Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)

To Place a Want Ad 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Coll 256-4481 WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1969 PAGE 8, SECTION 4 SALES JOBS OF INTEREST FEMALE SALES )OBS OF INTEREST MALE ATTENTION AGGRESSIVE MEN- 19 uur company is opening a new O'vi-ic. 38 HOUSEHOLD COODS WHEELCHAIR New, used 1 month. $165 new, asking $125; dining ta ble, buffet, 4 chairs $80.

Assorted attic items. 244-1993 WINDOW SHADES 1st quality embossed room darkener shades. White color only. 3.2t 4.59 5.99 Visit our Shade Department and In spect the many decorative shades and accessir.es available. YOPACK FLOOR COVERING SHOP 1202 Williamson St.

255-0121 USED vacuum cleaners $4 to New hand vac's $15.95. OUERST 255-3022. OCCASIONAL TABLES half price. left from art show and not wished to be shipped back. Made with onyx, agate, etc.

88-3932 ScALY MATTRESS SALE Sleep on the finest. On sale only $39.95. All sizes In stock, button 1rt con structed sryi.ng. MAZOR'S Furniture, Ft. Atkinson Bolex prolector, double bed, harvest table, unfinished dressers, white 4'7" refrigerator, bookshelves, modern Scandinavian floor lamp, tun lengtn mirror, painted wooden cnests, 2 silk lamp shades, dishes.

233-9484 eves. Sorry. We will be closed for vacation July 27th thru Aug. 3rti Open again Aug. 4th Ruy Sell Shop 304 E.

Main St. 257-3956 HOUSEHOLD COODS DINING ROOM SltT 7 piece, ornate design, upholstered chairs, $125, 249-107O DISHWASHER 1949. Hot Point. Cherry wood top. iKed months.

Warranty, must sell. 21-7395 after 31 FURNITURE ALL FURNITURE ON 3 FLOORS NOW REDUCED 10 to 50. SEMI ANNUAL CLEAR ANCE. Colonial Shoppo 251 State FREEZER Chest type. Good running condition.

$75. Call 238-2494 or eves. FURNITURE beds, antiques, many collector Items, antique stoves, walnut cabinets, cash registers. etc. 134 5.

Butler, 11- FLOOR TILE Vinyl asbestos asphalt. Linoleum viking carpets MALONY TILE CO. 255-4174 FURNITURE APPLIANCES-USED MADISON MOBILE HOMES 500 S. BELTLINE GARAGE SALE 144 Nautilus Dr. July 31, 9-4.

Furniture, clothing, toys, sewing machine, etc GAS RANGE, excellent $85, dining room set (7 piece), sectional ta ble, upholstered chairs. $55. 233-4037 HOSTESS DESK, seats 10 when ex- tended, book case, patio tabla 233-j 6J5 airer 4 p.m. LAWN MOWER New Firestone pow er rotary. $44.95.

FIRESTONE HIIKtale. 238-8491 LIVING room set coffee table, end table, lamps. Chrome dinette set. Duncan Phyfe table, buffet to match, year crib, high chair, play pen. 435-2714.

RANGE 30" pas, less than 1 year old; 1 pair beige lined drapes. 834-5833 REFRIGERATOR Colrjspot frost-free. Perfect condition. Cambridge 423-3341 REFRIGERATOR Gold drapes, gold rug, recliner, 3 seat couch, utility cabinet, dinette set, 2 air conditioners. Other Items.

244-8923, 513 Pawling St. after 5. SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. New, Used, Demonstrators, From $'9 (Choice of 30 Machines) "BILL'S" Stoughton, 873-4141 SEWING MACHINE Sale from $45. Used $2o and up.

Vacuum; cleaners $5 up. DUERST JEWING, 1505 Williamson Sf 255-2522. STOVE Magic Chef, gas, 4 burner. Sears refrigerator, across top freezer, $50. Both good condition.

1 STOVE Tappan gas. Like new. $60. Call after 238-6935 WASHER automatic. $75.

Dryer $50-box spring and mattress single, with metal frame and casters $30. All excellent. 3102 Jefferson St. 256-7947 38 ANTIQUE AUCTION AUG. 2nd 3:00 P.M.

TOM E. CALLACHER 202 MERTON LODI, WIS. Covered wagons (Western) complete with canvas, wooden and plows. Old wagon old buckboard, antique (amps and antique stoves, wall type telephones, antique bottles, crocks and jugs of sizes. Oxen yokes, copper and copper kettles, iron kettles of various sizes.

Set of (Old Spanish) wooden kegs, old Silver $erving set. Antique sleds, anvil and blacksmith irons. 2 horses and saddles, antique sausage stuffer. Many more items. AUCTIONEERS: Schmidt Schultz Sporting Goods Camper-Trailers 22 SITUATION WANTEDF BOOKKEEPING and.

or typ.ng In my nome. P'Ck up and deliver. H5-5662 after 5 or weekends. CHILDCARE beginning Sept. my home A Mied Dr After p.m..

Z22-4CW CHILD CAKt-wy nome. vnas rare. 3 year o.d owl. 256-8434 CHILDCARE In my home off Buckeye Grgva area. HOME TYPING experienced.

Can pick up and deliver. 244-8497 TIRED OF IRONING? To be done In my home. Call 233-9231 WILL DO part time house work for room and board and tman saury. Call eves. 256-4371 apartment MANAGER Capa ble, reliable woman.

Experienced In renting and supervision of upkeep. Write No. E2059, Co Madison Newspapers. GENERAL CLEANING by the hour, 6 hours or more, an nour. iterer-ences.

249-7517. 23 SCHOOLS INSTRUCTION ENROLL NOW Classes Start Sent. 29 Wisconsin School of Electronics 1915 Sherman Ave. 249-611 26 PERSONAL SALARY LOANS LOANS $50 to $5X100 or mora THORP FINANCE CORP. 4979 MONONA DR.

222-1231 WFSTGATE 238-5166 Sun Prairie, 105 E. Main 837-5127 Stoughton, 121 W. Main 873-3303 27 SAVINCS INVESTMENTS LOCAL BUSINESS wishes to finance from $3,000 to $30,000 worth of new equipment. Excellent credit. Have been in business 7 years Will pay 14 Interest.

Writ 1981, Madison Newspapers. 32 PETS AND SUPPLIES AFFtNPINSCHER, Afghan, or Air- dale? Bulldog, Chesapeake, or Dachshund? ABC's of buying a dog. Choose a tr worthy breeder. Know your pet's past. Free Badger Kennel Club information seivice available on ai! breeds.

Call 244-1578 or Airedale Stud Service DOG TRIMMING ALL BREEDS Lloyd Niver, 1515 Monroe 256-7821 BEAGLES SCHNAUZERS CHIHUAHUAS-SIAMESE KITTENS Monro St. Pet Shop 1851 Monroe 255-7387 BOXER PUPS AKC. Canadian champion background. $75. Mix pup, trained.

748-3098 CATS-! or 2 Free to gcod home 255-1296 CHESAPEAKE BAY Retriever puppies. Champion breeding. AKC. 836-5930 COLLIES, Great Danes, Weltles, Labrador $45, German Shepherds, old English Sheepdogs, Poodles, Shelties, Irish Setters. 776-2500 or 776-3500 CINDERELLA, Darlington co*ckER SPANIEL puppies 4 weeks old, blond, AKC, excellent pets and hunters.

co*ckER SPAfilSL AKC, affec tionate, male, $23. t-KfcL. oisck Labrador. Sound, pretty riding pony $25. 846-5547.

iOLLIE AKC male, housebroken, 2' i months, white with tri markings. 249-3613. COLLIE PUPS-AKC. Also SHEL- TIE Pups. Happy, healthy.

326-2288. Cal Ahrens; Prairie du Chien, Wis DACHSHUNDS Miniature. 2 months old. AKC, both parents, los. 238-6943 DALMATIAN Dog) Puppies A.K.C.

5 weeks old. Beggs Tall Oaks. 835-3629. ENGLISH SHEPHERD pups Fe males. 12 weeks old.

Natural livestock Instinct. Learn easily and early. From registered sire. $25. 849-5760 ENGLISH Setter puppies AKC.

Shots. Quality bred, sirei cham-oion Chandelle's Anchor Man, Blue BeltOuS. 236-7994 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies AKC tor sale, uooo oisposnion. Reasonable. Also adult female free to good home.

838-3563 GREAT DANE 3 years Loves children. $75. 238-4448 GREAT DANE male, 4 years. Ribbon winner, good disposition. Best offer.

238-5017 afternoons GREAT DANE l'i years old. Very oentle. Loves children see ai 14 S. Franklin Apt. 2 after 5.

LABRADOR puppies AKC regis-l tered. Good hunting stock. 271-3423 LABRADOR PUPS Black. Good background, AKC. Ready now.

839-4756 LABRADOR yellow, female, AKC, top bloodlines, show quality, ivi years, S75. Female German Shep-j herd Obedient, Good House dog Loves children S25. 838-3215 after 6 PIGEONS WANTED 249-1044 POMERANIAN Puppies (3). 6 weeks old. $50 each.

882-4291 POODLES Shelties (Toy Collies) Guaranteed puppies-studs. Payments Dickson Kennels. 255-9638. POODLES AKC. Top quality studs Trimming.

All breeds. 255-3241 Fitzgerald's POODLES Excellent. AKC black toys, 5 months. Reasonable. 80-437-5250 local call POODLE PUPPIES AKC iatures.

Call after 5:30. 255-4132 toy mln- POODLE-Good AKC while male, weeks. $75 or best offer. 233-1881 POODLE White, tiny toy, $70 VVM male POOO'-t PUPPIES. White-AKC Reasonble.

Large selection PHOEBE ANN RUMM 849-5111 POODLES 3 litters, tiny tovs, 4 colors. 3 lb. toys, 2 miniatures. Older dogs. AKC, shots.

244-5107 POODLES-Cream and apricot miniature, AKC, reasonable. 249-6734 PUPPY 2 months old. Healthy, nice for children. $10. 255-6342 SCHNAUZERS Miniature.

AKC req istered. 6 weeks old. Call 244-4269 after 3 and weekends Miscellaneous For SaleRent WOTOR SCOOTER-50 cc. Children's books. Secretary.

Car air cooler, sun lamp. 25i-9S PICTUR frame bargains. Unfit Ished size 8x10 to 20x24, 80c to $1.70 MEUER ART. 515 State r-57 REMNANTS Upholsteri.K) burlaps. brocades, matelasse.

Cushions done Vertneins. 4224 Winneouah M2-591S WIGS $18 95 Wiglets $7.50. Mini talis $79.95 Viviane woodard Cosmetics. 50-. off.

Lunden 'Eir, Open daily 9 to 440O westgate Rd. 222-4270 UPHOLSTER YOURSELF -Save up to 60 Naugahyde, Printed and colors. Atso suede and nylon frieze remnants. 1 to 5 Inch foam rubber. MILLER 431 W.

Main 254-1145 30 GALLON oil water heater. Semi automatic water softener for a.e. Reasonable. 849-5454 BULK MOTOR OIL 15c quart. Wierinan and Meiers Gas For Less 1401 s.

Park WOODEN PULLEYS to 48 Inch diameter. Make beautiful coffee tables, lamp bases, conversation pieces, etc. Any evening after 4. 340 8th Street, Prairie du Sac. Phone 4434054 PORTABLE tap recorder, a months ok).

IPs. $100. Call 244-7130 DOUBLE HORSE trailer for rent. 238-7335 after 4 30" GAS RANGE, washer, mangle-Honda, toilette, roll-a-way bed frame. 244-7421 LENNOX Oilfyre Furnace CB 5-27 200,000 BTU output, burns oil or gas.

$200 or best offer. 233-4977 ONE WHEEL TRAILER Metal rack, custom canvas. Extras. $75. 10x12 like new wall tent $40.

249-7662 RIDING LAWN MOWER used 3 35. B. F. Goodrich, JC-C3 E. Wash.

249-9211 NEW FIRESTONE hp riding 25' mower $225. FIRESTONE, Hilldale, 238-8491 2 BRIDESMAID blue taffeta, chiffon dresses. Pair blue shoes, 7. Worn once. Child's rocker, etc.

233-7469 V-4 Wisconsin motor with generator and starter, 150 amp DC 3 phase Lincoln welder. Excellent 318 '60 Plymouth motor with rebuilt transmission. Very good '61 Plymouth less motor and transmission. Miscellaneous parts. 249-2465.

8 HP 42 in. rider mower, electric starter and liohts. Excellent con. dition. $395.

249-7321 days; l-767-22i6 eves. 2 SEATER BUGGY Andrew Plank, 4 miles southwest of New Glarus on Marty Rd. SHIPPING SKIDS high. Haul yourself. 75c ea.

Large quanwy avaiiapie. bj-jjii. BRAZILIAN GEMS topaz, aqua marine, amethyst of finest colors. Also new emeraid necklace and brooch in white gold, priced at 60 per cent of appraised value. Must sell for tall tuition.

249-8087 eves. AUCTION AUG. 2nd TIME: 12:30 p.m. OWNER: John L. Taff, 803 17th Monroe, FURNITURE E'it.

Wis. Gibson Upright coppertone color combination frost-free refrigerator and freezer, Zenith cabinet model color TV set, Cookkeeper 4 burner gas stove, Croslev-Shelvador chest table with fo-mica top and 4 chairs, i rKi new k. en cne new blonde bedroom set with laroe bed, chest of drawers and large dresser, 2 piece sectional deven-port set, end tables, folding table and folding chairs, coffee tables, lamps, steel bed, upright vacuum cleaner, drum tables, hall tree, ironing board, cedar chests, lamps, dressers, carpet rugs, check writer machine, nice desk, bedding, linens, pots end pans, several nice dishes, hand and garden tools, numerous other articles too numerous to mention. ANTIQUES China cabinet, tables, dishes, sev eral other items. INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR, LOADER AND BACKHOE Massey-Ferg.

mdl 202 Industrial tractor complete with dual range trans, and power steering; and Massey-Ferg. mdl 102 Industrial loader and Massey Ferg. mdl 220 backhoe. BOAT, MOTOR AND TRAILER Shell Lake custom boat with windshield, seats and steer-fng wheel, 1968 Johnson 55 hp motor complete with electric starter. A very nice customized boat trailer, A-l.

CAR AND TRUCK 1968 Rambler Ambassador DPL 4 door sedan with only 14,000 actual miles. 1969 Dodge model 100 ton pickup truck with only 3400 actual miles. MODERN HOME to be offered for sale at auction at 1:30 p.m. TERMS CASH AUCT: Eldon F. Schraepfer, Hollf- oaie CASHIER: James P.

Walsh, Corn- mercial Savings Bank CLERK: C. B. Vinger, Argyie Schraepfer Auction Real Estate Service, Hollandale, Wis. 38 HOUSEHOLD COODS AIR Conditioner 15,000 bTU's. Phone days 244-9819, eves.

249-7179 AIR CONDITIONER Kelvinator 4000 bius 5145, Early Arrerican couch. Silo. 222-5824 or 222-8178 after 5. ANTIQUES THE GENERAL siUKt Black Hawk doe 2 miles south of Sauk City on 78 ANTIQUES 2 round oak stoves, 1 annque oesx, hand carving, at 208 Main St. Portage.

ANTIQUE Auo. 1 3:00 PM. Tom E. Gallagher, 202 rron Ave. looi, Wis.

Huge Sale, ANTIQUES -buy from the past a S'" to' tne tuture at Hensel: 3rd Lincoln, Evansville. ANTIQUE AND OLD FURNITURE. iso smaller, misce aneous terns Aug. 1,2,3. (9a.m.-7p.m.), 2833 Com- nieiiid! ve.

APPLIANCES Nationally known- Kerrigerators colored $169.95 up WHOLESALE PRICESI SVIvania Hot Point at Nnrno i-3u Large selection of recondl tioned appliances available GUARANTEED SERVICE Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Home Makers Appliance DISCOUNT WAREHOUS 73.0 Pennsylvania Ave. 249-4512 ANTIQUE AUCTION MRS. CLARA COLMAN ESTATE LOCATION: 6 miles southeast of portage on Hwy.

14, to Dunning Rd, Time: Sun. Aug. 3. P.M. A LARGE SALE.

Coins, large amount of silver Items, Ironware, glassware, cut glass, walnut furniture, clocks. Auctioneered by Wisconsin's leading Antique Auctioneers, Fandrich Erlckson, Portage, Wis. APPLIANCE BARGAINS Used gas and eieclrlc ranges Used washers and dryers Used refrigerators $39 and up U-haul MAIN APPLIANCE 1843 Monroe St. 254-900 APPLIANCES USED Late Model Frlgidalre Commercial Washers. Some converted for home usage.

Complete rebuilt and guaranteed. $119 HEFTY SALES CiP Shopping Center 222-9106 201 cottage Grove BEDROOM SET Early American. Good condition. Twin beds, small chest of drawers, mirror. Reasonable.

244-8287 BEDS-rollawav; double bed with dressing table; stove, washer, tires. 256-8204 BUFFET Walnut contemporary. 54" long 18" wide. Excellent condition. $75.

257-4244. CARPET AND FURNITURE SPECIAL Many colors and styles SCHWARTZ FURNITURE AND FLOORING 834 Phillips 63-473! Sauk City, Wis. CARPET. Beautiful avocado 12x19 with pad cost $4uu. momns oio asking $200.

244-5717 after 5. IARPETING Before you spend good money tor a mostly worn out useu carpet check our 50 off dept. Con tract Interiors, 1702 W. Beltline 37 38 HOUSEHOLD COODS TWIN BEDS, marimba, furniture. tools, sporting, camping goods, bike, clothing, utensils.

137 Lathrop WESTINGHOUSE TVs SAVINGS UP TO $190 1 Westinchouse Dishwasher REG. $349 NOW $249 1 KitchenAid Dishwasher REG. $439 NOW $349 COODYEAR SERVICE STORE 437 W. Corham Madison, Wis. ATTENTION If you're looking for a good use) appliance, stop in.

THE SELECTION IS CREATI MANY good used wringer and automatic washers priced to sell. Four 40" electric ranges. U-haul $30 MAYTAG Sales Service 1251 Williamson St. J57-474T FOR FAST WANT AD SERVICE DIAL 254-4481 10 4 wheel CUSHMAN electric golf carts. Like new.

Call or write Gordon Longwille, Old Hickory Golf Club, Beaver Dam. 88 7-1405 WIFE says sell Colt 357, 38, 22, Walther PP. Winchester 30-30, WSMI carbine. Call after 4 p.m. 233-1912 SALE 21st Anniversary SAVE 50 Every Department in Store WES ZULTY SPORTS 1440 E.

Washington 249-6464 FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALE 25 Off estsblished retail prices! APACHE RAMADA sleeps 8, stove. Icebox, sink, closet, ELECTRIC BRAKES, unequaled luxury. Save $415 APACHE MESA III sleeps 4. s'ove. Icebox, sink, Includes complete bottle gas hook-up with 20 lb.

bottle and carrier. SAVE $350 APACHE MESA II 6 sleeper deluxe Save $290 TRAVEL TRAILERS ALSO 25 Off Save $1,000 THESE ARE QUALITY built Apache trailers and feature, big difference In ride, chassis and frame, deluxe cabinetry, resisto denf corners, seating comfort. Insulation, electrical system, insulation, and more storage area than any other trail, er its size. WAPACHEl RECREATIONAL VEHICLE Center Open 12-9 Daily Sat. 10-5 Sun: Noon-I 2300 W.

Beltline, Middleton Jet. Hwy. 12 14. Call 836-5988 SKIDOO Skidoo snowmobiles Madlson't only dealer. On display now, come In pick your model early.

TOFTE MARINE 222-1204 KEL STAR tent camper. Used very little. $600 or reasonable offer. 222-8263 ECONOL1NE Travel Van, deluxe, new rubber, air crndit'oned, 73,000 miles.3crifice08-325-4613 eves. 20 ft7FIBER glass Cobra Boat, 100 pp.

Johnson motor ana uama trailer, full cover, 1968 Model used 2. hours. 943-3149 Fennimore. USED BOAT SALE (1) '65 17' Johnson with 120 hp IO Siiwsi ill '68 Larson Shark 120 hp IO $2795 DOM'S MARINE 80-592-4705 W. of Lodl on Hwy.

WANTED to buy Guns or rifles any kind. 256-2501 new or old, TENT CITY SPECIALS 912' 912' UMBRELLA OR 8'X 10' CABIN $64.88 Madison's Only Tent Display Eureka Tents For Every Need BERG-PEARSON 1123 Atwood Ave. 244-4744 CLOSED TODAY For Inventory OPEN AUG. Usual PETRIE'S Sperling Goods Hilldale and State St. BARE FLOORS? Read the Clsssb (li-d Ads for great buys In rug nd carpeting.

38 HOUSEHOLD COODS -T 1a iaffiai5 ii Ttqua ZS6 IVY name brand, new. WRONG COLOR fori owner. For information or to make of er, 233-9187. CHEST OF DRAWERS $15; dressers $35. Refinished glass door secretary $50.

Antique shadow box frames $10; Antique rockers $4 and UP. Deaier 845-7202 Carpeting and Linoleum Kitchen Carpeting with HI Density rubber cushion. From $4.95 sq. yd. Kitchen Carpeting (Patterns) $10.95 sq.

yd. Dinette Sets with 4 chairs $69.50 Mattresses and Box Springs from $39.50 each UCrS Floor Covering FURNITURE and DRAPES Hwy. 51 WEST Stoughton, Wis. I73-9711 DAVENPORT Almost new custom built. Beautiful.

Half pirce, 256-7538 DESK, 3 chairs, beautiful new wood en executive desk, burled drawers; red swivel uesk chair, 2 sioe choirs. Will separate. Sacrifice. 238-3771 DINING room set and Governor Wlnthrop secretary. 233-4449.

Furniture Unloading SALE Building Sold Rather than move our stock to new loca tion, we II sell it at savings up to 50. SWEET'S FUUIVITUKE 114 King St. 256-2302 108 S. Webster FURNITURE-NEW 3 Rooms Starting At: $398 Open weekdays Sat. 9-5 9 SURPLUS 'MADISON'S TRADE-IN CENTER" 5223 Monona Dr.

222-2430 DIAL 256-4481 FOR WANT ADS BOAT 23' Troian cabin cruiser, at Russel Marina. Make offer. 257-0088 I' 'iJZFZSXT vinyl seats. Blue and white. Excel lent condition.

Asking $1,400 233-2161 BOAT 14' 10 hp. Mercury motor. trailer. Must self, $300 (but open to negotiation.) 271-2815. BOAT-1969 SlickCraft SS 175, Mer cury 120 h.p.

Inboard-outboard, with Trailcar trailer, many extras including skis. $4000. 249-3963 or 249-1381. BOAT 15' Nebl deluxe, 35 h.p. gai buccaneer, tilt trailer.

$475. 249-8385 BOAT '68 Chrysler 183 Charger. Trl- hull (blue). Heavy duty tilt trailer. '68 Chrysler 75 hp.

motor. All ac cessories end ski equipment. Pur-j chased July '48 for $3418, now 200. Kept In heated storage and used total of 4 times. Marsha 80-655-4242 BOAT 15' Starcraft aluminum with 55 hp.

Chrysler electric start. 2 years old. 256-7537 BOAT-DEMONSTRATOR 1949 Well otaft. 22 ft. Cuddy cabin.

Used 10 hours by company executive. berths, head, ltO Mercruiser, 4,000 lb. tandem trailer with brakes. 000 under dealer cost. Must sell by Aug.

1. 238-9940 BOAT 14' Duo, like new. 50 hp. Mercury, ski equipment, 2 gas tanks, trailer. 256-5764 BOAT 14' plywood runabout flber- giassed.

35 hp. Evinrude electric siart and trailer. $400. 238-4654 0OAT 15' runabout w40 hp motor end frailer. All ski equipment.

$425. 80-592-4035. Can be seen at Okee Snack Bar on Lake Wisconsin. BOAT 1968 15' Starcraff Star Trek 40 h.p. Johnson- new snowco Trailer.

Used. $850. KLEIN'S MARINE Sun Prairie 837-6665 BOAT-15' Shell Lake 70 hp. Mercury, trailer, best offer. 233-7035 after 4:30 weekdays.

BOAT 14' Speedliner Run about 30 h.p. Johnson and trailer. Very nice Shape. $450. 244-3189.

BOAT 16' Glaspar Avalon; 75 hp. Johnson, eiectrtc starting; Gator trailer; deluxe hoist; accessories. Complete. $700. 233-1610 after 4 pm BOAT 16' fiberglass, 75 hp John-I son, fully equipped, Trail Cari heavy duty trailer.

S1695 or best otter. 257-6 1 94 BOAT '16 Rayson similar to Tigar Shark, 95 hp Mercury. 249-1908 BOAT 26' Chriscraft Cavalier. Sound hull completely redone. $3,100.

Call George at 222-3044 or Joe at 255-2622. (Trailer Included) BOAT SLIP exchange. Have sea son's slip In La Crosse, want slip on Mendota for 31' cruiser by Aug. 15. 836-5872.

BOAT Dunphy Marlin runabout, 35 hp. electric start Evinrude, trailer, $650. 256-4955 days, 244-7267 nights. BOAT and TRAILER $200 244-3920 BOATS Sea Star-Mirro-Chrysler RICH SALES-MARINE 411 N. Fair Oaks 244-4838 BOAT, MOTOR, TRAILER ALL NEW 14' Inland, 35 hp.

electric start Mercury, 700 lb. trailer. List $1724, limited special, $1395. BOAT WORKS Hwy, 12 II on the river, Monona Village. Phone 222-2944 BUSES, school, used; economical way to convert to a mobile home for low cost camping.

Large selec tion. Northland Equipment 1114 S. Jackson Janes- Ville, Wis. 408-754-6608 CAMPER $000-14 ft. Aluminum boat with new Johnson h.p.

motor, $350. Call 873-9711 or 873-3619 CAMPER Used. 5 sleeper Aztec rental unit. AAA Rental Center, 4233 W. Beltline Hwy.

238-3424 CAMPER RENTALS from $50 to $87.50 Make your reservations now Star Craft Apache SALES 4711 University Middleton Phone: 836-6790 CAMPER TRAILER Model 77 Hard top with Zip-a-room. 1 only. Regu lar $1,128. Now $744. CAMPER TRAILER Model 400 soft top with Zip-a-room.

Regular $848. Now $599. PHONE SEARS SPORTS CENTER 256-4831, fcXt. 243 CAMPING TRAILER RENTALS Make your reservations now $50- $87.50 a week. New ana used trail, er for sale.

Your LARK Dealer, Buckeye Rd. Skelly Service, 4402 E. Buckeye Rd, CAMPER '70 Starcraft. Now at Beaverland Camper, City 151, South, Beaver Dam, Nights 4 to 9 p.m. Sat.

9 a p.m. Sun, 1-5 p.m. Call 885-6797 IT PAYS TO AIJVERTISB lM i SALES JOBS OF I 7 INTEREST MALE flEAL ESTATE No experience re-! autrea, we win train, v. toe ooen melting career or PART TIME. AAust be mature, married, employed.

No upper ace linvt. Call Mr. Layian or Mr. Cornelia, C.B.I. Realty 231-8211 FULL or PART firre positions Earn the most, tne test.

Encyclopedia Britannica. 2S5-5134. Career opportunity tor you to fielp service customers. Must have rJj'iSSiS." ZSFto ..2 Mr. Gerald Stewart, Reliable Life 4 Casualty 2725 W.

Brnd-way, Madison. LICENSED Real Estate salesman needed for one of Msdisons okier companies. Call Ridet for appointment days i57l487 evena 222- 4313 BUILD A CAREER with Mutual of Oman Prwna 231-7674. AR. OPPORTUNITY I can show you how to achiev your goals.

I need your ambition. you ouatify you start small and grow big. Phone Mr. Ahrensmever, 251-1904. Jtt-Awpy Chemical Co.

GLOB EM ASTER MIDWEST, 1 INC. International manufacturers, designers and Importers of quality hand tools will hir a local salesman to tell and service established ac-i i counts In Madison and aurrounding area. Aoa no barrier. Must have good car and be bondable. $'50 1 per week draw against commission curing training period.

Comcany! pad medical and hospital For Interview write: Vernon Reeck c'o Globemaster Midwest 10250 S. Cedar, Minneapolis, 55420 JaLESMAN man to sell, deliver, and display nationally advertised brands. Established territory. If rou are a good salesman or would ka to be trained to be one, apply cn County Trunk PD iust off Verona Rd. West.

E. Z. Gregory, Inc. Health and beauty aides. TRUCK SALESMAN To sett complete line of Internafton- Harvester trues, can between the hours of 8:00 AM and, 5:00 PM for Interview appoint- ment.

FOR FAST WANT AD SERVICE DIAL 256-4481 29 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS COMBINES Used IHC 141 12- self propelled. Used John Deere No. 45 NEW New Idea Uni-combines 1 LIKE NEW 520 Oliver baler with bale thrower CHOPPERS NEW Fjx chopcers I New Holland self prooe'ted hay and corn. 1 Model 50 IHC hay and corn. 1 Gehl PTO hay and corn.

1 Pappec No. 35 hay and corn TRUCKS-1967 White Hi ton with 16' Omaha Standard grain and stock body with 17 ton hoist, $4,000 BROOKS IMPL. CO. Oliver, New Idea, M-C Continuous Dryers, Hesston, Kools, Kewaunee and Papac. Phone 837-5141 or 251-176 City 151, Sun Prairie USED COMBINES 1 IH "205" demo with 2-row corn 5 IH "80" 7' PTO, Real sharp 2 IH "76" PTO, Clean 1 John Deere "55" 12' self propel led 1 A I lis "66" 6' PTO 3 Massey Slipper 4' PTO cheap 1 IH "64" with esngine LARGE SELECTION OF NEW AND USED HAY MACHINES 10 Late Model Choppers with corn and hay heads.

7 IH. Gehl, New Holland and Brady Flail Choppers a IH, Gehl and Kools bloweri 35 Late model used tractors CARL F. STATZ and SONS. INC. Phono 849-4101 Waunakee, WIi.

(2) D-19, (1) D-19D, (2) D-17'S, (2) WD-45's, (1) 1800 Oliver 4 wheel drive, (i) 880 Oliver, CD W6 IH, (1) MF-85, (1) M-IH (i) Demo Gleaner, (2) Used Massey Harris (3) 45 Allis Chalmers New Idea Gehl M-C Kesten RAEMISCH FARM STORE Wis. Phone 819-5335 AASSEY HARRIS Clipper 50 com bine. Between Dane and Wauna kee 849-5789 OLIVER Super 88 diesel tractor with Freeman loader, in good condition. $1,075. 835-5021 OLIVER 12' self propelled combine, model 33 with hume reel and pickup attachment.

New tires; kept Inside. 1 (608 844-5941 COMBINES 4 Mc No. 80-7'-PTO, Hume Reel, etc. 1 Me No. 91 self propelled, ft.

cut. i Mc No. 76, PTO, 7' cut CHOPPERS 6-Fox 2- Gehl 4 McCormick 1 New Holland 4 Brady Flail Choppr: 1-Brady 604 Demo- .750.00 6 Used Blowers CHECK many new and used machines NOW! Waiver finance RIVER VALLEY EQUIP. 3. J55 Galena Street Phone 643-i373 Prairie du Sa' Wis.

535: 8 USED BALfcftS sl New Holland Wuh Thrower Si 195.00 43 New Holland with PTO thrower $1095 161 New Holiar i With Cuute Hitch 1395 00 41 46 New Hollands S7 McCormick With Chute 8. Hitch 'Has baled 2,000 bales) $1395 00 45 McCormick $95.00 USED CHOPPERS Gehl CT300, 8, FH83 Fox Super 6 and B54 McCormirk 15 A'lis Chalmers 780 K854 Kools S. B57 Fox Used Blowers USED COMBINES McCormick 403 203 Self-propelled fi'-assey 60 Self-Propelled 10 Ft. Massey 35 8 Ft. Pull Type Allis 46 and 60.

No. 80 McCormick with Scour Kleen 21 USED BOXEi WAG iNS BU710 Genl 3 Beater Roof 5995.00 2-BU85 Gehl 3 Beater $595. Each Decker 2 Bealer W6 Ft. Sides $395.00 6-Kmoht 227, 200-2, 200 Boxes 2-Parker Gravity Boxes Box WHigh Sides PTO 2-9 Ton Calhoun Wagons 1-8 Ton Oliver Wagon 1-8 Ton Calhoun Wagon 5 Misc. Wagons SPECIAL No.

14 McCormick 5 bar rake $595 KALSCIIELH IMPLEMENT Inc. Cross Plains, Wis. 798-3371 Stan Helverson Black Earth 767-3433 Bud Philtlpson Glarus 527-2508 12 HORSEPOWER tractor 48" float-i ing mower, electric start. Only usee iv? seasons, top condition. $425.

Cambridge 423-3760. sr Ih74 COMBINE. Very clean. Cross Plains. 798-2691 JD Model 70 trefor Case model 740 tractor fJew Idea rak on rubber JO Model 14T baler Baler twine $5.75 PRIDE OF THE FARM WAREHOUSE Diesel pump repair and block reborlng JOHN DEERE FARMER'S IMPLEMENT Ml S.

Stoughton Rd. 222-12t4 WANT ADI SET RESULTS 6 NO DOOR-TO-DQOR-No parties artles 56-3433 ETICSI Eneen cass wesr VIVIANE WOODARD cosme Sales Representative Good social end buslnwt contact, represent Madison's teadiro. lacih iY 0f meetings, bsrwuets, and so- tiai sinwinvs. Apply in person to: Mr. Dei LORAINE HOTEL 123 West Washington NEED A LADY for appliance sales work.

Part or full tine. No Invest ment necessary. Call Mr. Hansen for interview at 7x-ti uvniuFN ta ia teleohone sales work cUina household items for the Wisconsin Amvets. We train.

Sal ry. Evenings 5-9. 251-1046 SITUATION WANTEDM 21 avail-A-MEN Temporary casual labor Call Frank Blau 231-2421 evailABILITY TEMPORARY DIV. CARETAKER married man with family desires 3 oearoom umur-nished Caretaklng maintenance. a i tor work.

East side. Write E2054 Madison Newspapers. MAN Miodie-aged, In good health, much experience In business and accountino, wants challenging position. Write 2057 co Madison Newspapers. SITUATION WANTEDF 22 ALTERATIONS Experienced.

Work and service guaranteed. His and hers. 222-4067. ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING Prompt expert service 238-1 198 avail-A-MAIDS-Householo Help Cleaning, Child and Elderly Car Call Dora Drews 231-2421 BA3YSITTING My home, Hwy. 51, Cottage Grove Rd.

Fenced yard. Experienced. 222-0120 BABYSITTING My home. Experi enced Mother. Large home witn fenced uard.

Near Sherman School. 244-834 after 5. BABYSITTING beginning Sept. My Mother of 1. Days Weekend home.

West. 271-2506 Eves. BABYSITTING Junior high aged Easl girl. Experienced re'iaoie. Side.

249-3281. 31 FARM PRODUCTS SUPPLIES YEAR old registered Quarter horse geiaing, very genne. 845-7719 ENGLISH SHEPHERD pups Females. 12 weeks old. Natural livestock Instinct.

Learn early and easily. From registered sire. $25. 849-5760 REGISTERED Tennessee walker gelding. 8 years.

Natural walk-Reserve Grand Champion Illinois as a 3 year old. Likes people. Also half Morgan 2-year old sti'd, very WELL-BROKE half-Arabian gel dings 13 and 15 hands. Excellent family mounts. 592-4E68 REGISTERED PAINT Horses, also several quarter horses and grades.

VOGELI VALLEY FARM, Mazo-manie, 795-4409 REGISTERED 'j Arab gelding gentle, 2 years. 646-3402 EXCEPTIONALLY fine selection all ages. Also beautiful purebred Arabian stud for sale. Les St. Clair.

114 miles north of 14 on 184 janesvnie, wis. 3Z-3IU6. EAR CORN about 30 ton at S34 per ton. Call eves or weekends Marvin Kickey, Mazcmame 795-2692 FANCY FEEDER cattle at wholesale prices. 700 head of preconditioned calves, 4-600 lbs.

Will sell any amount. Also feeder Dios for sale. Bob Carey, 987-3405, Mineral Point, wise. GALLON Dari-Kool, 415 gal Sunset, 4 hp, both like new, Call Chuck Gerber, Middleton 231-1509. WANTED Beef type feeder cattle 200 to 600 lbs Farms, Rt.

1, New Glarus 424-4872 noons, eves. FOR SALE 1 buckskin mare, 1 registered Quarter horse gelding and saddle. 838-7565. WANTED SPRINGING Holstein heif ers, this week for immediatel shipment. Heifers to freshen in Sept.

Help yourself and get the highest price as they are for export. Amaury Almeida, (608 271-5410. 9 Celia Madison. GAL. BULK MILK COOLER.

Nearly new. 200 2-year old Leghorn hens. 845-6680. REGISTERED QUARTER Horse gelding, chestnut, 6 years old $600. Dick Dyk before 233-1327.

After 5: 873-7769 OR SALE Holstein Heifers due to freshen in 3 weeks. Columbus 623-4188. Corriedale Ewes. 3 to 4 years old. Excenent breeding stock.

All or part. 437-5546 days; 437-8751 or 4J-56i5 eves. Mt. Horeb. DAIRY EQU I PMENT Klinzing Barn cleaner, 172' chain, 2 hp motor; 34 lever type stanchions; 20 rubber cow mats, 46x66; Surge rotary vac uum pump, buckets; non-siphoning mummy cups; stainless steel double wash tank.

837-5258. PALAMINO mare, 1 Shetland pony I welsh v-mare pony. All with saaaies. SPRINGING Very close. Holstein Heifers.

Call 544-2659 Witwen CHOICE feeding calves weigh Ing 425 32c per lb. Also 27 choice feeding steers weighing 595, 30c per Ib.Need immediately springing Holstein heifers and cows. Don't sell until you get our offer. Donald C. Place, Monroe, wis.

jo-yyjo. WELSH ponies (1 larger 7 month miu. ah mares. 846-5107 after 5 CHOICE HEREFORD ne.ters with calves at side. 32 choice Hereford cows with calves at side.

42 Angus Cows with calves at side. 70 choice 450 lb. Angus end Hereford fleers, strictly green. Vernon Sell, Jodqevllle, Wis, 935-5266 FOR SALE: Milk Bulk tank, 3440 pound (400 ga. capacity, Low style.

Perfectio- milk conveyor. New 1100 ft. mil; hose (complete). Also 2 new style units. Reasonable.

PhOK 414-746-4667 or write: Stanley Monsen, R.R. 1, Box 119, Waiworth, Wis. 53184 CROSS COWS with calves, Holstein heifer, mare horse and yearling, 4 bred sows and boar. 257-2145 AOHA show horses, -Including 2 own daughters of Mattie's San. We have top halter and pleasure horses that win.

Also like new 2 horse Stidham trailer with brakes, Rog Nevel, Belleville 424-5107 REGISTERED ARAB yearling stud, Raffles and Indraff breeding. $400 or best offer. 845-4868 after 4 p.m. or 845-4844 after 4 p.m. FOR SALE 2 springing Holstein heifers.

Prairie du Sac 544-2399 POLLED Hereford heifers-Anthony Schroeder, Cross Plains. 834-4934 PLEASURE and trail horses for sale. George Calkins 844-3694 BLACK, red and Holstein calves, 250 lbs. $90 each. Tom Kane.

(414) 383-1021 and (414) 593-8819 FARM AUCTION DIRECTORY BERT PFISTER ASSOCIATES THE AUCTIONEERS Phone 437-3497, 437-8622 Mt. Horeb, Wis. MiOWEST AUCTiON SERVICE Inc. Selllnq Financing Auction Sale AUCTIONEERS Schmidt Schultz MlddletonVis. 836-4100 FARM LOAN SERVICE, INC.

Farm Auctions. Anoraisals. Loans Madison Mineral Point i.t 151 CCITi sicn tne State ot Wisconsin. We are looking tor 4-5 men to Ml ourt ZlJl ii Included pus added incen-jT five. We work with programed ierntng and ail other ediKaTronar tools.

No soliciting and no door to ooor involved. SPENCER INTERNATIONAL For t1 InterScan C. Barns Assoc- 257-1782 after 10 a.m. PRESS MEN Travel earn National concern is now enro'llng several men from tne Madison area. Must be neat, abie to drive or w.lling to learn.

Free to relocate, doing publishers contact worn, t-or circulating co. trave throughout the continental U.S. A No experience needed. Excellent opporTunity for advancement. New ca tr asporra tton fur i shed, x- pens drawing account.

Apply only it ready to start at once. See Mr. George. Friday only 10 a.m. -5 p.m.

LapToi Hotel, no pnone cans. EXP EiRTenCED and" Wisconsin II censed accident, sickness, yeiteral agents and insurance agents to en roll nationally sponsored and endorsed disability program. Leads and other substantial assistance furnished. Call collect 1612) 65-0275 A. R.

Krawetz FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES wanted for the hottest item in the automotive line (Kar-Toters), Sells on sight. High commission. Pro tected territory open in this area, Earning potential above average per year. Send complete resume to TOTcR La crescent, Minn. 55947 or phone office (507) 895-4421 20 SALES JOBS OF INTEREST FEMALE AVON announces new products every 3 weeks makes Avon easy to sell.

Many territories Monona Chores, N. Livingston, Pilgrim Village, Mt. Horeb end Stouqhton. AVON COSMETICS 238-3758 (9-J) HAPPINESS IS SELLING TOYS for PLAYHOUSE CO. GOOD PAY.

No delivery collecting investment. We train. Sell Information without obligation. Call collect 884-3008 FULL OR PART time positions vailable. Earn the most, sell the best.

Encyclopedia Britannica. 2i 5-51 34 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE 29 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS McFarlane's Where Service Is a family tradition USED COMBINES 14' MH clipper $100 17' Model 50 $400 17' self-propelled $350 1 No. 27 10" self-propelled $500 USED CHOPPERS 1 Fox-610, 616 New Holland John Deere -20C, 36, 14 IHC FHB3GEHL 2 used 10' OMC self-propelled swath- ers with cond.honers $1850 each NEW 2 wheel windrow turners to fit most tractors. $175 used pull type hay conditioners 15 used tractors Used elevators, blowers, side rakes and mowers. McFarlane's Imp.

Co. Oliver, New Holland, Gehl, Owatonna Phone 443-3321, sauk IHC 340 crawler with live PTO and torque amplifier, like new. IHC FMTA with mounted 1 NH picker. 2-row New Idea super picker, 1 year old. Uniharvester picker, shelter.

ACWD 45 tractor with loader. IHC combine with motor, $'50. Like new. AC 46 combine late model. $150.

Annen Machinery Ranch, Windsor Days 846-3638 Nights 846-j5J MF 300 SP grain combine Oliver 525 SP grain combine 3 Massev-Harris PTO Clipper com bines 2 John Deere 30 PTO combines. 1 John Deere 12A combine PTO 1 Allis-Chalmers 60 PTO combine 1 MF 410 SP combine, gram end corn. 1 MF 300 SP combine grain and corn 1 New Holland 985 demonstrator SP cemfc ne 1 Minneapolis Molina SP 2890 combine New Massey Ferguson, Minneapolis Moline, gleaner and New Holland combines. II AX LEY IMPL. CO.

Sun Prairie, Wis. Phone? 837-5111 or 257-7815 31 FARM PRODUCTS SUPPLIES APPALOOSA Fill 2 years ok), gen- tie, tall 837-3305 BEEF BULLS wanted for Hotstein heifers. Eves 233-4163 Madison. BULLS registered Holstelns. Service age.

kordon Waterloo, 478-2240. CATTLE CRIPPLED, larqe, inured, down cows. Paying from $10 to $100. M. STARKS, 837-7525.

HAMPSHIRE GILTS Select breeding stock ready for ser vice from Wisconsin's largest SPF accredited herd. Excellent blood lines for top carcas quality. Speci fic pathogen Free for greater prof-Its. Heathercrest Farms, Rt. 1, Verona 608-834-5822 HORSES for sale.

3 quarterhorse mares. 1 male Appaloosa. 225-1108 Oats from Combine Call before 2 p.m. QUARTER HORSE mare with hall Arab celt. Also registered half Arab yearling grading and registered half Arab 2 year old mare.

Cross Plains, 798 2714 HART HORSE TRAILER Better Quality-lower priced many extra features Immediate delivery -many models to choose from Financing available See our trailers before buying. Good used 2 horse frailer. Deluye '69 circle walk thru. ETHUN TRAILERS SALES DeForest, wis. 846-5448 844-3874 TRAIL-ET HORSE TRAILERS SOLD AND RENTED Sperle Trailer Sales 1-90 at 106 EdgertonJMST eves.

PASTURE FORRENT foMOO cattle. Water and good fences. Sauk City 643-6180. QUARTERHORSE gelding 7 years old. Not registered.

Good confirmation. Very good pleasure and trail horse. 1-752-2278 QUARTERHORSE Registered famous Poco line. 10 year old gelding. Sire Poco Perny, Cam Cor- uv.ui ropav, 5 LARGE CLOSE Holstein heifers.

Roland Ripp, DeForest. 846-5542 100 pigs 30 lb. $17. 100 pigs 40 lb. $18.

834-3451. FOR SALE Bred Gilts Model '64 IHC combine. Grain racks for Chevrolet Fleetiide. Don Boiler ud, 882-4912 GOOD CLEAN straw wanted. Delivered to 711 Gammon Rd.

Call Watts Landscaping Service, 231-2414 STANDING HAY 25 acres. Near Sun Prairie. 255-8811 ext 294 PART ARABIAN chestnut gelding 8 years old. Also beautifully trained mare palomino quarterhorse and 5-month old mara palomino Colt, 256-7511 after 5:00 i VERY GOOD horse stalls, stained wood, sliding doors, walerers, feeders and tall beards. $100 each.

Take one or 6. 838-9405. SPRAY PAINTING Farm Buildings. Frea estimates. (414) 992-350J 992-3411, Gartland Rio, Wis.

3 1 AN 500 150 62 1 3 27 3 50 2 30 JSS1 WESTERX COACn SALES LITTLE CABOOSE Truck Campers are Bestl That's why we outsell the rest! 1 1 Open Sundays and Eves. 51 miles So. of Beltline on Oregon Ru. (Hwy. 14) 835-53t Westgate 238-3012 '1 IXlliVlROD NIMROD HILLTOP EARLY BIRD Trades Accepted Financing Available BOAMAN'S 238-6762 2374 Watts Way (Off Gammon Rd.) RUSSELL MARINA '6814' STARCRAFT GLASS with 33! hp engine, 10 hours and trailer $1295 iy CRUISERS INC with '68 Johnson 100 hp.

engine plus trailer. $1750 15 Glass 45 hp. Mercury $795 6716' STARCRAFT Aluminum with '67 JOHNSON 40 hp. engine. Like new $1395 45 MERCURY GLASSPAR "G-3" and trailer $1295 1 4' CUB Sailboat and trailer.

S900 15' GLASS 40 hp. Johnson electric and trailer. $650 ALCORT SAILFISH Demo $380 19' O'DAY RHODES glass sailboat1 $1900 17 THOMPSON with 50 hp. Johnson motor and trailer S950 21 THOMPSON IO $1995 CLOSEOUT on all new 14' JOHN BOATS slightly marred. REG.

$299 NOW $239 let us sell your used boat for you Westportfa Hwy. 113-M 249-7633 -TRAVEL CAMPERS CLOSE OUT CONCORD 1 Truck Campers! 3 left Make us an offer 919 E. Broadway Phone: 222-8700 Open Thurs. 'til Fri. 8 to Sat.

10 to 4 Phone 222-8700 FACTORY DISCOUNTS ALSO REE Awning with pur chase of new WHEEL CAMPER During July Low Bank Financing Available Used tent trailer $295 Truck Caps As low as $179 CAMPERS SERVICE Sales Service Rentals Hwy. 18 and PD Phone 80-437-8106 Mt. Horeb 5-ft. Pontoon float boat, with tral'-er. $250.00 Kubly-Richert Chevrolet 527-2210 New Glarus, Wis 67 GMC 'A ton pickup super cus tom, steering, automatic transmission, bucket seats and 10' No mad camper.

Like new condition. Meier Truck Sales, 200 W. Beltline. 255-6773 ROLITE RETRACTA wall travel trailers. Hubert Rolite Trainer Sales; 2 miles west of Oregon Catholic Church, Oregon, Wis.

835-3002. Used Pickup Campers 3 TO CHOOSE FROM 8'2'and IOV2' Models PRICES START AT: $795 Used Travel Trailers 8 TO CHOOSE FROM 14' to 24' PRICES START AT: $595 "We Trade For Anything" WISCONSiN MOBILE HOMES r. Washington Ave. Across from Holiday 244-6228 Inn DIAL 256-4481 FOR WANT ADS Camping Trailers Hl-Lo, Bethany Sales and Rentals New and Used BADGER CAMPERS Lot: 249-2442 29 S. Stoughton Rd.

Res; 255-8018 CRUISER 32' 1964 Chris-Craft Sea Skiff, documented, twin 210's, hardtop, navigational equipment, electric ref. constavolt, holding tank, full r3ils, custom interior, many extras, low hours, like new. $12,000. (414) 332-5721 DEER RIFLE 30.06 bolt action Roy al Majestic. BSA with 4 power scope.

SlUU. 8J6-624 FLOAT BOAT Rent one at the OKEE SNACK BAR on Lake Wis consin. Hourly or daily rates. Nice tor tne entire tamuy. 8O-5V2-4055 HOUSE TRAILER Spartan 27 4 wheels, 3 rooms, water heater, full kitchen, all aluminum and birch cabinets.

Very reasonable, we want smaller trailer. 222-4923 MOTOR Outboard. hp. Firestone (made by Scott). Excellent condition.

$100. 271-3919 after 5 MOTOR WANTED 18, 20 or 1j hi. Johnson. Prefer re' lote e.ectriC) start. Box 82, "Valrie i'u jC, Wi MOTOR HOME A i.

RENT l-OR Brand new self-contained motorized home. Featuring sleeping accommo-i dations for 5, complete kitchen with refrigerator, oven and range, and cabinets. Also water heater, pressurized water system, carpeting and many other luxuries. Make your reservation now. $125 per week plus 9c per mile.

CAR TRUCK RENTALS OF MADISON, 255-5105, or 257-9501. PIERS BOAT HOISTS Dollys, Laddirs, Benches NORTH STATE MFC. Stoughton 873-9414 PONTOON BOAT 23' 35 hp. Evinrude electric motor. Excellent condition.

$700. 222-4389 PONTOON Riviera Cruiser. 26 ft. long. 40 hp.

Johnson. Good condition. See and operate in the water. 244-0133 POOL TABLES 28 Pool Tables on Display Prices from $49.95 to $2,500 See Us for a Volume Discount Factory Direct to You We Take Anything In Trade ALLEN INDUSTRY NEW LOCATION: Vi mile north of Truax Field on Hwy. 51, next to Beacon Warehouses.

Phonei 244 5363 cr 222-0571 SAILBOAT Class. Dacron sails, trailer. 16 ft. Good condition. $400.

256-0562 SAILBOAT Nordex, flberglas and new cator trailer. 244-8637 SCUBA Healthwaves Regulator. New. Never used. Tank and back pack In good shape.

First $85. 838-3697 TENT CAMPER Apache Eagle sleeps 6, like new demonstrator, $695. Sales, 6711 University Ave. ajo-6yu. TRAILER CAMPER 1969, 19' Fan Salf contained.

$2175. Never used 256-4548. TRAVEL TRAILER 1963 Eze 14' Excellent. Best offer over $800. 271-4826 TRAVEL TRAILER '44 Trail Blaz er, 15' gas stove.

Ice box, sleeps $1,100 or otter. 244-6884 TRAVEL TRAILERS We have new lines of travel trailers at extraordinary savings. Compare our prices before you buy anywherel Look at these: WOODLAKE 17', now $1650 $1995 BONANZA -17' NOW Madison Mobile Homes 500 S. Beltline 255-1607 2 blocks East of Park Street On The South Beltline Fri. 9-9; sat.

9-4 Sunday by appointment TRUCK CAMPER 8'. Stove, refrig erator. Sleeps 4. Clean. $650.

Dial Lodl 80-592-4741 WHEELS end TIRES for most camp trailers ALSO Bearings, races, grease seals SPECIAL 1 wheel tota trainer $50 lERRY'S CAMPINC CENTER Phone 222-1507 Open 9 to 5 Eves. 7 to 3710 Dutch Mill Rd. WATER BOAT SLIP MONONA 238-9144 255-0952 CLEARANCE SALE Boats Motors Trailers Canoes and accessories SAVE MADISON MARINE 3233 Univ. Ave. 238-4781 SCOW 19652 sets of sails Very complete PETRIE'S HILLDALI 231-2447 miniature puppies AKC C.

n.nn.r After 5 and weekends. 835-5642. SIAMESE KITTENS (8) Beautiful. 8 week old Sealpoints. 15 or 2 for $25.

255-0662 after 5 SCOTTISH TERRIERS AKC registered. 8 weeks o'd. 838-3760 or 838-4719. SIAMESE KITTENS have shots, good eyes, like children 238-9228 TONKINESE Kitten-Male, shots. 257-1289 after 1:30 YORKSHMfc Terrier AKC.

BeauM fu! rni pup, weeV.s old. Shots, wormed. Grandfather Pomp "N' Circ*mstance fathered 47 cham plons, WikJwelr, Progresso blood lines. $200. 839-4605 NEW EASTSIDE PET SHOP AQUARIUS, INC.

6314 Monona Dr. 222-9653 37 Miscellaneous For SaleRent BICYCLES-Used, large selection HAACK'S CYCLE 3729 E. Wash. Av. 349-1346 BOOK COLLECTION Great Books of the Western World.

Perfect condition. Must sell, 251-0548 after CAMERA Nlkon-F with auto Nykor 1.4. Excellent condition. $220. 255-3931 after 5 CHINA CABINET Curved glass.

Excellent. $150. 5 gallon cream cans, $4 each. 248 5: RELAXACIZCP. translst.r, (reducing machine).

Best offer. 257-9838 DOG AKC Standard poodle, reason-! able offer. 30" Westinqhousa elec tric STOVE, $75. Ludwig 4-piece DRUM SET, $20O31-1438. LUMP CHARCOAL-100 Hardwood SINAIKO SERVICE STATION Corner Regent Murray MILK CANS, 5 and 10 gallons.

$1 and up, 233-4659 IT DOESN'T COST TO ADVERTISE IT PAYSI Hwy. 257-9276..

Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.