionof these lands is compulsory upon the'Government; then why does it runcounter to the recommendation of thecommission? Mr. Ngata said: "Itwas apity that this Billhadcome down at thistime, inasmuch as the reports of theiLltiie^.Ljyid P°«ntittio£jtaiij}g< ggj,

Few State documents have providedmore consistently melancholy readingduring the last ten yeaTs than the an-nual reports on the Defence Forces ofthe colony. Year after year with apainful monotony these reports havebeen filled with the same complaints ofinefficiency, the same recommendationsof drastic changes, the same regrets thatwhatever recommendations bavo beenmade have been disregarded. Turningto Major-General Babington's report of1906 we read on the first page:

— "Theproposals for the reorganisation of thePermanent Force, which Ireferred toin my report of last year, are still un-der consideration. It is hoped someconclusion may shortly be arrived atconcerning this important matter,Similarly, my proposals for the reor-ganisation of the Volunteer Force havenot yet been seriously considered."Similarly, we might add

—to cut a

long story shortr— few of the proposalsof the late commandant or any of hispredecessors were ever seriously con-sidered, and fewer still were actedupon.Tho resujt was that while our Ministerof Defence was busily engaged in teach-ing the Imperial authorities how torunthe War Office, the needs of our ownWar Office were utterly neglected, andit was allowed to muddle along fromyear to year ina manner that suggestedthat, in spite of all differences of formand circ*mstance, it was essentially achip of the old block. The colonywill therefore note with tho utmost,satisfaction the, more hopeful tone ofthe reports submitted to Parliamentyesterday by tho new Council of De-fence and the Inspector-General, theearnest which they give of the newspirit that is stirring in the department,the hope which they encourage that ourDefence system may at last be placedupon a business footing and transform-ed from a costly and demoralisingfarce into a creditableand effective real-ity. One very salutary change willbeobvious to the most casual reader. TheChief of the General Staff and the In-spector-General, as distinguished sold-iers," speak with just as much autho-rity from the purely military side asthe commandants whom they havesucceeded;'but they speak with a farmore intimate knowledge of iocal needsand conditions, and, speaking as NewZealanders to New Zealanders, theyareable to speak with freedom whichwould have been neither proper nortolerable in an imported officer.

The fact is that while under the oldsystem thecivil andthe militaryelementsin the Defence Office suffered alwaysfrom detachment, and often from dis-cord, and the difficulties were aggravat-ed by the fact that the military headwas always a" stranger, who knew allabout Aldershot but little about NewZealand, there is now' something verylike a- fusion of the two elements. Thereis a live Council of Defence, which hadno real counterpart under the old sys-tem; and on this council the militaryelement is represented by officers whoare none the less soldiers from beingcitizens too. From such advisers thenote of warning which is sounded inthe council's 'report comes just as ap-propriately asit would from the Execu-tiveof the Defence League. "Should thevolunteer force not be maintained orbrought up to an efficient state, volun-teering/ says the council, "has had itslast cbance. Ifthegeneral public aro inearnest as to defence, they must them-selves assist, and ensure that under thevolunteer system sufficient enlistment ismade, and that once men are enlistedthey attend regularly. The alternativeis a system of universal or compulsorytraining, whereby theburden of servicein the defense force willbe more evenly

appear as if the desire of the officers >ato prove to tho public that peace ismore dangerous than warfare. This may-suit perpetual preachers of peace, butthe British taxpayer, whois long-suffer-jng, will presently rise up and askpointed questionsStrap-hanging is such a Tegular way of

taking a rido m the cars inStrap- Wellington that the opp'o-

Hangers. sition of the AucklandTrades and Labour Council

to this procedure must have caused sur-prise here. However,, theNorthern Cor-poration has decided topprmit "a limitednumber of passengers tp stard in trams."Th-& Tesolution implies that

'the- whole

matter of allowing persons into carsafter the seating accommodation wastctken up was seriously considered, 'and,indeed, ithad to be, for the employeeshad determined to enforce the local re-gulations about the numbers the vehicleswere licensed to carry, find the policehad begun to watch for cases of over-crowding. Some day it may be recog-nised thatthe municipal cars in Welling-ton are meant to be cars, and not pack-ing cases into which humanity may bestuiied regardless of comfort and cost. Awriter from Sydney the other day con-

.fessed in the Post that his eyes hadbeen opened by the frantic rushes forplaces on the cars bsre, and his descrip-tion of one of theso stampedes was likea realistic narrative of a battle betweenbitter enemies. There is no doubt thi^t'very often th« electric cars of this cityare asked to carry twice the pumbercontemplated by the designers. The mys-tic woids onthe sides, "Suprema aaretakenby the populace tomean "Comeone, come nil," and the caravans areaccordingly besieged till they creak andgroan with the burden. THe condiictorcannot-, of course, always make waythrough this seethingmass:«ome passen-gers -escape payment, the depreciationhill mounts up, and everybody is exas-poratingly uncomfortable. If the Cor-poration will not do its duty to abate anuisance, which is occasionally danger-ous, the police should intervene.! _

been considered," and knowing his habjtof tempeiate expression, this may betakenas an earnest protect by oneof theablest and most patriotic members qfthe race. Again, as was pointed out bytho same speaker, the,passing of theBill ivould mean that £70,000 or £80,000would be handed out to thenatives. Wasthe Government going to provide againspthe wasteful expenditure- of that money?To this the Minister replied that if MijNgata would move in committee a claustto retain, say, half of the purchasimoney he wpuld accept it. It is to b(ihoped! that the Minister will be as goodas his word; otherwise a great sum olmoney will Ha wasted in ioolish, if notjvicious, indulgence, and the natives,stripped of their lands, will ba percept-ibly nearer the state of indigence thatis inevitubly in store for them if thejpolicy of tlie past be not radically de-parted from. The way out is clearlymarked in the Teport of €he Land Com-,mission, and the most' sinister aspect!of the present Bill is that it is clearly,at variance with tho spirit1 of that re-port.

A report from Opunake warns NewZealand that Judge Lynch.

Lynch has been at work ip thatILaw. township. It is stated that

a man who, jt' is alloged,,brought misery into a home, excitedthe wrath of the populace, and wascjragged -put- by niglit, thrust into acreek, and liberally cp^ed 'with tarand shavings. It is easy tp under-stand that the persons who took thelaw into their own hands .were workedup into a feverish stateof anger by theconduct attributed to theii victim, buttheir behaviour cannot, by any processof reasoning, be condoned. In Americaa mere rumour has been deemed suffi-cient evidence for the conviction of a,negro and his burning at the stake.Originally the advocates of lynch lawmay have started their summary sys-tem of punishment under strong pro-vocation, but soon they needed .very lit-tle incitement to spur them on to grosscrimes against humanity. Mob rule,which has been such a curse to thpUnited States, is not needed in NewZealand. A rout of men, inflamed bya- passion for revenge, is scarcely areasonable jury for the trial of a cul-prit. Once or twice recently, notably&t Marton, crowds run

'amok, butthe disorder was not nearly sq seriousas the demonstration at Opunake. Wehope that the police will bestir them,selves to bring the ringleaders to ]us-tice and so check others- who mightbe disposed to repeat the incident. Re-spect for the law, which is anotherway of saying consideration for thecommon good, is the foundation ofBritish social peace, and there is aremedy at court for all people wh,ohave just grievances.

Sometimes members of the House pfRepresentatives frankly go

Offensive tosleep in their places, andBoots. frequently they are somno-

lent though apparentlyawake, but not" often do they mistakethe legislative hall for a bed-room.Lastnight Mr. Johi} 'M'Lachlan, of Ashbur-ton, who has been the central figure insome ludicrous scenes in Parliament, ac-complished his crowning feat of fatuity.He removed his boots, an act in itselfdisrespectful enough1, and then placedthem on a desk for the edification ofthe House. The boots, without 'Mr.'M'Lachlan, might be'a mor,e Satisfac-tory representative for Ashburton, buttho boots with Mr. M'Lachlan were asad spectacle, especially when the hon-ourable'gentleman had'his tfeefej' decent-ly socked withal, dangHng over the form^of his lounge.' 'Mr. T. M. Wilford wasvery properly shocked, and,, as far ashe fras' concerned, tried to hide awaytheunlovely nakedness with a bill-book,but ultimately, for his" nerves' sake, hewas obliged to tako refuge in the terri-tory of).the Opposition. 'This' 'latestmethod of Mr. M'Lacblan's in stultify-ing himself and the whole House.of Re-presentatives will lightly make the peo-plo wonder what absurdity will comenext. There has been farce enough,and to spare, lately. The proceedingson several days have not disposed thepublic to credit some of their represen-tatives with a very highstandard oi in-telligence, but they were hoping thatlow tide had been reached, and that thewaters of common sense would begin torise again. Of course, Parliament as awhole isnot the keeper of Mr.MTiactl-lan's boots, but Parliament should beable to take steps to prevent Mr.M'Lachlan from

"making the Lower

House any lower than it need be.Only eleven or twelve members of the

House of RepresentativesCoroners' sympathised with Mr.Wil-Juries. ford yesterd&y in his de-

sire to see therabolition ofcoroners' juries. Last year in theEvening Post an article drew attentionto some of the anomalies of ■the coro-ner's jury, and it was shown that thisinstitution was one on which a diligentinquest Ihould be held. Originally,in remote dark ages, the coroner's juryserved &■ useful purpose. Human lifein England v/&a not held in such highesteem as it is now. A man was doneto death, and no one, except immediatefriends, was much concerned. Theestablishment of the jury system,however, ensured that a murdered manwould at least have the satisfaction ofknowing in the. other world that thepeople he left behind took the troubleto decide that he was dead and identi-fied the body as far as possible. Fromthis simple function the jury has pro-gressed till now it has almost thescope of a Royal Commission. It is &°Magistrate's Court, a Supremo.and anAppeal Court, and a Privy 'Councilrolled into one, and sometimes, with-out authority, expresses opinions whichneedlessly give offence or ,pain to theinnocent. The general public, whichis not usually behind the scenes, thinksthere is magic virtue in the coroner'sjury, but many journalists, who havehad opportunities of studying the"good men and true," could submitsome disillusioning facts. If NewZealand is unable to .follow the ex-ample of Scotland and other*


in discarding coroners'' juries in favourof more rational expert methods ofdealing with the causes of death, thefunctions of these juries should bedefined. The original plain tree hastaken on much, wild growth whichshould be pruned off." Amazing" is a word that well des-

cribes the list of recentNaval casualties to vessels of the

Blunders. British Navy. Yesterdaywe were told that thescout

Attentive rammed the destroyer Quail;to-day news comes that the destroyersKostrel and Teviot collided, in theEng-lish Channel and that the Kestrel wascut in two. In face of this, we werequite prepared for the statement by thecable man, that eight destroyers havebeen damaged off Portsmouth within afortnight. The Home Fleet, it will beremembered, has been having '

a gaytime, in the shape of reviews and man-oeuvres, and no doubt everybody wasanxious to distinguish himself. Thatsome have succeeded goes without say-ing. In these days of catch questionsand arithmetical puzzles, the followingmight possibly conduce to the gaietyof nations:" If the British Navy haseight destroyers damaged during a fort-night in peace time, now many wouldshe lose inabattle occupying 24hours?"Seriously, though, to the. casual observerit wouldseem as if there had been care-lessness somewhere. But that is no newtale, so far as the British Navy is more

l.aartJff»ladY^£fiasstflsd. It ftsuld eisnask.


For Southern Offices of New Zealand, perWaikate. 4.20 p.m.

Fqr 'Southern Offlcea of New Zealand, perRotomahiina, 6 p.m.

For Nelson, Westport, Greyniouth,»nd Hoki-Uka,per Mapourika, TAS p.m.

WEDNESDAY, 14tl. AUGIJST.For Southern Offices of New Zealand, per

Corinna, 11.20 a.m. jFor Pioton, Blenheim, and Nelson, per Pen-

guin, 11.50 a.m.For New Plymouth 'and Auckland, per

Takapuna, 5 p.m.Parcel mafi for United Kingdom, per lonic,

5 p.m.For Southern Office* of New Zealand, per


6.' p.m.THURSDAY, !6tli AUGUST.

For United Kingdom and Continent of Eu-rope, via Alonte Video and Tcneriffe (due Lon-don 27tli September) (for svei ally addressed cor-rtvpenuenceonly), ]>er lonic, 10 J.m.

FRIDAY, 161)1 AUGUST.For Ceylon, India, China, Straits Settlements.

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The next best despatch for correspondencefor Continent of Europe and United Kingdomwjl b« via. Brindisi, leaving: Wellinjjfon by theMoewki unFriday,16th inst. (dire London 22ndSeptember).Mivilv rttr Australian States, etc., close at■AucMpikJ, p« Victoria, on Monday, 12th inst.,ft 4.15 p.m.Tht next despatch for Canada and UnitedStates of America will leave Wellington by theManttWfttu train on -Tuesday, 3rd September,1to connect with tfanapnuri at Aucklund.'

Unless otherwise specified, registered lettersfind parcels-post packages muss be handed in!pnd money orders obtained one hour before tU« jjVrdvr.arymail closes.g J. A. HUTTON. Cliief rostmarter.


wjthlast week.


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£ s. d.81 17 B

107 0 097 IS 087 10 0

101 10 008 15 067 5 09tf 0 080 0 0

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■ Station. Wind. Bar.Ther



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SWfk3W t b"«SW fbSSWI3 1W 1NE 1CalmSB f bSW 1WNWftCalm3brCulm "

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PHASES OF THE MOONFOR AUGUST.(Calculated for New Zealand Mean Time.)

D. H» M.last quarter ~> >* ~ II P*m<Sew moon -■

-*- ,2 £ ,£ p;m>

ffirst quartei „, ~.- 1J 8 26 a.m

Pull moon- - -

2o 11 45 p.m


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—-♥ .

A large number of men is now em-ployed on the work at theKarori Water-works dam and it is expected the workwill be completed in about six months'time. So far a little over half the workhas,been done and the wall of the damis up about thirty of the total seventy-two feet. Up to a recent dato 8000cubic yards had been excavated and5500 yards of cement used. The reser-voir when full will have anarea of eightacres and will contain §0,600,000 gallonsof water."

Wprk has been begun on the Kelburnereserjvoir and it is anticipated that itwill be completed within six months.Tne reservoir will contain a three dayssupply for Kelburne but it has been j»designed so as to admit of enlargement.

Goqd intentions undoubtedly animateemployers and employees when theymeet m conference to draw up the termsof an amicable industrial agreement,but (says the Christchurch Press) theresults of their labours do not alwaysstand the test of practical working,and an appeal must be made to Caesar.A case of this sort was before the Ar-bitration""Cqurt on Thursday,'and' the'evidence'drew from Mr. S. Brown' theremark' that the members of the Benchwere ".sometimes bad enough,in fram,ing their.A>vards, but not so oa.d as the.psti'tifVthfemselves." The la^tef,drew,,;upan agreement, and a month later' cameto the Arbitration Court to find outwhat they had agreed on." At anotherstage of the proceedings his HonourSir. Justice Sim gently hinted that insome cases members of the legal frater-nity should De invited to assist in thedrafting of agreements.

For the year ended 31st March last,the money spent on building in Dune-din figures out at the very respectablesum of. £237,000, telegraphs our localcorrespondent.It is expected that the Brooklyn reser-

voir will be in operation in about afortnight qr three weeks' time. Thereservoir has been completed for somotime, and the pumping apparatus at thehead ofEpuni-street is lying in readiness{^waiting- only the arrival of'somo Cableto connect with the electric power sys-tem. Water will be pumped eitherfrom the Wainui-o-mata main or the Ka-ron supply.

"My opinion of you is that you areone of those cowardly fellows who willtake advantage of a person anywhere."This was the conclusion of Dr. M'Ar-thur, S.M., regarding a young mannamed Edward Hayes, who«i hs con-victed this morning of assaulting Ed-ward Taylor yesterday by inflicting anasty gash on his lip. Evidence showedthat informant was foreman at {he newdestructor. Last Wednesday, the de-fendant, a cartel", tipped a load of^shingle out at the wrong place. Theparties had words over it and eventuallya fight, .which resulted in defendantcoming off second best. Yesterday in-formant was walking alongat the workswnen defendant attacked him from be-hind, inflicting an injury which re-quired six stitches. Defendant ad-mitted having been in trouble beforeand his Worship sent him to gaoj fortwomonths withoutthe option of a fine.Dorothy Brewster was convicted of in-decency in M'Donald Crescent and wasordered to come up for sentence whenoalled upon. For insobriety Wm. Bal-lantyne was fined 40s in default fourteendays' imprisonment and James Gibson,Joseph Barclay and two first offenderswere each convicted and discharged.

The Public Works Department re-ceived the following tenders for theerection of a new ward, etc.,at the hos-pital Greymouth:— Accepted—

Kelsalland Son, Greymouth, £4629. Declined—

Franklin and Hoskin, £4650; Drakeand Muir, £4650; Fitzgerald and Big-nell, £4705. All the tenderers reside atGreymouth.

Professor Leaco*ck, Ph, D., of M'GrillUniversity, Toronto, who is on a visitto New Zealand, and is at present inWellington, has consented to give a lec-ture _in cMinection with the series ofPublic Library Lectures now.in progressThe subject will bo "The Empire inthe Twentieth Century" and the lecturewill be given in the Concert Hall of theTown Hall on Wednesday evening.

Misfires with twelve-pounder guns wasthe cause of the Defence Departmentinterdicting the use of these by ord-nance companies, but a series of recentexperiments with guns of this quality,mounted in various parts of the colony,has proved them to be trustworthy asthe result of alterations that havebeenmade. In the District Orders issuedthis week the order prohibiting practicewith these guns is cancelled, but of-ficers are reminded of the necessity oftaking every care to fee that the gunsare altered From time to time in accord-ance with ordnance circulars, and inevery way kept up to date. Guns arenot to be fired unless fitted with thelatest mark of needle, and percussionfiring is not to be used until furtherorders. The chief cause of misfires withthese guns is found to be deteriorationof electric primers, which should be test-ed annually.

At a special paradeof theHutt ValleyRifles, held last evening, SergeantMajorDovey made a complete inspection, andgenerally tested the efficiency of thecorps. Several new recruits were en-rolled, thus bringing the total number

Application for orders absolute in twodivorce suits .fere made by Mr. Wiliord.to Mr. Justice Button this morning. Intlie case of lsobcl Young v. Frederick R.Young, tlie petitioner wasgranted custodyof the child of the marriage, and a simi-lar order was mido in the case of EllenMurray v. Patrick Murray. A decie*absolute was made m each caee.

From tlie publishers,- Messrs. Gordonand Gotch, we havereceiveda copy of ahttlo book on "Modern Football- NewZealand Methods," the author of svhichis A. H. Baskiville, who,in succint, easyintelligible language, gives points worthkuowmg by beginners, players and spectators. There ars several illustrations,showing scrum formations, lines-out, pf"fective modes of initiating forward rush-op, and omer things that a footballershould know.

A case in which a conside: -,ble amountof local interest was evinced was decidedat Featherston this week,before Mr. W.11.I1. James, S.M. The case was a claimby A. C. O'Connor, of -Wellington forthe recovery of a gun, valued at £40",and damages, from J. O'Keefe. Plain-,tiff's version was thathe lrad been ductshooting aj, Otaraia, and had shot fourducks, three of which fell into the la-goon. He was in the act of recovering-them when defendant appeared, and ac-cused him of trespassing.

'O'Connorcommenced to- dress,' plaintiff meaQtimssepuring the ducks. The two men thencommenced a struggle, during which;'an-other man appeared on tlie scene and

Was toldby defendant tp take the ducks;Wilton— the third man— then

'struckO'Connor on the npse. O'Keefe'tooktha gun and threw it into itlie lagoon.'

Defendant stated that he rarely oUq>v-od any one to shoot on the lagoon hekept it merely for the ducks. He de-njed having thrown O'Connor's gun intothb water, *nd he had not seen any on©else do so. His Worship, in stunmingup. sojd there was - some difficulty iafixing the amount of damages. Evidenceregarding the value of the gun wasweak, but if a person chose to destroyanything he must replace it. He, b^lieved O'Connor's evidence was absolutely "correct. Judgment was given for plain.*tiff for £30 (vidue of gun), damages £,l(i,cqsts £9. £10 was fixed' as the supi'tobe lodged pending appeal. It is con-tended that the lagooii is Crown pro-perty.

The application under the Stock Act,1893, to determine a dispute between E. ">

J. fyddiford and the Registrar of Brandsfor the District of Wellington, wag dis.--

posed of in the Magistrate's Court to-day. Dr.M'Arthur, S.M., in thg courseof a judgment, dpalt -with some prelimin-ary points, and then sajd the facts fqrthe appellant were that the brands ap-plied for had been used by him for agreat number of years without any mis-take or confusion"arisiug out of suchuse;that his stock was widely known bythese brands and that any ch,ango wouldcause him serious inconvenience. Fortthe Registrar, there was evidence thatthe brands applied for were in some*re-spects very similar to the brand of oneHiraParata, registered in1882, and tb.atboth Parata and appellant were residentin the same district. There wa* alsoBorne similarity between the brands ap-plied fpr and a brand of one Chapmanalso resident in the same district. Thoquestion for determination was thereforein view pf the .facte:- "Is there a likeli-hood of confusion or mistaket" In hisWorship's opinion, taking all ■ the factsinto iconeiderftuo'n. there was no likeli-hood of this, He thought, therefore,that the appeal should be upheld, andthat' the Registrar-, should " register tho

"brand as■appliedfor. ■ Hjs Wpreiip snidthat !Mr. Rjddell, S.M., whp heard theapplication with him, agreed on allpoint* but the last. On thii he heldthat the Registrar's opinion should Dotbe disturbed. .Mr. Skerrett, X.0., ap-peared for JRiddiford, and Mr. Findlayfor the defendant. On the applicationof Mr. Findlay his Worship suspendedmaking the, order for two weeks. CounselStated that there was no appeal againstihe decision, but on the two preliminarypoints he might apply for prohibition.

The plant erected by the Wellingtonand M&rlborough Cement, Lime, andCoal Companies at Picton, whioh wasrecently sold to the Burnside HydraulicLimeand Cement Company for £5400, isbeing removed to Dunedin.

■ a paragraph in 'our report last nigb.tof ike pak-a-poo cases, before the magis-trate yesterday, made it appear thatMr. Wilford had "much pleasure"inhanding his clients

—who were each fined


over to the police,'"to take it

out." Counsel's words were,"Ihave

not pleasure, Imust say, in handingthem over to the police to take it out.'% The Wairarapa South County Coun-cil, which is the local authority of thedistrict concerned in the applicationmade by Messrs. Booth and Co.,for tluiright to cut timber in the MangataroraValley, near Mount Holdsworth, passedthe followingresolution at its last meet-ing >— "

That this council strongly ob-jects to the granting of timber cuttingrights to any firm of sawmillers or oth-ers upon the Crown lands on the east-ern slopes of the Tararua Ranges, botween the Waiohine and the WamgaWaRiyers, as these Crown lands havebeenalready reserved permanently as & foiestreserve for climatic purposes;and bee-ing, moreover, that in the ordinarycourseof fellingmill timberthe branchesand butts of trees after removing thelogs are generally left next gullies andStreams, thereby impeding the freeflowof the water thereon, and thus causingserious damage."

A dispute as to liability for paymentin respect of repairs tp a- buggy washeard in. the Civil Court yesterday byDr. M'Arthur, S.M- The plaintiff, JohnFitchett, «, coachbuilder, stated that onUth August, 1903, the defendant HenTyLancaster, brought a buggy to nim forr-spairs, which'he executed, but for whichhe was neverpaid- Thedefence was thatthe damage to the buggy had resultedfrom an accident, the fault of a mannamed Stftvenson, employed by tho de«fendant, and a Jotter was read from th«plaintiff toMr. Lancaster, whichreferredto the matter in these words:"You willseeIhave included in the account tharepairs to the buggy, as> you did notcollect it from Stevenson. You are theprincipalman in the caee." Tho amountof the claim was £7 16s. His Worshipheld that Stevenson was evidently theIresponsible party, and gave judgmentfor the defendant, with costs £2 3s. Mr.Blair(appeared for the plaintiff, Mr.IJackson for tho defendant. Judgmentwas given for the plaintiff in thedefend-ant's default in- the case Joanna Dicksonv. Charlotte Mouat, £1 10s, with costs10s.

A committee meeting of the SundaySchool Unionwas heldonThursday. Mr.G. TilleT presided. It was reportedthat of the 751 scholars who sat for therecent examination, 134 had gained prizesand a very large number certificates.jA hearty vote of thanks was passed tothe examiners for their valuable ser-

1vices. .Letters were read from Auck-land, Chfistchurcb, and Dunedin Uniontire holding a colonial conference ofteachers iD Wellington, and a sub-com-mittee was appointed to bring up a te-port on the matter. On the motion ofthe president, it was decided to send aletter expressing the sympathy of thecommittee with Mr. W.. Hopkirk, vice-president, in the loss of his father.

The Reorganisation Sale has been stremendous success, and interest will notbe allowed to flag, for all next weekextra inducements will be offered. Kirk,

and Stains Ufa-Adfk* -






ZEPHYRS and MUSLIN ROBES, being some of the newest and most popularstyles of thehom*o season, will b© displayed in our Cotton Dress Depart-ment.

GEORGE & KEBSLEY, limited.



finHE finest appointed Studio in the-i- city; new lenses, cameras, and back-grounds; artistic assortment of mountsand .photo folders; a polite and attentive,staff." Make a Call of Inspection. Seename "KLNSEY" on Show Oaseß,


T? „ C. HJORRING,-*- " Stock and Sharebroker," LA^T), ESTATE, AND FINANCIALAGENT.


Grey and Featherston streets., Telephone No. 757.NORTON ANJ) CO.,. " '

TAILORS,Pivil,-. Naval/ and Military Uniforms,

Ladies' Costumes, Riding Habits, etc. Ourllcck will be found to be one of thelargest end most select in Wellington.Our aim is that all work executed shallba. only of the very highestpossible class.


r~(ONVEy an impression of prosperity,V/" and every one likes to do businesswith a successful man. If your Suit comesfrom Morrison and Penney it is-well-mad.e—and their label on your suit shows thatit has been paid for, as they do a strictlycash business.

MORRISON AND PENNEY,Merchant Tailors, 73, Willis-street.



61. LAMBTONsQUAY,Have-just landed the LATEST and NEW-EST MATERIALS for these high-clasigarments, in the making of which wo arerecognised as specialists.

||/r R. F. B. J. SHA RP,Barrister-at-Law and Solicitor.

Commencing Practice.Chambers:

Nathan's Buildings, Featherston-street.(A Card.)


EJ. F.ITZGIBBON, LL.B., Barrister" and Solicitor, has commenced Prac-tice at Bethune and Co.'s Buildings,Featherston-street.

IELD, L.UCKD3 AND TOOGOOD,Barristers and Solicitors, Patent

Afrents.29, FEATHERSTON-STREET.Money to Lend at 4£ per cent. Tel. 1437.

MEEK AND" YON HAAST",Barristers and Solicitors,

Corner FEATHERSTON and GREYSTREETS, Wellington.Money to Lend at Lowest Current Rateß.

L. ROTHENBERG" Barrister and Solicitor,Has Commenced Practice in Nathan*

Buildings, Foathersfon-street.Money to Lend at Current Rates.

(Late-London, Eng., and U.S.A.),DENTIST.

HOURS ... 9to 5.EVENINGS .. 7to 8.

Corner of Lambton-.quay and Panama-et.Over Cenci's.

Telephone, 2361.DENTAL REPAIRS.

MR. ADRIAN' MOULTON, Dentist,over Hobson's Pharmacy, 215,Willis-street, by using up-to-date methods, isable, in TWO HOURS, to Repair an ar-

tificial set of teeth, or to Replace teethbroken therefrom, at a cost not exceedingFive Shillings. You are invited to con-sult Mr. Moulton at his Rooms. Hours,9 a.m. to5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m.


Late of Phila., (J.'S.A., and London,LINDSAY'S NEW BUILDINGS,

Woodward-street {off Lambton-quar).Telephone 2200.

tmt r. j. c. butler,|tA dental surgeon,Has commenced the Practice of hit Pro-fession at his Rooms,



Boulcott-street, Wellington

(Opposite Dr. Hielop).Telephone 479.

fA Card.IDR. D. N. ISAACS, Dental Surgeon,

has commenced the practise of hisprofession at his Rooms, 89, WILIJS-ST.(over Tuatin's). Telephone 2511.Tt/fR? WALTER MANTELL.JWL DENTIST,SYDNEY STREET (First Gate from

Muaoum-»lreot).Telephone No. 554. '_

(A Card).MR. A. J. HOOPER,

DENTIST,Corner Jackson and Fitzherbert streets,

Petone.(Telephone, 2335.)


56, MANNERB-STREET(Orer Opera House Pharmaoy).

HW. EARP-THOMAS AND CO.," Dentists (late Phila., U.S.A.),Manners-street. Telephone 1674.

Teethextracted pajnlesily by new method.No pain or after effects guaranteed.


Ballance-street, Wellington (oppositeSuprome Court),

And at Napier and Gisborne. Tel. 1390.laTAiNS AND HOLDSWoiTHJ

ARCHITECTS,Commercial Chambers,



New Zealand Accident Insurance___^

Qo.'i Building.




By Telegraph.—Press Association.—

Copyright.(Received August 10, 7.26 a.m.)

LONDON, 9th August.Since Australian cables suggest that

the Federal Judiciary Bill takes awayexisting State rights ,of appeal to. thePrivy Council, barristers concerned inpending colonial^ appeals expiess theopinion that the Bill ought to be re-served for the Royal assent, -under sec-tion74 of the Constitution Act, pendingdetermination of the questions involvedin the Bill and pendiDg appeals on con-stitutional points.

The desire was (according to the Mel-bourne Argus) to get away from theUnited States paodel, which had entailed'a great multiplication of federal courts,by making the fullest possible use of theState tribunals. 'But thedecisionof theHigh Court tohearappeals from a singleState judge has had the effect .ofdefeat-ing that intention and degrading tiieStateFull Courts, and settingsthemaside.The proposals of £he amending Judi-ciary Bill will have the effect of con-tinuing this most undesirable tendency#nd of further degrading the State courtsand of placing them in a humiliatingposition.^" Th.jConstitution undoubtedlyprovided for a direct appeal from thosecourts to the Privy Council, and it wasnow (wequote Sir Josiah Symon) soughtto take away that appeal by takingaway from those courts the right to dealwiia matters that they now deal with.That was, said Sir Josiah, a- circuitousand altogether undesirable course to"take. He did not see how Parliamentcould take away what the Constitutionconferred, but if it.could do so let it bedone ina, direct, straightforward manner,,and not by further robbing the Statecourts of theposition the convontion in-tended them to occupy.


By TelegMph.—Press Association.— Copyright.(Received August 10, 7.30 a.m.)


Baron Lindeman has been arrested ona charge »f blackmail in alleging thatJie saw Olga Molitor shoot her mother.It is reported that Olga was also arrest-ed at Baden Baden, but no reason hasbeen assigned.


Board of Trade returns for July showthat imports mcieased by £3,605,505,and exports by £7,009,369.


LONDON, 9th August.In the Hou&s of Commons, replying

to Mr. Lonsdale (Conservative), Sir Ed-ward Grey (Secretary for the Colonies)stated that complaints had been receivedfrom New Hebridßß missionaries or Aus-tralian traders,but a representationhadbeen received from rf,he Australian Gov-ernment, which Great Britain was com-municating to France, relative to thoprohibition of' the sale of liquor, ate, tonatives. He hoped for a favourable re-ply shortly, and trusted that in any oaseprovisions'regulating the sale of arms andliquor wouldbe brought, into force withina few months.


Arriving vessels 'report very heavyweather off the coast. There are1severalcases reported of fittings and boats, hav-ing been smashed.


(Received August 10, 10.25 a.m.)The Mokoia',6 horses were land-;d in

good condition.(Received August 10, 10.40 a.m.)


The Acting-Premier declared that theBudget proposals were unsatisfactoryfrom top to bottom. Victoria was askedto pay more, while she received less,from the Commonwealth.

ADVERTISING AUSTRALIA.(Received August10, 9.40 a.m.)

MELBOURNE, This Day.The new Federal Estimates provide

for a sum of £20,000 for advertisingtheresources of the Commonwealth.


In the QuarantineBill an amendmentwas made limiting compulsory vaccina-tion in connection with an outbreak ofdisease on shipboard to cases of small-pox,


A #u§get of 11402 was unearthed fttthe Poseidon rush.


Mr. Eeddy, Nationalist member ofthe House- of Commons for Bin-, hasbeen struck off the Commission of thePeace for Ireland, for disregarding awarning by the Lord ChancellorLoreburn) against publicly recommend-ing the driving of cattle off farms introubled districts.

[Mr. Reddy has been a member ofParliament Binoe 1900.]SALE OF NEW ZEALAND HORSES.

SYDNEY, This Day.At the sales of draught stallions the

following New Zealand horses weresold :— Royal Sandy 70gs, Young DickSoddon81gs, Kellinchy 65gs, Windemere120gs, Kuroki 77gs, Latest 7Ogs, Glen-iffin 50g8, Royal Colours 62gs, Suther-land Hero 27gs, Premier 180gs.BRITISH INDIANS' COMPLAINTS.

CAPETOWN, 9th August.British indians have complained to

the Colonial Secretary of Cape Colonyrespecting the municipal regulations inEast London, which include curfew re-striction, ejection of Indians from foot-paths, anil insistence on their ability tospeak the European language.




!By feJegrapli.— Press Association.— Copyright.1 LONDON, 9th August.! During a night attack by natives on,the French Consulate at Casablanca onejFrench sailor was killed and threeothersjbadly wounded. "

Tho bombardment lasted for forty-'eight hours,; Latest reports state that all is quiet,land the warship Dv Chayla has pro-ceeded to Mazagan, about 6ixty milessouth-west of Casablanca, where muchdisquietude is reported.

The -Daily,Telegraph's Tangier corres-pondentstates that one thousand Moorshave been killedat Casablanqa.

MOROCCO, 9th August.Admiral Philibert

'landed two hun-

dred men at Casablanca on the 7Ai,yihcn street fighting was continued.

The Moors sacked the Jewish quarrter, and killedmany residents; but theEurdpeans are safe on board steam-ers in fh& harbour or id the Con-sulates.It is reported that six French sol-

diers wounded in the firsf> encounterhave sines died.

The Moorish quarter of Casablanca isin ruins.

The- -State Bank was sacked, andsixty thousand pesetas (about £2400)stolen.

Th.« land batteries are destroyed1.The State Bank of Morocco fulfils the

functions of treasurer and paymasterpf the Empire, to the exclusion of everypther bank or credit establishment, andis the financial agent of the MoroccanGovernment at home and' abroad. TheImperial Bank of Germany, the- Bankpf England,, the Bank of Spain, and theBank of France exercise censorship overthe State Bank. j* — —



» (Received August 10, 9.40 a.m.)PARIS, 9th August.

It is recogtised in France that theMoroccan affair is bigger than was -ex-pected, but the nation is firmly deter-mined tp see it through.




■ hr ,Tele£Mph.— Press Association.— Copyright.HALIFAX (Nova Scotia), 9th Aug,Earl Grey, Governor-General of Can-

ada, addressing the Canadian Club, saidrfchaJi, 'When Africa w«e federat-ed it would be possible to * look ioT-war'd to a successful attempt fo fede-rate all the- King's self-governing do-minions. .^ T.- ■ /. .. '

The time must come, his Lordshipcontinued, when Canada would assumeher share of the burden of nava) de-fence. "

■Reforring to the "All-Red'! route,Earl Grey rejoiced to see that the Bri-tish Government was in earnest in itsresolve to bring the distant parts of theEmpiro nearer the centre, and to makethe Empire compact.


By T«lejtr»ph.— Press AsKnointion.— Copyticfit.LONDON, 9th August.

The Labour members of the Houseof Commons have protested that thepresence of military in Belfast has pre-vented peaceful picketing and strength-ened the position of the employers.

The Right Hon. A. Birrell, Chief Sec-retai-y for Ireland, replied that the1troops were sent there at the request ofthe civil authorities., It has been reported, that militarymeasures in Belfast are ensuring unim-peded cartage, and haveled to resump-tion Of work in some of the engineeringworks. Hundreds of strikers are anxiousto resume work-



(Received August 10, B.3p'a.m.)LONDON, 9th August,

The prospect of the Belfast employersaccepting the Glasgow Carriers' Associa-tion's offer of 600 men Jed to a threat ofa general strike. y

Five regiments of military are patrol'ling the streets.



By Teleffrtph.--Pre«J Association.— Copyright.(Received August 10, 8.30 a.m.)

CAPETOWN, 9th August.Mr. Abe Bailey, the South African

magnate, suggests triangular cricket con-tests' between England, Australia, andSouth Africa, in 1909 or 1910, thematches to take place in England, eachplaying each other thrice.



By Telegraph.— Press Association.—

Copyright.LONDON, 9th August.

Tlie Goolds a*'e stated to have askedtheir victim

—whose name was Emma

Lovin, not "Livey-i-to tea on Sunday at5 o'clock. She remarked to a friend:"It is funny how fond they are getting.They are literally

*smothering me with

kindness. 1 cannot help but think theymust have some motive."

Mrs. Levin was a beautiful woman,the widow -of a Swedish engineer, andenjoyed an income of £J,500. She pos-sessed much valuable jewellery," whichphe almost always wore. j

Jowels found in Madame Goold's pos-session, worth £J2600, were mostly mark-ed with the initials "E.L."

The card found asking for repaymentof a thousand francs did not refer tothe Goolds, but to a lady of somewhatsimilar name.

Themagistrate,at Marseilles palledtheGoolds assassins, and urged them toconfess that they had first stunned andthen stabbed Mrs, Levin fop the sakeof her jewels.

Goold was reticent, but his \vife waswildly hysterical.

The man Booker, whom the Gooldsapcuse of the murder, has not beentraced..The police believe he does notexist.

Goold at first tolda railwayemployeeto send the trunk to Lyons by the ex-press, but 'then changed'his mind, or-dering them to be sent to London by aslow train.

Isabella Girodin, the Goolds' niece,states that when she returned to theflat on Sunday evening she noticed thatGoold looked very queer and was shiv-ering. Her aunt said he had had beenvomiting blood, and that she intendedto take him to a Marseilles specialist.The nieco added that she noticed no-thing unusual about thehouse until thoGoolds left, when she saw bloodstainson the walls and in a tub in the -bath-room. She attributed these to heruncle's hemorrhage.

A servant, girl named Couargeres, em-ployed at the Goolds' fiat', statesthatsheheard a noise like a struggle

-about 5

o'clock onSunday in the Goolds' rooms,followed by a cry of "Let me go." Thegirl went "'upstairs and listened, but,'hearingno more, thought it was only a.family dispute, and returned to herwork.

ADELAIDE, 9th August.In connection with the Monte Carlo

tragedy, it hasbeen ascertained that SirJames Stephen Goold, known at Glad-stone asMr., Goold, has resided inGlad-stone for tho past twenty years.,He isemployed by the Railway Department,ondjs a wjdowcr with six children..Ml.Goold is workingon the permanent way,.and is stronglyaverse topublishing fam-ily details until ho sees the papers. Hestates that he had not seen his brotherYore for forty-five years.

Sir James received a cable from theLondon Standard to-day asking for in-formation about himself, but will notreply.

Goold, charged with being one ,©f themurderers, went under tho name of SirYore Goold, and was understood to bea brother of Sir James Stephen Goold,baronet. The latpsr's father was forcome timea magistrate in Ireland.



By Telegraph.—

Press Ae*oni»tion.—

Copyright.LONPON, 9th August.

The Times' Tangier correspondentsays the chiefs of the Khamas tribe havedemanded that Kaid Sir Harry Macleanbe surrendered to them.

Raisuli has complied with the re-quest, and'it is expected this will leadto the Kaid's release.


By Telegrapty.— Press A&sooUfcion.—

Copyright., OTTAWA,' 9th August.A valuable nickel deposit has been

discovered .at Worthington, in On-tario.

One vein one hundred feet wideshows almost pure metal.


(Received August 10, 8.43 a.m.)NEW YOBK, 9th August.

Standard Oil Trust capitalists, whocontrol the Canadian nickelore industry,are endeavouring to purchase the recent-ly discovered deposit.

The value of Canada's output of nickelin 1904 (later figures are not available)was 4,219,153 dollars.



By Tel*graj)h.—Press ißsoolttion.- Copyright., PRETORIA, 9th August

The Completion of Chinese CoolioContracts Bill has been passed by theHouse of Assembly.

Qoneral Byers recently remarked:—

"Not a single member of the Het Yolkwould lift a finger to keep tho Chinesea day after the completion of theircontracts." Mr. Botha has stated thatthe coolies will leave at tho end oftheir contracts, and that 16,769 will besent, away by 31st December.

i j ' " " ' —■

A deputation from the churches, head-ed by Bishop Wallis, is to wait on thaPremier on Monday morning to urgealterations in the Divorce Act

The Government, through Mr. T. E.Donne, general manager of the TouristDepartment, has presented to the Citi-zens' Zoological Gardens Comniktee oneof the Axis deer recently imported fromEngland by the 6.5. Papanui. Ihe ani-mal is suffering from a serious affectionpf the eyes, but Dr. Kendall, who isacquainted with this species of deer in|tsnative habitat, in India, after inspect-ing tho hind, is able to give some hopeof recovery. The deer was. placed in agrassy pen at the zoo last night, andtook kindly to its new abode. Thoughcommonly called the Axis, it is alsoknown as the Ch'ital or Indian spotted{leer. It is a*vory beautiful species,standing about oft high, and bears ajovely coat of bright reddish fawn spot-ted with ,white, at all seasons of thoyear.

There appears tobe nofalling-off in thenumber of candidates for examination formarine engineers' certificates and forlandengineers' and engine-drivers' pertificapes,as since the Ist inst. the number of suchcandidates whe have been examined bytko examiners of the Inspection of Ma-chinery Department"is 260, namely, 14-,marine and'2l6 land, made up as fol-lows:— Ono first-class marine engineer,'two second-class/,-ten third-class, and on>j(river engineer, one extra first-class (land)j.engineer, fifty first-class -land engine-;drivers, one hundred and four second-cla&3 ppgLt}e-4riYeis, fifty-five locoragtiv«Jand ttraction engine-drivers, and 609 cwinding engine-drivers. These examina;-tions we're held at the following placeithroughout New Zealand, viz:srAuck-land.,'Napier, .Wanganui, Wellington,Nelson, Ohrjstdmrch, TLmaro, Dunedin,andInvercargill.

An animated discussion took place atlast night's meeting of the General Lab-ourers' Union upon the terms- of theaward just given by the ArbitrationCourt. Members expressed dissatisfac-i tion with the award,'some going as faras to advocate the cancellation pf theregistration'of the Mnjpn, so as- to avoidworking under thenew conditions. Themeeting decided-, however, to continue tostrengthen the union. The general com-plaint was that the court had given itsverdict against the weight of evidencepresented at the hearing of the dispute,and objection was raised to the court'sintroduction of a clause providing for theemployment of youths, 30s per week.be-iflgallowed for men under 21 years ofa*ge. The union's contention *is thatmany youths of 19 or 20 years of age areas competent as older men in the labour-ing occupation, and therefore this actionof the court opened the door to cheaplabour. It was ultimately decided toplace1 the matter before the Ministei ofJustice, with a view to seeing whetherthe union had any remedy against thecourt. /It will be renumbered that beforethe work of levelling up the Sydney:

street reserve was begun'the City Coiincil obtained authority for the removalof a number of bodies that had, beerburied there years ago. A rumour wasabroad to-day that a row of coffins notpreviously discovered had been exposedby a charge of dynamite on the top oftha hill at the northern end of the re-servo. On investigation, however, itivns learnt th*t the report was greatlyexaggerated;and what really occurredvva's that two1or jthree empty cbil|ris tnat"were tod decayed tobe shifted when thoremains were removed, had been seen.As in.one or two instances the endsrpaly^cre .showing', Wj< -JP/W'gl?.,.'^?^-.man uv charge of the" works,* thoughtperhaps some graves had been missedHe communicated with the city sexton,who, however, found they were'only theempty coffins that had already.beendealt with.

The primitive methods of, sanitationin suburbs remote from the city sewerage systrai met with' some comment,uomexperts giving evidence in the compen-sation case yesterday.

"Storm-water,"said Mr. Patterson by wayof definition,"

runs from the roof and backyards ofthe upper houses into the property below them, and usually Snrls its w,ay in-tc the open gutter of a street. * Soapsuds *re flung out into the road and area perfect nuisance.'' Septic tauks weresuggested as a palliative, but Mr. Mor-ton was not enthusiastic, while MrChapman averred that he did not liketo see 'them iv a garden. Connectionwith the city system of sewerage wasshown to cxisb in very few outside sub-urban notions, while the engineeringdifficulties in the way of improvementwould entail huge expenditure.

During the first four months of thecurrent financial year buildings to thevalue of £11,026 have been erected atPetone.

A witness in "the Compensation Courtto-day spoke depreciatingly of certainproperties. He was pressed to give rea»sons, andhe answered that local traditionmentioned that a rabbit oncehadits hairblown off by the windin that locality.

New Customs Tariff.— lnformation re-garding changes can be supplied by theNow ZealandExpress Company, Ltd.. 20Customhouse-quay, Telephone No. 2410.—

Advt.Investors in antimony »nd other mining

spew have always to take big risks, butany one desiring- a, good investment, whichcombines B»fety with a goqd return, ea.ueasily, obtain it in Wellington by apply-ing at the hosiery department of O. Smith,The Cash Draper, Cuba-street, wherehosiery and gloves from the world'? beetmakers can be obtained in great varietyat bedrock prices. It is '» rare chance forinvestors. You can bank on' our prices.Special quotations for this week at C.Smith's, Cuba-street.— Advt.

PERSONAL MATTERS.Lieut. Colonel Hawkins left for Christ*church lait night, but will return to-mor-

row.Mr. G. L. Stewart, secretary of the

Wellington Education Board, left forDunedin last night and will be absentfor about a week.

The Native Health Officer (Dr. Pom-are) has gone to Patea in connection withan outbieak of pneumonia amongst theMaoris in iliat district.

The Oroua County Council yesterdayappointed Miss Sbere, assistant clerk,to ilia permanent position of chief cler'cto the council, says a Press Associationtplegram from Faildi'ig.

Mr. Charles Otto Montrose, a well-known journalist, died in Wellingtonyesterday. The deceased, who was 67years of age, was born in Kent. Afterreceiving a good education he became amidshipman in the Navy and served inthe Crimea. Leaving the sea he enteredIthe British army. He went through theMaori War in the Auckland district, jand was specially mentioned by GeneralCameron inoneof his despatches. Whenthe v/ar terminated ho took to news-paper work, and for several years hewas sub-editor of tho Auckland Star.Later on he started a newspaper atCambridge, and then became editor andproprietor of the Auckland Observer.He also engaged in journalism in Aus-tralia. For some years before his deathhe resided in Wellington, where he act-ed as special correspondent for severalNew Zealand papers. He was theauthor of "Picturesque New Zealand,""Strikes and their Remedies," andother works. Tho lato My. Moptrosowas twice married, and by his first wifehe was left a grown-up family. Thefuneral took place this afternoon, theinterment being made at Karon,,




By Telegraph.— Pres? Association.— Copyright.(Received August 10, 9.40 a.m.)

SYDNEY, This Day.At a meeting of footballers interested

in the professional movement, it wasdecided to form a New Sputa WaksLeague.It is stated that eight senior clubs

were represented, including a numberof first-grade players. Allpresent signeda, document agreeing to play against theNew Zealand professional keam.

A statement was made at the meetingthat soßi'3 of the leading players andsupporters had received, an intimationfrom their employers that th*y musteither forego their position or profes-Sionaliam.


By the 6.6. Warrimoo, which left Wel-lington for Sydney yesterday evening,the fifteen members of the New Zeulandprofessional Rugby football team whosenames were printed in' yesterday's Even-ing Post left New Zealand en route toYorkshire, England, via Australia, tofulfil their engagement to play a sea-son's football against the clubs com-prised in the Northern Rugby FootballUnion. Severalhundred peopleassembledon the wharf to bid them good-bye,A number of Wairarapa Maoris whowere on the wharf farewelled "the Mas-terton player, Wrigley, with characteris-tic Maori chants, and the pakehas of thecrowd cheered the" team individually as"well as collectively. The promoter(Baskiville) met with an exceptionallygood receptipn. As the. steamer gotclear-of the wharf the j«am ,eang, feel-ingly, "Gopd-bye, little g^rl, good-bye,"and the gathering .on the wharf re-plied with the spirited staging of thethousand-year-old .chorus "For .they arejolly, good fellows/In yesterday's issue of the Post ap-pearedthe names of the fifteenmembers

of the professionalRugby team -who leftWellington last night for Sydney, enroute to England. We jare now .able loprint th,e list of .twenty-four players whoicomprise the fuU team, so f,ar as jt has^iyet been selected. The list is as fol-lows t^S. Turtill (Canterbury), Lavery(Canterbury), D. McGrogo'r (Canter-bury), Poarce (Canterbury),' W. Wyn-yard (Auckland).; it. Wyijyard (Auck-land), G. W. Smith (Auckland), L. B.Todd (Auckland),H. Rowe (Auckland)W. Tyler (Auckland), W. Trevarthen(Auckland), W., H. Mackreil' (Auck-land), Hall. (Auckland), E..Wrigley(Wairarapa), A. H. Baskiville (Welling-ton), A. Callum (Wellington), E. Wat-kins (Wellington), E. LileD. Gilchrist (Wellington), T. Cro.ss (Pe-tooe), H. R. Wright (Petone), A.' KelW(PetoneK E. Tyne (Petone), C.





By Tflegraph.—Frees Assofcintion.--Copyright.(R«ceiyed August lp,, 7.34 a.m.)

LONDON, 9th August.After consulting Professor Oiles, Vice-

Presiotezit of the Institute of Naval Ar-chitects, regardiug plans and specifica-tions, Commander Colquhoun, Cominon-woalth Naval Advisor, has invited ship-builders on Ahe Admiralty list to "tenderfor eight destroyers and four first-classtorpedoers for the Australian Navy, twovessels of each class to be completed andtried here, the others to be shippedabroad in sections.

Commander Colquhoun, D.5.0., whoserved with tho Naval Brigade in SouthAfrica, and acted as special naval cor-respondent to The Times in the Russo-Japanese war, has been in England for.some time ,on Australian naval defen.eebusiness. Inhis recommendations re-garding Australian naval defence, Cap-tain Creswell, Commonwealth Director,proposed three cruiser destroyers, six-teen torpedo-boat destroyers, and fifteentorpedo boiats of jirst and second' class.Speaking at a gathering of Mora's Dockemployees recently, the managing direc-tor of the .company said h,e understoodthat there were to be twenty ocean-goingdestroyers and four first-class torpedoboats built at a total cost of £2,250,000.These were supposed to -be completed infive years, but he doubted v?ry muchwhether they could be finished in thattime. They jv.ere going to build in Eng-land eight ocean-going destroyers, andtwo first-class torpedo boats, of a totalvalue of £930,000, but there still re-mained for immediate building £1,320,000, which the Government was anxiousto spend in the Commonwealth.



(Received August 10, 10.40 a.m.)MELBOURNE, This Day.

With reference to the cable announc-ing jbhat tenders had been called fortorpedoer?, Mr. Pealjin (Federal Pre-mier) states that tenders have notbeencalled. He supposed shipbuildershad been notified that ths vess6ls men-tioned in the messagfe might bo re-quired, so tbit they could hold them-selves in readiness to tender.



By Telegraph.— Preu Association.—

Copyright.CALCUTTA, Bth August.

" A party of National Volunteers at-tacked a posse of Calcutta police whilethe latter were searching a native news-paperoffice for seditious matter.

Two of the police were injured.


CANADIANS DEFEAT VJCTORIA.By Telegraph.— Pieso A«eoc'ation.-T-CopyHght.

(Received August 10, 9.40 a.m.)MELBOURNE, 10th August.

<At BalLarat the Canadian lacrosse teamdefeated Victoria by 14 to nil.




By Telegmpii.--Press Association.— Copyncht.(Received August 10, 7.41 a.m.)

LONDON, 9th August.Thz House of Lords read the Colonial

Statutes ,as Evidence Bill a second time,

Lord Alverstone (the Lqrd Chief Justiceof England) remarkipg that there wasTeal necessity for the measure.

Iho Merchant Shipping Acts Amend-pioKt Bill was passed' by the House ofLords.

Xhe Labour members of the House ofCommons hay« decided to put Mr- Ram-eay Macdonald's Unemployed Bill in theforefront of the programme next session;also to demand a universal old age pen-sion schenv* of 5s a week on a non-dis-criminatory and non-contributory basis,at 65 years of age.

Mr.Macdonald, chairman of the Inde-pendent Labour PaTty, is introducing aBill to provide work, through the publicauthorities, for the unemployed. Tk«measure proposes to compel loca} authori-ties' to keep a register of unemployed,and1 to provide local schemes to givework. The financial burden fflf theschems is thrown on the rates. It isalso proposed to create a Central Un-employed Committee to conduct natiopalschemes in the nature oi afforestation,road-making, andreclamation of %he> fore-phore and waste lands. The Bill giveslocal authorities power to psport de-liberate or habitual shirkers of work,whereupon a Court of Summary Juris-]diction authorises the councils to en-force work for six months. Acceptancejof a&sistanoe does not entail loss of thefranchise.


LONDON, 9th August.Inthe House of Commons, Mr. Har-

old Cox gave notjee of motion asking forthe rejection of the Transvaal LoanBill, declaring that the colony was de-Inying His Majesty's subjects the .ordunary rights of civilised men.


In the House of Lords the Butter Billpassed through committee, with a fewminor amendments.



By Tdegrtpli.—

rrcas Association.— Copyright.LONDON, 9th August.

The destroyers Kestrel and.Teviotcol-lided in the English Channel, the Kes-trel being cut nearly in two, as was the,Quail.

The disabled vessel uas towed toPortsmouth.'

"'' ■>".*""" " -'.'XTr {Eight- destroyers have been damaged

off Portsmouth within a fortnight.

The Kestrel'is a twin-screw vessel of360 tons, commanded by Lieutenant andCommander Blackwood while the1Teviot(tender to the Hecla) is of 590 tons, andunder Commander Hubert S, Cardale.



By Telegraph.—Tre*a Association.- -Copyright.LONDON, 9th August.

The House of Lords has passed theFinance Bill.

A point in the Finance Bill which isof interest to colonials is that "incomewhichhas already paid income tax in thecolonies shall not bo exempt from assess-ment in Britain. Tho matter was dis-cussed at tho Imperial Conference, butMr. Asquith said he could not see howany distinction could be made, and hecould hold out no hope oi Parliamentaltering the policy which had b>2cn pur-sued for more than sixty years.



By Teleenph.— Prw» Assooiilion.— Copyright.LONDON, 9th August.

Despite the Government's resistance,the House of Lords Amended the jCriminal Appeal Bil!, making it im- jpossible for an appeal to

'be lodged

on fact or mixed fact and lp.w without|a certificate from the judge who tried!the case in the first instance that itwas a fit pase for appeal.

Owing to several glaring miscarriagesof justice, the Government was inducedto introduce the measure which theLords arc at present amending. Asintroduced, the Bill provided for aCourt of Criminal Appeal consisting ofseven High Court judges, with powerto allow or disallow an appeal on de-positions or written siatcmeuts submit-ted to them;tho court to be empower-ed, if it is deemed necessary, to takefresh evidence, also to give prisonersin straitened circ*mstances the assist-ance of counsel. Sir J. Lawson Wal-ton, the Attorney-General, in introduc-ing the Bill, explained that it wouldcreate appellate rights against convic-tions for crime corresponding to \hosethat could now be exercised against ad-verse verdicts in civil courtis. Personalliberty would thus be put upon


equality with property. Justice some-times blundered, and in the last few.years' the number of cases of judicialmiscarriage had beennot inconsiderable.A Royal Commission had reportedthatthe resources of the Home Office forthe review of cases were not adequate.An enterprising press had rushed inwhere jurists had feared to tread, andre-trial by newspaper was a process thatwas developing., The delicate dutiesofthe Home Office had been largely dis-charged under,the pressure of publicagitation, and this had made the calmreview of cases almost impossible. Thetime, therefore, was. ripe for a change,

"I refuso to accept oxtracts ofpapers," declared Mr. Chapman, X.C,during tho heading of tho watershedcompensation caso yesterday afternoon,when Mr. O'Shea submitted a scrapbookof clippings from various journals re-ferring to the proceedings of the CityCouncil. "The engineer's report of thecatchment area scheme," replied Mr.O'Shoa, "was published in the EveningPost of 2nd June, 1900, and weproduceextracts from the paper of that date."4'l object," returned Mr. Chapman.'Then weundertake to producea boundvolume of tho Post," said Mr. Gray, onbehalf of tho corporation. After a shortinterval the volume appeared, and beingtoo bulky for counsel s table was depos-

ited ou the floor. Mr. O'Shea, afterposing over it for some time found thereport, which was thereupon duly ac-cepted._ The_ Health Department received nq-tiftcation of the followingcases of infec-tious diseases during the week endingto-day :— Wellington City:scarlet' fever13, diphtheria £> tubercujosis 1. HuttCounty:diphtheria 2. scarlet fever 3.

At the annual meeting of the N.Z.Em-ployers' Federation to be held in Wel-lington on 21st inst., an address willbedehverodby Mr". Win. Scott, of Dun-edin, the subject being "The IndustrialConciliation and Arbitration Act:Past,Present, Future,/' The amendmentsVjhich have been proposad to the Actwill be considered, and remits will besubmitted from the various associations.The meeting wiljbo attended by dele-gatas from every part of the colony. Ameeting pf the Advisory Board tookplace yesterday when the annual reportand balance-sheet were submitted. Afterthey had bean considered the secretary■was instructed to 'forward copies to the.Various associations.It was reported at the annualmeeting of tho Fruit Growers' Associa-tion, at Greytown yesterday, thatthe treasurer had paid out in respect of

birds' eggs as follows :— Thrushes,9537;blackbirds, 3348;minahs, 15;and whiteeyes, 37. In addition to these therewere1135 nestlings and 554 grownbirds.Mr. R. W. Tate was re-elected lion,secretary of the union for the ensuingyfcar, and Mr. T. E. Kemptoii treasurer.

There are remarkably good indicationsof first-class road metal in laTge quanti-ties at the Corporation quarry, Grant-road. It is expected that the new stone-crushing plant will shortly be installed,ana it

'is anticipated that about sixty

yards of metal will be turned out daily.At present the stone is broken by hand,and there is an ingenious constructionfor conveying the stone from the quarryto the road. The metal as it is brokenup ia put into a shoot, where it is conr▼eyed about 350ft into a large bin underWhich trucks run and carry the stone adistance of about a hundred yards down» slight decline, and then tip automatic-ally into another shoot, which leads to abin on the road. Carts are backedunderthis bin and filled without shovelling.Only one man is neaded in- the shootwork, andhe regulates the trucks, wnichare arranged so that the full one goingdown pulls the empty one up.;

The new hemp grading regulationshave been gazetted. The maximumpoints for allotment will be as follows :— For stripping, scutching, colour, andstrength, £5 points each;total, 100. Thefollowing will be the standards onwhich the grades will be determined:—A grade ('/Superior "), 90 to 100 points,"'both inclusive; B ("Fine"), 80 to 89". points; C ("Good Fair"), 70 to 79points; D ("Fair"), 60 to 69 point 3E (",eommon"),- 50 to 59 points; F-{"Rejected**)'» undet 50'points.hPower"is given to a grader to absolutely con-demn any hemp which in his opinionhas been so badly treated as to makeit useless for the purposes of manufac-ture or any other trade 'purpose. Thecharge for grading has been fixed at ld-cwt, or. part of a cwt. Th6decision ofany grader as to condition, or grade* ofany bemp is to be conclusive. Thepenalty for any breach of tho regula-tions is not to exceed £25.

Now that the Petone Borough Coun-cil's bylaw enabling two eemi-detached"dwellings to be erected upon any allot-ment with a street frontage of not, leasthan 50ft, has been in operation someJittle' time, it is interesting to learnwhat its effect has been

—so much was

claimed for itby its advocates. Enquirygoes tc show that it was not for sdmemonths after the council had passed thebylaw that builders took advantage1 ofit. A well-known owner erected ahastily-designed building "just to showthat they will not look like barns," aslie put it, since when there has beeni aconsiderable demand for them. Thereare notf some twenty-eight buildings qfthe subdivided class, with many mareapplications for permits coming forward~in fact the Borough Engineer (Mr. W.H. Cook)knows of anowner who is con-templating erecting nearly a dozenhouses almost immediately; and he liasthe experience gained from those he al-ready has erected to draw upon. Tpctents run from 10s to 12& 6d per weekaccording to the number of rooms andother conveniences, demanded. So faras the accommodation goes, there seemsto be little left for the tenant to desire.The average dimensions of the rooms*re from 10ft by idft and 12ft by 10ft(very few ci the former) to 12ft by 16ftor 17ft, and in mo3t case3, linen closetsand cupboards are built in. Of course$verjc available inch of space is utilisedas owners cannot afford to erect man-sions for such moderate rents. Hot andcold water, and often gas are laid onbefote the tenant goea in; very neatfences are erected, and the elevation otthe buildings is ofter a feature of thewhole. One thing geetns certain:it isseldom that there is any building unoc-cupied. In reply to a question, Mr.Cook said he had: not heard of a singlecomplaint from tenants, and, as alreadystated, the demand is apparently suihthatbuilders cannot erect the house* fastenough.

According to the Taranaki Herald theanger of the people of Opunake (a town-' ship forty miles from New Plymouth)was aroused recently by aman who hadbeen residing in the district a short timeand who had, it was alleged, committeda breach of social laws. A crowd offrom 60 to 70 pulled him out of the!houße where he was living, dragged himalong the road to a water-table, andgave him a good sousing. Then theyplaced him onhis feet, coveredhim withtar and shavings, pulled him a littlefurther along the road and rolled himoff a small bridge into a creek. After-wards they compelled him to go on hisknees and humbly apologise to the manwhose home he was allegedtohave dese-crated. Screams of "Murder!" reached.the town and attracted Constable Hick-man,' who stopped the operations of thecrowd and took the man away. Twodays later Constable Kelly, of Rahotu,escorted him out of the town, and wasfollowed by the crowd humming the"Dead March" to concertina ac-companiment. Finally the .constablewas cheered and the man hooted. Thecase is to be investigatedat the court at" New Plymouth.

There was a laTjre attendance at theWeekly sessijn of the King's CoronationLodg« of Good Templars. Bro. S. Shaw,f^T., presided. One new member wasfMtiated, and two wore admitted on"loarance. Three others were proposedfor membership. The item "QuestionBox" was duly carried out and enjoyed." Hearty fraternal greetings were re-ceived from lodges in Cbristchuroh,Bssex, London, and other parts of theworld.




The Native Departmentand the work-ing of the Native Land Courts was sub-jected to a good deai of cviticism in theHouse of Representatives last night.

Mr. Homes asked if the time had noi"arrived for a complete change in thodepartment. They had tried tho under-secretary system. What, he asked,were the duties <tf the undei'-sooretary?Had he any control over tho native lanjipurchase officer? The department .ob-viously was not what it should 'be.Evidence of this had Deen given in thereports of the Native "Land Commission.The workof the Native Department -wascertainly not what it should be. Thereshould be in the office a record 'of"theproperty owned by each Maori in thocolony, as- well as a complete record ofthe decisions of the Native Counts.If -the Minister asked for more moiieyfor the department the Huube wouldnot refuse it. It was highly desirablethat the nativequestion should iba .push-ed to a state of finality.

The Minister (the .Hop. James Car*roll) said the department was undergoing "reorganisation -to a considerable extent,and there was work in hand whichwould require the employment of v.much larger staff than the present one.The compilation of a 'Domesday Book"would take a great deal of work, anditcould not be done unlessgranted more money. The departmenthad been on a starvation basis aor yearspast, in the Native Land.Commission'sreport evidence was given of the hugeamount of 'money involved. 'In connect <tion with the titles of various native;"blocks, there were records in the hands'of the department at present covering4ands worth many millions of money.;The late Undersecretary had retired !.from his position because "his health

'was not very good, and his successor, ,'Mr. Fisher, was a man of very larceexperience, andho (the Minister) thoughtihe would fill the bill with entire .satis-faction. " ,

Mr. Alison said tjhe documents re-ferred to by tho Minister should be"putin a strong-room, where they wouldbe safo from fire.

In reply to further criticisms theHon.Mr. Carroll said for years past affltrongcurrent had set in against the NativeDepartment, almost to the extent ofwiping itout of existence. Atone timeit was put under the Justice Depart-ment. There was work to 'be done bythe department. Any one person couldhardly stem tho tide that bad set inagainst the department. Nowadays .thepeople of the country .wanted laud andsettlement; they recognised Ahe import-ance of the department, and fehe Tonlyway it could fully .carry out its work:was by strengthening it.

Mi;. Heke asked about the positioniOfthe Chief Judge .of .the Native OuandCourt, and the President of the JjfutiiveAppellate Court. It appeared that theChief Judge had no control over thaNative Appellate 'Court. There, Av^ce,in fact, two heads. The Chief Judgecould not fix I;he sitting of the NativeAppellate Court for a particular r/laceif the president of the latter objs.oto,d.The system should be the sups as fihafcfollowed by the Supreme Court of NewZealand. Two or three more memberswevo required for the Native LandCourt.

The Minister, replying to Mr. Hefco,said the question raised was under con-sideration* at the moment. The judges'"up to the present had made .excellentprogress with bheir work. jDuring thesix months prior to 31st Marchlast, 'thecourts had dealt with 3546 cases, and1784 cases had been adjourned, 'maltinga total of 5330 cases. The Native Ap-

j pellato Court had de-aJt with 275 -caies,;of which 216 had been disposed .of.j Muchof the delay that had taken placeIwas due to the fact that the surveyorsj had not been ablo to keep up with the) courts. -; "j Mr. Hogg asked On what principlej some of Che gentlemen occupying thoposition of judge had been appointed.One judge who had been In the servicefor nine years received £50 less ,per an-num than one who had been there onlythree years. '

The Minister said the Governmenttried to get the most suitable mea avail-able. When ane« judge was appointedto the Supreme Court of New Zealandho was .paid the regular service. Newblood had to be- .procured, and it hadto he paid for. The whole of theNativeDepartment had been under reconstruc-tion during tho last twelve months.

Mr. Massej said one- of the qualifica-tions for appointment as judge of th&Native Land Court was to be a support-

ler of the present Government. One_ oftho recent appointments made aim sick,and tired, and ashamed of being con-nected with the government of thiscountry., The'Minister said it was the same old

story;all appointments were politicalappointments. It. was true the gentle-man referred to was at one time amember of the House, and his goodsensa made him a supporter of the Gov-ernment. He was doing excellent work,and his record would compare with thatof any of the other judges.

"Mr. Heke remarked that if Mr. tlo*»sey objected to the gentleman referredto, he should also object,' on the sameprinciple, to an appointment to <.neSupreme Court bench of a gentlemanwho was known to bo not a supporterof the Government.

The vote paassed without alteration.


THE LATEST FIGURES.Substantial increases ia several of

New Zealand's staple exports for July'are -disclosed in a leaflet issued by theDepartment of Industries and Com-merce. The following are details ofthe main lines, with the figures for July,1906, indicated by brackets :


£25,375 (£6589), cheese £3702 (£578),boef £55,571 (£25,124), mutton £147,-933 (£122,752), lamb £167,614 (£l27^789), hemp £47,536 (£76,461), kaurigum £63,426, hides £19,339, skins £12,-101, tallow £46,013, timber £25,147,wool £207,882, gold £212,809.

The amounts for theprincipal export-ing ports were :

— Butter—

Auckland£7705, New Plymouth £5937, Welling-ton £10,457. Cheese— Patea £2531,"Wellington £735, Dunedin £232, Bluff£183. Beef

—Gisborno £15,240, Napier

£12,478, Auckland £11,005, Wellington£10,030, Wanganui £3286. Mutton—

Christchurch £34,390, Wellington £22 «830,' Gisborne £21,148, Timaru £20j-697, Napier £20,237, ,Bluff £14,546,Lamb— Lyttclton £69,775, Timaru£38,222, Bluff £34,040, Napier £15,340,Hemp— Auckland £21,049, Wellington£16,276, Blenheim and Picton £6137Bluff £2267. Wool— Lyttelton £52,m<6!Bluff £31,873. Timaru £30,801, Napier£29,331, Wellington £18,347, Dunedin£16,407. Kauri gum— Auckland £63,-426.

' *For the quarter ended 30th June,com-pared uith the corresponding threemonths of 1906, the figures are ;— Butter£290 230.(£185.468),* eh*«» £186,864(£77,756), beef £116,311) (£122,520),

mutton (carcases) £34?,5<t8 (3>434,351)»««b £698,078 (£708,491), hemp £W!3& {£214,691); kauri gran £149,%£<*« £54,459, skins £271,004, tallow




By Teleer.ioh.— Press Association.— Copyright.(Received August 10, 8.30 a.m.)

LONDON", 9th August.The Pall Mall Gazette, commenting

on Sir, William Lyne's tariff, says itawaits the text of the schedules, andadds

—"The party which flouted the

colonies when they offered more is notentitled to express disappointmentoverless,"

A DELUSION. *& ■'<

LONDON, 9th August.The Westminster Gazette states that

the Australian offer ,of preference ismost delusive, and amounts to remov-ing one row of bricks after two havebeen added.


MELBOURNE, This Day.In reply to a question in the House

Sir W. Lyne stated that he wished tocarry the tariff and Budget proposalsito a finish when he started, as theyso much affected trade. The debateon the financial proposals was post-poned till Tuesday.


MELBOURNE, This Day.-.Some leading protectionists think the

duties should have been higher.


MELBOURNE, This Day.Among other duties raised are:


ley to2s, vegetablesj dried, compressed,and powder, 2s;other vegetables, 20per centum; potato flour, 2d; con-fectionery, 3fd; fishj fresh, dried, andsmok.ed, lid;poultry, fresh and dried,2d; honey, jams, and jellies, 2d;Stecrine waxes, lard, oil, and refinedpils, Id per ,lb; table saX, 15 per

,cenfcum; soap., 25 per centum; wpod-ware," 40 per centum;paints 4s 6d.


.(Received August 10, 10.25 a.m.)SYDNEY, This Day.

As a result of the tariff, the pricesof a number of commodities have ad-vanced, but rates as a rule have notyet 'settled dpwn. The sudden im-position of such high duties came as asurprise, and there is a large amountof dissatisfaction in some quarters.

ALAND MEASURE.SMALL SCOTTISH LANDHOLDERS.By Telegiaph.-Press Ass-eiatioii.— Couyrifiht.

LONDON, 9th August.The Small Landholders (Scotland) Bill

lias passed through committee in theHouse of Commons. The measure wasclosured after the twenty-first clause.

There is considerable difference of opi-nion among Scotch £ieniber<; of Parlia-ment ltgnHing the value o: otherwiseof the m-. .-"?. The object the Billis 1 to encourage email holdings, andamend the law regarding the tenure ofsuch holdings.!' -


THE CASE OF T. P. PEDDLE.Thomas Perry Peddle, who, at Hawkes

.B?y, assaulted a sheriff of thf SupremeCourt, -when that official was enforcinganoi-dcr of the court, was finally broughtbefore Mr. Justice Qooner to-day forsentence. All*. Myers was oubehalf of the CroTV.ii, and Mr. Baume,X.C, -with him Mr. Wilford, appearedfor:the prisoner.

His Honour intimated that the reportsput in 'by medical men ■who had exam-inedprisonersince he was last before thecourt showed that he was not such anone as should be kept under restraint man asylum, though he was of a peculiarteinpsrament, and that if he continued tobrood over his unsuccessful lawsuit hemight -feecomo worse later on. HisHonour quite agreed with this statementof <the probabilities. He had had con-siderable opportunity of gauging thetemperament qf the prisoner, and he re-cognised, that though prisoner was notmentally unsound, he suffered from afeeling that he had not perhayvs receivedstrict justice in connection withhis lawlsuits., He really did not understandthe nature of the lawsuits., and he didnot dearly understand from the Sheriffwhat the effects -of the ■Supreme Courtand Court of Appeal judgments Kndbeen.Unfler'these circ*mstances, and with thisfpeling in his mind he committed the as-sault. ,ltseemed to his Honour that thecitße could be met under the First Offen-ders" I'arobafcionAct. by admitting prison-er to probation, and making it a condi-tion of release that ha should find twosureties of £200 c«ch, to be approved bythe Crown, that he would be of futuregood behaviour.

Mr. Baume said there might be somedifficulty in getting two sureties for thatamount, and his Honour (after question-ing Mr. Myers) said he would-accept onesurety of £200 and accused's own bondin a similar amount that he would notcommit any breach of the peace duringthe next two years. He would be alsorequired to pay the costs of the presentproceedings, the sum not to exceed £25.Addressing the prisoner,his Honour saidtJiSt 'however much Peddle might fftelthat he should not havelost his lawsuit,he must recognise that lie -was now be-yond remedy. He would have to takethe moneynow in the court nt Napier

—a considerable Earn

—which belonged tohim, and it was very important in his

own interests that lie should give"assist-ance, to have all the accounts properlytaken. His Honour vranted to- advisehim to try to redeem the past; it wouldbe far better for him to wipe the elateclean and to start afresh, with a resolvethat he wouldnot allow any thoughts ofthe paH to interfere-with thefuture;forif ho kept thinking a.bout the lawsuitsher might get into a state of mind thatwould have very serious effects uponlu'm. (Prisoner, nt this stage, assuredthe judge that "that would be all right.")

His Honour concluded by saying thatprisoner in the past had shown himselfv hard-working man, and if ho startedafresh he would no doubtdo as well as.he had treviwlsli. ■



Since Adam delved and Poor Eve span,Sinco first the human raco began,Mankind hag suffered countless ills,But suffered most from coughs and chills,Foundations they for all disease,But now the hacking cough must cease,For science now makes all secureWith W. E." "Woods1 Great Peppermintpure,— Adrt,

The Reorganisation Sal^ will run forjust another week; it will cloKe at 1p.m. on Saturday, 17th August, and theinterval is long enough for the prudentto take advantuge of the bargain offer-ings. We keep faitli. with tfut cus-tomers

—we neyei bring them here with

extravagant pionme*— when we announcebargains. Good au the sale hus beenup to now, it wil) be a great deal betternext week. It will be a lively timefor all bargain lovers' during ■ the lastweek of the Great Reorganisation Sale.Kirkcaldie and Stains, Ltd.— Advt.


Used the worldover to Cure Colds in OnoD*y. E. W. Grove's signature ou box.U lid.-Advt

The best thing for nervous,pale younggirl 3is Steams Wine, for it increasestheir strength, renews and enriches theblood and sharpens the appetite. Jt isiamatchless tonic.


Ladies' Tailors.—

The oldest, best, andlargest firm in Australasia, Eton Gowns,and Costumes from £5 ss, Skirts from £1lQs, Nodjno and.Co., 30, Wellington-tor-.[ r»co.


Next time you feel a slight irritationin your throat, get a box of ZymoleTrokeys and stop ft. They give generalsatisfaction.— Advt


The tramway authorities having decidedon the necessity £ reducing the (peed ofoiectrio rars in the city, wo think it willbo found far moro convenient for ourcitizens to mount themselves pn bicycles,and 60 ensure a quicker moans of locomo-tion and an assurance of reaching buainossup to time. Call and inspect our up-to-date stock of Swifti, Stars, Humbers, andTriumphs.. Ad»ia», Ltd., Mtfcv-etteet-rAdvt





The Star's DaTgaville correspondenttelegraphs from Kaihu stating that onW-sdnesday evening three lads, agedabout eighteen years,broke into Tiemey's6tore and stole two rifles and two thous-and cartridges. They also took threehorses from a.paddock and procoeded toTutamoe, where the following morningthey raided Oliver's store, taking a gunand various goods. They then discardedthe horses, which returned home. Thegang is now camped in the ranges, whichure difficult to traverse. It is Tumouredthat they stuck up a pedestrian in afruitless quest of cash. Tho police havethematter in hand, but the natives con-sider that the capture of the young"desperadoes"' will be most difficult with-out the assistance of expertbushmen andnatives. It is declared' that,the actionoftho boys is tbe outcome of a desire toemulate the Kelly gang.


Th» youths were arrested while takingmeals m a boardinghouse. They sub-mitted quietly,and did not seem to real-ise the gravity of the position.

RAIN IN THE SOUTH.' I[bi telegraph.— press association] (

OAMARU, This Day.Heavy rain, which appears to have

been general throughout the district, felllast night and early this morning. Cropsand grass will be greatly benefited as aconsequence. Farmers in town to-dayweremoro hopeful. Although fina to-daythe weather is still threatening.


GBEYMOUTH. This Day.A sailor named Erio Asturland, A.B.on the.barque Ganymede, got caughtbetween a railway truck and a mooringpost and was crushed. He died in halfan hour.

GISBORNE, This Day.J. Balfe, painter, who was"burned in

& fire on Thursday morning, died,at the-hospital this morning.





Two flour mills were oflFered at auc-tion this week by the .Otago Farmers'Co-operative Association, instructed bythe trustees in the assigned estate ofJohn Ryley, trading as Anderson andCo. One is situated at Naseby, andthe other at Glenpark, near Palmerston.Neither was sold, the bids offered notreaching the reserve.



In the Supreme Court, David Rem-!uant, charged with a se,ri- jous offence upor^ his step-daughter.' a jgirl under sixteen years of age, wassentenced to seven years' imprisonment.

A charge of indecently assaulting ajnarried woman at Wha&atane on 10th|June, was preferred against William jGeorge Rashleigh, who pleaded not|guilty. The jury retired at 5 o'clock jto consider their verdict. At 9 o'clock!the jurjf announced that they were un- jablo to agree. A new trial was or- jdered for next wetk. |

The case against Dr. James Dalziel, Jcharged with performing an illegal op- !eration, will be taken on Monday. ■




At the Magistrate's Court Isabella jBurgess was fined £10 for sly grojg-!selling. Defendant stated that her jhusband suffeied from asthma and she jsold liquor to make ends meet. A jweek was allowed for payment of thefine.

Edmund Morley was fined 20s andcosts for sending liquor into a No-license district insufficiently labelled.

Alice Voyco sued A. L. Zouch, den-tist, to-day, for £100 damages forwrongfully extracting two permanentteeth. The defence was that the teethwere taken out tinder specific instruc-tion. Judgment was reserved.



rBESS ASSOCIATION^DU.YF.DIN, 9th August.Dredging ic*;trns—

Masterton, 930z7dwt; Electrit- Xo. 1,750z 9dwfc; Elec-tric No. 2, 7107.;Hartley and Riley,470z; Mystery Flat, 440z Bdwt;Wai-kaia, 440z 2dwt; Kura, 370z 15dwt;New Roxburgh Jubilee, 360z 17d\vt;New Perseveivisco No. 1, 340z 6dwt;Gold King, .30ra; New PerseveranceNo. 2, 270z Bd\vt;Harden Gully, l?oz;Koputai, 16oz 18d'.vt; Ma.tau, Boz6dwt.

DUXEDIX, This Day. '-Late returns:— Otago No. 1, 7oi:r and

"No. 2 38oz;Wtiikidia United: No. 1,.16oz 6dwt,and No.2, 370z ldwt;Kopu-tai, 16oz Bdwt; Notowa Creek, 340z;Bignell's Notown, 370z 4dTtt; NewTrafalgar,230z lldwt;Punt,looz 9dwt;Enterprise, 270z sdwt; Clutlia River,15oz 13dwt.

BEEFTOX, This Day.Pactolus 1., 320z 3dwe for 138 hours;

No. 11., 390z 15dwt for 125 hours;Callaghans, 270z ldwt for 130 hours.



co*ckburn Bros.' homestead at Te-bouka, near Baldutha, containing sevenrooms was burned to the ground. Thobuilding was insured for £100 in theLondon ar.d Lancashire office. Therewas no insurance on the furniture andeffects, all of which were destroyed.

A Dunedin Press Association messageto-day states that the Southland HighSchool team defeated the Otago HighSchool football teamby fourteen pointsto twelve.


Mr. Ferguson, late faotory manager forScoullsr Co., Ltd., and Mr, Crawford(instructor of wood carving at the Teoh-nical School), notify in our advertisingcolumns that they havo started business"a cabinetmakers, upholsterers, and woodcarvers at 64, Taranaki-3treot.

Tho partnership hitherto cziitntgr be--tween Messrs.' George Smith and Chris-topher Henry Clausen, sawmillers, haabeen dissolved.

Mr. Raynor White, who has been or-ganist and choirmaster at St. Thomas'sChurch, Wellington South, for some timepast, is returning to England in October.An advertisem*nt in another column in-vites applications for the vacancy.

Tho Rev. O. L. Tuke, vicar of St. Au-rtine's Church, Napier, will preach atThomai's Church, Wellington «; outh,

(Newtown}, ta:r>orrr.-7I«veajnjt,


By Telegraph.—Prees Association.— Copyright.(Received August 10, 2.Z0 p.m.)

SYDNEY, This Day.The New Zealand team for to-day's

match against Australia is as - fol*lows:— Back, Booth; three-quarters,Fryer, Mitchiuson and Wallace ; five-eighths, Hunter and Mynott;half,Roberts; forwards, Gillett, Casey,Hughes, Cunningham, O'Sullivan, Fran-cis, Johnson and Nicholson., In theAustralian team, Burge replaces Mtir-nin.




CHRISTCHURCH, This Day. .There is miserable weather for theMetropolitan Trottmg Club's Meeting.The track is very holding. There is- afair attendance. Results :—:

—Stewards' Handicap 2 miles.


land Whispers, 15sec, 1;Tornado, 18sec,2;Foreman, 12sec, 3. Won by tenlengths. Time, smin 26sec. Dividends,£1 14s and £4 IQs.

August Handicap, of 175 soys,' one anda half miles.— Lady Lillian, 12sec, 1;YoungM'Kinney, Bsec, 2;Hamlin, 4&sc,3. Won by a length, xime, 3min


4-ssec. Dividends, £1 8s and £4 7s. ■

Lady's Bracelet, of 60 soys; one mileand a half.— To Porangi, 4sec, 1; Flout-er, 12sec. 2; Lucky Child, scr, 3. Ed-ward R (scr) came in second, but wasdisqualified. W<bn by eight lengths'.Dividends, £19 15s and £1 Is. .


A driving rain from the south-westinterfered with training work at'Riccar-ton. All the morning the outside,courseproper was closed, and all tho workwas done on No 6 track. There 'wasgood going, but as there were no dis»tance discs provided on this track riotimes were taken that could be con-sidered accurate. Most of the horseswere at work, many only doing lightitasks, but those likely to be prominentin the coming meeting were put toschooling tasks over fences and hur-dles.



PROGRESS OF THE WORK. .'The Engineer-in-Chisf (Mr. R. W.

Holmes) returned to Wellington lastnight from an inspection of a portionof the North Island Main Trunk Rail-way works.

Mr.Holmes went up to apoint a littleon the southern side of Makatote, toto which station-the line has been openfor some little time. The southern rail-head is now 85£ miles from Marton:

!The distance between Makatoteand Ra^! "icataua is32 miles,and on,Monday nextI tli»', section will be opened for passengerItratric. whichmeans that passengers will*jbt.- cirried to a point 82£ miles beyond;Marton. Owing to the heavy earth-

'vorks in hand it will be some time be;ioT? rails can be laid beyond Ohakune.| The concrete foundations for the Ha-puawhenua viaduct (87£ miles fromi\farton) have been commenced, and Mr.H"'jalß3 considers that nt least 12months will be required to complete the"voi-k. The Toanui viaduct, which theGovernment is carrying out, is 89£ milesfrom Marton. The concrete founda-tions for it are almost completed, and.the orectiou of the steel work isinhand.The Mangaturutunx and the Manganuibridges are being erected partly-by '.An-derson's, Ltd., that firm supplying .thesteel superstructure. The concrete workof tbe former bridge is about three-fourths completed, while that in connec-tion wiih the' latter bridge is almost outof hand. ,

Piatelaying from Raurimu southwardwill be resumed next month, and if allgoes well the rails should be broughtdown as far as Makatote by next Christ-mas.

The Engineer-in-Chief is thoroughlysatisfied with the- progress which is be-ing mide at ?11 points on the linej andhe still b?lieves that communication byrail between Wellington and Aucklandwill hi established by the end of next,year. TK- full complement of men isbeing employed in reducing the gap.



' .Xe\t Monday the criminal sessions -of

the Supreme Court will be opened atWellington, before JMr. Justice Cooper.There are twenty-hve charges againsttirenty-one persons to be tried. Fol-lowing is the list, and the oifences charg-ed:— Henry Peaco*ck, incest; SydneyM'Namara, keeping commoD gaminghouse; Harold' Pitt Johnson, " theft;Henry Peaco*ck, having possession ofcounterfeiting plant;Charles Dunn andFrank Morrow, wounding with intent;Philip Brewster antl Claries Dunn, .keep-ing a common gaming Louse;James Ken-nedy, theft from the person; WilliamM'Kay, wbtaining £20 by false pre-tences;; Joseph Norman, indecent as-sault; Patrick Francis Brosnahan andAlfred Chossey, conspiracy to defraud;Gustaf Grenberg, perjury (privateprosu.eution); William Henry Oakenfuil, theftfrom the person;James Ilo\van, breachesof tho Bankruptcy Act; Henry Turner,indecency; William Jowett Hirst, for-gery;George Ferris, John Byron Hamil-ton, and William Robert Sinclair, break-ing and entering a warehouse.

Cyril Cosgrove, alias Furlong, will beset forward for sentence.

- <

The Mayor has convened a publicmeeting to be held in the Town Hallon Monday evening to discuss the landand tariff proposals of the Govern-ment. The meeting will be open, toall citizens^, and a motion will be sub-mitted covering the subject to bo dis-cussed. The meeting will be address-ed by Mr. P. J. O'Regan and others.His Worship the Mayor will preside.

The trawler, Nora Nivcn, which hasbeen chartered by the Government forexperiments in deep-sea fishing, returnedlast night from an expedition to theChatham Islands. The vessel wasaway a fortnight and during her stayat the Chathama trawled the "coastalwaters with considerable success. Linefishing was also tried and a number oflarge groper caught. The staple catchwas, however, blue cod though terakihi,'sole, trumpeter, and moki were alsotaken in the nets. This morning a por-tion of the fish was landed from thecold storage chamber in the hold, wherethey had been packed in cases. A fulllorry load was discharged under thedirection of tho company's agent., TheNora Naven leaves for Napier on Mon-day and the remaining month of h.ercharter will probably oa spent in theseasnorth of Auckland.

The annual meeting of the Star Boat-ing Club will be held on Wednesday, 28thAugust.

Two addresses to ladies will be (riven'— Mjss M'O«ll at tho V»ivi Hcoms, on«— - j'^fld^Fru'-y^jiflißSgSV "*


ARRIVALS.August 10— Ennerdale, c.c. (1p.in),1147 tone,

Hull,irom Lyttelton.DEI'ABrURES

August 10— Komata, c.c. (12.15 p.m.), 1184 tonsH'inter, for Tuuaru.

August 10— Charles Edward, 6.5. Jl p.m.), 245tonat Brown, for Ncleon, Westport, and Greo'-mouth. ' ENTERED OUTWARDS. '

August 10— Rotomnhano, r.s. (11 p.m.), 1777,toii», Collina, for Lvttclton. Passengers:Sa-loon—Misses Russell, Kivfr, Burns, Wiggins,iNelson, M'Leod, Clark, Gl&nnie, Bloxam, JUs-dames M'Donald, Studholme, Richmond, Hen-derson, Brunton, M'Leod, Rout, M'Kelrm, andLady RuaseU, Mcesre. Lewie, B<^t, Lone-ly,Hawkins, ifcity, Owen, Campbell, Johnston. (2),Harriaou, Delancy, Harrison, Gone, Bloxham,Beasey, Haywood, Coy, Lewis, Winter, Yntta,H«bbln, Moorehouso (2), Douglas, Antom, Mar-ron,Bromley, M'Le<od, Stream, Valance, Masters,Houllahsu, Kerr, Reid, Driver, M'Donald, Law,Cowry, Cowan, Taylor, Nelson,Studholme, Rich-nrtond, Hem-ys, Beethnm (2), M'Kelvin, Hender-son,- F*ldwiok, Ward, Curd, Smith, Le«sman,tiango,"Fernie, Westerman, Hothwell, M'Qowan,Sullivan, ValUhce, Douglas, Watson. Sir Win.Ru&eU.

Auguit 10— Wainui, s.s., 684 tons, for Picton,JfeJsou, Wostport, and Greymouth. Passen-Kbrs

—Saloou:For Picton

—Mesdutner Eastcott,

Tfuower. For Kelson— Mira James, MesdameaEastoott, Hanwrton, Messrs. Ca^h, Euston.?or Westport— Misses Randall, Fair, Mesd»meaAtkinson, Thomson, Messrs. Creigliton, Gas-ooigne, Th/,r»son, lteld, T«te, Fair, Master Gas-quoine. For Greymouth

—Misses Brjg, O'Brien,

Atkinson, Barnett. Griffiths, Mesdames Body,Hope, Krfeaigh, Messrs. Stcele, Hope, Craig,IJa.ll, M'Jlahcn, Wise, Tanner, Moore, Gordon,Anderson, Kerr.

August 11— Rotoiti (8 p.m.), 1159 tons, Hol-ford, for Kelson, NewPlymouth,and Onehunga.Passengers— S»loan:For Kelson— Miss Chitttn,Mcsdamce Atkinson, Wilson, Mr. Hammcrsley.For Ooehunga— Mrs.Batelv, Mfssra Bately andJu&ter.In tho Straits yesterday the Marere passed

the steamer Indra, bound from Newcastle toValparaiso. Tho vessel wished to be reported,"all well."

There was no appearance of the Waimii, from'

Onehunga, up to the time of going to pressthis afternoon, consequently her departure forthe1West Coast has be*n postponed for somehour*

The DjuvtonGrange left Auckland this morn-ing for, Wellington, where. «ho should arriveon Monday. She discharges here about 3339tons of cargo, an* then commeflcee taking inoarfM. Tho vessel's next londinfr ports are:Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff. The vesselsails from the latter port for the. Weat Coastof the United-Kingdom via.Aiisir»lia.' Th« Pateenn, which sailed fro mNelson. at.9530 this .morning- for Picton onher return, trip,is timed 'to leave Picton. at 5.?0 this eveningfor Wellington, and should arrive hero aboutfour hours liter." The Kotuku was-expected to leave Greymouthot noon to-day, and tho Koonya will probablyISrt aWay to-n"ght from fth<T Grey. Bothvessels are coming to W»,l!i>jglon. "

■ ,-The'Union Company advise, that the Waipori

>" f^P*?1111 11"1 "> leave Westport 'nn. Monday forWellington. n" Tho Mnpourika. which leftt Nelson at 8,o clock this morning f-j- WHnngton, w expectedjo arrive fbout. 6 o'clock fbis eTen'jig.' The trawler Nora Kivfr, wli;.;h has been on■a. trawling cruise »« Clio Chctbnm I«lat>d* ar-rived afc Wellington last niuhi. 'Shp >s * ex-pected to leave agaiu ci Monday for Napierand'Auckland. ,

('The Rtkano* arrived in thestream larf. nighbfrom Newcastle, where she i^t at nc»n liwtSaturday.'.Tbc oollier earp^rw'r>«t n moderatewearier passage nil the way acrws, which iea rather remarkable fret bcc?u«? the TT.mmera,

which left Sydney,the same d*v for Wellington,had a rough trip. On tho Mont'.av 'out fromNewcastle thevessel passed*hescow Whangarc*.'BY TKT.KfJKAPH_ . „, HOKtA>T<?V. 10th August.The barqueRollo, 22 daysout from TasninnU,,

was off the bar last nijilit.but lc not in sightj thw morning.

BLUFF. 10th Au-ust. II Sa\l<d-Storm, for Timaru. \


! At this morning's call r.f the Welling-j tori Stock Exchange, TaupTri Coal sharer \I found acceptance at 2Cs. Wcetp'ort1 Uoiik are improving, and enquiries werei made at £7 14s 6d, but sellers decMvrdJto do business at tLat figure. Unipaj yteam are still wanted ni £18 ss, butI these shares are we^ held, and buyers'. requirements had to ,go unsatisfied. AJ iTpmaciion in Xapier Gas {£10 paid; jj was reported at E25, and Leyland- \iO'Brien shares had buyers at 455.i -In banks' there.in not much animation.[Ther? are sellers of Now Zealands ati dBIQ 12s, whil3t Nationals are at £5 6sbuyers, holdep asking a shilling more.

In the mining section Talisman wouldhave found ready acceptance at 47s 3d

ibut sellers were not forthcoming at thatj p'rfce. Similarly £S 24s 6d was bid forjWaihis without any response, and 'thejmarket for these 'shares is decidediv jJ firming. " j,Auckland quotations:

—May. Queen, Jbuyers lid, sellers Is Id; Waiotahi, buy

ers 10s 3d, sellers 10s 9d; Waitangi, ;buyers 3s Id, sellers 3s 6d;Crown, buy- "

ers 7s Id, sellers 7s sd; Tairua Broken'

Hills, buyers 53 6d, sellers 5s 9J; Tali*, jman, buyers 47s 9d, sellers 48s 6d; Wai-hi.-buyers £8 16s. eeUers £8 17s; Ex-tended?, buyer*, ,5s scl, sellers 5a Bd.

ORIENTAL ART TREASURES.".There is a suburb of^ Tokio in Wel-lington just now. Three rooms ofMessrs. T. K. Macdonald and Com-

pany's premises in Lambton-quay are jrich bazaars where treasures of tho

'East are displayed in profusion.. Thisis the "Monta collection" of Japaneseworks of art, brought out by Mr. Ide.They will be offered at auction onTuesday and Wednesday (the sale willbegin each day at 11 o'clock), in " themeantime the public are free to see thebeauties of the exhibition. The. cata-logue accounts for 715 articles, all withsome charm to catch the eye. Thevases and the bowls, the ivory, silverand-bronze, the

'draperies, the curtainsand the robes have such richness ofsubstance and a wealth of prettinessthat a visitor is tugged to the rightandleft. He is lost in a maze,of delight-ful things, each claiming admiration be-fore the other. The silk, satin, metal,ivory and woodwork prove that the'Japanese have a delicacy of touchwhich westerners may well envy. Ofbourse many of the treasures will notbe given away with a packet of pins.They will necessarily require the bid-der's purse to be opened fairly wide,but there are many choice little vrorks,such as handkerchiefs> serviette ringsand vases, which should not be beyondthe means of the average buyer.. Whena similar sale took place here a coupleof yearsago, there was a very spiriteddemand, and the present assortmentshould not be behind the other. in cap-turing the people's fancy.

Tenders are invited by the Deputy Offi-cial 'Assignee at Wanganui, for the pur-chace of assets in the estate of HermanNeverman, of Wanganui.

A practice and meeting of tho Engin-eers' Band will bo held on Monday even-ing.

A meeting of members of the Welling-ton Woollen Manufacturing Company willbe held at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 10thSeptember.

Miss Kate Stewart publishes in our ad-vertising columns an announcement re-garding her classes at the Volunteer Hall,Lower Hutt.

The Commissioner of Crown Lands ad-vertises in this issue the sale of a numberof allotments in the city.It is admitted by all who soe it that

Messrs. W. F. Shortt, Ltd., have the fin-est display of now furniture in Welling-ton. The firm will havo a special gaslightdisplay this evening, which tho publio arocordially invited to inspect.

— Advt.. On Monday evening next the representa-tives of the Kent-terrace Prosbytorianand -the Vivian-street Baptist Debating So-cieties will meet to discuss the' followingsubject:

— "That the rise of J^pan as aWorld Power is a serious menace toBritish Rulo in India." Tho debate willbe held in the Kont-terraco Schoolroom,Pirie-streot.

Mr. G. H. P. Fitzgerald notiflos throughour advertising columns that his phar-macy, opposite the Government RailwayStation, bM been. rigUtd ftftd Matockod

The court-martial into the seriouscharge against a prominent officer of thePermanent Forces has been adjourneduntil next week.

The practical examination of the Asso-ciated' Board, R.A.M., and R.C.M., willbe conducted by Mr. Richard Cummings,who 'will arrive in Auckland early, in

■September, reaching Wellington about10th October. This will be Mr Cum-ming's first visit to Now Zealand.

Mr. M'Lachlan attracted attention inthe House last night by divesting him-self of his boots and depositing them ontho table in front of him. A messengerquietly put the boots on tho floor, ButMr. M'Lachlan as promptly returnedthem to his desk. Mr. Wilford rose toa point of order, and gravely asked:"Isthe hon. member for Ashburton in orderin discussing boots except on the tariffquestion?" Mr. Barclay, who was tem-porarily in occupation of the chair dur-ing Mr. R. M'Kenzie's absence from thechamber, replied that he had not heardthe member for Ashburtonmaking anyremarks. Mr. M'Lachlan stood up andcommenced :"Sir ." But the Hon.Mr. Guinness had caught the Acting-Chairman's eye, and he sternly ordered,—

"The horn member for Ashburton willresumehis seat." "Iwill," was the re-sponse, "but Iwill rise again!" Hodid a few moments later, and regaledthe House with an explanation,of whyhe had taken off the aforementionedboots.

During the next week the municipalfree public library lectures will be con-tinued. TheRev. W. Tudor Jones willdiscuss "Steps in tho Growth of theMind,"at St. Thomas's Hall,Newtown,onMonday night, and on "Wednesday inthe concert room of the Town Hall,Pro-fessor Leaco*ck will give an address on"The Empire in ths Twentieth Cen-tury."

Land matters in the Nelson districtare looking up. An area of 35,000acres was opened for selection on the7fch inst., and tho Commissioner ofCrown Lands (Mr. F. W. Flanagan) hastelegraphed the Minister of. Land? thatnearly 29;000 acres have been appliedfor. The land is in' tho vicinity ofMurchison. "

Tuesday next will decide -an event inthe history of Otaki. The Pahiko Estateis to be submitted to publio auction at2' o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce.This estate,so long worked by Mr. Archi-bald Hall, has, the auctioneers point out,produced somo of the primest fat stock-in the-North Island, ana it has also a re-putation for sheep and grain crop3.' Thesale affords an.opportunity to those insearch of a serviceable small farm. Fromtho number of enquiries that have beenniwle, the auctioneers report thai theyanticipaio a successful sale.

Th» opening' services in connnction withthe Dr>n«k'. M'Lean-street new 'PrimitiveMpthod<«t Church will be"1 continued to-morrow, when Mr. JSmbiiry wilt preach

in the morning and theRev. J..Dumbellin the evening. 'Speoi»l .antJiews and soloswill be hung. , .;-To-morrow steamers will run as usualto Day's Buy:also to Sector.:- and Ka-raka. Bay. The timetable eppenrs ih an-other column. At Day's Bay preparations

in the.form of ■side-shows snd noveltiesare in progress for the coming summer.It jnll be'1seen by an advertisem*nt

published in this issue that' a class is be-ing formed for praotical instruction inSuggestive Therapeutics, law, power anduses of Suggestion. It is urged that ap-plications should be made at once.


BySpecial Appointinen{;,'Soppliers to His'Excellenoy thelGovernor.JNEW TO-DAY,





LATEST STYLISH COSTUMES,"\7r\-xTTiT m-n-in InTweeds,Voiles. Clofcb, &c."NOVELTIES . Somo Smart Effects' for EarlySpring Wear.

for DAINTY~BLOUSES,"F1AT?T "V ' InSi'k* Mnßnn > Zephyr, &o.-t"l-J-wijX A variety of eha»te designs, at especially

ModeratePrices.SPRING *

NoVr£tTks in



JNOVr InOrientaland Guipure Lace.Some oharminpr effects, exclusive in design

Oftf 'VTTr'W' an(* reaßona^^e'nprice.





Warehouse Closed To-day (Saturday)at 1p..m., Weekly Hnlf-Foliday.

QPERA HOUSE.Direction of Edmuud Montgomery.



THE TRAITOROUS GUEST.New and Beautiful Illustrated- Songs!New Programmoby our

VAUDEVILLEENTERTAINERSA New Art by those Inimitable MusiciansMORTON and HARMAN.Bellringer's Daughter!

Moonlight Dreams!Three 'Aporth of Leeks!Jewel Robbers!s- Orphan Girl!

Carnival at Nice!Everything New from Start lo Finish.Prices

—2s and Is;Reserved Seats, 3s.


/APERA HOUSE.Under the Sole Direction of





TWO MATINEES.Mr. Musgrovo does not think it neces-

sary to enumerate tho strength of thovarious departments that havo oombinedin London, Boilin, Amsterdam, NewYork,-and Melbourne for the representa-tion of the various operas to bo given,but simply begs to announce that each\>oik will bo given on aSCALE OF GREAT COMPLETENESS.THE PROGRAMMEFORTHE SEASON




WEDNESDAY, 26th August—





PRICES OF ADMISSION,— Dre««Circlo and Reserved Stalls, 7s 6dj♥Un-reserved Front Stalls, ss; Stalls, 4s;Family Circle, 3s and 2s.

Pr.'ccs for the> Special Matinees of"Hansel and Gretel."— Dress Circlo' andReserved Stalls, <6s;Stalk," 3s; FamilyCircle, 2s and Is., The Box Plan for ALL PERFORM-ANCES,of the SEASON will bo-openedat ,the Dresden on 'WEDNESDAY


13th and 15th AUGUST, 1907.


Proceeds to be devoted to the Reductionof the Debt on tho Choir Vestry.

Admission, 2s and Is.Doors open 7.30 p.m. Performance 8p.m.- ..'.'- r


.- "-*"' ',FIRST ANNUAL BAIL,"1-

Tobe held in theISLAND BAY HALL,

On FRIDAY, 23rd AUGUST, 1907.i Plait's SiringBand and a, good floor.

Late Tram. " " < ■'

PricsE— ss, 3s, 2s.


MEMBERS are reminded that; a, Korerowill be held in the Club RoomsS IJrHS (SATURDAY) EVENING, at

j3 p.m.S ' JAMES DYKES,I Secretary.


A LECTURE will be given in the TownHall (Copcerfc Hall) on WEDNES-DAY, tho 14th instant; by Professor Lea-

co*ck, Ph.D. of the M'Gill University,Toronto.

_Subject: "Tho Empire in th«

Twentieth'Century." Lecture begins at 3p.m. Admission FREE.

JNO. R. PALMER,Town Clerk.

10th August, 1907.'


IjILEYENTH Annual Ball will be holdAJ in Alexandra. Hall, Abel Smith-st.,on FRIDAY, 16th August, 1907.by Miss Hawthorne's Band. Dancing at8.30 p.m.

C. H. BETHELL (CoL-Sergt.),Box 265, G.P.O. Hou. Sec.


MEMBERS Mid Friends of the aboveAssociation are reminded that their

.Annual Social takes placo at tho Sydney-street Hall on FRIDAY EVENING, tho23rd, at 8 o'clock. * W. G. EMENY,

Secretary Social Committee."&TEW ZEALAND SOCIALISTPARTY.



Music. Questions. Discussion.

V.M.C.A.mO-NIGHT, at 8-Devotional Meeting,A Mr. H.Hart.SUNDAY, at 4— Men's Meeting, Rev. J.

Wilson and Mr. D. LyaU, B.A.Strangers' Tea and Opeu-aur.,


OWING to tho illness of the Superin-tendent (Mr. J. Wearn) the usual

Concert will NOT bo held on MondayNight. On WEDNESDAY NIGHT aGrandEntertainment will be given by Mr.Turner's Banjo and MandolinBand, whichshould ensure a crowded house.


A FULL Practics and Meeting' of tin-ljL abovo Baud will be held on MON-DAY EVENING, 12th August, instead ofTuo-day. Every member requested to at-tend.

H. G. XVAR, Hon. Sec.J. PARKER, Bandmaster.

bali.room~dancing;"ft/FRS. H. B. MASON'S method ofXfJL teaching ensures profioiency in ONEQUARTER at Class, or in SIX PRIVATELESSONS. Beginners' Classes— Monday*and Wednesdays, at 8 p.m., in privatehalL Term commences with pupil. Pri-vate lessons by arrangemont. Address:56, Ghuznee-street, near 8b Peter'iChurch. Telephone 2616.

Big Change Programme TO-NIGHTIFOUR NEW ARTISTS TO-NIGHT!Wonderful New Biograph Pictures!


Prop., John Fuller and Sons.FULLER'S VAUDEVDLLE COMPANY.Reappearance of 808 LLOYD.

Inhis Comical Ditties.FLO WESTON, Serio Comic.

THE AHLBERGS.Great Comedy Acrobats,


Seeing these Reptiles in N.Z.i Last Night ofBONITA, tho Little Sure ShotBONITA, the Marvellous Shootisto "

A New Comedy byTHE STAGPOOLE COMEDY THREE."OUR DAY OUT."FLO CALCUTT. VAL NEWTON.2s and Is. Boxes1guinea. Plan DresdenAfternoonat Theatre. Doera 7.15.


'(Numbering 250 Performers),




Conductor ... MR. ROBERT PARKER.Box Plan at Dresden at 10.30 am onMONDAY. 12th inst.Prices:Circle 3s, Front Stalls 2s, Back iSeats Is. jTRAMWAY BENEFIT SOCIETYANNUAL SELECT* SOCIAL.

To be held in IhemOWN HALL (CONCERT ROOM),J- On,FRIDAY, 23rd AUGUST, 1907.

Music by Miss Hawthorne's Band. .Catering,Mr. G. A. Mewson.Tickets— Double, ss; Single, 3s;Extra,

Lady,2s 6d.Dancing commences at 8 p.m.

H. PHILLIPS, Secretary.F. EDWARD, Assist. Sec.


rpiHE Tenth Annua1 Social will be heldA in the Concert Chamber, TownHall,on FRIDAY, 16th August, 1907, at 8p.m. Tickets, ss, 3s, 2s, may bo obtainedfrom the following membero of Commit-tee:— Sir-K. Douglas, Messrs. C. B. Gaby,D. Tucker, A. J. Ibbotson%E, H. Fisher,Jno. Davies, R. Reid, and M. King.




SHI,— We the undersigned Taxpayers,hereby respectfully request you to

convene a P,ublic Meeting to diEcuss theLand and Tariff Proposals of the Govern-ment. .. ,

Yours truly,T. S. Warren, P. J. O'Regan,,Gforgc and Georgo, 11. P.vKarfirganr' T: P.' Lyons, R.G'osse, E. Stevensoi, R. D.

Smith, W. H. Wesibrooke, M.mv,fl. . O'Kane, T, Q. O'Brien, and

others.In accordance with tho foregoing peti-

tion,Ihereby convene a Meeting in thoConcert Hall of tho Town Hall for MON-DAY EVENING, 15th inst., commencingat 8 o'clock.

T. W. HISLOP,Mayor.


NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS./T^HE Ordinary Me3ting of Members ofA the Company will be held at theChamber of Commerce, National MutualBu.ldings, Customhouse-quay,Wellington,on TUESDAY, the 10th dj-y ot Septem-ber, 1907, at 2.30 o'clock p.m.

Business :'To Receive Directors' Report and

Balance-sheet% To Elect Two Directors

To Elect Two Auditors and fix their' remunerationTo Transact such other General Busi-

ness as may be deemed necessary.

The Register of Members will be closedfor the fourteen days immediatelypreced-ing the meeting.

By order of the Board of Directors.A. E. DONNE, Secretary.

Wellinßton, 10th August, 1907.

The retiring Directors aro W. H. P.Barber, Esq., M.H.R., and the Hon.O. J.Johnston, M.L.C., who offer themselvesfor re-alcction. . ■

Nominations must bo delivered at theRegistered Office of the Company notlater than the .26th inst.


nnHE Annual General Mooting of. theA Club will bo held at the Club House

en WEDNESDAY,'2Bth August, 1907, at8 p.m.

Nominations for Membership must bo intho hands of the Secretary on or beforo21st August, 1907.

Nominations for Officers must bo in thebands of the Secretary "by 8 p.m. onSaturday, 24th August, 1907.

Nominations lor General Committee (6members);Auditors (2 member?);MatchCommittee (3 membors);Club Race Com-mittee (3 members);end Club House Coin-mittoo (7 membors), must be in tho handsof tho Seoretary by 8 p.m. on Saturday,24th August, 1907.

Notices of Motion re alteration of Rulesor Bylaws must be sent to tho Secretarynot laler than Wednesday, 14th August.1907.

J. E.WIDDOP,Hon. Secretarj^


MISS KATE STEWART, of the Lan-ger Dresscuttiiig School, wishes to

announce that* tho New Tonn starts onMONDAY,26th August, at the VolunteerHall. Miss Stewnrfc will be in attendanceonMondays, 12th and19th, to enrol pupils,from 3 lo 5 p.m.


ELOCUTION AND DRAMATIC ART. ,Shakespearian Reading, etc., any form,

of Drnwijigroom Recitation cr Amateur iTheatricals a Speciality.

4 to 6. 7.30 to 9—107, Lambton-quay."etone steam laundryT

Established 1892.Special Rates for Hotels, Schools, andFamilies.

Larpo Airy Drying Gi*cen.Delivery Van Vibits Wellington Daily.

MRS. COUCHMAN, ]Tory-street, Petone. i


Centre of C.'ty, well established;ownermust sell on account of ill-health. Price,no goodwill; stock, plant, and lease atvaluation. At> season is just opening thisbusiness presents a grandopportunity.OYOLE AND MOTOR SUPPLIES, Ltd.,*- Wellington. J


By Arrangement with J. and N. TAIT. |



The Most Sensational and the MostThrilling Pictures ever taken.Also a Scried new to Wellington Audi-

ences of the Latest London and Con-tinental Picture Novelties.Prices— 2s, Is.' Box Plan at Dresden.Day Sale at Abel's.



Admission, Is. 300 Seats under Gal-lery, 6d.J. G. SMITH, Hon. Sec.


MISS' M'CALL will.« give Two Ad-dresses toLadies at the Viavi Rooms,New Bank Australasia Chambers, cornerCustomhoiiFO-quay and Hunter-street, onTUESDAY & FRIDAS" AFTERNOONS,tho 13th and' 16th inst., at 3 o'clock,, when"Tho Principal Cause of 111-health amongWomen" will be explained.

Learn how to assist NatureLadic3 cordially invited.


mHE PETONE BRASSBAND will.giveA a Performance on tho RecreationGround on SUNDAY, the 11th., at 2.30p.m., weather permitting.

A Collection will;be made at tho"Gatesin aid of sNew Instrument Fund.

> ' -J.\;H. FLIGHT, Son. Sec.


A DEBATE on the subject the-£L Rise of Japan co a " World Powteris a, Serious Menace" to British Rule inIndia," will be Jield,in Kent-terrace Pres-byterian Schoolroom on MONDA.Y, 12thAugust, at 8 p.m., between representativesof tho Kent-terrace Presbyterian andVivian-street Baptist Debating Societies.Admission Fr.ey,. ,


R. M'LEAN,-' , Hon; Sees"!

" "GIVEHIM A CHANCE?MR.B. CUMINGS has been, appointedPrison Gate Visitor and1 CoHectbrfor tho Discharged"Prisoners' Aid Society.Mr. Cumings is authorised to collect moneyon behalf of tho Society and issue receiptstherefor.

A. SYDNEY WATSON,» Hon. Secretary.


Leave Town 10.15 a.m.. 2.30 p.nv.., &|SOp.m. , ""

Leave Day's Bay 9 a.m., 11.15 a.m., 4.30p.m

SEATOUN AND KARAKA BAYJLeave Town 10 IS a.m., 2.30 p,m>, SSSOp.m. , " ■ fLeave Seatoun 9 a.m., 11 a.m,4.30 pJin..-t --Return. Fire, 8d ;■ Single, -4d.

-■ ' * '(Circ*mstances-permitting.) "~

MISS MURIEL M. VARE,.v A.(Mus.)V.C.M., Eng.,rpEACHER Piano, Singing, and Voic,o■*" Production, "Theory, and Harmony.

NEAV ADDRESS:—3, Pirie-street, off Kont-terraoe.


First Weekly Illu&trated Edition now '' ready. ,4 PRICE THREEPENCE.

OBTAINABLE from Holliday's, Whifc-^taker's, and Mackay's (Lambton-quay);Norman Aitken (Charlotte-street);J. Bull's Bookstall (Government Station);Cording Bros., and Scott's, lato Hay-ward's (Courtenay-place) ;Shand's, Mac-kay's, Hewitt's, and East's (Cuba-streot) ;J. B. Innes, J. Brown, H. Bruce, C. A.Inness (Willis-street) ; Taylor's OperaHouse Bookstall (Manners-strcot) ;' G.P.O.Bookstall (Smith's);and Alec. Stephen-son's Wharf Bookstall;and all' suburbanbooksellers.


In the EBtate of HERMAN NEVERMAN,of Wanganui, Tailor.

npENDERS aro invited for the Purchase-I 'of'tho undermentioned Assets in thoabove; esfate, viz.:—

(1) Equity of redemption,of section con-t taining 27 perches, situate Campbell-

street, Wanganui, on which is erect-ed a comfortable dwelling and all_ " conveniences.

(2) Equity of redemption of section containing 27 perches, situate Campbell-street, Wanganui.

(3) Goodwill of lease of shop and pre-mises, situato Victoria-avenue, Wan-Ranu;.

(4) Two shares in. the Wanganui Co-operative Building Society.

(b) Two shires Wanganui EconomioBuilding Society.

(6) Slock in trade of mercery, clothing,and shop fixtures, amounting to£879 14s 9d.

Stock sheetß canbe seen and particularsof tender obtained at tho office of JamesAshcroft, Esq., Official Assignee, Welling-ton.

" W. RODWELL,Deputy Official Assignee,



A CLASS ie being formed for PracticalInstruction in Suggestive Therapeu-tics, Law, Power, and U«ob of Suggestion,to demonstrate various phases of PsychicPhonomena, explain their origin, describeHypnotism, illustrate that Therapeutic andother effects can be obtained without itsuse. MR. GOODMAN, tho Conductor, hasachieved a .widc-sproad reputation as ahealer and demonstrator, and has recentlystudied in Europe. Pupils received forprivate and class tuition. ■ Applicationshould bo made AT ONCE, AS CLASSCLOSES SHORTLY. Particular* fromJ. Goodman, D.P., D.S.T., WellingtonSchool of Suggestive Therapeutics andMafeago, 89, Upper Willis-street:hours,10 to 4, 7 to 8



FOR ONE;MONTH ONLY.Special Value to Clear WINTER STOCK.Tailor-made Costumes, to measure, £3 3s;Skirtß, 27s 6dLadies' Own Material made up at Re-duced Prices.THE AMERICAN LADIES' TAILOR-

ING ESTABLISHMENT.£>L Manners-street. Tel. 1613.


FERGUSON & CRAWFORD(Late Faotory (Instructor ofForeman, Wood Oarviag,

Sconllar Co., Ltd.) . Technical School),T>F.G to inform the Publio of Welling-

ton that they have started business asGENERAL FURNITURE MANUFAC-TURERS at 64, TARANAKI-STREET.and hope, by assiduous attention to busi-ness and superior workmanship, to merita fair share" of patronage.

Note the Address— >-




Atv No. 80, CUBA-STREET.


QUALITY, Style and Comfort are thefeatures.of our up-to-date stock, andyou should avail yourself of this oppor-tunity to inspect at sale prices.

MESSRS. EDWARDS AND SONAre in their temporarypremises, owing torebuilding operations, and request"you tonote the address



Refitted for DISPENS-ING Physicians' PRESCRIPTIONS.




(Opposite.Government Railway Station),THORNDON.

iTTtHE wife of a well-known Dunedin-■-_ citizen met with rather a distressingaccident the other day. She was carryinga potplant in a fancy pot, with the inten-tion of placing iton the hall stand, whenshe slipped on the waxed floor and fell,breaking in her fall the beautiful pot, aswell as destroying the plant. Fortunately,however, she escaped without any brokenbones, although the doctors state she hada narrow escape of permanently injuringher spine. We havo all along maintainedthat waxedfloors are dangerous. Itr is notso much women folk who are liable' tofall; you are in the house all morning,and aro used to tho slipperiness of thefloor, and you tread, so to speak, gently.It's your husband and your boya and cirlswho run the risk. Your boy or girlcomesTunning■inat lunch time or in the after-noon, calling "Where's mother?" in thefullness of their spirits, never thinking ofslippery floors. Don't run tho risk" of let-ting them break their logß or arms by fall-ing on your waxod and sb'ppery floors.You can givo your floor a bettor shinewith LINOARNIBH. It* not slippery,and besides it stands good for montha, andwon't waah off.


NOTICE its heroby given that Iintrndto apply for an immediate Order of

Discharge at the sitting of tho Court inBankruptcy, to be holden on Monday, tho26th day of August, 1907, at 10.30 o'clocka.m. ' ,



AT the N.Z. EXHIBITION, in OPENCo'mpctition .with the .whole of New|Zealand, GREGG Students triumphed,

winijingHIGHEST SPEED, GOLD Medal and

SPECIAL , - , ■'


Enrol NOW. Situations Assured.J. WYN IRWIN ,Principal

(Australasian Representative).



MANUFACTURED only by JohnBrins-mead and Sons', by Royal*WarrantnMakers to their Majesties tho King andQueen.




|'3.GS oi s»rr *,M/.* „; .-. '"""






(By Special Appointment to His Excel-lency the Governor).

WE bejr to notify tho Publio that Mr.R. P. FLANAGAN has, been ap-

pointed Manager of the above businessfrom the Ist August, 1907. All the Plantis being brought right up lo dato, and thepublio can obtain from us high-class Rub-ber-tired Carriages, Rubber-tired Hansoms,Brakes, Gigs, Wagonettes, etc.

Manager's Telephone for Orders 830Turnbull-street Stables Telephone ... 830Stout-atreot Stables Telephone 1986


Having taken over the Management ofthe above, Ibeg to thank my customersfor the support accorded me in the past,and trust that tho manner in which Iattended to their orders heretofore willwarrant a continuance of their Bupport

—more/especially as Ihavo now tho abso-lute control of a vory large plant,Iwillbe. able to supply them with Cabs andVehicles of all classes.


NOTICE is hereby given that the Part-nership hitherto existing between

GEORGE SMITH and CHRISTOPHERHENRY CLAUSEN, Sawmillers, tradingin Dannovirko under the name of Umuta-oroa Sawmilling Company, antl in LowerHutt under the namo, of Smith andClausen, has, by reason of tho death ofMr. Clausen, been dissolved.

All accounts against the firm must 'berendered to George Smith, Sawmillor,Lower Hutt, on or beforo Saturday, 31stAugust, 1907. Notice is also given thatall accounts against tho estate ol the latoChristopher Henry Clausen must bo ren-dered to the Executors, caro of GeorgoSmith, Sawmiller, Lower Hi)It, on or be-foro above date.IIT7ICTORY Linoleum and Furniture

▼ Polish, unoquallod. Stocked by fol-lowing grocers:

—Wairarapa Farmers',

Wardolli, M'llwraith, Pritchard, Road-loy, AU»n Smith, Wilion, Hutt ValleyfUrdwArp .Qoayyiny j li jxrttlt.

FUNERAL NOTICE.mHE Friends, ol Mi. Fred L. Dean."1- Bandmaster Battalion Band, are re-spectfully invited 'to attend the Funeralof his late beloved1 daughter, Nellio, whichwill leave St. Joseph's Church, Buckle-st.,on Monday, the 12th August, at 9.30 a.m.jfor tho Karori Cemetery.

E. SIORPJS, Jun.,Undertaker and Embalmer,

10, Taranaki-strcet.Telephone 937. P. R. 2195.FUNERAL NOTICE. "

THE Friends of Mrs. Matilda Meeoh,relict of the lato Henry Meech, aro

invited to attend her Funeral, which is toleave her residence, 26, Clyde-quay, onTuesday, 13th inst., at 2 p.m., for theCemetery, Karori.

J AND A, WILSON,Funeral Furnishers.

FUNERAL NOTICE.(TpHE Friends of Mrs. Elizabeth-1- Hardeman arc invited lo attend herFuneral, which will leave her residence, 2,Lloyd-street, on Monday, 12th inst., at 2p.m., for the Cemetery, Bolton-street.

J. AND A. WILSON,Funeral Furnishers.

'I* O LET TO LET.3 roomsCottJevilJn- Croornf Cvoflon

tor. 7 ri'i 'l iiinkori-rd4 do Staunton-av. 7 do HalniUi4 do lruppa-st 7 doKarori5 doMartin-sq. 8 <*o Hatmt.ii5 ilo Putoue 8 doRrougham-sfc5 do Owen sb (off) 8 do Uwen-sh5do 'iii.akon-rd 10 ilo MnjorilianUs-sfc "6do Grant-nl J2 d> AdulaidelfiMCT !6 do Karori

FURNISHttO H.MISKS.6 doConstable-st 7 clo T. iwur Hj.%6doSeatoun .$ iK> liidwoli-.1-.

Also ."ihops, offices, Warehouses, &c, invariousparts of rimoit\. ' '

Apply 1IAU<;O!)RT & Co..40. Uuiibtotl-rjuay.City.

Til O L ]0 !'. T 0 1, liT.5 rooms Norlhlaiid 8 roomsHataitai6 <lo Karaka jSuy !) do HnUilni6doNewtowu , 9do Lower Hutt6doKaioii " 9do Vogoltowu6 do Island Hay 10 do Kflbiimo6do Kilbiniie 10do Majoribanks-sti7do Newtown 12do Newtown7uoKelburne 14 do Lower Hutt

FUBNISHEDHOUSES.5do KarakaBay 6 do Grant-rd6do Thorudon 8do VYooloombe-st.

Apply J. H.BKTHUNM & CO.,


DON'T neglect your Teeth.■ If they aredefective in any way or show signs

of decay como to us without delay andhave them examined and cared for. Onrfees aro moderate, and wo do the worksatisfactorily.

Full Sets, \ipper and lower ... £4 4 0Single Tooth 0 5 0Plain Extraction 0 10Painlew Extraction 0 2 6Each Extraction under Gas (gas

given free) 0 2 6


'■ (50 yarde above Manners-street),



NOTICE is heroby given that tho under-mentioned allotments in the City of

Wellington will be offered for Cash byPublic Auction at Messrs. Macdonald,Wilson and Co.'s Exchange Land Mart,Lambton-quay, on THURSDAY, the 12thSeptember, at 2.30 o'clock' p..m:

—Upset, Perches. Price.

Lot 6 of Town Aore 726, ICrawford-street ... 21.6 £442

Lot 7 of Town Aero 726,Wallace-street ... 21.3 £356

Lot 8 of Town Aero 726,Wallace-street ... 21.2 £356

Part Town Acre 128, Cuba-street 10.8 £1650

Plans with full particulars can bo ob-tained from the undersigned.I '

JOHN STRAUCHON,Commissioner of Crown Landß.

District Land and Survey Office,Wellington.


NOTICE is hereby given that Iintendto apply for an immedinto Order of

Dischargo at tho sitting of tho Court inBankruptcy, to be holden at WollingtOnon Monday, tha 26th day of August,1907,at 10.30 o'clock a.m.

Wellington 10th Aupt^t, 1907.HARRY COLE, of Mastorton.


NOTICE is hereby given that I'intendx to apply for an immediate Order of

Discharge at the sitting of tho Court inBankruptcy, lo bo holdon onMonday, the26th day of August, 1007, at 10.30 o'clocka.m.

Wellington, lOfcb Auguit. 1007,RQfeEBT. £OW.





Head Office,Wellington, 15th July,1907.'

WRITTEN TENDERS will be receivedat this Oflico until Noon of WED-NESDAY, 28lh August, 1907, for Ihoabove Contract.

They are to bo marked on tho outsido'"Tender for JBrx!;,'o Saperetructures, Duii-edin-Mosgiel Duplication Works," andaddressed to the General Manager, NawZealand Government Railways, Welling-ton. Telegraphic tenders, similarly mark-ed and addressed, will be received if ■pre-sented at any Telegraph Office by noon,of iho eamo date, provided that writtentenders aro lodged at any GovernmentRailway Engineer's Offioo by the samphour.

Drawings, Specification?, aiiß Conditionsmay bo eccn at this office, and at theoffices of the District Railway Engineersal Auckland, Wanjjanui, Chrißtchurch,Dunedin, lnvercargill, and Greymouth.

The lowest or any tender will not necei-sariiy be accepted.

By order.T RONAYNE,

Genoftd Manager.


inHENDERS are invited up to Noon ofX Saturday, 7th September, 1907, forthoPurchase of the above Company's Prp-perty (including up-to-dato Battery, WaterRaces, Buildings, Mining Plant, oto.), atTapu, Thames.

Particulars and conditions may be seeuat tho offices of tho uudorsignod,Nos. 11and 12, Now Zealand Insurance Buildings,Quncn-streot, Auckland „

The, highest or any tendednot'rieCeSßai>ily accepted.

J. B. SHEATH, >Liquidator.

Auckland, 25th July, 1907.



yTpENDERS will bo received «.t the officoJ- of tho undersigned up to 4 p.m. onThursday, the 29th day of August, for thaSupply of an Eleclrically-driven Contri-fugal Pump for Iho Kelburua WaterSupply.lJkn and specification may be obtained

at tho City Engineer's Office, Tavtn"H*U,on payment of. a deposit of £1, which,amount will bo returned to tondorors oareceipt of a bona fide tondpr. Tenders tobo endorsed "Tender for Pump."

JNO. R. PALMER.Town Clerk.


TOWN BELT SECTIONS FOR LEASE.npENDERS will^ be received at the of--2. fico of tho undersigned-.up £o.*-p.m.onThursday, tho15th day of August,1907,for the Lease of Che following Sections ofTown Belt:—

Section 36, off Hargreaves-EtreefcSection 23, off Stanvley-street.Full particulars may bo obtained at the

Town Clerk's 'Office, TownHall, Welling-ton.

Tenders to be endorsed "Tendor forTown Bolt'Loasp."

JNO. R. PALMER, 'Town Clerk.

6th August, 1907.'TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS.f|"\ENDERS arc invited for Substantial-a. . Alterations and Additions to thoPrintingPremises of Messrs. FergusonandHicks, 111, Lambton-quay. Drawings andSpecifications may bo Eeen at my office.Tenders closo Thursday, 15th inst.,' at SV'm' R. S. ROUNTHWAITE,

Architect and C.E., 3, WillJE-gt.



mtiXDERS are hereby invited up to SjL p.ra. 011 Monday, tho 12th August,for Uie Formation and Draining, ole, 01A FOOTBALL GROUND at WellingtonCollege. tlau and specification at thaoffice of

THOMAS WARD,A.M. Inst. C.E., Etc.


"rinENDEES will be received at my dffica-a. up to noon of Thursday, tho 15th.

iast., for the Erection of a Warehouse iaFsrish-rtrect iEnd AHorations, >.etc, toBuildings at corner of Victoria ond^lTari6ilstreets.

Plans, etc.,may be seen at my C/ffioe. -G. G. SCHWARTZ,



SHOPS, CUBA.STREET.rpENDERS are invited until noon ofA Saturday, tb.p 17th of August noxt,for Alterations to Premises, and the Eroc-

i tion ofT'wo Shops jnBrick in Cuba-street.Plans and Specifications at our offices,

6, Lambton-quay. '



TO BUILDERS. " .jfjpjENDERS aro invited up to noon ofJL MGndny, 261h August, for Iho Erec-tion of Skating Rink, etc., al Miramiir,fc The Miramar Athletic Park and Won-derland Co., Ltd.

Plans and specifications at my■ofliccs.'JOHN S. SWAN,

Architect.Kolburne Chambers.

TO BUILDERS.sTipENIJERS invited for Schoolroom,-D- Lower Hutt, and to be sent by

17th inFt. io R. F. Pctlard, Esq., Main-road, Blackbridgp, Lower Hutt. Plan*aud specifications at my office, Pretoria*street, Lower Hutt. Lowest or any tondwnot necessarily accepted.

11. P.DE RDJDER, C.E,, M.A.A.,Architect.

\ TENDERS. ■ "


Established over 50 years.

THE Executors of tho Will of tho l«t»Willinm Wi!kio iuvito -Tenders for

the Purohose of:—(1) The Stock-in-trade and Goodwill of

tho Businefs of Drapora and GeneralStorekeepers carried on as "W.Wilkie," in Bridge-fclreot, Nehon.

(2) Tho Frcohold Land on which thebusiness is parried on, haying-.afrontage of 118J links to Bridge-st.by a depth of 24+ links. LandTransfer Title. " "

Tenders close at the offico of tho under-signed at 4.30 p.m. on 28th Augutt,- 1807,and are to bo uceomiianiod by a depositof 10 per cent, of the amount tendered,and to be marked "Tender WilkiaV "Es-tate." _ Tho -highest or any tendor uofc.necessarily accepted. " < '■

Particulars and condition* of sale may bateen at oflico of this paper, or opUmed

KINGDON, GLASGOW,,& HAVES,Solicitors, Ncleon.

WANTED to Sell, Milk and Cream(wholesale and retail):DevonshiroCream » specialty. Taiu Dairy, 84,Cub*-street. Telephone 26U,







Spring Dress MaterialsWonderful Values in DRESS FABRICS

For Early Spring Wear./ * inch SUMMER FACE CLOTHS, beautifully finished, all pure wool, andshrunk; the very latest shades, including the new Rose de Barre darkraspberry, dark claret, rosewood, lichen-green, bronze, palewood-voilet, 'pastelblue,pastel grey,andchesnut pink Special values2/6 yard

4 inch NAVY SUMMER FACE CLOTHS, with fine Venetian finish, all purewool,goodmedium weights Special values2/11and3/6yard

■^nJ!^PASTfLS*1STYME CLOTH« in pale sk* blue and shell pinkonl>,all pure wool andshrunk Special value at 4/11yard0inch NEW IRON GREY COSTUME TWEEDS, withindistinct strips Thisnew grey has a fawn or drabtint, verysmait, and new forsummer wear

Special valueat 2/6yard-14 inch CREAMSTRIPED WOOL HOPSACS, one of the most serviceable ofsmart woojlenmaterials for spring wear,showing in two designs

Special price3/6 yard* inch HEAVY CREAM HERRINGBONE CLOTH, for Coats or Costumes -wrth faint groups ofpale blue or blackstripes;averyhandsome materialSpecialvalue 6/11 yard

LATEST NOVELTIES for Early Spring Wear-Now Showing in all Departments.

INSPECTION INVITED. No onei prassed to purchase.

lAT THE D.I.C.'. AT THE D.I.C. '

Warehouse closed ' SATURDAY, at i p.m.-Weekly Half-holiday

h^RW 2jEALAN[Dj""" !

Il^jJl^ "PEL T H A TS.[clothing factor^} —we stock the famed woodb.ow hat,

LATEST SHAPES, -i»> U*XO/t>T&NCOLN BENNET'S, latest shapes, 13/6, 15/-, 16/G>UE SPECIALITY—THE GLQVEYITTE,at 9/6, 10/6, 12/6/;

Übo-AH Shades in FItAMEFEI/JS. CA?S-We' are ahotriiiff'a' shipment"of Samples.




JUST A FOREWORD.We have already opened up

shipments of NEW SPRINGand SUMMER GOODS, andconsignments are coming for-ward by every steamer.

This year's fashions presentsome elaborate, novel, andstriking features of a style and' colouring distinctly apart fromanything previously worn.

These charming goods willbe open for your inspection inthe course of a few days.

Watch our Announcements.


Nearing the end of our

Heavy Reductions for the Last Week prior to StocktakingThe Price Cutter is vigorously engaged.

This all means economy that is shunted right back into quality and price foryou. A few noteworthybargains :—:


From1/1Hto 5/6 Worth doubleThe remainder of our FELT and STRAW HATS

To be cleared at Id,2d,and3d eachA special line of KID and SUEDE GLOVES, inblack, tan, or grey; everypair

guaranteed Were 3/11 Now 2/11Do not miss the opportunity of securingBargains.

Drapery Supply Association,.57 CUBA STR&ET*


(From Evening Post, 6th August, 1907.)

MESSRS. DWAX. BROS , Willis-st.,Wellington, report havingmade tho

following Hotel Sales:—Mrs. M. Blytho'sinterest in tho Royal Tiger Hotel, Tara-naki-street, to Mr. F.F. Dakin, late of theCouHoms House Hotel, Nelson, who hasalready' taken po-Eeesion;Mr. ArthurHaywood'b interest in tho lease, goodwill,and furnituro of the Wellington Hotel,Molesworth-strcot, to Mr. William Nidd,late of the Princess Thcatro Hotel, iory-ptreet;Mr. Jamos Biggin's interest i"thelease, goodwill,and furniture of the Tara-tahi Hotel to Mr. Patrick Costin, late ofthe Halswell JunctionHotel, Christchurch ;Mr. T. V Proctor's interest in the Her-bertville Hotel,, to Mr. F. Mair,of P*e-kakariki;lcfose, goodwill, and furnituro oftho Tikokino Hotel, Hamjiden, HawkesBay, to Mr. Thomas Condrick, well knownin Wellington ;lease, goodwill, and furni-ture of tho Palaco Hotel, Willis-street, toMr. A. W. Harrison, lato of tho ArgyleHotel, Hunterville; lease, goodwill, andfurnituro of the Club* Hotel, Stratford, onaccount of Mrs.. Kirkwood, to Mr. D.Moynihan, lato of tho Makuri Hotel,Pahiatua;Mr. W. Nidd's lhtcrc-.t in thePrinposs Theatre Hotel, Tory-ttreet, toMr. J. Sullivan, late of the West Coast ;valuation of furnituro and effects of thoStar and Garter Hotel, Cuba-street, Wel-lington, on account of Mrs. Minoguo, toMr. Dooley, lato of Waitara;Mr. Wil-liam White's interoet in lease, goodwill,and furniture of tho All Nations Hotel,Kaiwarra, to Mr._ Walter Middleton, lateof the Grosvomir Hotel, Blenheim;Mrs.Roberts's interest in the lca?c, goodwill,and furniture of th© Forctterfc' Arm'sHotel, Greytown, to Mrs. M. Caulton, wellknown in Wellington;- Mr. P. Petersen'sinterest in the Aohunga Hotel, to Mr. F.O'Donagahue, of Hastings;Mr. Pickering'sinterest in the Masonic Hotel, Havelock,to Mr- T. Midwood, well known in Wel-lington;Mr.W. E Granthaic'e interest inthß lease, goodwill, and furniture of theMasonic Hotel, Waitara, to Mr. J.M'Diiff, Hastings; lease, goodwill, andfurniture of the WnraroaHotel, Lovin, toMr. F. G. Meagher;Mr. Frazpr'n in-terest in the lease, goodwill, and furnitureof the Pier. Hotel, Kaikoura South, toMr. Lacoy; lease, goodwill, and furni-ture of the Shamrock Hotel, Hawera, tnMr. James Biggins, well known in Wel-lington;loaso, goodwill, and furniture ofthe Napier Hotel, Napier, on account ofMr. Gleeson, to Mr. Robert Finlay, lateof Auckland; freehold and' furniture oftho Argylo Hotel, Hunterville, includingshops, theatre, etables, etc, on■ accountof Mr. A. W. Harrison, to Mr. H.M'Manaway, well" known iv tho Wairs-rapa (price £10,000) ;Mr. Welch's freeholdof the Tikokino Hotel, ana land, to Mr.Robert Coneys, of tho Tavistock Hotel,Waipukurau; valuation ot the furnituroof the Clytlo-quay Hctal, on behalf of Mr.Julius Plitsch, to Mr. Naylor;CentralHotel, Otaki, to Mr. M'Kegg, of Wai-kanae;Mr. P. E. Dcbreccny's interestin the lease, goodwill, and furniture of theClub Hotel, Cartertou, to Mr. P. Scanlon,well known inWMlinglon.

Messrs. Dwan Bros, also report havingvalued, on behalf of the Property TaxDepartment, the brewery, hotels, and1busi-ness in Harley's estate, Nelson, and alsothe brewery, hotels, etc., in the cstatoof the lato J. Paul, New Plymouth.

j— — -

By Appointment to TJis Excellency LordPlunket.

SROWE AND SONS," LOWER CUBA-STREET,HAVE' FOR SALE— Split Peas, PearlBtrley, Barley Meal, Wheat Meal, MaizeMe*l, Crushed Oats, Maize, Hay, Chaff.



Made of Highest Quality Steel Only.SIASTEX,

Waterproofing Materials for WaterproofingConcrete. MAKES,A BOND WITH IT.The Latest Approved American Method.

Skilled Labour not Necessary.






T C. BROWN,*^ "Late of 20, Brandon-street,

BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR,Shop and Office Fitter.

Estimates Given;Repairs promptly at-tended to.


NEW EXPANDED METALFor ilsinforced Concrete Construction.

EXPANDED STEEL LATHINGFor Fireproof-Walls and Ceilings.



HARDWARE CO., LTD.,Courteuay-place, Wellington.


Have Removed to their New Premises inCABLE-STREET,

Opposite the old site in Jcrvois-quay.

rpHEBELMONT GRAVEL COMPANYis now prepared ro Supply Gravel,

Sand, and Boulders in any quantities.

For particulars apply

MESSRS. RILEY & HOLMES,Lambton-quay,,or

P. H. GOSSE, '

Lower Hutt.


JTRENPERS arc invited for Supply ofX Coal to the Maaterton CorporationGasworks for one, two, or three yearF.

Specifications at tho Evening Post Office,Wellington, or on application to tho GnsManager, Maslcrton. Tenders to be scal-ed, marked, and sent to tho undersigned,to arrive on or before tho 2nd .September,together with a. deposit of £10, returnablewhen the contract is signed.

R. BROWN,Town Clerk, Masterton.


HJTENDERS aire invited up to WEDNES-"*- DAY, 21st insl., for the Construc-tion of Fountain Basin in HospitalGrounds.

Particulars on application tr> 'Houf-'oStcwa.nl. R. H. CHINCHES,





Rooms. £Abel Smith-street (off) 11 2^QHill-street 11 'WLQOriental Bay (J acre land) . 12 4000Austin-street . 10 1500Fitzhorbert-terraco (leasehold)... 10 . 1250Watcon-street '. 10 1500Brougham-stroet 8 1550Sydney-street 9 1450Wollingtou-tferraco 9 2200Kelburne 9 1400Ghuanee-stroet (off) 8 200QWHlis-street 8 2500Oriental Bay 8 1250Mount Victoria !.. .:. ... 8 1850Maarama-crescent 7 100QKolburne ..: ... ■ 7 '

110QHopper-street 7- 1300Molesworth-slreet 7 1450Austin-street

-7 1080Wright-street 6 850

Grant-road , 6 1250Sydney-street . , .... 6 . 58QOriental Bay 6 930Hataitai (new) 6 950Owen-street -

6 950Berhampore (hew) 5 665Majoribanke-street- (off) ... 5 700Glcncoe-streeb 5 450Ellice-street

-5 800[ Crosby-terrace 5 670Tory-street (off) 4 350

Tinakori-road (off) ... . 4 650Adelaide-road ■(off) ... * ... 4 700King-street "'

3 325Brooklyn ... , ... 5 445Kilbirnie (brick) , ... '"■ ... 6 650

Large IronBuilding and Shed;land 54 x116ft (leasehold, 20years torun). Price£700.

RESIDENTIAL.SECTIONS.Karori (cprne.r), 55 x 145; £200.Khandallah, Sections; £105 each.

200 ACRES; 6O."acres ploughed, balancechoice grassed land, parrying 300breeding ewes, 20 dairy cows, and 25cattle and horses; substantial 6-room-erl house, woolshed, cowshed, etc.,situated limiles from railway, 2 milesfrom school, andli miles from eroam-orv. Prico £16 10s per acre; terms£950 cash. ,. 6816

200 ACRES, all woll- gvassed, 4 paddocks,watered,by permanent ere,eks;2-room-ed cottage, cowbails, sheopyerds;L.1.P.;,rent £9 10s lOd per annum;railway 4 miles, school and creamery4 miles. Price £6 10s per aero. 6813

100 ACRES," all in 'grns3 except 3 acresploughed,'all flat land, godd rich soil,o paddocks^;' 4-r<j>orned house, 24 co-w-bails, hoy loft, arid other buildings;railway- and school 1mile, creamery10 chains, good,roads. Price £17 peracre;trems canbo arranged.


150 ACRES, all' in 'mixed English grasses,6 paddocks,' ■naw wintering 300 breed-ing ewes;'4>-roomed houte, eowbails,trapshed, hayshed;lease expires1914;rent £65 per annum, purchasingolaijse £9 10s per apre ; railway, school,and creamery '3, miles, metal roads.Price dj!450, ,lessee's interest. 6808

Handy GENERAL STORE, turnover £200per month, Post Offico worthi£25 perannum, etock about £400. Price '£100 ;stock at 'invoice, plant «at valuation.

550LODGING-HOUSE, 10 room3, 20 lodgers;rent £2 10s per week. Price £150.



|AUSTIN-ST. {pff)-r7iRooms and conveni-I . once*,, jG93p., . . , 3048AUSTIN-ST. (off)-^-7 Rooms and conveni-

ences, £1100: " -v ■. '3H5

PIRIE-ST. (corner)—

6 Rooms and conventences, £1250.'- 3192

CLYDE-QUAY— 6 Rooms, 36ft frontage,£1000. , 3077

KELBURNE-^5 Rooms, one story, £825,3186!

ORIENTAL BAY— Fine 7-roomed Resi-dence, ono story, larjo level section,warm sunny position, magnificentviews, a goodhouse in first-class condi-tion, £1150. ' 3193

ORIENTAL BAY (3 mjnuf.es from tram)—Specially well-built seven-roomedResidence, unsurpassed position forwarmth and view, largo roclion wellcultivated, '201450. ' ' - 3181

WELLINGTON-TERRACE— NearIy nowResidence of eight rooms and everyconvenience, good section, £2300. 3178.

THORNDON— Good'Family Residence oftwolvo rooms, largo, jvell kopt grounds,most desirable position, £1000. 3182


FEATHERSTON-STREET.j Wellington-terraco 14 rooms £4250Wellington-terrace 8 rooms £2500Wellington-torraeo 19 rooms £9000 jSioverston-tcrrace 7 rooms £1500Mouut-street 6 rooms £1500Gardens , . 10 rooms £2800Portland-crescout " "'"' " 8 roorts* £1550Murphy-street 14 rooms £2500Hawkestone-street 6 rooms £880Tinakori-road 10 rooms £1950 ||Glenbervie-terrace , 6 rooms £725Grant-road 9 rooms £1540 jThorndon-quay 8 rooms £1500Orchard-road 9 rooms £2000Walter-street 6 rooms £910Nairn-street 5 rocrms £600 'Hankoy-street, 1story 8 rooms £950PrincoE-stroet

' 7 rooms £850Macfarlane-street 5 rooms £830Hawker-street 9 rooms £1500Brougham-street 5 rooms £875Ellice-street

"6 rooms £1100

Pirie-strcot 8 rooms £1025Broadway-terrace 5 rooms £533Wright-street 6 rooms £775Kelburne ' 5 rooms £550

VfTLI-B BROS.,11, FEATHERSTON-ST.,' Wellington.

Telephone No. 452.HARPER-STREET— Land 32 x 105, neat

6-roomod dwelling. Price £725. CheapTINAK?)RI-ROAD— Land 21 x 109, good

6-rbomed dwelling, hot and cold water)and all conveniences. £750.

RCY-STREET— Landr 22 x 120, new 7-roomed dwelling, modern jmprove-monb. Price £860. Terms.SOUTH-ROAD-fCorner, Site 26 x 100, s-roomed dwelling) >U conveniences.£500. ' " " . "

WADESTOWN— Corner Site 66 x 146,good 4-roomed "dwollingt and conveni-ences. £500. Cheap property.

BROOKLYN— LeveI Sjto 40 x 164 feet,now 'S-roomcddwelling, two bays, hall,bath, hot and cold water, ga«, etc.,panoramic view of city and harbour.Prico £625. Torms arranged.

ISLAND " BAY> (DerWent-stroet)— GoodSite, 59ft hontage, 5-roomod dwelling,built thre9 years,all conveniences;in*suranco £400. Price £525.

KELBURNE (South-terrace)— Good Build,ingSite, 29 perches f no,excavating rg-quired. Price only £225.

MORTIMER-TERRACE— Building Site53 x 141, good harbour view, sunnyposition. £4 10s foot.

PASTRYCOOK AND CATERER'SBUSINESS,'situated in busiest part ofcity, largo shop, tea and living rooms,bakehouse, electric plant.' Rent £5.Lease. Turnover £4500. Only £550cash required to secure this.

OQfkA CASH will Buy a 3-roojned3W(*Uu Cottaeo (seaside) and section70ft frontage by 150ft deep, sunny atpoct,suburb of Wellington. Apply( immedi.atelx* Johnttou, York Bay,.viaDay1* Bay.j


SPECIAL PROPERTIES.KILBIRNIE, in the heart of this prpgres.I sive suburb— Spletidid Section, well

situated for subdivision, 73 x110, withI 4-roomed Cottage, every convenience.;

let at 16s per wepk. Ropm for 3 morehouses. Good spec for builder. Price£750.AUSTIN-STREET, on good corner 6ec-tion-^Two 7-roomed .Houses, modern,h. and c. water, land 56 x 82 ;■return-ing £13 per month;splendid locality,Prico £2100; terms given.

THORNDON-QUAY— Faithfully-built 10-roomed Gentleman's bath-room and outhouses, magnificent soe.tion 37 x 100, well" planted,■ 2-story,w.c.'s inside and out, gas, lift ,6tud,balcony, harbour view, good surround,ings. Prico £2500; easy terms.

THORNDON— II-ropmed "2-story BrickResidence, new, all modern convenU

ences,2 entrances, w.c.'s up and d.ownstairs, large 100ms, 8 bedrooms;emirnently suited for boardingihouao (high-class) or nursing home;land 28 x 100(about). Price £2500; £500 caEh wiljbuy it. * :':'


Conipa,ct .6-_r3omedHouse, modem, electric light, gag, gascooker, bathroom, etc. ;eoction 37'x91, sunny aspect, well situated;a bar*gain. Prico £950 ; terms. "





SITUATED one mile from,railway sta-tion, on first-class level metalled -road.Lease adjoiils the freehold, and ie easilyIworked with tame.1 100 acres fiat iv front;balance Bbghtly undulating. " -,

All freehold is improved, EngliehigVasces.Portion leasehold cleared, rest in iheavybush. Well watered by never-failingstreams " ■a' Well-appointed 10-room two-story House,approached by,imposiugcarriage drive; -5acres of beautiful native bush at back ofhomestead. Two large > full-bearingorchards. Outhouses comprise large stable,coachhouso, washhouse, and well-appointeddairy. Water laid onin all buildings;14rbail cowshed with latest appliances.

Woolshed and dip, double 6ot of sheeppens. Everything necessary for an up-to-date model farm. Ready market forcream; sent fo Wellington daily. Carry2 sheep to acre right through.

Education Lease is for 30 years from1892, with right of renewal for further 14years. , iThis place is exceedingly cheap, and isIvery accessible to Wellington.

PRICE FOR WHOLE, £6500.Apply to 1



# WARBURTON & CO.,27, FEATHERSTON-ST., Wellington;

Price, jRooms: £ I

Wellington-!errace, 1acre ... 18 9000Wellington-terrace, '40 x 110 ... 9 3350Wcllington-ter., 50 x 330, 9 and 19 4600Wellington-terraco, 30 x 109.... 8 2500Oriental Bay, 40 x 93 "7 1150Fitzherbcrt-ter. (leasehold) ...' 10 .1000PiriG-Btroet, 40 x 100 7 1500Brougham-street, 35 x 100 ... 6 825Roxburgh-street, 40 x 109 ... 6 850Wcsloy-croscent, 35 xBS ..; 7 1250Park-street, 30 x92 7 U4OBorhainporo, 50 x 230 6 925Crdsby-terrace, 30 x7O '6 670Tinakori-road, 36 x 110 6 750Owen-street 40 x93 6 600Owen-street, 56 x 100 6 740Owen-stTeot, 40 x 98 6 1000Owen-street, 40 x 100 6 850A^illis-street, 40 t 110 8 2500Kelburnc, 50 x 130 5 800Sieverston-terraoe, 30 x 100 ... 7 1500Crescent-road, 40 x 120 6 900Roxburgh-street, 35 x9O ... 8 1500Hill-street, 36 x 100 7 1600Poplar-grove, 40,x'70 5 535Poplar-grove, 36 xBO

-4- 590

Roseneatti/40 x 100 ... .. '6'

850Abel Smith-street, 60 x95 ... 9 ,1450Hawker-street (nico garden) ... 6 1050Konwyn-terrace, 40 x 100 ... 7 1050Riddiford-street, 40 x 100 ... 6 1200Mount Victoria, 29xB4 6 875Abel Smith-street, 30 X95 ... 6 1350Pirie-streot, 55 x 100 6 1250Roxburgh-st (lovely garden) .... 5 ,850




ViELL-BUILT ■7-ROOMEDHOUSE,bath-room, hot and cold water, linen cup-board, conservatory, dark-room, 2vineries, workshop,, eummerhouse,

1- waahhouse, tubs, and " conveniences;standing on about I? acres beautifulgrounds, garden, orch«rd, and _lovelynative shrubs, tico ferns, etc.;situatedon the terrace of Iho Western Hutt,and being the finest site in thatlocality, commanding a splendid viewof harbour and surrounding valley.Prica £3200. Terms arranged to suitpurchaser. |

GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE, contain-ing 9 rooms and conveniences;alsolarge greenhouse, ttablos, trapshed,etc., standing in four acres rich levelland, beautifully laid out, lawn, gar-den, etc., and having double roadfrontage to pood road. Price only£2250. Terms arranged.




8, King's Chambers, Willis-street.Telephone 2456.

AUSTIN-STREET (vicinity)— Good seven-roomed House, ono floor, 2 TjAy win-dows, erected 3i years,land 28 by 122feet,a good property;£1080.

ROXBURGH-STREET— 6 Rooms, goodsection;£885. " ,


Gentle-man's highly-finished Residence of 8rooms, level section, £2000, fino"view.

BROADWAY-TER RACE— Good 5-VoomedCottage, let for 17s week (8 per cent,investment), a bargain, £550.

ABEL SMITH-STREET (off)— s-roOmedHouso, let for 22s 6d week, only £685,easy deposit.

ORIENTAL BAY (Main-rood)— Substanttinl 7-roomod new Dwelling, < everyconvenience, fino position; £1200,' torms; let lor £l-12s 6d week.


2 Houses, 5 and 4rooms, lntiid 60 by 85; rents £84 10*year-, only £1000.

12 BUILDING SECTIONS, close to Lux-ford-stroet, a bargain at £6 10s ft. " iMONEY TO LEND from 5 uorccnt.


A PERSON* wishing to build a homewishes to bity cheap Section in above

localily;uo RgenU; Apply Citizen, Even-ingPott.


LAST FEW DAYS OF SALE.White Blankets, 3s Ud, 4s lid, 5s 6d, 5s

Ud pairRugs, Is 6d, Is 9d, Is lid, 2s 6d, 2s lid,

3e Ud, 4s lidDown Quilts, 3s 6d, 3s Ud, 4s Ud, 5s UdWONDERFUL VALUE.Bed Quilts, Is Ud, 2s 6d, 2s Ud, 3s 6d,

3b UdSheetings, 4Jd, sid, 6d, 7id, B£d, 9£d, 10idLaco Curtains, cheapest in townREMNANTS of Dress Goqds, Cretonnes,

Flannelettes, Prints, Muslins, Sheet-ings, Blinds, Shirting, Serges, Melton"Cloths?, Tweeds, etc., at LESS THANHALF-PRICK

Blouse Lengths, Is, Is 3d, Is 6dWool Shawls, Is, Is6d upwardsiHearthrugs, Bid, 10id, Is od, 18 6d, Is 9d,

Is UdTickings, sid, 6JdBlack Book Muslin, 2idTurkey Red Quill. 3^d, 4idBlack Trimming Braid, ljd dozenEVERYTHING REDUCED!




Parcels Free of Charge.


WHEJ* a tailor _ can cut andfashion aSuit like tho Bradford

Woollen Co. can, he is recognised asamaster of his craft.

The finest workmanship inside andoutside money can buy— that's whatyou can expect in a Suit from the "Bradford Woollen Co.

PRICE 70s TO 90s.




WE are Offering Special Reductions inLadies' Belts in all varieties".

VELVET BELTS, 3d each;other kindsat 44d, 6d, and 9d. -1

G. E. TENNETT,"ThoRight House," Cuba-street.



HAVE just opened up, ex s.s. Tonga-riro, a Largo and Beautiful Selec-

tion of JEWELLERY, etc., comprisingthe following:—PEARL SET ENGAGEMENT RINGS

In carved 18ct gold, half-hoop settingwith 5 half pearls, 80s and £5 10aeach.

DIAMOND HALF-HOOP RINGS, .Sot with five fino white diamonds, £5ss, £5 10s, £6 10s, £7 10s, £8 10s, £1010s, £12 10s to £125 oach. TheseRings would cost 30 per cent, moreif purchased elsewhere.



Amethysts are the fashionable stonesat present. A nioo lot of thaso set inBrooches, 163 6d, 17s 6d, 18s 6d, 22s6d, 255, 30s upwards.

PEARL EARRINGS.Dainty and Exquisite designs. Only a-few pairs to hand, 45s to 52s 6d per,pair.

VEST BUTTONS.Boautifully enamelled gold-mountedset of 6 Buttons, 455, 47s 6d. and 80stho sot; aleo a few in coid x>late,mother of pearl, and enamel, 7s 6d,8s 6d, and 9s 6d the, set of 6.

GOLD.BRACELETS.The new snake pattern, 355, 40s, and52a 6(1 each, and a nice Assortment setwith Amothytts and Pearls, 355, 455,50s, 65b to 70s each.

GOLD PENDANTS,Set with Pearls and Pink Tourmalines,45s to 47s 6d each;and with Poarlsand Amethysts, 13s 6d, 17s 6d, and21s each.

MUFF CHAINS.Fine strong 15ot Curb Muff Chains at£7 158 and £9 10s each; and in §ctgold, £5 10s oach.

GOLD CIGARETTE CASES.Solid Gold Cigarette Cases, usefulandhandsome gifts for 'men, priced £710s, £9 10a,/and £15 10e each.

GOLD MATCHBOXES.Fine Heavy Plain or Engraved de-signs, at 70s, 755, 80s, 90s, £5 each;and with eov. purso combination, £610s and £10 10s each. I

GENTS' DRESSING, CASES,Insolid Morocco Leathery containingBrushes, Mirrors,Comb,Shaving Uten-sils, oto., etc., 47s 6d, 755, 80s, 84s, 90sto £5 10s oach.




"All,wbo wouTfl ivonieve tucceai ahpuldendenYour to merit it,"

WE have during tha past year (paredno expense in endeavouring to

make our Beor seoond to none iv NewZealand, and can now confidently aisrrt w«have succeeded in doingso.

We invite all who enjoyA GOOD GLASS OF BEER

To ask forSTAPLES' BEST,On Draught nt almost all Hntols in the

City and surrounding districts,And confidently anticipate their verdiotwill be that Stapler and Co. hay« sucoots-fully removed the rcproaob that good Beercould not be brewed in Wellington.

J. STAPLES AND CO., LTD.,Moletworth ud Aiucchx street*.

j SOSi/iETHIWG HE'LL APPRECIATE, j; Thereare so few things that make ai really acceptable Gift for a Gentlemen, '$&©*^

that this line ot ' -



are certain of aready sale. They're good, |fTIh|useful and pret^v, and the prices are gaJTvL JLJ Wr M

10/6, 126, 15/-, 20/-

All Articles EngravedFree of Charge.




" This line now being displayed in our window was a happy ideaof ours, and manufactured exclusively for us to our order.

It includes—


; SUGARS AND CREAMS, $c.1 ■ All in finest English China, and Each Article having.VIEW OF BOTANICAL GARDENS OR BASIN RESERVE.

The quality is first class, but we are making a specialty of them,and selling at' the extremely low 'price of


g CRUSH H C0.g 34 Manners Street, j



1 ■*is9l*l^Siilf'*^^'®*lL J^ This Boot has been all thaM ■y*^s-J raSe n'sn's season and as usualH vfi&SNlila. we are l^c lrst to s^ow them i

9 Made of Finest Glace KidQ ' in 1 . with stylish round "PrincetonII? H)A MMA iS\ tT** Toe," straight caps and latestIEo Fearce £L Lo« ccUUban heei.1 LIMITED £T j

o'l i'3' CUBA STREET. Also in Button'17^6 t0 22'6 \


40 only 38iri. '42in. 48in, 52in, 54in long Tweed Coats, allthis season's newest, shapes, 21s for 10s 6d; 25b 6d for

"W A F.fi'1 12r 9d; 3?'s for 16s 5 36sfor 18s; 42s for 21s;'49s for 24s-*"■-■« *^* " ' 6d, up to 04s for 425. These are light, mid, and darkgrey, and would be cheap at full price.IT XVIOllr. AT WARNOCK AND ADKIN'S.

AVEUAGEGood Flannel Blouses, newest shapes, some nicely trim-

med. About 60 left, to be cleared at 4s6d each. Worth Tf" .4 T "1717r 6d to 10s 6d eaoh. " Tl J\ Li1?


LESS THAN 60 Navy Cloth Motor Caps (and a few tweed), at Is lid.TUT A T IT' These are worth 4s 6d, and are the all-rcund newest

shapes. 40 Winter Millinery Models left, at 7s 6d andJ. jA'tv^ll/. 10s 6d. Worth 15b to 355. New and stylish.




WARNOCK. & ADKIN'S.The whole of our Eiderdown Quilts at the following reduc- __ ,__»__ _ ____

tions:— 2ss 6d for 15s 6d: 37s 6d for 25s 6d;79s for MARVELLOUS-40s. Our Bpst Kaiapoi Blankets, 15s and 22j 6.1.

ALITTLE OVERTho whole of our stock of Furs to bt cleared during tho nest

TTT A T "171 few days. Skunks, Marmots, Martens, Fox, Musquash,Jtl J\ JLJ X?" Thibet, OiJOtsum. Please soe our window.


FLA.NNELETTEWe offer 600 dozen of White, Cream, and Pink Flannelette Ttvnwn

at 4s 6d and 4s lid a dozen. This is under warehouse UHJJiws

price. Please come and try tho qualities, and have a WHOLESALElook at our big Is and Is 2d and Is 6d Towels.- '


Threa thousand yards wbb our ahars of a big purchase madorecently. Please sco these at 4s lid, 5s lid, and bs 6d„ _

T-^^-vr, a dozen. Aleo a big purchaso of Hhectingo, from 72inCALICOS. wide, at 10d,a yard.







-nr»Tvr"T<'ro SEX OUR LOKG tweed paletots,"L>UXN X 42s FOR OIK,





WE have special instructions to offerprivately tlie following good Kosi-denccs, each having every modern con-venience:— —13 ROOMS, i-acro land, laid out in lawnsand gardens, shrubberies, etc., by tramline;land leasehold, low rent. £800for goodwill of balance of lease.Building up-to-date, in 'good order.7 EOOMS, cuperior place, SYDNEY-STREIiT; land 40it x 120ft, leveL"

£1550.8 ROOMS, up -to date, good as new, ad-jacent to Quay and GovernmentOffices; level land, 40 x 100 odd feet£1600.7 ROOMS, in perfect order, TINAKOEI,

ROAD, every modern convenience;level section. £1300.

Th-j above are especially good place*;well worth the money asked.

Terms arranged if required.


54 and 56, WILLIS-STREET.



No. 4, Featherstou-street.(Opposite Union Bank).KILBIRNIE— 6-roomed House, brick, closato tram, £700; good vsPueTOBACCONIST and Hairaressing BueUness, a bargain.60 ACRES, returning £600 per annum,close to factory, school, and poEt oHicoFour Good iv^aiUENCES, Abel Smith-st..splendid investmentMAARAMA-uKESCENT—House of sevearoom?, land 50 by 120, £1000STATIONERY Business, in City, verrprofitable £120. /COAL and Firewood Business, tho o.ilyono in leading tuburb, or will lcuseto good tcnoi'icCity BUTCHERY, in good position;mug*ka coldWELLINGTON-TERRACE— SelectBoard.inrjhotuc, £350, owner leaving Wot>City PROPERTY, guaranteed 7A per -ent.ORIENTAL BAY— Xcw b-roomed Cot-lage, £850BAKERY and GROCERY Business— £150,as a "yoingconcernDRAPERY Business, in the centre ofCity, owner retiring, small capital re.SOUND INVESTMENTS in House Pro-

perty, M'Farlane, Murphy, and Au*.■tin streets, ar.d Windsor-place

TO LET— Ono largo Rcom, suitable foror ttore 100m, ou the base-

u mont, FeatherEton-street. , _ ,> 'I" 1

'' .- " '

SECOND MORTGAGES.j!W/€7*l3 have Cl'ont* who are prepared to* » I'urcliapo or Lxcliango Second Mort-gages, also lend on same, and will makeadvances against

BOND WARRANTS,STOCK & SHARE CERTIFICATES,BILLS OF LADING, Etc.We have also Money to Lend from 5per cent, on First Mortgages.A bona fide list of good CITY PRO-PERTIES AND FAKMS FOR EX-CHANGE.Prompt buEincss;nounnecessary dcl»y.

THE BUSINESS AND REAL ESTATEAGENCY,7a, Tho King's Chamber*(First Floor Alongside Lift),

Harbour-street.'Phone 2267.


Wellington.WELriNGTON-TERRACE (vicinity)

— .Up-to-date Residence of 8 rooms;<*\crYthing in thorough ordor; insur.anoa £1000 ;land 88 x 90ft; room tobuild two more houses. Price £2750.

21D5ORIENTAL BAY (on the flat)— Splen-didly^fiiushcd Houso of 8 rooms> andevery possible convenience;land 31, x80 feet. Prico £1450 ;a real bargain

1967AUSTIN-STREET— Residence of 8 rooms,

hot and cold water, etc.; land 31 x130 feet. Price £1150 ;fino view. 2048

CONSTABLE-STREET— Threo 4-roomcdHouses, each having bathroom, cop-per, and tubs; large corner sectionsuitable for shop*;rentals £130 perannum. Price £1650 ; first-class in-vestment. 570

RUSSELL-TERRACE (off)— Two 4-room-cd Coltagos on land havinga frontkgoof 66ft by a depth of 100ft; situatedhigh and dry. Prico £625 for the two.Chance for buildvr. 434

BERHAMPOKE— Two newly-builtHousoaof 4 rooms each, bathroom, copper,and tubs: laud 33 x 80 feet. Price£800: 14 per cent, investment. 783

TASMAN-STREET (off)— Howo of' fourrooms, bathroom, hot and cold, water,copper, and tubs,; let at £1 wook;view of harbour. Price $500. - 78*


2 seater, 4 h.p., £35.ALLDAY'S 8 h.p.,A Bargain. £185.

Write for List of 'Second-hand Curs.Agent for Hendrock and Rack-a-rock.

1 J. E. JENKINSON,62, Clyde-quay.


LARGE Block of Land in Thorndcn,suitable for subdivision. Apply to

B. SMITH AND CO.,40, Lamoton-quay.

FRUIT FARM" FOR SALE.RAROOLA Orchard, 31 AcreF, 20 r.crcs

in fruit trees, :<teal situation, treesjust now coining into profitable bearing,orchardiEt's cottage, and all necessary out-buildings. John Rich, Ilavclotik NortU.T[riOU~SALE7T-roomod House a-nd out--fi- buildings 5i acros, make good roul-try farm, L.1.P., rent £8 year. Gco. Bing-ham,Johnsonville.FIDR, SALE, iugG=tro-street, a fino In-

vestment of throe Houses for £2300,also four fino Building Sites at Cro'tonfor £40 each, terms. Gibson aud Co., la,Manncrs-ttreot^FOR SALE, Carrying Plant and Busi-

ness (established IS years), Wairarapa-District. The largest hauling butiueK inthe district, and a real genuino bargain.P'.a.-i consists of Wool Waggon*, Lorry,Horses, Harness, Tarpaulins, etc., etc.,which alone aro worth the money asked fortho whole concern. Turnover last yearover £1700. Owner is hauling contractorfor all the principal woolgrowcrs iv thedistrict. Price, for plant, goodwill, andbusiness complete, £750. Open for titroeweeks only. For further particulars ap-ply Keeling and Wynn-Williams, Master-

1200 L^S! 1200

£2000 WORTH £2000Of






12th, 13th, and 14th AUGUST, 1907, jCommencing each day at 11 o'clock a.m.




Ever submitted to Public Auction inNew Zealand.

A few of the most interesting lots cata-logued aro as follows:—




-PAIR MASSIVE BRONZE VASES, 3fthigh, with Eagles and Rabbits in hitrhrelief.AN EXQUISITE""COLLECTION OF

SILK-ExMBROIDERED SCREENSof all descriptions.COSTLY IVORY~ORNAMENTS, allHand-carvod:BOUDOIR EBONY WRITING TABLEwith Massive Carved Legs.DAINTY TEA SETS OF EXQUISITEPATTERNS.MAGNIFICENT CARVED HALL SET-TEE": A marvellous example of carv-ing, showing dragons and tlie EtercdHo Ho bird in relief.


MOST ARTISTIC"*HEAVY GOLD-LACQUERED DRAWINGROOMCABINET, very highly decorated withIvory and Pearl and Hand-carved Top.


Imari Bowls, etc., etc., etc,

MACDONALD, WILSON AND CO.have been favoured with instructions

from Mr. H. Ide, of Kicto. the represen-tative of Mr K. Morlta', thi- well-knownart collector of Japan, to soil at theirrooms, 84, Lambtoii-quay, as above.

In this consignment will be found alarge variety of art cles of a class, never

■before sent to thin dominion from Japan.Catalogues containing full particulars on


A SPECIAL DISPLAY will bo givenin our Rooms (using the vvholo of ourthree flat') To-n'tjht (Saturday! from 7 till9. and all' day Monday from 9 a.m. till 9p.m.

Owing to an ovorshipment of 20 caßesarriving unexpectedly, and intended foranother port, over 500 lots will not beincluded in the Salo Catalogue, whichonly represents 715 lots. From 716 to1200 will be tmcalalogued. 'Ihis addi-tional shipment represents a, very fineartistic collection of great variety, costlyand rare.

This is truly' the moft boaut'ful collec-tion ever exhibited in New Zealand, andnotwithstanding' the great valuoMR. DDES INSTRUCTIONS ARE



STREETS.By Direction of the Hon. the M'nistcr



IN THE EXCHANGE LAND MART,24, Lainbton-quay, Wellington.

On THURSDAY,11th dayof SEPT.,1907,At 2.30 o'olock p.m.

MACDONALD, "wiLSON AND CO.ore favoured with instructions to

oftor for fale by auction, as abovo—

LOT \ (CUBA-STREET).That splendid Block in Cuba-street (near

to its junrtion with Ingestre-street),part of Town Acre No. 128, haying afrontage to Cuba-street of 24ft 6in bya depth of 121ft, with a froi.tago toCrawford-place iv the roar of 24ft 6iu.with the cottage reiidonee containingthree rooms erected thereon. This isa fine position for the erection of up-to-date shop premises, especially suit-able where facilities are required forhandling goods in bulk and where ac-cess for wheeled traffio i» required.

LOT B.Bailding Section, being No, 6, part ofTown Acre No. 726, having a frontage

of 44ft 3in to Crawford-street by adepth of 133ft 4in.LOTS O andD.

Two Building Sections, Nos. 7 and 8, partof Town Acre No. 726, having front-ages to Wallace-streqt of 44ft 6in and44ft 7in respectively by a depth (ir-regular) from I29ft to 131ft.

These sections are situated almost at the '"nd, near to> John-street, and, althoughsomewhat rough, the cost of levellingwould be very little, as no cartage wouldbe required. The land as a block is spe-cially suited for factory or workshop pur-posos, or the ereotion of bulk stores, onaccount of the almost levolroadingall thoway from tho wharves and railway station?.It is also well suited for the erection ofhouso property, which would lot veryreadily, as it is within two minutes' walkof tho tram service.

Lithographic plans containing full de-tails and upset prices can be had on ap-plication to the Auctioneers, and at theDistrict Landi Office, Wellington.

FOR SALE, a grand Residence, "ThoGrange," corner of Abel Smith and

Kensington streets, an opportunity seldomseen for doctors, dentiitr. private rosidonce,or up-to-date boardinghouie, 14 rooraf,Apply, wareF. J. Pinny,Piano Warohouio,,,CUD»-ttX«*t-


8, GEEY-STREET, Wellington,










" ELLIOTT AND DUNCAN,Telephone 160. 8, Grey-street.


33, Featherston-strect. Telephone 64.SPECIAL PROPERTIES

CENTRAL BLOCK, Willjs-street— Mag-nificent Corner Site, very central, over50ft frontage and very cheap, a gopcl" opportunity for an investor. Apply ator.co. 5824

SPLENDID HOME, THE TERRACE—Unique corner situation, and beauti-fully fitted- modern family Residence,9 very large rooms. 1Prico £3259. Achanco seldom offered. 5830

CHOICE HOME, HAY-ST.— Very largeccctio.i. and really good house, 7rooms, hot water, good, garden, pcr-foct view, and only £1150. £836

KENT-TERRACE— LeveI Section, 30 x100ft, unsurpa-sed business site,


£950. 5525MAARAMA-CRESCENT— Nearly new

Residence 7 rooms, all conveniences;insurauco £450. Prica only £250. 5827

ELLICE-AVENUE— S*ylinh 6-rd. Villa,onofloor, large section,hot water,a lcvc-ly home; owner leaving. £1235. 5329

CROFTOX— ReaIIy good site, 116 x 220ft,handy to ttat ion, nico sloping rsct'on,nearly Jovel. and fenced, £285. 5911

LEVEL SECTION, KARORI-49 by 120ft., Beauchamp-sl.; really good site,close to Council Chambers. £130 3904HIGIIBURY— LeveI Sections, splendidviews, handy to 3 trams, best buildingland now offering, £100 to £160 each,c?ill for plan.

iACRE,KHAXDALLAH— LcvoI Site, 66x 165ft, Alexandra-road, nicely plant-ed' with trees, for £160. ' 3796

SMITH AND CO.," 40, LAMBTON^QUAY,,1Town Agents Norwich Union Fire''Ofncujt

Agents for tho Norwich and LondonAccident, Land and Estate Agentsand Valuators,


—Maarama-crcsceiit, 1, 9-roomcd 'House, all

oonVemencos .1

Harper-street, ,6-roomed House, sunnyposition, close to tramBuller-strcct, Y-roomcd Houso, all convent-euro1;

Oriental Bay, well-built 6-roomcd House.Hawker-flreel, 8-rocmod HouseRoy-sfrcct, new 7-roomed HoufoThorndon-quay, 8-raompd llou«eJohnEonville, suporior House of 5 rooms,

just builtJohnsor.ville, Section of over 7 acres, close

to townshipPolorus Sound, Farm of "571 acres, close

to Havolock;good house and all nc-cpssary outbuildings

Good selection of Farms in Iho Tauvangaand Havvko3Bay districts

Last two Sections in Mrs. Abbott's Estate,Crofton;price £100 each

Romalning Sections in the SUNNYBANKESTATE, Khaudallah; plans on ap-plication.

Money to Lend on Freehold Security atcurrent rates of interest.


6, Nathan's Buildings,GREY-STREET, WELLINGTON.

Telephone 2701.ORIENTAL BAY— Specially well-built 6-

roomodi House, tiuo' tunny aspect, gas,c.1., and allmodern conveniences, land40 by114 feut, easy terms, price £900

ORIENTAL BAY— Substantially-built 10-roomed Residence, 50yds from tram, al-ways well let, large section, £1400,terms to suit.

ROLLESTON-STREET— WeII-built eix-roomed House, c.1., bathroom, h. andc, washhouso, all conveniences, largesection, 32 x 206ft, £850, email deposit,brrgain as owner leaving Wellington.

BERHAMPORE—Good 5-roomod Hou»c,« bathroom, gas, all conveniences, £50

deposit, balance vent, cheap at £520.NUWTOWN— Up-to-date 6-roomod House

Mein-strect, bathroom, h.and c, 2 baywindows, wide halj, scullery, all con-venionces, £100 deposit, cheap pro-

DRU*MMOND-STREET— Good 6-roomodHouse, all conveniences, cheap at£750, easy terms.




nAA ACRES, wintered 160 head cattle,*""180 Et.eep, and 6 .horses. A

really first-class property. Well fenced,11 paddocks. Houfc of 5 rooms, man'sroom, washhouee, cowshed, vvoolshed, dip,yards, tic.

Situate 14 miles from School, P.0.,Railway, and Butter Factory.

PRICE £27 PER ACRE.£400 Cash.




KELSON CITI-.WE havo a Client wanting to foil

good Nelson City Property ; vor-r.er block, about 11 acres;Eovcn-roomu!hoiiHo and farm outbuildings;about 150fruit trees; terms, half cash;or wouldexchange for good Wellington City rio-perty. Apply

C. ASD A. ODLIN,Timber M&'nhapla..Jjujuuawwt*'.






rpHE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE,Customhouse-quay.




You be there and secure a Farm


10 per cent fall of hammer;three-fifths of the purchase money can re-main on mortgage.


REMEMBER— SaIe at 2 o'clock sharp.


DALGETY AND COMPANY, LIMITED,Auctioneers, Wellington.






DALGETY AND COMPANY, LTD.,hav-3 received instructions from thn

owner to fe.t by public auction at theCHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CUSTOM-HOUSE-Ql"A*\ Wl'lbLlN'U'lON, onTUESDAY, 15th August, at 2 p.m., theabove magnificent property, subdividedinto '13 farms, ranging in area from 16acres to 350 acres Already a largo num-ber of enquiries have been received frombuyerc wishing to deal privately, but ithas been derided to submit the whole topublicauction.

Each farm is substantially fenced andwatered. The homestead farm of 350acres contains 174 rcres first-class agricul-tural land;tho balance is very rich, pcr^fectly-drainod swamp. The buildings con-sist cf a splendid dwelling of 11 rooms,with every modern convenience, goodwater serv.ca, orchard, and nicely laid-outgarden, and every necessary outbuilding.The quality of the land on tho wholeestate is unexcelled for fattening etock,grain growing,dairying,or country homes.The quality of the swamp land ca'-not besurpassed in any part of Now Zealand.The drainage is perfect, and largo quanti-ties of fat Ltcck havobeen taken off annu-ally.

The property is 10 minutes' walk, fromthe Otaki railway station and dairy fac-tory, and has a 2-mile frontage to themain road.

The Estate iv well known to be one ofthe best near Wellington, and affords anexcellent opportunity of securing a smallallotment of really first-clogs quality.

Kindly remember the sale date, 13tliAUGUST, and don't fail to inspect curly,as this is an opportunity that seldomoccurs.

TERMS— IO per cent, deposit; three-fifths of the purchase money can remain onmortgage for a term.

TITLE— Land Transfer.Lithograph Plans now ready, and may

he nblaine.! from any of our branches,bub-branches, or agencies.

For further information apply toDALGETY AND COMPANY,LIMITED,



At 2.30 p.m.


DALGETY AND COMPANY, LTD.,will sell- by auction at tho above

lime and' place—

Oats, Fowl Wheat, Maize, Potatoes,Chaff, etc., etc.


DALGETY AND~COMPANY, LTD.,will sell as above

—18-yoar Gelding (any trial)1Rouso fund Hurroll Dogcart, nearly

now, in first-class order1Set black Dcgcart Harnosf, nearly

now, in first-class ordorUPPERHUTT STOCK SALE.

THURSDAY, 15th AUGUST, 1907.

DALGETY AND~COMPANY, LTD.,will tell a« above

—4 good springing cows

16 2-year heifers5 store cows

15 springing heiferi5 ftoro cows

13 prime fat heifer*50 fat wether*60 extra orime fat ew«e 1

W. H.TURNBULL & CO.,.T'AND AND ESTATE AGENTS,i" 3, PANAMA-STREET.TE ARO— Snug little investment, Two

Houses, about 40ft frontage, 74ft deep.Price £1000. 301)2

INGESTRE-STREET— 7-roomed House,.good section, about 100ft deep, hotand cold water, c.1., aud up-to-dateconveniences. Price on application.

3001MOUNT VICTORIA,50 yards from train

and close to the Basin Reserve, splen-did Properly, 33 x 132, 8 rooms andevery -convenience, plastered walls, 2patents, etc. Price £1750.

TO BUILDERS and those looking forBuilding Land, we can offer a coupleof Sections in Mount-street reallycheap. These are close to Wollington-terraee

— and the cheapest sites on ourbooks. Full pailioulars on application.

ADELAIDE - ROAD — Double- frontageShop and Dwelling, carUheds, itablc,etc. Price £1250.

WORDSWORTH STREET (off) — Brandnow House of 6 rooms, lift stud, levelsection, 40 by 100, unituo view ofharbour, hov e replete with all 'ate«tconveniences, including gas and c.1.,Price £1000 ; terms.

TO BUILDERS— 2 City Aries, elevatedposition,grand v:esv, within 20 minuteswalk of G.P.O.


CIAL AGENTS. MASTERTCN.The Oldest-establiohod am! Principal

Agency in the Wairarapa.TO INVESTORS IN TOWN PRO-> . PERTY— An immediate offer of £60

per foot will secure a frontage of over65 fect'to Queeu-^trcet, Martcrton, thoprincipal business thoroughfare of thatgo-ahead and solid town. Section runß iright through to another important

'street, where values are increasingdaily. This security is as- good as any-thing in Wellington at the figure, andis rapidly.improving. Full particularsonapplication. 2699

WAIRARAPA FARM OF 6250 ACRES,situated in rising locality, and withineasy reach of post office, school, etc.;hilly limestone country, exespt about300 acres river fiats; all grassed andv. ell watered, 15 paddocks fenced with7 and 8 wires;will winter 4000 slicapand 600 cattle;houso, vvoolshed, andsheep yards. Prico £3 per tcro;terms.

2591BAKERY BUSINESS, occupying a gocd

position in Hawke's Bay township, 2minutes from station;soundlittle con-corn, bak'ng 2000 loaves per week, bo-Rides gocd connection in confectionery,biscuits, etc. Buildings incldueed house, shop,ptable, slieds,andman'sroom; ij'-^cre section. Price £1000 forfreehold and goodwill; or would leasefor term of 5 years at 25s weekly, withcompi'lsory purchasing clause at £800,goodwill £75. An exceptional, oppor-ttifity. 2700


1100 ACRES, 900 acres in grass, balancebush, 15 miles frcm Wellington;6-rooraed bouse, sheop yards, etc., water-ed by runningstream. Price £4 ICs.

1400 ACRES, Taranaki, nearly all level,500 acres in good grass;homestead,

etc., well watered. Price £4 ss.3600 ACRES, Hawkes Bay, 24C0 acres in

gra^ and paddofJcar-balance uiiini-.provotl; liomestead, outhouse,'-'.and■

j-arde, etc., watered by streams. Cheapproperty.

' sC6*}!ciis " in' jfrissj1 well subdivided; jcarry 2 sheep;good house, yards, etc.Price £5 10s.






Sheltered Sunny Section, with BeautifulViews.


Call or send for plan marked with upsetprices. All sections aro pegged audflagsed.

Our representative will be on tho groundevery Wednesday and Satuiday afternoon,or wo will personally conduct intendingpurchasers over the property at any time.




KELBURNE— Only a few sections arenowleft it) this fashionable locality, and vvohave some of tho best as regards view,etc., on our books, and would advisoan eatly call

HATAITAI— Some of the most charmingsections in this well-patronisedsuburb,with good view,and well drained, andclose to cars, havo been placed with!!"" for disposal." Terms most favour-able.

MIRAMAR— With the new car service,this suburb is-within 50 minutes of thecity. We have to offer', pome verycheap<Eeclion'; out here, on very rea-sonable tqrms.

CITY—A few valuable central building

sections, available on good Icaso, at avery nominal rental. Also for Sale,pood F-cctions in main thoroughfares.

KARORl— Bright sunny Sections in thishealthy locality. Some of tho best.Very good terms to intendingpurchas-ers.


Full particulars fromBARR, LEARY, &






and Fitting', Bakohouse, Cartshed,and Storeroom, also 2-stallcd Stable;thowhole lot for £450. The above is a sureand safe investment, and is iv the besttown in Marlborough. Apply to

H. A. M'CORMICK,Conmiifcsiou Agent,


ROCERY Business for immediate Salein largo andprosperous inland town;

turnover £7000 ; stock and plant, about£1000, at valuation; terms to a goodman;good reasons for selling;a rarechance to secure a good steady business.Fullest information given on applicationto Clark and Gioscn, Land aud EstateiAtrentE. Pa.lmarsU>n Krar.tU.


At 1.30 p.m.

H ERNEST LEIGHTON will sell as" above—12 Hacks and light harness horses, 3 to

5 years5 first-class brake horses1English dog-cart5 choice springers




H ERNEST LEIGHTON has received* instructions from P. Speedy, Esq.,who_ is relinquishing dairying, to sell byauction as above—

The vyhole of his choice dairy herd,milk-oans, etc.

Full particulars later.


MONDAY, 30th SEPTEMBER,At 7.30 p.m.







WF. SHORTT, LTD., havo been" favoured with instructions fromCentral Miramar, Ltd., to sell as above,at^thoir mart, Willis-street

—Tho whole of the magnificent pro-

perty, well-known as the GOt/FLINKS BLOCK, and subdividedinto sections of not lesa than onequarter of an acre each.

TheseSECTIONS constitute- theHEARTof MIRAMAR,andoffer tc the investoranopportunity of acquiring land that mustrapidly increase in value, situated as it isbetween tho TWO TRAMLINES running;to Seatoun and Miramar North respec-tively.

PLANS nrc now being prepared, andwill bo ready for distribution by WED-NESDAY NEXT.






PROPERTIES fronting thoabovo streets arc now open

for Sale.

Full Particulars and Prices ob-tainable at tho Oflico of tho Hea.thEstate, Nathan's Buildings, comerof Grey and Feathorston-streots.

Those Properties constitute thoheart of tho city of Wellington, >,and offer to the investor an oppor-tunity of acquiring laud which israpidly rising in value, and which

.must in the ordinary course of do- ■

velopment of the city attain yearby year a greater rental-produ6injjpowcV.


■ <»

'A. T. BATE,




KARORI— 2 Acres, 3 minutes from tram,sunny, water supply on section.£975 ; terms.

KARORI— House, 7 rooms, lawns, garden,well planted, fowlhouscs, outhouses,level, 5 minutee from tram. £2050.

KARORI (Main-roar'i)— Sections, 1minutofrom tram, sunby. £6 per foot.

KARORI (Lancaster-street)—

Fino largoscotion, sunny, good view. £5 per ft.

KARORI (Duthie-street)—2 Sections, both54ft x 130ft, facing sun. £5 ,por ft.

KARORI— Gentleman's magnificent Resi-dence, 8 rooms, sea view, 5 minutesfrom tram, over 1aero land laid outlawns, shrubbery, garden, etc., beau-tifully sheltered. £2500.

KARORI— We have Sections and Houbosfor Sale in all,parts of Karori at rea-sonablo pricoe. Agents for Cooper andWilliams Estates and South KaroriLand Co. Telephone 2419 for furtherparticulars.

ORIENTAL BAY— 3 Houbos, 8 rooms,£2000; 5 rooms, £1500; 7 rooms,£1150.

HHiL-STREET— 7 rooms, all conveni-ences, near tram; 35ft % 90. £1650.



MA.TORIBANKS-STREET— Houso of 4rooms, with modern conveniences, 0110minuto from Clyde-quay. Prico £570.

182MOSELLE-STREET, Island Bay— Hou*e

of 5 rooms (large), well nhoHoredi fromsoutherly wind, and there is a largepiece of grouad. Prico £525. 76

KELBURNE— Sunny Section of Loud, ingood position,50ft x 180ft. Price £480.

FOR. SAIE, good pedigree BuiiTßUeii"IS montbi old. For further particu-

lars <uy)StJlA,.owea'»treejt,--



dei cc, in commanding position, withlarge section of land, 165ft 4in front-age to Wallace-street.

HANKEY-STREET— 7 rooms and allmodern conveniences, nice garden,splendid view, land 36 x 162. £1150.

GORDON-STREET- -Two 6-roomcd Cot-tages, with all conveniences, land 53 x120. £1100. Cheap.

FINLAY-TERRACE-5 rooms and allconveniences, land 33 x 90. £700.Terms.

MOUNT VICTORIA Locality— Two 7-rooinod Houses, with all conveniences,land 40 x 132. £1350. A bargain. ■

CONSTABLE-STREET— S rooms, scul-lery, bath, and all conveniences, work-shop, etc., laud 35 x 101. £900.

COLOMBO-STREET- Several fine Build-ing Sit3s, from £7 10s to £14.

CAROLINE-STREET— B rooms and overymodern improvement, h. and c.water, c.1., gas, etc., land 28 x 90.£1130.

BOULCOTT-STREET— 9 rooms and everyconvenience, h. and c. water, etcland 38 x 81. £1550/

BIDWELL-STREET— Superior and up-to-. .date ißesidonco 8 rooms, bathroom,"pantry, c.1., hot and cold water, wash-house, wood and coal shed, fowlhoiibc,etc., land 41x 153. £1400. Fine poai-'tion.

PETONE.QUEEN-STREET— 9 rooms, bathroom, h.and c. water, consoivatory, etc., stableand email workshop, land 40 x 134£750.CUBA-STREET —

Two new 5-roomod'Houses and Cottage, show-ing a handsome return for outlay re-quired, land 120 x 100. £1200

LOWER HUTT.BLACKBRIDGE— 5 rooms and conveni-ences,orchard, goodgarden, fowlhoiuc,

etc., 1-aci'B temV £500.ALICETOWN, Contral-torracc-Finc levellevel bcction, 45 x 145. £6 bs perfoot.



KELBURNE— Gent's 7-roomcd Residence,oath, h. and c. water, c.1., gas cookorwardrobes, bookcace, workshop, etc "land 33 x 150. £1200. 1797OEKTEAL-Valvablo Block of ShopProperty, 5 alioj:s, each having- 7 liv-ing rooms, corner position. £8250.

ROXBURGH-STREET-5 Rooms, "l.6bath, copper, tubs, etc.;L.T. title ", 23 x 95. £900. 1794CROFTON— Gent's ideal country Re&i-,denes, containing 6 largo and loftyrcoms, ftoel ceilings, large enamelporcelain bath, wall papers cost 5a 6clper roll;land 48 x 188;well situated,

magnificent.view of harbour. £375 ;an absolute b.irga'n 1792EAWKER-STREEI-Modern Residsnooof 6 rooms,roplote with every eor.vor.i-ciico, c.1., h. and c. water, wardrobo,etr.; Inr.d 35 x 90. £1250 17£2RIDDIFORD-STREET (near Po*t Oflice)/— Dcuble-frontod Shop and Dwelling-land 36 x IC9. "

£1200. 1781WINDSOR-PLACE - Neat 4-roomedDwelling, bath, copper, vvashhouso,p.vv.o., etc, recently painted andpapered throughout. £650; a snap.

1773WALLACE-STREET (off)— Desirable s-roomed Villa'

Residence, gas, gascooker, concrolo paths, splendid ccc-lion. £650; inspect this property to-"ay- 1611ABEL SMITH-STREET— Valuable Fnc-

*. !ory 'f?il0'1 together with 4-roomcd,1dwbUJnK.(Mfl6so."t»i *"? >'*■ *"" k1747''AIORTIMER-TERRAOE—New 5-roomodResidence, every convenience, easy to

s tram. Only £550; tormjf.flrracijcdj1735

■ £790Will .purchase ideal Home, Kclburnc, 5" minntcß from Power Station, baywin-"dovv, asphalt yard and path;land 40

x 108. 1732BERHAMPORJi — Modern 4-roomef!Dwelling, -every convenience, neartram; land 33 x 165. £550. 17C8

COURTENAY-PLACE.Conservative Invertment consisting of

double-fronted Shop and Dwelling;.ilfo Coitnccc; land 33 x 132. £3000/

£175 WILL VURCIMSE desirable Ro-i-1 dencj, Mount. Victoria, 6 room"!,

every convenience; laud 30 x 123.£775.


TUTCHEN-AVENUE— Substantial fix-room-'d Dwelling, " bathroom, cup-boards, wardrobe, bay window; laml35ft frontage. £650. 1799

AUSTIN-STP.EET— Two attractive Resi-dences, each containing 7 largo andlofty room", corner \>a tion. £2100

WALTER-STREET — Valuable Factoryf>itc, 33ft frontage, together with 4-roomed Dwelling, detached shed, etc.£620. 1727

COURTJiNAY-PLACE — Double-frontedShop aud Dwelling;land 66 x 132.£100 per foot. 1784

THOMPSON-STREET — New 5-roomedResidence, "bath, gas throughout, gasstovo, scullery, etc. £800. 1705

i,ANCASTER ESTATE, KARORI.Thu pick> of Residential Sections from

£2 per foot.



ON account of our enormous sales, wo" aro now short of suitable propertiesin tho abovo localities. Thersfore it willbo Id the distinct advantage of vendorswishing to- diapopo of their Real Estatequickly to forward' us particulars withoutdelay of any properties they have for sale.

THOMSON AND BROWN.Hunter-street.




12-roomed Houseand Shop of 4 rooms;land 65 x 120;rental £17Q p.a. £6000.

CROSBY-TERRACE— S rooms, bathroom,gaa, all convenioneas;mortgago £400;rental 22s 6d p.w. Price £660. *

HORNER-STREET— Two Houses, each 5rooms, verandah, gfis 6toves, bathroom,separate titles; icntal 36s p.w. £975.

WALTER-STREET— S rooms, good fac-tory Bite;land 33 x 66. Prico £585.

KARORl— Beautiful Building Site, nearMunicipal Chambers;land 67 x 267.Price £275. A snip

KILBIRNIE— 5 rooms, verandah on twoeides, two bajß, sliding door to veran-dah, tiled hearths, q>a, 3 rooms each14ft x 14ft. Built for owner;land 50x 171;mortgago £500. Prico £785.



VERY Choico Suburban Property ofabout 2 acres, nine-roomed house,

gnrdent., lawns, (liable, and coachhouse*,nfood water and up-to-date drainnge. Prico£2500, AVrito for puiticulan to

1 V




PARK-ROAD, MIRAMAR ,(Opposite the Polo Ground). ;




Tho construction of Wonderland atMiramar North is now in lull operation.This Park and Pleasure Resort is beinglaid cut on such a scale tnat it will bosecond to none in the -colony.

£25,000 is now being expended in creat-inga Veritable Fairy Land for IhoEnter-tainment of the people of Wellington, audthis Wonderland will be opened on the2nd of November, 1907.

Wo,strongly urge those who are seekinginvestment in Wellington Property to payMiramar North a visit.

One ride on the tram will satisfy anyone where development is taking place.

Miramar North will for many years -to.come bo tho centre of growth and attrac-tion at Miramar. Invest in a tram faroand hayc a ride out and judge for yourself.

Tho greater number of Sections aitMiramar N'oirh have been sold, and therearo but a few choice' ones remaining-.Therefore early application is nece^gary tosecure a Uea.l Bargain in the GreatestSuburb Wellington Possesses.

The tram ride from Wellington, throughthe Kilbirnie Tunnel and down the Hatai-tai Valley, along tho Evans Bay Fore-fhore and theneo across tho neck of thePeninmlai, and on through tho BeautifulMiramar Valicy to the tram terminus at2'l'ramav North, is, without exception, themost attractive car journey'in' or aroundWellington. Those vyho havo not alreadyexperienced this del:ghtful outing shouldtake tho'first opportunity of availing themEelves of it. '

Since cutting up Miramar North far salewe have disposed of upwards of £80,000worth of land in areas varying from aquarter aero upwards.

We havo had mora to do with the set-tlement of Miramw than any one else inWellington, and claim to be tho bci;ljudges in tho city of M'ramar LandVaiuos.

Those who have takenour advice for thepa?t four yesr3 havo had good cause tocongraitulato themselves with their pur-chases.

Our advieo now is to purchase im-mediately, as the coming of summer andthe opening of Wonderland in Novembsr,supported by tho 1.-cit of communication,namely tho elcctr.c trsanvvay service, willwitness a.Bocm in Miramar Land that, inour opinion, lias rot been seen,in Wel-lington for many years.

If you wish to speculate in buildings,come to Miramar. Every house thai has,been built in Mirsrnar "is^OccUrjidiwja'iJd,,people' are clamouriEg for houses ttailylWo say build at Miranur, became you canbuild thoi-e with x5Cr-"ect security of landvaiuos -rising: They will nbt onlyrise, but'will rise higherand quicker thca the landvaiuos in any other suburb.

SPECULATIVE BUILDING.This class of investment has been very

popular in Wellington fcr years, moreparticularly during tho last year or two.Buildings are going up in all directions inpud around VVelUugton. Wo are eatifficdthat no buildings iv no suburb are Ist asreadily as they aro at Miramar North.Our contention is supported by the indis-putable fact Hint thero is not -an emptyhousu in Miramar North, and people oredaily applying to us for them.Ifutty houses were erected at Miramar

North to-morrow, they would all he lotbefore they were out of tho builder'shands, and al rents that would pay goodinterest on the outlay.

Miramar land vaiuos are lower and afar better investment than any other pro-perty within twenty miles of the city.

For the.3o reasons we (strongly urge thobuilding epeculator to buy and bu.ld atMiramar.

Golden opportunities are. being missedthrough dolay in not purchasing at Mira-mar. The development of this suburbhas exceeded the most sanguine expecta-tions of everybody, and hundreds of pre-dictions that wore made during the earlyhistory of the borough have been entirelyrefuted by Iho cctual progress that hastaken place.

Do3pite this fact the development of thepast four years will bo more than exceed-ed twofold"during the coming eumrnor.

In addition to this, Miramar is thohealthiest suburb in Wellington to -residein. Those who have taken up their abodethere havJe not been longin realising this.Ono has only got to coma into Welling-ton ona foggy winter's morning after leav-ing Miramar in Bright Sunshine to ap-preciate tho full benefit of residing in thisparticular locality.

This speaks for itself, and wo only ma,kemention of it to urge those seeking in-vestment to pay this progressive dittrietono visit and uso Iho earliest opportunityof securing a pioco of land in MiramarNorth".




■^ToTE have For Salo Sections of all» » classes ami areas, with or without

dwellings, both fiat and terrace, also tramand park frontaget, at Prices that will re-coup handi-omoly if purehasod now. Butwe have only a limited number of FlatSections near the tram.

Since tho tramca-rs commonccd runningto Miramar North, a largo number ofpeople havo visited the district, many ofthem for tho fivsl time.






(Opposite the Polo Ground).


MONDAY NEXT, 12th AUGUST, 1907,At 2 o'clock sharp.




MESSRS. J. 11. BETHUNE 4ND CO.havo been instructed to sell by pub-

lic auction, as abovo—

The whole of tho coachbuilder's plant,fctook, .tools, and vehiclos, including


full-lock van, 2 butchers' carts, bakor'scart, express, phaeton, buggy, box dray,farmer's cart, hardware rims, shafts,spokes, fellies, hubs, and planks, tire-bender, upsetter, tiring plate, stocks anddies, bolt-cutters, smithingand coachbuild-ing tools, and sundries.InLots to Suit Buyers.TUESDAY NEXT, 13th AUGUST,1907,


TURE.Removed for Convenience of Sale.

|l|y|-ESSES. J. H. BETHUNE AND CO.LLtjL havo been instructed by the owner,who is leaving for England, to sell byauction, without reserve^ at their rooms,roather3ton-street, as above-^A large quantity of superior householdfurniture, includinggrand piano by Bord,carved walnut drawing-room suite, rattan,wicker, and occasional chairs, occasionaltables, oil paintings, engravings, polishedsideboard with bevelled mirror back, din-ing table, superior dinner service, bookchelves, clooks, brass' fenders, perambu-lator in good order, A.B. chairs, mangle,wringer, steps, ironbedsteads, wire stretch-ers, beds, kapoo mattresses, pillows, duch-esse chests and washstands, cheßts of.drawers, toiletware, best linoleums, garden»nd carpenter's tools, kitchen utensils, andsundries.

Now on view, and inspection invited.WEDNESDAY, 14th AUGUST, 1907.

At 2pjn.

HIGH-CLASS HOUSEHOLD FURNI-TURE,;At the Residence, No.. 76/ Abel Smith-st.(HJ-ESSRS. J. H. BETHUNE AND CO.>L»X, hove been favoured with instructionsfrom-the owner, who has disposed of his

"Property, to sell by auction at the resi-dence, 76,-Abel Snuth-st., as above—- Upright grand piano (by Rossener),carved English oak and tapestrysuite, card and tea tables, fenders.piano stool, carpets and linoleums,hallstand, thermometer, leather din-ing suite, mirror-backed sidoboard,clocks, sewing machine, mirrors, pic-tures, d. andsS. bedsteads, chestdrawers, duch*esse pairs, marble-topwashstands and dressing tables, cur-tain poles, brackets, crockery, chairs,wringer, mangle, meat safe, hoso,lawn mower, saucepans, steps, kit-chen utensils, and sundries.

Furniture on view onmorning of sala.L MONDAY, 12th AUGUST, 1907,

At 1.30 o'clock.

IN THE FRUIT MARKET,10—12, Allcn-strect.



TOWNSEND AND PAUL, LTD., willsell at auction, without reserve, on

account of Mcssh Laird and Sons, Wanga-nui—

A consignment of nursery stock, com-prising

—300 rose treo3700 flowering ?nd ornamental plants250 fruit trees

Catalogues in preparation.'MAIZK STPvAW CHAFF.

MONDAY, 12th AUGUST, al Noon.,T AERY AND CO., LTD., will cell, atjLJ the Fruit Exchange, Allcn-strect, asabove

—100 Sacks Ma:ze125 Srcks Straw Chaff"


TUESDAY, 13th AUGUST, 1907.

[A BRAHAM AND~WILLIAMS, LTD.,*£&. will sell as above, at 11.30 a.m.—

16 bullocks16"bullock*10 steers and hcifors16 bullocks16 bullocks

120 wethers60 wethers

112 prime ewe»60 prime wethers3 fab heifers

10 fat and forward cows1fat cow4- vealers

Also, on account of T. P. Bryant, Esq.,Ohariu, who has sold his farm

—600 good hoggets


WEDNESDAY, 14th AUGUST,. 1967,At 12.30 o'clock.

f\ BRAHAM AND WILLIAMS, LTD.,<J\. havebeen favoured with instructionsfrom Messrs Abbott Bros., who are giving"up dairying, to sell at their farm, Judge-ford, near Pabautanui, the whole of' theirWell-selected dairy heTd, consisting of—

50 first-class cows, to calve August andSeptember

20 springingheifers (half-bred Jersey)2 shorthorn bulls3 breeding sows, farrowing September8 20-gall6u milk cans


The above cows are mostlyJer-»ey and Shorthorn crosses, and one of thebest herd? in tbo district. The dairy farmhas been carried on for the past 30 years,and the cows have boon raised from thetest milking strains.

A conveyance will meet midday train atParemata.


Luncheon provided."

WEDNESDAY, 14th "AUGUST,At 1.30 o'clock sharp.


'At the Residence, No. 105, Willis-street.

<£~^ EORG-E THOMAS AND CO.have re-VJT ceived instructions from the owner,who is leaving Willis-street, to sell at thoresidence, No. 105, on WEDNESDAY,14th August, at half-past 1sharp

—-A quantity of household furniture,including^—

SValnut Chippondcle chairs, octagon occa-sional tables, stair carpet, occasionalchp.irg, overmantel, pictures, wash-ilands, mu*c canterbury, hall clock,bedstead, or.tSTr.ents, sundries, alsomarble bu»t '"Cbfjie, with pedestal.GEORGE THOMAS AND CO.,


TT^OIt SALE, splendid new 5-roomedif House, every convenience, three baywindows, good view; £100 deposit, balanceby regular monthly payments;inspectioninvited. Apply

C. AND A. ODIJN,Timber Morchants.~Jervois-quay.

«nm<EE GOOD BUSINESSES-^) Dra"-"E- pery Business, Raetihi,returning clear£5 weekly, new shop, throe living rooms;long lease, low rental. (2) Country Store,turnover about £400 monthly;rent £1yearly. Prico £250; stock, if required, atIrndcd co?t. (3) Hairdreesing and Tobac-conist's'Business. Price £2CO for stock andgcodw/11. LONGDILL AND HJSDIN,Reading.Land Agents, Tailiapo, ,



The main features of the Defence Re-port were briefly sketched in yesterday'sPost, but the document is of such im-portance and interest, and contains suchc quantity of detail, that some furtherreference to it is necessary.

Incidentally, the council, in insistingon the necessity of instructing, training,and equipping the various unit 3 ofthe volunteer forces, states that "in turnthe volunteer officers, non-commissionedoraccrs, and men must take advantageof facilities ofT3red, and seriously andearnestly carry out their obligations,especially that of regular attendance;otherwise no advance can bemade. Offi-cers andnon-commissioned officers shouldstrive to qualilv for<a rank superior tothe one they hold, it beingkept in mindthat under war conditions the calling up*of reserves, etc., would very largely in-crease the forces, affording officers andnon-commissioned officers who show fit-ness certain promotion.. PERMANENT FORCE.

The Permanent Force is to be main-tained at the highest state of efficiencyas instructors and first relief of special-ists to train the artillery volunteers, whomust be further encouraged, as, in caseof emergency, it will be the volunteerswho will have to form the. manningdetails and reliefs to maintain the ser-vice of the various works. For this pur-pose the volunteer garrison artilleryLnve been directly linked with the Per-manent Forces.

A supervising officer ha 3bsen ap-pointed, whose duty it is to assist rino

-clubs in all matters and afford informa-tion.

An amount is being asked for separ-ately for an equipment to enable suffi-cient foice at slioit notice to be rapidlymobilised to take the field in each dis-trict.

STRENGTH OF THE FORCES.Xhe enrolled strength of the Defence

Forces at the end of the last two volun-teer years is 'as follows :—:


Headquarters Staff .. .. 6 8District Staffs 40 45Permanent l'ojces, R.N.Z.A. and

R.N.Z.E 359 361Garrifou Artillery Volunteers .. 900 929Field Artillery 445 461Submarine and Field Engineers.. £08 470Mounted Rifles 41P0 4189Infantry 7045 eBBlFitld Hospital and1Bearer Corps.. 162 211Defence Cndcts 3125 3094It:flndubs 3079 3141Garrison Bands 128 142Active unattached officers .. 73 101

Grand total 20,070 20,033On the subject of training and instruc-

tion the council says it is expected thatthe system 'of instruction now laid down,whereby theTe is the District Instruc-tional Staff constantly operating- through-out each district, with a General Instruc-tional Staff to move regularly round thedistricts for the hijrher training, willbetter the prewnt st<ite» of affairs, andenable a progressive policy of militaryeducation to be carried out.

As to the General Instructional Staff,the rerjortstates that there are to arrivefromLngland two officers for three years,and on* sergeant instructor for RoyalEngineers. The council eug-geits thenecessity -of- "increns-ing the staff of in-structors for mounted rifles and infantry.

The examination of officers is underattention.,,Pacers ( jconvmandijig,,, djs- tJttso|»,wj}| pa tested hi tactical fitness to'command. During the' past year li^.volunteer officers presented tfiemselvesfor examination (5not complete-:!). Of the131 completed, 106 passed and 25 failedwholij or partially. This in itself proves'the necessity for a mere uniform andt«gular system, of instruction.

A Veterinary Department is to baorganised.

PAY AND ALLOWANCES.The council has devoted much time to

the question of pay and allowance ofthe officers and men. as it is absolutelynecessary, if anefficient defence force isto be maintained, that sufficient mone-tary recognition and prospects of ad-vancement must be ottered to insure theretention of good men in the service.The pay must be fixed and made ade-quate, and, with that object in View,the council have submitted a classifica-tion scheme defining the pay and allow-ance of all connected with the force asunder:


Mm. Max. HouseRank. pay. pay. al'w'n'e.

2 £ £O.C. District „ .. 325 «00 50M.ijor 300 350 50Captain 225 250 25Lieutenant .. .. 175 215 25

WARRANT OFFICERS.Staff Sergeant-majors.. 150 180

STORE DEPARTMENT..Director of Stores .. 300 3fOStorekeepers .. IEQ 180Saddler .. .. 150 160ttmenran. .. '.. ISO 170I'irciiian .. .., IEO 190Arms-cleaner .. .. 106 156Labourers .. .. 8aperdiem.

No man under the rank of sergeantshould be vallowed to remain in theforce after twenty-one years'^ service.Further, " regarding rates of'pay thoCouncil recommends that gunners onenlistment receive 6s per day, and thatfurther pay be given for pood conductand proficiency. It is also proposedthat a free issue of service uniformbe made, to non-commissioned officersand men each alternate year.Regarding stores and magazines thoCouncil reports, inter alia:— The stockof accoutrements is inadequate, therebeing no reserve. Many of tho tentsnow used are unserviceable, havingseen ten years' service. They will re-quire roplacing. The reserve of smallarms ammunition is increasing, heingwell over the generally acknowledgedsafety limit. The supply of artilleryammunition is maintained in accordancewith the authorised scale. As to sport-ing rifles, the Council states that if theduty were remitted on all rifles of a.303 bore capable of taking the Gov-ernment ammunition, itmight encouragetho use of such rifles, which in case ofemergency would further augment thoreserve stock.

GARRISON ARTILLERY.Reporting on the Garrison Artillery

Major Johnston says tho high standardreported List year has with one excep-tion been maintained. The practicalgunnery work is excellent, but there isa falling olf in the results of the theore-tical examinations.

As to Field Artillery Major Johnstonreports an improvement in nearly allthe batteries, and ho thinks they fullyjustify the expenditure on them. "TheRusso-Japanese war har," continuesMa-jor Johnston, "brought into prominencethe necessity of a highly trained fieldartillery, and all ranks of the artilleryare taught to realise that if they arcnot thoroughly efficient they are use-less;in addition a spirit of esprit decorps is fostered. This spirit shouldbe encouraged, and every possible in-ducement offered to'make all ranks effi-cient. Ihave quite come to theconclusion that it is necessary, in orderto have efficient voluntoer field artillery,that the officers should be carefullyselected, as they require to be mon ofmore thanaverageability. The costofoursix field batteries is only, approximate-ly, £5000 per annum, while the cost ofone local regular field battery wouldbe about £20,000 per annum at colonial


(By Dr. F. H. Charity.)

A ROYAL TRADES UNION."For hotvven's sake, let ds sib upon

the giound and tell sad stories of thedeath of kings," said the Tsar to thoKaiser the other day, repeating the wordsof the ill-starred' Richard 11. Nicholastold his Royal cousin William about the,low-bio^ed, black-bearded ruffians whowore for ever plotting against vispeace."0 William, 1am sick' at heart," liesighed. "All tho day Iwander in theValley of tha Shado\r, and at <»ight 1dream about conspiracies. A thousand anda thousand times I've heaid the roar ofbombs that cariied death, andIhave felltho tdge- of steel gnawing at my heart insleep. Is there no waj to Test on thisside of the grave?" "'Hast tried thomailed fist?" "Of courseIhave;also thshob-nailed boot." "Well, well,'' declaredWilliam, "1air afraid there's nothing foritbut a trades union.' My uncle Edwardhas been calling upon obher monarchywhile we've been here. I'll write toWard

—the New Zealander, you know

—and ask him for some tips about theorganisations in his country."

While the delegates of the nations atThe Hague aro talking about betting up aConciliation Board and Arbitration Courtit will not bo wisb for kings and em-perors to lag behind in the union busi-ness. Workers arc federated, employersare banded together, a combine of themasses of the nations is in the air, andgetting on the ground. About the onlysection of humanity remaining to be or-ganised into an association or trust isroyalty. Ifall tho blue blood of Europe"was formed into a union, tho kings andprinces would have a much more com-fortable existence. A sudden strikeamong all tbr> crovrned heads -wouldcreate considerable consternation, andrather than hive such a discord in theKuropoan concert the persons in chargeof the programme would be willing togiant reasonable concessions. The kingswould define the maximum weight ofcrowns,

'insist oa Tiavmsr a "smoke-oh"

all to themselves at certain tim-as of theday, limit tho number of bazaars andcattle shows that they are called upon toopen, arrange their love matches in ac-cordance with their own hearts' desires,and have a few ither of tho privilegesenjoyed by the people who are luckyenough not to be kings. Th-;ir ultimateaim would be to declare themselves en-titled to all the joys of commoners, butthey know that th* time is not yet ripelor the concession of that boonT Theytrill progress by easy stages till all arecommoners. j

WOMAN AS A LAW-MAKER.?t has been mentioned in this columnAat the hand which wields the sceptre of

ih© rolling-pin rule? the world. Momi-nally man has

fruled woman through theagee, and woman has pretended to b6ruled, and has smiled inscrutably Kb thedeception. Well she has krio'wu thatshe holds the key to the strategic posi-tion— the stomach

—in the human fort,

and tho wise ones have been content tolet man persevere in his own dcV-ionsabout the mastery. However, r. «* 3 in-formers want woman to come out in theopen and rule with the

'King's Mace.'Ihey forget that the little Hands which,in private, can keepan Empire in orderwith the -rolling-puv would find thecumbrous mace all too heavy in pub-c- i.'.;.mu/ <«. 4 711 ' ! *

"'"'l i'l s jfMembers of 'the "House of representa-

tives desire to see'woman "get her bandin at public government' in the Legis-lative Council. They destfe Jto sec*--asprinkling of ganfcy spring blouses amongthe sombre frock coats, and dimpledcheeks among the greybeards. Theywould like to have the ponderous tone*of the Hon. John Gruff leavened wi*.hthe lisped tweetness of the Hon. MarySimpers. The gooso of the LowerHouse is anxious to present the sauce offemininity to the gander of the Legisla-tive Council.


The members of the popular Chamberhave indicated that they do not con-rider that the time has come for ivomanto make laws, but they believe that sh\>is qualified to assist in punching senseinto some of the bladdero of nonsensethat are sent on to the Upper Housefrom the Lower. They hint that sLcwould be a nice reviser, but an indif-ferent deviser. One- of them, in favourof honouring the Legislative Councilwith tho presence of feminine colleagues,■was so anxious to make it clear thattheir proper place was not in the Hou>jeof "Representatires, that he baldly im-plied that the Lower House wouldnot bequite respectable enough for ladies. Itshows nice taste on the part of thesepersons to refrain from inviting ladiesto a hall which has made itself no-torious for low comedy duriDg tke postfortnight.Itis queer that Jihe ankle, the fem-

inine ankle, should have such a prom-inent place in literature. It is a jointon which a whole host of wheezy jokesturn. Who knows whether woman orman is responsiblefor the importance ofthe ankle in the affairs of the world?The name itself is ugly, however prettythe jointmay be. Poor old elbow, withnicely rolling syllables, is regarded withBcorn. Even attached to nicely mould-ed bare" arms protruding from eveningundress, the' elbow excites no admira-tion. For a time there was a run of el-bow culture. A few lucky possessorsof elbows that were softly, exquisitelydimpled in repose, managed to get thoeyes of the world fixed on these charm3.Women took care to make their elbowsd« anything but elbowing. They de-nied themselves the luxury of restingtheir heads in their hands and proppingtheir forearms ona table, for this relax-, ation would tend to make the elbow redand rugged. But the craze in elbows

1 s«on died down. There were too manyunlovely elbows which absolutely de-"clined to be anything' but elbows, und\so the fashion died from starvation.Besides there is something blatant

—mamant, a politician might say


the full exposure of an elbow. Half-veiled the elbow may win a verse froma poet, but all unbared itmay get onlya gibe. Moreover elbow is the next-door neighbour of funny bone, aboutwhitjh there can be no romance, especi-ally if the edge of a door happens toget in the way.

Fashions in elbows may come and go,but man's devotion will be reserved forthe anfelo, which neither comes nor goes.It has- the charm of the


feminine." No oneexactly knows whatthe "eternally feminine' means, andno one knows exactly where the pretti-ness of *n ankle lies, but everybody isconscious that there is a subtle charmin the sto&kingcd curve, which ihe eyesees for a foment, and only a moment.Is the ankle meant for

ithe eye of man

to see in this fleeting way or not. Wo-men will never confess this secrot.Openly they will say "No," perhaps'in<dignantly, if tho question is bluntlyfub, but man in his heart iias his own

eliaf. With some women (those whod? really possess a pretty ankle), a veryli^ht shower of rain does make the street■vfcry, very muddy. Ladiss (not because<hoy have shapely ankles) do not wearhoots, as a rule. They mostly preferloot gear that does not covrr the curve,at wnich man is forbidden to peep,.while tho owner is looking.


Surprise at Sir John Forrest's retire-ment from th9Deakin Administration(writes the Adelaide Observer) will beafter all less than was the astonishmentcaused when he—

as on9of the greatest— if not quite the greatest practicalstatesman livingin Australia joined thatmakeshift Ministry. One has only to re-call tho extraordinary development ofWestern Australia when Sir John For-rest ruled with irrestible energy and in-spired imagination to understand howhis free- anil vigorous national spirit hasfretted and dialed under the limitationsof a federalism characterised by personalpettin-css, sinister ambitions, classism,and provincialism. Of five Common-wealth Ministries >he has been in three,but in none has he been happy, forhe has not found scope for his states-manship. The marvel is that thePrimeMinister did not accompany his col-league, with whom he is in heart so'thoroughly in sympathy.

The attempt to set up Federal stampprinting works that would supply allparts of Australia has been"blocked ow-ing to a dispute between the Treasuryand Postal Department. The Houseof Representatives, sought to get thereason frtim the Postmaster-General whythe money voted for buying the newmachinery for the Adelaide stamp print-ing works attached to the post-officethere, had not been expended. Mr.Chapman gave' no1 direct answer, andMr. Batchelor subsequently asked theTreasurer to explain why the moneythough voted in each of. the last fiveyears, had not been spent. Sir JohnForrest, in reply, referred to the ex-isting arrangements. Stamps wereprinted at Sydney, Melbourne, and Bris-bane for the respective States,and WestAustralia and Tasmania were .suppliedfrom tha Melbourne General Post Office.He did not think there should be anyalteration until the Federal printingworks were established Mr. Mahon,West Australia, interjected that the-Adelaide works were Federal property.'Sir John Forrest, however, contendedthat any Federal printing works shouldbe undar the close supervision of theTreasury officials, and the printingshould not be done far away from thecentral government. There was,1a littledifference between the departments andthat was the reason why the matter hadbstn delayed. "Unless it wa9 taken outof the hands of the Treasury he wouldnot approve of the printing being donefar away from ihe Treasury. Pendinga settlement of this d-epartmental dis-pute tho present arrangements are tocontinue.

The final meeting of the Tariff Com-mission was held on 31stl July. Itwas announced that all the reports ofthe commission hadbeenpresented. Thetotalnumber of sittings to take evidencewas 211. The sittings to deliberatenumbered 193, which made p, grand totalof 404 days. Tho number of complaintsinvestigated was 767, and 618 witnesseswere oxamined. Tho minutes of theevidence presentedembracedover100,000questions and answers.

No Cabinet sanction (says a Melbournepaper) has yet been obtained for the petscheme of the Minister for Customs

—tha erection of a building to be calledCommonwealth House, in the Strand,London, where the High Commissionerand all other Federal olficials in London jcould have their' offices. Sir William jLyno, when in Lqndojij obtained anoption until 30th July over a piece ofland in tho Strand, pejonging to theLondon County Council. Sir Williamhowever, could not.jinduee-iiis colleaguesto close with the offer. Still, Cabinetwould not definitely reject the proposal.Sir William Lyne cabled to Londonasking for an extension of the option.He received a reply stating that asubcommittee of ,ths council agreed toextend the option' for' two months, butasked that the Governmentshould never-theless quickly come to some decisionin the matter.

Enquiries are to be made by the De-partment of External Affairs into thestories of murder and violence whichhave coino from thp island of Malaita.A vessel was despatched from Brisbanefor tho Solomon Islands, and a numberof kanakas are on board on their wayto Malaita. "We arc exercising specialcare," said Sir William Lyne, "as towhom we send. There willbe an officeron board as usual, and he will be ex-pected to bring back'some definite in-formation in respect to-«>the rumourswhich have come from the jslnnd. Thekanakas will be sent to tha British Re-sident, who will hi in a better positionthan anybody eleo to know whether ornot it is safe lo send them to theirhomes. Malaita is the only'isalnd wherethere has been any trouble, and theywill be sent to other islands if it is notsafe in Mnlaita."

NEW SOUTH WALES.A woman in Sydney, Sarah M'lnnes,

48 years of af,o, has just been convictedona charge of drunkenness' for the 110thtime.

On 31st July, at MurWilumba, NewSouth Wales the monkeys connectedwith a travelling show became somehowpossessed of a sum of money whicn theydistributed to a crowd of boys. Thecoins comprised half-crowns, florins, andshillings, and totalled nearly £1. It isconjectured that the monkeys found a"plant" under the School of Arts gashouse, near which they were tied up.

Jt*ercy Kelso, alias Ai'Donald, an agi-tator at Broken Hill, lately got intotrouble through recklessly urging amob to violence. He was charged withhaving incited the. public to commitcrime— namely, to assault and iiirowvitriol ov<»r Senior Police-Constable Gib-hon. Evidence was given that accused,addressing between three and four mou-eancl people, described the police as"dirty loafers," and "rotters," urgedhis hearers to "make footballs of them,"to "kick Gibson and the other policewhonever they got a cnance," to "takepossession of the streets' as they did inliussin,," to "come this evening andbringeggs, cayenne pepper, and vitroilto throw over Gibson," who was "hotstuff." Counsel for the defence contend-ed that no ono could take the- words(seriously, and said the prosecution was"a huge farce." The court thought dif-forently, and Kelso was committed fortrial.

One who formerly ranked among themost brilliant writers ever connectedwith the Australian Press

—Mr. Francis

Myers (says the Australian)— di-ed on22hd July at Jindabyne, New SouthWales, while on his way to hiountKossciusko, a scene 'which' his pen de-scribed many years ago with splendidpicturesqusne>s. During the late"eighties" and early in tho "nineties"Mr. Myers was widely read as "Telc-machus in tho Argus, and the Austra-lasian. He had an inborn "feeling" for'nature, a free and admirable literarystyle, and apower ofdescription equalledby very few. His word paintinp of"Picturesque Victoria." was -the directwork of the artist, who transfers whathe has seenand felt to theprinted page;ho r-xrolWl also in &ket<:hy characterstudies', generally with a touchof pathos,introduced to make his picture live andbioatho. Unfortunately Myers finished

rates of pay. A noticeable featureof this year's practice was the effi-cient tactical handling- of D Battsry,and the good work of its drivers. ThisIattribute partly to tho advantagethisbattery has in the use of the R.N.Z.A.horses for training-purposes during theyear. The present schedule of allow-ance for horse-hire, whilst sufijeient forEaster and annual training-camps, doesnot permit of sufficient mounted workbeing done during the year by otherbatteries. Istrongly recommend thatarrangements b*e made at each districtwhere field batteries are stationed tocontract for tho supply of ten horsesper battery to be used during the yearon, say, forty Saturday afternoons orholidays per year for training-purposes,and the same number of evenings foruse at the weekly drills. The horsesto be selected for suitability of stamp,registered, and contractors paid accord-ingly. The increased cost per batterywould be about £250 per annum,whilethe cost of maintenance of ten horses,including the salaries of drivers,wouldbe approximately £890 ,■ per annum,which, added to the initial expenditurefor purchase of horses', building ofstables, etc., renders 'the scheme offorming a pertnament cadre of fieldartillery at each station too costly toadopt, while it would'not be of greateradvantage than the scheme suggested.By this scheme all batteries will beplaced on the same footing as regardstraining, i The K.N.Z.A. horses atWellington should be maintained, asthey are necessary for transport-work,training of permament drivers, etc."

MOUNTED RIFLES.The Inspector-General, in an attached

report, touches on the question ofmounted rifles, and urges that, in addi-tion to drill and the theory of tactics,they should be taught to bring theknowledge of country which their dailylives and occupations give them, tobear on the study of practical tacticsand the art of making the best uss,from a militai'y point of view, of what-ever ground they may have to" fightover.Moro attention should be paid to dis-mountad'drill; and' to nlaking all officersand n.c.o's more proficient in instruct-ing and handling their men. In somecorps, also, more attention should bedevoted to horsemastership, or the careof horses, without which, they mustbreak down if used for any length oftime on service.

INFANTRY.As to infantry, Colonel Davies says:—This branch, taken as a whole, gets,

j am sure, less opportunitiesof learningits work in the field thauany other,andgenerally needs itmore, 'Oeiiig to a verygreat extent composed of officers andmen who live always in towns. Thaphysique also varies more than in anyother aim, there being a great numberof very young and weedymen in severalof tho town corps. It is a striking factthat the farther south one gees the bet-ter, generallyspeaking, is tho pnysiqueof the town 'infantry corps, due,Icon-clude, to the harder and colder clltuatiin the South.

Speaking of the general state of effi-ciency of officers and men, Colonel Da-vies says he desires to make it ouitoclear that he is sure tho spirit whichanimates all ranks of the force is ex-cellent. "If it werenot so they wouldnot be giving up their time, willinglyand cheerfully, to tho sacred duty oftrying to become fit to protect theircountry, their homes, their mothers, sis-ters, wives,and children, while the en-ormous majority of the able-bodiedman-hood of the country is merely lookingon, and sometimes, Iregret to say, try-ing to discourage them. As far as drilland discipline go, the state of things is'^efnbl'aJly y'^Vy satisfactory, but some-thing further is required before it canbe honestly said that a force is pre-pared for war. Without doubt the vitalthing is to train the officers to commandtheir troops in the field over any coun-try they may find themselves in, andunder any conditions that may arise.To accomplish this they must be in-structed in the field, and in daylight.Practical tactics, a knowledge of, andan eye for, country, and the power ofmaking the best military useof all sortsof ground, cap no more be taught in adrill-hall than swimming can be taughtwithout getting into water. Tho excel-lent material of which the force of thiscountry is composed demands, highertraining and qualifications in its offi-cers than ordinary, firstly, because the"rank and file, under existing conviioions,can only get a partial training, and theless training the rank and file have lliemore training and intelligence the ofii-cars must have to cope with the r.ivua-tion;' and, secondly, ths rank and filebeing of a much higher standard of in-telligence than is usual in forces, de-mand higher standard still in the orfi-cers. The standard of intelligence wehave, and the training must be got. Ifmeans can be devised whereby the offi-cers can be trained in the field, andtrained first apart from their men (asit will readily be seen that it is subver-sive of discipline, and does not tend toregard or respect, to train and correctthem together), then Ifeel 3iire it willdo more not only to popularise, but tomake the force fit to light than any-thing else. Theory, of course, is mo3tn^ccsEaryJ' and should bo mastered be-fore or together with practice, buttheory alone is of little use, and Iamconvinced that if the officers and mcic.\n be taken out and shown what theyare trying to work up to, they will bomuch more content to go back and workup their drill and* theory in order thatthey may be better fitted to work inthe field next^time."

Tha use of gas as a means< of genera-ting electrical power is coming more andmore into use in America and England.The Wellington Gas Company has justinstalled a modern plant in th» GrandHotel. The machinery, which has beenerectsd in a compact space in the baee-m;nt of the hotel, comprises a 25 brakehorse-power Davia Paxman gas -engineand a 16,5 Kilowatt electric generator,and the equipment includes a marbleswitch-board. This plant gen-eratos cur-rent for the electric lighting of thewhole of the Grand Hotel, there baingovsr 250 lamp3in the bulldin;?. In anactual test wilh tho plant tho cost ofthe current came out at 1.7dper unit,as against 5d psr unit charged for thecity's power. The company claims thatindividual plants ar-o amongst the mostfi(onomical for buildings having at lea'tICO lamps, as the individualsy:.tern savesthe acknowledged waste of distributingcurrent from a central station. Thowholo of the plant in the Grand Hotelwas provided and installed by the GasCompany, and makes an interesting ex-hibit, not ths least striking featurebeingthe near approach to silence in which thepowerful mechanism woi'ks.

Resolutions passed by the Xel«mTtades and Labour Council affirm thatthe duty on Hour ehould bo sunjflndedwhen the wholesale price reaches JS'iO 10rper ton. and that Unit onpotatoes shouldbe s-'iip.ilnrly auspenderl when their pricoreaches £5 per ton. The tobacco, sugar,:md l:cios"ne duties wore discussed, andthe following resolution \vas carried:

—"That commodities under the control ofoutside monopolies have the duty main-tained (sugar and tobacco). These twoittms are undoubtedly under the controlof two urusts (Colonial Sugar and Ameri-can Tobacco), and with the pr»6e ofkerosene, at pru.sent f)ce of duty, as anobject lesson, the 'It-legates consideredthat the only <>ncs to benefit by t/hc re-mission of the duty .»ouhl be the trus>t&\>i!iich contuil thc-c mlkles." The

council decided also to as); that the dulyon kerosene be iciniui-ecd.

his noteworthy journalistic work aboutfifteen years ago, and had since emittedonly fitfnl Hashes as a free-lance journa-list, who had not altogether forgottenthe old cunning, but had long ceasedto turn his gifts to good account. Histemperament, unhappily niad-e $ys-tematic work difficult or impossible tohim, and the last years of his life,whenhe was failing badly in health andcapacity, were sad ones. Another noticocays:— "His two most ambitious contri-butions to our light literature, thenovels "Abishag the Shunamite'.' and"The Flame Tree," give niore than aglimpse of his splendid gifts, and whatmight have been expected from them.The pity of it all is that such rarepowers should have- been under so darkv cloud as that which overshadowedmuch of Meyers's career.

By the death of Mr. David Scott Mit-chell, at the ripe age of 71 (says thaSydney correspondent of the' Austral-asian), a great nationalbenefactor passedaway. For 'forty years or more he ledthe life of recluse, but he was possessedby a great ideal. It was the ambitionof the life of this singularly modestman to build up and bequeath' to hisnative land a great library. 'He lived tosec the wish of his heart fulfilled-There is no means of adequately assess-ing, in money, the value of this re-markable collpction. It is beyond price.

Mr. Justice O'Connor's award in theshearing dispute (writes the Sydney cor-respondent of the Australasian) is re-garded in, all quarters as a notable de-liverance. As thefirst award of the Com-monwealth Arbitration Court, it has aninterest of its own. Far deeper-is. 'theinterest centred "in its Inherent impor-tance. For it deals, and deals effec-tually, with employment and labour con-ditions in the greatest of all Australianindustries.

'The binding nature of the

award, also the fact that it has beenaccepted by both sides (perhaps not toocheerfully by the pa^toralists) is notth-s least gratifying feature of this,veryable judgment. In this respe.ct it standsout in striking contrast to the awards ofour State Arbitration Court, carryingwith it a weight of authority that ,wehere, at any rate, could hardly havehoped from a tribunal of the kinu.'- Pas-toralists, as a whole, do not seem to bevery favourably impressed with the■award, although they do not openlysay they dislike it. Some of them findit hard to conceal their aversion to thewag-^s clause. Yet they may now cal-'culate upon a time fr-ee from strikes,and strikes have been almost as -much-dreaded as droughts arid rabbits.


The Victorian Government has deter-mined to make representations to thePostmaster-General concerning the, regu-lation that new telephones will only begranted on tho toll system. It ispointed out that ths State departmentshave about a hundred telephones on theflat system, and that the establishmentof 'a few on the other.system, connectedin some cases with the .same depart-ments, would lead to great confusionarid inconvenience. In cons-squence ofthe position taken up by the Postal de-partment the occupation of the new agri-cultural /building by the differentbranches of the Department of Agricul-ture is being delayed.

Professional etiquette, a good^ thingand useful- in its place, may be carriedtoo far. Such is the decided opinion ofMr. Charles E. Comerford, of Mel-bourne, who gave evidence at an inquestconcerning the death of his wife .from,exhaustion after childbirth. When .his*wife became ill, hs said, she was attend-ed by a muvje, and he had also engageda doctor. He sent for Dr. M-'lnerney at8 o'clock on Saturday inight, but he*was engaged onabad case, which lasteduntil midnight' on Saturday. He,',then"went to Dr. Graham, who, on leainingthat Dr. M'lnerney had been engaged,declined to come, saying "Dr. M'lner-ney is sure to be in by this time."Then witness went to Dr. Ostermeyer,but was informed that the doctor was iiibed andhad a bad cold. Witness drove'to several surgeries, butthe doctors werenot at home.' At about midnight hewenb to Dr. Hodgson's residence. The-doc-tor, on hearing. that Dr. M'lner'neyhad been1engaged, stated thathe wouldbe unable to attend the case. Soon-afterwards witness proceeded to.Dr.-M'lnerney, who informed him that hiswife war. dead. The Coroner, to Dr.Shields— What is the etiquette of, themedical profession incirc*mstances suchas have been detailed here? Dr. Shields— The etiquette would bo, for the firstman called, if he were at home and wellenough, to attend tho case, on accountot the life being in danger. That factsets aside 'all points of etiquette. ,

An extraordinary example of "mar-riage in haste" came to light at theNorth Melbourne'Courtion 29th ult., onthe rehearing of a maintenance casebrought by Catherine Louisa. Hallidayagainst John Halliday, her husband.Complinnnt said^: — "I was married 'todefendant on 3rd June by the Rev. J.Hosking. The defendant took me tolodging.", ir. Tyrone slreet, Nprth Mel-bourne, but fourteen days after the mar-riage left me. Iwent to where heworked. The defendant said he leftmo because Ismelt of drink, but wouldreturn to me. Idid not. knew the de-fendant the day beforo the marriage,Imet him on the day of the wedding- atabouthalf-past10 und11a.m. ina wine-shop, and he asked me to have a coupleof drinks. He met me again the sameday, and we were married. The de-fendant was quite sober. Idid not sayto him next morning, 'It's all right,ducky;here are the marriage lines.'

"The defendant Raid:— "When Imetcomplainant in the wineshop she askedme to come into the ladies' room. l-asked her to have a drink, and madean appointment for that evening.. 1was drunk when Imet her, and don't'remember much of what happened.Next morning she showed me the mar-riage lines, and said— "See what youdid last night.' She has caused me toloss my portion by coming to the shopdrunk." Mr. Blackburne— "This even-ing marriage business is being stoppcSin 'America because of the scandals ithas caused, and it should be stoppedhere. The story we have heard is dis-graceful und extraordinary." TheBench made a order for ten shillings awoek.


The rainfall in Perth for July wasover 9 inches, which is the highest forany July during the last 31 years.

The Colonial Secretary stated in theLegislative Council (West Australia), inreply to a question, that owing to re-trenchment 266 employees had beendismissed since January last, while 67others had recently received notice ofdismissal.

The reception given to Mr. A. W.Canning, at Parliament House, (saystheAustralasian) was a well-deserved tri-bute in the skill and intrepidity whichhe showed on his recent journey throughthe north-western part of Western Aus-tralia. Mr. Canning was despatchedby the Government to endeavour to open,up a stock route from Wiluna, &t LakoWay, in the East Murchison goldfield,to Start's Creek, in the east of theKimbcrley district. Tho distance be-tween the two places is 800 miles, thedirection being noith-eastcrly. Mr.Canning started from Perth early inMay last year^ but the jvork of ,§x-




"Right Honourable Sir Henry Camp.bell-Bamierman, G.C.8., M.P., P CM.A., LL.D., D.L., J.P." Thus is thePrime Minister of England described inbooks of reference.

He is not only Leader of the Com-mons (writes "The Manin the Gallery"in the London Daily Mail). He isFather of the 'House as well, by rightof having sat for the same place for thelongest unbroken term of years. In1868 he entered Pailiament as memberfor Stirling, and has represented unin-terruptedly the same constituency eversince. .There is nothing of the sternparent in Sir Henry as Father andLeader. He'shakes no graveand rever-end locks at the House. Its wayward-ness he never reproves. He prefers towheedle and coax it witha joke. "''

Nor is he ever seen in a hurry andperturbed. Observe him walking lei-surely up the floor of the House. Hehas all the air of a man who enjoys lifeand takes tilings easily. He 'carwes hishead, not forward like the enthusiast orfanatic— eager, impetuous, and self-cen-tred

—-but on one side as if inviting fa-miliarity and confidence. General < im-perturbability is the dominant expres-

sion of his strong, roughly carved Scot-tish features. Happy man! He evi-dently has anexcellent set of nervesanddigests his food. No wonder, then, thathe should be placid, urbane, and self-controlled. "He has never displayed anydeep-seatedpolitical enthusiasms. Onthe other hand, there isno trace of poli-tical ferocity in his composition. Bufcwe shall see what we shall see. Is hanot about to lead a campaign against theHouse of Lords? At any rate, he hasgrit. ' .

A TOUGH IRISH SECRETARY.For a time he filled that most difficult

of posts, the Chief Secretaryship of Ire-land. That was in 1884, whenParneU'syoung and able followers were in theirmost virulent mood. But the cool andurbane Campbell-Bannerman was imper-vious to their most stinging invective.,He took the pin-pricks of the'National-ists and (he crackers they exploded un-der his coat-tails as all in the day'swork. He proved, indeed, the toughestman tho Nationalists Jiad yet encoun-tered. One night the attack was par-ticularly fiery and furious. But theChief Secretary exasperatingly refusedto take it seriously. "Mr. Speaker,"-said he, "Ihave found the Irish Officean excellent post for moral self-discip-line. 'May the Lord give us a good con-ceit of ourselves,' prayed a countrymanof mine. But in tho Irish Office,' andfa-co to face with hon. gentlemen oppo>!site, no man could -think well of him-self." The Nationalists were fairly up«set. This was not playing the " game.When they say hard, things of a"'manthey expect him to squirm. Even Mr.Timothy Healy could only throw up hishands and enquire, What had Irelanddone that she should be governed byScottish jokes?

WAR MINISTER.Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman was

Secretary' for War. Ho increased theallowance of the privatesoldier by three-halfpence a day. The night he madethis announcement amember of the Op-position was anxious to know whatThomas Atkins was to get in the wayof luxuries for this addition to his al-lowance. "Ho will get," said the WatMinister in a characteristic reply, "jusbl£d worth more a day than he wouldhave got without that l^d per day al-lowance.1

' Nothing like this had beensaid in the House of Commons sinceLord John Russell described an arch-deacon as'a man who performed/-archi-diaconal duties.

A more important announcement wasmade by Sir Henry on the day whichwas tobe his last as Secretary for War..For many years theDuke of Cambridge1,as Commander-in Chief, had stood inthe way of reform of tho British Army.He was greatly opposed to change, andon account of his long and distinguishedservices War Ministers shrank from.in-viting him to resign. But Sir Henry,with supreme tact, pleasantly carriedont an unpleasant duty. On that fatalevening he read a letter from the Dukegraciously laying down the burden ofthe office he had borne so long;and thaHouse gavo vent to its relief in cheers.'Then a motion was moved to reduce thaWar Minister's salary by £100 on thoground that the stores of small-anmammunition were insufficient. -'Ding*dong, ding-dong," went the division!bells, and in came Sir Willian Harcourt,his unlighted cigar in his hand, with acrowd of other members. The Govern-*ment was defeatedby 132 votes to 125*

Sir Henry at once moved the ad-journment,of the House. Ican see in;my mind's eye the fallen Minister


least perturbedman in the excitedcham-ber

—coolly stuffing his papers into his

despatch-box and quitting the Treasurybench. Eleven years were to elapse be-fore he was to return to the Treasury,bench again— buthe returnedto itPrimgMinister of England !

HIS ONE AMBITION.In 1895,.if Sir Henry thought any*

thing about his future, he probably con«eluded thathis official career was at anend. He had confessed to but onoipolitical ambition. Itwas tobe Speak-er of theHouse of Commons. Curiously)enough, a few months before his fallthat great post bacame vacant throughtho resignation of Mr. Arthur Welles*ley Peel. Sir Henry pressed his claim)to the office, but his colleagues vowed'that he was too valuable a man to baspared from the councils of his party,and Mr. William Court Gully >vas ap-»pointed to it instead.If that had been the end of thq

story, tho name of Sir Henry Camp-bell-Bannonnan would probably havebeen in time as meaningless and unsug->gestive as the thousand other lustrelessnames of politicians in the dusty tomesof "Hansard." And what wpuldit hay«mattered tohim? Is he not an exceed-ingly rich man? Indeed,he could afford!to light his cigar with the quarterly,£1250 cheque he got as War Minister.,But the year 1899 brought an unexpec-ted turn in the fortunes of Sir Henry.iSir William Harcourt resigned the postlas leader of the Liberal Party. He nadbeen ambitious and high-spirited, gladly,devoting his splendid abilities to thaservice of his party while he thoughtthere was a chance of obtaining thodazzling prize on which he had set hisheart— the Premiership of England— aipost which was his due, and which liewould well have filled; but when hjadesire was baulked ha retired ia dis-illusionment and bitterness from thoarena.

Who would take up the leadership?Thcro was no fierce rush for the office*Tho party was divided and dispirited.Ambition seemed to be dead in all itsprominent members. At any rate, theyshrank from the leadership with some-think like terror. All— save one. Thatone was Sir Henry, the man of them allwho was known to have the least de.sire for command. But if he were in-clined to go through th«» world with asmiling face and a joke on his lips, hfehad a strong aense of duty and also im-movable determination. So ho acceptedthe leadership of the Liberal Party.For six dispiriting years he stuck to hisposi on the front Opposition bench, hisserene temper and sound constitutionproof against not only the physical strainof the position, its serious responsibili-ties, its many worries, but also againstthe eclipse of Liberalism and the Dittei;peisunai antagonism of his followers*.'But hg.hog jgot big reward*

ploralion really began at Wiluna,which was left towards tha end of thom*onth. Over 400 miles of the countrybetween Wiluna and Separation Well,which is situated about 124dcg. eastlongitiude and 23deg. south latitude,'had been traversed by the L. A. WellsExpedition in 1896; but beyondSeparation Well the country was unex-plored. Mr. Canning's paity consistedof seven men, 23 splendid camels, andtwo ponies, sturdy little animals, whichwent all the way, and returned toWiluna in splendid condition. Onlytwo camels were lost, and one man,Tobin, who, on the return journey, wasfatally speared by a black.

Mr. Canning's expedition (the Aus-tralasian continues) was a comi#3te suc-cess. Water was found at intervals allthe way. Mr. Canning staves that be-tween Separation Well ac Godfrey'sTank, not far from Sturt'v* Creek, hedoes not think.that there r.ould at thepresent time be a greater ".stance than18 miles without water. I-i one sense,the country is a desert, for short stripsare very bad;but the party was neverlong without fair feed. Stretches ofsandhills weremet with, but they werebroken, and noi hard to pass through.Mr. Canning had no difficulty in travel-ling fro-m 12 to 13 miles a day, and,if heavy laden camels could do that,cattle could also do it. As a result ofthe expedition, a hitherto untroddenpart of Australia will be opened up,and fresh avenues will be provided forthe pastoralists:of East Kimberley, who,instead of having to take their stockacross to Queensland, as they do now,will be able to bring them down to thesouthern districts, and thus confer agreat benefit on consumers. It is alsostated that auriferous country was foundon the route.

A remarkable discovery in natural his-tory was made by Mr. Canning on hisreturn journey. It was a very smallspecies of dog, which, although he isan experienced explorer, he- had neverseen or hard of before. He describesthis newly-found denizen of the WestAustralian uesert as not. above the sizeof a house-rat, with canine teeth, like aminiature dingo, though rather darkwith prick ears. He tried to bring apair back with him, but unfortunatelyone of the camels fell down dead andcrushed the box containing them. Thelittle animals fed on lizards"and othersmall things, ond would eat meat.

' Mr.Canning declares that they were cer-itainly not marsupials. Assuming thathe is right on this point, the discovery(says the Australasian) is the .most in-teresting that has been made in connec-tion with the Australian fauna for manya long year. The exceptional positionof the dingo in the Australian faunaled to the view that it had been in-troduced into th-e continent by man inrebsnfc times. But its remains havebeen

'found in deposits earlier than any con-taining humanremains, and the evidenceboth zoological and geological, is, ac-cording to Professor Gregory, in fav-our of the belief that it is indigenous.This View is strengthened by Mr. Can-ning's discovery, which suggests that-these small nzard-eating

'dogs represent

a yery early form, from which the en-tire stock of the canidac may have des-cended.

TASMANIA." Parliament (says the Tasmanian cor-

respondent of the Australasian) has metand adjourned, pending further finan-cail information. The work cannot verywell go on, at all events not in a satis-

factory manner, before the financialStatement has been made, and that can-'nbt take place until it is known whatis our position in connection with Fede-ration. The general feeling is that theFederal Ministers havea greater number,of irons in the fire than they can man-age, so that they may.not only burntheir own fingers, but other people'stoo. At present the session is allsweetness, if not light, but as it


on.there is likely to be the usual troublewith members who want all sorts of

■strange- things,' and have a modest ideathat they can put the world to.rights.

There seems to be now a, determina-tion (writes the same authority) to make,the valueof Tasmania known as a placefor ,tourists, and one where theyhave in summer a cool climate withplenty of fine scenery. Hitherto thiswork has been left to little associations. in'various parts of the State, but the

"proposal now is to amalgamate theminto one association for the whole -is-land.' Whether north and willagree on such a subject T shall not ven-ture, to predict. The south, from. thetourist point of view, has, certainly, agreat advantage, for it has really mostof the fine scenery, though the northhas' thergreat adavntage of better land.



Quietly but thoroughly a suction gas-engine has been doing its duty inMessrsW.- Cable" and Company's foundry dur-ing the past ten weeks. The plant con-sists,of a generator,a wet scrubber ex-pansion box and dry scrubber, and agas-engine. The generator is a cylin-drical stove lined with firebricks and fill-ed withco*ke, havinga grate on the bot-tom, 'aninternalboiler, and feedinghop-per on top. The wet scrubber is filledwith,co*ke having water sprayed throughit, to cleanse and cool the gas. The dryscrubber is filled with Excelsior packingand extracts the moisture from the gas.'The methodof generatingsuctionconsistsin drawing air through the bed of in-candescent fuel by the 'action of the en-gine, piston, thus forming combustible-gas. The gas generated in this manner,while passing under and around thewater contained in the boiler, impartsheat to this part of the apparatus, thusgenerating steam. The air, before en-tering the space under the grate, issaturated with this steam, and themoistuie is decomposed while passingthrough the hot fuelbed, adding a cer-tain amount of hydr&gen to the gas.Leaving the 'generator the gas passesthrough the scrubbers, where all impuri-ties are extractedand the gas is cooled,

"thence into the expansion box,and fromthere to the engine. While the engineis stopped the generator is cut off fromthe scrubber and opened to the atmos-phere, the natural draft being sufficientto keep the fire glowing, the little gasthat is formed escapes up the waste-pipe. When starting the engine again,a small hand-fan is used toblow up thefire to incandescence, and about sevenminutes are sufficient to produce goodgas to start on.

The producer plant, which has a ca-pacity of sixty horse-power, was mann-factured by Messrs. Cable and Com-pany,nnd til the first of that size to bemade here. The engine, an Acme,

■which was imported, is forty-four brakehorse-power, working a belt-driven dy-namo. The apparatus is in operationfor nine hours a day, and the fire isbankedup for fifteenhours, yet the con-sumption of co*ke amounts to only threebags (3s). It is estimated that a steam-engine of similar capacity would requirecoal of the value of 15s or 20s, andwould, moreover, cost more iv attend-ance and overhaul. A member of Tiefirm predicts a "tremendous future" forthe suction gas-engine, and declares thatthe engine portion of the plant could bemanufactured here provided the lo?alfirms received adequate protectionagainst ffirei^q competitors!



Senator Dobson, of Tasmania, pro-poses to move in the Federal Senate foranamendment of the Defence Act. Theaim qf the Bill is to make the cadetsystem compulsory, the principal clausestating that "all boys and youths inthe Commonwealth over 12 years ofa*ge and under 19 years shall be in-structed and exercised in military drilland musketry." Senator Dobson be-lie-yes in the cadet system as a means"to prevent the physical deteriorationof our youth; to teach them loyaltyand patriotism, and give them suchlessons in discipline and obedionce aswill develop and improve the moral sideof their nature;and to teach them howto defend their country, and thus pro-bably obviate ths necessity of applyinga scheme of universal military trainingto tho manhood of the Commonwealth,or greatly lessen the tax such a'schemewould entail upon the revenue of theCommonwealth and the- time of itscitizens if such a schemo should here-after prove to be necessary."

THE AUSTRALIAN "ACCENT."An Australian papor remarks on Pro-

fessor J. Macmillan Brown's theory thatthe Australian habit of saying "to-die"instead of "to-day" is due to the im-portation of English nursegirls in themiddle of last century will convincevery few people. Our contemporarysays the theory will not hold waterat all in the estimation of those whohave had opportunities of noting thealmost miraculous appearance of thocharacteristic drawl in quite youn_ichildren who have never been withincoo-ec of an English nursemaid. It isstrange to find such a very thin hypo-thesis enunciated by the learned Pro-fessor, who needs to study the Austra-lian accent more- thoroughly beforedogmatising so confidently upon it., Ifexamples were collected and carefullyclassified according to tho usual methodemployed by scientists desirous of en-suring accurate knowledge, ib wouldprobably be found that the Australianaccent is primarily a drawl and onlysecondarily a letting down of the vowelsounds. And tho drawl bears evi-dence itself that it is climatic in ori-gin. In the crisp, brisk, bracing cli-mate of New Zealand, the inhabitantnaturally cuts his words off neatly.But in the more enervating Australianclimate he learns to avoid trouble bylanguidly drawling out his words inthe way that calls for the least possibleexpenditure of effort. Anyhow a dis-tinctive accent is not an unmixed evil.It is a convenient stamp or label ofgeographical origin. The Scotchman,the Irishman, even the typical Oxfordgraduate, all have their own accent.Their speech bewr&yeth them, as it didthe Samaritan. And it is quite uselessto attempt to make people in everypart of the English-speaking world tospeak that English on exactly the samemodel. Climate must produce varia-tion in speech, as well as in physicaltype.

THE SWISS ARMY.Inconnection with the attention that

has recently been drawn to the SwissArmy by persons ir Britain and Aus-tralia .who can see much that 'in :goodin Switzerland's' military system,,< ''it'TTiay not be uninteresting to point outthat every Swiss militiaman has to firea musketry course annually. He cando this at his ovVn convenience, in theneighbourhood of his home;but if hefails to carry out the regulation, he iscalled up to tho headquarters of hisunit and put through the course undersupervision. There are numerousranges all over the country,.but themaximum distance fired at is only 300metres.

INDIANUNREST.Towards the. end «1 last month a

London message seated that a further in-chcatioti of the unrest which prevails inthe province of Bengal is furnished bythe conduct of a section of the "Na-tional Volunteers" at Barisal, a townwith a native population of upwards of15,000. The so-called "National Volun-teers" (whose doings are again referredto in to-day's cables) are members of anorganisation formed for the purpose ofspreading seditious doctrines. Mr.

Henry Newman, the editor of the Eng-lishman, recently wrote a series of ar-ticles for that pape-r, in which hestrongly animadverted on the conduct ofthe National Volunteers. "In everyplace Ihave been to," he said, in onearticle, ."the story is the same. In thelocal bazaar the shops selling Manches-ter piece goods and foreign cigarettesand other articles have had to closedown, because the Volunteers enteredthe shops, intimidated the shopkeepers,threatened and often beat purchasers,and in many cases made bonfires of thegoods. Stores of Liverpool salt havebeen thrown into the- nearest river ornearest tank, or defiled in the most dis-guFting way. In n few caseß wnercthose who have suffered have had thecourage to complain, the police have in-tervened, but the offenders have eitherescaped or been awarded ridiculouslylight punishments. Ihe Volunteers arcdeliberately preaching what is nothingshort of a revolt against Brilish rule.But for the .Mohammedans having de-finitely declared themselves on the Bri-tish side, every 'Jiuropean throughoutEastern Brngal would be in danger ofserious 'molestation.


PEACE TREATIES.Reference was made in last night's

cables to the Anglo-Spanish agreement.This agreement consists of identicallysimilar Notes exchanged between Kir li.Grey and tha Spanish Ambassador,with necessary slight alterations ofnames. After a preliminary reference,to "closest tics of ancient friendshipand of community of interests, the Bri-tish Note, proceeds-— '"The- Governmentof his Britannic Majssty desires to laybefore that of his Catholic Majestytho following declaration of policy, intho confident hope that Jt wilf not only&til further strengthen the good under-standing (so happily existing betweenthem, but will also promote the causeof peace:

—"The general policy of tho Gpvern-

ment of his Britannic Majesty in tho re-gions above defined is directed to thomaintenance of the territorial statusquo, and in pursuance di this policythey are firmly resolved to preserve in-tact the- rights of the British Crownovar its insular and maritime posses-sions in those regions.

".Should circ*mstances ariso wnich.in tho opinion of the Government of hisBritannic Majesty, would alter, or tendto alter, the existing territorial statusquo in the said regions, they will com-municate with the Government of hisCatholic Majesty, in order to affordthem the opportunity to concert, if de-sired, by mutual agreement the courseof action which the two Powers shalladopt in common."

The Franco-Spanish Notes are Bimilarto the above, with the- necessary change<if names. The chi&f object/ (saysMentor) is to assure- ths safety of com-municalion with th& M'lknn possessionsof France in '.h» Medilenanean and thoiAtlantic-*


Mr. Brennan, the inventor of the tor-pedo named after himself, is again verymuch before the public in England astho inventor of the gyroscope train.Mr. Brennan is an Irishman by birth.As a very young man he emigrated toAustralia, and " obtained a place in adepartment store at Melbourne. Thoproprietor received a large consignmentof docks from England, and found thatthey had been damaged in transitYoung Brennan, says a London paper,.show-ad mechanical aptitude for thbfifst time by setting them right. Fromclocks he advanced (by stages) to tor-pedoes, and had the supreme good luckto sell the Brennan torpedo to the Bri-tish Government for £120,000. Vastsuras of money were spent on its manu-facture, and then, in the autumn oflast year, the Government decided toclose the Brennan torpedo factory atGillingham, from which it has been as-sumed that its day is past.

Herr Beb-el, perhaps the most im-pressiveorator in the German Reichstag,usually speaks without notes of anykind, thinking as he goes. Not evenwell off, ho leads the simplest of lives>shunning society and finding his chiefrecreation in the cultivation of flow-ers.He told an interviewer once that whenho wants to get ready for a speech hegoes into his little garden and trims therose trees.

It is announced from Canada that theUniversity of Toronto is going to con-fer the degree of Doctor of Laws on Mr.Bryco, Britain's \mbassudor at Wash-ington. .Probably, it asked the question,Mr. Bryce would be- hard put to it tosay, without a good deal of mental cal-|culation, just how many honours anddistinctions he is actually possessedof.In addition to tiny number of honourswith which British, American,- and Col-onial Universities have delighted to hon-our him, Mr. IJryco is a Fellow of thoRoyal Society, a foreign member of thoAcademies of Turin, Brussels, andNaples, and also of the Institute ofFrance, as well as a member of theSociety of the Lincei nt Home.

Lord Roberts is tho only man alivewho ha9privilege of wearing two Vic-torii crosses. Ono is that won by him-self in tho Indian mutiny;the other isthat wonby his son, the late LieutenantRoberts, at Colcnso (South Africa).

It was cabled on Thursday that .uordStrathcona, Canada's High Commis-sioner in London, was prepared to puta quarter of a million capital into theAll-Red 'route lino of steamers. AHome paper tells- us that Loid Strath-cour.'a country house is at Knebwortb.Park, Hertfordshire, and "is certainlyone of the most magnificent houses inthe kingdom. A beautiful pil-a froman architectual paint of view, it has astill more splendid interior, with ex-ceptionally valuable tapestries, C_^3 pic-tures, and curios of all descriptions'. Itdates from Henry VIII.'s reign, andone of the most carefully preservedrooms is that In which Queen Elizao-etnulept during her visit there. The nedand all the other fittings have beenkept intact since the memorable occa-sion when Elizabeth was entertainedwith great splendour. Tho house is theproperty of the Earl of Lytton, whomthe Shefflsld Daily Telegraph calls dug

of the most serious-minded of the young-er|generation °l peers, and is leased by"Lord Strathcona.

Whatever may be the fate of Russia'sreigning family when tbo revolutionistsget through with Ihatcountry, one mem-ber of it will be beyond the reach ofwant. She is the Grand ljucha?s Olga,eldest of tho Tsar's daughters. Al-though still a child, she has .£2,000,000in her own right, und by the time sheattains her majority her fortune islikelyto bo twice as large. Moreover, hermillions are invested abroad, whereHheterrorists can't get them, even if theyestablish the red republic.

The Princesse Louise d'Orleans,daughter of the Comtcree de Paris andsister of the beautiful Queen of Por-tugal, has become engaged to the widow-od Prince of Bourbon, whose first wifeIwas a sister of the present King of|Spain. The wedding is to take placefrom the Due d'Orlcans's home, Wood-norton, in Worcester (England), in Nov-embsr, and wilt be attended'by AlfonsoXIII., and possibly Queen VictoriaEugenic. Satisfaction reigns in thefamilies of both prospective bride andbridegroom. Princesse Lotiise- d'Orleans,who has a fair share of the good looksof her House, is tall and agreeable.Likeher mother, she is an ardent sports-woman.

Mr. W. T. Stead, tho English journa-list, WciiS much impressed by PresidentRoosevelt during his recent visit toAmerica. Ho says of him: "Whatstruck mo most me that Mr. Roosevelt'is the best man Ihave ever met to actas a great megaphone to preach theAmerican moral idea to the world. Heshould talk into a gramuphone so thatall peoples may hear his superb mes-sages, typifying the best American senti-ments and aspirations."

Li Chin-fang, the adopted son of LiHung-chang, has been appointed ChineseMinister in London. He was formerlySecretary to the Legation -in Londonand Minister to Japan,-and was secondplenipotentiary at Shimonoseki in thepeace negotiations after the war withJapan. Atpresent he resides atShanghai,and is the r?coj,nised leader of thoNganhwoi gentry and a. director of theNganhwci railway bureau. He is.pos-sessed of great wealth, a good position.-ukl pre^snep, and speaks excellent Eng-lish. His appointment will hslp to raisetho standing of the Chinese Legation inLondon, says tho London Times Pekincorrespondent. H-o is a brother of theChinese Minuter in Vienna.

Mr. Willian J. Bryan, well-knownas the candidate for the American pre-sidency, speaking before the CincinnatiDemocratic Club, said that he expectedto live through five more presidentialcampaigns, "iwent into politics by ac-cident, and Istayed in by design," werehis concluding words.

The eighty-fifth anniversary of thebiith of Dr. Edward Everett Hale, suy*a iafo i^uo of the Argonaut, is a nation-al reminder to give honour where honouris due. Dr. Hale s-eems to belong loanold order of literary chivalry, and ina day of debasod ideals we can fiarcdylook too earnestly at a figure so heroic,wherein physical debility has beenpowerless against unquenchable hupound an eager enthusiasm for everythingthat is honourable find of good repute.Dr. Hale has entered tho list on behalfof suffering chil.dhood with all the ar-dour of a young man, nor can we findanywhere in his writings tho slightesttrace of a Irailty that has never beenallowed to overstep its physical boun-daries. It is no mere exaggeration tosay that of all the men now living inthe United States Dr. Everett Hale- isthe most valuable. He «-as given a

.lustre to old age, and his life has beenof that kind wherein honour and use-fulness increase with years, and en-larged experience is an addition to themoral and intellectual wealth .of thonction and the world. Dr. Hale ha,s dis-covered the supremo secret of a serviceand, incidentally, the secret of a per-petualmoft'-al youth..


jwe both had a very pale and shakenappearance.

Mrs. Lyatt had herself admitted tome that she was in such "a dither"that sho could not knead her bread"What w't' din, and t'blazc, Ah thoughtt' Judgment had begun. An' Ahdidn't think mysel' just fit for it.ah'dbeen so moithered wi' work all t'morn-ing," she said.

Telling this, and chatting to» Lens.Formby eased us both a little. Sh?wandered about the room, taking up abook here, and a sketch there, andforgetting something of her anxiety.On the table lay a careful, nearlyfinished drawing of the two remark-able butterflies before-mentioned.

"Do let me see you put the spotsin, and the eyes, Miss Pen," she saidcoaxingly. But the butterflies wereinher room, where,Mr. Formby still slept.Itold her, so.

"That'sno obstacle," she said.""Laurieis never disturbed ifIgo in. ' BesidesIgave him his sleeping > draught, hewas so,very weary, and yet excited. Iwill go and fetch the butterflies." Wewere now standing by the window."Why, rMiss Pen!" she exclaimed ex-citedly, "the stream is not in it's old

( bed.*;I Nor was it ;- the old stony bed wasdeserted, and a new one cloven downa heathery slope, boulders washedinto it, round which the,waters froth-ed, and on both sides a quick-wroughtruin. ' The peat was torn into deepholes, slowly filling from the stream.

"What a strange-looking object!"This exclamation was mine.

Coming found the narrow walk, un-derneath the windows, across which theloosened creepers trailed and swung,was a man, a walking bundle of disor-dered clothes. Huddled upon him werea couple of coats, and a- rough horse-rug, worn no doubt to protect him fromthe rain.

He glanced furtively at us as hepassed, shambling round the corner ofthe house.

"Poor wfetch," said Lena, "I hopethey will tjake him inand dryhim. Theyought to give him a handsome wage'toscare the birds

—3uch a rag-bag as he

looked."All at onco we heard Mr. Lyatt's

hearty welcome. "Come in, lad. You.c^n have a sup o* beer an* dry yourclothes an' all. It's been a storm an'no mistake. My missus '11 look afteryou."

Wo smiled at each other, and Mrs.Formby wi£h one more gazo at the clearbeauty of the. landscape, washed intoan indescribable fairness, turned toleave the room.

She was not yet in thepassage—

a foldof her dress was still within the aoor-wny when the near crack of'a shot tothe loft, startled us. The same thoughtstruck us, tho thunder was beginningagain,.

iiut in a second— andIwas at herelbow, whero sho stood, arrested by thesound

—a fall in the kitchen opposite, a

fall of» something which burst open thedoor, and lay partly in the passage, ared trickle straying beyond it, gave to'us the whole dreadful situation.

How to express to you that all whichIam describing now, happened in atime so short as scarcely to be mea-sured by time, Iknow not. It was somuch to happen, and yet took but amoment.

So it is that it remains in my mem-ory like a picture, not as an action— ft.horrible, yot wonderful, picture. ,«hatIsaw was this

—beyond the prostrate

body of good Mr. Lyatt lay his wife,a black scorched mark upon her bodice,in front. Ib?ard her moaning. Be-tween thorn, and yet suddenly beyondthem, and in the passage near to me,making 'swiftly for the door of 'theFormby's sitting-room, was the man tolately welcomed, a- smoking pistol inhis hand.

'At tho door was Lena Formby. Per-haps it was that he was io quickly ather and so close— but instead of enter-ing she stooped and turned the key inthe lock, throwing it far before her witha great sweep of her arm, and a trium-phant gleam on hsr white face. Hereyes were wide and keen

—blue as steel

under two straight bars of jet, herbrows. At bay she stood, and y«twith something of a smile, for hsr nus-banu was r>ufe locked within, and as the!villain rushed at hor, sh-a met >-nc raised jarm with a blow. ' ;1he^rd him curse her as the bullet

struck the wall abovo the door; thepistol dashed from his hand upon thenags. H-s ishouted something about "thegold," and seizing-the handle to openthe door, found it locked. saw him\til his arm to strine, and at that thers'was a wild cry that terrified me morethan the -man did. It was so wild anddreadful that Icowered on the groundclose to tho landlord's helplcso head,with my fingers in my ears, trying toshut out- the echo of it. Ithad alarmedthe wretch, for Iknew that hs rushedpast me, and dropped out of the openwindow, scattering the gravel with hisfeet. ButInevermoved. IWas frozeninto speechless horror by the cry

— whichwas my own.Iknew that Mr. Formby had come tt>

the1door, and was apcalung loudly. IheardLena's voice, then the evening be-came night, in which Iwas swallowedup.

When Iopened my eyes again,Iwasin the Formby's room on thrt sofa. Hosat by me, one hand on my pulas, andthe other clasped in the hand of hiswife, who was kneeling near.

They were visible to me, but not moreso than that picturo of th-s last seene

—with her as the dominant figure


shining eyes and her smile. And myfirst thought of my old problem."Iknow now why you nave the same

kind of eyes,"Isaid. They looked at|Bach other pitifully, the brave grey eyesjand "the blue, but my wits wero notwandering, andina weak,babbling way,as wespeak when we come fresh to con-sciousness Iexplained the words.

"She would have sacrificed herselfwillingly tosave you, yousee,""l ended.He caught hor to his breast, notashamed of tho tear on his cheek.

"And the butterflies, Miss Pen, butfor them

— "she sank to the ground,

leaning against.his knee—

as if thethoughtsuddenly took her strength, andgently began to tellme the condition ofour poor host and hostess.

They, wore both living, indeod Mrs!Lyatt was little, toe',worse, the broadbone of her coroets havings repelled thebullet. Mr. Lyatt had a badly shatter-ed shoulder. Two doctors had been sentfor from Seathorpe, some way beyondthe Yorkshire border, which ended nearthe inn.' Mr. Fftrmby had made him ascomfortable as he could, meanwhile.

A "day or two afterwards we wenthome together, my fellow-guests stayedwin* me unut the fever was all but con-quered. When they went back thoy leftthen* boy with me for many months, andIstill cherish the idol fqr the child'sohild of the mother's dream.

The inn upon the moor was the greatobject of ■interest to two counties, andMr. and Mrs. Lyatt made a little fov-tuno out of their adventure, whilst thewould-be assassin now and still wearsout his long sentence in Norton gaol.

J.......H.......................... ,.,.,.,.

i Prepare for Croup. f5

—~ ~* 5,The time is wasted in sending for aphysician, or for medicine, whena childshows symptoms of the croup, oftenprove fatal. A reliable medicine, andone that should be always kept in thehom*o for immediate use is Chamberlain'sCough Remedy. It will prevent the at-tack if given as noon as the child be-comes hoarse, or even .after the croupycough appears. It is also the safest,US it contains no narcotics*

Lieut.Blundeli's Object-lesson.

Lieutenant the Hon. George Blundellsat in his room, a prey to some disquietof mind. Thero were rumours of warin the air, and at any moment his regi-ment might get its marching ordeis. Theprospect; regarded by itself, was merelyexhilarating 5 but Mr. Blundell had atroublesome business m hand, which hodesired to "conclude before departing toencounter the hazards of destiny. Itwas not a s-implc case of would sho orwould sho not

—most hea-rtily did the

honest George M-ish that it were. ButLady Ida Borlaso had imposed a con-dition, the which, unless he fulfilled it,forbade the ardont suitor to approachher with the direct question. DuringMr. Blundell's absence abroad Lady Ida.(it appeared) had discovered a new reli-gion, ono of whosenames was Socialism—a thing which George felt himself tobowholly incapable of understanding. Sofar as his knowledge of the matter ex-tended, it revolted him in every particu-lar. And yet, unless he became a con-vert—a procqss which (he was told) in-volved giving lip his profession— LadyIda. would remain inaccessible. Like agood soldier, Mr. Blundell wa>» nowtrying to find a way round. He wasaware that the text-books recommendedthe invader, in an unknown country, toextTact information from its inhabitants,and Mr. Blundell, during his last visitto NorthboroughHouse, had, with whathe believedto be singular tactical ability,made overtures to Lady Ida's secretary,Miss Cecelia Lant.

That amiable young lady had evenpromised to .instruct him in the esotericsignification ofLady Ida's tenets, and Mr.Blundell had1 at the time intended tovisit her for this exemplary purpose. Buuupon leflection it seemed to him ex-tremely difficult to carry out. Suppos-ing he were to meet Lady Ida on thestairs? Supposing Miss Lant to bosecretly regarding him with ridicule?Supposing— worst of all— his visits wereto become the subject of misinterpreta-tion? No— it would not do. Thatscheme appearing impracticable, Mi-.Blundell devoted much cheerless nieditation to the evolutionof another, withoutthe least result. Then he received a cardof invitation to a mseting of th*''L.L.L.," theLeague of Light a,nd Lead-ing, of which Lady Ida wasjhe foundernndpresident, Avhose members assombledat intervals at Northborough House, andenjoyed a deal of aimless amiable talkveTy much.

Mr. Blundell took the card from amongtho pipes on the mantelpieceandperusedit attentively. In the left-hand cornerwas written, "Come early.

—C.L." The

initials clearly stood for Cecilia Lant.Did the secretary, George asked himself,add this legend to all the cards, or didshe intend the message for him alone?JDn the chance that Miss Lant, cojnpre-liending the reasons for his absence, hadinvented this desire to onable him safelyto converse with her, Mr. Blundeu hadformally accepted the invitation. Themeeting itself ho regarded with terror;nothing should induce him to attend thoL.L.L.;but then, if he went to thohouse he might be unable to escape. Wasthe chance worth the risk? Id was notuntil Mr. Blundell had another inspira-tion that he decided to take the ris'?.For it occurred to him as just possiblethat Lady Ida, in a moment of relenting,might have instructed- the secretary toadd that seductive little summons to thoformal invitation.

Mr. Blundell entered the great while-painted drawing-room anhour before thetime appointed for the meeting;but,early as he was, another was there beforehim. Amid an wilderness of gilt chairsranged in iowsJ a black-haired, ruddyyoung man in a .blue, suit was seatedm the armchair beside tne mantelpiece.He did not rise

'as the other entered,but, restinga thick aTm on the back ofthe chair, remained lounging sideways>,with his leprs crossed. Mr. Blundell,

standing stiffly at the other end' of themantelpiece, observed, >ver his collar,that the young man's strong black hanIgrew in a peak low upon lm forehead,

j that his eyes were narrow, and lookedjsmall in tho fresh, i-ea expan&o of hisface,. whoso complexion suggested agenerous diet of raw beef. " ""You're early," said ths florid youn2man."Yes," said Mr.Blundell."Coming to the meeting?" asked thoflorid young,man.. "No," said Mr. Blundell."I only asked," continued the other,

conversationally", "because Icame early,myself— on business connected with thomeeting. Hiving a f-w pointi to runover with her ladyship beforehand, Ithought you might like to know her timewouldbe fully occupied."

"It's extremely good of you," returnedMr. Blundell, suddenly becoming veryangry, but preserving a frigid dignityWere there two caTds inscribed "Comeearly," ho wondered?'"No offence," said tho other, starinir athim."None whatever," said Mr. Blundeil.Followed an interval of silence, during

which the ingenious George, controllinghis. wrath,' began to consider in whatwayhe could turn this unexpected situa-tion to advantage. Obviously, tho firstthing to do was to discover who thisoffensive person was.

"I suppose, from what you t_-ll m«,you are interested in, er— Socialism?"Thus craftily did George approach theenemy.

"Well," returned the other, easily,"I'm more, of a Labour man myself, sotospeak.","What's the ditferonce?" u&kcd Mr.Blundell, with an appearance of genial

interest. ."Ah .'nowyouaskmeaquestion," saidthefloridyoungmanwithalaugh. "That's

aburning that is. But if youask me, Ishould say it's six of oneandhalf a dozenof the other. Though,iaind you," he added, "it wouldn't dofor me to talk like that at the union—not just yet, it wouldn't. There's a lotof jealousy about, and Some of the oldermen, they think as the Socialists want togo a bit too fast,v that's where it i«.""Isee," said George, entirely mystified

but feeling his way. "That's very inter-ebting. I'vebeen out of England lately,so I've rather lost the hang of things.

"Thero's not much in it, really," saidthe other. "Why, Igenerally find thatmost people are Socialists without know-ing it. Iexpect, if wo camo to talking,you'd find yourself one too.""I Ihink not," said Mr. Blundell.

sweetly.The florid young man arose, glanced at

the clock, and stretched himself. "Ah,well," he gold, "it don't matter

—except,perhaps to youraelf."

The words struck sharply uponGeorge's private anxiety., "What,do you mean?" he said, notwithout heat. >

His interlocutor faced him with histiandb in his pockets. "Well, as Ial-ways tell gentlemen of your sort

—no of-

fence intended, Ionly: mean gentlemenwho are so lucky as to be able to liveon the earnings'of others— tho big changeis surely coming. They mny take it orleave it

—it won't make no difference—

but there's no doubt as to what willh'ippen to them."

"What?" asked Mr. Blundell, with re-gnined composure.

"There's mnny a thousand men want-jrg what you've got

— what they've arijjJut to

—and they'll take it, Ireckon,"

replied the other, casually.'l "Bat hain't it occurred to you that

he was leaning on his wife's arm, verythin and weak. We bowed civilly, andwent our ways, but my memory wastroubled as strongly as by the poppy-leaf the other day.Istood pondering in the passage out-

side my dopr— a passage ordained neverto bo forgotten by me. Their eye^hauntedme, but> it was only after rumin-ating for half anhour thatIremembered—

they were my fellow-passengers in thotrain to Norton long ago! My old pro-blem remained unsolved for some timeafterIhadmade their acquaintance, andhad heard much of their life in India.But there came a day which presentedto mo a quick and never-to-be-forgottensolution. Mr. Formby, a Lancashireman, was an Indian civilian of thebesttype, already receiving the fruits of hischaracter. The Government recognisedhis ready resourceand capacity for work^also his keen and even affectionate in-terest in the natives. He had beenstrenuous in sport as in labour, and hadbrought home a great pile of tiger and.other skins, some of which were thotrophies of his. wife. Altogether he hadbehaved as his face and bearing mighthavo led one toexpect. 'As for her, shewas moro beautiful than before. If hercolouring bad paled a little under theIndian sun, her expression had gainedimmeasurably iv the years since Ifirstsaw her. She was devoted to her hus-band, ever ready to servo him, and herIrish nature

—for she was Irish, thougti

Yorkshire born— kept the atmospherebright with fun and gaiety. On firstgoing out they had been in the neigh-bourhood of the Jungle, and had collectedbutterflies and moths, having as manyas six hundred cages of chrysalis at oncein' the verandah of their bungalow. Ishall not soon forget the sight of theopening of the two great cases of thesebutterflies. It was like a glimpse of theflashing hues of Paradise— lsay Para-dise, for there is nothing like them here.Every colour, and every shade of colour.And all prismatic as a Humming-bird'sthroat. * -

There were, however, two specimens,dead soft white, like ermine, barred witha luminous black, out of which gleamedvermilion spots, like angry eyes. Iwasnever tired of looking at them— theyfascinated me

—and but foT them mypToblenimight have remained a problem

forever.Mr. Formby showed me many curious

things. One evening wo wero in the ifinporch. The peglected ivy hung down onboth sides of it. Upon his knees wasfaquaintly ornamented box— open, and re-vealing- several bits of Oriental gold-smith work; amongst the Test a littlegolden idol with four burnished armswhich sparkled in the sunlight. Tnoivy curtain, swayedat my Bide

—it seemedtome thatIcaught a, glimpse of a dark

figurebehinditi Ipushed the mass hur-riedly back, but could see co one, ncrany sign of one."Ido wish they would cut this ivy,"Iremarked, "it ruins it to leave it likethis, year by year."

"Indeed, it's to be hoped they won'twhile -we are here," exclaimed Mrs.Formby. "It's just a plucked goosethe old house \yill be, and no beautyat all." Her husband laughed."It was only this morning that she

-said to me, 'Would you know IwasIrish still by the wayItalk?' Andshe was indignant whenItold her tHetruth, frightfully indignant.'' '*

His hand was on her shoulder, shelaid her cheek,against it for an in-stant. I'|The natives are given to lies',"" 'shesaid. "He has been a great deal Withthem, poor man."

"My dear child, you were very— "

"They reiterate their ties, too," shesaid, looking at him with a pretty in-solence, mocking him.Itook up the idol and amused myself

with watching the light radiating fromthe facets of the carving.

"That's aproof of the evil influence,"she continued.

"This?""Yes, he flattered the old Maharajah

so shockingly about his horses, that hegave that to him when he left.'1

"His stud ie (he finest but, one inIndia," exclaimed her husband.

"Ah no, not till you said so, mydear boy

—then, of course, it was better

than the best. However," she wenfoaquickly to prevent his reply, "lies orno lies, I'm glad to have it, and Ishall keep it to melt into a christeningcup for our child's child."

"'Onr child being just three," mut-tered Mr. Formby.

For son\e time longer the idol. stoodreflecting the light from his burnishedarms.

A few days afterwards we had theheaviest thunderstorm Iever saw.'From my window which opened fullonthe wide-spreading "moor, and the hillyroad cut de3p into it, we saw thethornat the bottom of the pasture struck bythe levio-bplt,. In the distance, great,lambent, pear-shaped balls fell fromtho lurid clouds. The heavens crashedabove us, and the earth trembled -Un-der our feet. In three hours the roadwas a river with fretted combings ofwaves in the middle, deep enough todrown a man, and carrying down acart and the struggling horse oven aswe watched it.

All day we had battled with a dis-tressing sense of heavy depression. Mr.Formby, who had had a touch of feveragain, was an especial sufferer, and theterrible thunderstorm cnniing upon theweakness left by the fever, laid himprostrate, Ibad, personally, no fearfor his future health, nor in calmermoments had his wife. He had anexcellent constitution, strengthened byhardy and temperate habits from boy-hood— but for the time being he wasmuch weakened. His fine features,never coveredby superfluous flesh, werethin and worn.

When the last drencb of the rain haddied into a slow dropping upon theearth, and behind the northward rollof the thunder-clouds the clear sky wasleft above us,Icrossed the passage tointerview Mrs. Lyatt, my head stillstupid and aching, as if the electricbolt had given ita buffet in passing.

AsIreturned, Lena Formby stood at,her open door. She beckoned to itte,,her finger on her lips. Iwent withsoft steps along the flag stones, overwhich was laid a strip of home-madecarpet, and stood by her side. Herhusband was asleep upon the sofa.-Onelong arm hung down, and a too whitehand rested ou the floor. His attitudewas one of absolute exhaustion, his hairlay dark uponhis forehead, and the hol-lows in his face were very noticeablein the slant of th6evening light.

"He looks so ill, Miss Pen," she whis-pered sorrowfully.

My name is Penelope, but—

and 'it isa fact thatIhave often dwelt upon

—not only my brother George, with whomIlive, but everybody cuts my classicname to a syjlable, When acquaintancemerges,into friendship.

"My dear," Iwhispered back, "ib isthe storm— nothing else. Come to myroom until he wakes." Idrew her out,and gently closed the door. Her nervesas well as mine were still disturbed.The air tingled yet, and ttfe houseseemed full of an oppressive heat.

As we passed the narrow slip of amirror^abo.ve. my mantelpiece,Ithought

'As Isat writing letters with the dooropen, the other day, somebody passedby carrying a great posy of Orientalpoppies, flame-coloured and scarlet. Oneof the large light petals floated to thoground, an^ lay there, a fairy brightshallop, tilting gently over in the windfrom the garden.

Something rose at the sight of it, andpressed hard on the doors of memory,eager for recognition. Istared hard atthe poppy-pet»l glistening silken on thoground, and wondered.

ThenIremembered. "Theproblem ofthe Eyes," Isaid aloud;and Iwentout and bronght the petal in, smoothingit on my palm. As J smoothed it thowhole story, swift as a dream,took placeagain. Itmost have been sixteen yearssince itbegan. Iwas going intoNortonby train. Thero wore two second classcarriages, and overybody was going firsto* third. The day was 6ultry, and I■tfas thankful to get an empty compart-Xftent. Isat until the train began toxgt)ve, comfortable and alone, reflectingob my good luck'

We stopped for amoment at the otherend of the platform,and at thatmomentthe door flow back, and a girl


hidden in a tall bunch of wild flowors-j-was pushed in hastily by aman, whoyet more hastily jumped in after her.Tjie pace quickened, they settled them-selves opposite, and saw me for the firstti)De.

They apparently never met with aigbre unwelcome sight. All in a mo-afpnt 1understood. These were two en-gaged people, who, like myself hadchosen arsecond-class carriage for thesfike of privacy, and found themselves inthe inconsiderate, the maliciously incon-sEierate, company 6f ft. third person.j'The^girl, wij<ti, a,groat air of aloof-

ness from her companion, examined- apoppy-head from which the petals hadfallen, with interest; ono of these gaypetals lay upon the dusty floor. Theman,his head very erect, after one briefindignant glance at me, eyed the pass-ing country, his oyebrows slightly raised.She pressed herself into the corner, andinstantly he removedhimself yet furtherjiway.*Ihad an impression that she was evenmore annoyed Viith him than with me.U"o her mind, no doubt, a lover's eyesought to s*o through all obstacles, andprepare, for all emergencies. The chatand laughter which had seemed to sur-round their entrance bad died away.'No people could appear more remdtefrom each other. Thoy might havebeenSlight;*acquaintances, antipathetic, con-demned -to the came compartment, andobliged tobe frostly polite. Ifelt ridi-culously uncomfortable, and angry withBiyself for being ?o.

They were very pleasant to look at;he, fair-haired and grey-eyed, with firmpnd fine features; and she of a clearcolour, with Irish blue eyes, her hairdark—almost black— waving and cmlingtinder her summer hat..- Suddenly,and amidst inward protests,Itransferred myself to the furtn^tcorner of the other side, whereIcoulJfasten my attention on my my book orthe parched country without. Then. 1felt as ridiculously relieved as Ibeforefelt uncomfortable. Ibent all my mindto my book, and yetIcould not read.There was a problem which, insistedupon a solution, and 'I knew of none-:Why had they both the same kind of"ye.T, , )

Of a different colour—

yes. But theOpen setting and fearless gaze. Theexpression was almost identically tht:same. They were eyes which wouldnever flinch in danger nor before a foe,nor shrink from difficulty.

As a romantic person with theories,this was not as it should be. Mytheory was that a contrast, physically a>■well hb mentally, was better for happi-ness than a similarity. Iturned' tolook at them again, but the broad flatshoulders of the man were set uncom-promisingly again*t me. Icould eeonothing of ehher face. It was satis-factpry, however, to hear that tho talkteas busy, and sometimes above the ru3hef the train eounded their happy laugh-ier. At the station before Norton theygot out, and crossed the littleplatformto a- white-barred gate, behind whichftood a cart, a groom at tho horse's.bead.

The young manputhis companion,care-fully up in front, and,hurried back intothe station. She looked as she ought todo, ifmjsurmises weje correct, but herface had,Ithought more than a touchofpadneas,Icame back to the seat and side I

preferred. "Well, Idid.-jny best forthem," Imurmured, 'and settled niyselfcontentedly to tha enjoyment of ."The.Arabian Nights" of the beioved magiciansleeping now by southern seas.

A-shadow fejlkon the page;at the doorwa» the young man, my fellow-traveller,"with a touch of what was almost shyneH3inhia intrepideyes,

<fj Iwant to thank you for your con-sideration," he said, his bronzed cheekflushing. "It struck me^ afterwards thatyou might havo found it unpleasant toTide with your back to the engine. ButJ. am very much' obliged— the fact is, Ileawe for India to-night— andit is a longway." ,. . ,J.put out my hand impulsively and

■wishedhim "Good luck and much happi-ness," the train moving Blowly along. Icaught sightof thoni once more— she driv-ing, and he disentangling the whip-lashirom the Tibbons of her hat.

Oh, why had they the same kind ofipyes?

Years passed, eight,Ithink. Being"weakened by an attack of influenza, aadunable to get strength inmy valley home,Ihad taken rooms in an old inn for amonth, part inn andpart farmhouse, out»p"on themoors a few miles away,

Unless you love moors it is perhapsjveil to keep oway from them, for they |are apt to weigh upon tho spirit in a;sense of loneliness and quiet. But to ajapor-lover nothing— riot even the sea

—can make up for the lack of them.

Their shifting colour, their austerejbeauty, thehoneyed acent of heather and.thyme^ the peat pools lymg in theirIhollows— and above all, the wild free"winds that roam there

—take the heartI

and keep it. Ihad a maid withme, agood girl and born near the spot, andwith herandmy books and letters, Iwasiappv enough

—getting stronger every


This being bo,Iwas not pleased whonMrs.Lyatt told me that she hod let theotfierparlour and the .other bedroom to»ri" Indian gentleman and his lady. 1wa> a good deal disturbedby the thoughtpfan Indian gentleman.

His lady, too, what kind of a personmight she ba? Indian gentlemen, exceptof themost enlightened, did not,Iknow,bring their ladies into the open world

—00,not evenintothe solitude of a York-shire moor. Ifurther learnt that they■were coming that ufterooon. Beforenightfall,howerer,Iwas greatly relieved.The strangers were Anglo-Indians, he,poor man, home on sick leave, after re-peatedattacks of fever.

I-jnefc,them tlw.Bßxt. morning in thepassage out of which our sitting-roomopened* '!ihsy. werepjiite £ojuig people1

there might be some pretty extensiveshooting first?" enquired George, who,in the emotion of the moment, was be-ginning to forget his part.

"Are you a, soldier? Isized you upfor one when you came in," returned theLabour leader, coolly. "No, we don'thold with the trade of organised murder.Though I'm bound to say it's conductedhonest and above-board— not like thecowardly underhand methods of tho capi-talist, who destroys more humun life ina year than war does in fen."

"You wouldn't lift a finger to saveyour country, Isuppbse?" said Mr.Bluiidell.

"Well, if Isaid Iwouldn't you'd mis-understand me," said the florid youngman. "Iwouldn't, all the same. Now,you don't undesrtand that, do you?"he asked, with a kind.of triumph.

"No,!> said Mr. Blundell, "1 don't."And the two looked each oilier sEeadilj-in the eyes.

At this somewhat critical momentLady Ida entered, tall, fair, and gra-cious, followed by a little, eager, black-eyed creaturo, her secretary Miss CeciliaLant.

"Mr. 'Dane, how good of you to comeso early. You'll forgive me, Iknow,Mr. Blundell—Ihave somo business 11must arrange with Mr. Dane before themeeting. You'll stay, of course? I'mso glad." And her ladyship drew theyoung Labour leader to aAable, litteredwith papers, on the further aide of thegreat room, leaving the secretary andMr. Blundell standing together by themantelpiece.

"Who is that? asked George, in a* jundertone and looking very grim.

"That's Dick Dane," replied' Mi&sLant. "What has Dick been saying toyou, Mr. Blundell? You two looked fit jto eat each other. Some of his lion-1sense,Isuppose?"

"Do you know this, cr—

Mr. Dane?""enquired George, majestically."I reckon Ido," said Cissy Lant.

"We was—Imean were

—brought up to-

gether. Paupers, both of vs— what

they call State children. My word!Pretty state il

'is, too. But we was

lucky. Look at Dick there — tradeunion secretary, at two guineas a week,and all."

'We had a most interesting conversa-tion,' said Mr. Blundell, looking downat the pale sharp face very kindly. "Youmeant me to come early, didn't you?"he added.

"Ah,", said the girl, who spoke witha North Country accent. "Ireckoned Icould tell you the things you saidyou wanted to know, >ike, while herladyship was settling business with Dickthere."

They both glanced across the room.Lady Ida and Mr. Richard Dane movedelowly away, tho two figures, in thatwhite-walled emptiness, eminent as in apicture; Dick Dane, thick and broad,with his hands in his pockctß, and hisworkman1* slouch, his great black heada little lower than the gleaming fair hairof the slender girl, her rose-curved cheekturned towards him.

Mr. Blundoll, suddenly conscious .of ahand upon his arm, looked down intothe bright wide eyes of the liftlc secre-tary.

"Ypu asked me what Socialism was,didn't you?!! &he said. "Look there!'1She pointed to the receding figures witha swift, momentary gesture, "That'sit!"

—L. Cope Cornfordj in St. James's


Raphael inBayswater.«.

There nangs on my library wall, op-posite the window, a little oval Floren-tine frame. It contains a copy of, thehead of Raphael which he painted^ andfor many years he has looked out fromhi3gilt setting at mo with a gracioustolerance. The painters of those dayscould assume that expression even inKings' Courts, and whenIsee it dailyin Bayswater, Ithink that Imust besomehow kingly, feeling as Ido that Iam tolerated by tha grand Raphael (inreproduction). Wo met many summersago in Florence, in tho Ufßzi, and Isuppose he is not,a little gratified thatI noticed him particularly then (forthere are other things to notice- inFlorence), and so ho almost smiles atmo in a divine- sort of way, and seemsto wish me well.

But it was only yesterday that wereally became acquainted. And it hap-pened in this way. The portrait hangs,as Ihaveflaid, opposite my library win-dow, and fvs my armchair is so arrangedthat tho light falls over my left shoul-der (as it should do) it follows thatwhen Isit by the fire and face the por-trait, and the window light is reflectedin the slightly convex glass that coversit.

Now, lookingup from my book yester-dayIsaw my Raphael turn his gaze onme (as never before, Iswear), from thebackground of a Bayswater interior!It is true. There he sat, .with the re-flection of my window at liis shoulder;and through the window bo reflected(and exquisitely reduced) Icould sets arow of stucco-fronted houses, and thotres of a Bayswater-squarc. That thiseffect might have been noticed overy af-ternoon Imust suppose, but it is cer-tain (.hat.Ihad never before seen th«>head in relation to the light reflected onthe glass of tho picture;and thence Iinfer that Iam rather dull.

Raphael was facing me as usual, andso missed the fine view that T was wellstationed to behold; but he looked atme inhis adorably superior way,aswhoshould remark, "Of course, Iknow myBayswater, although IdoD't choose toturn and look through the window be-hind me. I painted Paradise, myfriend, though 1 had noi, then visitedthe place, and this respectable suburbof yours Iam certainly able to con-ceive...."

1 imagine that the fire was rather hotin my room yesterday, for Ishut myeyes from'tho glare of it awhile, andwhen Iopened them again Raphael wasleaning his elbows on tho edge of thegilt frame. His attitude was noticeablylike that of the cherub of the great Sis-tine canvas. Itold him so, and honodded, not displeased.

"The left-hand cherub, you mean,"he said. "They get it from me."

"This is no chmato for cherubs," Iobserved.

Raphael glanced up quickly."The Madonna has a warm robe," hesaid, "and Ipainted it wide. Idon't

think the little- beggar!, would come, toany harm."

But Iwas pursuing another lino ofthought.

"When you painted your Madonnas,"Isaid, "you set them in lovely sunlit,scenes and under blue skies. You robedthem in rich garments and surroundedthem with bright and noble forms.Your pictures were half created for youevery morning; and every shepherd washalf-Raphael asho stood in tho pasturesof tho Campagna, or shaded his eyesfrom the sun beneath the hills of Peru-gia. But hure

—had you been born inLondon, what would you havo done?"

To my gratification ho clnspod his giltframe with both hands ana, swinginghimself up, clambered out without de-lay. He had always seemed to mo ofalmost laughably minuto proportions(and he certainly hud to slide down tothe floor by the aid of the black Italianchair which stands against tho wall),but when he stood besido me Isaw weWore of equal height.

We walked to the window together."Could you havo made anything ofthis, had you been a Londoner?" Iasked as $&. stood and watched the

snow 'tHat now whirled down thickly.But he did not answer me.

The daylight had almost entirely fad-ed, and the street lamps glinted indoublo rows to right and left, sunderedby diminished spaces, till, joining, theyshot out into the darkness like a quiver-ing blade. Now and then somo darkstooping figure would pass ovci- thewhite space that encircled the base ofa lamp-post, hurrying home. And onceI saw a lancer wrapped in his cloakrido down the street, his lance uprightfrom tho stirrup.

"Why do you ask me that?" saidRaphael.1had almost forgotten him."It is long since Ileft you, Mar-

garita!" (he had quite forgotten me);"and the world looks differently. Ihad not noticed tho world outside thewindows till now, and this is England.Margarita, where there is snow— andlamps in the darkness. They tell m&that the portrait Imade of you is inFlorence with Matteo Botti. Could Ipaint you again, it should be in suoh ascene as this, amid the snow in a darkland, and above your head myriads oflights should be shining. .. .You wouldnot be cold, my dear, for Iwould putyou in Madonna's cloak, which is wideand very warm.... And Matteo Bottishould not have that picture!"

The fire crackled up briskly as hesaid this, making me start round. ButRaphael was too quick for me. He wassafe back in theh Florentine* frame whenIlooked up at it.

But he has smiled at me less conde-scendingly since yesterday.Ithink he is pleased with his im-

pression of Bayswater.— A. F. Wallis,m St. James's Budget.

The Mercy of the Hills.

A moody look was seated on NedBolton's face as his horse gingerly pick-edits way along the rough road that ledinto tho ranges. The bridle-reins hungloosely, and the animal was making itsown pace;its rider, to 'all-appearances,oblivious of its existence. Only once,when it stumbled, descending a steeppinch, did Bolton show any signs ofanimation, and then it was but momen-tary. Ho made a quick clutch at thereins, gave the offending beast's head avicious jerk, and at the same timepounded its lean sides with the heels of hisheavy boots.

"Git up, you old mule !" hs grumbled."Hanged if you'renot gitting like every-thing else belonging to me-^-oldv andworn out." Then he dropped the reins,and relapsed into his former lethargy.

The country through which he waspassing was very rough and barren,though, no doubt, picturesquo enoughto the eyes of a stranger; but it heldno charms for Bolton. Hills and gullieswere jumbled together inas inextricablea tangle as nature over wrought, theirsides swathed in a dense growth ofbracken and scrub. The prevailingdrabn&3s was interspersed with patchesof red and white heath

—sure indicators

of unfruitful soil. Occasionally a half-starved poddy might lift its head, andstare vacantly after the horseman, b9-foro returning to its struggle for a belly-ful. There were no other1 signs of life.Even th3birds seemed to avoid these in-hospitable- places, over which the grimhills brooded eternally.

At last 3olton"turned from the trackhe had been following on to a path lead-ing to tho right, and, if anything, wild-er and more forbidding than tho one jhe had left. Two inilas further he camo Jto a*clearing, surrounded by a rough!log fence. A dilapidatedbuilding, littleimore thana'hut, standing a few chainsback- from tha fences sPemcd mutely tosupplicate pity from 'fho surrounding

" wilderness. ,(Bolton dismounted, and led his horsethrough the slip-panels, and round tothe rear of the dwelling. A hundred ',yards away a man was busy patchingthe side of a shed with some old piecesof boarding. T,h© visitor led his horsoacross to the scene of oporations. Theman lookedup for an instant, then wenton hammering industriously.

"Day, Bill, said Bolton, shortly, ashe camo to a halt beside tho bush car-penter.

Bill again look-ed up. Evidently theothor'i' presence did not please him.

"Hullo! What brings you here? Sameold cry, 1s'poae?" His tone was any-thing out conciliatory.

Bolton frowned."Yes, it's the same old cry; and

there's got to be a settlement straightaway. Isimply vain't going to keep theold man any longer—Ican't. Every-thing's been going wrong lately. Cowsdying, kids sick, and interest overdue.'What between one thing and another,Idunno whicb way to turn. Anyhow,he's your father and you've got the bestright to keep him," and Bolton's jawssquared doggedly.

Bill's eyes glinted angrily, but hisvoice was lovel enough whenhe answer-ed—

"And you really think that?" heasked slowly. "You're quite sureyou'renot forgetting the fact that the old manwent to live with you on your invita-tion? That you knew he had a fewyears' work still left in him, and a fewpounds behind him at tho time, did notinfluence the invitation any,Isuppose?You didn't think for an instant thathe (and they) might come in useful, eh?No, of course not. Nod Bolton's abovethntkind of dirty work, wo all know."

Bolton winced a little beneath theother's sarcasm, but Bill went on un-heedingly :

"You know woll enough I'd have.gladly had the old chap then— he'd havebeen a great help to me; but you andBess wouldn't hear of such a thing aslotting poor father be buried alivo inthis pinch-gut place of mine, and I,knowing Bess had always been his fav-ourite youngster, let you have your ownway. Now, when he's wonted out,you're trying to foist him on to mewilly-nilly. Youcan't come it. I'll seeyou damned first, Mr. Bolton! Andwhen you go home youcan tell Boss I'mproud of her

—almost as proud asIam

of you."Bill concluded with a biting little

laugh.Bolton licked his lips, then rubbed

the back of his hand across them."You can leave Bess out," ho said

with anoath. "She dceen't count. I'mboss over there."

"Woll, you shouldn't neglect your re-sponsibilities by coming here," said theother, pointedly. "I've got neither thetime nov inclination to entertain you."

Bolton's jaws moved uneasily, and hogavo a gulp as though swallowing some-thing with n nasty flavour.

"Then you wont take him?" he ask-ed, endeavouring to speak steadily.

"Not' at any price," said Bill, deci-dedly. ,

Bolton stood silently for some mo-ments, tho cornorsof hismouthtwitchingdisagreeably. '

"All right," he jerked out at last."I'll know what to do now. P'rapsyou'll bo sorry before long that -youdidn't fall in with my ideas.

Bill laughed disdainfully."Your ideas always* run in tho one


tho groove that leads to theultimate benefit of one,Bolton. I'm notlikely to bo sorry if Ibaulk you foronce." Here Bill took a step nearer."But it you intend thnt as a threat, I'llcaution you to be careful. As Isaid,Iwon't havo father hero for 'severalreasons, but if it ever comes to my earsthat you aro trying any funny business

ion the old chap,Imight take it intomyhead to pay you a visit*and vI.can't

afford to lose any time, you'd have topay mo for my trouble. Ifyou wouldn'tmost likely I'd take it out of yourhide," and hojheld up his big fist andlooked at it in a halt-calculating, half-absent way, that was rather irritating.

Bolton muttered something into hisbeard, as he gave a tug at the reins onhis arm, bringing his old horse b^ckfrom dreamland with a start.

"You' can' go "he commenced,

as he prepaved to remount."So can you," interrupted Bill. "The

quicker the bettor; and don't forgetwhat Itold you."

Bolton pulkd his horse around, andbegan to lumber off without anansweringvord. '

1"ifou ought to try and get him to

put in for anold-age pension. No doubtyou'd find a' few bob a week coming fnreg'lar very handy.'" Bill called afterhim sarcastically. He said it lightly,having in his mind the pride he knewlay engrained*in'hjs father's nature, andhis aversion ito. anything tainted withcharity. Hj3 did not dream, that his■words would sink into Bolton's mercen-ary mind, and bear fruit— bitter fruit.He stood locking after the retreatinghorseman tillia twist in the track shuthim out. »

''A nice brother-in-law, surely! Iwonder why Beis ;cottoned on to him?Couldn't have been for his beauty, any-how." He laughed a little at the ideaof beauty being'connected with Bolton',even in name. "I'm sorry for the oldman," he continued, inusingly; "buthemade his own bed, andnowifhefinds itgetting abitlumpy,Ican'thelp it., Lord!how Bolton would Jaugh up his sleeve ifIwas fool enough, to fall in with hisplans. He hasn't got any feelings deep-er than his hide— that's whyItried to:frightenhimby prpnijsing him a thrash-ing." He paused, apd let his gaze wan-der round upon the, forbidding-lookinghills which hemmed him in, thenmutter-ed thoughtfully— Idon't believe he'sgot asmpch mercy, inhis beingas thesegrim, old, heart-breaking hills, which

jnave crushed out the beit years of my'life, and they're,flinty enough, Godknows.'*

j Old man Nprris wass eated on somehalf-rotten planking, down behind thecow-bails, fighting out his destiny. Hisgnarled hands were tightly clenchedabout the stout, rough stick, which as-sisted him whea hobbling about theplace. There was a strengtn in his faos,and a light in his sunken eyes that con-trasted grotesquely with his shrunken

1limbs ana attenuated body. His wispy,white hair straggled out refractorily

!from beneath the, rim of his shapelessslouch hat, .as though seeking thewarmth of themorningsun. The soundof somo of Bolton'a children quarrellingcame raucously to his ears; but he didnot heed them

— he was accustomed tosuch sounds. His oyes Were fixedon theadjacent ranged; and his lips movedspasmodically. He was talking to him-self. .""I won't do it! Not for Ned nor

anybody. Inever took a penny in mylife but what I, earned it, fair andsquare, and it ain't likely I'm goingtodo itnow

—now when it's near closing

time. IknowIain't worth much sincethis rheumatism's come onme, but stillIdo what Ican, and if Iain't ■worthma tucker, it's time to put up tho shut-ters straight away."

Ho stopped, still keeping his eyes in-tently fiiW on the hills. Presently hestarted on again:

"Bess allus was a good girl, and shedoss' what she can, Iknow, but thenshe's frightenedof him-^everybody whatknows him"is,' it seems to inc.''But!*ain't frightened of you,NedBolton, oldasIam, and you're not going\to bullyme into applying for a old-age pension.I'll starve first P'

He took his oyes from the hills, hishands closed more tightly about hisstick, and he jabbed its point,into theyielding earth"almost viciously. 'Therewas a eilei}Qo; -and,.when ho j^poke-again there was tha slightest quaver inhis hitherto strong voice. - -

"If Idon't do what he* wants, it'splain Iain't" wanted here any longer.Even Bess can't hide that from me, al-though Iknow sh« tries to. Ireckinit's bit late in,life to think about mak-ing a shift, ,but Jim Norris ain't thoeort of man tohang on anywhere whenthey're doing their- bast to shove himoff. No, Iain't built on them lines,thank God!" Again his eyes wanderedto the.lulls.

'"I'llgo over to Bill. Bill

\vas allus a kind-hearted lad, thoi^gh hehas his faults, "Iknow;and be a neverwant his old. man to take a old-agepension, anyway. Yes, I'll go out in tiieranges to Bill, and bury nieself and meshamo among the bills, for everybodyseems to think it is a shame for a manJto bo old, and crippled up, and next to juseless.^ Iw,on't tell any of 'em aboutjit—

not uven Bess. But the first daythis rheumatism cives me aholiday, I'lltackle it, and I'll show 'em I'm goodenough for a, rough fivemiles tramp yet,anyhow."

His lips compressed tightly, and hie6olve glowed in his eyes. Slowly, withthe assistance of his stick, he roee fromIhis seat, and haltingly and laboriouslymade his way towards the house.

A few days later old man Aorris wastoiling painfully along the same roughtiack winch Ned Bolton had" traversedsome weeks previously. For some hourshe had been plodding d-eterminedlyIalong, resting now and then by the way-side, as his breath grew scanty, thenresuming the struggle tenaciously. Dur-the last hour his stoppages had becomemore frequent, for * tho strain wa& be-ginning to tell. Besides, the further heprogressed the rougher grew the track.Ithad been a bright morning when hestarted out, but now a sombre changewas spreading over the rugged land-

;scape. A grey mist came to meet him,sweeping over the Jails and gullies,,changing their hard, grim lines into in-distinct blotches. .It swirled in aboutthe wayfarer quite suddenly, strikingchilly to his very marrow, and pressinga vague loneliness upon him that he hadnot felt bsfore. He 6hivered as he gotup from tho log on which he was sittingand pushed on onco more.

"It's coming on thicker," he mutter-ed.

"Ibelieve we're in for some dirty

weather. 1must benear theturq-off now,surely, I've been walking a ter'ble time,it seems to me."

He peered anxiously to the side of thetrack as ho limped along, and as a nar-row branching path came into view hegavea sigh of relief. "Another coupleo 'miles and I'll bo at Bill's. Guessho'll get abit of a surprise when he sees|me."1 Ho laughed a little, as though thethought pleasedhim, and set out on thenow track with fresh vigour. But hispace soon slackened again, as the fogcame floating about him yet more thick-ly. Itbecame so dense at last that hecould scarcely discern tho path at hisfeet. It throw clinging arms aroundhim,as if trying to hold him back fromhis goal. Itclogged his feet until withevery stop ho seemed to lift a leadenweight. It got down his throat andtried to choke him, and ho felt its dankfingers closing about his heart and press-ing on his brain. He brushed his handfeebly across his oyes, as though it werethey that wero at fault, and staggeredon. He must got to Bill's place;

—toBill, who would be glad to sco him.

That was his one thought just then.His foot caught a trailing creeper,and

he pitched.forward and fell heavily,,hisBtick flying off at a tangent. For aminute he lay there, almost stunnod,gasping piteously. At last he made aneffort to rise, only to fall back with agroan. ,Jle must, regain his stick— hecould not'riso without its help. Hedragged himself this way and that overthe wet ground until be found it. Evan

The Problem of the Eyes.TKE EVENING POST. SATURDAY. AUGUST 10. 1907.

By Mart Bkatjmont.

(AllKigb'ts Eeservca.)

then it was some time before he man-aged to get on his feet again. He look-ed about him in a bewildered fashion,Kie one just awakened from sjeep.Where was the path? Ah, yes, he' re-membered. Of course, it lay a fewyards to the right. He turned andwalked in that direction, then stopped,and stood with one hand groping amonghis straggling beard— helplessly.-"Not lost," he mumbled, as he pulledhis coat more tightly about him.

"No,not lost. It can't be far away." Hepeered into thepall about him as thoughby sheer intensity of gaze he would cuta path through its murk, butit remain-ed impenetrable and unyielding. At last,he made another effort. He was begin-ning togrow fretful."Ican't go on much- farther," he

grumbled peevishly. "Ican't. Wh>couldn't this cursed mist havekept away

for an, hour or two longer?"He came to a fallen trc«, and sank

wearily upon it. Itwas wet and cold,but so was he—cold as tho charity hehated. Ina dim way, with half-closedeyes,he went over the buffetings of thelast few hours.

'"I've made a fight forit, anyhow. I'dhave liked to seenBill

but——"His eyeslit up,and his waning senses

seemed to rally themselves. He made afunnel with his hands, and shouted:"Bill, hay, Bill; Help!" ■

His voice rose feebly, andhung in themist just above his head. He 'listenedeagerly for an answer, but there .wasnone. Even the hidden hills rofused tosend back an echo.

He gavea last look at tho grey shroudabout him, and then his head sank onhis breast, and he went off into a halfstupor. Gradually he slipped from thelog, and fell to the ground. The shockof the contact partly roused him, for heopenedhis eyes, and said drowsily:

"Lord! but it's cold to-night, BesF.I'm thinking there'll be a mighty heavyfrost, girl.'' He then turned over to-!wards the fallen tree, as if seekingwarmth frpm its hard and drippingtrank.

Later on the wind came "p, and torethe "mist asunder, letting tho moon vandIstars peep in at what lay by the decay-ing log on the hillside. The light fromthe moon fell on the big hills, too, elim*inating all their grimness,and softeningtheir shaggy sides, until they seemed todraw nearer about the sleeper like aband of giant protectors,— C. C. Hut-!bush, in the Australasian.


Waves of mild mania pass over Bii-tain from time to time, and one of thelatest is manifested by desperate at-tempt to revive medieval pageants, ofwhich almost the solo anlj degeneratesurvival is the much-ridiculed -London .Lord Mayor's Show. One of the mostinteresting of the many pageants with-which the public is threatened in thecouree of the year is that at Eomsey,Hampshire, which was played in June.A late exchange says:—

Mr. F. E. Benson, the well-knownactor, is pageant master, and that he!has done admirably with snmo splendidmaterial was conclusively proved at thefull-dress rehearsal on Wednesday. Thistook place in a beautiful meadow run-

j iiing down to the Test, up which the jDanes are said to have sailed in theirViking ships to the attack of the Saxon jcnurch at Romsey nearly a thousand j

"years"ago, ' ~ , i"■'Romley' 'Abbey is J t6-13a"y 'brie'of the"most beautiful Norman abbeys in.Eng-land, and through a trap-door in thefloor can bo seen part of the founda-tions of the very Saxon church whichthose Danes burnt down in 994 A.D.

This scene of the attack on thd churchforms one of the most effective of the j

'. ten' episodes composing tho'^ageant. Of \*tha 5000 or so inhabitants of " Romsey,1500 are taking part in the spectacle,and consequently there arc plenty torepresent the opposing forces. Themeadow, too, forms an ideal stage, and"the whole scene gives a wonderfullyvivid idea of the realities of old-timebattles.

The pageant begins with the foundingof the abbey by Edward tho Elder in907 A.I).

—a thousand years ago. It

ends with tho passing through Romseyof Charles I.on his way to Whitehall.

Inanticipation of the pageant whichis to take place at St. Albans

—15th to

20th July—

a private view was givenon Saturday of the preparations for theevent. These are on a highly elaboratoscale, all tho work being clone voluntar-ily by ladies and gentlemen of theborough.

The ecclesiastical, military, and civilhistory of St. Albans and the neigh-bourhood is exceptionally rich in in-cidents suitable for dramatic representa-tion, and Mr. Charles H. Ashdown, whois responsible for the text and lyricsof the pageant, has taken full advantage

"■of his opportunities. In the earlierepisode of the pageant the deeply re-ligious tone which characterised the"rude forefathers" of the ancientborough, has been carefully accentuated,whilo in the later episodes, the socialand political life of the periodhas beenadequately brought cut.

Inpreparing the scenes and incidentsof ancient times, Mr. Ashdown has hadvaluable 'assistance from the Dean ofSt. Albans, Mr. John Harris,. Mr. Her-bert Jarman, who acted as guide onSaturday to a specially-invited com-pany, Mr. S. R. Unwin, and Mr. E.S. Hunt.

The closing scene of the pageant ispeculiarly attractive. It treats of thevisit of Queen Elizabethan 1572 to SirNicolas Bacon, father of the greatSir Francis Bacon. Inthis scenetherewill be introduced much of the magni-ficence and splendour of "Good QueenBess's" Court, and visitors will beenabled to inspect the ruins of Bacon'smansionj and to vjew the remarkablestatue over the burial place of thegreat philosopher in St. Michael'sChurch.

Special facilities for reaching St.Albans have been made by the railwaycompanies whose lines touch theborough, and a grandstand, capable ofaccommodating about 5000 people, hasbeen erected in the grounds.

* At Birr (Ireland) Quarter Sessions lastmonth County Couit Judge Curran re-pudiated as wholly untrue the reports ofa. speech b3r him in which lie was repre- jisented as speaking of the- prevalence ofcrime in King's County. His Honour's,repudiation was endorsed fry the countyCrown and sessional solicitors, ap- Jby a crowded court. The judgeIsaid it was clear that there was some un- jderhand work in the matter.

Just before the division on the finan-cial resolution of the Scottish SmnllLand-holders Bill in the House of Commons re-cently, anamusing interlude was provided

vby Mr. Rawlinson. The member forCambridge University wishfid to raise a.point of order after the division was call-ed, in order to call attention to anamend-ment whichhe had handedin. He couldonly dothis seated and with his hat on;but he had no hat, nor had the tlnee orfour of his friends who sat round him.Mr. Rawlinson made a despairing appealto'Mr. John Ward, but tho Labour mem-ber for Stoke crammed his white som-brero down over his. eyes, and replied"Not I." Then Sir Arthur Bignoldbrought his own hat to the rescue. Thiswas about four sizes too largo for MrRawlinson, 'but he balanced it caiefullyover his eyes with his hand', while headdressed Mr. Einmott, amid the heartylaughterof the House.


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Thousands of wonderfulcure* have beeaeffected by it.REMARKABLE CURE OF ECZEMA.Mrs. F. Beedlo, of 89, Adamsou-ro&d,Customhouse, Victoria Dock, writes,undertho date of 15th December, 190*: "It is

now just eighteen years since my husbandfiist had a bad attack of Eczema iv thefeet. Besides going to three hospitalsandthe infirmary, he tried nearly everythingfor it, but could only get relief from thedreadful irritation for a few days. Thohospital doctors said* they had never soensuch a bad case of eczema. My husbandis. only a dock labourer, arid could notafford to buy Clarke's .Bipod Mixture, butwhen our sou came back frqm the Cape hobought his father six bottles, and beforehe uad taken three boltlos his feet wor«nearly well, nud now they are quite Well.Ido not think he will ever have it again,as it is now twelve months since he wavcured. If people suffering from Eczema °

would only try Clarke's Biood Mixture,Ifeel sure it would cure them as ft liascured my husband. Ujou are at liberty tomake whateveruse youwish of this letter."ABSCESSES AND BOILS CURED.Mr. David Evans, of 7, Orchard-placo,Sevorn-roud,v Cauton, Cardiff, writos:'"Ihavo been suffering for two years with

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two doctors at different time«, but theyseemed to dome no good,andIbegan tothink 1 should never be cured. At lastono of my friends persuaded me "to tryClarko's Blood Mixture, andIam glad Idsay that after taking three bottles Iwasable to get to work again. Ibelieve Itook eight bottles in all, and ever sincehave had good health, and not had evona pimplo about mo. This is over twelvemonths ago, andIwish Ihad tri^d yourBlood Mixture before, for it Would HaVosaved me poundsin doctors' bills, besides'thetiam and agonyIsuffered/*' < "'

QUICK AND LASTING CURE OF ABAD LEG.Mrs. E. Todhunter, of 7,Brookhill-rpad,

Bootle, Liverpool, writes under tho dataof 10th September, 190*: "In189* Ijeuf-ferod from a very bad leg; indeed, it,hadbeen, bad for ,three years, andIhad friedalmost every remedy without any relief.Ihave been laid up -for as many «« threeweeks at a time, and quite uuabld toattend to my household duties, when'oneday my husband advisedme to try Clarke'sBioodMixture, as at one time he had'suf-fered from sore eyes and tho Mixture'badeffected a complete euro of them, so Idetermined to try it, and got a largobottle, and before a fortnight bad passedIperceived my leg improving,and at thocud of amonth, Pam proud to say,I'wasperfectly cured. That is now■ ten yearsago, and my reason for not sending youthis testimonial eooner it, Ithought itwould somo day surely break out again;but Ican boast that there is no sign ofit doingso, andIhave the best of health.You ai<j quite at liberty to make uso ofthis, for the sake of others."

IMPURITIESINTHE BLOOD.—Hfahave Ecen hosts of letters from,all koiltand conditions of people, in which.'Jhewriters acknowledge the benefit they havereceived from Clarke's Blood Mixture,which as n curative agent cannot be 100highly estimated, since it cleanses andclears tho blood from all impurities, andrestores it to its normal conditioni" -Thi*is a good testimonial from tho FamilyDoctor, the popular medical weekly,whichgoes on further to say; "It is eeriaiulythe finest blood purifier that scienco aiidskill have brought to light, and we canwith tho utmost confidence recommend itto our subscribers and the public gener-ally."

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FEW people pay sufficient attention tothe proper airing of bed linen. It isnot enough to simply hang the linen neartho fire; each article should be unfoldedand its position repeatedly changed Untilall tho moisture has been drawn out of it.Delicate and even robust persons will bain tho greatest dungor of catching cold iftho rhects havo not oeen thoroughly dried.Place a hand glass between tho sheets,fora few minutes, and if o-n removing itthero is the faintest trace of damp filmor mist on tha glass, the sheets aroruotfit to fleep in. Kemove them and fileepbetween the blankets if you wish to atfoid .unpleasant ricks. Whether your cough orcold is contracted from damp bed linen' otfrom any other cause, BAXTER'SL©NGPRESERVER is a simple remedy thatworks liko a charm on the affected parts.Nothing carries off the congestion likeBAXTER'S LUNG P^JiSERVER. Itis a safe insurance against tho dangerousafter-effects of simple or comphc&tedecoigha or colds and chest affections gene-rally Itreduces the inflammation, breaksup tho phlegm, and gives relief from thefirst dose. It pays to keep BAXTER'SLUNG PRESERVER handy -for any em-ergency.





OrKRA HOUSE.Monfgo.Tier.Va Entertainers, in season to10i.li August.Miisgrove"s Royal Grand Opera Company,19thAugust to 9th September.Wiliougtiby-Ward Oc, 12th September to 19thSeptember. ■

J. C. lVillijuaion, 20th September to 9tUOctober,Allan Hamilton, ?Oth to 30th October.MucMahou Ci>ir>piuy. 2nd to 16th November.J. C. Williamson, 18th to 22nU November.J. C. Willliiuuon. 1 26th December to 16thJanuary, 1908. " ' '

TII2ATBE KOTAi.""uller'* Vaudeville Company.

Through the medium of the;biographNew Zcalanders have been enabled towatch the "All Blacks" In their footballetruggles for supremacy"in Australia, aivlnext week they will be afforded an op-portunity of witnessing the great scullingmatch for the championship of the -worldbetween Webb and Towns. Mr. BenFuller has acquired the film of the race,and it will be exhibited at the TheatreRoyal on Tuesday or Wednesday even-ing. The firm is to bo commended onito enterprise.

Xest Saturday evening the murh-tra^veiled Taylor-Carrington Dramatic Com-pany will inaugurate a season of dramaat His Majesty's. Both in Aucklandand Dunedin the company has achievedvery considerable success, playing inthe latter city for a period of no" lessthan six weeks

—qnile a record for dramiin the Scotch metropolis. The season

will opon with tho drama "Disowned, orthe Anarchists of London," arhich is saidto bo oneof their best productions, giv-ing opportunities for scenic display ands?nsational effect. The season will con-tinue for some four weeks, during whicha 'number of dramas which are entirelynew to Wellington playgoers will be pre-sented." Mr. R. S. Smythe, the much-travelledimpresario, arrived in Sydney last weekin. the interest of the son of M. HoracePoussard, the celebrated violinist. Fromthe time he was only two weeks old, thechild, Louia Poussard, was brought upbT Miss Elizabeth Boutcher, but on thddeath of his father the custody of theboy, who was then "12, was given !>▼Chief Justice Darley to Mr Jules La-ch&ume, tho guardian appointed underhii father's will. Miss Boutcher waebitterly disappointed at the loss of theboy,,whom she had regarded as herown, and went to.Johannesburg.! ' Yearspassed without any communication be-tween her and young'Poussard;but bythe -last voyage of the, Aorangi fromVancouver Mfis Bontcher returned toSydney, with the intention of takingYonng 'Poussard back with her to Ame-rica. Mr.18. S. Smythe was M. Pous-sard's oldest friond, and it is in connec-tion with the situation created by thereturn of Miss Boutcher that the veteranmanager has arrived in Sydney.

This afternoon and this evening per-formances are to be given in His Maj-esty's Theatre by "The Kelly Gang"Biograph Company. The company hasjust completed a successful tour of thisisland, and leaves for the south afterthe performance,this evening.

There can be no shadow of a doubt asto the success in London of

"Tho Merry

Widow." Latest papers are full of themost eulogistic references to the piece,which is Mr. J. C. Williamson's latestacquisition for Australia.

"A really

enormous success," says the Daily Mail."It is not often that one witnesses intho play-house such scenespi genuineenthusiasm. When Franz Lehar, thecomposer, returned to' the conductor'schair at the beginning of the third act,many rose to their feet to cheer him,and hats and caps were waved at himas though at a victorious generai aftera long campaign." '

Interviewed by a Pall Mall Gazettorepresentative just before the removalof the ban upon "

The Mikado," Mr.W. S. Gilbert stated that thesacrifice ofthe opera would cost him £10,000. .Referring to Mr. Gladstone's suggestionthat it might be possible to alter thetitle of the opera or modify it-in someway, Mr. Gilbert remarked with em-phasis:— "Nothing would induce mt> <aalter* a word of it

—nothing whatever.

The title of 'The Mikado.' is its trademark, and itis as valuable to the inter-osts of the piece as Messrs. Bass andGo's, trade mark is to the interests ofpale ale."

Mr. Frank Thornton's farewell tourof Australia, which will be under thodirection of Mr. Edwin Geach, will bo-gin at the Sydney Criterion Theatre atChristmas. The comedy Mr. Thorntonhas chosen to appear in, "When Knightswere Bold," is said to be eminentlycalculated to drive dull >care away. Theunrestrained humour of "A Yankee atthe Court of King Arthur" is'recalledin tho translation of a modern baronetto a period700 years ago by the dreamdevice.

Messrs. Meynell and Gunn have nowdefinitely launched. their new enterprisefor the production of melodrama andmusical comedy. Mr. Gunn, who hasarrived in London,has cabled to Austra-lia thathe has already engaged two ar-tists for tho new musical comedy com-pany ho is forming. This company willintroduce "Miss Hook of-Holland" toAustralia— a piece which, according- to aletter received by Mr. Meynell, «f is run-ning to such marvellous business" inLondon at the Prince' of Wales' Thea-tre that one wishing to book a seat has'to do so three weeks ahead. Itis ex

'poctcd that "

Miss Hook of H6lland,"Jthe music of which is by Paul Bubeusywill reach Australia shortlyafter Christmas.

Two new plays— both bvMr. WalterHoward, the author of '-' Thex MidnightWedding "— have s been

_acquired "by

Messrs. Meynell and Gunn. One is" Her Love Against the World," re-cently played at the Lyceum, London,with Miss Nora Kerin and Mr. NormanPartridge in the leading roles; and theother 4s "Second.to None," which hasbeen played in Birmingham.

"When Knights were Bold," has beencited in the controversy raging in Lon-don upon the question, "Have women asense of humour?" The author of thislaughing success has been disclosed asa clever lady seeking to hide her iden-tity under the norn de guerre CharlesMarlowe. Her wofk is described as hav-ing wit as well as droll humour, andas S happy satire of "tha good* oldtimes."

Hymack, the Scottish comedian, doesnot merely change his clothes; he dis-cards coats, collars, neckties, walking-sticks, until the stag-e becomes a merelitter of personal attire. Yet the mar-!vellous thing is, says the- Era, that inIthe place of his old collar half a dozen

freeh ones aro seen round his neck, andne\t walkingsticks seem to spring fromth-a'ground. Tho turn must oe seen tobe.believed, for it todk Hyinack fiveyears of steady, Unremitting practicebefore he allowed himself to give it inpublic. . "<

Writing from London.t'olMiss RolandWatts-Phillips, in Sydney, says thoHerald, an actor who appeared beforeAustralian audiences early in the pre-sent year gives a highly interesting ac-count of much that he has,seen andheard during his first few months' stayin. the great city. To his surprise hefqund. salaries in the provinces, andfor small jjarfcs in London, just aboutas low as in the old stock days of 50ytars ago, and he also discovered thatin "the profession*' at hom*o Australiaia not only thoroughly well known


only section of-English social life whereits importance seems to be, understood—'but is even alluded to as "the actor'spkradise." This is owing to the fewmatinees, the satisfactory pay, and theconvenient climate. This new arrivalentered, himself on the books of Mr.Frank Weathersby, who, two or threeyears ago, .managed out here for JohnF. Sheridan's burlesque company, thendirected Mrs.- LangtryJs season atTerry's Theatre, Loridon, and finallysettled down there as an agent. Inthis way the Australian artist openedfor a fortnight in a small responsiblepart with a good company at Kingston-on-Thames, in "The Three Musketeers."the principals being Mr. Ernest Norrisand Miss Vera Beringer. He wasrt-engag^ed for liter in the year in thebetter role of Buckingham, and in themeantime secured'a London appearancewith 'a fine combination in Calmour's"The Judgment of Pharoah," at thoScala Theatre. .THe business managerwas Mr. Walner Gregory, out herewithhis wife (Miss Elizabeth'Watson), for

.some years with the" Bland Holt Com-pany; indeed, at every turn tho writer:seems to have found his antipodeanconnection of the greatest .value. Asregards the state of tho London stagn,tho visitor records that "he has seensome fine-artists, but that ho generallycomes out,of a theatre ditisatisiied, ow-ing to the 'lack' of- tho all-round excel-lence' whicli characterises the best Aus-tralian productions,,"There are peoplein'big'positions in\Londort who couldnot star anywhere ,else, being merelylocal favourites of1 very mediocre tal-ents.". "I- think quite the best ensem-ble Ihave Seen wps

"Sutro's" 'John

Glayde's Honour,' witha fine cast lead-ed by George Alexander, Michael Sher-brooke, and Evi Moore, though amongtho womenIlifc^d best Henrietta Wat-son. At the LyricIsaw Luwis Wallerand Evelyn Millard in 'Clancarty,' andthought the'- latter Very charming. Leo-nora Brahani .was in the"cast. At thePlayhouse'lsaw Cyril Maude, a finecomediani in ' 'Toddles,' a very funnyfarce, which,-should"'find Us way toAustralia. One'of Titheradge's daugh-ters was in. the cast. There is also' avery good comedy,*"TVheh Knights WereBold.' which Prank Thornton is bring-ing you,. at Wyndham's, in whichJames Welch appeared," but of hiscompany the less said the better. Iwent to see Beerbohm Tree twice, andthink him an excellent character actor,but his peculiar speech unfits him forstraight parts, though he plays themwith 'applause here. Constance Col-lier and Basir Gill were very good inthe support, as also tho Australianartist Alice Crawford, who is rapidly

coming to the front. Tho LyceumTheatre is now flourishing as the homeof cheap drama (stalls ss), and Ifounda_ capable company, a large orchestradirected by Herr Raymond Pechotsch,so long resident in Sydney, and a clevermelodrama. 'Her Love Against theWorld'— principals Norman Partreidgeand Nora Kerin, who were both inGeorgo Musgrove's Shakesperian enter-prise. Miss Marie Rignold was alsoin the cast, and Isaw Dora' Rignoldadmirably placed in the opera 'TomJones,' in which Carrie Moore has mad?another hit at tho Apollo. Amongstthe musical shows Ithought 'The NowAladdin,' at the Gaiety, poor, but 'TheBello of Mayfair' at the Vaudevillewas bright. Camillo Clifford struck meas something new, and she would mal"ia big hit out your way, and BilliaBurko isa dainty soubrette. Thebes*musical piece is "Miss Hook of Hol-land," with Huntley and Miss Isabn)Jay in the leads. Ihear that Meyne'land Gunn have it for Sydney. Isaw

►Edna .May in "Nolly Ncill,""but therewas no one else worth rememberingin the show. At the Hicks TheatreIthought Marie Studholme, a beauti-ful woman, and very bright in "MyDarling," in which piece was BerylFaber, with Alice Hollander, the Syd--ney contralto, and George Castles, apromising tenor (brother,of Amy andDolly) also in the cast. At Daly's Isaw "The Lady Dandies," a gorgeousproduction. Evie Greene sings well,and Huntley Wright is a splendidcomedian, but the much-talkcd-ofG&briel Ray is disappointing. Win-ifield Blake and Maude Amber aro inLondon preparing a star turn for thehalls, and Miss Waldon Taylor, whoplayed small parts with them last yearwith John F. Sheridan's burlesque com-pany, is awaiting a chance, and isstaying for a time with titled connec-tions in Grosvenor-square."

Theatrical Clips.— During tho whole20 years- that Mr. and Mrs. Bland Holthays' been married they have never be-fore been separatd for a day, cind there-fore have never had occasion to writeto one another... Itis the intention ofMr. John Fuller, sen., to take anextend-ed trip to the Old Country and the Con-tinent, in February"next. '.. Messrs. J.and N. Tait have already discussed withMiss Marie Hall tho advisability of re-.turning here at some future date, andas she is>anxious 'to visit this countryagain, musir-lovers may look forward tothe probability of hearing her once morein tho near future...Norman M'Keown,formerly of the Brough-Flemming Com-pany, is now appearing with AndrewMack. '. . Theatregoers will regret tolearn that Mr. A. Cowan, who ha.> beenattached to Mr. Edwin Geach's theatri-cal enterprises for several years past, isseriously, ill in Sydney... Miss OliveMorell, who appeared in several of theproductions staged by, Mr. Williamson'sRoyal Comic Opera Comnany, has re-turned to England. .. From Americacomes the news that thnt capable actorand author,.Harry St. Maur, has joinedtho great majority. Mr. St. Maur'sgreatest offort was the namo part in"Jim the Penman." . . Mr. JuliusKnicht and his company, appear inMelbourne on 31st August. . . Mr.Georgo Rignold i>3 in Melbourne, underengagement with Mr. Bland Holt, to ap-paar as Jason in "The Bondman," ..The net profit of the Oxford Theatre,Lonuon. for the year. £16 092, is a sumabout £2000 less than tho precedingyear's amount

—a reduction attributed

entirely to the music-hall strike in Jan-uary and February la<st. ..

"But how am Ito see if the queensarc there?"

"Wa'al, d'ye zee, I'll shake theyhiws, and t' bees '11 comu out. Dnyewatch careful-like, and if ye do zee .1biggish bee with a long body and thidthead, that's th' queen. But mind andwatch careful."

Tho innocent bailiff (if it had notbeen told in court one would havedoub-ted the story) actually agreed to the pro-posal, and took up a position a fewfeet.in front of the first hive. The rus-tic suppressed a terrible desire to breakinto a mighty laugh, went behind fhehive, and shook"up tho bees. What fol-lowed may bo as well imagined as de-scribed. The luckless representative ofjustice fled a few minutes later coveredwith stings ,and pursued by roars oflaughter from his "stupid" victimiser.

The mattsr, of course, came into court,where the peasant was accused of "im-

j pedin'j an officer of the Crown in theIpur.-uU of his duties." But the peasantj replied, "Wa'al, dye zee,Ididn't tellI they bees to stiiijj 'i>n, did I?"|


Tooling Down to Epsom— Coachy (tosportsman with shoe-clicking trotter):'UUo, 'Ainmsr-and-pineers! Sportsmanwith trotter

— '"Ullo, Screwdriver!"Don't uf.a that phrase, please. Itv

one from which the world has sufferedtoo long," said Judgs- Willis at theSoutlnv.irk County Court to a barristerwho spoke of "the psychological mo-ment." ,

"A good deal depends on the forma-tion of early liabitb," remarked a manto a friend. "1kn6\v it," was the re-joinder. "When Iwas a baby mymother hired a woman to wheel meabout, and I've been pushed for moneyever since!"


THE TEACHERS' PERCENTAGES.Before the Teachers' Conference in Ade-

laide, South Australia, the president read,oimid some amusem*nt, the following satire.He had discovered it in a file of the Ob-server, and a new generation had grownup since it first appeared, but the "ragefor statistics" had(not whollypassed away,and the forgotten verses had not yet losttheir point.'Twas Saturday night, and a teacher sat

Alone, his task pursuing;Ho averaged this, he averaged that,

Of all his school woe doing.He reckoned percentages, so many boys

And so many girls, all counted;And marked the tardy and absentees,

And to what all the absence amounted.Names and residences wrote in full,

Over many columns' and pages;Hemarked who hadpassedin the standardsbefore,

And averaged all the ages.

The date of admission of every one,With cases of flagellation;

And filledup the schedule, with* those whoshould pass

At the coming examination.He filled up form IX. to the last page but

oue;Wrote his own and his grandmother's

ages;Where he was born, and whyhe wasborn,

And signed at the foot all the pages.'Twas Christmas time, and he would have" liked

A little relaxation;But he must write on and try to fulfil*

Tho Government regulation.His weary head sank low on his book

Andhis weary heart still lower,As he thought that his pupils had littlebrains,

And he could not furnish more.He slept, he dreamed, it seemed he died;

And his spirit to Hades went;And they met him there with the question

fair, ' ' 'How much canyoupass per cent.?

And when they suggested onehundredand' ten,'And ho modestly said, "I can't,"They changed the form of the query then,

"Can you earn tho extra grant?He shook his head,' they could hardly- tell

What should be his proper poeition;But at last they gave him a ponderous

book—, 'Twas the Register of Admission.So he eat himself down by tho River

Styx,And as he passed over each mortal, '

Ho entered his name, his standard, and'age,

'Ere ho passed through the gloomy por-tal.

Thousands of ages rolled away,And he wrote with might and main,

So they gavehim a holiday one afternoonTo visit the earth again. \

,He oame to the spot where thcy'-'buriedhis bones; '

The ground was'nearly built over-;'And the labourers digging threw out a.skull,

Onc(a buried beneath the ciover- - .A disciple of Galen, wandering by, ""

Paused to look at the diggers;Ho picked up the skull, looked through

tho eye,And saw it was lined with figures.

"Just atIthought," said thfc young M.D.,"How easy it is to tell 'em;

Statistics ossified every fold,Of cerebrum and cerebellum."

"It's a great curiosity, sure," says Pat,"By the bonas can tell the creature!

"Oh! nothing strange," said he, '"That'stho skull

Of a nineteenth century teacher."

THE BAILIFF AND THE BEES.A comical story was told lately iij an

action for debt before a Rhenish Court.A peasant in the neighbourhood of Col-ogne had omitted to take account of ajudgment for cLcbt>, a-n<l one -of tire- Col-ogno bailiffs received instructions' to

, distrain. The townsman, all unaccus-tomed to matters rural, arrived at theCottage and required the angry peasantto accompany him into the little garden j

in order that he might witness tho re-moval of a number of beehives. I

"Are thoy complete?" asked the bai-liff, pointing to tho hives. ■ I'"'Ow d'ye mean?" asked the rustic. !

"Why, aro all the bees in?"A broad grin spread itself over the

peasant's countenance aa his slow wits'took in the extreme ignorance of his "

questioner in matters apicultural. ]"Wa'al," said the owner, perceiving ameans of vengeance, "I 'ouldn't swear' 'to 't. Maybe thoy'm vull, maybe theybaint. Better zee." . '.

The bailiff hum'd ana had, and then,suggested that the peasant should en- <

lighten him on the ways and means ofmalting the test. > ,

"Wa'al, dye zee, if the queens be '.there they'm vull. If they baint, thenIf other way." !

Musgrove's Grand OperaCompany,*

Music lovers of Wellington are lookingforward with interest to the season ofGrand Opera which commences at thoOpera House on Monday, 19th instant.-The company has concluded a very suc-cessful season in Auckland, being a re-petition of that achieved in Melbourneand Sydney. . It is six years since agrand opera company appeared in Wel-lington, and this company numbers 123members.

Mr. Musgrove had great difficulty informing the company,as first-rate artistsare scarce even 111 Germany, and he wasdetermined to excel all his previousefforts of presenting to Australasian au-diences only the very best exponents ofmusical art. lie visited nine Germancities, to hear artists on the stage, andin two cases the permission.of Royaltyhad to bo obtained for Court singers toaccept a twelve months' engagement inAustralia. But not the least was thedifficulty which arose with MadameCosima Wagner, who would not allowtheproduction of "Die Walkurie*' untilshe approved of the cast. Furthermore,the widojv of tho great German com-poser insisted on a substantial percent-age on the gross receipts. When every-thing was settled to the satisfaction ofMadame Wagner, even to an undertak-ing that "Die Walkurie" would be per-formed exactly as it was arranged byher husband for the stage, more difficul-ties presented themselves to Mr. Mils-grove. The contract with Madame Wag-ner, he discovered, did not include thesupply of the "Walkyrie" music score,of which only eight copies have everbeen printed, and of which Schott'sSohne, of Mayence, are the sole pro-Erietors. They do not sell the score,ut lend it for a royalty for each per

formance. Another stipulation to whichMr. Musgrove had to agree was to in-sure the "Walkyrie" music, which, bythe way, weighs 2cwt.'

The company consists of four so-pranos, twomezzo-sopranos, four tenors,and.four basses and baritones.


there are in the company four artistswho can sing "Tannhauser" or "Lohen-grin j" three ladies who can play Elsaor Ortrud;and three ladies the part ofJuliet in English. The principal tenoris Herr Karl Studemann. He has had15 years' stage experience, and his re-pertoire consists of 60 operas. Permissionhad tobe obtained from Kaiser Williamfor Herr Studemann's Australian en-gagement. This \ias obtained throughthe intercession of the Crown Prince,who, Mr. Musgrove says, was cmite de-lighted to hear that German artists wereso much appreciated by Australians.Tho second tenor is Herr Massina, <ishort, dark-complexioned man, who isaRussian, and sang formerly at the Im-perial Theatre, St. .Petersburg. He hasa repertoire of 40 operas, and has^ungat nearly every important theatre inGermany,'also at Covenfc Garden, Lon-don. The third tenor is Herr- RichardOeser, aged 30, who possesses a finefigure. He will play Lohengrin, Faust,Romeo, and Don Jose in "Carmen."Originally Herr Oeser devoted his abil-ities to ,tho dramatic stage, and joinedthe famous Saxe-Msiniugen Company.Subsequently he went op the lyric stage,and has occupied the position of princi-pal tenor at the Dresden Theatre. Thefourth tenor is Herr KarlFoliar, who isanAustrian by birth. He is of mediumheight, but very manly in appearance,having served as an officer in a crockcavalry regiment. His repertoire con-sists of 20 operas. The principal bari-tone is Herr Hans Mohwinkel, Courtsinger of the Grand Duke of Hesse,Darmstadt, and permission had also tobe obtained from his princely employerifor, the Australian engagement. He inalso Court singer to the Kaiser, RoyalCourt Singer at Mannheim, and princi-Eal baritone at the Stadt Theatre, Ham-

urg. He will play the King in "Lo-hengrin," tho Landgraf in'"Tannhaus-er," Wotan in tho "Walkyrie," andVenderdecken in "The Flying Dutch-man." Inthe operas tobe produced inEnglish, Herr Mohwinkel will sing tliepart of Ih? Friar in "Romeo and Ju-liet." Zuniga in "Carmen." The otherbaritone is Herr Fritz Rupp. He is

■principal baritone at the Hof Theatre,Berlin; the Stadt Theatre, Magdeburg;and the Stadfc Theatre, Cologne Hewill sing Wolfram in "Tannhauser."His principal work will be in the Eng-lish operas.

Herr Julius Runger is a basso-bari-tone, and a very handsome man. HeirEmil Greder is n, basso. He is one ofthe best acting-singers in Germany. Hehas a great range of voice, from lowbaas to high baritone, and Mr. Mus-grove says he isa great artist. He wasprincipal basso at tho Dresden Theatrefor three years. His speciality is stagemanaging of Wagnerian opera. It wasHerr Greder who was specially inport-ed by Herr Conreid to produce,"Par-sifal ' in New York. In Germany heoccupies the positions of' Royal Courtsinger of Prussia, Saxony,and Wurtem-berg, and is generally considered a manof veryhigh education and intelligence.Besides his vocal capacity and generalknowledge of operatic literature, he isone of the best known of tragedians onIthe German stage. Whilst with theSaxe-Meiningen Company he made agreat reputation as an exponent ofShakespearean characters, especially thntof Julius Caesar.

Of the ladies, Fraulein Beatrice Stel-lion is dainty and petite, possessing asweet lyric soprano voice. She " wasthe prima donna at Lortzing'sTheatre, Berlin. She will only appearin Mr. Musgrove's English .operas. Herparts will bo Marguerite in "Faust,'Juliet in

"Romeo, and Juliet," Siebelin "Faust," Micaela in ''Carmen,"Gretel in

"Hansel and Gretel," and thePage in "Romeo." Fraulein Mia Barc-

kow is a very beautiful young girl, andalso a soprano. She lias only been twoseasons on the stage, at the Royal Thea-tre in Mannheim, and at the WesternTheatre, Berlin. She will only singElsa in German, and her English partswill be Juliet, Micaela, Marguerite,Hansel, and the Page in "Romeo."

Frauleiii Johanna Heinze is a dramatic mezzo-soprano. She is acknowledgedtobe themost vivacious Carmen and thebest Brunliilde in Germany. She hasplayed at the Court Theatres of Stutt-gart, Carlsruhe, Cologne, Hamburg, jand at tho Royal opera in Berlin. Shewill play Brunhilde, Ortrud in "Loh-engrin," Venus in " Tannhauser," andElizabeth in the same opera alternately.InEnglish she will play Carmen, Fidesin "The Prophet," and the witch m" Hansel and Gretel." Fraulein Wallerwill play Frika in the "Walkyrie," inwhich she made a fjreat success at theStadt Theatre, Leipzig. Her otherparts will be Venus in

" Tannhauser,"and Marie in "The Flying Dutchman."InEnglish she will play Fides in


Prophet," and the Witch in"

Hanseland Gretel." The great novelty in Mr.Miisgrovo's repertoire will, of course,be

"The Walkyrie," ono of Wagner's"Ring." The ''argument "is rather

peculiar. Mr. "Musgrove intends thatnobody is to be admitted to the theatreafter the rising of the curtain. Fourheralds, dressed in Royal costumes, willsound a fanfare three times from thebalcony of the Opera House at intervalsof five minutes, and the last,fanfare willbe the signal that the doors are closed.

Tho doctors have advised Mr. HarryQucaly to knock off eccentric dancingaltogether and to go very quietly for atime. The comedian feels the positionkeenly, and i6"not in the brightest ofspirits at the prospect of hnving to giveup dancing. Just now Mr. Quealy nndhis wife are is the Bouth on the Fulleroir.cuik..


The Housekeeper.♥

HOME HINTS.An Inexpensive Meat Safe.

—This can

be made out of a small packing case,which can bo bought for a trifle from yourgrocer. The lid is made into the door byconnecting it to the box with two smallhinges. Then raw a small square out ofeach side, and tack white book muslinor perforated zinc over tho open space.Screw a hole in the top for suspendingmeat, etc., and you have as good a safeas ono which would cost considerablymoreif bought.

To Destroy co*ckroaches Easily.— Beforeretiring to bed place a largo basin where,tho co*ckroaohes are most troublesome.Into this pour a glass of stout or beer.Place round the basin several piepes offirewood to form a ladder to the top oftho basin. The co*ckroaches, attracted bythe smell, climb up to- tho basin andtopplo in. By day, scatter some powderedborax wherever black beetles are noticed.If'this trap is set for a few nights thoplague will entirely disappear.

To Destroy Flies.— Poisonous compoundscannot bo used to destroy flies withoutdanger, but the following mixluro is bothefficacious and safe. Thoroughlymix to-gether one teaspoonful of black pepper,two tcaspoonfuls of moist sugar, and twotablespoonfuls of cream. "Place a littleof this in a saucer where flies abound. Itis a good plan also to wash the inside ofwindow-paneswith a weak solution of car-bolio acid, for this will prevent flies set-tling on them.

i'or the Complexion.—

Careful ablutionand tho use of good soap, strict atten-tion to diet, plenty of outdoor exorcise,an occasional mild aperient, and a littlecold cream rubhod well into the face ona windy day, also on retiring, will seourofor any one a complexion to .bo envied.Those who suffer from stoutness shouldtake plenty of exercise;never eat pota-toes or bread, no suet or fat, and nevercat and drink at the Eamo time. Thinbiscuits or toast may bo taken, but nevertouch milk or beer. If this perseveredwith a satisfactory result will follow.

Simple Home Remedies.—

Every house-keexjer should possoss a knowledge ofsimple remedies for the slight ailments ofthe household. Those who know exactly"what to do under all circ*mstances rarelylose self-control, and it is particularly im- jportant for the motherof a family toknow iwhat remedies to apply in cases of acci-dents and emergencies, and to have suchon hand. The following are reliable:—For burns, linseed oil, glycerine, andboraxwater, mixed together and freely applied,will be found efficacious. T?or a black oye,a cloth wrung out of warm water and ap-plied frequently will prevent soreness anddiscolouring of tho skin.

SOME-RECIPES.Pickled Onions.

—A simple way: For

pickling, choose the small white onions.Pour boiling brine over-them two days insuccession, then drain, placo in jars, andicover with cold vinegar, to which a fewIwhito peppercorns, some chilics, and apiece of ginger root is added. Ready touse in two weeks. "

Preserved Tomatoes.—

Take ono lemonand ono pound of* light brown sugar toono pound of tomatoes. Grato tho thinyellow rind of tho lemon, then pare offtha thick white part, which is not to boused, slice it thinly, and remove all thoseeds. Scald and peel the tomatoes. Putwater enodgh with tho sugar to dissolve,it, and when it is boiling remove thesoum, and add tho tomatoes. Cook slowlyfor tvyo hours.

Italian Cream.— Take ono quart of freshmilk, one pint of rich croam, one ounceof isinglass. Boil tho milk and isinglass,and make it vory swoet. Strain, andflavour delicatoly with lomon or vanilla.When cool, add the cioam, whipped verylight. Stir in quickly, arid put away tomould,

A Uscfu^ Hint.— In making rico cro-quettes, a littlo grated cheese stirred intotho ric^ makes a marked improvement,,and plain rico croquettes,may be variedin a hundred ways by the different ingre-dients v/hich may bo stirred in, with therico, the different flavourings used, and"th-a kind of sauce served with tiho cro-quettch. . '

Light Dumplings.— Take a pound oflight, raised bread-dough, one egg, andbutter the sizo of an egg. Knead thor-oughly together until smooth, using flouraa necessary; mould into balls not quitetho sizo of an egg. Flour a largo panwell, in which place the dumplings farenough apart to prevent touching wh«nwell raised; rover thorn and keep in hwarm placo till light. Place one quartof water in a kettle, a littlo butter andsalt, one cup of molasses, let this cometo aboil, drop in carefully the dumplings,and cook till thoroughly done, using tholiquor thov are cooked in for sauce. Yourbaker will supply you with the dou«-hPreserved Pineapple.— Pare tho pine-apples,_and put them through the chop-per. Take three-fourths of a poundoisugar to every pound of fruit. Mix well,and let stand m a cool place over nightIn the morning cook slowly until the fruit13 tender and the syrup clear..Skim caro-fully, and put in the jars.


A certain familiar type of woman wasthe butt of Dr. R. R. Rentoul's unsparingcriticism in a recent lecture, on woman'shealth at the Institute of Hygione, Sydney.He said that tho child-hating married wo-man, whoso demoralised desireß were limi-ted to a.rich husband, a flat, a poodle dog,and a male hanger-on, was a produot ofour modern civilisation and a menace toour, race. The woman who deserves the"order of merit was the physically andmentailly healthy woman wfio representedthe best thing in life— motherhood.Ho spoke of the chaotio condition and in-consistencies of our marriage laws, andstrongly urged1 their reform as a primaryduty of those in authority. As thingsstood, we were doing our best to bringforth race suicide. There was too muchencouragement to itho diseased and toolittle encouragement to the healthy to.marry. >

Ho suggested as remedies thatwo shouldraiso the age of marriage to twenty-fiveyears in the man. and1 twenty-one in thowoman;requiro a pro-nuptialmedicai cer-tificate of good health;make' it illegal forthe.diseasod to marry; abolish actions' for*breach of promise where existing dißeasocould bo proved;.prohibit paupors andvagrant* from marrying; tax bachelors;and reduce taxation to those of small in-come whohad large families.


Miss Ellen Beaoh Yaw (says M.A.P.) isthe latest follower of tho Mu6es to itepwithin tho charmed circle of romance. Tenyears ago, when the world found a con-stant thema of conversation in this sweetsinger's phenomenal top note, Miss EllenBeach Yaw was travelling in Arizona. Ithad been a season of heavy rains, and thetrain was often compelled to rush throughInches of water,which turned tho buaineea-like line into a turgid stream. At lastnear Yuma, Arizona, the enginedriver dis-covered that further progression was im-possible. A great washout had occurred,and all traffic on tho SouthernPacific Hail-road was held up for days until the linehad resumed its normal condition. Agroup of oowboys, who at that time livedon a ranch near Yuma, heard of the col-lapse of the line, and came up to see thestranded train. Among them was a youthnamed Goldthwaite, who suggested thatthey might do "stunts" to amuse thedisconsolate passengers. So an impromptuentertainment was organised by the boys,who gave an exhibition of lassoing andbroncho riding. Then came the passen-

"gors' turn to contribute something towardtho attempt to ward off eunui, »nd MissEllen Beach Yaw sang. Young Gold-thwaito became instantly enamoured of thetall, fair singer, with whom he uiftdo apoint of becoming acquainted. It was acaso of lovq at first sight,but ho was notin a position to push his suit. So, whentho line was repaired, cowboy and singerparted, not to meet for nine years. Thefriendship, bo romantically begun, was ro-sumod in Boston Uwfc year, whor* youngUoldthwaite is on» of the most prosporoqelnwyorn. AH tba old passion returned, andthe marriage hu juit boon hftPgUjr gel*bwtld.




From this Material we have made a series of

UNIQUE DESIGNS.Beautiful ih themselves. Doublyinteresting as beingwholly New Zealand.


- -2/3 „

23 x 23in. CUSHION TOPS - -4/- „


4/- „These are all on Imperial crash.

: 36x 36m. SUPPER or TEA CLOTHS, onecrulinen 5/G * " ,,Or on heavy Irish' white linen 6/- ,t,t

''28x 17m. TRAY CLOTHS, onecru linen. . 3/6 „.

The TIKI 4r u^Is appliqued in Green Linen, to be relieved in Green Silk,

THe RAFTERPATTERNIs stencilled in proper colours, tobe outlined in White*


The TEKOTEKORequires working in shades in Brown.


, * JUST IDEAL FOR SENDING HOME. *PostFree to any address onreceiptof P.0.0, Only obtainabletf






We claim t-i have the secret In thf world forExtracting teeth Painlessly.

REMEMBER— Painless Ext.actions- - - 2/6 eacfrr"l^'Full sets (UpperandLower), from


REMEMBER— Who made theprices inTEETH what they are to-day.REMEMBER— Who showed the public how good woikcould he done cheaply.'REMEMBER— We operate inevening as well as d*REMEMBER— We divide difficult work into parts,and puta specialist on each

part to doit. Best and cheapest— that's the way we practise Dentistry.'HOURS: 9a.n-. till530 p.m.and7 p.m.to 8.30 p.m.Daily.



I TEUEB2§r M°- Ge?ner of WILLIS fi RSAN&EHS STS.

A#Br JBSi m WLmmvMman mMsr^S i#$& fir w/7 g?® w

.—"I lll ■ j/y

HEAVY AXMINSTER CARPETS, possessing a long velvety pile. Theyare rich in colourings and unusually pleasing in patterns. Being the latestproduction of mills'renowned for the excellence of their work; they arecorrect in style and colour scheme

Price 2/11 toB/6 per yard Border to matchAlso AXMINStER SEAMLESS SQUARES.WILTON SEAMLESS SQUARES. Genuine long-wearing WILTON

VELVETS,at. the' same price you are asked for even ordinary carpets1 elsewhere. Not a few odd patterns, but a,wide rangeof rich designs thatwill harmonise with the furnishings of any room

Size9ft x9ft, £4/4/- ; 99ft x 12ft, £5/5/- ; 10ft 6in x 12ft, £6/10/.BRUSSELS CARPETS, splendid quality and various patterns and designs

Price 5/9 yard With border to matchTAPESTRY, SQfUARES. A very.large stock of carefully selected goods

9ft x 9ft, 36/6 and 48/6; 9ft x 10ft 6in} 39/6and 52/6; 10ft 6in x 11ft,'58/6 and 75/6; 12ft x 12ft, 63/- and 87/6; 12ft x 13ft 6in,98/6

HEARTHRUGS TO MATCH ALL CARPETS.Just received fromJapan, alspeclal line of

BEDROOM RUGS.A marvel in low prices. Choice colours, pretty patterns, dainty designs

6ft long x 3ft wide,3/6 to5/11eachHave a look at them.


The Re-organisation Sale. Until Saturday, 17th August.; , n 'J , ' )O\!;4-.n" - H'l

' ''-' ' ,

VEILS AND VEILINCS -h--s-b-t^ tt-b,i^ « -ik-nr<c-. A TT^-K-».-r «-. s -a- w MUSLIN DE SOIE,atEARCX.N PRICED THEREORGANISATION SALE.Thebargainprices are tempt- " Lovely accordeon - pleated

ing\ and this opportunity of ■ ■ ■ " Muslin dc Soie and Chiffons,buying- to advantage shouldnot , <■ , o , , ' suitable for a variety of pur-be overlooked. Ten out of the sixteen daysof the bale have passed,and we poses.

BLACK NET VEILING all . can look back upon a period of extreme activity. The F^nrr:\:mFE^JIwl^bIUSul-u

1-»Nclear and becoming patterns Sale has so far proveda record, and m the years gone by cream, sky blue arid " navy

Clearing at 7*d yard we have held many successful Sales. Next week will blue> 2oin gj[JJSi^yardBLACK NET VEILING, extra see tlie en<

* °^ the a^e' *or on aturday next, the 17th ACCORDION - PLEATED. fine quality

'inst., it will be brought to a close. We are, determined MUSLIN DE SOIE, in

Clearing at 1/- yard thg jast week shaH be ag fuU of business actiyity blSSf^Fn'wide^ually^sVEIL PIECES, each ii yds as. in the week ending to-day, and to make sure of this a/-""?^1'"181

'atJTo^d yar^

long, m white and black, . ° "" .. ' ■ . ACCORDION - PLEATEDblack and white, black, we are preparing some extraordinary bargains. The last CHFFFONS, in white,cream,brown, and navy blue weekwillbethe best week for the bestbargains. and black

Clearing at "lOgd yard °Clearing at 4£d yard

extra large size Flannel, Flannelette, and ShirtingDASSASK TABLE CLOTHS. at interestingsale prices.

The demand for these household fabrics has been very pro-These pure LINEN HEMSTITCHED WHITE TABLE nounced, but our supplies have been very large, and we are

CIOTHS are heavily reduced inprice, because they are extralagre consequently well able to meet the requirements of all bargainsiass. andnot wanted in the average house. There are not many "

AvwrTrTTr r >_i " , .,-',., , . FIGURED FLANNELETTE for blouses, m pretty designsleft, but those that are here must go:- Usually BJd and ioidyard Sale-price 6(1'Size 2 yds x 4 yds Usual price £1/9/6 Sale price 22/- each , FIGURED FLANNELETTE for blouses

, Size2i yds x 4 yds Usual price *,/iB/6 . Sale price 29/- each wmTE AND cREAM^LAN^ELETTE^s^n'wide Prke9d1 Size ihyds x4J yds Usualprice £2/2/- Sale price 31/- each ■ Worth 7/6 dozen yards Saleprice 5/3■ Size 2k yds x 5 yds Usual price £2/9/6 Sale price 37/6 each STRIPED CRIMEAN SHIRTINGS suitable for pyjamas, shirts,

? } 5* , TT , .- "T '/' „ . . „.. . etc., guaranteed unshrinkable Worth 1/3 yard Saleprice 11idSize 2i yds xs*yds Usual price £2/15/6 Sale price 40/- each ALL-WOOL WELSH ELECTRIC FLANNELtSize 2} yds x 6 yds Usualprice £2/19/6 Sale price 45/- each ' ' Uusal price 1/3 yard Sale price 1/-


'6-101E^P LBNENfi ' Pin money may be spent ad-

Itspite of strenuous selling,' nWWgt lBl"SllW " rSr'dLw rtf* GiT%T^^*m£ " AT SHARP BARGAIN,PRICES. . fc^f £

some of the best and most de- ... S cfi d P"rch

fa^e,rs> and thesirable weaves are here. A great opportunity for all housekeepers, and there is only {g"" bargain

COLOURED DRESS another week of the Sale. Be sure to attend here-next week, and" ..„,_„


ffSLVsS wweyc »** «**» *«" of *ese Choke bar*ai*S-

" »<^TffiPriCC ''VeliiSi V yard WHITE BEDSPREADS, hemstitched and embrdidered- Usual *>nee ImpairCOLOURED DRESS Single Bed size , , -


"RS^X^'A 3'bu t??^^HJ[TSTWEEDS, in light and dark Usual price 13/6, 14/-, 17/9;.19/6 " WASHING DOESKIN

colours Usual prices 2/11, Sale price 9/6, 9/11, 12/6, 13/6 each GLOVES Reduced to1/9 pr.Vt 1/6 Now Mn yard «,,«*" he "LYRIC" WHITEcMIgROUND TWEED Double Bed

*,/«/ SUEDE< GLOVE with 3with coloured strines Usual Usual price 17/6, 18/6, 20/-, 23/6, 24/-, 25/-,.27/6, 37/. patent fasteners and stitchedprices 2/6^ 3/3, 4/- Saleprice12/-, 12/9,14/-, 16/3,■16/11,.17/11,19/3, 25/6 each back Usual price 2/11

Now 1/8, 1/11 yard Clearing at 2/3 pairPLAIN GREY and STRIPED FANCY HEMSTITCHED SHEETS, slightly soiled KID GLOVES, 2 patent spring

TWEEDS, all good shades nrttfhli> TW size'' fasteners, fancy stitched

Usual prices 2V.,1, 3/3. 3/6^ DotibJseuSepdri^e

2s/6, 22/6, .8/6 Saleprice IS/6,15/6, 12/6 pair Jacks, .and


?caSa!" u33prTce^V,-/-, ,8/6 Saleprice11/6, 15/-, 19/6 pair KID GLOvl^ten'? ?atcotta, light and dark navy , f ,,,, fen^rs nd b,r?ad s,titche<lblue grey, beaver and other TOP SHEETS, elaborately embroideredand hemstitched, double backs, in white, beaver,good shades Regular price bed size . .«,,,< , , brown, tan, and grey Worth3/6, 3/11 Clearing- at 1/- yard Usual price 17/-, 18/-, 22/-, 25/-, 28/-, 30/6. 34/-. 35/- 3/" „ Clearing at 2/11 pair

NAP CLOTH for Children's Sale price 8/6, 9/-, 11/-, 12/6, 14/-, 15/3, 17/-, 17/6 each' The "GAZELLE". SUEDECloaks, 50m wide, in cardi- , . ,_, , GLOVE, a verystrong glove,nal, sky blue, cream Usual FULL-SIZE PLAIN PILLOWCASES , , Sale price 8-Jd each m white, also a; few pairs inprice 6/6 Sale price 3/11 yard ' " , champagne, with 2 large pa-

"MIGNON" VELVETEEN, FULL-SIZELINEN-FINISH PILLOWCASES Saleprice9id each tent fasteners. Usual pricein noat and nrettv desiens

' 4/" Clearing at 3/11pairand colourings Usual pfice FULL-SIZE PLAIN LINEN-FINISH PILLOWCASES . The "STERLING." WASH-2/11 Sale price 1/11 yard Sale price 1/- each ABLE GLOVE, with 2 patent

"IMPERIAL" VELVETEEN, . , . fasteners, in white, beaver,which we always stock Usual FULL-SIZE FRIELED PILLOWCASES Sale price 1/4* each and puttyshades Usual priceprice 2/11 %It.

- ' 4/6 Sale price 4/- pair'Now 2/6, 2/9 yard 'FULL-SIZE FRILLED LINEN-FINISH PILLOWCASES MOSQ,^-EMBROIDERED NUN'S Sale price 1/6 and 1/8* each TAJRE GLOVES> reaching

VEILING, cream grounds, LACE FRtLLED PILLOWCASES . hanTrown aiSTieaver KIDwith coloured spots and dc- Usual price 2/11 each Sale price 2/- ln and Beaver KIDsigns Usual prices 2/9, 3/3

usual pr c / / 4/u Now 4/6 pairSale price 1/8 yard ===============__

======^ 1■and


CHRYSTALINES, 42m wide, tmttatto^ CT^nr^lr?^for evening and street wear H/IITII/ftAinir A OTA111O I■I S^ERE;trc

M0?"Usual price 2/9 K!UNIAIIII|i X. \IAIIU\ IIfl " QUETAPE GL?YESf in

Sale price 2/3 jyard l\|||l\ljHLlJ1L IX 0IHlllOl LlUl beaver brown, and blackColoured and Black MOREEN, Illlll*VniiWHi ** VIBHMW f fclUI Usual prices 1/11, 2/6, 2/11,

fjsual 'pHces Sj, 21/"21/" erbkmS WELLINGTON.

'Sz\e'prices 1/8, 8/3, 2/0,Sale prices 1/4, 1/9 yard , WL 3/8 pair

Proprietors of Chicago establishmentsin which girls and women are employedhave ordered tho removal of mirrorson the ground that the employees wastetoo much time in fixing their hair.

In opening the annual congress ofthe Vegetarian Federal Union at theMemorial Hall, London, on 20th June,the chairman, Mr. J. L. Emary, allud-ed with great satisfaction to the pro-gress ot vegetarianism during recentyears. The press had ceased to treatit with banter. Vegetarians were nolonger regarded as mere faddists to besubjected to ridicule, but were regard-ed as people who were making a ser-ious endeavour to improve the condi-tion of life by an intelligent reformof dietary habits.

11l an interview at Adelaide,' MissJessie Ackermsn was asked:


identify yourself with the women's suf-frage movement in England?" She re-plied, "No,Iamnot a.'suffragette,' andIhave( never been in 'tho arms of. apoliceman. Imust say that my heart!is wrapped up in the cause neverthe- jless. With the movement lam insympathy. It is with the method Ifind fault. Given their franchise. Iambound to believe women would wield a

.tremendous weapon for the welfare ofthe English nation. Given universalsuffrage, and

'you do away with! the

East' End pf London!Whitechapel goes

rthe board1 Yes, that is as true asis bold a statement. Women wouldit."'A landslip occurred in October on theThompson ranch at Scott's Valley atSanta Crux, Calfornia, which uncover-

ed a bed of whale bones which ap-parently has been there from somepre-historic period. The place where thebones' were uncovered is fully six hun-dred feet above the sea level and sixmiles from the_ .shores of MontereyBay. Other discoveries' of the kindhave been made in various sections ofthe county, and scientists who havemade a study of the geological forma-tion of the soil at different times be-lieve that the present site of SantaCrux, extending as far back as theSanta Crux Mountains, was one cover-ed by an immense body of water.

A contributor to the London FreeLance makes a statement which goes to'show that the British factory legislationis in no way ahead of that of the colo-nies. "Last weekIwas simply amazedand horrified toread the report of a casein which a foreign firm was summoned,under the Factory Act for employingyoung girls who had not been certifiedby a medical- man according to this mostnecessary law. And now just listen tothis astonishing fact. The solicitor forthe defence informed the Magistrate thathis clients had asked for the name andaddress of- the medical officer to whomthe girls should go for the requisite ex-amination. The name and the addresswere given, when to their intense astou.ishment it was found that such medicalofficer 'had been dead for twelve months,and so, far as could be ascertained noonehad been appointedin his place!'|f'

In the case oi Swift's comet, 1892, 1.,Professor W. H. Pickering has broughtforward evidence to show that its tailexhibited a rotation about its axis in aperiod of about four days (Harvard An-nals, 32, p. 271,1. After discussing re-cently the beautiful photographs ofGiacobini's comet of 1905 obtained byProfessor E. E. Barnard, Pickering findsthat they are divisible into two mainclasses, in one of which the tail is nar-row, and iD the other broad, giving theimpression of a sword alternately pre-senting to us its edge and its flat side.In this case the rotation was somewhatslow, ajid as the comet was only visiblefor a short time, the photographic evi-dence only exists through a range offifteen days. The interval between thetwo presentations is about pine days,so that theperiod of rotatioD would beeighteen days. Professor Pickeringmakes the appeal that all future cometsshould'be photographed as frequently as'possible, so that any changes may bemore accurately determined. "

Speaking of the lpve Americans havefor Mark Twain, whom they look uponas, beyond all other men, the incarnationof the American spirit, a writer relatesan incident in a New York club whichthrew an interesting light upon the le-gard in which he is held. The clubwq,s one of authors, actors, artists, andjournalists

—the New York equivalent ol

jthe Garrick. When Mark Twain camoin to lunch he was escorted to the table»vith every circ*mstance of attention,and the whole company, in which therewas hardly a man without distinction,rose to greet him, and remained stand-ing till he had taken his seat. Noman Could wish for a more genuinecompliment than one which violated theprivileged informality of club etiquette.

A Swjss' engineer announces a newfire escape. It consists of a series offolding iron ladders, contained ,in'frames, attached to the window cases,each reaching to the window below. ByBy merely turning a small winch on anyfloor all these frames are pushed out--ward from the building, the ladders ex-tended and securely connected with eachother, thus forming a continuous com-munication from the top floor

'to theground. The manipulation is simple andtakes less than a minute. When notin use the escape is barely visible, and

%doeg not disfigure the facade of thebuilding in the manner that the ordinaryoutside iron staircase does. A publictest of-the new escape has proved suc-cessful, and the Vienna fire brigade re-presentatives have expressed their ap-EfQVal, of it,

The mystery of the spiralnebula of thesky appears to be further from solutionthan is sometimes supposed. ProfessorT. J. J. See rejects the theory that theyare true, nebula condensing, into systemsof worlds or stars, as no proof existsthat they are gaseous nebula at all,while it is by no mr.ans certain thatnebula look stars. The outline ofthe spirals suggests repulsion rather thancondensation,' this view being har-mony With recent investigations of ra-dio active anil other repulsive forces.rlne circularity of the planetary orbitsmakes it*absurd to assume that thesolar system ever formed part of aspiral nebula- ' At present we must ad-mit that the nature of the' spiral ne-bul» is quite unknown, and while wecannot be sure that nebula? develop intostars, we may justly hold that the starsare the outgrowth of gravitationalcondensation of matter which was oncedark,

$ long-established belief now seriouslyquestioned,if not disproven, is that th©various senses htyve each a specialcentrein the brain. Nearly half a century agoBroca decided that the faculty of articu-late speech is localised in the fost ofthe third cerebral convolution on thebrain's left side, and it has been under-stood that removal of this part of the.brain would cause loss of speech or thattno brain of a person attacked byaphasia would show a lesion in thisplace. A late investigationby Dr.PierreMarie, of Paris, does not confirm thistheory. More than 40 autopsies ofasphasio subjects have shown no casein which thiß part of tho brajnhas beenattacked, but an extensive cerebralhemorrhage has been noted in most>cases. Further than this, loas of spoechis usually attended by a diminution oftho goneral intelligence, indicating thafispeech ss&SPt be as§i%no.cl pa jms.wosci£

The great shipping city of Liverpoolwill during th© first week of next monthcelebrate the seven hundredth anniver-sary of its foundation. An elaborateprogramme has been prepared, includinga visit of the Channel fleet to theMersey, consisting of seven battleships475ft long, two of 480ft long, one of425ft long, and two 418ft long, besidesthree, first-class cruisers and the despatchvessel Surprise.

The Fremantle Harbour Trust hasadopted the recommendation of thehar-bourmaster for tho construction of adocK 800ft by 90ft, with a depth of29rfc ov© rthe sill at low tide. j

A new "coaster" record between. Syd-ney and Melbourne was established bythe Grantala, of the Adelaide SteamshipCompany's line, a week or two ago.Clearing the Sydney Heads at 3.20 p.m.on the Saturday, the Grantala was.soonafter under high pressure, and enteredPort Phillip Heads a few minutes bo-foro 1a.m. on the following Monday,after a splendid runof 334 hours. Thevessel maintained an average hourlyspeed of 16 knots throughout the trip,despite tho fact that strong head windsand seas were encountered during thevoyage.

The searchlights 'to be fitted to his jMajesty's battleships now beingbiiilt onthe Clyde arc of extraordinary power.The Glasgow Evening News says itwould be passible to read a newspaperby the light of one at a distance ofabout 18 miles. The projector of> the&owonderful lights i& no lees than 48in dia-meter, and the illum.inant is the electricarc. The apparatus is directed by meansof electric motors instead of, as pre-viously arranged, by hand. On© curiousfact about these and similar projectorsis that a man standing quite closo infront of the lens is not dazzled by tholight, whereas onestanding 20ft away js jso blinded that he would be unable tosoe that th© first man was standing intho light at all. The nearer man, how-ever, would find his position untenable,as the hent from the projector is in-tense.

The last report of Messrs. JohnBrownand Co., Limited, of Sheffield andClydebank, confirms the cabled.. state-ment that "The directors, ■with a viewto strengthening th© shipbuilding con-nection of the company, htvro arrangedfor* the acquisition of an interest in thefirm of Harland and Wolff, Limited,Belfast. Tho outlay involved is con-siderable, and theproposals will be sub-mitted to the shareholders to incroasetho capital by tho creation of 100,000£10 preference shares and 500,000 £1ordinary shares, but it is pot prpposedto issue at presents the whole of theadditional capital to be created." Thenew concern will be a practically self-contained shipbuilding firm. It will,produce nearly all its own material.Messrs. Harland and Wolff already havethe largest single shipbuilding yard inthe world, and important engineeringworks at Belfast. They are are alsoengaged now in equipping extra "\yorSs<at Southampton. Messrs. John JJrown*and Co. have extensive shipbuildingworks at Clydebank, great iron found-ries, engineering shops, and ordnanceworks at Sheffield, and they also ownmines, from which the new concern willdraw ite supply of coal. They makearmour plate and the forms of steelwhich entor into the construction ofmodern ships. The combination willemploy more than 32,000 men, and willpay about £2,350,000 a year in wages.Of the two firms, that of Harland andWolff was founded by the late Sir Ed-wa¥d, then-Mr) Barlahd; who acquireda small shipbuilding yard, of which hewas manager. He was joined byMr.Wolff in 1862, andin 1874 by Mr. Pirrie(now Lord Pirrie), who succeeded to tncchairmanship on the death of Sir Ed-ward Harland. Tho yards ana workscover aboiit 100 acres, and the firm hasan output of nearly 100,000 tons ofshipping a year. Messrs. John Brownand Co. were organised in 1864 to ac-quire tho engineering works carried onby the firm of that name in Sheffield-They took over.the Clydebank Engineer-ing and Shipbuilding Company in 1899,and in 1802 they acquired control ofThomas Firth and Sons', Limited. Theircapital is £2,500,000.

The Italian Admiralty has drawn upa Bill asking for credit to the extentof £8,000,000 for the construction offour new battleships, loosely describedas Dreadnoughts. There is good rea-son, however, to believe that the ves-sels about to be commenced will be aconsiderable advance on the Britishship.Their design is due to the famous ChiefConstructor of the Italian Navy, ColonelCuniberti. The calibre of tho guns isbelieved to be13.5 inches, the weight ofthe shot fired from such guns being12001bs, as compared with 8501bs of theDreadnought's weapons. The Italianvessel is to carry eight of these guns,''so arranged as to obtain the fullestefficiency passible from them." Th©speed of the new ships is to be in ex-cess of that of the latest Italianbattle-ships now building, which is 22 knots,ana they are- to havea complete belt ofnearly uniform thickness. In each ofthese respects they will mark a consider-able imprpvement on the Dreadnought,and they will cost £250,000 more thanthat ship.

In view of th© new mail con-tract service which commences nextyear (says "Fair Play," receivedby the last mail), the P. andO. Company has contracted wfth Messrs.paird and Co., of Greenock, for an ex-press maij steamer for its branch ser-vice between Bombay and Aden, which|s run in connection with its China and-Australian line. The vessel is to bepurely a mail and passenger boat, witha minimum of cargo space, but she willhave accommodation for nearly 300 firstand second class passengers, whosecabins will be to a large extent on theupper deok. Tpnnag© will be about6000, with engines of J.0,000 horse-power,which are guaranteed to maintain aspeed of no less than 18 knots per hour.Sue therefore will rank on the sameclass as the Isis and Osiris, which havecarried themails so successfully betweenBrindigi «nd Fort Said, but will bepearly four times th© e.ize of thosesteamers.

According to the monthly shipbuild-ing returns compiled by the UnitedStates Bureau of Navigation 107 ye&seloof 27,161 tons gross, were built \n theUnited States last month. For theeleven months ending31st May, 439,828tons have been tjuilt in America, uscompared with 380,400 tons in the cor-responding period of the precediag year.J[n, the United Kingdom for the cor-responding month there were 93 vesselslaunched of a gross tonnage of 144,242ions.

Whil6t making her way from Swanseato Barcelona with a cargo of coal, thes.s. Andalusia was struck by a heavysoa. Five minutes later she was makingher way to tho bottom, accompanied by,every member of her crew, except the7nastor and first mate. The fact of a1920-ton stepper succumbing in this sud-den fashion would appear to be onewhich required considerable explanation,but the Liverpool Court of Enquirywhich /'investigated" th© circ*mstancesapparently regarded it as quite an ordi-nary nort of affair. They could "on,lysurmise that a serious leak suddenly oc-curred, causing the vessel to founder,"

There are nearly thirteen thousandmore horaei inNew Zealand to-day than

£Bt ExFKSiiKai.]

' THE FLOWER GARDEN.Seed-sowing should vow receive at-

tention, both as regards half-hardy sub-jects tobe raised under glass,and hardyvarieties to be sown in the open ground.The varieties to be seenunder glass willbe annuals of the aster tribe and allkindred subjects. In the ordinary townand suburban garden this class of plantswould seldom succeed if sown" in theopen gi'ound;the seed could not be sowntill the first month of summer, whentho soil would be warm, aud conditionsarc seldom good enough to promotethereafter a .sufficiently rapid growth.It therefore becomes necessary to raisetho plants by artificial means, so as tohave strong. plants ready to put outwhen the soil is warm enough. In fiatcountry, where, as a rule, moisture islonger retained in the soil, where everyshower penetrates, and where there aremany hours,of uninterrupted sunshine,sowing under glass is quite unnecessary,as seed sown in the open in Novemberwill give equally good results.

To raise a few plants under glass itis not absolutely necessary t*have eithera greenhouse or a frame; it <sm be man-aged with boxes covered tj. sheets oiglass. ChoQ&e a warm, sureay spot, anda bed of fermenting stabla manure toplace the boxes ou would facilitate thoraising of the seed. A frequent cau&bof failure js sowing the seed on drysoil; the soil should be well charge!]with

'mpisture befora the paed is sown,otherwise it gets somuch washed aboutwith- wateriug that the chaswes of suc-cess are very much lessened" The boxesshould be shallow— two a«s& a-half tothree inches deep inside Js ample; alittle roifgh material placed on the hot.torn' will' facilitate drainage, it may Vzthe rough parts of the soil after rid-dling, or a little strawy msa..ire. Thereshould be crevices or hole* s\ the bpttojii of the box Fill to th* brim withs'uita:ji<s soil;the best way is to morethan fill tho box, then str^e off thesurplus with a piece of thinb*ttenwiderthan the box;press the soil down levelwith a clean brick. Scatter the seedevenlyon the. surface and cover it witha little fine soil. But before sowing wellwater the soil in the box through therose of a watering pot, and allow it todrain beforo sowing.

After sowing cover the t?.)x with asheet of newspaper,and ovwi thatplw*a sheet of glass. The pap-su- will keepthe soil dark and prevent tiia surjfromdrying it; the glass will otjU furtherconserve moisture, and keep the paperin its place. By this treatment anyfurther need of watering is v&ually ren-dered unnecessary till the seed is up.As soon as the young plants appear thepaper must bo removed, or they wou:dbe drawnup weakly; commonsense willteach what shade is needful to keep theyoung plants from being scorched.

The depth to which seed3 should becovered must be regulated by the size ofthe seed. Largo seed like Zinnias shouldbe well covoHid;aster, stock, and ver-bena only barely covered

—just out <>f

sight;while lobelia need not be coveredat all

—it will germinate atad grow on

the top of the sojl, provided it is keptdark till the roots have taken hold ofthe soil.In the borders, where division of her-

baceous plants in advisable, this workshould now be done. Rudbeckias,phloxes, heleniums, heucheras, dietytras,etc., are Jik^ly,.when the clumps get toolarge, to 'give pooi flowers, hence a di-vision is sometimes advisable; also fmpurposes of increase. Itis generally bet-ter to- dig out -the entjre clump than tocihop'-TrouTid vritn a spade and leave thecentre, for the outer parts of the clumpswill most likely be the best, so if any istobe discarded'it should be the centre.Now is a good time to procure plantsof all herbaceous subjects from the nur-sery;they are now.mostly showing signsof renewed activity;success with plant-ing is therefore certain. Nothing fur-nishes a gardinbetter than this class ofplants, remaiaing as they do year aftepyear with but little care necessary;theyfill positions where annuals would be outof place, and usually with greater sat-isfaction. The fine race of gloxinia-flowered pentstemons, the phloxes, sogreatly improved of late years


white flower of similar habit is equalto ""vyirite Queen?"Then there are the perennial sun-flowers, infinitely more beautiful thanthe majority of the annuals, and onceplanted, always there. Heleniums andrudbeckias are showy and useful plant-ed_ among the shrubs;dielytra spectabilis

—lady's lo.ket

—Solomon's seal, the

spiraeas-^-Japonica, palmata, Silapen-dula, astilboides, and venustuon—

are allindispensable, plants. Other very de-sirable plants are potentillas, .vithstrawberry-like leaves' and flowers as brilliantas ranunculi;pyrethrums— the aristocra-tic relatives of "golden feather"— heu-chera sanguinea, but not the varietyalba, which is not worth growing. TheGerman flag iris of many varieties areworth a place; the Japanese iris Ineedscarcely mentioir, except to say plantthem now. Probably no plants give moregeneral satisfaction than the ne«r raceof cannas; they are handsome in foli-age andbrilliant in flower, remaining inflower during a Jong period. They arevery suitable for beds on grass, wherewithan,odging of themodest viola, theylook remarkably well.

THE VEGETABLE GARDEN.Sow successional peas; sow radish andlettuceas required,carrot ii not alreadyin, a little turnip and" spinach. Sow

celery in, boxes under glass ipr eariyuse. Do not sow leeks or parsnips yetbut sow onion as soon as possible. Plantcabbage and cauliflower, unless recentlyplanted. Plant all kinds of herbs. Sowparsley seed in the open, and thyme,sage, marjoram, and savoury in boi.w>.Plant potato, onions, garlio, and es-ohallpts. Co/er more sea-kale for forc-ing. Give asparagus beds a dressing ofsalt

—about 4oz to the square yard;

this not only acts as a manure,but alsorids the ground of slugs, etc., and de-stroys most weeds. Keep the groundfrequently stirred between ypung crops;it acts like a charm in forcing growth.Plant early potatoes;most good culti-vators now agree that jt is wise to riskfrost rather than plant late. , It is sel-dom that potatoes are actually destroyedby .frost; they are checked, of course,butusually break up again. Small areascan often be saved from injury by sy-ringing the tops with water before thesun shines on them. The water usedshould be the coldest obtainable ;if thereis a cask with ice on the surface of thewater, use that water. The damage isdone by the rapid thawing of the rimeon the foliage; if itis washed off with6old water they will not be much in-jured.


A hotbed, as a substitute for a stovehouse, is usually called into use at thistime, on which seed is raised and cut-tings rooted. A temporary concern isnot of much service; better be a littlelater and prepare a good one than at-tempt to hurry matters, A fresh heapof manure formed into a bed will flareup violently for a few days, and thenall will be over with it. The manureshould be turned again and again, shak-ing itwell to remove all knots; work iVflong stuff to the centre each time, and ifdry, water it, so as to ensure fermen-tation. A heap of half a dozen loads orso should take a fortnight to prepare.The bed when ready will be a suitableplace to raise choice seeds,such as giox-loiag and begooiaa,

There is no voice in the world (says"T.P.") which Ithink so soft— with somuch of a. coo and caress in it

—as the>

Irish voice. *"

The gold production of the world from1904 to 1906 wasa trifle over 737 millionssterling. Roughly speaking, the annualgold production now is four times aslarge as it \raa in tho middle of 'theeighties.

It,is fatally easy (says the MorningPost} to expect too much from a Court"of Criminal Appeals Ultimately, wfaetherin fhe court-of first instance, or in anappellate court, every legal decision mustbe reachedby oneor more fallible humanbeings.

A Mohammedta leader at Lucknowsays that only half tho facts concerningthe unrest in India have been published,and that extreme measures wall yet be jnecessary toavert a disaster.

To-day.(says tho British Emigrant)the ambitious and capable }»ung man,not afraid of hard work, ready to earnhis experience with his.horny hands andstraining sinews, should certainly go tothe colonies. But oclysvwph- The daysof sudden wealth are "past, but anearnestworker of any class can obtain, employ-ment and.good remuneration.

Sir John co*ckburn, in an address on."Mind and Muscle" at the PolytechnicHealth Society, said thatN the manualtraining was. first introduced only totrain one in the uso of tools, but thefact was that one could not have anefficient mind without well-trained mus-cles. Great men of thought and sciencewereall exquisitemanipulators.

Excavations at Wareham, Dorsetshire,have brought" to light the foundationsof the castle. Destroyed by th» Danesin 876, it was rebuilt. In1114 tne Earlof Montgomery; condemned) to imprison-ment there, for rebellion against Hen.ry1., starved himself to* death. The castle«nd town were seized by Robert d!e>Lin-coln in 1138.. All trace of the castle-had'beenlost for centuries.

I A coin believed to be ashekel of King;Solomon's time, found by a Mashonanative among the ruins of Great Zim-babwe, Rhodesia, is in the possessionof Mr. D. Robinson, of Hmnansdorp,Cape Colony. The inscriptions are inHebrew. On one side are the- words:"Holy Jerusalem," and the branch of a.

1fig tree, and on the other "ShekelIsrael,"and an incense burner.

For some little time sufferers from in*1 somnia -have been advised to try hoppillows in place of the ordinary mass offeathers. Clover cushions are, it is said,tobe in vogue shortly for the same goodcause. The blossoms are broken off thestalk, dried!, and used as filling for thecushion or pillar of the weary "mon-daine," or manof business. Yet anotherspecific of pleasing and soothing pro-perties is a cushion stuffed with new-mown hay.v

The word mission is of heathen origin,and at the cruel gladiatorial fights underthe Caesars, when some wretched com-batant lay prostrate, wounded*by hisadversary, the victor looked up to theEmperor for a, signal whether the van-quished one was to be despatched orspared. If mercy was shown, a servant

sent to tho arena. Ihis officer was'called amissionarius, and hi3errand wasamission. The early Christians borrowedtho word, which suited their work ofbringing freedom, mercy, andlife.

The list of microbes'continues to growsteadily. That of whooping cough maynow be added to the list Dr. H. Al-brecht, of the Wilhelm Hospital, re-cently spoke on the subject before theVienna Medical Society, declaring,thathehad discovered the specific agent thatcaused the complaint. There had for.some timp-been a suspicion that a kindof bacillus was ai> tho bottom, but Dr.Albrecht felt himself able to assert thatthe whooping cough bacillus was identi-cal with that of influenza.

A Learned doctor says that giantism i«a morbid process

—a disease due to anenlargement of apart of thebrain which

is endued with growth-regulating func-tions. When that part of the brainenlarged the limbs grew to anabnormalextent, and othei physical changes oc-curred, the excess of growthbeing chief-ly in the lower jaw, the arms, and legs.No giant evor attains length of days.Their average life is only a fractionover twenty years.' Ireland has pro-duced atleast four giants

—M'Grath, born

in Tipperary in 1736 (he was 7ft Sin inheight);Malone, 7ft 6in;Murphy, 7ft3in; and Charles Byrne, 7ft 7in. Noneof them ever reached great mentalheight.

The following singularly foolish let-ter, from a correspondent in New Zea-land, appears in the British Weekly:—

"Dear Sir,— Will you kindly, throughthe columns of your valuable paper,allow me to ask Sir Oliver Lodge todeal with the earth so as to preventany disastrous earthquakes takingplacein these beautiful islands of the South-ern Seas, as he is able now, accordingto his own words, 'to lend a helpinghand to the Creator.'"

In a country Police Court the otherday (says the Glasgow Herajd) aseedy-looking gentleman was up for haudin'Ne'erday by gesticulating, singing, andreciting in the public street. The con-stable who apprehended him was askedto give a sample of the objectionableeffusion, and the following came fromthe witness-box:

—Oh, daffodil, my daffodil, be still, bestill,Ilove thee still, my daffodil, my daffo-

dil.your absence does so make me ill,My daffodil, my daffodil.

"Did the prisoner sing that?" asked theBailie. "He did," answered the con-stable. "Fourteen days," was thecourt's remark.

The ''expert" evidence'in the Thawcase has given a new word to the dic-tionary

—"brain-storm." The political

Bpe)}bmder has been quick to take ad-vantage of

'the new coinage. Recently

Governor Vardaman, pf Mississippi,wascriticising a speech of Mr. J. SharpWilliams,, the .leader of the Democrats"in Congress, on the 'proposed Govern-ment ownership of railroads. He pic-turesquely describedhisopponent'sviewas "the result of a brain-storm, whichwas caused by the cold air pf selfish.-,nous rushing dowp from the mountainpeaki of his frozen conscience into thenot regions of his burning ambition,togo to the Senate.1' ' ..

Kansas City, Missouri, has takenthelead in solving the- -servant problem.Eight women, worn out with tne effortto maintain-a corps of capable servants,,have formed a club./ The respectivefsmiliei of tho members are serveAwith raeala (A the club, .and at theend of eachmonth tho oxpense is shar-ed jointly. One, member of the clubdirects its affairs, a chef and two assist-ants are employed, and each familyfurniihe* its own t*ble linen and silver.Tho club hatt become io successful thatmany additional ftpplicfttiocs have beenmad!.

' ■--*«-

InBelgium, as inItaly and other Con-tinental countries, the questionof WomanSuffrage is coming to the front. TheLabour party is about to hold a specialcongress, at which an effort will be madeto initiate a campaign for the admissionof women at once to the communal fran-chise and communal councils.

An auspicious commencement of TheHague Conference (says tho WestminsterGazette) is the joint action of the Ger-manand English Governments in regardto an internationalPrize Court of Appeal.The project was brought forward byB(avou Marschall on bejbalf of the Ger-man Government, and was supportedby Sir Edward Fry, under instructionsfrom our own Ministry. Tho UnitedStates representatives also promised co-ODe'ration in working out tho hcbemo,and, although it. is a little odd that thethingshould not have been dona before,there is everyground for pleasuro that acommencement has now been made thatpTomises a definite Tesult.

Mr. Dealun (says the WestminsterGazette) has returned to Australia, andhas been giving his impressions of theColonial Conference. Although iio re-

ferred in terms of warjjiadmiration tothe members of the Goyernu*>nb and hiscolleagues, he cannot give up his griev-ance about publicity. If the door wasbanged, as he alleges, on the conference,then it was by the decision of tho con-ference itself. Mr. Deakin found1himselfin what he described as "a hopelessminority," and expressed ,his personal jthanks to Sir W. Laurier for "meetingus so kindly" in the matter of a dailyprecis. Itis difficultinthe circ*mstancesto understand now wLy Mr. Deakinshould harp on this "banging of thedoor"'

—surely an unhappy attempt to

describe what, actually occurred.

Irish papers of opposite politics make1 common cause against the Home Govern-ment. "Mr. Balfour," says the IrishTimes, "put the grave peril which nowthreatens Ireland into a dozen wordswhen he said that the Government, hav-ing failed to bribe the Nationalist Partywith derolutionary legislation, mightnow try to bribe it jWith lax administra-tion." "Tho gTeai cause oi Empire,"says the Freeman's Journal, "is to beonce more advanced by' the weapons ofthe defamer and the moral assassin ofIreland's goodname. If the British pub-lic has memory and' an intelligence, itshould complete the discredit of thotroupe who, while denouncing Ireland asas a land of rogues and criminals haveadvanced £150,000,000 of British crediton Irish land to enable the Irish land-lords to gell their bankrupt stock at'gilt-edged prices without even an ex-amination of the seaurity."

The Saturday Review- returns to theEdaljicase, and says:— Outside the pagesof the report there is a whole mass efevidence and information of various de-grees of value which cries out trumpet-tongued against the Home Office theorythat when the official has made up hismind no mere journalist is worth a mo-ment's attention. For four years therehas been determined resistance, followedby ungracious and half-hearted surrender.IIt is for the House of Commons tomakethe Home Secretary realise that the pro-sent position of the case is an impossibleone from the point of view of Mr. Edal.ji and the public. There may be acomplete explanation;.but this is not amatter of foreign policy cs,which a Min-ister is entitled to keep his explanationto himself. There are mysterious sug-gestions at the *back' of the case that anthey would the police could tell an awfultale; but if. they,-,can they should■bomade to tell it publicly, and in <i waywhich will give" Mr, Edalji the opportu-nity he desires of making his answersand will satisfy the public, as it cannotbe satisfied at present, if it has followedthe case, that there has not been a, grossmiscarriage of justice.

That the representatives of so manyPowers should again come together onthe same errand, in spite of the appar-ent futility of their meeting eight yearsago (says the Spectator) may fairly betaken as evidence that the Governmentswhich have sent them to The Hague donot yet despair of seeing some substan-tial"benefit secured by their labours.No doubt the fh-st conference was speed-ily followedby the war between Russiaand Japan. But- this does not seem tothe Powers to deprive all further effortsafter peace of any serious meaning. Theimpossibility of preventing all wars isnot a reasonagainstdoing what is in ourpowervto limit their number. Ifsomoquarrels come too close to the "honour,dignity, and essential- interest" of thenations between whorn^ they have arisentoadmit of any external intervention, allinternational differences are not neces-sarily invested with thesamemportaace.History is full of wars whichhavebrokenout for no intelligible reason, wars jnwhich, no issue worth fighting aboutwas involved, wars in which, until thelast moment, neither party dreamed ofengaging. These are the quarrels whichsuch an instrument as the Peace Confer-ence may hope to compose at a stage atwhich the paftgioito that so often lead towar are still dormant, and both partiesare still willing to listen to the adviceof an impartial bystander. Until themeeting of the Peace Conference eightyears ago there was no ordinary meansof invoking any such interposition. Each|dispute ran its natural course without its|being the business of any Power to r.e-!call to the minds of the disputants theunimportance of the matterIn issue be-tween them. The Hague Conferencehas already made a substantial change inthis respect.

The Spectatorholds that the resolutionof 17th June is either "a perfect futilepiece of party rhetoric or jtmeans thoIabolition of the House of Lords." "To!deprivea political.institution of its func-itions is to abolish, it, jußt as surely asto take the (engine out pf a motor-carand merely leave the empty carriage isIto abolish the motor-car. We mustnow ask whether this is a refoftn whichis likely to commend itself to the willof the people— that is, whether the peo-ple of the United Kingdomreally desireto have the Constitution and their Hvesand liberties placed at the mercy of a,vote of the House of Commons. W»believe they do not. We are quiteaware that there is a good deal of dis-satisfaction with the House of Lordsfrom many points of view, but this dis-satisfaction comes; very largely from theconviction, noi thut tiiu Boose of Lordsexercises too strong a check upon the:House of Commons, but that it wieldsone which is too weak and partial. Themore thinking part of the pdpulation ad-mit it is an evil that when the UnionistParty are in power there is practicallyno check on the House of Commons, Butthough the British people would liketo see an amendment of their politicalsystem in this respect, they are not somad as to imagine that even in politicstwo wrongs can make a right. Youcannot get over the evil that the Houseof Lords is'no check on the UnionistParty by enacting that it shall no longerbe a check on the Liberal Party. Aslong as half a loaf is better than nobread, and an imperfect braSie betterthanno brake nt all. men will rather en-dure the imperfect check they have thanfly to the evils of dispensing with acheck altogether. Thut being go, weere confident that notliing will come ofSir Henry CampbeU^a^nerauva's xeja-iutifiiu

" '" '"x~' L

Trade in Auckland (says the Star) stillcontinues good for the time of the year.

The twentieth of June was aredletterday in tl_. lives of the Lancashire cottonspinners. On that day the five percent,increase promised to them at the meet-ing between employers and employeesheld about a fortnight earlier came intooperation. The operatives are now inreceipt of higher wages than have everbeenknown in the history of the trade.

The Right to Work Bill, drafted un-der the direction of Mr. Keir Hardie,was to come under discussion in theHouse of Commons at the end of Juno.The Bill itself is as simple as it is re-volutionary. It imposes withuncompro-mising directness upon all local authori-ties the responsibility of finding workfor unemployed men, or, failing this, ofmaintaining the workers.

The Invercargillite (writes the South-land Times) apparently cares not tostray far from home in search of hisdaily crust. A local labour agent re.lates that a short time ago two stationwagoners were wanted for aneasy placesome fifty miles from town. Betweentwenty and thirty men applied, butwhen they learned where the "job1

' was,not one would accept it. Word was sent.to Dunedin, and the position was filledin twenty-four hours.

The Secretary of theDunedin GeneralLabourers' Union has addressed thefollowing circular to the labourers' un-ions throughout tho colony:

—"At a gen-

eral monthly meeting of the Dunedinand Suburban General Labourers' In-dustrial Union of Workers, held in theTrades Hall, Moray Place, Dunedin,on the 17th July, 1907, it was resolvedthat the various labourers' unions bewritten to, inviting their opinion as tothe advisability of the federation of thesaid unions. Owing 'to tha difficulty oflabourers obtaining permanent employ-ment in any particular locality, theymust of necessity travel from one dis-trict to another;each removal meaningan extra entrance fee, which is con-sidered too expensive, thus causing aserious falling off in the membership ofour unions." Tho Dunedin union is ofthe opinion that federation is the 'onlyeffectual meansor arresting this undesii^able stats of affairs. I

From San Francisco th© correspondent'

of a Sydney paper writes:—

Far more jthan a month,past important industrieshave been paralysed by stupid strikes, jone of which on the street railways,has given Calhoun and his indicted as-sociates a. fine opportunity to commendthemselves to the public. Owing to aJstrike of the ironworkers the local ship-building company was forced to turn jover to the Federal Government a war- jship unfinished, because the terms ofthe contract couldTnot be fulfilled. Thecompany (which built the Oregon andother naval vessels) now gives notifcethat it will taka no more contracts fromthe Government, saying that on accountof the unreasonable action of its work-men it lost 2,500,000d01. on the lastthree warships constructed in ita yards,

Lloyd's Weekly 6ays:— The Arbitra-

tors who settled the wages dispute be-tween the North Wales Colliery ownersand the men in 1905 met in London on23rd June to consider tho exact mean-ing of the 1905 award, a dispute havingnow arisen ,between the masters anathe men as to its terms. No decisionwas arrived at, but it is understood thatthe arbitrators recommended tihafc ameeting of the representatives of theCoal Owners' Association and theTjuner&'-jrepresentatives should be held lit


early date, with a view to arriving atan amicable settlement of the dfrspute,'the men in tne'meanwhile postponing thedate of giving notices to terminate con-tracts.

"One of the longest strikes, on re-cord" ended in Juno last at Solingen,Prussia. In1870 a large firm oi cutlers,Ohliger and Co., declined to accede tothe demands of their workmen for anadvanceof wages or to countenance theirIsolonging to the Cutlers' Ts-ade Union.The men struck work, but Ohliger andCo. have carried on over since withfree labour. Free labour has, however,grown scarce of late, anil in order tomaintain a full force of "hands the firmhas, after thirty-seven years, once moreadmitted union men.

[ The Auckland livery stables employeesare desirous to form an industrial union.Up to the present time there has beennounion amongst them in Auckland, al-though in the South the stable em-ployees are included with trje drivers inone union. The grooms m Auckland(says the Star) have no settled hours oflabour, and their wages are very small,hence the spontaneous movementamongst them to obtain better workingconditions.

Murmurs of discontent and threats ofseverance(saysthe Sydney Worker's London correspondent) have taken the placeof the almost servile obedience once soreadily given to the Government. TheLabour Party hints at an early standingaloof from theLiberal side of theHouse.Very bitterly Mr. Keir Hardie com-plains of the broken pledges with whichthe Premier and his Cabinet are abouttofinish the present session. Noparty,hesays, could tamely submit to having allits claims and proposalscontemptuouslysetaside, and at the same time continuetogive its adherence to the Governmentof the hour. Itwas such pusillanimityVhich drovegoodmen away in despairfrom Radicalism.

Are unions justified in requiring thatforeman and overlookers shall be mem-bers? This question the editor of Aup.tra-lia answers emphatically in the negafcive. After enumerating the specialprivileged already enjoyed by unions, hesays that this point isnot settled,'butthat it is "the point which the SydneyCoal Lumpers' union is on strike toset-tle, .,,* The unpopular 'shedboss,' the disliked 'ganger,' and all theobjectionable tribe who stand midwaybetween employer and labourer and seethatwork is not scamped andmaterialisnot w&gted, may be imagined watchingproceedings from the tail of an alarmedeye. If the. Sydney Coal Lumpers'union, without actually appointing em-ployers' foremen, stilleffectively ap-points them by refusing to work withthose who do not play into its hands

—why! 'Othello's occupation's, gone.'""It is clear," Australia continues,

"that a foreman is anemployer's repre-sentative. No more than another mancan he serve two masters. Ifhe servesthe union he ceases to be of use to his.employer; and the job is done withoutsuperintendence. Well, one can admitthat the Australian workman is the bestand most conscientious of workmen,never wasting time or material when the'boss's eye is off him

—and still demur

to the idea thathe should be left todohis job practically athis own sweet will,in his own sweet way. The employers'demurred, inevitably. They were will-ing to concede fair play, but they want-ed some guarantee of fair work. Almostinevitably the Coal Lumpers* Union isreceiving support from other unions. Itmay be inconsistent, it may be unrea-sonable;but,as aunion, itmust be sup-pprted. 'My country, right or wrong!'\a a cry which may be applied inprinci-ple by every class of organisation witha common,aim. So evena general strike,is mooted

—not because it is just, not be*pause jfc is necessary,but bepause nriiß-takenmateship conceives itself bound to

support ft friOfid $g.the hitejtfremitl^ofi

Farms have been sold in Rhodesia byauction at Bulawayo at from 6d to 9dper acre, but the average for good landis half a crown.

The land in. Canada under wheat hasgrown in the last decade from 2,000,000to 5,000,000 acres, and is yearly extend-ing at an enormous rate.

Young lambs are now becoming num-erous in North Canterbury and on thsplains. So' far the season has been veryfavourable for them.

Agriculture gives employment to7,800,000 persons in France, or one-fifthof the population.At the London WoolExchange twenty*

three bales of wool from the Rhodedlnyanga Estate, Southern. Rhodesia,were recently disposed of at prices rang-ing from 9d to1Is 6£d a pound.

Farmers sometimes say they disliketo bother with retail business, and themiddleman heartily endorses the senti-ment. Farmers must not complain ofsmall profits so long as they allow theirneighbours to buy "farm produce at se-cond-hand- ' '

The record price for land in'the south'crn end of the Taranaki province wasreached lately, when £50 per acre waspaid for a fifty-acre section about twomiles from^Hawera. T.he sectionhadnoother improvements.{han a ring fence.

The germinating power of rmst reedsis much lowered, if not destroyed, inpassage through the (animal;. An activ-ity of the germinating seed-powei1 takesplace occasionally, but'-very seldom bypassage through an animal. The ger-minating power of seeds passing throughcattle is more destroyed than withcheep.

The Derbyshire Technical Committeewill shortly commence a tour with atravelling dairy school. Ten-day visitswill be paid to centres where ten pupilscan bo guaranteed, with a building or asite for a tent.

Feed (says the Ashburton Guardian)seems as scarce in theKillinchy-Leestondistrict as in the mo'ro southern partsof Canterbury;in fact, land valued at£40 an acre, on which store sheep havebeen grazing, is perfectly bare"of feed.Here and there stacks of green pinebranches are the only apparent meansof sustenance.

The profitable nature of sheepfarm-ing amongst small flockowners is wellshown by a Leithfield farmer's returnfor the past season. From a flock of203 ewes he, had 268 lambs, including65 twins. He sold the whole of thelambs at an average of 16s lOd each,and for the wool off the ewes was paid£86, thetotal returnbeing about 30s perewe.

"When one of my animals chokes onapples, or similar substances," writes'"D.C.W." in the >lichigan Farmer, "Ihave a remedy that never fails. Ifasten a rope or strap around the body,just back of the forward legs, then fas-ten a stick of wood, large

'pnough tokeep the mouth wide open, in the mouth

by a string passing over the head. Holdthe nose out, so as to strain the neck.Then .give the animal a sudden sharppunch in the body between the ribs andhips, and the substance will fly outthrough the mouth."

There are undoubted signs of an earlyspring> says the Oamaru Mail, and itwill not be longbefore many of the deci-duous treeesare inleaf. Recent shpjvprs'have given a wonderful fillip1to'^grass^and a great change is already/ noticeable.As a matter of fact, the ground has re-tained a fair amount of heat 'through-out the winter months, afid it will no^be surprising should grass come awayrapidly. Late frosts may, however,have a retarding effect.

There is a brisk business being donein the sale of.local grown turnips forthe north (says the Gore. Standard). Alarge number of trucks of swedes havebeen sont to Oamaru during th© pastmonth, but the growing intensity of thedrought is increasing the demand. Dur-ing the coming week orders foi well ontowards a hundred tons for Oamaru andCentral Otago farmers will be executedby several local growers. The rulingprice is 15s a ton, on trucks.

A new hardy fruit, named the Lax-ton berry, is about to be sent out inEngland. It is a cross between theLogan berry and the English Rasp-berry Superlative. The object of thiscross was to secure a sweeter fruit andalso to remove tho hard core oi theLogan berry. This has been success-fully done in both these points. With-out much reducing the size, a fruit wassecured with a true raspberry flavour,the acidity of the Logan berry beingmuch reduced; at the same time thefruit parts readily from the core. -Ithas the Loganberry's habit of growth,and i§ equally vigorous and hardy.

Coming from a country where thegood old merino is becoming despisedand rejected (says a contributor to theTimaru Herald), it was more than re-freshing to see him in all"the glory ofalmost complete possession at the Home-bush fat stock sales. And ho *aa wellworthy of that possession. There werepens and pens there, hundreds strong,of sixty-five and seventy-five poundwethers, selling up to twenty»five shil-lings. On the whole.they were a dealbigger than our merinos, much heavierin the horn, cleaner faced, and showedsprprisingly few traces of wrinkles con-sidering the amount of Vermont bloodsaid tonavebeen used in Australia theseyears past. Many of them were assandy m the wool as sheep running inthe Mackenzio riverbeds,

There was a very large yarding ofcattle at the Homebtish stock sales,Sydpey (reports a contributor to thoTimaru Herald), mostly bullocks of firstrate quality, showing Durham ancj Here-ford strains, but very Jittle Shorthorn,which is rather surprising. 'There" werealso some verynice pens of Devoncattle,but hardly a sign of an Ayrshire. Thechief characteristic of the- pens wastheir extreme evenness,and although thecattje were looking anything but theirbestr-most of them showings signs ofhavfpg come two or three days by rail—the average lot of cattle coming into aSouth Canterbury saleyard would* lookcommon trash beside them. Mongrelblopd wiil be one of the dangers ofuniversal close aettlement thatNew Zea-land will have to guard against, es-pecinlly as 'the small farmers as a classtake so little interest in Show matters.

The experience of some settlers inWestland proves that if established onsound lines with economicalmanagement,a factory can succeed from the supplyfrom 220 cows. The factory in ques-tioq is that at Arahura, situated in avalley whose soil is not of a rich charac-ter, between Hokititka and Greymouth."It has just endod its second season witha profit of £300, after giving.suppliers9d for their butter-fat, and a bonus ofjust on a penny, besides paying a divi-dend to shareholders. The most re-markable thing about this little concernis that after running two seasons and re-turning suppliers excellent value forthojr produce, the factory and plant willbe absolutely out of debt on IstOctoberof this year. This is surely a record.The manager has done the entire workof the factory Himself. Last year's out*put was only seventeen tons, but all ofIt was put up' in pats for'the local,ilftd* -




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THE JjJVJJijytNG POST. SATURDAY, AUGUST 10/*1907.VARIOUS VERSE. He had united the most ardent loyalists

from Clster; the most devoted follow-ers of Mr. Redmond, and the most en-thusiastic Irish extremists in denouncingthe Government's proposals. A newsituation had been born of the Govern-ment's policy. Devolution was dead,but we were now face 'to face with twoclasses of danger. The first was thedanger that the Radicals might inducethe Government, who had failed to bribethe Nationalists with their measures, tobribe _ them with their administration,—that is, with a lax application of thelaws that preserve order and good gov-ernment in Ireland. The second dangerwas that^ we were now cpnfronted with"the simple naked issue: Ar6 you goingto maintain the union, or are you goingto be traitors to it?" Jiuough theUnionist Party were weak in the Houseof Commons, he was confident of thefuture. "At the critical moment weshall show again, as we have so oftenshown before, that the powers of resis- jtanee in this country to rash uncon-sidered, and unpatriotic change are stillsufficient." 1

i_ ;

SUPREMACY OF THE LAND.Lord Lansdowne, who proposed thefirst resolution, declared that "it was

a gross and criminal perversion of thefacts to represent Ireland as a countrypoverty-stricken, ground down, andnoney-combed with want 'and disease.

'The real canker in Ireland was the ty-ranpy of the illegal associations. Mr.Long, whom*oved a resolution ip favourof a vigorous administration of the lawin Ireland sis necessary to the libertyand safety of the individual citizens andto- the ultimate development of the re-sources of the country, showed once ■

again that though he is so firm aUnionist, he js by no means a violent-Ascendency man. Especially sound washis declaration that unless they main-tained the law/, it did not matter howniuch money they spent in order topromote prosperity. "Unless the lawwas impartially administered betweenall classes, the money might as well bethrown into the Thames for all the goodit would do." Of the truth of this we-are absolutely convinced. No nationever can come or ever will prosper upondoles. Material .prosperity comes fipinthe energy and enterprise of the inhabi-tants of a country, and these qualitiescannot grow under tyrannies like thoseof the Land League and its successors.

A DERELICTION OF DUTY.It is extremely satisfactory tosee, as

at the Queen's Hall demonstration, theUnionist Party united in advocating thopolicy which called that party into ex-istence, and in forwarding its truework.For the moment the spectre of TariffReform was forgotten, and Unionistswere able' to agree as they did in theold'days before Mr. Chamberlain rentthe party in twain. Our only regret inregard to the demonstration is that ;neuner Mr. Balfour nor Mr. WalterLong took the opportunity of insistingupop that essential item of Unionist ;policy

—the need for reducing the over-

representation of Ireland. As long as 1that monstrous injustice goes unredres-sed, the Unionist Party cannot feel thatthey have done all they could do, and iought to do, for the cause of theUnion.If the lastsession inwhichihe Unionistswere inpower had beenused to do elec-toral justice to tho United Kingdom,£he power for evil of the NationalistParty would have been materially re-duced. As it is, wo have to look for-ward to Ireland returning to the nextParliament some thirty more membersthan she has any riglit to return, andEngland returning t<ome thirty less,with the sophistical arguments used bycertain Unionists to defend such a stateof things we confess we have uppatience. Mr. Balfour andhis colleaguesware guilty of a great dereliction ofduty ip not removing this anomaly whenthey had tho power to do so. , \

AN IMPERIAL STATEMENTInunveiling amemorial tablet to Mr.

Rhodes at 'the Oxford ExaminationSchools on Wednesday, Lord Roseberydelivereda speech eloquent-andbrilliant, :apd yet in no sense marred by over-em- !phasjs or decorative rhetoric,-*-a kind jof speech of which he possesses almost Ia monopoly. Unfortunately, we haveinot space to quote any of tho strikingfirst-hand stories he told of Mr.Rhodes. !We must protest, however, against thenotion that all those who opposed Mr.Rhodes in his life-time believed him tobe a man bent cither on personal ambi-tion or upon money-znakijig. We wereamongst the strongest opponepts of Mr.Rhodes, but we never failed to realiseor publicly to admit that his intentionswere patriotic, and thathe had no wishto makemoney in order tospend it opluxury or personal gratification. Thegiavapien of our charge against Mr.Khodes was thathe was unscrupulous in-his methods, and believed that the causeof the Empiro might be advanced bywhatwas once described as"thepolicy ofths open chequebook." Inour opinion,he defeated his ends by this means. Itis far better that the Empire should ad-vance slowly than that the tone andspirit on which it rests should be lower-ed by any use of unworthy means orunworthy instruments.

THE IRISH MANIFESTO.Sixty-five members of the Irish Par-

liamentary Party met in private atWest-minster on Tuesday afternoonj and, of- iter four hours'.disciiesion, issued a mani-fasto signed, on behalf of the party," byMr,1 Jonn Redmond. The Government,it declares, in framing their Bill refusedto be guided'by the advice of the Irishrepresentatives, apd, relying on "thepereistsnt misrepresentations of pertainofficials [? Sir Antony MacDonnell] inIreland, and of some Irishmen [? Mr.Healy and Mr. O'Brien] from' whom bet-vter judgment might have been expec-ted," introduced a measure which wasunanimously and emphatically rejectedby the largest and most representativeNationalist Convention ever broughttogether in Ireland. The Irish Partywill in future adopt a vigorous and ag-gressive policy in the House, "absolutely|independent of English party interests,and if the Irish people are in earneston these lines, "whatever Government jmay be in power will fipd itself at anoarly date coerced into introducing" anadequate measure of-self-government fprIreland. Meanwhile, it hasbeen decidedto call a meeting of the National Direc-!Tory for 20th June to discuss the situa-tion. It will be interesting to atewhether tho Government will acquiesce-in. Mr. Redmond's reading of the nego-tiations between them and the Irishleaders .previous to the bringing in pftho Bill.

a study, by no means overdrawn, of hu-man credulity. The foundation of thutale is well laid. A small, but devotedband, styling themselves the "Mystics,"are looking for tho appearance of a, semi-divine leader foretold by some latter-day prophet, whose secret book, commit-ed by turns to the custody of membersof the inner circle, sets forth in high-flown and ambiguous terms the descrip-tion of the prophet and the marks bywhich he should be known. "Out ofobecurity will he come. And


proved himself— no man will questionhim. For the Past lies in the GreatUnknown. By the Scitsym


which none ■but the Chosen may read—will ye know him; and know-

ing him, .ye will bow down— Mystics, Arch-

Mystics, and Arch-Councillor alike. And the world willbe his. For he will be Power made ab-soluteJ" One Andrew Henderson, liv-ing solitary in 0 remote point on thecoast of Scotland, is the custodian ofthe precious "Scitsym" when death overtakes him, at too short notice for anyof the/ council to be at his bedside andtake over the trust before his decease.So he solemnly pledges his nephew andsecretary, John Henderson, not to allowhis body (on whichhe beam the key)norhis safe to be touched till the Arch-Councillor arrives. "Your fidelity," hesaid, "has been rewarded." The undohad been the means of disinheritingJohn's father of a large fortune, and thowidow and son had suffered hardshipamounting to privation without so tpuchas a word of kindness from their rela-tive. John, opening a letter addressed(0 himself, finds that his uncle has lefthim a pittance, having conveyed hi?whole fortune to the sect. Inapassloiiof anger he breaks his pledge, and pos»(jessing himself of the key, opens thesafe and seizes the volume, which he isabout to destroy when his eye falls onthe passage already quoted, and an ideastrikes him. He spends the wholenightin transcribing the jargon, replaces thebook, and reappears in the story tenyears later as "Power made absolute."He has the connivance of one of the in*ncr circle, who deflnitelv predicts his apf

pearance, and in a highly dramatic chap-ter the imposter is receiyed, recognised,and alinpst adored by tbe fanatics, whoprostrate themselves before him. Johnhad told hi6iiiother that his uncle's for-tune (which should have been his owp)was to come to him in ten years; andhis design bad been to recover it fromthe overflowing treasury of tho commu-nity—his confederate, of course^ sharingthe spoil. For tbe credulous (fevoteeshe has only contempt

—contempt isuch ps

Mokanna is made to express in *loore's"VeiledProphet"— but the übiquitous sexproblem comes into play and perplexesthe situation. There is a lady "Mystic"who ha« clouded her judgment by longstudy of transcendental nonsense; hertouching faithcauses the prophet his firstcompunctions, and when he begins to de-6piee himself the success of his schemais seriously imperilled. It is at thisstage in particular that the author dis-plays no little skill in developing theplot, and the interest of the book reachesits highest point, There are severalgood illustrations by George Gibbs.

"Agony Terrace: Some Secrets of theCynosure Club." By Major ArthurGriffiths, author of "Winnifred'sWay," "The Wrong Road," etc,London:George Bell and Sons. .

A book of short stories is a variationfrom the novels of ordinary length bywhich Major Griffiths is best known.In

'this case we have seventeen slight

sketches, appareptly written for serialpublication, the only thread of connec-tion being that the principal characterin each is a member of the same ex-clusive London, club. The narrator issupposed to be the pldest member, agarrulous old gentleman whose unosten-tatious sympathy with the juniors hasmade him a kind of father confes?orto them in their difficulties. A cer-,tain secluded balcony has been muchused by those members who fox1 anycause desire for the time beingnoothercompany than their own thoughts, andhas become recognised as the haunt inparticular" of thoso who have difficultpractical problems to think out


its nickname of "Agony Terrace.''Here, sometimes, the patriarchal mem-ber seeks out the troubled ones, hearstheir confidences and assists them withhis experience, Therefore he is ableto tell "how Ihelped to comfort CisConvers when he was so cruelly black-mailed 5 how we repelled the false in-sinuations cast upon the ■ honour ofPrince Cabanis of Barataria;how weunravelled Mr. Flint's forgeries'; b.owPopto Folliett faced the great slumpof 189—; why that imposing financier,Saifl Barrabee, was horsewhipped;why,Loopey L'Estrange declared war onSpain;how "Trooper Tom" saved hisdaughter; how a poor soldier lovedan impress;how Owen St. Johnwas wrongfully charged with murderand was triumphantly cleared." Here,in the author's own words, is given avery fair idea of the scope of the book,

The Lone Hand is apparently "findingitself." The first number was »smuph newspaper as magazinp, if notmore; the fourth, just to.hand, is ppa decidedly higher literary level, withless oi tho ephemeral and trivia} ele-ment, besides approximating more tothe "typographic perfection, which ipone of its avowed aims. But it isstill somewhat addicted to slovenly apdunliterary abbreviations. "A memberof a joint-stock co. should bpheld personally responsible" would notbe tolerated in prdjnary manuscript oreven in a"properly type-written busi-ness letter. The opening essay opJolip Dumjpore Lang, oy Frank Myers,well deserves its placp of honour; itis ope of the best biographical studiosthat has appeared in an Australianmagazine, and is illustrated by a fine"portrait, "Oxford to an Australian,"by M, L.MaeCallum, »s a model articleof its kind. Clear, concise, and pic-turesquely descriptive, it conveys anexcellent idea of the effect on an ob-servant and reflective Australian youthof a complete change of atmosphere,mental as well as material. It isillustrated with delightful 6n»p-shots.A brief article on John Burns by J. D,Fitzgerald is illustrated with a life-likeportrait from a water-colour by PercySpence. Mr. J. 0. Watson, M.P.,writes forcibly on "Our UnguardedGate"'— the Northern Territory. "TheFake That Wasn't" is a bright butunreal sketch; but the fiction ns awhole" is medjocre

—"The Secrets"of a

Prime Minister," for example, is verypoor stuff. The strong point of themagazine is in Hs'&A department— justwhere Australasian periodical literatureis usually weakest. Some of" thedecorative work is specially good. Wemay note as an example Victor J.Daley's poem "The Muses," in whichthe drawipgs representing the respep-tivo muses of Kendall ifhd Gordon, and"The Deseix Muse," arp contributed re-spectively by Minns, Mahoney, an(jSoutor

—a strong trio.


(For week ending Saturday, 15th June.)

THE FRENCH RIOTS.The wine crisis in the South of France

does not become less acute. Themayors and municipalities aro resigningoffice daily throughout the coast depart-ments, and at this rate ordinary civiclife will be brought to a standstill short-ly just as M. Marcelin Albert threaten-ed. The mayors, according to the Pariscorrespondentof Tho Times, flaunt theirbadge of office before enthusiasticcrowds, and then "consign it to the fun-eral pyre." At Narbonne the entranceto the town hall has been walled up asthough the place were a mausoleum ofdead hopes. Tho Committee of Arge-liers which directs the strike calls uponles federes (an ill-omened word, as TheTimes correspondentremarks) for ablindobedience. Apparently the committeeaims at constructing an irresponsibleoligarchy on the ruins of regular ad'ministration. At Narbonne a regimenthas refused to obey its officers in con-trolling the crowd. But this is not pro-bably an instance of revolutionary anti-militarism, °& tne regiment is recruited"in the Narbonne district, and the men'are refusing specifically to uso armsagainst their friends and relation^.Meanwhile the Chamber of Deputies dis-cusses means of checking the adultera-tion of wine without apparently ueuoy-ing that adulteration is the root of theevj}, and M. Clejnenceau has addresseda letter of protest to the mayors, whosojresignations he refuses to accept.

PE'ATH-DTJTIES.Speaking on' Monday at Jamestown,

Mr. Roosevelt advocated the introduc-tion of Death-duties in the UnitedStates. The principle of the progressivetaxation of inheritances in money hadibeen authoritatively recognised by theUnited States Congress, and was adop-ted by the leading civilised countries ofthe world. Mr. Roosevelt praised inparticular the French law, which ap-plies the progressive principle in <$uch away that each higher rate is only im-posed on the excess.above the amountsubject to the noxt lower rate. "Ido not believe," Mr. itoosevelt addedaccording to -Reut^r's report, '!that anyadvantage comes either%o the country asa whole or to individuals inheritingmoney by permitting the transmissionin their entirety of such enormous foritu'neeas havebeenaccumulated inAmerrica. The tax could, be made to bearmore heavily upon persons residing outof the country than upon those residingwithin it. Such a tax would be one- ofthe methods whereby we should try topreserve a ntoasureabl© equality of oorprportunity for people ,of tbe generationgrowing into manhood."

THE ORANGE CONSTITUTION.The text of th* Letters Patent confeiv

!ring responsible government on theOrange River Colony was issued onMonday night. Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams, hitherto Lieutenant-Governor ofthe colony, is to ba its Governor. TheConstitution provides for the establish-ment of two Houses,— a _ LegislativeCouncil of eleven, and a Legislative As-sembly of thirty-eight, members. Themembers of theLegislative Council willbs nominatedin the first instance by theGovernor, who will summon fresh mem-bers to take the place of those retiringIat tho end of the third, fifth, andseventh years, veach member thus- andthereafter appointed to hold office forfive years.i Itis algo provided that afterfour years/ from the first meetjpg theLegislature pay pass a law making thecouncil eleotiyc- The Legislative Assem-bly jsto consist of .thirty-eight memberselectedby a- manhood"of white suffragetosingle member constituencies, with bien-nial registration, andredistributionev-eryfour years. The meeting place is to beBloemfontein, the members are to bppaid, the debates and discussions to behejuinDutch and English, and any con-flict between the two Houses is to besettled by joint' session and a majorityof joint votes. The Governor is em-powered to reserve any law providingfor the importationof indentured labour,and the rights of British settlers areto be safeguarded by a nominated LandBoard, which will exercise its independ-ent functions for five years only.

INTERNATIONAL J.KADE.The Board jof Trade returns for May

were issued on Friday week, and show,as compared withMay, 1906, an increasein exports of £&,20Q;000. On the importside a slight decline^ in volume is nptice-able, raw materials increasing by£g;000,000, whilo manufactures felt by£oi«j,000. Tha ri-e in exports is all themoreremarkableas Whit-Monday fell inMay, thus involving the loss of a work-ing day. uf the total increase,#4,500,000 is accounted for by manufac-tured articles, the chief .rises-being ipiron and steal £937,000, machinery£450,000, ships, £986,000, and cotton<>£000,000. Ip this context wo may nf>tethe statements made in the Standardand, Mprning Post pf Monday as to thedecline in German trade, showing thatthe unparalleled period of industrialprosperity which began in 1902 is nowapproaching its termination. In thewords of the National Zeitung, "thelaconic bulletin of the Dusseldorf Ironand Stsel Exchange makes this fact clearbeyond all doubt, and gives the stampof official confirmation to predictions ofthe approaching decline in the industrial,prosperity of Germany.',' This ctats-'ment, coupled with the crisis in theSouth of France, and contracted with jpur own trade figures, may give pauseito those who argue thatProtection must6poll continuous commercial prosperityand Free-trade continuous uecline.

SMA&L~HOLJDINGS. jDiscussing the Small Holdings Bill ip

the House of. Commons on Thursday,Mr. Belfour made one of thpse crfticajspeeches in which he excels, and point- ;ed out how extraordinary were the in-,consistencies of the Government in theirtreatment of the land question. ' In;Ireland they were trying to get < rid ofdual ownership, in Scotland they wdreendeavouring to introduce it, while inEngland they appeared to object bothto dual ownership and peasant pro-prietorship, and had produced yet an-,other scheme. For a party to expressthree differentopinions at the same timethrough its organised Government wasa "'record." Mr. Balfour in tho lijterpart of his speech was strongly in fav-our of purchase fls against hiring, Forourselves, we hold that the small hold-er will probably dp better on a hiredfarm than on a farm of his own; butthat does not alter the fact that it mayprove unjust to compel anowner to leasewhen he would rather sell. The localauthority, though it has brought fromthe landlord, need not sell to the 6tj)allholdor, but can perfectly well let toh}m. Though we have no great love ofcompulsion, we do not pslc that itshouldbe excluded fromthe- Bill;butit leemsto us that the landlord should have theright to aay: "If you use compulsion,take the land out and out," In tbeand the second reading of the Bill waspassed without a division.

THE IRISH POLICY. |On Thursday Mr- Balfour, presiding

at a great Unionist demonstration at;tho Queen's Hall to protest against theIrish policy of the Governjnenf, de-clared that the new Chief Secretary forIreland had in the couree of bis few jmonths of office" performed a feat never'jjorfpjyned by, any of his jjredecesggrft.'

INLONDON, TOWN.(Two men described as labourers were

brought before Mr. Donman on Saturday.Ist June, changed with,being drunk anddisorderly the previous night in Brewer-street. Thoy threw tho constable down,kicked him in tho back, «.nd threatened tokill kirn. During: the struggle abdVit ahundred' and fifty- persons gathered, butno one went to the assistance of the officeruntil a womanpulled his whistle out of hiapocket and put it into his- mouth. Thewhistle was thus blown, 'with the resmltthat Detective Loder wont 'to the officer'sassistance and tho mon were securod. ThoImagistrate said this was the second illus-tration within a few days that had comobefore him of the oowardiofe of some ofthe men of London, and on each occasionIa plucky woman, deserving the greatestIpraise, had brought trie required assistance.As.a oitifcen, he wished the woman in thepresent case had attended court in orderthat he might express,hip feelings of grati-tude to her, butBhe was amodest person,arid stayed away.

—Daily Paper.)

Two drunken brutes with murder in'theireye l

Kicking the city's guardian tohis death,A crowd of sovenscore"

1cowards standingby u'i

! With hellipollutedbreath;Not one of them can find a word to sayWhy their own servant should not have

fair play.Such are the crew that you will

meet '■

InLondon'Town, inBrewer-stroet.A quiet, modest woman heart the din,

Knows in amoment it may bo too late,Through kioks and curses calmlyenters inAnd turns the hand of Fate;Then disappears unnoticed andunnamedLeaving the crowd of selfish cowards

shamed. "Such are the Queens you still can


InLondonTown, inBrewer-street.William H. Draper.Spectator,

A CHILD.Thou art so puro end sweet*My child,Ialmost shrink to meet

Thy gaze, serenely mild-Must not this hand of mineLeave stains On thine?


N*y, for thy gifti3suchAb not ""To fear tho transient touch;

Thou shalt not take ablot.Inthine own innocenceIs thy defenoe.And thou hast virtue, too,

To giveUnconsciously—

a trueBenign prerogative;

So thatIshare with theaThat whichIsee.—Arthur L. Salmon,


Iknow it can be no favourFor unresponsive ears

To catch ne'er a strain of music,Nor speech, rroving'eyes to tears;

And amid the hum of voicesInsalon or busy mart,

To know but the same strango stillness,As in solitude apart.

Yet sleep to the dullest is welcome,Though semblance of death it seem,

Save the pulse andheaving bosomWith the flush from a passing cn-eam.Or if one be denied this blessing"Till just as daybreak ib nigh,Still a. grateful world reposeth

Wbije stars keep vigil on high.When the roseate tint is fading

From sunset's quiet glow,"Era shadows dense are brooding

On the waiting earth below;To muse in the hush of twilight

More dearly now t love,As the lights are gleaming fearerThat beckon from above: "

Indeed, Iam loth to illumineSuch an hour with burners bright;There is something to me sacredInits dim and mystic light.And though sweet endearing accentsFail to ttir my listless sense,A "stjllsmall voica" doth thrill meSomehow, fpr recompense.—

W. E. Bojel.Springfield Republican.

THE UNKISSED GrULDREN.This world's arare and joyous place

For those who deem it so,With_ smiles enough for every face

—This is no tale of woe.Bui yet, when all's been done and said,Some little children creep,

At cuddjing time, utkiEsed to bedAnd sob themselves tq sleep.Their _daddy* off at work, somewhere,

Their mammy's tired and worn,Both burdened down with carking caveFrom the first break of morn.Each love-starved young one on the listHas troubles by the heap,Yet each must go to bedunkissedAnd sob himself to sleep.Oh, world of sunshine mixed witjj storm.Oh, world of tears and joy,Oh, world of frozen hearts and warm,

Oh, worjdof n>»i> »»d boy!Lbbs were your sorrow, lees your dread,If,when night's shadows creep,Each little lad! wht.n kissed to bodAnd smjled himself to sleep.—Anon.

How far it is permissible to developa literary fiction ? A pamphlet to hand—

a reprint from the Sydney Stock andStation Journal, entitled "The Inteivcepted Despatch"—

opens up this ques-tion of ethics. The answer, we take it,is that any amount of ingenuity, ofcounterfeit realism, is allowable, so longas the possibility of actual deceptionavoided. Few hoaxes are so complete,as to deceive a whole community— fromthe historic "duck story" of an imagin-ative French reporter, which gave rispto the term "canard," to our own daysuch might almost be told off on thefingors of one hand; and literary menwho have actually succeeded in gullingthe community, or a. larg6 section, areusually inordinately proud of the feat,as for example, in'the case of the lateMr- Beed, of Auckland, who rejoicedbeyond measure when the Daily Newscreduloufly gave cwrenoy to his"Noah's Ark- story, which the otherLpndon dailies had the good judgmentto ignore. "The-InterceptedDespatch"has been taken serjougly by at least one jAustralian paper, and the anonymous jwriter has certainly shown no little fer- ■

tility of invention as wel) as of audac-ity. His object is apparently to assistin workingup a "yellowperil" scare;andto this endhe describesinbriefa trip toJapan

—due realism being secured by a

sprinkling of native phraees-^-whero homet at his hotel an "inscrutable" Japa-nese gentleman ofhigh rankandremark-able courtesy, from whom he succeededin stealing a document just as his ownsteamer was on the point of departure.This document (which wasnot in cipher)when translated in London was found tocontain the observation* and recommen-dations of the bearer, a high officer ofBtate, after a trip of observationthrough Australasia, and the allegedtramlation is set forth }n full. Itcon-tains a plan for the annexationof Aubttralia and a draft scheme* for the gov-ernment of the country as a province ofJapan. .. But there is always a weakpoint ma deception pf this kind- If theauthor had been content to confine him*self to the point, his bogus documentmight have been supposed to be basedupon a substratum of truth;but hecould not repress,bis conservatism, andhis incidental gibes at the FederalGov.ernrnent and the Australia)1LabourParty never, originated in a Japanesebrain..




"The Savage SouthSeas:Paintedby Nor-manH. Hardy;described by E. WayElkington." London :A. and 0.Black.

This is the fifty-third volume of Messrs.Black's popularseries of finely illustratedtwenty-shilling books

—a varied library

which includes works not only on suchlittle'known regions as Morocco and Ti-bet,but the chief European countries, Ire-land, the English lakes, and single coun-ties;as well as books on art, Englishcostume, and the life and work of indi-vidual artists such as Birket Foster andKate Greenaway. for the most part,however, the series is devoted to regionsmore or less remote. The books are finelyprinted in legibletype, handsomely boundin cloth, and their illustrations in coloursare a special feature.

On the title page of this latest additiontbe name of the artist takes precedence,and rightly so; for though the authorhas embodied « greatstore of information,the result oi personal observation andenquiry, the main attraction is artisticrather than literary. The book con-tains 204 pages, besides maps and index,and is illustrated1by reproductions of .68paintings from careful. studies by Mr.Hardy* including tropical scenery, landand sea, native villages, habitations, cos-tumes, and arts, natives at work and in-dulging in dances and ojther reqreations;weapons, implements, habitations;theirmonuments, and objects connected withtheir worship and funeral rites— two sub-jects always intimately related— all re-presented with the utmost fidelity.

Mr Elkington, the—

who, bythe way,was for a short time inour owncity some tune ago--divides his book intothree parts; British New Guinea, theSolomon Islands, and the New Hebrides.In each case there is a brief historicalintroduction followed by an account ofthe present, state and aspects of thevari-ous communities. The author professesno extensive nor profound knowledge ofthe people or their ideas, and refrainsfrom Indulging in theories; he tells aplain story of the things he has himselfobserved, with such information as hecould gather from trustworthy sources.Itis a drawback that his English is in-different— an easy sjipshod "journalese"withmany vices of style. "Quaint"and"weird" continually recur, "infinitely" and"tremendously" in inappropriate connec-tion, and he writes of "octopi." On theother hand, he avoids one abyss into"n'jhich the majority of writers of thepress stumble now-a days. We read of

canoes "manoeuvred" throughatortuouschannel, of boats "manipulated"—

not thebest word— under like conditions; butnowhere in reference to overcoming ob-stacles is he guilty of using the hatefulterm "negotiated." Author and painterhave worked in admirable harmony, andevery on-j of Mr. Hardy's pictures is nreal work of art. Every enre has beentaken in the printing, and neither titlenor description mars^ the effect, for theletterpress description is in each caseprinted on the thin fly-leaf inserted toprevent the plate soiling or being soiledby the printed text.

To the people of this colony, and tothose of Britain, the book will appealin a very different way. To the Bntonlit will set forth a manner of ilfe, jthought, and habit, wholly strange andoften repulsive. To the resident in Newj Zealand, with,some knowledge of native!ways, much will bp quite familiar., The'"author is somewhat at a disadvantagein knowjng so little of the Maori— hemakes distinctions, for example, bo-tween the- "hope" of the Solomon Is-lander and the "tapu" of the Maoriwhich do not really exist. Everythingthat he describes as covered by the"hope" was also subject in New Zealandto "tapu," and the signs by which thetapucd spots were indicated seem to bealmost exactly the same, as also thepenalties for infringement. Moreover,he makes an unnecessary mystery 'of thesupposed causeless and unprovoked.mur-der and other outrages by the savagenatives— crimes often visited by a"punitive" visit of a warship, with de-struction of villages and crops and lossof life. Whero these mysterious actsare not in vengeance for some real,though secret, injury, they are almostalways provoked by some reckless orignorant violation of "tapu," whichwould be visited by death upon any oftheir own people. By some foolish jest,a stranger might defile or degrade thesacred person of a chief so as to robhim of all his supposed supernaturalgifts and destroy his authority amonghis people

—he might violate the- thrice-

sacred resting-place of gome ancestralhero, bringing down upon the tribe theimplacable wrath of the departed demi-god. However devoid of superstition,no Briton would view with equanimitya party of South Sea Islanders picnick-ing in a cathedra' or holding a savagedanpo on "consocrated ground."

The book is designed as a popularaccount of the life and habits of peopleas yet very,,little touched by outsidecivilisation, And nob as a scientific work.Many details essential in a book of thelatter class are necessarily absent fromone intended for general reading,.Yetthere is much to interest the readerwho has the opportunity of comparingthe ways and -ideas of the islanderswith thoso of folk far removed by timeand locality. The methods and pro-cesses of witchcraft all the world overseem practically identical; the "waxenman" of Rossetti's grim ballad isparalleledby the clay image of the NewZealand tohunga, who ajso, liko the/sorcerer of the New Hebrides, delightsto get some clippings of the hair of hisintended victim wherewith to work hitsspell. Many Polynesian words may bofound in the book, used sometimes inthe same sense as among the Maoris.

The spell of the islands seems to havefallen on the author, and a leading ob-ject of the volume appears to be to re-commend these rich and virgin soils,with all their tropic beauty, to thoseyoung and adventurous souls who feelthe limitations of the crowded cities ofBritain— islands where a man who isself-respecting and "straight." needdread no native spear, and whor*- hemay find a worthy career. Tho con-,eluding chapter is devoted to a briefhistory of mission work in the SoutjiSeas;and so far as his narrow limitswill permit, Mr. Elkington has don© jus-tice- to his subject. In these islands,where the names and life-work of manlike Selwyn, Patterson, Chalmers, Gill,Williams, andLamb are known, the mis-sionaries need no vindication; but itwould be well if thoso Home readers offiction whose ideas are drawn from thelibellous caricatures of Becke and ahandful of feeble imitators could read"The Savage South Seas." It wouldbe a wholesome corrective.

"Tho Mystics." By Katherino CeoilThurston, author of "John Chilcote,M.P." With illustrations. Lon-don: William Blackwood arid (Jo.(Cfordoi) and Gotch.) v

Thos who have read any of Mrs. Thui-ston's earlier books wDI be prepared tofind in her latest story a strong andwell-copstructed piece of work. It isbrief, not much more than half tljnlength of fin average novel, hut nonotho less a successful piece of work

—infact, it probably requites more skill tv

write a good short novel than a longone. Alj Mrg, TUurston's work is mark*ed by originality, and there are nohacintied fiUuatioufs in "The Mvetics"^


xu»t hire been suffering, area for yean, fromRheumatism Indigestion GravelCout Anaemia StoneNeuralgia BloodDisorders BladderTroublesBackacke Biliousness GeneralDebility .Sciatica Jaundice Sick Heacacheand you wiH continue to suffer unless the disorder is treatedj as it ought to betreated, by striking direct at the cause. All the disorders mentioned are due to onecause and one cause alone

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—Th« Kldnays filter and extract frem'the blood about three pints of urin*

every day. In this quantity of urine are dissolved about anounce of urea, ten totwelve grains in weight of uric acid, together with other animal andmineral mattervarying from a third of an ounce to nearly an ounce. When the kidneys are in

Jiealth, all this solid matter is in solution and is invisible. Directly the kidneys,through either weakness or disease, become unfit to do their duty properly, a propor-tion of the solid matter remains in the blood, becomes actively poisonous, and causesus to suffer from uric disorders suoh as Rheumatism, Cout, Neuralgia,Lumbago, Backache, Sciatica Gravel, Stone, Bladder Troubles,and Bright's Disease. A simple test to make as to the condition of thekidneys is to place some urine, passed the first thing in the morning, in a covered 'glass, and let it stand until next morning. Ifit is then cloudy, or there is a brick-dust like sediment, or if particles float about in it, or it is of anunnatural colour, thekidneys are not healthy, and no time must be lost in adopting remedial measures, orBright's Disease, Diabetes, or some leu serious but more painful illness will result.

The Liver.— ln the liver myrious substances are actually made from thp blood.Two or three pounus'''oftbneHirethusmade iroin, the blood every day. The livertakes sugar from the blood, converts it into another form, and stores it up so as to beabio to again supply it to tha blood, gradually, as the latter requires enrichment.The liver changes uric .acid, whioh is insoluble, into urea, vrhioh is completelysoluble, and the liver also' deals with the blood corpuscles which'have lived their lifeand are useful no longer. When the liver is inactive or diseased we suffer fromIndigestion, Biliousness, Ansemfa, Sick Headache, and BloodDisorders.

Thehealth of the liver and of the kidneys is so closely connected that it is almostimpossible for the kidneys ta be affected and the liver to remain healthy, or viceversa.

Itis nearly thirty years since scientific research, directed speoially to diseases ofthe Kidneys and Liver, was rewarded by the discovery of the medicine now knownthroughout the world as Warner's Safe Cure. It was realised, at the outsetof the investigation, that it was neoessary to find a curative ageat which would actequallyupon the kidneys andupon the liver, these organs being so immediately asso-ciated in the work of dealing with the body's waste material, and after many disap-pointments, the medicine which possessed the required action in the fullest degreewas at length discovered. Warner's Safe Cure cures all diseasesof the kidneys and liver, and, by restoring their activity, these vital organsaro enabled to rid the body through the natural channels of tho urinary andbilarypoisons, the presence of which in the system are the cause of Rheumatism, pout,Neuralgia, Lumbago, Backache, Sciatica, Elood Disorders, Anaemia, Indigestion,Biliousness, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Gravel, Stone, Bladder Troubles, and GeneralDebility. Warner's Safe Cure cures all these disorders simply by removing the causeof tho disorder. This is the reason why cures effected by Warner's Safe Cure ar.9permanentcures.

A treatise containing fult particulars and accounts of many remarkable cureseffected, even when hope of recovery was despaired of, will be sent post free by H," "T ~T>r nmj Cry.J['fa'jt'ffj- An^tra.la.»i«Ln 13.

Lost flesh rapidly, was greatly weakened, tookquantities of medicine, failed all the time. Wasquickly cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla."Some tima agoIhad & very

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§j||^jg|Safl vjfPfSjji&i^ "Itook about sixbottles andBjjflKJlllSR. -j^||§&||jrag wasperfectlycured. Ihaveused

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§1 @i \~ I aIH & M r* n - urre^» railway*" V. Ik P w^' / » stationmaster,of Sunnybank,Queensland,sendsus this letter,together with his photograph,whichwe reproduce above.

This is a strong letter, one whichmust remove all doubt. Youought to profit byit greatly; for if youare weak,'have lost flesh,arewithoutappetite,and feel languidand depressed,hereis a quick andcertain cure.

Perhapsthe troubleis withyour blood,and youare suffering fromheadache, boils, eruptions of the skin, scrofula, or rheumatism. Ifyou are suffering fromweakness of anykind, Ayer'sSarsaparillawillrestore to you strength and energy, and will mako life thfc betterworth living. Be sure you get

AVER'S SarsaparillaThere area greatmanysubstitute Sarsaparillas on the market that wilt disap-

point you. Avoid imitations.PreparedbyDB. J. C.AYBB & CO., Lowell,Mass., IT.S.A.

f— —

Take Ayer's Pills with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. One aids theother.


out,withreinforced cornors, 90s to100 d

H. M. STEPHENS,53, Manners-street, Wellington,

From tho Norddeutscher-I^loyd Com-pany (Sydney agency) we have received"A Cruise through Eastern Seas," whichis described as a traveller's guide to theprincipal objects of interest in the FarEast. The London publisher is Edward<Stanford, 12 Long-acre, W.C. It isan octavo volume of nearly three hun-dredpages, beautifully printedand pro-fusely illustrated, besidescontaining tennmps and plans. Ceylon, Southern In-dia, Burma,, Singapore, Siam, the Dutph 1East Indies,Java, Hongkong, the Yang-tse-Kiang, Shanghai,Pekin,Japan,Man-ila, New Guinea, Australia, and ma.nyotljer localities are described;nothingrequisite for the traveller appears tohave been overlooked, and many of theinnumerable illustrative pictures arecharming "bits" of life and scenery.

Vitadatio, tue medicine that cures. It,cuied me is a tale often told; it will cureyou. Try if. The grandest blood remedyknown. On sale »t all chemists apdstores, 5s 6d and 3a 6d -p^r- bottle,—A_drt*, ' ~': j

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—\Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy npt

only stops the cough but heals andstrengthens the Jungs and preventsserious results from a cold.

For Children's Hacking Cough nt night.Wood* Gifeftt Peppermint Curp. l8l8 gj.

—Adft.For Bronchial Coughs take Woods'Great Hoj&erouut fiitfe. li fid..— Advt<

v^!3|k fiFREEiw a*,-M, C^i&m ' sample

doctor ordered me onreceipt of'4d.

to take Angier'Emul- \^S99lvsDtf^Jl«i. postage.>sion for dyspepsia and \S*sKKcsjS^sk dcJ^Sak «r .r

nervous afiections, and sent5entI°nIam verypleased tosay "*■PaPeJ*ithasdoneme an immense tSKLji<s^^&o&\<s TSCTfcTx 'amount of good. Ihavebeen ill for two years,butI /<^k^Bs,./<^k^Bs,. *mfeelIamgettingstrongerevery J^kday

—less indigestion, eating «2* \better and sleeping better. My .3S&, <WVM Vbowels used tobe verymuchcon- U_J'J^e^>£* :?%"<>*^>^Sfc v}i

stipatcd, but since Ibegan taking w';?^^S^Jß|l \Angjer's Emulsion they have been CMl^Vi»fs^fei^\Jracting regularlyevery morning. Ilike \&fatmfa&\j£&, $&svtr jtl~ the Emulsion so much that Ifeel I (%^^-jfr j4& / ',cannot take enough of it,*and oftenwish SiißP^^^^^^ .jr ;the doctor would order a tablespoonful ?T^*jfmSß^^\/ . '

insteadof a dessertspoonful. Ican highly . ;" "recommend 'Angier'sEmulsion as a verygood ■

* . t "tonic for anybody who is run-down,(Signed) (Mrs.) M.LEWIS, Wordsly House, Stonnali,near Walsau", ''


The writerof tbe above letter directs attention to severalof tbestrong points In favourofAngler'sEmulsion. "She finds that it is really pleasant to take; that it makes ijereatbelter,digestbetter, .sleepbetter,andthat It promotesanormal, healthyuctUn of tho bowtbk Mot*.■ever,sheis takingit ontheadviceofherdoctor. Write to-day forafree sample.

Of chemists anddrug stores, 1/3, 2/9, and 4/6.THE ANGIER CHEMICALCO., L.D.,7Barrack Street,SYDNEY,N.^Wvlt^_____ \



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How BRONCO-CURA is made,and whatkis made of, does npt \interest the generalpublic so much as the fact that it is a thoroughly" freliable remedy for COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA iand CONSUMPTION. Madeby a reliable firm it is fast superseding Cmany of the remedies that are on the maiket. BRONCO-CURA is fwithout doubt the most dependable of Cough Remedies,and when once >1 tried becomes the standard household medicine: BRONCO-CURA \contains nopoison. Itis pleasant to take. Good for Children or Adults. V

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Fatcure "is aharmless, pleasant-to-take remedy,and will not fail.Senda2dstampandwe willpostyouaFreeSample.Wi»»tb tout,eucloaiug; 2dstamp,aud letusseud youoFREK SAMPLE ©J "rATCORB"fluiiourTree Booklet. UNDJSR bKAI.EDCOVER freefroni pryiageyes, wbichcarefullyC""!."-."T lnet"ud. Jfcomrcniotm »uy time, call nudlet us explaiu our method.UNftSJ^ffiSjasSKS-fiSVk't'I Mr*- w- CHILDS, Bay, Sydney, write*:■SB fßd kjarStfiK'SSsSViI

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SaH hS 8» axfi sSS^S^I weightby38pounds,briuging it down tonormal."

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Pan TORPinIIUPR M twEEjfry?".an %d%d wo**« riouMknpw<tot t.traKH rrtWcf-riolriMrtW S3 rdeK^.sn^e the complexion,lnduce Pimnlee »ndFOR CONST! PATIOW. > n Sallow Skin. Remove thectuie byusin" CiRTFK'SFor INDIGESTION. w JJme iavf.h phxs,and *!Mftsns?r£ii


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August 13, 15, and 17— 0.J.C. GTandNational.

August 29—

Amberley Steeplechase ClubAnnual.

September 4 and s—Marton5—

Marton J.C.s HackMeeting.

September 11 and 12— Ashburton Coun-ty R.C. Spring Meeting.

(September 18 and 19—

ftangitikei R.C.Spring.

With the conclusion of the racingseason,the statistics compiled by "Pen-"tagraph" of the Press form interestingmatter for discussion. The list of win-fling^ sires*,is headed by the Aucklandsire Seaton■ Delaval, who, with the aidof thirty-one winners, has £9114 to hiscredit. This'marks tHe third occasionduring * the last eight years in whichthis sire has topped the list; and income respects he has been almost assuccessful in begetting winners as thegreat St. Leger. Seaton Delaval*s mostsuccessful representative during the pasts.6ason,has Keen'Master Delaval, who won£2365 in stakes. The evergreen. Step-fifafc.. fills- second place, with £8228,

.>wiudlC,represents the stake; earnings ofnfiftyvfonr of his progeny. This* veteran*sire.'h*as not received any marked as-sistance from any of the fifty-four, thetwo mares, Marguerite with £1145, andMunjeet £1075, being his most promin-

ent descendants. The St. Simon horse,fioult, is steadily improving his posi-tion every season,* and occupies thirdplace with thirty-four winners of £7071.The unsound Lord Soult was his best-winner, with £995, and the AucklandEaster Handicap winner, Waipuna, wasnext. with, the serviceable contribution"of £860. Then follow Birkenhead,"with twenty winners of £6911, Clan-Tanald, fifteen of £6233; Gold Reef,eighteen of £4852. The Hon. J. D. Or-xnond's^irebias made a remarkable show-ing with his1 first season's progeny, andan Eona, Zimmerman, and Intelligence,he got a veryuseful trio. With the ex-cellent.opportunities this sonof Orme—"Tragedy is getting at the Karamu stud,his owner should continue to keep wellup in the)winning list. Clanranald owes

'hi3 position mainly to. the success ofthat grand two-year-old Glenculloch,whilst Gold Reef owes a good deal to"the vice. little sequence of wins scoredby Kuku (£805) and Contender (£780).

Casting my eye down the list it is'remarkable to see hovr Multiform haa" dropped from first place, with £11,634,lastseason to tenth position this season,\vith £3037; and had it not been forthe £1687 won mainly by Boniform in

-'Australia, the Yaldhurst sire wouldhave been very low down indeed. Itmust be admitted that he lost the ser-

."-vices of three good ones in Noctuiform,Stan God, and Nightfall. Sylvia Park'sposition is practically the outcome ofVolume's success, as this- colt^ with£1780, accounted for half the amountcredited to his sire. What a loss thesaleofSanFrancisco was isevidencedbythe splendid position— ninth— his six"winners of £3245 placed him in. Ofthose sires wnich have come into prom-inence during the season under reviewnothing looks more likely to make aname for himself than the handsomeDay Star. This son of Castor and the-Musket mare Cissie has had but few'chdnces, the number of thoroughbredntares sent to him being small; but hegot a much-needed lift when Star Roseso unexpectedly -won the New ZealandCuo.

Itis gratifying to all true admirers ofa straightgoing owner to see the nameof the Hon. J. D. Ormond at the headof the list of winning owners with£8050. Between 1901 and 1905 the Ka-ramu stable was dead out of luck, butthe advent of Birkenheadand some use-ful victories by Sir Tristram havealter-ed the entire complexion of things. Onthe other hand, Mr. G. G. Stead hasonly succeeded in winning about half asimuch as he did in 1905-6, and if hisAustralian stakes are included he wouldfill the third place, coming after SirGeorge Clifford. Itmight be as well ifin future compilations of this nature at-tention be given to New Zealand win-nings only, as the addition of Australianfigures tends to mar the usefulness of jthese tables from a comparative stand-ipoint. Sir George Clifford, in winningbis £5020, has raced a fairly extensiveteam, and no owner is a more liberalsupporter of meetings, for his yellowandblue diamond livery has been sport-ed on courses as far apart as AucklandandDunedin. His contra account, there-fore, for travelling expenses, nortiina-tions, and acceptance fees must consider-ably offsethis winning account. Welling-tonowners in Messrs. J. H. Prosser and

"J. Monk are fourthand fifth with £2905and £2883 respectively. The latter own-er owes his position almost entirely to

-Achilles,. who contributed £1900 of thetotal amount, and with the retirement ofthis perfectly-shaped racehorse to thestud, Mr. Monk will need somethingbetter than Devonia, William, and com-pany, if he is to retain his prominentposition in .the statistics. MargueriteandKuku have -done yeoman service forMr. Prosser, whilst Fireiron (£995) andBuccleuch (£1003) have similarly per-formed for Mr. J. F. Buchanan, whosecolours are very popular,and his success'will probably encourage this Canterburyowner to add to his little lot now intraining. Mr. W E. Bidwill has racedfoe many years without any great mea-

success, buthe has got a slashingfiiie- colt m E|ev-' ion, and the Waira-. rapa ownet's' total of £1565, with luck,. should'be considerably augmented -dur-ing the coming season. Mrs. Coombe,with £2365, has to thank Master De-laval, who won the wholeof this amountfor her. Mr. K. J. Watt's team, despitebeing raced at Ellerslie, Hawkes Bay,Manawatu, Feilding, Trentbam, andRiccarton, only managed to credit theirowner with £2340, just about one-halfthe amount won by. this Hawkes Bayowner last season. Like Mrs. Coombe,Mr.'J;Goodwin derives his winnings of£1780 from Volume's successes, and itshows the vagaries of racing when twoowners, each having but one horse, areenabled to be so high on the list. Mr.W. Davies, of Auckland,must be grate-fnl to the gallant old Haydn, whoseearnings contributed two-thirds of hisowner's total of £1585. It illustrateshow wonderfully well stakes are distri-

< buted on the New Zealand turf whenthirty-one owners havereceived amountsof £1000 and upwards: and fifty-fouramounts ranging from £500 up to £995.

At this time of the year the sportingwriter in New Zealand is open to thename rebuke on Falstaff received fromPrince Hal:"0 monstrous! But onohalfpenny-worth of bread to this intoler-able deal of sack !" the "sack" in thiscase,being the inevitable magnitude of■pace which has to be given to the Ric-carton National. Since my last, therehave been one or two items of import-ance to chronicle. Asteroid, to the greatsurprise of those who thought they werehi the know, was scratched for all en-gagements, and somethingmust luve hap-pened to the daughter of Apremont

—Planet, for it was only tho other daythat W. Price, her jockey, declined the

.mount, to it is said, on Te Uira in thoNational Hurdles. Uranium ha& beenAllowed to forfeit her engagement, and

■ will probably not make the trip to Ric-carton; .whilst Regulation* withdrawal^

SATURDAY'S MATCHES.Wellington 3 v. United 3.

—This con-

test was very keenly fought out. Ashas already been suggested, Unitedshould be pleased with the i«sult ofthe scoring, for,, on the play, felling-ton was the better team. In the firstspell Wellington did considerably moveattacking than their opponents did. Ib-is difficult to explain why they aid notscore more goajs. Pearson was certainly|keeping goal for Uniteds inaremarkablemanner;but the number of opportuni-ties for scoring being considered, theWellington forwards should have! aug-mented their, total, in the first' spellthe Wellington forwards played \ bril-liantly, and the play was all in ;theirfavour. At half-time tho score ptoodat Wellington ,1, United 0. In the se-cond spell the play was more even;though Wellington shoula havo won,even in this .spell, had their shootingnot been decidedly weak. Some of' thoWellington forwards appeared to be-come very tiredlas the- game proceeded.United led by one- goal to within aminute or so of closing time. Welling-ton, 'however, ma.de n rally. In the lastfew minutes the -lackadaisical play dis-appeared, and the scores were equal-ised. The bully-off took place withm aminute of the close of time. Welling-,ton made a final and strong attack, andnarrowly missed a further score.

All Wellington's forwards played well.Fulton, Hull, and Beere were speciallygood. Smytb was the best of the half.line. Blackwell and Bvewer, full-backs,were sound in defence, and supportedtheir forwards well.

United's forwards were hardly up toitheir best form; Birkctt and Hollio|were, nowevcr, prominent. The half-line rendered somewhat valuable assist-ance In defence. Hickson, full-back,was absent, his place being taken byL. Ashbolt, who gave very.creditable-assistance to his brother, F. Ashbolt, indefending the- United's goal. Pearson,goalkeeper, v displayed very good form;he stopped quite a number' of difficultshots, and may be safely said to havohad a considerable snare in the workof bringing about a draw.

Victoria College 8 v. Vivian 3.— The-College gained a pretty easy victory mthis matqh. Vivian, however, 'made afair fight for the first quarter, of anhour. After about fivo minutes' playOram obtained a 'goal for the College.Vivian replied with, two goals, both ob-tained by Thompson.' When the scorowas 2—l2

—1 in Vivian's favout, fche C6l-

ilege forwards commenced a se-ries ofbrilliant attacks. The passing amongthe forwards and the combination in theCollege team generally. Were remarkable.IVivian's backs seemed either "to lose!heart, or to be quite unable to resist theIattacks of the Collegians. In the latterhalf of th^e first spell the Greens hadImatters much their own way. The spellended 5—2.5

—2. During tho second half of

the game the Blue and Whites' energyj was renewed and the play was of amore even character. The game was anIexceedingly fast and open one." TheCollege augmented, their total by three,j then Vivian, towards the close of thegame, made a rally. A strong attackendqd with Donovan scoring Vivian's'third goal.- Al) the College forwardsplayed very well indeed, and it isgratifying to note tnat every forwaedscored". Bogle, Castle, and Popo- wereespecially prominent, and each of the.three scored two goals. Castle, how-ever, shnuld be careful not to adopt theone-handed style of play. Smith playedadmirably in the first spell,,hisshootingbeing particularly good, and he cer- jtainly deserved more than the one goal Jthat *he obtained, iBenge was, perhaps,the best of the halves. B. C> Smith,full-back, played by far the best backgame on the field., His fielding andhitting ivere'capital. There1'WaS-^a'f tdo*'imuch ''speculation" among the'"Collep[efull-backs. Griffiths, especially, shouldtake notice, of Smith's play- Smiting ata rolling ball is seldom a useful stroke,and is always very dangerous to op-ponents charging. The writer urgesupon players who have this fault toabandon it, and to adopt the safer me-thods. Whoever saw Ashbolt or Hick-son, the two most successful full-backsWellington has ever had, taking a "pot-shot" at a fast-approaching ball? Vivi-an's forwards, at times, showedup fairlywell, The two Donovans and Thompsonwere the best.- A. Donovan 's alreadyamong the srst flight of players, andhis brother and

"* Thompson give goodpromise of getting 'there shortly. Thereis very little to say concerning,the Vi-vian backs;they are weak all rou-id.They are too slow in getting their hitsin, and the stroke is generally a feebleone. The effectiveness of charging op-ponents has not, so far, been recognisedby them. If* an attacker !s allowed afree hit the chance of stopping the ball 'Is a remote one. The play is to chargetne hitter, and, if the stroke is not ac-tually prevented, at least accuracy indirection will be destroyed. These re-marks do not, however, apply to R.Thompson, who has consistently shownvery good promise.

A Wellington representative team istb play Horowhenua, at Levin on the21st inst.

dit. The following day rain fell untilfive o'clock. Most of trie matches wereplayed, but the Brookes-Wilding con-test was adjourned until the followingday

—Wednesday, 26th.


If there had been notking else, thechampionship of 1907 would have beenremembered for this great match be-tween Norman E. Brookes and A. F.Wilding. No player has forgedhis wayto the front with the rapidity of Wild-ing, and many reckoned that he wouldspring a surprise upon Brookes, as Tiedid on Wright. Yet Brookes had amighty weapon in his subtle twists andtwirls, and his wonderful service. Ex-perts generally admit that Wilding is a

Eotential champion, and is in a classy himself amongst the young players.

.Wilding fought like a hero to the finish,but Brookes beat him in a tremendousmatch that ran the full five sets, -ndthe issue was in serious doubt until thesixth game of the fifth set

—the forty-

first game of the match. At this criti-cal stage the tension was great, suchmatches being a strain on spectators aswell as players. Brookes was leadingby three games to tvvo, and Wilding hadto serve. The previous five games hadgone with the service, but on this occa-sion Brookes won against Wilding's ser-vice, and thereafter he never lookedback. It was a treat to see th6Vic-torian brace himself for an effort thatmeant everything, and undoubtedly hewon that particular game in a mannerworthy of a champiqn, for he showeda champion's temperament. ' Wildingnever played better, yet Brookes' gamewas masterly' in the extreme, and hismost valuable asset was his service withthe lightning twist. If he failed withhis first service, his second was almostinvariably equally good. (Note well,would-be champions). Wilding servedsplendidly, but went for safety with hissecond service, whereas Brookes repeat-edly made a scoring stroke of his.Brookes was wonderful at tho net;hemet Wilding's drives with most accur-ate timing, and volleyed them or smash-ed them in,a marvellous manner. Wild-ing could not force him back from thenet, the New Zealander's sweepingstrokes from the base line havingno ter-ror for Brookes. At times Wildingwould pass his opponent with somegreat shots, and now and again lie wonwith a lob, but he did not always lobaccurately, and could with advantage,perhaps, have lobbed more when he didget his eyein. It is generally admittedthat Wilding is a champion, but histime has not yet arrived. He will pro-bably win the championship in the nearfuture. The scores are as follows :—:

—4—6, 6—2, 6—3, 2—6, 6—3. Brookesthree sets to two, 24 games to 7). Wild-ing was given the credit of being thebest trained manatWimbledon. Brookesis 33 years of age, and Wilding is 24._The matches Brookes played againstKarl Behr the rising American, andthe veteran Englishman Gore, will bogiven space later, as will some interest-ing facts concerning the All EnglandDoubles.(S. H. Smith, the noted English"driver," was to have represented theBritish Isles in the Davis Cup contest,and Cowdrey,' the noted ground manand player of Queen's Club, was sentdown to Gloucestershire to give himsome practice, but Smith could notstrike form, and had to be dropped.

Fay, a tennis enthusiast of.Wellington, was an interested specta-tor at the All England championships,and described the weather as awful,but for all that1the play was an eye-opener, the Colonials,* Wilding andBrookes, especially being in great form.The conditions did not seem to troublethem so much as the English,players.', \ Miss Pincknoy beat"'v Mrs.'ChambersChee Miss Douglas) in the final of theQueen's Club contest for the Champion-ship of London, 2—6, 6— 3V 6—4.6

—4. This

defeat of the ex-champion \\is beforeshe lost to Miss Sutton at Wimbledon.

Miss Willy Klinia and her sister MissMeta Klima, of Austria, were tho"youngest competitors for the All Eng-landChampionship at Wimbledon. Theirages were 14 and lo respectively. Play-ers starting at that age to compete insuch events must have had some finocoaching beforehand, and there is notthe slightest doubt that to be cham-pions, one must get amongst the top-notchcrs early. Somo of our adultplayers turn up their noses if the youngfry are brought into their play, butnearly all our champions, especially thelady champions, received better treat-ment in their young days. Club com-mittees wishing for future champions,and success for their clubs, would dowell in cultivating the young players.

The summer seasonstarts nextmonth,(*nd committees of associations as wellas of clubs, should now have all mat-ters well forward for the incoming sea-son. With th© New Zealand cham-pionship meeting at New Plymouth,Wellington will be without most of itsbest players' at Christmas, but thereis no reason why the players compelledto remain in this city should not havea tournament. Possibly some enter-prising club may run an open tourna-ment. The local association has notso far shown its hand re its annualtournament.

Hockey.[By Bulger.] ,

The second round of the senior com-petition was completed last Saturday.The positions arc much the same as theywere at the end of the first round.United lead by one point, Karon issecond, then come Wellington, VictoriaCollege,.and Vivian, in the order men-tioned. . There may, however, be achange in the prospects of the leadingteam. It is highly probable that Elliott—perhaps the best scoring man in Wel-lington— will bo unable to play againthis season. Elliott broke his finger inla6t Saturday week's match. His recordfor goals must be easily first in theUnited Club, andunless this club shouldhave another good scoring man to re-place him, it will probably be foundthat there is yet a hard row for Unitedsto hoe before the championship is won.iWhile this club has suffered loss, itwill be found that some of the otherteams, notably the Wellington, havegreatly improved, it is generally ad-mitted that the United Club was for-tunate in managing a draw on Saturdayin its match against Wellington. Theleading team has still to play Karoriand Wellington;the result of ejther ofthese two games, could hardly be fore-told withany degree of certainty. Thisstate of matters is decidedly more inter-esting both to players and to followersof hockey than was the apparent easyvictory of the United team. It mustnot be inferred from these -otes thatthe accident to Elliott is held to be amatter for congratulation. Quite thecontrary; all "sports"' will regret theunfortunate accident, chiefly on Elliott'sown account, but, secondly, becauso hewill be greatly missed in this season'srepresentative matches.

The diminished chances of the Unitedteam are. however, likely to producenot only increased interest, but alsosome better hockey. €<enerally speak-ing, training, or what is commonlyknown as "nick," has not, so far, beenvery evidenjb in the matches. The im-proved prospects for some of the otherteams of being' able to make a fairshow is sure to bring about greaterkeenness on the part of competitors inthe contests. 'Wellington, on paper a farsuperior combination to the Otago re-presentatives who were recently here,saved defeat only by a narrow margin,solely on account of the lack of formitt the Wellingtoa tgajttj

from all engagements is a stroke of badluck for J. Gallagher. In Christchurch,IPhaetontis is the ruling favouriteIfor the Steeple;Paritutu being similarlyhonoured for the Hurdles. This con-test will mark the eighteenth which hasjtaken place for the valuable prize attach,ed to the C.J.C. GrandNational Hurdles,and the field on this occasion promisesto attainrecord proportions, andIshouldnot be surprised if twenty horses, atleast saw the post. This estimate, ofcourse, may be modified by the form{shown in tne Trial Hurdles, run on thofirst day of the meeting. The usual ex-perience is at this time of the year forthe track to be heavy and holding, andconsequently we find that on three oc-casions only has .the time for the- twomiles been better than 3min 50sec. In1900 Record Reign, with 12.12,.coveredthe distancein 3min463-ssec;Waiwera,three years later, with 221b less in thesaddle, was 2-sths of a second longertwhile Creusot. in 1905. with 10.13, ranthe distance in 3min 49 3-ssec.

It is my constant experience that one'sjudgment is jn the majority of casessounder, say, a fortnight before ths deci-sion of a big- race than on the day itself.For one thing, the prophet avoids thepitfalls and confusion caused by the trackwork of horses manoeuvred withintent todeceive, andIhave found it a profitabledictum to stick pTetty closely to publioform, especially where a race is ru»over % long -distance of"ground, and con-sequently*a- loss ofa length or two at th»start is nob irremediable, and where.thereis a solid pace maintained from post' to;finish. Imention this now because Ipurposebeing guidediby it in arriving atmy conclusions over theRiccarton events:I

When Mr. Henrys framed his Hurdle jHandicap he awarded Exmoor'll.lo, butthe big GTafton gelding wont amiss, andwas allowed to drop out. Now) at theTrenlham meeting last winter Exmoorwas reputed tobe in pretty good nick,and with 1).3he was made a hot favour-ite for the X?interHuxdtes,only,however,to be most decisively beatenby Shrapnel10.2. Allowing 81b for.this defeat,Shrapnel, with 10.8 (which weight hawill carry in the RiccaTton eventnext .Thursday) represents Exmoorin the same raeo at 11.1.However, as Mr. Henrys awarded thebig Grafton gelding 91b more, it maybe reasonably inferred that Shrapnel,if he can reproduce his Trentham formof twelve months ago, should be one ofthe most dangerous horses in the race^Good judges are inclined to' rate theWorkman

—Element gelding as unreli-able, but he can gallop when he takes

it into his head, and with the servicesof W. Young, Shrapnel will lack nothingfor horsemanship. During the week A.Hall has galloped Lull with St. Albertand Waipu, stable mates of

jand these two were unable to extenttthe Handsome Jack gelding. To win v

Irace of this character a horse must bein such thorough condition as to raceout every furlong of the sixteen, forthe lightweights make thepace a crack-ier from the start. The field is so strong!from the_tor> to the bottom of the han-dicapthatitis a race Iwould infinitelyprefer to field on instead, of punting,and in coupling Lull ■ and Mer-riwai to supply the winner Ido sowithout any great amourt of confidence.Next Tuesday will see the thirty-secondcontest for the Grand National Steeple,which has been won on several occasions by horses carrying big weights,but Canard's 12.10,as far back as 1886,was 71bs less than Kiatere's 13.13 thisyear. Mutiny carried 12.4 to the frontin 1896, which was his second successin this event; Levanter had 12.6 a yearlater;whilst Norton had 12.8 in 1894.Both G. Hope and W. Clarke have hau.|three winning mounts in this event, andthat good old timer, The Agent, scoredthree times. A field of fourteen willprobably go to the post. Phaetontiswill have the services of W. Higgins,who rode this son of Phaeton when hewon so easily Jast year. This horse hasbeen specially reserved for the big crosscountry event, and it is in his favourthat he knows ihe country so well.|Previous winners in Slow Tom and In-|niskillen will compete, the former hav-ingexactly the same weight as in 1904,while Inniskillen has 81bs extra than

iin1905, when he beat abig field, which;comprised among others Haydn, Kai-tere, and Phaetontis. Romany Lad ranoff on one occasion this week during a" school," and Evenlode has been get-

i ting through his tasks'satisfactorily. I

understand that the connections of'Evenlode are confident that their norsowill get the big country all right, in

Iwhich case he has too much pace forthe others, but. one cannot disregardthe claims of Phaetonrtis *nd RomanyLad.I . '1 r

'For the Winter Cup Ihave little to

add to my Wednesday's notes. Sea-man beat his field on the last day atTrentham with such ease that Iamafraid it indicates not so much his sup-erlativemerit as their inferiority. lielen'Portland has satisfied Jackson, and anundoubtedly open race may see her anaSeaman fight out a finish. , ,


What is described as a wonderfulsight in mid-ocean was witnessed> byCaptain Hornen and the crew of theship Loch Garry on the voyage fromAustralia to Boston.' The captainwrites:— "A few days before we reach-ed Boston we were lying becalmed, thesea like glass. Away on the poufcbeam, in a south-westerly direction, wesaw a ripple on the water about ;icouple of miles away. We took' thatfor a catspaw and the harbinger of abreeze. But the breeze did not come.Gradually, though slowly, we neared

/it, and saw a mighty river ,in mid-ocean. There was a quantity -of, flot-sam being carried past the ship to.theeastward— spars, other large pieces of"wood, and a lifebuoy, betokening a lo^t*life at sea. When wegot within about,ten yards of it we quite expected- \\je'should have been drawn into this"stream, where the 'above matter- was',being carried past the ship at the tb,wof one and a half knots at least. Butno. The stream seemed to repel theship, for we lay close to the edge foran,hour and a half, and never got near-er.. The edge or margin of this riverwas most clearly defined, running in aneast-south-east and west-north-west di-rection. Maury has said that the,GulfStream is so clearly defined that, onehalf of a ship might be in the streamand the other half out of it. Most peo-ple thought that this was rather far-fetched, but itis quite true, as we sawfor ourselves. A ship, of course,couldnot remain long in such a position. Thecurrent would soon slew her round.How broad this river was we could nottell. As far as tho eye could reachto the horizon it was visible; howmuch further we could not say.- Itwas a sight never to be forgotten.Eventually we got a light breeze, andsailed away to tho northward."


ney Daily Telegraph.

of halfbred wool a card asking the per-son who found it to reply stating whathe thought of the New Zealand foot-ballers, and informing him that theirsuccess was due to tho of colonialmutton. Itmight bestated that the ves-sel which took the wooj from New Zea-land caught fire in mid-ocean, and con-siderable damage was done to the cargo.By last Englishmail Mr.Tapgerreceiveda reply postcard in which the writersaid he bad found the message in a■London warehouse whiloho was engagedturning the wool out to dry. Owingto the grease and other causes he couldnot decipher all the words) but he wasable to

4make out sufficient to see that

his correspondent had attributed ourathletic fame ]to the mutton which isgrown in such quantities in this country.He stated that-he had sampled it andagreed that it could not be over praised.

Lyttelton, which was notorious for itstreatment of referees, -has again excitedthe wrath of the Canterbui-y RugbyUnion. At..a meeting of this body theother day a letter from the gentlemanwho officiated in.a recent President'sCup match at Lytteltoii was read, sta-ting that' the

'writer was, during the

courseof the game,subjected on severaloccasions to much howling and jeeringon the part of the spectators. Thetrouble, he- said, seomed to arise.from,small boys and adults who were quiteignorant of " the rules "of Rugby, and|when the referee's decisions were ad-verse to the local team, they were re-ceived in a very hostile manner. Thecommunication pointed out that one of-ficial could not be expected to keep 500spectators under-control. " One of theline umpires in the same match wasalso made the target of tho football,which struck him onthe h-ead andknock-ed off his 'eyeglasses. Tho union hasdecided, to ask the Lyttolton club toImake better arrangements for keepingthe spectators in ordor., Several sea-sons back the port ground- was dis-qualified as a sequel to the stunning ofa referee with a lump of coal by a spec-tator who didnot approve the decisions.


■ (By Vanguard )The Charity Cup matches, opened on

Saturday afternoon, under conditionswhich made even the oldest ■scteransilong to be in the thick of the fr.iy. Asmany peopleinterested in "soccer" have jbeen enquiring from time to thno as to"what is the Charity Cup," a short ex- jplsnationwill not be amiss. There arotwo competitions held in Wellington jevery season

—one is tho Senior League

and the other is the Charity Cup. Theformer is the more rmpottant, for thewinners secure'the houour of championsfctv the particular &eason'. The CharityCnp bears the.sanie relationship to theleague as a consolation rac6 does to a.big event, inathletic events. The con-ditions of play differ considerably, inas-much as' each team drops owe as 'soon asit suffers a defeat". The Charily Cupwas instituted' in 1899 on the lines ofthe English Challenge :Cup. and cannotbe -won outright. The troplty was do-nated by Mr. C. H. Izard, M.H.R.. andhas beeii won every season by Diamondsexcept - 'season when St. John's bentthem for it. The first round on Satur-day produced two mutches, one betweenV.M.C.A. and Rovers, the other betweenDiamonds ■ and Ramblers.

There was promise of a pfood matchbetween Diamonds,and Ramblers. Theearly stage's of the play'came quite up toexpectations, but the later 6tages weredisappointing. The foot-work duringthe first 'twenty minutes was really bril-liant. - Tempest, the Diamond centre-hall, is above tho average in this de-partment, and on Saturday he controlled.the ball beautifully. < But-* "Andy"Mouat and Anker,outwitted him on fouroccasions out* of 'five ,Not only didthese two "RnmblejL.front-rankers playwell individually, but in conjunction withone another they made come very finepassing runs. Anker is., a greatly im-proved player this'season, now havingadvantage in weight and 'stamina. Theonly department in which he is- lackingis skill in shooting:.

The pace during this.interval avos verywilling The ball travelled' to all partsof the field within the*spape. of a coupleof minutes; consequently .both goal-keepers were kept busy. Hathaway,who has the happy knack' of finding thegoal with long lobbing shots, testedOldnall with,a beauty, and found himequal to the occasion. No sooner hadthe ball been put in,play than Fitzgeraldhad an anxious time with the Ramblerforwards. Then apiece of skilful playfollowed, the ball.parsing* between John-ston, Paget, Wills, and Mouat. -whoscored from a short range. From thiconward tho play, w.aschiefly confined toindividual effort." Black, on bne'trinj;for Diamonds, and Redduy, on theother, gave the .opposing backs a lot oftrouble. Waters, in a .similar positionfor Ramblers, made a good run, and wasonly prevented from scoring by tg'ood■work on the part of Fitzgerald.

Diamonds openedout their play in th«seqond half, and went in' for long passinp. which proved successful against op-ponents who had a tendency to encroachon the centre of the field. Goals fol-lowed in quick succession,' Tintil thegame ended with the scores


5, Ramblers I.'Odnajl again played brilliantly in

goal for Ramblers.. Jackson and Pagetwere the best of the backs, the latterbeing conspicuous for playing the gameand not resorting to the line for his de-fence. '

The Diamond defence was verysound, and it would he difficult to sin-gle out any particular man for speciiilmention. Barnett, who usually playshalf, was associated with W. Robertsat " full back, and did some fine tack-ling. His kicking,' though, is hardlyclean enough for a full back.

O'Gorman, who played several ster-ling games at right full back forV.M.C.A. this season, has gone toDun-

,edin. His club is finding a difficultyin getting a man to fill his place.

The Soccer game seems to be flour-ishing 'greenly in Southland, and thereis some talk of forming a second gradecompetition there -shortly. The Cupstruggles are keenly contested, and theMatch Committee of the S.F.A. deter-mined last week to make ah effort tosend a representative team to Dunedin.G. Uren, formerly an outside right forNorthern in Dunedin, seems to be show-ing good form the Invercargill team.In a recent match against Nightcapshe had the honour to score the firstgoal against the Southland miners infour years. The game finally ended ina draw— two goals each.

Rovers v. V.M.C.A. on Saturday,though devoid of

'what one could call

good football, was very interesting fromstart to finish, and was anyone's gametill call of time.

Duignan was the star of the Roverß'defence. This lad promises to be areal top-ndtcher among our comingbacks. His partner, Martin, was ra-ther off at times. Godber, at left-half,put in an amount of good work. O'Sheaand a junior named Gibson combinednicely on the left wing, and troubledthe opposing backs a good deal. Theother forwards were only fair.

There is no dearth of good goal-keep-ers in Wellington this year. Gofton, aV.M.C.A. junior^ who filled Burns'splace on Saturday, effected severalsavesin a finished manner.■ Bowmaker andChapman, both juniors, filled tho roleof full-backs, and acquitted themselvesvery well. Rees-Jones had the misfor-tune to twist his knee early in the gameand had to retire. Gibson, a lefthalf for V.M.C.A., was the pick of thehalf line. Saunderp.,played nicely *tpjitaide. right,. Laffib did aei fibwrye.

the rule as to off side. He should learnto keep his place more and cultivatepresence of mind. He spoilt two cer-tain scores on Saturday thruogh losinghis head. Croft and Miller workedhard:

An interesting point was submittedto the New Zealand Football Councilby the Otago Football Association dur-ing the week. It seems that Northern11. and Ravensbourne in a recent matchlit Dunedin, drew. The referee award-ed Ravensbourne a goal, and almost im-mediately afterwards was satisfied thathe was wrong. Before play was re-sumed, he was asked to reverse his de-cision, but he replied that he did notthink he had power to do it, and ad-vised Northern to protest and have thedecision overruled. It was pointed outtohim that he could" cancel the goal be-fore the resumption of play, but onceplay was resumed the score jnust stand*The council decided that it

'hau no

power to cancel the score, and advisedthe'Otago association that the only wayto get the match replayed would be bymutual arrangement between the twoteams and the consent of the Otago as-sociation.

The Auckland Football Associationhas made arrangements for holding theBrown Shield Tournament on the Alex-andra Park on 28th and 31st August:Alexandra Park Is the ground on whichail the important Rugby fixtures aroplayed at Auckland. The Wellingtonteam will probably leave here hy theWest Coast boat on Sunday, 26th inst.

A characteristic of the Maori wasstrongly pourtrayed in a junior challengecup match played at Porirua on Satur-day afternoon between Southern Crossand Toa, two Maori teams. Tho coloursof the former team were reel, blue andred, those of the latter beingred, whiteand blue. .'Some diversion was providedfor a man from the city who chancedto see the game, by the captain of theSouthern Cross .team. Ho had the re-

fulation red-blue-red jersey, a pair ofluo pants with red bands round thebottoms, a yellow and ulack cap, with a

gold tussil:but, best of all, & large redcross on In3chest.

Bob Dull", who played for Swifts acouplo of seasons ago, is now in theOld Country. Writing to a friend inWellington, he stated that the footballseason was finished when he arrivedthere, but in Scotland the j.unior finalswero on. He saw one junior match atForfar, and the form shown was aneye-opener to him;the pace they kept upwas marvellous. The match was veryexciting, some of the head work and|kicking being wonderful. " After seeingsuch goodploy amongst juniors he hard-ly knew what to expect amongst firstleague teams. He was looking forwardvery anxiously to the next match.

Lawn Tennis.[Br Huka.]

The Kaituna Tennis Club inDunedinhas been fortunate ingetting as a mem-ber Miss Lister, of England. She willbe a decided acquisition, and has al-ready shown her worth by giving MissCampbell, the Otago champion, somevery hard games. Miss Lister will behard to beat when she has had somegood solid practice. As far as ca,n bogathered, this player may bo Miss M. orN. Lister, who has in the past gainedhonours at the llomsey Tournament, inEngland.

The Brougham Hill Club gave its "AtHome" last week

— progressive euchr-:held sway for the first part of the even-ing; than the prizes, to the number o[22, were presented by the president— }Mr. Aitken. The display of prizes was ja fino ono, and there are few, if any iclubs that givo so many, or 'BUcbA-jtr^Rvtphies for competition. The president al- jso presented the- "Pennant" trophy,which was won by^tue club?s third class*team. The trophy is a very pretty one,being a silver pennant with scroll workin the centre 01 the polished New Zea-land wood, and silver shields at the fourcorners. The size is about 12 x 10, andthe Wellington association showed con-siderable taste in its choice- li.« cap-tain of the team, Mr. C. Lawrence,

1later in the evening asked ,Mr. G. N.Goldie, one of th<jiclub's vice-presidents, |to hold the shield onbehalf of the win-ners for the season. The "At hom*o

"was a great success, and dancing waskept up until the «mall hours of " thom*orning.

The Austrajasian championships areto be held at Brisbane this year, start-ing on the 16th instant. They will con- Itinue until the 24th. With Brookes andWilding inEngland, the principal eventshould do a foregone conclusion for H!.A. Parker, whoat present is the Queens-land champion. Should Parker win, hewill secure the 75 guinea cup, presentedby the Queensland association for theAustralasian singles, and will also holdthe Slazenger cup for that event, as wellas the association cup for the secondtime, for the Queensland championship.The Australasian singles were only de-cided last Christmas at Christchurcb,and why the date— August

—was sanc-

tioned by the Australasian associationpuzzles not a few. -Wilding will onlyhave held the championship for a littleover sevenmonths, and he has not 'beengiven a chance to defend the title. Somemay say, that is his own fault, butwhen the fact thathe went to Englandat the wish of the Australasian associa-tion to compete in the Davis cup com-petition, is taken into consideration, thedate for the championship t>f Austral-asia might have been better arranged.New Zealand will be wise when consi-dering the question of

"continued fed-

eration," to put the many little factsof

" spoils for the Australian head-quarters" before its committee.ALL ENGLAND AND DAVIS CUP

NEWS.England was unlucky this year so far

as one of jts lady players -was concern-cd. Mrs. Sterry, who had been\ showingsuch splendid form, and had'beaten thechampion, Mrs. Chambers, -was unfor-tunate in falling while playing a prac-tice match at Surbition, and sprainingher ankle so badly that she had to becarried off the ground. As she hadbeaten Mrs. Chambersand Miss Sutton,many predicted that the All Englandchampionship1 was as good as hers. Shecompeted in the event,butherankle wasfar from well, and Miss G. EastlakeSmith beat her 6—3, 9—7.

The All England championships hada certain amount of gloss takenoff themby the bad weather. The rain was al-most continuous, and although the cen-tre court waskept dry by the huge tar-paulin spread over it, the competitorsdid not get far on in their match beforeit became very slippery. The"WildingI—

Wright match was started with a drycourt, but the rain soon made the courtvery tricky to stand on. Wright hadonly been five days in London beforethe match, and had not quite recovered,his land-legs. The slippery court trou-bledhim more thanit did Wilding, butfor all that Wilding never played bet-ter tennis, and was in the pink of con-dition. Wilding took the first set, 6—2,before Wright had settled down. Therain ceased for a time in the next set,and the American became steadier onihis feet. From two all to six all theEair fought for everypoint, Wright lost

is service game, and Willing won hisand set B—6.8

—6. The last game was a love

one. The third set was also an advan-tage one, and was in doubt until therain came down in torrents, which seem-ed to settle Wright. The American op-ened well, winning the first two games,then Wilding evened, and the gameswent with the service until five all wascalled, when Wilding won against theservice, and in the next game ran out at

J—&l .with a notable yigtory tfihu cr*,.

Football.» i

RUGBY.[Bt Dhopkick.]

The senior championship is still in aninteresting position, Poneke, Petone,Athletic, and Oriental being the leadingquartette. It is difficult to pick thewinner even at this advanced stage ofthe proceedings, but Poneke shouldfight out the final with Petone. Thesuburban team will be weakened fromnow on,Wright, Tyne,Cross, andByrnehaving left for London, via Australia;and Poneke will be strengthened nextweek by the'returnof Wallace and Mit-cheson, who are away with the NewZealand team. Athletic, Oriental, and

IMelrose are all liable to upset the lead-ers, so the concluding matches shouldbe more than usually interesting. Thepositions of various teams to date are asfoliows:—

As a result of last Saturday's matches,Oriental:have gone down two points andWellington have climbed up ahead ,v,

vofSt. James. , ■."PONEKE v. MELROSE.

> v The meeting of the old-time rivals,Poneke and Mejrose, furnished a hardforward struggle, broken by very occa-sional flashes of inferior*back play. ThePoneke forwards-have improved a gooddeal since the departure of the club'scrack backs, but they were hardly asstrong-as the Melrose scrummers. Thelatter had the best of the game, and thered and blue backs showed excellent de-fence,but hadlittle idea of attack.

The Poneke rearguard gave a poordisplay. Tillyard played a sound gameathall, andPatrick and Twohill shapedfairly well: M'Gee gave a mixture.ofgood and bad work.- .v.

v v" "

"Tannahill was about the best of 'thePoneke,pack, with Mentiplay and Bushin» close attendance. Calcinai, Sweeney,and.Griffiths showed up "well*- occasion-ally, - < * 'i

The Melrose back team is improvingsteadily as a defensive combination,buthas,still to learn the first rules of attack.Shepherd gave a good all round exhibi-tion as full-back, and. the two coltsChurch (five-eighths) and' Kerr (half)showed"excellent defence.

Qilchrist stood out in a class by him-self amongst the Melrose forwards. Therecent displays of this man slamp himas oneof the best forwards in Now Zea-,land, and, further, his play is anobjectlesson of how to play a nard game with-out being rough. Cameron, King,-O'Sullivan, and Hamilton grafted con-sistently.'

WELLINGTON v. ST. JAMES.The Wellington-St. James match was

scrappy to"a degree, and it was hard torealise that the St. " James men, who

■nave"stood up to the best teams withcredit, should go under before the Wel-lington combination. There was no sys-tem about the play of either side. No-thing striking was expected from theWellington team, but St. James werelooked to for something above the aver-age. The younger team's backs, usu-ally a nippy combination, could not getgoing,although they had some good op-portunities close to the line.

ATHLETIC v. OLD BOYS.Good forward play on both sides cha

racterised this match at Miramar, TheAthletic backs, however, were much su-perior in attacking and scoring ability,which to a considerable degree explain*the result— 16 to nil.

PETONE v. ORIENTAL.The outstanding characteristic of this

match was not combined play amongthe backs, for thers wero only a few oc-casional flashes of ' that, but brilliantindividual runs and an untiring energyon the part of the forwards. From thepoint of viaw of the spectator, the gamecould hardly have been surpassed. Theline-kicking on both sides was excel-lent, and the dribbling of the forwardswas amost delightful exhibition of footplay. What really uavo Petone thegame was their extra reserve forcn ofsuperior training that enabled them (ooutlast their opponents and come homewith deadly effect at the finish. At rl-e.same time the' play was decidedly infavour of theBlues throughout, and thyWhites had great luck in escaping defeat for so long as they did. The ballwas forced again and again by the Oriental backs in the second half of thagame, and often, too, with the Petoneforwards descending upon the line likean avalanche. A win for Petone watonly a question of time, which towardsthe end they took good care not towaate.

For the victors, Ryan played a splen-did game at full back, and Green, at'half, scored a brilliant try. By^n-3 wa*.."without doubt the best forward o" «nefield, though there were few laggard?ajly\vh(?r«,\ For Qriental, Anderson was the bestback, and by his cool tactics staved offdefeat till the last, as'far as was pos-*'l'!e. Wells as wing forward was verypromiuent in the loose and in tackling.,When all played so hard, a game, how,ever, great,credit should be given to'both' sides for a splendid exhibition offootball.'■' MISCELLANEOUS.

, jSome local referees appear to nave avery hazy idea of what constitutes *"fair catch. In one senior match last.Saturday, the referee gave two markswhich should not have been allowed—on the first occasion a player took theball in the air and was bowled over,-and in the second case the man whomarked the ball was on his kneea. Thelatest ruling of the International Boardon this point is as follows:

—"A fair-

eaten can only be claimed by the cat-cher making his mark after he ,has jcaught the ball; the mark, however,must be made as soon after the ball iscaught as ppssible; and in practice re-ferees might allow a claim when thenpark was simultaneously made with the«atching. A fair catch can be made ina player's own in-goal."

The supporters of the Potone tt».amust have been exceedingly gratifiedwjth^ tho performance of their favour-'-itcs last Saturday. As the Petone attack on ■ the Oriental line grew hot!*-and hotter, their excitement incre«o«jd,and vented itself in a, crescendo ofcheering. After the first try by Petonofeeling was tense,but victory still seem-ed beyond all reasonable hope. Thesecond try raised the spirit of the crowdto fever heat, and the cheering andshouting were continuous. When thethird try was scored in quick Bucccssio.iafter the others, the spectators wentmad. A black shqwer of hats went upagain and again, and the whole crowdseemed to leap for 'joy. Even the dig-Jiiiy and impartiality of the law werecarried away by the thrill of enthusi-asm,-when tho normally stolid constableapplauded the local triumph. Petouchas a right to De proud of its footbal-lers.

Mr. Jules Tapper, some years ago apopular Southland football representa-tive half-ba^k, and who is now a sheep-farmer in the Waiau district, writes tothe Southland News stating that duringthe tour of the "AH Blacks" in Eng-Jandj he j>lfl£ed & the seat££ of a bale


m fl .2 Si'ori& a oi |. * B-g!,» gi35 5^5(v p: *a q a. oj00,

Ppneke ».. 12 8 1 3 143 52 19Eetone ... 11 8 1 2 162 46 18Athletic ... 12 6 2 4 156 79 16Oriental ... 12 6 4 2 141 65 14Melrose ... 12 6 6 0 124 86 12Old Boys ... 11 4 6 1 46 166 9Wellington 11 36 2 57 131 8St. James ... XI 2 7 2 64 75 6"tfic. Col ... 10 0 10 0 26 230 0

I SOME people want SOME- ,'Mgt.'WMnawKa1 >i^v'^«^VTHING for NOTHING— />*>3»and so it is that such a '3Kb^*^^P^^ I />quantity of poor1 cheap stuff i^^^^^N WtyWKis advertised for sale. A few I^S^Pfl X CuXsticks of- wood are glued WBSl^S^mL^t^ffyj\together,abrass knoW dotted ri4aßi6^KflWgTOWHßrp<S{ Vfy.y^\here and there,and all nicely X^^-nss^s. fCSs/i \ \varnished. The outside looks f(\ I l*3c^-~-.right, but the cost of manu- ■^=s=^^§-j|\ /l-fe^§^>facture issavedbystinting the ■— ±■ ■ >hLjcS~^^care andmaterial on the parts " c;:§J[ijj (lwhich are NOT SEEN. S^O iL*^Cheap materials,cheap work-men, inferior fittings, poor finishing, and the result is— something fearfullyand wonderfullymade, till youget ithome. Then comes the TEST. Thenyou begin to realise that looks are not everything. The "invisible" poinisare as valuable as thos.,- seen;indeed they are more so, for looks may losetheirattractiveness,but Mieutility of the article is manifest longafter the goodlooks have wornoff. f.leapsp/vice is like a cheap steamer

—itmay get you

there,but you runabig itisk '.r going to Davy Jones' Locker instead.SingerSewing' Machines werethe first in the market,and theyare the first

in the hearts of the ladies to-day. The}' have gained this proud position bylong andfaithful service. Itis their desire to continue in that proud position,and the Singer Manufacturing Co. recognise they can only hold ie in theselfsriinc way theygainer it, viz., by supplying an article mechanically perfectandbuilt with the best /i-dterials.

Imitation is the sincen.*st form of flattery. In the cheap-jack trade nonameis so commonlyused as"Singer" as abait to sell their machine. They tellyouthat itis ontheSinger principle,or that themachine comes from U.e SingerFactoiy. No matterhowsuggestive or fanciful thename maybe that is paintedon the machine,awise man will view with suspicion any machine where themanufacturer has not been game to puthis own name onhis ownhandiwork.


BONUS DISTRIBUTION, 1906."jt/TEMBERS are notified tuat the Annual Bonus Certificates for the year eridoJ 31stDecember,1906,have now been issued,and that the

CASH PROEIT for 1906 was £765,341,i

Of which £664,092 is NOW DI7IDED, and the BALANCE of £100.649 PLACED TfcRESERVES.

'The amount now divided, with interim Bonuses paid, is a RETURN OF OVF.H136 PKIJ. CKN'I1.of tbo participating1 aßßuranne premium* received duringtho y«»ar 1908.Iaudprbvidea BBVBIf.SIONAitIfADDITIONS to of about ONK MtLUON T\vd|HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS.

|accumulated funds ... £22 413827Ax\nual. income £2923 5





' *The Hon. Chas. John'Johkston. MX.C. Chairman; A. Da Baths Branpojt,K»q,fDeputy Chairman; the lion.EdwardEichabdson. C.M.G.;JoiinDuncan, Esq.,



The Lhxhtiye oF "

Kn©wn Qohlitylijffir " CAI;-IFO^N- SYW? of FIP?

J^llfsiL a de^"t^"^fl^ti laxative, and'SSJ jQ^Msfrys the only true remedy for habitual«&! » /\^^k % constipation and 'the many ills|b resulting from a weak or sluggishill con(*ition of the kidneys, liver andjgg-

'o%Mffi bowels. Pleasant to the taste; and

||t lsi#|j prompt,gentle and thoroughinaction.ffisll Iwv^if Remember the word "California

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'*§*^$!r&4[ l°°k f°r the name and trade mark of thef*S§§|p!sv# California Fig Syrup Company, which'j£&3S^*Wl appears on the original and only genuine*|^^^^»!SvV Of Chemists, in two sizes.

■ Jllil/ColiforriiaSyrup of Figs"



*W> Wincarnis protects the body against d.sease, thej brainagainstexhaustion,and thenervesagainst debility;

M " itcreates more forceand energy thanyoucan waste,hence \a its success.. It is made'from the choicest Wines, Liebig'sg Extractof Meat, and finestExtract of Malt.

I OVER 8,000 DOCTORS 11 have testifiedto the wonderfulrecuperativeproperties of Win- B

carnis* It is absolutely invaluableafteranillnessandoftencar- D\ liesa patientsafely througha crisis whenotherremediesfail* B\ Agents: THE NEW ZEALAND DRUG GO. 3



ENGLISH STACK MADE WHITE LEADGoreruinent Laboratories,


Messrs. THOMAS HUBBUCK & feON, LiMlTtn,31 Qneeu Street,Melbourne.

Dear-Sirii,— ActiDpon your in«tructions IpurchnsedonlllhApril,inHobirt,al«b irondrum, unopentd,of jour Genuine White Lead for aualysi*. the vcudort not beingiaf'<ruiedie iv&sfor tbigpurpoßc.

Thekeghasbeouexamined, with th« followingresults :—WhiteLead ... 93 25perceut.LinieedOil ... 675 „

Beth White Lend nndLiuieed Oil were of excellent quality,md were free from anyadmixtureor impurity whatsoever.—

Yours faithfully,W. F. WAED, GoTerument Analyst.



~cTSTSTTs iND 6"a,


WELLINGTO^N.Z.,*" *rirrr

—„*,„„_„.„ Manufacturers of MARINE and LANDCITY FOUNDRY, ENGINES and BOILERS. MINING,

w . , . „ „ HYDRAULIC, DREDGING. andEngmeerg, Iron and Bra«» Founders, \.OOL- DRYING MACHINERY.Boilermakers, etc. MANURE MANUFACTURING ancl.. ._.L, FLAX-DRESSING PLANTS.Manufacturers of High-olaw Log-hauleri MACHINERY AND SHD?S' REPAIRS„.„..„. A Speciality.SpeowliiU » Swnmll, Brickmaking:, AgenU for ZYNKARA, the Beit Boile*MO I*undryMachiawjr. PreßervatiYo and Cleanser.I PAMfiROeL'S STEAJS PUMBS.

A consignment of Yitadatio, the mcdi?cine that cures, has been made to oneofthe hospitals in the Commonwealth. Thisis the greatest proof of its marvellouscurative properties. Even sceptics areconvinced. If you ate ill, take Vita-datio; it will cure you, and make youonce again realise the joy of living. Onsale, chemists and stor.es, 5s 6d and 3s

u6d per bottlet—Ad.yt«

For the Toilet

Zam-BukSoapcreates a perftctSkin andComplexion.

What constitutes beauty ? Not well-proportioned features,nor agoodfigure.These things help;but real beauty liesina good complexion anda skin inno-cent of the smallest blemish.

The shapeofournose,chin andbrowis born with us and remains. But ahealthy and beautiful skin is anacqui-sition within the reach of all. Iflost,it may, with the help of Zam-BukMedicinalToiletSoapbesoonregained.

The rain, thewind, thecold, thesun,andexcess in living,allmilitate againstbeauty ;but they areinfluences whichcanbe easilycombated, if we adopt theproper measures.

The wrong Wy is to irritate the skinfurther by using cheap toilet soaps(whichcontain freealkali, thathardensand cracks the skin).

To thebusyhousewife withherhandsdisfigured by the weekly washing, orwithplying of needleandcotton, to thedaughter jealous for the rosebuds ofhealthon her cheeks, and to the babywhose tender skjn so often gets raw,chafed and inflamed, Zam-Buk Soap(tomes asaboon and a blessing.

From Chemists stores,and the Zam-

4B » I»i PhOq


Mark Twain's last bulletin to thefaohion-ricden prisoners of society inregard to clothes appealsin the "NorthAmerican,'Review. Among oth-er thingshe says:— "Human bjjngs are afraidto be o«tside. Whatever the fashionhappens ('to be, they conform to. it,whether it be a pleasant'fashion or thereverse, )>hey lacking the towage to ig-nore it and go their own way. Allhuman beings would likevto dress inloose arid comfortable and highly col-oured and showy garments, and theyhad thoir dssires until a century ago,when q king, or som-s influential ass,introduced sombre hues and discomfortand ugly designs into masculine cloth-ing. The meek public surrendered tothe outrage, and by consequence we arelikely \o remain in it /or tf long timo tocome. Fortunately, {he uiomcn are notincluded in the disaster, > and so theirgraces' and their beauty still have theenhancing help of delicate fabrics andvaried and behutiful colours. Theirclothing makes a grand opera audienooan enchanting spectacle, a delight totho eye and tho spirit, a Garden of Edenfor charm ana colour. The menclothsd in dismal *black, are< scatteredhere find thfere and everywhere over theGarden like so many charred stumps,and they damage the" effect, but cannotannihilate it."




Judging by a resolution passed ata meeting of tho Shipmasters' Associationon the 6th inst., one not knowing wouldnaturally infer that our harbour possessedmany defects in regard to the wharves andthe absence of fog signals.Iwould like to point out; sir, that the

Shipmasters' Association does not (whensuch a special meeting is called) representthe unanimous opinion of shipmasters. Aspe'cisil meeting would mean, at the most,a gathering of gome eight or nino masters,five of whom would- constitute a majorit>,therefore it could not in nil fairness besaid that these few \oiced tho generalopinion of shipmasters.

Regarding tho placingof a fog gong onthe Queen's Wharf, Iwould like to pointout the dangers of such, wore it carriedinto effect. Three or four vessels en-deavouring to pick up the wharf in adense fog, hearing tho gong, immediatelyalter their courses by makingin tho diroc--tionfrom whioh they consider the sound iscoming; the result is they draw closer toone.another, thereby increasing the risk'of. collision. In my opinion, no masteris in any way justified in trying tc ma<kothe wharf during a fog in which he cau-not see at least three ship's lengths. If,however, he carea to tako that risk, itwould not be a very difficult matter toshape a course from Point Jerninghambuoy to clear tho Taranaki street Wharfby about three hundrod feet, for usuallythe morning fog« do not extend to th*eastward of Jerningham Point buoy. Thelead could be kept going, and so long astho vessel was kept on the 29ft line thismaster would, or should, know that howas not too close to Oriental Bay shore,and still leave sufficient room to make a.sweep to nable his vessel to berth atQueon's Iam referring to. steam-ers of our coastal fleet, such as tho Mara-roa, Talune, etc.In regard to Taranaki-street Whart, Ifrequently hear complaints that vessels are

not enabled to ninko sufficient sweep tomake their berths through this wharf hav-ing been erected there. Itpossibly might,or might not, have been better to havodredged deep water right up to tho re-taining W6ll-~this Iam nol prepared tosay;but _ one littlo word Iwould likoto put iv in defence of the Taranaki-streotWharf. ,Iwas standing on Jervois-quaywatching tho Arawa boing berthed; theMaori was lying at tho north end1 of Jer-vois-quay, tne Arawa was going to thosouth end, the Wind at the time blowinga moderate gale from N.N.W. The pilotin charge of the Arawa did not appear tohavo any difficulty in making sufficientsweep, although -the vessel is C7sft inlength, and thft Maori, which was lying; attho northern ond, is 4-02ft long.

Surely, Mr. Editor,' when these largooversea vessels can be worked so success-fully withtho Taranaki-street Whwf stand-ing, then there should be no cause forcomplaint from tho smaller vessols.


NAUTICAL.Wellington, 7th August.


Sir,— Being of that' unfortuuate class ofworkmen who are compelled to procuremeals at a cheap diningroom,Iv/ould badoing a service to myself and others ifthis were the means of drawing our sani-tary inspector's attention to the filthystate both of the food and premises ivsomo cases. The quality of meat, fish,etc., is of the most wretched, and thoughhighly seasoned, they aro only an insidi-ous means of transmitting germs of revolt-ing diseases. Iwas lately a roustabout ordkh-washer at one of these places whenunable to get work at my own trade, andin my brief experienco I" saw moro dis-gustingpractices than ever before in mylife. 111-paid, hard-driven cooks, usingdirty utensils in a

'fetid evil-emelling

kitchen, wero given no- timo to clean thoscraggy meat. Profit to the proprietor.waß tho only end in view, no'matterwhether tho public or cook suffered or not.—I am, etc;., SLOPS.

Wellington, JthTAugust. „ w ,/x PlXf


TO THB riHTOR.Sir,— In your last evening's issuo I

noticed some remarks from Mr. liearn,an ox-sculler, which contain the statementthat Webb has fallen on easy times iowrest the championship of the world fromTowns, as scullers of to-day are not to bocompared withHanlan, Beach, and Searle.They wore giants in those days. Now,any sensiblo person would foil to cccwhere the great difference comes in.Webb's time

—20min 45scc— has only beep

beaten in championship races six times.Haitian's best time for the distance is21min 25sec, on the Tyne, a threo-milocourse. Beach has only done better timotwice--on the Nepean, which is a shortorcourse, 19min 55snc, and 20min 28£seo onthe Parram&tta

—only 16£ eec faster than

Webb. Searle's time for the eamo dis-tance on the Pnrramatta was only £scofaster than Webb's. You will ccc thattaking lime into consideration, thoro islittle differenc?, if any, in the abovo fourmentioned scullers. Mr. Hearn will havoto bring .forward something more substan-tial before ho will got the majority ofNew Zcalanders to believe that Webb ianot what Beaoh, the ex-champion, calledhim

—"a real top-notcher."—Iam, et<*.

NEW ZEALANDEII.Wellington, 7th August.


TO TUB EDITOR.Sir,— Replying to Mr. Hogg, M.H'.E.,

the Government stated that the regulationsgoverning messengers' rate of pay havl rc-reivod full consideration, and henceforththe wage is to bo 7s per day, rising to amaximum of Bs. In the faco of theso regu-lation" issued, how is it that one finds inthe Estimates that messengers in tho Par-liamentary Library aro to get an increasefrom £156 to £165, Stamps Department£160 to £170, Patents £160 to £170, Cus-toms failHealth Department 8s (to 8s 6Hfor diom? Why this difference? Messen-gers in.all Government dopartmonls, Iunderstand, give fho'same class of service.Icertainly think that the messenger v/ho

comes tinder the 7s per day regulation. i£to be pitied. When 6d or 7d per diemib deducted for tho Superannuation Fund,he has considerably less than a co-calledliving wage to exist on. Inincerely hopethat membors of tho House will endeavourto better tho condition of those men Lo>foro the session closes.-j-I am, etc.,

■ EQUAL WORK— EQUAL I»A1". jWellington, sth August. !


Three men \v«re asked to play in avillage cricket team in Suffolk, and, asthey lived sonis long distance away fromthe cricket-field, they hired a horeo andtrap to convey them there.

All Avent well for some distnnce, v/honsuddenly the horse shied at. some object,:ran on to a bnnk, and overturned th? jcart. Two of the men were thiov.-n outupon the road, and the other was pit<\':-ed over tho hodge.

"Well," said the one over the hrtlj;;,whp was abit of a wag,

"this is crick-

et in earnest, for thoro is "two out andoneover.'

" '

Nearly every form'ofsport, we are toldby ii writer in the Hospital, is liable togive rise- to some special surgical lesion,generally involvingsome .particular region,and taking the form either of a fractureof a bono or a tearing of some muscle orligiraent. Of 'the so-called tennis elbowhe goes on to t«y:

—"In most cases there

is definite tenderness on pressure . . andacute pain is c?iusod by any forcible andcomplete extcpsion of the elbow. Insomecases-this pain is felt most sharply whentho arm is extended and tit the same timesu'pinated (turnedpalm upward), as occurswhen a low ball is struck in tonnis. Inthose eases it is probable that the injuryhas been inflicted in the effort to -take sucha baill. ... Inother case3, again, theinjury appears to bo caused'by a forcibleljack-handedstroke,end it is this stroke inparticular which pauses most pain, andmay give rise to avrecurrence of the Symp-toms mfter they have .übsidod. In thesecases the forearm is extended and pronated(turnedpalm downward),and the extensor,mußCies of the arm and forearm aro chieflyinvolved." Tho trouble is probably due,'in most cscesj to the tearing of muscularfibre, and is uot usually, accompanied byswelling. It is "very intractable to treat-ment, and liablo to recur even after prolonged rest."


creature, and made it obey tho com-mand "Die!" A confused heap of yel-low, canvas and missioner .wriggled onthe floor, and from it emerged two per-spiring shirt-sleeved boys, who wereprivileged to receive for their arduouslabours, gratis soft drinks. With ©yesstreaming with tears, wo went ouc ofthe tiny room. If any variety showhas a more amusing item in its pro-gramme, it would hardly be safe to wit-ness it. A charming feature of thebazaar was the singing and dancing ofit band of prettily-costumed children,trained oy Miss Adeline Curtis. Thefun drill and "New Zealand's NationalSong" were specially attractive, theappropriate and graceful action beingoriginated by .Miss Curtis.

Madame Carreno has gone, probablywith a most justifiably bad opinion ofthe taste of Wellington. Those whoheard hor aro loud in delighted praisAof her genius. Indeed, in many nappyhomes have waged heated arguments

—which ond in the convincing of noone-over her playing as compared with thatof Paderewski. Many were struck bythe marvellous force. So entirely didshe throw herself into her art that thovery glass doors of the organ quiveredin sympathy, and a pouffe of hair, be-came unloosened and wavedlike au iron-grey feather above tho great pianist" "picturesque coiffure. An unsophisticat-ed man took this for an aigrette. Bythe way, T heard a delightful remarkwhich shows there is another town, noo

\in New Zealand, that is, as regards mu-sical appreciation, plunged into outerdarkness. The interesting husband ofMadame Carreno said of a par-ticular recital held ,in this city— "

Zeaudience was very good. It asked moto have a drink!

"The engagement of Miss Birney Ste-venson, only daughter of Mr. E.*J. A.

and Mrs. Stevennon, Wellington, toMr. Brudenell P. Boyle, son of Majorand Mrs. Boyle, Bridge Hill HouseLunwady, County Derry, Ireland, is an-nounced. Tho marriage is to tak6place in October in Baugkote, whereMr. Boyle has recently accepted an appointmont under the Siamese Govern-ment.

Miss Rutherford has' arrived fromChristchurch for tho session. Mr&.Rutherford, who had to go south because of the illness of her youngest son,returned on Monday. Mrs. Henderson,from Invercargill, is staying with hersister, Lady Ward. Miss Ina Whit-son, who has been staying with Mrs.Burgess at Pahiatua, spent a few. dayswith Mrs. Malcolm Ross, and wentsouth to Duuedin pn Tuesday. Miss

}Spencer, the general secretary of tb.6Young Women s Christian Association,!is a guest of Mrs. Hislop, who is con-valescent after her long illness. Vari-ous meetihgs and receptions have beengiven her, at which sho has deliveredvary,interesting addresses. Mrs. T. C.Williams invited a largo number offriends to meet Miss Spencer on Mon-day of this week.

—1am, yours,




The face whirh knows Valaze is themost fascinating to look upon. Noblemishes mar its charm. It has theradiant, bloom of the early rose.Freckles, tan, and roughness are un-known to the woman.who uses this ex-quisite skin-food. It eradicates everydisfigurement; changes a plain face intopositive beauty.

-Valaze is prepared from extractedjuices of rare herbs and balsams bythat *■ famous man, Dr. Lykuski, thegreatest Skin Specialist in Europe. >

Large jars (three-fold quantity);l-6sSd; small, 4s. All, clfeihists, *'or?^tfre© direct fromMile:Helena Rubinstein,Tho ValazeMassago Institute, Biandon-

Never has the demand for women's hairin Europe been greater than it is now,and men {(ays the Scotsman) are goingfrom town to town in France, Germany,Switzarland, *.nd Russia buying all theycan get. It is Eaid some enterprisingdealers have sent agents to China for thispurpose. The finest hair in Europe is fui-nishedby Brittany, for the Breton womenhavo very luxuriant tresses, which neverfail to bring a high price. Most of thosewomen are poor, and aro quite willing tosacrifice their hair, especially as they wearbonnets which completely cover' theirheads, and thus effectually hide them whenshorn. France furnishci more black andbrown hair than any other country, andfair and goldenhair is furnished, as a rule,by (Vomen of Germany and the north ofEurope.";"Gray and white hair is alway3is demand, and if of "good quality com-mands a very high price. A French wo-man's hajr generally weighs five and al»4lw cuftcßßw a.perman , woman's nineounces,and anItalian woman's six ounces.It requires niuvh tact to persuade fcomewomen to part with their hair, and a.manwho is a good.judge .of hair comjna.nds ahighsalary.

CITY COUNCIL'S LAX METHODS.Inall tho high schools for girls in Paris

art study and the training which develop*a correct, enlightened taste is made auessential part of the course of study. Thopupils are taken by their teachers^to visitmuseums and picture galleries, bo that thobest resources of the Louvre, tho Luxem-bourg, the Cluny, and other museums be-come available as object lessons. BesidcKtheio, there aro five industrial Fchools,supported by tho municipality, where girlsaro specially educated in dressmaking,-millinery,glass and porcclainv painting, thomaking of artificial flowers, embroidery,and all the vast rango of delicato, daintyhandiwork for women, in tho productionof which Paris in unrivalltcfT Theseschools are located according, to the char-acter of the population in the adjacentquartern, the highest in this respect beingthe school' for china, fan; miniature, andglass painting, water-colour drawing, andenamel work. Mme. Elise Lemonnier, awealthy French woman, bus foundtil uvoof these schools for tho higher art educa-

tion ,and training of women. Two olherschools were established by private bene-ficence, but have been purchased by thocity aad entered into the public schoolsystem. When tho schools were underprivate control the pupils paid a finalItuition fee, and could remain as long asthey desired, but under launicipaimanage-ment ,they are admitted free for a fourycafcs' course. x



—Iwish to draw the attention of tho

ratepayers of this city to the incxcusablodolay in issuing the rato demands. Thet.aine aro due on tho Ist June of each year,and tho second demand anIst Novomber.We are now two months behind, and noappearance;wo will probably get our fi_rstrate demand when wo should be lookingfor tho money to liquidate_ the second.Now,sir, how would any ordinary businessget on conducted in thw stylo? It wouldspell ab3oLuto ruin. It cannot be on thescore of shortage in clerical assistance;poor unfortunates are tumbling over them-selves looking for a few day's work. Be-sides, men who speculate and use theirmoney to the last pound are prone to forgettheir rates;and tho whole thing does notshow business-like abijity.— l am, etc.,

I.JONIiSWellington, 7th August.

Mr3. Rsshcll Sage, widow of the lately-deceased millionaire whose estate is now inlitigation, is a. descendant of Miles Stand-«h. Her maiden name, Olivia, waE altothat f ?her paternal grandmother, OliviaStandish. Notwithstanding Mrs. Sage'sgreat wealthand interest in humanity,shehas reached the ago of neventy-six yearswithout ever having been abroad. 1 Mvs.Sago was Miss Margaret Olivia Slocum.Sh& wns educated iv tho 'Emma AyiilardErhool at Troy, then colled the Troy "Fe-male Seminary. Inher early life she wasa school teacher, and that fact probablyaccounts for her interest throughout herlong and active career in young women.She wasmarried afc Waterville, New 3Tork,in 1869. Mrs. Sage is the most intimatofriend and adviser of Miss ITcloi^ Gould,to whom, she has been a mother since shelost her parents. "

The women graduates of Vassnr Uni-versity for 1907, numbering 168, havedecided not to wear silks and stitins on"class day,"but plain white dresse3. Thischange amounts to almost a social revolu-tion among thb students. For yearsclassday has been the day on which the seniorsvie with each other in finery. Splendidgowns have been worn of late yeaTs, andso great has been the rivalry that girlsof slender purse have wept bitter teaisover their inability to compete with those*wlioefi fathers' means allowed" them \m-limited credit with dressmakers andmil-liners. The member* of 1907 ■ decidedthat it wartime to put. a stop to theseextravagances, and -as a result most oftho modistes within 75 miles of Vassarhave cancelled their plans for summervacations. The less thoughtful under-class girb had a "show" burlesquing theplans of the seniors. '

The> "s'lent room" i» the medium ofcure for the common disease "social col-lapse." Social collapse is the order of theday in fashionable circles. Social break-downis offered as anexcuse for postponeddinners or delayed vreddinga, and is per-fectly understood and accepted among themembera of the' set in which the diseaseflourishes.

All victims of the malady may not boable to provide themselves with eucfi aluxurious antidote in tho form of a refugeas » certain wearydevoteoot high life, butashort description of her oasis may act bysuggestion as a1 stimulant to tome. Hereit is:*-

On the slightest appearance of nervouscollapse ahe goes tb her silent rcoin endis there as completely isolated as she wouldbe ona desert island

Thin room is built on the ton of * five-story house. As it is also W3oct,in case ofinfectious diseases, it is made to look agood deal like a hospital room with tiledfloors and walls, but the tiles are tinted adeep green, and when tho room is ueedfor ordinary purpose* the floor in coveredwith ruga from Persia in dull and restfultones. The furniture consists of a bed,couch, comfortable chairs and tables.There aro no knick-knacks; not ovenflowers are allowed in the room, no thaitho eye, used to over-ornamentation, ibrested by the cell-liko simplicity of theplace.

Hero the hostess of tho big mansion se-cludes herself, and, except at her own re-quest, is never disturbed until she issuesforth again, When she is really ill atrained nurse is in attendance. But forordinarily overwrought nerves an hour ofso in the silent room rc-eilab)ishes hermental equilibrium and affords her com-plete i-est. Itis a euro in iteolf to be completely alone for anhour, with tho knowledge that neither servants nor children,tradespeople nor visitors can disturb one

"MayIintroduce to you my fwiend?"asked a fashionable young man at arecent, dance. "He is a very litewawyman, you knaw." "Indeed! exclaimedhis partner. "Aw, yes?" He «?nt theSociety News a list of the /juestn at thelato pahty, and the editah accepted it!"


Wilho, an ang«l brought yourmammn.such a nice new brother for youlast night. Wouldn't you like to seethe dear little baby? Willie— No; butI'd like to see the angel.

Girls* Gossip.

"©ontribationi to this column addressed"Priscilla" will be welcomed. I'he.vshould b« concise, and must be signedwith the writor's fullname and address,not for publication, but as a guurauts*ot autheuticity.j

U* Diar Kmia—W« aro still up and doing, with various

pleasant functions ahead and our springbats to 6flccfc. One's now chapeau,while still unbought, is like one's idealhusband, full of excellent qualities andgoodly to look upon—a thing admhed byivII female friends. When acquired,how often does it happen that it is notal). that fancy painted it. But, indeed,there is such infinite variety in tTie newmillinery that the most exacting stylo ofbeauty may be suited. These long os-proys are eminently becoming to somefaces, and the picture shapes are charm-ing.

Tho most onjoynble of progressivebridge parties was given on ThursdayOf last week by Mrs. Amelius Smith, inbonou. of her guest, Mrs. H;:rry Atkin-son. It was admirably arranged, withan equal number of men and girls, and«x tables were filled, the prizes falling«*entually to Mrs. M'Ewan 'and Mr.Vlrich. The formei got amost delight-ful Liberty vf.se of a beautiful blue-(jreen china, and Mr. Ulrich, an artisticblotter of vivid crhneon lenther, tooledwith an appropriate design in hearts,diamonds, spades, and clubs

—the work

of Miss Palmer. The hostess lvoro ahandsome black silk "and lace frock, andMiss Smith a pretty black frock, opeu-ing over a white vest, and having sleevesof white frijls, edged with black. Alarge pink rose on the bedice wwono aneffective note of colour. Mrs. Atkin.sou's beautiful white silk was trimmedwith hea^vy dlk gujpure, oud MissWaldegrave wore a becoming pastelblue taffetas, and a twist of blue tulle,in her pretty fair hair. Two pale roseEilfc frocks were exquisite, and an em-broidered crepe, gown of palest pink,most o'ffectire. Beautiful flowers,charmingly arranged, were set about therooms, the supper-table being- decoratedwith ireesias, «et on crossed lengths otvivid crimson satin ribbon. The fol-lowing afternoon Mis. Ainelius 'Smithentertained a large number of friendsat the Hotel Cecil The largo drawing-room was gay with spring flowers,tcreat bowls of daffodils, glasses of vio-lets, and vases of early wattle. On

"""the tea-table were charmingly-arrangediitses of anemones, andbands of lettuqe-Jjreen ribbon were crossed on tho dajh-lsk. A string band played music,grave aud gay, in Ihicorrid6r outside.Sirs. Waldegrave wore a black chiffon'.affeta.3 skirt and apretty crepe-de-chtneblouso, with ivory guipnre. Mrs..Harry Atkinson's pretty blue and white;heck coatee and skirt was worn with'a:ose-wreathed hat. Mrs, Amelius Smithirore a black and white check coat, overher black'rfrock, and a smartblack toquo.Vliss Smith was incream silk and serge,md Miss Waldegrave: in a white eergoRussian blouse and skirt. A guast mlage-jtreen taffetas, with elaborate vesttnd sleeves of lace with touches of paleblue, the accompanying haibeing also ofjale blue, looked remarkably smart; andigirl in grey-green cloth and a hatsreatked with roses, was decidedly pjc-juresqne. A pretty girl wore a charm-Tig hat with long blue plumes sweepingfrom the front- to the back.. Among thequests was Mrs. Eliot Warburton, fromPalmerston North,'who U sta^iae:for" a"^fortnight with her sfeter. Mrs. Fulton.It is refreshing when in arranging a

tea— onost of which functions have manyfeatures in common

—ahostess strikes an

original note. This wag done at Mrs.Lfilmer's enjoyable At Home last week,when the artistic tea-table was thetheme of general admiration. Theoolished oak was bare, and set about,vith silver vases filled with yellow trum-_Mfc daffodils. All the dishes that held'ihe dainty cake and sandwiches were ofsilver, each set on a little embroideredI'oyley of fine linen. The effect of?old flowers, gleaming silver, delicate--ints of cakes, the white of the linen,jnd the rich tones of the polished table,was extremely artistic. The- At Homeivas a farewell to Mrs. Ziele, who was■caving for Dunedin, and a welcom& t&Mrs. Knox Gilmer. Unfortunately, ast;he Sydney boat did not come in. untilthat afternoon, the latter was unable tobe present. Mrs. Gilmer wore a hand-iome black silk and lace frock; Mrs.'Ziele a charming wine-coloured crepe-de-thine, withlace ruffles and velvetbands;and Mrs. Herbert a graceful pale bluetaffetas, trimmed with, fine lace. , Aband played during the afternoon.

Mrs. fan Duncan last Tuesday gsvoa pleasant tea in her handsome, housein Hobson-street. " The table was pret-tily decorated with silver bowls ofipring flowers, and the hostess wove- acharming frock of pale sage-green taf-fetas, trimmed with deep folds, narrowfringes, and beautiful lace. Mrs. Grncegives an at'home this week, and LadyStout a young people's dance on Friday.

There is a novel departure in, theshape of Maori art needlework in o'noof the Lambton-quay shops at present.Tho designs are original ana effective,the tray-cloths ana table-covers areideal gifts for sending Horno

—in nlaco

of the- perennial greenstone or the hum-bler Maori "kit.

' The quaint littlotikis in green linen that are introducedinto the pattern are specially fascinat-ing.

A number of well-known Wellingtonpeople, with Miss Hardinge Maßby attheir head, aro getting up Pinero'stharming comedy, "Sweet Lavender,"in aid of two estimable objects


District Nurses' Fund and the Prison-ers' Aid Society. The play will takealace in the concert chamber of thoTown Hall on 30th September and IstOctober.

Two notable "turns" are in theprogramme at Fuller's. Theatre thisweek. A lissome olive-skinned Cleooatra far exceeds her fascinating proto-type. Instead of one small asp, aheplayed withmany huge snakes, convert-ing them into hair ornaments, boas, andgirdles, while the audience marvelled»nd shuddered, and tho women stealthilylooked about for a place to flee toihould a reptile escape. Tho horrible*attraction

—fascination and fear blend-


that the snake possesses for womanis hereditary. The wonderfully clevershooting of Bonita, the other girl, alsodark-skinned and lithe, was watchedwith intense interest. By the way, vcomparison of the packed ThoatroRoyal with tho Town Hall when MadameCarreno played makes one ponder.

The Floral Bazaar, helu in the Sea-men's Mission, last week, was a charm-ing and successful entertainment, result-ing In a considerable accession to th*funds of the institution. Mr. Mooro,the genial and energetic head of the*mission, U always ingenious In his side-shows, and one of them, "The Ruck-jumper," was the most excruciatinglylunnyperformanceInave ever witness-ed. We were rather soon in entering,for the boy who took the responsiblepart of theback-lega was hurriedly get-ting into the canva* trousers. Never-theless, the great yellow animal was ter-rifying, and we screamed and dodgedbis savage advances. T.ho intrepid Mr.Moore got on his ba<ik— we heard an♥nxiouswhisper, 'A little further up,please," from the back legs— and afterI£ nUaat ttruggle mastered the frantic,




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Easily Manipulated. ',"WARM — HANDSOME — CLEAN-

From 35s to 90s each. -Call anc^ inspect, and save yourself "

money, time, and trouble «v.WELSBACH LIGHT CO. OF AU&.T.RALASIA, LTD ,:, .48, Victoria-street, Wellington, "'Opposite Public Library. \



£JO in cash PRi7ire {"*■** AND OTHER lrrilfcC.O»!A letterof the alphabetis enclosedineachCdJpicket of SUPERBUS SOAP POWDER, »nd it i*guaranteed that equal numbers of each letter!willbe distributed. Todr»w theattention^ thaipublicto themerits ol SUI'F.RBUS SOAP POWDBR.tu« uuderbignedCompany willawardtothetenderof the First CompleteAlphabet « PriM of £9, t*the Second aPrize or £2, and t* all sendl7< iatheCompleteAlphabetaPrize Uthevalne"llO*.

£50 W'M be Paid to anyonewhoo*nproTethii'**competition isnotbona fide.


Solo Agents—



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The covers are stiff,stout, and strong.Every book contains 2 sheets of good

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At 31st Dec,1905, £179,000, N

INCASH,was distributed amongthe PolioyholdersIN BONUSES.

The abovo sum represents an Additionof £303,000 to tbe sums assured., Thabonuses are now fixed tipon an ftsoendingscale, itbeing arrangedthat the inoreasetfshall become greater withthe duration ofthe policy. Thepractical workingofthis!arrangement will be understood by aninspection of the following examples:BONUSES ON THREE £1,000 POLICIES.'Bonuses The Pqmct take*outallotted 6yeaw 21Yws 3(.Tur|ago. «go. ago.

'£ c. d. £ s. d. is.- di-1902 30 0 0 34 10 0 40 6 01905 30 18 0 35 10 0 4111 p-

Increase 18/- 20/. 25/-*

The Department is a NATIONAI,'INSTITUTION, whose liberal conditionsand benefitshave SAVED THOUSANDS:FROM WANT, anil it deserves the sup-portof all those who have an interestin tbeColony,

VISITORS TO CHRISTOHURCHACCOMMODATION for Visitor. WJT^. Cluißtchurch— St. Elmo House, 187,'Worcester-street West. Superior Aeeotn!modaUon;best position in city'

Tale- "grams and letters promptly attended t&.' \Mm Hampton, Proprietrewj ■ "



IT will interest sufferers to know that avaluable medicine, called Frootoids,

has been discovered, which is now com-pletely curing each of tho above-namedcomplaints. Frootoids are elegant in ap-pearance, and pleasant to take, and, whatis of the utmost importance, aro thoroughlyreliable in affording quick relief. _ You donot require to go on taking them for aprolonged period, as is necessary with somemedicines, which oven then are mostlydisappointing; you fcimply take a dosoof Frootoids when ill and repeat thedose if necessary, but generally one doseis quite effective.

Frootouls aro immensely more valuablethaii an ordinra-y aperient, in so far thaithey not only act as an aperient, but doremove from the blood, tissues, and in.ternal organs all tho waste poisonous mat-ter that is clogging them and choking thechannels that lead to and from them.The beneficial effects of Frootoids aro evi-dent at once by the disappearance ofheadache, tho head becoming clear, and abright, cheery sense of perfect healthtaking the place of sluggish, depressedfeelings, by the liver acting properly, audby the food being properly digested.

Frooloids are the proper aperient medi-cine to take when any Congestion orBlood Poison is present, or when Conges-tion of the Brain or Apoplexy is presentor threatening. They have been tested,and havebeen proved to afford quick reliefin such cases when other aperientshave noldone any good at all. It is of the utmostimportance that this should be borne inmind, 'for in such cases to take anordinaryaperient is to waste time and permit of aserious illness becoming fatal.

Frootoids act splendidly on the liver,and quickly cure bilious attacks thatantibilioufl pills make worse. Manypeople hoive been made sick and ill byaintibilious pills that could have beencured at onco by Frootoids. Peopleshould not allow themselves to be dupedinto contracting a medicine-taking habitby being persuaded to lake daily doseswith each meal of so-called indigestioncures that do NOT cure. Frootoids havebeen subjected to extensive tests, andhavein eyery case proved successful in com-pletely curing the complaints named.

A constipated habit-.of body will bocompletely cured if the patient will oneach occasion, when suffering, take a doseof Frootoids, instead of »n 'ordinaryaperient;by so doing, the patient willrequire doses only at longer intervals, aridwill so become quite independent of thonecessity of taking Any aperient medicine.

Frootoids are only now being placed onthe Australian market, consequently youmay at present kayo a difficulty in gettingthem from your local chemist or store-keeper;but ask for them, and jf youcannot get them at once, send stamps orpostal noto for prico, Is 6d, to W. G.Hearne, Chemist, Geelong, and a bottleof them will bo immediately forwarded toyou post free. Chemists, storekeeper*,and wholesalers can now obtain wholesalesupplies from W. G. Hearne, Chemist,Geelong, Victoria. New Zealand Depot,Hume's Buildings, Willis-street, Welling-ton.

I"It is Indeedi <* c,A Marvellous Medicine!"

The Popular Cure forIndigestion, Flatulence,Heartburn, Torpid Liver,Headaches, Constipation,and Nervous Depression.You have no idea what wonderful relief"WAHOO '""

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It Cleanses, Purifies, and Tones Up theWhole System! If you suffer fromIndigestion it will give You Immediate


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■Sfißa to thedandruffgerm. ISSCJjgjf 3/8 Chemists and Stores 3/S m,


ASK your nrocer lorPUMICINE SAND SOAP!

PUMIOINE SAND SOAP does notcrumble away when wet. Try it.


ELLIS AND MANTON,Sole Aaenti for V7.olliugton.


CARRIERS,MASTERTON.Ail orders strictly attended to. Agent

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S HANDS particularlyladies' hands, HItlf\F*UQf .should look nice, what- IIever work theydo. Q

ISYDALIWilton's HandEmollientwill ensure nice hands to those using \it. One night is sufficient to cure gchapped hands Beware of imitations. BTheword

"SYDAL"(ladysre\erscd) Mis registered to protect customers. g

1/8 at allGhamitta. I

Examineyour skinunderamicro-scope

—youwill noticea countless

number of small poies. Now,thesepores exhale waste products.Should they become clogged, theresult is the proper skin-action isretarded or stopped, the skin be-comes disordered, and itching orother symptoms ofirritationset in.

CVnai (Wilton's HandBmol-01UAL Hent) cleanses thepores, stimulates the action of the %

slcin, and assistsnaturein its work.

I CVnfil*s a Pcl 'feetfect &kin food

| 01UAL which quickly reme-dies skin defects. t<

-Price 1/6 a jap. Everywhere.

MASSAGE Taught— J. Goodman, D.P.,D.S.T., and Mrs. Goodman, Mas-

seuse, late conductors Sydney School ofMassage, havo recently returned from Eng-land, with latest methods. Pupils receivedprivately or class. 89, WillJE^street. 1

AIR TROUBLES.— Before using dyesond other preparations for premature

groyne&s, falling hair, diseases of thoscalp, superfluous hair, etc., consult Mrs.Goodman, Hair Specialist, personally orletter, 89a, Willis-street. Advice free.Hours: 11—4, 7—B. 1NOT HYPNOTISM,BUT SUGGESTIONJ GOODMAN, D.P..,D.S.T., Lecturer," Practitioner of Suggestive Therapeu-tic!) and Demonstrator of various phases, ofpsychological Phenomena, who masrecentlj'returned from England after studying theadvanced methods, has been requested toform a class for practical study of abovpsubjects. Full particulars 89, Willis-et. 1

in many cases makes life aw,burden. It is caused by thefflStomach,Liveror Kidneysnot fflH acting*properly. Anoccasional W.

|2 dose of Beecham's Pills will!}ffl remove the eyii by toning up ffl

}M and regulating the digestive J>Kjjand eliminative system. !»|MwJ'm |

11) can be >f cured by takingm§5 Beecham's Pills. They-mingleQ&ilu with the contents of thei»

IK stomach, and the nourishingnaig properties of the food are thenJKSi readily assimilated. |jj

misgenerallycausedbythe "ver-/aMi workeddigestive organstrying 'Mmto digest food at night whichwV they should have assimilated 'MJSduring the day. BEECHAM'Sg|*MPILLS prevent insomnia byvwJs soothing and assisting thevAfig digestive organs,, vki Citisityatfdis |m causesmore than halfthesick- faA\ ness in the world, especially of 'MA women,but it canbepreventedM

(6 Cured by taking

4ft Solalaboxes, price iO\d., l/Ji 4 219. 0,

Do you thinkIwould givea harmful Caugh Medicine toiViy own children? Hardly.There wasn't a good, safe,and nice Cough Medicinespecially made for babies—that is why B made"HEAN'SBABICOF" (there are sub-

stitutes now —be careful)."

Babicof" relieves my chil-dren always. Your baby isequallyvaluable. "Babicof"is geed' and safe foryour baby too. It quicklyeases croupy, barking, tick-ling, or night coughs of in-fants and children. 1/6 atmedicine dealers or directfrom myself. I send"Babicof" post free any-where—everywhere. Myaddress is: HEAN, Chemist,147 Colombo St., Christ-church.

Be sure it is "Hean'sBabicof."


T^7"E have just imported a 500-OANDLEW POWER ABO LIGHT, Mid Mo pre-pared to muke ENLARGEMENTS fromyour own negatives from One Shilling.



(Next Bank of New Zealand). Open Dailyfrom10 a.m. to 0.30 p.m., Saturday After-noon excppled;Luncheon from 12 Jill 2.o'olook. Pleuwit Evenings.

TjiLECTKOLYSIS for the removal ofXH superfluous hairs and moles. Thesedisfigurements of feminine beauty arepainlessly eradicated by my methods, andIguarantee a permanent cure in everycase accepted for treatment. It is marvel-lous what » difference to facial beauty theremoval of the hairs on the upper lip andchin do make. If you are troub.led withthese disfigurements let me deal with'them. Write or call. CHAS. A. TUR-NEK, Dermatologist, Hair and MassageSpecialist, Rawnon's Buildings, Corner ofWoodward-street and Wellington-terraco,Wellington.

MISS MILSOM, Hair Physician andFace Specialist, is a Hai« Doctorand an expert in the treatment of theFace. Mias Milsom teaches ladies andgentlemen the treatment and care of theirown hair and skin. Shampooing a spe-ciality. Dandruff and Irritation of theScalp cured permanently. Special treat-ment for Baldness. King's Chambers (nextEmpire Telephone 814.

REMOVAL of Superfluous Hair.— Be-fore using the many advertised de-

pilatories for this purpose, consult Mre.Haybittle on Electrolysis, the only per-manent cure. 61. Lambton-quay.


and Masseuse, Certificated.All Treatments, Shampooing.

3, Willis-st., over Carroll's. 'Phone 1599.

MADAME MILLIE, Face and HairSpecialist. Expert treatment of allFacial Blemishes and special treatment ofthe Hair. Hours, 9.30 to 6 p.m. Noteaddress


CLARKE'S Hair Dye, guaranteed per-fectly harmless, restores the youth-

ful colour to grey or faded hair. Fulldireotions on each bottle. la 6d, allchemists.




Mr. G. BERRYMAN.(bt.a specialreporter.) "

A lightso strong that it cannot be easilymisunderstood waslately shed upon an im-portantsubject by Mr. George Berryman,ofNo.12A.Hankey-atreet, Wellington, whoseremarks to our reporter were :—:

—" The principal thing i« life is, un-doubtedly,goodhealth, and when we haveloat that we have lost everything. Thiswasbrought home to me very forcibly someeighteenmonths back, whenIwassufferingwithinfluenza."

"How did you mauage to contract thatcomplaint?" asked the writer."

Goodness only knows. Ican't tell you.All Iknow is thatIcommenced feeling ill,andIkeptougettingworseand worseUntilatlastIwancompelled tolie up. WhenIoncetook to my bed it was a case of stayingthere for a week,and didn'tIf«el miserableall that time— lying there and not beingable to doanything for myself? It wa3 aterror, Itell you, what with the paiusanil one thing ami another. <J got. fright-fully weak, too, and no womfer, for theperspiration was nIways oozing cut of me.and1could nob take any 'food that wouldhave kept up lny strength. That waswhere the resvl mischief came in after thefeverislmess bad died away, forIbelievethatif1had thenbeen ablo to eatIwouldnot have got into the terrible condition 1did."

"Why; did you fall away in weightmuch':""

1lost twenty-eight pound* weight inthree weeks, andif tlut was notenough tomakeaman abitscared1don't know whatwas. Yds, two stono le«3 in weight thanwlieuIwas first taken ill, so you can formyonr ownIdea as to how much strengthIlostas well. My body was all aches «nd Iwal'^efi'ei'ally out of sorts. The greaterpnrtof each nighc waispentin wakefulness,and to thatasmuch asanything1attributethe irritabloitiite of mind.Jl got into. The'least 'noise would nmke me feel cross, orevenifIheardafiyj.iiing cooking it seemedto grate on my nerves and nialio me bad-tempered.""Perhapsyournerveswerenone toogood,theft5"■

"They were not, .you are right, for 1could feela sort of tremor continually run-ningthroughmybody, as if my j>erveswereboing thnlled by anelectric battery. Igotso melancholy that 1always avoided com-pany \i poitible. Is»t thep, yousee,Iwas:ilivhis in pain,andIhadnpeculiar feelingthatIcnuld not account for at all. OueAide of my head felt quite benumbed


feeling in itof any sort, anil tlio other sidewas all right, excepting for the horribleiches thatusually tormentedme. My sightgot verybad, andmy eye* so heavy chatICould Imitlly keep them opensometimes, iwas also guttering with painsm the stomachfind anoppressive feelinginmy choat. winchwas always worseaftermeals t and the an-noying pjittof all thin was that1continuedto take medicine week after week, and nogood cdmo from Hiiy of it. Thcu I'begantaking Clements Tonic out of sheer <Ua»pomion,and it was apity 1 did nqt takeitin the fiiet place aiit would have saved memuch of the misery 1 went through, but 1am very thankful that things happened asiheydid in the etui, for1would never have"ot right with the drugsIwas doctoringmys«lf with A few bottles of ClementsTonic worked wondere. though— easing the

pains in my head and giving me such arestful feeling generally thatIdid nothavethe same trouble in getting to sleep at


and that helpedme splendidly. Tomy surprise 1 scon begin to eat well, andIfound that after using Clements Tome tor atime the ttomach and chest pants got letsand. jhen left mo altogether. ClementsTonicReserve! a special word of praise forits action upon mynervous system, for thequiveringolmy nervesentirely ceased,and,when that >v»« rlonc,I};<Jt along ia|)Klly, ■

My lost weight was regained and 1 gotitronfjer every day. It was not long be-fore 1coulit work bard all day and walkhome at night without feeling fugged out,and Iam always mindful that it wasClements Tonic which mads mo so healthyand sound. Ifanybody wishes to ask about 'my recoveryIshall be happy to tell them,and you n-.ay publish these (acts in any wayyou lihe."

STATUTORY DECLARATIONI. Oiokok PutißviiAN, »f Nd. 1?* Hioker itrett,

Wellington, in the Calony or New ZeaUnj,do iclemnly »>id iinccrelr declare thai Ihut coefully rtad the innexid document,conjlitinpct two lolior.andconiseutivelynumberedtrain oni to two, and tint it contain! »nd is atrue and faithful account of my illness and cure iby Clemints Tenio;>nd also contains my full pec- Imicilon to publish in any »'»y my statement!—which Igi\e taluntarily. wlthaut Motiving anypnyintnt;and Im.iKe thu loltmn dcctirxtioti con-iciintiou'lv btlictinir the tame to bt (nit,and by>irtue of the prcn.-ionf cf an Act of th» GeneralAssenibU cf New Zeilmd intituled "Tb* Justices ofFsace Act,153!."

Declared ot Wellington,this nhitlidtv of May,onethcusaud nine liundtfd and three, befori me,JOSEI'II KITCHEN,J.P

J'" 1111111N.11111111111111 "iu.ili.iHr iirminj

I Pain Relieved. I; *

£A pain in the side or. chest can bespeedily relieved if Chamberlain's PainBalm is at once well rubbed into theafilicted part. First application givesrelief.

* J *. M


SS3ITH & SMITH, Limited, Wellington.


A SKIM FOOD.Eradicates grid prevents Wrlnklts,cleanses tho pore*, restores thoskin,beneficial toeverycomplexion.

1 EflflWP 1-Promptly hsals Sores, Soars, andAbrasions. Allays InNation or In-flammation caused by wind, sun,

or wjrk.GEO. W. WILTON & CO., Ltd.,

We!liti3toii. I) ERfIQLLBEHTJ| pases, yi | * ,

iAFTER. WA&HINGESBSI^ase a little E


llt soothes and heals the hands assoon gasputod, theeffect beinginstantaneous. BAwardedGoldMedalat tbeNew'Zeaiand BExhibition. Beware of -imitations. BSYOAL is the registered name adopted c?to protect buyers of Wilton's Hand MEmollient. 1/6 all'chemists. 13 B

Gold Aedal Paris 1900

F.WOLFF £ SOHH,RARLSROIiEOf all Chemists ft Perfumers J

When mosquitoes begin toannoy, remember that simplemeans of protectionagainst theattacks of these and otherinsects

— the use of

Galvert's20% Carbolic Soap.

Soldby local Chemists andStoics.

Makers:F.C.Calvcrt& Co.,Manchester,England.


(OARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF\J RUBBER GOODS of tho bestmakes. " ' ,

Hot Water Bags, 8s 6d to 14s 6dEnemas, 3s 6d to 12s 6d'

Rubber Sponges, Is 3d to 7s 6d.Ico Bags, 6s 6dEar Syringes, }s to 3s 6dDouche Tubing, Sponges, Bags, etc

These are dependable goods.15, RIDDIFORD-STREET, 37, VIVIAN-STREET,and 3, CUBA-STREET. '

ISSA.DAVEY'SMILLINERYCOL-LEGE, Hume's Buildings, 65, Willis-stveet. College and. Showrooms open forreception ol pupils and customers from9 a.m. till 6 pm. Monday and Thursdaynights from 7 to 9 o'clock. Remodellinga specialty. Summer season now open.All the latest Modes in Parisienno'Mil-linery. " 1

RSI MATHEWSpX'S, MelbourneHouse, Lutnbton-quay, is undoubt-

|edly the Best Place in the City for Ladies'1 Smart Blouses, Millinery, Underskirts,,Underclothing, etc.; come very specialI value in Silk and Delaine Blouses, Wovenj Underclothing, etc., etc., is tb bo foundamong the many bargains that are beingoffered during the NEXT.TWO WEEKS.

CARPETS BEATEN.OUR' Patent Machine beats and thor-

oughly cleans carpets, wotvday or dryday. Wo call for your carpets to-day,bring them back to-morrow. Windows andoffices cleanpd, chimneys swept. All ourmenare reliable.THE WELLINGTON CLEANING CO.,

25, Dixon-street. 'Phone 2224.

Popularity, theFinalTest of Value!

Only those products whiohhave exceptionalvalue com-mand an increasing popu-larity. ..,,

This is thecase with Coal-brookdale Coal........

The salehas steadilyrisenuntil it now exceedsHalf aMillion tons per year!...

Peopleinsiston Coalbrook-dale simply because they find-"it pays" to use itItisnearlyall " liye fire "—littlewasteincinder orash.Coalbrookdale is the Coal

for winter,— it radiates anintense heat

The cheapest inthe end isCoalbrookdale,— that's thesecretof it's immensepopu-larityand enormoussale!,,

Any CealMerchantwillsupplyyouwith the famous


fTTHE Secretary will bo in attendance atX the RTooms, Bridge's Buildtntfg, 102,

Willis-street, onTUESDAYandFRIDAYMOUNIN'GS. fmm 10 to 12.30. AU com-municfttious quickly attended to.

the: jevening post. Saturday, august 10. 190716

runted and publithedfor Butndkix Bros.,Limited, by John Blujjdell,of


utroet, Wellington, printer and pub-lisher, and Louis Pboctor Hlvxhyja,of Woolcombe-street, Wellington,irinte*mid publisher, nt tho registered office o(the Company,Wiliis-sirooi, Wellington.

Saturday August 10 190?-


Fis a daily statement, heard in hun-dreds and hundreds of Wellington

homes. Tho rush, the bustle, the hurry-eating of food, sets the Liver wrong.Sick Headaches, Constipation, Indigestion,Biliousness, Kidney Troubles, Backache,Rheumatism, Neuralgia, all follow thelead of a sick Liver. No wonder "notwell" is a constant cry.

But there is another and a belter.Listen:

"For four yearsIsuffered from ChronicConstipation. Idecided, aftor using"

numerous remedies without relief, to tryBlue Flag Liver Cure, and am pleased tosay that after using 1£ bottles Iam nowcompletely cured and as regular as theclock."

"About 2£ years since Iwas ill withPleurisy, and had to go to the Hospital,whor* Iwas operated on. After leavingthe HospitalIwas very ill with a con-stant cough and shortness of breath, andquite unabla to work, and continued inthis stato for over two years, being un-able to sleep and very often even, to liedown. Iconsulted several doctors, andtried numerous patent medicines, butwithout any benefit. About two monthsago, on the advice of Mr. Itook Blue Flag Liver Cure. After thefirst four doses Igot relief, and couldsleep in comfort, and now, after tak-ing less than two bottles, Iam completelycured and quite able to do a good day'swork."Well, happy, hearty, life full of sun-shine, how much better than the too com-mon "not well" of so many WellingtonLiver sufferers. H '

But you know the remedy, proven be-yond all doubt as a reliable Liver Cure—BLUE FLAG LIVER CURE. Full sup-plies' always obtainable at the Blue FlagPharmacy, 66, Cuba-street, Wellington.Itpays to buy tho large size, 4s 6d per

boltlo;small size, 2s 6d.' ADVICE FREE.






"If the public only realised the value ofGood Pure Butter there would be fewerdoctors' bills." So said a great Health,authority. Than our

REKA BUTTERthere is no purer, cleaner, <jr more whole-some on the market.

REKA BUTTER is becoming morepopular every day. /.Havo y.pu tried it?If not, give it a trial, and we have no>doubt of your .verdict.

'Phone 523. 'Phone 523.KILPATRICK,

G'R'OCKII,Opposite Rouse and Hurrell.

"TITHE Centre of Attraction just now itJL at the

PAISLEY- TEA MART, opposite Rouseand Hurrell,

You can also get 141b best- Potatoes forIs.IJcst Cheese, mild and strong, at 8d lb.Be&t Culs of Bacqn that money can buy,

at 9d;also pieeesat sd, 7d, and 8d lb.

Ydu come, a.nd all come to thePAISLEY TEA MART.

It will pay you, where you can get thobest articles at the lowest possible. prices.


DEPOSITS received at CURRENTRATES of Interest.

Money to Lend on -Approved FreeholdSecurity.

CHAS R. STUART.9, Fealherfton-street. Rpcrottry.'"MONEY TO LEND.

IHAVK Money to Lend in any sums onapproved Freehold Securities at from

4i per cent, interest.Uepayinenr by instalments can bo ar-

ranged. No' commission or procurationfees charged


Commercial Chambers. Huntnr-sireet.


C. W. TRINGHAM,Solicitor,



MONEY. Advanced on Approved Free-hold Securities at from 4£ per cent,

interest;also on Chattel Securities. Con-ditions for repayment during term can b<aarranged. No commission or Procurationfees charged..


37. Foatherston-strcot. Wellington.


ON Mortgage over Freehold PropertiesApply ioHALL AND KNIGHT,Solicitors, 1, Panama-Street,

Tel. No 2352 ' W»'';;igton.


ON APPROVED FKEKHOLD SECU-RITY,at from 4i per cent, interest,

according to margin of value. On LocalBody Debentures at 44 per cent.


Panama-street, Wellington,and Putone.

AMERTdSTANDREWAND WEBB,Barristers and Solicitors,

Whoso oflioes were destroynd by the latefire, have taken offices in THE WEL-LINGTON BUILDING AND INVEST-MENT CO.'S BUILDING, LAMBTON-QUAY, nearly opposite former offices.

Money to Lend on Freehold Security.Mr. Webb visits Upper Hutt every

Court day and Sale day.


A PRIVATEperson hasMoney to LendJ\. from £10 upwards at reasonable in-terest. Send stamped addressed envelopefor reply to CONFIDENTIAL,





At call ... 3 p.c. per annum.6 months ... 3i p,c. „ „

12 „ ... 4 p.e. „ „JAMES W. JACK,

Secretary.South British Insurance Buildings,

2V. Lambton-(ju»y.^_INVESTMENT.


TRUSTEE,1AND AGENCY COM-PANY,LTD., by Deposit Warrant, offersthe best roturn for short term investment...

L. G. MACKAY,ttecrotavy. ,

Offices.;. 6, Lahbtou-quayj

OIRTOR COLLEGE,22a, Mein-st., and 4-, Owen-st.,


Principal, MRS. BATES. B.A.

Kindergarten. Class for Young Children.


Teacher of Pianoforte and Theory.90, CONSTABLE-ST. (Tram Terminus).


"We are prepared to accept Engagements,for Concerts, Socials, At Homc3, GardenParties, for Dances, Piano or Harp, etc.Terms byarrangement. Wo alsosupply thelatest and best music N.B.

—Address let-

tors Grand Hotel.

MR. AR'THDR"m! pITttT,Teacher of

SINGING, PIANOFORTE, ORGAN.' Address:. Droadon Piano Co., Lamb ton-quay;

OrG.P.0., Wellington. (Box 751).MISSELIZABETH BULKLEY,

Holder of Higher Advanced Certificate,Incorporated Society of Musicians, Eng.,TVEUS to notify thai she is now Pre-U3 pared to Receive Pupils for the Piano-forte.Intending Pupils will kindly apply toNo. 91. WilHs-sticot (Bulkloy and Dids-bury, Dentists) or to No. 8, Austin-street,Wellington.VOICE PRODUCTION AND~SINGINGL.jTiTR. LEO.


iST- Milan,pupil of Mr. Charles Santloy,is prepared to receive Pupils for the aboveat his Studio, Messrs. Menteath andBeoro's Now Building!;, corner of Bal-Banco-street and Lambton-quay.

Deep Breathing given special attention.'T G. 1U B N E R,**"

Teaoher orMandolin, Violin, and Guitar,56, KENT-TERRACE.

Trams stop at the door. Terms Commencewith Pupils.


Instruments Lent Free of Chargeto IntendingPupils.

SCHOOL OF,DRESSCUTTING.MRS. MACLEOD, Teacher of Worth'sSystem of Dressmaking in ail itslatest Improvements. Classes frcm 2 to4j Evening Classes Tuesdays and Fridays,7 to 9* Private Dressmaking also at the above.Newest stylo and perfect fit guaranteed.Patterns cut to measurement. Note ad-dress—Over J. W. Bridge, dentist, 102,Upper Wiliia-siraat. [_"



SCHOOL for Teaching the Imperial■Km. System of Dresscutting ;s now open at

IC7, LAMBTON-QUAY(Opposite Kirkcaldie and Staing'6l.

This neyr system is understood in a fewlessons;its simplicity and accuracy are itsprominent feature*

For terms and particulars apply at theSchool, 107, Lambton-auai-.Forty garments and thirteen trimmings

can be cut from, the charts.Practical Dressmaking thoroughly taughtby experienced teachers.

DRESSMAKINGIN THE HOME.rjIHE LANGEK SYSTEM not only en-JL ables every woman to make her owndresses, but to make complete Costumeswithall the smartness, elegance, and styleof the Professional Dressmaker. TheLanger System requires No Calculations;it is so simple that a child can learn it.A PERFECT FIT is guaranteed in TeaGowns .and Blouses, Rain Coats to OperaCloaks, Children's Garments, and in every-thing cut_ by the Langer System. Absol-ute simplicity. -

Glasses daily 10 to12 a.m.,2 to 4p.m. Evening Classes, Tuesday andFriday, 7 to 9. Petone Technical School,Monday Evenings. Patterns cut to mea-surement. Agents wanted for country dis-tricts. Prospectus free on application.LANGER SCHOOL of DRESSCUTTING

MIS&KATE STEWART,Principal,EL "Willis-street tßarnett's Buildings).



WERNER PIANOS..Wo are SOLE AGENTS for the above.


Cash Terms or Time Payment!.


84, Willis-street, Wellington.B. LEWIS, Manager.



AND REPAIRER(Pupilof Mr. Oberline Brown, Auckland),

Corner of Taranaki and Vivian streets,Wellington.

Satisfaction. Guaranteed. moderateNOTICE TO HORSE OWNERS.

fl* BEG to notify the public of Welling-JL ton that Ihave REMOVED on ac-count of Rebuilding to premises in LowerTaranaki-street lately 'occupied by Mr.Quiimell, M.R.C.V.S.

J. J. ADAMS,Farrier, Taranaki-st.

Late T. Michie and A. Milligam,M.R.C.V.S. Telephone 2711.,NEW PICTURES!

NEW MOULDINGS!jVXTE have just opened up New Ship-'»» ments of these goods. Call andinspect.

T. BEADNALL AND SON,62a, Willis-street,

Opp. Evening Post., Telephone 1508.








■MAX KREISSIG.Art Show Caso Manufacturer.

ESTIMATES given for all kind* ofShop Fittings and Office Work. All

glasses of woodwork second to none. Onetrial Eolicitcd.


Telephone 2499.

M'EWEN AND CARTER, Petone," General Carriers, Forwarding Agentt,

" "Wood and Coal Merchants. Furniture re-moved by experienced uorkmon. Convey-»incci between Petone and Wellingtondaily. Orders may bo left at Virtue am'Co. t, A'ictoria-street, Wellington. Cor»rected with Wellingtonby telephone. N(


number- RinaiuD M'JKwen andCarter*

liy B» C3> *& S.ißAppointment '&S&osgs Excellencyto Jktf^SS* **"" Governor.




LONDON-MADE SH.VERWARE.New Art Candlesticks, Chippendale

Candlesticks, Vases, Trays, Mirrors,Brushes, Photo Frames, Toilet Bottles,CigaretteBoxes, Pierced Dishes, Tea Sets,Afternoon Toa Spoons, InkBottlcsj Bowls,Baskets, etc.

Our Mr. A. I. Littlejohn, who selectedthe above, arranged with Dolland and Co.,the London Opticians, to supply theirlatest Prism Binoculars A quantity of theBinoculars also came by the lonic.



ENTREE DISHES.— Our collection ofthese dishes is a large one, in ovaland oblong shapes, both plain andengraved;handle takes off and makestwo dishes. Prices from 40s.

PUDDING BOWLS, in two sizes, strongand heavily-plated frames, fitted withstandard size porcelain linings. Thesealso make good flower bowls. Pricesfrom 645.

BREAD PLATTERS, with knives com-plete, round and oblonj; shapes; thevery best quality. Prices from 425.

We have a. large variety of small articlesin ELECTROPLATE, from a fewshillings upwards. Suitable for theimalleet purses.


E,P. MUFFINEERS, from 3s.

E.P. BREAD FORKS, from 4i.E.P SALTS and SPOONS, per pair,

from 7s.

BUTTER KNIVES and JAM SPOONS,also, kept in silk-lined ctseu, from 8sthe case.


JEWELLERS,75, Lambton-quay, Wellington.

■rßy Special SS-SjjLJa Hib ExoellencyAppointment ?S§^i£g& theto &**rJ2_£j£l Governor.


WILLIS-STRE)'i\Old-established, but Up-to-date.WATCHES! CLOCKS! WATCHES!

Rings, Bangles, Brooches, Chains,Necklets, Pendants, Charms, Studs,Links, Pins, etc.

S'IERLING SILVER NOVELTIES!Tea Service?, Cake Baskets, S?lvers, Spoonsand Forks, Vases, Framps, ToiletReouisiles, etc.


Spectacles and Folders to Suit all SighU.Eyps Tested Free of Charge.

Five per Cent. Discount or Cash.Couutry OrdersReceivePror:-t Attention.ENGRAVING, GILDING, *. PLATING.MANUFACTURING and .SPAIIUNC'milE 6HOP "pOX '

SRESEN'io.Established ISSO TolerAone 1138.



■W^"E havo just Purchased a Large andVaried Assortment of Travellers'


On View at our Showroom,32, VICTORIA-STREET.




Fyou want Furniture that will last aLifetime call and inspect our most

up-to-date Stock of Substantial Furniture.Every Article made on the premise. Seethe Goods and the Prices, which will con-vince you of the value being offered. ICouches ond Chairs Recovered at Mode-rate Prices.

THOMPSON AND HOLLAND,Furniture Manufacturers,




£10 IN PRIZESrjTVHE Prizes to be distributed tliis month-"- will bo awarded to tho fiv« personssending in tho. greatest number 'of Com-plete Sentences as follows:


iFirst Prize,,£3 10s;SecondPrize, £2

10s; Third Prize £2; 'FourthPrize, £1 ss; Fifth Prize,115s. '

Above prizes will be given in,goods,orders for which will be given on D.I.C.

The sentences are to be composed fromthe single letters appearing on the left-hand corner* of the side of tickets onwhichany advertisem*nt appears. Competitors\vlen sending in tickets must place lettersin order of spelling.

Competition will Close onIst September,and must be sent to

TAIT & CO.,Press Agents and Advertising Contractors,


" Lambton-quav and Willis-street.


IT BEG to announce thct Ihave takenover this well-known Hotel, and al-

terations and improvements are now inhand which will againmake the Occidentalthe Leading Houso of .the City.

The house is "beingcompletely renovatedand put in thorough order.

Daily Lunoh will be a speciality, Is.JOHN H. FAIRBAIRN,


(Bljss?%)> TTNrrED service»38§|$gK vJ HOTEL,_^fe^^. CHRISTCHURCH.Under the Patronage of His Excellency

the Governor, Sir John Gorst, the N.Z.Government, and the principal Commis-sioners to the N.Z. Exhibition.

—Hotel de

Luxe. Tariff 12s 6d per day. Telegraphicaddress, "United," Christchurch. Col.Jowsey, C.M.G., and A. W. Lane, Pro-prietors.



(Lateof Masonio Hotel, Wellington.)

nnHISHotel is now thoroughly complete,JL and is oneof the best-appointed com-mercial houses in the city. Every roomelectrically lighted and nuwly furnished.

The hotel is built with all the latest andsafest

'fire escapes, iron balconies aud

stairs leading from every bedroom. Ampleaccommodation for tourists and families.

Hot and cold plungo and shower baths.Letters and telegrams recoivo promptat-

tention. Night porter in attendance.Telephone 1701Only the choicest- brands of wines,

spirits, etc., stocked.


fTTHF, ahove hotel has now been furnished-— - throughout in a "manner that shouldappenlto the travcllm:* publioas first-classin every respect, and tho Proprietorsguarantee accommodation second to nonein the citsr.

A specialty will rie THE sh*t,T.INGLUNCHEON every day betwesn 12 and 2.Commercial men will find this Lunch afeature of the New Pier Hotel tiuite inkeeping with, its general comfort through-out, a really fiist-rate chef being incharge of this important department, thodiningroom (upstairs) being unequalled intho colony.

Visitors by rail or steamer will find thePIER HOTEL an ideal one to stay at.

Tariff from 7s.P. J. GRIFFIN, Proprietor.

TolearaDhic Address—

"Pier." Wellington


Subscribed Capital £2,750.000up &87.500

Fire Reserve " 2,135,374MURRAY,ROBERTS AND CO.,



Capital £1,900,000Accumulated funds exceed ... 470,000

Fire, Marine, and Accident Insurances oievery kind at very lowest rates.

E.E. HAMMOND,Manager.Office

—27. Lambton-uuay. Welhuston.

nnHE VICTORIA , Cs'SURANUBA COMPANY, LTD.Fire, Marine, and Fidelity Guarantee.

Established 1849.Firej Marine, aud Fidelity Guaranteeitisks accepted at Lowest Current Rate*.

LEVIN AND CO., LTD., '<l_sents.

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.A REPORT has boon Circulated that

■—"*. we havo sold our business. Wo\\ish,lo inform our customers and the pub-lic that we havo not dono co The genuine]{.S. Tablets can only be procured fromSharland and Co., Wellington, or directfrom Bjornetad and Stacey, 384, Queeu-st.,Auckland. All others aro imitations.

I^OTJTvD— Spring blossom Ointment, 6dand Is; SpringBlossom I'ills,6d and

Is;Bloomme Corn Cure, 6d;MandarinLaundry Glas;c, 6d ant! Is; sold every-where. Agents, Wholesale Druggists.

Post Free— Arsenical Pills, Is 6d:Cuti-cura Soap, Is;Spring Blossom Soap, 6d;I)r. Bloom's Complexion Pills, 4s 6d;Ex-cclina Pills, 3s 6d. Address Mrs. LouisaHawkins, (ieorire-street" Puue^in.


ALMOST all deformities are amonableto proper treatment, and can be

improved by Correct Breathing, MedicalGymnastics, and Massage.

Remedial Classes for Children and AdultsDaily.

Consulting Hour, 12 to 2 p.m.

BOYI) GARLICK,Sussex Chambers,



Stewart Daivson's Buildings, oppoiiteBank of New Zealand.

Tuition by correspondence has specialattention.

Pitman's Australian 'Record, 220 wordsper minute. Highest speeds in the short-est tima.



ON AND AFTER Ist AUGUST thework of the College will be con-

ducted at the new premises,. .11, GREY-STREET.Expert Instruction in


Director J. S. Barton, F.I.A'.N.Z.Secretary A. E.Barton, A.I.A.N.Z.

Incorporated Accountants.Send or' (Jail for Prospectus.

Telephone 2080. P.O. Box 162.


PRIZE.EACH month we give £1 Is in cash for

the Best Essay by School Children(not exceeding SSO "syords) on the- USES,MERITS, and ADVANTAGES of"WYANDOTTE." Essays' must bear fullname and address, also name of echool,and must be accompanied by a lib empty"Wyandotte" bag. First Competitioncloses 31&fc August.

""WYANDOTTE" is a perfect cleanserfor household and laundry purposes. ITIS jSIOT A SOAP— NO SUDS, NOLATHEK.

Obtainable everywhere. Price 6d lib'bag. (Ask for circular). Wholesale, W.and G. Turnhull and Co. Address Essays"Wyandotte," Box 476, Wellington.

BEAUTY CULTURE.nrOLAK is anAbsolutely Pure Prepara-

tion, very carefully made, and freefrom both mineral salts and animal fats,ingredients often poisonous andunpleasant.Zolak is a luxurious necessity for ladie3 andfor every man whor*cognises the value of a.clear skin and youthful appearance, as abusiness and social usset.

Zolak, Is6d and 2s 6d— all good chemists'.



OUR stock is now very complete, andmakes one of thn finest exhibitions

oi China, G'ass, and Earthenware in theColony. The line3pro all new, from theleadingBritish andForeign Manufacturers,and will be found suitable for all classes.Each steamer arriving brinij* further sup-plies, thus keeping our showrooms con-stantly full of ordinary household lines iorgeneral furnishing, and, appropriate anddainty goods suitable for wedding or 'otherpresents ■ "

".Inspection Invited.

All Goods Carefully Packed by EfficientPackers.


Wellington-Established 1849.—

j . ___________GO TO RADFORD'S FOR YOUR




Rattan Tables 2s 6d, Chairs 8s 6d, Couches >

50s, Braes-rail Fenders 8s 6d, Toa Sets10s 6d, Dinner 'Sets 18s 6d; ToiletSets 12s 6d, Bedsteads 255, Lamps 2s.6d, Sideboards from £3 3s, duch*esse .Pairs from £3 lCs.


Shop to Let lately occupied by us.


The Bco*k that Gives Satisfaction.

Faotory Address— 4a, WILLIS STREET.

Tele-hona 1933.

WINNERS andFastest Time Riders onBoucher -Cycles

—Withers, Nattrass,

Evison, Walker, Brunett, Wollermann,'Dowling, Young, Edwards— since Dec,1906 over 60 placed riders. Now is the

I time to get your Bicycle re-enamelled andfixed up; will do it at the very lowestprice;do all kind of other repairs to any-make of cycles; large stock accessories,tires, tubes, etc. The Thorndon Cyclovad Motor Works, .54, Molesworth-street.

|J. Boucher and Co.;telephone 1570.


SANITART UNDERTAKERS.20, CUBA-STREET.A large assortment of Funeral Furnuh-

ings now in stock. <Funerals arranged at reasonable price*;



!COMPANY, LTD., is prepared to PUR-CHASE FAT SHEEP and LAMBS by

weight or at per head.Th» Company also offer* clients every

facility for freezing on their own account.

Prices can be obtained on application

at the Company's Offices or from any oi

the Buyeri in the country.

| W. G. FOSTER,Managing Director.


Furniture removed by caroful workmen.All kind* of Carting done.

Orders left with tho Colonial CarryingCompany or the New Zealand EipiessCompany, Customhou»p-quay, Wellington,will be promptly attended to.

Cement, Lime, Pipes, Coal, Firewood,'etc., <u_>£_ed at oheueit r»tei*

TiiL© Famous IRcainoLecly fox*

COUGHS, BROMCHITIS, ASTHMA, &; CONSUMPTION,Has the Largest Sale o£ any Chest Medicine in the World.

Those who have taken thismedicine aro amazed at its wonderful influence. Itshealing;power is marvellous. Sufferers from any form ofRrnnchiUs, Cough,Difficulty ofBreathing,Hu-useness, Fainor Sorenessin the Chest,experience delightful and immediate relief;aud to those \v!.ic> aie subject to Colds on ttv*Client iiin invaluable, a3itcftecU si Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, andit neither allows a Confth or Asthma to becomechronic, nur Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Couj^hb" have hewn properly treated with this medicine. Mo houseshould be without it,as, taken at the beginning a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cur* is certain.

IBieifflr^iil?© O4T lMAi'ti2VfciorstS S The crcat successof HEARNE'S BRONCHITISOURE, has !n<Juc«d anumocrof unprincipled persons to maka imitations, tach calling his nicoicine "Bronchitis Cure," with tho object of,deceiving tho simple-minded,and so getting p. sale for an imitation which has noneof tho teerieflcia! effects thatHEARNE'S' GROKOHITiS CURE has. Consequently it has taccomo necousary to draw your attention to this fact-,»d te request you in your own Intorosts to be particular to aslc for HgArtNE'B and to s«e that you got it.

HEAHNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, Small Siase, 2/6; Largo Siie, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medlclno vendors, and toy thoF»ro»ri«*or, W. n hcarme, ChemlatiGcelon*;-, Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, when not obtainable locally.

NOTICE.--Hoarne's Bronchitis Cure No. 1a does NOT contain any poison within tha meaning of the Act,It, is equally beneficial for tho youn^ost child and the most nered person*


J.~S. HUNT & CO.,




"vfoW OPEN with a Large AssortmentXN of—



' And





A BSOLUTE v CLEARANCE SALE," By Order of the Liquidator.







All Meat and Poultry sold iskilled underthe supervision of the Jewish authorities.

Smoked and Small Goods a speciality.Telephone 1631.

Persons requiring Pork will bn supplied,from my Tory-street Shop as usual.

Telephone 2031.1 A. E. PRESTON,.86, TORY-STREET,



npHAT is our Stock is NEW and COM-"A PLETE and tho Prices LOWESTIN THE CITY.

Bedsteads, Fenders, Fire BrassesMechanics' ToolsSpades, Rakes, ForksTable Knives, 6s £ doz.Dessert Knives, 5s doz.Electro-plated-Table Spoons and Tories,

10s 6d|dcz.Electro-plated Dessert Spoons aud

Forks, 7s 6d J doz.Electro-plated Teaspoons, 3s 2d £ doz.I'orcolain Bath, Enamel SinksGrates, Ranges, Mantelpieces.




The lasting qualities of our coal willir.ako your bin peem larger. All coalsslocked. Offices:Johnston-street. 'Phones:88, 124, 164, 805, 942.



0-UEAT ASTHMA CUREA* prepared by H. Brittain, Chemist, i*

having a biz sale. Its effects areTRULY MARVELLOUS,

and the united testimony of gr»tefulpatients sronouncesit to beA MUIAOULOUS CURE.

Price,-2s 6d per bottle;post free, 3t.H. BRITTAIN,

Chemiit, 35, Manners-street.N.B.

—If no benefit derived money wil-


CHILDREN'S HAIR LOTION;" Keep's Children's Heads Clean.

'Is BOX, at

LEN M'KENZIE'S,, The People's Chrjiuiat,

OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY,56, Manners-street, Wellington.




I'VE done the bothcrftig by purchasingthe 2nd and 3rd pen in the N.Z. Egg-

laying Competition at Blenheim whichended in May last. Tho Agricultural andPastoral Pen. won the 2nd prize and laid1298 eggs. The Roy. Father Servajoan'sPen won, tho 3rd prize and laid 1237 eggs.Thone birds wore purchased from .Mr.Biookos, of Australia, and are now matedwith a co*ckerel from the fame yards, andpurchased from hiA agent, Mr. A. R.Thompson,Blenheim. The .price of eggsincludingpostage, is one guinea per doz.Nine clucks guaranteed. Persons desirousof purchasing Whito Leghorn Eggs, etrainof 200 eggs per year,Ihavo on hand seve-ralpen* mated with Sunuyhurstand Lcgerco*ckerels which Iam selling at 5h perdoz., postage included. Include the cashand address all correspondence to

FRANK SHAW,Chcjnist, Blenheim.


FTtHK publio are etrneitly requested toX kindly communicato any «ct of

cruelty to animali that mas oome undetibeir notice to the liupector, Bos 183,'G.P.0.. .Wallißfftoju


4l___rii aPilil ' MANUFACTURERS AND

SHL«P Hi i - uv y°ur £°°ds direct from the manufac-


II (r^SSn tfiiPNfeS» H-^JUffl'

Country Orders Packed Free.



' I>^^^!4r williams'S.


New Zealand International Exhibition.

The Merits of the "ORION," however,are such that the winningof a gold medal was a certainty. No other range can compare with Itfor all-round efficiency.

But, aftor all, the real judges are the pooplG-the actual users-arid they havo unmistakablyawarded tho palm to the "ORION."

Over 55.C00 families InN.Z. are to-day cooking with the"

ORION,"and more "ORION" Ranges are sold through their strong recom--mendatlon of It to others than by any other means of publicity.That's tho best praise of all, is it not?

Sold byall Ironmongers. Ask for IllustratedCatalogue.H. E. SHACKLQ.K, LTD., Klsnufacturprs, BUNEDiN.


KENT TI3RRACL-J, WiSLLINGTO.Y.Entrance for Vehicles from Lloyd andNelson streets.

Our ¥eSi!o!@s Slv@ Satisfaction*WK DO HIGH-CLASS CABRrAGIS WOIUC.

I'HAETOKS, HALT,!CARTS, GIGS, *c.. BCJir.T 'L'O ORDKIt.We also make a Specialityof Lijjlitiimi HeavyAYAUGOMS, LOltltlldS. and Tradesmen's

CAIiTcJ,of everydvsuriptluu.

"Wo fit liUISBKII"IIKIW (Solid or Si.lo Wire).Write forquotations. JiEPAIIUNU.&c, infillits branchos.

OCR TKLKPHONK NUMBI'MI is 13SS.Hiiig v-<np,and«c will give you quofca^ious for New Work or Uopairs.

PLEASB iNOTK— We haveNO CONNECTION with any othov firm using thename ofROU.SK. ,


|p " "I do not hesitate to say St as theI best made pii! in the kingdom." I19 Dr. G. F. Collier,in the Pharmacopoeia »

KB of the Royal College of Physicians of London. il

L BILIOUS It IL^L^^J IFAMED as a family Medicine for a |

Century. IInvaluable to every Mother of a family. J§



Have you a jLuke's Cooking


if not, why not? §J)

j^b'?**^'"^^^^^^^"^ ' ""'--'" '' (~--—Zjj ■ U.LJ.L"I!!P


Every Attention given to Repairs.To be had from all Ironmonsei-s orS. LUKE & CO., Ltd,ALLFN-STKEET. WELLINGTON.


6S oD (postage extra). Sent any part«/ of Now Zealand. "

AMERICAN BOOT REPAIRING COM-PANY.Corner BuckleandTory streets. Wellington "».

CONSULT EDWARD C. EVANS,.Dentist, Imperial Dental Parlours,about your Teeth and the latest methodsof fitting artificial teeth without plates andwithout pain. Our fees aro moderate.Upper and Lower Sets from ... £4*oNew System Paiuless Extraction,

each 0 2 9Each Extraction withpure gas ... 0 2 6MORRAH'SBUILDINGS,

Next-John Duthio's, Willie-street. '

DO your Eyes trouble yout If bo, callhave your Eyes tested by tho latest

and most up to date methods. Mr.H. S.Gilbcrd, Fellow of the Spectacle Makers'Company andFollow Instituteof Optician*(Lond.), has joined the firm, and may beconsulted at our present address. Satisfac-tion guaranteed. Oculists' prescription*carefully and promptly mado up. Frame-|lc«fi opectacle3 and Eyeglasses in gold,jfilled gold, and nickel.

Open AllDay Saturday.ALFRED LEVI, Consulting: Optician,

First Floor Aldous's Buildings,107. LAMBTON-QUAY.

T. H. Morrison, Manacer. Tel. 1082.


GHUZNEE-ST."-29Z?29Z?- _

Airtight Show Case md WindowEnclosure Makers.

Shop Fittinas Stocked or Made to Order.


Holders of InternationalGOLD MEDAL and CERTIFICATES.Inspection of our Factory Showroom*

cordiallj invitedAddress:



TT^HE Undersigned requests Travellers-U- not lo Trespass on the Happy ValJ?y

Hun during the limbing season, which haanow commenced.

H. V. HAMMOND.25th July, 1907.

WANTED~to Sell,2good VanHorses!| WANTED7 - Papers Past - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.